Applications of Equations of State
Applications of Equations of State
Applications of Equations of State
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I. R. Iran
1. Introduction
Reservoir fluids contain a variety of substances of diverse chemical nature that include
hydrocarbons and nonhydrocarbons. Hydrocarbons range from methane to substances that
may contain 100 carbon atoms. The chemistry of hydrocarbon reservoir fluids is very complex.
In spite of the complexity of hydrocarbon fluids found in underground reservoirs, equations of
state have shown surprising performance in the phase-behavior calculations of these complex
fluids. An equation of state (EOS) is an analytical expression relating pressure to the volume
and temperature. The expression is used to describe the volumetric behavior, the vapor/liquid
equilibria (VLE), and the thermal properties of pure substances and mixtures. Numerous EOS
have been proposed since Van der Waals introduced his expression in 1873. Currently, a
number of EOS are used in reservoir engineering which have shown more reliability in
reservoir fluids calculations. In this chapter, a review over the most commonly used EOS in the
oil and gas industry has been provided. We explore their strengths and weaknesses and to
examine the predictive capability of these equations. A brief introduction to Soave-Redlich-
Kwong (SRK), Peng-Robinson (PR), Patel-Teja (PT), Schmit-Wenzel (SW), and Esmaeilzadeh-
Roshanfekr (ER) equations of state has been provided with intention to compare their
efficiency in predicting different reservoir fluids properties. The Progress in developing EOS
for the calculation of thermodynamic data and phase behavior is also reviewed. Effect of
characterization on VLE predictions as well as advances in application of equations of state for
heavy hydrocarbons has been considered in this work. Finally, as a case-study, phase behavior
of a typical Omani crude oil as well as application of EOS with proper characterization method
for this real oil sample has been examined.
2. Overview of EOS
Consider the plot of pressure versus total volume of a pure substance shown in Fig.1. An
equation of state (EOS) is desired to represent the volumetric behavior of the pure substance
in the entire range of volume both in the liquid and in the gaseous state.
166 Thermodynamics – Kinetics of Dynamic Systems
Single Phase
Applications of Equations of State in the Oil and Gas Industry 167
= − (1)
− +
= . (2)
= . (3)
Soave proposed a simple form for ≡ , for all pure substances, taking advantage of
the concept of the acentric factor of Pitzer (Pitzer et al., 1955) . Soave compared the predicted
vapor pressure from his modification and the original RK EOS for a number of substances,
showing that his modification greatly improved vapor pressure predictions. In this
modification α T is extrapolated for the supercritical temperatures. Soave compared only
the measured and computed saturation pressures of several binary systems that showed
good agreement. SRK is quite capable of predicting vapour-liquid equilibria, but it does not
provide reliable liquid density. (Danesh, 1998)
168 Thermodynamics – Kinetics of Dynamic Systems
was the main motivation of the authors of PR-EOS which in general is superior in density
predictions of reservoir fluid systems. Although this equation improves the liquid density
prediction, it cannot describe volumetric behavior around the critical point. The PR-EOS is
perhaps the most popular and widely used EOS. In terms of the molar volume Vm, Peng and
Robinson proposed the following two-constant cubic EOS:
= − (4)
− + + −
= . (5)
= . (6)
= (7)
= + − (8)
= . + . − . (9)
Comparison of the vapor-pressure prediction of several substances by the SRK EOS and the
PR EOS with experimental data shows that the error is small for both equations, although
the PR EOS performs better by a small margin (Firoozabadi A., 1988). Peng and Robinson
also compared enthalpy departures for five pure substances from both their proposed EOS
and the SRK EOS. Both equations generate enthalpy values of about the same reliability.
