In Hebrew, the word “NES” means Miracle & “CAFE” means Coffee so together it’s a miracle
with coffee. Nescafe believes in innovation, improvement, thrust on value for money. Nescafe
leads the market of instant coffee with Rs.361 crore. The company’s beverage products generate
22% of the company’s total revenue. Nescafe has pushed into more diverse media. Global Coffee
market s segregated into three segments:
Instant Coffee
Roast And Ground Coffee
Despite the ever increasing choice available to the consumer, Nescafe original maintains its
position as not only the nation’s favorite coffee, but also the leading hot beverage brand
overall.In 1930, the chairman of Nestle in Switzerland was approached by the Brazilian coffee
institute and asked to develop coffee that was soluble in hot water and retained its flavor. From
these beginnings came not only the world’s first instant coffee, but also the emergence of a
classic brand of the millennium. After years of painstaking research, scientists at the Nestle
research laboratory in Switzerland finally achieved the desired results, and on April 1, 1938,
Nescafe was launched in Switzerland.
Specific: The objectives have to be clear. For example, in each shop, the company of
“NESCAFE” must achieve the selling objectives. The turnover to reach will not be the
same in the different shop because we make the selling objectives according to size of the
shop, the frequentation, the type of the clients.
Measurable: The company has to follow the different targets in the sales outlets and if
each Shop allowed reaching the objectives. To measure the sales we can calculate the
sales by day In order to understand how the client bought the product. With these data we
can improve The strategy and the sales. The commercials can ask to the supermarket to
put the product in A different way or to make more promotion.
Achievable: The targets have to be realist. At the beginning the turnover would grow
slowly and after the promotion, it would have a faster expansion. If we reach to win
clients from Our main competitor (in a first time) and from the others tea brand (in a
second time), the Sales would grow increasingly. The firm should have a long term’s
vision and should be reactive in front of decisions or problems which can occur.
Relevant: the objectives have to be founded on fact and not on suppositions. The firm has
to Respect its general strategy and its image. The firm should take into consideration the
sales Of its competitors in order to be based on relevant objectives.
Timed target: each objective should have a deadline. It can allow measuring the different
Sales of the day, of the week, of the month, according to these data, the firm can change
the Objectives or makes promotion to reach these objectives.
For the last decade, the health benefits of tea have gained wide coverage in the media. Studies
continue to show the beneficial properties of tea, with health benefits ranging from lower
cholesterol levels to improve arterial health and decreasing chance of cancer. This positive press
has definitely catapulted the demand for tea.
Consumers believe that tea is very good for the body, thus, it is more logical to drink more tea
and less soda pop and other drinks. Consumer considers Nestea as a healthy habit.
One of the major competitor for Nescafe tea in the world tea markets Lipton tea. Moreover the
alliance between Unilever and PepsiCo is expected to enable Lipton to strengthen its global
position. Lipton tea is going above and above these days, so the competition would be strong.
There are other tea also, like Tetley who s gaining good market.