HBO - Chapter 1-3
HBO - Chapter 1-3
HBO - Chapter 1-3
BEHAVIOR Interpersonal Roles – all managers are
required to perform duties that are
ceremonial and symbolic in nature.
Management and Organizational Behaviour
Informational Roles – All managers, to
Manager - is an individual who achieves some degree, collect information from
goals through other people. outside organizations and institutions,
typically by scanning the news media and
Organization - is a consciously talking with other people to learn of
coordinated social unit, composed of two changes in the public’s tastes, what
or more people, that functions on a competitors may be planning, and the
relatively continuous basis to achieve a like.
common goal or set of goals.
Decisional Roles – Mintzberg identified
four roles that require making choices.
Managerial Activities
Planning - is a process that includes
defining goals, establishing strategy, and
developing plans to coordinate activities.