According to different researchers’ experience, PR-EOS enjoys more simplicity and
reliability than many other equations. However, both PR and SRK equations break-down at
C10 – C11and heavier compounds. Peneloux and Rauzy (1982) introduced a constant for
each substance to be subtracted from the volume obtained in the SRK equation. Their
modification greatly improves liquid density predictions, but it requires a fourth parameter
beside critical temperature, critical pressure and acentric factor required by SRK equation. Volume shift
A comparison of the predicted liquid molar volume by leading two parameter EOS with
experimental data of pure compounds generally shows a systematic deviation. The
deviation is almost constant over a wide pressure range away from the critical point. Hence,
subtracting the predicted molar volume by a constant correction term can improve the
predicted liquid density. The effect on the predicted vapor volume is generally insignificant
due to its large value relative to that of liquid away from the critical point. Peneloux et al.
Applications of Equations of State in the Oil and Gas Industry 169
[26] were the first who introduced the volume shift concept, i.e. shifting the volume axis,
and applied it to SRK,
vc = v-c (10)
where vc is the corrected molar volume, and c is the correction term determined by
matching the measured and predicted saturated liquid volumes at Tr = 0.7. The volume shift
generally improves the predicted liquid density, and has a minimal effect on the vapor
density at low and moderate pressures as its molar volume is relatively large compared to
the value of c. At high pressure condition, the inclusion of c parameter may not necessarily
improve the predicted gas density as it is just a correction term for the liquid density.
However, it is advisable to adjust the gas phase volume by the third parameter to maintain
consistency, particularly near the critical point where properties of the two phases approach
each other. Peneloux et al. correlated the volume translation parameter c as,
= − (12)
− + + −
Where “ ” is a function of temperature and “b” and “c” are constants. In this EOS and
b are derived as:
170 Thermodynamics – Kinetics of Dynamic Systems
= . (13)
= (14)
= (15)
This EOS predicts saturated liquid density more accurately than the PT and PR EOS. The
results for the calculation of vapor pressure of pure components for light hydrocarbons
show that Eq. (12) has the lowest deviation and for heavy hydrocarbons the PT EOS yields
the lowest deviation (for Tr < 0.75). The prediction of thermodynamic properties of light and
intermediate hydrocarbons by Eq. (12) is superior to other EOS studied in this work.
Moreover, It is found that Esmaeilzadeh-Roshanfekr EOS is most accurate for predicting
gas-condensate properties, while the original SRK and PR equations remain reliable for oil
samples. (Bonyadi et al., 2007)
= − (16)
− + + −
Substituting acentric factor values of zero and 1/3 in the Schmidt-Wenzel EOS (SW) will
reduce it to SRK and PR respectively, where these equations predict the liquid density
reliably. SW can, therefore, be considered a general form of SRK and PR (Danesh, 1998). The
authors used the boundary conditions at the critical point, Eq.(4.9) to determine , and b, as
= (17)
= (18)
= − − (19)
= (20)
In above equations η is the critical compressibility factor, and is related to the correlating
parameter q, by
= + (21)
Applications of Equations of State in the Oil and Gas Industry 171
and q, defined as b/vc, is the smallest positive root of the following equation,
172 Thermodynamics – Kinetics of Dynamic Systems
main types of the pseudoization. A common feature among these methods is that
components with the same number of carbon atoms are lumped in groups called SCNs with
a single predefined value for properties like Pc, Tc, ω, Tb, M, and density ρ. Whitson (1983)
proposed a method using the TPG distribution in order to estimate the mol fraction as a
function of the molecular weight. The molecular weights used are the generalized values
presented for each SCN (Katz and Firoozabadi 1978). Generalized correlations have been
developed to generate critical properties for the SCN including those by Twu (1984), Ahmed
(1985), Kesler-Lee (1976), Riazi-Daubert (1987), and Edmister (1958). Riazi-Daubert, and
Edmister correlations are used.
