Why Strength Training Is So Important For Optimal Health
Why Strength Training Is So Important For Optimal Health
Why Strength Training Is So Important For Optimal Health
Story at-a-glance -
Nearly everyone, regardless of age and gender, will benefit from strength training. It promotes fat
loss, helps maintain healthy bone mass and prevents age-related muscle loss
Strength training also improves insulin sensitivity, lowers your risk of metabolic syndrome, reduces
perimenopausal symptoms in women, combats inflammation and improves cognitive function, mood
and cardiovascular fitness
Workout strategies that effectively boost muscle growth while being very safe for the elderly and/or
unfit individuals include SuperSlow weight training, blood flow restriction training and the nitric oxide
By Dr. Mercola
Research confirms that exercise is the best "preventive drug" for many common ailments and
chronic diseases, from psychiatric disorders and pain to heart disease, diabetes and cancer.1,2 As
stated by Dr. Timothy Church, director of preventive medicine research at the Pennington
Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge:3
"Exercise strengthens the entire human machine — the heart, the brain, the blood
vessels, the bones, the muscles. The most important thing you can do for your long-
term health is lead an active life."
Unfortunately, many make the mistake of focusing on cardiovascular exercise to the exclusion of
everything else. Strength training is overlooked by many for a number of different reasons.
Women may think they'll bulk up and look manly, the elderly might worry about it being too
strenuous or dangerous, and parents might think weight training is too risky for their children for
these same reasons.
The truth is, nearly everyone, regardless of age or gender, will benefit from strength training.
Working your muscles will help you shed excess fat, maintain healthy bone mass and prevent
age-related muscle loss, the latter of which can start as early as your 30s if you do not actively
counteract it. As noted in a recent Time magazine article:4
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"For many, weight training calls to mind bodybuilders pumping iron in pursuit of beefy
biceps and bulging pecs. But experts say it's well past time to discard those
antiquated notions of what resistance training can do for your physique and health.
Modern exercise science shows that working with weights — whether that weight is a
light dumbbell or your own body — may be the best exercise for lifelong physical
function and fitness."
The same can be said for your muscle, and without good muscle tone, your mobility starts to
suffer. Worse, muscle weakness in combination with brittle bone structure is a recipe for falls that
can result in crippling disability. Resistance training also:
• Improves your insulin sensitivity, thereby lowering your risk of most chronic diseases.
As noted by Mark Peterson, assistant professor of physical medicine at the University of
Michigan, "Muscle is very metabolically active, and it uses glucose, or blood sugar, for
Recent research shows working out with weights for just under an hour per week can cut
your risk of metabolic syndrome by 29 percent.6,7,8 Other recent research found a twice-
weekly resistance training program improved insulin sensitivity and reduced abdominal fat
in older men who had already developed type 2 diabetes, without any dietary changes9
While typically thought of as a male sex hormone that women don't need or want too
much of, testosterone is actually beneficial for women during this stage of life, as during
perimenopause, natural testosterone production can drop by as much as 50 percent.10
While women should not take testosterone, improving your body's natural production of
this hormone is a safe way to address perimenopausal symptoms
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• Lowers inflammation, a hallmark of most chronic disease, especially heart disease and
• Improves cognitive function and reduces anxiety and depression, promoting greater
As noted by fitness experts like Dr. Doug McGuff and Phil Campbell, you cannot fully access your
cardiovascular system unless you perform mechanical work with your muscles. How you do that
is up to you; you can do it on an elliptical machine, on weight training equipment or using free
So, weight training isn't just strength training, it's a cardiovascular workout as well. Moreover, to
get a better grasp on why high-intensity interval training (HIIT), such as Peak Fitness or
SuperSlow strength training (the HIIT version of weightlifting) is so much more effective than
regular cardio and/or regular strength training, you need to know understand the metabolic
processes of your heart. Your heart actually has two primary metabolic processes to provide fuel:
Traditional strength training and cardio exercises work primarily the aerobic process while HIIT
and SuperSlow strength training work both your aerobic AND your anaerobic processes, which is
what you need for optimal cardiovascular benefit. You're actually getting greater benefits from
HIIT/SuperSlow than you do from an aerobic/cardio workout, and in a fraction of the time.
For example, you only need about 12 minutes of SuperSlow type strength training once a week,
or 20 minutes of Peak Fitness sprints to optimize your growth hormone production. When
compared to regular cardio, you're literally saving hours each week. Whether you're using
weights or not, intensity is the key here. It needs to be high enough that you reach muscle
The SuperSlow weightlifting technique involves removing the momentum. By disallowing muscle
rest, you "super charge" muscle growth because your muscle has to continuously work
throughout the entire movement. However, while intense, SuperSlow weightlifting is actually quite
safe, because you're going very slow, using controlled movements and, typically, can get away
with using lighter weights.
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In this regard, SuperSlow weight training is ideal for older people, as it significantly reduces your
risk of injury. To learn more, please see my previous interview with McGuff on his SuperSlow
weight training recommendations.
If you performed two sets of 10 reps of bicep curls, this means you did 10 bicep curls, rested,
then did 10 more. How many reps should you do? That really depends on your fitness level and
your goals. Here are some general guidelines:
For building strength and bulk, it's generally recommended to do fewer than eight to 10
reps per set with heavier weights
For tone and general conditioning, aim for 10 to 12 reps using more moderate weight
For SuperSlow weight training, aim for only one set of eight to 10 reps. You should not be
able to do the last rep no matter how hard you try. If you can do 11 then increase the weight.
