Earth and Planetary Science Letters: Andreas Fichtner, Antonio Villaseñor
Earth and Planetary Science Letters: Andreas Fichtner, Antonio Villaseñor
Earth and Planetary Science Letters: Andreas Fichtner, Antonio Villaseñor
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: We present a full-waveform tomographic model of the western Mediterranean crust and mantle
Received 21 April 2015 constructed from complete three-component recordings from permanent and temporary networks. The
Received in revised form 13 July 2015 incorporation of body and multi-mode surface waves in the period range from 12–150 s allows us to
Accepted 16 July 2015
jointly resolve crustal and mantle structures, including the Guadalquivir, Tajo and Ebro basins at shallow
Available online xxxx
Editor: B. Buffett
depth, as well as the western Mediterranean subduction system in the transition zone. No mantle
plumes can be detected beneath the European Cenozoic rift system, including the Massif Central. In
Keywords: addition to the well-studied Alboran slab, a strong E-W trending high-velocity anomaly is present around
seismic tomography 200–300 km depth beneath the Algerian coast. This previously undetected African slab is detached from
western Mediterranean the surface and broken into two segments. It may be interpreted as the slab that caused the opening of
full-waveform inversion the Liguro–Provençal basin through successive roll-back between 35–15 Ma.
computational seismology © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
0012-821X/© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A. Fichtner, A. Villaseñor / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 428 (2015) 52–62 53
Fig. 1. Geologic map of the Mediterranean and surrounding regions. Selected features referred to in the text are labelled. Key to abbreviations: AB: Alboran basin, EB: Ebro
basin, GB: Guadalquivir basin, L-P basin: Liguro–Provençal basin, MA: Middle Atlas, PB: Po basin, RV: Rhône valley, TB: Tajo basin, VT: Valencia trough.
Fig. 2. Source-receiver distribution in the western Mediterranean region. Beachballs indicate the source mechanisms and locations of the 52 earthquakes used in our inversion.
Great circles connecting sources and receivers are plotted in lighter colour when coverage is high. The black solid box marks the boundary of the computational domain for
numerical wave propagation. Recordings are only chosen from within the inner grey box to avoid contamination by artificial reflections from imperfect absorbing boundaries.
1.2. Full-waveform inversion structure, without requiring crustal corrections. Furthermore, the
vertical smearing in pure body wave tomography is reduced, thus
Following early developments in the 1980s (e.g. Lailly, 1983; avoiding the appearance of artificial plume-like features.
Tarantola, 1984), full-waveform inversion has only recently devel-
oped into a viable tool for the assimilation of seismic waveform 1.3. Objectives and outline
data into 3-D Earth models (e.g. Chen et al., 2007; Tape et al.,
2010; Rickers et al., 2013). Using complete seismograms instead The objective of this work is to exploit both the high sta-
of few selected phases generally improves tomographic resolution. tion density in the western Mediterranean and the benefits of
The crust and upper mantle benefit most from the application full-waveform inversion that naturally assimilates all seismic wave
of full-waveform inversion for various reasons: (i) The numeri- types into a 3-D model where crust and mantle are jointly con-
cal forward modelling produces accurate synthetic seismograms strained. We deliberately stay on a rather technical level, empha-
in the presence of strong heterogeneities. This aspect is particu- sising quantitative aspects of the model. A detailed geologic inter-
larly important for short-period surface waves propagating near pretation is beyond the scope of this paper but work in progress.
sharp ocean–continent boundaries. (ii) Complex 3-D Earth struc- This paper is organised as follows: We begin in Section 2
ture results in complex 3-D sensitivity kernels that can be com- with a description of the waveform data used in the inversion.
