Regional Discontinuities and The Effectiveness of PDF
Regional Discontinuities and The Effectiveness of PDF
Regional Discontinuities and The Effectiveness of PDF
The author analyzes the effects of further training subsidies for low-
skilled employees on individual labor market outcomes in
Germany. Using detailed administrative data, the author exploits
cross-regional variation in the policy styles of local employment
agencies to identify causal effects of program participation. Findings
show that training subsidies significantly increase cumulative em-
ployment duration and earnings in the short run and middle run
for compliers, that is, those workers who additionally participate
due to a more generous policy style in their agency. These gains are
particularly pronounced for certain subgroups, such as women. A
rough cost-benefit analysis, however, suggests that the program over-
all is not beneficial for the public budget.
*CHRISTINE DAUTH is a Senior Researcher at the Institute for Employment Research (IAB).
I am grateful to Wolfgang Dauth and Gesine Stephan for generous advice. I also thank Daniel
Hamermesh, Øivind Anti Nilsen, Yolanda Rebollo Sanz, Regina Riphahn, Núria Rodrı́guez-Planas,
Bastian Stockinger, the FBC1 unit at the IAB, and participants at numerous conferences, workshops, and
seminars for helpful comments. Specific thanks go to the DIM unit at the IAB for providing the data. My
study uses proprietary data that I am not authorized to post. I use data of the German Institute for
Employment Research (IAB), the so-called Integrated Employment Biographies (IEB). The IEB data are
social data with administrative origin, which are processed and kept by IAB according to Social Code III.
The data contain sensitive information and therefore are subject to the confidentiality regulations of the
German Social Code (Book I, Section 35, Paragraph 1). Consequently, external researchers need to
close a contract with the IAB to access social data on-site in Nuremberg or at other on-site locations in
Germany. This contract needs to be authorized by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. I
can provide additional results and copies of the computer programs used to generate the results pre-
sented in the article at An Online Appendix is available at http://journals.sage
KEYWORDs: further training for employees, low-skilled workers, training programs, instrumental variables,
linked employer–employee data
The program also targets the employees of small- and medium-sized firms (Dauth and Toomet 2016).
or have worked for at least four years in a helper job that did not require
any qualifications. Further eligibility criteria are that the employer releases
the employee from work to participate in training and continues wage pay-
ments during this absence. Subsidized training courses must focus on gener-
al rather than firm-specific learning because the objective is to improve
knowledge that is applicable in the general labor market. Only specially
accredited private providers can offer training courses. Moreover, a subsi-
dized training course is supposed to terminate with the receipt of a certifi-
cate. Courses include, for example, retraining to become an elderly care
nurse, nursery school teacher, greenkeeper, security guard, or machine and
plant operator with a duration of two to three years. Shorter training con-
sists of courses in the field of IT (such as UNIX, CAD, or MS Office), lan-
guage courses, and forklift and truck licenses.
Once these criteria are met, two possible types of subsidies are available:
First, the FEA may cover up to 100% of the training costs. Second, employ-
ers may receive wage subsidies to compensate for the workers’ reduced pro-
ductivities during training. If training takes place outside the firm, these
wage subsidies may cover up to 100% of the full wage. If training takes place
inside the firm, the employer is expected to share these costs. In this case,
the FEA covers a maximum of only 50% of the wage because firm-specific
elements of training are more likely.
Table 2 shows the inflows into the program by year and kind of subsidy.
Compared to other German active labor market policies (ALMP), the num-
ber of subsidy recipients is rather low (Büttner, Schewe, and Stephan 2015).
There were few entries during the introductory phase because awareness of
such subsidies was limited (Lott and Spitznagel 2007).
Table 3 displays the duration of subsidized training in days. Duration
refers to the period when an individual was officially registered as participat-
ing in further training. A training course lasted on average 142 days; the
median duration was 75 days. However, this is only a rough indicator for ac-
tual training intensity as training can be both full and part time.
142 19 75 179
Job Vacancy Survey reveals that approximately 44% of all firms with fewer
than 100 employees and 75% of all larger firms knew about the program
(Lott and Spitznagel 2010). Given the establishment size structure of the
underlying sample, at least two-thirds of all firms in the sample should have
known about the program. However, only about one-quarter of the firms
who knew of the program used subsidized training (Lott and Spitznagel
2010). Approximately 80% of those firms stated that they did not use the
program because there was no current operational need for training.
Industry, firm size, and firm performance are therefore likely confounders
of the LPR.
Firms’ motives to use subsidized training might have changed over time.