If you can't do eight then decrease the weight
Regardless of how many sets you do, make sure the last rep in your set is done to failure. You
want to fully fatigue that muscle in the last rep, while still maintaining control of the weight so you
don't lose your form, as this could lead to injury. Adjust the amount of weight you use for each
exercise depending on which muscles you are working. Larger muscles such as your thighs,
chest and upper back are stronger and will require a bit heavier weight. Smaller muscles, such as
your shoulders and arms, require less weight.
I've also addressed resistance training for young children, and have published a beginner's guide
to strength training, SuperSlow instructions, "best of" sample strength exercises that deliver great
results, advanced strength training suggestions, bodyweight exercises and much more. For ideas
and guidance, simply browse through my fitness archive.
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A significant benefit of the method is that you can do strength exercises using just 30 to 50
percent of the weight you'd normally use while still reaping maximum benefits. By restricting
blood flow to the muscle, lactic acid and other waste products build up, giving you the same
benefit as heavy lifting but without the dangers associated with heavy weights. For this reason,
it's a great strategy for the elderly and those who are recuperating from an injury.
Put another way, by forcing blood to remain inside your muscle longer than normal, you force
more rapid muscle fatigue and muscle failure that sets into motion subsequent repair and
regeneration processes.
It's said blood flow restriction training can stimulate muscle growth and strength in about half the
time, using about one-third of the weight, compared to standard weight training. In the video
above, Dr. Jim Stray-Gundersen, a leading proponent and teacher of Kaatsu in the U.S.,
discusses the method and its benefits.
A typical training session would involve three sets, with repetitions ranging from 20 to 30 reps per
set, using half or less of the weight you'd normally use. Rest periods between sets is typically
short, say 30 seconds. This means you end up doing upward of 90 repetitions of any given
The American College of Sports Medicine claims you need to lift a weight that is at least 70
percent of your single rep max (1RM) to produce muscle growth,11 but studies assessing low-
intensity exercise in combination with blood flow restriction have shown you can go as low as 20
percent of 1RM and still reap the benefits.
For most, 20 percent of 1RM is lighter than a warmup, virtually guaranteeing you will not sustain
any kind of injury. Indeed, blood flow restriction training is used to rehabilitate the old and infirm in
Japan, allowing them to rebuild muscle and regain some of their lost mobility.
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For a full demonstration, see the video above. You can start with three sets of 10 reps but as you
become more fit, you can increase to 20 reps. Even though this exercise is only a few minutes, it
will make you short of breath. Please be sure to breathe only through your nose, not your mouth.
The four movements are:
10 squats, raising your arms parallel to the floor as you squat and getting your butt back as
far as possible, making sure your knees stay behind your toes
10 perpendicular arm raises, stopping when your arms are the height of your shoulders
10 jumping jack motions without the jumping; just moving your hands overhead and touching
on the upper and lower portions
10 overhead shoulder presses, making sure to keep your chest out and shoulder blades
pinched together
Do each set in rapid succession, without resting in between. When you're done, you'll have
completed a total of 120 to 240 movements. Done three times a day, with at least two hours in
between each session, you'll end up doing 360 to 920 movements a day. This exercise will:
• Trigger the release of nitric oxide, a gas with antioxidant properties that protects your
heart by relaxing your blood vessels and lowering your blood pressure; stimulates your
brain; kills bacteria and even defends against tumor cells
• Stimulate anabolic muscle building in addition to thinning your blood, making it less
likely to clot and improving your immune function. Nitric oxide is a potent bronchodilator
and vasodilator, so it helps significantly increase your lungs' oxygen-absorbing capacity
• Give you more exercise benefits in a shorter time. You get most of the benefits from
this exercise that you would get from most things you do in a gym in an hour. And, if you
do it three times a day, that means you may be getting three to 10 times the metabolic
benefit you'd get by going to the gym. Not that going to the gym is unwise; it's just that
your body needs exercise throughout the day
• Stimulate mitochondrial function and health. Your skeletal muscle derives its energy
from your mitochondria — the energy storehouse of your cells, responsible for the
utilization of energy for all metabolic functions. Mitochondria make up, on average, about
1 percent to 2 percent of your skeletal muscle by volume, which is generally enough to
provide the needed energy for your daily movements.
Your mitochondria produce energy in their electron transport chains in which they pass
electrons from the reduced form of the food you eat to combine it with oxygen from the air
you breathe, ultimately forming water. This process drives protons across the
mitochondrial membrane, which recharges ATP (adenosine triphosphate) from ADP
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I've interviewed a number of experts on this topic, including Dr. Joan Vernikos, author of "Sitting
Kills, Moving Heals" and Dr. James Levine, author of "Get Up!: Why Your Chair Is Killing You and
What You Can Do About It" — both of whom are leading trailblazers and researchers in this field.
Katy Bowman, author of "Move Your DNA: Restore Your Health Through Natural Movement," and
Kelly Starrett, Ph.D., who wrote the book "Deskbound: Standing Up to a Sitting World," also
testify to the importance of getting more movement into your day-to-day life. All of these
interviews contain a wide variety of suggestions for how to break the cycle of inactivity and get
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