For one to two reasons data may not be in a format that can be integrated into AutoCAD
software, but coordinates may be separated by other text, spaces or symbols (e.g ‘=’). MS
Excel can allow us to separate data into the X,Y components and recombine them in a format
that AutoCAD can plot on-the-fly (X,Y).
MS Excel
Splitting data to reveal X,Y data by using the Convert Text to Columns
2. On the Data tab, in the Data Tools group, click Text to Columns.
3. In Step 1 of the Convert Text to Columns Wizard, click Delimited, and then click
4. In Step 2, select the Space check box, and then clear the other check boxes under
The Data preview box shows the first and last names in two separate columns.
The CONCATENATE Function has one required argument and up to 255 arguments, all
separated by commas. The arguments can be text strings, numbers, or single-cell references.
In my spreadsheet example, cell B2 could be the X-coordinate values and while cell C2 could
be the Y- coordinate value. The following formula will combine these two in cell D2:
5. Click Next.
AutoCAD is a Computer Aided Design software which can replace the traditional drawing
board, ruler, set squares, French curves, pencils, erasers, etc that were used for making a map.
The basic Information Technology knowledge required to use AutoCAD is how computers
work and the Windows Operating System. The user needs to understand the concept of the
graphical user interface whiles appreciating the alternative of using a command to instruct the
computer to get a particular task done. The characteristics of the Windows operating system
(Windows 8, Vista, etc) comprises, menus, forms, text boxes, buttons, toolbars, listboxes, etc.
Most tools available in AutoCAD and alternate commands used are self explanatory. For
example the line command or line command draws a line. This command can be accessed via
the graphical user interface or by the ‘Line’ command. AutoCAD is has a very interactive
interface and help menu (Press F1) so the user is encouraged to explore the possibilities with
this software. Also there are options for any particular command. For example the fillet
command gives you the option to define a fillet radius which means you do not get the right
angle corner but a curve joining the two lines being filleted.
1. If you want to plot your points using the coordinates: In excel get your data in x,y
format as described above (Splitting data to reveal X,Y data by using the Convert
Text to Columns).
2. This can be done by creating an equation to concatenate the data; e.g =A1&","&B1
where cells A1 and B1 hold the x, y values.
3. Highlight the new column and press Ctrl+C (copy).
4. In autocad start the multiple command and follow it with the point command, when it
prompts you for a start point, paste the coordinates (Ctrl+V) at the command line.
Zoom to extents to view all the points plotted.
5. We will now join the points with lines that are perpendicular as shown in the
assignment (buildings have right angled corners).
6. To do this draw the first line and let this be the base line based on which all other
lines should be drawn either parallel or perpendicular to (you will have used the T-
square and set squares to do this if plotting manually).
7. Next the copy command will be used to [multiple] copy this line (and its orientation)
and paste to all other points (by snapping).
8. To obtain a perpendicular line either;
9. Rotate one of the lines drawn above by 90 degrees in a clockwise or anticlockwise
direction or
10. Draw a line and snap perpendicular to the existing base line (see snapping command).
QUIT Exits AutoCAD -- if the current drawing has not been Saveds in its
current state, a dialogue box will appear asking if you want to Save
the drawing, Discard the changes, or Cancel the Exit command
SELECT Groups objects into selection sets for You can also click (graphically) to
use in subsequent commands select