Schischek Explosionproof.: Protection of Life. Health. Assets

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Schischek Explosionproof.
Protection of Life. Health. Assets.
Price listinformation
valid from 1. April 2011

w w w. s c h i s c h e k . c o m
Price list 2011
Technical short information 2011

Which components
have to be explosion proof ?

In the diagram below, a typical air-handling system an explosive atmosphere may build up. Furthermore,
shows which equipment is allowed in the Ex area and you should have the responsible authority classify the
which should only be placed in the safe area. The dia- relevant Ex zone and in combination with type and con-
gram does not claim to be complete. dition of the explosive medium, you should be able to
If in doubt, please do not hesitate to consult us at Schis- select suitable explosion proof equipment.
chek. We will advise you in any case. A brief discussion With Schischek products this is simple because all
in the early stages of planning can avoid substantial equipment is certified according to the highest safety
costs in remedial work later and gives you the peace of standards – according to ATEX, of course !
mind that you have a safely installed operating system.
You should be aware of the areas of installation where



1 6 3 7 6 2

1 2 3 4

Quarter turn actuators for air/fire dampers Valve actuators w. spring return for humidifying Valve actuators for heating, cooling Temperature and humidity sensors

Type Type Type Type

ExMax LIN-..+ExMax.. ExRun ExCos-D
RedMax LIN-..+RedMax.. RedRun RedCos-D

•• 5…150 Nm •• 500…3.000 N •• 500…10.000 N •• -40°C…+125°C

•• 3...150 sec/90° •• 10…42 mm stroke •• 5…60 mm stroke •• 0…100 %rH
•• On-off, 3-pos •• 0,1...15 sec / mm •• 2...15 sec / mm •• full range adjustable
•• modulating •• On-off, 3-pos •• On-off, 3-pos
•• with/without spring return •• modulating •• modulating
•• with spring return

Price list 2011
Technical short information 2011

Schischek colour coding

and zones according to ATEX/94/9/EC

In… Red… Ex… Actuators for air technology

Ex… modules for zone 1, 2, 21, 22
Gases, Mist, Vapours Zone 0

Safe area Zone 2 Zone 1

Red… modules for zone 2, 22

In… Red… Ex…

Dust Zone 20
In… modules for use in safe area
Safe area Zone 22 Zone 21

Actuators for liquids



8 8 4 4 5 1
Measurement and control

5 6 7 8

Pressure / differential pressure sensors Filter monitoring, fan belt protection Frost protection for air technology Thermostats, humidistats

Type Type Type Type

ExCos-P ExBin-P ExBin-FR ExBin-D
RedCos-P RedBin-P RedBin-FR RedBin-D

•• ± 100 Pa up to… •• 0…500 Pa •• -5°C…+15°C •• -40°C…+125°C

•• ± 7.500 Pa •• 0…5.000 Pa •• Capillary: 3 m, 6 m •• 0…100 %rH
•• full range adjustable •• Pressure / Differential pressure •• 1-stage switching point •• 1- or 2-stage switching point
•• Fan-belt protection
•• Filter protection
•• 1- or 2-stage switching point 3
Price list 2011
Technical short information 2011

Table of contents

Installation areas in zone
gas dust gas dust gas dust
Product series page 0 20 1 21 2 22 SA*
Ex quarter turn actuators 90°
Overview electrical actuators with 90° angle of rotation 05
ExMax size „S“ 5… 30 Nm with/without spring return 06    
ExMax size „M“ 30… 150 Nm with/without spring return 07    
RedMax size „S“ 5… 30 Nm with/without spring return 08  
RedMax size „M“ 30… 150 Nm with/without spring return 09  
InMax size „S“ 5… 30 Nm with/without spring return (not Ex) 10 
InMax size „M“ 30… 150 Nm with/without spring return (not Ex) 11 
Overview electrical actuators for valves 12
Ex linear valve actuators with spring return with 10/15/20/30/42 mm stroke (fixed)
LIN-.. + ExMax.. size „S“ , „M“ 500… 3.000 N with spring return 13    
LIN-.. + RedMax.. size „S“ , „M“ 500… 3.000 N with spring return 13  
LIN-.. + InMax.. size „S“ , „M“ 500… 3.000 N with spring return (not Ex) 13 
Ex valve actuators with 5...60 mm stroke
ExRun size „S“ 500… 10.000 N without spring return 14-15    
RedRun size „S“ 500… 10.000 N without spring return 14-15  
InRun size „S“ 500… 10.000 N without spring return (not Ex) 14-15 
Ex long stroke linear motion actuators with 100...300 mm stroke
ExPlus size „S“ 300… 3.000 N without spring return 16-17    
RedPlus size „S“ 300… 3.000 N without spring return 16-17  
InPlus size „S“ 300… 3.000 N without spring return (not Ex) 16-17 
Ex sensors, modulating (for temperature, humidity, pressure/differential pressure)
Overview modulating sensors 18
ExCos-P differential pressure, VAV sensors ± 100… 7.500 Pa 19    
RedCos-P differential pressure, VAV sensors ± 100… 7.500 Pa 19  
InCos-P differential pressure, VAV sensors ± 100… 7.500 Pa (not Ex) 19 
ExCos-D temperature and humidity transducer for ExPro-C… sensors 20    
RedCos-D temperature and humidity transducer for ExPro-C… sensors 20  
InCos-D temperature and humidity transducer for InPro-C… sensors (not Ex) 20 
ExPro-C… temperature and humidity sensor probes for operation in HVAC systems 21    
InPro-C… temperature and humidity sensor probes for operation in HVAC systems (not Ex) 21 
ExCos-A transducer for passive, potential free, modulating ExSens sensors 22    
RedCos-A transducer for passive, potential free, modulating ExSens sensors 22  
InCos-A transducer for passive, potential free, modulating sensors (not Ex) 22 
ExLine transducer for passive, potential free, modulating ExSens sensors 23 
ExSens modulating, passive temperature- /humidity- /pressure sensors 23 () ()  ()  
Ex binary sensors (thermostats, hygrostats, pressostats, fan belt protection, frost protection)
Overview binary sensor technology 24
ExBin-P pressure / differential pressure 0… 5.000 Pa 25    
RedBin-P pressure / differential pressure 0… 5.000 Pa 25  
InBin-P pressure / differential pressure 0… 5.000 Pa (not Ex) 25 
ExBin-FR frost protection thermostat -5… +15 °C 26    
RedBin-FR frost protection thermostat -5… +15 °C 26  
InBin-FR frost protection thermostat -5… +15 °C (not Ex) 26 
ExBin-N drive belt monitoring 0… 10.000 U/min 27    
RedBin-N drive belt monitoring 0… 10.000 U/min 27  
InBin-N drive belt monitoring 0… 10.000 U/min (not Ex) 27 
ExBin-D temperature and humidity thermostat for ExPro-B… probe sensors 28    
RedBin-D temperature and humidity thermostat for ExPro-B… probe sensors 28  
InBin-D temperature and humidity thermostat for InPro-B… probe sensors (not Ex) 28 
ExPro-B… digital thermostat / hygrostat sensor probes for operation in HVAC systems 29    
InPro-B… digital thermostat / hygrostat sensor probes for operation in HVAC systems (not Ex) 29 
ExBin-A modules for adaptation of 1-5 passive, potential free, binary ExSens sensors 30    
RedBin-A modules for adaptation of 1-5 passive, potential free, binary ExSens sensors 30  
InBin-A modules for adaptation of 1-5 passive, potential free, binary sensors (not Ex) 30 
ExLine switching module for passive, potential free, binary ExSens sensors 31 
ExSens binary, passive temperature- /humidity- /pressure sensors 31 () ()  ()  
Ex door holder magnets
ExMag door holder magnets with 650, 1.300, 2.000 N force 32    
Ex components
ExComp different Ex-components, e.g. switches, buttons, … 32    
Additional informations
General terms and conditions 33
Explosion Proof according to ATEX 94/9/EC 35
Selection table Ex-nomenclature 36
Explosion proof basics 37-38
Applications 39
SIL „Safety Integrity Level“ 40-41
Certifications 42-43
*SA = Safe area
() = on request

Price list 2011
Technical short information 2011

Electrical drive engineering with 90° angle of rotation

Overview ..Max quarter turn actuators
The actuator series are subdivided in 3 installation- and 3 application-areas. The actuator concept offers obvious advantages:
Installation-areas: 1. Small dimension, compact, easy installation, highest protection classes, cost effective
ExMax- ...................... actuators for use in hazardous areas zone 1, 2, 21, 22 2. Universal power supply 24 to 240 Volt AC/DC, selfadjustable
RedMax- .................... actuators for use in hazardous areas zone 2, 22 3. With or without spring return (in acc. with type)
InMax-........................ actuators for use in safe area 4. Robust aluminium housing, IP66
Application-areas: 5. Integrated heater for low temperatures
Ex / Red / InMax.......... for air and fire dampers, VAV, ball valves, control dampers 6. On site adjustable motor running time
7. Integrated manual override
8. Useful accessories such as retrofit limit switches

Actuators for air-dampers ExMax.., RedMax.., InMax.. ¼ turn actuators

Nm ExMax.. 90° actuators from 5 to 150 Nm, with or w/o spring

return (run time 1, 3, 10, 20 s depending on type),
for air-dampers.

normal wiring

Actuators for smoke- and fire-dampers ExMax.., RedMax.., InMax.. ¼ turn actuators

Nm ExMax.. 90° actuators from 5 to 150 Nm, with or w/o spring

return (run time 1, 3, 10, 20 s depending on type),
for smoke- and fire-dampers.

normal wiring

Actuators for VAV control ExMax.., RedMax.., InMax.. ¼ turn actuators

Nm ExMax.. 90° actuators from 5 to 150 Nm, with or w/o spring

return (run time 1, 3, 10, 20 s depending on type),
for VAV control.

normal wiring

Actuators for ball valves ExMax.., RedMax.., InMax.. ¼ turn actuators

Nm ExMax.. 90° actuators from 5 to 150 Nm, with or w/o spring

return (run time 1, 3, 10, 20 s depending on type),
for ball valves.

normal wiring

Actuators for butterfly valves and other ¼ turn valves ExMax.., RedMax.., InMax.. ¼ turn actuators

Nm ExMax.. 90° actuators from 5 to 150 Nm, with or w/o spring

return (run time 1, 3, 10, 20 s depending on type),
for butterfly valves and other quarter turn valves.

normal wiring

Safe area Ex area 5
Price list 2011
Technical short information 2011

ExMax 90° Ex quarter turn actuators size „S“ for zone 1, 2, 21, 22
Explosion proof Features of ExMax - ... size „S“
ExMax-… Size „S“ Description Basics for all ExMax-.. size „S“
Explosion proof ExMax are, in acc. with type, for automation of air •• 24…240 VAC/DC self adaptable power supply
zone 1, 2, 21, 22 dampers, fire and smoke dampers, volume control, as •• Up to 5 different running times adjustable on site
gas + dust well as for ball valves, throttle valves and other quarter •• 95°angle of rotation (5° for pretention)
PTB-certified turn armatures. •• 100% overload protected
II 2(1) G Ex d [ia] IIC T6 •• Aluminium housing IP66, cable ~ 1 m
II 2(1) D Ex tD [iaD] A21 IP66 T80 °C Delivery: •• -40...+40°C / +50°C, integrated heater
ATEX 94/9/EC 1 actuator, ~ 1 m cable, allen key for manual override, •• Emergency manual override
IECEx 4 screws. •• Squared shaft connection 12 × 12 mm
•• Dimensions (H × W × D) 210 × 95 × 80 mm

Ex-d quarter turn actuators without spring return, 24 to 240 VAC/DC

Type Torque Running time 90° Spring return Control mode Feedback Features Size
ExMax- 5.10 5 Nm / 10 Nm 3/15/30/60/120 sec. - On-off, 3-pos - - S
ExMax-15.30 15 Nm / 30 Nm 3/15/30/60/120 sec. - On-off, 3-pos - - S
ExMax- 5.10-S 5 Nm / 10 Nm 3/15/30/60/120 sec. - On-off, 3-pos - 2 × EPU (2 aux. switches @ 5° and 85°) S
ExMax-15.30-S 15 Nm / 30 Nm 3/15/30/60/120 sec. - On-off, 3-pos - 2 × EPU (2 aux. switches @ 5° and 85°) S
ExMax- 5.10-Y 5 Nm / 10 Nm 7,5/15/30/60/120 sec. - 3-pos, 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA - S
ExMax-15.30-Y 15 Nm / 30 Nm 7,5/15/30/60/120 sec. - 3-pos, 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA - S

Ex-d quarter turn actuators with spring return, 24 to 240 VAC/DC

Type Torque Running time 90° Spring return Control mode Feedback Features Size
ExMax-5.10-F 5 Nm / 10 Nm 3/15/30/60/120 sec. ~ 3 sec. / 10 sec. On-off, 3-pos - - S
ExMax- 15-F 15 Nm 3/15/30/60/120 sec. ~ 3 sec. / 10 sec. On-off, 3-pos - - S
ExMax-5.10-SF 5 Nm / 10 Nm 3/15/30/60/120 sec. ~ 3 sec. / 10 sec. On-off, 3-pos - 2 × EPU ( = 2 aux. switches @ 5° and 85°) S
ExMax- 15-SF 15 Nm 3/15/30/60/120 sec. ~ 3 sec. / 10 sec. On-off, 3-pos - 2 × EPU ( = 2 aux. switches @ 5° and 85°) S
ExMax-5.10-YF 5 Nm / 10 Nm 7,5/15/30/60/120 sec. ~ 3 sec. / 10 sec. 3-pos, 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA - S
ExMax- 15-YF 15 Nm 7,5/15/30/60/120 sec. ~ 3 sec. / 10 sec. 3-pos, 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA - S
ExMax-5.10-BF 5 Nm / 10 Nm 3/15/30/60/120 sec. ~ 3 sec. / 10 sec. On-off, 3-pos - ExPro-TT-.. connector + 2 × EPU S
ExMax- 15-BF 15 Nm 3/15/30/60/120 sec. ~ 3 sec. / 10 sec. On-off, 3-pos - ExPro-TT-.. connector + 2 × EPU S

Ex-d quarter turn actuators with 1 sec. spring return for Offshore application, 24 to 240 VAC/DC
Type Torque Running time 90° Spring return Control mode Feedback Features Size
ExMax- 8-F1 8 Nm 3/15/30/60/120 sec. ≤ 1 sec. On-off - - S
ExMax-15-F1 15 Nm 3/15/30/60/120 sec. ≤ 1 sec. On-off - - S
ExMax- 8-SF1 8 Nm 3/15/30/60/120 sec. ≤ 1 sec. On-off - 2 × EPU ( = 2 aux. switches @ 5° and 85°) S
ExMax-15-SF1 15 Nm 3/15/30/60/120 sec. ≤ 1 sec. On-off - 2 × EPU ( = 2 aux. switches @ 5° and 85°) S
ExMax- 8-BF1 8 Nm 3/15/30/60/120 sec. ≤ 1 sec. On-off - ExPro-TT-.. connector + 2 × EPU S
ExMax-15-BF1 15 Nm 3/15/30/60/120 sec. ≤ 1 sec. On-off - ExPro-TT-.. connector + 2 × EPU S
ExMax-8-..F1 with 8 Nm available from III. quarter 2011

Accessories and special designs (additional price)

Type Technical data
ExMax-…VAS Size „S“, housing material in stainless steel AISI 316, some parts nickel plated
ExMax-…CTS Size „S“, aluminium housing Amercoat painted, resistant against corrosive and/or maritime atmosphere, some parts nickel plated
ExSwitch External, adaptable, on site adjustable Ex-d auxilliary switch with 2 potentail free contacts, adaptable to ExMax-... actuators
ExSwitch-CT Ex-d auxilliary switch, housing AMERCOAT painted, resistant against corrosive and/or maritime atmosphere, some parts nickel plated, surcharge on aluminium version
ExBox-3P Ex-e terminal box connectable to ExMax-… actuators with 1 cable for On-off or 3-pos operation
ExBox-3P/SW Ex-e terminal box connectable to ExMax-… actuators with 1 cable for On-off or 3-pos operation + 2 cable for external aux. switches type ExSwitch
ExBox-Y/S Ex-e terminal box connectable to ExMax-… actuators with 2 cable, for modulating operation or 3-pos + integr. switches (HS)
ExBox-Y/S/SW Ex-e terminal box connectable to ExMax-… actuators with 2 cable, for modulating or 3-pos operation with feedback signal + 2 cable for external aux. switches
ExBox-BF Ex-e terminal box connectable to ExMax-… actuators with 1 cable, for all ExMax-...-BF
ExBox-…/VA Ex-e terminal-box, housing made of stainless-steel type AISI 316 L, some parts nickel plated, surcharge on aluminium version
ExBox-…/CT Ex-e terminal-box, housing AMERCOAT painted, resistant against corrosive and/or maritime atmosphere, some parts nickel plated, surcharge on aluminium version
MKK-S Mounting bracket for …Box-terminal boxes for direct coupling to …Max... actuators size „S“
MKK-S/VA Mounting bracket, made of stainless-steel suitable for ExBox...VA
KB-S Mounting clamp for round damper shaft Ø 10 to 20 mm and squared shafts 10 to 16 mm, incl. bracket, connectable to all ExMax-... size „S“
HV-SK, HV-SL Manual override, connectable to …Max-… actuators size „S“. HV-SK=short version, HV-SL=long version for add. mounting of ...Box/Switch
AR-12-xx Squared reduction part from 12 × 12 mm to shafts with 11 mm (type AR-12-11), 10 mm (type AR-12-10), 8 mm (type AR-12-08)
D-F-…S Adaptation with flange acc. to DIN EN 5211 for butterfly or ball-valves suitable for size „S“
ExPro-TT-… Safety temperature limiter for fire dampers, switching at 71° /72°C, with 1 m cable, suitable only for ExMax- /RedMax-…-BF actuators!
Retrofit-Kit ..Max-S Mechanical adaptation for mounting on ..Max actuators size S, required to replace a previous type EXT15..-F1, EXT12..-F16, EXT15.. or EXT30..

Price list 2011
Technical short information 2011

ExMax 90° Ex quarter turn actuators size „M“ for zone 1, 2, 21, 22
Explosion proof Features of ExMax - ... size „M“
ExMax-… Size „M“ Description Basics for all ExMax-.. size „M“
Explosion proof ExMax are, in acc. with type, for automation of air •• 24…240 VAC/DC self adaptable power supply
zone 1, 2, 21, 22 dampers, fire and smoke dampers, volume control, as •• Up to 5 different running times adjustable on site
gas + dust well as for ball valves, throttle valves and other quarter •• 95°angle of rotation (5° for pretention)
PTB-certified turn armatures. •• 100% overload protected
II 2(1) G Ex d [ia] IIC T6 •• Aluminium housing IP66, cable ~ 1 m
II 2(1) D Ex tD [iaD] A21 IP66 T80 °C Delivery: •• -40...+40°C / +50°C, integrated heater
ATEX 94/9/EC 1 actuator, ~ 1 m cable, allen key for manual override, •• Emergency manual override
IECEx 4 screws. •• Squared shaft connection 16 × 16 mm
•• Dimensions (H × W × D) 287 × 149 × 116 mm

Ex-d quarter turn actuators without spring return, 24 to 240 VAC/DC

Type Torque Running time 90° Spring return Control mode Feedback Features Size
ExMax-50.75 50 Nm / 75 Nm 40/60/90/120/150 sec. - On-off, 3-pos - - M
ExMax- 100 100 Nm 40/60/90/120/150 sec. - On-off, 3-pos - - M
ExMax- 150 150 Nm 40/60/90/120 sec. - On-off, 3-pos - - M
ExMax-50.75-S 50 Nm / 75 Nm 40/60/90/120/150 sec. - On-off, 3-pos - 2 × EPU ( = 2 aux. switches @ 5° at 85°) M
ExMax- 100-S 100 Nm 40/60/90/120/150 sec. - On-off, 3-pos - 2 × EPU ( = 2 aux. switches @ 5° at 85°) M
ExMax- 150-S 150 Nm 40/60/90/120 sec. - On-off, 3-pos - 2 × EPU ( = 2 aux. switches @ 5° at 85°) M
ExMax-50.75-Y 50 Nm / 75 Nm 40/60/90/120/150 sec. - 3-pos, 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA - M
ExMax- 100-Y 100 Nm 40/60/90/120/150 sec. - 3-pos, 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA - M

Ex-d quarter turn actuators with spring return, 24 to 240 VAC/DC

Type Torque Running time 90° Spring return Control mode Feedback Features Size
ExMax-30-F 30 Nm 40/60/90/120/150 sec. ~ 20 sec. On-off, 3-pos - - M
ExMax-50-F 50 Nm 40/60/90/120/150 sec. ~ 20 sec. On-off, 3-pos - - M
ExMax-60-F 60 Nm 40/60/90/120 sec. ~ 20 sec. On-off, 3-pos - - M
ExMax-30-SF 30 Nm 40/60/90/120/150 sec. ~ 20 sec. On-off, 3-pos - 2 × EPU ( = 2 aux. switches @ 5° at 85°) M
ExMax-50-SF 50 Nm 40/60/90/120/150 sec. ~ 20 sec. On-off, 3-pos - 2 × EPU ( = 2 aux. switches @ 5° at 85°) M
ExMax-60-SF 60 Nm 40/60/90/120 sec. ~ 20 sec. On-off, 3-pos - 2 × EPU ( = 2 aux. switches @ 5° at 85°) M
ExMax-30-YF 30 Nm 40/60/90/120/150 sec. ~ 20 sec. 3-pos, 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA - M
ExMax-50-YF 50 Nm 40/60/90/120/150 sec. ~ 20 sec. 3-pos, 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA - M
ExMax-30-BF 30 Nm 40/60/90/120/150 sec. ~ 20 sec. On-off, 3-pos - ExPro-TT-.. connector + 2 × EPU M
ExMax-50-BF 50 Nm 40/60/90/120/150 sec. ~ 20 sec. On-off, 3-pos - ExPro-TT-.. connector + 2 × EPU M
ExMax-60-BF 60 Nm 40/60/90/120 sec. ~ 20 sec. On-off, 3-pos - ExPro-TT-.. connector + 2 × EPU M