Between 2009 and 2011, the German government introduced short-time
work. Short-time work refers to publicly financed work-time reductions. It
enables firms to temporarily reduce their employees’ working hours instead
of firing them when labor demand is low. Short-time work was implemented
primarily in manufacturing, the most export-oriented branch of the
German economy and thus the most strongly affected by international mar-
kets during the crisis (Crimmann, Wießner, and Bellmann 2012). Workers
who were on short-time work were not eligible for WeGebAU-subsidized fur-
ther training. The FEA introduced another temporary program, however,
that subsidized further training for low-skilled employees during short-time
work. The requirements were the same but there were no wage subsidies
for firms, only cost reimbursement (Deeke 2009). Training duration could
not exceed the duration of short-time work. Subsidized training during
short-time work was only important in 2009, when about 25,000 workers of
the overall 30,000 participants took part.2 Thus, employers who use short-
time work are probably less likely to use the WeGebAU program. This
affects firms in the manufacturing sector in 2009 in particular. By contrast,
employers who did not use short-time work might have used the training
subsidy for labor hoarding. The firm’s industry and the timing of training
are therefore likely to affect the unconditional LPR.
Literature Review
The training literature offers several reasons for legitimate interventions in
further training activities by official institutions if there is an undersupply in
training (Booth and Bryan 2005). Moreover, a large and growing body of lit-
erature has investigated the determinants of (privately funded) firm-based
further training, for example, for the United States (Lynch 1992; Lynch
and Black 1998; Lerman, McKernan, and Riegg 2004) or Europe (Brunello,
Garibaldi, and Wasmer 2007). Trained workers are usually younger, male,
better educated, and employed full time. The training firms are relatively
large. By contrast, low-skilled workers participate in further training less
Numbers come from the 2018 statistics of the Federal Employment Agency (data warehouse).
Schwerdt et al. (2012) confirmed this result. They objected, however, that
workers with compulsory education, or whose highest educational degree is
one of vocational training, might have positive returns. Large effects were
detected for Sweden, where an additional year of adult education for low-
skilled workers increased annual earnings by 4.4% (Stenberg 2011).
Regarding the effects on employment, previous evidence is rather scarce.
Schwerdt et al. (2012) and Görlitz and Tamm (2016) did not find any
effects of training subsidies on workers’ employment. Dauth and Toomet
(2016) analyzed the impact of subsidized training on the employment dura-
tion of workers older than 45 years in small- and medium-sized enterprises
(SME) in Germany. They found improved employment among participants
of the subsidy program, which they attributed to the postponement of re-
tirement due to increased job satisfaction. Even though they did not look at
low-skilled workers but focused on a certain age group in SME, their analy-
ses are the most similar to this article, as the institutional implementation of
the subsidy is very similar and their analyses are based on the same adminis-
trative registers.
My article differs further from the ones noted above in various aspects.
First, I focus exclusively on employed low-skilled workers. Given that they
are not unemployed or do not necessarily have poor employment histories,
they differ from participants of the WIA and BTA with better labor market
attachments. Second, WeGebAU subsidizes training that needs the consent
of the employer because it takes place during working hours. It is therefore
much more linked to the current job than other training subsidies such as
the Bildungsprämie. Third, exploiting regional variation, I strike a new path
to identify causal effects compared to these previous studies. Measuring the
effect on compliers, that is, those who participate additionally due to a more
generous policy style, I evaluate what would happen should the government
decide to extend the program further. Fourth, contrary to previous
European studies that primarily evaluated program take-up rates and earn-
ings, I focus on employment, unemployment, and earnings. Fifth, studying
a large set of subgroups in order to unravel the training mechanisms, I put
a great deal of emphasis on program heterogeneity.
Empirical Approach
Instrumenting with Policy Styles
Regional variation in employment offices’ policy styles has been exploited
to evaluate ALMP instruments in recent studies (Frölich and Lechner 2010;
Lechner, Wunsch, and Scioch 2013; Boockmann, Thomsen, and Walter
2014; Doerr et al. 2014; Markussen and Roed 2014; Dean, Pepper, Schmidt,
and Stern 2015; Eppel 2017). In this study, agency-specific policy styles re-
flect the part of the program implementation that is solely due to local em-
ployment agencies’ unique features, which are independent from structural
or economic specifics. Knodt (1998) defined policy styles as persisting
certain level of discretion. This concerns, for example, their judgment on the
necessity of the further training course for the current job or for the occupa-
tion in general, which would justify a subsidy. Caseworkers also have discretion
when judging whether applicants are eligible for the subsidy. For example,
they must determine whether someone can be categorized as low skilled,
which—given workers’ employment histories—is not always trivial.
The financial resources for the further training of unemployed workers
are usually limited. Therefore, caseworkers thoroughly consider whether
training participation will be profitable for the worker based on the work-
ers’ abilities and motivation. Regarding employed workers, caseworkers nev-
er had to deal with budget constraints. The FEA annually provided an extra
200 million euros, which were never fully exploited. Consequently, expected
program outcomes for employed workers are less important for the case-
workers’ decisions regarding who should receive training.
