Bar Trick # 1 Olive in Brandy Snifter
Bar Trick # 1 Olive in Brandy Snifter
Bar Trick # 1 Olive in Brandy Snifter
Situation: You can not touch the olive with your body (hands, mouth, etc.).
You can not scoop the olive with the snifter. You can not roll olive off of bar
into snifter.
Solution: With the olive on the bar. Place the brandy snifter over the olive so
that the open end of the snifter is surrounding the olive. Slowly rotate the
brandy snifter around the olive. The olive will roll around the inside walls of
the snifter (centrifugal force). Once the olive is spinning around the middle of
the snifter. Flip the snifter upright and place on the bar. Collect your
Hints: Practice this bar trick before placing any bets. The olive has a tendency
to come out of snifter when flipping upright. After a little practice, you will be
a pro. Submitted by Brick
Ask your friends to continue reading out laud until they understand.
Continue to find new victims.
Situation: Tell your victim that you will Drink your 3 pints of beer faster then
they can drink their three small shots of ______.
Players rules: You can not touch the other players glass or shot.
Solution: Start drinking your beer. Your victim will take their first shot. As
soon as you finish drinking your first beer. Place you empty pint over your
victims third shot. Take your time and enjoy your free drinks. Your victim
can not touch your glass, see above rule. You Win!
Situation: On the bar place two quarters heads up. Ask your victim, "What do
you see." The usual answer is, "Two heads!" or "Two quarters." Slowly start
nodding your head in agreement and with your palm up point to the two
quarters and say, "I see two pennies, hey, if I'm wrong will you buy me a
drink." Pressure them for a reply, most people will say, "sure." At this point
say "I'm wrong." Enjoy your Free drink.
Situation: Taking victims drink and remove any straws or umbrellas. Cover
victims drink with the cocktail napkin. Tell your victim, "I bet you fifty cents
that without touching the glass or the napkin or any straws etc., I can drink that
entire drink."
Push the two quarters towards the victim while betting, point to the glass and
the napkin. Continue to say, "I won't touch anything!"
Bring up the point about possibly putting a straw through the napkin and say
again, "I won't touch anything!"
Solution: When they give up, slowly take off the napkin and enjoy the drink
as you push the fifty cents to the victim. Be sure to tell the victim they won
and give them their fifty cents. The $4.00 drink, just cost you fifty cents!
Enjoy your cheep drink!
Situation: Make a small hill of salt on the bar, about the size of a quarter. Then
sprinkle a small amount of pepper on top of the salt. Bet your victim one drink
that they can not get the pepper off, without disturbing the salt.
Solution: Take your plastic comb and comb your hair a few times. Then hold
the comb over the salt & pepper. The static electricity will suck the pepper off
the salt.
Note: This trick will only work when the humidity levels are low.
Bar Trick # 7 Sugar Cubes
Ingredients: 1 victim, 2 sugar cubes, 1 lighter, and 1 ash tray.
Situation: Hand someone a sugar cube and a lighter. Bet them a drink that
they can not light the sugar cube on fire. They will try to light it on fire by
putting the flame under it. They will get the cube to smoke, char and smolder
but it will not catch on fire.
Solution: Rub your sugar cube in an ashtray to get some ashes on it. Hold the
flame to the sugar cube, it should light right up.
Note: Practice this a few times before you start placing bets.
Situation: Bet someone they can not pick up an ice cube with one piece of
human hair. The average person will try to twist and tie the hair around the ice
cube. Others will try to just lift it up. However, they will not be able to get the
ice cube off the bar.
Solution: Place the ice cube on the bar, take a strand of human hair and place it
across the top of the ice cube. Then, take a little salt and sprinkle it on top of
the hair and ice cube. The salt will cause the ice cube to re-freeze around the
hair. In a few seconds you will be able to gently lift the ice cube off of the bar.
Note: Practice this a few times before you start placing bets.
Bar Trick # 9 The Switch
Ingredients: 2 identical shot glasses, 1 non-porous piece of paper (playing card,
over-sized match book, etc.), water, and your choice of alcohol (bourbon,
scotch, etc.)
Situation: Fill one shot glass with water and the other with, lets say, bourbon.
The challenge is to get the bourbon in the glass that has the water, and the
water in the glass that has the bourbon without using any other containers
including your mouth (or anyone else's mouth).
Solution: Place the non-porous piece of paper (playing card) on-top of the shot
of water. Turn the card and water shot upside down carefully. The paper will
stay attached to the shot on its own accord. Now, place the water shot glass
and card on the shot of bourbon. Slowly and carefully pull the paper out just
far enough to make a very small opening between the two glasses. Water,
being heavier than alcohol will flow to the bourbon glass and displace the
bourbon into the water glass. You have just made the switch. If you are truly
skilled at this bar trick, you will be able to replace the paper between the two
shot glasses and remove the bourbon and put it back on the bar.
Note: Make sure the opening between the glasses is very small. A large
opening will cause the water and alcohol to mix.
Bar Trick # 10 Smoke on the water
Ingredients: 1 glass, a matchbook, six quarters, and an ashtray with water.
Objective: Get a free drink.
Situation: Bet your friends one drink that you can get the water out of the
ashtray using only the ingredients mentioned and without moving or tilting the
Solution: Make sure ashtray is filled with at most a quarter inch of water.
Stack the quarters in the center of the ashtray so the top two quarters are above
the water. Place four unlit matches on top of the quarters. Light the matches
and immediately cover the flame and quarters with the glass. The water will
be drawn into the glass. Collect your bets.
Bar Trick # 11 The Wish in a Bottle
Ingredients: 1 newly emptied bottle of Grand Marnier, a matchbook, a cork, a
strew, and a sword cocktail pick.
Situation: Get your friends to make a wish. Tell them if the sword sticks in the
ceiling then their wish will come true.
Solution: Take a newly emptied Grand Marnier bottle and put a cork in it.
Place the bottle under hot water for about 10 minutes. While the bottle is
heating, take a straw and bend it in half. Take you sword pick and stick it
through the fold in the straw. The straw should be folded back over the handle
of the sword pick.
When the bottle is ready. Carefully remove the cork so the heated gas in the
bottle does not escape. Quickly put the straw and the sword in the bottle with
the tip of the sword pick pointing out the opening of the bottle. Make a wish
and drop a match in the bottle.
Warning: There will be a large flame and the straw and the sword pick will be
forced out the bottle. KEEP your face and others away from the opening.
If the straw sticks in the ceiling then your wish comes true. If the straw does
not stick, tell someone to buy you a drink for your troubles. If you do not get a
flame, you have to buy everyone else drinks.
Bar Trick # 12 Blow the Bottle
Ingredients: 1 empty beer bottle, and a small piece of napkin.
Situation: Hold an empty beer bottle horizontally. (Make sure inside of neck is
dry.) Tear off a small piece of napkin, wad it up into a small ball. Place the
napkin wad just inside the lip of the bottle. Hold the bottle in front of
someone's face, and bet them a drink that they can not blow the napkin into the
Solution: Bernoulli principle states that moving air has lower pressure than still
air. Therefore, when your friend blows, the still air in the bottle will push the
napkin out of the bottle, right back at the face of the blower.
Note: The harder they blow, the faster the napkin will come out. If you get a
really gullible person, you can have them try again for a chance at another
drink. You should be able to milk them for at least 3 or 4.