Source: The American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 117, No. 8 (October 2010), pp. 741-748
Published by: Mathematical Association of America
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.4169/000298910X515820 .
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11523. Proposed by Timothy Chow, Princeton, NJ. Given boxes 1 through n, put balls
in k randomly chosen boxes. The score of a permutation π of {1, . . . , n} is the least
i such that box π(i) has a ball. Thus, if π = (3, 4, 1, 5, 2) with (n, k) = (5, 2), and
boxes 1 and 4 have balls, then π has score 2.
(a) A permutation π is fair if, regardless of the value of k, the probability that π scores
lower than the identity permutation equals the probability that it scores higher. Show
that π is fair if and only if for each i in [1, n], either π(i) > i and π −1 (i) > i, or
π(i) ≤ i and π −1 (i) ≤ i.
(b) Let f (n) be the number of fair permutations of {1, . . . , n}, with the convention
that f (0) = 1. Show that ∞ n=0 f (n)x n
/n! = e x
(c) Assume now that n = m 3 with m ≥ 2, and the boxes are arranged in m rows of
length m 2 . Alice scans the top row left to right, then the row below it, and so on, until
she finds a box with a ball in it. Bob scans the leftmost column top to bottom, then the
next column, and so on. They start simultaneously and both check one box per second.
For which k are Alice and Bob equally likely to be the first to discover a ball?
11524. Proposed by H. A. ShahAli, Tehran, Iran. A vector v in Rn is short if v ≤ 1.
(a) Given six short vectors in R2 that sum to zero, show that some three of them have
a short sum.
(b)∗ Let f (n) be the least M such that, for any finite set T of short vectors in Rn that
sum to 0, and any integer k with 1 ≤ k ≤ |T |, there is a k-element subset S of T such
that v∈S v ≤ M. The result of part (a) suggests f (2) = 1. Find f (n) for n ≥ 2.
11525. Proposed by Grigory Galperin, Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IL, and
Yury Ionin, Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, MI.
(a) Prove that for each n ≥ 3 there is a set of regular n-gons in the plane such that
every line contains a side of exactly one polygon from this set.
11529. Proposed
by Walter Blumberg, Coral Springs, FL. For n ≥ 1, let An =
n k 2
3 k=1 n − n 2 . Let p and q be distinct primes with p ≡ q (mod 4). Show
that A pq = A p + Aq − 2.
the ith entry of column n into n p(−i), which equals n!. Now for 0 ≤ i ≤ n − 1 in
order, subtract the next row from Ri , replacing Ri with Ri − Ri+1 . This puts 0 in the last
column, except for the last row. For j < n, the new entry ai, j is p(−i + j) − p(−i −
1 + j), which equals p(−i − 1 + j). Since p has leading coefficient n, the upper
left (n − 1)-by-(n − 1) block has the form n A f , where f (x) = (1/n)p(x − 1).
Since f is a monic polynomial with degree n − 1, by the induction hypothe-
sis D f = (n − 1)!n . Expanding the altered D p down the last column yields D p =
n! n n (n − 1)!n = n!n+1 .
Editorial comment. Solvers used a variety of methods, including Vandermonde deter-
minants. Roger Horn proved a substantial generalization. Given a matrix A, let p(A)
denote the entrywise application of the polynomial p to A; that is, the (i, j)-entry of
p(A) is p(ai, j ). For x ∈ Cn+1 , let A(x) be the matrix given by ai, j = xi + j − 1. If p
is a monic polynomial of degree n, then
which depends only on x and n, not p. The originally stated problem is the case x =
(0, −1, . . . , −n)T .
Also solved by D. Beckwith, R. Chapman (U. K.), P. Corn, P. P. Dályay (Hungary), J. Grivaux (France), J. Hart-
man, C. C. Heckman, R. A. Horn, R. Howard, G. Keselman, O. Kouba (Syria), S. C. Locke, O. P. Lossers
(Netherlands), K. McInturff, J. H. Nieto (Venezuela), É. Pité (France), C. R. Pranesachar (India), M. A. Prasad
(India), N. C. Singer, J. H. Smith, A. Stadler (Switzerland), V. Stakhovsky, R. Stong, T. Tam, M. Tetiva (Ro-
mania), B. Tomper, M. Vowe (Switzerland), L. Zhou, BSI Problems Group (Germany), FAU Problem Solving
Group, GCHQ Problem Solving Group (U. K.), NSA Problems Group, and the proposers.
(−1)k x k = (1 + x)−1 = ck x k = ci1 · · · cim x k , (2)
k=0 k=0 k=0
where the sum extends over m-tuples (i 1 , . . . , i m ) with sum k and entries less than k.
