Configuration Recommendations of A Gnu/Linux System: Anssi Guidelines
Configuration Recommendations of A Gnu/Linux System: Anssi Guidelines
Configuration Recommendations of A Gnu/Linux System: Anssi Guidelines
This document, written by ANSSI, the French National Information Security Agency,
presents the “Configuration recommendations of a GNU/LINUX system”. It is freely avail-
able at
It is an original creation from ANSSI and it is placed under the “Open Licence v2.0” published
by the Etalab mission [12].
According to the Open Licence v2.0, this guide can be freely reused, subject to mentionning its
paternity (source and date of last update). Reuse means the right to communicate, distribute,
redistribute, publish, transmit, reproduce, copy, adapt, modify, extract, transform and use,
including for commercial purposes
These recommendations are provided as is and are related to threats known at the publi-
cation time. Considering the information systems diversity, ANSSI cannot guarantee direct
application of these recommendations on targeted information systems. Applying the fol-
lowing recommendations shall be, at first, validated by IT administrators and/or IT security
This document is a courtesy translation of the initial French document “Recommandations
de configuration d’un système GNU/Linux”, available at In case of con-
. between these two documents, the latter is considered as the only reference.
Document changelog:
1.2 22/02/2019 English version based on a courtesy
translation provided by Red Hat
1 Glossary 4
2 Preamble 5
2.1 Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2 Hardening Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
5 System Installation 14
5.1 Partitioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
5.2 Selection of packages to install . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
5.3 Bootloader configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
5.4 Root password and administrator accounts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
5.5 Installation of additional elements: keys, certificates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
6.7.4 File System Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Recommendation List 55
Bibliography 58
n AIDE Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment
n API Application Programming Interface
n ASLR Address Space Layout Randomisation
n AVC Access Vector Cache
n BIOS Basic Input/Output System
n CERT Computer Emergency Response Team
n DAC Discretionary Access Control
n GID Group IDentifier
n HIDS Host Intrusion Detection System
n HSM Hardware Security Module
n IOMMU Input/Output Memory Management Unit
n IPC Inter-Process Communication
n LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
n LSM Linux Security Module
n MAC Mandatory Access Control
n NSS Name Service Switch
n NX No-eXecute
n OS Operating System
n PAM Pluggable Authentication Module
n PIC Position Independent Code
n PID Process IDentifier
n PIE Position Independent Executable
n RBAC Role Based Access Control
n RSS Really Simple Syndication
n UID User IDentifier
n XD eXecute Disable
2.1 Foreword
Today Unix operating systems and derivatives, including GNU/Linux, are playing an important
role in the ecosystem of equipments, systems, networks and telecommunications. They are widely
deployed in several equipments (switches, routers, TV systems, vehicules…).
Their diversity and their composition are such that they are used according to a large number of
possible combinations. Adressing in detail each possible use case is not the point of this guide.
However some configuration rules allow to get a reasonably safe system if certain fundamental
principles are respected, and to methodologically verify that they are properly applied, by using
(for example) a checklist.
This guide focuses mainly on generic system configuration guidelines and on common sense princi-
ples that need to be applied during the deployment of hosted services. The configuration of these
services themselves can be subject to a dedicated technical note, for example the Recommenda-
tions for websites security hardening [2] or (Open)SSH secure use recommendations [3] on the ANSSI
website. The reader is invited to refer to the document Recommendations for setting up system
partitioning [8] for a more specific and detailed approach of this subject.
It is advisable to study the applicability and the maintainability of each recommendation to the
considered use case. It is also strongly recommended to have recourse to the skills of an expert in
GNU/Linux systems for the implementation of these good practices.
A publicly exposed service with low access control and handling sensitive data (transfer email
server, corporate web server, etc.) requires an enhanced security level, perhaps even high. Con-
versely, a backup server on an isolated network and accessible only to a few people may require a
lower level of security.
The recommendations of this guide are given based on an estimated level of hardening. This level
does not necessarily depend on the difficulty and time required to deploy a given recommendation,
elements that can only be appreciated aer an audit in a given context. These levels should be seen
as guiding principle to help with the reading and with the system administration.
Niveau Description
Minimal level recommendations. To be implemented system-
M. I E H
atically on every system.
Recommendation applicable from the intermediary level.
. I E H Corresponds generally to services protected by several layers
of higher-level security.
Recommendation applicable from the enhanced level. Gen-
. E H erally for systems exposed to non-authenticated flows or from
many sources.
Recommendation applicable to the high level. Corre-
. H sponds to systems hosting sensitive data accessible from non-
authenticated or poorly controlled networks.
Table 2.1: Hardening Level Reading Table
Depending on the retained hardening level, the recommendations apply from the minimum to
the maximum target level. For example :
General principles of security and
Guide the installation and configuration of an operating system through different
.essential principles.
M. I E H Minimization of installed services
Only the components strictly necessary to the service provided by the system should
be installed.
Any service (especially in active listening on the network) is a sensitive element. Only
those known and required for the operation and the maintenance must be installed.
. whose presence can not be justified should be disabled, removed or deleted.
A common case is the presence of resident autoconfiguration services, like DHCP or Zeroconf.
Besides the fact that they can disrupt the network on which they are connected, these services can
receive illegitimate data. Wherever possible and except operational need, they do not have to run
on a server.
Services are oen installed with default configurations that enable features potentially problematic
from a security point of view. For example, SSH port forwarding that are oen accepted and then
used to bypass firewall rules, or an Apache web server with directory indexing enabled and allowing
to navigate in the directory tree system.
. I E H Minimization of configuration
The features configured at the level of launched services should be limited to the
. minimum.
. E H Principle of least privilege
The services and executables available on the system must be analyzed in order to
know the privileges they require, and must then be configured and integrated to use
. bare necessities.
Unix and GNU/Linux distributions have a privilege separation that is mainly based on the two-level
user concept: « classic » users and administrators (commonly called root).
If this separation lacks granularity, especially today where a user has a broad enough access to
system primitives (while being more and more exposed to attacks: the of accounts, leakage of
information, etc.), the in-depth analysis of an expert is oen required to highlight residual vulner-
abilities with the aim of minimizing as much as possible the consequences.
Other mechanisms have emerged to allow additional, more granular rights control (SELinux, Ap-
pArmor…), but the user-based privilege separation (and its groups) is still the most frequently
used. It can be accompanied by partitioning mechanisms (container, chroot, etc.) or filtering
(seccomp) to limit access to the underlying operating system.
. H Using access control features
It is recommended to use the mandatory access control (MAC) feature in addition to
the traditional Unix user model (DAC), or possibly combine them with partitioning
Partitioning mechanisms are numerous, and each offers advantages and disadvantages. Some like
chroot are universal and will work on all known Unix systems, but are limited to partitioning only
part of the system (for chroot: access to the filesystem).
More advanced partitioning and privilege control functions than chroot exist under Linux; exam-
ples are capabilities (POSIX capabilities), namespaces, seccomp filters, or container-based solutions
(LXC, Docker, VServer…).
Each layer of security is therefore a point of resistance that the attacker must cross. Crossing a
layer is accompanied by signals, alarms or log messages that allow to detect a suspicious activity
and to be able to react to it. The remediation stage is also facilitated by additional aggregated
information on the context of the compromise.
This principle has a real advantage: detection, ease of remediation, and improvement of security.
M. I E H Defense in depth principle
Under Unix and derivatives, defense in depth must be based on a combination of
barriers that must be kept independent of each other. For example :
n authentication is necessary before carrying out operations, especially when they
are privileged;
n centralized logging of events at the systems and services level;
n preferential use of services that implement partitioning mechanisms and / or sep-
aration of privileges;
. E H Network services partitioning
Network services should as much as possible be hosted on isolated environments.
This avoids having other potentially affected services if one of them gets compro-
. under the same environment.
