Sept. 22, 1970: Electric Power Methods and Apparatus Filed March L, 1968
Sept. 22, 1970: Electric Power Methods and Apparatus Filed March L, 1968
Sept. 22, 1970: Electric Power Methods and Apparatus Filed March L, 1968
BURKE 3,530,316
Filed March l, 1968
af. Z242a27/22
United States Patent Office 3,530,316
Patented Sept. 22, 1970
3,530,316 used, employing a motor, embodying radioactive ma
ELECTRIC POWER METHODS AND APPARATUS terial or in existing electrical systems with radioactive
James O. Burke, 4705 Rolfe Road, material added to amplify the electric current available.
Richmond, Wa. 23226
Continuation-in-part of application Ser. No. 381,754, SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
July 10, 1964. This application Mar. 1, 1968, Ser. 5
No. 709,742 It is, therefore, the primary object of this invention
at CHO3 2/OO to provide a method of amplifying or enlarging existing
U.S. C. 310-3 6 Claims
electrical energy or current, and to further provide a
novel electrical power system, utilizing radioactive emis
ABSTRACT OF THE DISCLOSURE sions or radiations.
Another object of this invention is to provide a method
A method and apparatus for producing and/or ampli and system of enlarging or amplifying electric current by
fying electric current utilizing radioactive material. Cur employing a metal conductor and a source of radioactive
rent from a Suitable source is passed through a conductor emissions in association with each other.
in contact with or under the influence of radioactive ma Another object is to provide and improve electrical
terial to produce a current of higher magnitude than the power Supply Systems which may be relatively lightweight
input current. The current may be conducted by a con and Small in size and, therefore, adaptable for advan
ductive can containing radioactive material, metallic rods tageous use, for example, in high altitude apparatus and
Surrounding or dispersed within radioactive material or craft.
by a coil disposed around the radioactive material. Other objects and advantages of the present invention
will become apparent to those skilled in this art from the
following description of the best mode of carrying out
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION this invention and examples thereof, made in connection
This is a continuation-in-part of application Ser. No. with the accompanying drawing wherein:
381,754, filed July 10, 1964, now Pat. No. 3,409,820. FIG. 1 schematically illustrates a circuit embodying
This invention relates primarily to methods of producing the basic principle of this invention;
and amplifying electric current and apparatus therefor, FIG. 2 is a perspective of another embodiment of the
employing radioactive materials. More specifically, this invention;
invention relates to a method of using radioactive emis 30 FIGS. 3 and 4 illustrate still further embodiments, as
sions to product an electric current by means of an electro will be described.
magnetic field. Referring to schematic FIGS. 1, wherein the best mode
In its preferred form, the invention contemplates pass of carrying out the present invention is illustrated, a cir
ing electric current through a conductor exposed to cuit is shown comprised of a copper cannister 1 filled
radioactive emissions. The theory is that the current will 3 5 with radioactive strontium 90. Conductive contacts 2 of
be increased as it passes through the exposed conductor the same material as the cannister extend from opposite
in that it will be comprised of the original current, the ends thereof and are conductively connected with a suit
radioactive emissions collected by the conductor as elec able electric conductor such as copper wire 3. A source
tricity, and further by the induced electric current created of electrical energy 4 which, in this embodiment is pref
by the various radioactive emissions cutting through the 40 erably a battery, Supplies current to cannister 1, where
flux lines of the magnetic field produced by the original it is conducted through the cannister and subjected to
current in the conductor. the radiation of strontium contained in the cannister, re
In its other embodiments, the invention contemplates Sulting in amplification of the battery supplied current.
the use of a primary electric current to produce a mag Current thus passing through the cannister and being
netic field about a conductor, and the conductor being amplified is then transmitted through conductor 3 to a
exposed to radioactive emissions, whereby current in load 5.
duced in the conductor is comprised essentially (accord The radioactive material in cannister 1 is preferably
ing to the theory of the invention) of the radioactive strontium 90, but may be any radioactive emitter, emitting
emissions (electrons for example) collected by the con alpha, beta, gamma or otherwise designated particles or
ductor and the induced electric current created by the waves, including neutrons, protons, etc., and/or any com
radioactive emissions cutting through the flux lines of bination thereof.
the magnetic field. Such a system has high practical value The radioactive material contained in cannister it may
in atomic powered craft such as Submarines, airplanes, be heated from an external source or from the heat of
space ships, automobiles and the like. In automobiles nuclear radiation of the radioactive material itself, to
and submarines, for example, technological advances in increase the amplifying effect on the current in the cir
batteries have produced smaller, more powerful batteries cuit described in FIG. 1, but such heating is not necessary
occupying less valuable space; however, there still is a or essential to the current amplification System described
definite need to reduce the size and weight power Sources in connection with FIG. 1. Current passing through the
such as this to a minimum. The present invention fulfills conductive cannister is enhanced by the emissions from
such a need by utilizing radioactive material in the main 60 the radioactive material in either case resulting in a cur
power plant to amplify current from one or more bat rent in excess of that produced by the battery and the
teries and thus reduce the original battery weight and radioactive material indirectly.
