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System Administrator’s Guide

Release 4.1.1

Copyright 1994-2001, MRO Software, Inc.

This document and its publication do not constitute or create a contract. MRO Software, Inc. makes no
warranties, express or implied, regarding the accuracy or completeness of this document or of the related
program material.
© 1994-2001 MRO Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Contains Trade Secret Information of MRO Software,
Inc. Use, transfer, disclosure, or copying without MRO Software, Inc.’s express written permission is strictly
Restricted Rights Legend: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions
as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFAR
Trademarks: MAXIMO®, INTERMAT®, Struxure®, MAXIMO® Enterprise™, MAXIMO® Extended
Enterprise™, MAXIMO® for Integrated Supply™, MAXIMO® Scheduler™, MAXIMO® Workflow™,
MAXIMO® Analyzer™, MAXIMO® Buyer™, MAXIMO® Fleet Manager™, MAXIMO® Aviation
Manager™, mroManufacturer™, mroDistributor™, mroConnect™, mroRFQ™, mroHosting CenterSM,
Illustrated Parts Catalogue™, Standard Modifier Dictionary™, and Autocon™ are trademarks of MRO
Software, Inc.
Other products and brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies; some
are noted below.
Third Party Technology: Certain MRO Software, Inc. products contain technology provided under license
from third parties, as noted below:
MRO Software Third Party Technology Information
MAXIMO Portions © 2000 Brio Technology Brio.Report Builder™ provided by Brio Technology, Inc.
All Portions © 1995-2000 BroadVision, Inc. BroadVision Business Commerce, BroadVision One-
to-One Enterprise, BroadVision One-to-One Publishing, BroadVision Tools provided by
BroadVision, Inc.
MAXIMO Portions © 1996 by Centura Software Corporation.
AutoVue Portions © 1989-1998 Cimmetry Systems, Inc. AutoVue™ , AutoVue Professional provided
by Cimmetry Systems, Inc.
Analyzer Portions © 1999 Cognos Incorporated.
MAXIMO 4i Portions © 1994-1999 Citrix Systems, Inc. MetaFrame, Citrix WinView and WinFrame
provided by Citrix Systems, Inc.
Scheduler Portions © 1999 MERANT ODBC DataDirect™ provided by MERANT
MAXIMO Portions © 1998, 1999 NETRONIC Software GmbH.
Crystal Report Portions © 1999 Seagate Software Information Management Group Holdings, Inc.
Writer Seagate Crystal Reports™ provided by Seagate Software.
MAXIMO Buyer Portions © 2000 Verity, Inc. Verity® Search™ provided by Verity, Inc.
All products Portions © 2000 webMethods, Inc. webMethods B2B Developer™, webMethods B2B
Integration Server provided by webMethods, Inc.
MAXIMO Portions © 1995-2000 Actuate Corporation.
mroRFQ Portions © 1998-2000 Moai Technologies, Inc. Moai LiveExchange™ provided by Moai
Technologies, Inc.
mroDistributor & Portions © TAXWARE International, Inc. TAXWARE® VERAZIP™ Sales/User, STEP
mroManufacturer provided by TAXWARE International, Inc.

OVERVIEW .....................................................................................................................11
SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ...........................................................................................14
Client Workstation ........................................................................................................14
Database Server.............................................................................................................15
File Server (Optional) ...................................................................................................16
Application Server for Business Components (for Self Service Applications) .............16
e-Commerce Server (for e-commerce transactions only) ..............................................17
RELATED DOCUMENTATION AND HELP ................................................................18
The MAXIMO Help System .........................................................................................18
The MAXIMO Documentation Set ...............................................................................18
CONVENTIONS USED IN THIS GUIDE ......................................................................19
OVERVIEW .....................................................................................................................21
SIGNATURE SECURITY................................................................................................22
Groups, Users, and Security Privileges .........................................................................23
Setting Up Groups and Users ....................................................................................23
The DEFLT Group....................................................................................................23
Usernames and Passwords.............................................................................................24
THE SIGNATURE SECURITY ACTIONS MENU ........................................................24
MAXIMO Online Help .................................................................................................27
APPLICATION SECURITY TAB ...................................................................................28
Setting Application, Tab, and Menu Privileges.............................................................29
Login Tracking..............................................................................................................30
Setting Login Controls ..............................................................................................32
Changing a User's Login Status.................................................................................33


Online Verification....................................................................................................34
Authorizing Access to GL Component Information......................................................34
Authorize Reassignment to User Groups Dialog Box ...................................................36
Parameter Login ............................................................................................................38
Automatic Start-Up of an Application.......................................................................40
Setting Field Defaults....................................................................................................41
Menu Security for Set Field Defaults ........................................................................41
Setting a Field Default...............................................................................................42
DATABASE SECURITY TAB ........................................................................................43
Setting SQL Database Privileges ..................................................................................44
USER RESTRICTIONS ...................................................................................................46
OVERVIEW .....................................................................................................................49
Accessing the Object to Customize...............................................................................51
Toolbar Customization..................................................................................................52
Menu Customization .....................................................................................................53
Tab and Dialog Box Customization ..............................................................................54
Moving, Relabeling, Deleting, and Adding Tabs ......................................................54
Object Nationalizer Menu Choices ...............................................................................56
Customizing View List Dialog Boxes ...........................................................................59
Customizing Dynamic Value List Dialog Boxes...........................................................61
Customizing the Drilldown Dialog Box ........................................................................63
Modifying the Login Dialog Box for Multiple Schemas...............................................64
When NOT to Use Object Nationalizer ........................................................................65
Customizing Future MAXIMO Releases ......................................................................66
GUIDELINES FOR CONFORMING TO MAXIMO 4i SCREENS................................66
General Style Guidelines...............................................................................................72
OVERVIEW .....................................................................................................................73
THE DATABASE CONFIGURATION ACTIONS MENU ............................................74
MAXIMO Online Help .................................................................................................76
THE APPLICATIONS TAB ............................................................................................76
TABLE DEFINITIONS TAB ...........................................................................................78
Saving Your Changes....................................................................................................80


Performing a Database Configuration ...........................................................................81

INDEX DEFINITIONS TAB ...........................................................................................84
Creating an Index ..........................................................................................................85
Dropping an Index ........................................................................................................86
VIEW DEFINITIONS TAB .............................................................................................87
Creating Table Views and Column Aliases...................................................................88
GL ACCOUNT CONFIGURATION ...............................................................................89
GL Account Code Formats............................................................................................89
Account Components ................................................................................................89
Component Sequence................................................................................................89
Required Versus Optional .........................................................................................90
Specifying the GL Account Configuration....................................................................91
SQLTIMEOUT SETTING (SQL Server only) .................................................................94
OVERVIEW .....................................................................................................................95
APPLICATIONS TAB .....................................................................................................96
Creating a Custom Application Table ...........................................................................98
Creating an Extra Application Table...........................................................................100
Dropping a Custom Application Table .......................................................................103
Launching a Custom Application ................................................................................103
OVERVIEW ...................................................................................................................105
THE ACTIONS MENU AND MAXIMO ONLINE HELP............................................106
Work Order Options: How do I specify ... .................................................................106
Inventory Options: How do I specify ... .....................................................................106
Other Application Options: How do I specify ...........................................................106
Actions Menu Items Discussed in This Chapter..........................................................107
MODULE TAB ..............................................................................................................107
Changing Main Menu Icon Positions and Application Bar Module Sequence ...........109
Customizing a Module Menu ......................................................................................110
Creating a New Module ..............................................................................................111
Moving an Application to Another Module ................................................................113
Hiding and Unhiding Applications..............................................................................113
Hiding and Unhiding Modules ....................................................................................114


Cloning an Application ...............................................................................................115

Restricting the Records an Application Can Access ...................................................117
Specifying the Order in Which an Application Retrieves Records .............................117
Setting Up Multiple Base Currencies ..........................................................................118
VALUE LISTS TAB ......................................................................................................120
Value List Types .........................................................................................................122
Showing All Value Lists .............................................................................................123
Creating a Value List...................................................................................................124
Assigning and Deassigning Value Lists ......................................................................125
Changing a Value List Type........................................................................................126
Adding Synonym Values to a Value List ....................................................................126
Dropping a Value List.................................................................................................127
FIELD HELP ..................................................................................................................128
OVERVIEW ...................................................................................................................131
HYPERLINK TAB .........................................................................................................132
Creating a Hyperlink ...................................................................................................133
Finding a Field or Push Button Name .........................................................................136
OVERVIEW ...................................................................................................................139
Formatting Configured in WIN.INI ............................................................................140
Formatting Configured in MAXIMO.INI ...................................................................140
Characteristics of Formatting ......................................................................................140
FORMATTING OF NUMERIC FIELDS.......................................................................141
Integers and Smallints .................................................................................................142
Amounts ......................................................................................................................146
FORMATTING OF DATE/TIME FIELDS ...................................................................148
Short Date and Long Date...........................................................................................148
Date/Time Format Specifiers ......................................................................................149
YMD Order.................................................................................................................149
RULES AND METHODS FOR DATE/TIME FORMATTING ....................................150
Short Date Validation..................................................................................................150
Long Date Validation..................................................................................................150


On-Entry and Display Formats....................................................................................151

Overriding Default Date Formats in MAXIMO.INI ...................................................151
Time Formats ..............................................................................................................153
Conditional Display of Minutes, Seconds, and Microseconds ....................................153
Time Suffixes ..............................................................................................................154
Date/Time Formats......................................................................................................154
Two-Digit and Four-Digit Years .................................................................................154
Partial Dates ................................................................................................................155
Validation and Parsing of Dates..................................................................................156
Plus and Minus Keys in Date and Date/Time Fields ...................................................156
QUERY MODE VALIDATION ....................................................................................156
Characteristics of Query Mode Validation..................................................................157
OVERVIEW ...................................................................................................................159
APPLICATION TAB .....................................................................................................161
Registering a Report Writer or Other Application ......................................................162
Registering an SQR Report or Other Application File................................................163
Substitution Variables .................................................................................................164
Specifying Report Preferences ....................................................................................166
Specifying User Prompts.............................................................................................167
Running a Report ........................................................................................................168
E-MAILING REPORTS .................................................................................................170
Setting Up to E-Mail SQR Reports .............................................................................171
E-Mailing an SQR Report ...........................................................................................172
FAXING A REPORT .....................................................................................................173
REPORT ROUTING ......................................................................................................173
Setting Up to Use Report Routing...............................................................................174
Using the Specify Printer Routing Dialog Box ...........................................................175
Marking the Report for Routing..................................................................................176
Adding Routing Commands to the SQR Report Script ...............................................177
WinFax PRO ...........................................................................................................177
Report Routing Commands .........................................................................................178
Printer Routing Commands .....................................................................................178
Mail Routing Commands ........................................................................................178
Fax Routing Commands ..........................................................................................178


General Command Syntax...........................................................................................179

Printer Routing Commands .........................................................................................180
E-Mail Routing Commands.........................................................................................183
Fax Routing Commands ..............................................................................................187
Report Routing Examples ...........................................................................................197
E-Mail Routing Example.........................................................................................197
Printer Routing Example.........................................................................................202
Fax Routing Example..............................................................................................210
Running a Report With Report Routing ......................................................................219
INTEGRATING A GRAPHICS PACKAGE .................................................................220
BAR CODING APPLICATIONS...................................................................................220
OVERVIEW ...................................................................................................................223
Tracking GL Accounts in MAXIMO ..........................................................................224
GL ACCOUNTS TAB....................................................................................................226
Downloading Account Codes from an Accounting System.........................................227
Creating or Editing GL Account Codes ......................................................................228
Creating or Editing GL Components...........................................................................232
Using the GL Account Navigator................................................................................234
Using the Chart of Accounts Filter..............................................................................235
Updating the Database ................................................................................................236
Defining Financial Periods..........................................................................................238
Merging GL Accounts.................................................................................................240
STANDARD ACCOUNTING FUNCTIONS ................................................................240
OVERVIEW ...................................................................................................................243
Archive History Tab....................................................................................................245
Types of Archive.........................................................................................................247
Generating the Archive and Restore Scripts................................................................248
Archiving Purchase Orders .....................................................................................248
Archiving Purchase Requisitions, Measurements, and Work Orders ......................249
Running an Archive Script ..........................................................................................249
Restoring Archived Data.............................................................................................251


Archived Data and Configuring Your Database..........................................................252

GENERAL DATABASE ADMINISTRATION.............................................................253
Running a SQLTalk Session .......................................................................................253
Backing Up and Restoring ..........................................................................................254
System Backups ..........................................................................................................255
Database Backups .......................................................................................................255
Off-Line Backups....................................................................................................256
Online Database Backups........................................................................................256
Restoring System and Database Backups....................................................................256
Update Statistics..........................................................................................................257
Database Integrity .......................................................................................................257
OVERVIEW ...................................................................................................................259
VERITY CONFIGURATION ........................................................................................260
Building Collections....................................................................................................260
Adding New Fields to the Item Collection ..............................................................261
Modifying Synonym Lists .......................................................................................262
Running Verity as a Windows NT Service..................................................................264
Updating the Collections.............................................................................................264
Setting Verity Commodity Restrictions.......................................................................265
OVERVIEW ...................................................................................................................267
SETTING A DEFAULT VENDOR FOR AN ITEM .....................................................268
Unhiding the Default Vendor? Field in Reorder Details .........................................269
Setting a Default Vendor for an Item ......................................................................269
CHANGING THE AUTOMATIC TIME-OUT PERIODS ............................................270
SETTING UP COMMODITY RESTRICTIONS...........................................................271
How to Set Up Commodity Restrictions .....................................................................272
SPECIFYING HOW CATEGORIES ARE DISPLAYED..............................................275
E-COMMERCE CAPABILITY USING MAXIMO ......................................................276
Receiving and Managing Electronic Invoices .............................................................278
Setting Up to Receive Electronic Invoices..............................................................278


Setting Up to Have an Electronic Invoice Initiate a Workflow Process..................278

SQL Server Users........................................................................................................280
Oracle Users................................................................................................................280
Setup .......................................................................................................................281
MAXIMO-Based Setup ..............................................................................................283
Define Document Types..........................................................................................283
Register Documents ................................................................................................284
MXServer-Based Setup...............................................................................................284
Editing the Doclink.properties File .........................................................................284
CHANGING THE DEFAULT SCHEMA OWNER.......................................................287
REGISTERING NEW MAXIMO BUYER USERS.......................................................287
SERVER (IIS).................................................................................................................288
Registry Changes.........................................................................................................289
IIS Management Console Changes..............................................................................292
Editing Files ................................................................................................................306
APPENDIX A CROSSOVER FIELDS AND RESERVED FIELDS ................................309

APPENDIX B MAXIMO.INI ...........................................................................................335

APPENDIX C MAXSCHED.INI......................................................................................369

APPENDIX D MAXIMO LICENSE PROGRAM.............................................................373

APPENDIX E DELETING DATABASE RECORDS ......................................................379

INDEX .............................................................................................................................401



The MAXIMO® System Administrator’s Guide provides information on
MAXIMO applications and other subjects that primarily concern the system
administrator and database manager of MAXIMO. This guide includes thirteen
chapters, five appendixes, and an index. A brief description of each chapter and
appendix is given below.

Chapter Description
1. Introduction Describes the general contents of each chapter,
discusses related documentation, system
hardware requirements, and conventions used in
the guide.
2. Security Explains how to set up new users and assign
privileges for specific MAXIMO applications,
tabs, and options. It also describes the User
Restrictions feature.

Chapter 1

3. Object Nationalizer Describes how to customize MAXIMO

Screen Editor screens using the Object Nationalizer screen
4. Database Configuration Explains how to customize your database,
including changing column definitions, creating
or modifying SQL indexes, defining alternative
names for database tables and columns, and
specifying GL account formats.
5. Custom Applications Explains how to create your own database tables
and application screens to supplement the
MAXIMO applications.
6. Application Setup Describes how to customize the Main Menu;
place restrictions on the kinds of records an
application accesses (and the order in which
they are supplied); specify various settings
regarding work orders, equipment, inventory,
purchasing, and locations; create and assign
value lists for fields; clone an application; and
set a number of miscellaneous options.
7. Hyperlink Describes how to set up MAXIMO screens so
that, by clicking the Detail button or using the
right mouse button, you can directly access
(“launch”) other MAXIMO applications, as well
as non-MAXIMO applications.
8. Validation and Formatting Discusses how numeric, date, time, and various
other formats are defined, and how field
validation with those formats is processed.


9. Reports and Other Apps Explains how to register reports and other
applications (such as spreadsheet and graphics
programs) so you can run them from MAXIMO.
This chapter also describes how to set up and
use report routing with printers, E-mail, and fax.
10. Chart of Accounts Describes how to add and modify GL accounts,
define financial periods, and designate specific
accounts relating to inventory, companies,
resource recovery, resource codes, and tax
11. Database Administration Discusses how to use the Archive application to
archive and restore data. It also contains general
information on database and system backups.
12. Verity Search Engine Describes how to set up and work with the
search engine that is used by the Self Service
13. Self Service Applications Describes various administrative matters
regarding the browser-based MAXIMO Self
Service applications.
Appendix A Explains what crossover fields are and lists
those available for customizing your system. It
also lists reserved fields—those that are used by
various integration products.
Appendix B Details the parameters used in MAXIMO.INI.
Appendix C Details the parameters used in MAXSCHED.INI.
Appendix D Describes how to enter a license modification
using the MAXIMO License Program, and

Chapter 1

explains a WIN.INI setting that references the

security file.
Appendix E Describes some of the conditions and restrictions
involved in deleting database records.

MAXIMO Release 4.1.1 is a client/server computerized maintenance
management system. It runs on Intel-based workstations running Microsoft
Windows 95, Microsoft Windows 98, Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 4.0,
or Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional. MAXIMO is designed to run on a
local area network (LAN), on an Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server database
The basic hardware and network configurations that MAXIMO supports are
described below. Your specific requirements may vary from the specified
minimums. For additional configuration information, refer to the MAXIMO
installation guide for your Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server database platform.

Client Workstation
Minimum Desktop Computer Configuration
• Intel-based Pentium 450 MHz processor.
• 64 MB of memory for Windows 95/98 or Windows NT Workstation 4.0. For
Windows 2000 Professional, the memory requirement is 128 MB.
• 300 MB of free disk space if installing the application files on a local drive.
• SVGA, 1024 x 768 pixel, High Color (16 bit) display.
• CD-ROM drive (for initial software installation).


Recommended Desktop Computer Configuration

• Intel-based Pentium 600 MHz or higher processor.
• 96 MB of memory or greater for Windows 95/98 or Windows NT
Workstation 4.0. For Windows 2000 Professional, the memory
recommendation is 128 MB.
• 300 MB of free disk space if installing the application files on a local drive.
• SVGA, 1024 x 768 pixel, High Color (16 Bit) display.
• CD-ROM drive (for initial software installation).

Minimum Laptop Computer Configuration

• Intel-based Pentium 400 MHz processor.
• 96 MB of memory for Windows 95/98 or Windows NT Workstation 4.0. For
Windows 2000 Professional, the memory requirement is 128 MB.
• 300 MB of free disk space if installing the application files on a local drive.
• SVGA, 1024 x 768 pixel, High Color (16 bit) display.
• CD-ROM drive (for initial software installation).

Recommended Laptop Computer Configuration

• Intel-based Pentium 600 MHz or higher processor.
• 128 MB of memory or greater for Windows 95/98 or Windows NT
Workstation 4.0. For Windows 2000 Professional, the memory
recommendation is 192 MB.
• 300 MB of free disk space if installing the application files on a local drive.
• SVGA, 1024 x 768 pixel, High Color (16 Bit) display.
• CD-ROM drive (for initial software installation).

Database Server
Refer to the MAXIMO installation guide for your database platform for
information on database servers.

Chapter 1

File Server (Optional)

You can install the MAXIMO applications on a network file server or on each
client workstation’s local drive. The systems or network administrator can make
this decision. You can use any network operating system that provides a DOS
path, partition, or shared volume to the network drive.

Application Server for Business Components (for Self Service Applications)

If you have any of the Self Service Applications, you need to install and
configure the Application Server for Business Components. The Application
Server provides business logic and framework for the Self Service Applications.
We recommend using a dedicated machine running Microsoft Windows NT
Server 4.0, with Service Pack 5 or higher, Windows 2000 Server, or Windows
2000 Advanced Server.
MAXIMO uses The Apache Software Foundation Tomcat JSP Server for the
Java Server Pages (JSP) technology. This webserver is used for accepting HTTP
requests from client programs (Web Browsers) and for responding in HTML
content. Whenever there is a client request for a JSP page, the JSP page is
processed by the webserver and the result of the JSP page is sent back to the
client in HTML content. Please refer to the http://java.sun.com/products/
jsp/index.html link for more information on Java Server Pages Technology.
The current version of Tomcat JSP Server used by MAXIMO can operate in
conjunction with Microsoft’s Internet Information Server (IIS). This setup is
recommended if more than 40 users will be concurrently running Self Service
Applications. For information on setting up your Tomcat JSP Server with IIS,
refer to Chapter 13, “Self Service Applications.”


When setting up your Tomcat JSP Server and IIS, be certain that both do not use
the same port. By default, both use port 80. The port assignment used by your
Tomcat JSP Server may be changed as described in the MAXIMO Installation
The current version of MAXIMO supports SSL (Secured Socket Layer). If you
use SSL, it must be done in conjunction with IIS.
Configuration requirements will vary according to site-specific variables such as
Self Service applications employed, database platform, number of connecting
client workstations, and desired performance levels. While MRO Software does
not make any formal requirements relative to hardware/software specifications
of the Application Server, we recommend at minimum employing a dedicated,
Intel-based Pentium 600 MHz dual processor with 1 GB RAM.

e-Commerce Server (for e-commerce transactions only)

The e-Commerce Server complements the Application Server to provide

e-commerce business-to-business communication. The e-Commerce Server uses
the webMethods® B2B Server, version 3.6.
It is recommended that the webMethods B2B Server run on a separate dedicated
Minimum system requirements:
• Intel-based Pentium 450 MHz processor
• 512 MB RAM
Recommended system requirements:
• Intel-based Pentium 600 MHz processor or greater
• 1 GB RAM

Chapter 1


The MAXIMO Help System
The MAXIMO Help system is the primary source of information for using
MAXIMO. The Help file for each MAXIMO application contains a series of
“How Do I …” topics that address many of the questions users may have. All
dialog boxes now have Help buttons that connect the user to the appropriate
topics. The user guides expand on the Help system, providing overviews,
additional information on Help topics, and information on subjects not addressed
in Help.
The MAXIMO System Administrator’s Guide should be used in conjunction with
the Help system. Each chapter about an application includes an overview,
information on the major functions of the application, and reference to the
associated online Help topics. Some Help topics are repeated and covered in
more detail in the System Administrator’s Guide.

The MAXIMO Documentation Set

The MAXIMO System Administrator’s Guide is part of the MAXIMO
documentation set, which is provided in online Acrobat Reader format except as
noted. The documentation set also includes the MAXIMO User’s Guide, the
MAXIMO Scheduler User’s Guide (if that option is purchased), the MAXIMO
Technical Reference Guide, and an Installation Guide (hard copy).
The MAXIMO User’s Guide is designed to be used with the online Help system,
and can best be used to orient you in MAXIMO. It contains descriptions of the
MAXIMO modules and applications, as well as general information about their
use and relationships. Each chapter also contains a list of reports that can be
generated from the module, and there is a chapter listing all the MAXIMO
reports with instructions for their display, use, and distribution. For some topics,
the guide does provide detailed information to supplement online Help. In
general, however, the User’s Guide provides the introduction to MAXIMO, with
online Help providing the detail.


The MAXIMO Scheduler User’s Guide describes how to use the MAXIMO®
Scheduler™ to schedule work orders based on craft and labor availability.
The MAXIMO Technical Reference Guide provides information about the
database, such as a listing of tables and columns, a comparison between the
current and previous databases (useful for upgrades), and a list of the database
indexes. It also includes a list of MAXIMO’s installed files and folders and other
technical information.
The MAXIMO Installation Guide is specific to your database platform—Oracle
or Microsoft SQL Server.
Users who sign up for MAXIMO training courses will be provided with the
relevant MAXIMO course materials.
Depending on your database platform and the options you purchase, you may
also receive third-party manuals and/or online documentation.


Bold text indicates a new or important term, idea, or procedure. In addition, bold
text used in instructions indicates the words or data to be typed in.
Italics are used for emphasis and to indicate variables in command lines.
NOTE: MAXIMO can be displayed with either of two different screen
designs:” the “4i” version (the default at installation) or the
“standard” version (used in earlier releases). This guide uses the “4i”
screen design for all screen figures.
The setting that specifies which screen design to use is in the [4iLook]
section of MAXIMO.INI. Refer to Appendix B for more information.
Regardless of which screen design you use, the fields and basic
configuration are the same.

Chapter 1



This chapter describes two kinds of security: Signature Security, and User
Signature Security controls access to specific MAXIMO functions. You
designate by group which people can log in to MAXIMO, and which
applications, tabs, and options they can use.
User Restrictions allow you to restrict individuals from accessing particular
records. You specify the restrictions using SQLTalk.

Chapter 2

The Signature Security application controls which users have access to which
MAXIMO functions. You specify privileges to establish both application
security and database security.

NOTE: Make sure you are logged in to MAXIMO as user SYSADM (system
administrator) before performing Signature Security tasks.
Using Signature Security, you can:
• Specify privileges for using MAXIMO applications, tabs, and menu options.
• Specify SQL privileges for accessing and modifying the application database
• List, add, or drop groups and users.
• Reassign a user to another group.
• Change passwords and set a password expiration interval.
• Block users from logging in after a specified number of unsuccessful
• Set purchasing limits.
• Restrict access privileges to storerooms.
• Restrict access to labor information.
• Specify editing privileges for GL account code components.

NOTE: You must use Signature Security to specify privileges for accessing
specific MAXIMO functions; you cannot use SQLTalk. You can,
however, use SQLTalk to restrict a user to viewing specific records;
see the last section in this chapter, User Restrictions.

Signature Security Tabs

• Application Security – To specify privileges for using MAXIMO
applications, tabs, and menu options.


• Database Security – To specify SQL privileges for accessing and modifying

the application database tables.
You use the Actions menu to perform some security functions, such as setting up
groups and users. These menu items are accessible from both tabs.

Groups, Users, and Security Privileges

Signature Security grants privileges by group. Thus, a user’s privileges are
defined by the group to which he or she belongs.
• Each user must be assigned to a group.
• Each user can be a member of one and only one group.
You can have a group with only one user, but the group’s name and the
username must be different.

Setting Up Groups and Users

• First create a group, then add users.
• Use the Add Groups, Add Users, Reassign Users to Group, Drop Groups, and
Drop Users options to set up and change groups and users.

The DEFLT Group

When MAXIMO is first installed, the only existing group is DEFLT (default).
The DEFLT group initially has complete privileges for MAXIMO’s applications,
tabs, and menus (except Set Field Defaults), but access-only privileges (not
insert, update, or delete) for the database tables.
You can tailor the set of privileges in the DEFLT group, or you can create a new
group based on the DEFLT group and then modify the new group’s privileges.

Chapter 2

As you create additional new groups, you can base their privileges upon any
existing group.

NOTE: The DEFLT group is meant to be used as a template; do not assign

users to the DEFLT group.

Usernames and Passwords

Each user in MAXIMO must be identified with a username and password and be
assigned to a group. The username identifies who is logging in; the group
specifies the user’s privileges.
Users can change their passwords unless the system administrator restricts this
privilege. When MAXIMO is first installed, the password for the system
administrator is SYSADM. You should change this password immediately, using
Signature Security. You should change it periodically thereafter.
The MAXIMO Schema Administrator’s password is initially set to MAXIMO
for both the MAXIMO and MAXDEMO databases.


The Actions menu for both the Application and Database Security tabs includes
the menu items listed below. The MAXIMO Help system includes detailed
information on how to use these menu items and their associated dialog boxes.
See the list of corresponding Help topics in the next section.

View Users View lists of MAXIMO users by group.

Drop Users Drop a selected user.

Drop Groups Drop a selected group. Dropping a group drops its users
as well, but MAXIMO first warns you if the group


contains existing users. You can transfer users to other

groups using the Reassign Users to Group option.

Add Users Add a new user to MAXIMO; the user must be assigned
to an existing group.
Users can also register themselves from the Self Service
applications. They initially are placed in a default user
group specified in the Set Login Controls dialog box.
The system administrator can grant supervisory
personnel the authority to place the self-registered users
into other groups, as described in the Authorize
Reassignment to User Groups section later in this

Add Groups Add a new group to MAXIMO.

Reassign Users to Reassign users from one group to another.

Change User Status Change a user’s login status.

Change User Change a user’s password.

Change MAXIMO Change the password for the MAXIMO schema
Schema administrator.
Change System Change the password for user SYSADM.

Chapter 2

Set Login Controls Set a time interval for how long passwords are to remain
valid. Enable the login tracking feature. Specify a
default group into which users are placed when they
register themselves from the Self Service applications.

Set Purchasing Set limits by group on how large a purchase

Limits requisition or purchase order a user can issue.

Authorize Access to Specify which labor/craft codes a user can access

Labor Information information on.

Authorize Access to Specify which storerooms a user can access

Storeroom information on.
Authorize Access to Specify by group which users have editing access to
GL Component which GL account code components.
Authorize Specify which users can assign new users to which
Reassignment to groups when a new user registers from a self-service
User Groups application.


MAXIMO Online Help

MAXIMO online Help for Signature Security includes the following “How Do
I ...” topics, which provide information on the Actions menu items, as well as
other subjects. Topics marked with an asterisk (*) are also discussed in this
chapter. Please refer to Signature Security's online Help for information on
topics not covered in this chapter.

How Do I …
• Set Application, Tab, and Menu Privileges *
• Add Groups
• Add Users
• Reassign Users Among Groups
• View Users
• View Groups
• Drop Users
• Drop Groups
• Change a User’s Password
• Change the MAXIMO Schema Administrator’s Password
• Change the System Administrator’s Password
• Change a User’s Login Status *
• Set Login Controls *
• Set Purchasing Limits
• Authorize Access to Labor Information
• Authorize Access to Storeroom Information
• Authorize Access to GL Component Information *
• Authorize Reassignment to User Groups *
• Set Field Defaults *
• Set SQL Database Privileges *

Chapter 2


Use the Application Security tab (Figure 2.1), to view and update privileges for
using MAXIMO applications, tabs, and menu options. Use the Actions menu to
set up users, groups, and passwords, and specify a number of other user privileges.
Privileges for the default group (DEFLT) are set to Y (Yes) for all applications,
tabs, and menu options with one exception: Set Field Defaults under Menu
Security is set to N (No) for all tabs. The system administrator restricts or grants
Set Field Defaults privileges as appropriate.

Figure 2.1 Application Security Tab

NOTE: Make sure to log in as user SYSADM to perform Signature Security tasks.


Setting Application, Tab, and Menu Privileges

You set MAXIMO user privileges by group. You must log in as SYSADM.
To set or change a group’s application, tab, and menu privileges:
1. From the Application Security tab, choose View/Group List and select the
2. In the Application table window, select an application by clicking in its row.
The application’s name appears in the Application field, and the Tab Security
and Menu Security table windows list the application’s tabs and menu items.
3. To change the group’s privileges for the selected application, move the cursor
to the relevant table cell and change the entry to Y or N as appropriate. Y
(Yes) allows users in a group to perform the relevant action. N (No) denies
this privilege. The three levels of security for an application are:
Read To read (view) records
Insert To insert records
Delete To delete records
If the Read column is set to N, the Insert and Delete columns automatically
convert to N when you save the record, and the application will appear grayed
out on the Main Menu and task bar.
4. To specify tab privileges, click in the relevant table cell of the Tab Security
for Selected Application table window and change the entry to Y or N as
appropriate. The two levels of security are:
Read To read (view) records
Write To edit records

Chapter 2

If the Read column is set to N, the Write column automatically converts to N

when you save the record, and the tab will appear grayed out on the selected
NOTE: If you set the Read privilege to N for the main tab of an
application, then the entire application will be inaccessible, not just
that tab. The application will not appear on the Main Menu. For
example, if the “main” tab for the Equipment application has its
Read privilege set to N, then the user will not be able to access any
of the Equipment application tabs. For some applications the main
tab is not called “main”; in those cases, it will be the leftmost tab
on the application’s screen.
5. To specify menu privileges, change the Access column entry to Y or N as
appropriate in the Menu Security for Selected Application table window. If
the Access column for a menu choice is set to N, the menu item will appear
grayed out.
6. Save the changes.

NOTE: You can grant a group access to individual tabs and menu options
whether or not you’ve given the group access to the application as a
whole. You can thereby pre-establish tab and menu option privileges,
then turn the group’s access to the application on or off as needed.

Login Tracking
Login Tracking enhances security. If you enable login tracking, you can:
• Gain control of login attempts.
• Track login attempts.
• Block a user from logging in after a specified number of consecutive
unsuccessful logins.


• View the current login status of users.

You enable login tracking and specify the maximum number of unsuccessful
logins allowed by using the Set Login Controls dialog box, described later in this
If you enable login tracking, the following restrictions and requirements apply:
• User names can not be re-used.
• User names must be associated with a labor code.

NOTE: It is highly recommended that prior to using login tracking, you

associate all user names with labor codes. This ensures that there is a
record of the identity of each user name.
When login tracking is enabled, MAXIMO keeps track of all login attempts—
successful and unsuccessful. After each successful login, the user again has the
maximum allowed number of chances to log in. If the failures for a user reach
the maximum number allowed, the user is prevented from logging in until the
system administrator unblocks him. The example below illustrates how this

! Example NOTE: The example assumes the number of Login Attempts Allowed is
set to 3.

A user forgets his password and attempts to log in four times using an
incorrect password. After each of the first three attempts he receives an
“Invalid username/password” message and tries to log in again. After the
third failed attempt, MAXIMO changes his status to BLOCKED and when
he tries to log in a fourth time, he receives the following message:

“You have been blocked from using MAXIMO. Please contact your
MAXIMO System Administrator.”

The user can no longer log in to MAXIMO, even if he uses the correct
password. He contacts his System Administrator.

Chapter 2

The System Administrator goes to Signature Security, opens the Change

User Status dialog box, and changes the user’s status from BLOCKED to

The user once again has three chances to log in.

Setting Login Controls

You use the Set Login Controls dialog box (Figure 2.2) to enable or disable login
tracking. (You also use the Set Login Controls dialog box to specify a password
expiration value, and to specify a default user group for users who register from
the self service applications; both functions are explained in the Help topic for
this dialog box.)

Figure 2.2 Set Login Controls Dialog Box

To enable login tracking:

1. Check the Login Tracking Active check box (the default is unchecked).
2. In the Login Attempts Allowed field, enter the number of login attempts
allowed before the user is blocked from logging in. The default is 3.


NOTE: If the Login Tracking Active check box is not checked, the Login
Attempts Allowed field will be read-only.

Changing a User's Login Status

Use the Change User Status dialog box (Figure 2.3) to view or change a user’s
login status. For example, if Login Tracking is enabled, a user might forget his
password and attempt to log in more times than the specified maximum. He
would then be blocked from logging in until the system administrator changes
his status.

Figure 2.3 Change User Status Dialog Box

To change a user’s login status:

1. Choose Actions/Change User Status to display the Change User Status dialog
box. The dialog box displays all users. The Selection Criteria group box
allows you to filter users by user name and/or status.

Chapter 2

2. Select the row with the user whose status you want to change and click
Change Status (you can select multiple rows). The Status column displays the
changed status. You can enter a comment in the Memo column. Check marks
indicate which rows have been changed since you last clicked Save.
3. Click Save, then Close.

Online Verification
Online verification is a customized type of login tracking that verifies that the
user who is performing a task is the same user who initially logged into
MAXIMO. For example, the system administrator might want to require
password verification before a Work Order record can be saved.
Setting up online verification requires custom programming using the MAXIMO
4i Software Developer’s Kit (purchased separately). The kit includes a custom
function (SysVerifyLogin) that allows you to program MAXIMO applications so
that they require user name and password verification before specific procedures
can be completed.
With online verification, the user is asked to re-enter the user name and
password. If verification fails the maximum number of times specified in the Set
Login Controls dialog box, MAXIMO is shut down and the user who attempted
unsuccessfully to log in is blocked from using MAXIMO. The system
administrator must unblock him.

Authorizing Access to GL Component Information

Use the Authorize Access to GL Component Information dialog box (Figure 2.4)
to specify which groups are allowed to change GL account codes using the GL
Account Navigator. You specify privileges separately for each component of the
account code.


Figure 2.4 Authorize Access to GL Component Information Dialog Box

To authorize privileges for changing GL account codes using the GL Account

1. Choose Actions/Authorize Access to GL Component Information to display
the Authorize Access to GL Component Information dialog box.
2. Select an account code component from the GL Component drop-down list.
3. If you want all users to be able to edit this account code, leave the check in
the All Groups Authorized to Change Component check box (the default).
The rest of the dialog box will be disabled.
4. If you want to restrict privileges to specific groups, uncheck the All Groups
Authorized to Change Component check box and specify the groups:
• In the Unauthorized Groups list box, highlight the groups you want to
grant privileges to, and click Add. The groups move to the Authorized
Groups list box.
• To take away group access privileges, highlight the groups in the
Authorized Groups list box and click Remove. Remove All moves all
groups back to the Unauthorized Groups box.

Chapter 2

5. Select other account code components from the GL Component drop-down

list and repeat the steps as needed. When you’ve finished making changes,
click OK.

NOTE: To establish menu security for Chart of Account's GL Component

Maintenance option, you use the Application Security tab.
You set up GL account code formats using the GL Account
Configuration option in Database Configuration; the account codes
themselves are set up in Chart of Accounts.

Authorize Reassignment to User Groups Dialog Box

When a new user registers from the Self Service applications, the user
automatically goes into a default group specified in the Set Login Controls
dialog box (Figure 2.2). Registration can trigger a workflow process (if
implemented) by which a supervisor reviews the registration.
The Authorize Reassignment to User Groups dialog box (Figure 2.5) allows the
sytem administrator to grant authorities to certain existing users so that they can
reassign new users to other groups when the users register from the Self Service


Figure 2.5 Authorize Reassignment to User Groups Dialog Box

Basically, you use this dialog box to grant authorities to supervisory personel.
For example, suppose user Wilson approves work requests involving electrical
and carpentry work submitted through the Self Service applications. You might
want Wilson to be able to reassign new users from the default group to the
To grant a user the authority to reassign new users registering from the Self
Service applications:
1. From Signature Security, choose Actions/Authorize Reassignment to User
2. Click the Detail button in the Username field and select the user to whom you
want to grant authorities.
3. Click in the Group Name list box to show any groups already authorized. To
add a new group, click Insert Row, then click the Detail button to select a
4. Insert additional rows as needed to authorize the user to reassign new users to
other groups.

Chapter 2

5. Click Save.

Parameter Login
Parameter login, while not part of the Signature Security application, is
described here because it involves passwords and logging in to MAXIMO. Using
parameter login you can set up your system so that MAXIMO starts up
directly—bypassing the display of the Login dialog box and the necessity of
entering values in the dialog box fields.
To have MAXIMO start up with direct login, go to Windows Explorer, click
MAXMAIN.EXE, and select Create Shortcut from the File menu. Then click the
shortcut icon with the right mouse button and select Properties/Shortcut. Click
the Shortcut tab. In the Target field, add parameters specifying the database,
username, password, and schema values to the command line. If any parameters
are missing, values from the MAXIMO.INI file will be used, if available. The
format for the parameters are:
-Ddatabase -Uusername -Ppassword -Sschema
If you are not using multiple schemas with your database, ignore the -Sschema
parameter. The default schema parameter is MAXIMO. By default, the Schema
field is hidden on the Login dialog box. To unhide it, see Modifying the Login
Dialog Box for Multiple Schemas in Chapter 3, “Object Nationalizer Screen
MAXIMO also allows you to use the old way of specifying parameters. In the
shortcut target field, add parameters in the following format.
Text preceding the colon (:) represents the database; text between the colon and
the slash (/) represents the username; text following the slash represents the
password. The above parameters should be specified without any spaces. If you


are using multiple schemas, you would add a space and then the schema
database:username/password -Sschema
If a parameter is specified without the colon or slash, it is taken as the username.
If any parameters are missing, values from the MAXIMO.INI file will be used, if
To use parameters with an icon, edit the program item properties for that icon:
1. On the Windows Desktop, right-click the MAXIMO (or other) icon and
choose Properties.
2. Click the Shortcut tab.
3. Edit the Command Line and click OK.
The following examples assume that MAXIMO resides in a MAX411 folder on
the C: drive.

! Example On the Windows Desktop, right-click the MAXIMO icon and choose
Properties. Click the Shortcut tab. The Command Line field reads:


Edit the Command Line field so that it reads:




Click OK.

When you next double-click the MAXIMO icon, you will be directly
logged into the MAXDEMO database as user MAXIMO, password DEMO.

Chapter 2

! Example The following parameters exist in the MAXIMO.INI file:




Edit the Command Line field for the MAXIMO program item so that it reads:




Click OK.

When you next double-click the MAXIMO icon, you will be directly
logged into the MAXDEMO database as user MAXIMO, password DEMO.
In this instance, the database name and username are taken from the

If errors occur during logging in using parameters, an error message is displayed.

After choosing OK, the login dialog box is displayed, allowing you to correct
errors and log in.
If you are using the parameter login method, you may want to specify that the
MAXIMO start-up messages not be displayed. This can be done via the
DisableLoadMessages parameter in the MAXIMO.INI file. See Appendix B.

Automatic Start-Up of an Application

It is possible to have an application start up automatically whenever MAXIMO
is started. This automatic start-up can be done either when starting MAXIMO
via parameter login, as discussed above, or when starting MAXIMO via the
standard Login dialog box method.


To start an application automatically when you are starting MAXIMO via

parameter login, specify the application's executable file instead of

! Example To start MAXIMO via parameter login and to start Work Order Tracking
automatically, edit the Command Line field for the MAXIMO program
item so that it reads:




To have an application start automatically when you use the Login dialog box,
you must, as in the previous example, specify the application name in the
Command Line field.

! Example To start MAXIMO via the Login dialog box and to start Work Order
Tracking automatically, edit the Command Line field for the MAXIMO
program item so that it reads:


Setting Field Defaults

Setting field defaults is not part of the Signature Security application, but there
are some security aspects. Setting a field default for a group is unrelated to
granting a group the right to set their own field defaults.

Menu Security for Set Field Defaults

On the Application Security tab, Set Field Defaults is the only menu choice in
the Menu Security table window for which the default Access setting is N (No).

Chapter 2

Only the system administrator (user SYSADM) can set field defaults unless he
or she extends this privilege to specific groups in Signature Security.
If you want to set the menu Access privilege to Y for specific groups and
applications, follow the steps in Set Application, Tab, and Menu Privileges.

Setting a Field Default

You set field defaults so that specific values automatically appear in those fields
each time you insert a new record. You can set field defaults for any fields you
can normally enter data in, including in table windows. You cannot set field
defaults for read-only fields.
To set a field default as the system administrator, log on to MAXIMO as user
SYSADM and follow these steps:
1. Open the application and tab containing the field you want to set a default
for, and place the cursor in the field.
2. Choose Setup/Set Field Defaults. The Set Field Defaults dialog box shows
the current field default, if any.
3. Select User Default, System Date/Time, Current Username, or No Default.
For User Default, enter the default in the accompanying field.
4. Click Groups to display the Choose Groups dialog box.
5. Select or deselect the groups you want to have this field default. You can set
different defaults for different groups. The field will be blank for groups you
do not select.
6. Click OK, Save, and Close.

NOTE: If you grant a group menu authority for Set Field Defaults (in
Signature Security), then group members can access the Set Field
Defaults dialog box and set or change a field default. If a group


member sets or changes a field default, the new default will be in effect
for all members of the group. Only the user SYSADM can set field
defaults for other groups because the Groups button does not appear
when you are logged in as a regular MAXIMO user.


Use the Database Security tab (Figure 2.6) to grant or deny groups SQL
privileges to the application database tables. Assigning these privileges controls
users’ access to the tables via SQLTalk, SQR Report Writer, Crystal Reports
Professional, and other applications outside of MAXIMO.
You can grant a group the ability to access, insert, update, and delete records for
any table. MAXIMO users generally only need access privileges. Denying access
privileges prevents users from accessing the table with SQLTalk and the Report

While MAXIMO users may need access to the database tables to assemble
reports, for example, they typically do not need other database privileges. They
make changes to the database by using MAXIMO applications (issuing a work
order, for example). Only the system administrator is likely to enter the database
directly to make changes using SQLTalk or other non-MAXIMO applications.
Be cautious about assigning insert, update, and delete privileges.