The terminology « environnement » is to be taken broadly here: it represents all resources and
data accessible to the service depending on its privileges. The partitioning of environments can
be achieved in different ways (dedicated user account, dedicated container, physical or virtual ma-
chine, etc.), each way has Pros and Cons that need to be studied: a dedicated user account can
always access resources on which rights are incorrectly set (an audit of access rights must there-
fore be done), whereas containers and virtual machines offer a more efficient partitioning but can
require additional integration efforts.
3.4 Monitoring and maintenance activity
Every system must be monitored to control dris. The same goes for its maintenance in secure
. E H Logging of service activity
The activities of the running system and services must be logged and archived on an
.external, non-local system.
Soware patches can bring new features to the soware environment, thus contributing to rais-
ing its level of security. Others aim to rectify vulnerabilities present on the system. A monitoring
activity on the corrective measures to be applied is essential, because it allows to know the vul-
nerabilities to which it is or has been exposed, and thus to lend special attention until a patch is
M. I E H Regular updates
It is recommended to have a regular and responsive security update procedure.
The monitoring activity can be done by the inscription to mailing lists (security teams
of installed components and applications and their editors, RSS feeds of CERTs a , and
. on).
Hardware configuration before
Enable or disable some hardware options in order to harden the platform that will
be used for installation. This setting should preferably be done before installation so
. system can take it into account as soon as possible.
The following recommendations apply to x86 architectures. The approach remains however appli-
cable to other architectures except that the configuration mechanisms and directives will certainly
be different.
The hardware configuration of the machine depends more on how it will be used than on the
installed operating system. It is however necessary to specify that deactivation (or activation) of
functionalities at the BIOS-level can block the use of these by the system. The technical note
« Hardware configuration recommendations for x86 clients and servers » [4] discusses the different
options that can be found on a contemporary x86 machine.
. I E H Hardware configuration
It is recommended to apply the configuration recommendations mentioned in the
technical note « Recommendations for the hardware configuration of client computers
. x86 servers » [4].
n the protected mode, confined to 32-bit virtual addressing (4 bytes);
n the long mode, which allows a wider addressing on 64 bits 1 (8 bytes).
The 64-bit mode has a couple of advantages over the 32-bit mode, despite the absence of some
mechanisms allowing the implementation of protections (segmentation in particular):
n relative addressing by register %rip, more efficient for relocatable code like PIC or PIE;
n larger address space, so more bits are accessible for the ASLR;
n memory size that can be allocated to a process is much larger;
n systematic presence of NX/XD protection bits.
. I E H 32 and 64 bit architecture
When the machine supports it, prefer the installation of a GNU/Linux distribution
. 64-bit version instead of 32-bit version.
Activation of the feature will depend on the hardware configuration and the operating system set-
tings: depending on the situation (presence or absence of a functional IOMMU, amount of mem-
ory present on the system, etc.) Linux may decide not to initialize the IOMMU. It must therefore
be told to force using the IOMMU through a configuration directive passed in parameter at startup.
. H IOMMU Configuration Guideline
The iommu=force directive must be added to the list of kernel parameters during
startup in addition to those already present in the configuration files of the boot-
.loader (/boot/grub/menu.lst or /etc/default/grub).
The configuration change may require running a third-party utility to be taken into account in
the configuration (update-grub for example) and the complete reboot of the system. Moreover,
the activation of the IOMMU on the system can generate hardware instabilities, it is therefore
important to ensure that it functions properly before deploying such a measure to production.
1. Only 48 bits are actually exploited, the unused 16 bits being part of the « non-canonical » addresses.
Listing 4.1: IOMMU activation example
# Example for the file '/etc/default/grub '
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX =" iommu=force"
System Installation
Each GNU/Linux operating system and distribution adopts its own path during
this step. Some configuration elements will however apply almost universally.
Apply security parameters at first install of the system.
5.1 Partitioning
It is common practice to dedicate partitions to services that can generate a lot of volumetry in order
to avoid overloading system partitions. The space to be provisioned for each partition depends on
use cases: a file server will need a large volume for /srv or /var/ftp/, while a log server will be
concerned about /var/log.
Partitioning must thus make it possible to protect and isolate the various components of the file
system. It is by default oen unsatisfactory: it does not sufficiently take into account the options
nosuid (ignore setuid/setgid bits), nodev (ignore special character or block files), and noexec (ig-
nore execution rights).
It should be noted that depending on the systems and distributions, some of the mounting options
will not be applicable transiently; for example utilities, installers or products will estimate that the
files written to /tmp or /var can be executable. In these exceptional cases it is necessary to adapt
the partitioning. One of the most frequently encountered situation is that of distributions derived
from Debian whose /var/lib/dpkg requires execution rights. An alternative is to implement a
maintenance procedure during which the updates are installed, just like what is found on other
operating systems.
. I E H Partitioning type
. recommended partitioning type is as follows:
Mount Point Options Description
/ <without option> root partition, contains the rest of the
/boot nosuid,nodev,noexec Contains the kernel and the boot-
(optional noauto) loader. No access required once the
boot finished (except update)
/opt nosuid,nodev Additional packages to the system.
(optional ro) Read-only editing if not used
/tmp nosuid,nodev,noexec Temporary files. Must contain only
non-executable elements. Cleaned af-
ter reboot or preferably of tmpfs type
/srv nosuid,nodev Contains files served by a service like
(noexec,optional ro) web, p, etc
/home nosuid,nodev,noexec Contains the HOME users. Read-only
editing if not in use
/proc hidepid=2 Contains process information and the
/usr nodev Contains the majority of utilities and
system files
/var nosuid,nodev,noexec Partition containing variable files dur-
ing the life of the system (mails, PID
files, databases of a service)
/var/log nosuid,nodev,noexec Contains system logs
/var/tmp nosuid,nodev,noexec Temporary files kept aer extinction
The /boot contains the boot kernel and the file(s) containing the symbol table used
by it. This file is oen browsed by different malicious programs in order to more easily build
« exploits » of kernel code. Ideal partitioning requires that this partition not to be mounted auto-
matically at startup (option noauto), and that its mounting is a critical event from a system point
of view (for a kernel update or kernel patch for example). But this measure requires adapting sys-
tem tools to this particular configuration, and therefore requires sharp system expertise during its
. E H Access Restrictions on the /boot directory
When possible, the /boot partition should not be mounted. In any case, access to
. /boot directory must only be allowed to the root user.
It should be noted that some services may still need access to a given tree aer a chroot operation,
without this tree being attached and visible directly from the chroot jail. In such cases, the use of
bind mount points should be considered.
5.2 Selection of packages to install
The packages installation is the crucial step that will determine the set of files that will be present
on the system, the services it will provide as well as the packages that will have to be maintained
over time.
It is easier to get a minimalist installation by removing all preselected packages, and choose only
those necessary for the context of use. For example, running a server does not always require the
installation of a local graphical interface (X server).
. I E H Installation of packages reduced to the bare neces-
The choice of packets should lead to an installation as small as possible, limiting itself
. select only what is required.
M. I E H Choice of package repositories
. up-to-date official repositories of the distribution must be used.
. E H Hardened package repositories
When the distribution provides several types of repositories, preference should be
given to those containing packages subject to additional hardening measures.
Between two packages providing the same service, those subject to hardening (at
. installation, or default configuration) must be preferred.
. E H Boot loader password
A boot loader that can set a boot password must be to be privileged. This password
must prevent any user from changing the bootloader configuration options.
When the boot loader does not offer the possibility to set a password, a technical
measure (and, when appropriate, an organizational measure) must be set up to block
. user in his attempts to change the setting.
GRUB and GRUB 2 (bootloaders for x86 architecture) both offer the possibility to set an unlock
password. Consult their respective documentation [13] for more information.
