Measuring Accumulated Health-Related Benefits of Exercise Participation For Older Adults: The Vitality Plus Scale
Measuring Accumulated Health-Related Benefits of Exercise Participation For Older Adults: The Vitality Plus Scale
Measuring Accumulated Health-Related Benefits of Exercise Participation For Older Adults: The Vitality Plus Scale
Background. Existing measures fail to capture the perceived benefits attributed to exercise participation by older adults
themselves. Noticeable improvements in sleep, energy level, bodily aches and pains, constipation, and other psychophysical as-
pects of "feeling good" may represent ongoing sources of motivation for continued participation. The Vitality Plus Scale (YPS)
was developed to measure these potential health-related benefits of exercising. .
Methods. The lO-item VPS was developed using an inductive approach, in collaboration with regularly exercising older
adults and their instructors. Multiple samples of exercisers and nonexercisers ranging in age from 40 to 94 were used to exam-
ine the reliability and validity of the new scale.
Results. The VPS showed good internal consistency and test-retest reliability over one week. Scores were able to discrimi-
nate on the basis of various indicators of health status and self-reported level of physical activity, and were related to two mea-
sures of functional mobility. Convergence was found with several subscales of the SF-36, whereas low correlations emerged
with a measure of episode-specific sensations. Responsiveness to change was found with various types of exercise for individu-
als with low to moderate scores prior to participation.
Conclusions. Improvements in sleep, energy level, mood, and generally feeling good appear to be the most noticeable
benefits of exercising for many adults. These associations are reinforced by sustained exercise participation. Capturing these
interrelated psychophysical constructs in a single, short measure will enable exercise researchers and instructors to measure in-
cremental improvements previously reported only anecdotally.
OMMUNITY exercise programs tailored to older adults This article presents a new scale specifically designed to mea-
C are proliferating, and evidence is emerging that such pro-
grams have high rates of adherence (1). We are just beginning
sure the accumulated psychological and physical benefits of ex-
ercise participation experienced by older adults.
to explore what the exercise experience means to older adults. The most frequently cited reason for engaging in leisure time
Like other leisure pursuits, recreational physical activity can physical activity, according to population surveys, is to "feel
provide a diversion from daily routines and stresses, fun and better mentally and physically" (3). Personal testimonials of
enjoyment, companionship, and a sense of accomplishment older participants in community exercise programs (15-17) and
(2-4). In addition, exercise can have positive physiological ef- anecdotal reports from older subjects in exercise studies
fects (4-12). (13,14,18-20) include statements such as: "feeling better,"
Changes in fitness parameters, such as improved aerobic ca- "sleeping better," "moving better," "more relaxed," "more en-
pacity or muscle strength, are not directly observable to most ergy," and "less stiffness." These attributions may represent
people (5,8,9) and are not predictive of exercise maintenance sources of motivation for ongoing exercise participation for
for older adults (12). And, while it is widely believed that regu- many older adults. However, the bias inherent in retrospective,
lar exercise contributes to overall health, well-being, and qual- perceived change ratings underscores the need for pre- and
ity of life, measuring such outcomes has proven challenging post-administrations of standardized measures to examine both
(4-15). More than 85 different psychological scales have been immediate and accumulated benefits of exercising (6,7,9,13).
used in exercise studies (6), indicating that no one measure is Two measures have been developed with college students to
considered the standard for the field. Measures such as life sat- assess affective states immediately following an exercise ses-
isfaction or self-esteem may be too global, and measures of sion. The Subjective Exercise Experiences Scale [SEES (21)]
negative affect or psychiatric symptomatology such as anxiety consists of 12 items grouped into three dimensions: Positive
or depression may not be appropriate for psychologically Well-Being (strong, great, positive, terrific), Psychological
healthy adults (5,6,9,13,14). Existing psychological scales were Distress (crummy, awful, miserable, discouraged), and Fatigue
not designed for the exercise experience and fail to capture the (exhausted, fatigued, tired, drained). The Exercise-Induced
perceived benefits noted by exercisers themselves (6,7,13-15). Feeling Inventory [EFI (7,22)] consists of 12 slightly different
items: enthusiastic, upbeat, happy, energetic, refreshed, revived, adults (6,29). The present study describes the development of
fatigued, worn out, tired, calm, peaceful, and relaxed. Scores on the Vitality Plus Scale, designed to capture multiple, interre-
both scales were sensitive to change following an acute bout of lated aspects of "feeling good" relevant to the exercise experi-
aerobic exercise (7,21). Affective states also appear to be influ- ence in a single instrument.
