Chapter 1: Family Living: Responsible Parenthood

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defined in the Directional Plan of
FAMILY is defined as a specific group POPCOM, is the will and ability of
of people that may be made up of parents to respond to the needs and
partners, children, parents, aunts, aspirations of the family and children. 
uncles, cousins and grandparents.
The definition of family is the group of Responsible Parenthood doesn’t
people who share common ancestors. limit only on fulfilling the demand of
children and rearing them up properly
FAMILY LIVING services are intended but goes beyond that.
for individuals who are assessed to need 1. Marriage should be done at the right
residential habilitation to ensure health age and marriage helps to start a
and safety while providing the new life and new family in a right
opportunity to live in a typical family time.
setting. 2. The size of family should be decided
by both parents together.
FAMILY LIVING services are intended 3. Being responsible parents also
to increase and promote independence refers to becoming parents at the
and to provide the skills necessary to right age where both of them are
prepare individuals to live on their own physically and mentally mature to
in a non-residential setting, and is start a family.
designed to address assessed needs and 4. Proper spacing between the birth of
identified individual outcomes. children is also necessary for health
of a mother and child. This also
FAMILY LIVING Services promote assure that every child receives the
inclusion in the community and attention and care they serve.
individuals are provided the opportunity
to be involved in the community and 10 principles of the
actively participate using the same
resources and doing the same activities
responsible parenting:
as other community members. Living
Supports assist individuals to access 1. WHAT YOU DO MATTERS
generic and natural supports, and with  This is one of the most important
opportunities to establish or maintain principles
meaningful relationships throughout the  Children learn from the parents
 They see, observe, imitate and
adapt the behavior of the parents
FAMILY LIVING Support services
assist and encourage individuals to grow  One needs to act the same way
and develop, to gain autonomy, become that they want their children to
self-governing and pursue their own be
interests and goals.
FAMILY communication is usually 2. YOU CANNOT BE TOO
interface interpersonal communication. LOVING
The family is the smallest segment of  Everybody loves their child
the society and the family members
 But the love of parents should
discuss various topics of interest sharing
never spoil them
freely their thoughts - happiness,
frustration, fear, pain and joy etc.
 In fact, it’s the things like 7. BE CONSISTENT
leniency, material possession that  Consistency is the key to
spoils them disciplines.
 Parents need to be careful on  Rules for children shouldn’t
that matters change from day to day. This
makes the children confuse.

3. BE INVOLVED IN YOUR  Before that, the parents need to

CHILD’S LIFE make sure that the rules made
 It is necessary for parents to be are logical and based on valid
involved in child’s life in both reason and are not just
physical way and mental way imposition of power.

 Parents needs to talk to them

and also listen them carefully 8. AVOID HARSH DISCIPLINE
 Patents should manage to  Parents should never adopt the
provide at least 15 minutes of harsh way.
undivided attention towards  They should never hit a child,
children every day. under any circumstances.
 This has negative impacts on
FIT YOUR CHILD  Punishment should be mild and
 Parents needs to keep the track used carefully.
and pace with the child’s
 Parents need to understand the DECISIONS
children milestone as per the age  Good parents have clear
5. ESTABLISH AND SET RULES  They communicate this to their
 Parent need to maintain and children in clear way and explain
regulate the child’s behavior. them as per their age.
 Strict actions and punishment 
may also be required. 10. TREAT YOUR CHILD
 Parents can set up the rules and WITH RESPECT
make children follow them.  Children should be treated with
 Rules can simply vary from table equal respect.
rules to curfew rules.  Their views, opinions should be
listened and valued.