M. I E H Robustness of the administrator password
The root password must be robust enough given the recommendations present in
the technical note « Security recommendations for passwords » [1] available on the
ANSSI website.
. password must be unique to each machine.
It is oen a common practice to set different levels of privilege on the system based on prerogatives
of the administrators. Some may have responsibilities that only concern the web site, others the
logging infrastructure, or the databases.
The root account is unsuitable for these purposes. It gives full power to the person who has ac-
cess to it. The use of such a generic account does not facilitate accountability during an incident,
and does not promote a model of granular separation of privileges (for example between different
system administration teams).
. I E H Accountability of administration operations
Each administrator must have a dedicated account (local or remote), and must not
use the root account as the access account for system administration.
Change of privilege operations must be based on executables that can allow moni-
. of the activities performed (for example: sudo).
. E H Installation of secret or trusted elements
All secret elements or those contributing to the authentication mechanisms must
be set up as soon as the system is installed: account and administration passwords,
root authority certificates, public keys, or certificates of the host (and their respective
private key) among others. If default secret elements are provided, they have to be
. during, or just aer, the initial installation of the system.
Configuration and system services
Identify essential goods and appropriate hardening measures to delay as much as
.possible wide scale compromise of the system.
The terminology « service » is to be taken broadly here. Any flaw or exploitable vulnerability
before an authentication step is particularly concerned with this recommendation. For example,
a Web service based on basic HTTP authentication may be exploitable on different levels:
. I E H Hardening and monitoring of services subject to ar-
bitrary flows
Services exposed to uncontrolled flows must be monitored and particularly hard-
Monitoring consists of characterizing the behavior of the service, and reporting all
deviation from its nominal operation (this one being deduced from the initial ex-
. specifications).
Hardening is a combination of technical measures that aim to delay or even prevent the compro-
mise of forementioned service. This approach applies from the design phase (privilege separation
study, unambiguous specifications, etc.) to the implementation (validation of inputs/outputs, se-
cure configuration, etc.) and the maintenance.
This set is constantly enriched according to developments and improvements which are brought
to the system. Their scope, use and configuration must therefore be the subject of a regular mon-
itoring if an administrator wants to make the most of their features.
Many sysctl are available on a system and their features diverse. It is necessary to refer to their
documentation (usually under doc/Documentation/, as in the folder tree [14] of the Linux kernel
sources) to get a detailed explanation of their role. Some have interesting security features.
. I E H Setting up network sysctl
These sysctl are given for a typical host « server » that does not perform routing
and having a minimal IPv6 configuration (static addressing). When IPv6 is not used
it should be disabled by setting the option net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 to 1.
They are shown here as encountered in the /etc/sysctl.conf file:
net.ipv4.conf.default.accept_redirects = 0
net.ipv4.conf.default.secure_redirects = 0
# Log packets with abnormal IPs
net.ipv4.conf.all.log_martians = 1
# RFC 1337
net.ipv4.tcp_rfc1337 = 1
# Ignore responses that do not comply with RFC 1122
net.ipv4. icmp_ignore_bogus_error_responses = 1
# Increase the range for ephemeral ports
net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 32768 65535
# Use SYN cookies
net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies = 1
# Disable support for "router solicitations"
net.ipv6.conf.all.router_solicitations = 0
net.ipv6.conf.default.router_solicitations = 0
# Do not accept "router preferences" by "router advertisements "
net.ipv6.conf.all.accept_ra_rtr_pref = 0
net.ipv6.conf.default.accept_ra_rtr_pref = 0
# No auto configuration of prefixes by router advertisements
net.ipv6.conf.all.accept_ra_pinfo = 0
net.ipv6.conf.default.accept_ra_pinfo = 0
# No default router learning by router advertisements
net.ipv6.conf.all.accept_ra_defrtr = 0
net.ipv6.conf.default.accept_ra_defrtr = 0
# No auto configuration of addresses from "routers advertisements "
net.ipv6.conf.all.autoconf = 0
net.ipv6.conf.default.autoconf = 0
# Do not accept ICMPs of redirect type
net.ipv6.conf.all.accept_redirects = 0
net.ipv6.conf.default.accept_redirects = 0
# Deny routing source packets
net.ipv6.conf.all.accept_source_route = 0
net.ipv6.conf.default.accept_source_route = 0
# Maximum number of autoconfigured addresses per interface
net.ipv6.conf.all.max_addresses = 1
net.ipv6.conf.default.max_addresses = 1
. I E H Setting system sysctl
Here is a list of recommended system sysctl (in format /etc/sysctl.conf):
It is possible to prevent the loading of new modules (including by root) through a sysctl. This mea-
sure, effective to prevent the modification of the kernel by third-party modules that are potentially
malicious, may have non-trivial consequences on the functioning of the rest of the system. It must
therefore be ensured that the activation of this option does not lead to significant functional im-
This option should be activated once all desired modules have been loaded. It is usually recom-
mended to integrate this option in boot scripts so it is applied as soon as possible, since it protects
the kernel from being directly modified by loading modules (this action cannot be reversed, load-
ing new modules will then require a system reboot).
. E H Disabling the loading of kernel modules
The loading of the kernel modules can be blocked by the activation of the sysctl
kernel.modules_disabled, either directly by the following command (unsaved aer
A security module, Yama, allows to add a sysctl that controls the access rights to the system call
ptrace. This one is particularly sensitive because it allows to trace the functioning of a process.
By default, any user has the right to debug all those belonging to him, which includes processes
that store sensitive elements in their memory as keys or passwords (Internet browser, ssh-agent,
etc.). Compromise of a user process can allow, by rebound, to recover these data.
. E H Yama module sysctl configuration
It is recommended to load the Yama security module at startup (by example
passing the security=yama argument to the kernel) and configure the sysctl
.kernel.yama.ptrace_scope to a value of at least 1.
6.3.1 Disabling unused user accounts
. E H Disabling unused user accounts
.Unused user accounts must be disabled at the system level.
This deactivation goes through the invalidation of the account at the level of his password
(remove the pw_passwd in the shadow and login shell to /bin/false).
The vast majority of Unix/Linux systems isolate each other’s applications and services by dedicating
each to a specific user account. For example a web server, once started, uses the privileges of a
« web » user (called www ou www-data), while the name server runs under a separate account (for
example named).
. I E H Disabling service accounts
.Service accounts must be disabled.
Disabling these accounts has no practical effect on the use of the associated credentials (UID). This
measure avoids the opening of a user session by a service account. It is important to note that some
services can be declared with the nobody account. When they are many to adopt such behavior,
they find themselves sharing the same account (and privileges) at the operating system level. A
web server and a directory using nobody can therefore control each other and alter the execution
of the other: configuration modification, sending signals, ptrace privileges, etc.
. E H Uniqueness and exclusivity of system service ac-
Each service must have its own system account which has to be dedicated to it exclu-
6.3.2 Expiration time of user sessions
. E H User session timeout
Remote user sessions (shell access, graphical clients) must be closed aer a certain
.period of inactivity.
Most administrators and users oen open remote connections to systems they maintain and oper-
ate, but may forget to close these sessions. This exposes unnecessarily the host at risks of compro-
mise (reuse of an already open access from a compromised account, session the, etc.), in addition
to unnecessarily consuming machine resources.
This feature is oen present in the form of session expiration aer idle timeout. Some shells (bash,
ksh, zsh) provide a TMOUT environment variable that indicates in seconds the maximum idle time
for a given shell session.
NSS is the system layer that handles and queries administrative databases. There are several
(passwd, group, hosts, services, etc.). Only the management databases of the user accounts
will be studied below (those are: passwd and group).