In sum, organizational differences and caseworkers’ informal behavior af-
fect the personnel capacities of local employment offices, which in turn af-
fect how quickly and carefully applications are processed and how familiar
single caseworkers are with the program. Organizational differences do not
directly affect employment and earnings of workers, however, but only the
treatment probability, given that potential participants are employed. After
the subsidy program’s introduction in 2007, instructions for caseworkers for
the implementation of the program were not yet very specific, as internal
documents of the FEA reveal. Therefore, it is likely that employment agen-
cies had different interpretations of which firms and workers were eligible
for the program and which types of training could be subsidized. As a result,
some agencies were more prone to grant the subsidy than were other agen-
cies. Policy styles may have changed over time because the FEA adjusted the
caseworker staff, program content, and eligibility criteria over time and be-
cause caseworkers became more familiar with the program.
ð1Þ Yitq = a0i + a1i Titq + a2i Xitq + a3 Fft + a4 Aat + hitq
where Titq is a dummy that indicates subsidy recipience, Xitq controls for in-
dividual characteristics, and Fft controls for employer characteristics. Aat
denotes the labor market characteristics, including the composition of the
population and the workforce, that allow correction for regional, structural,
and economic differences. Observations at the individual level are indicated
for every German local employment agency district a per quarter q in year t.
Tiatq denotes a low-skilled employee who starts subsidized training in a given
quarter and agency district. LSiat indicates a low-skilled employee within an
agency district and is observable only on a yearly basis. Hence, LPRatq corre-
sponds to the unconditional local participation rate of low-skilled employees
in the subsidy program by quarter and agency district.
The unconditional LPR is by construction endogenous and thus invalid
as an instrument.3 The unconditional LPR is partially driven by regional la-
bor market conditions, employer, and worker characteristics:
The unconditional LPR is on average driven by the numerator. I run a standardized regression of the
LPR on the sum of subsidy participants and the sum of local low-skilled employees at the level of employ-
ment agencies. Increasing the number of participants (low-skilled employees) by one standard deviation
changes the LPR on average ceteris paribus by 0.93 (–0.49) standard deviations. However, the relative
importance of one or the other factor varies by year-quarter. Results are available on request.
Figure 1. Average Residual Local Participation Rates (Policy Styles) from 2007 to 2010
by Employment Agency District
ð5Þ Z 2itq = ritq = LPRatq e0i + e1i Xitq + e2 Fft + e3 Aat
with d0i = g0i g1i b0i g2i e0i , d1i = g1i b1i + g2i e1i , d2i = g1i b2 + g2i e2 , and
d3i = g1i b3 + g2i e3 : g1i and g2i capture the heterogeneous effects of the residu-
al LPR, that is, the policy style, on the treatment probability across individuals.
Figure 2. Binned Scatterplots of the Treatment Probability and the Conditional Local
Participation Rate (LPR) with Linear and Quadratic Regression Line
a) All observations
Binned scatterplot with linear regression line Binned scatterplot with quadratic regression line
Treatment probability in shares
-.1 0 .1 .2 .3 .4 -.1 0 .1 .2 .3 .4
Conditional local participation rate in percentage Conditional local participation rate in percentage
Substituting Equation (6) into Equation (1) in the second step yields a re-
gression of the outcome of choice Yitq on the predicted treatment probabili-
^ itq and the same set of control variables as in the first stage.
ty T
ð7Þ Yitq = a
~ 0i + a ^itq + a
~ 1i T ~ 2i Xitq + a
~ 3 Fft + a
~ 4 Aat + hitq + a1i vitq
Thus, T^itq from Equation (6) is, by construction, initially correlated with re-
gional, establishment, and personal characteristics. Once included in the second-
stage Equation (7), the additional controls purge T^ itq from this correlation.
The resulting coefficient a ~ 1i reports the local average treatment effect
(LATE) of participation for all compliers.4 When interpreting the results,
One can distinguish among four different groups in the LATE framework: Always-takers participate in
the program irrespective of the policy style. Compliers participate only in agency districts that are condi-
tionally more prone to grant further training subsidies. Never-takers never participate, whereas defiers par-
ticipate only in districts less prone to grant subsidies. The monotonicity assumption (see section LATE
Assumptions) excludes the existence of defiers.
keep in mind that the effect I estimate for compliers is different from the
usually obtained average treatment effect on the treated (ATET), which is
the combined effect for always-takers and compliers. To understand who
compliers are, consider the following scenario: Two people, A and B, work
in different employment agency districts. They have similar personal charac-
teristics and work in firms with similar characteristics that operate in regions
with similar characteristics. Person A participates in the program because
the employment agency of his district uses the program frequently. Person
B does not participate in the program because the employment agency of
his district uses the program infrequently. The effect for compliers mea-
sures the extent to which person A profits from participation compared to
person B who does not participate.