Ex-d quarter turn actuators with 3 sec. spring return for Offshore application, 24 to 240 VAC/DC
Type Torque Running time 90° Spring return Control mode Feedback Features Size
ExMax-30-F3 30 Nm 40/60/90/120/150 sec. ≤ 3 sec. On-off - - M
ExMax-50-F3 50 Nm 40/60/90/120/150 sec. ≤ 3 sec. On-off - - M
ExMax-30-SF3 30 Nm 40/60/90/120/150 sec. ≤ 3 sec. On-off - 2 × EPU ( = 2 aux. switches @ 5° at 85°) M
ExMax-50-SF3 50 Nm 40/60/90/120/150 sec. ≤ 3 sec. On-off - 2 × EPU ( = 2 aux. switches @ 5° at 85°) M
ExMax-30-BF3 30 Nm 40/60/90/120/150 sec. ≤ 3 sec. On-off - ExPro-TT-.. connector + 2 × EPU M
ExMax-50-BF3 50 Nm 40/60/90/120/150 sec. ≤ 3 sec. On-off - ExPro-TT-.. connector + 2 × EPU M

Accessories and special designs (additional price)

Type Technical data
ExMax-...-CTM Size „M“, aluminium housing Amercoat painted, resistant against corrosive and/or maritime atmosphere, some parts nickel plated
ExSwitch External, adaptable, on site adjustable Ex-d auxilliary switch with 2 potentail free contacts, adaptable to ExMax-... actuators
ExSwitch-CT Ex-d auxilliary switch, housing AMERCOAT painted, resistant against corrosive and/or maritime atmosphere, some parts nickel plated, surcharge on aluminium version
ExBox-3P Ex-e terminal box connectable to ExMax-… actuators with 1 cable for On-off or 3-pos operation
ExBox-3P/SW Ex-e terminal box connectable to ExMax-… actuators with 1 cable for On-off or 3-pos operation + 2 cable for external aux. switches type ExSwitch
ExBox-Y/S Ex-e terminal box connectable to ExMax-… actuators with 2 cable, for modulating operation or 3-pos + integr. switches (HS)
ExBox-Y/S/SW Ex-e terminal box connectable to ExMax-… actuators with 2 cable, for modulating or 3-pos operation with feedback signal + 2 cable for external aux. switches
ExBox-BF Ex-e terminal box connectable to ExMax-… actuators with 1 cable, for all ExMax-...-BF
ExBox-…/CT Ex-e terminal-box, housing AMERCOAT painted, resistant against corrosive and/or maritime atmosphere, some parts nickel plated, surcharge on aluminium version
MKK-M Mounting bracket for …Box-terminal boxes for direct coupling to …Max... actuators size „M“
HV-MK Manual override, connectable to …Max-… actuators size „M“
AR-16-xx Squared reduction part from 16 × 16 mm to shafts with 14 mm (type AR-16-14), 12 mm (type AR-16-12)
D-F-…M Adaptation with flange acc. to DIN EN 5211 for butterfly or ball-valves suitable for size „M“
ExPro-TT-… Safety temperature limiter for fire dampers, switching at 71° /72°C, with 1 m cable, suitable only for ExMax- /RedMax-…-BF actuators!
Retrofit-Kit ..Max-M Mechanical adaptation for mounting on ..Max actuators size M, required to replace a previous type EXT30..-F3, EXT50..-F3 oder EXT50.. 7
Price list 2011
Technical short information 2011

RedMax 90° Ex quarter turn actuators „S“ for zone 2, 22

Explosion proof Features of RedMax - ... size „S“
RedMax-… Size „S“ Description Basics for all RedMax-.. size „S“
Explosion proof RedMax are, in acc. with type, for automation of air •• 24…240 VAC/DC self adaptable power supply
zone 2, 22 dampers, fire and smoke dampers, volume control, as •• Up to 5 different running times adjustable on site
gas + dust well as for ball valves, throttle valves and other quarter •• 95°angle of rotation (5° for pretention)
PTB-certified turn armatures. •• 100% overload protected
II 3(1) G Ex nC [ia] IIC T6 •• Aluminium housing IP66, cable ~ 1 m
II 3 G Ex nC II T6 Delivery: •• -40...+40°C / +50°C, integrated heater
II 3 D Ex tD A22 IP66 T80 °C 1 actuator, ~ 1 m cable, allen key for manual override, •• Emergency manual override
ATEX 94/9/EC 4 screws. •• Squared shaft connection 12 × 12 mm
IECEx •• Dimensions (H × W × D) 210 × 95 × 80 mm

Ex-n quarter turn actuators without spring return, 24 to 240 VAC/DC

Type Torque Running time 90° Spring return Control mode Feedback Features Size
RedMax- 5.10 5 Nm / 10 Nm 3/15/30/60/120 sec. - On-off, 3-pos - - S
RedMax-15.30 15 Nm / 30 Nm 3/15/30/60/120 sec. - On-off, 3-pos - - S
RedMax- 5.10-S 5 Nm / 10 Nm 3/15/30/60/120 sec. - On-off, 3-pos - 2 × EPU (2 aux. switches @ 5° and 85°) S
RedMax-15.30-S 15 Nm / 30 Nm 3/15/30/60/120 sec. - On-off, 3-pos - 2 × EPU (2 aux. switches @ 5° and 85°) S
RedMax- 5.10-Y 5 Nm / 10 Nm 7,5/15/30/60/120 sec. - 3-pos, 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA - S
RedMax-15.30-Y 15 Nm / 30 Nm 7,5/15/30/60/120 sec. - 3-pos, 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA - S

Ex-n quarter turn actuators with spring return, 24 to 240 VAC/DC

Type Torque Running time 90° Spring return Control mode Feedback Features Size
RedMax-5.10-F 5 Nm / 10 Nm 3/15/30/60/120 sec. ~ 3 sec. / 10 sec. On-off, 3-pos - - S
RedMax- 15-F 15 Nm 3/15/30/60/120 sec. ~ 3 sec. / 10 sec. On-off, 3-pos - - S
RedMax-5.10-SF 5 Nm / 10 Nm 3/15/30/60/120 sec. ~ 3 sec. / 10 sec. On-off, 3-pos - 2 × EPU ( = 2 aux. switches @ 5° and 85°) S
RedMax- 15-SF 15 Nm 3/15/30/60/120 sec. ~ 3 sec. / 10 sec. On-off, 3-pos - 2 × EPU ( = 2 aux. switches @ 5° and 85°) S
RedMax-5.10-YF 5 Nm / 10 Nm 7,5/15/30/60/120 sec. ~ 3 sec. / 10 sec. 3-pos, 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA - S
RedMax- 15-YF 15 Nm 7,5/15/30/60/120 sec. ~ 3 sec. / 10 sec. 3-pos, 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA - S
RedMax-5.10-BF 5 Nm / 10 Nm 3/15/30/60/120 sec. ~ 3 sec. / 10 sec. On-off, 3-pos - ExPro-TT-.. connector + 2 × EPU S
RedMax- 15-BF 15 Nm 3/15/30/60/120 sec. ~ 3 sec. / 10 sec. On-off, 3-pos - ExPro-TT-.. connector + 2 × EPU S

Ex-n quarter turn actuators with 1 sec. spring return for Offshore application, 24 to 240 VAC/DC
Type Torque Running time 90° Spring return Control mode Feedback Features Size
RedMax- 8-F1 8 Nm 3/15/30/60/120 sec. ≤ 1 sec. On-off - - S
RedMax-15-F1 15 Nm 3/15/30/60/120 sec. ≤ 1 sec. On-off - - S
RedMax- 8-SF1 8 Nm 3/15/30/60/120 sec. ≤ 1 sec. On-off - 2 × EPU ( = 2 aux. switches @ 5° and 85°) S
RedMax-15-SF1 15 Nm 3/15/30/60/120 sec. ≤ 1 sec. On-off - 2 × EPU ( = 2 aux. switches @ 5° and 85°) S
RedMax- 8-BF1 8 Nm 3/15/30/60/120 sec. ≤ 1 sec. On-off - ExPro-TT-.. connector + 2 × EPU S
RedMax-15-BF1 15 Nm 3/15/30/60/120 sec. ≤ 1 sec. On-off - ExPro-TT-.. connector + 2 × EPU S
RedMax-8-..F1 with 8 Nm available from III. quarter 2011

Accessories and special designs (additional price)

Type Technical data
RedMax-...-VAS Size „S“, housing material in stainless steel AISI 316, some parts nickel plated
RedMax-...-CTS Size „S“, aluminium housing Amercoat painted, resistant against corrosive and/or maritime atmosphere, some parts nickel plated
RedSwitch External, adaptable, on site adjustable auxilliary switch with 2 potentail free contacts, adaptable to RedMax-... actuators
RedSwitch-CT Auxilliary switch, housing AMERCOAT painted, resistant against corrosive and/or maritime atmosphere, some parts nickel plated, surcharge on aluminium version
RedBox-3P Ex-e terminal box connectable to RedMax-… actuators with 1 cable for On-off or 3-pos operation
RedBox-3P/SW Ex-e terminal box connectable to RedMax-… actuators with 1 cable for On-off or 3-pos operation + 2 cable for external aux. switches type RedSwitch
RedBox-Y/S Ex-e terminal box connectable to RedMax-… actuators with 2 cable, for modulating operation or 3-pos + integr. switches (HS)
RedBox-Y/S/SW Ex-e terminal box connectable to RedMax-… actuators with 2 cable, for modulating or 3-pos operation with feedback signal + 2 cable for external aux. switches
RedBox-BF Ex-e terminal box connectable to RedMax-… actuators with 1 cable, for all RedMax-…-BF
RedBox-…/VA Ex-e terminal-box, housing made of stainless-steel type AISI 316 L, some parts nickel plated, surcharge on aluminium version
RedBox-…/CT Ex-e terminal-box, housing AMERCOAT painted, resistant against corrosive and/or maritime atmosphere, some parts nickel plated, surcharge on aluminium version
MKK-S Mounting bracket for …Box-terminal boxes for direct coupling to …Max… actuators size „S“
MKK-S/VA Mounting bracket, made of stainless-steel suitable for …Box/VA
KB-S Mounting clamp for round damper shaft Ø 10 to 20 mm and squared shafts 10 to 16 mm, incl. bracket, connectable to all RedMax-… size „S“
HV-SK, HV-SL Manual override, connectable to …Max-… actuators size „S“. HV-SK=short version, HV-SL=long version for add. mounting of ...Box/Switch
AR-12-xx Squared reduction part from 12 × 12 mm to shafts with 11 mm (type AR-12-11), 10 mm (type AR-12-10), 8 mm (type AR-12-08)
D-F-…S Adaptation with flange acc. to DIN EN 5211 for butterfly or ball-valves suitable for size „S“
ExPro-TT-… Safety temperature limiter for fire dampers, switching at 71° /72°C, with 1 m cable, suitable only for ExMax- /RedMax-…-BF actuators!
Retrofit-Kit ..Max-S Mechanical adaptation for mounting on ..Max actuators size S, required to replace a previous type EXT15..-F1, EXT12..-F16, EXT15.. or EXT30..

Price list 2011
Technical short information 2011

RedMax 90° Ex quarter turn actuators „M“ for zone 2, 22

Explosion proof Features of RedMax - ... size „M“
RedMax-… Size „M“ Description Basics for all RedMax-.. size „M“
Explosion proof RedMax are, in acc. with type, for automation of air •• 24…240 VAC/DC self adaptable power supply
zone 2, 22 dampers, fire and smoke dampers, volume control, as •• Up to 5 different running times adjustable on site
gas + dust well as for ball valves, throttle valves and other quarter •• 95°angle of rotation (5° for pretention)
PTB-certified turn armatures. •• 100% overload protected
II 3(1) G Ex nC [ia] IIC T6 •• Aluminium housing IP66, cable ~ 1 m
II 3 G Ex nC II T6 Delivery: •• -40...+40°C / +50°C, integrated heater
II 3 D Ex tD A22 IP66 T80 °C 1 actuator, ~ 1 m cable, allen key for manual override, •• Emergency manual override
ATEX 94/9/EC 4 screws. •• Squared shaft connection 16 × 16 mm
IECEx •• Dimensions (H × W × D) 287 × 149 × 116 mm

Ex-n quarter turn actuators without spring return, 24 to 240 VAC/DC

Type Torque Running time 90° Spring return Control mode Feedback Features Size
RedMax-50.75 50 Nm / 75 Nm 40/60/90/120/150 sec. - On-off, 3-pos - - M
RedMax- 100 100 Nm 40/60/90/120/150 sec. - On-off, 3-pos - - M
RedMax- 150 150 Nm 40/60/90/120 sec. - On-off, 3-pos - - M
RedMax-50.75-S 50 Nm / 75 Nm 40/60/90/120/150 sec. - On-off, 3-pos - 2 × EPU ( = 2 aux. switches @ 5° and 85°) M
RedMax- 100-S 100 Nm 40/60/90/120/150 sec. - On-off, 3-pos - 2 × EPU ( = 2 aux. switches @ 5° and 85°) M
RedMax- 150-S 150 Nm 40/60/90/120 sec. - On-off, 3-pos - 2 × EPU ( = 2 aux. switches @ 5° and 85°) M
RedMax-50.75-Y 50 Nm / 75 Nm 40/60/90/120/150 sec. - 3-pos, 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA - M
RedMax- 100-Y 100 Nm 40/60/90/120/150 sec. - 3-pos, 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA - M

Ex-n quarter turn actuators with spring return, 24 to 240 VAC/DC

Type Torque Running time 90° Spring return Control mode Feedback Features Size
RedMax-30-F 30 Nm 40/60/90/120/150 sec. ~ 20 sec. On-off, 3-pos - - M
RedMax-50-F 50 Nm 40/60/90/120/150 sec. ~ 20 sec. On-off, 3-pos - - M
RedMax-60-F 60 Nm 40/60/90/120 sec. ~ 20 sec. On-off, 3-pos - - M
RedMax-30-SF 30 Nm 40/60/90/120/150 sec. ~ 20 sec. On-off, 3-pos - 2 × EPU ( = 2 aux. switches @ 5° and 85°) M
RedMax-50-SF 50 Nm 40/60/90/120/150 sec. ~ 20 sec. On-off, 3-pos - 2 × EPU ( = 2 aux. switches @ 5° and 85°) M
RedMax-60-SF 60 Nm 40/60/90/120 sec. ~ 20 sec. On-off, 3-pos - 2 × EPU ( = 2 aux. switches @ 5° and 85°) M
RedMax-30-YF 30 Nm 40/60/90/120/150 sec. ~ 20 sec. 3-pos, 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA - M
RedMax-50-YF 50 Nm 40/60/90/120/150 sec. ~ 20 sec. 3-pos, 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA - M
RedMax-30-BF 30 Nm 40/60/90/120/150 sec. ~ 20 sec. On-off, 3-pos - ExPro-TT-.. connector + 2 × EPU M
RedMax-50-BF 50 Nm 40/60/90/120/150 sec. ~ 20 sec. On-off, 3-pos - ExPro-TT-.. connector + 2 × EPU M
RedMax-60-BF 60 Nm 40/60/90/120 sec. ~ 20 sec. On-off, 3-pos - ExPro-TT-.. connector + 2 × EPU M

Ex-n quarter turn actuators with 3 sec. spring return for Offshore application, 24 to 240 VAC/DC
Type Torque Running time 90° Spring return Control mode Feedback Features Size
RedMax-30-F3 30 Nm 40/60/90/120/150 sec. ≤ 3 sec. On-off - - M
RedMax-50-F3 50 Nm 40/60/90/120/150 sec. ≤ 3 sec. On-off - - M
RedMax-30-SF3 30 Nm 40/60/90/120/150 sec. ≤ 3 sec. On-off - 2 × EPU ( = 2 aux. switches @ 5° and 85°) M
RedMax-50-SF3 50 Nm 40/60/90/120/150 sec. ≤ 3 sec. On-off - 2 × EPU ( = 2 aux. switches @ 5° and 85°) M
RedMax-30-BF3 30 Nm 40/60/90/120/150 sec. ≤ 3 sec. On-off - ExPro-TT-.. connector + 2 × EPU M
RedMax-50-BF3 50 Nm 40/60/90/120/150 sec. ≤ 3 sec. On-off - ExPro-TT-.. connector + 2 × EPU M

Accessories and special designs (additional price)

Type Technical data
RedMax-...-CTM Size „M“, aluminium housing Amercoat painted, resistant against corrosive and/or maritime atmosphere, some parts nickel plated
RedSwitch External, adaptable, on site adjustable auxilliary switch with 2 potentail free contacts, adaptable to RedMax-... actuators
RedSwitch-CT Auxilliary switch, housing AMERCOAT painted, resistant against corrosive and/or maritime atmosphere, some parts nickel plated, surcharge on aluminium version
RedBox-3P Ex-e terminal box connectable to RedMax-… actuators with 1 cable for On-off or 3-pos operation
RedBox-3P/SW Ex-e terminal box connectable to RedMax-… actuators with 1 cable for On-off or 3-pos operation + 2 cable for external aux. switches type RedSwitch
RedBox-Y/S Ex-e terminal box connectable to RedMax-… actuators with 2 cable, for modulating operation or 3-pos + integr. switches (HS)
RedBox-Y/S/SW Ex-e terminal box connectable to RedMax-… actuators with 2 cable, for modulating or 3-pos operation with feedback signal + 2 cable for external aux. switches
RedBox-BF Ex-e terminal box connectable to RedMax-… actuators with 1 cable, for all ExMax-…-BF
RedBox-…/CT Ex-e terminal-box, housing AMERCOAT painted, resistant against corrosive and/or maritime atmosphere, some parts nickel plated, surcharge on aluminium version
MKK-M Mounting bracket for …Box-terminal boxes for direct coupling to …Max… actuators size „M“
HV-MK Manual override, connectable to …Max-… actuators size „M“
AR-16-xx Squared reduction part from 16 × 16 mm to shafts with 14 mm (type AR-16-14), 12 mm (type AR-16-12)
D-F-…M Adaptation with flange acc. to DIN EN 5211 for butterfly or ball-valves suitable for size „M“
ExPro-TT-… Safety temperature limiter for fire dampers, switching at 71° /72°C, with 1 m cable, suitable only for ExMax- /RedMax-…-BF actuators!
Retrofit-Kit ..Max-M Mechanical adaptation for mounting on ..Max actuators size M, required to replace a previous type EXT30..-F3, EXT50..-F3 oder EXT50.. 9
Price list 2011
Technical short information 2011

InMax 90° quarter turn actuators „S“ for safe area

Industrial Features of InMax - ... size „S“
InMax-… Size „S“ Description Basics for all InMax-.. size „S“
InMax actuators are InMax are, in acc. with type, for automation of air •• 24…240 VAC/DC self adaptable power supply
NOT Explosion proof dampers, fire and smoke dampers, volume control, as •• Up to 5 different running times adjustable on site
well as for ball valves, throttle valves and other quarter •• 95°angle of rotation (5° for pretention)
and only for
turn armatures. •• 100% overload protected
use in safe area •• Aluminium housing IP66, cable ~ 1 m
IP66 Delivery: •• -40...+40°C / +50°C, integrated heater
1 actuator, ~ 1 m cable, allen key for manual override, •• Emergency manual override
4 screws. •• Squared shaft connection 12 × 12 mm
•• Dimensions (H × W × D) 210 × 95 × 80 mm

Quarter turn actuators without spring return, 24 to 240 VAC/DC

Type Torque Running time 90° Spring return Control mode Feedback Features Size
InMax- 5.10 5 Nm / 10 Nm 3/15/30/60/120 sec. - On-off, 3-pos - - S
InMax-15.30 15 Nm / 30 Nm 3/15/30/60/120 sec. - On-off, 3-pos - - S
InMax- 5.10-S 5 Nm / 10 Nm 3/15/30/60/120 sec. - On-off, 3-pos - 2 × EPU (2 aux. switches @ 5° and 85°) S
InMax-15.30-S 15 Nm / 30 Nm 3/15/30/60/120 sec. - On-off, 3-pos - 2 × EPU (2 aux. switches @ 5° and 85°) S
InMax- 5.10-Y 5 Nm / 10 Nm 7,5/15/30/60/120 sec. - 3-pos, 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA - S
InMax-15.30-Y 15 Nm / 30 Nm 7,5/15/30/60/120 sec. - 3-pos, 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA - S

Quarter turn actuators with spring return, 24 to 240 VAC/DC

Type Torque Running time 90° Spring return Control mode Feedback Features Size
InMax-5.10-F 5 Nm / 10 Nm 3/15/30/60/120 sec. ~ 3 sec. / 10 sec. On-off, 3-pos - - S
InMax- 15-F 15 Nm 3/15/30/60/120 sec. ~ 3 sec. / 10 sec. On-off, 3-pos - - S
InMax-5.10-SF 5 Nm / 10 Nm 3/15/30/60/120 sec. ~ 3 sec. / 10 sec. On-off, 3-pos - 2 × EPU ( = 2 aux. switches @ 5° and 85°) S
InMax- 15-SF 15 Nm 3/15/30/60/120 sec. ~ 3 sec. / 10 sec. On-off, 3-pos - 2 × EPU ( = 2 aux. switches @ 5° and 85°) S
InMax-5.10-YF 5 Nm / 10 Nm 7,5/15/30/60/120 sec. ~ 3 sec. / 10 sec. 3-pos, 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA - S
InMax- 15-YF 15 Nm 7,5/15/30/60/120 sec. ~ 3 sec. / 10 sec. 3-pos, 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA - S
InMax-5.10-BF 5 Nm / 10 Nm 3/15/30/60/120 sec. ~ 3 sec. / 10 sec. On-off, 3-pos - InPro-TT-.. connector + 2 × EPU S
InMax- 15-BF 15 Nm 3/15/30/60/120 sec. ~ 3 sec. / 10 sec. On-off, 3-pos - InPro-TT-.. connector + 2 × EPU S

Quarter turn actuators with 1 sec. spring return for Offshore application, 24 to 240 VAC/DC
Type Torque Running time 90° Spring return Control mode Feedback Features Size
InMax- 8-F1 8 Nm 3/15/30/60/120 sec. ≤ 1 sec. On-off - - S
InMax-15-F1 15 Nm 3/15/30/60/120 sec. ≤ 1 sec. On-off - - S
InMax- 8-SF1 8 Nm 3/15/30/60/120 sec. ≤ 1 sec. On-off - 2 × EPU ( = 2 aux. switches @ 5° and 85°) S
InMax-15-SF1 15 Nm 3/15/30/60/120 sec. ≤ 1 sec. On-off - 2 × EPU ( = 2 aux. switches @ 5° and 85°) S
InMax- 8-BF1 8 Nm 3/15/30/60/120 sec. ≤ 1 sec. On-off - InPro-TT-.. connector + 2 × EPU S
InMax-15-BF1 15 Nm 3/15/30/60/120 sec. ≤ 1 sec. On-off - InPro-TT-.. connector + 2 × EPU S
InMax-8-..F1 with 8 Nm available from III. quarter 2011

Accessories and special designs (additional price)

Type Technical data
InMax-...-VAS Size „S“, housing material in stainless steel AISI 316, some parts nickel plated
InMax-...-CTS Size „S“, aluminium housing Amercoat painted, resistant against corrosive and/or maritime atmosphere, some parts nickel plated
InSwitch External, adaptable, on site adjustable auxilliary switch with 2 potentail free contacts, adaptable to InMax-... actuators
InSwitch-CT Auxilliary switch, housing AMERCOAT painted, resistant against corrosive and/or maritime atmosphere, some parts nickel plated, surcharge on aluminium version
InBox-3P Terminal box connectable to InMax-… actuators with 1 cable for On-off or 3-pos operation
InBox-3P/SW Terminal box connectable to InMax-… actuators with 1 cable for On-off or 3-pos operation + 2 cable for external aux. switches type InSwitch
InBox-Y/S Terminal box connectable to InMax-… actuators with 2 cable, for modulating operation or 3-pos + integr. switches (HS)
InBox-Y/S/SW Terminal box connectable to InMax-… actuators with 2 cable, for modulating or 3-pos operation with feedback signal + 2 cable for external aux. switches
InBox-BF Terminal box connectable to InMax-… actuators with 1 cable, for all InMax-…-BF
InBox-…/VA Terminal-box, housing made of stainless-steel type AISI 316 L, some parts nickel plated, surcharge on aluminium version
InBox-…/CT Terminal-box, housing AMERCOAT painted, resistant against corrosive and/or maritime atmosphere, some parts nickel plated, surcharge on aluminium version
MKK-S Mounting bracket for …Box-terminal boxes for direct coupling to …Max… actuators size „S“
MKK-S/VA Mounting bracket, made of stainless-steel suitable for InBox…VA
KB-S Mounting clamp for round damper shaft Ø 10 to 20 mm and squared shafts 10 to 16 mm, incl. bracket, connectable to all InMax-… size „S“
HV-SK, HV-SL Manual override, connectable to …Max-… actuators size „S“. HV-SK=short version, HV-SL=long version for add. mounting of ...Box/Switch
AR-12-xx Squared reduction part from 12 × 12 mm to shafts with 11 mm (type AR-12-11), 10 mm (type AR-12-10), 8 mm (type AR-12-08)
D-F-…S Adaptation with flange acc. to DIN EN 5211 for butterfly or ball-valves suitable for size „S“
InPro-TT-… Safety temperature limiter for fire dampers, switching at 71° /72°C, with 1 m cable, suitable only for InMax-…-BF actuators !
Retrofit-Kit ..Max-S Mechanical adaptation for mounting on ..Max actuators size S, required to replace a previous type EXT15..-F1, EXT12..-F16, EXT15.. or EXT30..

