Location: Balerkasa, Karangmoncol, Purbalingga, Date: Juni 19 Altitude and Habit
Location: Balerkasa, Karangmoncol, Purbalingga, Date: Juni 19 Altitude and Habit
Location: Balerkasa, Karangmoncol, Purbalingga, Date: Juni 19 Altitude and Habit
Medicinal uses : Melinjo is believed to be effective in the prevention of: Anemia,Cramps,Dog bites,Heart
attack,Hypertension,Stroke , and Ulcers.One of the traditional medicinal uses for melinjo
is as a treatment for dog bites. Since melinjo is full of antioxidants and a high amount of
zinc, topically applying melinjo leaf paste to dog bite wounds can speed up the healing
process.The moderate amounts of potassium in melinjo can minimize the risk of stroke.
As a vasodilator, potassium relaxes the blood vessels in the body and helps blood flow
freely.The antioxidants in melinjo, meanwhile, help regulate blood pressure and reduce
the chances ofhypertension.
Reference :http://bennymorigan.blogspot.com/2008/03/gnetum-gnemon.html