LATE Assumptions
Policy styles are positively correlated with the probability of participating in
the program but are not directly connected to participants’ employment or
earnings. Thus, the instrument purges the treatment effects of confounders
that might simultaneously affect both the individual outcomes and the prob-
ability of subsidization. However, the quality of the instrument hinges on
several important conditions.
First, to avoid the problem of weak instruments, the instrument should
have sufficient explanatory power. In a later section (The Baseline Model),
I will show that this assumption is fully met.
Second, policy styles must be independent of unobservable confounding
factors at the agency, establishment, and worker levels. Such a correlation
might arise if a certain policy style attracts certain workers or firms or if cer-
tain workers or firms drive the instrument. The former scenario can be ex-
cluded because it is unlikely that workers or firms relocate to regions with
specific policy styles (which are likely unknown to them). The latter scenar-
io is more likely because very motivated workers or firms might actively seek
further training subsidies from local employment agencies, which would
then drive the LPR. Table A.12 in the Supplemental Online Appendix
shows that the LPR is uncorrelated with most worker and firm characteris-
tics. It is affected by variables that represent skill, however, such as school-
ing, type of vocational degree, and being an unskilled blue-collar worker.
This impact is not very surprising, given that the subsidy program targets
low-skilled workers. Moreover, workers with professions in manufacturing
drive the LPR upward, whereas workers with positions in the restaurant, se-
curity, and cleaning industries affect the LPR negatively. Other variables at
the individual level, for example, gender, age, nationality, and variables that
present the employment history, are uncorrelated with the LPR. Larger
firms with human resources departments, which are probably better in-
formed about available subsidies, affect the LPR positively. By contrast, in-
dustry, firm age, or the skill composition inside firms is uncorrelated with
the LPR. The richness of the register data allows me to account for numer-
ous potential confounders and to create conditional independence.
Third, there should not be any direct correlation between policy styles
and employment or earnings because this would violate the exclusion re-
striction. Regarding the validity of the exclusion restriction, recall that I ex-
ploit policy styles concerning a program that addresses employed rather
than unemployed workers. The underlying subsidy program is the only FEA
training program directed at employed workers. The primary task of em-
ployment agencies is the integration of unemployed workers, even though
employment agencies are obliged to counsel both employed as well as un-
employed workers.
To find out to what extent this might pose a problem, I conducted sepa-
rate analyses based on a 2% random sample of German workers who were
employed subject to social security contribution on June 30. As Table 1
shows, approximately 0.1% of all employed workers seek counsel from the
employment agency. The main reason for contact between employed work-
ers and employment agencies is to register job seeking at least three months
before their (usually temporary) employment contract ends, which they are
obliged to do. This type of contact takes place for approximately 2% of all
employees. Thus, little interaction occurs between employees and the local
employment agencies, which could thread the validity of the instrument.
This bias is limited, however, and it should be even lower for workers with a
firm tenure of at least two years. These workers should, according to
German law, have permanent employment contracts and are therefore un-
likely to register job seeking. Therefore, any FEA actions or policies should
have no—or only very limited—direct effects on the employment durations
or earnings of employed workers, except through the incidence and fre-
quency of subsidized training.
Fourth, monotonicity requires that employed workers within an employ-
ment agency district react in the same way when the instrument takes a
higher value. Thus, a higher residual LPR makes workers strictly more likely
to participate. Consequently, workers who receive subsidized training in em-
ployment agencies with low residual LPRs must also receive subsidized train-
ing in employment agencies with higher LPRs. As outlined earlier,
employment agencies’ policy styles vary due to differences in the organiza-
tion and the informal behavior of caseworkers. Agencies without specialized
WeGebAU staff might be less sure about the implementation of the pro-
gram and thus stick to subsidizing workers who can easily be identified as el-
igible workers. For example, this is the case if workers are unambiguously
low skilled and have a clear necessity for further training to keep the cur-
rent job or for the occupation in general. In that sense, employment agen-
cies, which may be prone to give away the subsidy and which potentially
may be more likely to subsidize disputable cases, should also subsidize those
workers whose program eligibility is easy to identify.
Fifth, the stable unit treatment value assumption (SUTVA) requires that
individual decisions to participate in the program do not affect other indivi-
duals’ labor market chances. The training subsidy program is rather small
compared to other ALMP instruments, and the mean share of treated work-
ers in the workforce per participating firm is approximately 3.5% in the
sample, thus this assumption very likely holds in the underlying case.