enced by the social context-exercising in a group versus alone
in the laboratory (22). METHODS
Schneider (23) suggests that individuals interpret physio- Table 1 outlines the sequential process of constructing the
logic/somatic (e.g., breathing, perspiration, muscle movement, Vitality Plus Scale (VPS) based on established psychometric
and soreness) and cognitive/emotional sensations (e.g., feeling guidelines (31-34). As shown in Table 1, several samples com-
energized, pleasantly tired, having fun) within the social/environ- prising middle-aged and older adults were used in scale devel-
the new scale and interviewed by telephone to solicit feedback classes, including Tai Chi, strength training, and various aerobic
on content relevance and ease of administration and scoring. A conditioning programs, described elsewhere (1). The other exer-
focus group was held with 12 volunteer senior fitness instruc- cise samples came from diverse research projects and indepen-
tors for the same purposes. Similar to the development of the dent community programs. For comparison, we included three
EPI (7), we also asked an independent sample representative of social groups.
the target group to rate the perceived relevance of each item. The validation pool was administered the new VPS, together
with a background questionnaire to collect demographic,
Test-retest reliability phase.-To examine stability of scale health, and activity information. For the community exercise
scores, we recruited a sample of 28 women and 10 men (mean groups, the instruments were administered by either the pro-
age = 57) who were not regular exercisers. This sample was ad- gram coordinator or the class instructor. A number of physical
*Research project.
:j:Baseline and follow-up.
the 12-item SEES and the VPS immediately following an exer- RESULTS
cise class. The SEES asks respondents to rate (from 1 = not at
all to 7 = very much so) ''the degree to which you are experienc- Instrument Development
ing each feeling now, at this point in time after exercising" (21). Older adults gave a variety of reasons for joining exercise
To examine both convergent and discriminant validity, the programs: to get out of the house, to meet people, and to keep
SF-36 Health Survey-a general measure of health status active and healthy. Health-related reasons were sometimes spe-
(29)-was administered to 156 subjects entering the physician cific (e.g., "to help my arthritis," "to lose weight," "to reduce
study (characteristics shown in Table 2). We were most inter- pain," "control high blood pressure," "for my diabetes," "sore
ested in Question 9 on the SF-36 ("How much during the past back," "for my bones," "for my joints") and sometimes general
four weeks have you been feeling ...") comprising the four (e.g., "to keep limber," "to keep moving," "to delay the aging
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VPS. Coefficients between 0.70 and 0.80 are acceptable; 0.80 Discriminative abilities.-The total pool of 662 was com -
to 0.90 are very good; above 0.90 suggests possi bly shortening bined to examine sample characteristics in relation to VPS
the scale (31). If alpha remains fairly constant across subsam- scores. Univariate analyses presented in Table 3 show that VPS
ples, one can be more confident that these values are not dis- scores differed significantly based on demographics and vari-
torted by chance. Accordingly, we split our sample into persons ous indicators of health status. Being overweight, using medi -
aged 65 and over (n = 473) and those under age 65 (n 189). = cations , being limited in the type or amount of physical activity
Alpha was 0.82 and 0.83 for the older and younger subgroups, (work or leisure) due to illness/injury /disability, and experienc-
respectively. ing shortness of breath while walking a distance equal to one
The rule of thumb is that each item should correlate at least city block were associated with lower VPS scores. Current level
0.20 with the total score; moderate correlations amo ng items of physical activity and perceived importance of physical activ-
indicate homogeneity, and high correlations indicate redun- ity to one's regular routine , on the other hand, were associated
dancy and possib le loss of content validity (32) . For the initial with higher VPS scores.
version of the VPS, item -total correlations ranged from 0.36 to Total number of self-reported health problems was inversely
0.60, whereas interitem correlations ranged from 0.21 to 0.55. =
and significantly related to VPS scores (r -.45, P < .000) for
The tenth item, cheerful, was the most weakly related to the the entire pool. Given that 68 was the average age of the sam-
other items and the total scale score . Post-administration feed- ple, it is not surprising that the majority (almost 80 %) had at
back suggested some slight modifications to item wording (see least one chronic health problem, most notably arthritis. The 82
Appendix). Test takers also told us that the item "cheerful" may people (or 21 % of the 394 subjects who filled out this question)
be "more of a personality thing" and suggested replacement who reported no chronic, diagnosed health conditions had su-
with the item "feel good ." Internal consistency was not affected perior VPS scores (mean =40.7) compared to persons with sin-
with the change in this item. For the revised VPS, item-total gle and multiple health problems (Table 4).
