Mind Machines You Can Build
Mind Machines You Can Build
Mind Machines You Can Build
by G. Harry Stine
Patsy and Clyde
impossible. It was the challenge of this apparent discrepancy
that led Gurney and Condon to the discovery and
development of quantum mechanical tunneling which has
been of major importance not only in physics but also to
modern solid-state electronics.
In science, one progresses from an observation to a
hypothesis about how or why the observed phenomenon
works, then to an experiment in which one proves not only
that the hypothesis is correct but that the hypothesis is
indeed a theory. The theory must then predict other
observable effects that can be tested and experimentally
confirmed. The fact that a certain device in this book works
does not mean that all our theories are wrong but only that
our understanding of how these theories should be applied is
faulty in this particular case. Essentially, we do not know
everything. Indeed, what we do know may not be so, but
may have some curious little twist that we have overlooked.
Apparent violations of the laws of physics are usually an
opportunity to make progress in our knowledge of the
In science, we also seek to understand how nature
works. And we often misunderstand or follow false leads.
Actually, the "laws of nature" are generalizations from
experience. For example, the violation of the law of gravity
is punished not by a jail sentence but more fittingly by
falling on one's face. Further, such generalizations are living
concepts needing modification in details as we go alone.
Einstein did not prove Newton to be
wrong but rather provided the next approximation in our
understanding of what actually happens when we make
measurements at speeds approaching that of light. Mass,
length, and time must be measured, taking the speed of light
into account. A basic physics experiment is that of
measurement, and it is important to carefully think through
the details of the actor procedure in a step by step fashion.
Science is a living and growing discipline, and much
remains to be done. This book will, one hopes, stimulate
people to build and test these odd devices, to think about
them, and perhaps to hit upon further approximations to our
understanding of the universe. Good science is done not
with apparatus but in people's heads by thinking.
- Prof. Serge A. Korff
Mind Machines You Can Build
Mind Machines You Can Build
The Realist's Dilemma
get it working well enough to get me to a place where a real
expert can make it work properly again. I'm at home in a
scientific meeting of the New York Academy of Sciences as
well as at the controls of an airplane. I'm a pragmatic and
skeptical person. I've run onto a lot of wild and wonderful
devices that don't work as claimed. But if a gadget works, I'll
use it.
So I'm not a mystic in the way I look at the world
around me. Murphy's Law notwithstanding, I believe that if
something works in a demonstrable and reasonably
repeatable manner, there must be a reason why because the
Universe isn't a place that behaves capriciously. Murphy's
Law exists and the Universe only seems to be capricious
occasionally because we still don't know everything there is
to know about it. The nineteenth century philosophy of
materialism says that we do indeed know everything there is
to know about the Universe, but that belief seems to be
incredibly presumptuous. As J.B.S. Haldane has observed,
the Universe is not only stranger than we know, it's stranger
than we can possibly imagine.
I've collected enough data and conducted enough
experiments with these amazing gadgets now that it's time to
put all the data together in a book so that other people with
inquiring minds and an open outlook on the Universe can
also try them for themselves.
Mind Machines You Can Build
The Realist's Dilemma
The solid edifice called "Science" that looks so
imposing and monolithic when viewed from a distance really
isn't that way at all when you get close to it. As Dr. William
O. Davis pointed out in 1962, "Science is a cracked and
sagging edifice built upon the constantly shifting sands of
theory." It's in the process of being continually built, re-built,
modified, remodeled, and changed. Like New York City or
the United States of America, it's never finished.
However, some scientists have tried to convince
people this isn't so and that they alone know everything
there is to know about the Universe. Therefore, these
scientists occasionally need to be shaken out of their rut.
Scientific and technical controversy must be generated from
time to time to stir the pot and promote progress in human
knowledge. As the famous aerospace scientist, Dr. Theodore
von Karman, once observed, "How can we possibly make
progress without controversy?"
My formal academic education is that of a physicist.
After I'd graduated and obtained that important academic
degree that amounts to a scientific union card, I was given
my real education in the big outside world beyond the
groves of academe. My work became more and more
involved with applying scientific principles in order to solve
technical problems. Thus I was converted from a scientist
into an engineer who had to deal with things as they are, not
with the reasons why the Universe worked in that particular
manner. ("Never mind theoriz-
Mind Machines You Can Build
The Realist's Dilemma
This open invitation to blow away an obvious sham,
fraud, and hoax was too much for me. I built one of the
"symbolic" Hieronymous machines to prove to the world
once and for all that it was a total impossibility.
It worked.
I still have it, and it still works.
But it works for some people and not for others.
I don't know why it works or how it works, but it
does. I don't know how to begin conducting truly scientific
research to answer these questions because I don't know
what questions to ask or even what measurements to make.