Table 4. Inflows to the Subsidy Scheme for the Adjusted Sample by Legal Basis
Year Overall Among those in: Cost reimbursement (%) Wage subsidy (%)
and workers outside the age range of 25 to 65 years. Finally, I drop all work-
ers from the Bochum employment agency district, as this agency reported
an extremely high share of low-skilled participants relative to all low-skilled
employees in that district in the fourth quarter of 2007 for no obvious
I create a quarterly panel for the years 2007 to 2010. I calculate all con-
trol variables relative to the first day of each quarter. Outcome variables are
calculated relative to the last day of each quarter. Table 5 summarizes how
the outcome variables are defined.5 For the treated workers, I pick the em-
ployment sequence that leads to the first treatment. For the comparison
workers, I pick a random employment sequence, that is, subsequent em-
ployment quarters at a given employer. This is the data set I use for the esti-
mation of the dynamic treatment effects presented in the Supplemental
Online Appendix material. For the static estimations I keep only one ran-
dom observation among control workers and the observation of program
start among the treated workers for computational reasons. This trims the
sample size and increases variation compared with keeping multiple ran-
dom observations for a subset of workers.
Sample Selection
Three sources of potential selection into the subsidy program include
regions, firms (establishments), and workers.6 As discussed earlier, it is also
likely that the LPR is correlated with a number of these confounding
Table 6 shows that worker-level selection into the program is likely.7
Men and foreign workers are over-represented in the treatment group.
More than twice as many workers without a vocational degree (37%) and
with lower educational levels are in the treatment group. Concerning
Table A.5 in the Supplemental Online Appendix compares the outcome means by treated and poten-
tial comparison workers.
See also Grund and Martin (2012) for a discussion of further training determinants at the individual,
job, and firm levels.
The complete individual, establishment, and regional characteristics are available in the
Supplemental Online Appendix (Tables A.2–A.4).
Notes: All outcome variables are calculated over a given period starting after the last day of the quarter
of potential treatment. The periods are 365 days (over 1 year), 730 days (over 2 years), 1,095 days (over
3 years), 1,460 days (over 4 years), and 1,825 days (over 5 years). ALMP, active labor market policies;
FEA, German Federal Employment Agency.
The Baseline Model
This section discusses the results of the econometric analysis. Because the
underlying data lack information on privately funded training, I am interest-
ed only in the effects of the public training subsidies rather than the actual
programs. I estimate whether public subsidies for certain training courses
have any effect on the employability of the participants.8 Throughout the
analyses, I do not distinguish between the two components of wage subsidy
and cost reimbursement, but estimate a combined effect for program
The propensity scores for program participation of treated and control workers overlap mostly. Only
37 observations fall outside the common support in the baseline specification. Therefore, I do not ad-
dress the potential common support problem further.
participation. Because training costs are generally borne by the employer, both
components affect the same subject, that is, the firms’ training decisions.9
Table 7, column (1) shows the most parsimonious specification, control-
ling for quarter dummies that account for the timing of treatment and re-
gional characteristics.10 The latter include the district unemployment rate
Moreover, separate analyses for the two components provide similar insights (see Supplemental
Online Appendix Tables A.10 and A.11).
For the purposes of organized presentation, I indicate the variables included in the regressions but
do not display their coefficients.
(to roughly control for regional labor market characteristics and regional la-
bor supply and demand); the composition of all individuals living within a
regional employment agency district in terms of density, gender, and age;
and variables that control for the composition of the workforce within an
agency district. The first-stage results reported in the bottom panel imply
that the LPR and LPR2 of employment agency districts have strong correla-
tions with treatment. The F-test statistic of the excluded instruments is well
above conventional threshold levels. Turning to the second-stage results, I
find that participation in the subsidy program has a positive and significant
impact of approximately 52 days (seven weeks) on compliers’ cumulative
employment duration over a period of two years.
Table 8. LATE and OLS Estimates for Participation in the Subsidy Program on
Cumulative Employment, Cumulative Unemployment,
and Log Earnings (Daily Average)
years, they must be the causal result of program participation and not solely
due to the described ‘‘lock-in effect.’’
A second outcome considered in column (2) is cumulative days of unem-
ployment. I define unemployment as a period during which a worker is
non-employed and receives benefits or counseling from the FEA or partici-
pates in a program of active labor market policy. Compared to employment,
the effect on unemployment is less pronounced. A steadily increasing signif-
icant negative effect is seen on unemployment, indicating that complying
program participants are approximately 45 days less unemployed within the
first five years. Thus, more employment for compliers does not automatical-
ly translate into the same amount of less unemployment. Consequently, the
program causes employment for some workers who otherwise would
have dropped out of the social security records, for example, due to self-
employment, retirement, or withdrawal from the labor market. Further
analyses reveal that female rather than older workers drive this shift.