6. FOSTER YOUR CHILD’S  Speak politely.

INDEPENDENCE  Treat him kindly.
 A responsible parent needs to  This is the best way to teach
teach their children self-control them how to treat and respect
and encourage independence. others.
 Parents should teach them to
make responsible decisions and
shouldn’t frequently intervene in CHAPTER 2: FOOD
their choices.
FOOD is any substance consumed to
provide nutritional support for
an organism. Food is usually
of plant or animal origin, and contains dietary requirements while planning a
essential nutrients, such menu. Perhaps your guests have special
as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamin diet they follow such as low fat, vegan
s, or minerals. and kosher. Before any event, it is
important for an event planner to find
MEAL PREPARATION out guests’ special dietary needs so that
the catering manager can address those
A MEAL PLAN is any strategy used to needs prior to the event.
map out what you're going to eat. This  SEASONAL AND LOCAL
term may refer to following a specific FRESH ITEMS:
diet, or it may just indicate the process
of thinking through what you plan to eat While drafting the menu,
beforehand. consider seasons too as it plays vital
role in the selection of food and
beverages. Including local and seasonal
Factors to Consider to Meal
products in the menu can really reflect
Preparation for Special the time and place of your event.
Occasion Another important factor is to consider
the region or location of the event and
PLANING an event means planning for popular food items from the local area.
various things simultaneously.
Preparation of menu is one of its parts.
Choosing the right caterer in this regard
is one step to success of the event. For Time is the most important and
the successful organization of the event, greatest guide to determine the menu
planner has to draft best menu. for an event. Special occasions like
Christmas, birthdays, anniversaries, etc.
require special menus. If the event is
starting with breakfast or lunches, then
If you want a successful event,
menu should offer items that can hold
then event planner should consider type
up for longer periods of time without
of guests (attendees) at first. Business
ruining the integrity of the food. Box
professional attends number of events
lunches are best if you have time limit
throughout the year. Consider the
professional level of guests, residence of
your guests and ethnic background of BREAD & PASTRY
your guests.
BREAD baked food product made
For any event planner it is necessary to
of flour or meal that is moistened,
understand the likes and dislikes of your
kneaded, and sometimes fermented. A
major food since prehistoric times, it has
 OFFER VARIETY: been made in various forms using a
As a host, it is your responsibility variety of ingredients and methods
to entertain your guest and make the throughout the world. The first bread
program best so that they always was made in Neolithic times, nearly
remember the program and you as well. 12,000 years ago, probably of coarsely
The menu should address each and crushed grain mixed with water, with
every guest. the resulting dough probably laid on
heated stones and baked by covering
with hot ashes. The Egyptians
With many health related and apparently discovered that
religion issues and preferences, event allowing wheat dough.
planner should anticipate the special
handy. With a thermometer, you will
quickly gauge how much time your
PASTRY is a dough of flour, water and
creation needs before it is ready to cut
shortening that may be savoury or
up and serve.
sweetened. Sweetened pastries are
often described as bakers'
confectionery. The word "pastries" An offset spatula is a long,
suggests many kinds of baked products flat metal spatula that rises up just
before it enters the handle. It's used for
made from ingredients such as flour,
spreading frostings on cakes and
sugar, milk, butter, shortening, baking
spreading thick batter in pans
powder, and eggs.