It's just not possible with the current state of the art in
science and technology to be Kelvinian about it, and I am a
firm believer in the advice given by Lord Kelvin (William
Thompson) in 1886:
"I often say that when you can measure something
and express it in numbers, you know something about it. But
when you cannot measure it, when you cannot express it in
numbers, your knowledge is of a meager and unsatisfactory
kind; it may be the beginning of knowledge, but you have
scarcely, in your thoughts, progressed to the level of science,
regardless of what the matter may be."
Obviously, therefore, the Hieronymous machine and
other amazing mind devices that shouldn't work but do are
not scientific and are not yet amenable to scientific analysis.
Various hypotheses concerning how they might
Mind Machines You Can Build
work have been put forth, but these hypotheses have yet to
be rigorously tested and thereby transformed into theories.
In the meantime, the machines are fascinating. Most
of them are simple to build. Most of them will work for most
people. Once a group of "garage gadgeteers," the sort who
have created the basic foundations for most modern science,
begin playing around with them, someone stands a good
chance of eventually coming up with a testable hypothesis
that will at last provide a basis for the establishment of the
scientific field which embraces these machines.
Or perhaps not. The history of science and tech-
nology is not only rife with serendipitous discoveries that
changed the world but also ideas, concepts, and gadgets that
didn't work out rightin spite of everything. Be aware that
there are more failures than successes, more frauds and
hoaxes than straight arrows.
In any event, here are some impossible machines
that work for some people, that anyone with some manual
dexterity can build in a home workshop, that anyone can
build and test for himself.
I repeat: This is not an occult book. It's a book of
experiments with weird machines. I haven't included any
machine or device that I haven't built, worked, or tested
myself. I don't ask the reader to believe that these machines
work. I merely present a description of each machine, what
it's purported to do, how it worked for
The Realist's Dilemma
me, exactly how to build it, and precisely how to operate it.
The remainder of the exercise is left up to the reader who's
free to experiment or to snort "Impossible!"
But be careful before you snort, "Impossible!"
We often have the tendency to snort, "Impossible!"
when confronted with a radically new idea, concept, or
device. But these machines are different. They can be built.
They can be tested. They are tweakers of the curiosity. They
shouldn't work, but often they do.
And if you don't believe this, why don't you see for
The basis of scientific endeavor is the reproduc-ible
experiment. And the concept of reproducibility also
includes the possibility that the experiment will fail the same
way every time.
Right down at the basic level, this is a book about
magic, after all. But it's "magic" as defined by Robert A.
Heinlein: "One man's magic is another man's technol-
And Arthur C. Clarke advises, "Any sufficiently
advanced technology will be indistinguishable from magic."
The book is a "how-to" instruction manual. Its
individual chapters are each devoted to a single strange
machine. Each chapter starts out with a brief description of
the device followed by a brief history, and step-by-step
instructions for building it. A set of instructions for using the
device is provided along with a suggested program of
Mind Machines You Can Build
The Realist's Dilemma
your chance to find out for yourself. You'll then be able to
say that the gadget works or doesn't work because you tried
it yourself. You didn't take someone else's word for it.
These gadgets may indeed work because of magic (a
technology we don't yet understand) but they aren't mystical
because I can tell you how to build one and how to operate it
without subjecting yourself to ten years' of guru training,
fasting, and all the rest of the curriculum of oriental
Some people won't be able to make some of these
devices work. Others may be able to make only a few of
them work. Some will be able to work all of them. This will
create enormous controversy.
(If you don't pucker your lips just right and blow
with just the right force into the mouthpiece, you'll never get
a single musical note to come out of that trumpet. But the
trumpet is there, and other people can make great music
come out of it. Are trumpeters magicians?)
I've been forced to draw the conclusion that these
mind machines are examples of future science. They're in
the same situation today that electricity and thermodynamics
were in the early part of the nineteenth century and as some
folk medicine was at the beginning of this century. The mere
fact that these devices exist and work for some people
means there must be some sort of scientific basis for them.
Therefore, we will be able to un-
Mind Machines You Can Build
Basic Description:
Mind Machines You Can Build
Historical Background:
Detector Rods
work properly - the device has been used in Europe and
America for unknown centuries. Its actual source is
shrouded in folklore, much of which is considered to be evil
or the "work of the devil" because of the inexplicable
operation of the device. In recent times, dowsing rods were
used by United States Marine Corps soldiers in South Viet
Nam for the purpose of locating underground Viet Cong
tunnels. However, no official reports of this exist and, as
might be expected, no official confirmation of this use has
ever been made.
Readers wishing to obtain more information should
contact the American Society of Dowsers, P.O. Box 24,
Danville,VT 05828.
Author's Experience:
Mind Machines You Can Build
Detector Rods
Mind Machines You Can Build
Instructions for Fabrication,
Economy Model:
Detector Rods
Bill of Materials:
A. 2 each hard steel wire ("music wire") 1/8"
diameter x 36" long.