puted accurately with the help of adjoint techniques. The use of This includes information on provenance, selection, and process-
more approximate sensitivity kernels, based for instance on ray ing. Section 3 summarises the construction of the tomographic
theory, may reduce or impede convergence in the iterative non- model, providing details on the initial model, forward modelling
linear inversion. (iii) The inversion of complete waveforms, includ- and nonlinear iterative inversion. A key element of this work is a
ing body and surface waves, constrains both crustal and mantle quantitative resolution analysis presented in Section 4. This will be
54 A. Fichtner, A. Villaseñor / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 428 (2015) 52–62
followed by a description of the model, including crustal structure, Following the measurements, LASIF computes adjoint sources,
anisotropy and upper-mantle heterogeneities. In Section 7 we pro- needed as input in the adjoint calculations that produce sensitiv-
vide a more detailed discussion of selected structural features, as ity kernels (e.g. Tarantola, 1984; Tromp et al., 2005; Fichtner et
well as a comparison with previous tomographic models. al., 2006). The sensitivity kernels are used to drive a conjugate-
gradient optimisation. During the inversion no distinction is made
2. Data between crustal and mantle structure. Specifically, the effective
crustal thickness and crustal velocities are free to vary as de-
The data used in this study are a compilation of three- manded by the data. In addition to eliminating the need for crustal
component seismograms from earthquakes that occurred in the corrections, this approach ensures that artefacts from incorrect
Mediterranean region (Fig. 2). For broadband stations belonging shallow structure are minimised. In contrast to the approach advo-
to permanent networks we obtained waveform data from IRIS cated by Fichtner et al. (2013a), we did not use updated western
( and the Virtual European Broadband Seismic Net- Mediterranean structure to improve the surrounding Earth model.
work (VEBSN) of ORFEUS ( We complemented This type of multiscale refinement is work in progress and will be
this dataset with data from regional networks, and with data from reported in later publications.
temporary broadband deployments. The largest of these is Iber- We terminated the optimisation after 20 iterations, that is
Array (Díaz et al., 2009) that covered northern Morocco and the when the misfit reduction in one iteration dropped below 1%. After
iterations 5 and 15 we re-inverted for the source locations and ori-
Iberian Peninsula in three consecutive deployments, starting in the
gin times. Inversions for the moment tensor components did not
south in 2007 and ending in the north in 2013, resulting in a total
lead to any significant misfit reduction after iteration 5, and were
of 167 sites. Subsequently, other temporary networks have been
thus not attempted again. The total misfit reduction after 20 itera-
installed in Spain and Morocco, expanding and densifying the cov-
tion was nearly 80%.
erage of IberArray. The PASSCAL experiment PICASSO (90 stations
in southern Spain and northern Morocco) and smaller arrays de-
4. Resolution analysis
ployed by the Universities of Münster, Germany (15 stations) and
Bristol, UK (6 stations) have greatly improved the coverage in pre-
Before the detailed presentation of the final model in Sections 5
viously unsampled regions of central and southern Morocco.
and 6, we provide a resolution analysis that will later serve as in-
For events with magnitudes above 5.0, we obtained initial mo-
terpretative aid. We quantify resolution in terms of direction- and
ment tensor estimates from the Global Centroid Moment Tensor
position-dependent resolution length, defined as the width of the
catalog ( To optimise coverage, we incorpo-
point-spread function in a given location and direction (e.g. Backus
rated data from smaller earthquakes with magnitudes between 3.6
and Gilbert, 1968; Yanovskaya, 1997). Since point-spread functions
and 4.0 that occurred during the operation period of the tem-
in the vicinity of the optimal model are equal to the columns
porary broadband networks (2007–2013). For these earthquakes,
of the Hessian, we can use second-order adjoints (Fichtner and
we obtained initial moment tensor solutions using the method of
Trampert, 2011) to extract resolution information. To keep compu-
Herrmann et al. (2011).
tational requirements low, we employ random probing techniques
To prepare the data for the inversion, we removed instrument
that estimate resolution length from the application of the Hessian
responses and bandpass filtered between 12 and 120 s period. We
to a small number (typically <5) of random test models (Fichtner
then inspected all recordings and rejected those where the signal-
and van Leeuwen, 2015). Our resolution analysis is more quantita-
to-noise ratio was below ∼10. Our final dataset contains 13,089
tive and less computationally expensive than recovery tests of the
three-component recordings from 52 events. The source-receiver
checkerboard-type that may be misleading even if the Earth were
distribution is shown in Fig. 2.
a checkerboard, too (Lévêque et al., 1993).