ESSENTAIL TOOLS AND Baking is all about precision, so
EQUIPMENT IN BREAD having a full set of measuring cups and
AND PASTRY spoons on hand is a must. Don’t think
you can get by with just one type of
1. MIXING BOWL measuring cup—you’ll need both dry
This is one of the most basic and wet measuring cups to accurately
necessities that anybody should have if measure all your ingredients for pretty
they want to make bread. To  mix your much any baking recipe. Keep these
dough  together, you need a special tools in an easy-to-reach spot, because
bowl or tub for doing this. you’ll use them all the time.
Most measuring spoon sets have
2. MEASURING SCALE a tablespoon, teaspoon, ½ teaspoon,
Quality cuisine requires the right and ¼ teaspoon, while most measuring
amount  of ingredients. Bread and cups come in sets with one cup, ½ cup,
pastries are especially this way. 1/3 cup, and ¼ cup. For liquid
measuring cups, you can get by with a
3. BENCH KNIFE 1-cup size, but it can be handy to have
A bench knife is a dull knife 2-cup and 4-cup ones in your cupboard,
which is shaped like a rectangle. They too.
are used for a wide array of tasks in
making bread and pastries. This 7. PASTRY BRUSH
includes spreading butter, portioning out This handy tool has more uses
the mixture, leveling it out, and so on. than you realized. It can be used to
grease a pan before pouring in cake
4. BOWL SCRAPER batter, to coat dough with melted butter
Anybody who has tried to scoop or egg wash, or to “paint” milk on top of
out the thick and creamy mixture from a a piecrust. Especially if you’re a frequent
bowl knows how difficult this can be. baker, this is a must-have!
Although you don’t necessarily need this
item, having a bowl scraper around is 8. WHISK
nice to cut back  on your preparation Sure, you can use a wire whisk to
time. beat together a few eggs, but it’s handy
for other things too. In particular, it’s
5. THERMOMETER one of the best ways to thoroughly mix
Few things are worse than pulling together dry ingredients and is also
out bread, cake, cookies, or pastries great for stirring together a homemade
from the oven only to realize that custard.
the core is still raw. As a result, this is
where having a thermometer comes in
9. ROLLING PIN instead of one long cut—dragging a
Rolling pins are definitely the knife through pastry can tear and
most useful for rolling out piecrusts, toughen it.
cookie dough, and puff pastry, but there 15. FOOD PROCESSOR
are other ways you can put this tool to While having this kitchen
work in your kitchen. appliance can certainly speed some
recipes along, you can also usually get
10. WIRE RACK by without one. You can crush cookies
No one wants soggy, overbaked and crackers for crusts with a rolling
cookies and cakes for dessert, so make pin, and you can mix up piecrusts in a
sure you’ve got a wire rack on hand in good old-fashioned bowl with a pastry
your kitchen. This handy tool allows air cutter (or two knives). 
to circulate around baked goods as they
cool, so they’ll taste just as great at 16. BLENDER
room temperature as they did fresh out A blender will definitely make
of the oven. some recipes quicker, but it doesn’t
have a ton of uses for bakers beyond
11. HAND MIXER/STAND MIXER pureeing fruit sauces. Of course, if you
While you don’t need to go all- love a morning smoothie on your way
out on a fancy stand mixer, you do need out the door, you’ll want a blender on
at least a hand mixer in your arsenal of hand in your kitchen.
baking tools. It makes mixing up doughs
and batters much easier and quicker, 17. BAKING PAN
and it’s by far the best way to mix A flat pan with straight sides that
ingredients into a thick, stiff cookie are ¾” or taller, which is used
dough without tiring out your arm. for baking food in the oven. Baking
pans are used to hold runny batters,
12. PARCHMENT PAPER such as cake batter and thick solid
If you haven’t been baking with masses of food, such as savory hot dish
parchment paper, start now! Spreading recipes.
a sheet over your pan before you start
baking cookies will make clean-up much
easier and prevent your baked goods COMMON BAKING
from sticking to the pan.
If you’re big on baking pies and SIEVE - Most recipes will instruct you to
biscuits, this is a handy tool to have—it’ll sieve dry ingredients. The main reason
make cutting cold butter or shortening is to add more of that all important air
into flour much easier. But if you don’t to the batter. Sieved flour will yield a
have one in your kitchen, you can use greater volume (not mass) than non -
two butter knives instead. Just move the sieved flour.
knives in a crisscross motion to cut the To sieve like an all star baker,
butter into the flour. step one is to make sure that the sieve
is completely dry. Hold the sieve a good
14. PASTRY WHEEL distance from the bowl and tap gently
This tool is handy to have for with your free hand so that the dry
frequent pie-makers but not necessary ingredients fall a little distance to the
for more casual bakers. It can definitely bowl, thereby incorporating air.
be used to cut pastry dough smoothly,
but in a pinch, you can use a sharp knife
instead. Just be sure to make level slices
FOLD - Folding is a delicate technique BC).Handmade chain stitch embroidery
used to mix ingredients (like flour or does not require that the needle pass
stiffly whipped egg whites) thoroughly through more than one layer of fabric.
into a batter without deflating it.
Folding is done by hand using a STRAIGHT STITCH- is a class of
thin rubber spatula or a metal spoon. simple embroidery and sewing stitches
Add ingredients to a batter in thirds as in which individual stitches are made
this helps keep the mixture light. without crossing or looping the thread.
These stitches are used to form broken
or unbroken lines or starbursts, fill
CHAPTER 3: CLOTHING shapes and create geometric designs