B. 1 each seamless thin-wall tubing, aluminum
or copper (material not critical), 3/16" diameter x 12"
Tools Required:
A. Hack Saw.
B. Slip-joint pliers or "Vise-Grips."
C. Bench vise (optional).
D. Small rat-tail file.
1. With the hack saw, cut the 12-inch length of
tubing into roughly two equal 6-inch lengths.
Mind Machines You Can Build
Detector Rods
Operating Instructions:
Step 1: Decide what you wish to locate. Beginners
usually choose some easy underground object such as the
water or sewer pipe leading to their house. In most cases, the
place where the water line enters the house is known, but the
location of the sewer line isn't. And, in
Mind Machines You Can Build
Detector Rods
Operating Hints:
Mind Machines You Can Build
minded him that he'd lent the book to a friend while living in
Denver and he was at the time living in Connecticut.
Modern instrumentation should be able to measure
the actual torque on each rod as it swings. To the best of the
author's knowledge, no such measurements have yet been
Modern instrumentation should also be able to
detect any tilting of the operator's wrists or other movements
that may produce rotation of the rods. To the best of the
author's knowledge, no such measurements have been made.
However, data from such experimental measurements still
may not answer the basic question, "How does the operator
know when to tilt his wrists to accomplish this?"
Some investigators will want to design experiments
that will offer incontrovertible proof that this device actually
works. Data from such "wild" sources as users or historical
data on water witches and dowsers would not normally be
acceptable in such controversial and apparently unscientific
(scientifically inexplicable) situations such as this.
The biggest problem faced by any investigator when
designing experiments in an unknown area such as this is:
What should be measured? What measurements will be
meaningful? And, basically, what is the nature and level of
importance of significant data? What is significant data?
Detector Rods
Mind Machines You Can Build
of the phenomenon or to statistical data concerning the
talented population. However, to the best of the author's
knowledge, none of these basic experiments have been done
and reported in the open literature. Perhaps once this has
taken place, interested parties may be able to proceed further
in the design of experiments to determine operational
If you cannot get the rods to work for you, you are
most probably one of those people who do not have the
unidentified "talent" for them. Not everyone can play the
violin. Data to date indicates that whether or not you believe
the rods will work has little or nothing to do with your
ability to make them work. The author was a confirmed
disbeliever when he first tried using the rods. However, if
you can't make them work, don't throw them away. Try the
rods on your friends, and you might be surprised at who can
operate them and who can't. At this time, the ability or
inability to operate dowsing rods does not appear to correlate
with any known personality trait, religious belief, level of
education, or ethnic background.
Detector Rods
Mind Machines You Can Build
merit of a valid hypothesis. Although the human mind is an
incredible device itself, and although we are learning more
and more about it every day, the actual existence of "psychic
fields" or "mental forces" isn't confirmed. But, in analogy,
the nature of the electromagnetic field wasn't known, much
less suspected, by the early scientists of 1800, either.
Basic Description:
Mind Machines You Can Build
It appears to be a passive concentrator of energy, but the
mechanism and type of energy has not yet been thoroughly
defined. However, a large number of confirming
experiments have been carried out to verify the performance
claims of investigators, advocates, and individuals applying
for domestic and foreign patents. These experiments tend to
confirm the existence of some manner of energy
concentration and the reality of the claims.
Historical Background:
The modern historical background of pyramid research
began in the 1930s. Antoine Bovis, the owner of a hardware
store ("Quincaillerie Bovis et Passeron") in Nice, France,
took a trip to Egypt in the 1930s and visited the "great
pyramid" of Cheops at Giza. While inside the King's
Chamber of the great pyramid, Bovis noticed a garbage can
filled to the top with dead small animals which the guide told
him wander in the structure from time to time, become lost,
and die. It seemed unusual to Bovis that these dead animals
appeared to be completely desiccated (mummified) with no
trace of decay or putrefaction. Upon his return to Nice, he
built a plywood pyramid in which he placed a dead cat. The
carcass of the cat did not decay but became desiccated.
Unfortunately, Bovis did not believe in the scientific method
nor in conducting proper scientific experiments with full
documentation. He made no attempt to present papers before
scientific societies where his work would have been
subjected to peer review, comment, and criticism and so
others could duplicate the experiments for verification of
results. Bovis preferred to believe in intuition and faith.