Fig. 3 summarises the 3-D distributions of resolution length in
3. Model construction N-S, E-W and radial directions. As already observed in ray tomog-
raphy, resolution length is strongly heterogeneous and anisotropic
Our model constitutes a regional refinement of the Eurasian (e.g. Yanovskaya, 1997). In the horizontal directions, resolution
model by Fichtner et al. (2013b). For the regional refinement length within the upper 50 km varies from 30–400 km. While lo-
in the western Mediterranean we apply full-waveform inversion cal minima at shallow depth appear beneath the Aegean and the
based on spectral-element solutions of the anisotropic, visco- Iberian Peninsula where coverage is dense, resolution is less op-
elastic wave equation. Our GPU-accelerated solver operates in the timal beneath the south-central Mediterranean where few surface
natural spherical coordinate system (Gokhberg and Fichtner, in ray paths cross.
press) and applies perfectly-matched layers to absorb unphysical With increasing depth, resolution length characteristics are less
reflections from the boundaries of the computational domain. To dominated by surface waves, and more a function of body wave
ensure sufficient accuracy of the numerical solutions, we employ 2 coverage. Therefore, the resolved volume shrinks with increasing
elements per minimum wavelength. depth. Nevertheless, resolution lengths on the order of 50 km
For the comparison between observed and synthetic seismo- are possible to depths of ∼600 km in regions where sufficiently
grams we employ our recently developed LArge-scale Seismic In- many wave paths cross. As a result of predominantly E-W oriented
version Framework (LASIF, Krischer et al., 2015). In addition to source-receiver paths (Fig. 2), resolution in N-S direction is mostly
data management and processing, LASIF provides a pre-selection of better than in E-W direction.
time windows where observed and synthetic waveforms are suffi- Resolution length in radial direction is more homogeneous and
ciently similar to allow for meaningful measurements of time- and shorter than in the horizontal directions because fundamental- and
frequency-dependent phase differences (Fichtner et al., 2008). Sub- higher-mode surface waves enter the inversion. Regions with poor
sequently, we manually inspect the data and refine the window horizontal resolution may in fact be well resolved in radial di-
selection. Windows comprise any type of seismic wave, includ- rection when few surface wave paths spread heterogeneities over
ing body waves, fundamental- and higher-mode surface waves, as wide areas while still constraining them to the correct depth range.
well as unidentified phases. The window selection procedure is re- Resolution in radial direction could not be computed at 20 km
peated on average every 5 iterations to ensure that information depth because a reliable estimate of the point-spread function
from as many windows as possible is exploited. width requires a sufficiently large volume around the location of
A. Fichtner, A. Villaseñor / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 428 (2015) 52–62 55
Fig. 3. Resolution length in N-S direction (left), E-W direction (centre) and radial direction (right). Regions where the volume of the local point-spread functions is below 1%
of the maximum point-spread function volume, are blanked.
interest that is not available close to the surface (Fichtner and van 5.1. Absolute isotropic S velocity
Leeuwen, 2015). A detailed resolution analysis of the surrounding
model can be found in Fichtner et al. (2013b). We define the absolute isotropic S velocity as v 2S = 23 v 2SV + 13 v 2SH .
Horizontal slices through the upper 40 km are shown in Fig. 4.
5. Crustal and uppermost-mantle structure Vertical slices from the surface to 300 km can be seen in Fig. 5.
Around 5 km depth, lateral variations in crustal velocity are on
the order of 25%. The highest velocities around 3.8 km/s can be
The upper 300 km of the Earth are marked by rapid transi- found beneath the Iberian Massif and the Massif Central. Sedimen-
tions from crust to mantle, and from oceanic to continental do- tary basins, including the Guadalquivir, Tajo, Ebro, Po and Molasse
mains. Since these strong variations complicate the definition of a basins, as well as the Rhône valley account for the lowest veloci-
meaningful 1-D reference model, we present 3-D distributions of ties of 2.7 km/s and below.
absolute velocities. As reference frequency we choose 1 Hz. The at- Regional differences in crustal thickness are most visible in the
tenuation model is a version of QL6 (Durek and Ekström, 1996) 25 km slice in Fig. 4. While the western Mediterranean basin at
where the upper 300 km have been replaced by a cubic spline to 25 km depth already reveals elevated mantle velocities of up to
avoid artificial phase velocity discontinuities when converting to 4.7 km/s, south-western Iberia is still dominated by crustal veloci-
different frequencies. ties as low as 3.5 km/s. The 40 km depth slice in Fig. 5 shows that
To visualise crustal and mantle structure in Figs. 4 and 5, the thickest crust can be found beneath the western Betics, the
we employ a non-conventional colour scale. Crustal S velocities Pyrenees, the Apennines, the Dinarides, and in the Alps (Fig. 1).