volume requirements. From the description of FIG. 1, it can be seen that
Another basis of the present invention relates to the this invention relates to the amplification of electric cur
principle of movement of radioactive emissions in elec (55 rent by the emission of radioactive material through or
tromagnetic fields. By the use of electricity an electro about which current is caused to flow, and also the en
magnetic field is produced within a mass of radioactive hancement of electric discharge by causing an electric
material, the emissions from which are affected by the current to flow through the radioactive material. There
magnetic field in such a manner as to produce an electric are many possible physical arrangements whereby an elec
current. tric current can be made to pass through a radioactive
Thus, by employing the basic principle, this invention material, and broadly speaking, the present invention is
has application in any field in which electricity may be intended to encompass any such invention in which elec
3. 4.
tric current supplied by radioactive material is combined and range of equivalency of the claims are therefore to
with electric current from the separate source as described be embraced therein.
in FIG. 1. The separate source may provide either direct What is claimed is:
or alternating current. 1. A method of amplifying electric current in a con
In the embodiment of FIG. 2, a mass of radioactive 5 ductor in a circuit, said conductor containing radio
material is surrounded by or contained within an elec active material comprising the step of producing a mag
trical conductive container 10 similar to cannister 1 of netic field by passing an electric current through said con
FIG. 1, and this body of radioactive material is enclosed ductor.
by a coil 20 which produces a magnetic field within the 2. The method of transforming an electric current of
radioactive material when an electric current is passed 10 low magnitude to a higher magnitude comprising the step
through the coil by means of source 25. The theory of of transmitting electric current from a source thereof
operation is that the magnetic field causes the charged ra through a metallic electrical conductor, said conductor
dioactive emissions to move in response to the polarity being exposed to radioactive emissions.
of the magnetic field, thus creating a flow of charged 3. The method as claimed in claim 2 wherein said con
particles or electric current; at the same time the radio ductor transmitting the electric current is comprised of
active emissions cut through the lines of the magnetic radioactive material.
flux producing additional electric charge or current. The 4. Apparatus for amplifying electric current compris
electric current is collected by connectors 30 at opposite ing a conductive container, radioactive material in Said
ends of the electricity conducting container 1. container, means for connecting said container to a Sup
In FIG. 3, radioactive material in a mass Such as a 20 ply of electric current by which said electric current is
rod 40 has one or more electrically conducting metal transmitted through said radioactive material, and means
rods 50 located adjacent thereto, preferably a sufficient for collecting and transmitting said current from said con
number to surround rod 40 as shown in the drawing. ductive container after said current has passed through
Electricity passed through metal rods 50 either as direct and has been amplified by said radioactive material.
or atternating current produces an electromagnetic field 25 5. Apparatus as claimed in claim 4 wherein a coil is
within the radioactive material which affects its emissions adapted to couple said container to a supply of electric
to produce an electric current. This induced electric cur current and is disposed about said body of radioactive
rent from the radioactive emissions is then collected by material and adapted to produce an electromagnetic field
conectors on each end of the radioactive rod-shaped therein, said coil and supply of electric current being a
material. 30 separate circuit, and said container being connected by
In FIG. 4, another example of a similar production suitable connectors to a work load.
of electric current from radioactive emissions is illus 6. Apparatus comprisinge a plurality of contiguous
trated. A number of radioactive rods 60, in this example rod-shaped members at least one of which has electric
numbering six, are surrounded by metal rods 70 through conductive properties and is comprised of radioactive ma
which eelctric current is caused to flow in either a direct terial, and at least one other of which has electric con
or alternating manner. The resulting electromagnetic ductive properties and is connected to a source of elec
fields affect the radioactive emissions in Such a manner tric current, whereby an electromagnetic field is pro
as to set up an induced electric current which is greater duced therein, and means connected to said radioactive
than that produced without radioactivity; this electric 40 member for collecting and transmitting said secondary
current is utilized by connecting wires to the ends of the current therefrom.
radioactive rods.
The invention may be embodied in other specific forms References Cited
without departing from the spirit or essential character UNITED STATES PATENTS
istics thereof. The present embodiments are, therefore, to 45 2,817,776 12/1957 Cohen --------------- 310-3
be considered in all respects as illustrative and not re
strictive, the scope of the invention being indicated by the RODNEY D. BENNETT, JR., Primary Examiner
appended claims rather than by the foregoing descrip
tion, and all changes which come within the meaning B. L. RIBANDO, Assistant Examiner