Although the synthesis of seemingly unrelated data by
intuition is the basis for all great advances in science,
pioneers such as Albert Einstein, Max Planck, Charles
Darwin, Edwin Hubble, Marie Curie, and Sir Alexander
Fleming followed their intuitive discoveries by publication,
permitting and encouraging others to verify and expand their
results and hypoth-
Mind Machines You Can Build
Mind Machines You Can Build
Fidler Lane, Suite 1215, Silver Spring, MD 20910, from
February to April 1975. These tests were properly designed
and conducted according to the strictest scientific and
statistical protocols. They revealed increased growth rates of
pea and bean plants, improved preservation of raw
hamburger meat, and decreased growth rates of throat and
yeast bacteria placed inside a structure shaped as a
tetrahedral pyramid. Less definitive results with a lower level
of confidence indicated that the weight of crystals formed
from the cooling of supersaturated solutions might have been
increased, that dead organic materials might have been
preserved longer, and that the death or decay rates of live
plants might have been decreased. Tests on human
volunteers who slept for several nights inside pyramidal tents
provided a subjective consensus that there had been a change
in the quality of sleep, vividness of dream recall, overall
emotional state, and openness to new experiences. However,
the changes were not in the same direction for all group
Author's Experience:
Mind Machines You Can Build
Mind Machines You Can Build
Mind Machines You Can Build
Mind Machines You Can Build
Operating Instructions:
Mind Machines You Can Build
saucers. Place one sample inside a pyramid shape. Place the
other in another location in the same room. After five days,
compare the appearance and odor of the samples.
3. Yeast bacteria:
Mix approximately 1/4-ounce of Brewer's Yeast with
one-half cup of water heated to a temperature of 100 degrees
Fahrenheit. Allow the culture to grow for six hours. Divide
the culture into two equally-sized portions and place each in
a clean saucer. Place one sample inside a pyramid and the
other in another location in the same room. Each 24 hours,
observe the two samples and note differences in growth,
appearance, or other physical factors.
4. Bacteria growth:
Crack two fresh eggs into separate clean saucers. Place one
drop of saliva in each saucer in contact with the egg
material. Place one saucer in a pyramid and the other in
another location in the same room. Observe the appearances
and physical attributes of each sample daily. The author
does not recommend conducting experiments using dead
animals because of potential health problems to say nothing
of the reaction of neighbors or colleagues.
Mind Machines You Can Build
Mind Machines You Can Build
Mind Machines You Can Build
volts between the top of the head and the soles of the feet of
a 6-foot person standing on the surface of the Earth. This
potential difference is enough to be detected by suitable
solid-state electronic devices and used in a simple autopilot
to keep the wings level in radio controlled model airplanes,
for example.
Most sferics come from thunderstorms, and there
are about 300 thunderstorms in progress at any given
moment in the Earth's atmosphere.
Very well, if there is enough energy present in the
environment to break the crystalline bonds that may form
between the ground sharp edge of a razor blade and water
molecules, how does a pyramid shape affect this?
Mind Machines You Can Build
1. It works.
2. There may be a simple physical explanation for it
if anyone bothers to look for it.
Basic Description:
Mind Machines You Can Build
Historic Background:
The Energy Wheel
Mind Machines You Can Build
The Energy Wheel
Author's Experience:
Mind Machines You Can Build
The Energy Wheel
version of the energy wheel utilized a folded paper rotor
similar to the one fully described below as the experimental
device of this chapter.
The author's experiences with the Campbell energy
wheel in 1955-1956 were mixed. Sometimes I could get it to
work. Other times, I could not. The reactions of my friends
and colleagues working in the rocket and guided missile area
at White Sands missile testing range were also mixed.
Therefore, I didn't pay much attention to this device again
until Tag Powell gave me one of his energy wheels in 1980
(Fig. 4-3). I discovered I could cup my hands around the
device and make it spin in both directions, stop, and reverse
directions with great reliability and repeatability.
During a visit to my home by Tag Powell in 1983,
we spent most of a day conducting various experiments with
the energy wheel. The one we used is shown in Figure 4-3.
If you don't want to make an energy wheel, you can buy the
one shown. It's commercially available from Powell
Productions, 11701 Belcher Road South, Suite 123, Largo,
Florida 34643-5117.
We discovered that both of us could make it work
equally well if we placed it under an inverted water glass,
thereby shielding it from any air currents, including
subconsciously-directed breathing, that might cause it to
change its motion. But it would not work as well if placed
under an inverted drinking container made of clear
Mind Machines You Can Build
The Energy Wheel
Mind Machines You Can Build
The Energy Wheel
Mind Machines You Can Build
The Energy Wheel
Operating Instructions:
Mind Machines You Can Build
The Energy Wheel
(perhaps also above and below it), deep body temperature of
the subject, surface temperature of both palms, the galvanic
skin resistance of both palms, and the electric field present
between the palms. Instruments to measure these parameters
to great accuracy are available, but their cost may be beyond
the means of the amateur experimenter. But the
measurements need to be taken, the professional
bioelectronic engineers apparently haven't done it, and
therefore it's probably going to be up to the amateurs to
forge ahead.
Mind Machines You Can Build
The Energy Wheel
Mind Machines You Can Build
The Energy Wheel
Mind Machines You Can Build
The Energy Wheel
Mind Machines You Can Build
Basic Description:
Mind Machines You Can Build
To use the pendulum as a locator similar to detector
rods, the operator asks the pendulum to swing in the
direction of the object whose location is being sought. There
is, of course, an ambiguity in the fact that the unknown
object can be located in either direction that the pendulum
swings - i.e., if the pendulum swings in a north-south plane,
the object could be located either north or south of the
operator. Some operators appear to be extremely adept in
getting the pendulum to swing in a most unusual fashion
when in the locator mode: they can cause the pendulum to
swing from its vertical rest position to a displaced position in
the direction of the object, then cause the pendulum to swing
between the vertical rest position and the displaced position.