roughly ranging from <2.5–4.0 km/s are represented in greyscale. The vertical slices in Fig. 5 reveal the presence of a pronounced
Colours from red to blue are used for upper-mantle velocities of high-velocity lid extending from the Moho to mostly less than
4.0–5.0 km/s and above. The transition from crust to mantle thus 100 km depth. Locally, v S within the upper 100 km reaches val-
appears as a change from greyscale to colour. The visualisation of ues of up to 5.0 km/s, that is ∼10% faster than the global averages
absolute velocities emphasises structural features that are more of most radially symmetric Earth models in the uppermost mantle
difficult to identify in images of velocity variations relative to a (e.g. Dziewoński and Anderson, 1981; Kennett and Engdahl, 1991).
horizontal average. These include lateral changes in crustal depth, No obvious correlation exists between the thickness of this lid and
and the presence and extent of a low-velocity zone. the thickness of the overlying crust.
56 A. Fichtner, A. Villaseñor / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 428 (2015) 52–62
Fig. 4. Horizontal slices through the absolute isotropic S velocity (v S ) distribution at shallow depths of 5–40 km and at the reference frequency of 1 Hz. Greyscale roughly
corresponds to crustal velocities of <2.5 to 4.0 km/s, and colours from dark red over white to dark blue represent mantle velocities of 4.0 to >5.0 km/s. Structural features
mentioned in the text are labelled. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
A broad low-velocity zone can be found at depths ranging on crustal anisotropy that was forced to be absent in PREM. Strong
average from 80 to 250 km depth, with local interruptions only in crustal anisotropy in our model is required by surface waves with
the vicinity of the Alboran and African slabs, to be discussed later periods below ∼20 s that were not part of the long-period (>60 s)
in Sections 6 and 7. Around 100 km depth beneath the eastern data set used in the construction of PREM. Since long-period sur-
Alboran Sea, v S nearly drops to 4.0 km/s; a value more typical for face waves are unable to resolve crustal structure, they can trade
the lower crust. The transition between the high-velocity lid and the absence of anisotropy in the crust against anisotropy at greater
the low-velocity zone is locally sharp to within the vertical reso- depth. This ambiguity between fine-scale (shallow) structure and
lution length, that is from ∼4.8 to ∼4.1 km/s (−16%) over 20 km large-scale anisotropy is well-understood (e.g. Ferreira et al., 2010)
depth. and may only be reduced by the incorporation of shorter-period
data, as done in our inversion. In a different context, Bolt (1991)
5.2. Radial anisotropy noted that the anisotropy in PREM may be the artefact of a non-
existing average crustal structure that represents neither oceanic
In our inversion, we allow for radial anisotropy, i.e. anisotropy nor continental crust.
with hexagonal symmetry about the radial axis. Fig. 6 summarises Strong lithospheric anisotropy is demanded by the data, but its
the 3-D distribution of S wave anisotropy in terms of the difference origin remains ambiguous. Possible contributions to the perceived
between v SH and v SV , normalised by the isotropic S velocity v S . anisotropy include (i) intrinsic anisotropy from the large-scale co-
In the upper 50 km, strong positive (v SH > v SV ) anisotropy of herent alignment of anisotropic minerals, (ii) differential resolution
up to 25% is required in the continental regions, mostly by sur- of v SH and v SV heterogeneities, and (iii) inherent trade-offs be-
face waves with periods below ∼20 s. Isolated patches of negative tween unresolved small-scale structure and large-scale anisotropy
radial anisotropy (v SH < v SV ) exist near the hypocentres of some (e.g. Backus, 1962; Capdeville et al., 2010; Fichtner et al., 2012).
earthquakes, and may thus be artefacts related to event misloca- Since a quantitative separation of these contributions is currently
tion or near-field effects. impossible, we abstain from an interpretation of the anisotropy in
Around 70 km depth, more extended regions of negative our model in terms of geodynamic processes.
