Performances of Student-Nurses This New Normal Learning Scheme
Performances of Student-Nurses This New Normal Learning Scheme
Performances of Student-Nurses This New Normal Learning Scheme
COVID-19 has affected nursing education negatively in so many ways. Firstly,
most of the schools did not have an online tailored curriculum. As such, faculty
members have to re-design the curriculum to e-learning curriculum. Secondly,
the cost of running an e-programme is high both to institutions and students.
Thirdly, not all students will be able to access e-learning lessons due to lack of
internet connectivity in some remote areas. Faculty have to think of innovative
ways of reaching all the registered students as a matter of equity.
(Source: Lucy Kululanga, June 16, 2020, “What are the effects of Covid 19 on
nursing students and faculties?” )
Retrieved From:
A study done by Mohammed Amin Almaiah (May 2020) on “Exploring the critical
challenges and factors influencing the E-learning system usage during COVID19
pandemic” shows that technological factors were also one of the critical factors that
affect the usage of e-learning system according to respondents which were similar to this
study that more than half of the students (63.2%) got disturbed for their online class
because of electricity problem, and (63.6%) because of internet problem. Likewise,
almost half of the teachers (42.3%) got disturbed for their online because of the
electricity problem, and (48.1%) because of the internet problem. [
(Source: Mohammed Amin Almaiah, May 2020, “Impact of E-learning during COVID-
19 Pandemic among Nursing Students and Teachers of Nepal” )
Retrieved From:
The NMBA and the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council
(ANMAC) are aware that some students are unable to complete their clinical
placements because they have been paused or cancelled due to COVID-19. We
recognise that this is a stressful situation for students which may delay their
graduation and the start of their careers.
Whether it is safe and possible for clinical placements to proceed at this time is
for education providers and health services to decide. They must consider the
safety of students, practitioners and the public in line with the COVID-19
guidance in their state or territory. Clinical placement is a vital part of nursing and
midwifery education to ensure nurses and midwives are fully equipped to practise
(Source: John Wilson, September 17,2020 , “Covid-19 Guidance for nurses and
midwives” )
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As a third-year nursing student, I was at the Alberta Children’s Hospital when I
received the news. Nursing students, who would typically be completing clinical
placements in the community or hospital, received an email on March 13, 2020.
The email revealed that off-campus clinical placements would be cancelled for
students. Labs and classes were modified for the remaining semester.
I was having the most wonderful day at the unit, when I looked around and
realized it would be my last. During a debrief at the end of the day, there were
some tears as we discussed our emotions and feelings regarding the new,
unprecedented reality we were faced with.
My heart aches. It’s difficult to watch people struggle, yet not being able to help in
a tangible way.
But despite feelings of uncertainty and stress, nursing students continue to
demonstrate courage, resilience and adaptability. During these unprecedented
times, UCalgary nursing students are getting creative in the ways we are
contributing to the community.
( Source: Hafsah Syed, May 14, 2020 , “ Student Nurses Reflect on Adapting to
New Normal During Pandemic” )
Retrieved From:
While studying from home or wherever students may be, there can be more distractions
than usual, especially with family and possibly younger siblings around, says Reggie
Smith III, CEO and executive director of the nonprofit United States Distance Learning