Price list 2011
Technical short information 2011

InMax 90° quarter turn actuators „M“ for safe area

Industrial Features of InMax - ... size „M“
InMax-… Size „M“ Description Basics for all InMax-.. size „M“
InMax actuators are InMax are, in acc. with type, for automation of air •• 24…240 VAC/DC self adaptable power supply
NOT Explosion proof dampers, fire and smoke dampers, volume control, as •• Up to 5 different running times adjustable on site
well as for ball valves, throttle valves and other quarter •• 95°angle of rotation (5° for pretention)
and only for
turn armatures. •• 100% overload protected
use in safe area •• Aluminium housing IP66, cable ~ 1 m
IP66 Delivery: •• -40...+40°C / +50°C, integrated heater
1 actuator, ~ 1 m cable, allen key for manual override, •• Emergency manual override
4 screws. •• Squared shaft connection 16 × 16 mm
•• Dimensions (H × W × D) 287 × 149 × 116 mm

Quarter turn actuators without spring return, 24 to 240 VAC/DC

Type Torque Running time 90° Spring return Control mode Feedback Features Size
InMax-50.75 50 Nm / 75 Nm 40/60/90/120/150 sec. - On-off, 3-pos - - M
InMax- 100 100 Nm 40/60/90/120/150 sec. - On-off, 3-pos - - M
InMax- 150 150 Nm 40/60/90/120 sec. - On-off, 3-pos - - M
InMax-50.75-S 50 Nm / 75 Nm 40/60/90/120/150 sec. - On-off, 3-pos - 2 × EPU ( = 2 aux. switches @ 5° and 85°) M
InMax- 100-S 100 Nm 40/60/90/120/150 sec. - On-off, 3-pos - 2 × EPU ( = 2 aux. switches @ 5° and 85°) M
InMax- 150-S 150 Nm 40/60/90/120 sec. - On-off, 3-pos - 2 × EPU ( = 2 aux. switches @ 5° and 85°) M
InMax-50.75-Y 50 Nm / 75 Nm 40/60/90/120/150 sec. - 3-pos, 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA - M
InMax- 100-Y 100 Nm 40/60/90/120/150 sec. - 3-pos, 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA - M

Quarter turn actuators with spring return, 24 to 240 VAC/DC

Type Torque Running time 90° Spring return Control mode Feedback Features Size
InMax-30-F 30 Nm 40/60/90/120/150 sec. ~ 20 sec. On-off, 3-pos - - M
InMax-50-F 50 Nm 40/60/90/120/150 sec. ~ 20 sec. On-off, 3-pos - - M
InMax-60-F 60 Nm 40/60/90/120 sec. ~ 20 sec. On-off, 3-pos - - M
InMax-30-SF 30 Nm 40/60/90/120/150 sec. ~ 20 sec. On-off, 3-pos - 2 × EPU ( = 2 aux. switches @ 5° and 85°) M
InMax-50-SF 50 Nm 40/60/90/120/150 sec. ~ 20 sec. On-off, 3-pos - 2 × EPU ( = 2 aux. switches @ 5° and 85°) M
InMax-60-SF 60 Nm 40/60/90/120 sec. ~ 20 sec. On-off, 3-pos - 2 × EPU ( = 2 aux. switches @ 5° and 85°) M
InMax-30-YF 30 Nm 40/60/90/120/150 sec. ~ 20 sec. 3-pos, 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA - M
InMax-50-YF 50 Nm 40/60/90/120/150 sec. ~ 20 sec. 3-pos, 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA - M
InMax-30-BF 30 Nm 40/60/90/120/150 sec. ~ 20 sec. On-off, 3-pos - InPro-TT-.. connector + 2 × EPU M
InMax-50-BF 50 Nm 40/60/90/120/150 sec. ~ 20 sec. On-off, 3-pos - InPro-TT-.. connector + 2 × EPU M
InMax-60-BF 60 Nm 40/60/90/120 sec. ~ 20 sec. On-off, 3-pos - InPro-TT-.. connector + 2 × EPU M

Quarter turn actuators with 3 sec. spring return for Offshore application, 24 to 240 VAC/DC
Type Torque Running time 90° Spring return Control mode Feedback Features Size
InMax-30-F3 30 Nm 40/60/90/120/150 sec. ≤ 3 sec. On-off - - M
InMax-50-F3 50 Nm 40/60/90/120/150 sec. ≤ 3 sec. On-off - - M
InMax-30-SF3 30 Nm 40/60/90/120/150 sec. ≤ 3 sec. On-off - 2 × EPU ( = 2 aux. switches @ 5° and 85°) M
InMax-50-SF3 50 Nm 40/60/90/120/150 sec. ≤ 3 sec. On-off - 2 × EPU ( = 2 aux. switches @ 5° and 85°) M
InMax-30-BF3 30 Nm 40/60/90/120/150 sec. ≤ 3 sec. On-off - InPro-TT-.. connector + 2 × EPU M
InMax-50-BF3 50 Nm 40/60/90/120/150 sec. ≤ 3 sec. On-off - InPro-TT-.. connector + 2 × EPU M

Accessories and special designs (additional price)

Type Technical data
InMax-...-CTM Size „M“, aluminium housing Amercoat painted, resistant against corrosive and/or maritime atmosphere, some parts nickel plated
InSwitch External, adaptable, on site adjustable auxilliary switch with 2 potentail free contacts, adaptable to InMax-… actuators
InSwitch-CT Auxilliary switch, housing AMERCOAT painted, resistant against corrosive and/or maritime atmosphere, some parts nickel plated, surcharge on aluminium version
InBox-3P Terminal box connectable to InMax-… actuators with 1 cable for On-off or 3-pos operation
InBox-3P/SW Terminal box connectable to InMax-… actuators with 1 cable for On-off or 3-pos operation + 2 cable for external aux. switches type InSwitch
InBox-Y/S Terminal box connectable to InMax-… actuators with 2 cable, for modulating operation or 3-pos + integr. switches (HS)
InBox-Y/S/SW Terminal box connectable to InMax-… actuators with 2 cable, for modulating or 3-pos operation with feedback signal + 2 cable for external aux. switches
InBox-BF Terminal box connectable to InMax-… actuators with 1 cable, for all ExMax-…-BF
InBox-…/CT Terminal-box, housing AMERCOAT painted, resistant against corrosive and/or maritime atmosphere, some parts nickel plated, surcharge on aluminium version
MKK-M Mounting bracket for …Box-terminal boxes for direct coupling to …Max… actuators size „M“
HV-MK Manual override, connectable to …Max-… actuators size „M“
AR-16-xx Squared reduction part from 16 × 16 mm to shafts with 14 mm (type AR-16-14), 12 mm (type AR-16-12)
D-F-…M Adaptation with flange acc. to DIN EN 5211 for butterfly or ball-valves suitable for size „M“
InPro-TT-… Safety temperature limiter for fire dampers, switching at 71° /72°C, with 1 m cable, suitable only for InMax-…-BF actuators !
Retrofit-Kit ..Max-M Mechanical adaptation for mounting on ..Max actuators size M, required to replace a previous type EXT30..-F3, EXT50..-F3 oder EXT50.. 11
Price list 2011
Technical short information 2011

Electrical drive engineering for valves

Overview ..Max + LIN linear guide unit, ..Run valve actuators and ..Plus linear actuators
The actuator series are subdivided in 3 installation- and 3 application-areas. The actuator concept offers obvious advantages:
Installation-areas: 1. Small dimension, compact, easy installation, highest protection classes, cost effective
ExMax-..+LIN, ExRun-.., ExPlus-.......... actuators for use in hazardous areas zone 1, 2, 21, 22 2. Universal power supply 24 to 240 Volt AC/DC, selfadjustable
RedMax-..+LIN, RedRun-.., RedPlus-... actuators for use in hazardous areas zone 2, 22 3. With or without spring return (spring return only by ..Max + LIN linear guide unit)
InMax-..+LIN, InRun-.., InPlus-.............. actuators for use in safe area 4. Robust aluminium housing, IP66
Application-areas: 5. Integrated heater for low temperatures
Ex/Red/InMax + LIN .............................. for globe- or 3-way valves 6. On site adjustable motor running time
Ex/Red/InRun ........................................ for globe- or 3-way valves 7. Integrated manual override
Ex/Red/InPlus ....................................... for linear motion 8. Useful accessories such as retrofit limit switches

Actuators with spring return for 2-way and 3-way valves ExMax.., RedMax.., InMax.. + LIN linear guide unit

N ExMax..+LIN Linear motion valve actuators with spring return

from 500 to 3.000 N. Fixed stroke with 10, 15, 20,
10 mm - 30, or 42 mm, for automation of globe- or 3-way
42 mm valves. Linkage to numerous valve types and
brands available.

normal wiring

Actuators for 2-way and 3-way valves ExRun.., RedRun.., InRun.. valve actuators

N ExRun.. Valve actuators from 500 to 10.000 N. On site ad-

justable stroke from 5 to 60 mm, for automation of
5 mm - globe- or 3-way valves. Linkage to numerous valve
60 mm types and brands available.

normal wiring

Actuators with long stroke ExPlus.., RedPlus.., InPlus.. linear actuators

N ExPlus.. Linear actuators with forces from 300 to 3.000 N

and stroke lengths up to 300 mm, for linear motion
0 mm - or rotary operation via lever.
300 mm

normal wiring

Safe area Ex area

Price list 2011
Technical short information 2011

LIN-.. + ..Max-.. Linear valve actuators size „S“ and „M“ with spring return 1
er 201
I. quart
Explosion proof Industrial Features Lin-.. + ..Max-.. (size „S“ and „M“) from II

LIN-.. + ExMax-..* LIN-.. + RedMax-..* LIN-.. + InMax-..* Description Basics for LIN-.. + ..Max-.. linear unit
Explosion proof Explosion proof InMax actuators are LIN-.. + ..Max-.. linear valve actuators with •• 24…240 VAC/DC self adaptable power
zone 1, 2, 21, 22 zone 2, 22 NOT Explosion proof and spring return for automation of globe- or supply
gas + dust gas + dust only for 3-way valves. •• Running time 0,1…15 sec./mm ¹
PTB-certified use in safe area Use as actuator with safety function, On-off •• Stroke 10, 15, 20, 30, 42 mm ¹
II 3(1) G Ex nC [ia] IIC T6 IP66 or 3-pos. actuator or modulating actuator. •• Force 500…3.000 N ¹
II 2(1) G Ex d [ia] IIC T6
II 3 G Ex nC II T6 •• Spring return 1/3/10 sec. (size S)
II 2(1) D Ex tD [iaD] A21 IP66 T80 °C II 3 D Ex tD A22 IP66 T80 °C Delivery: Linear unit, suitable for all ..Max-
ATEX 94/9/EC ..-F.. actuators size „S“ or „M“. 3/20 sec. (size M) ¹
ATEX 94/9/EC
•• Control mode On-off, 3-pos., 0-10 VDC,
IECEx Neccessary accessories: 4-20 mA ¹
* Explosion proof apply to * Explosion proof apply to * Protection apply to Valve adaptation in accordance with valve •• Aluminium housing, IP66 ²
ExMax-.. actuator RedMax-.. actuator InMax-.. actuator manufacturer, type and nominal size •• Connection over integrated terminal box ²
(diameter). •• Ambient temperature -20…+40 °C (T6),
Ordering example: -20…+50 °C (T5)
Modulating valve actuator with spring return •• Weight (incl. actuator) ~ 8 kg (size S),
in Ex area zone 2, for a globe valve with 20 ~ 14 kg (size M) ¹
mm stroke and a required force of 1.500 N. •• ExMax + LIN use in zone 1, 2, 21, 22
•• RedMax + LIN use in zone 2, 22
Actuator: RedMax-30-YF
•• InMax + LIN use in safe area
Linear adaptation: LIN-20
Valve adaptation: suitable for valve type on requ. ¹ in acc. with type | ² applies for actuator
Optional: Ex terminal box (RedBox-S/Y)
Optional: Mounting bracket (MKK-M)

Overview table with recommended actuator ..Max-..-F.. in acc. of force (N) and max. stroke (mm)
Type LIN LIN-10 LIN-15 LIN-20 LIN-30 LIN-42 Actuators
Force Stroke 10 mm 15 mm 20 mm 30 mm 42 mm
500 N ..Max-15-F.. ..Max-15-F.. ..Max-15-F.. ..Max-15-F.. ..Max-30-F..
800 N ..Max-15-F.. ..Max-15-F.. ..Max-15-F.. ..Max-30-F.. ..Max-30-F..
suitable actuators
1.000 N ..Max-15-F.. ..Max-15-F.. ..Max-30-F.. ..Max-30-F.. ..Max-50-F..
with spring return
1.500 N ..Max-15-F.. ..Max-30-F.. ..Max-30-F.. ..Max-50-F.. ..Max-50-F.. see page 6-11
2.000 N ..Max-30-F.. ..Max-30-F.. ..Max-50-F.. ..Max-50-F.. ..Max-50-F..
2.500 N ..Max-30-F.. ..Max-50-F.. ..Max-50-F.. ..Max-50-F.. –
3.000 N ..Max-30-F.. ..Max-50-F.. ..Max-50-F.. – –
By intermediate strokes the next bigger actuator is required !

Linear unit for actuators with spring return, 24 to 240 VAC/DC

Type Stroke (max.) Description
LIN-10 10 mm Linear unit up to max. 10 mm stroke, suitable for all ..Max-..-F.. actuators size „S“ or „M“ with spring return
LIN-15 15 mm Linear unit up to max. 15 mm stroke, suitable for all ..Max-..-F.. actuators size „S“ or „M“ with spring return
LIN-20 20 mm Linear unit up to max. 20 mm stroke, suitable for all ..Max-..-F.. actuators size „S“ or „M“ with spring return
LIN-30 30 mm Linear unit up to max. 30 mm stroke, suitable for all ..Max-..-F.. actuators size „S“ or „M“ with spring return
LIN-42 42 mm Linear unit up to max. 42 mm stroke, suitable for all ..Max-..-F.. actuators size „S“ or „M“ with spring return
LIN-..-CT Type as above, but with Amercoat painted aluminium housing, resistant against corrosive and/or maritime atmosphere. Lifting rod, connecting parts and screws in VA
Additional price for CT version. Additional price for adaptation, dependent on valve manufacturer, -type and stroke. Additional price for adaptation in stainless steel (VA) for CT version.

Mounting variations Valve adaptation

To select the right valve adaptation and get the right
price information the following data are required:
1. Valve manufacturer
2. Valve type
3. Valve nominal size (diameter) DN
For adaptations which are still designed by
Schischek this data are minimum requirements.
To design new adaptations we need additional de-
tails of the valve body as well as drawings.
At purchase order you have to order both parts
actuator + adaptation.
Actuator ..Max-..-F.. LIN-.. Adaptation Valve actuator with spring return 13
Price list 2011
Technical short information 2011

ExRun / RedRun / InRun Valve actuators size „S“

Explosion proof Industrial Features of ExRun, RedRun, InRun
ExRun... RedRun... InRun… Description Basics for all …Run valve actuators
Explosion proof Explosion proof, zone 2, 22 InRun actuators are ExRun, RedRun and InRun valve actuators •• 24…240 VAC/DC self adaptable power
zone 1, 2, 21, 22 gas + dust, PTB-certified NOT Explosion proof and are used for automation of 2- and 3-way supply
gas + dust II 3(1) G Ex nC [ia] IIC T6 only for valves with 3-pos. on-off or modulating •• Up to 5 different running times adjustable
PTB-certified II 3 G Ex nC II T6 use in safe area mode. on site
II 2(1) G Ex de [ia] IIC T6 II 3 D Ex tD A22 IP66 T80°C IP66 •• 5 to 60 mm stroke, mechanical limitation
II 2(1) D Ex tD [iaD] A21 IP66 T80 II3(1) D Ex tD [iaD] A22 IP66 T80°C Delivery: on each position
ATEX 94/9/EC ATEX 94/9/EC
1 actuator with integrated Ex-e terminal •• Automatic adaptation of modulating signal
box, Emergency manual override. at Ex-, Red-, InRun-…-Y..
•• Aluminium housing IP66, integrated
Necessary accessories: terminal box
Valve adaptation in accordance with •• -20…+40°C / +50°C, integrated heater
valve manufacturer, type and nominal size •• Emergency manual override
(diameter). •• Dimension (H*×W×D) 260 × 208 × 115 mm
(dimension without adaptation)
*Height = variable, depending on type

Ex-d valve actuators without spring return, 24 to 240 VAC/DC

Type Force Running time Spring return Control mode Feedback Features Size
ExRun- 5.10-X 500 / 1.000 N 2/3/6/9/12 sec/mm - On-off, 3-pos - ExSwitch not adaptable ! S
ExRun- 25.50-X 2.500 / 5.000 N 2/3/6/9/12 sec/mm - On-off, 3-pos - ExSwitch not adaptable ! S
ExRun-75.100-X 7.500 / 10.000 N (8.000 N) 4/6/9/12/15 sec/mm - On-off, 3-pos - ExSwitch not adaptable ! S
ExRun- 5.10 500 / 1.000 N 2/3/6/9/12 sec/mm - On-off, 3-pos - - S
ExRun- 25.50 2.500 / 5.000 N 2/3/6/9/12 sec/mm - On-off, 3-pos - - S
ExRun-75.100 7.500 / 10.000 N (8.000 N) 4/6/9/12/15 sec/mm - On-off, 3-pos - - S
ExRun- 5.10-S 500 / 1.000 N 2/3/6/9/12 sec/mm - On-off, 3-pos - 2 aux. switch, fixed switching points S
ExRun- 25.50-S 2.500 / 5.000 N 2/3/6/9/12 sec/mm - On-off, 3-pos - 2 aux. switch, fixed switching points S
ExRun-75.100-S 7.500 / 10.000 N (8.000 N) 4/6/9/12/15 sec/mm - On-off, 3-pos - 2 aux. switch, fixed switching points S
ExRun- 5.10-P 500 / 1.000 N 2/3/6/9/12 sec/mm - On-off, 3-pos-P potentiometer 1.000 Ω - S
ExRun- 25.50-P 2.500 / 5.000 N 2/3/6/9/12 sec/mm - On-off, 3-pos-P potentiometer 1.000 Ω - S
ExRun-75.100-P 7.500 / 10.000 N (8.000 N) 4/6/9/12/15 sec/mm - On-off, 3-pos-P potentiometer 1.000 Ω - S
ExRun- 5.10-Y 500 / 1.000 N 2/3/6/9/12 sec/mm - 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA - S
ExRun- 25.50-Y 2.500 / 5.000 N 2/3/6/9/12 sec/mm - 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA - S
ExRun-75.100-Y 7.500 / 10.000 N (8.000 N) 4/6/9/12/15 sec/mm - 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA - S
ExRun- 5.10-U 500 / 1.000 N 2/3/6/9/12 sec/mm - On-off, 3-pos 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA - S
ExRun- 25.50-U 2.500 / 5.000 N 2/3/6/9/12 sec/mm - On-off, 3-pos 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA - S
ExRun-75.100-U 7.500 / 10.000 N (8.000 N) 4/6/9/12/15 sec/mm - On-off, 3-pos 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA - S

Switching points are fix ! (see table)

