Roll of Thunder Book Files
Roll of Thunder Book Files
Roll of Thunder Book Files
Roll of Thunder,
Hear My Cry
by Mildred D. Taylor
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 03 04 05 06 07
K ids like you watch television, listen to CDs, and play video
games for fun. Mildred D. Taylor’s childhood was very
different. She grew up enjoying her father’s interesting stories
about the Taylor family’s life in the Mississippi countryside.
Wilbert Lee Taylor, Mildred’s father, sat by the fireplace in their
home. There, he shared the family’s past with Mildred, her older
sister, Wilma, and their mother, Deletha. From these stories,
Mildred Taylor learned that her family had courage, dignity, and
The road to becoming an award-winning writer wasn’t smooth
and easy, however.
The Taylors often took the long car trip back to Mississippi. They
wanted to visit all their relatives. These trips were not happy all
the time because black people and white people were kept apart
in many parts of the South. This policy was called segregation.
To segregate means to keep apart. Black people and white people
could not use the same rest rooms, water fountains, or
playgrounds. Blacks and whites had to eat in different parts of
restaurants, too. Segregation made it very hard for black people
to travel. It was hard on people’s hearts and minds.
“Each trip down reminded us that the South into which we had
been born . . . still remained,” Taylor remembers. “On the rest
rooms of gasoline stations were the signs WHITE ONLY, COLORED NOT
ALLOWED. [In the past, black people were often called colored,
which many people thought was insulting.] Over water fountains
were the signs WHITE ONLY. In restaurant windows, in motel
windows, there were always the signs WHITE ONLY, COLORED NOT
ALLOWED. Every sign we saw proclaimed our second-class
citizenship.” These trips helped shape Taylor’s goal to write about
the proud African-American heritage she learned from her family.
Her school experiences also helped her decide to become a writer.
When she was ten years old, Mildred Taylor was the only black
child in her class. She was upset about the one-sided stories
about black Americans in her history books. There was no pride
in these stories. When she shared her own facts about black
history with the class, however, everyone thought she was
making things up. “I couldn’t explain things to them,” she said.
“Even the teacher seemed not to believe me. They all believed
what was in the history books,” Taylor said. Since she was shy,
Taylor did not say anything else. “So I turned to creating stories
for myself, instead,” she recalls.
In 1975, she wrote a story her father had told her about some
trees that had been cut from the family’s land in Mississippi.
Taylor’s story, “Song of the Trees,” won first prize in the Council
on Interracial Books for Children contest. A council is a group of
people who work together on a project. This council’s job was to
bring people of different races together. They knew that Taylor’s
story could help black and white people understand one another.
Taylor expanded the story into a short novel, also called Song
of the Trees. The New York Times newspaper named it an
Outstanding Book of the Year in 1975. Taylor published
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry in 1976. Her career as a writer
had begun.
How Roll of Thunder,
Hear My Cry Came About
people and white people apart. Black kids and white kids could
not go to the same schools. People of different races couldn’t
travel in the same train cars, either. They could travel in the
same buses, but black people had to sit in the back of the bus—
until a white person got on. Then a black person had to give up
his or her seat for the white person. Parks, cemeteries, and
theaters were also marked WHITE or COLORED to prevent any
contact between black and white people. The Jim Crow laws were
meant to create “separate but equal” places for black and white
people. It did not work out this way, however. The places were
“separate,” but they were not “equal.”
For example, schools for black students got much less money
than schools for white students. As a result, the schools for black
students did not have enough textbooks, chalk, and other
supplies. Many schools for black students did not have playing
fields, school buses, or indoor bathrooms—but schools for white
students often did.
Finally, in 1954, the Supreme Court got rid of the Jim Crow laws.
The Supreme Court is the highest court in the United States. It
has the power to change America’s laws, but it doesn’t have the
power to change people’s minds. Many people in the South were
not willing to let black and white kids go to the same schools.
The situation got so bad that in 1957, President Dwight D.