The DEFLT group initially has access privileges for all tables, but not insert,
update, or delete privileges. This configuration allows users to use SQL selects
to run reports.

NOTE: Some reports perform updates; therefore, users who need to run those
reports will require update privileges for the relevant tables.
You can access the same Actions menu items from the Database Security tab as
from the Application Security tab. See the Application Security section for
information on those items.

Chapter 2

Figure 2.6 Database Security Tab

Setting SQL Database Privileges

To set or change a group’s database privileges:
1. From the Database Security tab, choose View/Group List or click the View
List toolbar button and select a group.
2. In the Application table window, click in the row of the application for which
you want to set privileges. The application’s name appears in the Application
field and the Database Security table window displays a list of the
application’s database tables.


3. Move the cursor to the relevant cell of the Database Security table window
and change the entry to Y or N as appropriate. The security levels are:
Access To select records
Insert To insert records
Update To update records
Delete To delete records
4. Make changes as needed for other tables belonging to the selected
5. Save the changes.

Chapter 2

The User Restrictions feature consists of a USERRESTRICTIONS table in the
MAXIMO database that allows you to specify exactly what records are visible to
a particular user. User restrictions are specified by user, not by group. You do
not use this feature to restrict access to applications, tabs, and menus, or to
prevent a user from entering data; those tasks are all done using Application
The USERRESTRICTIONS table consists of four columns:
You specify restrictions by updating the table, using SQLTalk.
Suppose, for example, you want to restrict the equipment records that a user
named Willie can view to only those pieces of equipment with an equipment
number beginning with 11 and located in BLDG3. You would enter the
following statement at the SQL prompt:

Observe the following when specifying restrictions:
• Log in as the table’s owner when executing the user restrictions; in most
cases the owner will be MAXIMO, not SYSADM.
• The parentheses around user restrictions are used for querying purposes
within MAXIMO; you should always use them. You will notice the entire


string in the USERRESTRICTIONS table when you verify what you have
• Two single quotes (not a double-quote symbol) are required around strings
and numeric values in the restriction setting.
In addition, keep the following in mind:
• The WHERE clause needs to be accurate and the MODULE, APP, and
USERNAME need to be valid names. Validation is not performed, but if you
have not entered valid names, no rows will be updated.
• You can set up the WHERE clause in SQLTalk to make sure you see the
result set you want; then place the clause in the Update Userrestrictions
• In hierarchical applications, such as Failure Codes and Equipment, if the
restriction clause restricts viewing to records of a particular type (e.g., all
pieces of equipment repaired by user X) and the equipment subassembly
structure contains pieces of equipment repaired by someone other than user
X, there is nothing prohibiting user X from viewing a piece of equipment that
is under his or her domain and then traveling up or down the subassembly
structure to view records under the domains of other users.
• User restrictions will not prevent a user from adding a record (not even from
adding a record he could no longer view after saving it) unless that authority
is denied using Signature Security.
• User restrictions can not be specified for several users at a time, or by group,
as in Signature Security; they must be specified user by user.
• COMMIT; after executing the Update Userrestrictions.

Chapter 2



NOTE: Before you use the Centura Object Nationalizer screen editor to
customize MAXIMO, execute the Iconbmp.exe file, a self-extracting
ZIP file that is in your MAXIMO folder (the folder from which you are
running MAXIMO). This file will extract the MAXIMO icons and
bitmaps. You should extract the files to your MAXIMO folder or to the
folder in which you will be modifying executables, if different from
your MAXIMO folder.
MAXIMO uses Centura Object Nationalizer as its screen editor. Object
Nationalizer replaces EditWindows, which was used in some previous releases.
NOTE: You do not use Object Nationalizer to edit browser-based application
screens such as those in the Self Service applications. Please refer to
the MAXIMO 4i JSP Screen Customization Guidelines document for
information on editing browser-based screens.

Chapter 3

You can use the Object Nationalizer screen editor to:

• customize toolbars, menus, screens, and dialog boxes.
• customize the toolbar by adding, removing, or repositioning push buttons, as
well as changing push-button titles and images.
• modify the text that appears in pull-down menus, change the accelerator keys
associated with menu selections, and change the order of menu selections.
• customize screen and dialog box layouts by adding, removing, or changing
fields, titles, background text, and frame outlines.
• rearrange the location of objects on the screen, change the tabbing order, and
hide fields for security purposes.
• customize the View List dialog box, dynamic value lists, and the Drilldown
dialog box.
• Relabel, move, delete, and add tabs.
Many sites restrict the use of the screen editor to the system administrator and a
few users. For more information on the Object Nationalizer screen editor, refer
to Centura's Localizing and Customizing Centura Applications document.

NOTE: In order to modify MAXIMO .EXE files using Object Nationalizer, you
must have write privileges for the .EXE files you want to change.

To access Object Nationalizer, click the Utilities icon on the MAXIMO Main
Menu or Application Bar and select Screen Editor.
NOTE: Make sure that no one is using the MAXIMO application you are
customizing while you are customizing it. A protection error occurs if

Object Nationalizer Screen Editor

you make changes to an .EXE file that is in use, and you will not be
able to save the changes you make in Object Nationalizer. You can
copy the .EXE file to a local folder, make your modifications, and then
copy the file back to your production folder.

NOTE: Make sure to always save your changes before exiting Object

Accessing the Object to Customize

NOTE: MAXIMO can be displayed with either of two different screen designs,
or “looks”: the new “4i” design, which is the default at installation, or
the standard design of earlier releases. However, in Object
Nationalizer, you can only view the standard design. Therefore, if you
are using the 4i design, you must still edit screens in Object
Nationalizer as they would appear in the standard design. The edits
will apply to both screen designs when you run the application.
The setting that specifies which screen design to use is in the [4iLook]
section of MAXIMO.INI. Refer to Appendix B for more information.
1. From the Object Nationalizer main screen, click File/Open and select the
executable file (.exe) of the MAXIMO application you want to customize.
The Object Nationalizer screen splits into left and right panes. The left pane
contains a directory tree, much like in Windows Explorer. The right pane
displays information related to the component you select in the directory tree.
NOTE: Do not use Resource or Text Resource files for customizing with
Object Nationalizer.
2. Expand the directory tree in the left pane. You see an Application Text folder
and a Windows folder.
The Application Text Folder allows you to edit the select statement for the
View List and dynamic value list dialog boxes and to edit the information

Chapter 3

displayed in the Equipment/Location Drilldown dialog boxes. These

functions are discussed later in the chapter.
3. Expand the directory structure for the Windows folder. The directory tree
lists the MAXIMO application and all its tabs and dialog boxes. You can
expand the directory further to display toolbars.
On the directory tree, the MAXIMO application begins with the prefix "app",
e.g., appCOMPANY. Dialog boxes begin with the prefix "dlg". Application
tabs (often referred to as forms) have various name formats and appear at the
bottom of the directory tree. To obtain the name of an application tab, select
the appApplication icon on the directory tree and click the Layout tab at the
bottom of the right window pane. You will see the application screen and its
tabs. Click on the tab you want and the name used by Object Nationalizer is
displayed below the form icon in the middle of the tab.

Toolbar Customization
1. Expand the appApplication tree (e.g., appCOMPANY), then expand its Tool
Bar tree to display the list of toolbar buttons.
2. Right-click on the button you want to customize, and choose Properties. The
MaxToolButton menu appears, listing a variety of options you can use to
change the toolbar buttons.
To remove a toolbar button, select Visible/No.
To add a toolbar button that is presently hidden, click on the name of the
button you want to add to the toolbar, select Visible Yes.
To reposition a toolbar button, click on the appApplication item (e.g.,
appCOMPANY), then click the Layout tab at the bottom of the right window
pane. The application screen appears and you can drag the tool button to
reposition it.

Object Nationalizer Screen Editor

If the message “Can’t load picture file: name.ICO” is displayed, the icon
(picture) files displayed on the toolbar button cannot be found. You need to
place the icon (.ICO) files in your MAXIMO folder.
3. Save your changes.

Menu Customization
1. Click on the appApplication item (e.g., appCOMPANY) in the directory tree,
then click the Layout tab at the bottom of the right window pane to display
the application screen.

NOTE: If you do not want to view the application’s menu bar while you edit
it, you can just right-click the appApplication item and choose
Menu Editor, then go to step 4.
2. From the Layout menu (top of the screen), choose Preview Window to
enlarge the screen and view the menu bar.
3. Right-click in the space between the top of the tabs and the bottom of the
toolbar and choose Menu Editor.
4. In the Menu Editor dialog box, select the menu item from the scroll box on
the left. Hide or unhide it using the Hide check box, change its title in the
Title field (the & character precedes the shortcut key), add an accelerator key,
and so forth as needed. Hiding a menu item hides it on the application, but
not in Object Nationalizer.
5. Click OK. Close the preview window (click the right mouse button and select
Preview Window) and save your changes.

Chapter 3

Tab and Dialog Box Customization

1. In the directory tree, click on the dialog box or tab you want to customize (see
Accessing the Object to Customize, earlier in this chapter). Then, click the
Layout tab at the bottom of the right window pane to display the object.
2. The Layout Menu at the top of the screen has a number of options. You can
toggle Preview Window on and off to expand the layout to fill your screen
and then reduce it again. You toggle Preview Window off by clicking the
right mouse button and selecting Preview Window.
3. To unhide objects on the layout, select Show Hidden Windows from the
Layout Menu. You can then drag the hidden objects (push buttons, fields,
frames) to where you want them. To unhide the objects in the application,
right-click the object, then choose Properties/Visible/Yes.
Note that many hidden objects are positioned near the bottom of the form.
Scroll down until you find the object and drag it to the position where you
want it displayed.
4. You can also right-click the object and use the Properties menu to change
titles, fonts, text color, etc. Field background color is set by MAXIMO.
When customizing screens and dialog boxes many of the Object Nationalizer
screen options, such as Align and Tab Order, become important. They are
discussed later in this chapter, under Object Nationalizer Menu Choices.

Moving, Relabeling, Deleting, and Adding Tabs

NOTE: Choose Tools/Preferences to make sure that Use Customizer is
selected in the Preferences dialog box.
1. From the directory tree, click the appApplication item (e.g., appCompany),
then click the Layout tab at the bottom of the right window pane.

Object Nationalizer Screen Editor

2. Right-click a tab and choose Properties/Tab Frame Properties to open the Tab
Frame Properties dialog box.
3. Customize as needed:
• To move a tab, select the tab in the list box and click Up or Down.
• To relabel a tab, edit the label in the Tab Label column. There should be a
space character before and after the label name.
• To delete a tab, highlight the tab in the list box, click the Windows tab and
record for possible future use the Window Name of the tab (e.g.,
frmCOMPANY or frmADDRESSES). Click the “Tabs” tab, then click
Delete and OK.

• You can only add a tab that was previously deleted. You can not simply
add more tabs to an existing MAXIMO screen. To add a tab that was
previously deleted, go to the Tab Frame Properties dialog box and from
the Tabs tab, click New, then click the Windows tab. In the row for the
new tab, click in the Window Name column and select the previously
deleted window from the drop-down list. Edit the Label Name and Tab
Name fields as desired. Click OK.
4. Save your changes.

Chapter 3

Object Nationalizer Menu Choices

This section briefly describes some of the menu choices available from the
Object Nationalizer layout window for customizing tabs and dialog boxes. Many
of these menu items also have tool bar buttons. For additional information, refer
to Centura's Localizing and Customizing Centura Applications.

Menu Item Description

Layout Menu Items

Preview Window You can toggle Preview Window on and off to expand
the layout to fill your screen and then reduce it again.
You toggle it off by clicking the right mouse button and
selecting Preview Window.
Align to Grid Aligns the selected object with nearest grid lines, even if
Grid (described later) is turned off. You can align a
single object or multiple objects.
Align Edges Includes six choices for aligning edges of selected
objects. Click on the first object and Shift + Click on the
additional object(s). You must select at least two objects
to enable this menu item. You align objects relative to
the first object you select, which has a dark highlights.
NOTE: You must set Grid off to obtain perfect
alignment (see the Grid menu item later in this section).
The six menu items align the edges of the selected
objects as follows:
• Left: aligns left edges with left edge of first object.
• Right: aligns right edges with right edge of first

Object Nationalizer Screen Editor

• Top: aligns top edges with top edge of first object.

• Bottom: aligns bottom edges with bottom edge of
first object.
• Vert Center: aligns centers vertically with center of
first object.
• HorizCenter: aligns centers horizontally with center
of first object.
We recommend using alignment as one of the last steps
in customization so that all text and fields are aligned
neatly. Normally, text is aligned relative to the right
edge and fields are aligned relative to the left edge.
Fields along rows on a form are usually centered relative
to the first object.
Space Evenly Includes two menu items to distribute space evenly
between selected objects. You must select at least two
objects. The two menu items evenly space the objects:
• Across: horizontally.
• Down: vertically.
Make Same Size Includes three menu items to size all selected objects to
be the same as the first object you select. You must
select at least two objects. The three menu items size the
selected objects to be the same as the first object in:
• Width
• Height
• Both (width and height)
NOTE: Sizing does not affect the underlying length of a field. If a data item
will not physically fit within a field, the field will scroll.
Grid You can toggle the displays of the grid pattern on and
off. To disable grid alignment when you move an object,

Chapter 3

you must also make sure that the Active box in the
Preferences dialog box is unchecked. Choose
Tools/Preferences to view the dialog box (you cannot be
in Preview Window mode when you do this). We
recommend turning the grid off and unchecking the
Active box.
Tab Order Lets you change the tab order of objects and button
controls on a form window (i.e., the order in which
fields are entered when using the Tab key). Selecting
this menu item opens the Tab Order dialog box.
When you select Tab Order, the fields or buttons on the
screen or dialog box you are customizing are displayed
with their tab order numbers shown in small boxes. A
Tab Order dialog box also appears. Set the tab order
number you want by moving the cursor around and
clicking on the objects in the tab order you want.
Show Sample Text You can toggle between displaying and not displaying
(the default) sample text in text fields.
Show Design Scroll You can toggle between displaying (the default) and
Bars not displaying the design scroll bar that enables you to
scroll to the bottom of large forms.
Make sure to save your changes before exiting Object Nationalizer: close the
Preview Window (if open) and choose File/Save.

Object Nationalizer Screen Editor

Customizing View List Dialog Boxes

You can customize an application’s View List dialog box to show additional
information by editing the select statement and unhiding hidden columns. To do
this, perform the following steps:
1. From the Object Nationalizer main screen, choose File/Open and select the
MAXIMO application.
2. Expand the directory structure in the left pane and click on the Application
Text folder. The text editor opens in the right pane.
3. In the bottom right window, scroll horizontally so you can see the Identifier
column. Resize the column so you can see the full text (click and drag
between column headers).
4. Click in the Identifier column header to sort and alphabetize the identifiers
(this takes a little time).
5. Scroll down to find the identifier for the View List dialog box. The identifier
is generally of the form:
Global Declarations.Constants.User.ovsAPPNAME_SEL
where APPNAME is the name of the application (e.g., ....ovsLABOR_SEL).
For some applications (such as Equipment) the identifier is:
Global Declarations.Constants.User.ovsOVERVIEWSELECT
6. Scroll left and, in the Translated Text column, click on the identifier.
7. In the Translated Text frame, change the select statement to include the
additional columns you want. You must add both the column name and the
column number. For example, the default select statement for Labor is:
Select LABORCODE, NAME Into :cKEY, :c1 From LABOR

Chapter 3

To include Craft in the View List dialog box, edit the statement to read:
Select LABORCODE, NAME, CRAFT Into :cKEY, :c1, :c2 From LABOR
You can add up to 14 additional columns, c2 through c15. Make sure to
include the colon (:).
8. Save your changes but do not exit.
9. You must now unhide the column(s) you added. Expand the directory tree for
the application’s Windows folder and scroll down to find the dlgOverview
branch. Click on it and then click the Layout tab at the bottom of the right
10. From the toolbar, choose Layout/Preview Window, then choose
Layout/Show Hidden Windows. A scroll bar appears at the bottom of the
View List dialog box. Scroll to the right to see the additional columns.
11. Double-click in the column header of the column you want to add to the
View List dialog box. From the MaxExtraColumn menu choose
Visible/Yes. Then choose Object Title and edit the field to reflect the name
you want (for example, change C2 to Craft). Click Done.
12. Resize the column as needed by placing the cursor on the line between
column headers and click and drag. You can reposition a column by putting
the cursor in the middle of a column header and then clicking and dragging
it to the new position.
13. Close the Preview Window, save your changes, and close Object
Nationalizer. Open the relevant application and check to see that the View
List dialog box reflects your changes.

Object Nationalizer Screen Editor

Customizing Dynamic Value List Dialog Boxes

When you use a Select Value list in MAXIMO, you are using a dynamic value
list, a list that depends on the data in the database. You can customize dynamic
value list dialog boxes in much the same manner as with the View List dialog
box. Select statements, defined in the application definitions, specify which
columns of data are displayed in the Select Value dialog box. You can change
these select statements in Object Nationalizer.
To customize a dynamic value list, perform the following steps:
1. From the Object Nationalizer main screen, choose File/Open and select the
MAXIMO application.
2. Expand the directory structure in the left pane and click on the Application
Text folder. The text editor opens in the right pane.
3. In the bottom right window, scroll horizontally so you can see the Identifier
column. Resize the column so you can see the full text (click and drag
between column headers).
4. Click in the Identifier column header to sort and alphabetize the identifiers
(this takes a little time).
5. Scroll down to find the identifier for the dynamic value list you want to
customize. The identifier is of the form:
Global Declarations.Constants.User.dysDVLNAME_SEL
where DVLNAME is the name of the dynamic value list (e.g.,
6. Scroll left and, in the Translated Text column, click on the identifier.
7. In the Translated Text frame, change the select statement to include the
additional columns you want. You can add up to 14 additional columns. For

Chapter 3

example, in the Labor Reporting application the default select statement for
the Labor dynamic value list is:
This means that in Labor Reporting, when you click the Detail button in the
Labor/Craft field, the Select Value dialog box will display columns for
Labor/Craft Code and Name. To include Craft in the Select Value dialog box,
edit the statement to read:
Note that you must remove the “Into” clause when you edit the Select

Unlike with the View List dialog box, you do not have to unhide the column.
8. Save your changes and exit Object Nationalizer. In the above example, if you
open Labor Reporting and click the Detail button in the Labor/Craft field, the
Select Value dialog box will now have columns for Labor/Craft Code, Name,
and Craft.
You must repeat this procedure for each application in which you want to have a
customized Select Value dialog box. For example, if you want the Select Value
dialog box for Labor to include Craft in other applications, such as with the
Reported By field in Work Order Tracking or the Supervisor field in Job Plans,
you must open those applications in Object Nationalizer and repeat the
procedure for the Global Declarations.Constants.User.dysLABOR_SEL
If you want to customize the layout of the dynamic value list dialog box, you
must edit the Sysdyna.apd file:
1. From Object Nationalizer, choose File/Open and, from the Files of Type drop
down list, select CTD Dynalib Files (*apd). Open the Sysdyna.apd file.

Object Nationalizer Screen Editor

2. Expand the Sysdyna directory tree. Select the dlgDynaList item and click the
Layout tab.
3. Customize the dialog as needed. See the Tab and Dialog Box Customization
section, earlier in this chapter for specific instructions.
The layout of the dynamic value list dialog box is the same, regardless of which
MAXIMO application accesses it. For example, you can modify the SELECT
statement as described earlier to specify what data the Select Value dialog box
displays in the second column when you access it from a particular application.
But the width of the second column will be the same regardless of which
application accesses the dialog box or what data is displayed.

Customizing the Drilldown Dialog Box

You can customize the columns displayed by the Drilldown dialog box for both
Equipment and Location. For each application that uses the Drilldown dialog
box, Object Nationalizer has a customizable string for both equipment and
locations. The string is formatted as a comma-separated list of columns from
either the EQUIPMENT or LOCATIONS table. The defaults are:
To customize a Drilldown dialog box, perform the following steps:
1. From the Object Nationalizer main screen, choose File/Open and select the
MAXIMO application.
2. Expand the directory structure in the left pane and click on the Application
Text folder. The text editor opens in the right pane.
3. In the bottom right window, scroll horizontally so you can see the Identifier
column. Resize the column so you can see the full text (click and drag
between column headers).

Chapter 3

4. Click in the Identifier column header to sort and alphabetize the identifiers
(this takes a little time).
5. Scroll down to find the identifier for the Drilldown dialog box. There are
separate identifiers for equipment and locations:
Global Declarations.Constants.User.DRILLDOWN_EQPSTRING
Global Declarations.Constants.User.DRILLDOWN_LOCSTRING
6. Scroll left and, in the Translated Text column, click the identifier you want to
7. In the Translated Text frame, edit the string as needed. For example, to
include PRIORITY in the equipment drilldown, you would edit the string to
appears as follows:
You can list up to five columns in the string.
8. Save your changes and exit Object Nationalizer.
You must repeat this procedure for each application in which you want to have a
customized Drilldown dialog box.

Modifying the Login Dialog Box for Multiple Schemas

If you set up your database with multiple schemas, you can modify the Login
dialog box as follows:
1. From the Object Nationalizer main screen, choose File/Open and select
2. In the left pane, expand the directory structure by successively clicking the
plus signs in front of Maxlogin, Windows, dlgLogin, and Child Windows.

Object Nationalizer Screen Editor

3. Click the dlgLogin item, then click the Layout tab at the bottom of the right
4. In the left pane, under Child Windows, right-click Schema and choose
5. Right-click ctlSchema and choose Properties/Visible/Yes/Done.
6. Save your changes and exit Object Nationalizer.
7. Exit MAXIMO, then log back in to see the changes.

When NOT to Use Object Nationalizer

MAXIMO’s Database Configuration module (described later in this guide) is
designed to help you customize your database. Although Object Nationalizer can
be used to make screen modifications, such as making a field editable, you must
use Database Configuration instead of Object Nationalizer when making the
following formatting changes:
• Setting field formats
• Changing field lengths
We also recommend that you do not use Object Nationalizer to hide any
mandatory fields. Changing these MAXIMO defaults could cause confusion
when problems are reported to our Customer Support staff.
It is also inadvisable to use Object Nationalizer to change the format, input
mask, or country profile for a field (these changes may not be handled properly
by MAXIMO). The Windows Control Panel Regional Settings application
should be used to change the format and country profiles of fields; see Chapter 8,
“Validation and Formatting.” Note that changes you make using the Regional
Settings application will affect all installed applications, not just MAXIMO.

Chapter 3

Object Nationalizer can not be used to change background color or text color for
fields. These items are controlled in the MAXIMO.INI file.

Customizing Future MAXIMO Releases

You should be able to save the changes you make and apply them to future
versions of MAXIMO. The File/Save As option allows you to save your screens
as resource files, which can later be imported using File/Apply.


In using Object Nationalizer to customize MAXIMO screens, you may want to
conform to general MAXIMO design specifications, and thus maintain the look
and feel of standard MAXIMO screens. The design guidelines that MAXIMO
developers used are shown below, along with some suggestions on how best to
use them in creating new screens. You may, of course, prefer to use your own
screen design.

All controls on tabs should be located within a frame except for subtabs.
• Corners: Square
• Border Style: Raised Shadow
• Border Thickness: 1
• Top Frame
Left 0.10”
Top 0.07”

Object Nationalizer Screen Editor

Width 11.55” (maximum)

Height varies
• Default Table Data Frames
Title Top Add 0.04” to Frame Top
First Field Top Add 0.3” to Frame Top
Border Style: Drop Shadow
• All Other Frames
Title Top Add 0.04” to Frame Top
First Field Top Add 0.3” to Frame Top
Width 11.55” (maximum)
Height varies
• Frame titles should be centered and should have blue text.
• Distance Between Frames = 0.01”.
For example, if the top of the upper frame is 0.07” and the height is 0.40”,
then the top of the frame below the top frame should be 0.48”.
Table Window within Frame or Subtab
Left 0.25”
Top Add 0.3” to Frame Top
Width 11.25”
Subtab Location Under Uppermost Frames
Left 0.1”
Top bottom of frame above + 0.1”
Width 11.55”

Field and Background Text Position and Alignment

You can align fields and background text by using the Align options from the
Object Nationalizer Layout menu. Once one field and its background text are
positioned, all alignment except distance between fields can be done with the
alignment tools.

Chapter 3

Distance Between Data Fields

Vertical distance between data fields must be set manually.
• Add 0.25” to the top of the first field to determine the top of the next field.
• If desired, use 0.30” rather than 0.25” for extra space.
• Distance between Background Text and its associated Field = .05”

NOTE: For the alignment tools to work properly you must disable the Align to
Grid selection under the Object Nationalizer Layout menu.
Vertical (Left) Alignment of Fields
• Position one field as desired.
• Select the correctly positioned field by clicking on it with the left mouse
button. Then, select the remaining fields by pressing [Shift] and clicking on
them with the left mouse button. The correctly positioned field must be
selected first.
• From the Layout menu select Align Edges, then choose Left.
Horizontal Alignment of Field and Background Text
• Position one field where desired.
• Select the correctly positioned field by clicking on it with the left mouse
button. Then, select its associated background text by pressing [Shift] and
clicking on it with the left mouse button. The correctly positioned field must
be selected first.
• From the Layout menu select Align, then choose Vert Center.

Object Nationalizer Screen Editor

Vertical (Right) Alignment of Background Text

• Position one background text correctly.
• Select the correctly positioned background text by clicking on it with the left
mouse button. Then, select the remaining background texts by pressing
[Shift] and clicking on them with the left mouse button. The correctly
positioned background text must be selected first.
• From the Layout menu select Align, then choose Right.

Dialog Box Push Button Positions

OK Top 0.15”
Cancel Top 0.50”
Next Button Top 0.90”
Other Button Tops Add 0.35” if grouped; Add 0.40” between button groups
Align push buttons in the same manner as described above for fields.

Dialog Box Dimensions

1. Distance from left and right sides of the dialog box to the edge of the object
(text, buttons etc.) should be 0.25”. Distance from top and bottom of the
dialog box to the edge of the object (text, buttons etc.) should be 0.15”.
2. Distance between top of Group box and top of first Radio button or Check
box should be 0.25”. Distance between radio buttons or check boxes should
be 0.0”.
3. Distance other controls, such as between table and group box, table and field,
etc. should be 0.10”.

Chapter 3

Display Widths of Fields on Forms and in Dialog Boxes

Width specifications for commonly used fields on forms and dialog boxes are
shown below.

Field Type Display Width

Descriptions vary
Date and time 2.0”
Date only 1.4”
Key fields 1.4”
Amounts 1.4”
Most others 1.4”
Small Number Fields
Duration, Priority 0.75”
Yes/No 0.3”
The widths of commonly used columns in table windows are shown below. A
slash through a title in the Column Title examples indicates that the title is to be
split onto two lines.

Column Type (inches) Column Title(s)
Descriptions 2.4 Description, Remark
Most other fields 1.4
Part 1.4 Part
Work Order 1.4 Work Order
Cost Center 1.4 Cost Center
Model # 1.4 Model
Status 1.4 Status
Trans Type 1.4 Type
Equip # 1.4 Equipment
Extension 1.4 Extension

Object Nationalizer Screen Editor

Catalog Code 1.4 Catalog #

Packing Slip 1.4 Packing/Slip #
Invoice # 1.4 Invoice #
All Names 1.4 Requested/By, Entered/By, Received/By
All Dates 1.4 Date/Required, Vendor/Date, Date/Entered,
Date/Received, Transaction/Date, Target/Start
Location 1.4 Location
Qty/Amts, etc. 1.0
Quantity 1.0 Quantity, Qty/Received,
Qty/Rejected, Qty/Reserved
Reject Code 1.0 Reject/Code (note: not past tense)
Units 1.0 Units, Received/Unit
Category 1.0 Category
Cur Bal 1.0 Current/Balance
Phys Count 1.0 Count
Hours 1.0 Hours, Start, End
All Costs 1.0 Unit/Cost, Line/Cost, Received/Unit Cost,
Received/Line Cost, Old/Cost, New/Cost
Taxed 0.3 Taxed?
Issue Receipt 0.3 Issue on/Receipt?
Outside Cost 0.3 Outside?
WO Operation 0.75 WO/Op
Conversion 0.75 Conv
Line Item 0.75 Line/Item

Chapter 3

General Style Guidelines

• Do not end a title with a “#” unless it is said aloud that way (“What Model is
it?”, “What Catalog # is it?”). Do not end titles with a colon.
• Write words such as “Rejected,” “Reserved,” and “Received” in the past
tense. “Reject Code” is an exception.
• End Yes/No titles with a “?”. There is no space between the title and the “?”.
• Avoid abbreviations. If abbreviating is necessary, do not use punctuation.
• Place all fields and tables on forms into frames, grouped in a logical way.
• Assign all frames (except the uppermost) titles. Center the titles and use blue
• Write the keyword text in the uppermost frame in blue.
• Enter background text to the left of data fields.
• Do not use frames in subtabs.
• If a frame has more than one table in it, use table titles for all tables below the
first table. Titles should be in blue and left-aligned.
• Specifying (in the Windows Control Panel Regional Settings application) that
leading zeros be displayed in date/time fields will provide a more readable
field display.



You use Database Configuration to customize the database and perform related
functions. You can:
• Change column definitions.
• Attach value lists to columns.
• Create and drop SQL indexes.
• Create, modify, and display views to define alternative names for database
tables and columns.
• Specify GL account formats.
• Set the amount field format (in part; see note below).
• Update statistics on indexes to improve database performance.
• Specify whether or not to use the local data dictionary at startup.
• Enable searching on description and long description fields in the Self
Service applications. Oracle only. (This search function is automatically
available with SQL Server.)

NOTE: The display of date/time fields and numeric data, including some
aspects of amount fields (such as currency settings), is specified using
the Windows Control Panel Regional Settings application. See Chapter
8, "Validation and Formatting."

Chapter 4

Database Configuration Tabs

• Applications – To select an application and table to modify.

• Table Definitions – To modify a table's column definitions.

• Index Definitions – To display, create, or modify indexes.

• View Definitions – To display, create, or modify SQL views and define

column aliases.


The Database Configuration Actions menu includes the items listed below. The
Create and Drop Index menu items are only available from the Index Definitions
tab. The MAXIMO Help system describes how to use these menu items and their
associated dialog boxes. See the list of Help topics in the following section.

Menu Item Description

Configure Changes Permanently implements the changes you’ve entered

from all recent sessions.
Remove Changes Removes all changes from prior editing sessions
(changes you've saved but did not use to reconfigure the
Restore Backup Tables Copies the data from the backup tables (created when
you select Configure Changes) into the newly
configured tables.

Database Configuration

Create Public Allows users to perform SQL operations on tables

Synonyms without having to specify the table owner. You cannot
have public synonyms in a multi-schema environment.
Drop Public Synonyms Drops the public synonym MAXIMO. When you access
a table after dropping the public synonym, you must
prefix the table name with the table owner's name, e.g.,
Drop Backup Tables Deletes the backup tables.
GL Account Used to specify the GL account code format, including
Configuration component field lengths and types, delimiters, and
placeholders, and to specify the type of account code
validation to be performed.
Amount Field Format Used to view or change the amount field format (length
and decimal precision).
Long Description Oracle only. Enables long description searches in
Search Setup searching for Requests and Requisitions in the Self
Service applications. For detailed information, see
“Searching Description and Long Description Fields in
MAXIMO Buyer” in Chapter 13, “Self Service
Data Dictionary Specifies whether or not to use the local data dictionary
Quickload at startup.
Update Statistics Improves database performance by reorganizing indexes
based on existing data.
Create Index Creates a new database index.
Drop Index Drops a database index.

Chapter 4

MAXIMO Online Help

The MAXIMO online Help for Database Configuration has information on using
the Actions menu items, as well as other topics. These “How Do I ...” topics are
listed below. Topics marked with an asterisk (*) are also discussed in this
chapter. Please refer to Database Configuration's online Help for information on
topics that are not included in this chapter.

How Do I …
• Perform a Database Configuration *
• Configure Changes
• Remove Changes
• Restore Backup Tables
• Drop Backup Tables
• Create Public Synonyms
• Drop Public Synonyms
• Specify the GL Account Configuration *
• Specify the Amount Field Format
• Enable Long Description Searches in Self Service applications (Oracle only)
• Specify Data Dictionary Quickload
• Update Statistics
• Create an Index *
• Drop an Index *
• Create Table Views and Column Aliases *


Use the Applications tab (Figure 4.1) to choose the application and table you
want to modify. You can also use many of the Action menu items from this tab.

Database Configuration

To select a table to modify:

1. Click on an application in the Application list box. This becomes the Current
Application. The Tables list box displays the tables belonging to the Current
2. Select a table from the Tables list box. This becomes the Current Table.
3. Select the appropriate tab to modify the table, index, or view definitions.

Figure 4.1 Applications Tab

Chapter 4


The Table Definitions tab (Figure 4.2) lets you customize individual database
table columns.
You can change the data type that a column can accept, the column length (if
data type is ALN, UPPER, LOWER, DECIMAL, or AMOUNT), the scale (if
data type is DECIMAL or AMOUNT), and several characteristics relating to
nulls and negative/positive values. You can also specify the name of a value list.

Figure 4.2 Table Definitions Tab

Database Configuration

Use the Table Definitions tab to modify a table’s column definitions:

1. If applicable to your database, click the Detail button in the Database Storage
Partition field and select a storage partition for the table.
The Database Storage Partition field allows you to specify a specific storage
area for a table. A database storage partition (“tablespace” in Oracle;
“segment” in Sybase and MS SQL Server) is the physical location where a
database object (e.g., table) is located on a disk. The value list
DBSTORAGEPARTITION should be configured by the database
administrator to include a valid list of tablespaces/segments available to
MAXIMO. (For example, you would not want a table to be created in the
SYSTEM tablespace.)
2. Go to the relevant cell of the table window and change the column definition
as needed. Column definitions include:
Name, Type, Length, Scale, Positive?, Nulls Allowed?, Null With Default?,
Default Value, Value List Name, Value List Type, Remark, DynaList
Column Title, and DynaList Sort Order.
Refer to Field Help for information on these column definitions.

WARNING: Do not change the WONUM column type to a numeric one.

3. Save your changes.
4. Configure the database and reset or restart MAXIMO. Make sure that no
users are currently using MAXIMO when you configure the database.

NOTE: Some columns are restricted to specific definitions by MAXIMO and

cannot be changed; they are read-only. Some columns are read-only,
depending on values in other cells.
NOTE: If a column definition specifies that nulls are not allowed for a
required field, you should not change the value of the “Nulls
Allowed?” column to Y. This could result in several errors.

Chapter 4

NOTE: All fields for an application’s main table are on the main tab. Fields
from the main table that are also on other tabs are hidden on the main
tab. If you make one of these fields required, you must make it visible
on the main tab.

NOTE: The following columns are MRO Software reserved columns and
should not be used as extra columns/fields.
Tables PR and PO; Columns WFID, WFACTIVE

Saving Your Changes

After you make changes to a Database Configuration tab or the GL Account
Configuration dialog box, you must save the changes. However, the database
changes do not take effect until after configuring the database. You can wait
until after you have made changes to all the relevant tabs (or even after exiting
and restarting MAXIMO) before configuring the database.
• “Saving” saves your changes in temporary database configuration tables but
does not actually implement them in the database. If you save changes
without configuring the database and close the Database Configuration
application, you can later reopen it and resume your editing session without
losing the prior changes.
• When you reopen Database Configuration, you will be prompted as to
whether or not you want to continue configuring the database from where you
left off. If you select Yes, the changes from the prior session will be retained
and you can make additional changes if you want. Selecting No will cause all
changes from prior sessions to be lost.
• To implement the changes that have been saved, choose Configure Changes
from the Actions menu or use the Configure Database toolbar button. You

Database Configuration

can also implement the changes when prompted to configure upon exiting the

Performing a Database Configuration

WARNING: Be sure you have made a backup of your database before
configuring it.
To perform a database configuration:

NOTE: Make sure you are logged in as user MAXIMO, or as the schema
owner if you have a multischema database.
1. From the Applications tab, select the application and table you want to
2. Modify the currently selected table by making changes as needed on any of
the Database Configuration tabs: Table Definitions, Index Definitions, and
View Definitions. Save the changes.

NOTE: You can cancel database changes, even after saving, by choosing
Actions/Remove Changes. This removes database changes made
since you last configured, including prior editing sessions.
All backup tables from the previous configuration must be restored
before you can configure the database again.

3. Make sure that no users are currently using MAXIMO. Select

Actions/Configure Changes. A message asks you: "Configure the database
now?" Click OK.
Some changes require the table data to be backed up to temporary tables, and
later restored to the newly configured tables.
a. If you have not made changes requiring backing up the tables, the
configuration proceeds directly. The status bar indicates when the

Chapter 4

configuration is complete. You must either reset MAXIMO or exit and

then restart MAXIMO before the changes will take effect. See Step 6.
b. If you made changes that require backing up the tables, MAXIMO
displays the Altered Tables dialog box. Continue with Step 4.
4. The Altered Tables dialog box lists the tables (including their data) that will
be dropped during configuration. Before configuring, MAXIMO copies the
tables to backup tables of the form XX{tablename}. After configuring you
will restore the data from the backup tables to the new tables. Click OK.
If, from a previous configuration, you have backup tables of the same name
that were not dropped using the Drop Backup Tables option, you will be
routed to the Drop Backup Tables dialog box (see Step 7). It indicates that
"all backup tables listed below will be dropped."

NOTE: If you want to save old backup tables, you must copy them (or
change their names) to tables not of the form XX{tablename} before
Click OK. The status line indicates when the database is successfully
5. After configuring the database, select Actions/Restore Backup Tables. The
Restore Backup Tables dialog box lists the backup tables created during
configuration. You must copy their data into the newly configured tables.
Select the tables individually or click Select All, then click Restore.
By default, MAXIMO drops the backup tables after restoring the data to the
new tables. If you want to save the backup tables, click the Do Not Drop
Backup Tables(s) radio button. Saving backup tables requires additional disk
space (MAXIMO tells you how much when you click Restore).
6. When you exit Database Configuration, MAXIMO displays the message:
"For these changes to take effect, MAXIMO must be reset. Would you like to
do this now?" If you select No, you can continue working in MAXIMO, but

Database Configuration

the changes will not take effect until you exit and reenter MAXIMO. It is
recommended that you choose to reset now.
7. If you did not have MAXIMO automatically drop the backup tables after
restoring, you can do so manually at any time to provide more disk space.
From any Database Configuration tab, choose Actions/Drop Backup Tables
to display the Drop Backup Tables dialog box. Click OK to drop all the
XX{tablename} tables. You must drop all or none; you cannot select specific

Chapter 4


Use the Index Definitions tab (Figure 4.3) to create new SQL indexes for the
selected table, and to display or drop existing indexes.

Figure 4.3 Index Definitions Tab

Indexes are used internally by MAXIMO to speed access to the database. They
provide pointers, or quick references, to the location of frequently accessed data.
You can create an index on the columns in a table that you frequently query. See
Centura's SQL documentation for information about SQL indexes.

Database Configuration

Use the Applications tab to select the table for which you want to create or drop
an index, then click the Index Definitions tab. The Indexes list box shows the
indexes associated with the table. The Columns list box shows the columns in
the selected table.
To view an existing index definition, select the index from the Indexes list box.
MAXIMO displays the columns included in the index in the Index Definitions
table window.
You cannot redefine existing indexes. You must drop the index and recreate it
with a new definition.
If applicable to your database, the Database Storage Partition field lets you select
a storage partition for an index.

Creating an Index
Use the Create Index dialog box to create new indexes.
1. Use the Applications tab to select the table for which you want to create an
index, then click the Index Definitions tab.
2. Choose Actions/Create Index to display the Create Index dialog box.
3. Enter a name for the new index and click OK. The new index appears in the
Indexes list box and the Selected Index field.
4. If applicable to your database, click the Detail button in the Database Storage
Partition field and select a storage partition for the index.
5. To add a column to the index, select a column in the Columns list box
6. Click either Order Asc or Order Desc to indicate how you want the results
ordered -- in ascending or descending order. The Index Definitions table
window displays the column you just added. The order in which you add
columns determines their sequence.

Chapter 4

NOTE: For Oracle and SQL Server, it makes no difference whether you
click Order Asc or Order Desc.
7. If you want each column in the index to be unique, put a check mark in the
Enforce Uniqueness box.
8. For Sybase and SQL Server only: put a check in the Clustered Index box if
you want to create a clustered index. You can have only one clustered index
per table.
9. Save the record.
10. Configure the database and reset or restart MAXIMO. Make sure that no
users are currently using MAXIMO when you configure the database.

Dropping an Index
Use the Drop Index dialog box to delete indexes.
1. Use the Applications tab to select the relevant table, then click the Index
Definitions tab.
2. From the Indexes list box, select the index you want to drop.
3. Choose Actions/Drop Index.
4. Click OK to drop the index.
5. Save the record.
6. Configure the database and reset or restart MAXIMO. Make sure that no
users are currently using MAXIMO when you configure the database.

Database Configuration


Use the View Definitions tab (Figure 4.4) to create alternative table and column

Figure 4.4 View Definitions Tab

You create a table view to assign an alternative name to a table. You create
column aliases to assign alternative names to table columns. For example, you
may want to assign column and/or table names in another language.

Chapter 4

Once you enter a view name and column aliases, you can use those names with
reports and with interactive SQL. See Centura's SQL documentation for more
information about views.

NOTE: To see a list of the current column names, you can print out an SQR5
report, LISTTABL.SQW, or a Crystal report, MAXCOLS.RPT, that lists
the database tables.

Creating Table Views and Column Aliases

To create table views and column aliases:
1. From the Applications tab, select the table for which you want to create a
2. Click the View Definitions tab.
3. In the View field, assign a view name to the table. The default is the standard
MAXIMO name preceded by V_. Enter a new name as appropriate.
4. The standard column names are listed under both Column and Aliases.
Replace any names in the Aliases column with names you want to use.
5. Save the record.
6. Configure the database and reset or restart MAXIMO. Make sure that no
users are currently using MAXIMO when you configure the database.

Database Configuration

GL Account Code Formats
Account Components
Each general ledger account code consists of a number of distinct components
(also called segments). In Database Configuration, you define the account code
format. In Chart of Accounts, you specify which components are valid for use in
For easy identification, you can use delimiters to separate components when they
are displayed on the screen. For example, you might use hyphens to separate
components: 6100-400-SAF.
By default, MAXIMO writes account strings to the database in a concatenated
format, without delimiters. However, if required by the accounting system to
which you are exporting MAXIMO data, you can specify that delimiters be
included. This needs to be decided before any accounts are entered in the
database. Changing this setting with existing accounts in the database will cause
the existing accounts to become invalid.
For any account code, you can:
• Define up to 20 components.
• Restrict a single component’s field length to a certain number of characters.
• Include a total of up to 254 characters/digits, not including delimiters (unless
you choose to include the delimiters as part of the account code).

Component Sequence
Account components are displayed in a sequential format, with the leftmost
component in the string representing the highest level. For example, in the
MAXDEMO database, four component levels are defined:

Chapter 4

• Component 1 = Cost Center

• Component 2 = Activity
• Component 3 = Resource
• Component 4 = Element
The fourth component in MAXDEMO is optional and no accounts have been
assigned to it. Since account components are concatenated, with the highest level
component at the left, the demo database account 6100-350-SAF can be
represented as follows:
component 1 component 2 component 3 component 4

6100 350 SAF

Cost Center Activity Resource Element
The fourth component does not appear as part of the GL Account because it is an
optional component and no values have been assigned to it in Chart of Accounts.

Required Versus Optional

A required component requires a value for the account to be fully defined.
When you display an account on-screen, any unknown required components
contain placeholder characters.

An optional component does not require a value in order for the account to be
fully defined. When you display an account on-screen, any unknown optional
components are not displayed at all. In the demo database, the fourth component
is optional, and most of the account codes consist of just the first three
Your general ledger system has rules regarding whether an account is acceptable
when partially defined, or whether it must be fully defined. A fully defined (or
“fully specified”) account has no unknown values (placeholders) in required
components. A partially defined (or “partially specified”) account contains
placeholders in some required component(s). In the above example, 6100-350-

Database Configuration

SAF is fully defined (the fourth component is optional and does not require any
characters). The account 6100-???-SAF is partially defined; the required Activity
component is not specified and therefore contains placeholder characters.