Ex-n valve actuators without spring return, 24 to 240 VAC/DC

Type Force Running time Spring return Control mode Feedback Features Size
RedRun- 5.10-X 500 / 1.000 N 2/3/6/9/12 sec/mm - On-off, 3-pos - RedSwitch not adaptable ! S
RedRun- 25.50-X 2.500 / 5.000 N 2/3/6/9/12 sec/mm - On-off, 3-pos - RedSwitch not adaptable ! S
RedRun-75.100-X 7.500 / 10.000 N (8.000 N) 4/6/9/12/15 sec/mm - On-off, 3-pos - RedSwitch not adaptable ! S
RedRun- 5.10 500 / 1.000 N 2/3/6/9/12 sec/mm - On-off, 3-pos - - S
RedRun-25.50 2.500 / 5.000 N 2/3/6/9/12 sec/mm - On-off, 3-pos - - S
RedRun-75.100 7.500 / 10.000 N (8.000 N) 4/6/9/12/15 sec/mm - On-off, 3-pos - - S
RedRun- 5.10-S 500 / 1.000 N 2/3/6/9/12 sec/mm - On-off, 3-pos - 2 aux. switch, fixed switching points S
RedRun- 25.50-S 2.500 / 5.000 N 2/3/6/9/12 sec/mm - On-off, 3-pos - 2 aux. switch, fixed switching points S
RedRun-75.100-S 7.500 / 10.000 N (8.000 N) 4/6/9/12/15 sec/mm - On-off, 3-pos - 2 aux. switch, fixed switching points S
RedRun- 5.10-P 500 / 1.000 N 2/3/6/9/12 sec/mm - On-off, 3-pos-P potentiometer 1.000 Ω - S
RedRun- 25.50-P 2.500 / 5.000 N 2/3/6/9/12 sec/mm - On-off, 3-pos-P potentiometer 1.000 Ω - S
RedRun-75.100-P 7.500 / 10.000 N (8.000 N) 4/6/9/12/15 sec/mm - On-off, 3-pos-P potentiometer 1.000 Ω - S
RedRun- 5.10-Y 500 / 1.000 N 2/3/6/9/12 sec/mm - 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA - S
RedRun- 25.50-Y 2.500 / 5.000 N 2/3/6/9/12 sec/mm - 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA - S
RedRun-75.100-Y 7.500 / 10.000 N (8.000 N) 4/6/9/12/15 sec/mm - 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA - S
RedRun- 5.10-U 500 / 1.000 N 2/3/6/9/12 sec/mm - On-off, 3-pos 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA - S
RedRun- 25.50-U 2.500 / 5.000 N 2/3/6/9/12 sec/mm - On-off, 3-pos 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA - S
RedRun-75.100-U 7.500 / 10.000 N (8.000 N) 4/6/9/12/15 sec/mm - On-off, 3-pos 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA - S

Switching points are fix ! (see table)

Price list 2011
Technical short information 2011

Valve actuators without spring return, 24 to 240 VAC/DC

Type Force Running time Spring return Control mode Feedback Features Size
InRun- 5.10-X 500 / 1.000 N 2/3/6/9/12 sec/mm - On-off, 3-pos - InSwitch not adaptable ! S
InRun- 25.50-X 2.500 / 5.000 N 2/3/6/9/12 sec/mm - On-off, 3-pos - InSwitch not adaptable ! S
InRun-75.100-X 7.500 / 10.000 N (8.000 N) 4/6/9/12/15 sec/mm - On-off, 3-pos - InSwitch not adaptable ! S
InRun- 5.10 500 / 1.000 N 2/3/6/9/12 sec/mm - On-off, 3-pos - - S
InRun- 25.50 2.500 / 5.000 N 2/3/6/9/12 sec/mm - On-off, 3-pos - - S
InRun-75.100 7.500 / 10.000 N (8.000 N) 4/6/9/12/15 sec/mm - On-off, 3-pos - - S
InRun- 5.10-S 500 / 1.000 N 2/3/6/9/12 sec/mm - On-off, 3-pos - 2 aux. switch, fixed switching points S
InRun- 25.50-S 2.500 / 5.000 N 2/3/6/9/12 sec/mm - On-off, 3-pos - 2 aux. switch, fixed switching points S
InRun-75.100-S 7.500 / 10.000 N (8.000 N) 4/6/9/12/15 sec/mm - On-off, 3-pos - 2 aux. switch, fixed switching points S
InRun- 5.10-P 500 / 1.000 N 2/3/6/9/12 sec/mm - On-off, 3-pos-P potentiometer 1.000 Ω - S
InRun- 25.50-P 2.500 / 5.000 N 2/3/6/9/12 sec/mm - On-off, 3-pos-P potentiometer 1.000 Ω - S
InRun-75.100-P 7.500 / 10.000 N (8.000 N) 4/6/9/12/15 sec/mm - On-off, 3-pos-P potentiometer 1.000 Ω - S
InRun- 5.10-Y 500 / 1.000 N 2/3/6/9/12 sec/mm - 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA - S
InRun- 25.50-Y 2.500 / 5.000 N 2/3/6/9/12 sec/mm - 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA - S
InRun-75.100-Y 7.500 / 10.000 N (8.000 N) 4/6/9/12/15 sec/mm - 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA - S
InRun- 5.10-U 500 / 1.000 N 2/3/6/9/12 sec/mm - On-off, 3-pos 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA - S
InRun- 25.50-U 2.500 / 5.000 N 2/3/6/9/12 sec/mm - On-off, 3-pos 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA - S
InRun-75.100-U 7.500 / 10.000 N (8.000 N) 4/6/9/12/15 sec/mm - On-off, 3-pos 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA - S

Switching points are fix! (see table)

Accessories and special designs (additional price)

Type Technical data
..Run-..-CTS Size „S“, aluminium housing with Amercoat painting, resistant against corrosive and/or maritime atmosphere, some parts nickel plated
ExSwitch-R External, adaptable, on site adjustable Ex-d auxilliary switch for ExRun-.. with 2 potentail free contacts, additionally Ex-e terminal box + mounting bracket necessary
RedSwitch-R External, adaptable, on site adjustable auxilliary switch for RedRun-.. with 2 potentail free contacts, additionally terminal box + mounting bracket necessary
InSwitch-R External, adaptable, on site adjustable auxilliary switch for InRun-.. with 2 potentail free contacts, additionally terminal box + mounting bracket necessary
..Switch-R-CT Auxilliary switch like before, but with Amercoat painting, resistant against corrosive and/or maritime atmosphere, some parts nickel plated
ExSwitch-R-L External, adaptable, on site adjustable Ex-d auxilliary switch linear for ExRun-.. with 2 potentail free contacts, additionally Ex-e terminal box + mounting bracket necessary
ExBox-SW Ex-e terminal box suitable for ExRun.. valve-actuators with external switches ExSwitch
RedBox-SW Ex-e terminal box suitable for RedRun.. valve-actuators with external switches RedSwitch
InBox-SW Terminal box suitable for InRun.. valve-actuators with external switches InSwitch
MKK-S Mounting-bracket suitable for ..Box-terminal boxes for direct mounting on ..Run actuators size „S“
HV-R Manual override suitable for ..Run valve actuators size „S“
Adaptation Different adaptations for different valve types and sizes available. Please don‘t hesitate to ask for technical solution
GMB-1 Rubber bellow up to 60 mm, colour black

Switchpoint Other switching points to

Gear belt adjustment Lifting rod retracted (Terminals 1, 2, 3) Lifting rod extended (Terminals 4, 5, 6) be realized with
adaptable, external
10 mm 1 mm 10 mm auxilliary switches type Ex-/
20 mm 1 mm 19 mm Red- / InSwitch!
30 mm 1 mm 28 mm
60 mm 1 mm 55 mm

Required data for valve adaptation …Run + valve adaptation

To select the right valve adaptation and get the right price information the ExRun-…
following data are required:
1. Valve manufacturer
2. Valve type InRun-…
3. Valve nominal size (diameter) DN
For adaptations which are still designed by Schischek this data are
minimum requirements.
To design new adaptations we need additional details of the valve body
as well as drawings.
At purchase order you have to order both parts actuator + adaptation.
Adaptation 15
Price list 2011
Technical short information 2011

ExPlus / RedPlus / InPlus Linear actuators size „S“ up to 300 mm stroke

Explosion proof Industrial Features of ExPlus, RedPlus, InPlus
ExPlus… RedPlus… InPlus… Description Basics for all …Plus actuators
Explosion proof Explosion proof InPlus actuators are ExPlus, RedPlus and InPlus actuators for •• 24…240 VAC/DC self adaptable power
zone 1, 2, 21, 22 zone 2, 22 NOT Explosion proof and linear motion or rotary operation via lever. supply
gas + dust gas + dust only for Types Ex-Red-In are different in certi- •• Up to 3 different running times adjustable
PTB-certified PTB-certified use in safe area fication, but with same functions and on site
II2G.. / II2D.. II3G.. / II3D.. IP66
dimension. •• 100 % overload protected
ATEX 94/9/EC ATEX 94/9/EC
•• Aluminium housing IP66
Delivery: •• Integrated heater, -40...+40°C / +50°C
1 actuator with 1 m cable In acc. with type:
1 linkage •• 300 up to 3.000 N force
1 mounting bracket •• 100 and 300 mm stroke
•• On-off, 3-pos, 0-10 VDC, 4-20 mA
•• ExPlus for installation in zone 1, 2, 21, 22
•• RedPlus for installation in zone 2, 22
•• InPlus for installation in the safe area

Mounting variations Stroke variations

100 mm


300 mm


Torque at stroke
Force 100 mm 200 mm 300 mm
300 N 15 Nm 30 Nm 45 Nm
500 N 25 Nm 50 Nm 75 Nm
1.000 N 50 Nm 100 Nm 150 Nm
3.000 N 150 Nm 300 Nm 450 Nm

ExPlus... Ex-d linear actuators, 24...240 VAC/DC, zone 1, 2, 21, 22

Type Force Stroke Running time Control mode Feedback Features
ExPlus- 3.5-100-X 300 N / 500 N 100 mm 0,5 / 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm On-off, 3-pos - ExSwitch not adaptable !
ExPlus- 3.5-300-X 300 N / 500 N 300 mm 0,5 / 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm On-off, 3-pos - ExSwitch not adaptable !
ExPlus-10.15-100-X 1.000 N / 1.500 N 100 mm 0,5 / 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm On-off, 3-pos - ExSwitch not adaptable !
ExPlus-10.15-300-X 1.000 N / 1.500 N 300 mm 0,5 / 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm On-off, 3-pos - ExSwitch not adaptable !
ExPlus- 30-100-X 3.000 N 100 mm 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm On-off, 3-pos - ExSwitch not adaptable !
ExPlus- 30-300-X 3.000 N 300 mm 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm On-off, 3-pos - ExSwitch not adaptable !
ExPlus- 3.5-100 300 N / 500 N 100 mm 0,5 / 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm On-off, 3-pos - -
ExPlus- 3.5-300 300 N / 500 N 300 mm 0,5 / 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm On-off, 3-pos - -
ExPlus-10.15-100 1.000 N / 1.500 N 100 mm 0,5 / 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm On-off, 3-pos - -
ExPlus-10.15-300 1.000 N / 1.500 N 300 mm 0,5 / 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm On-off, 3-pos - -
ExPlus- 30-100 3.000 N 100 mm 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm On-off, 3-pos - -
ExPlus- 30-300 3.000 N 300 mm 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm On-off, 3-pos - -
ExPlus- 3.5-100-Y 300 N / 500 N 100 mm 0,5 / 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA -
ExPlus- 3.5-300-Y 300 N / 500 N 300 mm 0,5 / 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA -
ExPlus-10.15-100-Y 1.000 N / 1.500 N 100 mm 0,5 / 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA -
ExPlus-10.15-300-Y 1.000 N / 1.500 N 300 mm 0,5 / 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA -
ExPlus- 30-100-Y 3.000 N 100 mm 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA -
ExPlus- 30-300-Y 3.000 N 300 mm 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA -
ExPlus- 3.5-100-U 300 N / 500 N 100 mm 0,5 / 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm On-off, 3-pos 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA -
ExPlus- 3.5-300-U 300 N / 500 N 300 mm 0,5 / 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm On-off, 3-pos 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA -
ExPlus-10.15-100-U 1.000 N / 1.500 N 100 mm 0,5 / 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm On-off, 3-pos 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA -
ExPlus-10.15-300-U 1.000 N / 1.500 N 300 mm 0,5 / 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm On-off, 3-pos 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA -
ExPlus- 30-100-U 3.000 N 100 mm 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm On-off, 3-pos 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA -
ExPlus- 30-300-U 3.000 N 300 mm 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm On-off, 3-pos 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA -

Price list 2011
Technical short information 2011

RedPlus... Ex-n linear actuators, 24...240 VAC/DC, zone 2, 22

Type Force Stroke Running time Control mode Feedback Features
RedPlus- 3.5-100-X 300 N / 500 N 100 mm 0,5 / 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm On-off, 3-pos - RedSwitch not adaptable !
RedPlus- 3.5-300-X 300 N / 500 N 300 mm 0,5 / 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm On-off, 3-pos - RedSwitch not adaptable !
RedPlus-10.15-100-X 1.000 N / 1.500 N 100 mm 0,5 / 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm On-off, 3-pos - RedSwitch not adaptable !
RedPlus-10.15-300-X 1.000 N / 1.500 N 300 mm 0,5 / 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm On-off, 3-pos - RedSwitch not adaptable !
RedPlus- 30-100-X 3.000 N 100 mm 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm On-off, 3-pos - RedSwitch not adaptable !
RedPlus- 30-300-X 3.000 N 300 mm 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm On-off, 3-pos - RedSwitch not adaptable !
RedPlus- 3.5-100 300 N / 500 N 100 mm 0,5 / 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm On-off, 3-pos - -
RedPlus- 3.5-300 300 N / 500 N 300 mm 0,5 / 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm On-off, 3-pos - -
RedPlus-10.15-100 1.000 N / 1.500 N 100 mm 0,5 / 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm On-off, 3-pos - -
RedPlus-10.15-300 1.000 N / 1.500 N 300 mm 0,5 / 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm On-off, 3-pos - -
RedPlus- 30-100 3.000 N 100 mm 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm On-off, 3-pos - -
RedPlus- 30-300 3.000 N 300 mm 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm On-off, 3-pos - -
RedPlus- 3.5-100-Y 300 N / 500 N 100 mm 0,5 / 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA -
RedPlus- 3.5-300-Y 300 N / 500 N 300 mm 0,5 / 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA -
RedPlus-10.15-100-Y 1.000 N / 1.500 N 100 mm 0,5 / 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA -
RedPlus-10.15-300-Y 1.000 N / 1.500 N 300 mm 0,5 / 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA -
RedPlus- 30-100-Y 3.000 N 100 mm 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA -
RedPlus- 30-300-Y 3.000 N 300 mm 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA -
RedPlus- 3.5-100-U 300 N / 500 N 100 mm 0,5 / 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm On-off, 3-pos 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA -
RedPlus- 3.5-300-U 300 N / 500 N 300 mm 0,5 / 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm On-off, 3-pos 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA -
RedPlus-10.15-100-U 1.000 N / 1.500 N 100 mm 0,5 / 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm On-off, 3-pos 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA -
RedPlus-10.15-300-U 1.000 N / 1.500 N 300 mm 0,5 / 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm On-off, 3-pos 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA -
RedPlus- 30-100-U 3.000 N 100 mm 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm On-off, 3-pos 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA -
RedPlus- 30-300-U 3.000 N 300 mm 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm On-off, 3-pos 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA -

InPlus... linear actuators, 24...240 VAC/DC, safe area (Industrial application, NON Ex)
Type Force Stroke Running time Control mode Feedback Features
InPlus- 3.5-100-X 300 N / 500 N 100 mm 0,5 / 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm On-off, 3-pos - InSwitch not adaptable !
InPlus- 3.5-300-X 300 N / 500 N 300 mm 0,5 / 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm On-off, 3-pos - InSwitch not adaptable !
InPlus-10.15-100-X 1.000 N / 1.500 N 100 mm 0,5 / 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm On-off, 3-pos - InSwitch not adaptable !
InPlus-10.15-300-X 1.000 N / 1.500 N 300 mm 0,5 / 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm On-off, 3-pos - InSwitch not adaptable !
InPlus- 30-100-X 3.000 N 100 mm 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm On-off, 3-pos - InSwitch not adaptable !
InPlus- 30-300-X 3.000 N 300 mm 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm On-off, 3-pos - InSwitch not adaptable !
InPlus- 3.5-100 300 N / 500 N 100 mm 0,5 / 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm On-off, 3-pos - -
InPlus- 3.5-300 300 N / 500 N 300 mm 0,5 / 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm On-off, 3-pos - -
InPlus-10.15-100 1.000 N / 1.500 N 100 mm 0,5 / 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm On-off, 3-pos - -
InPlus-10.15-300 1.000 N / 1.500 N 300 mm 0,5 / 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm On-off, 3-pos - -
InPlus- 30-100 3.000 N 100 mm 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm On-off, 3-pos - -
InPlus- 30-300 3.000 N 300 mm 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm On-off, 3-pos - -
InPlus- 3.5-100-Y 300 N / 500 N 100 mm 0,5 / 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA -
InPlus- 3.5-300-Y 300 N / 500 N 300 mm 0,5 / 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA -
InPlus-10.15-100-Y 1.000 N / 1.500 N 100 mm 0,5 / 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA -
InPlus-10.15-300-Y 1.000 N / 1.500 N 300 mm 0,5 / 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA -
InPlus- 30-100-Y 3.000 N 100 mm 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA -
InPlus- 30-300-Y 3.000 N 300 mm 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA -
InPlus- 3.5-100-U 300 N / 500 N 100 mm 0,5 / 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm On-off, 3-pos 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA -
InPlus- 3.5-300-U 300 N / 500 N 300 mm 0,5 / 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm On-off, 3-pos 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA -
InPlus-10.15-100-U 1.000 N / 1.500 N 100 mm 0,5 / 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm On-off, 3-pos 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA -
InPlus-10.15-300-U 1.000 N / 1.500 N 300 mm 0,5 / 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm On-off, 3-pos 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA -
InPlus- 30-100-U 3.000 N 100 mm 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm On-off, 3-pos 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA -
InPlus- 30-300-U 3.000 N 300 mm 1,0 / 2,0 sec/mm On-off, 3-pos 0…10 VDC, 4...20 mA -

Accessories and special designs (additional price)

Type Technical data
..Plus-..-CTS Size „S“, aluminium housing with Amercoat painting, resistant against corrosive and/or maritime atmosphere, some parts nickel plated
ExSwitch-P External, adaptable, on site adjustable Ex-d auxilliary switch with 2 potentail free contacts, adaptable to ExPlus-.. actuators
RedSwitch-P External, adaptable, on site adjustable auxilliary switch with 2 potentail free contacts, adaptable to RedPlus-.. actuators
InSwitch-P External, adaptable, on site adjustable auxilliary switch with 2 potentail free contacts, adaptable to InPlus-.. actuators
..Switch-P-CT Auxilliary switch, housing AMERCOAT painted, resistant against corrosive and/or maritime atmosphere, some parts nickel plated, surcharge on aluminium version
MKK-S Mounting-bracket suitable for ..Box-terminal boxes for direct mounting on ..Plus linear actuators
GMB-2 Rubber bellow up to 100 mm, colour black
GMB-3 Rubber bellow up to 300 mm, colour black
ExBox-… Ex-e terminal boxes see page 6 (Accessories…), RedBox-… Ex-e terminal boxes see page 8 (Accessories…), InBox-… terminal boxes see page 10 (Accessories…) 17
Price list 2011
Technical short information 2011

ExCos.. / RedCos.. / InCos.. Sensors – Overview and accessories

The new ExCos..., RedCos and InCos Sensor-Technology
The sensors are subdevided in 3 installation- and 3 application-areas. The sensor concept grants enormous advantages to known solutions,
Installation-areas: especially in hazardous areas:
ExCos-.........................................Sensors for Ex-area zone 1, 2, 21, 22 1. No intrinsically safe wiring required between the control panel and the sensor
RedCos- ......................................Sensors for Ex-area zone 2, 22
2. No intrinsically safe circuit necessary inside the control panel
InCos-..........................................Sensors for safe area
3. No transducer needed in the electrical control panel
4. Reduced installation cost
Ex / Red / InCos-P.........................sensors for pressure and differential pressure
Ex / Red / InCos-D + sensor-heads for temperature and /or humidity 5. Easy parameterisation
Ex / Red / InCos-A + ..Sens..........passive sensors for temperature, humidity and potentiometer 6. Cost savings for electrical components

Pressure, Differential Pressure – modulating, active ExCos-P.., RedCos-P.., InCos-P.. Sensors

Δ P ExCos-P ΔP
Transducers with integrated differential-pressure
sensor for direct connection of the air-hoses.
IP66 aluminium housing with integrated terminal-
box. Measuring range parametrizable on site.
Outputs 0…10V VDC/4…20 mA. Integrated actual
value indication, illuminated.
normal wiring

Temperature and/or Humidity – modulating, active ExCos-D.., RedCos-D.., InCos-D..

Transducer + ExPro-C.., InPro-C.. sensor probe
°C ExCos-D Duct sensor
Transducer for the installation of an ExPro-C.. or
%rH + ExPro-C.. InPro-C.. (with InCos-D) for temperature C° and /
or humidity in %. IP66 aluminium housing with
integrated terminal-box. Measuring-range parame-
trizable on site. Outputs 0…10V VDC/4…20 mA.
normal wiring Integrated actual value indication, illuminated.
Room sensor

Temperature and/or Humidity, Potentiometer – modulating, passive ExCos-A.., RedCos-A.., InCos-A..

Transducer + ExSens sensor
°C ExCos-A
Transducer for a connection of an passive, modula-
%rH + ExSens ting ExSens sensor type Pt 100, Ni 1000, 0…10 kΩ
over Ex-i electrical conduit. IP66 aluminium housing
Ex-i wiring
with integrated terminal-box. Measuring range pa-
rametrizable on site. Outputs 0…10V VDC/ 4…20
normal wiring safe)
mA. Integrated actual value indication, illuminated.