Eisenhower had to send soldiers to Little Rock, Arkansas, to
protect black kids going to a white school. The battle for equal
rights continued.
In 1964, the Supreme Court passed the Civil Rights Act. This act
made it against the law to discriminate against people because of
their color. When you discriminate against someone, you do not
treat them fairly. A year later, Congress passed the Voting Rights
Act. This law made it easier for black people to vote. However,
prejudice did not fade away at once. People were still “prejudging”
others on the basis of their race. Mildred Taylor saw this herself.
Taylor hopes that one day Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry “will be
instrumental in teaching children of all colors the tremendous
influence Cassie’s generation had in bringing about the civil
rights movement of the fifties and sixties.” She thanks her father
for his help. She says, “Without his teachings, without his words,
my words would not have been.”
Chapter Charter:
Questions to Guide Your Reading
Chapter 1
• How are the African-American students treated? Do you think
this is fair?
• What happened to the Berry family? What does this event tell
you about racism in the South in the 1930s?
• Would you like to be friends with the Logan children? Why or
why not?
Chapter 2
• Why has Mr. Morrison come to live with the Logans?
• What danger did the African-American people in the
community face because of their color?
• What might it feel like to be the victim of hatred?
Chapter 3
• Why does the driver of the white children’s school bus splash
the Logan children with mud?
• How do the children get their revenge on the white bus driver
and his passengers? Do you think this was right?
• What might it feel like to be the only person in town to have a
big, fancy car?
Chapter 4
• What is your first clue that T.J. is big trouble? Do you think it’s
wise that Stacey is friends with him?
• How do you think Stacey felt when he had to tell his parents
about his fight with T.J.?
• What does Cassie learn about her family from Big Ma?
Chapter 5
• Why does Big Ma park the wagon far away from the entrance
to the market in Strawberry?
• Do you think Cassie should have demanded that Mr. Barnett
wait on them at the store? Why or why not?
• How do you think Cassie felt at the end of her day in
Chapter 6
• Why does Big Ma try to stop Cassie from telling Uncle Hammer
about their day in Strawberry?
• Mama tells Cassie, “Baby, we have no choice of what color
we’re born or who our parents are or whether we’re rich or
poor. What we do have is some choice over what we make of
our lives once we’re here.” What do you think she means by
• Would you rather have Papa or Uncle Hammer as your father?
Chapter 7
• How do you think Uncle Hammer felt when he saw T.J. wearing
Stacey’s new coat?
• Why does Mr. Jamison agree to put up the credit for the black
families to shop in Vicksburg?
• How do you know that Mr. Morrison had a hard, painful life?
Chapter 8
• Papa tells Cassie, “There are things you can’t back down on,
things you gotta take a stand on. But it’s up to you to decide
what them things are.” What things do you think Cassie must
take a stand on? Why?
• Do you think it was a good decision for Cassie to take revenge
on Lillian Jean? Is it okay to do mean things if you feel you
have been treated unfairly?
• How do you think Mama felt when Kaleb Wallace fired her from
her teaching job?
Chapter 9
• Would you spend time with the Simms boys? Why or why not?
• How was Papa injured? Why do you think this happened?
• What do you think will happen at the end of the book?
Chapter 10
• Why do you think the bank suddenly wants the Logans to pay
their mortgage in full?
• Do you think the Logans’ troubles with the Wallaces are over?
Why or why not?
• What do you think will happen to T.J. in Strawberry?
Chapter 11
• How did T.J. get so badly injured?
• Would you have helped T.J. if you had been in Stacey’s place?
Why or why not?
• What do think will happen to the Avery family, especially T.J.?
Chapter 12
• What is your first clue that Papa set the fire?
• Papa says, “This thing’s been coming a long time, baby. . . .”
What do you think he means by this?
• How can you tell that the Logans are a close and loving family?
• How would you feel if you were T.J.?
Plot: What’s Happening?