SEWING is the craft of fastening or ZIGZAG STITCH - is variant geometry

attaching objects using stitches made of the lockstitch. It is a back-and-forth
with a needle and thread. Sewing is one stitch used where a straight stitch will
of the oldest of the textile arts, arising not suffice, such as in reinforcing
in the Paleolithic era. Before the buttonholes, in stitching stretchable
invention of spinning yarn fabrics, and in temporarily joining two
or weaving fabric, archaeologists believe work pieces edge-to-edge.
Stone Age people across Europe and
sewed fur and skin clothing using bone,  RUNNING STITCH - is the
antler or ivory needles and "thread" basic stitch in hand-sewing
made of various animal body parts and embroidery, on which all other
including sinew, catgut, and veins. forms of sewing are based. The stitch is
worked by passing the needle in and out
For thousands of years, all
of the fabric at a regular distance. The
sewing was done by hand. The
needle is always pushed through both
invention of the sewing machine in the
layers of cloth starting on the side it is
19th century and the rise
on and ending on the other side. A
of computerization in the 20th century
running stitch runs through the fabric.
led to mass production and export of
Running stitches are most often not
sewn objects, but hand sewing is still
visible as they are used to close seams.
practiced around the world. Fine hand
sewing is a characteristic of high-
BACK STITCH - a class
quality tailoring, haute couture fashion,
of embroidery and sewing  stitches in
and custom dressmaking, and is which individual stitches are made
pursued by both textile backward to the general direction
artists and hobbyists as a means of of sewing. In embroidery, these stitches
creative expression. form lines and are most often used to
outline shapes and to add fine detail to an
embroidered picture. It is also used to
MACHINE STITCHES embroider lettering. In hand sewing, it is a
utility stitch which strongly and permanently
attaches two pieces of fabric.
a sewing and embroidery technique in
which a series of looped stitches form SATIN STITCH - is a series of flat
a chain-like pattern. Chain stitch is an stitches that are used to completely cover a
ancient craft – examples of section of the background fabric. Narrow
surviving Chinese chain stitch rows of satin stitch can be executed on a
embroidery worked in silk thread have standard sewing machine using
been dated to the Warring States a zigzag stitch or a special satin stitch foot.
period (5th – 3rd century
COMMON HAND STITCHES straight, horizontal line across both your
front and back. If you have someone to
CROSS-STITCH-in embroidery, needle
help, you record the measurement at
point, and other forms
the front with your hand down at your
of needlework include a number of
related stitches in which the thread is
sewn in an x or + shape. Usually used 2. WAIST AND HIPS
for decoration, but may also be used for
seams To measure your waist, don't
measure where your pants finish - this
is not your natural waist! Your waist is
sewing is a method of joining two pieces
the smallest part of your torso and right
of fabric so that the stitch thread is
underneath your rib cage near your
invisible, or nearly invisible. Blind
belly button. Make sure the tape is even
stitching hides stitching under folded
across the front and back and parallel to
edges; therefore, this type of stitch can
the floor.
be used to create a blind hem or to join
two folded edges together. To measure the hips, keep this in
mind: it is not where the top of your hip
bone is, it is actually around the largest
DARNING STITCH - is part of your hip area.
a sewing technique for repairing holes or
worn areas 3. FRONT WAIST LENGTH
in fabric or knitting using needle and thre
ad alone. It is often done by hand, but it is Start measuring from the side
also possible to darn with a sewing base of your neck, at the top shoulder
machine. for repairing holes or worn areas line, and going down towards your waist
in fabric or knitting level passing over your bust point. Try
to keep the tape as straight as possible.
BLANKET STITCH - is a stitch used to To measure bust depth, use the same
reinforce the edge of thick materials. starting point on the shoulder as your
Used to finish an unhemmed blanket front waist length, measuring down to
the apex of your bust point.
BASTING STITCH (US) - is to make
quick, temporary stitching intended to 4. BACK WAIST LENGTH
be removed. For reinforcement or for
temporarily holding fabric in place This one is definitely a two
(same as Tack). person job, so call a friend and have
them measure from the nape of the
neck, down your spine and to your
BODY MEASUREMENT waist. To measure the back width,
measure horizontally between your arm
1.NECK AND BUST attachment points (underarm).
To measure your neck, pull the tape
around the middle, coming from the
back to the front. It should sit at the This is your shoulder seam
base of the neck above the collar bone. length. Measure from the base of your
neck right in the middle of your shoulder
To measure your bust, bring the
(from a bird's eye view) and along to
tape around your back and around to
the tip of your shoulder. If you have
the front. Pull it around the apex (or
trouble determining your shoulder tip,
fullest) point of your bust. It should be
find a garment in your closet that fits
aligned parallel to the floor, making a
well and has a collar and sleeve. Then
measure the shoulder length of the the pattern. Drafting is used to create
garment. To measure under the arm, basic, foundation or design patterns.
wrap your measuring tape around the
fullest part of your arm above your
elbow. DRAPING:

6. ARM LENGTH It involves the draping of a two

dimensional piece of fabric around a
Have your arm just slightly bent, form, conforming to its shape, creating
and measure from the tip of your a three-dimensional fabric pattern. This
shoulder over the elbow to your wrist muslin is transferred to paper to be
line. You will also need a friend for this used as a final pattern (Armstrong).
measurement. Ease allowances for movement are
added to make the garment comfortable
to wear. Advantage of draping is that
the designer can see the overall design
effect of the finished garment on the
PATTERN MAKING - Is an art. It is body form before the garment piece is
the art of manipulating and shaping a cut and sewn. However, it is more
flat piece of fabric to conform to one or expensive and time consuming than flat
more curves of the human figure . pattern making.
Pattern making is a bridge function
between design and production. A
sketch can be turned into a garment via FLAT PATTERN MAKING:
a pattern which interprets the design in
It involves the development of a
the form of the garment components.
fitted basic pattern with comfort ease to
fit a person or body form. A sloper is the
A pattern is flat while the body is starting point for flat pattern designing.
not. The body has height, width and It is a simple pattern that fits the body
depth. Within this roughly cylindrical with just enough ease for movement
framework there are a series of and comfort (Shoben and Ward). Five
secondary curves and bulges, which are basic pattern pieces are used for
of concern to the pattern maker. Darts women’s clothing. They include a snug-
are the basis of all pattern making. They fitting bodice front and bodice back with
convert the flat piece of cloth into a darts and a basic neckline, a sleeve and
three dimensional form, which fits the a fitted skirt front and back with darts.
bulges of the body. However, as fashion changes frequently
women’s styles fluctuate frequently.
These basic slopers are then
METHODS OF PATTERN manipulated to create fashions.
MAKING A basic sloper has no seam
allowances, which facilitates its
manipulations to various styles. It has
It involves measurements derived from no design interest, only construction
sizing systems or accurate lines are marked on it. It is necessary
measurements taken on a person, dress that the basic structure of a sloper
or body form. Measurements for chest, should be such that adjustments can be
waist, hip and so on, and ease introduced easily. For a good pattern
allowances are marked on paper and making, accurate measurements are of
construction lines are drawn to complete utmost importance.
decorative objects are made completely
by hand or by using only simple tools.

Almost every family in the

Philippines owns one or more handicraft
Pattern making today has products like baskets, brooms, feather
become an easy job with the use of the dusters, bamboo sofa set, cabinets, and
computers. Now-a-days different other furniture. Accessories like
software’s are available in the market to earrings, bracelets, necklaces, and other
meet the needs of the manufacturers. clothing apparel which young people
The different software’s used today are fond of wearing are also made
are Gerber, Lectra, Tukatech , OptiTex from native products like beads, shells,
etc. These software’s has made the job seeds, and others. This is a clear
of the Pattern master easier. They have indication that our handicraft industry is
made the process of pattern making enjoying the patronage of Filipinos
more economical and less time nationwide.
Today, many Filipinos are
engaged in handicraft businesses.
Pattern -making software’s  enables Handicraft-making has become a means
you to input your measurements and of livelihood for them, especially now
draft out a pattern. These software’s that many handicraft owners are
draft patterns to fit your measurements exporting their products to Japan,
specifically, eliminating much fitting trial United states, Canada, Australia, Hong
and error in the sewing room. Kong, Singapore, and other countries
around the world.
A pattern can be made from a 3D
form in just a few steps by using these The Philippines is the second
software’s. An individual's largest world producer of handicrafts,
measurements are collected from 3D mainly baskets out of indigenous
body scanner. The measurements are materials. This industry continues to
used to create a virtual 3D model of the provide a respectable contribution to
individual's body. The 3D to 2D software foreign exchange earning of the country
allows the user to define a garment (US$71.9M in 2000) while many
surface in relation to the 3D body handicraft items are also sold on the
model. Once the garment surface is local market. All together, the sector is
defined, the application automatically providing livelihood to more than 1
unwraps and outputs a 2D flat pattern million Filipinos. Although the industry
in .dxf format has experienced some setbacks over the
last ten years, it has kept the respect of
the high-end markets in the United
CHAPTER 4:HANDICRAFT States, European Union, and Japan and
has only lost a great part of the low-end
market to China, our main competitor.

