CloudCom 2013 Smart Home
CloudCom 2013 Smart Home
CloudCom 2013 Smart Home
Smart Home: Integrating Internet of Things with Web Services and Cloud
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Moataz Soliman1, Tobi Abiodun1, Tarek Hamouda1, Jiehan Zhou1,2, Chung-Horng Lung1
1 2
Department of Systems and Computer Eng. Department of Computer Science and Eng.
Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada University of Oulu, Finland
Abstract—Smart Home minimizes user’s intervention in on human activity patterns, they used SPEED to extract
monitoring home settings and controlling home appliances. This episodes and user actions represented in a finite-order Markov
paper presents an approach to the development of Smart Home model and the partial matching (PPM) algorithm for improving
applications by integrating Internet of Things (IoT) with Web prediction accuracy. Chen et al. [5] also introduced a
services and Cloud computing. The approach focuses on: (1) knowledge-driven approach to real-time, continuous activity
embedding intelligence into sensors and actuators using Arduino recognition based on multi-sensor data streams in smart homes.
platform; (2) networking smart things using Zigbee technology; (3) The approach consists of context ontologies modeling, the
facilitating interactions with smart things using Cloud services; (4) situation formation process, and a knowledge-driven activity
improving data exchange efficiency using JSON data format. recognition architecture. In this way, activity recognition can
Moreover, we implement three use cases to demonstrate the
be conducted from low-level sensor data collection, middle-
approach’s feasibility and efficiency, i.e., measuring home
level data fusion, to high level activity recognition. The
conditions, monitoring home appliances, and controlling home
access. SemWeb semantic technologies was used for the creation,
management, and query of the semantic data. The Euler
Keywords- Smart home, Internet of Things, Cloud Computing, inference engine [6] was used for semantic reasoning.
Arduino, Zigbee, JSON
The aforementioned research efforts focus on the SH
I. INTRODUCTION features of context-awareness, energy efficiency, natural
Smart Home (SH) promises the potentials for the user to interaction, and user activity recognition. This paper proposes
measure home conditions (e.g., humidity, temperature, an approach to facilitate SH implementations. The approach
luminosity, etc.), manipulate home HVAC (heating, ventilation integrates the emerging concepts of Internet of Things (IoT)
and air conditioning) appliances and control their status with and Cloud computing. IoT embeds computer intelligence into
minimum user's intervention. Researchers and practitioners home devices and provides the user with a convenient way to
have made a great deal of efforts in facilitating the concept. For measure home conditions and monitor home appliances. Cloud
example, for smart home management, Son et al. [1] proposed computing provides scalable computing and storage power for
a resource-aware management system using a domain-object developing, maintaining, and running home services. In
hierarchical model for representing home context. Technically, addition, using cloud computing allows the user to access
they utilized Web Services Description Language (WSDL) and (monitor and/or control) home devices anytime and anywhere.
Simple Object Success Protocol (SOAP) to enable remote The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section
access of home information using mobile devices. For efficient II presents our approach of integrating IoT and Cloud
energy management, Han et al. [2] suggested a new Smart computing and selected use case design. Section III details the
Home Energy Management System (SHEMS) based on technical solutions. Section IV presents three use case studies
IEEE802.15.4 and ZigBee. They designed a SHEMS-based respectively. And conclusion is drawn in Section V.
multi-sensing and light control application for reducing total
energy cost. Concerning “home nature” of a smart home in II. SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE AND USE CASE DESIGN
serving its users, Wu et al. [3] presented a framework to model
A. System Architecture for Smart Home
the interaction relationship among services, spaces, and users,
and fulfill the human-centric interaction requirement of a smart The system architecture for Smart Home must fulfill the
home. Using the framework, they developed two pervasive requirements of measuring home conditions, processing
applications of “Media Follow Me (MFM)” and “Ubiquitous instrumented data, and monitoring home appliances. Our
Skype.” To predict the user activity, Alam et al. [4] proposed approach utilizes microcontroller-enabled sensors for
an algorithm, called sequence prediction via enhanced episode measuring home conditions and microcontroller-enabled
discovery (SPEED). SPEED classes the user behavior into actuators for monitoring home appliances in the front end. Our
distinct episodes, which consist of sequence activities. Based approach utilizes PaaS (Platform as a Service) and SaaS
(Software as a Service) in Cloud computing for processing data
our proposed ZigBee-networked smart home. There are two fields carry other information, e.g., temperature and humidity.
Arduino UNO microcontroller boards. The first board serves as JSON messages are sent from the central transmitter board to
the central receiver which is connected to all the actuators in the attached ZigBee via serial connection. The ZigBee
the system and connected to the database server on the Internet broadcasts the message which will be captured by the
through the Ethernet connection. The second board is the destination board specified in the destination field.
central transmitter that is connected to all the sensors in the
system. ZigBee technology is used for communication between D. Web Applictins with Cloud Computing
ZigBee sensors/actuators and the central Arduino boards. Our architecture is based on Cloud computing which
provides storage and computing resources to implement Web
applications. More importantly, Cloud services can be accessed
Mobile phone
anytime and anywhere, which has tremendous values for Smart
Cloud service Home users. The Web application is mainly responsible for
Internet reading sensors, storing readings, and monitoring home
appliances over the internet. In the implementation, we use
Google App Engine platform [13] for developing, deploying,
and maintaining our Web applications because it is simple to
use, scalable to service requests, and has built-in data store and
UNO central transmitter ZigBee acuator UNO central receiver a flexible interface.