T.J. Avery, a thirteen-year-old troublemaker, tells how the
Berrys, three black men, were burned—one killed—by the white
Wallace brothers. A white boy, Jeremy Simms, joins the Logans
as they walk to school. Jeremy goes to the white Jefferson Davis
School while the Logan children attend the black Great Faith
Little Man and Cassie are so happy to get schoolbooks for the
very first time! Their delight turns to rage when they get the
tattered old books the white students had used for many years
and thrown away. Cassie’s mama is a seventh-grade teacher in
the school. She understands how hurt her children feel, so she
pastes paper over the inside covers of her students’ books. These
hide the pages that show that the white students had thrown the
books away. Later, Papa returns unexpectedly from the railroad
with Mr. Morrison, a big, strong man who lost his job. Mr.
Morrison will be staying with the Logans. Papa tells the children
to keep away from the Wallaces’ store because people get in
trouble there. Papa also knows the Wallaces have attacked other
black families.
Later, Mama takes the kids to visit the Berry family. Mr. Berry is
burned very badly and cannot speak. “The Wallaces did that,
children,” Mama explains. “They poured kerosene over Mr. Berry
and his nephews and lit them afire.” To protest the attacks,
Mama and Papa try to stop black people from shopping in the
Wallace and Barnett stores.
T.J. and Stacey are in Mama’s class. T.J. gets Stacey into trouble
by giving him cheat notes. Mama disciplines Stacey. Later, Stacey
beats up T.J. to get even with him. Stacey realizes that T.J. is not
a good friend. He knows that T.J. is going down the wrong path
in life.
Papa, Mr. Morrison, and Stacey go shopping in Vicksburg. On the
way home, someone shoots at Papa. The bullet skims his head!
In the fight that follows, Papa’s leg is broken. At the same time,
the bank demands that the Logans’ whole loan be paid all at
once! Uncle Hammer sells his car to pay the debt.
A white mob gathers at the Avery house. They want to hang T.J.
Papa and Mr. Morrison run to the Avery home. Soon, Mama
notices the cotton is on fire! Mama, Big Ma, and the mob go fight
the fire. It starts to rain, which puts out the fire.
Setting/Time and Place:
Where in the World Are We?
The Civil War had ended a long time ago, in 1865. That year, the
Thirteenth Amendment gave black Americans citizenship.
Congress passed the Fifteenth Amendment five years later, in
1870. This amendment said that all American men had the right
to vote, no matter their race or color. But as you have learned,
racism did not go away quickly.
After the Civil War, parts of the South that were destroyed
during the war began to be rebuilt. This period is known as
Reconstruction. The government sent soldiers to the South to
help make sure black people were treated fairly. Many southern
white people resented the troops. In 1877, the government sent
all the soldiers home, but there were still very hard feelings about
rights for blacks. As you read, the Jim Crow laws (see page 9)
restricted the rights of black people.
in the fields, the black students have a very short school year:
It runs from October to March. Even so, many of the students
can’t start school until December, after the last wisp of cotton
has been picked.
In Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry, Mildred Taylor also tells about
the “night men” who try to kill black people in many ways. They
attacked some black people and covered others in tar and
feathers. They also set some black people on fire, like the Berry
men. The “night riders” hanged black people, too. These hangings
were called lynchings. “Night riders” was another name for
members of the Ku Klux Klan.
stopped, as Mama says when she tells the children about the
Wallaces burning the Berry men: “Everyone knows they did it,
and the Wallaces even laugh about it, but nothing was ever
done.” Brave Mr. Jamison steps in to help members of the black
community, but other people in the South in the 1930s believed
that it was all right to attack blacks. Some were too terrified to
stop the Klansmen.
As black people sought their civil rights in the 1950s, the Klan
continued to strike. Klan members used bombs and other violent
means to try to prevent black people from getting their rights.
