Floating Disk Lab 2018
Floating Disk Lab 2018
Floating Disk Lab 2018
Fact: Plants make more sugars in 24 hours than they need, up to 160 billion metric tons per
year! Thus, plants are a major global food source and basis of the food web.
Background Information:
In the floating leaf disk lab, you will be using syringes to create a vacuum that will remove to
trapped air with the leaf cells allowing the leaves to fall to the bottom of the beaker. By
extracting the oxygen from the leaves, one can now calculate the time it takes for a plant to
produce oxygen and sugar as a by product of photosynthesis and thus establish a rate of
reaction or speed of which it happens. Once the leaves start producing oxygen within its cells,
the oxygen gets trapped first in the mesophyll, before its released to the environment; allowing
the plant cells to become buoyant and float to the top of the beaker.
Data Table:
# of Disks
# of Disks
# of Disks
As a group, use the giant WHITE BOARDS to illustrate what is happening in your
experiment and include aspects and factors on the MOLECULAR LEVEL. Thus, incorporate
CO2, H2O, C6H12O6, Light, O2, pigments, chloroplast, what the molecules look like, how and
what they changed into, etc.
LABEL everything and be specific! You will have 25 minutes.
You now have 10 minutes to grab 3 sticky notes and venture to 3 different white board
models around the room. Place a sticky note SUGGESTION on their boards with helpful
information that they may be missing or how to make the models better.
When you are finished, go back to your white board model and read all the sticky notes.
Take another 10 minutes to REVISE your model based on the class suggestions.
Using the space provided DRAW out your groups final model. Make sure to label
1) What is the formula for photosynthesis?
4) Determine the mean rate of photosynthesis in each condition of your study (5cm, 10cm,
20 cm). To calculate the rate of photosynthesis, use the formula below & SHOW your
(final # of disks floating) = _________ disks/ sec.
Total time (seconds)
Distance: 5 cm Distance: 10 cm Distance: 20 cm
5) If you increase the light intensity during your experiment, the rate of photosynthesis
would decline. Explain why that might happen.
6) During your study, you should have seen a steady increase of floating disks over time
when the light was turned on. However, when the disks were not given light they started
to sink. Why?
7) Some plants like desert cactus can store enormous amounts of water within their cells.
However, they do NOT photosynthesize during the day because the intense heat would
evaporate their water too fast, halting photosynthesis and energy production. Thus
cactus photosynthesize at night. Propose an explanation on HOW they would do this?