A particular skill of making

decorative objects by hand. A Despite this, Filipino craftsmen
handicraft, sometimes more precisely have indigenously overcome scarcity
expressed as artisanal handicraft or and increasing prices of raw materials
handmade, is any of a wide variety of by constantly producing new designs for
types of work where useful and their products. Over the years,
Philippine handicrafts have evolved
through innovative changes in designs of support. While bamboo can grow
reinforced by exciting choices and on its own, rattan cannot.
combination of indigenous materials.
BAMBOO – Stems of bamboo plants
There is, however still ample room for
are stronger and flexible. Bamboo
improvement, particularly in remote
grows in all parts of the country – in
upland communities with little access to
plains, forests, hills and mountains.
market information, brokering services,
capital, and technologies for value COCONUT SHELLS – Coconut trees
addition. are abundant in the Philippines.
Coconut shells vary in thickness and
color depending on the age of the
COMMON TOOLS IN nut. They are used for fuel and for
HANDICRAFT manufacturing articles such as
buttons, pins, coin banks, lamp
shades, and flower vases.
 Mallet
 Screwdriver FIBERS – They come from plants
 Pliers where fibers or threadlike substances
 Coping saw are extracted. Fibers from coconut
 Chisel husks, buri, maguey, pineapple,
 Hand drill abaca, and banana are used in
 Wrench making mattresses, carpet, and seat
 Clamp pads.
 Knife
 Smoothing plane
 Cross-Cut-Saw
 Paintbrush DYEING - Dyeing in textiles is a process in
 Folding rule, zigzag rule, steel which color is transferred to a finished
rule textile or textile material (like fibers and
 Pencil yarns) to add permanent and long-lasting
 Compass color. ... When the textile and the dye come
 Hammer into contact, the textile is completely
 Blowtorch saturated by the dye and colored.

 Soldering iron

BLEACHING - help remove or

COMMON MATERIALS IN camouflage the blemishes or
HANDICRAFT discoloration, hence improves the
surface appearance of the raw
materials. It focuses on the methods for
ABACA – known worldwide as
removing fungal discoloration to
Manila hemp. Abaca fiber is obtained
enhance product quality and improve
from the leaf sheaths of the abaca
(Musa textiles Nee) and is
considered as the strongest among the process of adding colour to textile
natural fibers. products like fibers, yarns, and fabrics.
RATTAN – is superficially similar to
bamboo, but distinct in that the
stems are solid, rather than hollow,
and also in their need for some sort
RETTING- is a process employing the PARTS OF PROJECT PLAN
action of micro-organisms and moisture
on plants to dissolve or rot away much 1. TITLE – Title of the project
of the cellular tissues and pectin’s 2. OBJECTIVES - It is your
surrounding bast- fibre bundles, and so objectives/purpose why you are
facilitating separation of the fibre from creatin/constructing certain
the stem. project
3. DESCRIPTION – It is a brief
- entails soaking the materials in information about the project.
water and through bacterial action the 4. BILL OF MATERIALS – It is a
unusable parts decay and fibers are table where complete
extracted then dried. specifications or description of
materials are written.
PRE-CONSTRUCTION - techniques is a list of all tools and
pertain to the preparation of materials equipment needed to
after harvest and before use. accomplished the project.
6. PROCEDURE – It is a step by
step process/procedure until the
project is accomplished.
DRYING - Exposing to the sun to
7. SKETCH – This is a sketch/
eliminate moisture.
drawing of finished project.





PROJECT PLAN - Is formal, approved
document used to guide both project
execution and project control. The
primary use of the project plan are to
document planning assumptions and
decisions, facilitate communication
among project stakeholders, and
document approved scope, cost,
and schedule baselines. A project plan
may be summarized or detailed.

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