Because of First Amendment rights, which guarantee everyone’s
freedom of speech, the Klan still exists today although law
enforcement officials closely monitor their activities.
words that appeal to the five senses: sight, touch, smell, taste,
and hearing.
Cassie loves going into the family’s woods and fields. In March,
Cassie says, “I was eager to be in the fields again, to feel the
furrowed rows of damp, soft earth beneath my feet; eager to walk
barefooted through the cool forest, hug the trees, and sit under
their protective shadow.”
The characters also use the word “ain’t,” instead of “is not,” “are
not,” or “am not.” The characters might say, “He ain’t going.” This
is part of the dialect. Long ago, the word “ain’t” was accepted as
a contraction for “am not.” However, the word “ain’t” should not
be used today in everyday speech or formal writing. We would
say, “He isn’t going.”
Themes/Layers of Meaning:
Is That What It Really Means?
No one has to teach Cassie that family comes first: She knows it
like she knows the fresh smell of the forest air or the soft touch
of cotton. Nonetheless, the lesson is reinforced often. She learns
how important family is from her papa, mama, and grandmother,
Big Ma.
Papa tells Cassie that the family is like the fig tree that grows in
the yard. The big oak and walnut trees almost overshadow the
little fig. “But the fig tree’s got roots that run deep,” Papa says,
“and it belongs in the yard as much as the oak and walnut. It
keeps on blooming, bearing good fruit year after year, knowing all
the time it’ll never get as big as them other trees. Just keeps on
growing and doing what it gotta do. It don’t give up. It give up,
it’ll die. There’s a lesson to be learned from that little tree, Cassie
girl, ’cause we’re like it. We keep doing what we gotta, and we
don’t give up. We can’t.” The family fights on to do what is right
and to stay together.
Mr. Morrison also puts family first. He risks his life by staying to
protect the Logans against the Wallaces and others who hate
people because of their skin color. He saves Papa’s life when the
Wallaces attack. He treats Stacey like a son. He teaches Stacey
right from wrong when Stacey goes to the Wallace store and
fights with T.J.
When Paul Edward paid off the first two hundred acres in 1910,
he wanted to buy more land. Then his children and their children
would have their own land. They could be independent. In 1918,
Mr. Jamison sold Paul Edward another two hundred acres. “I can
see my Paul Edward’s face the day Mr. Jamison sold him them
two hundred acres,” Big Ma recalls. “He put his arms ’round me
and looked at his new piece of land, then he said ’zactly the same
thing he said when he grabbed himself that first two hundred
acres. Said, ‘Pretty Caroline, how you like to work this fine piece
of earth with me?’ Sho’ did . . . said the ’zact same thing.”
Big Ma tells Cassie the story over and over so Cassie will
remember it and tell it to her children. Cassie knows the story so
well that she can tell it along with Big Ma. We know that Cassie
will be able to pass on the stories of her family.
F amily is the most important part of the Logans’ life, but the
land helps the family survive. Over and over, Big Ma, Mama, and
Papa tell their children that the family will hold on to their land.
Given the history of slavery in the southern states, owning land
comes to stand for freedom for the Logans and many other
Because they own land, the Logans can grow and sell their own
crops. They are not sharecroppers. They do not have to work on
someone else’s land as most of their friends and neighbors must
do. They don’t have to pay rent to a landowner for farming his
land. As a result, they can keep most of the money they earn.
The Logans have a mortgage on some of their land, but they have
enough money so they don’t need any other loans and other
credit from the white landowners. As a result, they can shop
wherever they want. Because the Logans own their own land,
they have opportunities that other black families do not have.
Mr. Granger sees the land as a way to control black people and a
way to make money. The Logans, in contrast, see the land as
another way to be independent and keep the family together.
Cassie recalls how Papa reached out and softly touched her face
in the dark: “If you remember nothing else in your whole life,
Cassie girl, remember this: We ain’t never gonna lose this land.
You believe that?” he says.