Finally, to see how the economic situations of compliers translate into
earnings, I consider cumulative earnings as an outcome. For this, I calculate
the average unconditional daily wage as described in Table 5. Participants’
gains in earnings from the program are relatively high. In the first year after
treatment start, the gain in earnings already amounts to 7% and increases
to 13% within five years.
A direct comparison of the OLS and IV estimates is possible only if the
treatment effects are constant across all participants and if the average treat-
ment effect on the treated is similar to the LATE. Here, the OLS coeffi-
cients are higher in most cases. This implies that OLS either cannot fully
control for the positive selection of workers into the subsidy program or
that the subgroup of compliers gains less from the subsidy program than
Robustness Checks
To verify whether unobservable confounders affect the instrument and thus
the validity of the empirical approach, I conduct a number of robustness
checks. Table 9 and Table 10 summarize the findings on employment and
earnings. A look at the first-stage results reveals that throughout all robust-
ness tests, the residual LPRs are hardly affected. This finding strongly sup-
ports the validity of the instrument and suggests that the model includes all
relevant confounders.
Over 1 year 14.346*** 15.198*** 15.912*** 13.647*** 12.727*** 13.576*** 15.420*** 15.582*** 15.502***
(2.03) (2.10) (3.82) (2.10) (2.65) (2.14) (2.02) (2.17) (2.01)
Over 2 years 23.583*** 26.640*** 25.962*** 21.966*** 18.846*** 21.466*** 26.431*** 24.893*** 24.926***
(4.29) (4.49) (6.98) (4.77) (6.11) (4.55) (4.13) (4.49) (4.29)
Over 3 years 30.932*** 37.241*** 40.331*** 27.111*** 24.449** 27.764*** 36.913*** 35.772*** 34.478***
(8.06) (7.97) (11.19) (8.86) (11.21) (8.41) (7.49) (8.08) (8.30)
Over 4 years 54.307*** 63.427*** 50.000*** 42.607*** 53.635*** 49.383*** 54.029*** 64.430*** 68.302***
(12.74) (13.55) (17.96) (14.29) (14.57) (13.38) (12.00) (12.93) (12.72)
Over 5 years 92.824*** 83.706*** 77.839** 81.579*** 102.507*** 81.355*** 86.814*** 97.952*** 98.962***
(20.25) (23.78) (32.39) (22.68) (25.55) (22.41) (18.69) (21.03) (21.03)
Over 1 year 0.072*** 0.072*** 0.062** 0.072*** 0.041** 0.066*** 0.078*** 0.076*** 0.077***
(0.01) (0.02) (0.03) (0.02) (0.02) (0.02) (0.01) (0.02) (0.02)
Over 2 years 0.075*** 0.078*** 0.070*** 0.070*** 0.031 0.069*** 0.083*** 0.081*** 0.080***
(0.02) (0.02) (0.02) (0.02) (0.02) (0.02) (0.01) (0.02) (0.02)
Over 3 years 0.083*** 0.091*** 0.096*** 0.075*** 0.036 0.076*** 0.094*** 0.093*** 0.091***
(0.02) (0.02) (0.03) (0.02) (0.03) (0.02) (0.02) (0.02) (0.02)
Over 4 years 0.114*** 0.122*** 0.102*** 0.101*** 0.068** 0.102*** 0.113*** 0.118*** 0.124***
(0.02) (0.03) (0.03) (0.03) (0.03) (0.02) (0.02) (0.02) (0.02)
Over 5 years 0.134*** 0.134*** 0.111** 0.122*** 0.094** 0.111*** 0.128*** 0.135*** 0.144***
(0.04) (0.04) (0.05) (0.04) (0.04) (0.04) (0.03) (0.04) (0.03)
Table A.8 in the Supplemental Online Appendix supports this conclusion. The residual LPR remains
stable with the subsequent addition of regional controls. This confirms that potential remaining local
confounding variation in the baseline model, which might drive unobserved selection into treatment, is
become significantly smaller and partially insignificant in the short run, sug-
gesting that the subgroup of firms that uses training subsidies is selective.
One explanation for the coefficients on earnings becoming smaller is that
workers profit less from program participation because coworkers might al-
so be trained but without subsidies. Another explanation is that these firms
work in branches where gains in earnings can only be realized in the medi-
um and long run.
Information on health, marital status, and the existence of children under the age of 15 is only avail-
able for a selective subset of workers in the sample, that is, workers who registered as job seeking at least
once since January 2000. I create extra variable categories for the missing values in order not to lose
Figure 3. LATE and OLS Estimates for Participation in the Subsidy Program
by Cohort of Treatment Start
Figure 4. LATE and OLS Estimates for Participation in the Subsidy Program by Gender
control for the timing of the (counterfactual) treatment start. I consider the
same outcome variables as in the previous section. I restrict the outcome
variables to the first three years after treatment, because for later outcomes,
I lose more observations and 2007 and 2008 participants would primarily
drive the results. Again, the first-stage values and F-test statistics confirm the
high quality of the instrument in most cases.