Historical Background:
Mind Machines You Can Build
Author's Experiences:
Mind Machines You Can Build
the way I wanted it to swing. I often have much the same
feeling about detector rods but in the case of that device,
there is absolutely no question in my mind that I am not
making those rods swing for the simple reason that the
response is so strong.
I can also make a self-supported, glass-enclosed
pendulum swing. I don't know why, although, as you will
see later, I do indeed have a hypothesis.
Observations of other people operating pendulums
of both sorts shows that about 80% of volunteer subjects can
make a hand-supported pendulum do something while about
50% of people can make the self-supported pendulum
operate. I don't know why.
Mind Machines You Can Build
Mind Machines You Can Build
Operating Instructions:
Hand-supported pendulum:
Mind Machines You Can Build
Mind Machines You Can Build
questions asked verbally by the operator. The results should
be compared with those obtained when the operator could
see the pendulum.
Mind Machines You Can Build
The same advice holds true for the other pendu-
lum experiments. However, for the independently-sus-
pended pendulum, try changing the electrical nature of
your palms by either washing your hands or by coating
them with baby or bath oil...or both in sequence.
Then, again, as I've pointed out time and again
in this book, you might not be able to get the pendulum
to work at all. And we don't know why.
When Occam's Razor is applied to the hand-
supported pendulum, the simplest explanation is that the
operator is consciously or unconsciously affecting or
modulating the innate natural nervous tremor, the "noise" in
the human nervous system, possessed by everyone, thereby
causing the pendulum to swing.
However, there are other problems that are not
addressed or answered by this simplest and most straight-
forward of hypotheses. How does the operator know the
answer? What if the question doesn't involve an answer with
a high content of wishful thinking? What if the pendulum
taps the super-hyper-ultra-conscious or even the
subconscious? What if it's tapping "subconscious" or "racial"
memories? If it is indeed doing these things, it's doing them
better, a lot faster, and far more positively than any
psychiatrist or psychological technique I've ever known.
Obviously, in spite of a simplistic hypothesis that
resists the cutting edge of Occam's Razor, there must be
something more to the hand-held pendulum. I don't know
what it is. But it deserves more investigation.
With respect to the independently-suspended
pendulum, almost every freshman physics student is aware
of the demonstration or experiment in which a light object
such as a bit of paper or cork is attracted to a rubber or glass
rod which has been rubbed gently with silk or cat's fur. This
is an exhibition of electrification. In
Mind Machines You Can Build
Mind Machines You Can Build
Basic Description:
Mind Machines You Can Build
The Hieronymous Machine
Mind Machines You Can Build
Historical Background:
Author's Experience:
The Hieronymous Machine
Mind Machines You Can Build
The Hieronymous Machine
Mind Machines You Can Build
The Hieronymous Machine
Mind Machines You Can Build
The Hieronymous Machine
ing is the fact that you have to build so much from scratch
because there isn't much in the way of prefabricated
equipment available.)
The detector can be made from two sheets of 1/4
inch thick polystyrene or lucite plastic which can be
obtained from a plastic supply house (although some hobby
shops may have materials that can be substituted). Again,
find such a company in the Yellow Pages of the telephone
book. Two sheets of plastic, 4 inches square, are held apart
by a piece of cardboard 1 inch in diameter. Using plastic
cement or (carefully!) one of the acryloni-trile super glues,
assemble the two plastic sheets on either side of the central
cardboard core. When the cement has thoroughly set, wind a
coil of about 40 turns of #22 enameled copper wire in a
spiral around the core.
One side of the coil assembly becomes the tactile
detector plate. The output of the amplifier is connected to
the coil.
The entire assembly should be built into an alu-
minum or plastic chassis box. These are available at Tandy
Radio Shack or an electronic parts store. Again, since there
are many ways to assemble a Hieronymous machine and
many different size boxes available, make it your own way.
The only tiling to remember is the relationship between the
various components should be maintained as shown in the
block diagram. The position of the components with respect
to one another doesn't seem to be as important as
maintaining the integrity of
Mind Machines You Can Build
The Hieronymous Machine
Mind Machines You Can Build
Operating Instructions:
The Hieronymous Machine
smell. Try describing the difference in flavor between a
peach and a banana, for example. On the other hand, we can
describe the appearance of a peach well enough to
differentiate it from a banana.
As noted above, many people report widely different
types of tactile sensations when using the Hieronymous
Mind Machines You Can Build
The Hieronymous Machine
Mind Machines You Can Build
The Hieronymous Machine
Mind Machines You Can Build
currents. His device operates on the principle, he states, that
the eloptic radiations can be picked up by electrical
components, passed through lenses and prisms, and
amplified electrically.
