Revenue Recognition Steps (Ifrs-15)
Revenue Recognition Steps (Ifrs-15)
Revenue Recognition Steps (Ifrs-15)
Changes, which include replacing the concept of transfer of ‘risks and rewards’ with
‘control’ and the introduction of ‘performance obligations’ alongside extensive
disclosures, are likely to put more pressure on accountants and auditors to closely
evaluate client contracts and challenge directors' judgements.
Here, we summarise the following five steps of revenue recognition and illustrative
practical application for the most common scenarios:
Contract can have a written and non-written form or be implied (contract may not
be limited to goods or services explicitly mentioned in a contract, but also include those
expected to be delivered due to business practices or statements made)
Should be approved by parties, and have a commercial basis
Should create enforceable rights and obligations between parties
Should have a consideration established taking into account ability and intention
to pay
New contracts may arise when terms of existing contracts are modified. Contract
The following are examples of circumstances which do not give rise to a performance
Unbundling a contract may apply when incentives are offered at the time of sale, such
as free servicing or enhanced warranties. In this case servicing and warranties are
performance obligations that are distinct and revenue relating to them needs to be
recognised separately from the goods or services promised on the contract to which
they relate.
Transaction price is the most likely value the entity expects to be entitled to in
exchange for the promised goods or services supplied under a contract
May include significant financing components and incentives and non-cash
amounts offered, which affect how revenue is recognised (see below)
Allocation of transaction price may include allocation of discounts, which are applied:
To the extent that each of the performance obligations has been satisfied. This
can be established using two methods:
o output method - direct measurement of the value of goods or services
transferred to date for example per surveys of completion to date, appraisals of results
achieved, milestones reached, units produced/delivered; or
o input method - based on measures such as resources consumed, costs
incurred (but see below re contract set up costs), number of hours per time sheets or
machine hours, which are directly related to the vendor's performance
Contract set up activities and preparatory tasks necessary to fulfil a contract do
not form part of revenue, and may meet capital recognition asset requirements (see
Capitalisation of costs associated with a sale contract (for example bidding costs, sales
Only incremental costs of obtaining a contract (which would not have been
incurred if the contract had not been obtained) to be considered, for example:
o direct sales commissions payable if contract is awarded - include
o costs of running a legal department proving an across-business legal
support function - exclude
Capitalise – if expected to be recovered (contract will generate profits)
Amortise on a basis that is consistent with the transfer of the goods or services
specified in the contract
To find out more look at the illustrative practical applications for the most common