Specifying the GL Account Configuration

Use the GL Account Configuration dialog box (Figure 4.5) to specify the format
of GL account codes.
See the previous section, GL Account Code Formats, for a general discussion of
account code formats. Refer to the Chart of Accounts application for information
on setting up individual GL accounts.

Figure 4.5 GL Account Configuration Dialog Box

Chapter 4

To specify the GL account code format:

1. Choose Actions/GL Account Configuration to display the GL Account
Configuration dialog box.
2. In the Component Name column enter a name for each component of the
account code. The sequence of the listed components determines the
sequence of the components in the account code. You can define up to 20
3. Specify a field length for each component.
The entire account code is limited to 254 characters. This does not include
delimiters unless you choose to store them in the database as part of the
account code.
4. Specify whether the components' characters are numeric (INTEGER), or
alphanumeric (ALN).
5. Specify whether the components are required (Reqd?=Y) or optional
(Reqd?=N). Within an account code, a component may be required or
optional, but optional components must come at the end of the sequence. For
example, you cannot have the second component optional and the third
component required. If you do, you will receive an error message when you
6. For each component, specify whether to use a screen delimiter to separate it
from the next component in the sequence. A screen delimiter can be any
keyboard character. You can use delimiters between some components and
not others, and you can use different delimiters between different
7. Select the validation option(s) you want from the Validation group box.

• Disable GL Validation -- MAXIMO is shipped with GL validation

disabled, i.e., with a check in this box. This means that MAXIMO will not

Database Configuration

validate any GL fields against Chart of Accounts, thus effectively

disabling the general ledger feature even though you can still enter values
in GL fields. In addition, a check in this box means that MAXIMO
automatically disables the GL Account Navigator dialog box throughout
all applications.

Therefore, to utilize MAXIMO’s GL accounting feature, you must enable

GL validation by removing the check from this box. Removing the check
mark also enables the following two options.

• Validate Component Combinations -- Leave the check mark in this box

if you want MAXIMO to validate entire GL component combinations
against Chart of Accounts. If this box is unchecked, GL validation will
only validate individual components against Chart of Accounts; thus a
user can enter a GL account code that does not match any one account in
Chart of Accounts, but whose individual components are all valid.

• Validate Financial Periods -- Leave the check mark in this box if you
want MAXIMO to validate that a transaction falls within an open, valid
financial period as defined in the Financial Periods dialog box in Chart of
Accounts. Remove the check mark if you do not want to validate against
defined financial periods.
8. Choose a placeholder character. This character is used for alphanumeric
(ALN) components. The placeholder for integer (INTEGER) components is
the number nine (9). When MAXIMO displays an account code, placeholder
characters fill the length of each missing required component.

NOTE: If the MAXIMO Chart of Accounts application is integrated with an

existing accounting system, that accounting system probably
already has a placeholder character defined. Do not specify a
different placeholder character in MAXIMO.
9. Choose whether or not to write delimiter characters to the database. If you
leave the Write Delimiter to Database box unchecked, MAXIMO will not

Chapter 4

write delimiters to the database, and the account code can include the
maximum 254 characters plus the delimiters.
If you check this box, the delimiters will become part of the account codes.
The maximum number of characters will be 254, including delimiters.
10. Preview the account code. The Preview group shows how the account code
will be displayed on-screen versus how it will be stored in the database. Click
Refresh to preview the formats. Integer components are filled with the
number 9, alphanumeric components with the placeholder character.

NOTE: If you change some aspects of an existing GL account format, such as

field lengths, you must configure the database for the changes to take
effect. MAXIMO displays a warning message when you make such a
NOTE: To specify user privileges for editing GL account components, use the
Authorize GL Component Access option in Signature Security.


The SQLTimeout setting in the MAXVARS table specifies the amount of time,
in seconds, to wait when retrieving query results before issuing a SQL timeout
error. The default SQLTimeout is 30 seconds. This parameter is applicable only
to Microsoft SQL Server. Valid values are:
0 = infinite wait for lock
any value between 1 and 1800 seconds
For example, to increase the timeout setting to 3 minutes (180 seconds), run the
following SQL command:
update maxvars set varvalue='180' where varname='SQLTIMEOUT';



A custom application consists of a custom database table and its application
interface. The Custom Applications feature lets you create your own database
tables. MAXIMO then creates an application interface (a screen, with a tab titled
Main) in which you can query, update, insert, and delete data just as you do with
standard MAXIMO applications. MAXIMO automatically adds the names of
new applications to the Custom Applications list on the Main Menu and the
Quick Access bar.
You can create two basic types of custom application tables:
• A stand-alone custom application table, containing any type of information
(general purpose)
• An extra table, associated with a specific MAXIMO application (for example,
an extra Equipment table).

Chapter 5

Custom Applications Tabs

Custom Applications has one tab:

• Applications – To create, modify, or delete custom application database



The online Help for Custom Applications has information on using the Actions
menu items, as well as other topics. These “How Do I ...” topics, most of which
correspond directly to the Actions menu items, are listed below. Topics marked
with an asterisk (*) are also discussed in this chapter. Please refer to Custom
Application’s online Help for information on topics that are not included in this

How Do I …
• Create a Custom Application Table *
• Create an Extra Application Table *
• Drop a Custom Application Table *
• Launch a Custom Application *
Within each of the above Help topics on creating tables, there is a link to a topic
that describes the table and its function.

The Applications tab (Figure 5.1) lets you create, modify, or delete your own
custom application database tables. The tab displays a list of existing custom
applications, including their Name, Description, and Application Type.

Custom Applications

After you have created a custom application table, you can customize its visual
layout in MAXIMO using the Screen Editor (Object Nationalizer). You specify
column definitions for the new application when you create it, but you can
subsequently modify them using Database Configuration.
Custom Applications tables can have up to 107 columns. The first column
becomes the key to the table. You grant access privileges on these tables using
Signature Security, as with standard application tables.

Figure 5.1 Applications Tab

Chapter 5

Creating a Custom Application Table

You can create stand-alone custom application tables for storing and retrieving
data that is not usually kept by MAXIMO. For example, you can retain
information specific to your company or organization and update it as necessary.
Once you create a custom application table, MAXIMO automatically creates the
application's user interface, with a tab titled Main. Use the Screen Editor (Object
Nationalizer) to customize the tab to make it appear and function like a regular
MAXIMO application. You specify column definitions when you create the
table; you can also modify those definitions later using Database Configuration.

To create a custom application table:

1. Choose Actions/Create Custom Application to display the Create Custom
Application Table dialog box (Figure 5.2).

Figure 5.2 Create Custom Application Table Dialog Box

Custom Applications

2. Enter the name of the custom application in the Application field.

Enter a description of the application in the adjacent Description field. This
description will be the screen title of the application and the name listed on
the MAXIMO Main Menu, under Custom Applications.
If your system has a partitioned database, choose a Database Storage

NOTE : Do not assign the new custom application table the same name as a
non-MAXIMO .EXE file or an existing MAXIMO .EXE file. For
example, don't name a custom application table CALENDAR, since
that could conflict with the Microsoft Windows CALENDAR.EXE
3. In the Column Definitions table window, the first row corresponds to the first
column of the custom application table.
Click the Insert Row button and enter the name of the custom application
table's first column in the Name field. This will be the key to your custom
application table.
Fill in the remaining fields as needed for this key column: Type, Length,
Scale, Positive, Nulls Allowed?, Null with Default, Default Value, Value List
Name, Value List Type, Remark, DynaList Column Title, DynaList Sort
Order. Check the status bar to see which fields are required.
4. Click the Insert Row button again and enter the name, type, length, and other
definitions as appropriate for the second column. This column is used for the
long description field.
5. Continue inserting columns as needed. The maximum number of columns is
107. Use the Delete Row and Undelete Row buttons if you need to delete or
undelete columns you have inserted.

Chapter 5

NOTE: You cannot modify column names, change the column sequence, or
add or delete columns after the table has been created. Plan
carefully. You may want to add a few extra columns when you
create the table; you can hide the fields for the extra columns until
you need them.
6. Click OK when you are finished inserting columns. MAXIMO asks you if
you want to proceed. Click OK again and MAXIMO creates a custom
application table with the columns you have defined, and an application
screen on which you can view, insert, update, and delete data from this table.
7. When you exit Custom Applications, a message tells you that MAXIMO
must be reset for the changes to take effect. You can do this now, in which
case all MAXIMO modules and screens will be closed, or you can wait until
you exit and restart MAXIMO for the changes to take effect.
8. Use the Screen Editor (Object Nationalizer) to design the custom application
screen's main tab. Object Nationalizer lets you arrange and label the fields on
a tab. If you want to redefine any of the table's column definitions, use
Database Configuration.

Creating an Extra Application Table

An extra application table is directly associated with the corresponding main
table in the regular MAXIMO application. For example, an extra application
table lets you maintain more information on an inventory item, a piece of
equipment, a company, and so on, than is provided by the regular MAXIMO
You customize the extra application's on-screen interface, just as you do with a
standard custom application. Each extra application table has the same key as the
primary table in the associated application, enabling you to maintain records in
the extra application that are directly related to MAXIMO records. When you
display a record in MAXIMO, you can open the extra application, if one exists,

Custom Applications

by choosing Navigate/Application Extra Form Window (e.g., Inventory Extra

From Window).
You can create one extra application for most MAXIMO applications; you can
create two for Equipment.
When you create an extra application table, MAXIMO automatically creates the
application's user interface, with a tab titled Main. Use the Screen Editor (Object
Nationalizer) to customize the tab to make it appear and function like a regular
MAXIMO application. You specify column definitions when you create the
table; you can also modify those definitions later using Database Configuration.

To create an extra application table:

1. Choose Actions/Create Extra Application to display the Create Extra Table
dialog box.
2. Select the extra table to create, then click on OK to display a second Create
Extra Table dialog box.
The name of the extra application table appears in the Application field.
Enter a description of the application in the adjacent Description field. This
description will be the screen title of the application and the name listed on
the MAXIMO Main Menu, under Custom Applications.
If your system has a partitioned database, choose a Database Storage
3. In the Column Definitions table window, the first row corresponds to the first
column of the extra application table. It contains the key from the primary
table for which you are creating the extra table. This row is read-only.
Click the Insert Row button and enter the name for the second column, which
is used as the description field, with long description functionality. Fill out
the remaining fields as needed for this column: Type, Length, Scale, Positive,

Chapter 5

Nulls Allowed?, Null with Default, Default Value, Value List Name, Value
List Type, Remark, DynaList Column Title, DynaList Sort Order. Check the
status bar to see which fields are required.
4. Continue inserting columns as needed. The maximum number of columns is
107. Use the Delete Row and Undelete Row buttons if you need to delete or
undelete columns you have inserted.

NOTE: You cannot modify column names, change the column sequence, or
add or delete columns after the table has been created. Plan
carefully. You may want to add a few extra columns when you
create the table; you can hide the fields for the extra columns until
you need them.
5. Click OK when you are finished inserting columns. MAXIMO asks you if
you want to proceed. Click OK again and MAXIMO creates an extra
application table with the columns you have defined, and an extra application
screen on which you can view, insert, update, and delete data from this table.
6. When you exit Custom Applications, a message tells you that MAXIMO
must be reset for the changes to take effect. You can do this now, in which
case all MAXIMO modules and screens will be closed, or you can wait until
you exit and restart MAXIMO for the changes to take effect.
7. Use Centura the Screen Editor (Object Nationalizer) to design the extra
application screen's main tab. Object Nationalizer lets you arrange and label
the fields on a tab. If you want to redefine any of the table's column
definitions, use Database Configuration.

Custom Applications

Dropping a Custom Application Table

To drop a custom application table:
1. From Custom Applications, select the custom application you want to drop.
2. Choose Actions/Drop Custom Application to display the Drop Custom
Application Table dialog box.
3. If you don't want to delete the application file along with the custom
application table, uncheck the Delete Application File check box. The default
is for the application file to be deleted.

4. Verify that you've selected the correct table to delete.

5. Click OK.
6. When you exit Custom Applications, a message tells you that MAXIMO
must be reset for the changes to take effect. You can do this now, in which
case all MAXIMO modules and screens will be closed, or you can wait until
you exit and restart MAXIMO for the changes to take effect.

Launching a Custom Application

You can open or launch custom applications in several ways, depending on the
type of application and where you are in MAXIMO.

Launch any custom application from Custom Applications:

• From the Applications tab, select the application you want to open and
Choose Actions/Launch Selected Custom Application.
• Click the Detail button in the Name, Description, or Application Type field of
the application you want to open.

Chapter 5

Launch any custom application from within any MAXIMO application:

• Go to the Application Bar or MAXIMO Main Menu, click on Custom
Applications, and choose the application you want to open.

Launch an extra table application from within its associated MAXIMO

• From the parent MAXIMO application, go to the Navigate menu and select
the applicable Extra Form Window.
If an extra table application does not exist, the Extra Form Window menu
item is grayed out.



You use Application Setup to:
• Customize the MAXIMO Main Menu.
• Create and assign value lists.
• Set a variety of defaults for other MAXIMO applications.
• Specify which records an application can access, and in what order they are
• Clone an application.

Application Setup Tabs

• Module – To customize the Main Menu and clone an application.

• Value Lists – To create, edit, assign, and drop value lists.

Both tabs have items on the Actions menu for setting MAXIMO defaults for
Work Order Tracking, Equipment, Inventory Control, and other applications.

Chapter 6


Most of the Actions menu items open dialog boxes that are used to specify
default settings in Work Orders, Inventory, Equipment, Purchasing, and other
applications. For information on these menu items and how to use the dialog
boxes, refer to the MAXIMO online Help for Application Setup. You can access
a topic by selecting the appropriate “How Do I ...” topic or by clicking Help in
the dialog box. In the “How Do I ...” lists below, the bulleted phrases represent
the menu items.

Work Order Options: How do I specify ...

• Work Type Options
• Work Plan Save Options
• Work Priority Options
• Work Equipment and Location Options
• Work Plan Edit Options
• Problem Already Reported Options
• Actual Start Date Options

Inventory Options: How do I specify ...

• Default Costs
• Default ABC Breakpoints
• Reorder Options
• Lead Time Calculation
• Issues and Transfers Save Message
• Issues and Transfers Restrictions
• Item Assembly Structure Defaults

Other Application Options: How do I specify ...

• Currency Options
• Equipment Options

Application Setup

• Purchasing Options
• Invoice Options
• Location Options
• Preventive Maintenance Options
• Labor Reporting Options
• Meter Import Options
• Workflow Options
• AutoNumber Seeds
• Tax Options

Actions Menu Items Discussed in This Chapter

The following Actions menu items are discussed later in this chapter. They also
have online help.
• Application Restrictions
• Order By Clause
• Move Application
• Show All Value Lists
• Create Value List
• Drop Value List
• Assign and Deassign Value Lists
• Change Value List Type

You use the Module tab (Figure 6.1) to customize the position of module icons
and menu items on the MAXIMO Main Menu and the Application Bar. You also
use it to clone MAXIMO applications. Using the Actions menu, you can set
various MAXIMO defaults, restrict the records an application can access, and
specify the order in which they are accessed.

Chapter 6

NOTE: When you choose View/Module List or click the View List toolbar
button, the View List dialog box displays the modules in MAXIMO.
These include modules named HIDDEN and MXE, which are both
hidden and do not appear on the Modules menu. HIDDEN is used for
hiding applications, as described later in this chapter. MXE comprises
a number of Java components used by MAXIMO that are related to
regular MAXIMO applications. For example, there is a PO application
in the Purchasing Module and a CPO Purchase Orders Component in
the MXE module. In customizing MAXIMO, you should ignore the
MXE module and the “component” applications it contains.

Figure 6.1 Module Tab

Application Setup

Changing Main Menu Icon Positions and Application Bar

Module Sequence
The logic for defining module positions on the Application Bar derives from a
row/column format used for the Main Menu with the older screen look. If you
are using the “4i look” (the default), you can temporarily switch to the older look
to see the relationships. To do this, edit the [4iLook] section of your
both set to 0; then restart MAXIMO. See the [4iLOOK] section of Appendix B
for more information. Change the settings to 1 to return to the 4i look.
To change the position of a module icon on the Main Menu and its sequence on
the Application Bar:
1. Choose View/Module List or click the View List toolbar button and select the
module whose position you want to change.
2. Enter the new values in the Row and Column fields. Row 0 is the first row.
Column 0 is the first column. You can add rows and columns beyond those
appearing on the Main Menu when MAXIMO is installed. You cannot
specify an icon position that is already occupied.
For example, if you want to switch the positions of the Work Orders and
Equipment icons, you must first move one of them, e.g., Work Orders, to a
fourth row or fifth column. You can then move Equipment to the former
Work Orders position and Work Orders to the former Equipment position.
The Application Bar displays module icons in a top to bottom sequence
corresponding to reading the Main Menu left to right, row by row:
row/column 0/0, 0/1, 0/2, 0/3, 1/0, 1/1, etc. No gaps are displayed. If you hide
a module (explained later in this chapter), the modules after it in the sequence
each move one position to fill in the gap. However, their row/column values
do not change.

Chapter 6

For example, if you hid module 0/3, module 1/0 would move up and take its
position in row 0 on the Main Menu even though its row/column value
remained 1/0. The modules after 1/0 in the sequence would similarly each
move one position in the display sequence. If you insert a fifth column by
inserting a new module at 0/4, for example, then all the modules will move up
in the display sequence to form rows of five modules. Therefore, you can not
assume a module’s row/column value by looking at the screen; you must look
at the values on the Modules tab.
The gap closing behavior occurs even when modules are hidden
automatically. A modules is hidden automatically if your site is not licensed
for any of the applications in that module, and also if, in Signature Security,
users are not granted privileges for any of the applications in a module.
3. Save the record and close Application Setup. Choose to reset MAXIMO
when prompted, or wait until you exit and restart MAXIMO for the changes
to take effect.

Customizing a Module Menu

To change the position or name of an application on the pop-up menu of a Main
Menu icon:
1. Choose View/Module List or click the View List toolbar button and select the
module whose menu you want to change.
2. In the Menu Position column of the Applications table window, enter new
sequence value for the application involved. The first line on a pop-up menu
is position 0.
You must initially give the first application you re-sequence a higher number
than any existing ones. For example, to switch the position of the first two
applications in a module with four applications, change 0 to 4, 1 to 0, then 4
to 1.

Application Setup

3. Edit the application's Description field as needed. MAXIMO uses the text in
the Description field as the name of the application on the pop-up menu, and
on the title bar of the application.
4. Save the changes and close Application Setup. Choose to reset MAXIMO
when prompted, or wait until you exit and restart MAXIMO for the changes
to take effect.

Creating a New Module

You can create new modules on the Main Menu to include new applications. To
create a new module:
1. Choose Insert/New Module.
2. In the MAXIMO Module field, enter a name for the module. Press Tab and
enter a description in the Description field. The description text will be the
name used on the Main Menu and the Application Bar.
3. Fill in the Main Menu Row # and Column # fields to indicate where you want
the new module to appear on the Main Menu.
4. In the Applications table window, create at least one application (see Cloning
an Application for information).
5. Save the record and close Application Setup; choose to reset MAXIMO now
or wait until you exit and restart MAXIMO.
To associate an icon with this module name on the MAXIMO Main Menu (not
applicable if you are using the 4i Look), create or copy an existing bitmap file
and place it in your MAXIMO folder— the folder from which you are running
MAXIMO. Name the bitmap file the same as the new module, but with a .BMP
extension. These steps are explained in greater detail below.
To incorporate a new bitmap with the standard MAXIMO button image, perform
the following steps:

Chapter 6

1. MAXIMO icon and bitmap files are contained in Iconbmp.exe, a self-

extracting zip file in your MAXIMO folder. If you have not already done so,
extract these files by double-clicking ICONBMP.EXE.
2. Make a copy of the BLANK.BMP file, put it in your MAXIMO folder, and
rename it with the name of the new module, e.g., NEWMOD.BMP if the
module is named Newmod.
3. Using MS Paint or another bitmap editor, open the renamed .BMP file. You
will see two side by side images of a button—the left image for the button
when it is not pressed, and the right for when it is pressed. Each image is 80 x
80 pixels. The buttons do not have icons on them.
4. Using your bitmap editor, paste in the image from a custom bitmap (or simply
draw an image) onto both buttons. Save your changes. MAXIMO treats green
(RGB value 0,255,0) as a transparent color, allowing the Main Menu image
to show through; therefore use this color green only as a background color.

NOTE: You do not have to use the BLANK.BMP file. If you do not want the
button image and simply use another .BMP file for the new module
icon, the size of the bitmap must be no larger that 80 x 160 pixels, or it
will be clipped. Furthermore, MAXIMO will display the left 80 x 80
pixels when the icon on the Main Menu is not pressed, and the right 80
x 80 pixels when it is pressed, so you may want to duplicate the icon
within the bitmap.
You can set up a different path for the bitmap file by editing your MAXIMO.INI
file. In the [system] section, insert a BITMAPPATH line with the different path
name; for example: BITMAPPATH=C:\BITMAPS.
To associate an icon with the name of the new module on the Application Bar
(not applicable if you are using the 4i Look):
1. Copy an existing icon (.ICO) file from wherever you placed your MAXIMO
bitmap and icon files (see the preceding Step 1, above) and put it into your
MAXIMO folder (the folder from which you are running MAXIMO).

Application Setup

NOTE: To create your own .ICO file you need a program such as
MicroAngelo 98 by Impact Software.
2. Rename the .ICO file with the same name as the new module, e.g.,

NOTE: You cannot change the icon associated with a newly created
application. It will be the same as for the application from which the
new application was cloned.

Moving an Application to Another Module

Use the Move Application dialog box to move an application from one module
to another.
1. Choose View/Module List or click the View List toolbar button and select the
module that contains the application you want to move.
2. In the Applications table window, highlight the application and choose
Actions/Move Application to display the Move Application dialog box.
3. Click the Detail button in the Move To field and select the module.
4. Click OK.
5. Close Application Setup. Choose to reset MAXIMO when prompted, or wait
until you exit and restart MAXIMO for the changes to take effect.

Hiding and Unhiding Applications

When you hide an application, the name of the application does not appear on
any pop-up menu on the Main Menu or Application Bar.
Choose View/Module List and you will see that one of the listed modules is
named HIDDEN. This hidden module is not visible on the Main Menu.

Chapter 6

• To hide an application, move it to the HIDDEN module.

• To unhide a hidden application, move it from the HIDDEN module to a
visible module.
See Moving an Application to Another Module, above, for instructions on
moving applications.

Hiding and Unhiding Modules

When you hide a module, the module icon does not appear on the Main Menu or
Application Bar.
• You hide a module by assigning negative row and column positions to its
icon. See Changing Main Menu Icon Positions, earlier in this chapter, for
instructions on how to do this.
Note that the HIDDEN module is assigned row -1 and column -1, so you
cannot use that combination. For example, you can use row -1 and column -2.
• To unhide a module, assign it a row and column on the visible part of the
WARNING: Do not delete a module (Edit/Delete Module) unless you are
certain you will never need the applications in the module.
MAXIMO applications that are deleted with the module will no
longer function properly or be registered correctly in Signature
Security, even if the module is recreated. To remove modules and
applications from the user interface, hide them as described

Application Setup

Cloning an Application
You can create a new application in MAXIMO by cloning an existing one. You
can then modify the new one, using any of the customizing tools available with
Cloning is, in general, nothing more than providing another way to access data
from the original MAXIMO application. The clone and the original
application access the same database tables. The clone has the same
functionality as the original application because it accesses the same tables. The
only difference is in how the system administrator modifies the screens and tabs,
and whether or not there are restrictions on which records can be viewed. The
tabs on the clone and the original can be modified to suit the needs of different
groups of users.

NOTE: You cannot clone non-MAXIMO applications.

To create a new application by cloning:
1. From the Modules tab, click the View List toolbar button and select the
module you want to contain the new application.
2. Insert a new row in the Applications table window. In the Name column, type
in a database name for the new application.
3. Click the Detail button in the Original Application field and select the
application you want to clone.
4. Type in a value in the Menu Position field to indicate the new application's
position on the module's pop-up menu (used on the Main Menu and the
Application Bar).
5. In the Description field, type in a description for the new application. The
description will be the name used on the module's pop-up menu and on the
new application's screen.

Chapter 6

6. Save the changes and close Application Setup. Choose to reset MAXIMO
now or wait until you exit and restart MAXIMO.

WARNING: Hiding fields in a cloned application that are visible in the

original application can cause loss of data.

To improve performance on record retrieval, MAXIMO only

retrieves database data for the visible fields on an application’s
main tab. Hidden fields on that tab may contain no (NULL) data.
However, when a record is saved, all fields are written to in the
database, including the hidden fields with NULL values.
Therefore, when cloning, you must be careful to prevent possible
data loss as described below.
Both the clone and the original application use the same
database tables. When you use a clone of an application, you may
be retrieving and modifying existing records (records that have
been entered in the original application). For example, in
customizing the screen of a cloned application, you might hide
fields in the cloned application but not hide them in the original
application. When you save a record in the cloned application,
hidden fields with NULL values will overwrite the existing data in
the database saved by the original application.
To prevent this possible loss of data, you must add the fields you
hide on the Main Screen in the cloned application to a special
section in MAXIMO.INI with the heading [mainselect]. The
following example shows how you would add three hidden fields
(fEQ1, fEQ2, fEQ3) to the [mainselect] section of MAXIMO.INI
for a clone of the Equipment application called EQCLONE:
EQCLONE=+fEQ1, +fEQ2, +fEQ3
For more information on MAXIMO.INI and the [mainselect]
section, see Appendix B.

Application Setup

Restricting the Records an Application Can Access

Use the Application Restrictions dialog box to enter a SQL WHERE clause to
restrict the records an application can access.
You might use this feature, for example, to restrict the equipment records
accessed by the Equipment application to those pieces of equipment at a
particular site, e.g., BLDG1.

To restrict the records an application can access:

1. Choose View/Module List or click the View List toolbar button and select the
module that contains the application.
2. In the Applications table window, highlight the application on which you
want to place restrictions. Choose Actions/Application Restrictions or click
the Application Restrictions toolbar button to display the Application
Restrictions dialog box.
3. Enter a SQL WHERE clause in the dialog box. This is a multiline text field
into which you type the appropriate information. The system automatically
inserts the WHERE part of the clause, so you need not type in WHERE (if
you do, the system ignores the repetition).
4. Click OK.
5. Save the changes and close Application Setup. Choose to reset MAXIMO
when prompted, or wait until you exit and restart MAXIMO for the changes
to take effect.

Specifying the Order in Which an Application Retrieves

Use the Order By Clause dialog box to enter a SQL ORDER BY clause to
specify the order in which an application retrieves records.

Chapter 6

You might use this feature, for example, to display equipment records in
descending numerical order.

To specify the order in which an application retrieves records:

1. Choose View/Module List or click the View List toolbar button and select the
module that contains the application.
2. In the Applications table window, highlight the application. Choose
Actions/Order By Clause or click the Order By Clause toolbar button to
display the Order By Clause dialog box.
3. Enter a SQL ORDER BY clause in the dialog box. This is a multiline text
field into which you type the appropriate information. The system
automatically inserts the ORDER BY part of the clause, so you need not type
in ORDER BY (if you do, the system ignores the repetition).
4. Click OK.
5. Save the record and close Application Setup. Choose to reset MAXIMO
when prompted, or wait until you exit and restart MAXIMO for the changes
to take effect.

Setting Up Multiple Base Currencies

To use multiple base currencies in MAXIMO, you need to follow the setup
guidelines below. This will ensure that all appropriate currencies and exchange
rates will be in the system and that all affected applications will perform the
correct calculations.
1. Go to the Currency Management application and enter new records as needed
for the currency codes you plan to use for Base One and Base Two. For
example, you might enter a new currency record for the euro (XEU), to be
used for Base Two.

Application Setup

If you upgraded to this MAXIMO release, you already established a Base

One Currency Code in a previous release or during the upgrade procedure,
but you may need to create a new record for the currency you will use as Base

NOTE: An existing currency code can also be used as the Base Two
Currency Code.
2. Go to Application Setup, choose Actions/Currency Options. If you upgraded
to this release, the Base One Currency Code should already be specified.
Specify a Base Two Currency Code if not already specified.
If you are a new MAXIMO user, specify both Base One and Base Two
Currency Codes.
Click the Help button on the Currency Options dialog box for more
3. In the Currency Management application bring up the record for the Base
One Currency Code. In the exchange table window, enter the Base Two
Currency Code in the Convert To column.
For example, if FF is the Base One Currency Code and XEU (euro) is the
Base 2 Currency Code: enter FF in the Convert From field, then enter XEU in
the Convert To column. Enter valid active and expiration dates for XEU.
4. Exchange rates must be entered for each transaction currency to be converted
to the Base two Currency Code.
For example, if Base One Currency Code is FF, Base Two Currency Code is
XEU, and the transaction currency is DEM: retrieve the DEM record (so
DEM is in the Convert From field), then enter XEU in the Convert To
column in the table window. Enter valid active and expiration dates for XEU.

Chapter 6

NOTE: You must enter the bilateral EMU exchange rate for conversion
between EMU participating countries. These rates will have been
irrevocably fixed on 1 January 1999.

NOTE: The bilateral exchange rate (cross-rate) between EMU

participating countries will be entered in the EXCHANGE table in
MAXIMO can now process transactions in two base currencies. You can create
financial reports in both the Base One and Base Two Currencies.


You use the Value Lists tab (Figure 6.2) to create and maintain value lists and
assign them to database table columns. A value list enables you to specify a list
of valid values for a field. Using value lists saves data entry time and controls the
data that users enter.
When you assign a value list to a table column, the corresponding field becomes
a value list field in the application. Users display the value list by clicking the
Detail button or using the right mouse button.

Application Setup

Figure 6.2 Value Lists Tab

To view value lists:

• Choose View/Module List or click the View List toolbar button and select a
module. By default MAXIMO displays the value lists associated with the first
application in the module, including all its tables.
• You can click the Detail button in the Application field and choose another
application, or click the Detail button in the Table field and select a single
table. The Value Lists box displays the associated value lists.

Chapter 6

• To see all the existing value lists in MAXIMO, choose Actions/Show All
Value Lists. This option can be toggled on and off. A check mark appears in
front of the menu item when MAXIMO is displaying all the value lists.
Click on a value list in the Value Lists box and MAXIMO displays the list in the
Selected List field. The Type field shows the value list type (1, 2, 3, or 4). The
Data Type, Length, and Scale fields show information about the list's column
There are two kinds of value lists, standard and synonym. See Value List Types,
below, for more information.
Most Actions menu items, referred to earlier, are also available from the Value
Lists tab.

Value List Types

MAXIMO has two kinds of value lists: standard and synonym. For each kind,
you can choose to show or not to show the description fields when you display
the value list. MAXIMO categorizes these combinations into four "types."
Type 1: Standard, no description
Type 2: Standard, with description
Type 3: Synonym, no description
Type 4: Synonym, with description
To see the difference between standard and synonym value lists, look at a couple
of examples. From the Value Lists tab, select any module, then choose
Actions/Show All Value Lists.
• From the Value Lists box, select APPNAME. It fills just the left column of
the box, and when you select it, the Values table window displays all the

Application Setup

values and descriptions, in this case the values for MAXIMO application
• Scroll down towards the end of the Values Lists box until you reach
WOSTATUS. There are nine rows for the WOSTATUS synonym value list,
each with a value to the right of WOSTATUS. The values, such as APPR,
CAN, COMP, and WAPPR are used in reporting on the status of a work
order. All synonym value lists are preset in MAXIMO.
You can create standard value lists (Types 1 and 2). See Creating a Value List,
later in this chapter.
You cannot create synonym value lists (Types 3 and 4), but you can add
synonyms for the values. Click on WOSTATUS CLOSE. The Values table
window lists only CLOSE and its description. You can add synonyms for
CLOSE by adding rows in the table window. See Adding Synonym Values to a
Value List, later in this chapter, for more information.

Showing All Value Lists

On the Value Lists tab, you must select a module (click the View List toolbar
button) before MAXIMO displays any value lists. By default MAXIMO displays
the value lists associated with the first application in the module, including all its
You can click the Detail button in the Application field and choose another
application, or click the Detail button in the Table field and select a single table.
The Value Lists box displays the associated value lists.

To see the complete set of MAXIMO value lists:

• Choose Actions/Show All Value Lists. This option can be toggled on and off.
A check mark appears in front of the menu item when MAXIMO is
displaying all the value lists.

Chapter 6

Creating a Value List

Use the Create Value List dialog box to create a new value list.
1. On the Value Lists tab, choose View/Module List or click the View List
toolbar button and select any module.
2. Choose Actions/Create Value List to display the Create Value List dialog
3. Enter a name for the value list in the Value List field. Enter a description in
the field to the right.
4. In the Type section, choose Type 1 to have the value list display only the
values. Choose Type 2 to have it display values and descriptions. (You
cannot create Type 3 or 4 value lists; they are supplied by MAXIMO.)
5. In the Data Type section, click the Detail button in the Data Type field and
select a data type. Enter a Length and Scale as needed (depending on the data
type, these may be preset). The data type must be the same as, and the length
no longer than, the column to which you will assign the value list.
6. Click OK to return to the Value Lists tab. The Selected List field displays the
name of the new value list.
7. In the Values table window, enter values and descriptions for the new list.
Disregard the Default column.
8. Save the record.
See Assigning and Deassigning Value Lists, below, for instructions on assigning
the value list to a table and column.

Application Setup

Assigning and Deassigning Value Lists

Use the Assign and Deassign Value Lists dialog box to specify the table columns
(and thereby the fields) you want the value list to be used with. You can assign a
value list to more than one column, and use it in multiple applications.
1. On the Value Lists tab, select a module and application.
2. Select the value list from the Value Lists box. You may need to choose
Actions/Show All Value Lists to display the value list.
3. Choose Actions/Assign and Deassign Value Lists to display the Assign and
Deassign Value Lists dialog box.
The Value List field displays the selected list (you can select different value
lists using the field’s drop-down list). The table window shows the tables and
columns to which the selected list is currently assigned.

4. To deassign a value list, select the relevant table/column row and click

5. To assign a value list, click Assign to display the Assign Value Lists dialog
box, which lists tables and columns. You can filter by table: type in the name
of a table in the MAXIMO Table field and click Refresh.
Select the rows with the tables and columns you want and click OK. The
tables and columns are now listed in the Assign and Deassign Value Lists
dialog box. To add more tables and columns, click Assign again.
6. Click Save, then Close.

Chapter 6

Changing a Value List Type

Use the Change Value List Type dialog box to change a value list so that it does
or does not show the descriptions of the values.
1. On the Value Lists tab, select the value list from the Value Lists box. You
may need to choose Actions/Show All Value Lists to display the value list.
2. Choose Actions/Change Value List Type to display the Change Value List
Type dialog box.
3. If you selected a standard value list, click Type 1 (does not show the
description) or Type 2 (shows the description).
If you selected a synonym value list, click Type 3 (does not show the
description) or Type 4 (shows the description).
You cannot change a standard value list (Types 1 and 2) to a synonym value
(Types 3 and 4), or a synonym value list to a standard one.
See Value List Types, earlier in the chapter, for a discussion of the different

Adding Synonym Values to a Value List

You add a synonym value to provide an alternative term for a preset MAXIMO
value. The synonym might be a translation, or it might be a term more
appropriate for your facility. You can make the synonym the default. To add
synonyms to a synonym value list (Types 3 and 4):
1. From the Value Lists tab, select the synonym value list from the Value Lists
For example, if you select WOSTATUS CLOSE from the Value Lists box,
CLOSE appears in the Values table window. Any existing synonyms for
CLOSE would be listed below it in the table window.

Application Setup

2. Add synonyms by adding rows to the table window and entering the synonym
values and descriptions. Enter Y or N (Yes/No) in the default columns. You
can only have one default. To enter a Y you will have to change the Y to N
for the previous default.

NOTE: You cannot add synonym values to standard value lists (Types 1 and
2). You can add more values.
See Value List Types, earlier in the chapter, for a description of the different

Dropping a Value List

Use the Drop Value List dialog box to delete a value list you have created. You
cannot drop MAXIMO-defined value lists.
1. On the Value Lists tab, select a module and application.
2. Select the value list from the Value Lists box. You may need to choose
Actions/Show All Value Lists to display the value list.
3. Choose Actions/Drop Value List to display the Drop Value List dialog box.
4. Check to make sure you selected the correct one, then click OK. MAXIMO
warns you if the value list is still associated with columns. If you still want to
drop it, click OK.

Chapter 6

MAXIMO screens include context-sensitive, pop-up field help. You can
customize screens, create new custom applications, and clone applications to fit
your needs; and to accompany what you customize, you can design your own
When a user moves focus (places the cursor into a field and clicks) to a field and
presses F1 or selects What’s This from the Right Mouse Button menu, a pop-up
field help screen appears. Figure 6.3 shows the pop-up field help displayed for
the Work Order field on the Work Order tab in Work Order Tracking.

Figure 6.3 Pop-Up Field Help for the Work Order Field in Work Order Tracking

To edit the current help, or to create new help for unhidden fields and for cloned
and custom applications, you need to purchase the MAXIMO Help and
Documentation Customization Kit. This kit includes the source files you will
need to customize MAXIMO's help.
The following is a summary of the steps involved:
1. Create a Help file. You can use a help authoring system or create Help
directly in Microsoft .RTF files.
2. Using SQLTalk, modify the MAXHLP table in MAXIMO’s database to
associate your help file with any or all of MAXIMO’s application screens or
table windows.

Application Setup

Keep in mind the following if you create your own help:

• When you create the help file, the software you use should generate a map
section in the project file, named FILENAME.HPJ. This section associates
help topic context strings with a context number. You use this context
number when you modify the MAXHLP table in the database.
• MAXIMO supplies field help for all visible fields. If you unhide fields using
Object Nationalizer, you may want to include field help for them. In that case
you could create an additional help file for just those fields you unhide.
The columns in the MAXHLP table are listed below:
APP The executable file name of the application
WINDOW The SQLWindows name of the form. Use Object
Nationalizer to find this name.
TWNAME The child table window name (if applicable). Use Object
Nationalizer to find this name.
CONTROL The name of the object (field, push button, column, etc.)
you want help for. Use Object Nationalizer to find this
HELPFILE The file name of your help file. Do not use maxfield.hlp.
It is the default.
TOPICNUM The control number corresponding to the number in the
.hpj file.

Chapter 6



You use the Hyperlink application to create links between MAXIMO data fields
and/or push buttons and other applications. You can then “launch” the other
applications from within the MAXIMO application you are using. You can
launch non-MAXIMO applications, referred to as user applications, as well as
other MAXIMO applications.
In establishing a hyperlink, think in terms of the “launching” application and the
“launched” application. The launching application is the MAXIMO application
from which you set up the hyperlink to another application. The other
application is “launched,” or opened, by the launching application.
If you create a hyperlink to one or your MAXIMO applications (including
custom applications), you can copy data from a field on the launching
application to a field on the launched application. Using Return With Selection,
you can copy data from the launched application to the launching application.
If you hyperlink to a user application, you can copy data from the MAXIMO
application to the user application. The user application is responsible for
reading a command line and processing the data. You cannot automatically bring
back data from user applications to MAXIMO applications.

Chapter 7

Hyperlink Tabs
The Hyperlink application has one tab:

• Hyperlink – To set up the links between launching applications and the

applications they launch.

Use the Hyperlink tab (Figure 7.1) to establish the link between the application
you want to launch and the MAXIMO application from which to launch it.

Figure 7.1 Hyperlink Tab


Creating a Hyperlink
To create a hyperlink, perform the following steps:
1. In the Hyperlink application, choose Insert/New Hyperlink. Click the Detail
button in the MAXIMO Application field and select the application and tab
from which you want to launch another application.

NOTE: The database names for tabs generally use MAINSCREEN for an
application's first tab. The list of applications includes some
temporary ones that are being used for development of the
MAXIMO Java product. These listed items have a C in front of a
standard MAXIMO application name. For example, there is a
Purchase Orders application listed (PO) and a Purchase Orders
Component listed (CPO). Do not use the Java-related items
beginning with “C.”
2. The launching object is the data field or push button from which you want to
launch another application. In the Object Type group box, select Data Field
or Push Button.
3. In the Object field, enter the name of the MAXIMO data field or push button.
To obtain names, see the following section, Finding a Field or Push Button
Name, which describes how to do this using Centura Object Nationalizer.
You can launch Object Nationalizer by clicking the Detail button in the
Object field.

NOTE: To use a push button, you would first use Object Nationalizer to
unhide it on the tab of the launching application, then position the
button on the tab and change its name to indicate its function. See
Chapter 3, “Object Nationalizer Screen Editor,” for more

Chapter 7

4. Specify the Hyperlink type (the type of application you want to launch):
• Click the MAXIMO Application radio button to launch one of your
MAXIMO applications, including any you created using Custom
• Click the User Application radio button to launch all other applications,
e.g., word-processing, graphics, etc.
5. To use the hyperlink to launch one of your MAXIMO applications, fill in the
appropriate items under MAXIMO Application:
• Click the Detail button in the Application to Launch field and select the
application you want to launch.

NOTE: The list of applications in the table window includes some

temporary ones that are being used for development of the
MAXIMO Java product. These listed items include the word
“component” or “context.” You should ignore them. For
example, there is a Purchase Orders application listed and a
Purchase Orders Component listed. Do not hyperlink to a
“component” type application.
• If you want to copy data from the launching application to the launched
application, follow these steps:
a. In the Source Data Field, type in the field name for the data field in the
launching application.
b. In the Target Data Field, fill in the field name of the data field in the
launched application.
To find field names, see the following section, Finding a Field or Push
Button Name.
If you do not want to copy data, leave the Source and Target Data Fields


• If you want to open the dynamic View List dialog box in the launched
application, enter the complete SQL Select statement in the Value List
SQL Statement box. This SQL statement will be executed when you
launch the application.
For example, the select statement for opening the Preventive Maintenance
dynamic View List dialog is:
You can specify up to fourteen additional columns: cDyCOL1, cDyCOL2,
cDyCOL3, etc. through cDyCOL14.
6. To use the hyperlink to launch a user application (i.e., a non-MAXIMO
application), fill in the appropriate items under User Application:
• In the Application to Launch field, enter the path for the user application.
To search for the executable, click the Detail button. Select the application
executable and click Open to insert the path.
• Under Parameters, you can select Default, or User-Defined, or both. The
default parameters are: database name, schema name, schema password,
login user name, login password.
• If you choose User-Defined, fill in the parameters in the accompanying
field. You can use text strings and/or refer to one or more data fields from
the launching tab by using their field names (for example:
fMSDSNUM".DOC"). Parameters other than field and column names
must be enclosed in double quotes.
MAXIMO passes the Where clause and schema name to a .PRM file in
the SQRSPOOL folder specified in MAXIMO.INI (SPL is the default).
You can customize the user application so that it uses the Where clause
data in the .PRM file to obtain the result set from the launching
application. The schema parameter can be used to view a specific schema
in the database.

Chapter 7

7. Save your changes. You must reload the data dictionary before the new
hyperlinks will function. Choose Actions/Reload Data Dictionary or wait
until you exit and restart MAXIMO, when reloading is automatic. If you
reload the data dictionary now, all MAXIMO applications will be closed.
After you reload the data dictionary, you can test your hyperlinks. If the
Launching Object is a field without a Detail button, MAXIMO adds a Detail
button that launches the application. If the Launching Object is a field with an
existing Detail button, you must click in the field with the right mouse button
and select Hyperlink.
NOTE: MAXIMO’s preset hyperlinks to key fields (unique identifiers) will
insert the value into the key field and query it. Custom hyperlinks to
key fields will insert the value but will not query the record.

Finding a Field or Push Button Name

To Find a Field or Push Button Name Using Object Nationalizer:
The quickest way to access Object Nationalizer (in the Utilities module) is to use
the hyperlink on the Hyperlink tab:

1. Click the Detail button in the Object field to open Object Nationalizer's main
2. Choose File/Open, select the application containing the field or push button
you want, and click Open.
3. In the left window, expand and scroll down the folder tree to display the
items in the application's Windows folder. Most MAXIMO tabs in Object
Nationalizer have the prefix frm (e.g., frmCOMPANY). Some do not (e.g.,
Work, for the Work Order tab).
4. Select the tab containing the field or push button you want, and click the
Layout tab at the bottom of the right window. Object Nationalizer displays


the form in the right window. Use the Layout menu at the top of the screen
for the following tasks:
• Choose Layout/Preview Window to display the whole form. Use the Right
Mouse Button menu to turn Preview Window off.
• To find a hidden field or push button, choose Layout/Show Hidden
5. To find a field name or push button name, double-click the field or button and
choose Object Name.