Temperature, Humidity, Potentiometer – modulating, passive EXL-IMU-1 transducer + ExSens sensor

°C EXL-IMU-1 Transducer for a connection of an passive, modu-

lating ExSens sensor type Pt 100, Ni 1000, 0…10
%rH + ExSens kΩ over Ex-i electrical conduit. Installation in control
Ex-i wiring box onto DIN-rail. Measuring range parametrizable
(intrinsically safe) at site. Outputs 0…10V VDC/4…20 mA. Integrated
actual value indication.
normal wiring

Safe area Ex area

Price list 2011
Technical short information 2011

ExCos-P / RedCos-P/ InCos-P Differential pressure sensors

Explosion proof Industrial Features of ExCos-P, RedCos-P, InCos-P sensors
ExCos-P… RedCos-P… InCos-P… Description Basics for all …Cos-P sensors
Explosion proof Explosion proof InCos sensors are ExCos-P, RedCos-P and InCos-P are •• No additional module in the panel required !
zone 1, 2, 21, 22 zone 2, 22 NOT Explosion proof pressure sensors for HVAC systems, e.g. •• No intrinsically safe wiring required !
gas + dust gas + dust and only for for differential pressure control. •• 24 VAC / DC supply
PTB-certified PTB-certified use in safe area VAV control must be tested by the ma- •• Outputs 0…10 VDC, 4…20 mA selectable
II2(1)G Ex ema [ia] IIC T6 II3(1)G Ex nC [ia] IIC T6 IP66
nufacturerer of VAV dampers in acc. with •• Measurement range adjustable
II2(1)D Ex tD A21 [iaD] IP66 T80°C II3(1)D Ex tD A22 [iaD] IP66 T80°C
diameter, design and characteristics of the •• Actual value indication (which can be
ATEX 94/9/EC ATEX 94/9/EC
air damper. switched off)
•• All parameters can be adjusted on site
Delivery: without additional tools and measurement
1 sensor with integrated terminal box devices
•• Aluminium housing IP66
•• Integrated terminal box
•• Dimensions (H × W × D) 180 × 107 × 66 mm

ExCos-P... Differential pressure and volume control sensors zone 1, 2, 21, 22

Type Max. range Overload protected Measurement range, min. 20% of max. range Installation module
ExCos-P100 ± 100 Pa up to 25.000 Pa ± Measurement range free adjustable, min. range 20 Pa zone 1, 2, 21, 22
ExCos-P250 ± 250 Pa up to 25.000 Pa ± Measurement range free adjustable, min. range 50 Pa zone 1, 2, 21, 22
ExCos-P500 ± 500 Pa up to 50.000 Pa ± Measurement range free adjustable, min. range 100 Pa zone 1, 2, 21, 22
ExCos-P1250 ± 1.250 Pa up to 50.000 Pa ± Measurement range free adjustable, min. range 250 Pa zone 1, 2, 21, 22
ExCos-P2500 ± 2.500 Pa up to 50.000 Pa ± Measurement range free adjustable, min. range 500 Pa zone 1, 2, 21, 22
ExCos-P5000 ± 5.000 Pa up to 75.000 Pa ± Measurement range free adjustable, min. range 1.000 Pa zone 1, 2, 21, 22
ExCos-P7500 ± 7.500 Pa up to 120.000 Pa ± Measurement range free adjustable, min. range 1.500 Pa zone 1, 2, 21, 22

RedCos-P... Differential pressure and volume control sensors zone 2, 22

Type Max. range Overload protected Measurement range, min. 20% of max. range Installation module
RedCos-P100 ± 100 Pa up to 25.000 Pa ± Measurement range free adjustable, min. range 20 Pa zone 2, 22
RedCos-P250 ± 250 Pa up to 25.000 Pa ± Measurement range free adjustable, min. range 50 Pa zone 2, 22
RedCos-P500 ± 500 Pa up to 50.000 Pa ± Measurement range free adjustable, min. range 100 Pa zone 2, 22
RedCos-P1250 ± 1.250 Pa up to 50.000 Pa ± Measurement range free adjustable, min. range 250 Pa zone 2, 22
RedCos-P2500 ± 2.500 Pa up to 50.000 Pa ± Measurement range free adjustable, min. range 500 Pa zone 2, 22
RedCos-P5000 ± 5.000 Pa up to 75.000 Pa ± Measurement range free adjustable, min. range 1.000 Pa zone 2, 22
RedCos-P7500 ± 7.500 Pa up to 120.000 Pa ± Measurement range free adjustable, min. range 1.500 Pa zone 2, 22

InCos-P... Differential pressure and volume control sensors for safe areas
Type Max. range Overload protected Measurement range, min. 20% of max. range Installation module
InCos-P100 ± 100 Pa up to 25.000 Pa ± Measurement range free adjustable, min. range 20 Pa safe area
InCos-P250 ± 250 Pa up to 25.000 Pa ± Measurement range free adjustable, min. range 50 Pa safe area
InCos-P500 ± 500 Pa up to 50.000 Pa ± Measurement range free adjustable, min. range 100 Pa safe area
InCos-P1250 ± 1.250 Pa up to 50.000 Pa ± Measurement range free adjustable, min. range 250 Pa safe area
InCos-P2500 ± 2.500 Pa up to 50.000 Pa ± Measurement range free adjustable, min. range 500 Pa safe area
InCos-P5000 ± 5.000 Pa up to 75.000 Pa ± Measurement range free adjustable, min. range 1.000 Pa safe area
InCos-P7500 ± 7.500 Pa up to 120.000 Pa ± Measurement range free adjustable, min. range 1.500 Pa safe area

Accessories and special designs (additional price)

Type Technical data
..Cos-P..-CT Amercoat painted aluminium housing, resistant against corrosive and /or maritime atmosphere. Cable glands nickel-plated, screws in stainless steel
..Cos-P..-OCT Offshore version with see-water resistant Amercoat painted aluminium housing. M20 cable glands nickel-plated, pressure connection tubes and screws in stainless steel
Ex/RedCos-P…-A Module as before, but with 1 intrinsically safe circuit 4…20 mA output to connect external actual value indicator
InCos-P…-A Module as before, but with one 4…20 mA output to connect external actual value indicator
EXC-RIA-261 Intrinsic safe actual value LCD indicator, for use in zone 1, 2, 21, 22, connectable to Ex-, RedCos… sensors with type addition …P.. - A
NOC-RIA-261 LCD indicator, connectable to InCos… sensors with type addition …P.. - A
MKR Mounting bracket for installation on round air-ducts (diameter up to 600 mm)
Installation kit 2 Includes 2 meter pressure hose (inner diameter 6 mm) and 2 plastic fittings 19
Price list 2011
Technical short information 2011

ExCos-D/ RedCos-D/ InCos-D Temperature/humidity transducer

Explosion proof Industrial Features ExCos-D, RedCos-D, InCos-D transducer
ExCos-D… RedCos-D… InCos-D… Description Basics for all …Cos-D sensors
Explosion proof Explosion proof InCos sensors are ExCos-D, RedCos-D and InCos-D trans- •• No additional module in the panel required !
zone 1, 2, 21, 22 zone 2, 22 NOT Explosion proof ducer together with ExPro -C…/ InPro-C… •• No intrinsically safe wiring required !
gas + dust gas + dust and only for digital sensors are for temperature and / or •• 24 VAC / DC supply
humidity measurement in HVAC systems. •• Connector for ExPro-C… sensors for room
PTB-certified PTB-certified use in safe area
Delivery: 1 transducer with connection for or duct mounting
II2(1)G Ex ema [ia] IIC T6 II3(1)G Ex nC [ia] IIC T6 IP66 1 ExPro-C… sensor •• Outputs 0…10 VDC, 4…20 mA selectable
II2(1)D Ex tD A21 [iaD] IP66 T80°C II3(1)D Ex tD A22 [iaD] IP66 T80°C Required accessory (additional price): •• Measurement range adjustable
ATEX 94/9/EC ATEX 94/9/EC 1 ExPro-C… or InPro-C… sensor •• Actual value indication (which can be
Ordering example for 1 temperature duct switched off)
sensing, 150 mm sensor tube, additional •• All parameters can be adjusted on site
external value indication, sensor in zone 21, without additional tools and measurement
indicator in zone 22. devices
Types to order: •• Aluminium housing IP66
1 x ExCos-D + type addition …- A •• Integrated terminal box
(Ex-i transducer) •• Dimensions (H × W × D) 180 × 107 × 66 mm
1 x ExPro-CT150 + (Ex-i sensor) •• ExCos-D for zone 1, 2, 21, 22
1 x EXC-RIA-261 (Ex-i indicator) •• RedCos-D for zone 2, 22
•• InCos-D for safe area

ExCos-D temperature-/humidity module for zone 1, 2, 21, 22

Type Technical data Installation module Installation ExPro sensor
ExCos-D Module to connect 1 ExPro-C… sensor for temperture and /or humidity for use in hazardous areas zone 1, 2, 21, 22 zone 1, 2, 21, 22

RedCos-D temperature-/humidity module for zone 2, 22

Type Technical data Installation module Installation ExPro sensor
RedCos-D Module to connect 1 ExPro-C… sensor for temperture and /or humidity for use in hazardous areas zone 2, 22 zone 1, 2, 21, 22

InCos-D temperature-/humidity module for safe area

Type Technical data Installation module Installation InPro sensor
InCos-D Module to connect 1 InPro-C… sensor for temperture and /or humidity for use in safe area safe area safe area

Accessories and special designs (additional price)

Type Technical data
..Cos-D-CT Amercoat painted aluminium housing, resistant against corrosive and /or maritime atmosphere. Cable glands nickel-plated, screws in stainless steel
Ex/RedCos-D-A Module as before, but with 2* intrinsic safe circuit 4…20 mA output to connect external actual value indicator
InCos-D-A Module as before, but with 2* 4…20 mA outputs to connect external actual value indicators
EXC-RIA-261 Intrinsic safe actual value LCD indicator, for use in zone 1, 2, 21, 22, connectable to Ex/RedCos-…D sensors
NOC-RIA-261 Actual value LCD indicator, for use in safe area, connectable to InCos-…D sensors
MKR Mounting bracket for installation on round air-ducts (diameter up to 600 mm)
VL3 Sensor extension cable 3 m
*Output 1 = for °C, Output 2 = for %rH

Example of combinations

Price list 2011
Technical short information 2011

ExPro -C… / InPro-C… Digital temperature /humidity sensors

Explosion proof Industrial Features ExPro-C…, InPro-C… sensors
ExPro-C… InPro-C… Description Basics for all ExPro-C…/ InPro-C… sensors
Explosion proof Only for use with ExPro-C… sensors are used for measurements of •• Sensors for connection to ExCos-D…, RedCos-D…
zone 1, 2, 21, 22 InCos-D… trans­ducers! temperature and / or humidity in hazardous areas, for ex- transducers. Mechanical and electrical adaptation via
gas + dust clusive use with ExCos-D… / RedCos-D… transducers ! connector
NOT for use in
PTB-certified in acc. •• ExPro -C… / InPro-C… sensors can be optionally
Ex area !
with ExCos-D InPro-C… sensors are suitable for temperature and / or screwed to the housing at the back (duct measurement)
and RedCos-D humidity measurement in safe areas, for exclusive use or bottom (room measurement)
transducer with InCos-D… transducers ! •• When using humidity-sensors, the contamination and
ATEX 94/9/EC aggressiveness of the medium has to be regarded
Delivery: 1 sensor with connector
Example: room-humidity sensor, 50 mm length
Type: 1 x ExPro-CF-50

Attention: only in combination with:

1 × ExCos-D or RedCos-D
( InCos-D by InPro-C… sensors)

Sensor probes for ExCos-D and RedCos-D transducer

Type Function Range Sensor length Main use Connectable to Installation area
ExPro-CT - 50 Temperature sensor - 40…+ 80 °C 50 mm Room/Duct ExCos-D RedCos-D zone 1, 2, 21, 22
ExPro-CT -100 Temperature sensor - 40…+ 125 °C 100 mm Duct ExCos-D RedCos-D zone 1, 2, 21, 22
ExPro-CT -150 Temperature sensor - 40…+ 125 °C 150 mm Duct ExCos-D RedCos-D zone 1, 2, 21, 22
ExPro-CT -200 Temperature sensor - 40…+ 125 °C 200 mm Duct ExCos-D RedCos-D zone 1, 2, 21, 22
ExPro-CF - 50 Humidity sensor 0…100 %rF 50 mm Room/Duct ExCos-D RedCos-D zone 1, 2, 21, 22
ExPro-CF -100 Humidity sensor 0…100 %rF 100 mm Duct ExCos-D RedCos-D zone 1, 2, 21, 22
ExPro-CF -150 Humidity sensor 0…100 %rF 150 mm Duct ExCos-D RedCos-D zone 1, 2, 21, 22
ExPro-CF -200 Humidity sensor 0…100 %rF 200 mm Duct ExCos-D RedCos-D zone 1, 2, 21, 22
ExPro-CTF- 50 Combination temperature /humidity - 40…+ 80 °C, 0…100 %rH 50 mm Room/Duct ExCos-D RedCos-D zone 1, 2, 21, 22
ExPro-CTF-100 Combination temperature /humidity - 40…+ 125 °C, 0…100 %rH 100 mm Duct ExCos-D RedCos-D zone 1, 2, 21, 22
ExPro-CTF-150 Combination temperature /humidity - 40…+ 125 °C, 0…100 %rH 150 mm Duct ExCos-D RedCos-D zone 1, 2, 21, 22
ExPro-CTF-200 Combination temperature /humidity - 40…+ 125 °C, 0…100 %rH 200 mm Duct ExCos-D RedCos-D zone 1, 2, 21, 22

Sensor probes for InCos-D transducer

Type Function Range Sensor length Main use Connectable to Installation area
InPro-CT - 50 Temperature sensor - 40…+ 80 °C 50 mm Room/Duct InCos-D safe area
InPro-CT -100 Temperature sensor - 40…+ 125 °C 100 mm Duct InCos-D safe area
InPro-CT -150 Temperature sensor - 40…+ 125 °C 150 mm Duct InCos-D safe area
InPro-CT -200 Temperature sensor - 40…+ 125 °C 200 mm Duct InCos-D safe area
InPro-CF - 50 Humidity sensor 0…100 %rF 50 mm Room/Duct InCos-D safe area
InPro-CF -100 Humidity sensor 0…100 %rF 100 mm Duct InCos-D safe area
InPro-CF -150 Humidity sensor 0…100 %rF 150 mm Duct InCos-D safe area
InPro-CF -200 Humidity sensor 0…100 %rF 200 mm Duct InCos-D safe area
InPro-CTF- 50 Combination temperature /humidity - 40…+ 80 °C, 0…100 %rH 50 mm Room/Duct InCos-D safe area
InPro-CTF-100 Combination temperature /humidity - 40…+ 125 °C, 0…100 %rH 100 mm Duct InCos-D safe area
InPro-CTF-150 Combination temperature /humidity - 40…+ 125 °C, 0…100 %rH 150 mm Duct InCos-D safe area
InPro-CTF-200 Combination temperature /humidity - 40…+ 125 °C, 0…100 %rH 200 mm Duct InCos-D safe area

Accessories (additional price)

Type Technical data
MFK Mounting flange for duct-installation, for variable depth of immersion in the air duct
TH-VA Probe made of stainless-steel V4A 1.4571, length 120 mm. Other lengths on request
MKR Mounting bracket for installation on round air-ducts (diameter up to 600 mm) 21
Price list 2011
Technical short information 2011

ExCos-A/ RedCos-A/ InCos-A Temperature/humidity transducer

Explosion proof Industrial Features of ExCos-A, RedCos-A, InCos-A
ExCos-A… RedCos-A… InCos-A... Description Basics for all …Cos-A transducer
Explosion proof Explosion proof InCos sensors are ExCos-A, RedCos-A and InCos-A trans- •• No additional module in the panel required !
ducer together with modulating ExSens •• No intrinsically safe wiring required !
zone 1, 2, 21, 22 zone 2, 22 NOT Explosion proof passive sensors are for temperature or •• 24 VAC/DC supply
gas + dust gas + dust and only for humidity measurement in HVAC systems. •• Connector for 1 ExSens sensor for room or
Delivery: 1 transducer with connection for duct mounting
PTB-certified PTB-certified use in safe area modulating •• Outputs: 0…10 VDC, 4…20 mA selectable
II2(1)G Ex ema [ia] IIC T6 II3(1)G Ex nC [ia] IIC T6 IP66 1 ExSens sensor •• Input: Pt 100, Pt 500, Pt 1000, Ni 100, Ni 200,
Required accessory (additional price): Ni 500, Ni 1000, Ni 1000 Siemens, KP 250,
II2(1)D Ex tD A21 [iaD] IP66 T80°C II3(1)D Ex tD A22 [iaD] IP66 T80°C 1 ExSens sensor, see next page Passive sensors with resistance output
Ordering example for measuring of tempe- 0…1.000 Ohm, 0…10.000 Ohm
ATEX 94/9/EC ATEX 94/9/EC
rature in air duct, with Pt 100 in zone 1. •• Measuring range adjustable
Types to order: •• Actual value indication (which can be
1 × ExCos-A (Ex-i transducer) switched off)
•• All parameters can be adjusted on site
1 × TFR-2G (Ex-i sensor)
without additional tools and measurement
•• Aluminium housing IP66
•• Integrated terminal box
•• Dimensions (H × W × D) 180 × 107 × 66 mm
•• ExCos-A for zone 1, 2, 21, 22
•• RedCos-A for zone 2, 22
•• InCos-A for safe area

ExCos-A Transducer for passive sensors for zone 1, 2, 21, 22

Type Technical data Installation module Installation sensor*
ExCos-A Module to connect 1 modulating ExSens sensor for temperture or humidity for use in hazardous areas zone 1, 2, 21, 22 zone 0, 1, 2, 20, 21, 22
* in acc. with certification of sensor !

RedCos-A Transducer for passive sensors for zone 2, 22

Type Technical data Installation module Installation sensor*
RedCos-A Module to connect 1 modulating ExSens sensor for temperture or humidity for use in hazardous areas zone 2, 22 zone 0, 1, 2, 20, 21, 22
* in acc. with certification of sensor !

InCos-A Transducer for passive sensors for safe area

Type Technical data Installation module Installation sensor
InCos-A Module to connect 1 modulating sensor for temperture or humidity for use in safe area safe area safe area
Sensors: all passive sensors like Pt 100, Pt 1000, Ni 100, 200, 1000

Accessories and special designs (additional price)

Type Technical data
..Cos-A-CT Amercoat painted aluminium housing, resistant against corrosive and /or maritime atmosphere. Cable glands nickel-plated, screws in stainless steel
Ex/RedCos-A-A Module as before, but with 1 intrinsically safe circuit 4…20 mA output to connect external actual value indicator
InCos-A Module as before, but with one 4…20 mA output to connect external indicator
EXC-RIA-261 Intrinsically safe actual value LCD indicator, for use in zone 1, 2, 21, 22, connectable to Ex/RedCos-…A sensors
NOC-RIA-261 Actual value LCD indicator, for use in safe area, connectable to InCos-…A sensors
MKR Mounting bracket for installation on round air-ducts (diameter up to 600 mm)

Price list 2011
Technical short information 2011

ExLine Ex-transducer with Ex-i circuit for zone 0, 1, 2, 20, 21, 22

Explosion proof Features EXL-IMU-1
EXL-IMU-1 Module Description Basics EXL-IMU-1
Explosion proof EXL-IMU-1 module with intrinsically safe circuit to •• Transducer for passive, potential free, modulating
change a passive sensor signal (e.g. Pt 100) into sensors series ExSens. 2-3-4-wire connection
zone 0, 1, 2, 20, 21, 22 an active mA/VDC signal. •• 24 VAC/DC supply
gas + dust •• Output: 0…10 VDC, 4…20 mA
Delivery: •• Input: Pt 100/500/1000, Ni 100/200/500/1000, LS-Ni
1 Ex-i module for DIN rail mounting 1000 Siemens, KP 250, LF 20, DFK-.., VFK-.., passive
II(1)GD [EEx ia] IIC sensors with resistance output 0…1.000 Ohm,
Accessory (optional): 0…10.000 Ohm
ATEX 94/9/EC
modulating sensors type ExSens •• Display for adjustment and actual value indication
•• Module must be installed in the safe area, sensor in the
hazardous area

EXL-IMU-1 transducer
Type Technical data Installation module Installation sensor*
EXL-IMU-1 1 module (rail mounting) for 1 passive sensor series ExSens Safe area zone 0, 1, 2, 20, 21, 22
N1 supply unit Input 120…240 VAC, output 24 VDC, max. 0,5 A, max. 4 pcs. EXL-IMU-1 connectable. N1 supply unit is required only in case of 120…240 VAC supply!
* in acc. with certification of sensor !