correlations ranged from 0.23 (constipation) to 0.58 (the new To determine the relative contribution of these variables to
"feel good" item). VPS scores, a stepwise multiple regression analysis was per-
Table 3. Relationship of VitalityPlus ScaleScoresto Sample significantly but weakly correlated with VPS scores (r = -.21,
Characteristics and Ratings p < .05), but the number of self-reported health problems was
more strongly related (r = -.35, p < .000). Persons without
Characteristics n Mean (SD) Statistic p Value
physical activity limitations (t = 3.79, p < .001) had superior
VPS scores, as did those with no chronic health problems
Gender (Table4).
Men 178 38.7 (7) t = 3.12 < .002
Women 464 36.7 (7)
Convergent and discriminant validity.-The sample of 25
Education regular exercisers who were also administered the SEES had a
College graduate 260 38.4 (6) F = 4.90 < .002 mean VPS score of 38 (SD = 8). Scores on each of the SEES
Post secondary 75 36.1 (8)
Relationship to Physical Measures Centre classes). For the above reasons, our preliminary exami-
Data on aerobic capacity, TUG, and walk speed were avail- nation focused on the extent of individual change, using an ap-
ablefrom someof our research samples. V02max (ml-kg t-mirr') proach suggested by Lord and colleagues (38). Change was
scores for individuals in the physician study ranged from 10.3 calculated for each person using the formula: ([follow-up-
to 41.2 (mean =23.3, SD =6) and were not found to be signifi- baseline score] -;- baselinescore) X 100 (ref. 38).
cantly correlatedwith VPS scores. Table 5 shows that half the total sample (76 of 147) showed
In contrast,both TUG scoresand fast-paced walk speed were some positive change in VPS scores. Of these 76 individuals,
significantly related to VPS scoresin a number of samples. Not 37 (or 48.7%) improved theirVPS score by over 10% (ranging
surprisingly, TUG scores were poorer for the group receiving up to 78%). Similar to Lord and colleagues' work, we com-
home support (mean = 21.6, SD =4.5, range 14-29) in com- pared individuals who improved by at least 10% (n = 37) to
parison to adults attending the Centre's exercise classes (mean those showing no positive change (n = 71) and found signifi-
= 9.3, SD = 1.6,range 7-12). TUG scores were found to be sig- cantly lower averagebaselineVPS scores in the former group (t
nificantly correlated with both age (r = .68, p < .000) and VPS = 6.84, p < .000). Individuals were far more likely to improve
scores (r = -.58, p < .05). Fast-paced walk scores ranged from by at least 10% (X2 = 31.5,p < .000) if they scored at or below
1.28 to 2.05 meters/second (mean = 1.63, SD = .22) in the the total sample mean of 37, as compared to above the mean.
Centre group, and from 1.04 to 1.67 mls (mean = 1.37, SD = Persons who scoredbelow the scale mean of 30 (aboutone fifth
.16) in the Wellness Clinics. Walk speed correlated with VPS of this sample) were extremely likely to improve (71 % im-
scores in both samples (Centre: r = .48, p < .02: Clinics: r = proved by 10% or more).
.43,p < .07). Extent of change was also examined for each of the 10VPS
items for the 37 individuals who improved their overall scores
Responsivenessto Change by at least 10%. The highest percentage of change emerged for
We obtained a total of 147 completed pre- and post-VPS the following items: pep and energy (66%), fall asleep (54%),
scales from individuals who began their program during the aches and pains (54%), feel rested (51%), stiff and sore (50%),
study validation period. The number who stayed with their re- and sleep well (40%).The items showing less change were: ap-
spective project or program, and completed the VPS at both petite (28%),calm and relaxed (28%), constipated (22%), and
baseline and follow-up, is shown in Table 5. Unfortunately, cheerful (17%).