anisotropy appear, and the amplitude of anisotropy drops to less
than 10%. Below 100 km depth, the strength of anisotropy is re- 6. Mantle structure
duced to a few percent. The rapid drop of anisotropy strength near
100 km depth is clearly visible in the radially averaged S veloci- Since the presence of seismic discontinuities near 410 and
ties shown in Fig. 7; in comparison to the Preliminary Reference 660 km depth renders the visualisation of absolute velocities dif-
Earth Model (PREM, Dziewoński and Anderson, 1981). While radial ficult, we present mantle structure relative to the regional lateral
anisotropy in PREM is present to depths of 220 km, the regionally average shown in Fig. 7. The regional average differs from PREM
averaged radial anisotropy beneath the western Mediterranean is (Dziewoński and Anderson, 1981) mostly in the absence of the
nearly absent below 100 km. 220 km discontinuity that our data do not require. Within the up-
While differences in anisotropy between PREM and our model per 200 km of the mantle, variations in v S range between −12.2%
may to some extent result from the different averaging processes, and 13.1%, meaning that heterogeneities are stronger than in most
the largest contribution certainly comes from the incorporation of other S velocity models where v S varies by less than 10% in the
A. Fichtner, A. Villaseñor / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 428 (2015) 52–62 57
Fig. 5. Vertical profiles through the absolute isotropic S velocity v S at the reference frequency of 1 Hz. The locations of the profiles are shown by the white-dotted lines in
Fig. 4. The positions of the white dots and the colour scale are the same as in Fig. 4. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred
to the web version of this article.)
same depth range (e.g. Villaseñor et al., 2001; Chang et al., 2010). 7. Discussion
The increased strength of heterogeneities is most likely the result
of increased resolution, i.e. less spatial smearing. Vertical and hor- In the following paragraphs, we provide a discussion of specific
izontal slices through the v S heterogeneities are shown in Figs. 8 structural features in our model, as well as a qualitative compari-
and 9. son with previously published results.
Pronounced low-velocity anomalies appear beneath the Liguro–
Provençal basin, the Massif Central, and the Olot volcanic field; but 7.1. Specific structural features
also beneath southern and western Iberia where recent volcan-
ism is absent. All of these anomalies are confined to the upper 7.1.1. The European Cenozoic Rift System
150–200 km of the mantle. At depths below ∼150 km, man- The most prominent features in the uppermost mantle – shown
tle structure is dominated by the high-velocity anomalies of the in Figs. 8 and 9 – are localised low-velocity anomalies approxi-
Mediterranean subduction system. The eastward dipping Adria– mately following the European Cenozoic Rift System (ECRS). A con-
Dinaride slab and the westward dipping Calabria slab are well- tinuous corridor of low velocities extends from the Massif Central
defined and clearly visible in cross-section DD’ of Fig. 8. The Albo- into northern Africa, with pronounced velocity minima beneath
ran slab, as well as various pronounced E-W trending high-velocity centres of tectonic and volcanic activity. These include the Mas-
segments beneath the Algerian coast appear in cross-sections aa sif Central, the Catalan Volcanic Zone, and the Valencia Trough.
to dd . These features, interpreted as the African slab, are discussed The low-velocity anomaly associated with the Valencia Trough is
in more detail in Section 7.1.2. not directly centred on it, but to the SW, extending beneath the
58 A. Fichtner, A. Villaseñor / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 428 (2015) 52–62
Fig. 6. Horizontal slices through the distribution of relative radial anisotropy, ( v SH − v SV )/ v S , at depths ranging from 20–300 km. Below 300 km depth, radial anisotropy is
Fig. 7. Radially averaged S velocity structure in comparison to the Preliminary Reference Earth Model (PREM, Dziewoński and Anderson, 1981). The solid black, blue and
red lines represent the radially averaged isotropic S velocity v S , SH velocity v SH , and SV velocity v SV , respectively. Grey lines indicate the minimum and maximum v S at a
given depth. Velocities for PREM are plotted as dashed lines in the same colours. To ensure comparability, the reference frequency for all velocities is 1 Hz. A selection of
percentage variations is shown in the upper-mantle inset to the left. The highest velocity perturbations appear within the Hellenic slab, and the lowest ones beneath the
Valencia trough and the Massif Central. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
eastern Betics. Furthermore, the ECRS is well imaged in northern 300–600 km depth would have to be less than ∼100 km in order
Europe where distinct anomalies appear beneath the Bohemian to remain seismically invisible. Vertically stretched anomalies are
Massif, and the upper and lower Rhine Graben. Strong negative a common feature of teleseismic traveltime tomography that may
anomalies reaching −12% are generally confined to the upper result from insufficient coverage in the upper mantle where all in-
200 km. coming body waves travel nearly vertically. The addition of surface
Mantle plumes with vertically elongated tails and laterally wave data can reduce the vertical smearing, thereby localising ap-
spreading plume heads have been repeatedly proposed to be the parently deep-reaching anomalies to shallower depths. Since the
source of volcanism along the ECRS (e.g. Granet et al., 1995; natural combination of body and surface waves in full-waveform
Goes et al., 1999; Ritter et al., 2001). Such plumes, however, are inversion does not reveal any mantle plume beneath central and
not present in our model. The resolution analysis presented in western Europe, a deep-mantle source of volcanism along the ECRS
Section 4 implies that the diameter of a mantle plume between seems unlikely.
