Jazz - Installing LED DRLs
Jazz - Installing LED DRLs
Jazz - Installing LED DRLs
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DIY: Installing LED DRLs in my Honda Jazz Password Log in
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4th August
2019, 18:41
Senior - BHPian
Why DRLs
The question should be - why not? Most if not all of the competitors of Jazz in India come with factory fitted DRLs on
atleast the top models (some include them in lower trims as well). DRLs look cool, and enhances the visibility of the
As mentioned in my initial review, I was planning to install DRLs from the day I got the car home, but at first thought
about waiting out till the warranty is over, but ultimately could not wait it out for 5 years.
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Posts: 3,295 The fog lamps again are halogen units, and there's a blank where ideally DRLs should be located (Warrants a
Thanked: 2,501 DIY upgrade after warranty period is over)
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Jazz being a global model, OEM fit DRLs are easy to come by in AliExpress - one only needs to choose the type /
features etc.
I got the one which came in dual white / amber function (via optional connection by tapping the indicator cables), a
full wiring harness, DRL controller and replacement plastic panel so that I don't have to cut the OEM plastic cover.
Once I received the package, I tried a dry run, but the controller served no purpose and the DRL units were staying
ON no matter the car was shut off, in ACC mode or started.
I then decided to get another control unit which can do the auto on / off part - and after some looking around, got this
It turns on the DRLs once the engine is started, and turns them off once the engine is shut off + 20 secs. It also has a
claimed functionality of dimming the DRLs via tapping the parking lights.
Tools required: Flat & philips screw drivers, plastic trim prying tool, spanners to tighten / loosen the battery bolts, wire
cutter / stripper, heat shrink tubing / electrical tape, cable ties.
The Indian Jazz, even in top trim VX, comes with a blank cover in place where the DRLs should be.
Take a philips head screw driver and undo the single screw holding the plastic cladding.
Then take a prying tool and gently but firmly, undo the clips around the cover.
Once done - we can see that there's already provision in the chassis / trims to accommodate DRLs
Although not mandatory, undo the screws of the fog lamps as well, to get a better view / grip while pulling the wiring
harness from the inside.
Run the wiring harness from the top to bottom. Few notes on the wiring harness:
Final shot:
I was kind of taken aback as on how easily and without any major hassle I was able to do this DIY - only major hurdle
was how to route & secure the harness wiring.
(40) Thanks
By far the most elegant DRL I've seen. Off late some of the DRLs, even the OEMs have become too
over the top in terms of design and distracting, in terms of brightness.
This looks cool.
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Congratulations! Those looks cool! DRL was one of the couple of items that were sorely missing in
the Jazz, the other being projector head lamps. You are on your way to make the jazz perfect!
Are you using the indicator function also? Or using those as just DRLS?
I too wanted to fit DRLs in my jazz. But being a complete noob in electric and electronic stuff (The
biggest adventure I have done in my life till now is to replace the CFLs in my home ) I am
planning to fit those in a nearby shop. The shop owner tells me he has some L shaped DRLs which
will not cost more than 3k. He had promised me to send some pics, but has not done it yet. When I
asked about the warranty, he told he will not cut any wires from the main supply and hence nothing
will happen to the warranty. Do you think it will be OK?
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Senior - BHPian
Should not be affected, as I have not cut / tapped / punched any oem wiring.
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No - just using them as DRLs. The Yellow cable you see tucked inside the sleeve in a couple of snaps
is the wire that should be linked with the oem indicator cables. Requires tapping into factory wiring,
and thus I refrained from doing the same.
What you see above is the default way of how DRLs are to be mounted in a Jazz. L shaped DRL
means that the light would come pre mounted on a replacement plastic trim and most likely not
screwed in to the body as in my case above.
You may proceed if the installer is using a good quality wiring harness directly connected to the
battery, the wiring harness has a DRL controller, the harness has a fuse to prevent overload and that
no oem wire is being cut / spliced / tapped.
