Affidavit - DR Ventura
Affidavit - DR Ventura
Affidavit - DR Ventura
I, DRA. MARIA ZENAIDA VENTURA, of legal age, married, Filipino citizen, with residence
address at ____________________, under oath, depose and state:
(3) That I am the personal doctor of MS. ANALYN V. TORRES, of legal age, single, Filipino
citizen, with residence address at ____________________;
(4) That I have been treating and managing her for VERTIGO since _______________ ;
(5) That her bouts of VERTIGO would at times be so severe that she would require bed rest
for more than two to three days;
(6) That on July 11, 2017, she visited my clinic at around __________ P.M. complaining of
weakness, nausea, and dizziness, which are the symptoms of VERTIGO;
(7) That after conducting proper observation and monitoring, I was able to ascertain that
she was indeed suffering from her illness VERTIGO, and prescribed to her the necessary
medicine she needed to take;
(8) That after her treatment, I issued her a MEDICAL CERTIFICATE dated July 11-13, 2017,
as I have advised her to take a bed rest for three (3) consecutive days to manage her
VERTIGO and advised her against moving up and travelling from her home;
(9) That I am issuing this Affidavit in order to clarify and verify what transpired during the
said consulation on July 11, 2017.