ExSens passive modulating sensors for zone 1, 2, 22

Explosion proof Features modulating ExSens sensors
ExSens passive Description Basics for ExSens sensors
Explosion proof ExSens sensors for temperature, humidity or pressure •• Sensors for installation in hazardous areas, connected
measurement in hazardous areas with manufacturer to a relevant transducer, e.g. ExCos-A, RedCos-A or
zone 1, 2, 22 certification in acc. with ATEX 94/9/EC. The sensors are EXL-IMU-1
gas + dust passive and potential free. •• The transducer changes the passive resistance signal
into an acitve 0...10 VDC/4...20 mA signal
Manufacturer certificate
Delivery: 1 Sensor
ATEX 94/9/EC Ordering example for 1 room humidity sensor
Type to purchase: 1 × FFR-2G

Sensors, connectable to ExCos-A, RedCos-A and EXL-IMU-1 transducer

Type Function Measuring range Sensor Connectable to transducers Sensor in zone
TFR-2G Room temperature -30…+ 60 °C Pt 100 DIN EXL-IMU-1, ExCos-A, RedCos-A 1, 2
TFR-2G3D Room temperature (IP65) -40…+ 60 °C Pt 100 DIN EXL-IMU-1, ExCos-A, RedCos-A 1, 2, 22
TFK-2G3D Duct temperature (IP65), 200 mm -30…+150 °C Pt 100 DIN EXL-IMU-1, ExCos-A, RedCos-A 1, 2, 22
TFK-2G3D-400 Duct temperature, length 400 mm -30…+150 °C Pt 100 DIN EXL-IMU-1, ExCos-A, RedCos-A 1, 2, 22
TFT-2G3D Probe temperature (IP65), 100 mm -30…+150 °C Pt 100 DIN, tubing G½″ Ms EXL-IMU-1, ExCos-A, RedCos-A 1, 2, 22
TFT-V4A-2G3D Probe temperature (IP65), 100 mm -30…+150 °C Pt 100 DIN, tubing G½″ VA EXL-IMU-1, ExCos-A, RedCos-A 1, 2, 22
TFM-2G-3 Mean value temperature 3 m -30…+ 80 °C Pt 1000 DIN EXL-IMU-1, ExCos-A, RedCos-A 1, 2
TFR-AN-2G3D Room temperature direct contact -30…+150 °C Pt 100 DIN EXL-IMU-1, ExCos-A, RedCos-A 1, 2, 22
FFR-2G Room humidity 30…100 %rF 0…1 kΩ EXL-IMU-1, ExCos-A, RedCos-A 1, 2
FFK-2G Duct humidity 30…100 %rF 0…1 kΩ EXL-IMU-1, ExCos-A, RedCos-A 1, 2
TFFR-2G Room combination temp./humidity 30…100 %rF, -10…+60 °C 0…1 kΩ, Pt 100 2 × EXL-IMU-1, 2 × ExCos-A, 2 × RedCos-A 1, 2
TFFK-2G Duct combination temp./humidity 30…100 %rF, -20…+60 °C 0…1 kΩ, Pt 100 2 × EXL-IMU-1, 2 × ExCos-A, 2 × RedCos-A 1, 2
DFK-07-2G-FP Differential pressure (IP65) ∆P < 700 Pa x…y Ω EXL-IMU-1 1, 2
DFK-17-2G-FP Differential pressure (IP65) ∆P < 1700 Pa x…y Ω EXL-IMU-1 1, 2
VFK-07-2G-FP Volume control (IP65) 0…15 m/s x…y Ω EXL-IMU-1 1, 2
SGR-2G Potentiometer Resistance 0…1 kΩ EXL-IMU-1, ExCos-A, RedCos-A 1, 2
ExPro-AT-100 Duct temperature, length 100 mm -40…+150 °C Pt 100 DIN EXL-IMU-1, ExCos-A, RedCos-A 1, 2, 21, 22
ExPro-AT-150 Duct temperature, length 150 mm -40…+150 °C Pt 100 DIN EXL-IMU-1, ExCos-A, RedCos-A 1, 2, 21, 22
ExPro-AT-200 Duct temperature, length 200 mm -40…+150 °C Pt 100 DIN EXL-IMU-1, ExCos-A, RedCos-A 1, 2, 21, 22 23
Price list 2011
Technical short information 2011

ExBin.. / RedBin.. / InBin.. Binary Sensors – Overview and accessories

Overview of the new ExBin.., RedBin.. and InBin.. sensor technology
The new binary sensors are subdevided in 3 installation- and 5 application-areas. The new binary sensor concept grants huge advantages to known solutions,
Installation-areas: especially in hazardous areas:
ExBin-.....................................Sensors for Explosion proof zones 1, 2, 21, 22 1. No intrinsically safe wiring required between the control panel and the sensor
RedBin- ..................................Sensors for Explosion proof zones 2, 22
2. No intrinsically safe circuit necessary inside the control panel
InBin-......................................Sensors for safe area (IP66)
3. No transducer needed in the electrical control panel
Application areas:
Ex / Red / InBin-P.....................sensors for pressure and differential pressure monitoring 4. Reduced installation cost
Ex / Red / InBin-FR ..................sensors for frost protection monitoring 5. Easy parameterisation
Ex / Red / InBin-N.....................sensors for drive belt monitoring
6. 1-and 2-stage versions available
Ex / Red / InBin-D + probe sensors for temperature and/or humidity monitoring
Ex / Red / InBin-A + ..Sens...... passive probe sensors for temperature, humidity, pressure monitoring

Pressure, differential pressure (Filter /Fan belt monitoring) – binary, active ExBin-P.., RedBin-P.., InBin-P..

Δ P ExBin-P
Binary pressure/differential pressure auxilliary
ΔP switch 0...500 or 0...5.000 Pa, for direct connection
of air hoses. IP66 aluminium die-casting housing with
integrated terminal box. Measurement range adju-
stable on site, output 1 potential-free make contact.
normal wiring Integrated indication of actual value, illuminated.
2-stage version optionally available.

Frost protection thermostats – binary, active ExBin-FR.., RedBin-FR.., InBin-FR..

°C ExBin-FR Frost protection thermostat mechanically adjusta-

ble and switching. Setting range -5...+15 °C. 3 or
6 m capillary as sensor with a resolution of 40 cm
effective range. Switching status display with LED.
IP66 Aluminium die-cast housing with integrated
normal wiring terminal box. Output 1 potential-free make contact.

Drive belt monitoring via speed control – binary, activ ExBin-N.., RedBin-N.., InBin-N..

ExBin-N Binary, contactless fan belt monitoring by inductive

Umin speed control. Measurement range 0..10.000 min-1,
Setting range 50...10.000 min-1, incl. time switch
relais and indication of actual value. IP66 Aluminium
die-cast housing with integrated terminal box. Output
normal wiring 1 potential-free make contact. 2-stage version availa-
ble optional.

Thermostats, hygrostats – binary, activ ExBin-D.., RedBin-D.., InBin-D.. + ExPro-B..

respectively InPro-B... Sensor probes
°C ExBin-D Duct sensor Thermostats and/or hygrostats for connection of
%rH + ExPro-B.. one ExPro-B.. respectively InPro-B.. sensor probe.
Operating range adjustable. Indication of actual va-
lue. IP66 Aluminium die-cast housing with integrated
normal wiring terminal box. Output 1 potential-free make contact.
Room sensor 2-stage version optionally available.

1-, 2- or 5-channel Ex-switching module for passive, binary sensors ExBin-A1/A2/A5, RedBin-A1/A2/A5 + ExSens
sensors binary
°C ExBin-A 1-, 2- or 5-channel Ex-switching module for connec-
%rH + ExSens tion of max. 5 passive, potential-free binary sensors.
Switching status display with LED. IP66 Aluminium
ΔP Ex-i wiring die-cast housing with integrated terminal box. Output
normal wiring (intrinsically safe) depending on type 1-5 make contacts with collective
supply unit.

Temperature, humidity, differential pressure – binary, passive EXL-IRU-1 switching module + ExSens sensor

Ex-switching module for connection of one pas-
sive, binary ExSens sensor, such as differential
%rH + ExSens pressure switch, frost protection thermostat or hy-
grostat through intrinsically safe electrical conduit.
ΔP Ex-i wiring Installation in control box onto DIN-rail. Output is
normal wiring (intrinsically safe) potential-free.

Safe area Ex area

Price list 2011
Technical short information 2011

ExBin-P/ RedBin-P/ InBin-P Pressure/differential pressure switch, binary

Explosion proof Industrial Features of ExBin-P, RedBin-P, InBin-P sensors
ExBin-P... RedBin-P... InBin-P... Description Basics for all …Bin-P sensors
Explosion proof Explosion proof InBin-P.. sensors are ExBin-P, RedBin-P and InBin-P are pres- •• No additional module in the panel required !
zone 1, 2, 21, 22 zone 2, 22 NOT Explosion proof sure switches for HVAC systems, e.g. for •• No intrinsically safe wiring required !
gas + dust gas + dust and only for differential pressure control for filter- or fan •• 24 VAC / DC supply
PTB-certified PTB-certified use in safe area belt monitoring. •• 1-channel: 1 potential-free contact
II2(1)G Ex emb [ia] IIC T6 II3(1)G Ex nC [ia] IIC T6 IP66
•• 2-channel (optional): 2 potential-free
II2(1)D Ex tD A21 [iaD] IP66 T80°C II3(1)D Ex tD A22 [iaD] IP66 T80°C
ATEX 94/9/EC
Delivery: contacts
ATEX 94/9/EC
1 Pressure switch with integrated •• Switch-point is digitally adjustable
terminal box. •• Indication of actual value (can be switched off)
•• Switching status display over LED
Recommended accessory: •• All parameters can be adjusted on site
Installation kit 2 without additional tools and measurement
•• Aluminium housing IP66 with integrated
terminal box
•• Dimensions (H × W × D) 180 × 107 × 66 mm

ExBin-P... Differential pressure switch for zone 1, 2, 21, 22

Type Measurement range Safe overload Setting range Installation module
ExBin-P500 0 ... 500 Pa up to 5.000 Pa 1-stage adjustable switch-point in measurement range zone 1, 2, 21, 22
ExBin-P500-2 0 ... 500 Pa up to 5.000 Pa 2-stage adjustable switch-point in measurement range zone 1, 2, 21, 22
ExBin-P5000 0 ... 5.000 Pa up to 50.000 Pa 1-stage adjustable switch-point in measurement range zone 1, 2, 21, 22
ExBin-P5000-2 0 ... 5.000 Pa up to 50.000 Pa 2-stage adjustable switch-point in measurement range zone 1, 2, 21, 22

RedBin-P... Differential pressure switch for zone 2, 22

Type Measurement range Safe overload Setting range Installation module
RedBin-P500 0 ... 500 Pa up to 5.000 Pa 1-stage adjustable switch-point in measurement range zone 2, 22
RedBin-P500-2 0 ... 500 Pa up to 5.000 Pa 2-stage adjustable switch-point in measurement range zone 2, 22
RedBin-P5000 0 ... 5.000 Pa up to 50.000 Pa 1-stage adjustable switch-point in measurement range zone 2, 22
RedBin-P5000-2 0 ... 5.000 Pa up to 50.000 Pa 2-stage adjustable switch-point in measurement range zone 2, 22

InBin-P... Differential pressure switch for safe area

Type Measurement range Safe overload Setting range Installation module
InBin-P500 0 ... 500 Pa up to 5.000 Pa 1-stage adjustable switch-point in measurement range safe area
InBin-P500-2 0 ... 500 Pa up to 5.000 Pa 2-stage adjustable switch-point in measurement range safe area
InBin-P5000 0 ... 5.000 Pa up to 50.000 Pa 1-stage adjustable switch-point in measurement range safe area
InBin-P5000-2 0 ... 5.000 Pa up to 50.000 Pa 2-stage adjustable switch-point in measurement range safe area

Accessories and special designs (additional price)

Type Technical data
..Bin-P..-CT Amercoat painted aluminium housing, resistant against corrosive and /or maritime atmosphere. Cable glands nickel-plated, screws in stainless steel
..Bin-P..-OCT Offshore version with see-water resistant Amercoat painted aluminium housing. M20 cable glands nickel-plated, pressure connection tubes and screws in stainless steel
Installation kit 2 Includes 2 meter pressure hose (inner diameter 6 mm) and 2 plastic fittings
MKR Mounting bracket for installation on round air-ducts (diameter up to 600 mm)

Pressure, differential pressure (Filter /Fan belt monitoring) – binary, active


normal wiring

Safe area Ex area 25
Price list 2011
Technical short information 2011

ExBin-FR/ RedBin-FR/ InBin-FR Frost protection thermostats

Explosion proof Industrial Features ExBin-FR, RedBin-FR, InBin-FR frost protection thermostats
ExBin-FR... RedBin-FR... InBin-FR... Description Basics for all …Bin-FR sensors
Explosion proof Explosion proof InBin-FR.. sensors are ExBin-FR, RedBin-FR and InBin-FR are •• No additional module in the panel required !
zone 1, 2, 21, 22 zone 2, 22 nOT Explosion proof frost protection thermostats for HVAC •• No intrinsically safe wiring required !
gas + dust gas + dust and only for systems, e.g. for frost protection monitoring •• 24 VAC/DC supply
of heating register s / heat exchangers. •• Temperature sensoring by capillary with
PTB-certified PTB-certified use in safe area
3 m or 6 m length (depending on type)
II2(1)G Ex emb [ia] IIC T6 II3(1)G Ex nC [ia] IIC T6 IP66
Delivery: •• Min. reaction length of capillary ~ 40 cm
II2(1)D Ex tD A21 [iaD] IP66 T80°C II3(1)D Ex tD A22 [iaD] IP66 T80°C 1 Frost protection thermostat with integra- •• 1 potential-free contact
ATEX 94/9/EC ATEX 94/9/EC ted terminal box, with 3 m or 6 m capillary •• Switch-point is mechanically adjustable
(depending on type). •• Switching status display with LED
•• Aluminium housing IP66 with integrated
Recommended accessory: terminal box
for ..Bin-FR3: Installation kit 1.3 •• Dimensions (H × W × D) 180 × 107 × 66 mm
for ..Bin-FR6: Installation kit 1.6

ExBin-FR... frost protection thermostats for zone 1, 2, 21, 22

Type Capillary Temperature range Setting range Installation module
ExBin-FR3 3 m -10 ... +15 °C 1-stage adjustable switch-point in temperature range zone 1, 2, 21, 22
ExBin-FR6 6 m -10 ... +15 °C 1-stage adjustable switch-point in temperature range zone 1, 2, 21, 22

RedBin-FR... frost protection thermostats for zone 2, 22

Type Capillary Temperature range Setting range Installation module
RedBin-FR3 3 m -10 ... +15 °C 1-stage adjustable switch-point in temperature range zone 2, 22
RedBin-FR6 6 m -10 ... +15 °C 1-stage adjustable switch-point in temperature range zone 2, 22

InBin-FR... frost protection thermostats for secure area

Type Capillary Temperature range Setting range Installation module
InBin-FR3 3 m -10 ... +15 °C 1-stage adjustable switch-point in temperature range safe area
InBin-FR6 6 m -10 ... +15 °C 1-stage adjustable switch-point in temperature range safe area

Accessories and special designs (additional price)

Type Technical data
..Bin-FR..-CT Amercoat painted aluminium housing, resistant against corrosive and /or maritime atmosphere. Cable glands nickel-plated, screws in stainless steel
Installation kit 1.3 Capillary duct, assembly cramp and 4 assembly brackets for frost protection thermostat ..Bin-FR3
Installation kit 1.6 Capillary duct, assembly cramp and 8 assembly brackets for frost protection thermostat ..Bin-FR6
MKR Mounting bracket for installation on round air-ducts (diameter up to 600 mm)

Frost protection thermostat – binary, active

normal wiring

Safe area Ex area

Price list 2011
Technical short information 2011

ExBin-N/ RedBin-N/ InBin-N Fan belt monitoring via speed control

Explosion proof Industrial Features of ExBin-N, RedBin-N, InBin-N fan belt monitoring modules
ExBin-N... RedBin-N... InBin-N... Description Basics for all …Bin-N sensors
Explosion proof Explosion proof InBin-N.. sensors are ExBin-N, RedBin-N und InBin-N are fan belt •• No additional module in the panel required !
zone 1, 2, 21, 22 zone 2, 22 NOT Explosion proof monitoring modules for HVAC systems, via •• No intrinsically safe wiring required !
gas + dust gas + dust and only for speed control of fan drive shaft. •• 24 VAC/DC supply
•• Measurement of number of revolutions in min-1
PTB-certified PTB-certified use in safe area
Delivery: •• Switch-point in min-1 is digitally adjustable
II2(1)G Ex emb [ia] IIC T6 II3(1)G Ex nC [ia] IIC T6 IP66
1 Fan belt monitoring modul with integrated •• Integrated, adjustable time switch relais
II2(1)D Ex tD A21 [iaD] IP66 T80°C II3(1)D Ex tD A22 [iaD] IP66 T80°C terminal box and provided, directly mount- •• 1-channel: 1 potential-free contact
ATEX 94/9/EC ATEX 94/9/EC able Namur transducer. •• 2-channel (optional): 2 potential-free contacts
•• Display with indication of actual value
Recommended accessory: •• Switching status display with LED
Dependend on air power and dimensions •• Aluminium housing IP66 with integrated
of ventilator / propeller a mounting console terminal box
is required. •• Dimensions (H × W × D) 180 × 107 × 66 mm
The indicated values in m³ / h are empirical •• Namur transducer included in delivery
values – they can vary depending on the
construction of ventilator / propeller.

ExBin-N.. fan belt monitoring modules via speed control for zone 1, 2, 21, 22
Type Sensor Speed control range Setting range Installation module
ExBin-N Namur transducer, inductive, DIN 19234 0 ... 10.000 min-1 1-stage adjustable switch-point from 50…10.000 min-1 zone 1, 2, 21, 22
ExBin-N-2 Namur transducer, inductive, DIN 19234 0 ... 10.000 min-1 2-stage adjustable switch-point from 50…10.000 min-1 zone 1, 2, 21, 22

RedBin-N.. fan belt monitoring modules via speed control for zone 2, 22
Type Sensor Speed control range Setting range Installation module
RedBin-N Namur transducer, inductive, DIN 19234 0 ... 10.000 min-1 1-stage adjustable switch-point from 50…10.000 min-1 zone 2, 22
RedBin-N-2 Namur transducer, inductive, DIN 19234 0 ... 10.000 min-1 2-stage adjustable switch-point from 50…10.000 min-1 zone 2, 22

InBin-N.. fan belt monitoring modules via speed control for safe area
Type Sensor Speed control range Setting range Installation module
InBin-N Namur transducer, inductive, DIN 19234 0 ... 10.000 min-1 1-stage adjustable switch-point from 50…10.000 min-1 safe area
InBin-N-2 Namur transducer, inductive, DIN 19234 0 ... 10.000 min-1 2-stage adjustable switch-point from 50…10.000 min-1 safe area

Accessories and special designs (additional price)

Type Technical data
..Bin-N..-CT Amercoat painted aluminium housing, resistant against corrosive and /or maritime atmosphere. Cable glands nickel-plated, screws in stainless steel
Installation kit 3 Mounting set for Namur transducer onto ventilators /propellers up to approx. 20.000 m³/h
Installation kit 4 Mounting set for Namur transducer onto ventilators /propellers over approx. 20.000 m³/h
MKR Mounting bracket for installation on round air-ducts (diameter up to 600 mm)

Drive belt monitoring via speed control – binary, activ

normal wiring

Safe area Ex area 27
Price list 2011
Technical short information 2011

ExBin-D/ RedBin-D/ InBin-D Thermostats, hygrostats

Explosion proof Industrial Features of ExBin-D, RedBin-D, InBin-D thermostats, hygrostats
ExBin-D... RedBin-D... InBin-D... Description Basics for all …Bin-D sensors
Explosion proof Explosion proof InBin-D.. sensors are ExBin-D, RedBin-D and InBin-D modules •• No additional module in the panel required !
zone 1, 2, 21, 22 zone 2, 22 nOT Explosion proof are used together with ExPro-B… / InPro- •• No intrinsically safe wiring required !
gas + dust gas + dust and only for B… sensor probes as thermostats or •• 24 VAC/DC supply
hygrostats in HVAC systems. •• Socket for ExPro-B… sensor
PTB-certified PTB-certified use in secure area
•• Selectable on site if used for room or duct
II2(1)G Ex emb [ia] IIC T6 II3(1)G Ex nC [ia] IIC T6 IP66
Delivery: 1 Ex / Red / InBin.. module with application
II2(1)D Ex tD A21 [iaD] IP66 T80°C II3(1)D Ex tD A22 [iaD] IP66 T80°C socket for 1 ExPro -B… / InPro-B… sensor •• Switch-point for °C and %rH separately ad-
ATEX 94/9/EC ATEX 94/9/EC justable (dependend on sensor probe type)
Required accessory (additional price): •• 1-channel: 2 pot.-free contacts (1×°C, 1×%rH)
ExPro-B… or InPro-B… sensor •• 2-channel: 4 pot.-free contacts (2×°C, 2×%rH)
•• Display with indication of actual value
Ordering example for one thermostat in an •• Switching status display with LED
air duct, 150 mm sensor length, with sensor •• Aluminium housing IP66 with integrated
in Ex zone 21. terminal box
Types to order: •• Dimensions (H × W × D) 180 × 107 × 66 mm
1 × ExBin-D
1 × ExPro-BT150 (Ex-i sensor probe)

ExBin-D thermostats and/or hygrostats, dependend on sensor probe type ExPro-B… (p. 25) for zone 1, 2, 21, 22
Type Technical data Installation module Installation ExPro-B.. sensor
ExBin-D Module for connection of one ExPro-B… sensor as thermostat and /or hygrostat, 1-stage zone 1, 2, 21, 22 zone 1, 2, 21, 22
ExBin-D-2 Module for connection of one ExPro-B… sensor as thermostat and /or hygrostat, 2-stage zone 1, 2, 21, 22 zone 1, 2, 21, 22

RedBin-D thermostats and/or hygrostats, dependend on sensor probe type ExPro-B… (p. 25) for zone 2, 22
Type Technical data Installation module Installation ExPro-B.. sensor
RedBin-D Module for connection of one ExPro-B… sensor as thermostat and /or hygrostat, 1-stage zone 2, 22 zone 1, 2, 21, 22
RedBin-D-2 Module for connection of one ExPro-B… sensor as thermostat and /or hygrostat, 2-stage zone 2, 22 zone 1, 2, 21, 22

InBin-D thermostats and/or hygrostats, dependend on sensor probe type InPro-B… (p. 25) for safe area
Type Technical data Installation module Installation InPro-B.. sensor
InBin-D Module for connection of one InPro-B… sensor as thermostat and /or hygrostat, 1-stage safe area safe area
InBin-D-2 Module for connection of one InPro-B… sensor as thermostat and /or hygrostat, 2-stage safe area safe area

Accessories and special designs (additional price)

Type Technical data
..Bin-D..-CT Amercoat painted aluminium housing, resistant against corrosive and /or maritime atmosphere. Cable glands nickel-plated, screws in stainless steel
MKR Mounting bracket for installation on round air-ducts (diameter up to 600 mm)

Example of combinations

Price list 2011
Technical short information 2011

ExPro-B…/ InPro-B… Digital thermostat /hygrostat sensor probes

Explosion proof Industrial Features of ExPro-B.., InPro-B.. sensors
ExPro-B… InPro-B… Description Basics for all ExPro -B… / InPro-B… sensors
Explosion proof InPro-B... sensors ExPro-B… sensors are used for measurements of •• Sensors for connection to ExBin-D…, RedBin-D…
zone 1, 2, 21, 22 temperature and / or humidity in hazardous areas, for modules. Adaptation via connector
only for use with
gas + dust exclusive use with ExBin-D… / RedBin-D… modules ! •• ExPro -B… / InPro-B… sensors can be optionally
PTB-certified in acc. InBin-D..
screwed to the housing at the back (duct measurement)
with ExBin-D.. transducer!
InPro-B… sensors are suitable for temperature and / or or bottom (room measurement)
and RedBin-D.. NOT for use in
humidity measurement in safe areas, for exclusive use •• When using humidity-sensors, the contamination and
transducer Ex area!
ATEX 94/9/EC
with InBin-D… modules ! aggressiveness of the medium has to be regarded

Delivery: 1 sensor with connector

Example: room-humidity sensor, 50 mm length
Type: 1 × ExPro-BF-50
Attention: only in combination with:
1 × ExBin-D or RedBin-D
(InBin-D… by InPro-B… sensors)