To Find a Field Name Using the Set Field Defaults Dialog Box:
1. Open the application and tab on which the field occurs.
2. Put the cursor in the field and choose Setup/Set Field Defaults. The Field
Name field shows the name.

NOTE: Typically, only the system administrator (user SYSADM) has menu
privileges for Set Field Defaults, unless he or she grants this privilege
to other users in Signature Security.

Chapter 7



In customizing your system, you will probably want to specify how MAXIMO
displays certain kinds of data—such as date, time, and numeric values—that are
controlled by Windows settings. This section describes what kinds of data are
involved and what some of the options are. It also describes how MAXIMO
validates entries, and it gives examples of what MAXIMO displays when data
are entered.
Formatting of all data fields and columns is based on the MAXIMO data type as
found in the data dictionary:

Chapter 8


Formatting Configured in WIN.INI

Formatting information is maintained by the Control Panel’s Regional Settings
application (CPRS). This information is stored in the Windows registry or the
[Intl] section of WIN.INI.
Selecting the Regional Settings icon from the Control Panel displays the
Regional Settings Properties dialog box, which includes the following tabs:
Regional Settings, Number, Currency, Time, and Date. To change formats, click
the appropriate tab to display the options. Specify the desired formats. Click
Apply, then OK.
NOTE: Making changes using the Control Panel’s Regional Settings
application affects all Windows applications, not just MAXIMO.

Formatting Configured in MAXIMO.INI

Some formatting characteristics specified in the Control Panel’s Regional
Settings application can be overridden by entries in the [formats] section of
MAXIMO.INI. In the current release, these are limited to date/time formatting

Characteristics of Formatting
• Formats are global.
Except for formats defined in MAXIMO.INI, which apply only to MAXIMO,
formatting for each data type defined in the Control Panel will be global and
apply to every instance of that data type across all MAXIMO and other

Validation and Formatting

Windows applications. This means, for instance, that if amount formats are
configured to be displayed with the $ currency symbol, every amount field
throughout MAXIMO will use this format. All Windows applications will be
• Application formats and input masks are ignored.
• For the current version of MAXIMO, all formats and input masks specified
through Centura Object Nationalizer will be ignored.
• Display formats vs. on-entry formats
Date, date/time, and all numeric formats are displayed differently depending
on whether a field is the current field. In general, on-entry/input formats (the
format displayed when the field is current, i.e., the cursor is in the field) are
shorter in order to simplify input; display formats are expanded with such
things as currency symbols, full month names, zero-padding, and so on.


Numeric formatting is primarily based on entries set on the Number tab in the
Control Panel’s Regional Settings application:
Decimal symbol A single character decimal separator; the default
is “.”

No. of digits after MAXIMO does not use this setting for numeric
decimal fields. In MAXIMO the number of decimal digits
for each decimal field is specified using Database
Configuration. This allows different numbers of
decimal digits for different fields.
Digit grouping symbol The symbol used to separate digit groups: for
example, the “,” in 1,000. Since we usually group

Chapter 8

by thousands, we refer to this as a thousands

No. of digits in group The number of digits you want grouped. The
default, 3, groups by thousands. If you do not want
a separator, choose 0.
Negative sign symbol The symbol used for negative numbers. The default
is “-”.
Negative number format Five formats are available.
Display leading zeroes Specifies whether a leading zero is displayed for
decimal values.
You can use Database Configuration to specify that particular numeric data fields
in MAXIMO are positive. Range checking will verify that the input is positive.
The following sections discuss formatting and validation for the numeric data
types used in MAXIMO.

Integers and Smallints

Integers and Smallints are numbers with no fractional portion. Smallints are two-
byte values, integers are four-byte values.

On-Entry Format
Enter digits and sign only; the thousands separators are not required, but may be

Display Format
If a thousands separator is specified in the Control Panel’s Regional Settings
application (CPRS), then values will be displayed with that separator.

Validation and Formatting

If you enter a decimal and digit(s) to the right of the decimal, these values will
be rounded.

Range Validation
SMALLINTS must be between -32768 and +32767
INTEGERS must be between -2147483648 and +2147483647

! Examples
CPRS Settings Enter After Leaving Field

Thousands Separator = , 123456 123,456

Decimal Symbol = . 56.789 57

Thousands Separator = . -123456 -123.456

Decimal Symbol = , 56,789 57

Floats are numbers with fractional portions that have variable precision.

On-Entry Format
Enter digits, sign, and decimal symbol as specified in the CPRS. The thousands
separator is not required, but may be entered. All trailing zeroes are dropped.

Display Format
Thousands separators and leading zeroes are added if specified in the CPRS. At
least one digit to the right of the decimal is displayed. All other trailing zeroes
are dropped.

Chapter 8

If you enter more digits than the maximum precision allowed by the database,
those digits will be rounded.

Range Validation
The absolute value of any float must be less than 10N where N = the maximum
precision allowed by the database.

! Examples
CPRS Settings Enter After Leaving Field

Thousands Separator = , 1234 1,234.0

Decimal Symbol = . -1.234 -1.234
Leading Zero = 1 .00200 0.002
Thousands Separator = . 1234 1.234,0
Decimal Symbol = , -1,234 -1,234
Leading Zero = 0 ,00200 ,002

Decimals are numbers with an integer portion and a fractional portion that
consists of a fixed number of digits called the scale. A database column defined
as decimal (10,2) will have a scale of 2, meaning two digits to the right of the
decimal and eight digits to the left.

On-Entry Format
Enter digits, sign, and decimal symbol as specified in the Control Panel’s
Regional Settings application. The thousands separator is not required, but may
be entered. All trailing zeroes are dropped.

Validation and Formatting

Display Format
Thousands separators and leading zeroes are added, if they are specified in the
CPRS. The value will be zero-padded to fill in additional digits to the right of the
decimal, as specified by the field’s scale.

If you enter more digits to the right of the decimal than the column’s scale, those
digits will be rounded.

Range Validation
Absolute values larger than can fit in the non-fractional portion will cause
validation errors. For instance, in a field associated with a database column
defined as decimal (6,2), only four digits to the left of the decimal are allowed—
in this case, the number 12345 will not be valid.

! Examples
The following examples assume a field defined as decimal (10,3).

CPRS Settings Enter After Leaving Field

Thousands Separator = , 1234 1,234.000

Decimal Symbol = . -1.234 -1.234
Leading Zero = 1 .2 0.200
1.23456 1.235

Thousands Separator =. 1234 1.234,000

Decimal Symbol =, -1,234 -1,234
Leading Zero =0 ,2 ,200
1,23456 1,235

Chapter 8

In MAXIMO, amounts are an extended data type. The database columns are
defined as DECIMAL in Syscolumns and as AMOUNT in Maxsyscolumns. Like
decimals, they have an integer portion and a fixed fractional portion (scale).
Formatting information for AMOUNT fields is obtained from the entries on the
Currency tab in the Control Panel’s Regional Settings application. In addition to
format options for decimals and groupings (e.g., thousands separators), the
Currency tab allows you to specify the currency symbol, the symbol position,
and the format for negative amounts:
Currency symbol You can use up to five characters to define a
currency symbol.
Position of currency symbol Example: Using $ as the symbol and 123.22 as
the amount, one of the following:
$ 123.22
123.22 $
Negative number format Example: Using $ as the symbol and 123.22 as
the amount, one of the following:
-123.22 $
-$ 123.22

Validation and Formatting

123.22 $-
$ 123.22-
$ -123.22
123.22- $
($ 123.22)
(123.22 $)

On-Entry Format
Enter digits, sign, and decimal symbol as specified in the CPRS; no thousands
separators or currency symbols are required, but they may be entered. All trailing
zeroes are dropped.

Display Format
Thousands separators, leading zero, and currency symbol are added as specified
in the CPRS. The value will be zero-padded to fill in additional digits to the right
of the decimal, as specified by the field’s scale. For positive amounts, the symbol
placement is used. For negative amounts, the negative symbol placement is used.

Validation is the same as for a decimal field with the exception that extra digits
to the right of the decimal cause validation errors.

! Examples
The following examples assume an amount (10,2) field.

CPRS Settings Enter After Leaving Field

Symbol = $
Symbol Position = $123.22 1234 $1,234.00
Negative = ($123.22) -1.23 ($1.23)
Thousands Separator = , .2 $0.20

Chapter 8

Decimal Symbol = . 1.234 invalid

Leading Zero = 1

Symbol = DM
Symbol Placement = 1 DM 1234 1.234,00 DM
Negative = -123.22 DM -1,23 -1,23 DM
Thousands Separator = . ,2 ,20 DM
Decimal Symbol = , 1,234 invalid
Leading Zero = 0

NOTE: Oracle and SQL Server allow a precision of over 30 digits (refer to
product-specific documentation for exact limits).


MAXIMO obtains date/time formats from the Date and Time tabs in the Control
Panel’s Regional Settings application.

Short Date and Long Date

Short date formats and long date formats are specified on the Date tab in the
Control Panel’s Regional Settings application. To see some of the possible
formats, click on the drop-down arrows in the Short date style and Long date
style fields. Consult Windows field help for these two fields for further
explanation (place the cursor in the field and press the F1 key).

! Examples Short Date Format 3/7/01

Long Date Format Monday, March 7, 2001
Mon, Mar 07, 01

Validation and Formatting

Date/Time Format Specifiers

Some of the date/time format specifiers are listed below. Consult Windows Field
Help for the Date and Time tabs in the Control Panel’s Regional Settings
application for more information (place the cursor in the field and press the F1
yy Year: 2-digit
yyyy Year: 4-digit
M Month: 1-12 (without leading zero)
MM Month: 01-12 (with leading zero)
MMM Month: Jan-Dec (abbreviated name)
MMMM Month: January-December (full name)
d Day: 1-31 (without leading zero)
dd Day: 01-31 (with leading zero)
ddd Day: Sun-Sat (abbreviated name)
dddd Day: Sunday-Saturday (full name)
h Hour: 1-12 (12-hour clock)
hh Hour: 01-12 (12-hour clock)
H Hour: 1-24 (24-hour clock)
HH Hour: 01-24 (24-hour clock)
mm Minute: 00-59
ss Second: 00-59
NOTE: Format specifiers are case-sensitive. MM-dd-yy (month, day, year) is
not the same as mm-dd-yy (minutes, day, year).

YMD Order
The YMD order of a date format is the order in which the year, month, and day
format specifiers occur. This corresponds to the order setting in the CPRS.

Chapter 8

Format YMD Order

dd MM yyyy DMY
yyyy-MM-dd YMD
M/d/yy MDY
In determining the YMD order, MAXIMO ignores the format specifiers “ddd”
and “dddd”, which specify spelled-out days of the week, e.g., Mon or Monday.


Short Date Validation
During startup, the short date format in the Control Panel’s Regional Settings
application is loaded into MAXIMO and validated as a legal Centura format. If
the short date format is invalid, MAXIMO will give you a message, log the
information, and abort initialization.
All date parsing depends on the short date format; therefore, it is necessary that
this format be valid.

Long Date Validation

During startup, the long date format in the Control Panel’s Regional Settings
application is loaded into MAXIMO and validated. If the entry is not a valid
Centura date format, the short date format is used instead as the MAXIMO long
date format.
(The default Finnish long date format is not considered a valid Centura date.)

Validation and Formatting

On-Entry and Display Formats

MAXIMO uses separate on-entry and display date formats. By default, both the
on-entry date format and the display date format are the short date format. You
can specify the long date format as the default display date in MAXIMO.INI, as
described in the next section.
Years 1999 and earlier are always displayed with four digits, regardless of how
the short date or long date styles are specified in the CPRS.

Overriding Default Date Formats in MAXIMO.INI

Entries in the MAXIMO.INI [formats] section can be used to override the default
date formats. This is done by adding DateOnEntry= and DateDisplay= entries,
using one of the following predefined values:

! Examples CPRS Short Date Format = M/d/yy

CPRS Long Date Format = MMM d, yyyy

MAXIMO.INI Interpreted As
[formats] ----------
DateOnEntry=SHORTDATE = M/d/yy
DateDisplay=SHORTDATE = M/d/yy

DateOnEntry=YYMMDD = yyMMdd
DateDisplay=LONGDATE = MMM d, yyyy

(LONGDATE may be used only for DateDisplay=)

Chapter 8

In addition, any valid format whose YMD order matches the CPRS short date
YMD order can also be used. For instance, the following formats are considered
valid by MAXIMO:
CPRS Short Date Format = M/d/yy
DateDisplay=MMM dd yyyy
However, the following is not considered valid because the DateOnEntry
format’s YMD order is different from the CPRS short date YMD order.
CPRS Short Date Format = M/d/yy
Whenever an invalid format is specified for either the DateOnEntry or
DateDisplay format, a message is displayed (and logged), and the short date
format is substituted.
These settings affect the display of all date and date/time fields across all
MAXIMO applications.

Nonseparated German Format YYMMDD

There are special constraints regarding the nonseparated German format,
YYMMDD, which apply to both DateOnEntry and DateDisplay formats. The
short date format in the Windows Control Panel’s Regional Settings application
must have the same general ordering as the format specified in MAXIMO.INI—
yy-M-d or yyyy-M-dd, for example, but not M-d-yy. MAXIMO will then ignore
the Regional Settings short date and use YYMMDD instead.

Validation and Formatting

Time Formats
Time formats are obtained from the Time tab in the Control Panel’s Regional
Settings application. The Time tab has fields for Time style, Time separator, and
AM and PM symbols. Consult Windows Field Help for information on formats
(place the cursor in the field and press the F1 key). A colon (:) is the default
Time separator.

Conditional Display of Minutes, Seconds, and

Conditional display of minutes, seconds, and microseconds is controlled in
MAXIMO.INI. By default, only hours and minutes are displayed. By using the
time_minutes, time_seconds, and time_microsecs entries in the MAXIMO.INI
[formats] section, minutes, seconds, and microseconds can be enabled or
disabled. These settings affect display of all times and date/times within

! Examples To disable minute display:


To enable microsecond display


Seconds will be used only if minutes are enabled (minutes are enabled by
default). Microseconds will be used only if seconds are enabled.

Chapter 8

MAXIMO will interpret four-digit time input as hhmm and will interpret three-
digit time values as hmm. A colon (:) is the default time separator.

Time Suffixes
The on-entry and display time formats are the same for 12-hour clocks—you
must specify AM or PM to obtain the correct time.

Date/Time Formats
Date/time on-entry and display formats are built by concatenating the
appropriate date and time formats.

Two-Digit and Four-Digit Years

MAXIMO stores dates internally with all four digits. It uses the “century
method” to resolve the year 2000 problem of deciding the century when a two-
digit year is entered. By this method, MAXIMO uses two pieces of information
to determine the century: the two digits entered in the MAXIMO field, and the
last two digits of the current year. It resolves the question as shown in the
following table.

Last two digits of current Two-digit entry in the MAXIMO field

00-49 50-99

00-49 current century previous century

50-99 next century current century

Validation and Formatting

During the year 2001, if you enter a two-digit year ranging from 50 to 99,
MAXIMO will interpret the year as 1950 to 1999. If you enter digits ranging
from 00 to 49, MAXIMO will interpret the year as 2000 to 2049.
MAXIMO displays all 1900 year dates with four digits.

! Examples CPRS Short Date Format = M/d/yy and the current year is 2001

Enter Redisplay Actual Date

5/15/98 5/15/1998 May 15, 1998

6/22/02 6/22/02 June 22, 2002
7/25/51 7/25/1951 July 25, 1951
8/29/48 8/29/48 August 29, 2048

Partial Dates
A single number in a date or date/time field is interpreted as that day of the
current month and year. If two numbers are entered, the first is interpreted as the
day, the second as the month of the current year. If the day and month name are
entered, the current year is used. For date/time fields, the default time used is
12:00 AM (00:00).

! Examples The LongDate format is MMMM d, yyyy, DateDisplay=LONGDATE in

MAXIMO.INI, and you enter the following dates on June 16, 2001.

Enter Date Displayed

1 June 1, 2001
14 June 14, 2001

Chapter 8

12 February 1, 2001
June invalid
3 31 invalid
July 1 July 1, 2001
7 July July 7, 2001

Validation and Parsing of Dates

Not every date that is entered can be parsed. For instance, assume the following
format and entry:
Short date format M/d/y
Entry 2 Jun 12
In this entry it is not clear which number is the year and which is the day. It is
important that validation correctly interpret the input; therefore, validation will
fail in cases where the input is ambiguous.

Plus and Minus Keys in Date and Date/Time Fields

Pressing the plus key (+) or the minus key (-) causes the date currently displayed
in the field to be incremented or decremented. If the field is blank, the current
date is displayed first. Pressing the equal key (=) will also increment the date,
except in query mode, where the equal sign is used as a SQL operator.


Data validation and formatting in Query mode are available in MAXIMO.
If you enter one of the following SQL operators, the data that follows to the right
will be formatted according to the rules described earlier:
<= =< >= => != <> < > =

Validation and Formatting

! Examples The following examples assume the Currency Symbol is “$”, the decimal
symbol is “.”, the number of digits after the decimal is two, the LongDate format
is MMMM d, yyyy, DateDisplay=LONGDATE in MAXIMO.INI, and the current
date is June 16, 2001.

Field Type Input Reformatted Display

Amount >1 > $1.00

Decimal <> 12 != 12.00
Date < 6/16/01 < June 16, 2001
Date >1 > June 1, 2001

Characteristics of Query Mode Validation

• When an application goes into Query mode, all fields are expanded to allow
entry of operators. When going into any other mode from Query mode, the
fields are reset to their proper database size.
• If you enter only an operator, the field is cleared when you leave it.
• You can use the plus and minus keys to increment and decrement date fields,
but the equal key can only be used as an operator.
• When you go into Insert mode from Query mode, you may choose to keep the
data that you have already entered. If fields contain SQL operators, the
operators will be deleted.
• The WHERE clause constructed by the query uses the internal SQL formats
for dates, date/times, and times.
• Only single operators are supported.

Chapter 8



Use Reports and Other Apps to register report writers and other applications—to
tell MAXIMO what report writers and other applications exist, and how
MAXIMO should run them. You also register individual reports and other
application files.
MAXIMO 4i Release 4.1.1 uses SQR as its primary report writer. In addition,
MAXIMO 4i uses the Crystal Reports report writer. To run the Crystal reports
that are included in Release 4.1.1, you must have Crystal Reports Professional v.
8.0 and the MAXIMO 4i Release 4.1.1 Crystal Integration.

NOTE: Although MAXIMO uses SQR and Crystal Reports as its default report
writers, you can register other report writers for use with MAXIMO.
MRO Software, Inc., however, does not provide technical support for
other report writers. You must contact the appropriate vendor.

Chapter 9

Reports and Other Apps provides flexibility in how you set up MAXIMO to
interface with the other applications:
• When you register a new report writer or application, you can indicate
whether it should be run from a particular MAXIMO application or from all
MAXIMO applications.
• You can register reports so that they display information based on the current
record only, or on all selected records. Most reports can be run either way.
• You can specify any DOS or Windows program to display the report after it
finishes running. MAXIMO's default report setup uses SQR Viewer.
However, you may designate your preferred editor. Some reports output their
data in spreadsheet format. For those reports you can run a spreadsheet or
graphics program.
• You can register other applications, such as graphics packages, with
MAXIMO and pass information to them. For example, you can register an
equipment drawing package so that you can display a drawing for an
equipment record.
• SQR and Crystal Reports have already been registered with the MAXIMO

Reports and Other Apps Tabs

Reports and Other Apps has one tab:

• Application – To register report writers and other applications, as well as

individual reports and application files.

Reports and Other Apps

Use the Application tab (Figure 9.1) to register report writers and other
applications, as well as individual reports and application files. The tab displays
a single report writer or other application record at a time—SQR, Notepad, or
Paintbrush, for example—along with the files, if any, that are attached to that
application. Choose View/Application List or use the View List button to see the
list of applications currently registered with MAXIMO; then select the
application record you want to view.

Figure 9.1 Application Tab

Chapter 9

If the MAXIMO Application field is blank, you can access the report writer or
other application from all MAXIMO applications. You can restrict the individual
reports or application files listed in the Attached Files table window to specific
MAXIMO applications, even if the report writer or other application runs from
all MAXIMO applications.
SQR and Crystal Reports have already been registered with MAXIMO

Registering a Report Writer or Other Application

To register a report writer or other application with MAXIMO:
1. From the Application tab, click the New button to insert a new record. Type
the name of the application in the Application field. Enter its descriptive
name in the description field to the right.
2. If you want the application to be accessible from all MAXIMO applications,
leave the MAXIMO Application field blank. If you want to restrict its use to
a specific MAXIMO application, click the Detail button in the MAXIMO
Application field and select the application.

NOTE: If you want the application to run with more than one, but not all,
MAXIMO applications, you must register a “new” application
(create a new record) for each MAXIMO application you want it to
run with. That is, duplicate the record, but type a different entry in
the MAXIMO Application field.
3. Click the Detail button in the Type field and select Other Application or
Report Writer.
4. Enter the executable file name (and parameters, if appropriate) in the
Application Command Line field (for example, MSPAINT.EXE {P1}). You
may use Substitution Variables (described later in this chapter) in the
command line. You may also use User Prompts.

Reports and Other Apps

5. If you want to attach files to a report writer application, you can do so using
the Attached Files table window.
6. Save the record.

Registering an SQR Report or Other Application File

To register an SQR report or other application file:
1. Choose View/Application List and select a report writer or other application.
2. Insert a new row in the Attached Files table window and enter the file name
of the report or other file in the File Name column.
3. In the MAXIMO Application column, enter the name of the MAXIMO
application from which you want to run the report or other file.
• If you want to be able to run the report or other file from all MAXIMO
applications, leave this column blank.
• If you want to run the report or other file from some, but not all,
MAXIMO applications, you must insert a table row for each MAXIMO
application that you want to run it from (for example, SQR's WOPRINT
report is registered to several applications).
4. In the Description column, enter the full name or description of the report.
5. Specify the appropriate information in the Command Line column:
• For non-SQR report writers, enter the parameters associated with the file
• For SQR reports, this command specifies the program you run to display
the report when you preview it (if you choose preview on the Report
Options dialog box when you run the report). Enter the command to be
executed after the report runs. For example, the following command will

Chapter 9

display the WOPRINT report output in SQR Viewer (the default for SQR
{SPOOL} is replaced with the SQRW_SPOOL parameter specified in
your MAXIMO.INI file. Do not type a space between {SPOOL} and the
output file name. You may use substitution variables (described later in
this chapter). Some reports output their data in spreadsheet format. For
those reports you can run a spreadsheet or graphics program.
6. You can specify user prompts (described later in this chapter) if desired.
Select Actions/Specify User Prompts and specify up to four prompts. The
report or other file must contain the code that references the prompts.
7. For SQR reports, you can specify some defaults using the Specify Report
Preferences dialog box. Select Actions/Specify Report Preferences to set
these defaults.
8. Save the record. You can now run the report or application from the
MAXIMO application(s) you specified. You can change registration
specifications as needed.

NOTE: To register a Crystal report, see “Registering Reports in Your

Database” in the MAXIMO 4i Crystal Integration Installation/Upgrade

Substitution Variables
The Application Command Line field and the Command Line column can
contain special control variables that are replaced by real values at run-time.
These variables are easy to find because they are surrounded by braces. All are
listed below.

Reports and Other Apps

Variable Description
{KEY} The value of the current unique identifier on the current
{APP} The name of the current application.
{PATH} The folder containing SQR report files.
{SPOOL} The folder where SQR output is sent.
{P1} ... {P4} Parameter values solicited from the user prior to
execution of the report or program.
{DBNAME} The database name of the current session.
{MAXIMONAME} The schema name.
{USERNAME} The logged-in MAXIMO user name (not MAXIMO).
{USERPW} The logged-in MAXIMO user's password (not
MAXIMO's password)
{WHERE} The Where section of the main select statement.
Some sample command lines using control variables are:
Runs SQR Viewer after a report is run to view the report's output on the
Runs Windows Paintbrush program and displays a picture (.PCX files
are graphics display files). The picture file is to be found in the same
folder as the reports and has a name equal to the key of the current
record. For example, if the SQR reports are in C:\SQR5\Reports and the

Chapter 9

current record is 11211, then the command line translates to

PBRUSH C:\SQR5\Reports\11211.PCX.

Specifying Report Preferences

If you are registering an SQR or Crystal report, you can specify certain defaults
for running the report.
To specify preferences:
1. Highlight the report in the Attached Files table window.
2. Choose Actions/Specify Report Preferences to display the Specify Report
Preferences dialog box (Figure 9.2).

Figure 9.2 Specify Report Preferences Dialog Box

Reports and Other Apps

3. Set defaults as needed for the following:

• Command Line Parameters field: You can use this field to pass additional
run time parameters to SQR.
• Output File Name field: You can specify a different output file. SQR
creates two output files, one text and one binary. The file name in this
dialog box represents the name of the text file created by SQR. In most
cases, this should have a .LIS file type. The file name specified in the
Command Line column in the Attached Files table window specifies the
binary file type (.SPF), as required by the SQR Viewer (SQRWV.EXE).
For Crystal reports, use this line to specify a text file.
• Input Range: You can select an input range by clicking the appropriate
radio button—No Input (all records), Current Record, Selected Records,
or Current or Selected. If you choose Current or Selected, you can then
specify the default in the Default Range group box.
• Output File Contains Routing Information check box: check this only if
you are using report routing (described later in this chapter).
You can access the Specify User Prompts dialog box by clicking the Prompts

Specifying User Prompts

User prompts request run-time parameters from users when they run a report or
other application file. The report or other application file must contain the code
that references the prompts.
To specify user prompts:
1. Highlight the report or other application file in the Attached Files table

Chapter 9

2. Choose Actions/Specify User Prompts to display the Specify User Prompts

dialog box.
3. Specify up to four prompts. Typical prompts for reports are Start Date and
End Date.
4. Make certain the report or other file references these prompts.

Running a Report
You can run a report from the MAXIMO application to which it is registered, as
well as from Reports and Other Apps.

To Run a Report From Its Registered MAXIMO Application:

1. Select File/Run Reports to display the Reports dialog box. The Reports dialog
box lists all reports (for all report writers) registered to that MAXIMO
application (e.g., equipment reports for the Equipment application), and also
the reports registered to all MAXIMO applications.
2. Select the report you want to run and click Run.
3. A Report Options dialog box (Figure 9.3) allows you to specify certain
information—whether to preview or print the report, send mail, or use
automatic routing, and the input range (no input, current record, or selected
records). Choose the appropriate options and click OK.

Reports and Other Apps

Figure 9.3 Report Options Dialog Box

4. If the report requires user input, a Parameters dialog box prompts you for
information. Fill in the information and click OK.

To Run a Report From Reports and Other Apps:

1. Retrieve the record for the relevant report writer application, e.g., SQRW.
2. Select the report file you want to run and choose Actions/Run Selected Item.
3. For SQR reports, a Report Options dialog box allows you to specify certain
information—whether to preview or print the report, send mail, or use
automatic routing, and the input range (no input, current record, or selected
records). Choose the appropriate options and click OK.
4. If the report requires user input, a Parameters dialog box prompts you for
information. Fill in the information and click OK.

NOTE: You can also start non-report writer applications from Reports and
Other Apps. If there are no attached files, or if you want to run an
existing file that is not attached, leave the cursor at the top of the
screen and choose Actions/Run Selected Item.

Chapter 9

If you have an e-mail utility installed, MAXIMO enables you to e-mail SQR
reports to other MAXIMO users. This option is activated by selecting the Send
Mail button on the Report Options dialog box, which is displayed when you
choose Run from the report list dialog box of any MAXIMO application.

NOTE: If you set MailSPF=0 in the [REPORT] section of MAXIMO.INI, you

can send reports as text files to anyone, not just MAXIMO users. If you
set MailSPF=1, the SPF file will be sent and only users with the SQR
Viewer installed on their machine will be able to open the report.
After the report runs, a dialog box lets you specify the MAXIMO user(s) you
want to send the report to.
E-mail has been implemented for Lotus Notes and Microsoft Outlook. The
MAIL entry is in the [SYSTEM] section of MAXIMO.INI. If this entry has no
parameter specified, the Send Mail option will be disabled. Valid entries are:
MAIL=MAPI for Microsoft Outlook
MAIL=NOTES for Lotus Notes Mail
Additionally, the [MAIL] section of the WIN.INI file should contain the entry
MAPI=1 if Microsoft Outlook is enabled, or SMI=1 if Lotus Notes is enabled.
This setting will most likely have been set when the e-mail product of choice
was installed. If the necessary entry is missing, the Send Mail option will be
disabled on the Report Options dialog box.

Reports and Other Apps

Setting Up to E-Mail SQR Reports

Perform the following steps in order to be able to e-mail SQR reports:
1. Make sure that either Lotus Notes (SMI), or Microsoft Outlook (MAPI) has
been successfully installed on your PC.
2. Specify the appropriate parameter in the [SYSTEM] section of your
3. In your WIN.INI file, there should be a [MAIL] section (add it if necessary)
and the appropriate parameter:
SMI=1 (Lotus Notes)
MAPI=1 (Microsoft Outlook)
4. If using Lotus Notes, make sure your path statement refers to your Lotus
NOTES folder and make sure your \windows\system subfolder contains these
two files: vim32.dll and smi32.dll.
5. If necessary, restart Windows and restart MAXIMO.

Chapter 9

E-Mailing an SQR Report

If you have an e-mail utility installed, MAXIMO enables you to e-mail SQR
reports directly to other MAXIMO users. E-mail has been implemented for
Microsoft Outlook and Lotus Notes. (With Crystal reports, you can manually e-
mail reports from the report viewer.)
To e-mail an SQR report perform the following steps. These steps assume that
Lotus Notes is being used; the steps are similar for Microsoft Outlook.
1. Select Run Reports from the relevant MAXIMO application's File menu to
display the Reports dialog box.
2. Select a report, then choose Run.
3. On the Report Options dialog box, choose Send Mail. Change the Range
setting if appropriate.
4. Click OK. You will be notified that the report is running.
5. When the Lotus Notes Login dialog box appears, enter your password; then
click OK.
6. A Lotus Notes Message dialog box appears. Enter an e-mail address, a
subject title and, if appropriate, an additional note to be included with the
report; then click Send.
7. A Lotus Notes dialog box displays “Message submitted for delivery.” Click

Reports and Other Apps

If you have installed WinFax PRO Version 9.0, you can use MAXIMO to fax
SQR reports.
To fax an SQR report, run the report in the usual way, except:
1. On the Report Options dialog box, which opens when you run the report,
click Printer and select your fax printer.
2. Under Options, choose Print.
3. Fill in the necessary fax information in the dialog box that opens after the
report runs.
Consult the user’s guide to your fax product for more information.

Report routing allows you to send an SQR report to different destinations based
on information stored within the report itself. You can design the report to
reference particular MAXIMO fields and, based on the values in those fields, the
report will automatically be sent to specific printers, fax numbers, or e-mail
For example, you might want a work order to be printed on one printer or
another depending on the equipment location, the work type, or who the work is
assigned to. You also may want to fax purchase orders directly to the fax
numbers stored in the database.

NOTE: You cannot use report routing with Crystal reports.

Chapter 9

Setting Up to Use Report Routing

The following is a brief outline of the tasks involved in setting up report routing.
Each is described in greater detail in its own section later in this chapter.
You can use an existing SQR report or create a new one and register it. If the
report destination will be a Printer, perform all three procedures listed below. If
the report destination will be a fax or e-mail, perform only the second and third

• Specify Printers (only if the report destination is a printer)

If the report destination will be a printer, use the Specify Printer Routing
dialog box, described later in this chapter, to build a reference table of
MAXIMO field values to be associated with specific printers.

• Mark the Report for Routing

You “mark” the report for routing by checking a box in the Specify Report
Preferences dialog box. See Marking the Report for Routing, later in this

• Add Routing Commands to the SQR Report Script

You add routing commands to the report to inform MAXIMO where to send
the report. There are separate routing commands for printing, e-mailing, and
faxing. See Adding Routing Commands to the SQR Report Script, later in
this chapter.

Reports and Other Apps

Using the Specify Printer Routing Dialog Box

Use the Specify Printer Routing dialog box (Figure 9.4) to route SQR reports to
specific printers based on report output. Use this dialog box only if the report
destination will be a printer (not a fax or e-mail).

Figure 9.4 Specify Printer Routing Dialog Box

Using the Specify Printer Routing dialog box, build a reference table of
MAXIMO field values to be associated with specific printers:
1. Choose Actions/Specify Printer Routing to display the Specify Printer
Routing dialog box.
2. Fill in the relevant data for each field in the Default Table Data group. Click
the Detail buttons to select the values. Then click Insert Row to enter the row
in the table window (you can also enter values directly in the table window).

Chapter 9

3. In the Field Value column, click the Detail button and select the desired
value. This is the field value that will trigger the printer routing when the
report is properly coded. For example, if the Table, Column, and Field Value
entries are WORKORDER, LOCATION, and BOILER, then the report will
be sent to the specified printer whenever BOILER is the location on the work
Each column in a table row must be filled in. The dialog box must include the
Table/Column,/Field Value information for the first record that is selected when
you run a report that uses printer routing.
After specifying the needed information, click OK.

NOTE: All the printers specified in a printer routing report must be installed
on the workstation that runs the report. The port, printer, and driver
specifications in the Specify Printer Routing dialog box must exactly
match those set up for your workstation’s printer drivers. The easiest
way to ensure that port, printer, and driver specifications match the
printer driver entries is to use the Detail buttons to select from a list of
installed printers. Choose a printer, and all three fields are filled in
with the correct information for that printer.

Marking the Report for Routing

You mark the report for routing using the Specify Report Preferences dialog box:
1. In Reports and Other Apps, retrieve the SQRW record and select the SQR
2. Choose Actions/Specify Report Preferences to display the Specify Report
Preferences dialog box (Figure 9.2).
3. Put a check mark in the Output File Contains Routing Information check box.
This enables the Automatic Routing button on the Report Options dialog box
and tells MAXIMO to interpret the embedded commands.

Reports and Other Apps

4. Click OK and save your changes.

Adding Routing Commands to the SQR Report Script

You add routing commands to the report to inform MAXIMO which destination
to send the report to. After a report is run, the output file is parsed and broken up
into sections. Sections are defined by the keywords [#BEGIN] and [#END].
Different destinations may be specified in a single report by coding the report to
have multiple [#BEGIN] and [#END] sections. MAXIMO will parse each
section to extract the destination from the report and send the text of the section
to the specified destination.

WinFax PRO
Using a file named Maxfax.dll, MAXIMO 4i Release 4.1.1 supports WinFax
PRO Version 9.0. If you use other fax software, you can create your own version
of Maxfax.dll and replace the version that comes with the standard MAXIMO
release. The Maxfax.dll file is described fully in the MAXIMO 4i Developer’s
Kit. Contact your MRO Software representative for information on the
Developer’s Kit.

Chapter 9

Report Routing Commands

The flowcharts below illustrate the sequence of routing commands used in
printer routing, e-mail routing, and fax routing. Descriptions of the commands
are on the following pages.

Printer Routing Commands



Mail Routing Commands


Report Body END

Fax Routing Commands



Report Body END

Reports and Other Apps

General Command Syntax

• The report routing commands listed in this chapter are MAXIMO commands,
not general SQR commands. You can only use them in the context of report
routing in MAXIMO.
• The command must begin in column 1 in the report text. This means the left
margin must be 0 (zero).
• Commands begin with an open bracket and pound sign and end with a closed
bracket, e.g., [#Begin].
• You can use Include files to specify standard margins, fonts, etc.
• When using report routing, a .TMP file is generated in your spool (Spl) folder
and the routing is actually done from that file. Therefore, you must associate
the .TMP extension with a text editor (use Windows Explorer and choose
View/Options/File Types). Edit the .TMP File type to include Open and Print
actions, and for the Print action, include a space and /p after the executable.
For example:
C:\windows\notepad.exe /p

Chapter 9

Printer Routing Commands


Causes the report section to be printed at the named printer.

PRINT printer;driver;port

printer – The printer name used in registering the printer.
driver – The driver name for the printer
port – The port name used for the printer.

Specifies the output printer. If the printer;driver;port has not been defined in
the registry, the user will have the option of directing the output to the default
printer or not sending that report section.
The document will not actually print until the report finds an [#END],
[#BEGIN] or end of file marker. Any number of [#PRINT] commands are
allowed per section; if multiple commands are specified, the report will be
sent to multiple destinations.
NOTE: If you use the PRINTER table in the MAXIMO database, the printer
name is stored in the DEVICE column.

Reports and Other Apps

[#PRINT Optra 204;LEXPS;\\MROI01\OPTRA_204]
[#PRINT Toshiba ExpressWriter 420;EXPRSS24;LPT1:]

See Also
See the COPIES command for information on how to print multiple copies.

Chapter 9


Specifies the number of copies to be printed. Optional.

COPIES number

number – The number of copies to be printed

Specifies the number of copies that will be produced when the document is
printed. If this keyword is omitted, the default is 1. The COPIES keyword is
associated with the most recent PRINT keyword.


See Also
See the PRINT command for information on specifying the report section to

Reports and Other Apps

E-Mail Routing Commands


Directs the report output to an e-mail address.


name – The e-mail address to which the report is sent.

Directs output via e-mail to name. If there is no current e-mail session open,
the user is prompted for a name and password. This keyword can only be
used once within a section. If it is used more than once, the last one is used.

[#MAILTO m_reed@company.com]

Chapter 9


Directs a copy of the report output to an e-mail address. Optional.


name – The e-mail address to which the copy is sent.

Directs a copy of the report to the name specified. This keyword can be used
multiple times within a section. It is ignored if there is no MAILTO keyword.

[#MAILCC a_chen@company.com]

Reports and Other Apps


Adds textual comment to the report. Optional.


text – The text to be added to the report.

Gives some textual comment to associate with the report. This keyword can
only appear once within a section; if it appears more than once the last one is
used. It is ignored if there is no MAILTO keyword.

[#MAILCOMMENT Please process ASAP.]

Chapter 9


Adds text regarding the subject of the report. Optional.


text – The subject matter text to be added to the report.

Gives the subject of the report to accompany the report. This keyword can
only be used once within a section; if it appears more than once the last one is
used. It is ignored if there is no MAILTO keyword.

[#MAILSUBJECT Purchase Orders.]

Reports and Other Apps

Fax Routing Commands


Faxes the report output to the specified number.


number – The recipient’s full fax number; limited to 47 characters.

Directs output via fax to number. This keyword can appear multiple times per
section if the same report should go to multiple recipients at different fax
numbers. When FAXNUMBER is parsed, a new fax recipient record is
created. All fields in the record are blank except for the fax number. This
keyword is required to fax a report.

[#FAXNUMBER 781-280-0207]

Chapter 9


Specifies a specific time to fax the report. Optional.

FAXTIME hh:mm:ss

hh:mm:ss – Hours:minutes:seconds. The fax time is limited to 8 characters.

Directs WinFax PRO to fax the report at a specific time. This keyword is
ignored if there is no FAXNUMBER keyword.

[#FAXTIME 20:30:00]

Reports and Other Apps


Specifies a specific date to fax the report. Optional.

FAXDATE mm/dd/yy

mm/dd/yy – Month/day/year. The fax date is limited to 8 characters.

Directs WinFax PRO to fax the report on a specific date. This keyword is
ignored if there is no FAXNUMBER keyword.

[#FAXDATE 09/15/98]

Chapter 9


Specifies the fax recipient’s name. Optional.


name – Name of the fax recipient; limited to 31 characters.

Directs the fax to the name specified. This keyword can be used multiple
times within a section. It is ignored if there is no FAXNUMBER keyword.

[#FAXNAME Peter D. Cooper]

Reports and Other Apps


Specifies the name of the fax recipient’s company. Optional.


company – Name of the fax recipient’s company; limited to 42 characters.

Specifies the fax recipient's company. This keyword is ignored if there is no
FAXNUMBER keyword.

[#FAXCOMPANY Paragon Maintenance Management Consultants]

Chapter 9


Specifies the subject of the fax. Optional.


subject – Subject of the fax; limited to 79 characters.

Specifies the subject of the fax. This keyword is ignored if there is no
FAXNUMBER keyword.

[#FAXSUBJECT Requested consulting dates and requirements]

Reports and Other Apps


Specifies WinFax PRO event keywords. Optional.


keywords – The WinFax PRO keywords. The text for the event keywords is
limited to 33 characters.

Specifies WinFax PRO event keywords. This keyword is ignored if there is
no FAXNUMBER keyword.

Chapter 9


Specifies a WinFax PRO event billing code. Optional.


billingcode – The WinFax Pro event billing code; limited to 26 characters.

Specifies a WinFax PRO event billing code. This keyword is ignored if there
is no FAXNUMBER keyword.

Reports and Other Apps


Specifies a WinFax PRO cover page. Optional.


coverpage – The WinFax Pro cover page—either the name of a .CVP file or
the text "Quick Cover Page"

Specifies which cover page to use. This keyword is ignored if there is no
FAXNUMBER keyword.

Chapter 9


Specifies text to include on the WinFax PRO cover page. Optional.


covertext – Text to be entered on the WinFax Pro cover page. The number
of characters cannot exceed the maximum length of the report file line or
150 characters.

Specifies the text of the message to enter on the cover page. This keyword is
ignored if there is no FAXNUMBER keyword.

Reports and Other Apps

Report Routing Examples

E-Mail Routing Example

The following example is a newly created report that illustrates the use of e-mail
routing, as well as basic report structure. It is not a standard SQR report. The
report is sent to the supervisor and lists the work orders approved during the past
24 hours. Bold text highlights the most important areas of the code.

! Example report for e-mail routing

! Sends supervisor an e-mail message containing a list of work orders which have been
! approved in the past 24 hours.


! Set up paper layout with 0 for left margin

Declare-Layout routing
paper-size = (8.5,11)
left-margin =0
right-margin = .37
top-margin = .25
bottom-margin = .25
line-height = 12
char-width = 7.2

! Select paper layout and line printer output

Declare-Report default

! Declare variable type

date $date

Chapter 9

! Columns and Layout

#define Supervisor 'Supervisor'
#define Workorder 'Workorder'
#define Priority 'Priority'
#define Location 'Location'
#define Equipment 'Equipment'
#define Description 'Description'
#define NoWorkordersSince 'No workorders have been approved since '
#define WorkordersSince 'Attached are workorders approved since '

! input prompts
#define Notusedprompt 'Parameter not used. Press enter to continue'
#define Schemaprompt 'Insert schema name'
#define Whereprompt 'Insert where clause'

! e-mail routing control strings

#define Begin '[#BEGIN]'
#define End '[#END]'
#define Mailto '[#MAILTO '
#define MailSubject '[#MAILSUBJECT Newly approved work
#define MailComment '[#MAILCOMMENT '

! Columns
#define col01 1 !Workorder
#define col02 12 !Description
#define col03 40 !Priority
#define col04 50 !Equipment
#define col05 62 !Location



!Begin seletion and processing

do select-supervisor


!********************************* Select-Supervisor
! Selects supervisors on active work orders and having an e-mail

Reports and Other Apps

Begin-Procedure select-supervisor

!Get the input paramaters from MAXIMO

input $where {whereprompt}
input $p1 {notusedprompt}
input $p2 {notusedprompt}
input $p3 {notusedprompt}
input $p4 {notusedprompt}
input $schema {schemaprompt}

Begin-Select distinct

wo.supervisor &supervisor_code
l.name &supervisor_name
l.pagepin &supervisor_email

do supervisor-output

from [$schema]workorder wo, [$schema]labor l

where wo.supervisor = l.laborcode and
l.pagepin is not null and
wo.status not in ('CLOSE') and



!******************************** Supervisor Output

! Sends an email to each of the supervisors selected above

Begin-Procedure supervisor-output

let $email = {Mailto}||&supervisor_email||']'

print {begin} (+1,1)

print $email (+1,1)
print {mailsubject} (+1,1)

do select-workorders

Chapter 9

print {End} (+1,1)


!******************************** Select Workorders

!Selects workorder information and prints output as the body of the mail message

Begin-Procedure select-workorders
let $dyna_supv = 'supervisor = ' || '''' ||&supervisor_code || ''''
let $date = dateadd(datenow(), 'day', -1)
let #count=0

! Select workorders and create the output

wo.wonum &wonum
wo.description &description
wo.eqnum &eqnum
wo.location &location
wo.wopriority &priority

let #count = #count + 1

do workorder-output

from workorder wo, wostatus ws

where [$dyna_supv] and [$where] and
wo.wonum = ws.wonum and
ws.status = 'APPR' and ws.changedate >= $date


if #count=0
! There were no workorders for this supervisor
! Put a comment line to that effect
let $comment= {MailComment}||{NoWorkordersSince}||$date']'
print $comment (+1,1)


Reports and Other Apps

Begin-Procedure workorder-output

if #count = 1
! This is the first workorder for this supervisor. Put a
! comment line in the mail message
let $comment = {Mailcomment}||{WorkordersSince}||$date||']'
print $comment (+1,1)

! This appears in the file attached to the message

! Also put column headings in the attached file
print {Workorder} (+1,{col01})
print {Description} ( ,{col02})
print {Priority} ( ,{col03})
print {Equipment} ( ,{col04})
print {Location} ( ,{col05})
print '=' (+1,{col01},70) fill

! This appears in the file attached to the message

print &wonum (+1,{col01})
print &description ( ,{col02}) wrap 25 2 keep-top
print &priority ( ,{col03})
print &eqnum ( ,{col04})
print &location ( ,{col05})
print ' ' (+1,1)


Chapter 9

Printer Routing Example

The following example is the standard WOPRINT SQR report modified for
printer routing. Bold text indicates where lines were entered, deleted,
commented out, or moved, along with explanatory comments. Vertical arrows
(!) represent sections of the report that are unchanged from the original. You
can print out or view the standard WOPRINT report to make a full comparison.
The example illustrates using printer routing to send work orders to different
printers based on Operating Location.