My own opinion based on building and testing
several different types of Hieronymous machines is that Dr.
Hieronymous' hypothesis is incorrect. Or perhaps his
terminology is imprecise. To me as a person educated in
physics, " radiation" is a specifically defined physical
phenomenon having specific characteristics involving wave-
length, frequency, propagation speed, energy content, ability
to function either as a particle or as a wave, and precisely
defined relationship with matter. It may also behave in
accordance with the principles of quantum mechanics. The
principles of "eloptic radiation" conflict with many of these
known, proven, and used principles of radiation. For
example, the tactile detector of the Hieronymous machine
makes absolutely no sense either in terms of the eloptic
radiation hypothesis or standard physics. Therefore, my
hunch is that whatever makes the Hieronymous machine
work is not radiation.
But I don't know what it is.
The Hieronymous Machine
Mind Machines You Can Build
Mind Machines You Can Build
Symbolic Machines
still magic because we do not know the scientific principles
involved nor understand the technology. This doesn't make
what we are to discuss any the less real.
Thus far, this book has required an open mind of
the reader. Henceforth, it demands it. One of our themes
has been, "You don't have to believe or have faith, but you
cannot simply snort 'impossible' and turn away. You are
challenged to test and draw conclusions based on that solid
data rather than from emotional reactions based on what
someone else may have told you is true."
The purpose of this chapter is to address, attempt to
prove, and to discuss the following:
Mind Machines You Can Build
Symbolic Machines
Mind Machines You Can Build
Symbolic Machines
Mind Machines You Can Build
Symbolic Machines
Mind Machines You Can Build
Symbolic Machines
Mind Machines You Can Build
Symbolic Machines
Mind Machines You Can Build
Symbolic Machines
is called both a "critical experiment" as well as an "elegant
experiment." If the design of the experiment is done in such
a way that non-verbal but visual/auditory signals can be
ruled out as causative factors, then it's probably the best
experiment yet devised to demonstrate telepathy. (Except the
"back scratching test" - i.e., if someone can always scratch
your back exactly where it itches without being told, it's
probably because of some manner of telepathy.)
However, I would be greatly surprised if telepathy
has anything to do with it. Occam's Razor must be applied.
There is probably a simpler explanation of hypothesis than
would be required if the totally unknown factor of telepathy
were postulated.
But I don't know what it is.
And I may be wrong in my honing of Occam's
But three tilings are certain:
1. The spiral experiment is a dramatic demon-
stration of the physical effect of pure symbols on the muscle
strength of the human body.
2. All these experiments show that the relationship
between symbols and the human body is a factor. The
symbols and the sugar packet not held in close relationship
to the human body have no apparent effects, even though
they may be in plain view of both subject and experimenter
during the conduct of the tests. The symbols must be in
intimate physical relationship with the body.
Mind Machines You Can Build
3. These tests are of such a nature that they are
amenable to "rigorization", they involve methods and
procedures that can be instrumented for measurement of the
physical factors involved and designed to be conducted
under the most rigorous protocols. Mechanical devices can
be used to apply the required forces, eliminating the human
factor of the experimenter. The scope of these experiments
can be expanded - for example, do other muscles in the body
react in the same manner?
Some of the experiments are so simple in nature,
conduct, and protocols that they are prime candidates for
high school science fairs. Yet none of them are so complex
nor are any of their extensions or " rigorizations" so difficult
that they cannot be carried out by amateur investigators with
limited means. They can also be carried out, of course, by
professionals in research facilities. But, since the basic
knowledge of these experiments has been around for at least
several decades and since no professional organization has
yet looked into them, it seems unlikely that anyone except
amateurs will exhibit the willingness to undertake them.
These amateurs, of course, may well become the
non-amateur expert professionals of a totally new and
unanticipated field of scientific endeavor. Every field of
science was started by amateurs (by definition) and usually
with the scoffing (if not the opposition) of the established
professionals. The reasons are easy to discern. Many
professionals acquired their expertise at a young
Symbolic Machines
Mind Machines You Can Build
Basic Description:
Mind Machines You Can Build
Historical Background:
The Symbolic Hieronymous Machine
Mind Machines You Can Build
The Symbolic Hieronymous Machine
Author's Experience:
Mind Machines You Can Build
The Symbolic Hieronymous Machine
Mind Machines You Can Build
The Symbolic Hieronymous Machine
Figure 8-2:
Symbolic Hieronymous machine's vacuum tube
amplifier circuit board. Drawing is full-sized for
author's machine, but size isn't important.
Following the drawing accurately from a
symbolic point of view seems to be critical.