(5) Thanks
Wow @blackasta sir, that is a very clean installation! It is a shame that Honda does not provide
the top end trim of Jazz with DRLs, but then, there is always room for a DIY.
Can you please post some more pictures of the DRLs working from full front angle?
Last edited by Simat : 5th August 2019 at 14:36.
(2) Thanks
Brilliant! Thanks for the information blackasta!
Reading this makes me want to do it on my Jazz as well but for that, I'll have to convince my
parents about why I should do it and that is something that'll take a lot of time
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Nice simple and easy DIY blackasta.
Jazz sure misses out on DRLs but it is good that a blank space has been provided for easy
installations. The DRLs sure increase the road presence as well and has become a must in every car
Join Date: Apr 2018 Looking forward to more pictures of the car with the DRLs. Hope your warranty is not affected by
Location: Bangalore
Posts: 610
your DIY as you have tampered with OEM wiring.
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Senior - BHPian
Can you please post some more pictures of the DRLs working from full front angle?
No OEM wiring have been touched in any way. This is altogether a separate circuit connected to the
(4) Thanks
Ah !!! Those DRLs look lovely. Not too in-your-face like some OEM ones lately, nor too insignificant
to be missed. Kudos for the clean DIY job Sir Please post some more full frontal pics with them
in action.
I was under impression this would void electrical warranty but if it doesn't involve any cutting of
wires, this is doable in warranty period itself. Wonder how much honda saved by skimping this
Join Date: Feb 2013 simple feature from a 11L car. What makes it more of an eyesore is the slot is right there, but
Location: B'lore
Posts: 731 covered with black plastic
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Last edited by SoumenD : 6th August 2019 at 12:47.
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Senior - BHPian
Join Date: Jan 2014 Jazz being a global model, OEM fit DRLs are easy to come by in AliExpress - one only needs
Location: Bangalore to choose the type / features etc.
Posts: 1,144 I got the one which came in dual white / amber function (via optional connection by tapping
Thanked: 1,857 Times the indicator cables), a full wiring harness, DRL controller and replacement plastic panel so
that I don't have to cut the OEM plastic cover.
Any idea if a similar one is available for the 4th Gen City? I guess I would need to change the black
Fog Grille also as mine does not have the space for DRL.
(1) Thanks
Senior - BHPian
Any idea if a similar one is available for the 4th Gen City? I guess I would need to change
the black Fog Grille also as mine does not have the space for DRL.
(2) Thanks
I have been closely following your threads on Jazz CVT. Thank you for the valuable DIY and
awesome review of Jazz. I have booked mine too and expecting delivery in a weeks time.
I fail to understand why did Honda missed on DRL and Auto dimming IRVM in such a premium
Just one random question- does adding electricals (DRLs and Auto dimming IRVM) affect the
warranty ?
(1) Thanks
Senior - BHPian
View My Garage My understanding is if you do not splice or tap any OEM wiring, there shouldn't be any problems
with the warranty.
The auto dimming IRVM is driven from the 12v power outlet, and the service center guys have seen
the same - they don't have any issues. I believe they shall have similar feedback for the DRLs if they
check it out and see that it is driven by a completely isolated circuit.
(2) Thanks
@blackasta, One of the neat and clean DIY in the forum and it looks Stunning. Owning a Jazz, I
always criticize Honda for not providing one even in the top variant when all its competitors provide.
Definitely misses out on the cool factor.
Being a world car, the body panels are same and hence the provision for fitting a DRL is already
Your DIY has increased my urge to install one in my car. Will reach out to you for any questions I
Join Date: Jan 2019 have.
Location: TBM,CTO
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Other than the 2 wires connected to Battery is there any other wire connected to let the controller
know the engine running status?
Join Date: Jan 2018
Location: St.Louis, USA Is it just doing by measuring thr battery voltage?
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