baseline level of physical activity and extent of participation While a proportion of individualsin each of the fiveexercise
were not systematically recorded in all of the projects. These programsimproved, between-and within-sample differences are
factors, together with baseline level of functioning on the mea- noteworthy. Participants in the 3-monthWellness Clinicsgeneral
sure in question, will influence the extent of improvement that exercise program offered twice a week showed the most im-
can be expected from exercise participation (5,38). Available provement.The clinic coordinatorreported that many attendees
start-upprogramsdifferedin both frequency of weekly sessions were previously sedentary,and the low baseline VPS score for
and total duration (from the 3-week walk group to the ongoing this sample is consistentwith this report.Attendance was higher
Table 5. Extent of Improvement in Vitality Plus Scale Scores From Baseline to Follow-up by Sample
Extentof Improvement
Baseline No Positive SomePositive
Sample n VPS Changesf) Change>0 0.1 to 4.9% 5 to 9.5% ~.6%
in the two rural clinics than in the urban clinic (67% and 53% vs and sleep problems increase with age. Regular exercise is an at-
43%), and VPS scores improved for a greater proportion of par- tractive alternative to pharmacological remedies such as anal-
ticipants in the former settings (64% and 72% vs 42%). gesics, laxatives, and sleeping pills. VPS scores were strongly
In contrast, the 3-week walk group had the lowest proportion related to various indicators of health status--diagnosed health
of improvers (37.5%). According to their coordinator, many problems, medication use, shortness of breath, and perceived
had previously been regular walkers. Similarly, the instructor of limitations in functioning. While designed for older adults,
the 2-month aquatics session noted that over half the partici- middle-aged adults who are sedentary may also show change
pants had attended previous sessions; only 40% of this group on this measure as a result of exercising.
improved their VPS scores. Subjects in the physician study The present study indicates that the new Vitality Plus Scale
were prescribed various protocols for exercising on their own has good psychometric properties. Alpha values and item-total
over a 3-month period; 51% improved their VPS scores. Our correlations support the homogeneity of the scale. Replicating
sample of new Centre participants, meanwhile, had been exer- findings with multiple and split samples greatly increases the
cising anywhere from one to 10 months before the VPS was confidence in a measure (31). Most scale developers report in-
readministered (average 3.8 months, SD = 2). We found a sig- ternal consistency with a single sample, but many fail to exam-
nificant correlation (r = .39, p < .05) in this group between ine temporal stability (31,32). Test-retest reliability is critical to
number of months in the program and VPS scores. demonstrate the reproducibility of an instrument and to lay the
foundation for detecting real change as a result of an interven-
DISCUSSION tion (32). VPS scores showed good internal consistency and re-
The Vitality Plus Scale is a promising new measure for ex- producibility.
amining accumulated benefits of exercise participation for Individuals who reported being more physically active, and
older adults. While many items on the VPS are similar to those rated exercise as important to their regular routine, had higher
found on previous measures such as the SF-36, the POMS, the VPS scores. Participation may be as important as the exercise
PSQI, and the EFI, the VPS captures a number of interrelated itself (5,9). There is some evidence that energy expenditure
aspects of "feeling good" in a single instrument that takes less through housework is not associated with the same degree of
than 5 minutes to complete. The alternative is to administer a positive affect as recreational physical activity (3). Fun and en-
battery of lengthy scales that may be frustrating to older re- joyment, mastering new skills, camaraderie, and getting fresh
spondents (6,29). air may all contribute to improvements in sleep, appetite, and
Minor aches and pains, lethargy, constipation, poor appetite, mood. Exercise also has physiological effects on various bodily
systemsthat may be perceivedsubjectively as tension releaseor sured by the VPS. Few suitablemeasures currentlyexist for this
enhancedenergy (5-8). population.
Sensations and feelings associated with a single exercise Randomized studies are needed to determine whether
episode may not be the same as more generalized attributions changes can be attributed to a particular exercise intervention.
developed and reinforced through continued participation Our findings suggestthat VPS scores remain stable over a one-
(23,24). We found very low correlations between SEES and week period for individuals who reportedly had not changed
VPS scores. Regular exercisers scored high on Positive Well- their normal pattern of activity. VPS scores may be affectednot
Being,low on PsychologicalDistress,and near the midpointon only by changes in physical activity (becoming more active or
the Fatigue subscales of the SEES. Exercise-induced fatigue is less active),but also by other lifestyle changes (such as diet and
more likely to be associated with vigorous exercise (22). The smoking), changes in health, and life events. These influences
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Originaland RevisedItems on the Vitality Plus Scale
Instructions: This scale looks at how you are currently feeling. For each statement, circle a number from 1 to 5 that best describes you. For
instance, if you usually fall asleepquickly when you want to, circle 5. Otherwise,circle a numberfrom 1 to to 4, dependingon the extent to which
you usuallyhave difficulty fallingasleep.
to. Oftendown in the dumps, blue 10. Often do not feel good Feel good
Usually cheerful