Canadian "Freeman-on-the-Land" Meeting & Resource Guide
Canadian "Freeman-on-the-Land" Meeting & Resource Guide
Canadian "Freeman-on-the-Land" Meeting & Resource Guide
Canadian "Freeman-on-the-Land"
Meeting & Resource Guide
NOTICE: The Canadian Freeman-on-the-Land Meeting and Resource Guide is no
longer being run by Hack Canada. As of 9/11/08 it is being managed by
PNNAC.ORG. A special thanks from The Canadian Free Man On The Land
Society to CYB0RG/ASM of Hack Canada for the honour of allowing us to
maintain the meeting resource guide.
"The development and growth of Hack Canada has been an adventure and a
learning experience for all involved. In its first 10 years of existence (1998-2008) it
has served to bring together and inspire a community of like-minded individuals
interested in exploring (and sometimes exploiting), testing the limits of, and
expanding the boundaries of the systems and technologies which drive the world
For the most part it has been marked and driven by the expression of
disillusionment and frustration experienced by many of us in trying to understand
our place in this world... and a deep-seated sense that something is very wrong with
this world we are living in. A sense that we are bound and restricted by a seemingly
invisible and immutable cloak of slavery and oppression. Up until now we have
struggled to make sense of it, and have tried to find remedy and freedom within it
without avail. Finally, the search for clarity in understanding is being answered.
Answered by the brilliant minds of people like Robert-Arthur: Menard, Mary
Elizabeth: Croft, Jordan Maxwell, and many others. And so we give great thanks
and immeasurable respect and gratitude to these pioneers for showing us the light
and for helping us discover the true path to our freedom.
And so, it is finally time for us to grow-up... to stop acting out as rebellious
adolescents... and to reach for and achieve a new level of understanding and
maturity in regards to our individual moral and spiritual development as sovereign
living souls. And it is with this goal in mind that the Canadian Freeman Meetings
have been called. May we each find our way to a more fulfilling existence with the
time we have left here in this world. Peace."
- CYB0RG/ASM (2008)
Midnight. Go SEP OCT NOV 👤 ⍰❎
1 capture Where? Bohemia Cyber Cafe [it is licensed, so 18+ only]16 f 🐦
16 Oct 2008 11012 Jasper Avenue 2007 2008 2009 ▾ About this capture
Edmonton, AB, Canada
The first Edmonton Freeman Meeting was held on June 6, 2008 at Bohemia
Cyber Cafe and was a smashing success! It ran from 6pm until midnight.
Approximately 13 people attended.. all were considerate and quite well
informed about the movement and some have been putting it to the test with
great success. Discussion was lively, informative, and entirely fascinating,
covering an astounding array of relevant topics.
The staff at Bohemia were very nice and very receptive to us holding the
meeting there and thought it was a "good thing". And the food available there
was very tasty and reasonably priced. =)
This positive response has affirmed our belief that these meetings are both
wanted and needed and shall therefore continue so long as the need and
desire persists. We also encourage others across canada to start their own
freeman meetings and let us know about it so we can help promote them.
Freeman Resources
If you are completely new to the Freeman movement, a great starting point is
Robert Menard's video The Magnificent Deception. After you've seen that, head
over to and get yourself an account on their forum.
Web Sites
Audio 3/3