MTA RyanDialStanley
MTA RyanDialStanley
MTA RyanDialStanley
of how Native Americans lived historically, but also, more importantly, how
Native Americans live now.”
Dial-Stanley has extensive experience performing for audiences of many
sizes and age groups, including school groups. He has been a featured artist
at Tryon Palace in New Bern, coordinator of the Lexington Multicultural
Festival’s Native American Village, and Chair of the powwow committee for
the Carolina Indian Circle in Chapel Hill. While working as a Medical Lab-
oratory Scientist at UNC Medical Center and completing a Masters degree
in clinical lab science, he remains involved in Native American communi-
ty-building and advocacy in the Chapel Hill area.
Ryan Dial-Stanley will consider invitations to demonstrate and teach about
Lumbee storytelling, music, dance, and visual arts, as well as opportunities
to coordinate and emcee events and multicultural festivals.