Our Web applications is categorized into two main parts: a
front-end and a back-end. The front-end serves as a Web client
ZigBee acuator
ZigBee network interacting with the user. The back-end serves as computing
ZigBee sensor
services for logic processing or storage services for data
storing. We use HTML5 for describing web pages. HTML5
[14] allows a wider range of mobile devices to access our
ZigBee acuator
applications. We used JQuery Mobile [15] to support mobile
Fig. 3. ZigBee home network interfaces and CSS (Cascading Styling sheets) for styling the
C. Using JSON for Data Exchange web app interface. In addition, we use Ajax to create
asynchronous web applications [16] [17]. The back-end
In order to communicate with the Cloud, Smart Home services include measuring home conditions, monitoring home
needs access to the Internet. Future Smart Home promises to appliances, and controlling home access, etc. We also use
contain a high number of sensors, many of which are storage as a service in the Cloud for hosting databases, objects,
constrained and have limited processing power, memory and message queue.
capacity and communication bandwidth. XML is widely used
as message serialization format in Web-based heterogeneous IV. USE CASE STUDIES
systems. However, resource-constrained IoT nodes cannot
This section presents use cases, including measuring home
always afford to perform full-fledged XML processing due to
conditions, managing appliances, and controlling and access.
their limitations on resources [11]. JSON is a lightweight data
representation syntax for storing and exchanging text A. Measuring home conditions
information. It is much like XML, but smaller than XML, and This use case develops the Cloud service for measuring
faster and easier to parse. JSON syntax is a subset of object home conditions, which is hosted on Google Cloud infra-
notation syntax. JSON data is written as name/value pairs. structure. The measuring service allows the user to store data
Building JSON into JavaScript gives it a distinct advantage on home conditions and also to visualize them so that the user
over other serialization formats such as XML when working can view them anywhere, anytime. In this use case, we used
with applications partially written in JavaScript [12]. the following sensor modules for measuring home conditions
In our approach, we use several sensors for measuring of temperature, humidity, ambient light and proximity. Fig. 4
home conditions. The sensors readings need transmit to the shows the user interface of the measuring service.
central server periodically. Meanwhile the actuator node x Proximity and ambient light sensor VCNL4000 [18]. It
receives commands from the central server to control home
includes a signal processing IC and supports an easy to use
appliances. To reduce traffic load and bandwidth usage, we use
JSON for data representation and exchange. The current I2C bus communication interface. It allows to record the
implementation consists of 4 Arduino UNO boards. Each one amount of ambient light in an area and also record the
is assigned an identity number from 1 to 4. A sample JSON proximity of a given object to the sensor.
packet format is given as the following {“source”, “4”, x Temperature-humidity sensor DHT22 [19] is a basic, low-
“destination”: “2,”token”: “1234”, “temp”: “27”, “humidity”: cost digital temperature and humidity sensor. It uses a
“120”, “proximity”: “2207”, “ambient”: “42”}, which is sent capacitive humidity sensor and a thermistor to measure the
from the central transmitter board via ZigBee to the central surrounding air, and spits out a digital signal on the data
receiver board. The central receiver board is connected to the pin (no analog input pins needed).
Internet and Cloud services through the Ethernet connection. In
the sample message, the first field shows the ID of the source B. Managing home appliances
board followed by the ID of the destination board. The token This use case develops the Cloud service for managing
field is an authentication mechanism used to verify that the home appliances which will be hosted on Google Cloud
message is sent from one of the system boards. The remaining infrastructure. The managing service will allow the user to
control the outputs of smart actuators associated with home V. CONCLUSION
appliances. Smart actuators are devices, such as valves and This paper explored the concept of Smart Home through
switches, which perform actions such as turning things on or integrating IoT with Web services and Cloud computing. Our
off or making adjustments in an operational system. Actuators approach consisted of embedding intelligence into sensors and
provide different functionalities, such as On/Off valve service, actuators using Arduino platform, networking smart things
positioning to percentage open, modulating to control changes using Zigbee technology, facilitating interactions with smart
on flow conditions, emergency shutdown (ESD), etc. In this things using Cloud services for easy access in different
case, we used the Relay SPDT Sealed actuators [20] to provide locations, and improving data exchange efficiency using JSON
On/Off functionalities to control house appliances such as notation. The approach was successfully used for demonstra-
lights, lamps and fans. To activate an actuators, a digital write ting services for measuring home conditions, monitoring home
command must be issued to the actuator. The following JSON appliances, and controlling home access. The infrastructure can
message {“destination”: “3”, “source”: “1”, “commands” : be adopted for or adapted to other applications.
{“4”: “H”}} instructs Arduino board 3 to set the pin number 4
to high, i.e., power on the associated actuator. Fig. 5 illustrates REFERENCES
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