To help make sure the land stays in the family, Big Ma gives the
land to her sons, Papa and Hammer. Cassie says that it doesn’t
matter which family members own the land because it will
always be “Logan land.”
Cassie loves the land. But no matter how much the family loves
the land and the freedom it brings, people always come first.
Papa sets his cotton fields on fire to save T.J.’s life. This is
Cassie’s most important lesson. Cassie realizes this when she
says: “Papa had found a way, as Mama had asked, to make Mr.
Granger stop the hanging: He had started the fire.”
know them. Papa, Mama, and Big Ma teach their children the
values that make their dignity and success possible.
Early on, Mama pastes over the hateful book pages that show the
black students are getting the books the white students have
thrown out. When Cassie’s teacher tells Mama that she’s spoiling
the students, Mama says, “Maybe so, but that doesn’t mean they
have to accept them [the books] . . . and maybe we don’t either.”
This shows us that Mama has self-respect and works to ensure
her students’ self-respect as well.
Mr. Morrison helps Stacey protect his pride when he lets Stacey
tell his parents about the fight with T.J. in the Wallace store.
When Stacey’s eyes meet Mr. Morrison’s eyes, we can see the
respect between them. Cassie notices that “the two of them
smiled in subtle understanding, the distance between them
Thinking about the themes
• Of the three themes, which do you think is the main one?
• How important is land to you? Explain how you feel about the
places where you have lived.
• What makes you feel good about yourself? How do you earn
the respect of others?
Characters: Who Are
These People, Anyway?
The Averys (African-American sharecroppers)
T.J. Stacey’s thirteen-year-old friend
Claude T.J.’s younger brother
Mr. Avery T.J. and Claude’s father
Mrs. Avery T.J. and Claude’s mother
Other Characters
John Henry Berry a sharecropper burned to death
by white men
Samuel and Beacon Berry sharecroppers badly burned by
white men
Mr. Jamison a lawyer
Harlan Granger a plantation owner
Cassie Logan: Nine-year-old Cassie is the novel’s main
character. She’s smart, sassy, and self-confident. She’s not afraid
to speak her mind, too. Like her uncle Hammer, Cassie has a
quick temper and strong sense of justice. We see this when Miss
Crocker, Cassie’s teacher, gives her students the tattered books
the white students have thrown out. Cassie tells Miss Crocker
how bad this makes her feel, even though she knows she can get
whipped for talking back. Cassie says, “See, Miz Crocker, see
what it says. They give us these ole books when they didn’t want
’em no more.” When Miss Crocker can’t understand Cassie’s
pain, Cassie refuses to accept the textbook: “Miz Crocker,” she
says, “I don’t want my book neither.”
The lessons about racial problems in the South come from many
sources. Cassie’s experiences with Lillian Jean Simms show her
that white children her own age can judge people on their color.
Cassie is shocked when Lillian Jean orders her off the sidewalk
by saying, “You can’t watch where you going, get in the road.
Maybe that way you won’t be bumping into decent white folks
with your nasty self.”
The owner of the mercantile store in Strawberry, Jim Lee
Barnett, gives Cassie a cruel lesson in hate when he refuses to
wait on her. Cassie sees real violence and injustice when her
neighbors are burned to death and hanged. She also sees hate
when she’s told that T.J. could be sent to a chain gang. Cassie
knows that if that happens, T.J. would be chained to other
prisoners and forced to work along the roads and in the fields.
Cassie learns that race does matter in Mississippi in the 1930s.
She learns that the difference between black and white can
sometimes be the difference between life and death.
Stacey is also proud, loyal, and honest. Stacey refuses to cheat
with T.J. on the test. After Mama catches T.J. cheating, Stacey
doesn’t turn T.J. in, even though it means that he gets a public
whipping from his mother.
Papa also stands up for himself and his family. His actions show
his bravery and self-respect. For example, Papa risks his life to
stop people from shopping at the Wallace store. He does this
because Mr. Wallace burned a black man to death. The Wallaces
shoot at Papa’s head and his leg is broken in the fight, but he
does not stop fighting hatred.