! Description:
! *** Revision History ***
! 12/08/97 - BH Created this report.
! 12/18/97 - DW Modified to show 4.0 template usage
! 9/22/98 - SK/JB Modified to enable for Printer routing based on Operating Location

!----------------- Setup Procedure Used in Report Compilation --------------------


ask TargetLanguage 'Enter target language (ENG,FRE,GER,SPA,POR,DUT,SWE): '

! localized text strings

#include 'woprint.{TargetLanguage}'

! localize paper size and font

#include 'paperfnt.{TargetLanguage}'

Reports and Other Apps

Declare-Layout routing !ADD this section

paper-size = (8.5,11)
left-margin =0
right-margin = .37
top-margin = .25
bottom-margin = .25
line-height = 12
char-width = 7.2
End-Declare !Down to here

Declare-Report Default
layout=routing !CHANGE from Layout=Default

! Definitions for the header size, footer size, and compiled file name
#define HeaderLines 6 !CHANGED from 4
#define FooterLines 5 !CHANGED from 4
#define RepName 'WOPRINT.SQT for Printer Routing'

date $startdate $compdate


!------------------------------------- Includes ----------------------------------

! Standard Header
!#include 'HDFT.H' !Comment this line OUT

! Input from PRM file

#define p1type 'N/A'


Chapter 9

! **************************** Get_WO Procedure ************************

begin-procedure get_wo

begin-select distinct

print '[#BEGIN]' (+1,1) !ADD this Line

wonum &wonum
parent &parent
description &wodesc
jpnum &jpnum

move &wonum to $wonum

move &jpnum to $jpnum

#if {sqr-database}=ORACLE
to_char(targstartdate,{DateMask}) &targstartdate
to_char(targcompdate,{DateMask}) &targcompdate
to_char(schedstart,{DateMask}) &schedstart
to_char(schedfinish,{DateMask}) &schedfin
to_char(faildate,{DateMask}) &faildate
targstartdate &targstartdate
targcompdate &targcompdate
schedstart &schedstart
schedfinish &schedfin
faildate &faildate

wosequence &wosequence
eqnum &eqnum
!eqlocation &eqlocation
worktype &type
wopriority &pri
glaccount &glacc
location &eqloc


Reports and Other Apps

contract &contract
ldkey &ldkey

move &ldkey to #ldkey

if $schedstart != ''
move {ScheduledStart} to $start
move {ScheduledComp} to $finish
move &schedstart to $startdate
move &schedfin to $compdate
move {WorkStart} to $start
move {WorkComp} to $finish
move &targstartdate to $startdate
move &targcompdate to $compdate

move &pri to $pri {Number2}

do get_jp

move &wonum to $wonum

do wo_print_hd( $wonum, &wodesc, $schema )

do wo_print

move 3 to #jpcnt

!graphic (+1,1, {Width}) horz-line !Comment this line OUT

print '________________' (+2,6)

print '________________' (,33)
print '________________' (,60)

Chapter 9

print {DateComp} (+1,8)

print {CompletedBy} (,35)
print {Supervisor} (,62)

print $printer-routing-str (+1,1) !ADD this Line

print '[#END]' (+1,1) !ADD this Line


from [$schema]workorder
where [$where]





begin-procedure list_ops($wonumops, $schema)

let $dyna_wonum6 = 'wonum = ' || '''' || $wonumops || ''''


if #ops_count = 0 And &jobop != ''

!graphic (+1,1, {Width}) horz-line !Comment this line OUT
print {Operations} (+2,{Column1}) bold !underline

print {MeasurementPt} (,{Col18}) bold !underline

print {Measurement} (,{Col19}) bold !underline

Reports and Other Apps


begin-procedure sub_workorders


let $subworkloc='Location:'
let $subworkeq ='Equipment:'
let $subworkwork = 'Work Order:'

!graphic (+1,1, {Width}) horz-line !Comment this line OUT

print {subworkwork} (+2,{col55}) Bold



! This procedure will check if the current wonum has hazard or not, if not, this section
! will not be listed. The reason to check it first is because of the nature of the
! layout requires it.
begin-procedure CountAndList_HM


begin-select distinct

!graphic (+1,1, {Width}) horz-line !Comment this line OUT

print {HM} (+2,{Column1}) bold !underline



! print hazards and precautions

Chapter 9

begin-procedure list_HaPre

let $dyna_wonum9 = 'wosafetylink.wonum = ' || '''' ||$wonum || ''''

let #tempcount = 0

begin-select distinct

if #tempcount = 0
!graphic (+1,1, {Width}) horz-line !Comment this line OUT
print {HP} (+2,{Column1}) bold !underline
add 1 to #tempcount



begin-procedure list_Hazards

let $dyna_wonum10 = 'wosafetylink.wonum = ' || '''' ||$wonum || ''''

move 0 to #Hazards_count

if #Hazards_count = 0 And &WOhazardid != ''

!graphic (+1,1, {Width}) horz-line !Comment this line OUT
print {TOLO} (+2,{Column1}) bold !underline


! **************************** Footer Procedure***************************

begin-procedure pre_footer


Reports and Other Apps

! **********************************************************************

begin-procedure printer_routing !ADD this entire Printer Routing procedure

let $dyna_eqloc = 'VALUE = ' || '''' ||&eqloc || ''''


device &device
driver &driver
port &port

from printer
and [$dyna_eqloc]


move '[#PRINT ' to $printer-routing-str

concat &device with $printer-routing-str
concat ';' with $printer-routing-str
concat &driver with $printer-routing-str
concat ';' with $printer-routing-str
concat &port with $printer-routing-str
concat ']' with $printer-routing-str


Chapter 9

Fax Routing Example

The following example is the standard POPRINT SQR report modified for fax
routing. Bold text indicates where lines were entered, deleted, commented out,
or moved, along with explanatory comments. Vertical arrows (!) represent
sections of the report that are unchanged from the original. You can print out or
view the standard POPRINT report to make a full comparison.
The example illustrates using fax routing to automatically fax the purchase order
to the vendor. The report retrieves the vendor fax number from the Companies
table. This example of fax routing is for faxing one PO at a time, i.e., the Current

! Description: The vendor, its address, the customer, its address,
! the purchase order information, and all of the items
! ordered are printed out, for the purchase order
! number selected

!----------------- Setup Procedure Used in Report Compilation --------------------


ask TargetLanguage 'Enter target language (ENG,FRE,GER,SPA,POR,DUT,SWE): '

! localized text strings

#include 'poprint.{TargetLanguage}'

! localize paper size and font

#include 'paperfnt.{TargetLanguage}'

Reports and Other Apps

! Layout added for faxing

Declare-Layout routing
paper-size = (8.5,11)
left-margin =0
right-margin = .37
top-margin = .25
line-height = 12
char-width = 7.2
max-lines =10000

Declare-Report Default
layout=routing !Change from Layout =Default for Fax Routing

! Definitions for the header size, footer size, and compiled file name
#define HeaderLines 5
#define FooterLines 4
#define RepName 'POPRINT.SQT'

text $orderunit-hold
integer #unitcost-hold #ldkey-hold


!------------------------------------- Includes ----------------------------------

! Standard Head
!standard header disabled for faxing
!#include 'HDFT.H'

! PRM file
#define p1type 'N/A'
#define p2type 'N/A'
#define p3type 'N/A'
#define p4type 'N/A'
#include 'input.h'

Chapter 9

! Oracle specific date processing

#if {sqr-database}=ORACLE
#include 'nls.h'

!******************************** Header Procedures ******************************

!Header 2 disabled for faxing

!begin-procedure header_part2

! Called via the Heading (in HDFT.H) after the default !Disable this
!section for Fax Routing

! standard header has been printed

! print {PONum} (+1,1)
! print &ponum (,+1)


! ****************************** Main Program ************************************


! ************************** Get_PO Procedure *************************************

begin-procedure get_po

do build_array
show $where


! Line added for faxing

print '[#BEGIN]' (+1,1)

po.vendor &vendor
po.status &status

Reports and Other Apps

po.shipto &shipto
po.ponum &ponum

! Line added for faxing

description &podescription

po.contact &contact
po.shiptoattn &shiptoattn


move &ponum to $po-num

move &vendor to $vendor
move &shipto to $shipto

!Line added for faxing

do get_faxinfo

do get_vsinfo

! Lines added for faxing

let $faxsubject = '[#FAXSUBJECT Purchase order '||$po-num||']'

let $faxname = '[#FAXNAME '||&contact||']'

! Use contact fax info if available, otherwise use company

!fax number

if #contact = 1

if isnull(&contactfax)
let $faxnumber = &companyfax
let $faxnumber = &contactfax

Chapter 9


let $faxnumber = &companyfax


let $faxphone = '[#FAXNUMBER '||$faxnumber||']'

print $faxphone (+1,1)

print $faxname (+1,1)
print $faxsubject (+1,1)

! End of lines added for faxing

do form
do get_po_detail

! Line added for faxing

print '[#END]' (+1,1)

do clear_array

! Line Removed for faxing


from [$schema]po po
where [$where]




begin-procedure form

! Lines added for faxing - these were in header 2

print {PONum} (+1,1)

Reports and Other Apps

print &ponum (,+1)

print &podescription (,+3)
! End of lines added for faxing

print {Vendor} (+1,{colvend})

print {ShipTo} (,{colshipto})


print {Tel} (+2,{colvtel})

print &vendphone (,+1)
print {Fax} (,{colvfax})

! Line altered for for faxing

print $faxnumber (,+1)

! Line disabled for faxing

! graphic (+1,{colgraphic}, {Width}) horz-line

print {PURAGENT} (+2,{colpagent})

print &purchaseagent (,{colpuragent})
print {PAYMENTTERMS} (, {colpaymt})
print &paymentterms (,{colpterms})


print {FOB} (, {colfob})

print &fob (,{colfobval})

! Line disabled for faxing

! graphic (+1,{colgraphic}, {Width}) horz-line

print {Line} (+2,{colline1})

print {Unit} (,{colunit1})
print {Line} (,{colline2})

Chapter 9

!Lines altered for fax Disable Underline

print {Item} (+1,{colitem1}) !underline
print {Qty} (,{colqty}) !underline
print {Unit} (,{colunit2}) !underline
print {Item} (,{colitem2}) !underline
print {Description} (,{coldesc}) !underline
print {Price} (,{colprice}) !underline
print {Cost} (,{colcost}) !underline
!End of lines altered for fax

print ' ' (+1,{colblank})





! main function. this procedure will select data from poline table.
begin-procedure get_po_detail

move 0 to #gtotal
move 0 to #countpolines


print '_________' (+1,{coldrawline})

print {TOTAL} (+2,{coltotvalue})

print #gtotal (,{colgtotal}) edit {Number4}

Reports and Other Apps

! Lines disabled for faxing

! graphic (+1,1, {Width}) horz-line
! print {Authorize} (+3,{colauthoriz})
! print {Date} (,{coldate})





begin-procedure get_vsinfo

let $dyna_vendor = 'company = ' || '''' ||$vendor || ''''

let $dyna_shipto = 'company = ' || '''' ||$shipto || ''''


name &vendname
address1 &vendaddr1
address2 &vendaddr2
address3 &v3
address4 &vendaddr4
phone &vendphone

! Line altered for faxing

fax &companyfax

from [$schema]companies
where [$dyna_vendor] ! company = &vendor



Chapter 9

! **************************** Footer Procedure **********************************

begin-procedure pre_footer

! Called via the Footing (in HEADFOOT.H) before the default

! standard footer is printed


! ********************************************************************************
! Procedure Added for Faxing

begin-procedure get_faxinfo

let #contactcount = 0
let $dyna-vendor = 'COMPANY = '||''''||$vendor||''''
let $dyna-contact = 'CONTACT = '||''''||&contact||''''


faxphone &contactfax

let #contactcount=1

from [$schema]compcontact where [$dyna-vendor] and [$dyna-contact]



Reports and Other Apps

Running a Report With Report Routing

To run an SQR report with report routing:
1. Run the report as usual from the appropriate MAXIMO application: choose
File/Run Reports, select the report from the Reports dialog box, and click
Run. (The report must be an SQR report that was modified for autorouting;
you can not use an unmodified report.)
2. When the Report Options dialog box appears, choose Automatic Routing—
the default when automatic routing is enabled.

NOTE: Automatic Routing is only enabled when Output File Contains

Routing Information is checked on the Specify Report Preferences
dialog box.
3. Select a Range and click OK. The output will be automatically routed for
printing, fax, or e-mail, based on the autorouting keywords in the report.

NOTE: All the printers specified in a printer routing report must be installed
on the workstation that runs the report.
NOTE: If you are using e-mail routing, depending on your e-mail application,
you may be asked to log in to complete the routing process.
In using report routing, please note the following:
• When a report is modified for report routing, you can still use the other
options on the Report Options dialog box: Preview, Print, and Send Mail.
However, the resulting output will contain embedded lines of routing code
from the report script, such as [#BEGIN] and [#PRINT ...].
• You can run a report containing routing commands even if the Output File
Contains Routing Information box is not checked in the Specify Report
Preferences dialog box. However, routing will not take effect, and the output
will contain routing commands.

Chapter 9

Considering the above, you may want to duplicate certain reports and specify in
their names or descriptions that one version is for routing, while the other can be
used for general purposes.


Many graphics packages—such as Excel, Paintbrush, Designer, and various
CAD packages—can be integrated with MAXIMO.
To integrate a graphics application with MAXIMO:
• Register the graphics application as described earlier in Registering a Report
Writer or Other Application. In the Application Command Line field, enter a
command in the format:
where GRAPHICS.EXE is the name of the executable for a graphics package,
{PATH} is the name of the report path, and {KEY} is the current unique
identifier (see Substitution Variables). Do not type a space between the path
and key. For example, the following command generates a drawing for the
current equipment number (11314) where the path is C:\REPORTS\:


MAXIMO is designed to support and be integrated with bar coding applications
such as inventory tracking and labor reporting. Bar codes provide a highly
accurate, flexible, and efficient means of entering data into the MAXIMO

Reports and Other Apps

Inventory bar coding allows your maintenance department to track parts and part
usage. You can print bar code labels for use on inventory parts, equipment, and
labor badges. You can bar code work order and inventory part numbers directly
onto work orders, and bar code purchase order numbers onto purchase orders.
Bar code applications enable you, for example, to use a hand-held device to:
• Issue and return parts to inventory, updating quantities and locations.
• Track inventory parts issued and returned via work orders.
For information on setting up and using bar coding, contact your MRO Software

Chapter 9



The Chart of Accounts application enables you to establish general ledger (GL)
account fields in MAXIMO with definitions equivalent to those used within the
rest of your financial data processing system. You configure MAXIMO to
interface with an accounting system using the GL Account Configuration option
in Database Configuration. The accounting system’s data can then be
downloaded into MAXIMO, after which the two systems can work interactively.
NOTE: Please refer to the MAXIMO 4i Finance Manager's Guide for detailed
descriptions of MAXIMO transaction types, general ledger accounts,
financial processes, and account tracking.
Use the Chart of Accounts application to:
• Create general ledger account codes and components.
• View or modify current general ledger account codes.
• Set up financial periods.
• Establish default codes for inventory-related accounts, company-related
accounts, and resource control accounts.

Chapter 10

NOTE: You specify the format of GL account codes using the GL Account
Configuration dialog box in Database Configuration.
You define tax codes, rates, and dates using the Tax Processing dialog
box in Application Setup.

You establish user security for modifying GL accounts using the

Authorize Access to GL Component Information dialog box in
Signature Security.
Appendix A in the MAXIMO 4i Finance Manager’s Guide includes a table that
lists MAXIMO’s GL database columns by application and table. The table also
includes information such as whether an account must be fully defined for
MAXIMO to validate it, or whether a partially defined account is acceptable.

Chart of Accounts Tabs

Chart of Accounts has one tab:

• GL Accounts – To view, create, or modify your GL accounts.

Tracking GL Accounts in MAXIMO

NOTE: Please refer to the MAXIMO 4i Finance Manager’s Guide for a
detailed description of account tracking.
MAXIMO uses records to represent various things, such as items or services,
throughout the system. For example, you create work order, equipment, and
invoice records to track these things—the items or services.
MAXIMO also uses records to represent the combination of the item/service and
any transaction used to track the costs incurred by ordering or receiving the
item/service. You use the Chart of Accounts application to create general ledger
chart of accounts records to track these combinations.

Chart of Accounts

MAXIMO provides general ledger account fields (some are hidden by default)
on the tabs used for creating these records:
• equipment
• locations
• labor
• tools
• inventory
• purchase requisition
• purchase order
• invoice
• work orders
• companies
To fully understand how Chart of Accounts works in MAXIMO, you should
understand how account codes are configured in MAXIMO—how they are
divided into components, whether they are required or not, how they use
delimiters, etc. Please refer to the GL Account Configuration section in the
Database Configuration chapter.
To establish user security for editing account codes, you use an option in
Signature Security. Please refer to the Authorize GL Component Access section
in the Security chapter.


The MAXIMO online Help for Chart of Accounts has information on using the
Actions menu items, as well as other topics. These “How Do I ...” topics are
listed below. Topics marked with an asterisk (*) are also discussed in this
chapter. Please refer to Chart of Account’s online Help for information on topics
that are not included in this chapter. Unless otherwise noted, the name of the

Chapter 10

menu item is part of the topic title, e.g., the Define Financial Periods topic
explains the Financial Periods menu item.

“How Do I ...” Help Topics for Actions Menu Items

• Update the Database *
• Define Financial Periods *
• Create or Edit GL Components (menu item: GL Component Maintenance) *
• Set Up Inventory-Related Accounts
• Set Up Company-Related Accounts
• Set Up Internal Labor Control Accounts
• Set Up External Labor Control Accounts
• Set Up Internal Tools Control Accounts
• Set Up External Tools Control Accounts
• Define Labor Resource Codes
• Define Tool Resource Codes
• Define Inventory Resource Codes

Other “How Do I ...” Help Topics

• Create or Edit a GL Account Code *
• Use the Chart of Accounts Filter *
• Use the GL Account Navigator *

You use the GL Accounts tab (Figure 10.1) to add or modify GL accounts and
account components, and to set up a variety of default accounts. Typically, GL
accounts are downloaded from the general ledger chart of accounts established in
your accounting system, but you can set them up in MAXIMO.
Because all components listed on or added to the GL Accounts tab must be valid
according to the GL Component Maintenance dialog box, you may want to look

Chart of Accounts

at the Creating or Editing GL Components section, later in this chapter, before


Figure 10.1 GL Accounts Tab

Downloading Account Codes from an Accounting

MAXIMO provides a generic financial API (Application Programming
Interface) and several product-specific APIs that allow MAXIMO to interface
directly with financial software, such as Oracle Financials, PeopleSoft, and SAP.
These APIs must be purchased separately. See your MAXIMO sales

Chapter 10

Creating your own API for your financial system is possible.

Creating or Editing GL Account Codes

You create GL account codes by linking together previously established
component values. These component values have probably been downloaded
from the accounting system. To create new component values in MAXIMO, or
to modify existing ones, use the GL Component Maintenance dialog box,
described later in this chapter.

To Create a New GL Account Code:

1. From the Chart of Accounts menu bar, choose Insert/New Row.
2. Click the Detail button in the GL Account field to display the GL Account
Navigator (Figure 10.2). The GL Account field displays placeholder
characters in all components.

Chart of Accounts

Figure 10.2 GL Account Navigator Dialog Box

Select a value for the first component from the Valid Values list box and
click Select Value (or simply double-click the value). The GL Account field
displays the value, and the Valid Values list box displays the values for the
next component.
Select the next component and click Select Value. You must define all
required components. After you select the last component, the Navigator
closes and MAXIMO inserts the new account code in the GL Account field.

Chapter 10

3. Enter a description in the Description field.

4. If your company uses account type codes, enter the appropriate code in the
Type column. Type is a user-defined value; most accounting systems have
type codes for assets, liabilities, expense, and income, at least. (Type does not
refer here to the type of the data field, e.g., integer or alphanumeric.)
5. Save the record.

NOTE: You use the Disabled? column to prevent an account from being used.
To disable an account, enter a Y (Yes) in the Disabled? field. The
account can no longer be inserted in a new MAXIMO record, but no
change is made to existing records. The default value is a hidden N
(No). If you change a Y to an N, the N will disappear when you leave
the field.

To Edit an Existing GL Account Code:

1. Click the Detail button in the relevant GL Account field to display the GL
Account Navigator.
2. In the GL Account field, double-click the component you want to change (or
highlight it and click Select) to display the list of valid values for the
3. Highlight a different component from the Valid Values list box and click
Select Value (or just double-click the component). The Navigator closes and
MAXIMO inserts the new value in the GL account code.
4. Edit the Description and Type fields as needed, then save the record.
In editing GL account fields, you can manually type in the codes instead of using
the GL Account Navigator, but it is easier to make mistakes that way unless you
are familiar with the GL accounts.

Chart of Accounts

Depending on how you set up security, MAXIMO users may be able to access
the GL Account Navigator by clicking the Detail button in a GL Account field
on a particular tab, e.g., Work Order. If the Validate Component Combinations
check box in the GL Account Configuration dialog box (in Database
Configuration) is checked, they will only be able to enter accounts that are on the
GL Accounts tab. If the box is not checked, the user may enter a GL account
code that may not match any one account in Chart of Accounts, but whose
individual components are all valid. See the GL Account Configuration section
in the Database Configuration chapter.
NOTE: GL Account fields in user applications are by default not required
fields. MAXIMO will validate entries in the field against Chart of
Accounts, but a blank (null) field will be accepted. If you want to make
GL account fields required, you must specify this on the Table
Definitions tab in Database Configuration. Therefore, if you have an
accounting interface that requires account information, you must set
the Debit and/or Credit GL Account fields to Not Null in the affected

Chapter 10

Creating or Editing GL Components

Use the GL Component Maintenance dialog box (Figure 10.3) to define valid
component values for GL account codes. These values are the ones you choose
from the GL Account Navigator dialog box.

Figure 10.3 GL Component Maintenance Dialog Box

To Create a GL Component:
1. Choose Actions/GL Component Maintenance to display the GL Component
Maintenance dialog box.
2. Select a component from the GL Component drop-down list.
3. Click Insert Row.
4. Enter a value in the Value field, a description in the Description field, and
click OK. If you are inserting multiple rows and values, make sure you click
OK before choosing another component from the GL Component drop-down

Chart of Accounts

You can now access the value from the GL Account Navigator dialog box.

NOTE: You use the Disabled? column to prevent an existing component from
being used. To disable a component, enter Y (Yes) in the Disabled?
field. Disabling the component means it will no longer be listed in the
Valid Values box in the GL Account Navigator. No change is made to
existing records (for example, an existing work order that used that
component is not changed). The default value is N (No), which is
hidden. If you change a Y to an N, the N is hidden when you leave the
When you disable a component, all GL account codes with that
component become disabled (if you close Chart of Accounts and
reopen it, the GL Accounts tab will show a Y in the Disabled? column
for those accounts). If you re-enable the component, you can again
access the component with the GL Account Navigator, and you will be
asked if you want to enable the account codes that were disabled when
you initially disabled the component.

To Edit a GL Component:
1. Choose Actions/GL Component Maintenance to display the GL Component
Maintenance dialog box.
2. Select a component from the GL Component drop-down list.
3. Edit the Value, Description, and Disabled? fields as needed and click OK.

NOTE: You can delete a component value by selecting the row and clicking
Delete Row. The value will no longer be available from the GL
Account Navigator. No change is made to existing records.

Chapter 10

Using the GL Account Navigator

You use the GL Account Navigator dialog box to enter account codes in GL
account fields.
1. To open the GL Account Navigator dialog box, click the Detail button in a
GL account field.
The Navigator displays the current account code in its GL Account Code
field. The Component Sequence line shows the format of the account code,
with 0's for integer values and X's for alphanumeric values.
The Valid Values list box displays the valid values for the first undefined
component (a component with placeholder characters, e.g., ??? in 6210-200-
???). The name of the component appears above the box.
2. Select a value in the Valid Values list box for the first undefined component
and click Select Value, or simply double-click the value. If other components
remain undefined, the Valid Values list box displays values for the next one.
After you define all required components, the Navigator closes and
MAXIMO inserts the account code in the GL Account field.
• To change the value of a component that is already defined, double-click
the component In the GL Account Code field of the Navigator, then
double-click on a new value in the Valid Values list box.
• To access optional components, put the cursor at the end of the GL
Account field, click Clear, then double-click on the optional component. If
you select all the required components and the Navigator closes, click the
Detail button again and the Navigator automatically opens to the optional
• To replace a component value with placeholder characters, click the
component in the GL Account Code field of the Navigator, then click

Chart of Accounts

Using the Chart of Accounts Filter

Use the Define Filter dialog box to specify what account codes to display on the
GL Accounts tab.
1. Choose Setup/Define Filter to display the Define Filter dialog box.
2. Select one of three choices:

• All Accounts -- MAXIMO displays all the GL accounts in your system.

• No Accounts -- MAXIMO displays no accounts. This clears the fields.

• Selected Accounts -- If you choose Selected Accounts, you must specify

selection criteria:

To filter by Components, click the Detail button in the Components field

to open the GL Account Navigator and select a component or combination
of components.

To filter by Description or Type, enter values in their corresponding

fields. You can use SQL wildcards, i.e., the % and _ characters.

NOTE: If you type in values in the Components field, they must appear
just as if you used the GL Account Navigator. You must type in
whole component values, and you must use placeholder
characters for any components to the left of defined components.
You cannot, for example, just type in the last component of an
account code.
3. If you want to use the current selection choice as the default for the next time
you open Chart of Accounts, put a check in the Save Settings check box.
4. Click OK.

NOTE: If you have a very large number of accounts, you may not want to
choose All Accounts as the default—opening the Chart of Accounts

Chapter 10

application could take an inconveniently long time. Choosing No

Accounts as the default may save opening time.

Updating the Database

Use the Update Database dialog box (Figure 10.4) to update your database after
making changes in Chart of Accounts. You have a choice of three ways to handle
existing accounts when you update.

Figure 10.4 Update Database Dialog Box

To update your database:

1. Choose Actions/Update Database to display the Update Database dialog box.
2. Choose one of the three update criteria:

• Overwrite Blank Accounts Only. Choose this option if you want the
updated Chart of Accounts data to overwrite only those affected
MAXIMO GL Account fields that are currently blank.
For example, if you created a new account code for an existing item type’s
GL account field, choosing this option would overwrite only the item's GL
Account field where it is blank, but not where a GL account has already
been entered.

Chart of Accounts

• Overwrite Accounts With Old Defaults. Choose this option if you want
the updated Chart of Accounts data to overwrite GL account fields that
still have the previous GL account.
For example, suppose an item type had a GL account code associated with
it in Chart of Accounts. This account code was inserted on item records
where the item type was involved. On some records, the account code was
subsequently changed to another one. Choosing the Overwrite Accounts
With Old Defaults option will not update those records in which the
account code was subsequently changed.

• Overwrite All Accounts. Choose this option if you want the modified
Chart of Accounts data to overwrite all relevant GL Account fields in
MAXIMO records.
For example, if an item type has a GL account code associated with it in
Chart of Accounts, choosing this option will fill in blank GL Account
fields for that item type and overwrite all existing GL Account fields for
items of that type, including ones that were subsequently changed.
3. Click OK.

NOTE: Historical records will not be updated.

Make sure that no one is currently using MAXIMO when you update
the database.

Chapter 10

Defining Financial Periods

All MAXIMO transactions can be set up to have a financial period stamp when
they are generated. This means they must occur during an open, valid financial
period. The format of the financial period is determined by the requirements of
the accounting system used with MAXIMO.
Use the Financial Periods dialog box (Figure 10.5) to define financial periods in

Figure 10.5 Financial Periods Dialog Box

To Define a New Financial Period:

1. Choose Actions/Financial Periods to display the Financial Periods dialog box.
Financial periods are ordered sequentially by date, with the most recent
period at the top.
2. Click the Insert Row button.

Chart of Accounts

3. Enter values in the following required fields. For dates and times, enter the
value directly or click the Detail button and use the Date/Time dialog box. By
default, the time is set to 12:00 a.m. for each date you enter.

Period The name or number for the period.

From The period start date. MAXIMO automatically enters the

date/time of the preceding To field.
MAXIMO prevents time gaps and overlaps between periods. For
example, if you change the From date to a later one, MAXIMO
automatically adjusts the To date in the preceding row. If you
change the date of an existing period, MAXIMO resets
surrounding dates.

To The period end date.

4. If you want, enter a date in the Accounting Close Date field. This is the date
after which no further transactions can be charged to that accounting period.
For example, an Accounting Period “X” is from 2/1/98 to 3/1/98, with an
Accounting Close Date of 3/15/98. A transaction can be charged to the period
“X” even though the transaction is reported as late as 3/14/98. After that date,
no further transactions can be charged to that period.

Do NOT fill in the Actual Close Date field at this time.

5. Repeat the above steps as needed to add more time periods, then click OK.

6. When it is time to close a financial period, enter a date in the Actual Close
Date field. This date may be on or after the date in the Accounting Close
Date field, but cannot precede it.
After a user enters an Actual Close Date, and the cursor moves out of the
field, MAXIMO automatically inserts the name of the user in the Closed By

Chapter 10

After you close a financial period by entering an Actual Close Date,

MAXIMO will not accept any financial transactions that users attempt to log
for that period.

NOTE: If you want MAXIMO to validate financial periods entered on records,

make sure the Validate Financial Periods box is checked in the GL
Account Configuration dialog box in Database Configuration.

Merging GL Accounts
There are instances when a GL account field may not be uniquely specified. For
example, there may be a GL account for a location and a GL account for a piece
of equipment. Generation of work orders and other kinds of transactions often
require choosing among account component values, and MAXIMO invokes a set
of rules on how to handle them.
When GL accounts are merged, they are merged component by component, and a
defined component always supersedes an undefined component. For example, if
the first component of one account code is 600 and the other is ??? (a
placeholder), the resulting merged first component will be 600.
For many transactions, the merge must choose between defined components.
Refer to the MAXIMO 4i Finance Manager's Guide for detailed information on
how GL accounts merge during transactions.


Chart of Accounts includes dialog boxes for setting up default GL accounts for a
number of standard accounting functions. You can set up these accounts within
MAXIMO so that they will correspond to accounts you already use in your
external accounting system. When you update the database, these account codes
are also updated, depending on which of the three update choices you select (see
Updating the Database, earlier in the chapter).

Chart of Accounts

The dialog boxes you use to set up these default GL accounts are listed below.
You access them from the Actions menu, and they all have associated Help
• Inventory-Related Accounts
• Company-Related Accounts
• Internal Labor Control Accounts
• External Labor Control Accounts
• Internal Tools Control Accounts
• External Tools Control Accounts
• Labor Resource Codes
• Tool Resource Codes
• Inventory Resource Codes
Refer to the MAXIMO General Ledger Accounts chapter in the MAXIMO 4i
Finance Manager's Guide for more information on using these accounts.

Chapter 10



This chapter contains three sections:

• Archive – Describes the Archive application, which lets you remove and
restore data from the MAXIMO database. Archiving data is necessary when
your database becomes excessively large. Within the Archive application
there are options to archive Purchase Orders, Purchase Requisitions,
Measurements, and Work Orders.

• General Database Administration – Reviews the general tasks involved in

administering and maintaining a database, such as generating system and
database backups. Procedures vary according to database platform and are not
provided here. You must refer to documentation specific to your database
platform—Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server—for specific instructions.

You use the Archive application to generate scripts to use for off-loading data
from MAXIMO tables, and for restoring data back to those tables. You use
SQLTalk to run the scripts.

Chapter 11

Archiving lets you remove older data from tables and store it off-line. This
prevents the database from growing too large and running out of disk space. You
can restore the archived data back to your database as needed.
The applications that have archiving options are: Purchase Orders, Purchase
Requisitions, Measurements, and Work Orders. The tables containing data from
these applications keep growing with each new record added. When records are
closed or no longer used, the data is not automatically removed from the tables.
Archiving becomes necessary when the database becomes excessively large.
By modifying the SQL WHERE clause for the archive, you can specify the
particular criteria by which records are to be archived. For example, to archive
work orders, you can specify all work orders older than a certain date. See your
SQL Language Reference documentation for information about constructing
WHERE clauses. It is a good idea to create a folder in which to place all script
Use Archive to remove data from the following tables:
Archive Tables Description
Work Orders WORKORDER Work Orders
WOSTATUS Work Order Status
EQHIERARCHY Equipment Hierarchy
EQHISTORY Equipment History
TOOLTRANS Tool Transactions
POINTWO Measurement Points by
Work Orders
WPOPERATION Work Plan Operations
WPLABOR Work Plan Labor
WPMATERIAL Work Plan Materials
WPTOOL Work Plan Tools
WOSAFETYPLAN Work Order Safety Plan
WOHAZARD Work Related Safety Hazard
WOPRECAUTION Work Related Safety Precaution

Database Administration

WOTAGOUT Work Order Tagout Procedure

WOTAGLOCK Tag Out Procedure Step
WOLOCKOUT Work Order Lock Out Operation
(Optional) MATUSETRANS Material Usage Transactions
(Optional) LABTRANS Labor Transactions
(Optional) FAILUREREMARK Failure Remark Information
(Optional) FAILUREREPORT Failure Report
(Optional) EQSTATUS Equipment Status (downtime)
Purchase Orders PO Purchase Orders
POSTATUS Purchase Order Status
POLINE Purchase Order Line Items
(Optional) MATUSETRANS Material Usage Transactions
(Optional) MATRECTRANS Material Receipt Transactions
(Optional) SERVRECTRANS Service Receipt Transactions
Purchase Requisitions PR Purchase Requisitions
PRLINE Purchase Requisition Line Items
PRSTATUS Purchase Requisition Status
Measurements MEASUREMENT Measurement Results

Archive Tabs
Archive has one tab:

• Archive History – To select the type of data to archive, to generate the

archive and restore scripts, and to keep a history of past archives and restores.

Archive History Tab

You use the Archive History tab (Figure 11.1) to select the type of data to
archive and to generate the archive and restore scripts. The following types of
data can be archived: purchase orders, purchase requisitions, measurements
(from the Condition Monitoring application), and work orders.

Chapter 11

Figure 11.1 Archive History Tab

Each time you request data to archive, MAXIMO creates two scripts: an archive
script and a restore script. You run the scripts in SQLTalk. The archive script
copies the data to temporary archive tables, then deletes the selected data from
the original MAXIMO tables. The restore script restores archived data from
temporary tables to the original MAXIMO tables. You use database tools
specific to your database platform to export the data from the temporary tables to
a storage area, and to import the data back to temporary tables before running the
restore script.
You must archive and restore each type of data separately. For purchase orders,
you have the option of archiving the corresponding inventory transactions
(material receipt and service receipt transactions). For work orders, you have the

Database Administration

option of archiving the data from the corresponding material usage transactions,
failure, labor reporting, and/or downtime.
The Archive History table window displays the history of archives and restores
in chronological order, with the most recent activities listed first. MAXIMO
inserts a history entry each time you run a script, not when you generate it.

WARNING: The database administrator must ensure that another archive for
the same table is not generated before the first archive procedure
is completed and the data is exported. Otherwise, the second
archive will overwrite the first, resulting in lost data.

Types of Archive
The Actions menu has the following menu items:
Archive Purchase Orders Displays the Archive Purchase Orders dialog box;
creates the archive and restore scripts for selected
purchase orders and, optionally, for material and
receipt transactions.
Archive Purchase Displays the Archive Purchase Requisitions dialog
Requisitions box; creates the archive and restore scripts for
selected purchase requisitions.
Archive Measurements Displays the Archive Measurements dialog box;
creates the archive and restore scripts for selected
Archive Work Orders Displays the Archive Work Orders dialog box;
creates the archive and restore scripts for selected
work orders and, optionally, for data on material
usage transactions, failure data, labor reporting, and

Chapter 11

Generating the Archive and Restore Scripts

Archiving Purchase Orders
Use the Archive Purchase Orders dialog box (Figure 11.2) to generate the
archive and restore scripts for archiving purchase orders.

Figure 11.2 Archive Purchase Orders Dialog Box

1. Choose Actions/Archive Purchase Orders to display the Archive Purchase

Orders dialog box.
2. In the Path field, specify the path and folder in which to store the scripts.

NOTE: You can specify a default archive folder in MAXIMO.INI. In the

[Archive] section, uncomment the ARCHPATH=C:\ARCHIVE line.
Specify a default folder different from C:\ARCHIVE if you want.
3. In the Archive File field, enter the name of the archive script file. The default
is POARCH.WTS. You receive an error message if the script already exists.
4. In the Restore File field, enter the name of the restore script file. The default
is POREST.WTS. You receive an error message if the script already exists.

Database Administration

5. By default, material receipt transactions and service receipt transactions are

archived along with purchase orders. If you do not want to archive these
supplementary tables, uncheck the appropriate checkboxes.
6. In the Query box, modify the WHERE clause as needed. The default WHERE
clause specifies that all records before the current date (sysdate) will be
selected. You can add other criteria to the WHERE clause to narrow the
7. Click OK. MAXIMO generates the scripts and saves them in the specified
8. To actually archive the data, you must execute the scripts using SQLTalk.
See Running an Archive Script, later in this chapter.

Archiving Purchase Requisitions, Measurements, and Work Orders

The procedures for generating the scripts for archiving Purchase Requisitions,
Measurements, and Work Orders are essentially the same as for Purchase
Orders. Please refer to MAXIMO online Help for the Archive application for
specific instructions on these types of archives. You can access the help topics
from the dialog box Help button or from the How Do I …? button.

Running an Archive Script

After you generate an archive script, you use SQLTalk to execute the script. The
steps are outlined below. Use the appropriate tools for your database platform to
perform the export and backup parts of the procedure.
1. Open SQLTalk for Windows (from the MAXIMO Main Menu, click the
Utilities icon and select Interactive SQL). Log on as the database schema
owner (for example, MAXIMO).
2 Execute the archive script. The script:
• Drops previously created temporary tables.

Chapter 11

• Creates temporary archive tables in the MAXIMO database.

• Copies data to the temporary archive tables.
• Deletes data from the original tables.
• Inserts a record into the Archive History table window.
3. Exit MAXIMO.
4. Using the appropriate tool for your database platform, export the data from
the temporary archive tables. Refer to your database platform's
documentation for instructions on how to do this. The list of tables to be
exported can be found in the archive or restore script. Enter the list of tables
when prompted for table name by the export utility.

5. After you have archived data, you must back up the export files from hard
disk to tape or other storage medium so that you do not overwrite the data in a
future archive. Conversely, the export files must be copied to hard disk at the
appropriate location before you can restore data.
NOTE: The Archive script deletes data, which may result in fragmented space
in your database. Therefore, after exporting the data from the
temporary archive tables, you should use the appropriate tool for you
database platform to consolidate your MAXIMO database.

! Example To run a Work Order archive script on the Maxdemo database (with the
script residing in the C:\ARCHIVE folder):

Open SQLTalk for Windows.

Select Session, then Connect. In the Connect dialog box enter the
Database, User Name, and Password.

Database: MAXDEMO
Username: MAXIMO
Password : DEMO (or whatever you’ve set it to be)

Click on Connect and you are returned to the Input window.

Database Administration

(Instead of choosing Sessions/Connect, you can enter a direct command in

the Input window in the form: CONNECT database username password;
and press [Ctrl] + [Enter]. In this example you would enter:

In the Input window enter: RUN C:\ARCHIVE\WOARCH.WTS;

Execute the script (e.g., press [Ctrl] + [Enter]).

Exit SQLTalk.

The data is now in the temporary archive tables. You must use the
appropriate tool for your database platform to export or unload the data
from the temporary tables.

Restoring Archived Data

You restore archived data in the same manner in which you run an archive script.
The steps to perform are outlined below. Use the appropriate tools for your
database platform to perform the import.
1. Using the appropriate tool for your database platform, import the exported
data to the temporary archive tables in the MAXIMO database. Refer to your
database platform's documentation for instructions on how to do this. The list
of tables to be imported can be found in the restore script. Enter the list of
tables when prompted for table name by the import utility.
2. Open MAXIMO.
3. Open SQLTalk for Windows (from the MAXIMO Main Menu, click the
Utilities icon and select Interactive SQL). Log on as the database schema
owner (for example, MAXIMO).
4. Execute the restore script. The script:
• Copies data from the temporary archive tables to the original MAXIMO

Chapter 11

• Inserts a record into the Archive History table window.


Archived Data and Configuring Your Database

If, after archiving data, you configure your database to change column data type
or length, you will not be able to restore the data. If you need to reconfigure your
production database, you can maintain the integrity of the archived data in a
couple of ways.
You can maintain a separate database to contain only archived data. After you
export data from your production database, use the restore script to import it into
the archive database. Whenever you configure your production database,
perform the same configuration changes on your archive database.
Another method is to restore all archived data to your production database before
configuring. After configuring, archive the data again.
NOTE: You cannot simply restore archived data from a previous MAXIMO
Release to a new release when the new release contains database
changes. You must restore data from a previous release to the version
from which it was archived, then perform an upgrade. Call Support for
specific information. There are two strategies in dealing with upgrades:
1) Restore the archived data to the MAXIMO version and
configuration that created it. The database can then be upgraded to the
new MAXIMO version. You can then archive the data back to an
archive file compatible with your current MAXIMO version.
2) Create an Archive database of the same version and configuration as
your production database. This database will contain the shell structure
of the database tables. The archive data can then be loaded into this
history database. You can then upgrade this history database to the new
version of MAXIMO when you upgrade your production database.

Database Administration


To maintain database integrity, to enhance database performance, and to insure
against accidental loss of data, you need to perform a number of basic tasks.
Procedures vary according to database platform. You must consult the
documentation for your database platform—Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server—to
obtain the specific procedures and commands.

Running a SQLTalk Session

1. Make sure your database server is up and running.
2. From the Start menu, choose Programs/MAXIMO Release 4.1.1/
Interactive SQL.
From a client workstation, using Windows Explorer, go to the folder into
which you installed MAXIMO and double-click on SQLTALK.EXE.
From the Modules list on the MAXIMO Main Menu, click Utilities and select
Interactive SQL. Do NOT use this method when performing backups.
3. Connect to the database. You can choose Sessions/Connect and use the
Connect dialog box, or you can enter a direct command in the Input window
in the form: CONNECT database username password; and press Ctrl + Enter.
For example, to connect to the MAXDEMO database as user MAXIMO with
password MAXIMO, you would enter:


Chapter 11

For database administration, we recommend that you log in to your database

as user MAXIMO. The default MAXIMO password is “MAXIMO.” For
security reasons, you should change this when MAXIMO is first installed.
4. Once you’ve logged on to your database through SQLTalk you can enter SQL
statements or special SQLTalk commands. Remember to end each command
with a semicolon to instruct SQLTalk to process your command.