Looking at the effects on employment and earnings by gender (Figure
4), I find significantly higher returns to training on employment for women
working full time ( + 75 days) than for men working full time ( + 20 days) in
the first three years. This effect is even more pronounced in terms of earn-
ings, with complying women earning approximately 23% more than non-
treated women and men approximately 4% more. This outcome is likely at-
tributable to different distributions of women and men across sectors of the
economy. Table A.6 in the Supplemental Online Appendix material shows
that women are concentrated in the professions of health care, manage-
ment and organization, and humanities and arts, whereas men are concen-
trated in the fields of manufacturing, construction, and transportation and
logistics. In their respective sectors, women receive training courses that are,
on average, 60% longer and that probably impart deeper knowledge.
Moreover, unsubsidized women earn on average less than men in these sec-
tors, which translates into larger relative gains for women compared to men.
In contrast to the previous estimates, the 2SLS coefficients are larger than
the OLS coefficients for women. This suggests either that participating
women are a negative selection or that complying women, who participate
Figure 5. LATE and OLS Estimates for Participation in the Subsidy Program by Age
due to higher residual LPRs, profit more than female always-takers. Thus,
drawing more women into the program might increase its efficiency.
In Figure 5 I separate the program effect by age group, and the youngest
participants, aged 25 to 35 years, seem to realize the highest gains in em-
ployment ( + 56 days) and earnings ( + 12% earnings) within three years.
The employment gains for workers between ages 35 and 55 accumulate to
approximately 30 days. Earnings increase by about 8%. The differences are
not statistically significant, however. The oldest age group of workers, 55 to
65 years, profits neither in terms of employment nor earnings. Thus, con-
trary to the findings of Dauth and Toomet (2016), who found that treat-
ment postpones retirement for workers 55 years and older in SME, low-
skilled workers above age 55 do not similarly profit from the program. This
difference might be attributable to more firm-financed training for non-
treated, low-skilled workers in larger firms—compared to SME—and thus a
better comparison group. Also, although Dauth and Toomet (2016) ana-
lyzed average treatment effects on the treated, compliers in that age group
simply might not profit as much as always-takers. Overall, the marginal
returns on employment and earnings seem to be particularly high at the be-
ginning of the employment career due to a lower initial level of knowledge,
lower opportunity costs, and better cognitive skills.
Figure 6 shows that the LATEs on employment do not differ significantly
between workers with German citizenship and workers without German citi-
zenship. Regarding earnings, non-Germans benefit more than Germans. In
Figure 6. LATE and OLS Estimates for Participation in the Subsidy Program
for Germans and Non-Germans
Results by Tenure
In the literature on the evaluation of ALMPs for unemployed workers, the
timing of participation during the unemployment spell matters (Sianesi
2004; Fredriksson and Johansson 2008). Thus, researchers often apply dy-
namic approaches to account for the correlation between the probability of
being treated and unemployment duration.14 Adapting the timing in my
I conduct additional subgroup analyses; however, they do not provide further insights. There are no
differences in terms of the degree conferred at the end of a training course (see Figure A.1 in the sup-
plemental material). Firm size also does not seem to matter much for the effectiveness of the program
(see Figure A.2). If anything, complying workers of small firms with up to 25 workers seem to benefit
more than others. This effect holds only for earnings and only within the first two years after treatment.
Thus, in the short run, small firms profit more from training subsidies than do larger firms, which likely
rely on their own training funds.
The supplemental material contains a section in which I discuss the results of the dynamic
Figure 7. LATE and OLS Estimates for Participation in the Subsidy Program
by Tenure and Worker Type
setting, I examine whether treatment differs by tenure, that is, for new hires
versus long-serving workers. As outlined earlier, the program analyzed in
this study was introduced on January 1, 2007. Theoretically, one can distin-
guish between two types of workers: On the one hand, there are workers
who were already employed in January 2007 for whom the risk of treatment
starts with the introduction of the program. I call these workers ‘‘incum-
bents.’’ On the other hand, there are workers who began employment after
that date for whom the risk of treatment starts with employment in a given
firm. I call these workers ‘‘entrants.’’ Tenure is measured at the beginning
of the quarter of potential treatment. Thus, I assign negative tenure to
workers starting employment that quarter.
Figure 7 shows that by tendency employment and earnings effects are
larger for workers with short tenure.15 Among compliers who just entered
the firm, the employment and earnings effects ( + 109 days and + 26% in
three years) are largest. However, this group might also comprise workers
who just left unemployment and therefore had contact with the local em-
ployment agency. Consequently, the exclusion restriction might be violated
for this particular group and therefore the results should be interpreted
For a direct comparison, I only consider outcomes within three years. Entrants with a tenure .730
days start treatment the earliest in 2009. For these workers I observe the outcome only for a maximum of
three years.