A. Fichtner, A. Villaseñor / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 428 (2015) 52–62 59
Fig. 8. Vertical slices through the absolute variations of isotropic S velocity from 50–1200 km depth. N-S oriented slices are shown in the top rows, and E-W oriented slices
are shown below. Dashed lines are plotted for orientation at 500, 660 and 1000 km depth. The location of the profiles is indicated in the inset which shows S velocity
variations at 100 km depth. White dots in the inset correspond to white dotes in the vertical slices. Variations in absolute velocities are visually slightly enhanced at greater
depth compared to relative anomalies due to background velocities increasing with depth.
7.1.2. The Alboran–African slab system dips northward before merging into or continuing as a broad high-
The Mediterranean subduction system is visible in the upper- velocity anomaly underlying central and western Europe at depths
most mantle and transition zone in the form of high-velocity of ∼660 km. Within the anomaly, best visible in the 700 km depth
anomalies with v S perturbations reaching ∼13%. slice of Fig. 9, individual slabs cannot be distinguished.
The Alboran slab appears around 60 km in Fig. 9 as a curved In addition to the African–Alboran system, all previously iden-
feature following the geometry of the Gibraltar arc. It continues as tified slabs are present in our model. These include the Alpine,
separate entity to depths of ∼200 km, where it starts to interfere Apennine–Calabria, Adria–Dinaride, and Hellenic slabs. Their re-
with a pronounced E-W trending high-velocity feature that may spective morphology is consistent with previous studies (e.g.
be interpreted as the African slab. Not previously imaged in simi- Piromallo and Morelli, 2003; Villaseñor et al., 2003; Koulakov et
lar detail, the African slab between 250–300 km depth appears to al., 2009; Zhu et al., 2015).
be composed of two segments that are slightly offset in NW di-
rection. These are indicated by dotted lines in the enlarged regions 7.2. Comparison with previous tomographic models
of the 250 km and 300 km depth slices of Fig. 9. The segmenta-
tion ceases to be visible around 350 km depth and below. Unlike Numerous models comprising the western Mediterranean have
the Alboran slab, the African slab segments are confined to depths been constructed in recent years using a variety of techniques
below 150 km, possibly indicating slab detachment. In the context ranging from linearised traveltime tomography with the ray ap-
of recent tectonic reconstructions (Faccenna et al., 2014), the high- proximation to nonlinear inversions based on numerical wave
velocity segments beneath Algeria might be remnants of the slab propagation and adjoint techniques. Differences between models
that caused the opening of the Liguro–Provençal basin by roll-back result from differences in methods, data and regularisation. Since
and subsequent back-arc extension. a comparison of all models is beyond the scope of this study, we
The vertical structure of the Alboran–African slab system is focus on few recently published models constructed with distinct
shown in the N-S oriented cross-sections of Fig. 8 (profiles aa , methods and data sets. Our goal is to highlight similarities and
bb , cc and dd ). Throughout the upper mantle, the African slab the origin of possible differences, acknowledging that subjective
60 A. Fichtner, A. Villaseñor / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 428 (2015) 52–62
Fig. 9. Horizontal slices through the absolute variations of isotropic S velocity from 60–700 km depth. Features mentioned in the text are labelled. Dotted lines in the enlarged
panels of the 250 km and 300 km slices mark possible segments of the Alboran–African slab system.
components of tomographic inversion and the common absence of respond differently to variations in temperature and composition.