5. To exit SQLTalk, enter the command: exit;

Backing Up and Restoring

Your MAXIMO software and database must be backed up periodically. Backups
are used to recover from any event that damages or unintentionally alters the
software and/or database.
Backup procedures can vary depending on the size of your database as well as
the type of operation you are running. The procedures listed in this chapter are
recommendations. There are several other methods that can be used.
You can perform a backup to any type of archive media: a hard disk drive, a tape
unit, a CD, or diskettes. Hard disk drive backups offer the best performance and
allow you to restore your system quickly. Tape drive unit backups are slower but
allow you the convenience of keeping multiple sets (tapes) of your backups.
Backing up to diskettes is the least convenient due to their limited capacity;
however, they can be useful when backing up smaller databases, archive files, or
specific executable files. Tape drive systems usually come with their own
backup software. Consult your tape drive software documentation for assistance.
Your backups should be stored in a different location from your production
database and application files.
As MAXIMO system administrator, you should schedule and regularly perform
two types of backups: system backups and database backups.

Database Administration

System Backups
A backup that creates a complete copy of the MAXIMO software is called a
system backup. A system backup lets you restore your entire MAXIMO system
to its original state, including any customized applications and reports.
The frequency of performing a system backup is up to you. If you make changes
to your system often, then you should perform a system backup often.
System backups should include the following folders, any subfolders below
them, and any additional MRO Software programs you may have installed:
Program files\your MAXIMO folder (where your MAXIMO folder may be
Max411, or whatever was specified during
CRYSTAL (if installed)
If you installed programs to other folders, make sure to include them. For
example, the MAXIMO Scheduler (if installed) is by default installed in a
MAXSCHED subfolder under the default MAXIMO folder, but may be placed
in its own folder.

WARNING: On LAN systems, system backups should be performed with all

users logged out of MAXIMO.

Database Backups
Database backups copy only the database(s).
Because your data is being updated daily, you should perform database backups
more frequently than system backups. A good general guideline for database
backups is to do one once a day. This will ensure full recovery of data no more
than one day old.

Chapter 11

Database backups should be performed:

• after any long data entry session
• at the end of accounting and reporting periods
• before any critical event, such as an outage or plant turnaround
• before and after configuring the database

Off-Line Backups
You should perform off-line database backups with all users logged out of
MAXIMO and the database server down. Copies of the database that are made
while the server is up and users are connected may result in unrecoverable
backups. If you are running MXServer (Application Server for business
components), shut it down before performing the backup. You must restart both
the database server and MXServer after performing the backup.

Online Database Backups

In addition to the standard system and database backups, you can perform online
database backups. Online database backups can be carried out without bringing
the database server down, allowing MAXIMO users to continue using the
software while the backup is taking place. Online backups are more time-
consuming than a standard (off-line) backup, but can be useful if you have a
24-hour operation and downtime needs to be kept to a minimum.

Restoring System and Database Backups

Test your restore procedure. Just because your backup procedure appears to be
working properly does not mean a restore attempt will be successful. It is
imperative that you verify and are familiar with the restore procedure prior to
actually performing it.

Database Administration

Update Statistics
Perform the Update Statistics procedure (Analyze Table in Oracle) to ensure that
selectivity factors have been updated when there have been significant changes
to an index. We recommend performing an Update Statistics on a daily basis,
especially if large amounts of data have been inserted, updated, or deleted. You
can execute Update Statistics from the Actions menu in Database Configuration,
or you can use a database-specific command.

Database Integrity
Verify the integrity of your database with commands specific to your database

Chapter 11



If your site uses the browser-based MAXIMO Buyer module, you use the Verity
search engine to search for items.
The Verity search engine, a product from Verity, Inc., enables you to perform
fast text-based searches against vast amounts of data. The search engine is
independent of any database. It maintains data that needs to be searched in
collections (the concept of a collection is similar to a database). If there are any
updates to the database, the collection needs to be updated immediately to reflect
the changes.
The Verity search engine has been tightly integrated with the Application Server
for Business Components to search against a vast spectrum of inventory items.
The integration process automatically updates MAXIMO database information
in the Verity collections whenever a modification is made to the MAXIMO
database. Consequently, the Verity collections are always up-to-date.
The Application Server uses two Verity collections to facilitate your search
• Item collection - used to search for items and to display the items found.

Chapter 12

• Category collection - used to search for items and to display a list of

categories in which the items are found.
In the Verity collections, each record is treated like a document. So most of the
time, new documents are either being inserted, modified, or deleted from the
The Verity search engine product provides a program, K2server, to facilitate
client programs to access information from the collections. The Application
Server makes use of this program to search against the collections.

During the installation of MAXIMO 4i Release 4.1.1, a VERITY folder is
automatically created under the MXSERVER folder, along with other
subfolders, namely, Collections, Defaultsytles, and K2220.
To start using the Verity search engine, you need to perform the following steps:
1. Build collections.
2. Run Verity as a Windows NT service.
3. Update the collections.

Building Collections
Building a collection means copying all the data from the database into the
Verity collections.
Whenever a collection needs to be created, Verity requires a set of style files to
dictate the rules associated with the collection. The default style files used for
the Item and Category collections are itemstyles (for item styles) and catstyles

Verity Search Engine

(for category styles), respectively, and are kept under the <MXSERVER
We recommend that you do not make any modifications to the catstyle file,
because in most cases, it doesn’t need them. You may, however, modify the
itemstyle file to include specific item fields that you would like to use for the
search. For details on adding new styles, refer to Adding New Fields to the Item
Collection, later in this section.
To build the Verity collections, perform the following steps from the command
prompt in the <MXSERVER ROOT> folder:
• Run the BULKLOADITEMS.BAT file to build the item collection with data
from the database.
• Run the BULKLOADCATEGORIES.BAT file to build the category
collection with data from the database.
These two batch files reside in the <MXSERVER ROOT> folder and create the
collections under the <MXSERVER ROOT>\VERITY\COLLECTIONS folder
by default. If you want to create the collections in a folder other than the default,
then appropriate arguments should be passed to the batch files. Open the batch
files using Notepad and take a look at the usage.
To access the collections after you build them, you must stop the
searchserverservice (if you are currently using it) and restart it.

Adding New Fields to the Item Collection

A GENERATEITEMSTYLES.BAT file is provided to add new fields to the item
style file.
From the <MXSERVER ROOT> folder, go to the command prompt and run the
GENERATEITEMSTYLE.BAT file and pass the following three arguments:

Chapter 12

1. Specify the path where the common item style files are present. The folder is
PSDI/SEARCH/COMMON and the common item style files are itemstyle
(the item style files) and catstyle (the category style files).
2. Specify the destination folder name where you want the new style files to be
3. Specify the name of the properties file (in this case
information about the fields that you want in the Verity collections. The
property that needs to be modified is “mxe.verity.bulkload.field1”, followed
by the values for the item name and the column name from the ITEM table in
the database. You can keep adding new fields but all of them need to be in
continuous incremental order. For example, mxe.verity.bulkload.field1,
mxe.verity.bulkload.field2, etc. After you have added the new item styles,
specify the total number of new styles you created by entering the count in
the property “mxe.verity.bulkload.totalfieldcount=1”. By default, it is 1. For
example, if you have added five new item styles, the property should read

Modifying Synonym Lists

Synonym lists in Verity are lists of words that are treated as synonyms (words
that mean the same) by the search engine. When you run a search on one word,
Verity automatically searches on not just that word, but also on all the other
words specified as synonyms. For example, if “tubing,” “pipe,” and “hose” are
listed as synonyms, Verity will look for all of those words when you run a search
on any one of them.
To modify the synonym lists, you perform the following steps:
1. Back up your current synonym file.

Make a copy of the synonym file, mrothesaurus.syd (located in the

verity\thesaurus folder) and place it in another folder.

Verity Search Engine

2. Create an ASCII file from the synonym file.

Use the mksyd command (located in the verity\k2220\_nti40\bin folder in the

install folder) to create the ASCII file. Go to the <MXSERVER ROOT>
folder and run the command:
verity\k2220\_nti40\bin\mksyd -dump -syd verity\thesaurus\
mrothesaurus.syd -f synonyms.txt
where synonyms.txt is the name of the ASCII file you create.
3. Edit the ASCII file.
The ASCII file will be in the form of the following example:
Note that “list” is a keyword and each line of synonyms is “circular,”
meaning that each word on a line will match all others on the same line. For
example, if you query on “wrench,” the query will expand to also search for
“socket” and “6 point.”
Edit the file by inserting comma-separated entries on existing lines or adding
new lines of the same format.
4. Create a binary file from the ASCII file.
You create a binary version of the edited ASCII file and this becomes the new
mrothesaurus.syd file. Use the mksyd command to create the binary file. Go
to the <MXSERVER ROOT> folder and run the command:

Chapter 12

verity\k2220\_nti40\bin\mksyd -f synonyms.txt -syd verity\thesaurus\

where synonyms.txt is the name of the ASCII file you edited.
5. Stop and restart the K2server if you are currently using it as a service. The
new synonyms will then take effect.

Running Verity as a Windows NT Service

You can set up Verity to run as a Windows NT service. From the command
prompt in the <MXSERVER ROOT> folder, type the command
searchserverservice -install. To start the service, go to the Control Panel, click
on Services, select the Verity Service and click on Start.
To start Verity without running it as a Windows NT service, go to the command
prompt in the <MXSERVER ROOT> folder and run the K2SERVER.BAT file.
This file takes information from the <MXSERVER ROOT>\K2SERVER.INI
file. The K2SERVER.INI file provides the K2Server information about what
collections need to be searched by the client programs.
NOTE: Your screen will show the words "Pinging localhost:9900->Dead."
This is not an error message; it indicates the Verity server is running.

Updating the Collections

Once the Verity collections are built, the application server maintains the
collections through a scheduled task. The scheduled task program keeps the
Verity collections up to date with the data in the database.
The following property in the MXSERVER.PROPERTIES file specifies the time
interval for running the scheduled task:

Verity Search Engine

For example, the above property indicates that the scheduled task should run
every 10 minutes. You can specify any time interval at which you want the
scheduled task to run.
Whenever the application server is started, the application server program looks
for this property in the properties file and starts the appropriate scheduled task
program. The scheduled program checks for any updates made to the item table
and appropriately changes the Verity collections data.
Whenever changes are made to the item table, the database triggers update the
VERITYACTION table with the appropriate information. The scheduled task
program reads information from the VERITYACTION table and appropriately
updates the Verity collections.

Setting Verity Commodity Restrictions

NOTE: A general discussion of commodity restrictions and how to set them up
in the MAXIMO database is in Chapter 13, Self Service Applications.
Commodity Restrictions can be applied on the Item and Category Verity
Collections so that members of a particular MAXIMO user group can only see a
subset of the entire collection.
Perform the following steps to set up the MAXIMO Verity Commodity
1. Decide which MAXIMO user group(s) you want to authorize or restrict.
2. Using SQLTalk, modify the MAXGROUPS and COMMODITYAUTH
database tables to specify which user groups to restrict or authorize, and to
specify which commodity categories are involved. For detailed instructions,
see the Setting Up Commodity Restrictions section of Chapter 13, Self
Service Applications.

Chapter 12

3. From the command prompt in the <MXSERVER ROOT> folder, run the
generateCommodityRestrictions.bat file
4. Shut down the K2Server and edit the K2Server.ini file. Uncomment the
topicset setting for Item and Category Collection.
5. Restart the K2Server.
6. Edit the MXServer.properties file. Change the
mxe.verity.useCommodityRestriction setting to true:

7. Restart the MXServer (and JSPServer, if the JSPServer is started separately).
Once you have set up the K2Server to use Commodity Restrictions (as described
above), you do not have to shut it down to apply additional changes to the
MAXIMO database regarding user groups and commodity categories (the
MAXGROUPS and COMMODITYAUTH tables). After making the database
changes, run the generateCommodityRestrictions batch file, located in the
<MXSERVER ROOT> folder. The K2Server will automatically detect the



This chapter describes some administrative matters regarding the browser-based
MAXIMO Self Service Applications, such as Buyer Requisitions and Work
Requests, which you may have at your site. In the context of this chapter these
browser-based applications will be collectively referred to as MAXIMO Buyer.
Information on using these applications is provided in their online Help.
Some of the administrative procedures described in this chapter require using
SQLTalk to modify the database directly, and some procedures require
modifying .JSP files. The instructions assume you are familiar with viewing,
inserting, and modifying records with SQLTalk, and with editing .JSP files.
The administrative topics covered here include:
• Setting default vendors for items
• Generating autonumbers for special order items
• Changing the automatic time-out periods
• Setting up commodity restrictions

Chapter 13

• Specifying how categories are displayed

• Receiving and managing electronic invoices
• Searching Description and Long Description fields
• Setting up to use linked documents
• Changing the default schema owner
• Registering new MAXIMO Buyer users
• Configuring Tomcat to run with IIS (Microsoft's Internet Information Server)


Within the Inventory application, you can set a default vendor for an item. This
allows you to specify the preferred vendor for an item being ordered by a
requisitioner in MAXIMO Buyer when that item is not being ordered from a
storeroom. You may, for example, want to specify a default vendor for some
nonstocked items. (The Buyer user can change the default vendor if he or she
The procedure for specifying a default vendor for an item ordered via MAXIMO
Buyer involves two parts. Each is later described in detail.
• Unhiding the Default Vendor? field in the Reorder Details table window in
the Inventory application.
• Specifying the vendor for the item, and setting the associated Default
Vendor? field to Y in the Reorder Details table window in Inventory.

Self Service Applications

Unhiding the Default Vendor? Field in Reorder Details

1. Open the Screen Editor (Object Nationalizer).
2. Open Inventor.exe.
3. Open the Windows folder and double-click on frmReorderDet (the Reorder
Details form).
4. From the Tools menu, choose Preferences; then click Use Customizer, then
click OK.
5. Click the Layout tab at the bottom of the right pane.
6. From the Layout menu, choose Show Hidden Windows.
7. Scroll in the table window to the column titled Default Vendor?. Right-click
on Default Vendor?, and choose Properties/Visible/Yes.
8. Save your changes and exit Object Nationalizer.

Setting a Default Vendor for an Item

1. Open the Inventory Control application.
2. Display the record of the item for which you want to set a default vendor.
3. Click the Reorder Details tab.
4. If necessary, in the Vendor field in the table window, enter the vendor you
want used as the default vendor.
5. Scroll to the Default Vendor? field for that vendor row, and change the N to
6. Save the record.

Chapter 13

Now, whenever a user of MAXIMO Buyer requisitions an item for which you
have specified a default vendor, and the Storeroom field on the Buyer requisition
line is not filled in, the default vendor will be listed in the Vendor field.


“Special order items” are items that you do not normally carry in inventory,
which therefore have no inventory item number. When you order one, it is a
special order, and you need to order it by description. The item description is
generally sufficient for ordering and tracking purposes for special order items.
However, you may want special order items to have item numbers generated for
To specify that item numbers be automatically generated for special order items:
1. Use SQLTalk to access the MAXVARS database table.
2. Insert a record in MAXVARS where VARNAME = AutoGenSpecOrdItem
and VARVALUE = Y (or whatever the YES VARNAME is defined as):
If the VARNAME record is either not there at all or is set to N, then no item
number will be automatically generated for special order items.


A default setting has been set on MAXIMO Buyer to log off a user’s browser
session after 30 minutes of inactivity. You can change the default value for the
automatic time-out period.

Self Service Applications

To change the time-out period for using MAXIMO Buyer, change the parameter
session.setMaxInactiveInterval(1800) to a different number. The default is
1800 and the field is in seconds. For example, replacing 1800 with 3600 would
increase the time-out period from 1800 seconds (30 minutes) to 3600 seconds
(60 minutes). Change the setting to an identical new value in these three files:
To change the time-out period in place for MAXIMO Buyer while a user is using
marketplace, change session.setMaxInactiveInterval(7200) to a different value
in this file:


Commodity restrictions can be put in place in order to restrict requisitioning of
certain commodities (classifications of inventory items) to specified user groups.
For example, you may want to allow electrical equipment to be ordered only by
users in the electricians' groups.
Establishing commodity restrictions is dependent upon using the Asset Catalog
Setup application to classify your inventory items. Only items placed in a
classification system can be specifically designated as available or unavailable
for requisitioning by a user group. Items that are not classified are always
available for requisitioning by all users.
Commodity restrictions are set up in the MAXIMO database, outside of the
MAXIMO and MAXIMO Buyer applications, via SQLTalk.

Chapter 13

How to Set Up Commodity Restrictions

You can set up commodity restrictions by accessing the MAXIMO database via
SQLTalk. You should be familiar with the MAXIMO database tables and using
SQLTalk to query and update database table and record information.

The default setting for all MAXIMO user groups is that they have no commodity
restrictions—all items in all categories are available to be requisitioned.
If you want to limit the classifications users can order from, you first need to
identify the group or groups for which you want to specify authorizations or
restrictions. Authorizations or restrictions are done by group, and by item
classifications (which are set up via the Asset Catalog Setup application). Note
that any items not classified are available to be ordered by all users.
There are two basic approaches:

Authorize Select a user group and identify the only item classifications from
which group members can order. Use this approach when the list of
classifications or commodities you want to make available is shorter
than the list of unavailable classifications; e.g., if a group can order
from only two of the 20 inventory classifications. Any classification
that is not specifically authorized is therefore restricted—not
available for ordering from.

Restrict Select a user group and identify the item classifications from which
members cannot order. Items in all other classifications would
remain available to be requisitioned. Use this approach when the list
of classifications or commodities you want made unavailable is
shorter than the list of available classifications; e.g., if the group can
order from all but four of the 20 inventory classifications.

Self Service Applications

For any one group you can only specify a list of available classifications, or a list
of unavailable classifications. You cannot list some as available for ordering
from, and others as unavailable.

Restricting groups' requisitioning rights involves making changes to two tables:
MAXGROUPS and COMMODITYAUTH. You may also need to refer to other
tables; for example, the CLASSSTRUCTURE for class structure ID information,
i.e., the identifier of the classification or commodity.
Follow the steps below to authorize a group to requisition only the specified
commodities (item classifications).
1. Start SQLTalk.
2. Display the MAXGROUPS table. The USECOMMODITYAUTH column for
all groups is initially set to N, no.
3. Update the USECOMMODITYAUTH column to Y for the group(s) whose
users you want to either restrict or authorize access to commodities. For
example, if you want to restrict or authorize a group named PURCH3:
update maxgroups set usecommodityauth='Y' where grpname='PURCH3';
4. If you want to authorize commodities, leave the COMMAUTHINCLUDE
column set to Y, the default. If you want to restrict commodities, update the
COMMAUTHINCLUDE column to N, no. For example, to restrict
update maxgroups set commauthinclude='N' where grpname='PURCH3';
5. Display the COMMODITYAUTH table.
6. Insert or update rows in the COMMODITYAUTH table as needed. Each row
includes a GRPNAME and a single CLASSSTRUCTUREID; therefore you

Chapter 13

need multiple rows to restrict or authorize multiple item classifications for a

single group. Do this based on the Y or N setting in the
COMMAUTHINCLUDE column in MAXGROUPS; if set to Y, items in the
classification IDs you list can be requisitioned; if set to N, the classifications
you list will be unavailable for requisitioning.
For example, if you are setting up restrictions for the first time for the group
PURCH3 and you want members of PURCH3 to be able to requisition only
items classified as PUMP or BEARING, you would set
to Y in step 4; then insert the following in the COMMODITYAUTH table:
insert into commodityauth (grpname, classstructureid) values ('PURCH3',
insert into commodityauth (grpname, classstructureid) values ('PURCH3',
To allow members of PURCH3 to be able to requisition items from any
classifications except PUMP and BEARING, you would do exactly the same
except that in step 4 you would set COMMAUTHINCLUDE to N.
NOTE: If you are using the Verity Search Engine, you must perform some
additional steps to enable it to use commodity restrictions. See the
Setting Verity Commodity Restrictions section of Chapter 12, "Verity
Search Engine."
Once the database tables are updated as outlined above, the restrictions are in
place. When a user submits a requisition with a restricted item on it, an error
message is displayed noting that the line item cannot be submitted due to lack of
user authorization.

Self Service Applications


When you click Create/View Requisition on the Main Menu, the Requisition
Screen is displayed. To begin searching catalogs, click the Search Catalogs tab.
Depending on your site's configuration, you can choose to search local inventory,
or external supplier catalogs, or the MRO Hosting Center. If you choose to
search local inventory and your site has categorized its inventory, you can use
two methods to search for items and services: Keyword Search and Category
A line at the top of the Category Drilldown area shows the letters of the alphabet
and the word All. You can click on any letter to display top-level categories
beginning with that letter, or click on All to display all top-level categories.
The default display for the Category Drilldown is to show all top-level
categories. MAXIMO Buyer provides two other options for initial display of
inventory item categories:
• Display the top-level categories for items beginning with a specific letter.
• Do not display category drilldown information.
You can change the category display setting in the LOCALINVENTORY.JSP
file, in the /jsp/app/dr folder. The parameter name is cddConfig (for "category
drilldown configuration"). The three acceptable values are: none, all, and a letter
from A-Z.

none Prevents the Category Drilldown section on the Search for Items and
Services to Requisition screen from being displayed.

all The Category Drilldown section initially displays all top-level categories
(the default setting).

Chapter 13

A-Z The Category Drilldown section initially displays all top-level categories
that begin with the specified letter.

If your site categorizes inventory via the Asset Catalog application and has many
top-level categories, you may want to initially display a top-level category
starting with a specific letter. In this case you would specify the letter, e.g., P if
you wanted Pump to be displayed by default.
If your site does not use the Asset Catalog application to categorize inventory,
you may not want to see the Category Drilldown section at all, since there are no
categories to display. In this case you would specify none.


The browser-based Self Service applications, along with supporting technology,
make electronic commerce (e-commerce) possible in MAXIMO.
To engage in e-commerce transactions, both your company and the supplier need
to be e-commerce enabled. E-commerce suppliers will have their catalog
available at the mroHosting Center or an external website. Both the supplier and
the buyer may have relationships approved and accounts set up with each other.
Users generate requisitions via the browser-based Self Service applications,
which include searching and requisitioning screens. Your site can be set up to
automatically generate approved POs from these requisitions, and route them
directly to an e-commerce enabled supplier. Or the requisitions can be routed
through Workflow to the purchasing agent or other appointed individuals in your
company. Once a requisition has become an approved PO, the PO is sent to the
supplier via an OAG XML transaction. Further transactions and notifications
regarding the PO and its status can be handled electronically, with no paperwork

Self Service Applications

The e-commerce transactions that can occur between the buyer and the supplier
include the following:

• Buyer initiated transactions

• PO Transaction – this transaction sends the PO to the supplier and is the
first transaction sent to the supplier.
• Cancel PO – this transaction sends the PO cancellation notice to the

• Supplier initiated transactions

• Acknowledge PO – this transaction confirms that the PO was received by
the supplier and is the first transaction received back from the supplier.
• Vendor Order Status – this transaction is generated once the PO
information has been reviewed by the supplier and relays any issues
related to the order to the buyer and requisitioner.
• Advance Ship Notice (ASN) – this transaction provides information
detailing the intent to transport a specific quantity of items from a supplier
to a single destination.
• Invoice – this transaction provides invoicing information on items
For supplier companies you regularly do business with, you will want to create a
Companies record in MAXIMO and fill out its E-commerce Details section.
Refer to the online help in the Companies application for more information.
Purchasing agents may want to create a Labor record in MAXIMO. Creating a
Labor record gives them the ability to receive transaction e-mail notifications,
like Vendor Order Status or Advance Ship Notice. The system administrator can
also set this record up for them. The requisitioner can receive these same
notifications, if they also select the TRANSEMAILELECTION in the Profile
Page of MAXIMO Buyer.

Chapter 13

Receiving and Managing Electronic Invoices

The ability to receive electronic invoices and, optionally, to have the receipt of
the invoice automatically initiate a Workflow process, can be configured in your
MAXIMO application.

Setting Up to Receive Electronic Invoices

To set up to receive electronic invoices from a company:
1. Go to the Companies application and display the company record.
2. In the E-Commerce Details section of the Company tab, make sure the E-
Commerce Enabled field is set to Y. Refer to Companies Help for
information about these e-commerce fields.
3. Set the Vendor Sends Invoice field to Y.
NOTE: If E-Commerce Enabled is set to Y but Vendor Sends Invoice is set
to N, then the company must send a manual invoice.
When an electronic invoice is received, it creates a new record in the Invoices
application, populating the INVOICE and INVOICELINE tables.

Setting Up to Have an Electronic Invoice Initiate a Workflow Process

In addition to receiving an electronic invoice, you can have the receipt of the
invoice initiate a Workflow process. This assumes that a Workflow process has
been created to handle the electronic invoice—for example, sending the invoice
to someone to be approved.
To have the electronic invoice initiate a Workflow process:
1. Change the EINVOICEAPPRPROC setting in the MAXVARS table from N
(the default) to Y. This procedure is described in detail later in this section.

Self Service Applications

2. On the Company tab, set the Auto Approve Invoice field to Y.

The MAXVARS setting enables automatic initiation of the Workflow process,
and the Auto Approve Invoice field allows you to specify by Company whether
you want to utilize that procedure.
If both settings are set to Y, the electronic invoice creates a new Invoice record
and initiates a Workflow approval process.
If an electronic invoice is received and the EINVOICEAPPRPROC setting in
MAXVARS is Y, but there is no active Workflow process, then an e-mail
message will be sent to the system administrator identified in the
MXServer.properties file, under Workflow Related Properties. The e-mail will
state: “The Invoice Approval Process is unable to be started because no active
workflow process exists for Invoice. Either start a Workflow Process, or
change the EINVOICEAPPRPROC Flag to N.”
Regardless of what action the system administrator takes, the electronic invoice
data will still be inserted into the INVOICE and INVOICELINE tables.

Changing the MAXVARS Setting

To change the EINVOICEAPPRPROC setting in the MAXVARS table:
1. Open SQLTalk.
2. View the current Workflow initiation setting:
3. To change the status, issue the following command, inserting Y or N for the
VARVALUE as appropriate:

Chapter 13


MAXIMO Buyer provides the ability to search for items, requisitions, and work
requests based on text in the Description fields and in the Additional Comments
(long description) fields. Description and Additional Comments have been added
as search fields to the Search for Items, Search for Work Requests, and Search
for Requisitions screens.
Searching on the Description fields is available upon installation. Searching long
description fields requires a brief setup procedure for Oracle users.

NOTE: Searching on the Additional Comments (long description) fields is

available in the MAXIMO Buyer self-service applications only; it is
not available in the other MAXIMO applications.

SQL Server Users

If your site uses the Microsoft SQL Server database, no setup is needed.
Searching on the Additional Comments (long description) fields, as well as the
Description fields, is available immediately upon installation of MAXIMO

Oracle Users
If your site uses the Oracle database platform, you must decide whether you
want to make the ability to search on the Additional Comments fields available
to your users. Upon installation, this feature is not available, as it requires
reconfiguration of the database. You should consider the pros and cons discussed
below in the Considerations section. If you want to make searching via long
description fields available, follow the procedures covered in the Setup section.

Self Service Applications

The Oracle data type (longvarchar) associated with MAXIMO long description
fields cannot be searched by SQL. The new Database Configuration option
discussed below allows you to change the long description field data type to
varchar; this data type is searchable, but can hold less data than longvarchar.
In deciding whether or not to use the option to convert your Oracle long
description fields’ data type, you need to weigh the advantages versus possible
disadvantages. The advantage is enhanced querying ability. The disadvantage is
a limit on the amount of data long description fields can hold, and the loss of any
existing data that exceeds the limit. You need to consider whether you have any,
or many, long descriptions that contain more than 2K (if you use Oracle 7) or 4K
(Oracle 8) of data. Data exceeding 2K or 4K will be truncated in the long
description fields’ data type conversion.
If you do not want to enable searching on Additional Comments fields, do

If you do want to enable searching Additional Comments (long description)
fields, follow the steps below. Be aware that the conversion will reduce the size
of long description fields to 2K for users of Oracle 7 up to Oracle 8, and to 4K
for users of Oracle 8 and above.
To enable the ability to perform SQL searches on long description fields in
1. In MAXIMO, open the Database Configuration application.
2. Choose Actions/Long Description Search Setup.
3. Check the Enable Long Description Searches check box.

Chapter 13

4. Click OK.
If your data will be truncated, you receive a warning message noting that any
long descriptions exceeding 2000 bytes (Oracle 7) or 4000 bytes (Oracle 8)
will be truncated. Click OK to continue. Database Configuration
automatically shuts down and the Data Dictionary is reloaded.
If your data will not be truncated, you receive no message and Database
Configuration shuts down, as above.
5. Configure your database to complete the conversion of the long description
fields' Oracle data type.
For users of Oracle 8 and above, long description fields will be changed to
varchar, 4K characters. For users of Oracle 7i to Oracle 8, long description
fields will be changed to varchar, 2K characters.
You can now search on text in the Description and Additional Comments fields
in the self service applications.
NOTE: If you do not use the Long Description Search Setup action, users
attempting to search on the Additional Comments fields in MAXIMO
Buyer will receive a message noting that the field is not currently

Self Service Applications


MAXIMO-Based Setup
There are two general steps you need to take within MAXIMO in order to set up
MAXIMO Buyer so that linked documents can be used. You need to define
document types for MAXIMO Buyer, then register documents with the
MAXIMO Buyer application so that they are available from within MAXIMO

Define Document Types

1. Open any MAXIMO application that has the Linked Documents tab (e.g.,
Work Orders or Purchase Orders).
2. Display a record (e.g., a work order or PO).
3. Click the Linked Documents tab.
4. Choose Setup/Define Document Types.
5. Select MAXIMO Buyer from the Owner Application drop-down menu.
6. Enter a name in the Document Type field and provide a description.
7. In the Default Path field, enter the path and directory that all documents of
this type will be stored in when the document is attached to a requisition line
for access from a browser.
You can create as many document types as you need for documents within
MAXIMO Buyer. These are the document types that will appear in the
Document Type field and the Document Types drop-down menu on the
MAXIMO Buyer Linked Documents screen.

Chapter 13

Register Documents
Documents can be registered to the MAXIMO Buyer (Desktop Requisitions)
application so that they are available from within MAXIMO Buyer for linking to
requisition lines. These documents will be displayed in the Document Library on
the MAXIMO Buyer Linked Documents screen. You register documents via the
Document Registration option on the Insert menu of MAXIMO applications that
contain the Linked Documents tab.
A “document” can be either a file or a website URL. The File tab is used
primarily for documents such as CAD drawings and .PDF files located on your
network. The WWW tab is used to attach a URL address from the Internet. Both
will be displayed in the Document Library by document type.
A copy of all registered documents that you want available for use in MAXIMO
Buyer must be located in the default directory as specified for that document
type in MAXIMO.

MXServer-Based Setup
You also need to do some setup work within the root directory of the MXServer

Editing the Doclink.properties File

NOTE: Directory and file names are case sensitive; they must match exactly
for the web server to find them. This is true for both doclink properties
and for server.xml entries.
In the MXServer directory there is a file called doclink.properties, which maps
the locations of the files as specified in MAXIMO (see above) to a location
accessible by MXServer. You need to edit the doclink.properties file.

Self Service Applications

Specifying the Paths for Your Document Types

The paths for your document types (which you set up in MAXIMO) need to be
specified in this file. You must enter the document type paths so that the
MXServer can locate the documents in order to display them in your browser.

Example: In MAXIMO, you specified the location of a CAD file as:

S:\DOCLINKS\CAD\cad1.doc. MXServer is running on a machine
named MAXBUYER1.
The following entry must be made to the doclink.properties file:
The text to the left of the equals sign must match what you entered in
MAXIMO, with double back slashes instead of single. Note that
“<PATH>” replaces the colon after the drive letter.
You should make a similar entry for each document type location you
specified in MAXIMO. You can also specify the location without drive

Specifying the Default Path for Storing Newly Linked Documents

The doclink.properties file is also used to specify the default path for storing
documents that are linked via MAXIMO Buyer.
If, in MAXIMO, you created a document type, but failed to specify the document
path, then this default path is the location that will be used for saving documents
attached via MAXIMO Buyer.
You should edit the path specified to the right of the equals sign in the example
default path listed in doclink.properties (mxe.doclink.doctypes.defpath=…).

Chapter 13

Example: In MAXIMO, you created a document type, PERMITS, but failed to

specify a default path. In MAXIMO Buyer, when you attach a document
of type PERMIT to a requisition line, it will be stored in the directory
specified by mxe.doclink.doctypes.defpath=.
You might specify this entry as

Editing the MXServer\conf\server.xml File

The \MXServer\conf\server.xml file will also have to be modified so that the
Web server can find the doclink directories if they are outside of the \MXServer
folder. The <Context> entries in the jspserver.xml must coincide with those
entries in the doclink.properties file.

Example: If documents reside in the S:\DOCLINKS\CAD and

S:\DOCLINKS\PERMITS directories, the following entries should be
made in server.xml:
<Context path="/DOCLINKS/CAD" docBase="S:/DOCLINKS/CAD"
debug="0" reloadable="true" >


<Context path="/DOCLINKS/PERMITS"
docBase="S:/DOCLINKS/PERMITS" debug="0" reloadable="true" >


Self Service Applications


If you change the default schema owner of MAXIMO to another username, you
must also change the following files to reflect the new schema owner's username
and password:
• The username and password in the LOGINHEADER.JSP file. This file is
located in the JSP\APP\USERREG subfolder of the MXSERVER folder.
In the following example, username and password have each replaced
• The mxe.db.user and mxe.db.password properties in the


MAXIMO Buyer users can register themselves, as described in MAXIMO Buyer
online Help. Thus, you do not have to individually add those new users to
• Using the Set Login Controls dialog box in Signature Security, you can
specify the default group into which self-registered new users are placed.
• Using the Authorize Reassignment to User Groups dialog box in Signature
Security, you can grant supervisory personnel the authority to reassign self-
registered users from the default group to other groups.

Chapter 13


The current version of Tomcat JSP Server used by MAXIMO can operate in
conjunction with Microsoft's Internet Information Server (IIS). This setup is
recommended if more than 40 users will be concurrently running self-service
applications or if additional security is desired.
You must use IIS 4 or higher.
Configuring the Tomcat JSP Server to run with IIS involves three Tomcat
redirector entities:
• ISAPI_REDIRECT.DLL – The IIS server plugin. This file is in the
<mxserver root>\conf folder.
• WORKERS.PROPERTIES – A file that describes the host(s) and port(s) used
by the workers (Tomcat processes). A sample workers.properties can be
found under the <mxserver root>\conf folder.
• URIWORKERMAP.PROPERTIES – A file that maps URL-Path patterns to
workers. A sample uriworkermap.properties can be found under the
<mxserver root>\conf folder as well.
To configure the Tomcat JSP Server to run with IIS, you must fully complete the
instructions contained in all three sections of this chapter:
• Registry Changes (page 289) – This section describes how to edit, if
necessary, the IIS-TOMCAT.REG file and how to place this file into your
• IIS Management Console Changes (page 292) – This section describes how to
create two new virtual directories to your IIS web site.

Self Service Applications

• Editing Files (page 306) – This section describes detailed edits required for

Registry Changes
The following section describes how to edit (if necessary) the
IIS-TOMCAT.REG file, located in the APACHE folder of your CD, and how to
place this file into your registry.
1. Copy the IIS-TOMCAT.REG file, found on either the Release 4.1.1
Self-Service Requisitions CD or Release 4.1.1 Self-Service Work Requests
CD, to the C:\temp folder where C is the letter on your local drive.
2. Right-click on the IIS-TOMCAT.REG file in your C:\temp folder. Click Edit.
If you installed Self-Service Requisitions and/or Self-Service Work Requests
to the default MXSERVER folder (in bold), no editing changes are necessary.
Go directly to step 4.
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta
Isapi Redirector\1.0]


3. If you installed Self-Service Requisitions and/or Self-Service Work Requests

to any folder other than the default MXSERVER folder, you must edit the
IIS-TOMCAT.REG file as shown below.
In the following example, mxserver411 (in bold) has been substituted for
mxserver. You should substitute your folder name for MXSERVER411.
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta
Isapi Redirector\1.0]

Chapter 13


4. Click File, Save.

5. Update your registry by either double-clicking on the IIS-TOMCAT.REG file
or right-clicking on the file and selecting MERGE.
6. Your Registry, opened to the 1.0 folder, should now look like Figure 13.1.
Some of your Data values may differ from this example, depending on the
location of mxserver.

Self Service Applications

Figure 13.1 Registry Editor displaying String Values for 1.0 Folder

7. Close the Registry.

Chapter 13

IIS Management Console Changes

Perform the following steps, which include creating two new virtual directories
to your IIS web site.
1. Open the IIS Internet Service Manager Console.

Figure 13.2 Console Root folder

2. Expand the folder tree of the Internet Information Server until you reach the
Default Web Site.

Self Service Applications

Figure 13.3 Default Web Site Folder

3. Select the Default Web Site folder.Choose Action/New/Virtual Directory to

start the New Virtual Directory Wizard. Follow the onscreen prompts to add
a virtual directory for where isapi_redirect.dll is located:

Chapter 13

Figure 13.4 Alias to Access Virtual Directory Dialog Box

a. For the Alias, the name MUST be Jakarta. Click Next.

Self Service Applications

Figure 13.5 Physical Path of Directory Dialog Box

b. For the Physical Path, enter the path to the folder where isapi_redirect.dll
was installed (in our example it is c:\mxserver\conf). Click Next.

Chapter 13

Figure 13.6 Setting Access Permissions Dialog Box

c. For Access privileges, check Allow Execute Access (Read and Script
Access should also be checked by default). Click Finish.

Self Service Applications

4. Select the Default Web Site folder again and choose Action/New/Virtual
Directory to start the New Virtual Directory Wizard. Add a virtual directory
for where mxserver is located:

Figure 13.7 Alias to Access Virtual Directory Dialog Box

a. For the Alias, enter any name (e.g., mxserver411). Be certain to note the
name you have used, as it will need to be re-entered in the next section.
Click Next.

Chapter 13

Figure 13.8 Physical Path of Directory Dialog Box

b. For the Physical Path, enter the path to mxserver (in our example,
c:\mxserver). Click Next.

Self Service Applications

Figure 13.9 Setting Access Permissions Dialog Box

c. For access privileges, check Allow Execute Access (Read and Script
Access should also be checked by default). Click Finish.

Chapter 13

5. Add a document to the web server (Default Web Site):

Figure 13.10 Default Web Site Properties Dialog Box

a. Right-click the Default Web Site folder and choose Properties, then the
Documents tab.

Self Service Applications

Figure 13.11 Add Default Document Dialog Box

b. Click the Add button to open the Add Default Document dialog box. In the
Default Document Name field, enter index.html and click OK.

Chapter 13

6. Add the redirect file isapi_redirect.dll as a filter in your IIS web site:

Figure 13.12 Default Web Site Properties Dialog Box

a. Right-click the Default Web Site folder, choose Properties, then the ISAPI
Filters tab.

Self Service Applications

Figure 13.13 Filter Properties Dialog Box

b. Click Add to open the Filter Properties dialog box. Enter a Filter Name.
The name of the filter should reflect its task (for example, the name
c. In the Executable field, enter the path to the redirect file (in our example,
7. Click OK. Click Apply. Click OK.

Chapter 13

Figure 13.14 Services Dialog Box

8. Stop, then start the IIS service.

If using Windows NT, from the Control Panel, click Services, and select
IIS Admin Service.
If using Windows 2000, from the Control Panel, click Administrative tools,
click Services, and select IIS Admin Service.
Click Stop to see what other services have been stopped.
Note what other services are automatically stopped, as you will have to restart
them as well.

Self Service Applications

Figure 13.15 ISAPI Filters Dialog Box (with red down arrow)

9. After restarting the IIS service, redisplay the ISAPI Filters tab and check to
make sure that the jakarta filter is marked with a green up-pointing arrow.
If a red, down arrow is displayed, highlight it as indicated in Figure 13.15 and
click Remove.

Chapter 13

Editing Files
In order to complete this configuration, the following files must be edited as
described in this section:
• SERVER.XML (step 1 and step 2)
1. In the SERVER.XML file in the <mxserver root>\conf folder, change the
number of the default port Tomcat uses. The default is 80.
The following shows the section from this file (under Connectors) where you
will change the port. The bold text indicates the changed value from 80 to
another number (e.g., 8080).
<!-- Normal HTTP -->
<Parameter name="handler"

<Parameter name="port"
value="8080"/> 80 changed to 8080

2. Also in the SERVER.XML file, edit the Context path line as indicated below.
The default for this line contains no value (<Context path= "/" ). The
bold text indicates the inserted value that must agree with the alias entered in
Figure 13.7.
<Context path="/mxserver411" enter the exact same value
docBase="/" (e.g., mxserver411)as the
crossContext="gsldrz" alias entered in Figure 13.7

Self Service Applications

3. Edit the WORKERS.PROPERTIES file in the <mxserver root>\conf folder.

Define the workers and assign each context with its own worker. The lines
below show entries from the relevant parts of the file. The bold text shows
where you would edit in new values (using our mxserver example).
worker.ajp12.host =hostname

where hostname is the name of the server running IIS and mxserver.
4. In the URIWORKERMAP.PROPERTIES file (in the <mxserver root>\conf
folder). Make the lines in your file match the two edited lines shown here in
# Simple worker configuration file

# Mount the servlet context to the ajp12 worker


# Mount the examples context to the ajp12 worker

#/examples/*=ajp12 add comment symbol (#)
/mxserver411/*.jsp=ajp12 delete comment symbol (#)
and replace “examples”
with the exact same value
as the alias (e.g.,
mxserver411)as entered in
Figure 13.7

# Advanced mount of the examples context

# /examples/servlet/*=ajp12

5. Copy <mxserver root>dynamic.jar to the IIS Home directory (e.g.,


Chapter 13

6. Stop, then start the IIS service again. After restarting the IIS service, go to the
ISAPI Filters tab, as you did earlier, and verify that the jakarta filter is
marked with a green up-pointing arrow.
You can now run the Tomcat JSP Server with IIS.
To run the Self Service applications from your browser, enter the name of the
Application Server as the URL. For example:

http://appsrvr/virtual where appsrvr is the name of the server running the

Application Server and virtual is the name of the
virtual directory you created earlier, where
mxserver is located.



MAXIMO application tabs include hidden fields which can be used to customize
an application for a company’s specific needs. Using the Object Nationalizer
screen editor (discussed in Chapter 3), you can make these hidden fields visible
and move them to an appropriate location on the tab.
NOTE: In Object Nationalizer, hidden field titles are by default the same as
the database column names. The object name for a field is the column
name preceded by “f” or a combination of “f” and another prefix,
depending on the form. To view a field’s object name in Object
Nationalizer, right-click the field and choose Properties/Object Name.
To change a field’s title, right-click the field title, choose
Properties/Object Title, and edit the title.
The hidden fields listed in the following Crossover Tables have been
programmed to be linked to other hidden fields on other tabs. These hidden
fields are crossover fields.
Crossover fields allow you to link data between certain applications. For
example, when you enter an equipment record on the Work Order tab, the data in
hidden fields EQ1 through EQ12 on the Equipment tab will automatically be

Appendix A

transferred to hidden fields WOEQ1 through WOEQ12 on the Work Order tab.
Using this linkage, you might customize your system so that the data in a field
which you have added to the Equipment tab by unhiding it (e.g., EQ5) is
transferred and displayed in a field you have unhidden on the Work Order tab
(e.g., WOEQ5).

Reserved fields are hidden fields (regular and crossover) that may be needed to
integrate additional MAXIMO products. As explained later in this appendix, you
should not use reserved fields to customize MAXIMO unless you are certain you
will not subsequently need them for an integration product.


The following tables list the database tables and columns that MAXIMO uses
for crossover fields. The arrow symbol indicates the direction in which data is
Some crossover fields have intermediate links, indicated in the tables by italics.
For example, hidden field EQ9 on the Equipment tab is linked to WOEQ9 on the
Work Order tab and, if there is a PM, to PMEQ1 on the PM tab. The linkage
works in this way: when you create a work order and insert an equipment
number, field WOEQ9 receives data from EQ9. If the work order is generated
from a PM, WOEQ9 receives the data from PMEQ1 instead of EQ9 (fPMEQ1
always receives data from EQ9). The PMEQ1 stage is contingent upon there
being a PM—you do not need to create a PM to create a work order. If a PM
does exist, the data in field PMEQ1 can be modified and this will be the data that
WOEQ9 accesses.
Similarly, there are intermediate crossover fields involving job plans and
purchase requisitions; they become part of the crossover sequence only when a
job plan or purchase requisition exists (a work plan does not require a job plan,
and a purchase order does not require a purchase requisition).

Crossover Fields and Reserved Fields

When adding fields to any of your tabs, you can look over these tables to see if
there are particular hidden fields—crossover fields—that may be useful in terms
of linking data to other applications, or that you may want to avoid.