Sensor probes for ExBin-D and RedBin-D modules

Type Function Measurement range Sensor length Main use Connectable to Installation area
ExPro-BT - 50 Thermostat - 40…+ 80 °C 50 mm Room/Duct ExBin-D RedBin-D zone 1, 2, 21, 22
ExPro-BT -100 Thermostat - 40…+ 125 °C 100 mm Duct ExBin-D RedBin-D zone 1, 2, 21, 22
ExPro-BT -150 Thermostat - 40…+ 125 °C 150 mm Duct ExBin-D RedBin-D zone 1, 2, 21, 22
ExPro-BT -200 Thermostat - 40…+ 125 °C 200 mm Duct ExBin-D RedBin-D zone 1, 2, 21, 22
ExPro-BF - 50 Hygrostat 0…100 %rH 50 mm Room/Duct ExBin-D RedBin-D zone 1, 2, 21, 22
ExPro-BF -100 Hygrostat 0…100 %rH 100 mm Duct ExBin-D RedBin-D zone 1, 2, 21, 22
ExPro-BF -150 Hygrostat 0…100 %rH 150 mm Duct ExBin-D RedBin-D zone 1, 2, 21, 22
ExPro-BF -200 Hygrostat 0…100 %rH 200 mm Duct ExBin-D RedBin-D zone 1, 2, 21, 22
ExPro-BTF- 50 Combination Thermostat/Hygrostat - 40…+ 80 °C, 0…100 %rH 50 mm Room/Duct ExBin-D RedBin-D zone 1, 2, 21, 22
ExPro-BTF-100 Combination Thermostat/Hygrostat - 40…+ 125 °C, 0…100 %rH 100 mm Duct ExBin-D RedBin-D zone 1, 2, 21, 22
ExPro-BTF-150 Combination Thermostat/Hygrostat - 40…+ 125 °C, 0…100 %rH 150 mm Duct ExBin-D RedBin-D zone 1, 2, 21, 22
ExPro-BTF-200 Combination Thermostat/Hygrostat - 40…+ 125 °C, 0…100 %rH 200 mm Duct ExBin-D RedBin-D zone 1, 2, 21, 22

Sensor probes for InBin-D modules

Type Function Measurement range Sensor length Main use Connectable to Installation area
InPro-BT - 50 Thermostat - 40…+ 80 °C 50 mm Room/Duct InBin-D safe area
InPro-BT -100 Thermostat - 40…+ 125 °C 100 mm Duct InBin-D safe area
InPro-BT -150 Thermostat - 40…+ 125 °C 150 mm Duct InBin-D safe area
InPro-BT -200 Thermostat - 40…+ 125 °C 200 mm Duct InBin-D safe area
InPro-BF - 50 Hygrostat 0…100 %rH 50 mm Room/Duct InBin-D safe area
InPro-BF -100 Hygrostat 0…100 %rH 100 mm Duct InBin-D safe area
InPro-BF -150 Hygrostat 0…100 %rH 150 mm Duct InBin-D safe area
InPro-BF -200 Hygrostat 0…100 %rH 200 mm Duct InBin-D safe area
InPro-BTF- 50 Combination Thermostat/Hygrostat - 40…+ 80 °C, 0…100 %rH 50 mm Room/Duct InBin-D safe area
InPro-BTF-100 Combination Thermostat/Hygrostat - 40…+ 125 °C, 0…100 %rH 100 mm Duct InBin-D safe area
InPro-BTF-150 Combination Thermostat/Hygrostat - 40…+ 125 °C, 0…100 %rH 150 mm Duct InBin-D safe area
InPro-BTF-200 Combination Thermostat/Hygrostat - 40…+ 125 °C, 0…100 %rH 200 mm Duct InBin-D safe area

Accessories (additional price)

Type Technical data
MFK Mounting flange for duct-installation, for variable depth of immersion in the air duct
TH-VA Probe made of stainless-steel V4A 1.4571, length 120 mm. Other lengths on request
MKR Mounting bracket for installation on round air-ducts (diameter up to 600 mm) 29
Price list 2011
Technical short information 2011

ExBin-A/ RedBin-A/ InBin-A Switching modules

Explosion proof Industrial Features of ExBin-A, RedBin-A, InBin-A modules
ExBin-A RedBin-A InBin-A Description Basics for all …Bin-A modules
Explosion proof Explosion proof InBin-A.. sensors are ExBin-A, RedBin-A and InBin-A modules •• No additional module in the panel required !
zone 1, 2, 21, 22 zone 2, 22 NOT Explosion proof are switching modules for direct mounting •• No intrinsically safe wiring required !
gas + dust gas + dust and only for use in Ex areas (except InBin-A) with 1, 2 or •• Mounting of module directly in Ex area
5 channels, for connection of 1, 2 or 5 •• 24 VAC/DC supply
PTB-certified PTB-certified in safe area
passive potential-free binary sensors, for •• 1 up to 5 passive, potential-free, binary sensors
II2(1)G Ex emb [ia] IIC T6 II3(1)G Ex nC [ia] IIC T6 IP66
use in HVAC systems. •• Sockets for 1 up to 5 ExSens sensors
II2(1)D Ex tD A21 [iaD] IP66 T80°C II3(1)D Ex tD A22 [iaD] IP66 T80°C •• 1 up to 5 contacts with common supply unit
Delivery: 1 module with socket for 1 up to 5
ATEX 94/9/EC ATEX 94/9/EC
ExSens sensors (dependent on type) •• 1 or 2 contacts with additional clamp for
time switch relais, e.g. for 2 fan belt moni-
Accessory (optional): Binary sensors toring applications (time 120 sec.)
series ExSens, see next page •• Display with indication of actual value
•• Switching status display with LED
•• Aluminium housing IP66 with integrated
terminal box
•• Dimensions (H × W × D) 180 × 107 × 66 mm

ExBin-A.. Switching modules for 1 up to 5 passive binary sensors for zone 1, 2, 21, 22
Type Technical data Installation module Installation sensor*
ExBin-A1 Module (1 channel) to connect 1 binary ExSens sensor in Ex area zone 1, 2, 21, 22 zone 0, 1, 2, 20, 21, 22
ExBin-A2 Module (2 channel) to connect 2 binary ExSens sensors in Ex area zone 1, 2, 21, 22 zone 0, 1, 2, 20, 21, 22
ExBin-A5 Module (5 channel) to connect 5 binary ExSens sensors in Ex area zone 1, 2, 21, 22 zone 0, 1, 2, 20, 21, 22

* in acc. with certification of sensor !

RedBin-A.. Switching modules for 1 up to 5 passive binary sensors for zone 2, 22

Type Technical data Installation module Installation sensor*
RedBin-A1 Module (1 channel) to connect 1 binary ExSens sensor in Ex area zone 2, 22 zone 0, 1, 2, 20, 21, 22
RedBin-A2 Module (2 channel) to connect 2 binary ExSens sensor in Ex area zone 2, 22 zone 0, 1, 2, 20, 21, 22
RedBin-A5 Module (5 channel) to connect 5 binary ExSens sensor in Ex area zone 2, 22 zone 0, 1, 2, 20, 21, 22
* in acc. with certification of sensor !

InBin-A.. Switching modules for 1 up to 5 passive binary sensors for safe area
Type Technical data Installation module Installation sensor
InBin-A1 Module (1 channel) to connect 1 binary sensor safe area safe area
InBin-A2 Module (2 channel) to connect 2 binary sensors safe area safe area
InBin-A5 Module (5 channel) to connect 5 binary sensors safe area safe area

Accessories and special designs (additional price)

Type Technical data
..Bin-A..-CT Amercoat painted aluminium housing, resistant against corrosive and /or maritime atmosphere. Cable glands nickel-plated, screws in stainless steel
MKR Mounting bracket for installation on round air-ducts (diameter up to 600 mm)

1, 2 or 5-channel switching module for passive binary sensors

Ex-i wiring
(intrinsically safe)
normal wiring

Safe area Ex area

Price list 2011
Technical short information 2011

ExLine Ex-switching module for potential free, binary signals in zone 0, 1, 2, 20, 21, 22
Explosion proof Features EXL-IRU-1 module
EXL-IRU-1 EXL-IRU-1 Description Basics EXL-IRU-1
Explosion proof EXL-IRU-1 module with intrinsically safe circuit to •• 24 VAC/DC supply
change a passive potential free binary signal •• Input: passive potential free binary sensor
zone 0, 1, 2, 20, 21, 22 (e.g. contact) into a contact in the safe area. •• Output: potential free contact in the safe area
gas + dust •• Integrated time running relais 30...120 sec.
Delivery: •• 2 LED to show switching position
1 Ex-i module for DIN rail mounting •• DIN rail mounting
II(1)GD [EEx ia] IIC •• Module must be installed in the safe area,
Accessory (optional): sensor in the hazardous area
ATEX 94/9/EC
binary sensors type ExSens

EXL-IRU-1 switching module

Type Technical data Installation module Installation sensor*
EXL-IRU-1 1 module (rail mounting) for 1 passive binary sensor series ExSens Safe area zone 0, 1, 2, 20, 21, 22
N1 supply unit Input 120…240 VAC, output 24 VDC, max. 0,5 A, max. 4 pcs. EXL-IRU-1 connectable. N1 supply unit is required only in case of 120…240 VAC supply!
* in acc. with certification of sensor !

ExSens passive binary sensors for zone 1, 2, 22

Explosion proof Features ExSens sensors
ExSens binary passive Description Basics for binary ExSens sensors
Explosion proof ExSens binary sensors for temperature, humidity or •• Sensors for installation in hazardous areas, connected
pressure measurement in hazardous areas with ma- to a switching module type ExBin-A, RedBin-A or
zone 1, 2, 22 nufacturer certification in acc. with ATEX 94/9/EC. The EXL-IRU-1
gas + dust sensors are passive and potential free. •• The module changes the passive binary signal into a
contact in the safe area
Delivery: 1 Sensor •• Sensor must be installed in the hazardous area, module
certification Ordering example for 1 frost protection thermostat in the safe area
Type to purchase: 1 × TBK-FR-2G
ATEX 94/9/EC

Sensors, connectable to switching modules type ExBin-A, RedBin-A and EXL-IRU-1

Type Function Range Sensor Information Connectable to module type Sensor in zone
TBR-2G Room thermostat 0…+40 °C, 1 K Contact, 2-pos EXL-IRU-1, ExBin-A, RedBin-A 1, 2
TBR-2G3D Room thermostat (IP65) -35…+30 °C, 2-20 K Contact, 2-pos EXL-IRU-1, ExBin-A, RedBin-A 1, 2, 22
TBR-2-2G Room thermostat 2 stage 0…+60 °C, 1 K 2 × Contact, 2-pos 2 × EXL-IRU-1, ExBin-A, RedBin-A 1, 2
TBR-AN-2G Room temperature direct contact 0…+60 °C, 5 ± 1 K (fix) Contact, 2-pos EXL-IRU-1, ExBin-A, RedBin-A 1, 2
TBK-2G Duct thermostat (IP65) 0…+65 °C, 2-20 K Contact, 2-pos EXL-IRU-1, ExBin-A, RedBin-A 1, 2
TBT-2G Probe thermostat (IP54) 0…+90 °C, 3 K Contact, 2-pos L = 120 mm EXL-IRU-1, ExBin-A, RedBin-A 1, 2
TBT-VA-2G Probe thermostat with VA sleeve 0…+90 °C, 3 K Contact, 2-pos V4A EXL-IRU-1, ExBin-A, RedBin-A 1, 2
TBK-FR-2G Frost protection thermostat (IP65) -10…+12 °C Contact, 2-pos capillary 6 m EXL-IRU-1, ExBin-A, RedBin-A 1, 2
FBR-2G Room hygrostat 35…100 %rH, ~ 4 %rH Contact, 2-pos EXL-IRU-1, ExBin-A, RedBin-A 1, 2
FBK-2G Duct hygrostat 35…100 %rH, ~ 4 %rH Contact, 2-pos L = 180 mm EXL-IRU-1, ExBin-A, RedBin-A 1, 2
DBK-2G Differential pressure 20-300, 50-500, 100-1.000 Pa Contact, 2-pos EXL-IRU-1, ExBin-A, RedBin-A 1, 2
DBK-2G3D Differential pressure (IP65) 40-125, 100-400, 350-1.400 Pa Contact, 2-pos EXL-IRU-1, ExBin-A, RedBin-A 1, 2, 22
WFBK-2G Air paddle 2…8 m/s, paddle V2A Contact, 2-pos EXL-IRU-1, ExBin-A, RedBin-A 1, 2
SWBT-2G liquid flow switch -20…+60 °C Contact, 2-pos EXL-IRU-1, ExBin-A, RedBin-A 1, 2
NBW-K-2G Fan belt protection (IP65) up to < 20.000 m³/h Namur sensor + bracket EXL-IRU-1, ExBin-A, RedBin-A 1, 2
NBW-G-2G Fan belt protection (IP65) more than > 20.000 m³/h Namur sensor + bracket EXL-IRU-1, ExBin-A, RedBin-A 1, 2

Accessories (additional price)

Type Technical data
Installation kit 1 for frost protection sensor type TBK-FR-2G, PG entries for capillary, 6 brackets, support bracket
Install.kit 2-DBK includes 2 meter pressure hose (inner diameter Ø 6 mm) 2 plastic fittings 31
Price list 2011
Technical short information 2011

ExMag Ex-doorholder magnets for zone 1, 2, 21, 22

Explosion proof Features ExMag magnets
ExMag Magnet Description Basics ExMag
Explosion proof ExMag doorholder magnets are electric magnets •• ExMag electric magnets. Force in acc. with type
zone 1, 2, 21, 22 to keep doors open or closed as long as supply voltage •• 1 m cable
is available. •• An Ex-e terminal box is required for electrical connec-
gas + dust tion. We recommend a stabilised 24 VDC power supply
PTB-certified Delivery: 1 magnet + accessories •• The max. AC-ripple must not exceed 20%
Ordering example: 650 N magnet + anchor
II2G Ex mb II T6
+ Ex-terminal box
II2D Ex tD 21IP65 T80°C Type to purchase: 1 × EXM-650 + 1 GH 6
ATEX 94/9/EC + 1 × EXC-K4/S

ExMag magnets
Type Force Supply Function Current Installation in
EXM- 650 650 N 24 VDC Magnet 44 mA Zone 1, 2, 21, 22
EXM -1300 1.300 N 24 VDC Magnet 65 mA Zone 1, 2, 21, 22
EXM -2000 2.000 N 24 VDC Magnet 160 mA Zone 1, 2, 21, 22

Accessories (additional price)

Type Technical data
GH-6 Anchor for EXM-650
GH-13/20 Anchor for EXM-1300 and EXM-2000
ExBox-3P Ex-e terminal box, IP66
EXC-K4/S Ex-e terminal box, IP66, with integrated fuse
EXC-T1 Ex-d push button
N1 supply unit Input 120…240 VAC, output 24 VDC, max. 0,5 A

ExComp different Ex-components

Explosion proof Features ExComp components
ExComp Components Description Basics ExComp
Explosion proof Different explosion proof products like switches, frost •• No specific information
protection thermostats, .... •• Data in acc. with every single product / type
zone 1, 2, 21, 22
(in acc. to type)
Delivery: 1 component
gas + dust
Ordering example: Switch 20 A, 6 pole
PTB-certified Type to purchase: 1 × EXC-R 20/6
ATEX 94/9/EC

ExComp components
Type Application Explosion proof Technical data
EXC-T... Thermostat II2G EEx ed IIC T6 -30…+70 °C, different ranges and types
EXC-TF... Frost protection thermostat II2G EEx ed IIC T6 +4…+ 15 °C, ∆T = 2K, capillary 6 m
EXC-R 10/3... Switch II2G EEx ed IIC T6 10 A - 240/400 V - 2,5/4,6 KW - 3 pole
EXC-R 20/3... Switch II2G EEx ed IIC T6 20 A - 240/400 V - 4,5/9,0 KW - 3 pole
EXC-R 20/6... Switch II2G EEx ed IIC T6 20 A - 240/400 V - 4,5/9,0 KW - 6 pole
EXC-R 40/3... Switch II2G EEx ed IIC T6 40 A - 240/400 V - 11/20 KW - 3 pole
EXC-R 40/6... Switch II2G EEx ed IIC T6 40 A - 240/400 V - 11/20 KW - 6 pole
EXC-R 80/3... Switch II2G EEx ed IIC T6 80 A - 240/400 V - 23/40 KW - 3 pole
EXC-R 80/6... Switch II2G EEx ed IIC T6 80 A - 240/400 V - 23/40 KW - 6 pole
EXC-RIA-261 Actual value indication II2G EEx ia IIC T6 4...20 mA, loop powered
EXC-… Smoke detector, duct/room II2G EEx m II T4 24 VDC, incl. terminal box
EXC-DS1/VA Safety temperature sensor II2G EEx d IIC T6 Duct mounting, potential free contact, switching at 70°C…160°C (10°C steps)

Price list 2011
Technical short information 2011

Notices 33
Price list 2011
Technical short information 2011


Information about electrical

explosionproof according ATEX 94/9/EC

Regulations for explosion protection The type plate and its components

Explosion protection regulations in the EU member The type plate and its components intrinsically safe circuits to prevent confusion and/
states are marked by the change of EU protec- From 1/7/2003 the new ATEX guidelines come into or linking up to a non-intrinsically safe circuit. Ex-
tion guideline 67/117/EWG ff to the two new EU force. The then current legal bases for the certifica- amples: cabels, cables, cable conduits, dampers,
guidelines 94/9/EC (ATEX 95) and 95/C 332/06 tion and labelling of electric explosion proof equip- connection boxes, cable connectors,...
(ATEX 137). As a result of the new directives, ex- ment is the EC guideline: A minimum distance of 50 mm should be allowed
plosion protection in European regulations there between intrinsically safe and non-intrinsically safe
Example, for the labelling of a quarter
will be a harmonisation of standards. There will be circuits, and a minimum distance of 6 mm between
turn actuator:
a transitional period to adjust from the „old“ to the two different intrinsically safe circuits. During in-
Manufacturer’s name, manufacturer’s address,
„new“ European law. The regulations covering the stallation the cables of intrinsically safe and non-
designation of type, electrical data (V, A, W, Hz)
„old” law were in effect up to June 30th 2003. intrinsically safe circuits should be laid out sepa-
ambient temperature if different from -20 to +40°C,
Since July 1st 2003, electric explosion proof rately !
unit serial number, in addition to the classification
equipment must comply with ATEX Ex-protection Suggestion on how to create a pannel
of Ex protection.
guidelines in accordance with 94/9/EC – on the It is necessary to keep intrinsically safe and non-
approximation of the laws of the Member States intrinsically safe equipment separate. It is recom-
concerning equipment and protective systems for mended, in this case, that a sufficient distance be
use in potentially explosive atmospheres.   
   kept, to avoid extra costs in the future.
Information on uniform classification of potenti- 
ƒ  „…  ­     €
Large transformers, frequency rectifiers, large
ally explosive systems and how to use this as a ‰Š‚…‹‚ 

relays and other electric equipment that may in-

basis for selecting and classifying systems and fluence intrinsically safe circuits by inductance
equipment, incl. their installation, can be found in or capacitance should be installed at a sufficient
guideline 1999/92/EC (ATEX 137). distance. As a precaution Ex-i equipment should
ATEX: Guideline 94/9/EC of the European par- Correct installation
have a suitable cover to protect it from incorrect
liament and the Council from March 23rd 1994 handling. The appropriate standards and regulati-
For the installation of electrical systems in areas
brought the legislation of the member states, con- ons must be observed.
with explosive gas atmospheres of group II, rule
cerning equipment and protective systems for use
IEC 60 079-14 (EN 60079-14) will apply.
in explosion risk areas, into line.

ExVO: Directive on the distribution of equipment Electric circuits of protection types d, e, q, o, m, p
and protection systems for potentially explo- Installation in the panel is identical to „standard“
sive areas – explosion protection prescription - installation, however the procedures for connecting
11.GSGV. Ex equipment must be followed. This refers, for ex-
ElexV: Operational Safety regulation, minimum
regulation in order to improve health-safety and
ample to voltage, current, fuses and motor protec-
tion equipment, etc. The requirements for specific
security of employees at hazardous workplaces ! products must be taken from their corresponding
test certificates, standards and prescriptions as
well as from the guidebook. It is only permitted to
Corresponding approvals and certificates are re-
work on electric circuits within the Ex-area (for ex-
quired for electrical explosion proof equipment. Te-
ample when connecting to Ex-e terminal box if the
sting must be carried out by an official testing agen-
voltage has been switched off). An Ex-e terminal
cy (for example the PTB - Physikalisch Technische
box should only be opened after the voltage has
Bundesanstalt in Braunschweig / Federal German
been switched off.
Physical and Technical Institute of Braunschweig).
ATEX approvals are also accepted in many coun- Electric circuits of protection type „i“
tries and states outside Europe. (intrinsically safe)
For the planning and operation of switchgears and
Responsibilities control systems installed in the safe area, but which
The responsibility for compliance with all regulati- contain circuits leading into the Ex-area, certain
ons and guidelines, from production to planning, up requirements should be considered. This applies
until installation, operation and maintenance, has especially to intrinsically safe circuits. Intrinsical-
greatly increased ly safe circuits and non-intrinsically safe circuits
Each individual must be conscious about the fact should be kept separate. Minimum distances (di-
that he accepts personal responsibility as part of stances) between bare connections must be obser-
a total project: ved, the cables must not produce any inadmissible
•• building owner external inductance or capacitance. The maximum
•• end-user admissible electrical limits of Ex-i equipment must
•• architect be observed at all times. Intrinsically safe and non-
•• consulting engineer / control company intrinsically safe electrical circuits should not cross,
•• inspection authority however it is allowed between two intrinsically safe
•• contractor/installer circuits. Intrinsically safe circuits must be clearly
•• manufacturer marked. Intrinsically safe circuits are marked by a
•• product supplier „light blue“ color. This color is recommended for all
•• maintenance engineers 35
Price list 2011
Technical short information 2011

Information about electrical explosion-proof according ATEX 94/9/EC

Classification and labelling of explosion proof areas
 „„†…   ‡† „‚†‚„ Classification of areas, haz. due to flamm. gases, vapours, mists
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Price list 2011
Technical short information 2011

Where and when do I have to take explosion proof into consideration ?