quantitative resolution analyses often permit only qualitative state- The geometry of P and S velocity heterogeneities is not directly
ments. comparable unless compositional effects can be excluded. Below
The P-velocity models of Piromallo and Morelli (2003), Villa- ∼200 km depth, similarity increases, and all models are domi-
señor et al. (2003) and Koulakov et al. (2009) are based on body nated by the higher than average velocities of the Mediterranean
wave traveltime measurements made at the International Seismo- subduction system. Around 600 km depth, all models show slabs
logical Centre (ISC). While IberArray was not yet available, the merging into a broad high-velocity structure, though notable dif-
ability to use a large number of north African earthquakes in ferences exist beneath the western Mediterranean. These are most
a computationally less expensive ray tomography, compensated likely caused by differences in coverage before and after the instal-
the small number of stations to some extent. Within the upper lation of IberArray and other temporary networks.
∼200 km, there is limited similarity between the P-wave mod- Palomeras et al. (2014) constructed their model from funda-
els and our model, especially beneath the Mediterranean Sea and mental-mode Rayleigh waves of teleseismic events in the period
northern Africa. Two factors contribute to this observation: (i) Full- range 20–167 s. Their station coverage in the western Mediter-
waveform inversion and body wave traveltime tomography have ranean is nearly identical to the one used in our study. Within the
different resolution at shallow depth. The vertical smearing in body upper 40 km both models reveal a distinct low-velocity anomaly
wave tomography is compensated in full-waveform inversion by beneath the Strait of Gibraltar, as well as a high-velocity anomaly
the natural incorporation of surface waves. (ii) P and S velocity beneath the Iberian Massif. Below the crust, the high velocities of
A. Fichtner, A. Villaseñor / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 428 (2015) 52–62 61
the Alboran slab become the dominant feature, though it appears Acknowledgements
simplified to a nearly circular feature in the model of Palomeras
et al. (2014). The approximately E-W trending Alboran slab around The authors would like to thank Hans-Peter Bunge, Laura Cob-
200–300 km depth, featured in the full-waveform and body wave den, Jordi Díaz, Rob Govers, Alan Levander, Cesar Ranero and Mar-
models, is not present in the surface wave model. These discrep- tin Schimmel for discussions and comments that helped us to
ancies may result from the absence of body waves that would improve the manuscript. We gratefully acknowledge support by
contribute more lateral resolution, and the limitation to the fun- the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS) in the form of
damental mode with limited vertical resolution. CHRONOS project ch1 and PASC project GeoScale. Furthermore, we
From a methodological perspective, the full-waveform model thank Lion Krischer for the development of LASIF and the making
of Zhu et al. (2015) is most similar to ours. Technical differences of Fig. 2. Andreas Fichtner would like to thank his colleagues at
in the model construction are limited to details in the numerical ICTJA Barcelona for their kind hospitality and the numerous dis-
mesh, and the definition of waveform misfits. Consequently, both cussions that helped to improve this manuscript. A digital version
models are similar in regions where data coverage and bandwidth of the tomographic model presented in this paper is freely avail-
are comparable, that is in central and eastern Europe. A quanti- able from the authors upon request.
tative comparison is difficult because a resolution analysis from
which a distribution of resolution lengths could be inferred is not References
included in the work of Zhu et al. (2015). A point-spread function
for eastern Europe suggests horizontal resolution of ∼100 km. Zhu Backus, G.E., 1962. Long-wave elastic anisotropy produced by horizontal layering.
J. Geophys. Res. 67, 4427–4440.
et al. (2015) included only few stations in the western Mediter-
Backus, G.E., Gilbert, F., 1968. The resolving power of gross Earth data. Geophys. J.
ranean and set the minimum surface wave period to 25 s, that is R. Astron. Soc. 16, 169–205.
around twice the minimum period of 12 s used for our model. This Bezada, M.J., Humphreys, E.D., Toomey, D.R., Harnafi, M., Dávila, J.M., Gallart, J., 2013.
may explain why the African and Alboran slabs are not visible in Evidence for slab rollback in westernmost Mediterranean from improved upper
mantle imaging. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 368, 51–60.
their tomography.
Bolt, B.A., 1991. The precision of density estimation deep in the Earth. Q. J. R. Astron.
The main conclusion of this brief comparison is that models are Soc. 32, 367–388.
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