DSA Project List
DSA Project List
DSA Project List
C or C++ is the only language which can be used.
No external or third party tool or libraries are allowed.
No marks will be awarded in case of copy or plagiarism without proper
Requirement alteration is not allowed.
No graphical interface is required for all projects.
Projects must be properly commented.
You may submit the project in a group.
You may come up with your own project ideas but they must include core
data structures.
Project List
Think about a University database. In a University
database we have many things for example Students,
Teachers, Courses etc. Each one of them is a Table. So in a
university database there are say three tables, Students,
Teachers and Courses. Now each Student has some
characteristics and so do Teachers and Courses have. In
students say we have Student Name, Roll No and Address.
These properties or characteristics are called Fields. A table
is a name of some Entity and each entity has some
characteristics which are Fields in a Table.
Query Engine:
This engine is nothing much but a service which allows a
user to perform some operations on a table with the help
of a simple string. You have to implement only few
Queries. One is Search, Insert and Delete.
Search Query: Search query should be like as following
SELECT * FROM <table name>
SELECT <field name> FROM <table name>
SELECT <field name> FROM <table name>
WHERE <field name> <condition>
Insert Query: Insert query should be like as following
INSERT INTO <table name> VALUES (<value
1>, <value 2>, <value 3>, …)
Delete Query: Delete query should be like as following
DELETE FROM <table name> Clear all fields
DELETE FROM <table name> WHERE <field
name> <condition>
Bonus Points:
Bonus marks will be awarded if you implement Relations
between tables and an Update Query.
Update Query: Update query should be like as following
UPDATE <table name> SET <field name> =
<value>, <field name> = <value>, …
WHERE <field name> = <value>
Implement Sum, Sub, Mul, Divide and other basic
mathematical formulas. Example: =B1+B2 this will sum
the cell B1 and B2 and result will be shown in the cell
where formula is written.
Bonus Points:
Extra marks will be awarded if you implement multi sheet
system with inter sheet formulas.
Bonus Points:
Bonus marks will be awarded if you implement Turn to Turn
Bonus Points:
Bonus marks will be awarded if you implement a service to
create files to show hard disks and CD/DVD Roms.
Project 6: Dictionary
Level: Easy
This is a simple multi language dictionary. Your dictionary must be
able to do English – English as well as English – Urdu translation of
words. This dictionary must be able to display synonyms and other
information about the word entered for example either it’s a verb,
noun etc. Your dictionary must display the all available information
about the word entered for search. User must be able to add new
words or update information about some word.
Bonus Points:
Bonus marks will be awarded if you allow the user to add
new languages to the dictionary. A language pack is a file,
which contain information about the dictionary.
Bonus Points:
Bonus marks will be awarded if you implement a service to
create signal information files.
Project 8: Portal
Level: Easy
Your system must have all facilities, UCP portal has. Attendance
is not required.
Other Projects
Email System (Easy)
Ludo Game (Intermediate)