We see Papa’s values most of all at the end of the book. Papa is
willing to use his shotgun to protect T.J. but instead uses his
brains: He sets the cotton fields on fire. Everyone runs to fight
the fire. This stops the men who want to hang T.J. Papa burns
his crops even though he loses a quarter of his cotton. This
shows that Papa values family and friends more than money.
Mama doesn’t complain when the family runs low on money. She
does the best she can to keep the family running smoothly. For
this, her husband and children love and respect her very much.
Uncle Hammer (Papa’s brother): Like Cassie, Hammer has a
quick temper and is not willing to accept hatred against black
people. He moved to Chicago to have more chances to be
successful and to get ahead. When he comes back home to
Mississippi, he gets angry about the racism. “A black man’s life
ain’t worth the life of a cowfly down here,” he says bitterly.
Hammer tries to attack Charlie Simms for the bad way he treated
Cassie. Mr. Morrison stops Hammer before he hurts Charlie
Simms or himself.
the children think about what is right and wrong His family was
killed by members of the Ku Klux Klan when he was just six
years old.
T.J. Avery: T.J. gets into a lot of trouble. He fails the seventh
grade, cheats on tests, gets Mama fired, and hangs out at the
Wallace store. His poor choices lead Stacey to break off their
friendship. T.J. shows bad judgment many times, especially
when he teams up with the older, white Simms brothers. T.J. is
with the Simms brothers when he steals a gun from the store.
Then, he is in the room when the Simms brothers beat the store
owners. As a result, T.J. is nearly hanged. At the end of the book,
he is sent to jail. Mr. Logan thinks T.J. might even be put on a
chain gang and forced to work hard in the fields. A judge will
decide T.J.’s punishment.
Opinion: What Have Other
People Thought About Roll of
Thunder, Hear My Cry ?
The person reviewing Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry for The New
York Times Book Review understood that the book describes
indignities, insults to black people. This writer was impressed
that Mildred Taylor wasn’t nasty about the hatred her black
characters had experienced. According to this critic, “Taylor . . .
writes not with rancor [hatefulness] or bitterness of indignities,
but with pride, strength, and respect for humanity.”
Many critics admire how Taylor created the Logan family. The
critics liked the love that Taylor had for Cassie, her brothers, and
their parents. For example, a critic for the Kirkus Reviews wrote:
“The strong, clearheaded Logan family . . . are drawn with quiet
What about the kids who read this book? Here’s a review written
by a child and posted on “THIS IS THE GREATEST
BOOK I EVER READ!!!!!! I would recommend this to anyone with
good taste because it has a lot of detail and meaning. I give it a 5
[out of 5] because of the great story line.”
The book was published more than twenty-five years ago and is
still very popular. As proof of its popularity and wide appeal, in
1978 the book was made into a miniseries for ABC-TV. Many
people tuned in to the show. They enjoyed watching this story of
the Logan family.
Thinking about what other people think of Roll of
Thunder, Hear My Cry
• Which parts of this book seem most like real life? Which parts
seem made up? Explain.
• One critic called Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry “tremendously
powerful, [and] dramatic.” What do you think makes this book
powerful and dramatic?
• Imagine that you were on the committee that awarded Roll of
Thunder, Hear My Cry the Newbery Award. Why would you
have voted to honor this book?
Depression the Great Depression; the economic crisis that
began with the stock market crash in 1929 and continued
through the 1930s
fretting worrying
lynching a murder by a mob, usually by hanging
meticulously doing something carefully; playing close attention
to detail
moping brooding or worrying.
mortgage the loan a bank gives to people so they can buy a
house and/or land
nightriders a group of men, also called night men, who commit
violent actions to scare people. The term is often used to refer
to members of the Ku Klux Klan, a secret group of white men
who suppressed the rights of African Americans and others.