Let Rm = i≥0 (1/m i )Z. Note that Rm is the subring of Q consisting of all rational
numbers whose denominators factor into primes dividing m. Also, c0 = 1, so c0 ∈ Rm .
Since m is a unit of Rm , (3) yields ck ∈ Rm for all k, inductively. Thus (a ) follows.
(b ) View (1) and (2) above in the formal power series ring Rm [[x]]. We write
f (x) ≡ g(x) when f (x) − g(x) = ph(x) for some power series h(x) ∈ Rm [[x]].
Since f (x) p ≡ f (x p ) for all f (x) ∈ Rm [[x]], also f (x)m+1 ≡ f (x m+1 ). Therefore,
−1/m −1/m m+1
ck x = (1 + x)
= (1 + x)((1 + x) ) = (1 + x) ck x k
k=0 k=0
≡ (1 + x) ck x (m+1)k = (ck x (m+1)k + ck x (m+1)k+1 ). (4)
k=0 k=0
Solution by Greg Martin, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, CA. Let S N =
N (−1)√n
n=1 pn
. It suffices to show that the subsequence {S M 2 −1 : M ≥ 1} converges,
since S N is between S M 2−1 and S(M+1)2−1 for N between M 2 − 1 and (M + 1)2 − 1.
However, S M 2 −1 = m=2 Tm , where
m 2 −1
(−1) n
m 2 −1
Tm = = (−1)m−1 .
pn n=(m−1)2
m 2 −1
1 1
m 2 −1
2m − 1
|Tm | < < 1= ,
n (m − 1)2 n=(m−1)2
(m − 1)2
Tetrahedral Cevians
11405 [2009, 82]. Proposed by Ovidiu Furdui, Campia Turzii, Cluj, Romania. Let P be
an interior point of a tetrahedron ABCD. When X is a vertex, let X be the intersection
of the opposite face with the line through X and P. Let X P denote the length of the
line segment from X to P.
(a) Show that P A · P B · PC · P D ≥ 81P A · P B · PC · P D , with equality if and
only if P is the centroid of ABC D.
(b) When X is a vertex, let X be the foot of the perpendicular from P to the plane of
the face opposite X . Show that P A · P B · PC · P D = 81P A · P B · PC · P D if
and only if the tetrahedron is regular and P is its centroid.
Solution by Kit Hanes, Bellingham, WA. We will consider the more general case of an
let Ai be the
n-simplex with vertices A0 , . . . , An . Let P be a point in the interior, and
pointwhere the line Ai P meets the face opposite Ai . We will show that nk=0 P Ak ≥
n n+1 nk=0 P Ak , with equality if and only if P is the centroid of the simplex. Let P =
a0 A0 + · · · + an An where a0 + · · · + an = 1 and each ai is positive. For each j, Aj is
a convex combination of the Ai with A j omitted and P is a convex linear combina-
tion of A j and Aj . Hence P = a j A j + (1 − a j )Aj . Hence P A j /P Aj = (1 − a j )/a j .
The inequality of (a) is equivalent to nj =0 (1 − a j ) ≥ n n+1 nj =0 a j . This inequality
follows by applying the arithmetic-geometric mean inequality
1 − aj a0 + · · · + aj + · · · + an
= ≥ n a0 . . . aj . . . an
n n
to each term separately and taking the product. (Here, the hats indicate that the hatted
term is to be skipped.) Equality holds if and only if all the ai are equal, and hence
ai = 1/(n + 1) for all i and P is the centroid of the simplex. For part (b), note that
P Ai ≥ P Ai with equality if and only if Ai = Ai , i.e., if and only if the line P Ai is
an altitude of the simplex. Hence the stated equality holds exactly when P is both the
centroid and the orthocenter of the simplex. That this is equivalent to the simplex being
regular is half of Problem 11087 from this M ONTHLY, December, 2005.
Editorial comment. Part (a) of this problem is the generalization from triangles to
tetrahedra of Problem 11325, this M ONTHLY, November, 2007.
Also solved by S. Amghibech (Canada), M. Bataille (France), M. Can, R. Chapman (U. K.), P. P. Dályay
(Hungary), O. Geupel (Germany), M. Goldenberg & M. Kaplan, J. Grivaux (France), K. Hanes, J. G. Heuver
(Canada), B.-T. Iordache (Romania), O. Kouba (Syria), J. H. Lindsey II, O. P. Lossers (Netherlands), J. Schaer
(Canada), R. Stong, M. Tetiva (Romania), Z. Vörös (Hungary), M. Vowe (Switzerland), GCHQ Problem Solv-
ing Group (U. K.), and the proposer.