Average per capita cost per day over 2 years 3.08 5.22 7.28 10.34 6.67
Average earnings during past 3 years 71.60 68.20 78.50 73.70 73.90
Effect on earnings after 2 years 0.097 0.133 0.056 0.046 0.075
Average additional earnings per day over 2 years 6.95 9.07 4.44 3.39 5.54
Sources: German Federal Employment Agency (FEA) controller data (costs). Integrated Employment
Biographies (IEB) V11.00–131009 (benefits). Author’s calculations.
Notes: As 60% of all inflows are double-counts by person, the approximate number of participants is
about 30% lower than the number of inflows. Boldface indicates the average daily costs and additional
earnings over all four years.
with caution.16 Apart from that, tenure does not drive program effectiveness
significantly. The point estimates remain comparable and are all statistically
insignificant due to imprecise estimations. Further distinguishing by
entrants and incumbents does not reveal any meaningful patterns.
Cost-Benefit Considerations
In this section, I provide a rough cost-benefit analysis at the participant level
for the first two years after entry into the program. Approximately 129,000
workers entered the program. FEA controller data reveal that total expenses
for the subsidy program amounted to approximately 626 million euros be-
tween 2007 and 2010. Over a two-year period, this amounts to a daily cost of
6.67 euros per person. On the benefit side, I assume that workers receive
the same average daily wage of approximately 74 euros as during the three
years before participation. Multiplying these daily wages by the estimated
LATE on earnings from Table 8 and Figure 3 yields an increase in daily per
capita earnings of approximately 5.54 euros. Thus, comparing daily per
capita costs and daily per capita benefits over a two-year period, the pro-
gram seems to cost more than the benefits that are gained on average
(Table 11).
To break even, the program should pay for the daily average cost of 6.67
euros. Given that the additional daily earnings are lower than that in most
years, except for 2007 and 2008, it is unlikely that additional tax revenues
will approach those costs. Thus, in budgetary terms, the program might not
be a good investment for the government, at least over a two-year period.
Further gains in employment or earnings beyond a two-year horizon might
improve the benefits from the program. However, I ignore any general
equilibrium effects that might arise. Moreover, to conduct a correct analysis
I lack further necessary information, such as administrative costs for the
Dropping this group of workers from the sample does not alter the overall estimates much. They are
therefore not an important driver of the LPR. Results available on request.
In this article, I have analyzed the impact of further training subsidies tar-
geted at low-skilled employed workers between 2007 and 2010. Thereby, I
contribute to the scarce literature on the effects of subsidized further train-
ing for low-skilled employed workers rather than for unemployed workers.
For identification, I rely on an IV approach, exploiting residual regional var-
iation in the local participation rates in subsidized training between local
employment agencies, which I call policy styles. These policy styles are exog-
enous to the labor market outcomes of employed workers, hence enabling
me to predict program participation and to obtain local average treatment
The evidence suggests that the subsidy improved the labor market out-
comes (employment, unemployment, and earnings) of subsidy recipients.
For compliers, I find positive effects of 93 more days of employment, an in-
crease in earnings by about 13%, and a reduction of unemployment of 45
days over a period of five years. Given that Haelermans and Borghans
(2012) reported an average return to privately funded training of 3.5%,
these estimates are nearly four times as large as those reported in the litera-
ture. With one additional quarter of employment, the effect on cumulative
employment is also substantial. Half of this effect is attributable to a shift
from unemployment to employment. The other half is likely attributable to
a shift from labor market withdrawal to employment.
Substantial heterogeneity occurs across groups of compliers, however. In
particular, workers starting program participation in 2007 and 2008 profit
more in terms of employment and earnings than do later cohorts. This find-
ing is related to a compositional change in the participants, which was
triggered by an economic crisis and adjustments in FEA regulations.
Consequently, low-skilled workers who entered the program later had char-
acteristics that are more favorable and therefore gained relatively little from
the subsidy program. Further beneficiaries of the program include women,
younger workers, and non-Germans. I complement the analysis with several
robustness checks, which support the validity of the empirical approach and
the robustness of the previous findings.
From a political perspective, the results of this study suggest that targeting
females, younger workers, and non-Germans might increase the subsidy
program’s efficiency. In fact, recent adjustments by the FEA emphasize
these groups (e.g., training in the female-dominated occupation of elderly
care and focusing on younger workers since April 2012). Recently, the pro-
gram has increasingly been used to qualify refugees who found a job. In this
sense, my study provides ex post justification for these adjustments.
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