EQ10 > WOEQ10 > LTWO1
EQ11 > WOEQ11 > LTWO2
EQ12 > WOEQ12 > LTWO3

EQ23 > PMEQ2 > WOEQ13
EQ24 > PMEQ3 > WOEQ14

Appendix A

PR1 > PO1
PR2 > PO2
PR3 > PO3
PR4 > PO4
PR5 > PO5
PR6 > PO6
PR7 > PO7
PR8 > PO8
PR9 > PO9
PR10 > PO10

PR1 > RFQ1
PR2 > RFQ2
PR3 > RFQ3
PR4 > RFQ4
PR5 > RFQ5
PR6 > RFQ6
PR7 > RFQ7
PR8 > RFQ8
PR9 > RFQ9
PR10 > RFQ10

Crossover Fields and Reserved Fields



Appendix A


RL1 > PL1 > IT1
RL2 > PL2 > IT2
RL3 > PL3 > IT3
RL4 > PL4 > IT4
RL5 > PL5 > IT5
RL6 > PL6 > IT6
RL7 > PL7 > IT7
RL8 > PL8 > IT8
RL9 > PL9 > IT9
RL10 > PL10 > IT10


Crossover Fields and Reserved Fields






Appendix A

PM10 > WOPM5
PM17 > WOPM6
PM18 > WOPM7

NOTE: The ACCOUNT columns on the PM and WORKORDER tables were

renamed to PM17 on the PM table and WOPM6 on the WORKORDER
The SUBACCOUNT columns on the PM and WORKORDER tables
were renamed to PM18 on the PM table and WOPM7 on the
Any data previously entered in the ACCOUNT and SUBACCOUNT
columns will be retained in the new PM and WORKORDER columns.

JO1 > WPO1
JO2 > WPO2
JO3 > WPO3
JO4 > WPO4
JO5 > WPO5
JO6 > WPO26
JO7 > WPO27
JO8 > WPO28

Crossover Fields and Reserved Fields

JP10 > PMJP5 > WOJP5
JP11 > PMJP6 > WOJP6
JP12 > PMJP7 > WOJP7
JP13 > PMJP8 > WOJP8
JP14 > PMJP9 > WOJP9
JP15 > PMJP10 > WOJP10


JL1 > WPL1
JL2 > WPL2
JL3 > WPL3
LA11 > JL4 > WPL4
LA12 > JL5 > WPL5
LA13 > JL6 > WPL6
JL7 > WPL7
JL8 > WPL8
JL9 > QPL9

Appendix A

LA14 > LTL1
LA15 > LTL2
LA16 > LTL3

LA17 > WOL1
LA18 > WOL2
LA19 > WOL3
LA20 > WOL4

LA21 > MRLA1 > PRLA1
LA22 > MRLA2 > PRLA2
LA23 > MRLA3 > PRLA3
LA24 > MRLA4 > PRLA4
LA25 > MRLA5 > PRLA5


Crossover Fields and Reserved Fields


* The PRLINE to POLINE crossovers occur when the PRLINE extra field is not


** The PR to POLINE crossovers occur when the PRLINE extra field

(PRLALN1 through 5) is null.


Appendix A


JM1 > WPM1
JM2 > WPM2
JM3 > WPM3
IN16 > JM4 > WPM4
IN17 > JM5 > WPM5
IN18 > JM6 > WPM6


IN19 > RLIN1 > PLIN1 > ITIN1
IN20 > RLIN2 > PLIN2 > ITIN2
IN21 > RLIN3 > PLIN3 > ITIN3
IN22 > RLIN4 > PLIN4
IN23 > RLIN5 > PLIN5
IN24 > RLIN6 > PLIN6 > ITIN4
IN25 > RLIN7 > PLIN7 > ITIN5
IN26 > RLIN8 > PLIN8 > ITIN6
IN27 > RLIN9 > PLIN9 > ITIN7

Crossover Fields and Reserved Fields


JT1 > WPT1
JT2 > WPT2
JT3 > WPT3
TL6 > JT4 > WPT4
TL7 > JT5 > WPT5
TL8 > JT6 > WPT6

CO11 > IVCO1
CO12 > IVCO2
CO13 > IVCO3


Appendix A

MP10 > MSMP5

FLO10 > WOLO10

AA01 > CS01
AA02 > CS02
AA03 > CS03
AA04 > CS04
AA05 > CS05

Crossover Fields and Reserved Fields

CS01 > LS01
CS02 > LS02
CS03 > LS03
CS04 > LS04
CS05 > LS05

CS01 > ES01
CS02 > ES02
CS03 > ES03
CS04 > ES04
CS05 > ES05

CS01 > IS01
CS02 > IS02
CS03 > IS03
CS04 > IS04
CS05 > IS05

Appendix A

HAZ01 > HAZ01
HAZ02 > HAZ02
HAZ03 > HAZ03
HAZ04 > HAZ04
HAZ05 > HAZ05
HAZ06 > HAZ06
HAZ07 > HAZ07
HAZ08 > HAZ08
HAZ09 > HAZ09
HAZ10 > HAZ10
HAZ11 > HAZ11
HAZ12 > HAZ12
HAZ13 > HAZ13
HAZ14 > HAZ14
HAZ15 > HAZ15
HAZ16 > HAZ16
HAZ17 > HAZ17
HAZ18 > HAZ18
HAZ19 > HAZ19
HAZ20 > HAZ20

Crossover Fields and Reserved Fields


TAG01 > TAG01
TAG02 > TAG02
TAG03 > TAG03
TAG04 > TAG04
TAG05 > TAG05
TAG06 > TAG06
TAG07 > TAG07
TAG08 > TAG08

Appendix A

TL01 > TL01
TL02 > TL02
TL03 > TL03
TL04 > TL04
TL05 > TL05
TL06 > TL06
TL07 > TL07
TL08 > TL08
TL09 > TL09
TL10 > TL10

LCK01 > LCK01
LCK02 > LCK02
LCK03 > LCK03
LCK04 > LCK04
LCK05 > LCK05
LCK06 > LCK06
LCK07 > LCK07
LCK08 > LCK08
LCK09 > LCK09
LCK10 > LCK10

Crossover Fields and Reserved Fields

SL01 > WOSL01
SL02 > WOSL02
SL03 > WOSL03
SL04 > WOSL04
SL05 > WOSL05

SP01 > SP01
SP02 > SP02
SP03 > SP03
SP04 > SP04
SP05 > SP05
SP06 > SP06
SP07 > SP07
SP08 > SP08
SP09 > SP09
SP10 > SP10
SP11 > SP11
SP12 > SP12
SP13 > SP13
SP14 > SP14
SP15 > SP15

Appendix A


Reserved fields are hidden fields whose database columns are used by various
MAXIMO application programming interfaces (APIs). For example, there are
APIs that enable you to integrate MAXIMO with Oracle Financials, PeopleSoft,
and SAP business applications. Reserved fields may be regular fields or
crossover fields.
We strongly recommend that you do not use reserved fields to customize
MAXIMO unless you are certain you will not need those fields in the future for
integration with another product. For example, if you are committed to Oracle
Financials, you could use IN5 to customize MAXIMO, but not IN11, which is
required by the Oracle Financials API. If you use a reserved field for
customizing, and you subsequently purchase an integration API product that uses
it, you will have to move the reserved field’s data to another column before
implementing the API.
The following table lists reserved fields by database table and by product. The
table lists all crossover fields, but you should refer to the Crossover Fields
section, earlier in this appendix, to see the crossover relationships.
The Ariba integration is not listed in this table. It uses one field in the

Crossover Fields and Reserved Fields

The fields listed under Oracle are for integrating with Oracle Financials, except
those followed by an asterisk (*), which are for Oracle Projects. Fields with two
asterisks (**) are used for integrating with both Oracle products. Fields listed
under PeopleSoft followed by an asterisk (*) are for PeopleSoft Projects.

TABLE Oracle SAP PeopleSoft



IL3 **



Appendix A

TABLE Oracle SAP PeopleSoft

IN21 IN21
IN22 IN22



Crossover Fields and Reserved Fields

TABLE Oracle SAP PeopleSoft
IT2 * IT2
IT3 * IT3 IT3


PL2 * PL2

Appendix A

TABLE Oracle SAP PeopleSoft


RL2 * RL2

Crossover Fields and Reserved Fields

TABLE Oracle SAP PeopleSoft



Appendix A

TABLE Oracle SAP PeopleSoft


TT3 *


WOEQ10 *




The file MAXIMO.INI contains parameters that affect the operation of
MAXIMO. Its format is the basic Microsoft Windows parameter file format. The
file is divided into sections. Each section name is displayed with square brackets
around it. The following sections are present:
[SYSTEM] system-wide parameters
[4iLOOK] 4i screen display parameters
[APPSERVER] settings for the Application Server
[ARCHIVE] archiving MAXIMO data parameters
[AUCTION] online RFQ parameters
[COLORS] field color parameters
[DDESERVER] DDE server parameters
[DMS] document management system parameters
[DRILLDOWN] drilldown parameters
[FORMATS] validation format parameters
[INVOICE] invoicing parameters
[JAVA] Java parameters
[LINKEDDOCUMENTS] Linked Documents tab parameters
[MAINSELECT] selection parameters
[MAXSCHED] MAXIMO scheduler parameters

Appendix B

[MOREINFO] “more information” symbol global parameters

[MOREINFO.APPNAME] “more information” symbol application-specific
[PRELOADSTRINGS] preload strings parameters
[PURCHASING] purchasing parameters
[REPORT] report parameters
[TABLEWINDOWSIZE] dynamic table window size parameters
[TWDATERANGE] table window date range parameters
[WORKMAN] work manager parameters
[WORKORDERS] work order parameter
Parameters are listed under each section name. For example, the section label for
Work Manager is [WorkMan] and two of the parameters underneath it are
ShiftStartOffset and ShiftEndOffset. Section labels and parameters may be
specified in upper- or lowercase letters, or mixed.
By default, MAXIMO looks for the MAXIMO.INI file in the folder where
MAXIMO is installed. When running on a network, it can be useful to have
different MAXIMO.INI files for different users. To customize a file, you need to
copy the network file to your local workstation, and then add the following lines
to your WIN.INI file:

where x:\path is the drive and path where your MAXIMO.INI file is located.
The MAXIMO.INI parameters are described below. Unless otherwise specified,
all parameters are listed with their default values. If a parameter is not present in
MAXIMO.INI, its default value will be used.
Parameters that can be represented as True/False, Yes/No, or Enabled/Disabled
use the values 1 and 0, where 1 means True/Yes/Enabled and 0 means
False/No/Disabled. For example, Tooltips = 1 means that the tooltips option is
enabled. (You can also use the values Y and N instead of 1 and 0 if you prefer.)


Items in this section define system-wide parameters.

Specifies the value displayed in the Database field of the Login dialog box. Any
valid database name may be used.

Specifies the value displayed in the User field of the Login dialog box. Any valid
user name may be used. If there is no entry in MAXIMO.INI, there will be no
default user name during database login.

Specifies the font used for text under the icons on the Main Menu. Valid values
are SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE, and BOLD. Values may be combined together
in a comma-separated list.

Specifies the file to which MAXIMO error diagnostics are written. Any valid
DOS file name may be used. If no folder is specified, the current working folder
is used.

Indicates whether the previous log file should be deleted each time MAXIMO is
started. If the log file is not deleted at start-up, diagnostics from the current
MAXIMO session are appended to the log file. Valid values are 0 and 1.

Indicates whether MAXIMO should display complete SQL error messages
whenever a SQL error is encountered. If full errors are not displayed, only the
error number and a brief error description are given when an error occurs. If full
errors are displayed, the offending piece of SQL code is displayed along with the
error number and a brief description of the problem. Valid values are 0 and 1.

Appendix B

Specifies the name and location of the MAXIMO message file. Any valid DOS
file name may be entered. The file must be accessible from the user’s path if a
full path is not entered.

Indicates whether read-only fields should be skipped when tabbing through
fields on MAXIMO screens. Valid values are 0 and 1.

Specifies whether read-only fields are skipped when advancing through fields in
Insert mode. In table windows, if there are no blank columns before or after the
current column, the current row is highlighted and the next tab takes the focus
away from the table window to the next control.

Indicates the number of seconds to wait before logging off an inactive user.
Valid values are -1 and any number greater than or equal to 10. If -1 is entered
inactive users will not be logged off.

Indicates whether start-up messages should be disabled. Valid values are 0 and 1.
The default is 0. If the value is 1, MAXIMO will be started in a minimized state
and start-up messages will not be displayed. Setting the value to 1 is primarily
intended for use when you have set the Windows option for automatic (via
parameters) MAXIMO login.

Indicates whether the disabled bitmap should be placed over Main Menu icons
when modules are disabled. Valid values are 0 and 1.

Specifies whether a value list of valid choices is displayed when you attempt to
exit a field containing invalid data. The default is 0.


Specifies the path to the local data dictionary (.DD) file. The default is the folder
that contains the MAXIMO DLL. DDQuickLoad must be enabled through
Database Configuration in order for this to work.

This parameter applies to icons assigned to modules and applications in the
Application Bar and the Status Bar. The IconPath parameter specifies the folder
that contains the MAXIMO icon files. This parameter is necessary only if you
modify standard MAXIMO icons. The default folder is the folder where
MAXIMO is installed.
MAXIMO checks the folder for an icon that matches the name of the
application's or the module's executable file. If the bitmap is found in the folder,
it is used. Otherwise, MAXIMO uses the icon that is compiled into the

Specifies the folder that contains the MAXIMO bitmap files. This parameter
applies to bitmaps assigned to modules and applications in the Main Menu. The
default is the folder where MAXIMO is installed.
MAXIMO checks the specified folder for a bitmap that matches the name of the
application’s or the module’s executable file. If the bitmap is not found in the
folder, MAXIMO uses the bitmap that is compiled into the application.

Specifies which query type to use when retrieving records from the database.
Case insensitivity is implemented such that the system runs an uppercase
function on both the contents of the fields being used in the query and on the
fields in the database. Using this method, the screen fields and the database
fields are changed to uppercase before being compared.
Doing a case-insensitive query is the most flexible way of querying the database
since you don’t have to know how the data was entered (uppercase, lowercase,
or mixed case) in order to query the data. One important thing to remember is

Appendix B

that if there is an index on a field being used in the query and the uppercase
function is performed on it, the index is not used when the database is searched.
There are, therefore, some performance tradeoffs that must be considered in
determining which query type to use. The default query type is UPPERONLY.
Valid values are:
ALL – performs a case-sensitive search for all fields. The uppercase function
is not run on any of the fields. This is the fastest way to perform a search
if case does not matter to your application.
NONE – performs case-insensitive searching. The uppercase function is run
on all the fields. This is the most flexible way to search for data.
UPPERONLY – performs case-sensitive searching for uppercase fields only.
The uppercase function is run on all fields except the ones with a type of
UPPER (such as key fields). This works the same as NONE as long as all
UPPER type fields have uppercase data in them (which would be so if
they were entered through MAXIMO). This choice provides the most
searching flexibility with improved performance.

Indicates whether the Key Filter field entries on dialog boxes are case sensitive.
Valid values are 0 and 1. The default is 0.

Specifies whether to use the SYSTEM font on the MAXIMO Main Menu
buttons and on the MDI window status bar. This option should only be used with
double-byte operating systems (e.g., Japanese Windows). Valid values are 0
and 1.

Specifies whether automatic tabbing to the next field should occur when a field
has been filled with data. This applies only to data fields on forms. Valid values
are 0 and 1.


Specifies the Mail software system MAXIMO uses to mail reports. Valid values
are 0 for no mail, and NOTES for Lotus Notes. The default is 0.

Specifies the width, in pixels, of the Application Bar. The default size is set to
72 pixels. The Application Bar size has a minimum size of 10 pixels and a
maximum size of 200 pixels. If you enter a pixel size less than 0, the Application
Bar does not appear by default. If the Application Bar size is less than 10, the
default size of 72 is used. If the size is greater than 200, then the default
maximum size of 200 is used.

Specifies the maximum number of attempts that MAXIMO will make to
automatically retry deadlocked transactions. If the transaction cannot be retried,
the standard error dialog box will be displayed. N must be greater than 0 to
enable the Auto Retry feature. The recommended setting is 3.
Note that all MAXIMO errors, including deadlocks, are written to

Specifies whether multiple MAXIMO databases can be created by authorized
users (assuming they have all necessary authority) other than MAXIMO. To use
this setting, you must first unhide the Schema field in the Login dialog box. The
Schema field contains a value that represents the user who created the database
that you are connecting to. When you log into MAXIMO, the system reconnects
as the Schema Owner instead of as MAXIMO. The default schema is MAXIMO.
This section was added for those clients running on MS SQL Server or Oracle
who want to have multiple MAXIMO databases on a single server but have
problems when changing the MAXIMO password. When there are multiple
MAXIMO databases on a single server, only the maxencrypt table of the current
connected database gets updated. Anyone who tries to log in to other databases

Appendix B

cannot because the decrypted MAXIMO password does not match the MAXIMO
login password.

NOTE: When you create a shortcut for an application in MAXIMO, you can
bypass having MAXIMO display the login dialog box by entering the
following command line parameters for your shortcut:

-D{database name} -U{username} -P{password} -S{schema}.


Specifies the DLL file and/or path that will be used as the MAXIMO FAX
routing library. The default library is MAXFAX.DLL in the folder where
MAXIMO is installed. MAXFAX.DLL enables MAXIMO to work with
Symantec’s WinFax PRO.

Indicates whether FAX routing within a report is enabled. Valid values are 0 and
1 (the default). If this setting is set to 0 and a report is later found to contain
FAX routing instructions, an error message will be displayed and the routing
process will be halted.

Determines the action when a user clicks on the Detail button in a foreign key
field. Valid values are 0 (for a dynamic value list) and 1 (for true foreign
keying). The default is 0.

Indicates whether tooltips will be displayed. Valid values are 0 and 1.


The following options enable the new 4i Look & Feel. (To set color options for
the old Look, refer to the [COLORS] section in this appendix.)

The default; enables the new 4iLook for the Main Menu (except for the menu
bar). Specify 0 to use the older client/server Look.

The default; enables the new 4iLook for applications and for the menu bar at the
top of the Main Menu. Specify 0 to use the older client/server Look.
Customizing options are listed below (not applicable if ENABLE4iLOOK=0).
NOTES: Color values R,G, B represent color codes: R=Red, G=Green, and
B=Blue. Parameters that can be represented as True/False, Yes/No, or
Enabled/Disabled use the values 1 and 0, where 1 means
True/Yes/Enabled and 0 means False/No/Disabled.

Menu Options: Colors used for:

(used only if ENABLE4iLOOK=1)
MENUBACKGROUNDCOLOR=69,68,65 Menu background
MENUITEMHILIGHTCOLOR=255,255,255 Highlighted menu item
MENUITEMCOLOR=255,255,255 Menu item
MENUITEMSEPARATORCOLOR=255,255,255 Menu item separator
SUBMENUINDICATORCOLOR=255,255,255 Submenu indicator

Font characteristics:
MENUFONTNAME=MS Sans Serif Font name.

Appendix B

Window Options: Colors used for:

FORMBACKGROUND=222,222,222 Forms
TABFRAMEBACKGROUND=224,218,200 Frame surrounding the Tab
ACTIVETABBACKGROUND=150,150,150 Active Tab
ACTIVETABTEXTCOLOR=255,255,255 Selected Tab text
DISABLEDTABTEXTCOLOR=192,192,192 Disabled Tab text
FRAMETITLEBACKGROUND=150,150,150 Frame and groupbox title
FRAMETITLETEXTCOLOR=255,255,255 Frame title text
TABLEBACKGROUND=252,246,224 Table window background
DIALOGBACKGROUND=224,218,200 Dialog background

4iQuickAccessBar Options Size:

4iQuickBarSize=80 Width

Colors used for:

4iAPPBARBACKGROUNDCOLOR=252,246,224 Entire 4iQuickAccessBar
4iQBARBACKGROUNDCOLOR=252,246,224 Module bar, displaying all
4iQCKBARAPPITEMHILIGHTCOLOR=255,91,1 Selected application item
4iQCKBARAPPITEMCOLOR=0,0,0 Application items
4iQCKBARITEMCOLOR=0,0,0 Module items
4iQCKBARITEMHILIGHTCOLOR=255,91,1 Highlighted module items

Font characteristics:
4iQCKBARMODULEFONTNAME=Verdana Font name used for
Module text
4iQCKBARMODULEFONTITALIC=0 Italic font for Module text
4iQCKBARMODULEFONTHEIGHT=12 Font height of Module text
4iQCKBARMODULEFONTWIDTH=8 Font width of Module text
4iQCKBARFONTNAME=Verdana Font name used for


4iQCKBARFONTBOLD=0 Bold font for

4iQCKBARFONTITALIC=0 Italic font for
4iQCKBARFONTHEIGHT=12 Font height for
4iQCKBARFONTWIDTH=6 Font width for

The default; specifies that window title bars appear in applications and on the
Main Menu. SHOWCAPTION=0 disables the window title bars only when
ENABLE4iLOOK=1. Customizing options are listed below (not applicable if

SHOWCAPTION (Caption Bar) Options Colors used for:

CAPTIONTEXTCOLOR=255,255,255 Text.
CAPTIONTEXTSHADOWCOLOR=128,128,128 Text shadow

Font characteristics:

Items in this section list application server database settings for the MAXIMO
application server. If MXServer is connected to the same database as MAXIMO,
there should be an entry under [AppServer].
<database>=<hostname>/<mxserver name>

For example: nto3=qantserver8/MXServer

Appendix B

This section defines parameters used when running Archive.

Specifies the folder used to load and unload archive data. Archived data is sent
to this folder. Data is read from this folder during a restore. Any valid DOS path
may be entered. The default is the root of the current drive.

FilePath =C:\MAX411\AuctionXML
Specifies the folder location where the RFQ offering XML files are stored.

MailServer = your mail server

Identifies your mail server.

Browser =C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE

Specifies the folder location of the internet browser to be invoked when
connecting to the world wide web.

LibPath = C:\MAX411\bin;C:\maximo\lib
Specifies the folder location of the Java auction library files.

OfferingNotify =C:\MAX411\AuctionClasses\OfferingNotify.txt
Specifies the folder location of the user-modifiable offering notification e-mail
letter. This text message will be e-mailed to each company contact displayed in
the Vendors tab of an RFQ being posted online.

PrivateNotify =C:\MAX411\AuctionClasses\PrivateNotify.txt
Specifies the folder location of the user-modifiable private offering notification
e-mail letter. This text message will be e-mailed to each company contact
displayed in the Vendors tab of an RFQ being posted online.


Classpath =C:\MAX411\bin; C:\MAX411\lib; C:\MAX411\lib\rt.jar;

C:\MAX411\webmethods\client.zip; C:\MAX411\AuctionClasses
Specifies the folder location of the Java auction classes.

Items in this section define the colors used in MAXIMO fields and in the
MAXIMO screen list for the 4.x Look.
Colors may be specified using the predefined colors in the list that follows, or an
RGB value. Predefined colors and RGB values can be mixed (e.g.,
WHITE = 255 255 255
BLACK = 000
RED = 255 0 0
GREEN = 0 255 0
BLUE = 0 0 255
CYAN = 0 255 255
MAGENTA = 255 0 255
YELLOW = 255 255 0
GRAY = 128 128 128
LTGRAY = 192 192 192
Each entry in this section specifies three colors:
1. Text color when the field is not active (i.e., the cursor is not in the field)
2. Background color when the field is active (i.e., the cursor is in the field)
3. Text color when the field is active (i.e., the cursor is in the field)

NOTE: When a field is not active (i.e., the cursor is not in the field), its
background color is always white.

Appendix B

Fields with multiple attributes, e.g., read-only and required fields, are evaluated
in the following order for color determination:
1. Read-only
2. Long Description fields—includes long description fields on screens and in
long description dialog boxes
3. Required fields
4. Standard fields
You can specify colors for only those fields whose defaults you want to override.
That is, you can define colors for required fields only, and the default colors will
still be used for all other fields. Evaluation order, though, will not change.
If fewer than three color choices are entered, only those entered take effect. For
example, if you only specify the color for the inactive text, only that value
overrides the default.
NOTE: Not all colors can be used for text display. Windows will approximate
the nearest color. Also, colors may not be represented the same on different


COLOR_RDONLY=0 0 255, 0 0 255, 255 255 0
Colors used in read-only fields. The defaults are BLUE inactive text, BLUE
active background, and YELLOW active text.


COLOR_STANDARD=0 0 0, 128 128 128, 255 255 255
Colors used in standard editable fields. The defaults are BLACK inactive text,
GRAY active background, and WHITE active text.


COLOR_LONGDESC=0 0 0, 255 255 255, 0 0 0
Colors used in long description fields. The defaults are BLACK inactive text,
WHITE active background, and BLACK active text.



COLOR_REQUIRED=0 0 0, 128 128 128, 255 255 255
Colors used in required fields. The defaults are BLACK inactive text, GRAY
active background, and WHITE active text.

Items in this section define parameters used to set up the MAXIMO DDE server.
DDE (dynamic data exchange) is a message protocol that allows Windows
applications to exchange data. The standard MAXIMO setup does not need the
DDE server enabled.

Specifies whether the DDE server should be loaded. Valid values are 0 and 1.
The default is 0. If the DDE server is not loaded, MAXIMO will have no DDE
server functionality.

Specifies the DLL file and/or path that will be used as the MAXIMO DDE
server. The default library is MXDDESRV.DLL in the folder where the main
MAXIMO DLL file (MLIBnnnn.DLL) is located.

Items in this section define parameters used to set up a third party document
management system that can be used with MAXIMO. To enable a DMS, you
must provide the name and path of the MAXIMO document management library
and the third party DMS.
The Library parameter points to the .DLL that is used by MAXIMO to connect
to the DMS; the DMSLibrary enables print control for the DOCS OPEN v3.7
package. The DMSLibrary parameter does not apply to other document
management systems.

Appendix B

Specifies whether the DMS will be loaded. The default value is 0; no DMS will
be used.

Specifies the location and name of the MAXIMO DMS library. If there is no
parameter, the DMS library is assumed to be in the folder where MAXIMO is

Specifies the full path to the third party DMS library. If you created your own
MAXDMS.DLL, you can omit this entry.

Items in this section define parameters that control the character used as a
delimiter in the outline section of the equipment or location drilldown. Usually,
you change these parameters only if you are using a multibyte version of
Windows (e.g., Japanese, Korean, or Chinese).

Specifies the ASCII value of the character used as a delimiter in the outline
section of the equipment or location drilldown. Valid values are any numbers
between 1 and 255. The default is 173 (an ASCII em-dash). For example, in the
following drilldown entry, the characters between the equipment number and the
location, and the location and the description, are controlled by the

11430BR430Centrifugal Pump 100GPM/60FT HD

If you are using a multibyte version of Windows, this parameter should be
changed to a character whose ASCII value is less than 128. Some multibyte
versions of Windows assume that any byte with an ASCII value of 128 or higher
is the first byte of a multibyte character.


Specifies the number of DelimiterType characters used in the delimiter in the
outline section of the equipment or location drilldown. The default is 3.

The items in this section define the different validation formats used throughout

Defines the date format used when a user enters a field, either by clicking on the
field or tabbing to the field. The valid values are:
SHORTDATE—refers to the short date format specified in the Windows
Control Panel’s Regional Settings application. MAXIMO will use this
format to display the date.
YYMMDD—nonseparated German format. The short date format in the
Windows Control Panel’s Regional Settings application must have the
same general ordering—yy-M-d or yyyy-M-dd, for example, but not M-d-
yy. MAXIMO will then ignore the Regional Settings short date and use
YYMMDD instead.
Any other format that uses the same ordering for the date as the short date
format specified in the Windows Control Panel’s Regional Settings
application. For example, if the short date order is set to M-d-y,
DateOnEntry could be MM-dd-yy, MM-dd-yyyy, or MMM-d-yyyy, but
not yy-MM-dd.

Defines the date format used when focus is not in the field, i.e., the cursor is not
in the field. The valid values are:
SHORTDATE—refers to the short date format specified in the Windows
Control Panel’s Regional Settings application. MAXIMO will use this
format to display the date.

Appendix B

LONGDATE—refers to the long date format specified in the Windows

Control Panel’s Regional Settings application. MAXIMO will use this
format to display the date.
YYMMDD—nonseparated German format. The short date format in the
Windows Control Panel’s Regional Settings application must have the
same general ordering—yy-M-d or yyyy-M-dd, for example, but not M-d-
yy. MAXIMO will then ignore the Regional Settings short date and use
YYMMDD instead.
Any other format that uses the same ordering for the date as the short date
format specified in the Windows Control Panel’s Regional Settings
application. For example, if the short date order is set to M-d-y,
DateDisplay could be MM-dd-yy, MM-dd-yyyy, or MMM-d-yyyy, but not

Specifies whether minutes should be displayed in MAXIMO time fields. Valid
values are 0 and 1.

Specifies whether seconds should be displayed in MAXIMO time fields. Valid
values are 0 and 1.

Specifies whether microseconds should be displayed in MAXIMO time fields.
Valid values are 0 and 1.

Items in this section define parameters used when working with Invoices in

Specifies whether or not a check mark appears in the Print Approval Form(s)
check box in the Wait Approval dialog box. A value of 1 means the box will be
checked and the approval form(s) will be printed. A value of 0 (the default)


means the box will not be checked and the approval form(s) will not be
automatically printed.

Specifies whether or not a check mark appears in the Create Unapproved Receipt
check box in the Wait Approval dialog box. A value of 1 means the box will be
checked and an unapproved receipt will be created. A value of 0 (the default)
means the box will not be checked and an unapproved receipt will not be

If the Materials Receipts button is selected by default when the Copy PO Lines
to Invoice dialog box is invoked, a trial match will automatically be created. This
is the default behavior and must explicitly be turned off. Valid values are 0
and 1.

During the invoice approval process, both service and material receipts may be
created. For rotating equipment that is on a “charge to store” line, the system
needs to carry charges through to the piece of equipment so that it can be valued
correctly in inventory. If the equipment is in inventory (i.e., the location is a
storeroom), the price (of the inventory item that is on the equipment record) also
needs to be updated. This is the default behavior and must be explicitly turned
off. Valid values are 0 and 1. The default is 1. If Update Inventory is equal to 0,
the system will write any price or currency differences (INVOICETRANS
records) to the variance accounts associated with the storeroom.

Appendix B

This section enables the Centura applications to communicate with the Java
Application Server (MXServer). The Java parameters are written to the
MAXMO.INI file whenever a customer installs add-on functions that need to
communicate with the Java Application Server (e.g,; Workflow).
NOTE: Because you installed MAXIMO application files before you installed
the Application Server, you might not have been able to specify the
correct URL or drive mapping of the Application Server when
prompted for it during the MAXIMO installation.
The parameters are described below:
• ClassPath=
The Java Class Path from where the Java virtual machine can find any
additional classes.
• JavaParameters=
-Djava.rmi.server.codebase=”http://hostname/ http://hostname/lib/jndi.jar”
-Djava.security.policy=maxlib.policy -cp .;
If the Application Server code can be downloaded by default via HTTP, make
sure that “codebase=” in the “JavaParameters=” line is set to the actual HTTP
URL, with the trailing slash (/) at the end of the URL.
NOTE: -Djava.security.policy=maxlib.policy is the security policy that
indicates what type of security is enforced on the Centura Workflow
• DefaultJavaHome=
Directory where the default Java machine is installed. If a default is not
specified, the directory is set to the JRE folder under the MAXIMO directory.
• DefaultJavaRuntimeLibrary=
Specifies the complete path to the Java Runtime library, including the library
file name.


These parameters set the buttons on the Web browser tool bar to go to the
specified URL.


Allows the default processing for building an application’s main select statement
to be overridden and gives you the ability to specify whether a hidden field will
be destroyed. This is particularly necessary for customized applications that rely
on data in hidden fields. Under normal circumstances, when an application starts
up any fields that are hidden and optional are destroyed. Later, when the main
select statement for the application is built, data is not selected into these fields.
This option is particularly necessary for Application Cloning, where fields in the
cloned application are hidden but need to be included in the main select.

Each entry includes the application name and a list of field names. A plus sign
(+) before a field prevents it from being destroyed and includes it in the main
select; a minus sign (-) excludes it from the main select. The field names can be
obtained from EditWindows. Entries can be added for any MAXIMO application
or clone. There are no defaults for this parameter.

The above is an example of how to include some fields in the main select for the
Job Plans application. In this example, fJP1 and fJP2 would be included and not
destroyed if hidden, and fJP3, fJP4, and fJP5 would not be included in the main
select which fills the Job Plans screen.

Appendix B

Items in this section define parameters used when running the MAXIMO

The location of the MAXIMO Scheduler software. Any valid DOS path may be
entered. NOTE: The path entered does not end with a backslash (\).

Defines the initial value of the number of days to schedule forward in the Set
Schedule Information dialog box. Any positive integer may be entered. The
default is 10 days.

Changes how equipment availability is calculated. When this parameter is set to
0, MAXIMO uses the equipment’s calendar to define when a piece of equipment
is in operation and cannot have work done on it (this is the normal way
MAXIMO uses calendars). When set to 1, MAXIMO uses the equipment’s
calendar to define when a piece of equipment is not in operation and can have
work done on it. Valid values are 0 and 1.

Specifies the default remaining duration (RD) if the calculated remaining
duration is negative or zero. Any positive integer value may be entered. The
default is 1.

The resource availability assigned to the resources used to limit work on
equipment requiring downtime. Any positive integer may be entered. The default
is 100.

Determines whether or not to return work order durations altered in the
Scheduler back to MAXIMO. When this parameter is set to 0, work order
durations are not returned to MAXIMO. When set to 1, changed durations are
written back to the work order’s estimate duration field. A work order duration


may be changed in the Scheduler due to resource leveling or may be changed by

a planner while manipulating the schedule data. The default is 0. Generally, only
the scheduled start and finish dates of the work orders are returned to MAXIMO
from the Scheduler.

Parameters in this section are used to control the usage and appearance of the
“more information” symbol. By default, a red dot in the upper right corner of a
field or table window cell indicates the presence of additional information
“behind” that field. This additional information can be accessed by clicking the
Detail button in the field or cell.
The following entries are used system-wide for all fields and table window cells:

Specifies whether or not red dots will be displayed in fields and table cells. Valid
values listed below. The default is ALL.

ALL – Red dots are enabled for both fields and table window cells.
FIELDSONLY – Red dots are enabled for fields only. Table window cells
will not show red dots.
NONE – Red dots are disabled.

The height in pixels of a table window column header. Enter -1 to have
MAXIMO calculate a value based on the table window font. The default is -1.

The width in pixels of a table window row header. Enter -1 to have MAXIMO
calculate a value based on the table window font. The default is -1.

The height in pixels of a table window row. Enter -1 to have MAXIMO calculate
a value based on the table window font. The default is -1.

Appendix B

For table window cells, the offset in pixels from the cell right border where the
red dot will be displayed. Enter -1 to have MAXIMO calculate a value based on
the table window font. The default is -1.

For table window cells, the offset in pixels from the cell top border where the red
dot will be displayed. Enter -1 to have MAXIMO calculate a value based on the
table window font. The default is -1.

Specifies whether red dots are shown for all rows of table windows or only in the
focus row. Valid values are 0 (focus row only) and 1 (all rows). The default is 1.

Parameters in this section are used to control the usage and appearance of the
“more information” symbol. By default, a red dot in the upper right corner of a
field or table window cell indicates the presence of additional information
“behind” that field. This additional information can be accessed by clicking the
Detail button in the field or cell.
The following entries are used to set red dot preferences on a per-table window
basis. The “AppName” in the section name will be the executable name of the
MAXIMO application whose table window “more information” processing you
wish to control. The “TableName” in the parameter name is the internal name of
the specific table window you wish to control. Use EditWindows to determine
the names of table windows.
Examples of setting the “more information” symbol for specific applications and
table windows follow:



The height in pixels of the table window column header. Enter -1 to have
MAXIMO calculate a value based on the table window font. The default is
copied from the ColHdrHeight setting in the [MoreInfo] section.

Specifies whether or not red dots will be displayed in the table window cells.
Valid values are 0 and 1. The default is 1 if [MoreInfor]Enabled=ALL, and 0 if
[MoreInfo]Enabled=FIELDSONLY or NONE.

The width in pixels of the table window row header. Enter -1 to have MAXIMO
calculate a value based on the table window font. The default is copied from the
RowHdrWidth setting in the [MoreInfo] section.

The height in pixels of a table window row. Enter -1 to have MAXIMO calculate
a value based on the table window font. The default is copied from the
RowHeight setting in the [MoreInfo] section.

Specifies whether red dots are shown for all rows of the table window or only in
the focus row. Valid values are 0 (focus row only) and 1 (all rows). The default
is copied from the ShowAllRows setting in the [MoreInfo] section.

For table window cells, the offset in pixels from the cell right border where the
red dot will be displayed. Enter -1 to have MAXIMO calculate a value based on
the table window font. The default is copied from the TwCellRightOffset setting
in the [MoreInfo] section.

Appendix B

For table window cells, the offset in pixels from the cell top border where the red
dot will be displayed. Enter -1 to have MAXIMO calculate a value based on the
table window font. The default is copied from the TwCellTopOffset setting in
the [MoreInfo] section.

This section is included so that the strings can be localized by international

NOTE: To ensure the most current messages are used, English versions of
MAXIMO should not have the PRELOAD strings. English versions of
the messages are stored in the DLL.
The parameters in this section are strings that can be accessed before the
standard MAXIMO message file has been read. Defaults are listed below.

STR1 = Loading Message File

STR2 = Unable to load message file!
STR5 = Duplicate entries in message file. See log file for more information.
STR8 = Unable to load DDE DLL!
STR9 = An error occurred when mapping the system file.
STR 11 = Version mismatch between MAXLIB.DLL and MAXIMO


Items in this section define parameters used when working in purchasing-related
areas of MAXIMO.

Specifies the default “Bill To” company name used in the Purchasing module.
The value must be an existing entry in the Companies table. If there is no entry
in MAXIMO.INI, there will be no default “Bill To” company name.

Specifies the default “Ship To” company name used in the Purchasing module.
The value must be an existing entry in the Companies table. If there is no entry
in MAXIMO.INI, there will be no default “Ship To” company name.

Specifies the number of days over which to calculate vendor analysis. Any
number greater than 1 may be entered, or the word ALL to indicate that the
vendor’s entire history should be calculated. The default is 365 days.

This section defines parameters used when running reports from inside

Specifies the type of report you run as a default in MAXIMO: SQRW or CRW.
For the SQR report writer, use SQRW. For the Crystal Report Writer use CRW.
For example, if you want SQRW reports to be the default when running hard
coded reports in MAXIMO, you should have the following lines in your [Report]

Appendix B

Specifies the name of the folder containing the Crystal report file. A user can
have separate entries for each database server type to maintain report files in
different folders.

Specifies the folder where the Crystal report output file will be sent.

Specifies the database alias and the TNS name. If you have an Oracle database,
you can find this information in the SQL.INI file, in the [ORAGTWY] section.


• CRW_ORACLE_TNS:{MAXIMO Database Alias}={TNS Connect String}

Specifies the datasource name (DSN) for a specific database. If you have a SQL
Server database, you must create an ODBC DSN entry for the MAXIMO
database that is being used. Otherwise, you will not be able to run the report.


• CRW_SQLSERVER_ODBC:{MAXIMO database name}={ODBC Data

Source Name}

Specifies the type of files you are e-mailing. To mail text files, set MAILSPF to
0. To mail SPF files, set MAILSPF to 1, the default. File Send also uses this


Specifies the folder where SQR5 report files are stored. You may enter any valid
DOS path. This item must be set in order to run SQR5 reports from inside



• SQRW_REPPATH:SQLSERVER={PATH to SQR5 reports for SQL Server}

If you are using an ORACLE database, you can find this information in the
SQL.INI file, in the [ORAGTWY] section.


• SQR5_ORACLE_TNS:{MAXIMO Database Alias}={TNS Connect String}

Specifies the SQL Server database name and the datasource name that SQR5
connects to when you run reports in MAXIMO. The latest version of SQR5 that
MAXIMO supports has SQL Server connectivity through ODBC. Enter the SQL
Server database name you are using followed by an equal sign (=), and then the
DNS entry.


• SQR5_SQLSERVER_ODBC:{MAXIMO database name}={ODBC Data

Source Name}

Appendix B

Specifies the folder where the SQR executables are located.




Specifies the folder where the SQR5 report output file will be created. You can
enter any valid DOS path. This item must be set in order to run SQR reports
from inside MAXIMO.

Parameters in this section allow the user to limit the number of line items a
dynamic table window can have. Dynamic table windows have a default limit of
2000 line items. The larger the number, the slower the performance.
Each section entry includes a form or dialog box name and a size. Every dynamic
table window on the form or dialog box will use the maximum size value. The
name used is the internal name. Use EditWindows to determine the internal
name. Examples of setting table window sizes follow:


This section contains parameters that indicate the date range for transactions
listed in the table window displayed on the specified screen. Any number greater
than 0 or the word ALL may be entered. Specifying ALL indicates that all
transactions should be displayed in the table window. The default for each table
window is 30 days.


Indicates how many days prior to the current date that exchange rates should be
listed in the Currency Management application’s Exchange Rate table window.

Indicates how many days of transactions should be listed in the Inventory
Transactions table window.

Indicates how many days of transactions should be listed in the Labor Reporting
table window.

Indicates how many days of transactions should be listed in the Work Orders and
Quick Reporting table windows.

This section contains parameters used in managing work. For example, the shift
offset parameters are designed to help ensure that all work being done by labor
on a shift will appear and be accounted for in the Labor List, even if the work
began prior to the start of the shift, or continues beyond the shift change.

Specifies the number of additional days over which you can split work
assignments using the Split Planned Assignment dialog box. For example, if
DaysToSplit is set to 4, a planner preparing work on a Monday can split
Monday's assignments through Friday. The default setting is 1.
When the number of days to split an assignment is reached, or hours cannot be
assigned due to a limit of the calendar, remaining hours become an unassigned
work requirement, and have a status of WAITASGN.

Indicates to Work Manager how often to refresh the labavail table. The default
time frame is 24 hours. When you have a large number of users who are

Appendix B

scheduling assignments concurrently, it is beneficial to define a short time frame

such as an hour.
You can also refresh the labavail table by checking the Force Database Refresh
check box in the Define Filter, Labor List tab, and then pressing OK.
This functionality is the same as pressing OK on the Define Filter dialog box to

Specifies the number of hours prior to the start of the specified shift (specified
on the Labor Selection Criteria or Work Selection Criteria dialog box) that
MAXIMO should check for work assigned to the current (i.e., specified) shift’s
labor and not reported as completed. Thus, labor on work begun but not finished
prior to the specified shift will be included for display in the Labor List.

The default value of minus four (-4) means that any work order’s planned hours
that were begun in the 4 hours prior to the start of the specified shift, and not
reported as finished by the shift change, would be used in calculating the
available hours for the labor code.
NOTE: Specify a negative number to include hours prior to the start of the

Specifies the number of hours after the end of the specified shift (specified on
the Labor Selection Criteria or Work Selection Criteria dialog box) that
MAXIMO should check for work orders not reported as completed. Thus, labor
on work begun but not finished during the specified (current) shift will still be
included for display in the Labor List.
The default value of 8 means that the planned time on any work orders that start
within 8 hours of the end of the specified shift would be used in calculating the
available hours for the labor code.


Specifies whether to set the status of a work order to complete (COMP) or
closed (CLOSE) when all outstanding labor assignments are finished or deleted.
Valid values are 0 and 1. One (1) means the default setting in the Work Order
group box on the Finish Assignment dialog box and Delete Assignment dialog
box will be Complete. Zero (0) means the default setting will be Close. The
default is 0.

Specifies whether work orders created or modified in Work Order Tracking
and/or Work Manager must have at least one labor requirement or work plan
labor entry specified in order to be saved. A one (1) for this parameter also
affects Job Plans; no job plan could be saved without an entry for planned labor.
The default is 0, meaning work orders and job plans can be saved without labor
requirements or planned labor specified. Specifying 1 for this parameter is not
recommended for most users.

This section contains a parameter that specifies whether a report is generated
when a work order is initiated.

Specifies whether a work order report is generated when a work order is
initiated. Valid values are 0 and 1.