Mind Machines You Can Build
The Symbolic Hieronymous Machine
Mind Machines You Can Build
Operating Instructions:
The Symbolic Hieronymous Machine
Mind Machines You Can Build
The Symbolic Hieronymous Machine
Mind Machines You Can Build
The Symbolic Hieronymous Machine
Mind Machines You Can Build
The Symbolic Hieronymous Machine
Mind Machines You Can Build
The Symbolic Hieronymous Machine
Mind Machines You Can Build
Basic Description:
Mind Machines You Can Build
The Wishing Machine
Historical Background:
Mind Machines You Can Build
Author's Experience:
The Wishing Machine
I placed a photograph of my daughter between the input
plates of my Wishing machine, turned on the battery power,
and consciously thought about those warts going away,
about killing the virus that was causing the warts, and about
my daughter without them. I kept the Wishing amplifier
constantly operating on battery power, since from time to
time during the subsequent days I kept thinking about her
and those warts.
The result was frightening. Within three days, my
daughter's warts had decreased markedly, including those
that were beginning to grow inside her nostrils. Within four
weeks, she was free of warts and has not had anything like
them since.
I disassembled my Wishing amplifier because I was
afraid of what I might henceforth do with it. At that time in
my life, it seemed that this phenomenon involved too much
personal power of a sort that I didn't understand and felt that
it might not be controllable. I wasn't certain whether or not I
could handle it. All of us are secretly aware of the impulsive
beast that hides deep within us. Indeed, most of our rearing
and education is aimed toward demanding that we restrain
that beast in a mental cage in the deep recesses of our
mind...and please throw away the key.
The machine was also sheer, outright magic whose
consequences were far beyond those of machines such as the
dowsing rods and Hieronymous machine which were, by
comparison, almost parlor games.
Mind Machines You Can Build
In the years since, I have learned that such devices
(and there are many of them) can. be safely used by most
people because we have built-in "circuit breakers" or
"emotional fuses" that prevent most of us from using such
machines for destructive purposes. Furthermore, we've been
taught to use and depend upon them with dire consequences
for those who didn't.
Beyond that, however, appears to be an accumu-
lation of data that indicates such machines are useful only
against fairly simple living organisms which operate totally
on a pre-programmed or instinctual basis. Such organisms
behave as systems without feedback with only linear
programming; disrupt the programming and the system
stops. It does not work on human beings who can and do
over-ride instincts with higher thought processes.
I hesitated to include this device in this book for two
reasons: (a) it is probably the most atrocious and impossible
of all the amazing mind machines I've ever encountered and
one of a class of devices for which it is extremely difficult, if
not impossible, to either dismiss out of hand, explain away,
or even generate a reasonable hypothesis of how and why it
works at all, which it does; and (b) because of the total lack
of any concept of why and how it works, there is always a
serious question about whether or not the data on the
limitations of its effectiveness are complete and totally valid.
However, simply
The Wishing Machine
because of these two factors, it is necessary to get the
information out to amateur investigators so that some
additional experimentation may clarify the situation.
Mind Machines You Can Build
Operating Instructions:
The Wishing Machine
can be used. A leaf from the plant or a piece of paper
containing a drop of dried blood from the individual can be
used. The only factor affecting the operation of the
machine appears to be the direct causative connection
between the machine and the subject - i.e., light rays from
the tree fell upon the photographic negative, causing a
change in the chemical salts of the negative material. Place
the photograph or sample between the two input plates. Turn
on the amplifier. Make your wish. Leave the amplifier
turned on. From time to time, think about your wish or
desired action. As is typical of machines of this class,
distance has no effect upon its operation - i.e., the distance
between the machine and the actual subject or the distance
between the machine and the operator apparently have no
effect upon its operation.
Mind Machines You Can Build
tossed out years ago because any scientist in his right mind
knows that such a machine can't work and that the results
have somehow been rigged.
A number of definitive experiments suggest them-
selves and can be carried out simply and easily by amateur
scientists at the high school level. The easiest of these would
use numbered Petri dishes containing bread mold from a
common source. The experimenter should concentrate on
reducing the growth rate in a Petri dish with a given
identification number on it. A photograph of that Petri dish
should be placed between the input plates. The machine may
be located anywhere during this experiment, but the Petri
dishes should all be kept together in the same environment.
The growth of the bread mold in the various Petri dishes can
be visually determined, and a record should be kept.
Another experiment with bread mold growth can be
conducted when the operator is not the experimenter and
does not know the number of the Petri dish whose
photograph is between the plates, and who simply wishes
that the object whose photograph is at the input be changed.
Experimental organisms can also include bacteria,
insects, and plants.
Does this device have any effect upon the growth
rate of bean sprouts as in the pyramid experiments?