6.4.1 PAM
PAM’s documentation is rich, as are all the features offered by its modules. The purpose of this
technical note is not to explain how it works. We assume the administrator to be familiar with this
PAM will essentially provide the account management service, that is to say: enable user’s au-
thentication, the creation of his session and possibly any operation that must take place when at-
tempting an access: environment creation, ticket or data recovery, access rights, password change,
When a service uses PAM to authenticate a user, the operation is directly performed by a PAM
In general, the application submits the authentication elements to the PAM modules. According
to their configuration (located in various files present under /etc/ and /etc/pam.d/), PAM returns
the result (failure or success) to the application, which will then give access (or not) to system.
n PAM modules are called by the application. The application manipulates, at least partially, el-
ements that help authenticate the user (which includes potentially sensitive data such as pass-
n depending on the PAM modules used, PAM will check the elements through local databases
(like shadow) or remote databases (LDAP queries, Kerberos, SQL client, etc.).
M. I E H Applications using PAM
The number of applications using PAM must be reduced to what is necessary in order
. limit the exposure of sensitive authentication elements.
. I E H Securing PAM Authentication Network Services
When authentication takes place through a remote service (network), the authen-
tication protocol used by PAM must be secure (flow encryption, remote server au-
.thentication, anti-replay mechanisms, etc.).
Protocols like Kerberos offer such functions (this is the case of pam_krb5 if the keytab host is filled
in for the machine). Other modules, such as pam_ldap or pam_mysql, will not try to establish a
secure link between the PAM client and the service if they are not explicitly configured in this way.
In addition to authentication, PAM will allow to load other modules whose features can improve
the security of the architecture:
Here are some examples of PAM configuration files for the described modules above. As a
reminder, these files are located under /etc/pam.d/ and have the name of the service they
are associated with. Only the configuration directives concerning them are presented.
Example with /etc/pam.d/su and /etc/pam.d/sudo:
The storage of passwords in plaintext is forbidden because the compromise of the system allows
an attacker to reuse them effortlessly towards other services. Their protection must not only rely
on access rights to a password database.
M. I E H Protection of stored passwords
Any password must be protected by cryptographic mechanisms that avoid exposing
it in plaintext to an attacker recovering a password database:
n hashing the password with a hash function considered safe (SHA-256, with a salt
and a fairly large number of turns (65536);
n using a key derivation function on the password and combining it with a hash
function considered safe, in accordance with the Référentiel Général de Sécurité (a
General Security Framework providing a regulatory context in France) [7] in order
to obtain a valid fingerprint for a given random number ;
n encrypting the password with a secret key (possibly protected through an HSM
. to which the application is accessing).
PAM and /etc/login.defs can be configured to use SHA-512 according to the recommendations
In file /etc/pam.d/common-password:
In file /etc/login.defs:
6.4.2 NSS
Another equally critical element for managing user accounts is the NSS subsystem, which manages
all the administrative databases.
When user accounts are stored in an external directory (frequently LDAP), NSS will manage the
requests to the directory in order to make the accounts visible from the system.
These requests are anonymous to the directory in the default configuration, with an unprotected
communication channel. It is therefore easy for an attacker to retrieve a list of accounts valid from
the directory or even spoof the directory server to NSS.
. I E H Securing access to remote user databases
When the user databases are stored on a remote network service (LDAP type), NSS
must be configured to establish a secure link that allows, at minimum, to authenti-
.cate the server and protect the communication channel.
. I E H Separation of System Accounts and Directory Admin-
It is recommended not to have overlapping accounts between those used by the op-
erating system and those used to administer the directory.
Using directory administrator accounts to perform enumeration queries accounts by
.NSS must be prohibited.
6.5.1 umask
When the user is not explicit in his request for rights, the system applies a mask (the umask), which
is by default very permissive (usually 0022, ie: any file created is readable by all).
. E H umask value
The system umask must be set to 0027 (by default, any created file can only be read
by the user and his group, and be editable only by his owner).
The umask for users must be set to 0077 (any file created by a user is readable and
.editable only by him).
Until recently each GNU/Linux distribution adopted its own way of doing things:
Distribution Comment
Debian (and deriva- the system umask can be directly modified in /etc/init.d/rc and the
tives) users umask in /etc/login.defs.
CentOS (and deriva- the system umask can be directly modified in /etc/sysconfig/init and
tives) the users umask in /etc/login.defs.
With migrations of many distributions under systemd, the system services umask must be indicated
directly in the service’s configuration files, the default value chosen being 0022 (UMask directive).
The users umask will have to be specified in /etc/profile.
Special attention should be paid to files and directories of the following types:
n those containing secret elements, like passwords, password fingerprints, secret or private keys;
n executables with particular bits, like setuid or setgid;
n the temporary storage directories to which everyone has access;
n named IPC files, such as sockets or pipes, that allow different processes to establish channels of
communication between them.
Even when these files have their contents protected by additional measures (encryption or finger-
prints for passwords), it is still necessary to restrict access according to the principle of defense in
. I E H Rights to access sensitive content files
.Sensitive content files should only be readable by users with strict need to know.
When these files contain passwords (or password fingerprints) they must only be readable by root.
On the other hand, the public files that contain the list of users are readable by everyone, but are
editable only by root.
The analysis scheme is as follows:
1. the sensitive system files must be owned by the root account to prevent a rights change to be
performed by an unprivileged user;
2. when this file must be accessible to a non root user (example: password base for web server), the
user associated with the server must be a member of a dedicated group (example: www-group)
which will have a read-only access to this file;
3. the rest of the users must have no rights.
M. I E H Executable with setuid and setgid bits
Only programs specifically designed to be used with setuid bits (or setgid) can have
. privilege bits set.
The presence of a setuid bit (ou setgid) on an executable requires that it adopts a certain number
of precautions to guard against vulnerabilities related to the change of user. As for example, in a
non-exhaustive way: clean your environment and reset a number of elements inherited from the
previous context (signaling masks, open file descriptors, etc.). Most executables do not implement
such precautions; adding them a setuid or setgid bit would therefore introduce risks of privileges
The most common case is setuid root executables, which will run with root privileges and not those
of the calling user. This allows a user to perform operations for which he has a priori no right.
In the presence of vulnerabilities, these programs are exploited to provide a root shell to a ma-
licious user, or at least to deflect the legitimate use of the program. The setuid executables (and
incidentally setgid) are to be studied on a case by case basis.
. E H Executable setuid root
setuid executables should be as few as possible. When it is expected that only the
administrators of the machine execute them, the setuid bit must be removed and it is
.recommended to prefer using commands like su or sudo, which can be monitored.
This verification must take place aer each update of the system because their rights may have
been restored; additional programs may also have been installed during this step. Here is a non-
exhaustive list of setuid root files that can be encountered. Any executable not mentioned in this
list should be examined with particular attention.
Executable Comment
/bin/mount To disable, unless absolutely necessary for users.
/bin/netreport To disable.
/bin/ping6 (IPv6) Same as ping.
(IPv4) Remove setuid right, unless a program requires it for mon-
/bin/su Change user. Do not disable.
/bin/umount To disable, unless absolutely necessary for users.
/sbin/mount.nfs4 To disable if NFSv4 is unused.
/sbin/mount.nfs To disable if NFSv2 / 3 is unused.
/sbin/umount.nfs4 To disable if NFSv4 is unused.
/sbin/umount.nfs To disable if NFSv2 / 3 is unused.
Check the user password for non-root programs. To disable if not
/usr/bin/at To disable if atd is not used.
/usr/bin/chage To disable.
/usr/bin/chfn To disable.
/usr/bin/chsh To disable.
/usr/bin/crontab To disable if cron is not required.
/usr/bin/fusermount To disable unless users need to mount partitions FUSE.
/usr/bin/gpasswd To disable if no group authentication.
/usr/bin/locate To disable. Replace with mlocate and slocate.
/usr/bin/mail To disable. Use a local mailer as ssmtp.