Appendix B




The MAXSCHED.INI file allows a site administrator to configure the MAXIMO
Scheduler for users to skip any or all of the login steps during start-up of the
Scheduler. It also allows for certain database-specific options such as array size,
which processes multiple SQL statements for better network performance. There
is also a toolbar section that controls which windows are called by the buttons on
the toolbar.
The MAXSCHED.INI file must reside in the user’s Windows folder, e.g.,

Main Section
[PSDI MAXIMO Scheduler] (Required)
DefaultDirectory (Required) Path to where the Scheduler is

Appendix C

SQLArraySize=20 (Optional) Size of database array to be

ConnectString (Optional) Indicates which database to use,
following the ODBC specification
for datasource name (DSN)
DataLibraryPrompt (Optional) Flag to indicate whether or not to
display the data library dialog in
start up
ProjectLibrary1 (Optional) Name of the table owner of
primary project data
ProjectLibrary2 (Optional) Name of the table owner of
secondary project data
ResourceLibrary (Optional) Name of resource library
ConfigLibrary (Optional) Name of configuration library
Autoproject_Startmenu=1115,1045,1088 Startup options; do not modify.
Sets automated outlining and
scheduling of records in the Gantt
chart display when the Scheduler is
launched from MAXIMO.
DisplaySuccessWithInfo (Optional) Some database operations return
information to the user even when
they are completed successfully.
Setting this value to “N” blocks
these messages. Options are Y or
N. Use N to block messages
returned by successful database
operations. Used for SQL Server.


Example for Oracle

[PSDI MAXIMO Scheduler]

Example for Microsoft SQL Server

[PSDI MAXIMO Scheduler]

Toolbar Section (Default Settings)

BITMAP_1024=350 New NEW.BMP
BITMAP_1026=351 Open OPEN.BMP
BITMAP_1027=366 Close CLOSE.BMP
BITMAP_1120=352 Save SAVE.BMP
BITMAP_1040=357 Resources RESOURCE.BMP

Appendix C

BITMAP_1038=358 Activities ACTIVITY.BMP

BITMAP_1042=359 Assignments ASSIGN.BMP
BITMAP_1039=360 Logic LOGIC.BMP
BITMAP_1115=355 CPM Schedule CPM.BMP
BITMAP_1116=369 Resource Schedule RESLEVEL.BMP
BITMAP_1073=353 Sort SORT.BMP
BITMAP_1072=354 Select SELECT.BMP
BITMAP_1118=368 Sort and Select SORTSEL.BMP
BITMAP_1048=374 Plan Options PLANOPT.BMP
BITMAP_1088=373 Outline OUTLINE.BMP
BITMAP_1051=371 Collapse SHOWLEVL.BMP
BITMAP_1052=372 Expand SHOWALL.BMP
BITMAP_1117=356 Redraw Histogram CALCHIST.BMP
BITMAP_1122=361 Help HELP.BMP
BITMAP_1041=365 Update and Return WORETURN.BMP




Your license agreement specifies which MAXIMO applications are enabled, the
maximum number of users allowed, and other information about platform, etc.
You use the MAXIMO License Program (MAXAUTHW.EXE) to view your
current license status and to upgrade an existing license agreement (e.g., enable
applications, extend expiration dates, add users). License data is stored in the
To upgrade your license agreement perform the following steps:
1. Obtain a license key from MRO Software; contact your customer service
representative for more information. (You do not need a license key to simply
view your current license status.)
2. Run the MAXIMO License Program: choose Run from the Start menu and
enter MAXAUTHW.EXE with its path name, or go to your MAXIMO folder
in Windows Explorer and double-click on MAXAUTHW.EXE.
The MAXIMO License Program screen (Figure D.1) opens and displays
information about your current license.

Appendix D

Figure D.1 MAXIMO License Program Screen

3. To view information about individual MAXIMO applications, choose

Actions/Application Information. This opens the Application Information
dialog box (Figure D.2), which lists the MAXIMO applications, their status
(enabled, disabled, or production), and their expiration date.

MAXIMO License Program

Figure D.2 Application Information Dialog Box

4. To upgrade your license agreement, choose Actions/Enter License Key to

open the Enter License Key dialog box (Figure D.3).

Appendix D

Figure D.3 Enter License Key Dialog Box

5. Type in the license key number obtained from MRO Software and click OK.
6. Close the MAXIMO License Program. The new authorities will be enabled
when you next start up MAXIMO.

MAXIMO User WIN.INI Settings


You use the maxmastpath= setting when the location of the MAXIMO .DLL
file (MAXLIB.DLL) is different from the location of the security file,
MAXMAST.OUT. This setting should point to the location (logical drive and
folder path) of the MAXMAST.OUT file. This setting is optional if the .DLL
file and MAXMAST.OUT are in the same folder.
The reason you might want a single copy of the security file (MAXMAST.OUT)
on a network is that it makes upgrades easier; only one file needs to be upgraded,
rather than many.

MAXIMO License Program

! Example The MAXMAST file is not located on the same server as the MAXIMO .DLL
and .EXE files. It is installed on the logical M: drive in the apps\max411
folder. The [MAXIMO] section of WIN.INI would look like this:


You use the maxini= setting when you are running on a network and you want to
have different MAXIMO.INI files for different users. To customize a file, you
need to copy the network MAXIMO.INI file to your local workstation and then
specify the drive and path where the MAXIMO.INI file is located.

! Example If the MAXIMO.INI file is copied to the MAXIMO folder on the C: drive, the
[MAXIMO] section of WINI.INI would look like this:



Appendix D



When a user tries to delete a MAXIMO record, MAXIMO initiates a series of
database checks to see if that record is allowed to be deleted. If the key field
information in the record to be deleted is required by other tables/records, then
the record cannot be deleted unless that information is first removed for those
other tables/records. For example, you cannot delete a Companies record if the
company is used in the Vendor field on an equipment record and delete or
change the vendor information.
The deletion rules vary by application. They can be evaluated in terms of the
screens and fields involved, or in terms of the database checks performed by
MAXIMO. Where applicable, this document presents the information from both
viewpoints: the Record Deletion sections specify the fields or table window
columns on the screens involved for particular records; the Database Checks
sections list the tables and columns involved.
The ability to delete records can also be affected by security privileges. For
example, a user with access to only some storeroom locations will not be able to
delete an item from the master item table.

Appendix E

The modules and applications listed below follow the order in which they appear
on the Main Menu. In the Record Deletion sections below, the name of record
equated with the name of the screen used for creating that record; e.g.,
“Equipment record” implies Equipment screen.

Work Order Tracking and Other Work Order Applications
Work orders can never be deleted. They can be canceled or archived. Records
from Planned Labor, Planned Materials, Planned Tool, and Job Plan Operations
can be deleted, depending on how the Edit Work Plan Options are set in
Application Set Up. Which is also dependent on what the status of the work
order is.

Preventive Maintenance
There are no restrictions on deleting Preventive Maintenance records.

Deleting Database Records

Inventory Control
Record Deletion
An Inventory Control record (i.e., an inventory item) cannot be deleted if the
• is used in the Item column on a Work Plan Materials record
• is used in the Item column on a PO Line Items Record
• is used in the Item column on a PR Line Items record
• is used in the Item column on a Job Plans Material Estimates record
• is used in the Item column on a Rotating Equipment record
• is used in the Item column on a Subassemblies and Spare Parts record
• is used in the Item Assembly Structures record
An Inventory Control record (i.e., an inventory item) should not be deleted if the
• is used in the Item column on an RFQ
Items may be allocated to zero, one, or multiple storerooms. Depending on how
you bring up the record (using the ‘Define Filter’ Criteria option), the item may
or may not be associated with a particular storeroom. If the conditions described
above are not met, the item will be deleted from all storeroom locations and from
the item master record. You have the option of deleting all Inventory transactions
for that item. A work around would be to set the item as a non-stock item and
then remove non-stock items from that storeroom.

Appendix E

Database Checks
An Inventory Control record, i.e., an inventory item, cannot be deleted if the
item is used in any of the following table/column combinations:
Table Column

RFQ ItemNum

If the conditions described above are met, you still have the option of deleting
the item from only the INVENTORY table (storeroom location data) or from the
master ITEM table.
• If a location is not specified when you delete the record or if a location is
specified, the item will be dropped from both the INVENTORY and ITEM
tables. You will be prompted as to whether you want to delete the item from

Issues and Transfers

Issues and Transfers transaction records cannot be deleted.

Item Assembly Structures

There are no restrictions on deleting an Item Assembly Structure.

Deleting Database Records

Asset Catalog Setup

A Class Structure record can be deleted but should not be if
• it is attached to an item, equipment, or location.

Record Deletion
An Equipment record cannot be deleted if the equipment is used:
• in the Equipment field on an open Work Order record
When the equipment record is
• the parent on an equipment hierarchy
• in the Equipment field on a Preventative Maintenance record
• in the Equipment field on a Service Contracts record
then, a dialog appears, giving the user the ability to check any combination of the
following options:
• Sever All Subassembly Relationships
• Delete All Associated PM’s
• Delete All Associated Service Contracts
• Delete Equipment Move History
• Delete Up/Down Status History
When any of those options are checked, the equipment will be deleted from the

Appendix E

Database Checks
An Equipment record cannot be deleted if the equipment is used in any of the
following table/column combinations.
Table Column

PM EqNum

Operating Locations
Record Deletion
An Operating Locations record cannot be deleted if the location is listed:
• in the Location field on a Equipment record
• in the Location field on a Preventive Maintenance record
• in the Work Location field on a Labor record
• in the Location field on an Inventory Control record and the Location Type is
equal to Operating Location OR the location is associated with a piece of
rotating equipment.
• in the Location field on a Companies record when a storeroom has been
added in Inventory and the user responded Yes to adding the storeroom as a
• in the Location field on an open Work Order record

A system with locations cannot be deleted until all of the locations have been

Deleting Database Records

If the location is the parent of other locations in a system you can delete the
location, but you will receive a warning that the location has children and that by
deleting the location may change the system type.

Database Checks
An Operating Location record cannot be deleted if the operating location is used
in any of the following table/column combinations.
Table Column AND


INVENTORY Location Locations Type = Operating or
Equipment is rotating
LABOR WorkLocation
PM Location

Failure Codes
A Failure Code record can be deleted but should not be, if the failure code is
• on an open work order
• on a location record
• on an Equipment record

Appendix E

Condition Monitoring
Record Deletion
A Measurement record should not be deleted if
• on an open work order, the work plan references a measurement point
• on a job plan

A Route record should not be deleted if
• it has been applied to a work order/PM

Purchase Requisitions
Purchase requisitions can never be deleted. They can be canceled or archived.

Request For Quotation (RFQ)

RFQs can never be deleted. They can be canceled or archived.

Purchase Orders
Purchase orders can never be deleted. They can be canceled or archived.

Deleting Database Records

An Invoice record can only be deleted if its status is ENTERED, WAPPR, or
CANCEL and there are no unapproved service receipts written by the invoice.

Currency Management
Record Deletion
A currency record cannot be deleted if
• it is used in Companies
• it is used on a PO
• it is used on a PR
• it is used on an Invoice
• it is used on an RFQ

Database Checks

COMPANIES CurrencyCode
PO CurrencyCode
PR CurrencyCode
RFQVENDOR CurrencyCode
INVOICES CurrencyCode

Appendix E

Job Plans
Record Deletion
A Job Plan record cannot be deleted if the job plan is used:
• in the Next Job Plan field on a Preventive Maintenance record
• on a Preventive Maintenance Job Plan Sequence record
• in the Job Plan field on a Work Order

Database Checks
A Job Plan record cannot be deleted if the job plan is used in any of the
following table/column combinations.
Table Column

PM JpNum

Safety Plans
There are no restrictions when deleting a safety plan record.

Safety Hazards
Record Deletion
A Safety Hazard record cannot be deleted if
• it has a safety precaution record associated with the hazard

Deleting Database Records

Database Checks
A Safety Hazard record cannot be deleted if the hazard is used in any of the
following table/column combinations.


Safety Precautions
Record Deletion
A Safety Precaution record cannot be deleted if
• it is associated with a safety hazard record

Database Checks
A Safety Precaution record cannot be deleted if the safety precaution is used in
any of the following table/column combinations.


Lock Out / Tag Out

Lock Out/Tag Out records cannot be deleted if
• a lock out/tag out record is on an equipment record
• a lock out/tag out record is on a location record
• has Lock Out Operations

Appendix E

Record Deletion
A Labor record cannot be deleted if the labor code is used:
• used in a Craft or Labor Code field in the Work Manager when in the
Assignment table window
• used in the Labor/Craft field on a Labor Reporting record that includes daily
attendance information
• used in the Labor/Craft column of a Job Plan Labor Estimates record
• used in the Supervisor or Lead Craft field on a Job Plans record
• used in the Labor/Craft field on a Labor Reporting record
• used in the Lead Craft or Supervisor field on a Work Order record
• used in the Labor Code column on a Work Plan Labor record
A Labor record should not be deleted if the labor code is used:
• in the Issue To field on an Issues and Transfers record

Database Checks
A Labor record cannot be deleted if the labor code is used in any of the
following table/column combinations.
Table Column

JOBPLAN Supervisor

Deleting Database Records

Table Column

WORKORDER Supervisor

Record Deletion
A Craft record cannot be deleted if the craft code is used
• used in a Craft or Labor Code field on a Work Manager Record
• used in the Labor/Craft column of a Job Plans Labor Estimates record
• used in the Lead Craft field on a Job Plans record
• used in the Labor/Craft field on a Labor Reporting record
• used in the Lead Craft field on a Work Order record
• used in the Labor Code column on a Work Plan Labor record
A Craft record should not be deleted if the craft code is used
• used in the Issue To field on an Issues and Transfers record

Database Checks
A Craft record cannot be deleted if the craft code is used in any of the following
table/column combinations.

Appendix E

Table Column

JOBPLAN Supervisor
WORKORDER Supervisor

Labor Reporting
No records can ever be deleted from Labor Reporting.

Labor Groups
Record Deletion
A Labor Group record should not be deleted if
• a labor group is on a work order

Deleting Database Records

Database Checks


Record Deletion
A Calendars record cannot be deleted if the calendar is used:
• in the Calendar field on an Equipment record
• in the Calendar field on a Labor record
• in the Calendar field on a Operating Location record
Within Calendars you cannot delete a shift if it refers to a calendar

Database Checks
A Calendars record cannot be deleted if the calendar is used in any of the
following table/column combinations.
Table Column


Appendix E

Record Deletion
A Company record cannot be deleted if the company is used:
• in the Vendor field on an Inventory record
• in the Manufacturer field on an Inventory record
• in the Vendor, Bill To, or Ship To fields on a Purchase Requisition
• in the Vendor field on a Service Contract
• in the Vendor field on the Work Plan Materials screen
• In the Vendor field on an Invoice
• In the Vendor field on the Job Plan Materials screen
• in the Vendor, Ship To, or Bill To field on a Purchase Order
NOTE: This is true even for closed purchase Orders. Therefore, to delete a
Company record when the company still appears on closed Purchase
Orders, you must first archive the closed Purchase Orders.
A Company record should not be deleted if the company is used:
• in the Vendor column on an Vendors record
• on an RFQ Line and RFQ Vendor tab

Database Checks
A Company record cannot be deleted if the company is used in any of the
following table/column combinations.
Table Column

EQUIPMENT Manufacturer

Deleting Database Records

Table Column

INVENTORY Manufacturer
PO Vendor
PO ShipTo
PO BillTo
PR Vendor
PR BillTo
PR ShipTo

Record Deletion
A Tools record cannot be deleted if the tool is used
• in the Tool column of a (Job Plans) Tool Estimates record
Tools record should not be deleted if the tool is used
• in the Tool column of a (Work Order Tracking) Work Plan Tools record

Appendix E

Database Checks
A Tool record cannot be deleted if the tool is used in any of the following
table/column combinations.
Table Column


Service Contracts
Record Deletion
A Service Contract record may be deleted when
• a service contract is associated with a work order

Database Checks
A Service Contract record cannot be deleted if the service contract is used in any
of the following table/column combinations.


Custom Applications
Custom applications are dropped by selecting Drop Custom Application from the
Actions menu.

Deleting Database Records

Reports and Other Apps
There are no restrictions on deleting a Report and Other Apps record.

Chart of Accounts
In Chart of Accounts, no database checks are made when you delete a GL
account code. It would be too time consuming of a process for MAXIMO to
check all possible occurrences of a GL account. Therefore, a GL account code
deleted from Chart of Accounts can still exist on previously created records;
work orders, purchase orders, etc.
WARNING: Deleting a GL account code may cause problems with your GL
accounting system.

Signature Security
Deleting a User
If you try to delete a user, you are prompted to verify that you really want to drop
the user. If you do drop the user:
• Table access privileges are revoked from the user.
• Associated LABORAUTH records are deleted.
• Associated LOCAUTH records are deleted.
• Associated USERRESTRICTIONS records are deleted.
• Associated MAXUSERGROUPS records are deleted.

Appendix E

Deleting a Group
If you try to delete a group, you are prompted to verify that you really want to
drop the group. If you do drop the group, a check is performed to see if there are
existing users in the group. If there are existing users in the group, you are told
that they will be deleted as well, and you are asked if you want to continue. If
you continue:
• All existing users in the group will be dropped as described under Deleting a
• The group is dropped from the database as detailed above under Deleting a
• Associated MAXUSERAUTH records are deleted.
• Associated MAXUSERGROUPS records are deleted.
• Associated MAXGROUPS records are deleted.

Database Configuration
Deleting records is not applicable to the Database Configuration application.

Application Setup
You are given a warning when you delete applications.

There are no restrictions on deleting Hyperlink records.

Deleting Database Records

Workflow Designer
You cannot delete a Workflow process once it has been enabled.
Before it has been enabled, you can click the row that contains the Workflow
process that you want to delete. The selected row will appear highlighted. Select
Delete Workflow Process from the Edit menu. The record is deleted.

Deleting records is not applicable to the Archive application.

Workflow Inbox
Deleting records is not applicable to Workflow Inbox.


• Users cannot delete a record from the AUTOKEY, DESKTOPDEFAULTS,
using MAXIMO.
• There is no check done when a record is deleted from the QUERY table.
• When a user deletes a long description, the text for the long description is
deleted only if it is not used elsewhere.

Appendix E


creating new modules, 111–12

—A— currency options, 106, 118–20
Accounts. See GL accounts customizing a module’s pop-up menu,
Actual Start Date Options menu item, 106 110–11
Add Groups menu item, 25, 27 default (Inventory) costs, 106
Add Users menu item, 25, 27 default ABC breakpoints, 106
Aliases for column names dropping value lists, 127
creating, 76, 88 editing application's title bar, 111
Altered Tables dialog box, 82 equipment options, 106
Amount Field Format menu item, 75, 76 hiding/unhiding applications, 113–14
Amount fields, 146–48 hiding/unhiding modules, 114
format, 75, 76 invoice options, 107
Application Bar issues and transfers restrictions, 106
specifying width, 341 issues and transfers save message, 106
Application Launching. See Hyperlink item assembly structure defaults, 106
Application Restrictions menu item, 107, labor reporting options, 107
117 lead time calculation, 106
Application security, 28–36 location options, 107
Application Security tab, 28–36 meter import options, 107
figure, 28 moving an application to another module,
Application Server 113
Java parameters in MAXIMO.INI, 354 ORDER BY clause, 107, 117–18
settings in MAXIMO.INI, 345 overview, 105
Application Setup, 105–27 preventive maintenance options, 107
Actions menu and online Help, 106–7 problem already reported options, 106
actual start date options, 106 purchasing options, 107
adding synonyms to a value list, 126–27 reorder options, 106
application restrictions, 107, 117 restricting access to records, 117
assigning/deassigning value lists, 125 setting up multiple base currencies, 118–
AutoNumber seeds, 107 20
changing Main Menu icon positions, showing all value lists, 123
109–10 specifying display order of records, 117–
changing value list types, 126 18
cloning applications, 115–16 tax options, 107
creating a value list, 124 value list types, 122–23


Value Lists tab, 120–22 figure, 246

work equipment and location options, Archive path
106 specifying in MAXIMO.INI, 346
work plan edit options, 106 Archive scripts
work plan save options, 106 generating, 248–49
work priority options, 106 running, 249–51
work type options, 106 Assign and Deassign Value Lists menu item,
Application startup, automatic, 40 107, 125
Application tab (Reports and Other Apps), Auction parameters
161–62 in MAXIMO.INI file, 346
figure, 161 Authorities. See Privileges
Applications Authorize Access to GL Component
cloning, 115–16 Information menu item, 26, 27, 34–36
hiding and unhiding, 113–14 Authorize Access to Labor Information
registering, 162–63 menu item, 26, 27
registering files, 163–64 Authorize Access to Storeroom Information
restricting access to records, 117 menu item, 26, 27
specifying display order of records, 117– Authorize Reassignment to User Groups
18 menu item, 26, 27, 36–38
upgrading license for, 373–76 Automatic application startup, 40
Applications tab (Custom Applications), Automatic login, 38–41
96–97 Automatic tabbing
figure, 97 MAXIMO.INI setting, 340
Applications tab (Database Configuration), AutoNumber Seeds menu item, 107
figure, 77
Archive application, 243–52 —B—
Archive History tab, 245–47
archiving measurements, 247, 249 Backups, 254–56
archiving purchase orders, 247, 248–49 database, 255–56
archiving purchase requisitions, 247, 249 frequency, 255, 256
archiving work orders, 247, 249 restoring, 256
generating archive/restore scripts, 248–49 system, 255
how configuring database affects Bar codes
archived data, 252 bar coding applications, 220–21
restoring archived data, 251 Bill To fields
specifying archive path in MAXIMO.INI, specifying default in MAXIMO.INI, 361
248 Bitmap files
tables involved in archiving, 244–45 specifying directory in MAXIMO.INI,
types of archive, 247 339
Archive History tab, 245–47


using the Chart of Accounts filter, 226,

—C— 235–36
Case sensitivity Cloning applications, 115–16
MAXIMO.INI setting for dialog box building the main select statement, 355
fields, 340 Colors
MAXIMO.INI setting for queries, 339– specifying in MAXIMO.INI, 347–49
40 Column aliases
Change MAXIMO Schema Administrator's creating, 76, 88
Password menu item, 25, 27 Command lines
Change System Administrator's Password substitution variables, 164–66
menu item, 25, 27 Commodity restrictions
Change User Password menu item, 25, 27 setting up, 271–74
Change User Status menu item, 25, 27, 33 setting up in Verity search engine, 265
Change Value List Type menu item, 107, Company-Related Accounts menu item,
126 226, 241
Chart of Accounts, 223–41 Configure Changes menu item, 74, 76, 81–
company-related accounts, 226, 241 83
creating or editing a GL account code, Configuring the database, 76, 81–83
226, 228–31 Create Custom Application menu item, 96
creating or editing GL components, 226, Create Custom Application Table dialog
232–33 box, 98
default GL accounts, 240–41 Create Extra Application menu item, 96,
defining financial periods, 226, 238–40 100
defining the filter, 235–36 Create Index menu item, 75, 76, 85–86
disabling accounts, 230 Create Public Synonyms menu item, 75, 76
external labor control accounts, 226, 241 Create Value List menu item, 107, 124
external tools control accounts, 226, 241 Crossover fields, 309–34
GL Account Navigator, 226, 234 intermediate links, 310
GL Accounts tab, 226–27 linkage sequence, 310
internal labor control accounts, 226, 241 tables, 311–28
internal tools control accounts, 226, 241 Crystal report writer
inventory resource codes, 226, 241 MAXIMO.INI parameters, 361–64
inventory-related accounts, 226, 241 Currencies
labor resource codes, 226, 241 setting up multiple base, 118–20
merging GL accounts, 240 Currency Options menu item, 106
online Help, 225–26 Custom application tables. See Custom
overview, 223–25 Applications
specifying which accounts to display, Custom Applications, 95–104
235–36 Applications tab, 96–97
tool resource codes, 226, 241 creating a custom application table, 96,
updating the database, 226, 236–37 98–100


creating an extra application table, 96, update statistics procedure, 257

100 Database Configuration
dropping a custom application table, 103 Actions menu, 74–75
dropping a custom applications table, 96 amount field format, 75, 76
launching (opening) custom applications, Applications tab, 76–77
96, 103–4 configuring changes, 74, 76, 81–83
overview, 95–96 creating an index, 75, 76, 85–86
privileges, 97 creating column aliases, 76, 88
Customization. See also Object Nationalizer creating public synonyms, 75, 76
screen editor creating table views, 76, 88
hidden crossover fields, 309–11 data dictionary quickload, 75, 76
dropping an index, 75, 76, 86
dropping backup tables, 75, 76
—D— dropping public synonyms, 75, 76
enabling long description searches in the
Data Self Service applications, 75
formatting. See Formatting Index Definitions tab, 84–86
types, 139–40 online Help, 76
Data dictionary overview, 73–74
data types, 139–40 performing a database configuration, 76,
reloading, 136 81–83
setting path to in MAXIMO.INI, 339 removing changes, 74, 76
Data Dictionary Quickload menu item, 75, restoring backup tables, 74, 76
76 saving changes, 80–81
Database specifying GL account format, 75, 76,
column aliases, 87–88 89–94
configuring. See Database Configuration Table Definitions tab, 78–79
GL account columns, reference to list, updating statistics, 75, 76
224 View Definitions tab, 87–88
indexes, 84–86 Database field
table views, 87–88 Login dialog box MAXIMO.INI setting,
updating with new GL account 337
information, 236–37 Database Security tab, 43–45
Database administration, 253–57 figure, 44
archiving data, 243–52 Database tables
backing up and restoring, 254–56 custom application tables, 96, 98–100
database backups, 255–56 customizing columns, 78–79, 81–83
how configuring database affects extra application tables, 96, 100
archived data, 252 listing column names, 88
restoring archived data, 251 Date format
restoring backups, 256 specifying in MAXIMO.INI, 351–52
system backups, 255


Date range for table window transactions

specifying in MAXIMO.INI, 364–65
Date/time fields, 148–56 E-Commerce
overriding default date format, 151–52 capability with Self Service Applications,
validation, 150 276–79
DDE server electronic invoices, 278–79
MAXIMO.INI file parameters, 349 EditWindows. See Object Nationalizer
Deadlocked transactions screen editor
specifying maximum number of times Electronic invoices
MAXIMO will retry, 341 receiving and managing, 278–79
Decimal fields, 144–45 E-mail, 170–72
scale, 144 e-mailing SQR reports, 172
Default ABC Breakpoints menu item, 106 MAXIMO.INI Mail parameter, 170
Default Costs menu item, 106 routing commands, 183
Define Filter menu item routing example, 197–201
Chart of Accounts, 235–36 setting up to mail reports, 171
DEFLT group, 23 specifying mail software in
Description fields MAXIMO.INI, 341
searching in Self Service Applications, Equipment Options menu item, 106
280–82 Error diagnostics
Dialog boxes log file specification in MAXIMO.INI,
customizing, 54–55 337
Display formats External Labor Control Accounts menu
specifying in MAXIMO.INI, 351–52 item, 226, 241
Document Management System (DMS) External Tools Control Accounts menu
parameters set in MAXIMO.INI for third- item, 226, 241
party, 349 Extra application tables, 96, 100
Drilldown dialog box creating, 100–102
customizing, 63–64 launching the application, 103–4
parameters set in MAXIMO.INI, 350–51
Drop Backup Tables menu item, 75, 76
Drop Custom Application menu item, 96, —F—
Drop Groups menu item, 24, 27 Fax routing
Drop Index menu item, 75, 76, 86 MAXIMO.INI library setting, 342
Drop Public Synonyms menu item, 75, 76 MAXIMO.INI setting for reports, 342
Drop Users menu item, 24, 27 Faxing reports, 173
Drop Value List menu item, 107, 127 fax routing commands, 187–96
Dynamic value list dialog boxes fax routing example, 210–18
customizing, 61–63 Field help
customizing help files, 128–29


Field names 4i/4.x Looks

finding, 136–37 enabling/disabling in MAXIMO.INI, 343
amount, 146–48
changing tab order, 58 —G—
crossover, 309–34
data types, 139–40 General ledger accounts. See GL accounts
date/time, 148–56 GL Account Configuration dialog box, 91–
decimal, 144–45 94
display formats, 141 figure, 91
float, 143–44 GL Account Configuration menu item, 75,
hidden, 309–11 76, 91–94
integer, 142–43 GL Account Navigator, 226, 234
MAXIMO.INI parameter affecting read- figure, 229
only fields, 338 GL Account Navigator dialog box
numeric, 141–48 enabling/disabling display of, 93
on-entry formats, 141 GL accounts
red dot (MAXIMO.INI parameters), 357– and accounting systems, 223, 226, 227,
60 231, 240
setting defaults for, 27, 41–43 company-related accounts, 226, 241
smallint, 142–43 component delimiters, 89, 92, 93
specifying colors, 347–49 component format, 89
time, 153–54 component sequence, 89
Financial periods, 238–40 component validation, 93
closing, 239 creating or editing accounts, 228–31
defining, 226, 238–40 creating or editing components, 232–33
validating, 93 default, 240–41
Financial Periods menu item, 226, 238–40 defining valid components, 232
figure of dialog box, 238 disabling, 230
Float fields, 143–44 downloading from an accounting system,
Foreign key fields 227
specifying Detail button action, 342 enabling/disabling GL accounting, 92
Formatting. See also individual field types financial period validation, 93
characteristics, 140–41 fully defined, 90–91
date/time fields, 148–56 fully/partially defined, reference to table,
display formats, 141 224
numeric fields, 141–48 GL Account Navigator, 234
on-entry formats, 141 inventory resource codes, 226, 241
time fields, 153–54 inventory-related accounts, 226, 241
4i Look labor control accounts, 226, 241
specifying in MAXIMO.INI, 343–45 labor resource codes, 226, 241


list of database columns, reference to, Hiding/unhiding screen objects. See Object
224 Nationalizer screen editor
making GL account fields required, 231 Hyperlink, 131–37
merging, 240 creating a hyperlink, 133–36
optional components, 90–91 data exchange, 131, 134–35
overwriting account codes, 236–37 Detail button, 136
partially defined, 90–91 finding field and push button names,
placeholders, 93 136–37
required components, 90–91 Hyperlink tab, 132
specifying format, 91–94 launching a non-MAXIMO application,
tool resource codes, 226, 241 135
tools control accounts, 226, 241 launching MAXIMO applications, 134
type codes, 230 launching object, 133
updating database with new GL opening a View List dialog box, 135
information, 236–37, 236–37 overview, 131–32
validation, 92–93 passing Where clause to user application,
GL Accounts 135
specifying format, 75, 76 Reload Data Dictionary menu item, 136
GL Accounts tab, 226–27. See also Chart of Hyperlink tab, 132
Accounts figure, 132
figure, 227
GL component information
authorizing access to, 26, 27, 34–36 —I—
GL Component Maintenance menu item,
232–33 Icons. See MAXIMO icons
figure of dialog box, 232 Index Definitions tab, 84–86
Graphics applications figure, 84
integrating with MAXIMO, 220 Indexes
Groups creating, 75, 76, 85–86
adding, 25, 27 dropping, 75, 76, 86
default group, 23 Integer fields, 142–43
dropping, 24, 27 Internal Labor Control Accounts menu item,
reassigning users to, 26, 27 226, 241
viewing, 27 Internal Tools Control Accounts menu item,
226, 241
Internet Information Server (IIS)
—H— running with Tomcat JSP Server, 288–
Hardware/software requirements, 14–17 Inventory Resource Codes menu item, 226,
Help 241
customizing help files, 128–29 Inventory-Related Accounts menu item,
Hidden crossover fields, 309–11 226, 241


Invoice Options menu item, 107 Database field setting in MAXIMO.INI,

Invoices 337
MAXIMO.INI parameters, 352–53 modifying for multiple schemas, 64–65
Issues and Transfers Restrictions menu item, User field setting in MAXIMO.INI, 337
106 Login status
Issues and Transfers Save Message menu changing, 33
item, 106 Login tracking, 30–34
Item Assembly Structure Defaults menu enabling, 26, 27, 32
item, 106 online verification, 34
Long Description Search Setup menu item,
75, 281
Java parameters
in MAXIMO.INI, 354
Mail. See E-mail
Main Menu
—L— changing icon positions, 109–10
creating new modules, 111–12
Labor information customizing module pop-up menus, 110–
authorizing access to, 26, 27 11
Labor Reporting Options menu item, 107 disabling icons, 338
Labor Resource Codes menu item, 226, 241 icon text settings in MAXIMO.INI, 337
Launch Selected Custom Application menu Main select statement
item, 103 overriding, 355
Launching applications. See Hyperlink MAXIMO bitmap files
Lead Time Calculation menu item, 106 specifying directory in MAXIMO.INI,
License key/program. See MAXIMO 339
License Program MAXIMO Buyer. See Self Service
Linked documents Applications
in Self Service Applications, 283–86 MAXIMO icons
Linked Documents specifying directory for icon files in
specifying URLs for Web browser MAXIMO.INI, 339
buttons, 355 MAXIMO License program
LISTTABL.SQW report, 88 figure, 374
Location Options menu item, 107 MAXIMO License Program, 373–76
Log file application information, 374–75
MAXIMO.INI settings, 337 entering a license key, 375–76
Logging off inactive users, 338 purpose, 373
Login dialog box MAXIMO Scheduler
bypassing, 38–41 MAXIMO.INI parameters, 356–57
MAXSCHED.INI file, 369–72


MAXIMO Schema Administrator more information field parameters, 357–

changing password, 25, 27 60
MAXIMO.INI file, 335–67, 377 overriding default date format, 151–52
archive parameters, 346 path to local data dictionary, 339
auction parameters, 346 preload strings parameters, 360
case sensitivity in dialog box fields, 340 Purchasing parameters, 361
case sensitivity in queries, 339–40 red dot field parameters, 357–60
colors parameters, 347–49 report parameters, 361–64
customizing, 336 sections, 335–36
date/time formatting, 140 skipping read-only fields when tabbing,
DDE server parameters, 349 338
default Bill To company name, 361 specifying .DLL file or path for fax
default Ship To company name, 361 routing, 342
delete log file setting, 337 specifying automatic tabbing, 340
directory, 336 specifying colors, 347–49
disabling Main Menu icons, 338 specifying date format, 351–52
disabling start-up messages, 338 specifying date range for transactions in
display format parameters, 351–52 table windows, 364–65
displaying value list when leaving field specifying directory for MAXIMO
containing invalid data, 338 bitmap files, 339
DMS (Document Management System) specifying directory for MAXIMO icon
parameters for third-party system, 349 files, 339
double-byte setting, 340 specifying display formats, 351–52
drilldown parameters, 350–51 specifying mail software, 341
enabling/disabling 4i/4.x Looks, 343 specifying maximum number of times
enabling/disabling fax routing for reports, MAXIMO will retry deadlocked
342 transactions, 341
enabling/disabling tooltip display, 342 specifying path for archive data, 346
foreign key field Detail button action, 342 specifying path for archive directory, 248
Invoices parameters, 352–53 specifying schema parameters, 341
Java parameters, 354 specifying table window line item limits,
log file settings for error diagnostics, 337 364
Login dialog box settings, 337 specifying the 4i Look, 343–45
Mail parameter, 170 specifying time field display, 352
Main Menu icon text settings, 337 specifying URLs for Linked Documents
main select statement processing, 355 Web browser buttons, 355
MAXIMO Application Server settings, specifying width of Application Bar, 341
345 SQL error message display setting, 337
MAXIMO Scheduler parameters, 356–57 system-wide parameters, 337–42
message file settings, 338 table window date range parameters,


time display, 153–54

timeout setting (inactive users), 338
vendor analysis date range, 361 Object Nationalizer screen editor
Work Manager parameters, 365–67 accessing the object to customize, 51–52
Work Orders parameters, 367 aligning objects, 56–57
MAXMAST.OUT file, 376 changing tab order, 58
MAXSCHED.INI file, 369–72 conforming changes to MAXIMO design
specifying path to Scheduler, 369 specifications, 66–72
specifying which windows are called by customizing dialog boxes, 54–55
toolbar buttons, 369, 371–72 customizing dynamic value list dialog
Measurements boxes, 61
archiving, 247, 249 customizing menus, 53
Menu security, 29–30 customizing tabs, 54–55
Menus customizing the Drilldown dialog box,
customizing, 53 63–64
Message file customizing toolbars, 52–53
specifying name and location in customizing view list dialog boxes, 59–
MAXIMO.INI, 338 60
Meter Import Options menu item, 107 menu choices, 56–58
Module tab (Application Setup), 107–8 modifying the Login dialog box for
figure, 108 multiple schemas, 64–65
Modules obtaining field and push button names
creating new, 111–12 from, 136
customizing pop-up menus, 110–11 sizing objects, 57
hiding and unhiding, 114 spacing objects, 57
moving applications between, 113 when not to use, 65–66
Move Application menu item, 107, 113 Order By Clause menu item, 107, 117–18

—N— —P—
Numeric fields, 141–48 Parameter login, 38–41
amounts, 146–48 Passwords
decimals, 144–45 MAXIMO schema administrator, 25, 27
floats, 143–44 setting expiration intervals, 26, 27
formatting, 141–48 system administrator, 24, 25, 27
integers, 142–43 user, 25, 27
smallints, 142–43 Preventive Maintenance Options menu item,
validation, 141–48 107
Printer routing. See Report routing


Privileges Reassign Users to Group menu item, 25, 27

access, 45 Records
application, tab, and menu, 27, 29 restricting access, 46–47, 117
database, 27, 43–45 specifying display order, 117–18
delete, 29, 45 Red dot fields
for specific records, 46–47 application-specific MAXIMO.INI
insert, 29, 45 parameters, 358–60
read, 29 enabling/disabling in MAXIMO.INI, 357
restricting access to application records, global MAXIMO.INI parameters, 357–58
117 MAXIMO.INI parameters, 357–60
update, 45 Reload Data Dictionary menu item, 136
write, 29 Remove Changes menu item, 74, 76
Problem Already Reported Options menu Reorder Options menu item, 106
item, 106 Report Options dialog box, 168
Purchase orders Automatic Routing button, 176
archiving, 247 Report routing, 173–220
Purchase Orders adding routing commands, 177–218
archiving, 248–49 command flowchart, 178
Purchase requisitions e-mail routing commands, 183–86
archiving, 247, 249 e-mail routing example, 197–201
Purchasing fax routing commands, 187–96
MAXIMO.INI parameters, 361 fax routing example, 210–18
setting limits, 26, 27 general command syntax, 179
Purchasing Options menu item, 107 marking reports for routing, 176–77
Push button names overview, 173–74
finding, 136–37 printer routing commands, 180–82
printer routing example, 202–9
running a report with routing information,
—Q— 219–20
setting up overview, 174
Queries Specify Printer Routing menu item, 175–
specifying case sensitivity in 76
MAXIMO.INI, 339–40 Report writers
Query mode registering, 162–63
data validation, 156–57 Reports
e-mailing, 170–72
faxing, 173
—R— MAXIMO.INI parameters, 361–64
registering, 163–64
Read-only fields routing. See Report routing
MAXIMO.INI setting for skipping when running, 168–69
tabbing, 338


specifying preferences, 166–67 Self Service Application

specifying user prompts, 167–68 electronic invoices, 278–79
substitution variables, 164–66 Self Service Applications
Reports and Other Apps application changing automatic time out periods,
Application tab, 161–62 270–71
integrating graphics packages, 220 changing default schema owner, 287
overview, 159–60 e-commerce capability, 276–79
registering report writers and other generating autonumber for special order
applications, 162–63 items, 270
registering reports and other application linked documents, 283–86
files, 163–64 searching Description and Long
running a report with report routing, 219– Description fields, 280–82
20 setting up a default vendor for an item,
running reports, 168–69 268–70
Specify Printer Routing menu item, 175– setting up commodity restrictions, 271–
76 74
specifying report preferences, 166–67 Set Field Defaults menu item, 27, 41–43
specifying user prompts, 167–68 Set Login Controls menu item, 26, 27, 32
Restore Backup Tables menu item, 74, 76 Set Purchasing Limits menu item, 26, 27
Restore scripts Ship To fields
generating, 248–49 specifying default in MAXIMO.INI, 361
Rights. See Privileges Show All Value Lists menu item, 107, 123
Signature Security, 22–45
Actions menu, 24
—S— adding groups, 25, 27
adding users, 25, 27
Schema owner Application Security tab, 28
changing default in Self Service authorizing access to GL component
Applications, 287 information, 26, 27, 34–36
Schema parameters authorizing access to labor information,
specifying in MAXIMO.INI, 341 26, 27
Screen editor. See Object Nationalizer authorizing access to storeroom
screen editor information, 26, 27
Screen list authorizing some users to reassign other
specifying colors used, 347–49 users to user groups, 26, 27
Screens authorizing some users to reassign others
customizing. See Object Nationalizer users to user groups, 36–38
screen editor changing a user's login status, 25, 27, 33
Search engine. See Verity search engine changing MAXIMO schema
Searches administrator's password, 25, 27
on long descriptions in Self Service
applications, 75


changing system administrator's System administrator

password, 25, 27 changing password, 25, 27
changing user passwords, 25, 27 password, 24
Database Security tab, 43–45 System requirements, 14–17
DEFLT group, 23
dropping groups, 24, 27
dropping users, 24, 27 —T—
group/user relationship, 23
overview, 22 Tab order
reassigning users to groups, 25, 27 changing, 58
setting application, tab, and menu Tab security, 29–30
privileges, 27, 29 Tabbing between fields
setting login controls, 26, 27, 32 skipping read-only fields in Insert mode,
setting purchasing limits, 26, 27 338
setting SQL database privileges, 27 Table Definitions tab, 78–79
viewing groups, 27 figure, 78
viewing users, 24, 27 Table views
Smallint fields, 142–43 creating, 76, 88
Software requirements. See Table windows
Hardware/software requirements line item limits in MAXIMO.INI, 364
Special order items specifying date range for transactions in
generating autonumbers, 270 MAXIMO.INI, 364–65
Specify Printer Routing menu item, 175–76 Tabs
Specify Report Preferences menu item, 166– customizing, 54–55
67, 176–77 Tax Options menu item, 107
Specify User Prompts menu item, 167–68 Time fields, 153–54. See also Date/time
SQL error messages fields
display setting in MAXIMO.INI, 337 specifying display format in
ending a session, 254 Time out periods
running a session, 253–54 changing automatic in Self Service
use in database administration, 253–54 Applications, 270–71
SQLTimeout setting, 94 Timeout settings (MAXIMO.INI)
SQR report writer MAXIMO, 338
MAXIMO.INI parameters, 361–64 Tomcat JSP Server
Start-up messages running with IIS, 288–308
enabling/disabling in MAXIMO.INI, 338 Tool Resource Codes menu item, 226, 241
Storeroom information Toolbars
authorizing access to, 26, 27 customizing, 52–53
Substitution variables, 164–66 Tooltips
SYSADM. See System administrator enabling/disabling in MAXIMO.INI, 342


standard, 122–23
—U— synonym, 122–23
Update Database menu item (Chart of types, 122–23
Accounts), 226, 236–37 Value Lists tab, 120–27
figure of dialog box, 236 figure, 121
Update Statistics menu item, 75, 76 Vendor
Update statistics procedure, 257 default in Self Service Applications, 268–
User field 70
Login dialog box MAXIMO.INI setting, Vendor analysis
337 date range setting in MAXIMO.INI, 361
User Restrictions, 46–47 Verity search engine, 259–65
defined, 21 adding new fields to item collection, 261
Users building collections, 260
adding, 25, 27 configuration, 260
changing login status, 33 modifying synonym lists, 262
changing number of licensed, 373–76 running as a Windows NT service, 264
changing passwords, 25, 27 setting commodity restrictions, 265
dropping, 24, 27 updating collections, 264
names, 24 View Definitions tab, 87–88
reassigning to groups, 25, 27, 36–38 figure, 87
viewing, 24, 27 View List dialog boxes
customizing, 59–60
View Users menu item, 24, 27
—V— Views
creating, 76, 88
date/time fields, 150
numeric fields. See individual data field —W—
Query mode, 156–57 WHERE clause
Value list dialog boxes, dynamic Application Restrictions menu item, 117
customizing, 61–63 WIN.INI file
Value lists, 120–27 and MAXIMO.INI file, 336
adding synonym values, 126–27 formatting information, 140
assigning and deassigning, 125 Mail section, 170
automatic display when leaving fields MAXIMO section, 376–77
containing invalid data, 338 Work Equipment and Location Options
changing type, 126 menu item, 106
creating, 124 Work Manager
dropping, 127 MAXIMO.INI parameters, 365–67
showing all, 123 Work orders
archiving, 247, 249


MAXIMO.INI parameters, 367 Work Plan Save Options menu item, 106
specifying that work order is printed Work Priority Options menu item, 106
when initiated (MAXIMO.INI), 367 Work Type Options menu item, 106
Work Plan Edit Options menu item, 106



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