Specific Objectives
Specific Objectives
Specific Objectives
Environmental Sanitation
General Objectives:
After 30 minutes of nurse-student interaction the student’s will be able to understand the impotance of environmental sanitation.
Specific Objectives Learning Content Teaching Learning Time Resources Evaluation Parameters
Activities Allotment
After the end of 30 After 30 minutes of
minutes of health health teaching, the
teaching, the student’s students will be able to
will be able to: learned the importance
Materials: of environmental
1. Define environme I. definition of terms: 1. Health 5 minutes Visual aid sanitation, enumerates
ntal sanitation and 1. Environment is sum teaching the methods in
it’s purpose. total of water, air and maintaining
land.Inter- environmental
relationships among sanitation,and
themselves and also demostrated the ways of
with the human proper garbage disposal.
beings, other living
organisms and
2. Sanitation is the
hygienic means of
promoting health
through prevention
of human contact
with the hazards of
waste as well as the
treatment and proper
disposal of sewage
waste water.It is also
refers to the
maintenance such as
garbage collection
and waste water
3. Waste disposal/
management is the
collection, transport,
processing, recycling
or disposal of waste
4. Proper waste
segregation is the
way of segregating
waste materials in
proper waste bin
according to its color
and types of waste.
5. Environmental
sanitation is a
promotion Of
hygiene and
prevention of disease
and other
consequences of ill-
health relating to
II. Purpose of
environmental sanitation:
1. To provide a healthy
living environment
for everyone
2. To protect the
natural resources
such as surface water
, ground water and
3. To provide safety,
security and dignity
to well-being.
4. To prevents disease
5. To improves the
quality of life.
2. Enumerates the III. Methods in maintaining 2. One on one 10 minutes Pamphlets
methods in environmental sanitation: discussion
maintaining 1. Proper waste
environmental disposal
sanitation 2. Personal Hygiene
3. Water drainage