Explosion proof means: „Preservation of Life. Health. Basic values“
When can a danger of explosion occur ? Is your system safe ? Typical Applications:
A danger of explosion occurs when a flammable We have the following situation NOW •• Chemical, pharmaceutical and industrial plants
medium (gas, vapor, mist or dust) in a dangerous or in the FUTURE: •• Refineries, petrol depots, gas stations
quantity is present.
Yes.No (Please check) •• Paint and solvent shops
What creates an explosion ?
An explosion may occur when the following 3 com-
□ □ Flammable materials are stored. •• Drying and coating cabinets

ponents are present at the same time: □ □ Flammable materials are used. •• Laboratories in industry and schools
□ □ Flammable materials are bottled. •• Water treatment works, power plants
•• Explosive atmosphere
□ □ Flammable materials are used during •• Compressor stations, gas works
•• Source of ignition
the cleaning process. •• All kinds of storekeeping and stocks
•• Air (oxygen)
□ □ Flammable materials are used in the •• All kinds of filling stations
production process. •• All kinds of cleaning stations

□ □ Flammable materials will be produced •• Mills, silos, silos for bulk goods
 during the production process. •• Offhore and onshore
 •• Oil and gas pipelines
6 × „No“: Obviously you do not •• Printing works, food industry, …
need explosion proof
at least 1 × „YES“: •• Analyse whether you need explosion proof

   When planning you have to consider rules, or not
  regulations and instructions concerning •• Ask experts in order to analyse the risk
explosion proof of danger
Example: BetrSichV, ExVO, EX-RL •• Define zones, areas, categories, explosion
groups and temperature classes
•• Planning according to all necessary rules
Typical sources of ignition and regulations
All information, tables, checklists and further docu-
Very often the reason for accidents is self-ignition, •• Choose the best supplier and the right product
mentation are only for your assistance and do not
extraordinary surface temperatures and sparks due •• Keep to the installation rules
claim to be complete. In no way do they replace
to mechanical reasons. But there are also a lot of
official regulations and rules or even laws by the •• Check the labelling of the equipment
other sources of ignition, caused by either mecha-
authorities. We want to point out that it is very •• Make sure that the appliance will be put into
nical and/or electrical equipment.
important to undertake all measures for an exact operation correctly
These are for example:
classification of the Ex-area. •• Confirm a final inspection by the responsible
•• Self-ignition
•• Extraordinary surface temperatures
•• Guarantee regular and correct maintenance
•• Open flames
according to the regulations
•• Sparks caused by mechanical reasons
•• The correct documentation has to be maintained
•• Static electricity
•• Lightning strike
From fire to detonation
•• Ultra-sonic Effect and reaction velocity increase significantly
•• Chemical sources of ignition from fire, outburst flame, via ignition and explosion
•• Electric sparks up to detonation. Explosions are more likely with
•• Electric arcs gaseous media and detonations by dust media.
•• Adiabatic compression
•• Adiabatic shock waves

•• Electric balancing power



Price list 2011
Technical short information 2011

Zones • Explosion groups • Temperature classes

Implementation Classification and labelling of explosion proof areas
Potentially explosive areas should be divided into
zones, and the equipment should be divided into  
    Classification of Product    
  Probability of a explosion proof
groups and categories. The labelling on the iden- potential explosive     
tification plate of certified equipment indicates in atmosphere occuring       
which zone the explosion proof equipment can be
used. Always, temporarily
or often present  
Division into product groups
Groups are divided into group I and group II. Group  Occasionally present
I consists of mining „underground“ and group II     
deals with prevention of gas and dust explosion  

protection for all other applications. Very seldom or only
present for a short period   
Division into zones
Potentially explosive areas are divided into six
zones, according to time-related and local probabi- Always, temporarily
or often present  
lity, that a potentially explosive atmosphere (p.e.a.)
A distinction is made between combustible gases, Occasionally present
mists, vapors and combustible dust. The zones are
described in the accompanying table. 
Does not occur or only
Gases, mists and vapors are placed in zones 0, 1 seldom for a short period   
and 2, whereby the requirements for the chosen
equipment increase from zone 2 to 0. Equipment in
zone 0 must be built in a way „that even if a type of
protection fails or if two faults occur, that sufficient
explosion protection is guaranteed“. Therefore for
example a passive, potential free sensor, installed Zone 0, 1 and 2 Division into explosion groups
in zone 0, and connected to an intrinsically safe Explosion proof equipment for gases, mists and
electric circuit (II2(1)G [EExia] IIC), must display vapors is divided into three explosion groups (IIA-
current approval.
   IIB-IIC) according to the type of protection being
Zones 20, 21 und 22 are for dust, whereby the used. The explosion group is a means to measure
requirements for the chosen equipment increase  the ignitability of gases (potentially explosive atmo-
from zone 22 to 20. Equipment in zone 20 and 21 spheres). The equipment requirements increase
need special approval. from II A to II C.

Division into product groups
Product groups determine, in which zones the
equipment should be installed. Once again there   
An Example of a typical zone activity would be filling a
are six categories. Categories1G, 2G and 3G are barrel of petrol in an enclosed area.
classifications for gas explosion protection (G =

Gas); to which equipment with 1G for zone 0, 1 and Zone 20, 21 and 22
2, equipment with 2G for zone 1 und 2 and equip-
ment with 3G for zone 2 are suited. Categories 1D,
2D and 3D are classifications for dust explosion   
protection (D = Dust); to which equipment with 1D Division into temperature classes
for zone 20, 21 and 22, equipment with 2D for zone Explosion proof equipment, installed within the Ex
21 and 22 and equipment with 3D for zone 22 are
 area, is divided into 6 temperature classes (T1 to
suited. T6). Temperature class is not – as it is often wron-
gly believed – the operating temperature range
 of the equipment, but the maximum permissible
surface temperature of the equipment, in relation
to + 40°C ambient temperature on any surface
An example of a typical zone activity would be filling a area, and should not be exceeded at any time. The
grain silo in an enclosed area. maximum surface temperature must remain below
the ignition temperature of the surrounding medium
at all times. The equipment requirements rise from
Explosion groups, temperature classes T1 to T6.
The equipment groups and categories determine,
in which zones the equipment should be installed,
therefore the explosion groups and temperature      
classes determine, to which mediums inside the      
zones, the equipment is suited. The type of pro-
tection used is not a mark of quality but is instead
a constructive solution for selecting equipment for
explosion protection.  

Price list 2011
Technical short information 2011

Air safety dampers • Air control dampers • Fire/smoke dampers Heating • Cooling • Humidification • Diff.pressure control
Air damper control Heating/cooling control
  Schischek actuators are approved for direct installation and     The heating / cooling control system consists of an actuator and
operation in explosion risk areas, as they are of the highest  a ExCos-D transducer with ExPro-CT… probe. The combination
explosion groups and temperature class and are suitable for can be installed directly into the Ex area. The transducer
all gases, vapours, steam and dust. The electrical connection converts the probe signal into an active signal (0...10 VDC or
is made via an explosion proof terminal box (type ExBox-...). 4...20 mA) for input in a PLC system. The output signal from the
Please ensure during installation that all cables are securely controller goes directly to the actuator. Between the sensor and

  fixed and connected in such a way that they are protected from  

controller there is no need for an Ex i module, or an intrinsically
mechanical damage.  safe (IS) wiring method either. For the actuator and transducer
the maximum permissible surface temperature(s) has to be
taken into account.


Automatic air damper control Humidity control

Duct Air damper The automatic damper control system consists of an actuator  
    The humidity control system consists of a ExRun valve actuator
and a ExCos-D transducer with ExPro-CT… probe. The combi- and an ExCos-D transducer with ExPro-CF… probe. The combi­
nation can be installed directly into the Ex area. The transducer nation can be installed directly into the Ex area. The transducer
converts the probe signal into an active signal (0...10 VDC or converts the probe signal into an active signal (0...10 VDC or
4...20 mA) for input in a PLC system. The output signal from the 4...20 mA) for input in a PLC system. The output signal from the
controller goes directly to the actuator. Between the sensor and controller goes directly to the actuator. Between the sensor and

Ex area

controller there is no need for an Ex i module, or an intrinsically  

controller there is no need for an Ex i module , or an intrinsically
ExMax-... + ExPro safe (IS) wiring method either. For the actuator and transducer  safe (IS) wiring method either. For the actuator and transducer
the maximum permissible surface temperature(s) has to be the maximum permissible surface temperature(s) has to be
taken into account. taken into account.

Safe area


Control of fire/ smoke dampers Differencial pressure control

  In applications for fire /smoke dampers, the actuator has to Duct Fan Sensor The DP control system consists of an actuator and a differential
reliably return the damper to its safety position via an external pressure ExCos-P transducer. The combination can be installed
switch/contact. The actuator will return the damper to its safety  Orifice plate directly into the Ex area. The transducer converts the differential
position by an internal spring. The contact comes from a safety (by others) pressure signal into an active signal (0...10 VDC or 4...20 mA)
thermal trigger type ExPro-TT-.. which is directly connected to for input in a PLC system. The output signal from the controller
 the actuator. goes directly to the actuator. Between the sensor and controller

Ex area

is no need for an Ex-i module , or an intrinsically safe (IS) wiring
 ExCos-P method either. The controller, situated in the safe area will,
depending on changing circumstances will monitor, control a fan
(must be Ex proof) or a modulating damper actuator (also Ex

Safe area

proof) to maintain the required air volume / pressure.


Thermostats • Humidistats • Pressurestats • Filter monitoring Fan belt monitoring • Frost protection
Thermostats Drive belt monitoring with differential pressure sensor/air paddle

   ExBin-D… modules with ExPro-BT… is a sensor probe with   ExBin-P… modules are pressostats like Ex-differential pressure
 a thermostat for use in explosion proof areas. No intrinsic safe switches, e.g. for fan belt monitoring in explosion proof areas. No
electrical circuit and no transducer in the electrical control-panel  intrinsic safe electrical circuit and, no transducer in the electrical
are necessary. The module should be installed directly into Ex control-panel are necessary. The module should be installed
area, depending on demand in zone 1, 2, 21 or 22. The output directly into Ex area, depending on demand in zone 1, 2, 21 or

 contact can be used for sequence functions (relays, contacts, 22. To indicate fan failure switching modules are delivered with

direct circuit, …).  integrated time running relay with delay on start up. The output
contact can be used for sequence functions (relays, contacts,
direct circuit, …).

Hygrostats Drive belt monitoring with inductive sensor

  ExBin-D… modules with ExPro-BF… is a sensor probe with   ExBin-N… modules with connected Namur sensor (inductive
a hygrostat for use in explosion proof areas. No intrinsic safe proximity switch) are especially for contact-free fan belt monito-
electrical circuit and no transducer in the electrical control-panel  ring of ventilators, for use in explosion proof areas.
are necessary. The module should be installed directly into Ex No intrinsic safe electrical circuit and, no transducer in the
area, depending on demand in zone 1, 2, 21 or 22. The output electrical control-panel are necessary. The module should be

 contact can be used for sequence functions (relays, contacts, installed directly into Ex area, depending on demand in zone 1,

direct circuit, …). 2, 21 or 22. To indicate fan failure switching modules are deli-
vered with integrated time running relay with delay on start up.
The output contact can be used for sequence functions (relays,
contacts, direct circuit, …).

Filter monitoring Frost protection

   ExBin-P… modules are pressostats like Ex-differential pressure     ExBin-FR… are sensors are for frost protection monitoring with
switches, e.g. for filter monitoring in explosion proof areas. No  a capillary as measuring element for use in explosion proof
intrinsic safe electrical circuit and, no transducer in the electrical areas. No intrinsic safe electrical circuit are, no transducer in
control-panel are necessary. The module should be installed the electrical control-panel are necessary. The module should
directly into Ex area, depending on demand in zone 1, 2, 21 be installed directly into Ex area, depending on demand in zone
or 22. The output contact can be used for sequence functions 1, 2, 21 or 22. The output contact can be used for sequence

 (relays, contacts, direct circuit, …).

functions (relays, contacts, direct circuit, …). 39
Price list 2011
Technical short information 2011

SIL „Safety Integrity Level“

Schischek „..Max“ actuators with spring return according SIL
1. Functional Safety Risk (without security measures)
The safety integrity level (SIL) allows to determine
unity Response
the potential risk for people, systems, devices and - Structural measures Comm

Risk reduction
processes in case of a malfunction. Basis for the - Evacuation plans Pla t Response
specification, design, and operation of safety instru- - Safety components Relief Devices

mented systems is IEC standard 61508. - PLC protective device a
Autom tic SIS
c Alarms
ess Desig
Remaining Risk


The goal is to assess the risk and to reduce it by use of suitable measures

2. Standard
MTBF = Mean Time Between Failure MTTF = Mean Time To Failure
Standard 61508 defines safety depending on the
MTBF is applicable only to repairable devices or also used as average mean time to failure MTTFd.
level of integrity and the probability…
systems and time between failures assumes that The importance of MTTF has been increased by
61508 encompasses its own risk assessment with
the device has been repaired after a failure. MTBF the European Norm EN ISO 13849-1 in connection
which the safety integrity levels for the safety re-
can be used to estimate failures per time interval. with machine safety.
lated devices and systems can be determined. The
That allows to calculate the probability of a device
standard knows four levels, SIL 1 to SIL 4, char-
failure during its life span (for example 10 years for MTTF is a statistical quantity based on test results
acterizing safety levels for electrical and electronic
Schischek actuators). MTBF for a given device can or empirical data and does not constitute a guaran-
devices. The SIL level is a measure for the safety
be estimated in life cycle tests. Those tests can be teed life cycle or failure free operating time.
function in case of a fault and answers the ques-
conducted under increased stress conditions of a
tion: What is the probability of the system still func-
highly accelerated life test, such as radiation, humid- MTTF is based on the reliability function R(t) and is
tioning correctly in case of a fault ?
ity, vibration, high temperatures etc. valid under the assumption that that the device in
3. Specific values consideration is “as new” after a repair.
PFD = Probability of failure on demand Another way to determine MTBF is the reliability pre-
PFDav directly describes the probability that the sys- diction, often used in early design stages where de-
tem will malfunction on demand, i.e. when a service vices and systems are not yet available. That allows
request is made or during a continuous tempera- to evaluate if the target reliability can be achieved
ture measuring. The standard defines different lev- but, it requires detailed knowledge of the construc-
els of demand and high demand is, as the name tion of a device and its components. Failure rates
implies, when safety related functions are required are available for many components and published in
in a continuous mode of operation. Low demand manuals. Values given in FIT, which stands for failure
is where the frequency of demands for operation in time and is a unite defined as 1 FIT = 109 per hour.
made on a safety-related system is no greater than
one per year. The differences are reflected in the MTBF is the reciprocal of the calculated failure rate
mathematical treatment. High demand looks at of the component, which in turn is the sum of the
failure probability per hour versus low demand at application condition dependent failure rates of the
probability of failure per demand. individual components. When used in MTBF calcu-
lations FIT is usually used without the unit “failures
in 109 hours.” If, for example, MTBF for a repairable
SIL – PFDav – PFH – modes of operation device is affected by a component for which FIT is
Safety Integrity Low demand mode High demand known, then MTBF can be calculated based on the
Level (SIL) operation mode operation following formula:
SIL4 ≥ 10-5 to < 10-4 ≥ 10-9 to < 10-8
SIL3 ≥ 10-4 to < 10-3 ≥ 10-8 to < 10-7
MTBF = 114.000 years
SIL2 ≥ 10-3 to < 10-2 ≥ 10-7 to < 10-6 FIT
SIL1 ≥ 10-2 to < 10-1 ≥ 10-6 to < 10-5
for a FIT of 1140 follows MTBF = 100 years

Price list 2011
Technical short information 2011

SIL „Safety Integrity Level“

Schischek „..Max“ actuators with spring return according SIL
MTTR = Mean Time To Repair HFT = Hardware Failure Tolerance Safety Lifecycle
is a measure of how long it takes on average to re- The hardware failure tolerance HFT together with
pair a device after failure and is therefore important the safe failure fraction SFF determines the safety Concept
in conjuction with system availability. integrity level SIL. HFT categorizes the amount
of faults a system can endure without failing as a
MTTR also encompasses work and material plan- system. The higher HFT the higher is the system Hazard and risk analysis
ning and should be kept as short as possible. availability.

back to appropriate phase

λ = Failure Rate •• HFT = 0: no redundancy, a single fault can Safety requirements
The failure is the reciprocal of MTBF. (λ = 1 / MTBF) result in loss of safety.
•• HFT = 1: “simple” redundancy, at least two
μ = Repair Rate faults are necessary to cause a safety failure. Planning, realization
The repair rate is the reciprocal of MTTR. •• HFT = 2: double redundancy, at least 3 faults
(λ = 1 / MTTR) are necessary to result in a loss of safety.
Installation, commissioning
Since the safety function of all individual parts has
SFF = Safe Failure Fraction to be taken into consideration a fully redundant
SFF is the proportion of safe errors (λsafe) in rela- architecture may be necessary depending on the Operation, maintenance, repair
tion to dangerous errors (λdangerous). The higher required SIL level.
SFF the lower the probabilty of failure. Modification, retrofit

SFF – HFT – SIL – type A, type B Decommissioning, disposal

λtotal = λS + λD
Safe Failure Hardware Fault Hardware Fault
SFF = 1-λDU /λtotal Fraction Tolerance (Type A – Tolerance (Type B –
(SFF) simple subsystem) complex subsystem) Management of functional safety
λ S = safe SIL4 0 1 2 0 1 (0*) 2 (1*) and functional safety assessment
λ SD = safe detectable < 60% SIL1 SIL2 SIL3 – SIL1 SIL2
λ SU = safe undetectable Qualification, training and documentation
λ D = dangerous 60%… < 90% SIL2 SIL3 SIL4 SIL1 SIL2 SIL3

λDD = dangerous detectable 90%… < 99% SIL3 SIL4 SIL4 SIL2 SIL3 SIL4
λDU = dangerous undetectable ≥ 99% SIL3 SIL4 SIL4 SIL3 SIL4 SIL4 Needed documents for certification:
* With proven-in-use demonstration acc. to IEC 61511 (only for SIL < 4) •• Product Specification
•• Functional Specification
λSD •• Safety Requirement Specification
λSU •• Development plan
•• Verification and Valdiation Plan
•• Hardware development documents
•• Software development documents
λS •• Construction drawings
•• Hardware Verification- and Testplans
•• Hardware Test results
λD •• Software Verifications and Testplans
•• Software Test results
λDU •• Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
λDD •• Quantitativ verification of safety
•• Technical customer documentation 41
Price list 2011
Technical short information 2011

Certification with highest protection classes


is a commonly used synonym for the ATEX guidelines of the European
Union. The name is derived from the French term ATmosphère EX-
plosive. The directive encompasses explosion protection guidelines
94/9/EG for devices and 1999/92/EG for operations. ATEX guidelines
are devised by the Director General of the EU commission Enterprise
and Industry in cooperation with the member states, standardization or-
ganizations (CEN, CENELEC) and so called known organizations such
as BAM, PTB, or TUEV to name examples from Germany.

is an independent organization testing and certifying product with re-
gards to safety. UL tests and evaluates compliance of products, compo-
nents, materials, and systems against specific requirements.
As a result the UL mark can be carried as long as the standards are
kept to. UL is one of the OSHA endorsed testing labs. OSHA is the
Occupational Safety and Health Administration and maintains a list of
labs called NRTL, short for nationally recognized testing laboratories.

is a global provider of testing and certification services.
CSA is also on the OSHA list of nationally recognized testing labora-
tories, NRTL.

denotes a certification obligatory for goods to be imported to the Rus-
sian Federation. Compliance has to be evaluated and approved based
on Russian standards. GOST certification is required for examples as

•• Food and food packaging

•• Electronic devices
•• Industrial plants and machinery
•• Products used in the oil & gas industry
•• Electronic and technical systems

Price list 2011
Technical short information 2011

Certification with highest protection classes


is an internationally used process to certify electrical equipment used
in hazardous locations. The code defines a system to classify locations
prone to explosive atmospheres caused by gases, dusts, or fibers for
example. The main goal of the International Electrotechnical Commis-
sion IEC with the IECEx regulation is to reach global harmonization of
codes governing use of electrical apparatus in hazardous locations.
IEC promotes mutual acceptance of evaluations and reports among the
testing labs and certifying bodies.

stands for Ingress Protection and denotes the protection of the device

against environmental factors, dust and rain for example, as well as
protection of living beings against dangers of touching high voltage cir-
cuits for example. The first digit categorizes ingress of solid objects, the
second ingress of water:

•• IP6x = dust proof

•• IPx6 = water jet proof (with specifies water pressure etc.)


is short for RosTekhNadzor. RTN certificates are required in Russia
for industrial processes involving hazardous materials and conditions
and are required for the equipment used. RTN approves the use of
the equipment. RTN approvals are generally necessary for example:

•• for all equipment used in the Oil & Gas industry

•• all equipment requiring explosion protection

SIL „Safety Integrity Level“…

considers functional safety determine the potential risk for people, sys-
tems, devices and processes in case of a malfunction. Basis for the
specification, design, and operation of safety instrumented systems is
IEC standard 61508. The goal is to assess the risk and to reduce it by
use of suitable measures. The standard knows four levels, SIL 1-SIL 4,
characterizing safety levels for electrical, electronic and programmable
electronic devices, often referred to as E/E/PE. The SIL level is a meas-
ure for the safety function in case of a fault and answers the question:

•• What is the probability of the system still functioning correctly in

case of a fault ? 43
Price list 2011
Technical short information 2011

Contact Contact Contact

Manufacturing and Sales EU Sales United Kingdom Sales Singapore

Schischek GmbH Schischek Ltd. Schischek AG
Mühlsteig 45 Kenmore House, Singapore Representative Office
Gewerbegebiet Süd 5 Navigation Road, 10, UBI Crescent, 07 - 44
90579 Langenzenn Chelmsford, UBI Techpark, Lobby ‚C‘
Germany Essex. Singapore 408 564
Tel. +49 (0)9101 9081-0 CM2 6HX Tel. +65 674984-94
Fax +49 (0)9101 9081-77 United Kingdom Fax +65 674984-97 Tel. +44 1245-256007 Fax +44 1245-265374
Sales worldwide (outside EU) Sales North East Asia
Schischek AG Sales France Schischek AG
Fuchsacker 678 North East Asia Representative Office
9426 Lutzenberg Schischek SARL Antidéflagration Room 305, Koryo Building
Switzerland 108 Rue Damrémont 88-7 Nonhyun-Dong, Gangnam-Gu
Tel. +41 71 888645-0 75018 Paris Seoul 135-010
Fax +41 71 888645-2 France Republic of Korea Tel. +33 1425261-02 Tel. +82 251409-70 Fax +33 1425261-16 Fax +82 251409-72 Mobile: +82 1047280970
Sales America
Schischek Inc. Sales Italy
4460 Brookfield Corporate Drive, Suite B
Schischek s.r.l. Unipersonale Sales Middle East (UAE)
Chantilly, VA 20151
Via Adelasio 22 Schischek AG
24020 Ranica (BG) Middle East Representative Office
Tel. +1 703 574 2242
Italy Sharjah Airport Free Zone (SAIF)
Fax +1 703 665 0829
Tel. +39 0354123408 Executive Suite
Fax +39 0354123408 P.O.Box 122537 Sharjah UAE
Tel. +971 65570772
Mobile: +971 508183534

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