The Wishing Machine
Mind Machines You Can Build
The Wishing Machine
Mind Machines You Can Build
The Wishing Machine
Mind Machines You Can Build
Mind Machines You Can Build
Mind Machines You Can Build
Mind Machines You Can Build
Since anyone can build and test them according to
the instructions herein, no one has any excuse to claim at the
outset that these devices are hoaxes or that they depend upon
suggestibility or gullibility. If they work because of
suggestibility, they should therefore have some utility in
psychology because the suggestibility is transferred not by
personal contact but remotely through written symbols on
paper: this book. And if this is indeed the case and if
suggestibility is the reason the devices work, we'd better find
out why they work by such remote-control suggestibility!
I have nothing to gain by writing this book except a
percentage of the book's sales price called a book royalty.
Book royalties rarely make authors rich. If they did, there
would be far more wealthy authors. If making a million
dollars had been my aim, I would have approached the
subject quite differently in a highly sensationalistic style and
manner. As it was, I tried to present the information in as
straightforward a manner as I could.
On the other hand, I do have something to lose by
writing this book. In more than forty years of writing, I've
built a reputation that has some semblance of truthfulness,
sobriety, and careful research. I've never espoused far-out
causes except ones that I knew perfectly well were within
the capabilities of science and technology like going to the
Moon and industrializing space. I do not wish to destroy that
hard-earned and carefully preserved
Mind Machines You Can Build
Mind Machines You Can Build
Mind Machines You Can Build
many places to publish your work. Maybe that fact that it's
continually rejected is no reflection upon the subject matter
but on the way you've written it up.
I'm a skeptic or I wouldn't have gotten involved with
strange machines more than a third of a century ago. And
you'd better be a skeptic, too, lest the rude hand of reality
rise up and smite thee right in the middle of thy cherished
But don't just read about these and other strange
machines and then dismiss them skeptically. Build them and
try them. Test them. Then and only then do you have the
right to an opinion on any given one of them, but not about
the ones you haven't built and tested.
Don't worry about the experts. They'll tell you only
what can't be done. It's up to you to go ahead and do it if it
really is possible. You'll never know unless you try.
Remember that the history of science and technology is
littered with the solemn pontifical pronouncements of
"The theory of germs is a ridiculous fiction," said
Pierre Pochet, professor of physiology in Toulouse, France,
when he learned of the germ theory of disease developed by
Louis Pasteur, who was a crystallographer, not a doctor.
Others even refused to look at his data.
"The abdomen, the chest, and the brain will be
forever shut from the intrusion of the wise and humane
surgeon," said Sir John Eric Erichsen in 1837; he was later
to become Surgeon-Extraordinary to Queen Victoria.
Mind Machines You Can Build
Effect, electrohydraulics, bioelectronics, and dynamic sys-
tems. In 1968, he was awarded a silver medal as one of 50
U.S. space pioneers by the Association of the U.S. Army.
He is the author of more than 50 books, numerous
scientific and technical papers, and hundreds of magazine
articles since 1951.
He is a Fellow of the Explorers Club and the British
Interplanetary Society, and a member of the New York
Academy of Sciences.
An instrument-rated private pilot who's been flying
since 1943, he owns his own airplane, a Piper Cherokee,
which he's flown across the United States and back many
times. He lives in Phoenix, Arizona, "in the midst of high
technology" with his wife, two Golden Retrievers and a cat.
He's listed in Who's Who In America as well as the
current editions of Who's Who In The West and Jane's Who's
Who In Aerospace.
Experimental Mind Machine Supplies
ENERGY WHEEL® by Gerald Loe As pictured on
page 68, complete with instructions. Easier to turn
because of less mass (?).
$5.95 plus $3.00 shipping
2" X 2" Tile as described on page 152.
$3.00 includes shipping
"A vastly entertaining book.
How would you like to move Certainly, one has to assume
that our universe is bursting
things with your mind? with scientific discoveries
These "impossible" Mind Machines still to be made, and my
are easy to build, and by all scientific good
standards should not work... but they friend G. Harry Stine offers
do. In some cases they seem to here much fun to all of us
amplify your mind power. And the fun who refuse to believe that ev-
part is, most of these amazing Mind erything worthwhile has by
Machines can be easily built from now been discovered."
-Gene Roddenberry
things you have around the house.
creator of Star Trek
Scientist G. Harry Stine
guides you step-by-step in the easy building and the using of
these Mind Machines. He then compares their seemingly unex-
plainable action to current scientific knowledge. The latest re-
search will help you to understand and use these centuries-old
items, like dowsing rods, pendulums, and pyramids.
You will explore modern-day Psychokinesis, moving things
with your mind, with the Independent Suspension Pendulum and
the Energy Wheel. Yes, you can move things with your mind.
You will learn how to make and use symbols that strengthen and
weaken the body. Learn how to detect a friend's illness living
miles away with the Hieronymous machine. And how to seem-
ingly amplify your mind power to make things happen with the
"unbelievable" Wishing machine.
Sound impossible? Build these amazing machines and
prove it to yourself. Science still doesn't know why some of
these machines work, but G. Harry Stine believes that finding
out may lead to one of the biggest scientific
breakthroughs of the twenty-first century!