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 Agar: 1-2% freezing in 42 melting in 100 nutrition.

Enriched media:
1) Blood agar
2) Chocolate agar
3) Loffler serum
4) Selenit F broth.
Selective media:
 Media contain inhibitor such as dye or antibiotic
5) MacConkey is a selective and differential media used for negative
6) Crystal violet in macconkey acts as: inhibit the growth of gram-
positive organism
7) DCA: salmonella & shigella
8) XLD xylose lysin deoxycholate: Selective media for shigella &
salmonella and differential (salmonella pink with black center,
shigella just pink)
9) Hikton enteric agar: shigella
10) LJ: mycobacterium
11) Thayer martin (chocolate + growth factors+ antibiotics)
12) TCBS: vibrio cholera
13) Monitiol salt agar: MRSA

14) CIN: Yersinia
15) Bordet gengue: bordetella
16) Thioglycolate broth: anaerobic
17) SDA suborod dextrose agar, brain heart: fungi
18) CLED: cystin lactose electrolyte deficient (differential)
19) Anticoagulant used in blood culture: SPS Sodium polyanethol
20) Muller hinton: antibiotic sensitivity


- Gram + wall (peptidoglycan +teichoic acid) Gram – wall (toxic lipopoly

- Gram positive bacteria grow in culture media: 24 hours
- Indian ink staining of: encapsulated bacteria and cryptococcus
- Normal flora in vagina controlled by: low PH
- Sample for anaerobic culture: purulent
- Color of gram negative after decolonization: colorless
- Citrate utilization test used to identification of: Enterobacteriace
- Oxidase test: Tetramethyle - p- phenylenediamine dihydrochlorid
- Bacteria identification and sensitivity: microscan walkeway
- H.Pylori: peptic ulcer, urease breath test
- Infective stage of chlamydia is: Elemntary bodies
- Reproductive form of chlamydia is: reticulate body stage
- Shills fever from bite of cat caused by: Bartonella henselae
Gram negative bacilli
1. Salmonella
 Gram negative rods, motile, oxidase -, Indole -, urease -, H2S +,
widal test.
 On MacConkey: colorless (NLF) without black center
 On DCA black center due to H2S
 Produce gas from glucose fermentation
 Salmonella cause:
1) Typhoid fever (best sample direct blood culture on BA, Mac)
2) Enteric fever: salmonella Typhi
3) Septicemia after infection
4) ingestion contaminated food, (food poisoning S. enteritidis)
2. Shigella:
 Gram negative rods, non-motile, NLF
 On XLD: Red (NLF) on Mac: colorless
 Bloody stool (shigellosis)
 Bacillary dysentery.
 Oxodase-, H2S -, cit-, urase-, lactose-
3. Proteus:
 Gram negative rods, motile, fray, spreading (swarming on BA), fishy
like odor.
 Indol +, nitrate reducing: p. vulgaris
4. Yeresenia;

 Plug, zoonotic diseae, NLF, Using bipolar stain, CIN media
 Pneumonic pluge in sputum: giemsa smear
5. E. coli:
 Gram negative rods, oxidase-, motile, LF, indole +, produce gas,
acid. (nitrite +)
 Cause UTI, watery diarrhea, neonate meningitis (beast sample
vaginal swab of mother)
 E. coli on sorbitol Mac: colorless (not ferment sorbitol)

6. Klebsiella:
 Capsulated, mucoid, citrate test to detect.
7. Pseudomonase:
 Gram negative rod, oxidase +, motile, capsulated, NLF. (ear swab)
 Green pigment on the plate, grape like odor.
 Bacteriuria, puria, alkaline urine UTI (large mucous amount)
8. Campylobacter:
 gram negative curved bacilli “gull wings”, incubated at 42 for 48
hours, culture with antibiotic
 Diarrhea common caused by C. jujani,
 Differential between C. jujani & C. coli by : Hippurate hydrolysis
9. Brucella:
 Gram-negative zoonotic (brucellosis) coccbacilli, Malta fever, growth
up to 21 days

10. H. influenza:
 Gram-negative, coccobacilli, grow on Chocolate agar only (sputum
sample for example)
 Based statillism on S.aureus on BA (need factor V&X to growth)
 Pre school children high fever and meningitis, adult meningitis
11. Bordetella:
 Gram-negative, coccobacilli, whooping cough, grow on bordet
gengou media
12. Vibrio cholerae
 is a Gram-negative motile, comma-shaped bacterium, NLF, cause rice
watery stool
 On TCBS (thiocholate citrate bile salt) yellow due to ferment sucrose.


1. bacillus anthrax:
 Spore forming, grey, Causes anthrax disease, woolsorters disease,
McFedyan reaction: blue.
2. Clostridium:
 Gram positive rods, obligate anaerobic, spore forming
 C. prefringens: alpha toxin, gas gangrene, , food poisoning, positive
 C.tetani: highly fetal disease, terminal drum stick
 C. botulism food poisoning with flacid paralysis
3. Corynebacterium diphtheria:
 Gram positive rods, catalase +, nitrite +, oxidase-, urease -, ferment
glucose & maltose)
 Chinees letters, ELEK test, Albert stain, Loffler serum, (ulcer black
 Non-lipophilic Corynebacterium: C. ulcerans, C. pseudotuberclosis
4. Listeria monocytogenes:
 Gram positive rods, motile, at room temperature 20-25, non-spore
 Meningitis from food born contamination
 *Lactobacillus is a genus of Gram-positive, rod-shaped, non-spore-
forming bacteria.
5. Mycobacterium:
 Strict areob, acid fast stain (reliable method),zeil nelson stain ,
tubercells stain with (carbol fuchin)
 In Lowenstein Jensen: rise dry cream yellow.
 Arylsulphatase used to differentiated: mycobacterium
6. Mycoplasma:
 lack of cell wall, resistant to penicillin, not identified by gram stain
7. Treponema palladium:

 Cause syphilis, need dark field to detect it, Tests: VDRL, TPHA,
RPR, wasserman

 Relapsing fever (borrelia recurrentis), query fever ( Coxiella burnetii)
, weekly acid fast (Nocardia )
 Trachoma (Chlamedia) conjunctival diphetheria (pesudomembernous


1) Staph: Groups (cluster), catalase (H2O2) +

 S.aureus: coagulase +, in skin, eye infection, golden colony ,
betalactemase penicillin G
 S. epidermis: coagulase -, novobiocin sensitive
 S. saprophyticus : coagulase -, novobiocin resistant
 MRSA: vancomycin treatment.
2) Streptococcus: chain , catalase -
A Beta hemolytic (double zone):
 S.pyogen (group A): bacitracin sensitive , ASO test (streptolysin
O exotoxin) rheumatic fever 200IU/dl
 Human infection, pharyngitis, throat sore fever (scarlet fever) ,
tonsillitis, necrolizing fusculitis
 S.agalactia (group B) : CAMP test, fetus meningiopathy. (Babes
with fever collected CSF )
B Alpha hemolytic (partial): S.pneumia & S. viridance

 S.pneumonia: CO2required to isolation, encapsulated,oval,
optichin (sensitive), bile soluble confirm
C Gamma (enterococci):
 In pairs, g D, gow in 6.5% Nacl, in bile salts, aesculin hydrolysis,
litmus milk

Gram negative cocci

1) Neisseria: non-motile, non-capsulated, diplococci,

intracellular, oxidase +, sugar fermentation
• N.gonorrohea: glucose ferment, endocervical swab
• N.meningitidis: glucose maltose fermentation, upper respiratory
infection (in adult)
• N. sicca : ferment glucose, maltose, sucrose


• Antibiotic against mRNA: rifampicin

• Antibiotic RNA transcription: Aminglycoside (tetracycline,
erythromycin, streptomycin)
• Cephalosporin resistant bacteria producing beta lactamase is: E.
• First generation cephalosporin can be adequated by: Gentamycin
• Limited spectrum Antibiotics: Vancomycin
• Antibiotics doesn’t affect proteus: Nalidixic acid
• For Mycoplasma treatment: Pencillin
• Treatment of Anaerobic: Metronidazole
• Mechanism of action of penicillin: Inhibit peptidoglycan cross –
• Antibiotics which inhibit DNA synthesis: Quinolones


• Adult stage and sexual development in the: Definitive host

• Disadvantage of floatation tech: Inability used in cyst and oocyst
of protozoa
• Concentration flotation method use to diagnostic: Trematode,
cestode, Nematode (except: protozoa)
• Stool used for detect cyst and trophozoits: stool at room
• Intestinal protozoa that is related to health: E.Histolytica
• Amoebic dysentery caused by: E.Histolytica (ameobic ulcer)
• Metastatic infection involve: liver, lung, brain other viscera:
• Identification of amoeba: Ioden
• balantidium coli diagnosis: stool
• Size of G.lamblia: 7 to 10 um
• Parasite in vaginal and urethral discharge: T. vaginalis
• P.Malaria time need to make infection spores (produce pathogen): 3
days (72 hours)
• Parasite made rings form in RBCs: Plasmodium falciparum

• Malaria parasite diagnosed by: thick blood film stain with: Geimsa
• Infective stage in malaria: Sporozoite
• Cerebral malaria caused by: Plasmodium falciparum
• Parasite cause crescent shape of RBC: Plasmodium falciparum
• Oocyst of toxoplasma found in : Feaces of cat
• Neonate toxoplasmosis detected by: Serological test antibodies titre
• Best method to diagnosis Lishmania parasite: Blood smear (thin
• Cause Kala-zar: Leishmnia donovani
• Cause of chaga’s disease: Trypanosoma cruzi
• Morula cells indicates trypanosome infection in: CNS
Nematodes (round worm):
• Nematodes transmitted by eating under cooked pork meat:
Trichinilla spiralis.
• Cylindrical shape Larva in the stool: S.stercolaries.
• Infective stage in Strongyloid stercorlis: filariform larvae
• Diagnostic stage is rhabditiform of: Strongyloid stercorlis
• Scotch tape use to diagnose: Entrobius vermicularis with adult
worm on peraneal in children.
• Lymphatic falariasis cused by: wuchereia bancrofti
Cestodes (Tape worm)
• Cestodes transmitted by eating under cooked pork meat: Tania
• Tap worms: T.saginata
• Infective stage of T.saginata: Cysticercuse obvies
• T.saginata diagnosed by: gravid segments in feceas
• Hydatid cyst infective stage of: Echinococcus granulosus
• Use of the modified Ziehl-Neelsen stain for: Cryptosporidium
• Parasite cause hematuria: Schistosoma.
• Schistosoma hematobium transmition by: penteration of the skin by
• Worm causes blood in urine: S.hematobium.
• Liver fluckes: Fasciola hepatica.


• Isolation of fungi on: Saboroud dextrose

• Fungiis: reproduce by binary infection.
• Mold is: produce hypha
• Unique for fungi: 80S ribosome
• Produce Macroconidia and microconidia: filamentous fungi
• Fungi stain with gram stain: Candida Albicans
• Causes moniliasis: Candida Albican
• Germ tube test used for diagnosis of: Candida Albicans and
differentiated from other candida
• Candida is capsulated belong: Ascomycetes
• Cotaneous mycoses: Trichophyton rubrum
• Organism produce (mycelium): filamintus fungi
• Indian ink stain in case capsule: Cryptococcus neoformance


• HBV HCV transmitted by: Parental (intravenous injection).

• Male has vaccine for HBV found in serum: Anti-HBs positive
• HBV: chronic carrier
• HBV+ HIV transmission: (blood, body fluids).
• HCV transmission: blood
• HAV transmission: food
• EBV cause: Infectious mononucleosis
- Atypical lymphocytosis,
- monospot test , Paul-Bunnell test is positive
- Heterophilic Antibody diagnosis (EBV Abs)
- Causes nasopharyngeal carcinoma And Burkett lymphoma
(Lymphoma and cancer)
• Lymphocytosis in: viral infection
• Cell culture used for virus isolation:
1) Primary cell – monkey kidney
2) Semi continuous cell: human emberyonic kidney and skin
3) Contenuous cells.

• Most useful in examining viruse and structure of Microbial cell:

electron Microscope
• Direct diagnosis of viruse: PCR
• Smallest viruse is: pocorna viruse (Smallest RNA viruse)

• Herpes virus: Latent infection, under microscope: owel eye
• Arena viruse rodent transmitted disease in lymphocytic Chorio
Meningities viruse (LCMV)
• Vaccine: Artificial active immune
• Avoide the measles: MMR vaccine
• Influenza viruse include: Heamagglutination
• Dengue virus: transmitted by: aedes mosquito

DNA virus RNA virus

Pox viruse picorna virus: poliovirus (common cold), HAV

herpes viruse Orthomyxoviruse: influanza A,B,C viruse

adenovirus Retrovirus: HIV

Papilloma virus ,
Corona: SARS

HBV Paramexovirus: measeles


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