/usr/bin/newgrp To disable if no group authentication.
Executable Comment
To disable, unless non-root users must be able to change their pass-
/usr/bin/pkexec To disable if PolicyKit is not used.
/usr/bin/procmail To disable unless procmail is required.
/usr/bin/rcp Deprecated. To disable.
/usr/bin/rlogin Deprecated. To disable.
/usr/bin/rsh Deprecated. To disable.
/usr/bin/screen To disable.
/usr/bin/sudo Change of user. Do not disable.
/usr/bin/sudoedit Same as sudo.
/usr/bin/wall To disable.
/usr/bin/X To disable unless the X server is required.
To disable when D-BUS is not used.
To disable.
To disable (allows to change the owner of PTY before the existence
of devfs).
To disable if the utempter SELinux profile is not used.
/usr/sbin/exim4 Disable if Exim is not used.
/usr/sbin/suexec Disable if suexec Apache is not used.
/usr/sbin/traceroute (IPv4) Same as ping.
/usr/sbin/traceroute6 (IPv6) Same as ping.
The following command lists all the setuid / setgid files on the system :
6.5.4 Files without user or proprietary group
The files present on the system, whose owner is not part of the administrative passwd database
must be analyzed and possibly corrected to have a known owner of the system.
The following command lists all files that no longer have a user or associated group:
Files without a known owner may be incorrectly assigned to a user when creating his account. We
must therefore ensure that no file is in this situation on the system.
. I E H Temporary directories dedicated to each account
Each user or service account must have its own temporary directory and dispose of
. exclusively.
On recent GNU/Linux distributions the most direct way to create a own temporary directory to
each user’s is to use PAM modules such as pam_mktemp or pam_namespace.
For various technical reasons, the exclusivity of these temporary files may not be guaranteed. A
(imperfect) palliative is then to activate the sticky bit on the directory so that only the account that
created the file is entitled to delete it.
This prevents a user (or an application) from arbitrarily deciding to delete and replace temporary
files belonging to another program.
. I E H Sticky bit and write access rights
.All directories that are writable by everyone must have the sticky bit applied.
This measure is imperfect because it does not prevent racing situations between two programs
running simultaneously under the same user account.
The following command lists all the directories that can be modified by everyone and
without sticky bit:
Listing 6.15: Listing all the directories that can be modified by everyone and without sticky
find / -type d \( -perm -0002 -a \! -perm -1000 \) -ls 2>/dev/null
It must also be ensured that the owner of the directory is root, otherwise the owner will be able
to modify his content despite the sticky bit.
The following command lists all the directories that can be modified by anyone and whose
owner is not root:
Listing 6.16: Listing all the directories that can be modified by anyone and whose owner
is not root
find / -type d -perm -0002 -a \! -uid 0 -ls 2>/dev/null
However no regular file needs to be modifiable by everyone. When a file needs to be editable by
multiple users or programs at the same time, a group must be created and only this group must
have write rights to the said file.
The following command lists all the files that can be modified by everyone:
Listing 6.17: Listing all the files that can be modified by everyone
find / -type f -perm -0002 -ls 2>/dev/null
Care must be taken that the access rights that apply to a local socket are those of the directory con-
taining it and not those of the socket itself. Although some systems will honor these permissions,
POSIX does not impose it.
. I E H Securing access for named sockets and pipes
Named pipes and sockets must be access protected by a directory with appropriate
In particular, local sockets should not be created at the root of a temporary directory accessible in
writing to everyone.
Multiple commands allow to get information about sockets in use on the system. According to the
applied security policy and the loaded modules, the displayed result may not be exhaustive.
Through sockstat (ou ss), this command lists all the sockets and gives information of
associated processes for local sockets:
Listing 6.18: Listing all the sockets and associated processes for local sockets
ss -xp
Through ipcs, this command lists shared memories. It il also possibe to list their access
Throughlsof to get detailed information about I/O and IPC for system processes:
Listing 6.20: Detailed information about I/O and IPC for system processes
They are all open doors on the system allowing illegitimate access to it when the service is vulnera-
ble or misconfigured: website to execute arbitrary commands, administrative process that does not
use a reliable authentication mechanism, obsolete network service with exploitable vulnerability,
M. I E H Services and resident daemons in memory
Only network daemons strictly necessary for the operation of the system and the
service they render must be resident. They must only listen on the adequate network
.Other daemons should be disabled and as much as possible uninstalled.
The most common examples are:
n the RPC services (portmap, rpc.statd, rpcbind, etc.) which are in practice used only for an
NFS server;
n office services such as dbus, hald, ConsoleKit, CUPS or PolicyKit;
n the avahi service, used for network service publication and discovery;
n the X server, rarely useful on a server;
n additional services whose default configuration is oen incomplete: SMTP (Exim, Postfix),
NTP (ntpd) and DNS (Bind).
The list of resident processes and those listening on the network can be obtained by fol-
lowing commands:
Listing 6.21: List of resident processes and those listening on the network
# List of resident processes
ps aux
# List of processes listening on the network
netstat -aelonptu
Once the unnecessary services are disabled, the next step is to analyze the last remaining programs
by applying the following rules:
1. update of the program;
2. activation of partitioning measures (chroot, containers, seccomp filters, etc.);
3. removal of privileges when those of root are not required (by creating an account dedicated to
the service and configuring it to use this account);
4. any hardening guidelines documented for the program.
6.7.1 syslog
This part complements the technical note Security recommendations for the implementation of a
logging system [5].
The syslog service is the main logging system used under GNU/Linux. He can be broken down into
two parts:
n a server (like syslog-ng or rsyslog) that collects all the system messages in the syslog format he
n several clients that send messages to the server, mostly through the syslog() API.
A syslog server is therefore a unifying element of logging and accesses a large number data from
various system sources. Any service or component may request it in order to record a message,
without authentication.
. I E H Hardening and configuring the syslog service
The chosen syslog server must be hardened according to the security guides associ-
ated with this server.
The configuration of the service must be performed according to the Security Rec-
ommendations for the implementation of a logging system [5] accessible on the ANSSI
. I E H Partitioning the syslog service by chroot
When the technical means and its configuration allow it, the syslog service must be
. in a chroot environment.
. H Partitioning the syslog service by container
The syslog services must be isolated from the rest of the system in a dedicated con-
It is customary to have a resident syslog server that only handles messages submitted locally by the
components of the operating system. The latter will eventually play the role of issuer when these
messages must be sent to a log centralization server.
. I E H Service Activity Logs
Each service must have a dedicated logging journal on the system. This file should
only be accessible through the syslog server, and should not be readable, editable or
.deletable by the service directly.
n between services, so that a service can neither manipulate nor access logs recorded by a different
n at the level of the service itself, so that in case of compromise, it can not trivially read, erase or
alter recorded traces.
The use of the syslog() API is a possible solution. Sending messages can be done through the
logger command in command line.
. I E H PDedicated partition for logs
. logs must be in a separate partition from the rest of the system.
The reserved volumetry for logging services is always difficult to assess a priori. It is better to isolate
the logs from the rest of the volumes on a dedicated partition so that the filling of a partition can
not hinder the management of the logs stored there (and reciprocally, that saturation due to the
logs can not lead to the operating system unavailability).
Depending on the distributions, the installed mail service may be configured as an open relay
(accepts any mail that is submitted to it), but with the listening socket only linked to the local
. I E H Configuring the local messaging service
When a mail service is installed on the machine, it must be configured so that he
accepts only:
n mails to a local user of the machine;
n connections through the local loop (remote connections to the mail service must
. be rejected).
A frequent case is the cron service, which systematically submits an email when the executed task
displays data on its error output (stderr).
. I E H Messaging Aliases for Service Account
For each service running on the machine, as well as the root account, an email alias
to an administrator user must be configured to receive notifications and reports sent
. email.
The recorded events depend on the auditd rules written. When a registration is triggered, a second
service, audispd, will take care of its treatment: syslog message, sending mail, writing to a file, etc.
. E H Logging activity by auditd
. logging of the system activity must be done through the auditd service.
Here is an example of an auditd configuration that seeks to record actions that can be of
interest (see file /etc/audit/audit.rules):
The logs thus created by auditd can be wordy especially when many activities are reported. The
aureport tool allows to select interesting information in accordance with very specific criteria:
context on authentication failures, event report on specific files or directories, abnormal events
(program crash, reconfiguration of network cards), etc.
This is a feature found within most HIDS. Sealing makes it possible to push up information about
the changes (discrepancies between the sealed version and the version currently present on the
This is a useful function for administrators. In addition to allowing a periodic audit on the system
and reports generation, it allows teams to be informed about changes and thus to obtain a evolu-
tion follow-up.
. H Sealing and integrity of files
Any file that is not transient (such as temporary files, databases, etc.) must be mon-
itored by a sealing program.
. includes among others: directories containing executables, libraries, configura-
tion files, as well as any files that may contain sensitive elements (cryptographic keys,
.passwords, confidential data).
In addition to the sealing function, some tools are able to browse a file system tree and to iden-
tify potentially problematic or incorrect situations (key files or certificates with overly lax rights,
password files readable by everyone, log whose size decreases, etc.).
. H Protection of the sealing database
The sealing database must be protected from malicious access by cryptographic si-
gnature mechanisms (with the key used for the signature not locally stored in plain-
text), or possibly stored on a separate machine of the one on which the sealing is
There are many solutions. The most deployed on GNU/Linux systems are Tripwire, Samhain and
Partitioning and access control
Deploy partitioning mechanisms to enforce isolation between the processes.
. E H Restricting access of deployed services
The deployed services must have thier access to the system restricted to the strict
.minimum, especially when it comes to files, processes or network.
It is historically implemented through chroot that can restrict the process view of the file system
to a given directory (which becomes its root). Nevertheless, access to processes and to the network
are not partitioned, the historical Unix model remaining applicable. Nowadays other partitioning
solutions exist and offer different levels of abstraction. They are generally characterized by the
component that will implement the virtualization interfaces:
n with containers, where the core is able to handle multiple system instances (LXC, Docker,
n with emulation, where an emulator reproduces a full physical machine (QEMU, VirtualBox,
n with bare-metal lightweight hypervisor (Xen, Hyper-V), where the hypervisor will manage (pos-
sibly with the help of a host system) different virtual machines;
n with kernel hypervisor (Linux KVM).
These techniques are not exclusive, but have to be used with care, keeping in mind that the inter-
faces they present are so many doors through which an intrusion is possible: a system based on
containers whose kernel is compromised will see the totality of the containers themselves compro-
mised; the same goes with the virtual machines and their hypervisor.
. E H Virtualization components hardening
Each component supporting the virtualization must be hardened, especially by ap-
.plying technical measures to counter the exploit attempts.
7.1.1 chroot
chroot is originally the very first partitioning mechanism which has been used for applications. It
is also the poorest. It consists of changing the root directory of a given program: once chrooted it
cannot access to other directories than the one taken as root and its children. The process has only
a partial view of the file system.
. I E H chroot jail and access right for partitioned service
The chroot jail of a service must only contain the strict minimum to run the service
When locked in the chroot jail, the service must always run with the privileges of a
normal, dedicated user (non root), dedicated user (whose identity is used uniquely
.by the jail) and with no write access to this new root.
The administrator wishing to use a chroot jail must be careful in its implementation: it must be
ensured that the partitioned process cannot access in read/write directly to the root. It would able
it to create and then control files whose path is sensitive (as ./etc/shadow), that would be potentially
used wrongly by any binary that would end up locked in this jail.
chroot is most oen implemented as an internal mechanism of protection for a given service:
once the most privileged operations are executed, the service uses chroot to change its root, then
change to a non-privileged user in order to lose its root administrator rights.
. I E H Enablement and usage of chroot by a service
.chroot must be used and enabled when the service supports this mechanism.
Historically the access control on Unix/Linux is based on the concept of user. Other methods are
applicable nowadays through LSMs, whose SELinux and AppArmor are the most known and used.
It is important to note that these access models come in addition to the traditional Unix user model
and do not replace it. Moreover AppArmor and SELinux are mutually exclusive: the two systems
cannot run together on the same Linux kernel.
Several UID can be grouped. A unique identifier can be associated to this group: a GID. The
principle of access management remains however similar to the UID.
This access model is a DAC (for discretionary access control). It is discretionary because the user
owner of a resource is the one who specifies its access rights, with read, write and execute rights
each given for:
This approach is still common today and remains the one used by default on GNU / Linux. It
presents however important limitations:
n the rights are at the owner’s discretion, which may not be suitable for environments restricted
by a security policy;
n the owner may fail to provide the proper rights to its resources, which offers access opportunities
to confidential data (or even to compromise the system);
n the isolation between users is coarse, the default rights are oen too laxist;
n there are only two levels of privileges on the system: root administrator, and the normal users,
without privilege. The change of user requires the use of sensitive binary on the system (those
with setuid root);
n it does not allow to withdraw special privileges to a process according to the context: the web
browser and the word processor from the same user will have as many privileges on the re-
n the attack surface is large, a standard user has access to a lot of information on the underlying
operating system.
These limitations have contributed to the emergence of rights delegation management tools, the
most widely known being sudo. Other approaches, such as the LSM, offer more possibilities, but
at the price of a higher investment and complexity.
7.2.2 sudo
sudo is an utility installed when there is a need to delegate rights and privileges to different users.
This delegation is based on the possibility for a given user to run a command previously defined
with the privileges of another user. In order to achieve this, sudo is an executable setuid root. It is
important to be concerned about its security at two levels:
n at the hardening level, to prevent a malicious user to exploit the binary vulnerabilities;
n at its configuration level, when giving the right to a user to perform specific commands may
give him more privileges and prerogative than initially necessary.
The sudo operation relies heavily on the traditional Unix model to work, which is enriched with a
finer transition logic than the one originally allowed by su. The items below are intended to give
some recommendations and ideas to explore in order to use and to configure sudo so that it offers
the least possible circumvention.
These recommendations apply equally for cases where sudo is used for the execution of privileged
commands with a normal user, or the restriction of privileges when a privileged user (such as root)
wants to run a command with lower rights, as a precautionary measure.
Access rights sudo is usually installed by default with open rights and allows any user to use it
(execution right for everyone). sudo being a privileged executable and complex by its configura-
tion, it is better to restrict its execution rights to a dedicated user group. This reduces the attack
surface, especially when the system and the binary itself are victims of exploitable vulnerabilities
by any user (CVE-2012-0809, CVE-2012-0864).
. I E H Group dedicated to the use of sudo
A group dedicated to the use of sudo must be created. Only the members of this
.group should have the right to run sudo.
A possible case is to create a dedicated group (here: sudogrp), which is assigned the rights
to run sudo. Only the members of this group will be able to call it:
This modification must be checked and possibly applied aer each update, as these modifications
may be overwritten by the installation scripts.
General configuration The configuration is done by editing the file /etc/sudoers with the
visudo command. It contains a set of guidelines that will allow sudo to know the commands a
user is allowed to run or not, this may be based on the machine hostname.
It is particularly difficult to provide a set of recommendations that can cover all situations where
sudo can be used. Indeed, the number of available commands, the architecture of the informa-
tion system, the installed services and their configurations, makes the establishment of a secure
standard configuration almost impossible.
Some good practices must be followed in order to avoid, as much as possible, configuration errors
that could lead to circumventions of the security policy. The reading of the sudoers man page is
highly recommended, especially the part dealing with shell escapes.
. I E H Sudo configuration guidelines
The following guidelines must be enabled by default:
noexec applies the NOEXEC tag by default on the commands;
requiretty requires the user to have a tty login;
use_pty uses a pseudo-tty when a command is executed;
umask=0027 forces umask to a more restrictive mask;
ignore_dot ignores the ’ . ’ in $PATH;
env_reset resets the environment variables;
. passwd_timeout=1 allocates 1 minute to enter its password.
The remaining of the file is then predominantly composed of rules allowing to declare, for a given
user (or group), the list of commands he is allowed to execute, all helped with alias specifications
when the right management policy becomes complex (User_Alias, Runas_Alias, etc.). The veri-
fication of the execution right (or not) of a command is based on a string comparison between the
command desired by the user and the specification present in sudoers. The simplest model is the
Listing 7.3: String template for the verification of a command execution rights
utilisateur hostname = ( utilisateur -cible ) commande , [...]
M. I E H User authentication running sudo
An authentication of the calling user must be performed before any command exe-
cution with sudo.
. keyword NOPASSWD must not be used.
The authentication requirement permits to delay a clear escalation of privileges when an account
is compromised, especially when the attacker is not able to authenticate as the legitimate user.
For convenience sudo is not requesting the password again aer a configurable period of time (15
minutes by default). In all cases, an authentication must have been done initially.
. I E H Privileges of target sudo users
The targeted users of a rule should be, as much as possible, non privileged users (i.e.:
. root).
It is common that the command to be executed does not require superuser rights (editing a file
whose the owner is not root, sending a signal to an unprivileged process,etc.). In order to limit
any attempt of privilege escalation through a command, it is better to apply normal user rights.
. E H Limiting the number of commands requiring the use
of the EXEC option
The commands requiring the execution of sub-processes (EXEC tag) must be explicitly
.listed and their use should be reduced to a strict minimum.
Functionally rich commands can be executed via sudo, like text editors (vi) or binaries (tcpdump).
They may allow execution of sub-commands in the environment created by sudo and thus enable
a user to run other programs with privileges not foreseen initially. This may well lead to circum-
ventions of the security policy, or even privilege escalations.
To this end, sudo can override the different functions allowing to execute other programs. This
allows for example to block the trivial creation of a sub-shell through vi. It is however important
to note that this protection is not perfect and only override the functions allowing to create these
new processes. The process remains free to execute the system calls it wants (including execve)
and so bypass this protection mechanism.
. I E H Good use of negation in a sudoers file
. applied by sudo through the sudoers file should not involve negation.
Specifying access right using negation (blacklist approach) is inefficient and can be easily circum-
vented. For example, it is expected that a specification like 7.4 prevents the execution of the shell
but that’s not the case: just copy the binary /bin/sh to a different name to make it executable
again through the rule keyword ALL.
To determine whether a command is executable by a user, sudo performs a string comparison be-
tween the desired command and the corresponding specifications in the sudoers following the
rules of the globbing shell; this evaluation includes the arguments.
. I E H Explicit arguments in sudo specifications
All commands in the sudoers file must strictly specify the arguments allowed to be
used for a given user.
The use of * (wildcard) in the rules should be avoided as much as possible. The
absence of arguments in a command must be specified by the presence of an empty
. (””).
Any argument can modify quite significantly the behavior of a program, whether regarding the
realized operation (read, write, delete, etc.) or accessed resources (path in a file system tree). To
avoid any possibility of misuse of a command by a user, the ambiguities must be removed at the
level of its specification.
On some systems, the kernel messages are only accessible by root. If a user nevertheless
must have the privileges to read them, the argument of the dmesg command has to be
restricted in order to prevent the user from flushing the buffer through the -c option:
It is important to note that allowing an unprivileged user to run under the root identity a pro-
gram susceptible of making an arbitrary write (made possible, by writing too latitudinarian rule)
is somehow giving root privileges to this user because this one could, by different methods (han-
dling of password files, modification of setuid root binary, etc.) obtain the root privileges without
the access control and enforcement that sudo allows.
It is quite common to allow a user to edit a file through sudo by calling directly a text editor. A text
editor is a program functionally rich, that can open and edit other files even by internal commands
or even run a shell script. Some editors may offer a full privileged environment to a user. sudoedit
solves these problems by editing a temporary version of the file with the current user rights, then
replacing the original file by this temporary version once the operation is finished. The editor runs
thus only with the current user rights and never with the privileges of the target user.
. I E H Good use of sudoedit
.A file requiring sudo to be edited, must be edited through the sudoedit command.
7.2.3 AppArmor
AppArmor is one of the LSM frequently encountered on GNU/Linux, used by default by variants of
SUSE (Including OpenSUSE) and Ubuntu. It is a MAC model where an authority decides accesses
allowed to an application without giving it the capability to alter them.
Its documentation is directly accessible on the project website [9]. Its configuration is based on
specifications of rights based on paths in the file system tree, and applied for each executable.
In addition to the access specifications, AppArmor allows to block the use of POSIX capabilities,
and also to restrict the network use (network directive). These restrictions, however, remain basic
and do not have the richness of iptables rules 2 .
When an executable under AppArmor calls another executable, its security profile allows to declare
how the transition should take place (inheritance of the current profile, activation of another se-
curity profile, exit from confinement, etc.)
Although simple to understand for an administrator accustomed to the traditional access Unix
model, AppArmor does not allow to attach security labels to a flow or messages. It is a framework
that essentially focuses on the access and privileges specification for executables, the concept of a
security label is absent.
Many of the GNU/Linux distributions using it provide, at least for most sensitive executables
(syslogd, ntpd, setuid root binaries…) default AppArmor profiles in the directory /etc/apparmor.d/
(with a file per executable). Operations (including denied access) are recorded by auditd directly
in the file /var/log/audit/audit.log.
. H Enable AppArmor security profiles
.All AppArmor security profiles on the system must be enabled by default.
Activation of AppArmor is different depending on the distributions, and is usually based
on running a script like /etc/init.d/apparmor. To make sure AppArmor is active, use
aa-status once the startup is complete:
This includes checking that the processes running on the system, and for which a profile
is declared, are confined by AppArmor.
7.2.4 SELinux
SELinux (for Security-Enhanced Linux) is a widely used LSM in the Red Hat and CentOS distribu-
SELinux relies on the use of labels assigned to objects (files, processes, sockets, etc.) that allow,
depending on the domain to which a process is confined, to grant or deny access to a resource.
At the file system level, labels are stored as extended attributes and can be obtained via ls -Z.
Those processes can be displayed with ps -Z.
The use of labels enables to declare areas of responsibility and therefore to know at every moment
the operations that a process can perform on a given resource. SELinux also allows to define tran-
sitions from one domain to another when a user requires specific access privileges. The granularity
of access is much finer than in AppArmor, at the cost of a greater complexity.
The SELinux documentation is extensive and accessible on the project’s wiki webpage [17].
This section is limited to giving some checks so that any administrator wishing to use the pro-
files provided by its distribution can do it correctly. The SELinux policies available by default on
distributions are:
minimum (minimum) policy which confines only a very limited number of services ;
targeted (called targeted or default) policy partitioning each system service into a do-
main. Interactive users are not partitioned;
multi-level (mls) policy including targeted policy and which additionally proposes the use
of hierarchical classification levels (sensitivity).
The use of minimum policy is not recommended because it does not confine system services in
different domains. According to their creators, this policy shoud only be used on constrained en-
vironments or for testing purposes [16].
The mls policy was created to manipulate files with different sensitive levels on a single system,
respecting the need-to-know principle. It’s worth noticing this policy does not allow to handle sensi-
tive information on systems with lower or incompatible sensitivity level (please refer to [6] for further
information). This policy will not be detailled hereaer.
The rest of this section will focus on the default targeted policy. Each system service (daemon)
is confined to a separate domain. Multiple instances of the same service running on one single
domain can be separated using the categories. Interactive users are by default associated with an
unconfined domain (unconfined_t) that does not impose additional restrictions. In this case, the
access control model is very close to the DAC.
. H Enabling SELinux targeted Policy
It is recommended to enable SELinux in enforcing mode and to use the targeted pol-
icy when the distribution supports it and that it does not operate another security
. than SELinux.
2. If the value of SELINUX is not enforcing or if the value of SELINUXTYPE is not targeted
(or default), then edit the file and change the variables values;
3. If SELinux is not in enforcing mode, it is recommended to check that SELinux labels
are well attached to the files on the whole system. This verification can be scheduled
so it is executed automatically at next boot using the following command:
# fixfiles onboot
4. If the value is not targeted (or default), edit the file to declare the variable SELINUXTYPE
to targeted then reload the security policy:
# semodule -R
5. It can be necessary to reboot the system so the policy change or SELinux activation are
well taken into account;
6. Then make sure that SELinux is active and with the right parameters:
# sestatus
SELinux status: enabled
Loaded policy name: targeted
Current mode: enforcing
The behavior of a security policy can be modified through Boolean variables. Some are useful
from a security point of view.
. H Setting SELinux booleans
It is recommended to set the following Boolean values:
n allow_execheap (forbid processes to make their heap executable): off ;
The default value of these variables can be modified with the setsebool command:
There are many others. The commands getsebool -a or semanage boolean --list enable to
obtain information about Boolean variables defined in the policy used on a system. A big part of
these variables are also documented in the CentOS wiki [15]. Like AppArmor, the operations are
recorded by auditd directly in the file /var/log/audit/audit.log under the keyword AVC.
. H Uninstalling SELinux Policy Debugging Tools
SELinux policy manipulation and debugging tools should not be installed on a ma-
. in production.
Their use must be limited to the development machines, on which the interpretation of an error
reported in SELinux audit logs can be performed.
The setroubleshootd daemon must be disabled and the following packages uninstalled:
setroubleshoot, setroubleshoot-server, setroubleshoot-plugins.
. H Confining interactive non-privileged users
Interactive non-privileged users of a system must be confined by associating them
. a SELinux confined user.
By default, interactive user rights are not restricted in the targeted policy. But it is possible to se-
lectively confine users who do not need to perform administrative tasks on a system by associating
them with the SELinux user_u user by the help of the following command:
Recommendation List
R1 M. I E H Minimization of installed services 7
R2 . I E H Minimization of configuration 8
R3 . E H Principle of least privilege 8
R4 . H Using access control features 8
R5 M. I E H Defense in depth principle 9
R6 . E H Network services partitioning 9
R7 . E H Logging of service activity 10
R8 M. I E H Regular updates 10
R9 . I E H Hardware configuration 11
R10 . I E H 32 and 64 bit architecture 12
R11 . H IOMMU Configuration Guideline 12
R12 . I E H Partitioning type 15
R13 . E H Access Restrictions on the /boot directory 15
R14 . I E H Installation of packages reduced to the bare necessities 16
R15 M. I E H Choice of package repositories 16
R16 . E H Hardened package repositories 16
R17 . E H Boot loader password 17
R18 M. I E H Robustness of the administrator password 17
R19 . I E H Accountability of administration operations 17
R20 . E H Installation of secret or trusted elements 18
R21 . I E H Hardening and monitoring of services subject to arbitrary flows 19
R22 . I E H Setting up network sysctl 21
R23 . I E H Setting system sysctl 21
R24 . E H Disabling the loading of kernel modules 22
R25 . E H Yama module sysctl configuration 22
R26 . E H Disabling unused user accounts 23
R27 . I E H Disabling service accounts 23
R28 . E H Uniqueness and exclusivity of system service accounts 23
R29 . E H User session timeout 24
R30 M. I E H Applications using PAM 25
R31 . I E H Securing PAM Authentication Network Services 25
R32 M. I E H Protection of stored passwords 26
R33 . I E H Securing access to remote user databases 28
R34 . I E H Separation of System Accounts and Directory Administrator 28
R35 . E H umask value 28
R36 . I E H Rights to access sensitive content files 29
R37 M. I E H Executable with setuid and setgid bits 30
R38 . E H Executable setuid root 30
R39 . I E H Temporary directories dedicated to each account 33
R40 . I E H Sticky bit and write access rights 33
R41 . I E H Securing access for named sockets and pipes 34
R42 M. I E H Services and resident daemons in memory 35
R43 . I E H Hardening and configuring the syslog service 37
R44 . I E H Partitioning the syslog service by chroot 37
R45 . H Partitioning the syslog service by container 37
R46 . I E H Service Activity Logs 38
R47 . I E H PDedicated partition for logs 38
R48 . I E H Configuring the local messaging service 38
R49 . I E H Messaging Aliases for Service Account 39
R50 . E H Logging activity by auditd 39
R51 . H Sealing and integrity of files 41
R52 . H Protection of the sealing database 41
R53 . E H Restricting access of deployed services 42
R54 . E H Virtualization components hardening 43
R55 . I E H chroot jail and access right for partitioned service 43
R56 . I E H Enablement and usage of chroot by a service 44
R57 . I E H Group dedicated to the use of sudo 46
R58 . I E H Sudo configuration guidelines 47
R59 M. I E H User authentication running sudo 47
R60 . I E H Privileges of target sudo users 48
R61 . E H Limiting the number of commands requiring the use of the EXEC option 48
R62 . I E H Good use of negation in a sudoers file 48
R63 . I E H Explicit arguments in sudo specifications 49
R64 . I E H Good use of sudoedit 50
R65 . H Enable AppArmor security profiles 50
R66 . H Enabling SELinux targeted Policy 52
R67 . H Setting SELinux booleans 53
R68 . H Uninstalling SELinux Policy Debugging Tools 53
R69 . H Confining interactive non-privileged users 54
[1] Recommandations de sécurité relatives aux mots de passe.
Note technique DAT-NT-001/ANSSI/SDE/NP v1.1, ANSSI, juin 2012.
[2] Recommandations pour la sécurisation des sites web.
Note technique DAT-NT-009/ANSSI/SDE/NP v1.1, ANSSI, août 2013.
[3] (Open)SSH Secure use recommendations.
Note technique DAT-NT-007-EN/ANSSI/SDE/NP v1.2, ANSSI, août 2015.
[4] Recommandations de configuration matérielle de postes clients et serveurs x86.
Note technique DAT-NT-024/ANSSI/SDE/NP v1.0, ANSSI, mars 2015.
[5] Recommandations de sécurité pour la mise en œuvre d’un système de journalisation.
Note technique DAT-NT-012/ANSSI/SDE/NP v1.0, ANSSI, décembre 2013.
[6] Instruction générale interministérielle n°1300.
Référentiel Version 1.0, ANSSI, novembre 2011.
[7] Référentiel général de sécurité (RGS).
Référentiel Version 2.0, ANSSI, juin 2012.
[8] Recommandations pour la mise en place de cloisonnement système.
Guide ANSSI-PG-040 v1.0, ANSSI, décembre 2017.
[9] AppArmor documentation.
Web page, GitLab B.V.
[10] French CERT Website (in French).
Web page, ANSSI.
[11] Analysis of IOMMU service efficiency (in French).
Vincent Nicomette Eric Lacombe, Fernand Lone Sang and Yves Deswarte.
Scientific publication, june 2010.
[12] Licence ouverte / Open Licence.
Page Web v2.0, Mission Etalab, avril 2017.
[13] GRUB Website.
Web page.
Version 1.2 - 22/02/2019
Licence ouverte / Open Licence (Étalab - v2.0)