Packard a type of automobile
plantation a farm or estate on which cotton, tobacco, or similar
crops are grown. Plantations are located in warm climates, like
the American South.
racism prejudice; the belief that one race of people is better
than another race of people
ransack to search and mess everything up; to plunder
revenge to get back at someone for a hurt he or she has done
to you
rural of or relating to country or agriculture
sharecroppers farmers who work someone else’s land. They
give the owner part of their crop as rent for the use of the land.
tenant farmer a sharecropper
testily in an irritable or cranky mood
triumphant successful; winning
uppity acting in an arrogant way; not knowing your supposedly
appropriate place in society; often used in a derogatory way to
describe African Americans who demanded equality.
wheedle to coax or beg
Mildred D. Taylor on Writing
herself that it would be easy. “Many times what I considered
my best work was not good enough,” she recalled. All during
elementary school, junior high, and high school she kept at it.
One day in high school she had a breakthrough when she wrote
a story about her family. She used the first-person point of view.
In a first-person story, the narrator, who is one of the characters,
explains the events of the story through his or her own eyes,
using the pronouns I and me. “Without realizing it,” Taylor
commented later, “I was telling the story in much the same
language as when it was told to me. I was using the language of
the family storytellers.”
Reread some of Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry. You will notice how
the story is told in the first person, through Cassie’s eyes. For
example, Cassie says, “At the end of the examination day, I shot
out of Miss Crocker’s class and hurried into the yard. I was eager
to get to the crossroads to meet Lillian Jean; I had promised
myself to first take care of the examinations and then . . .” We see
only what Cassie wants us to see. For example, we don’t yet
know what Cassie is going to do after the examinations because
she doesn’t tell us.
her voice, her own special way of writing. “Having read only
fiction by white writers,” she said, “I wanted to write like them,
like the great writers we had studied in class—[Ernest]
Hemingway, [Charles] Dickens, [Jane] Austen, and the like.”
It took years for Taylor to unlock her unique voice and style. It
happened almost by chance! One day, Taylor decided to enter a
contest given by the Council on Interracial Books for Children. It
was close to the deadline: She had only a few days before her
entry was due. Since she didn’t have time to write something
new, Taylor looked through the stories she had already written to
find one that might fit. She pulled out a story based on a tale her
father had told her. Originally, Taylor had written the story from
a boy’s point of view, but the story was dull and artificial. Then
she tried writing the story from the grandmother’s point of view,
but that was flat and unconvincing, too. Then Taylor rewrote the
story in the first person through Cassie’s eyes. Everything came
together! “I’m not sure where she came from,” Taylor said, “but
suddenly she was there: Cassie Logan, the storyteller. . . . The
storytelling tradition had always been in the first person. It was
my heritage and I went with it.” All weekend long, Taylor rewrote
the story. She sent it in and waited.
A few months later, Taylor found out that she had won the
contest! The story was published as “Song of the Trees.” Taylor
had discovered her voice and style.
Attention, all writers!
You Be the Author!
• Fire!: After the fire is out, Cassie looks at the fields. “Near the
slope where once cotton stalks had stood, their brown bolls
popping with tiny puffs of cotton, the land was charred, desolate,
black, still steaming from the night.” The fire is a terrible event,
indeed. Write an article for the local newspaper about the big fire.
Explain how it started, how it ended, and how much of Papa’s
crops were destroyed.
just like Taylor does, describe how the place looks, smells, and
sounds. Tell about the way things in the place feel, too.
• All’s well that ends well?: At the end of the novel, Cassie
cries “for T.J. and the land.” What does this mean? Does Roll of
Thunder, Hear My Cry have a happy ending or a sad one? Rewrite
the novel’s ending to make it clearly happy or sad. Make sure
that your ending makes sense with the events in the book. You
can share your ending by reading it to a small group of
Roll of thunder
hear my cry
Over the water
bye and bye
Ole man comin’
down the line
Whip in hand to
beat me down
But I ain’t
gonna let him
Turn me ’round
Explain how this song fits the book’s meaning. Then, share a
song that has special meaning to you and your family. You can
sing or play the song for a small group of classmates.