Whitson (1983) used TPG distribution to estimate the mole fraction of the SCNs within the
Cn+ fraction. TPG is defined (Whitson 1983) as a function of the molecular weight (M) by
the following equation:
− exp − (24)
where is the minimum molecular weight present in the Cn+ fraction, is used to fit the
shape of the distribution, and Г is the gamma function. Whitson recommended Г = 92, the
molecular weight of toluene, as a good estimation of , if C7+ is the plus fraction; for other
plus fractions, following is used as approximation:
= 14n – 6 (25)
− (26)
where MCn+ is the molecular weight of the Cn+ fraction. The mole fraction of an SCN is then
generated by calculation of the cumulative frequency of occurrence between the limits Mi−1
and Mi multiplied by the mole fraction of the Cn+ fraction.
= + (27)
where i is the SCN and Mi is the molecular weight of the SCN usually defined as the
molecular weight of the normal component.
Applications of Equations of State in the Oil and Gas Industry 173
log .
= − (29)
Θ Tc Pc Tb
a 544.4 45203 6.77857
b 0.2998 -0.8063 0.401673
c 1.0555 1.6015 -1.58262
d -0.00013478 -0.0018078 0.00377409
e -0.61641 -0.3084 2.984036
f 0.0 0.0 -0.00425288
Table 1. Riazi and Daubert’s coefficients
174 Thermodynamics – Kinetics of Dynamic Systems
with non-hydrocarbons (Chorng H. Twu and John E. Coon, 1996). Pedersen et al. (2006)
states that lumping consists of
Deciding what carbon number fractions are to be lumped into same pseudocomponent.
Deciding the mixing rules that will average Tc, Pc, ω of the individual carbon number
fractions to one Tc, Pc, ω to represent the lumped pseudocomponents.
Whitson’s method is described for estimating the number of MCN groups needed for
adequate plus-fraction description, as well as which SCN groups belong to the MCN group.
The proposed distribution model is similar to a folded log-normal distribution. The number
of MCN groups, Ng , is given by
= (32)
Applications of Equations of State in the Oil and Gas Industry 175
. (34)
where zl and fwl are the sums of zi and fwi found in MCN group l. MCN acentric factors are
usually calculated using Kay's mixing rule.
In the next section, a case study is presented in order to implement correct characterization
procedures using the described method in previous sections. The sample is a black oil
sample collected from an Omani reservoir with specified plus fraction analyzed in the
4.3 Methodology
The compositional simulator utilized is reservoir simulation Eclipse (Property of
Schlumberger) PVTi module. It uses the PR-EOS with the modifications on the volume shift,
the quadratic mixing rule and Lorenz-Bray-Clark viscosity correlation. For estimation of the
undefined element properties, Riazi-Daubert correlation is used (Riazi, M. R., Daubert, T. E.
(1987)). This software has been used to find the phase envelop of the reservoir sample and
estimation of different characteristics of the oil sample.
176 Thermodynamics – Kinetics of Dynamic Systems
Applications of Equations of State in the Oil and Gas Industry 177
5. Acknowledgment
The Research leading to these results has received funding from Petroleum Development
Oman (PDO), Sultanate of Oman, through research agreement no. [CTR # 2009/111].
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Thermodynamics - Kinetics of Dynamic Systems
Edited by Dr. Juan Carlos Moreno Piraján
ISBN 978-953-307-627-0
Hard cover, 402 pages
Publisher InTech
Published online 22, September, 2011
Published in print edition September, 2011
Thermodynamics is one of the most exciting branches of physical chemistry which has greatly contributed to
the modern science. Being concentrated on a wide range of applications of thermodynamics, this book gathers
a series of contributions by the finest scientists in the world, gathered in an orderly manner. It can be used in
post-graduate courses for students and as a reference book, as it is written in a language pleasing to the
reader. It can also serve as a reference material for researchers to whom the thermodynamics is one of the
area of interest.
How to reference
In order to correctly reference this scholarly work, feel free to copy and paste the following:
Ibrahim Ashour, Nabeel Al-Rawahi, Amin Fatemi and Gholamreza Vakili-Nezhaad (2011). Applications of
Equations of State in the Oil and Gas Industry, Thermodynamics - Kinetics of Dynamic Systems, Dr. Juan
Carlos Moreno Piraján (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-627-0, InTech, Available from: