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Copyright© 2004



Emmanuel Ecosse
Alain Leplège
The WHOQOL Rasch Group*

A 25 item quality of life survey was developed from WHOQOL-100 that is

statistically invariant across six cultures. Sample was 2,664 WHO survey
respondents. Test development involved first reducing items through an analysis
of person and item fit. Then multiple bivariate item calibration plots were examined
to select culturally equivalent items. Rasch model results were surprisingly
coherent and equivalent items appear to replicate original QOL construct.

The Constitution of the World Health Organization (WHO) defines

health as “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, not
merely the absence of disease . . .” (The WHOQOL Group, 1993). It fol-
*World Health Organization Quality of Life Rasch Group: Silvia Bonicatto,
FUNDONAR, La Plata, Argentina; Kwok Fai Leung, Department of Occupational
Therapy, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Hong Kong; Alain Leplège, INSERM, Le Krem-
lin-Bicêtre, France; Ramona Lucas, Barcelona, Spain; Donald Patrick, University of
Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA; and Suzy Skevington, School of Social Sci-
ences, Bath, United Kingdom.

2 ECOSSE, et al.

lows that measurement of health and health care effects must include not
only an indication of frequency and severity of diseases but also changes
in well-being that are assessed by measuring Quality of Life (QOL).
WHO defines QOL as individuals’ perception of their position in life
relative to their cultural context including personal goals, expectations,
standards, and concerns. It is a broad concept, affected in a complex way,
first, by physical health, psychological state, level of independence, so-
cial relationships, and personal beliefs, and, secondly, by the relationship
of these factors to salient environmental features.
With the aid of 15 collaborating centers around the world, WHO has
developed two profiles for measuring QOL: WHOQOL-100 and
WHOQOL-BREF (see The WHOQOL Group, 1994a, 1994b, and 1998),
which can be used in a variety of cultural settings to compare populations
and countries. These instruments are currently used widely in medical
practice, research, auditing, and policy-making. Further WHOQOL de-
velopment in other languages is progressing with WHOQOL-100 now
available in over 20 different language versions. The WHOQOL-BREF is
an abbreviated 26-item version of WHOQOL-100 based on data from the
field trial version of WHOQOL-100.
The objective of the current project is to explore development of a
short list of items that indexes QOL with a single score. This survey
would reflect a construct that is:
· comparable to original content structure of WHOQOL-100 and
· psychometrically reliable
· reasonably comparable cross-culturally.
There is great need for a short standardized questionnaire for interna-
tional comparative population surveys and economic studies. Indeed, there
is substantial demand from several international organizations such as
WHO for a reliable, short instrument measuring QOL in health service
research and health economics. If it were possible to develop such a tool,
it could complement data currently collected by generic international pro-
files such as WHOQOL-100 and -BREF.
After thoroughly evaluating alternative measurement approaches such
as classical test theory and item response theory, we selected the Rasch
model (Wright and Stone, 1979; Wright and Masters, 1982; Andrich, 1978,
1982) to identify a 10 to 15 item questionnaire capable of measuring the

underlying or latent unidimensional QOL construct that previously had

been established by WHOQOL-100 and WHOQOL-BREF. This paper
presents the source instrument, empirical data base, as well as experimen-
tal methodology implemented to address this problem. It is based on a
previously published paper (Leplège, 2000) which was a first step in that
direction. Given the magnitude of this project and its many difficulties,
this second paper should still be considered more a position paper than
definitive conclusion to this topic.
WHOQOL Background
The WHOQOL-100 was developed simultaneously in 15 field cen-
ters around the world. A list of the important aspects of QOL and ways of
asking them was drafted on the basis of statements made by patients with
a range of diseases, as well as by healthy persons and health professionals
from a variety of cultures. The instrument was rigorously tested in each
field center to assess validity and reliability and is currently being exam-
ined to assess its responsiveness to changing QOL status. The content
structure of WHOQOL-100 reflects issues established by scientific ex-
perts, as well as lay persons in each field center to evaluate QOL defined
by the following domains:.
· physical health
· psychological well being
· level of independence
· social relationships
· environment
· spirituality
Table 1 elaborates broad WHOQOL domains with facets. In addition
to four overall items, domains are represented by 24 facets each contain-
ing four items producing a total of 100 WHOQOL items. All items were
rated on a five-point scale where five indicates highest QOL.
Materials and Methods
The data set comes from the international field testing of WHOQOL–
100 that includes WHOQOL-100 responses, as well as socioeconomic
and health-related variables. Although data were available from most
WHOQOL centers, we decided for this feasibility project we would only
take into consideration data that had been collected in Argentina, France,
Great Britain, Hong Kong, Spain, and USA (Cheng, 1995). Overall num-
Table 1
Domain and Facet Structure of Questionnaire
Domains Structure Facet labels

Overall quality of life 4 items

1/ Physical health 3 facets Energy and fatigue Pain and discomfort Sleep and rest
12 items
ECOSSE, et al.

2/ Psychological 5 facets Body image and appearance Negative feelings Positive feelings
20 items

Thinking, learning, memory Self-esteem

and concentration

3/ Level of independence 4 facets Dependence on medicinal Activities of daily living Mobility

16 items substances and medical aids

Work capacity

4/ Social relationships 3 facets Personal relationships Social support Sexual activity

12 items

5/ Environment 8 facets Financial resources Freedom, physical safety Health and social care:
32 items and security accessibility and quality

Home environment Opportunities for acquiring Participation in and oppor-

new information and skills tunities for recreation/leisure

Physical environment Transport

6/ Spirituality 1 facet Religion/Spirituality/Personal

4 items beliefs

ber of persons was 2,664. Tables 2, 3, and 4 present demographic and

health data. Age ranged from 9 to 92 years, and average age was 45.3
years (SD = 15.5). Women constituted 52.2 percent of the data. Sixty-six
percent declared a health problem in the past versus 33 percent without
problems. (The health history of American respondents was unknown.)
Analytic Procedures
We implemented the Rasch model to estimate item calibrations and
person locations along the measurement continuum. In order to address
our research question, we followed a two step strategy. First, a data base
was prepared for item selection and calibration. This step included ‘tar-
geting’ the data base which is a procedure that treats certain responses as
missing data. For example, persons with extreme scores would not be
considered valid for item calibration. In traditional psychometric terms
this strategy removes “ceiling” and “floor” effects from an analysis. We
also eliminated persons who did not fit the model well. The second step
was item selection. We chose to eliminate misfitting items from the data
base. Then we conducted differential item functioning analyses, country
by country, for each item in the selection pool. This step was necessary to
identify those items with statistically invariant calibrations across lan-
guage versions. The software implemented for these procedures was SAS
V6.12, and RUMM V2.7 (Andrich, Sheridan, and Luo, 1997).
Domain and Facet Structure of Questionnaire
Targeting strategy. Most interviewed persons were in fairly good
health with respect to item severity also referred to as difficulty. Conse-
quently, some questions were inappropriate for persons insofar as responses
by healthy persons to questions measuring very serious health conditions
do not yield relevant information for assessing item severity. The target-
ing strategy implemented in this research consisted of replacing observed
responses with missing data when the expected values provided by a first
Rasch model iteration were very close to an extreme response. In the case
of WHOQOL where the maximum rating is 5, if the expected answers
were higher than 4.5 or lower than 1.5, the observed answers were con-
verted to missing data. Consequently, only useful information was ex-
ploited during scale development. Figure 1 shows this relationship between
expected responses and the targeting strategy.
Elimination of misfitting persons. The person rejection criterion was
based on fit values outside -3.5 and 3.5 computed by RUMM. It should
be noted that this criterion is not unusually stringent but represents con-
6 ECOSSE, et al.

ventional approaches to assessing residual variation that is expected to

approximate a random error distribution. Residuals were aggregated and
evaluated as standard normal deviates. Persons who clearly did not fit the
model were not included during item calibration because their responses
obscure item parameter estimation.
An analysis of covariance was also conducted to examine statistical
relations of person fit values with gender, age, QOL measure status, cul-
ture, and state of health (healthy vs unhealthy). The intention, of course,
Table 2
Gender characteristics
Argentina France GB Hong-Kong Spain USA Total
N % N % N % N % N % N % N %
Male 170 40.4 143 48.3 138 39.1 425 50.2 162 53.3 203 45.8 1,241 46.6
Female 251 59.6 151 51 197 55.8 415 49 136 44.7 240 54.2 1,390 52.2
MD 0 0 2 0.7 18 5.1 7 0.8 6 2.0 0 0.0 33 1.2
Total 421 100 296 100 353 100 847 100 304 100 443 100 2,664 100
Note: Abbreviations: (GB = Great Britain), (MD = missing data.)

Table 3
Age distribution
Argentina France GB Hong-Kong Spain USA Total
Number 421 298 330 828 298 441 2,601
Mean age 47.1 44 48 45.2 42.6 44.2 45.3
SD 14.6 15.4 15.7 16.1 14 15.7 15.5
Minimum 20 17 9 12 19 20 9
Maximum 80 81 85 92 80 90 92
Note: Abbreviations: (GB = Great Britain), (SD = standard deviation).

Table 4
Health status
Argentina France GB Hong-Kong Spain USA* Total
N % N % N % N % N % N % N %
Healthy 240 57 47 15.9 114 32.3 155 18.3 194 63.8 — — 750 33.8
Ill 181 43 249 84.1 239 67.1 690 81.5 110 36.2 — — 1469 66.1
MD 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0.2 0 0.0 — — 2 0.1
Total 421 100 296 100 353 100 847 100 304 100.0 — — 2221 100
Note: The WHOQOL contains response scales concerned with intensity (Extremely -
…- Not at all), capacity (Completely -…- Not at all), frequency (Always -…-Never) or
evaluation (Very dissatisfied -…- Very satisfied ; Very poor -…- Very good).
Abbreviations: (GB = Great Britain), (SD = standard deviation), (MD = missing data).
* USA health status was not available.

Figure 1. The expected value curve and range of acceptable responses.

was to better understand systematic variation associated with fit values.

Because person fit values are related to number of items, this analysis
was affected by missing data generated (targeting) and number of items.
Elimination of misfitting items. Items do not fit the Rasch model if
differences between observed responses and estimated measures (calcu-
lated according to the model for the overall sample) are on average too
large. To examine these differences further, RUMM software conducts a
test based on homogeneous person groups defined by their score (ability).
For each group, mean observed score was calculated and compared to the
estimated measure mean for the group. The observed and estimated re-
sponses are compared and differences evaluated with a chi-square test
statistic. We observed empirically that a chi-square value of 38, calcu-
lated on the basis of ten homogeneous person groups, corresponded ap-
proximately to an OUTFIT statistic of 3.5 calculated by BIGSTEPS (widely
available Rasch measurement software). Therefore a chi-square of 38 was
the threshold for rejecting or selecting an item.
Differential Item Functioning: Country by Country
The objective of this research was to identify items that have compa-
rable item severity estimates across any given set of variables including
language version, gender, and health. Consequently, the following steps
were followed:
1. Items were calibrated separately for American, Argentinean, British,
French, Hong Kong, and Spanish persons.
2. Calibrated item difficulties were examined in bivariate plots for all
language pairs.
8 ECOSSE, et al.

3. An identity line was drawn through each plot origin.

4. Statistical control lines (99% confidence interval) were drawn on ei-
ther side of the identity line to guide interpretation. Items that fell outside
these control lines were reviewed for elimination.
5. Items within the 99% confidence interval were judged invariant for
that comparison.
6. Equivalences were counted for 96 items for each 2 by 2 comparison
making a total of 15 comparisons for each item.
7. Items were classified in decreasing order based on their number of
equivalent comparisons. We arbitrarily retained items that were equiva-
lent in at least 8 out of 15 comparisons.
Notable differences between particular language comparisons are sum-
marized in Table 9. First is shown the number of times each item is equiva-
lent if one does not take the particular comparison into account, and second,
the item’s average over the whole set of retained items. The closer this
number is to ten, the more equivalent the considered version is to the
Preparation of Data Base
Targeting data base. Responses where the expectations were extreme
(below 1.5 or greater than 4.5 raw score units) were converted to missing
data. Originally, rate of missing data for 2,664 persons responding to 100
items was 1.6 percent. After targeting this rate was 6.4 percent. No miss-
ing data was generated for 1,831 persons (67.7%), and at least one miss-
ing response was generated for 833 persons (31.3%). Missing data was
generated for ninety-four percent of persons whose QOL measure was
greater than 0.7 logits and six percent whose QOL measure was less than
-0.81 logits on the latent continuum. The relationship between missing
data generated and person location on the continuum is presented in Fig-
ure 2. The higher the QOL measure, hence better quality of life, the greater
the number of answers converted to missing data. This was expected
because persons with high QOL are likely to produce very extreme re-
sponses. Table 5 shows missing data by country.
Elimination of misfitting persons. Out of 2,637 overall persons for
whom the total raw scores were not extreme, 709 (27%) did not fit the











-2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Abili ty

Figure 2. Relationship between subject positioning and frequency of data

converted to missing.

model. (Their fit values were higher than 3.5 or lower than -3.5 calcu-
lated using RUMM). The mean fit values and percentages of misfitting
persons are presented by country in Table 6. Thirty-three percent of Hong
Kong persons were removed from the analysis, 27 percent of Argentinean,
20 percent of French, 21 percent of British, 35 percent of Spanish, and 18
percent of American data. Using the targeted data base, a fit index and a
measure were calculated for each person. The results in Tables 7 and 8
show QOL measures for persons fitting the model are significantly higher
than for misfitting persons. A significant difference in terms of culture,
gender and age also appears between persons who fit and those who did

Table 5
Summary of missing data generated
Missing data Missing data
before targeting (%) after targeting (%)
France 1.26 6.19
Spain 2.77 4.30
Argentina 0.02 1.99
Hong Kong 0.99 6.49
USA 1.29 9.91
GB 4.62 8.64
Total 1.6 6.35
10 ECOSSE, et al.

not. There is no significant difference in health status. Table 5 also shows

that missing data rate generated in Hong-Kong and American data were

Table 6
Distribution of person fit values and percentage by country
N & (%)
Country N Mean* Std Dev Minimum Maximum Do not fit
Argentina 421 -1.3 3.0 -12.9 6.9 113 (27)
Spain 301 -0.4 4.1 -13.9 8.7 106 (35)
France 293 0.5 2.7 -6.8 9.0 60 (20)
UK 340 -0.7 2.8 -9.9 6.1 72 (21)
Hong-Kong 841 -0.5 3.7 -23.0 10.8 280 (33)
USA 441 0.0 2.7 -13.4 6.8 78 (18)
Total 2637 -0.5 3.3 -23.0 10.8 709 (27)
*P < .001

Table 7
Relation of person fit to gender and health status
Fit Did not fit
Men 878 (71%) 355 (29%)
Women 1036 (75%) 349 (25%)
Health status**
Healthy 544 (73%) 204 (27%)
Unhealthy 1019 (70%) 427 (30%)
Total 1563 (71%) 631 (29%)
Note: Health status is missing for the American data base
*P < .05

Table 8
Percentage of persons fit by age and QOL measure
Fit Did not fit
Mean 44.7 46.6
SD 15.5 15.6
QOL status*
Mean 0.51 0.32
SD 0.71 0.64
*P < .001

Item Selection
Elimination of misfitting items. Only 39 items of the initial 100 were
eliminated because their chi-square values were higher than 38. They were:
G1, G2, G3, G4, F1.1, F1.3, F2.1, F2.3, F4.2, F4.4, F6.3, F6.4, F7.2, F7.3,
F8.1, F10.1, F10.3, F11.1, F11.2, F11.3, F11.4, F12.2, F12.3, F12.4, F13.3,
F15.2, F15.4, F16.3, F16.4, F18.4, F19.1, F19.2, F19.4, F21.4, F22.2, F22.4,
F24.1, F24.3, F24.4. Facet 1 (Overall QOL) and facet 11 (Medication) were
completely eliminated (see Appendix for item labels.
Differential item function by language version. By plotting paired
calibrations with associated confidence intervals, some variation in item
calibration was found across cultures. Figure 3 shows location param-
eters for 61 initial item pairs between USA and Argentina. Figure 4 shows
this relationship between UK and USA. Table 9 presents the 25 items
with greatest equivalence across six countries. The last column shows
that item F204 is the most homogenous with 14 out of 15 tests proving
positive. Out of 100 initial items, none were found to be completely equiva-
lent across six countries. (None of the items were positive 15 times out of
15.) Figure 5 and Table 10 provide additional information about retained
Excluding Argentina which showed the greatest homogeneity, the test
on average was positive 6.9 times out of 10. The reduced set of 25 items
shows a relatively restricted range between –1 and 1 logits. With the
exception of items F232, F234, F91, and F131, however, the category


Argentina calibration (Logits)












-1.0 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

USA calibration (Logits)

Figure 3. Plot of item difficulties between USA and Argentina with 99 percent
control lines
12 ECOSSE, et al.

thresholds covered the full range of QOL measures. (All domains and
facets with exception of medication were preserved.) Consequently, these
items provide a broad range of quality of life coverage on the continuum.
In preliminary data analyses from four countries (Leplège, 2000), we
discarded items with unordered thresholds. This time, however, we ana-
lyzed six data bases without discarding items with unordered thresholds.
This has, at least, the advantage of adding 12 items to the item pool con-
sidered for cross-cultural comparison. In regards to the item selection
criterion, we chose to remove items if fit values were not between –3.5 to
3.5 because a large number of misfitting items increase the probability
that persons will not fit. In regards to differential item functioning, statis-
tical control lines (99 percent confidence interval) were drawn around the
identity line to guide interpretation and any items falling outside these
control lines were considered as non-equivalent. A more classical crite-
rion would have been to use a 95 percent confidence interval, but we
opted for 99 percent. Given both complexity of the notion of cultural
equivalence and qualitative work that has been devoted to ensuring cul-
tural equivalence, we found it reasonable to adopt stricter criteria. It is
also important to note that the ends of the confidence interval usually
flare because standard errors are typically larger for easier or harder items.
In these data, QOL items are concentrated in the center where standard
errors are narrow which tends to diminish this appearance.



UK calibration (Logits)










-1.0 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

USA calibration (Logits)

Figure 4. Plot of item difficulties between USA and UK with 99 percent control

Data analysis by the Rasch model to identify misfitting items was

performed on the aggregated data set. This strategy supposes not only
that “there is a common concept that is shared by all cultures”, but also
conceptual equivalence has been established across versions. Because these
were defining hypotheses of the WHOQOL project, we did not challenge
them. We assumed that these hypotheses were reasonable and that they
had been met to varying degrees by each WHOQOL-100 language ver-
sion. (But see the difference in number of equivalent items between UK
and USA, on the one hand, and USA and Argentina on the other.)
Although the application of an improved version of this methodology
to all WHOQOL data sets (at least 15 language versions) is conceivable,
it is very unlikely that a single core of equivalent items will be identified.
As a result of cultural differences between countries or translation prob-
lems, the construction of a questionnaire that is “culturally equivalent” is
already difficult for only the six cultures under consideration. An exten-
sion of cultural span with additional data sets would only increase the
difficulties. Nonetheless, we believe that a scale can be developed that
addresses genuine cross-cultural differences by concentrating on a com-
mon core composed of two to five items that are statistically invariant.
This core could then be expanded within cultures assuring cultural integ-
rity but preserving the properties of a common scale. This approach would
25 F181
24 F153
23 F151
22 F223
21 F33
20 F221
19 F142
18 F203
17 F141
16 F242
15 F54
14 F172

13 F121
12 F204
11 F201
9 F92
2 F91
1 F234
0 F232

-2.50 -2.00 -1.50 -1.00 -0.50 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00


Figure 5. Graphical representation of item difficulty and average category

thresholds for 25 retained items
14 ECOSSE, et al.

be consistent with Rasch model measurement intentions (construction of

a common rule) while allowing for differences in person distribution.
A further suggestion we would make is to abandon identification of
items that are equivalent across all countries and limit oneself to taking
advantage of cases where local equivalences exist between two countries.
Table 9
Equivalent items across six countries.
With 5 countries, 15 compar-
10 comparisons isons
All data
F204 How satisfied are you with your
opportunities to learn new information 9 9 9 10 9 10 14
F153 How satisfied are you with your sex life? 9 8 8 10 8 9 13
F141 Do you get the kind of support from others
that you need? 8 7 7 8 10 8 12
F203 How satisfied are you with your
opportunities for acquiring new skills? 8 7 9 6 7 7 11
F232 To what extent do you have problems
with transport? 7 8 9 6 7 7 11
F234 How much do difficulties with transport
restrict your life? 7 7 9 7 6 8 11
F121 Are you able to work? 6 8 6 8 8 8 11
F144 How satisfied are you with the support
you get from your friends 7 7 7 6 10 7 11
F14 To what extent do you feel that (physical)
pain prevents you from doing what you
need to do? 6 10 6 6 6 6 10
F92 How satisfied are you with your ability
to move around? 6 8 6 6 8 6 10
F131 How alone do you feel in your life? 10 6 6 6 6 6 10
F201 How available to you is the information
that you need in your day-to-day life? 9 7 6 6 6 6 10
F223 How satisfied are you with your physical
environment 6 10 6 6 6 6 10
F242 To what extent do you feel your life
to be meaningful? 6 9 6 7 6 6 10
F91 How well are you able to get around? 6 7 6 6 7 4 9
F142 To what extent can you count on your
friends when you need them? 5 5 5 6 8 7 9
F172 To what degree does the quality of your
home meet your needs? 5 5 5 6 6 9 9
F33 How satisfied are you with your sleep? 7 5 5 4 6 5 8
F54 How satisfied are you with your ability
to make decisions? 4 6 5 5 6 6 8
F84 How much do any feelings of depression
bother you? 5 4 8 5 4 6 8
F151 How would you rate your sex life? 6 7 4 5 5 5 8
F173 How satisfied are you with the conditions
of your living place? 5 4 6 5 6 6 8
F181 Have you enough money to meet
your needs? 5 5 7 4 6 5 8
F221 How healthy is your physical environment? 5 6 4 5 5 7 8
F233 How satisfied are you with your transport? 6 8 4 5 4 5 8
Mean 6.5 6.9 6.4 6.2 6.6 6.6

Table 10
Difficulty and threshold estimates of 25 retained items.
Item Difficulty 1 2 3 4 Label
F181 0.54 -0.55 -0.16 1.13 1.72 Have you enough money to meet your
F153 0.52 -0.39 -0.6 0.84 2.21 How satisfied are you with your sex
F151 0.48 -0.29 -0.74 0.93 2.02 How would you rate your sex life?
F223 0.29 -1.79 -0.4 0.57 2.78 How satisfied are you with your
physical environment
F33 0.24 -1.37 0.18 0.17 2 How satisfied are you with your sleep?
F221 0.24 -0.71 -1.14 0.84 1.98 How healthy is your physical
F142 0.21 -0.78 -0.31 0.31 1.62 To what extent can you count on your
friends when you need them?
F203 0.2 -1.97 -0.67 0.66 2.78 How satisfied are you with your
opportunities for acquiring new skills?
F141 0.18 -1.22 -0.4 0.38 1.97 Do you get the kind of support from
others that you need?
F242 0.04 -0.83 -0.79 0.15 1.64 To what extent do you feel your life to
be meaningful?
F54 0.02 -2.03 -0.29 0.05 2.35 How satisfied are you with your ability
to make decisions?
F172 0 -0.92 -0.93 0.29 1.57 To what degree does the quality of
your home meet your needs?
F121 -0.03 -0.86 -0.52 0.25 1.01 Are you able to work?
F204 -0.04 -2.14 -0.96 0.23 2.73 How satisfied are you with your
opportunities to learn new information
F201 -0.09 -1.7 -0.84 0.4 1.77 How available to you is the information
that you need in your day-to-day life?
F14 -0.09 -1.19 0.05 0.2 0.57 To what extent do you feel that
(physical) pain prevents you from
doing what you need to do?
F92 -0.15 -1.21 -0.26 0.04 0.86 How satisfied are you with your ability
to move around?
F84 -0.16 -1.6 0.25 -0.17 0.89 How much do any feelings of
depression bother you?
F233 -0.16 -1.88 -0.91 0.1 2.04 How satisfied are you with your
F144 -0.17 -1.69 -0.95 -0.05 2.03 How satisfied are you with the support
you get from your friends
F173 -0.27 -1.9 -0.63 -0.38 1.82 How satisfied are you with the
conditions of your living place?
F131 -0.33 -1.24 0.02 -0.28 0.19 How alone do you feel in your life?
F91 -0.39 -1.34 -0.95 0.29 0.45 How well are you able to get around?
F234 -0.54 -1.32 -0.43 -0.11 -0.3 How much do difficulties with transport
restrict your life?
F232 -0.55 -1.12 -0.61 -0.14 -0.34 To what extent do you have problems
with transport?
16 ECOSSE, et al.

This approach is similar to establishing an item bank suitable for cross-

cultural measurement.
In view of our study purpose, the implementation of Rasch measure-
ment analytical methodology has opened new vistas on cross-cultural stud-
ies. However, it does not claim to have solved the problem of developing
a measure that is “culturally equivalent”. This research should incite readers
to reflect upon our precautions interpreting questionnaire scores obtained
from different cultures and stimulate further advances in developing cross-
cultural questionnaires. Each step of the development process of an inter-
national questionnaire (definition of a quality of life concept that is
common to several cultures, questionnaire generation including item and
response categories, translation of items into other cultures, and collec-
tion of comments and feedback) has its importance in the realization of
such a project.
This project would not have been possible without the teaching, pa-
tient supervision, and constant encouragement of Prof. David Andrich,
Murdoch University, Perth, Western Australia. Portions of this chapter
appeared in Journal of Applied Measurement (Volume 1, 373-397).
Andrich, D. (1978). A rating formulation for ordered categories. Psychometrica,
42, 561-573.
Andrich, D. (1982). An extension of the Rasch model for ratings providing both
location and dispersion parameter. Psychometrica, 47, 105-113.
Andrich, D., Sheridan, B., and Luo, G. (1997). RUMM: A Windows program for
analyzing item response data according to Rasch unidimensional measure-
ment models (Version 2.7) [computer software]. Perth, Australia: RUMM Labo-
Cheng, S. (1995). Chinese translation of the WHOQOL-100: Domains, facets,
and definitions. Unpublished report. WHOQOL Hong Kong Project Team.
Leplège, A. (2000). Methodological issues in using the Rasch model to select
cross culturally equivalent item in order to develop a quality of life index: The
analysis of four WHOQOL-100 data sets. Journal of Applied Measurement,
1, 373-392.
The WHOQOL Group. (1993). Study protocol for the World Health Organiza-
tion project to develop a quality of life assessment instrument. Quality of Life
Research, 2, 153-159.

The WHOQOL Group (1994a). Development of the WHOQOL: Rationale and

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The WHOQOL Group. (1994b). The development of the World Health Organi-
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Quality of life assessment: International perspectives. Heidelberg, Germany:
Springer Verlag.
The WHOQOL Group. (1998). Development of the World Health Organization
WHOQOL-BREF quality of life assessment. Psychological Methods, 3, 551-
Wright, B. D., and Stone, M. H. (1979). Best test design. Chicago: MESA Press.
Wright, B. D., and Masters, G. N. (1982). Rating scale analysis. Chicago: MESA
18 ECOSSE, et al.

WHOQOL–100 questions
G1 How would you rate your quality of life?
G2 How satisfied are you with the quality of your life?
G3 In general, how satisfied are you with your life?
G4 How satisfied are you with your health?
1. Pain and discomfort
F1.1 How often do you suffer (physical) pain?
F1.2 Do you worry about your pain or discomfort?
F1.3 How difficult is it for you to handle any pain or discomfort?
F1.4 To what extent do you feel that (physical) pain prevents you from doing
what you need to do?
2. Energy and fatigue
F2.1 Do you have enough energy for everyday life?
F2.2 How easily do you get tired?
F2.3 How satisfied are you with the energy that you have?
F2.4 How much are you bothered by fatigue?
3. Sleep and rest
F3.1 How well do you sleep?
F3.2 Do you have any difficulties with sleeping?
F3.3 How satisfied are you with your sleep?
F3.4 How much do any sleep problems worry you?
4. Positive feelings
F4.1 How much do you enjoy life?
F4.2 Do you generally feel content?
F4.3 How positive do you feel about the future?
F4.4 How much do you experience positive feelings in your life?
5. Thinking, learning, memory, and concentration
F5.1 How would you rate your memory?
F5.2 How satisfied are you with your ability to learn new information?
F5.3 How well are you able to concentrate?
F5.4 How satisfied are you with your ability to make decisions?

(Appendix continued on next page.)


(Appendix continued from previous page.)

6. Self-esteem
F6.1 How much do you value yourself?
F6.2 How much confidence do you have in yourself?
F6.3 How satisfied are you with yourself?
F6.4 How satisfied are you with your abilities?
7. Body image and appearance
F7.1 Are you able to accept your bodily appearance?
F7.2 Do you feel inhibited by your looks?
F7.3 Is there any part of your appearance, which makes you feel uncomfortable?
F7.4 How satisfied are you with the way your body looks?
8. Negative feelings
F8.1 How often do you have negative feelings, such as blue mood, despair,
anxiety, and depression?
F8.2 How worried do you feel?
F8.3 How much do any feelings of sadness or depression interfere with your
everyday functioning?
F8.4 How much do any feelings of depression bother you?
9. Mobility
F9.1 How well are you able to get around?
F9.2 How satisfied are you with your ability to move around?
F9.3 How much do any difficulties in mobility bother you?
F9.4 To what extent do any difficulties in movement affect your way of life?
10. Activities of daily living
F10.1 To what extent are you able to carry out your daily activities?
F10.2 To what extent do you have difficulty in performing your routine activities?
F10.3 How satisfied are you with your ability to perform your daily living
F10.4 How much are you bothered by any limitations in performing everyday
living activities?
11. Dependence on medication or treatments
F11.1 How dependent are you on medications?
F11.2 How much do you need any medication to function in your daily life?
F11.3 How much do you need any medical treatment to function in your daily
F11.4 To what extent does your quality of life depend on the use of medical
substances or medical aids?

(Appendix continued on next page.)

20 ECOSSE, et al.

(Appendix continued from previous page.)

12. Working capacity
F12.1 Are you able to work?
F12.2 Do you feel able to carry out your duties?
F12.3 How would you rate your ability to work?
F12.4 How satisfied are you with your capacity for work?
13. Personal relationships
F13.1 How alone do you feel in your life?
F13.2 Do you feel happy about your relationship with your family members?
F13.3 How satisfied are you with your personal relationships?
F13.4 How satisfied are you with your ability to provide for or support others?
14. Practical social support
F14.1 Do you get the kind of support from others that you need?
F14.2 To what extent can you count on your friends when you need them?
F14.3 How satisfied are you with the support you get from your family?
F14.4 How satisfied are you with the support you get from your friends?
15. Sexual activity
F15.1 How would you rate your sex life?
F15.2 How well are your sexual needs fulfilled?
F15.3 How satisfied are you with your sex life?
F15.4 Are you bothered by any difficulties in your sex life?
16. Physical safety and security
F16.1 How safe do you feel in your daily life?
F16.2 Do you feel you are living in a safe and secure environment?
F16.3 How much do you worry about your safety and security?
F16.4 How satisfied are you with your physical safety and security?
17. Home environment
F17.1 How comfortable is the place where you live?
F17.2 To what degree does the quality of your home meet your needs?
F17.3 How satisfied are you with the conditions of your living place?
F17.4 How much do you like it where you live?
18. Financial resources
F18.1 Have you enough money to meet your needs?
F18.2 Do you have financial difficulties?
F18.3 How satisfied are you with your financial situation?
F18.4 How much do you worry about money?

(Appendix continued on next page.)


(Appendix continued from previous page.)

19. Health and social care: Availability and quality
F19.1 How easily are you able to get good medical care?
F19.2 How would you rate the quality of social services available to you?
F19.3 How satisfied are you with your access to health services?
F19.4 How satisfied are you with the social care services?
20. Opportunities for acquiring information and skills
F20.1 How available to you is the information that you need in your day-to-day
F20.2 To what extent do you have opportunities for acquiring the information
that you feel you need?
F20.3 How satisfied are you with your opportunities for acquiring new skills?
F20.4 How satisfied are you with your opportunities to learn new information?
21. Participation in and opportunities for recreation and leisure
F21.1 To what extent do you have the opportunity for leisure activities?
F21.2 How much are you able to relax and enjoy yourself?
F21.3 How much do you enjoy your free time?
F21.4 How satisfied are you with the way you spend your spare time?
22. Physical environment
F22.1 How healthy is your physical environment?
F22.2 How concerned are you with the noise in the area you live in?
F22.3 How satisfied are you with your physical environment (e.g. pollution,
climate, noise, and attractiveness ?
F22.4 How satisfied are you with the climate of the place where you live?
23. Transport
F23.1 To what extent do you have adequate means of transport?
F23.2 To what extent do you have problems with transport?
F23.3 How satisfied are you with your transport?
F23.4 How much do difficulties with transport restrict your life?
24. Spirituality/religion/personal beliefs
F24.1 Do your personal beliefs give meaning to your life?
F24.2 To what extent do you feel your life to be meaningful?
F24.3 To what extent do your personal beliefs give you the strength to face
F24.4 To what extent do your personal beliefs help you to understand difficul-
ties in life?

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