Kementerian Agama: Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri Kaliwungu Kudus
Kementerian Agama: Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri Kaliwungu Kudus
Kementerian Agama: Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri Kaliwungu Kudus
Alamat :Jl.Kadilangu No.549 Prambatan Kidul Kaliwungu
Telp.(0291) 440192 Kudus 59331
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Hari : Selasa
Tanggal : 29 Mei 2010
Waktu : 10.00 – 12.00 ( 120 menit )
Petunjuk Umum :
1. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum menjawabnya.
2. Jawaban dikerjakan pada lembar jawab yang telah disediakan.
3. Laporkan kepada pengawas ujian jika terdapat tulisan yang kurang jelas, naskah tidak lengkap atau rusak.
4. Tidak diizinkan meminjam alat tulis dari teman.
5. Dahulukan menjawab soal-soal yang kamu anggap mudah.
6. Periksalah pekerjaanmu sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas ujian.
“ Let’s do it and good luck “
UM 2005/2006 Bahasa Inggris
I. Choose a, b, c or d at the right answer!
Mira : It tells us …. Handi : I usually go … around the country side.
a. Don’t stop in here ! a. camping
b. Don’t park in here ! b. cooking
c. Don’t smoke in here ! c. gardening
d. Don’t turn left ! d. cycling
9. Santi : …, Amy ?
Amy : Oh,… it’s very good. Certainly, I will. 18. Andi : Where do you usually go on holiday ?
a. Could you accompany me to the movie Lodi : I usually go to the mountain.
b. May you accompany me to the movie Andi : What do you usually do there ?
c. Why you accompany me to the movie Lodi : I usually do ….
d. Will you accompany me to the movie a. cooking c. hiking
UM 2005/2006 Bahasa Inggris
b. surfing d. cycling b. Situ Bagendit d. Doraemon
19. Faiz is a clever boy, but Jodi is a … boy. 27. Andi : I have one question to you ?
a. lazy c. crazy Lodi : Oh.. yes, what is it ?
b. stupid d. diligent Andi : President and vice president helped by ….
Lodi : Of course, ….
a. Governor c. Minister
DOKUMEN NEGARA UTAMA b. House of Representative d. Regent
23. I will play volley ball with all … friends. 34. Dino : My radio is broken, …. ?
a. you c. me Tino : Sure
b. my d. he a. Could you break my radio, please ?
b. Could you borrow my radio, please ?
24. A : Is that Andika’s bag ?
c. Could you repair my radio, please ?
B : Yes, that is … bag !
d. Could you being my radio, please ?
a. his c. our
b. her d. your 35. Sonya becomes the champion for Olympic
Mathematic Championship. So, she feels very ….
25. Roro Jonggrang asked Bandung Bondowoso to
a. frustrated c. sad
build a … statues in one night. He agreed it. Then,
b. disappointed d. happy
he asked the ghosts to help him.
The precise word to complete the paragraph is ….
36. Rani : I’m sorry. I can’t go to your home. I have to
a. thousand c. ten
do my homework.
b. woman d. hundred
Rina : …. It is just a private party. It’s OK.
a. I’m sorry c. thank you
26. This morning my teacher will talk about stories from
b. pardon me d. never mind
around the world. He talks about the legend stories
from Indonesia. The once of legend from Indonesia
37. Yusuf : …. I have a stomachache. May I go to the
is ….
toilet ?
a. Scooby doo c. Batman
Mr. G : Yes, hurry up.
UM 2005/2006 Bahasa Inggris
a. I’m sorry, c. Excuse me, Sir.
b. Pardon me d. Thank you
38. Q : Where is the National Bank ?
A : It is on there. Go a head and then turn …. The
40. Ika : I have a new bike. My father brought me two 46. Student : I get good mark in English, Sir.
days ago. Teacher : How much ?
Ina : Wow, great. It is … bike. Student : I get 98 point.
a. nice c. bad Teahcer : Good job boy, …. !
b. ugly d. dreamy a. you are a clever boy c. you are a bad boy
b. you are a lazy boy d. you are stupid boy
41. Dion has a motorcycle. The motorcycle is ….
a. mine c. yours 47. Budi’s morning activities :
b. his d. hers 1. 04.30 : get up and pray
2. 05.30 : help the mother and take a bath
42. Anita is very thirsty 3. 06.15 : breakfast
The right order is … 4. 06.30 : go to school by bike
a. give me a cup of coffee, please ! When does Budi have breakfast ?
b. give me a bowl of soup, please ! a. at six o’clock c. at a half past six
c. give me a glass of water, please ! b. at a quarter past six d. at seven o’clock
d. give me a plate of rice, please !
48. There is a blue bag on the desk. It is my bag. The
43. Last night, Yunita watched a horror film. After that bag is …
and until this morning she still feel …. a. his c. mine
a. excited c. happy b. yours d. hers
b. tired d. fright
49. The right sentence is …
a. Would you me buy a dinner, please ?
b. Would you a dinner buy me, please ?
c. Would a dinner buy me you, please ?
d. Would you buy me a dinner, please ?
Eri : Where is the Museum ?
Ryo : It is … the post office and the hotel 50. Today is Maya’s birthday. She gets any gift from
a. in front of c. between her friends and families. So in this day she feell
b. behind d. near very ….
a. frustration c. happy
45. Her name is Mrs. Sarita
Sumarno. She is a teacher. b. disappointed d. sad
How is Mrs. Sarita likes ?
She is ….
a. tall and fat
b. tall and slim
c. short and thin
d. tall and thin
UM 2005/2006 Bahasa Inggris
UM 2005/2006 Bahasa Inggris
Kunci UAM mata pelajaran bahasa inggris kelas Enam ( 6 ) TAHUN 2009 / 2010
1. B 26. B
2. C 27.C
3. D 28. D
4. A 29. D
5. D 30. C
6. C 31. B
7. B 32. A
8. A 33. B
9. D 34. C
10.A 35. D
11.B 36. D
12.C 37. C
13.D 38. B
14.C 39. A
15.B 40. A
16.C 41. B
17.D 42. C
18.C 43. D
19.B 44. C
20.A 45. B
21.D 46. A
22.C 47. B
23.B 48. C
24.A 49. D
25.A 50. C