• I’m like a . . . : Papa tells Cassie that the family is like the fig
tree that grows in the yard. Papa explains the lesson of the little
tree: “We keep doing what we gotta, and we don’t give up. We
can’t.” Choose two objects from nature such as a plant, bird,
place, or weather condition. Then, explain how they stand for one
or more of your character traits. Draw a picture of the object that
best shows your character.
First, think about someone you know who would like to get a
handmade gift. The person might be a grandparent, a parent, a
brother, a sister, or a neighbor. Then, decide when to give the gift
to your “secret pal.” You might give the gift for a special occasion
such as a birthday, anniversary, or graduation. Or you might
want to give the gift just to make someone smile!
Now, match the gift to the person and your abilities. Make
something you do well that the person will really enjoy. Here are
some ideas:
Everybody has a story to tell. The story might be about the past,
the person’s family, or life in general. When you listen to
someone tell about his or her life, you are helping to create an
oral history. The history may never be written down, but it can be
passed from person to person through the generations. This is
what happened in Taylor’s family and in Cassie’s family.
• Tell me about your family. What games did you play with your
family and friends?
• What foods did you eat when you were a child?
• What toys did you have?
• What was your school like? What subjects did you study?
What books did you read?
Biscuit Ingredients
13⁄4 cup all-purpose flour + about 1⁄4 cup extra
1 teaspoon salt
21⁄2 teaspoons baking powder (not baking soda!)
4 tablespoons butter, margarine, or solid white shortening
2⁄3–3⁄4 cup of milk
3. In a big bowl, mix 13⁄4 cup flour, salt, and baking powder.
5. Mix in enough milk so that the dough leaves the sides of the
bowl. This should take about 1 minute. (Overmixed biscuits get
tough and chewy rather that soft and flaky.)
Share your rubbings with a friend. See if your friend can guess
whether your rubbings are bark, leaves, needles, or rocks. Collect
a lot of different rubbings, and label them, too.
ten special times. These might be the arrival of a new family
member, moving to a new home, or a family vacation, for
example. Include photographs, drawings, and souvenirs from
each event. Glue one souvenir on a page. Then write a caption or
paragraph explaining its importance. Be sure to include the date
and a brief description of the occasion, too!
Related Reading
I Have a Dream by Martin Luther King Jr., forward by Coretta
Scott King
Martin’s Big Words: The Life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. by
Doreen Rappaport
Oh, Freedom: Kids Talk About the Civil Rights Movement with the
People Who Made It Happen by Casey King
Rosa Parks: From the Back of the Bus to the Front of a Movement
by Camilla Wilson
Sojourner Truth: Ain’t I a Woman by Patricia and Fredrick
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry is available on Bantam Books-
Audio, read by Lynne Thigpen
Children’s Literature Review. Volume 9. Gale, 1985.
Contemporary Literary Criticism. Volume 21. Gale, 1982.
Dictionary of Literary Biography. Volume 52, American Writers for
Children Since 1960. Gale, 1986.
Kovacs, Deborah and James Preller. Meet the Authors and
Illustrators. New York: Scholastic, 1991.
Rees, David. The Marble on the Water: Essays on Contemporary
Writers of Fiction for Children and Young Adults. Horn Book,
Something About the Author Autobiography Series. Volume 5.
Gale, 1988.
School Librarian, March 1978, pp. 46–47.
Times Educational Supplement, November 18, 1977, p. 33.
Washington Post Book World, February 13, 1977, p. G10; April
23, 1978, p. E2; May 10, 1987, p. X15.
Web sites
Contemporary Authors Online, Gale, 2002. Reproduced in
Biography Resource Center. Farmington Hills, Michigan.:
The Gale Group, 2002.
Educational Paperback Association: Mildred
Mildred Taylor Teacher Resource File: