Techrefvol2 PDF
Techrefvol2 PDF
Techrefvol2 PDF
Technical Reference Guide, volume 2
Index ...............................................................................461
class CRPEngine
This section describes the class CRPEngine:publicCObject and methods.
Constructor CRPEngine::CRPEngine
CRPEngine::CRPEngine is the constructor for the class. If the open parameter is
true, the actual Crystal Reports DLL is opened (crpe32.dll). Print jobs may only be
opened if the engine itself is open. If originally opened with open = FALSE, the
engine may be opened later with “CRPEngine::Open” on page10.
Constructor Syntax
CRPEngine ( BOOL open );
open Indicates whether the Crystal Report Engine should be opened when the
CRPEngine object is created. The default for this parameter is FALSE.
Use CRPEngine::AddJob to add a new job object.
void AddJob ( CRPEJob *job );
Use CRPEngine::CanClose to determine whether the Crystal Report Engine is busy.
Errors can occur in your application or on a system if you attempt to close the Crystal
Report Engine while it is processing a print job. To determine whether the Report
Engine can be closed safely in an application, use this method before attempting to
close the Crystal Report Engine (for example, when the user tries to exit).
BOOL CanClose ();
TRUE if the Crystal Report Engine can be closed.
FALSE if Crystal Report Engine is still busy.
Use CRPEngine::Close to close the Crystal Report Engine.
void Close ();
Use CRPEngine::GetEngine to retrieve a pointer to the current CRPEngine object
being used in the application.
static CRPEngine *GetEngine ();
Returns a pointer to the current CRPEngine object.
Use CRPEngine::GetEngineStatus to get the current engine status.
static Status GetEngineStatus ();
Returns one of the following values of Status enumerated type indicating the
current status of the Crystal Report Engine.
engineOpen The Crystal Report Engine is currently open.
engineClosed The Crystal Report Engine is not yet open, or has been closed.
engineMissing No Crystal Report Engine is available. Make sure the Crystal Report Engine
DLL is located in a directory that appears in your PATH.
Use CRPEngine::GetErrorCode to retrieve the current error code of the Crystal
Report Engine. When a call to another function fails, this call retrieves the error
code that was generated so that you can take some action based on that error code.
short GetErrorCode ();
Returns the current Crystal Report Engine “Error Codes” on page154.
Returns 0 (zero) if no error has occurred.
Use CRPEngine::GetErrorText to retrieve a descriptive Crystal Report Engine error
CString GetErrorText ();
Returns a CString object containing the text for the current error.
Use CRPEngine::GetHandleString to retrieve the text to which the string handle is
pointing. The CString object will contain the actual text. This function is used in
conjunction with functions that return variable length strings. After your program
allocates a buffer of sufficient size, this function moves the string from the string
handle to the buffer.
BOOL GetHandleString (
HANDLE textHandle,
short textLength,
CString &string );
textHandle Specifies the handle of the string containing the text of interest.
textLength Specifies the length of the text string, including the terminating null byte. This
value should be identical to the length of the string obtained by the variable
length string function.
string Reference to the CString object obtained by the variable length string function.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Because the string handle is discarded once the method is called, you can use
this call only once with a given string handle. If you expect to use the string
later, you will need to save it.
When you call the method that produces the string, it returns a length that
includes a provision for the null byte at the end of the string. A buffer set to
that length will hold the entire string, including the terminating null byte.
Use CRPEngine::GetNPrintJobs to retrieve the number of print job (CRPEJob)
objects that currently exist for the current CRPEngine object.
int GetNPrintJobs ();
Returns the number of CRPEJob objects currently open.
Returns -1 if an error occurs.
Use CRPEngine::GetVersion to retrieve the version number of the Crystal Report
Engine DLL (CRPE32.DLL) or the version number of the Crystal Report Engine
itself. The high-order byte is the major version number and the low-order byte is
the minor version number.
This method can be used whenever you build functionality into a report that may
not be available in earlier versions of the Crystal Report Engine and you need to
verify the version number first. This function can be a safeguard for users who
have more than one version of the Crystal Report Engine with the older version
appearing earlier in the path than the newer version.
short GetVersion ( short versionRequested );
versionRequested Specifies whether the version number of the Crystal Report Engine or the
Crystal Report Engine DLL is being requested. Use one of the following
Constant Description
PEP_GV_DLL Returns the version of the DLL.
PEP_GV_ENGINE Returns the version of the Crystal
Report Engine.
Returns the version number of the currently used Crystal Report Engine or Crystal
Report Engine DLL.
Use CRPEngine::LogOffServer to close an existing connection to an SQL server.
Connection information is provided through “CRPELogOnInfo” on page125.
BOOL LogOffServer (
const _TCHAR *dllName,
const CRPELogOnInfo *logOnInfo );
dllName Specifies a pointer to the name of the Crystal Reports DLL for the server or
password protected non-SQL table from which you want to log off.
logOnInfo Specifies a pointer to “CRPELogOnInfo” on page125.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEngine::LogOnServer to open a connection to an SQL server. More than
one print job may use this connection to the SQL server. Information required to
establish a connection is provided through “CRPELogOnInfo” on page125.
BOOL LogOnServer (
const _TCHAR *dllName,
const CRPELogOnInfo *logOnInfo );
dllName Specifies a pointer to the name of the Crystal Reports DLL for the server or
password-protected non-SQL table to which you want to log on.
logOnInfo Specifies a pointer to “CRPELogOnInfo” on page125.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEngine::LogOnSQLServerWithPrivateInfo to allow the Crystal Report
Engine to “piggyback” your application’s existing connection to a Server. This
lowers the number of connections established by a workstation, reducing
application time and network traffic. It also prevents a Crystal Reports LogOff call
from disconnecting an application’s existing connection to the Server.
BOOL LogOnSQLServerWithPrivateInfo (
const _TCHAR *dllName,
void *privateInfo );
dllName Specifies the name of the DLL that was used when establishing a connection
to the Server (when the report was first created). For example, if a report was
created using an ODBC data source, specify the filename “PDSODBC.DLL”.
For more information on possible database DLLs, refer to Crystal Reports
Developer Runtime Help (Runtime.hlp).
privateInfo Specifies a pointer to the application’s handle to the Server connection. In
your application, a connection to the Server must already be established
before this method is called. Pass the HDBC (handle to a database
connection) from this connection to the privateInfo parameter.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
This method can be used only with database connections established by ODBC
or Q+E Library 2.0. Any other database connections cannot be accessed by this
To obtain an HDBC for an ODBC connection, use the following function calls
(see the ODBC SDK 2.0 manual for more information).
Call Description
SQLAllocEnv Initializes the ODBC call level interface and allocates memory for an
environment handle.
SQLAllocConnect Returns an ODBC HDBC.
To obtain an HDBC for a Q+E Library connection, use the following function
calls (see the InterSolv DataDirect Developer’s Toolkit for more information).
Call Description
qeConnect Opens a connection to the server.
qeGetODBCHdbc Returns the ODBC HDBC.
Use CRPEngine::Open to open the Crystal Report Engine. This method is
necessary only if you constructed the CRPEngine object with the open parameter
equal to FALSE. If you set the open parameter to TRUE when you constructed the
CRPEngine object, this method is unnecessary.
BOOL Open ();
TRUE if the Crystal Report Engine was opened successfully.
FALSE if the call failed.
Use CRPEngine::OpenJob to open the report specified by reportFileName. A
pointer to a CRPEJob object is returned. Print job attributes may be referenced
through this object.
CRPEJob *OpenJob ( const _TCHAR *reportFileName );
reportFileName Specifies a pointer to the name and path (if necessary) of the report file
being opened for the specified print job.
Returns a pointer to a CRPEJob object for the opened print job.
Use CRPEngine::PrintReport to provide a quick but limited way to print a report.
The report may be sent only to a printer or preview window or both. Use this class
method any time that you simply want to print a report from an application
without giving the user the ability to customize the report.
short PrintReport (
const _TCHAR *reportFilePath,
BOOL toPrinter,
BOOL toWindow,
const _TCHAR *title,
int left,
int top,
int width,
int height,
DWORD style,
CWnd *parentWindow );
reportFilePath Specifies a pointer to the filename and path of the report to be printed.
toPrinter Specifies whether the report is to be sent to the default printer.
toWindow Specifies whether the report is to be displayed in a preview window.
title Specifies a pointer to the title string that you want to appear in the title bar
(if the report is being sent to a preview window).
left Specifies the x coordinate of the upper left-hand corner of the preview
window, in device coordinates.
top Specifies the y coordinate of the upper left-hand corner of the preview
window, in device coordinates.
width Specifies the width of the preview window, in device coordinates.
height Specifies the height of the preview window, in device coordinates.
style Specifies the style of the window being created. The style setting can be
combined using the bitwise “OR” operator. Refer to the CWnd class in the
Microsoft Foundation Class Library reference for possible window styles.
parentWindow Specifies a pointer to the CWnd object for the window that is the parent of
the preview window. Specify NULL if the preview window will not have a
parent window.
Returns 0 (zero) if the call is successful.
Returns an error code if an error occurs.
Use CRPEngine::RemoveJob to remove a job object.
void RemoveJob ( CRPEJob *job );
job Specifies a pointer to the CRPEJob object that you want to remove.
class CRPEJob
This section describes the class CRPEJob public CObject and methods.
Constructor CRPEJob::CRPEJob
This class constructor is called automatically by “CRPEngine::OpenJob” on
page10. Do not call this constructor from within your own code.
This class constructor also stores the job number internally for future use in
Crystal Report Engine API calls.
Constructor Syntax
CRPEJob ( short jobHandle );
CRPEJob ( short jobHandle,
CRPEJob *parentJob );
“CRPEJob::GetErrorCode” on page29
“CRPEJob::GetErrorText” on page29
“CRPEJob::GetExportOptions” on page29
“CRPEJob::GetFieldMappingType” on page30
“CRPEJob::GetFormula” on page30
“CRPEJob::GetFormulaSyntax” on page31
“CRPEJob::GetGraphAxisInfo” on page32
“CRPEJob::GetGraphFontInfo” on page32
“CRPEJob::GetGraphOptionInfo” on page33
“CRPEJob::GetGraphTextDefaultOption” on page33
“CRPEJob::GetGraphTextInfo” on page34
“CRPEJob::GetGraphTypeInfo” on page35
“CRPEJob::GetGroupCondition” on page35
“CRPEJob::GetGroupOptions” on page38
“CRPEJob::GetGroupSelectionFormula” on page39
“CRPEJob::GetJobHandle” on page39
“CRPEJob::GetJobStatus” on page39
“CRPEJob::GetMargins” on page40
“CRPEJob::GetNDetailCopies” on page41
“CRPEJob::GetNFormulas” on page41
“CRPEJob::GetNGroups” on page41
“CRPEJob::GetNGroupSortFields” on page42
“CRPEJob::GetNPages” on page42
“CRPEJob::GetNParameterCurrentRanges” on page42
“CRPEJob::GetNParameterCurrentValues” on page43
“CRPEJob::GetNParameterDefaultValues” on page43
“CRPEJob::GetNParameterFields” on page44
“CRPEJob::GetNSections” on page44
“CRPEJob::GetNSectionsInArea” on page45
“CRPEJob::GetNSortFields” on page45
“CRPEJob::GetNSQLExpressions” on page45
“CRPEJob::GetNSubreportsInSection” on page46
“CRPEJob::GetNTables” on page46
“CRPEJob::GetNthFormula” on page46
“CRPEJob::GetNthGroupSortField” on page47
“CRPEJob::GetNthParameterCurrentRange” on page47
“CRPEJob::GetNthParameterCurrentValue” on page49
“CRPEJob::GetNthParameterDefaultValue” on page49
“CRPEJob::GetNthParameterField” on page50
“CRPEJob::GetNthParameterType” on page50
“CRPEJob::GetNthParameterValue Description” on page51
“CRPEJob::GetNthSortField” on page52
“CRPEJob::GetNthSQLExpression” on page52
“CRPEJob::GetNthSubreportInSection” on page53
“CRPEJob::GetNthTableLocation” on page53
“CRPEJob::GetNthTableLogOnInfo” on page54
“CRPEJob::GetNthTablePrivateInfo” on page54
“CRPEJob::GetNthTableSessionInfo” on page55
“CRPEJob::GetNthTableType” on page55
“CRPEJob::GetParameterMinMaxValue” on page56
“CRPEJob::GetParameterPickListOption” on page56
“CRPEJob::GetParameterValueInfo” on page57
“CRPEJob::GetPrintDate” on page58
“CRPEJob::GetPrintOptions” on page58
“CRPEJob::GetReportOptions” on page59
“CRPEJob::GetReportSummaryInfo” on page59
“CRPEJob::GetReportTitle” on page59
“CRPEJob::GetSectionCode” on page60
“CRPEJob::GetSectionFormat” on page60
“CRPEJob::GetSectionFormatFormula” on page61
“CRPEJob::GetSectionHeight” on page62
“CRPEJob::GetSelectedPrinter” on page62
“CRPEJob::GetSelectionFormula” on page63
“CRPEJob::GetSQLExpression” on page63
“CRPEJob::GetSQLQuery” on page64
“CRPEJob::GetSubreportInfo” on page64
“CRPEJob::GetTrackCursorInfo” on page64
“CRPEJob::GetWindowHandle” on page65
“CRPEJob::GetWindowOptions” on page65
“CRPEJob::PrintControlsShowing” on page69
“CRPEJob::PrintWindow” on page69
“CRPEJob::ReimportSubreport” on page70
“CRPEJob::SelectPrinter” on page70
“CRPEJob::SetAllowPromptDialog” on page71
“CRPEJob::SetAreaFormat” on page71
“CRPEJob::SetAreaFormatFormula” on page72
“CRPEJob::SetDialogParentWindow” on page72
“CRPEJob::SetEventCallback” on page73
“CRPEJob::SetFieldMappingType” on page74
“CRPEJob::SetFont” on page74
“CRPEJob::SetFormula” on page77
“CRPEJob::SetFormulaSyntax” on page77
“CRPEJob::SetGraphAxisInfo” on page78
“CRPEJob::SetGraphFontInfo” on page78
“CRPEJob::SetGraphOptionInfo” on page79
“CRPEJob::SetGraphTextDefaultOption” on page80
“CRPEJob::SetGraphTextInfo” on page80
“CRPEJob::SetGraphTypeInfo” on page81
“CRPEJob::SetGroupCondition” on page82
“CRPEJob::SetGroupOptions” on page83
“CRPEJob::SetGroupSelectionFormula” on page84
“CRPEJob::SetMargins” on page85
“CRPEJob::SetNDetailCopies” on page85
“CRPEJob::SetNthGroupSortField” on page86
“CRPEJob::SetNthParameterDefaultValue” on page86
“CRPEJob::SetNthParameterField” on page87
“CRPEJob::SetNthParameterValueDescription” on page88
“CRPEJob::SetNthSortField” on page88
“CRPEJob::SetNthTableLocation” on page89
“CRPEJob::SetNthTableLogOnInfo” on page89
“CRPEJob::SetNthTablePrivateInfo” on page90
“CRPEJob::SetNthTableSessionInfo” on page90
“CRPEJob::SetParameterMinMaxValue” on page91
“CRPEJob::SetParameterPickListOption” on page92
“CRPEJob ::SetParameterValueInfo” on page92
“CRPEJob::SetPrintDate” on page93
“CRPEJob::SetPrintOptions” on page93
“CRPEJob::SetReportOptions” on page94
“CRPEJob::SetReportSummaryInfo” on page94
“CRPEJob::SetReportTitle” on page94
“CRPEJob::SetSectionFormat” on page95
“CRPEJob::SetSectionFormatFormula” on page95
“CRPEJob::SetSectionHeight” on page97
“CRPEJob::SetSelectionFormula” on page96
“CRPEJob::SetSQLExpression” on page97
“CRPEJob::SetSQLQuery” on page98
“CRPEJob::SetTrackCursorInfo” on page98
“CRPEJob::SetWindowOptions” on page99
“CRPEJob::Show...Page” on page99
“CRPEJob::ShowPrintControls” on page100
“CRPEJob::Start” on page100
“CRPEJob::SVA2T” on page100
“CRPEJob::SVT2A” on page101
“CRPEJob::TestNthTableConnectivity” on page101
“CRPEJob::VerifyDatabase” on page102
“CRPEJob::ZoomPreviewWindow” on page102
Use CRPEJob::AddParameterCurrentRange to add a parameter range to the
specified parameter field of a report.
BOOL AddParameterCurrentRange (
const _TCHAR *parameterFieldName,
const _TCHAR *reportName,
CRPEValueInfo *rangeStart,
CRPEValueInfo *rangeEnd,
short rangeInfo );
rangeInfo Use this bit mapped value to indicate whether the upper and/or lower bound
of the range should be included. Set rangeInfo to one of the following
Constant Value Description
PEP_RI_NOUPPERBOUND 4 rangeStart must contain valid
information. Set rangeEnd to
PEP_RI_NOLOWERBOUND 8 rangeEnd must contain valid
information. Set rangeStart to
PEP_RI_INCLUDEUPPERBOUND 3 Both rangeStart and rangeEnd
OR must contain valid
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Set rangeStart to NULL to retrieve maximum value only. rangeStart must be
non-NULL if rangeEnd is NULL.
Set rangeEnd to NULL to retrieve minimum value only. rangeEnd must be non-
NULL if rangeStart is NULL.
If both rangeStart and rangeEnd are specified (that is, non-NULL), then the
valueType member of “CRPEValueInfo” on page148 for rangeStart and
rangeEnd must be the same or an error code
Use CRPEJob::AddParameterCurrentValue to add a current value to the specified
parameter field in the specified report.
BOOL AddParameterCurrentValue (
const _TCHAR *parameterFieldName,
const _TCHAR *reportName,
CRPEValueInfo *currentValue );
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::AddParameterDefaultValue to add a default value to a specified
parameter field in a specified report.
BOOL AddParameterDefaultValue (
const _TCHAR *parameterFieldName,
const _TCHAR *reportName,
CRPEValueInfo *valueInfo );
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::Cancel to cancel processing of a print job. This method can be tied
to a control that allows the user to cancel a print job in progress.
void Cancel ();
Use CRPEJob::CheckFormula to check a formula for validity. This method works
just like the Check button in Crystal Reports Formula Editor. If the named formula
contains an error, the method returns FALSE.
BOOL CheckFormula ( const _TCHAR *formulaName );
formulaName Specifies a pointer to the name of the formula that you want to check for errors.
TRUE if the formula text is correct.
FALSE if the checked formula contains an error or if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::CheckGroupSelectionFormula to check the group selection formula
for the report for errors. This method works just like the Check button in Crystal
Reports Formula Editor. If the group selection formula contains an error, the
method returns FALSE.
BOOL CheckGroupSelectionFormula ();
TRUE if the formula text is correct.
FALSE if the checked formula contains an error or if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::CheckNthTableDifferences to retrieve information about table
BOOL CheckNthTableDifferences (
short tableN,
CRPETableDifferenceInfo *tableDifferenceInfo );
tableN Specifies the 0-based number of the table for which you want to retrieve
change information.
tableDifferenceInfo Specifies a pointer to “CRPETableDifferenceInfo” on page143, which will
contain the information retrieved.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::CheckSelectionFormula to check the record selection formula for
the report for errors. This method works just like the Check button in Crystal
Reports Formula Editor. If the selection formula contains an error, the method
returns FALSE.
BOOL Check SelectionFormula ();
TRUE if the formula text is correct.
FALSE if the checked formula contains an error or if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::CheckSQLExpression to check the specified SQL expression for
errors. If the SQL expression contains an error, the method returns FALSE.
BOOL CheckSQLExpression ( const _TCHAR *expressionName );
expressionName Specifies a pointer to the name of the SQL expression that you want to check.
TRUE if the formula text is correct.
FALSE if the checked formula contains an error or if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::ClearParameterCurrentValuesAndRanges to clear the specified
parameter field of all current values and ranges.
BOOL ClearParameterCurrentValuesAndRanges (
const _TCHAR *parameterFieldName,
const _TCHAR *reportName );
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::CloseSubreport to close a subreport.
BOOL CloseSubreport ();
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::Close to close the print job and delete the CRPEJob object. This
method calls the destructor for the CRPEJob object. Printing will continue if it has not
completed when this method is called. If the preview window is open, it stays open.
void Close ();
Use CRPEJob::CloseWindow to close the preview window. If you are customizing
preview window controls, implement this method to allow the user to close the
preview window when finished with viewing the report.
void CloseWindow ();
Use to CRPEJob::ConvertPFInfoToVIInfo convert parameter field info to value info.
BOOL ConvertPFInfoToVInfo (
void FAR * value,
short valueType,
CRPEValueInfo *valueInfo );
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use to CRPEJob::ConvertVIInfoToPFInfo convert value info to parameter field
BOOL ConvertVInfoToPFInfo (
CRPEValueInfo *valueInfo,
WORD *valueType,
void *value );
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::DeleteNthGroupSortField to delete the group sort field at the
specified position. The group and group summary are not removed from the
report, but the field is removed from the list of group sort fields and the summary
data appearing in the group field is no longer sorted.
BOOL DeleteNthGroupSortField ( short sortFieldN );
sortFieldN Specifies the number of the group sort field that you want to delete. The
first group sort field added to the report is field 0, the second is 1, etc.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::DeleteNthParameterDefaultValue to remove the indicated default
value from the specified parameter field in the specified report.
BOOL DeleteNthParameterDefaultValue (
const _TCHAR *parameterFieldName,
const _TCHAR *reportName,
short index );
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::DeleteNthSortField to remove the specified sort field from the
report. The field is not deleted from the report but it is removed from the list of sort
fields, and data in that field no longer appears sorted.
BOOL DeleteNthSortField ( short sortFieldN );
sortFieldN Specifies the number of the sort field that you want to delete. The first sort
field added to the report is field 0, the second is 1, etc.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::DiscardSavedData to discard data that was previously saved with
the report. If a report has been saved with data, you can use this method to discard
the saved data, forcing the Crystal Report Engine to retrieve new data when the
report is printed.
BOOL DiscardSavedData ();
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::EnableEvent to enable/disable the group event specified by
“CRPEEnableEventInfo” on page106. All events are disabled by default.
BOOL EnableEvent ( const CRPEEnableEventInfo *enableEventInfo );
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::EnableProgressDialog to enable/disable the display of the Progress
dialog box. The Progress dialog box displays the progress of the report when it is
running (records read, records selected, etc.).
BOOL EnableProgressDialog ( BOOL enable );
enable Specifies whether the progress dialog box is enabled. If this parameter is set to
TRUE, the progress dialog box is enabled; if set to FALSE, the dialog box is disabled.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::ExportPrintWindow to export the report displayed in the preview
window to a disk file or e-mail address. If you are customizing preview window
controls, use this method to enable the user to preview the report in the preview
window, and if everything looks satisfactory, to export the report to a disk file or e-mail
address (in response to a user event, such as a button click, menu command, etc.).
BOOL ExportPrintWindow ( BOOL toMail );
toMail Specifies whether the report file should be exported to an e-mail address. If
TRUE, the file is exported to e-mail. If FALSE, the file is exported to a disk file.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::ExportTo to set the output of the print job to be exported. The export
format is specified through the options parameter. This method does not export
the report, but specifies that when the report is printed, it will be exported to a disk
file or e-mail address according to settings in the options parameter. To actually
export the report, use “CRPEJob::Start” on page100.
BOOL ExportTo ( const CRPEExportOptions *options );
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::FreeDevMode to return the memory associated with the specified
DEVMODE Microsoft Windows structure to the heap. The DEVMODE structure
must have been retrieved from “CRPEJob::SelectPrinter” on page70, or
“CRPEJob::GetSelectedPrinter” on page62.
BOOL FreeDevMode ( DEVMODEA *mode );
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::GetAllowPromptDialog to determine if prompting for parameter
values is allowed during printing for this job.
BOOL GetAllowPromptDialog ();
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether prompting for parameter values is
allowed during printing of a job. TRUE indicates that prompting is allowed.
Use CRPEJob::GetAreaFormat to set format information for the specified area.
BOOL GetAreaFormat (
short areaCode,
CRPESectionOptions *options );
areaCode Specifies the area code for the area for which you want to retrieve format information.
options Specifies a pointer to “CRPESectionOptions” on page138, which will contain the
area format information retrieved.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::GetAreaFormatFormula to retrieve the text of a conditional area
format formula. Use this method in order to update the conditional area format
formula and pass the changes back using “CRPEJob::SetAreaFormatFormula” on
BOOL GetAreaFormatFormula(
short areaCode,
short formulaName,
CString &formulaText );
areaCode Specifies the code for the report area for which you want to set formatting
options. For information on area codes, see Working with section codes in the
Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide.
formulaName Specifies the name of the formatting formula for which you want to supply a
new string. Use one of the PEP_FFN_XXX “Area/Section Format Formula
Constants” on page153.
formulaText Reference to the CString containing the new formula text.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::GetEnableEventInfo to retrieve information related to enabled/
disabled events from “CRPEEnableEventInfo” on page106.
BOOL EnableEvent ( const CRPEEnableEventInfo *enableEventInfo );
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::GetErrorCode to retrieve the error code for the print job. When a call
to another method fails, this call retrieves the error code that was generated so that
you can take some action based on that error code.
short GetErrorCode ();
Returns a Crystal Reports Class Library “Error Codes” on page154.
Returns 0 (value of constant PEP_NOERROR) if no error has occurred.
Use CRPEJob::GetErrorText to retrieve the descriptive error message for the print
CString GetErrorText ();
Returns a CString object containing the text description of the current Crystal
Reports Class Library “Error Codes” on page154, if an error has occurred.
Use CRPEJob::GetExportOptions to get export options from the user before
exporting the report. CRPEGetExportOptions can be used to present a series of
dialog boxes that retrieve export options from your users. These options are used
by the Crystal Report Engine to fill in “CRPEExportOptions” on page107. Then the
“CRPEJob::ExportTo” on page26, can be used to set the print job destination using
the information in the CRPEExportOptions structure.
BOOL GetExportOptions ( CRPEExportOptions *options );
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::GetFieldMappingType to retrieve the field mapping type code.
BOOL GetFieldMappingType ( WORD mappingType );
mappingType Specifies a pointer to the field mapping type code, which should be one of the
following constants.
Constant Description
PEP_FM_AUTO_FLD_MAP Automatic field name mapping.
PEP_FM_CRPEP_PROMPT_FLD_MAP CRPE provides dialog box to map
field manually.
PEP_FM_EVENT_DEFINED_FLD_MAP CRPE provides list of fields in the
report and the new database.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::GetFormula to return the formula text for the specified formula.
CRPEJob::GetFormula is often used with “CRPEJob::SetFormula” on page77, to
identify and then change an existing formula in response to a user selection at print
BOOL GetFormula (
const _TCHAR *formulaName,
CString &formulaText );
formulaName Specifies a pointer to the name of the formula for which you want to retrieve
the formula string.
formulaText Reference to the CString object loaded with the specified formula text when
CRPEJob::GetFormula is completed successfully.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::GetFormulaSyntax to retrieve the syntax used by the formula
addressed in the last formula API call.
BOOL GetFormulaSyntax ( CRPEFormulaSyntax *formulaSyntax );
Parameter Description
formulaSyntax Specifies a pointer to “CRPEFormulaSyntax” on page114, which will
contain the information that you want to retrieve.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
For running total condition formula:
formulaSyntax[0] is the syntax for the evalFormula, and
formulaSyntax[1] is the syntax for the resetFormula.
Use CRPEJob::GetGraphAxisInfo to retrieve chart axis information for the
specified chart.
BOOL GetGraphAxisInfo (
short sectionN,
short graphN,
CRPEGraphAxisInfo *graphAxisInfo );
sectionN Specifies the section of the report containing the chart for which you want to
retrieve chart axis information.
graphN Specifies for which chart within the section you want to retrieve chart axis
information. This value is 0-based. Charts are numbered based on their order
of insertion into the report.
graphAxisInfo Specifies a pointer to “CRPEGraphAxisInfo” on page115, which will contain
the information retrieved.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::GetGraphFontInfo to retrieve chart font information for the
specified chart.
BOOL GetGraphFontInfo (
short sectionN,
short graphN,
WORD titleFontType,
CRPEFontColorInfo *fontColourInfo );
sectionN Specifies the section of the report containing the chart for which you want to
retrieve the font information.
graphN Specifies for which chart within the section you want to retrieve the font
information. This value is 0-based. Charts are numbered based on their order
of insertion into the report.
titleFontType Specifies the font type for the text. Use one of the PEP_GTF_XXX “Graph Text
Font Constants” on page165.
fontColourInfo Specifies a pointer to “CRPEFontColorInfo” on page112, which will contain
the information retrieved.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::GetGraphOptionInfo to obtain information about any of several chart
options. These options include the minimum and maximum values that can appear
on the chart, whether grid lines appear, whether risers are labeled, whether bar
charts have horizontal or vertical bars, and whether a legend appears on the chart.
BOOL GetGraphOptionInfo (
short sectionN,
short graphN,
CRPEGraphOptionInfo * graphOptionInfo );
sectionN Specifies the section of the report containing the chart for which you want to
retrieve chart option information.
graphN Specifies for which chart within the section you want to retrieve chart option
information. This value is 0-based. Charts are numbered based on their order
of insertion into the report.
graphOptionInfo Specifies a pointer to “CRPEGraphOptionInfo” on page117.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::GetGraphTextDefaultOption to determine whether the graph text
default option is enabled or disabled for the specified chart.
BOOL GetGraphTextDefaultOption (
short sectionN,
short graphN,
WORD titleType,
BOOL FAR *useDefault );
Parameter Description
sectionN Specifies the section of the report containing the chart for which you want to
retrieve chart title text default information.
graphN Specifies the 0-based index number of the chart within the section for which you
want to retrieve the chart title text default information. Charts are numbered
based on their order of insertion into the report.
titleType Specifies the title type. Use one of the PE_GTT_XXX “Graph Title Type
Constants” on page164.
useDefault Specifies the Boolean value indicating whether or not chart title defaults are
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::GetGraphTextInfo to determine what text appears with a chart. A
chart can have a title, subtitle, footnote, title for groups, title for series, title for the
X axis, title for the Y axis, and title for the Z axis (in 3D charts).
BOOL GetGraphTextInfo (
short sectionN,
short graphN,
WORD titleType,
HANDLE FAR * title,
short FAR * titleLength );
sectionN Specifies the section of the report containing the chart for which you want to
get chart text information.
graphN Specifies the chart for which you want to get graph text information. This
value is 0-based. Charts are numbered based on their order of insertion into
the report.
titleType Specifies the type of title. Use one of the PEP_GTT_XXX “Graph Title Type
Constants” on page164.
titleLength Specifies a pointer to the handle of the title text.
titleLength Specifies a pointer to the title length.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::GetGraphTypeInfo to retrieve chart type information for the
specified chart in the specified section. There are many types of charts available for
use in Crystal Reports. Use this method to find out what type of chart is being
displayed in the report.
BOOL GetGraphTypeInfo (
short sectionN,
short graphN,
CRPEGraphTypeInfo *graphTypeInfo );
sectionN Specifies the section of the report containing the chart for which you want to
retrieve the type information.
graphN Specifies for which chart within the section you want to retrieve the type
information. This value is 0-based. Charts are numbered based on their order
of insertion into the report.
graphTypeInfo Specifies a pointer to “CRPEGraphTypeInfo” on page119, which will contain
the information retrieved.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::GetGroupCondition to determine the group condition information
for a selected group section in the specified report. Use this method to find out the
group condition for a group section. Use “CRPEJob::SetGroupCondition” on
page82, to change the group condition once it is known.
BOOL GetGroupCondition (
short sectionCode,
CString &conditionField,
short *condition,
short *sortDirection );
sectionCode Specifies the code for the report section for which you want to get the grouping
condition. Use one of the following constants.
Constant Description
PEP_GROUPHEADER Sets the group condition for the
Group Header section.
PEP_GROUPFOOTER Sets the group condition for the
Group Footer section.
conditionField Reference to the name of the group summary field for which you want to get
the grouping condition.
condition Specifies a pointer to the type of field being used as the condition field and the
condition that creates a new group. Use one of the following masks to separate
the condition type from the group condition:
Constant Description
PEP_GC_CONDITIONMASK Obtains the group condition value.
Use the bitwise AND (&) to combine
this mask with the value of the
condition parameter to obtain the
group condition value.
PEP_GC_TYPEMASK Obtains the type of field used for the
group condition. Use the bitwise
AND (&) to combine this mask with
the value of the condition parameter to
obtain a value representing the type
of field used by the group condition.
For group condition field types other than Date and Boolean, the group condition
value of the condition parameter is PEP_GC_ANYCHANGE. For a group condition
field of the type Date or type DateTime, the group condition value will be one of
the following constants.
Constant Description
PEP_GC_DAILY Triggers a grouping every time the date
PEP_GC_WEEKLY Triggers a grouping every time the date
changes from one week to the next (a week
runs from Sunday through Saturday).
PEP_GC_BIWEEKLY Triggers a grouping every time the date
changes from one two-week period to the next.
PEP_GC_SEMIMONTHLY Triggers a grouping every time the date changes
from one half-month period to the next.
PEP_GC_MONTHLY Triggers a grouping every time the date
changes from one month to the next.
Constant Description
PEP_GC_QUARTERLY Triggers a grouping every time the date
changes from one calendar quarter to the next.
PEP_GC_SEMIANNUALLY Triggers a grouping every time the date
changes from one half-year period to the next.
PEP_GC_ANNUALLY Triggers a grouping every time the date
changes from one year to the next.
For a group condition field of type Time or DateTime, the group condition value
will be one of the following constants.
Constant Description
PEP_GC_BYSECOND Triggers a grouping every second.
PEP_GC_BYMINUTE Triggers a grouping every minute.
PEP_GC_BYHOUR Triggers a grouping every hour.
PEP_GC_BYAMPM Triggers a grouping at 0000 and 1200 hours.
For a group condition field of the type Boolean, the group condition value will be
one of the following constants.
Constant Description
PEP_GC_TOYES Triggers a grouping every time the sort-and-
group-by field changes from No to Yes.
PEP_GC_TONO Triggers a grouping every time the sort-and-
group-by field changes from Yes to No.
PEP_GC_EVERYYES Triggers a grouping every time the sort-and-
group-by field value is Yes.
PEP_GC_EVERYNO Triggers a grouping every time the sort-and-
group-by field value is No.
PEP_GC_NEXTISYES Triggers a grouping every time the next value
in the sort-and-group-by field is Yes.
PEP_GC_NEXTISNO Triggers a grouping every time the next value
in the sort-and-group-by field is No.
The group condition field type portion of the condition parameter uses the
following constants.
Constant Description
PEP_GC_TYPEOTHER Any field type other than Date or
Boolean. The group condition portion of
the condition parameter will be
PEP_GC_TYPEDATE A Date field is used to create the group
summary field.
PEP_GC_TYPEBOOLEAN A Boolean field is used to create the
group summary field.
PEP_GC_TYPETIME A Time field is used to create the group
summary field.
sortDirection Specifies a pointer to the sort direction for the group summary field. Use one of
the PEP_SF_XXX “Sort Order Constants” on page170.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::GetGroupOptions to retrieve current settings for specified groups
in a specified report.
BOOL GetGroupOptions (
short groupN,
CRPEGroupOptions *groupOptions );
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::GetGroupSelectionFormula to retrieve the formula text for the
group selection formula. This method is often used with
“CRPEJob::SetGroupSelectionFormula” on page84, to identify and then change an
existing group selection formula at print time (in response to a user selection).
BOOL GetGroupSelectionFormula ( CString &formulaText );
formulaText Reference to the CString object containing the existing report group selection
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::GetJobHandle to retrieve the job handle for the print job.
short GetJobHandle ();
The print job handle for the CRPEJob object.
Use CRPEJob::GetJobStatus to retrieve the current status of the print job.
short GetJobStatus ( CRPEJobInfo *jobStatus );
Returns one of the “Job Status Constants” on page169, depending on the status of
the current print job.
You can use CRPEJob::GetJobStatus in a number of programming situations
including the following.
To trigger error messages (when a print job fails due to insufficient memory,
insufficient disk space, etc.).
To trigger screen displays (hourglass, series of graphics, etc.) that confirm to
the user that work is in progress.
To find out whether a job was canceled by the user after “CRPEJob::Start” on
page100, was called.
Use CRPEJob::GetMargins to retrieve the page margin settings for the specified
report. Use this method to determine the current margin settings for a report. Use
“CRPEJob::SetMargins” on page85, to change report margins.
BOOL GetMargins (
short *left,
short *right,
short *top,
short *bottom );
left Specifies a pointer to the current setting of the left margin in twips.
right Specifies a pointer to the current setting of the right margin in twips.
top Specifies a pointer to the current setting of the top margin in twips.
bottom Specifies a pointer to the current setting of the bottom margin in twips.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
PEP_SM_DEFAULT is used to indicate printer default margins.
Use CRPEJob::GetNDetailCopies to determine the number of copies of each Details
section in the report to be printed. Use this method to find out how many times each
Details section of the report will be printed and use “CRPEJob::SetNDetailCopies” on
page85, to change the number of times each Details section is printed.
BOOL GetNDetailCopies ( short *nCopies );
nCopies Specifies a pointer to the current setting for the number of times the Details
section of the report will be printed.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::GetNFormulas to determine the number of formulas in the report.
To retrieve the formula by number, use “CRPEJob::GetNthFormula” on page46.
short GetNFormulas ();
Returns the number of formulas in the report.
Returns 0 if no formulas exist in the report.
Returns -1 if an error occurs.
Use CRPEJob::GetNGroups to determine the number of group sections in the report.
short GetNGroups ();
Returns the number of group sections in the report.
Returns -1 if an error occurs.
Use CRPEJob::GetNGroupSortFields to determine the number of group sort fields in
the specified report. This method is typically used as one of a series of calls
(GetNGroupSortFields, called once; “CRPEJob::GetNthGroupSortField” on page47,
called as many times as needed to identify the correct group sort field; and
“CRPEJob::SetNthGroupSortField” on page86, called once when the correct sort
field is identified). This sequence of calls can be used to identify and then change an
existing group sort field and/or sort order in response to a user selection at print time.
short GetNGroupSortFields ();
Returns the number of group sort fields in the report.
Returns 0 if there are no group sort fields.
Returns -1 if an error occurs.
Use CRPEJob::GetNPages to determine the number of pages in the report.
short GetNPages ();
Returns the number of pages in the report.
Use CRPEJob::GetNParameterCurrentRanges to determine the number of value
ranges currently associated with the specified parameter field in the specified report.
unsigned short GetNParameterCurrentRanges (
const _TCHAR *parameterFieldName,
const _TCHAR *reportName );
Returns the number of value ranges for the parameter field.
Returns -1 if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::GetNParameterCurrentValues to determine the number of values
currently stored in the specified parameter field of a report.
unsigned short GetNParameterCurrentValues (
const _TCHAR *parameterFieldName,
const _TCHAR *reportName );
Returns the number of values currently stored in the parameter field.
Returns -1 if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::GetNParameterDefaultValues to determine the number of default
values for the specified parameter field in the specified report.
short GetNParameterDefaultValues (
const _TCHAR *parameterFieldName,
const _TCHAR *reportName );
Returns the number of default values for the parameter field.
Returns 0 if there are no default values.
Returns -1 if an error occurs.
Use CRPEJob::GetNParameterFields to determine the number of parameter fields
used in the report.
short GetNParameterFields ();
Returns the number of parameter fields used in the report.
To determine whether a specific parameter field is a stored procedure, use
“CRPEJob::GetNthParameterField” on page50.
Use CRPEJob::GetNSections to determine the number of sections in the specified
short GetNSections ();
Returns the number of sections in the report.
By default, each report has five areas, each containing one of the following
Report Header
Page Header
Report Footer
Page Footer
If this method were applied to a default report, the return value would be 5 (five).
As you add groups to your report or you add sections to one or more areas, the
number of sections in the report increases.
Use CRPEJob::GetNSectionsInArea to determine the number of sections in the
specified area of the report.
short GetNSectionsInArea ( short areaCode );
areaCode Specifies a pointer to the area code for which you want to retrieve the number of
Returns the number of sections in the specified area if the call is successful.
Returns -1 if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::GetNSortFields to determine the number of sort fields in the report.
short GetNSortFields ();
Returns the number of sort fields defined in the report.
Returns 0 if there are no sort fields in the report.
Returns -1 if an error occurs.
Use CRPEJob::GetNSQLExpressions to determine the number of SQL expressions
in the specified report.
short GetNSQLExpressions ();
Returns the number of SQL expressions in the Report.
Returns 0 if there are no SQL expressions.
Returns -1 if an error occurs.
Use CRPEJob::GetNSubreportsInSection to determine the number of subreports in
the specified section.
short GetNSubreportsInSection ( short sectionCode );
sectionCode Specifies the section code of the section for which you want a subreport count.
See Working with section codes in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide.
Returns the number of subreports in the report.
Returns 0 if there are no subreports.
Returns -1 if an error occurs.
Use CRPEJob::GetNTables to determine the number of tables used in the report.
short GetNTables ();
Returns the number of tables in the report.
Use CRPEJob::GetNthFormula to obtain the formula name and formula text of a
specific formula in the report. Once the formula name is obtained, formula text can
be changed by using “CRPEJob::SetFormula” on page77.
BOOL GetNthFormula (
short formulaN,
CString &formulaName,
CString &formulaText );
formulaN Specifies the number of the formula about which you want to retrieve
information. The first formula added to your report is 0, the second is 1, etc.
formulaName Reference to the CString containing the name of the formula specified.
formulaText Reference to the CString containing the text of the formula specified.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::GetNthGroupSortField to determine the name of the group sort
field and the sort direction (ascending or descending). This method is typically
used as one of a series of calls (“CRPEJob::GetNGroupSortFields” on page42,
called once; CRPEJob::GetNthGroupSortField, called as many times as needed to
identify the correct group sort field; and “CRPEJob::SetNthGroupSortField” on
page86, called once when the correct group sort field is identified). This series of
methods can be used to identify and then change an existing group sort field and/
or sort order in response to a user selection at print time.
BOOL GetNthGroupSortField (
short sortFieldN,
CString &field,
short *direction );
sortFieldN Specifies the number of the group sort field that you want to retrieve. The
first group sort field is field 0. If the report has N sort fields, the method can
be called with sortFieldN between 0 and N-1.
field Reference to the CString object containing the name of the group sort field.
direction Specifies a pointer to the value indicating the sort direction. Uses one of the
PEP_SF_XXX “Sort Order Constants” on page170.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::GetNthParameterCurrentRange to retrieve the indicated value
range from the specified parameter field in a report.
BOOL GetNthParameterCurrentRange (
const _TCHAR *parameterFieldName,
const _TCHAR *reportName,
short index,
CRPEValueInfo *rangeStart,
CRPEValueInfo *rangeEnd,
short *rangeInfo );
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Set rangeStart to NULL to retrieve maximum value only; rangeStart must be
non-NULL if rangeEnd is NULL.
Set rangeEnd to NULL to retrieve minimum value only; rangeEnd must be non-
NULL if rangeStart is NULL.
If both rangeStart and rangeEnd are specified (that is, non-NULL), then the
valueType member of “CRPEValueInfo” on page148 for rangeStart and
rangeEnd must be the same or an error code
Use CRPEJob::GetNthParameterCurrentValue to retrieve the indicated value from
the specified parameter field of a specified report.
BOOL GetNthParameterCurrentValue (
const _TCHAR *parameterFieldName,
const _TCHAR *reportName,
short index,
CRPEValueInfo *currentValue );
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::GetNthParameterDefaultValue to retrieve the indicated default
value for the specified parameter field in the specified report.
BOOL GetNthParameterDefaultValue (
const _TCHAR *parameterFieldName,
const _TCHAR *reportName,
short index,
CRPEValueInfo *valueInfo );
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::GetNthParameterField to retrieve the name of the field, the data type,
and information about the value set for the field. The name of the parameter field is
returned as a string handle. This method is typically used as one of a series of calls
(Returns -1 if an error occurs “CRPEJob::GetNParameterFields” on page44, called
once; CRPEJob::GetNthParameterField, called as many times as needed to identify
the correct parameter field; and “CRPEJob::SetNthParameterField” on page87,
called once when the correct parameter field is identified). This series can be used in
a Custom-Print Link to identify and then change an existing parameter field value in
response to a user selection at print time.
BOOL GetNthParameterField (
short parameterN,
CRPEParameterFieldInfo *parameterInfo );
parameterN Specifies the number of the parameter field about which you want to retrieve
parameterInfo Specifies a pointer to “CRPEParameterFieldInfo” on page127.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::GetNthParameterType to retrieve the type or origin of a specified
parameter field.
short GetNthParameterType ( short index );
index Specifies the index of the parameter field for which you want to retrieve the type.
Returns one of the following values.
Constant Description
PEP_PO_STOREDPROC Stored Procedure
Returns -1 if the index is not valid.
CRPEJob::GetNthParameterValue Description
Use CRPEJob::GetNthParameterValueDescription to retrieve the description of
the default value set for a parameter.
BOOL GetNthParameterValueDescription (
const _TCHAR *parameterFieldName,
const _TCHAR *reportName,
short index,
HANDLE *valueDesc,
short *valueDescLength );
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::GetNthSortField to retrieve the name of the sort field at the specified
sort field position and the direction in which data in that field is sorted (ascending
or descending).
BOOL GetNthSortField (
short sortFieldN,
CString &field,
short *direction );
sortFieldN Specifies the number of the sort field for which you want to retrieve information.
The first sort field added to the report is field 0, the second is 1, etc.
field Reference to the CString object containing the name of the sort field if the call is
completed successfully.
direction Specifies a pointer to the sort direction of the sort field if the call is completed
successfully. Uses one of the PEP_SF_XXX “Sort Order Constants” on page170.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::GetNthSQLExpression to retrieve a specified SQL expression.
BOOL GetNthSQLExpression (
short expressionN,
CString &expressionName,
CString &expressionText );
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::GetNthSubreportInSection to retrieve a handle that is required to
retrieve the name of the subreport.
DWORD GetNthSubreportInSection (
short sectionCode,
short subreportN );
sectionCode Specifies the code for the report section that contains the subreport. See
Working with section codes in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide.
subreportN Specifies the 0-based number of the subreport in the specified section. The first
report in the section will be 0, the second will be 1, etc.
Returns a handle to the specified subreport.
Returns 0 if there are no subreports in the specified section.
Returns -1 if an error occurs.
Use CRPEJob::GetNthTableLocation to retrieve table location information for the
specified table in the report. This method is typically used with
“CRPEJob::SetNthTableLocation” on page89, to identify the location of a table and
then to change it.
BOOL GetNthTableLocation (
short tableN,
CRPETableLocation *tableLocation );
tableN Specifies the 0-based number of the table for which you want to retrieve
location information.
tableLocation Specifies a pointer to “CRPETableLocation” on page144.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::GetNthTableLogOnInfo to retrieve SQL connection information for
the specified table.
BOOL GetNthTableLogonInfo (
short tableN,
CRPELogOnInfo *logonInfo );
tableN Specifies the 0-based number of the table from which you want to get logon
logonInfo Specifies a pointer to “CRPELogOnInfo” on page125.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::GetNthTablePrivateInfo to retrieve database information from
“CRPETablePrivateInfo” on page145.
BOOL GetNthTablePrivateInfo (
short tableN,
CRPETablePrivateInfo *privateInfo );
tableN Specifies the 0-based number of the table from which you want to get private
privateInfo Specifies a pointer to “CRPETablePrivateInfo” on page145, which will
contain the information retrieved.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::GetNthTableSessionInfo to retrieve session information for the
specified Microsoft Access table. Many MS Access database tables require that a
session be opened before the information in the table can be used. Use this method
to obtain the session information (User ID and Session Handle) for a particular table.
BOOL GetNthTableSessionInfo (
short tableN,
CRPESessionInfo *sessionInfo );
tableN Specifies the 0-based table number indicating the MS Access table in the
report for which you want to obtain the session information.
sessionInfo Specifies a pointer to “CRPESessionInfo” on page140.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::GetNthTableType to retrieve table type information for the
specified table.
BOOL GetNthTableType (
short tableN,
CRPETableType *tableType );
tableN Specifies the 0-based table number indicating the table in the report for
which you want to determine the type.
tableType Specifies a pointer to “CRPETableType” on page146.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::GetParameterMinMaxValue to retrieve the minimum and/or
maximum possible values for a specified parameter in the specified report.
BOOL GetParameterMinMaxValue (
const _TCHAR *parameterFieldName,
const _TCHAR *reportName,
CRPEValueInfo *valueMin,
CRPEValueInfo *valueMax );
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Set valueMin to NULL to retrieve maximum value only; must be non-NULL if
valueMax is NULL.
Set valueMax to NULL to retrieve minimum value only; must be non-NULL if
valueMin is NULL.
Use CRPEJob::GetParameterPickListOption to retrieve the parameter pick list
options for a report. This method retrieves the values in
“CRPEParameterPickListOption” on page129.
BOOL GetParameterPickListOption (
const _TCHAR *parameterFieldName,
const _TCHAR *reportName,
CRPEParameterPickListOption *pickListOption );
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::GetParameterValueInfo to retrieve the CRPEParameterValueInfo
structure associated with the specified parameter field in a report. This structure
contains information about the values (editable, nullable field, multiple values,
etc.) that can be stored in the specified field.
BOOL GetParameterValueInfo (
const _TCHAR *parameterFieldName,
const _TCHAR *reportName,
CRPEParamelterValueInfo *valueInfo );
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
To determine whether a parameter field is a stored procedure, use
“CRPEJob::GetNthParameterField” on page50.
Use CRPEJob::GetPrintDate to determine the print date (if any) that was specified
with the report. Use this method to retrieve the print date and use
“CRPEJob::SetPrintDate” on page93, to pass a new print date.
BOOL GetPrintDate (
short *year,
short *month,
short *day );
year Specifies a pointer to the year for the current print date.
month Specifies a pointer to the month for the current print date.
day Specifies a pointer to the day for the current print date.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::GetPrintOptions to retrieve the print options specified for the report
(the options that are set in the Print Setup common dialog box). Use this method to
retrieve the print options from the report in order to update them and use
“CRPEJob::SetPrintOptions” on page93, to pass new print options back to the
BOOL GetPrintOptions ( CRPEPrintOptions *options );
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::GetReportOptions to retrieve various options specified for the
report from the Crystal Reports Designer File | Report Options menu
“CRPEReportOptions” on page135. Use this method to retrieve print options from
the report and use “CRPEJob::SetReportOptions” on page94, to pass new option
settings back to the structure.
BOOL GetReportOptions ( CRPEReportOptions *reportOptions );
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::GetReportSummaryInfo to retrieve summary information about a
report such as the report title, author, and comments.
BOOL GetReportSummaryInfo ( CRPEReportSummaryInfo *summaryInfo );
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::GetReportTitle to retrieve the report title for the print job.
BOOL GetReportTitle ( CString &title );
title Refers to the CString object containing the title of the report.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::GetSectionCode to retrieve the section code for the specified section.
A section code indicates the section type (Page Header, Details, etc.). If there are
multiple group sections, it also identifies the group number, and if there are
multiple sections in an area it identifies the section number.
short GetSectionCode ( short sectionN );
sectionN Specifies the number of the section for which you want to retrieve the section code.
Returns the section code for the specified section.
Returns 0 if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::GetSectionFormat to retrieve the section format settings for a selected
section in the specified report and supply the information by assigning values to the
members of the structure, “CRPESectionOptions” on page138. Use this method in
order to edit and update the section formats and use “CRPEJob::SetSectionFormat”
on page95, to pass information back to CRPESectionOptions.
BOOL GetSectionFormat (
short sectionCode,
CRPESectionOptions *options );
sectionCode Specifies the code for the report section for which you want to obtain format
information. Use one of the PEP_XXX “Section Codes Constants” on
options Specifies a pointer to “CRPESectionOptions” on page138.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::GetSectionFormatFormula to retrieve the text of a conditional
section format formula as a string handle. Use this method to update the
conditional section format formula and pass the changes back using
“CRPEJob::SetSectionFormatFormula” on page95.
BOOL GetSectionFormatFormula (
short areaCode,
short sectionCode,
short formulaName,
CString &formulaText );
areaCode Specifies the code for the report area for which you want to set formatting
options. For information on area codes, see Working with section codes in the
Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide.
sectionCode Specifies the code for the report section(s) for which you want to get section
format information. See the table of section constants supplied in Working with
section codes in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide.
formulaName Specifies the name of the PEP_FFN_XXX “Area/Section Format Formula
Constants” on page153.
formulaText Refers to the Cstring object passed with the specified formula text when
CRPEJob::GetSectionFormatFormula has completed successfully.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Not all formula names apply to all sections.
Use the value returned by textLength to allocate memory for a buffer. Use
“CRPEngine::GetHandleString” on page6, to fill the buffer with the actual text
of the formula.
Use CRPEJob::GetSectionHeight to retrieve the section height information for the
specified section. Use this method to retrieve the section height, and use
“CRPEJob::SetSectionHeight” on page97, to pass new section height information.
BOOL GetSectionHeight (
short sectionCode,
short *height );
sectionCode Specifies the code for the report sections for which you want to retrieve
height Specifies a pointer to the section height (in twips) returned by this call.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::GetSelectedPrinter to determine which printer has been specified
with the report. If a non-default printer is specified in the report,
CRPEJob::GetSelectedPrinter retrieves information about that printer. This can be
used, for example, to determine if the user has access to the printer specified in the
report and to choose another printer if necessary.
BOOL GetSelectedPrinter (
CString &driverName,
CString &printerName,
CString &portName,
DEVMODE **mode );
driver Reference to the CString object containing the name of the printer driver for the
Name currently selected printer in the report.
printer Reference to the CString object containing the name of the printer currently
Name selected in the report.
portName Reference to the CString object containing the name of the port to which the
currently selected printer is attached (for example, “LPT1”).
mode Specifies a pointer to a pointer to the Windows API structure DEVMODE that contains
information on the currently selected printer, if the CRPEJob::GetSelectedPrinter
method is completed successfully. For more information on the DEVMODE structure,
see DEVMODE in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::GetSelectionFormula to retrieve the formula text for the record
selection formula. CRPEJob::GetSelectionFormula is often used with
“CRPEJob::SetSelectionFormula” on page96, to identify and then change an
existing selection formula in response to a user selection at print time.
BOOL GetSelectionFormula (
CString &formulaText );
formulaText Reference to the CString object containing the existing selection formula for
the report.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::GetSQLExpression to retrieve the text of a specific SQL expression,
given an expression name.
BOOL GetSQLExpression (
const _TCHAR *expressionName,
CString &expressionText );
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::GetSQLQuery to retrieve the SQL query that will be sent to the
database server. This method can be used with “CRPEJob::SetSQLQuery” on
page98, to retrieve and then change the SQL query for the report.
BOOL GetSQLQuery ( CString &query );
query Reference to the CString containing the text of the SQL query being sent to
the server if the call is completed successfully.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::GetSubreportInfo to retrieve information about the specified
BOOL GetSubreportInfo (
DWORD subreportHandle,
CRPESubreportInfo *subreportInfo );
subreportHandle Specifies the handle of the subreport about which you want to retrieve
subreportInfo Specifies a pointer to “CRPESubreportInfo” on page143.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::GetTrackCursorInfo to retrieve track cursor details for the preview
BOOL GetTrackCursorInfo ( CRPETrackCursorInfo *cursorInfo );
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::GetWindowHandle to retrieve the Windows handle for the preview
window. When this method returns successfully, you can use the HWND value
with any Windows API function that requires a window handle as a parameter.
HWND GetWindowHandle ();
The Microsoft Windows Handle for the preview window.
Use CRPEJob::GetWindowOptions to retrieve the options associated with a
specified window object. This information can then be changed and sent back to
“CRPEWindowOptions” on page150 by using “CRPEJob::SetWindowOptions” on
page99. Use this method to customize the features of the window object.
BOOL GetWindowOptions ( CRPEWindowOptions *windowOptions );
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::HasSavedData to determine whether a report has saved data. This
method can be used to determine whether it is necessary to refresh the data before
printing the report.
BOOL HasSavedData ( BOOL *hasSavedData );
hasSavedData Specifies a pointer to a memory address that indicates whether there is data
saved with the report.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::IsJobFinished to retrieve a Boolean value that indicates whether
processing has finished for the print job. You can use this method any time that you
have a call that is contingent on a print job being finished.
BOOL IsJobFinished ();
TRUE if processing has finished.
FALSE if the job is in progress.
Use CRPEJob::NextWindowMagnification to switch to the next preview window
magnification in order. Use this method to cycle through the three levels (Full
page, Fit one side, and Fit both sides) of preview window magnification, whenever
the report has been printed to a preview window.
BOOL NextWindowMagnification ();
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::OpenSubreportJob to open the named subreport and return a
pointer to a CRPEJob object for that subreport. The CRPEJob object can be used to
make subsequent changes to the subreport.
CRPEJob *OpenSubreportJob ( const _TCHAR *subreportName );
subreportName Specifies a pointer to the name of the subreport that you want to access. This
name is retrieved using “CRPEJob::GetSubreportInfo” on page64.
A pointer to a “class CRPEJob : public CObject” on page12, object for the subreport.
Use CRPEJob::OutputToPrinter to set the output of the print job to the printer with
the specified number of copies. This method does not print the report, but specifies
that when the report is printed, it will be sent to a printer. Use “CRPEJob::Start” on
page100 to print the report.
BOOL OutputToPrinter ( short nCopies = 1 );
nCopies Specifies how many copies of the report are to be printed. Default is 1 copy.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::OutputToWindow to set the output of the print job to the preview
window that will have the specified attributes. It does not print the report, but
specifies that when the report is printed, it will also appear in a preview window.
To print the report, use “CRPEJob::Start” on page100.
For an SDI application
BOOL OutputToWindow (
const _TCHAR *title,
int left,
int top,
int width,
int height,
int style,
CWnd *parentWindow );
For an MDI application
BOOL OutputToWindow (
const _TCHAR *title,
int left,
int top,
int width,
int height,
int style,
CMDIFrameWnd *parentWindow );
title Specifies a pointer to the title that you want to appear in the title bar.
left Specifies the x coordinate of the upper left-hand corner of the preview
window, in device coordinates.
top Specifies the y coordinate of the upper left-hand corner of the preview
window, in device coordinates.
width Specifies the width of the preview window, in device coordinates.
height Specifies the height of the preview window, in device coordinates.
style Specifies the style of the window being created. Style setting can be combined
using the bitwise Or operator (|). Refer to the CWnd class in the Microsoft
Foundation Class Library reference for possible window styles.
parentWindow Specifies a pointer to the CWnd object (in an SDI application) or the
CMDIFrameWnd object (in an MDI application) for the window that is the
parent of the preview window. Specify NULL if the preview window will not
have a parent window.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
This method is overloaded to handle both SDI and MDI applications.
Use CRPEJob::PrintControlsShowing to determine if the print controls will be
displayed in the preview window. Use “CRPEJob::ShowPrintControls” on
page100, to specify whether or not the print controls will appear in the preview
BOOL PrintControlsShowing ( BOOL *controlsShowing );
controlsShowing Specifies a pointer to a TRUE value if the print controls will be shown in the
preview window and a FALSE value if they will be hidden.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::PrintWindow to send the report displayed in the preview window
to the printer. If you are customizing preview window controls, use this method to
enable the user to preview the report in the preview window, and then, if
everything looks satisfactory, to send the report to the printer in response to a user
event (button click, menu command, etc.).
BOOL PrintWindow ();
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::ReimportSubreport to reimport a subreport into the specified main
BOOL ReimportSubreport ( DWORD subreportHandle,
BOOL FAR *linkChanged,
BOOL FAR *reimported );
Parameter Description
subreportHandle Specifies the handle of the subreport that you want to reimport.
linkChanged Specifies a pointer to a Boolean value indicating whether or not the link
has changed. See Remarks below.
reimported Specifies a pointer to a Boolean value indicating whether or not the
subreport has been reimported. See Remarks below.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Parameter linkChanged
will be set to FALSE if the subreport is reloaded and the links are fixed.
will be set to TRUE if the subreport is reloaded but missing links.
Parameter reimported
will be set to FALSE if the subreport is up-to-date, or if the reimport failed
due to an invalid path or other error.
will be set to TRUE if the subreport was reloaded with links fixed or missing.
Use CRPEJob::SelectPrinter to specify the printer and/or print characteristics for
the print job. You can use this method to enable the user to select a printer other
than the default printer at print time. One way of doing this is to have your
application call the Windows common Print Setup dialog box.
BOOL SelectPrinter (
const _TCHAR *driverName,
const _TCHAR *printerName,
const _TCHAR *portName,
const DEVMODE *mode = 0 );
driverName Specifies a pointer to the name of the printer driver for the printer being selected.
printerName Specifies a pointer to the name of the printer being selected (as indicated in the
Printers Control Panel).
portName Specifies a pointer to the name of the port to which the printer is attached (for
example, “LPT1”).
mode Specifies a pointer to a Windows API DEVMODE structure. The default
implementation of CRPEJob::SelectPrinter ignores this parameter. For more
information, see DEVMODE in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::SetAllowPromptDialog to specify whether prompting for
parameter values is allowed during printing.
BOOL SetAllowPromptDialog ( BOOL showPromptDialog );
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::SetAreaFormat to set format information for the specified area.
BOOL SetAreaFormat (
short areaCode,
CRPESectionOptions *options );
areaCode Specifies the area code for the area for which you want to set format information.
options Specifies a pointer to “CRPESectionOptions” on page138, which will contain the
new area format information.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::SetAreaFormatFormula to change the specified area format formula
to the formula string that you supply as a parameter. This method will change only
the text of a formula that already exists in the report; you cannot use it to add a
formula. When you give the user the ability to change the formula at print time,
your link must include code to replace formulaString with a user-generated value.
BOOL SetAreaFormatFormula (
short areaCode,
short formulaName,
CString formulaText );
areaCode Specifies the code for the report area for which you want to set formatting
formulaName Specifies the name of the formatting formula for which you want to supply a
new string. Use one of the PEP_FFN_XXX “Area/Section Format Formula
Constants” on page153.
formulaText The Cstring object passed here is loaded with the specified formula text when
CRPEJob::SetAreaFormatFormula completes successfully.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
This method should be called before “CRPEJob::Start” on page100 or the
results may be inconsistent or unexpected.
Not all parameters apply to all areas.
Use CRPEJob::SetDialogParentWindow to specify the handle for the parent
window of a preview window that is an MDI child.
BOOL SetDialogParentWindow ( CWnd *parentWindow );
parentWindow Specifies a pointer to the CWnd object that is to be the parent of the preview
window when the report is printed to a preview window.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::SetEventCallback to set event callback information for a job. The
Crystal Reports Engine can determine when certain events have happened or are
about to happen and provide notice so that appropriate response can be made.
BOOL SetEventCallback (
BOOL ( CALLBACK * callbackProc )
( short eventID, void *param, void *userData ),
void *userData );
callbackProc The CALLBACK procedure that will handle your Crystal Report Engine events.
This should be a pointer to a standard Windows CALLBACK procedure. Refer
to the Microsoft Windows SDK for information on creating CALLBACK
userData Specifies a pointer to the information that you want to pass to the Event
handling callback procedure. The pointer will be available in the user data
member of callbackProc. This value can be 0.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
See the list of “Event Id Constants” on page159. Also, for additional information,
see the more detailed listing which follows PESetEventCallback in the Crystal
Reports Technical Reference Guide.
Use CRPEJob::SetFieldMappingType to set the field mapping type code.
BOOL SetFieldMappingType ( WORD mappingType );
mappingType Specifies the field mapping type code. Use one of the following constants.
Constant Description
PEP_FM_AUTO_FLD_MAP Automatic field name mapping.
PEP_FM_CRPEP_PROMPT_FLD_MAP CRPE provides dialog box to map
field manually.
PEP_FM_EVENT_DEFINED_FLD_MAP CRPE provides list of fields in the
report and the new database.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::SetFont to set the font and font characteristics for the specified
section. Use it any time that you want to change a default font at runtime in
response to user input, or to specify a built-in printer font.
BOOL SetFont (
short sectionCode,
short scopeCode,
const _TCHAR *faceName,
short fontFamily,
short fontPitch,
short charSet,
short pointSize,
short isItalic,
short isUnderlined,
short isStruckOut,
short weight );
sectionCode Specifies the section of the report for which you want to set the font. Use one of
the PEP_XXX “Section Codes Constants” on page170.
scopeCode Specifies whether the font selected is to apply to fields, to text, or to both. To
specify both, use the bitwise "Or" operator (|). Use one of the following
Constant Description
PEP_FIELDS Sets the default font for fields in the
report section specified.
PEP_TEXT Sets the default font for all text (that
has not been entered as a text field
value) in the report section specified.
faceName Specifies a pointer to the actual face name of the font that you want to use. The
face name you pass can typically come from a font dialog box, be hard coded in
the application, or be chosen by the application from the fonts supported on the
printer (for example, “Times New Roman”).
fontFamily Specifies the font family for the font that you want to use. Use one of the
following constants.
Constant Description
FF_DONTCARE No font family or family does not
FF_ROMAN Variable pitch font with serifs.
FF_SWISS Fixed pitch font without serifs.
FF_MODERN Fixed pitch font with or without serifs.
FF_SCRIPT Handwriting-like font.
FF_DECORATIVE Fancy display font.
fontPitch Specifies the font pitch that you want to use. Use one of the following constants.
Constant Description
DEFAULT_PITCH Retains the default pitch for the font.
FIXED_PITCH Fixed pitch, each character is the same
VARIABLE_PITCH Variable pitch, the width of each
character varies.
charSet Specifies the character set that you want to use. Use one of the following
pointSize Specifies the desired point size for the selected font. Use 0 to indicate no change.
isItalic Specifies whether the font selected should be italicized. Use 1 for italics, 0 for no
italics, or PEP_UNCHANGED to leave the italics as set up in the report.
isUnderlined Specifies whether the font should be underlined. Use 1 to underline, 0 for no
underline, or PEP_UNCHANGED to leave underline settings as specified in the
isStruckOut Specifies whether the font should appear struck-out. Use 1 for strike-out, 0 for
no strike out, or PEP_UNCHANGE to leave strike-out settings as specified in
the report.
weight Specifies the weight of the font. Use one of the following constants.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::SetFormula to set the formula text for the specified formula.
CRPEJob::SetFormula is often used with “CRPEJob::GetFormula” on page30, to
identify and then change an existing formula in response to a user selection at print
BOOL SetFormula (
const _TCHAR *formulaName,
const _TCHAR *formulaText );
formulaName Specifies a pointer to the name of the formula for which you want to assign
new formula text.
formulaText Specifies a pointer to the actual formula text that replaces the existing
formula string.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the named formula does not exist, if there is an error in the formula,
or if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::SetFormulaSyntax to set the syntax to use in the next (and all
successive) formula API calls.
BOOL SetFormulaSyntax ( CRPEFormulaSyntax *formulaSyntax );
Parameter Description
formulaSyntax Specifies a pointer to “CRPEFormulaSyntax” on page114 which will contain
the information that you set. See Remarks below.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
For running total condition formula:
formulaSyntax[0] is the syntax for the evalFormula, and
formulaSyntax[1] is the syntax for the resetFormula.
Use CRPEJob::SetGraphAxisInfo to set chart axis information for the specified chart.
BOOL SetGraphAxisInfo (
short sectionN,
short graphN,
CRPEGraphAxisInfo *graphAxisInfo );
sectionN Specifies the section of the report containing the chart for which you want to
set chart axis information.
graphN Specifies for which chart within the section you want to set chart axis
information. This value is 0-based. Charts are numbered based on their order
of insertion into the report.
graphAxisInfo Specifies a pointer to “CRPEGraphAxisInfo” on page115, which will contain
the new information.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::SetGraphFontInfo to set graph font information for the specified chart.
BOOL SetGraphFontInfo (
short sectionN,
short graphN,
WORD titleFontType,
CRPEFontColorInfo *fontColourInfo );
sectionN Specifies the section of the report containing the chart for which you want to
set the font information.
graphN Specifies for which chart within the section you want to set the font
information. This value is 0-based. Charts are numbered based on their order
of insertion into the report.
titleFontType Specifies the font type for the text. Use one of the PEP_GTF_XXX “Graph
Text Font Constants” on page165.
fontColourInfo Specifies a pointer to “CRPEFontColorInfo” on page112, which will contain
the new information.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::SetGraphOptionInfo to change any of several chart options. These
options include the minimum and maximum values that can appear on the chart,
whether grid lines appear, whether risers are labeled, whether bar graphs have
horizontal or vertical bars, and whether a legend appears on the chart.
BOOL SetGraphOptionInfo (
short sectionN,
short graphN,
CRPEGraphOptionInfo *graphOptionInfo );
sectionN Specifies the section of the report containing the chart for which you want to
set chart options.
graphN Specifies for which chart within the section you want to set chart options.
This value is 0-based. Charts are numbered based on their order of insertion
into the report.
graphOptionInfo Specifies a pointer to “CRPEGraphOptionInfo” on page117.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::SetGraphTextDefaultOption to enable or disable chart title defaults.
BOOL SetGraphTextDefaultOption (
short sectionN,
short graphN,
WORD titleType,
BOOL useDefault );
Parameter Description
sectionN Specifies the section of the report containing the chart for which you want to set
chart title text default information.
graphN Specifies the 0-based index number of the chart within the section for which you
want to set the chart title text default information. Charts are numbered based on
their order of insertion into the report.
titleType Specifies the title type. Use one of the PE_GTT_XXX “Graph Title Type
Constants” on page164.
useDefault Specifies the Boolean value indicating whether or not chart title defaults are enabled.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::SetGraphTextInfo to set or change the text that appears with a chart.
A chart can have a title, subtitle, footnote, title for groups, title for series, title for
the X axis, title for the Y axis, and title for the Z axis (in 3D graphs).
BOOL SetGraphTextInfo (
short sectionN,
short graphN,
WORD titleType,
LPCSTR title );
sectionN Specifies the section of the report containing the chart for which you want to
set the text information.
graphN Specifies for which chart within the section you want to set the text
information. This value is 0-based. Charts are numbered based on their order
of insertion into the report.
titleType Specifies the title type. Use one of the PEP_GTT_XXX “Graph Title Type
Constants” on page164.
title Specifies a pointer to the CString object containing the title text.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::SetGraphTypeInfo to set the chart type information (based on one
of the available chart types) for the specified chart in the specified section. Use this
method to change the type of chart that is displayed in a report.
BOOL SetGraphTypeInfo (
short sectionN,
short graphN,
CRPEGraphTypeInfo *graphTypeInfo );
sectionN Specifies the section of the report containing the chart for which you want to
set the type information.
graphN Specifies for which chart within the section you want to set the type. This
value is 0-based. Charts are numbered based on their order of insertion into
the report.
graphTypeInfo Specifies a pointer to “CRPEGraphTypeInfo” on page119, which will contain
the new information.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::SetGroupCondition to set the condition of the grouping for the
specified group section. This method can only replace the group condition for an
existing group. It cannot create a new group. Use this method whenever you want
to change the grouping at print time (for example, to print a report grouped in
several different ways).
BOOL SetGroupCondition (
short sectionCode,
const _TCHAR *conditionField,
short condition,
short sortDirection );
sectionCode Specifies the code for the group section for which you want to set the group
condition. Use one of the following constants.
Constant Description
PEP_GROUPHEADER Sets the group condition for the
Group Header section.
PEP_GROUPFOOTER Sets the group condition for the
Group Footer section.
conditionField Specifies a pointer to the field that triggers a summary whenever its value
changes. Use the name of the field as indicated in the report file.
condition Specifies the condition that needs to be met for Date and Boolean fields. For
all field types (except Date and Boolean), use PEP_GC_ANYCHANGE as the
condition parameter. Use one of the following constants for Date and Boolean
field types.
Constant (Date fields only) Description
PEP_GC_DAILY Triggers a grouping every time the
date changes.
PEP_GC_WEEKLY Triggers a grouping every time the
date changes from one week to the
next (a week runs from Sunday
through Saturday).
PEP_GC_BIWEEKLY Triggers a grouping every time the
date changes from one two-week
period to the next.
PEP_GC_SEMIMONTHLY Triggers a grouping every time the
date changes from one half-month
period to the next.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::SetGroupOptions to set various grouping options for the specified
group. This method sets the formula text for the group selection formula.
CRPEJob::SetGroupSelectionFormula is often used with
“CRPEJob::GetGroupSelectionFormula” on page39, to identify and then change an
existing group selection formula in response to a user selection at print time.
BOOL SetGroupOptions (
short groupN,
CRPEGroupOptions *groupOptions );
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
This method should be called before “CRPEJob::Start” on page100, or the
results may be inconsistent or unexpected.
If you are using “CRPEJob::SetGroupOptions” on page83, to set the top/
bottom N sort field, all the group sort fields related to the group will be
deleted and a new one specified by the group options will be added.
Use CRPEJob::SetGroupSelectionFormula to set the formula text for the group
selection formula. This method is often used with
“CRPEJob::GetGroupSelectionFormula” on page39, to identify and then change an
existing group selection formula in response to a user selection at print time.
BOOL SetGroupSelectionFormula ( const _TCHAR *formulaText );
formulaText Specifies a pointer to the new group selection formula to be assigned to the report.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if there is an error in the formula or if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::SetMargins to set the page margins for the print job. Use this
method any time that you want to allow the user to change margins.
BOOL SetMargins (
short left,
short right,
short top,
short bottom );
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
For any of the parameters, PM_SM_DEFAULT can be used to specify that the
report use default printer margins.
Use CRPEJob::SetNDetailCopies to set the number of times the Details section of
the report is to be printed. For example, you can use this method to print multiple
copies of labels for a customer, multiple copies of a purchase order, or multiple
copies of anything set up in the Details section of the report.
BOOL SetNDetailCopies ( short nCopies );
nCopies Specifies the number of copies of the Details section of the report to be printed.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::SetNthGroupSortField to set the name of the group sort field and
the sort direction (ascending or descending). This method is typically used as one
of a series of calls (“CRPEJob::GetNGroupSortFields” on page42, called once;
“CRPEJob::GetNthGroupSortField” on page47, called as many times as needed to
identify the correct group sort field; and CRPEJob::SetNthGroupSortField called
once when the correct group sort field is identified). This series of methods can be
used to identify and then change an existing group sort field and/or sort order in
response to a user selection at print time. This method does not create a new group,
but will sort an existing group summary field.
BOOL SetNthGroupSortField (
short sortFieldN,
const _TCHAR *field,
short direction );
sortFieldN Specifies the number of the group sort field that you want to set. The first
group sort field added to the report is field 0, the second is 1, etc. If the report
has N group sort fields, the function can be called with this parameter
between 0 and N-1 to replace an existing group sort field. Call the function
with this parameter equal to N to add a new group sort field.
field Specifies a pointer to the name of the group field to be sorted.
direction Specifies the sort direction. Uses one of the PEP_SF_XXX “Sort Order
Constants” on page170.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::SetNthParameterDefaultValue to set the indicated default value for
the specified parameter field in the specified report.
BOOL SetNthParameterDefaultValue (
const _TCHAR *parameterFieldName,
const _TCHAR *reportName,
short index,
CRPEValueInfo *valueInfo );
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::SetNthParameterField to set a value for the specified parameter
field. This method is typically used as one of a series of calls
(“CRPEJob::GetNParameterFields” on page44, called once;
“CRPEJob::GetNthParameterField” on page50, called as many times as needed to
identify the correct parameter field; and CRPEJob::SetNthParameterField, called
once when the correct parameter field is identified). This series can be used in a
Custom-Print Link to identify and then change an existing parameter field value
in response to a user selection at print time.
BOOL SetNthParameterField (
short parameterN,
const CRPEParameterFieldInfo *parameterInfo );
parameterN Specifies the number of the parameter field for which you want to set
parameterInfo Specifies a pointer to “CRPEParameterFieldInfo” on page127.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::SetNthParameterValueDescription to set the description of the
default value for a parameter.
BOOL SetNthParameterValueDescription (
const _TCHAR *parameterFieldName,
const _TCHAR *reportName,
short index,
_TCHAR *valueDesc );
parameterFieldName Specifies a pointer to the parameterFieldName for which you want to set
the parameter value description.
reportName Specifies a pointer to the report name.
index Specifies the index.
valueDesc Specifies a pointer to the value description to be set.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::SetNthSortField to sort report data according to the specified field
and direction.
BOOL SetNthSortField (
short sortFieldN,
const _TCHAR *field,
short direction );
sortFieldN Specifies the number of the sort field that you want to set. The first sort field
added to the report is field 0, the second is 1, etc. If the report has N sort fields,
the function can be called with this parameter between 0 and N-1 to replace an
existing sort field. Call the function with this parameter equal to N to add a new
sort field.
field Specifies a pointer to the name of the field to be sorted.
direction Specifies the sort direction. Use one of the PEP_SF_XXX “Sort Order Constants”
on page170.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::SetNthTableLocation to set the table location information for the
specified table in the report. This method is typically combined with
“CRPEJob::GetNthTableLocation” on page53, to identify the location of a table and
CRPEJob::SetNthTableLocation to change it.
BOOL SetNthTableLocation (
short tableN,
const CRPETableLocation *tableLocation );
tableN Specifies the 0-based number of the table for which you want to set a new
tableLocation Specifies a pointer to “CRPETableLocation” on page144.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::SetNthTableLogOnInfo to set the SQL connection information for
the specified table. The propagate flag may be used to cause the change to affect all
tables with similar server and database properties.
BOOL SetNthTableLogonInfo (
short tableN,
const CRPELogOnInfo *logonInfo,
BOOL propagate );
tableN Specifies the 0-based number of the table for which you want to set logon
logonInfo Specifies a pointer to “CRPELogOnInfo” on page125.
propagate Specify TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the logon information should be
used for opening all tables being used in the report.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::SetNthTablePrivateInfo to set database information in
“CRPETablePrivateInfo” on page145.
BOOL SetNthTablePrivateInfo (
short tableN,
CRPETablePrivateInfo *privateInfo );
tableN Specifies the 0-based number of the table for which you want to set private
privateInfo Specifies a pointer to “CRPETablePrivateInfo” on page145, which will
contain the new information.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::SetNthTableSessionInfo to set the session information for the
specified Microsoft Access table. Many MS Access database tables require that a
session be opened before the table can be used. Use this method to open the session.
BOOL SetNthTableSessionInfo (
short tableN,
const CRPESessionInfo *sessionInfo,
BOOL propagate );
tableN Specifies the 0-based table number indicating for which MS Access table in
the report the session is being opened.
sessionInfo Specifies a pointer to the structure, “CRPESessionInfo” on page140.
propagate Specify TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the session information should
be used for opening all tables being used in the report.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::SetParameterMaxMinValue to set the minimum and/or maximum
possible values for a specified parameter in a report.
BOOL SetParameterMinMaxValue (
const _TCHAR *parameterFieldName,
const _TCHAR *reportName,
CRPEValueInfo *valueMin,
CRPEValueInfo *valueMax );
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Set valueMin to NULL if specifying maximum value only; valueMin must be
non-NULL if valueMax is NULL.
Set valueMax to NULL if specifying minimum value only; valueMax must be
non-NULL if valueMin is NULL.
If both valueMin and valueMax are specified (that is, non-NULL), then the
valueType field of both members must be the same or an error code
Use CRPEJob::SetParameterPickListOption to set the parameter pick list options
for a report. This method sets the values in “CRPEParameterPickListOption” on
BOOL SetParameterPickListOption (
const _TCHAR *parameterFieldName,
const _TCHAR *reportName,
CRPEParameterPickListOption *pickListOption );
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::SetParameterValueInfo to set the information about the values
(editable, nullable field, multiple values, etc.) that can be stored in a specified
parameter field.
BOOL SetParameterValueInfo (
const _TCHAR *parameterFieldName,
const _TCHAR *reportName,
CRPEParameterValueInfo *valueInfo );
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::SetPrintDate to set only the date that appears in the Print Date Field
of the report. This method does not schedule the report to print at a different time
or day, but only changes the date that appears in any Print Date Field of the report
(for example, use this method to post-date a report when it is printed before the
day it is distributed).
BOOL SetPrintDate (
short year,
short month,
short day );
year Specifies the year that will appear in the Print Date Field.
month Specifies the month that will appear in the Print Date Field.
day Specifies the day that will appear in the Print Date Field.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::SetPrintOptions to set the print characteristics of a print job. Use this
method any time that you want to set the starting page number, the ending page
number, the number of report copies, and/or collation instructions in response to
user specifications at runtime.
BOOL SetPrintOptions ( const CRPEPrintOptions *options );
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::SetReportOptions to set the report options associated with a
specified print job. This information is specified from the Crystal Reports Designer
File | Report Options menu or by “CRPEJob::GetReportOptions” on page59.
BOOL SetReportOptions ( CRPEReportOptions *reportOptions );
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::SetReportSummaryInfo to set report summary information. Report
summary information corresponds to the Summary Info dialog box in Crystal Reports.
BOOL SetReportSummaryInfo ( CRPEReportSummaryInfo *summaryInfo );
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::SetReportTitle to set the report title for the print job. Use this
method whenever you need to change the title of a report at print time.
BOOL SetReportTitle ( const _TCHAR *title );
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::SetSectionFormat to set the section format settings for selected
sections in the specified report to the values in “CRPESectionOptions” on page138.
Use this method to provide specialized formatting for printing invoices, form
letters, printing on pre-printed forms, etc.
SetSectionFormat allows you to hide a section, insert a page break either before or
after a section begins, reset the page number to 1 after a group value prints, prevent
page breaks from spreading data from a single record over two pages, and print
group values only at the bottom of a page. For a complete discussion of each of
these options, see “CRPESectionOptions” on page138.
BOOL SetSectionFormat (
short sectionCode,
const CRPESectionOptions *options );
sectionCode Specifies the code for the report section for which you want to change format
information. Use one of the PEP_XXX “Section Codes Constants” on
options Specifies a pointer to “CRPESectionOptions” on page138.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::SetSectionFormatFormula to change the specified section format
formula to the formula string that you supply as a parameter. This method will
change only the text of a formula that already exists in the report; you cannot use
it to add a formula.
BOOL SetSectionFormatFormula (
short sectionCode,
short formulaName,
CString formulaText );
sectionCode Specifies the code for the report section(s) for which you want to set
formatting options. See Working with section codes in the Crystal Reports
Technical Reference Guide.
formulaName Specifies the name of the formula for which you want to supply a new string.
Use one of the PEP_FFN_XXX “Area/Section Format Formula Constants” on
page153. See Remarks below.
formulaText The Cstring object that contains the specified formula text when
CRPEJob::SetFormula has completed successfully. See Remarks below.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Returns PEPRR_BADFORMULANAME, if the formula name passed in does
not exist, or it does not apply to the section. See “Error Codes” on page154 for
further information.
Returns PEPERR_BADFORMULATEXT if there is an error in the formula. See
“Error Codes” on page154 for further information.
When you give the user the ability to change the formula at print time, your
link must include code to replace formulaString with a user-generated value.
This method should be called before “CRPEJob::Start” on page100, or the
results may be inconsistent or unexpected.
Not all formula names can be applied to all sections.
Use CRPEJob::SetSelectionFormula to set the formula text for the record selection
formula. CRPEJob::SetSelectionFormula is often used with
“CRPEJob::GetSelectionFormula” on page63, to identify and then change an
existing selection formula in response to a user selection at print time.
BOOL SetSelectionFormula ( const _TCHAR *formulaText );
formulaText Specifies a pointer to the new selection formula to be assigned to the report.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails or if there is an error in the formula.
Use CRPEJob::SetSectionHeight to set the section height information for the specified
section. Use this method whenever you want to specify the section height for printing
on pre-printed forms or printing on any other kind of document with a fixed format.
BOOL SetSectionHeight (
short sectionCode,
short height );
sectionCode Specifies the code for the report sections for which you want to set section
height information.
height Specifies the section height, in twips.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::SetSQLExpression to enter an SQL expression for the associated
print job.
BOOL SetSQLExpression (
const _TCHAR *expressionName,
const _TCHAR *expressionText );
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::SetSQLQuery to set the SQL query that will be sent to the database
server. This method can be used with “CRPEJob::GetSQLQuery” on page64, to
retrieve and then change the SQL query for the report.
BOOL SetSQLQuery ( const _TCHAR *query );
query Specifies a pointer to the new SQL query to be sent to the server.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::SetTrackCursorInfo to set information for tracking the position of
the mouse cursor over the preview window. For example, this method can be used
to give the user visual feedback, especially when tracking events.
CRPEJob::SetTrackCursorInfo is valid only if the report was sent to a preview
window and if events for the preview window have been enabled. See
“CRPEJob::EnableEvent” on page25, for more details.
BOOL SetTrackCursorInfo ( CRPETrackCursorInfo *cursorInfo );
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
By default, all area track cursors are arrow cursors.
If the preview window contains a drill-down field (database field, summary,
group name, group chart), the group area will use a magnify cursor.
Group charts in other areas will also use the magnify cursor.
Use CRPEJob::SetWindowOptions to set the options associated with a specified
window object. This information is retrieved from the structure
“CRPEWindowOptions” on page150, by using “CRPEJob::GetWindowOptions”
on page65. Use this method to customize the features of a specified window object.
BOOL SetWindowOptions ( const CRPEWindowOptions *windowOptions );
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::Show...Page to display the specified page of a report in the preview
window. Use this method to customize how a user moves through pages in a report.
BOOL ShowFirstPage ();
BOOL ShowLastPage ();
BOOL ShowNextPage ();
BOOL ShowNthPage ( short pageN );
BOOL ShowPreviousPage ();
The following parameter applies only to ShowNthPage.
pageN Specifies the page number of the report that should be displayed in the
preview window.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::ShowPrintControls to specify whether print control buttons are
displayed in the preview window. Use this method to display default controls, or
to hide default controls and provide customized controls.
BOOL ShowPrintControls ( BOOL showControls );
showControls Set to TRUE to indicate that default Print controls are to be displayed in the
preview window. Set to FALSE to indicate that no Print controls are to be
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use CRPEJob::Start to start the processing of the print job and display the final output
of that processing. This is the method that actually prints or exports the report.
BOOL Start ();
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use helper method CRPEJob::SVA2T to convert a ValueInfo structure to UNICODE.
void SVA2T (
CRPEValueInfo *valueOut,
PEValueInfo *valueIn );
Parameter Description
valueOut Specifies a pointer to the returned “CRPEValueInfo” on page148 structure,
converted to UNICODE.
valueIn Specifies a pointer to the “PEValueInfo” on page790 input structure.
Use helper method CRPEJob::SVT2A to convert a ValueInfo structure to ASCII.
void SVT2A (
PEValueInfo *valueOut,
CRPEValueInfo* valueIn );
Parameter Description
valueOut Specifies a pointer to the returned “PEValueInfo” on page790 structure, converted
valueIn Specifies a pointer to the “CRPEValueInfo” on page148 input structure.
Use CRPEJob::TestNthTableConnectivity to determine whether a valid connection
exists to the database for the specified table in the report. This method is typically
used if you plan to print at a later time, but you want to test now to confirm that
everything is in order for logging on to the database table.
BOOL TestNthTableConnectivity ( short tableN );
tableN Specifies the number of the table for which you want to test the connection
settings. The first table added to a report is numbered 0, the second is 1, etc.
TRUE if the database session, logon, and location information is all correct.
FALSE if the connection fails.
Use CRPEJob::VerifyDatabase to verify that the database connection(s) specified in
a report is (are) valid.
BOOL VerifyDatabase ();
TRUE if connection is valid.
FALSE if connection is not valid or if call is not successful.
Use CRPEJob::ZoomPreviewWindow to change the preview window
magnification level to the specified level. Use this method when the report has
been printed to a preview window and you want to set the magnification of the
preview window to a specific level.
BOOL ZoomPreviewWindow ( short level );
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
“CRPEGraphOptionInfo” on page117
“CRPEGraphTypeInfo” on page119
“CRPEGroupOptions” on page120
“CRPEGroupTreeButtonClickedEventInfo” on page122
“CRPEHyperlinkEventInfo” on page122
“CRPEJobInfo” on page123
“CRPELaunchSeagateAnalysisEventInfo” on page124
“CRPELogOnInfo” on page125
“CRPEMouseClickEventInfo” on page126
“CRPEParameterFieldInfo” on page127
“CRPEParameterPickListOption” on page129
“CRPEParameterValueInfo” on page130
“CRPEPrintOptions” on page131
“CRPEReadingRecordsEventInfo” on page132
“CRPEReportFieldMappingInfo” on page133
“CRPEReportOptions” on page135
“CRPEReportSummaryInfo” on page136
“CRPESearchButtonClickedEventInfo” on page138
“CRPESectionOptions” on page138
“CRPESessionInfo” on page140
“CRPEShowGroupEventInfo” on page141
“CRPEStartEventInfo” on page142
“CRPEStopEventInfo” on page142
“CRPESubreportInfo” on page143
“CRPETableDifferenceInfo” on page143
“CRPETableLocation” on page144
“CRPETablePrivateInfo” on page145
“CRPETableType” on page146
“CRPETrackCursorInfo” on page146
“CRPEValueInfo” on page148
“CRPEWindowOptions” on page150
“CRPEZoomLevelChangingEventInfo” on page151
This structure contains information about a close button-clicked event. When the
close button in a preview window is clicked, a callback function will be called with
EventId = PEP_CLOSE_BUTTON_CLICKED_EVENT. The fieldValueList will be
released after the callback function. Make a copy of the field value list if you want
to keep the field value information.
Data Members
The default for each data member is 0.
This constructs a CRPECloseButtonClickedEventInfo structure object. It assigns
default values to the members of the structure.
Constructor Syntax
CRPECloseButtonClickedEventInfo ();
This structure provides PEP_DRILL_ON_DETAIL_EVENT event information.
Data Members
Member Type Description
m_selectedField short 0 A 0-based index indicating which drill-down field was
Index selected. Contains -1 if no field is selected.
m_window long 0 Frame window handle where the drill on detail event
Handle happens.
m_fieldValueList structure NULL Specifies a pointer to an array field value of the
CRPEFieldValueInfo structure’s field value list.
m_nFieldValue short 0 Number of field value in field value of list. For example, if
the value is listed second, the number would be 2.
If the user clicks one of the fields in the Details section, selectedFieldIndex will
point to the field index in fieldValueList. These fields have to be a database field,
group name field, summary field, or a formula field. If the user clicks a text object,
graph, picture, ole, subreport, special var field, or database memo or blob field, the
selectedFieldIndex will return -1.
This constructs a CRPEDrillOnDetailEventInfo structure object. It assigns default
values to the members of the structure.
Constructor Syntax
CRPEDrillOnDetailEventInfo ();
This structure specifies whether to drill on group information when
Data Members
The groupList will be freed after the callback function. If you want to keep the
groupList, make a copy of it.
This constructs a CRPEDrillOnGroupEventInfo structure object. It assigns default
values to the members of the structure.
CRPEDrillOnGrupEventInfo ();
This structure specifies which group event is enabled or disabled. All events are
disabled by default.
Data Members
Each data member is set by the corresponding constructor parameter.
Each data member can be set to TRUE, FALSE, or PE_UNCHANGED.
The default for each data member is FALSE.
m_startStopEvent short Specifies a StartStopEvent.
m_readingRecordEvent short Specifies a ReadingRecordEvent.
m_printWindowButtonEvent short Specifies a PrintWindowButtonEvent.
m_drillEvent short Specifies a DrillEvent.
m_closePrintWindowEvent short Specifies a ClosePrintWindowEvent.
m_activatePrintWindowEvent short Specifies an ActivatePrintWindowEvent.
m_fieldMappingEvent short Specifies a FieldMappingEvent.
m_mouseClickEvent short Specifies a MouseClickEvent.
m_hyperlinkEvent short Specifies a Hyperlink Event.
launchSeagateAnalysisEvent short Specifies a launch Seagate Analysis Event.
Note: Seagate Analysis is now known as
Crystal Analysis.
All events are disabled by default. Use “CRPEJob::EnableEvent” on page25, to
enable the desired event.
Constructor CRPEEnableEventInfo::CRPEEnableEventInfo
This constructs a CRPEEnableEventInfo structure object. Call the constructor with
no parameters to allow the Class Library to initialize all member variables with
default values. Pass parameters to the constructor to assign specific values to each
member variable.
Constructor Syntax
CRPEEnableEventInfo (
short startStopEvent,
short readingRecordEvent,
short printWindowButtonEvent,
short drillEvent,
short closePrintWindowEvent,
short activatePrintWindowEvent,
short fieldMappingEvent,
short mouseClickEvent,
short hyperlinkEvent,
short launchSeagateAnalysisEvent );
This structure is used to retrieve and set the export options of a print job. It is used
by member function “CRPEJob::ExportTo” on page26.
Data Members
Each data member is set by the corresponding constructor parameter.
Destination Type
Constructor CRPEExportOptions::CRPEExportOptions
This constructs a CRPEExportOptions structure object. Call the constructor with
no parameters to allow the Class Library to initialize all member variables with
default values. Pass parameters to the constructor to assign specific values to each
member variable.
Constructor Syntax
struct CRPEExportOptions (
const _TCHAR *formatDLLName,
DWORD formatType,
void *formatOptions,
const _TCHAR *destinationDLLName,
DWORD destinationType,
void *destinationOptions );
This structure provides field mapping event information.
Data Members
Each data member is set by the corresponding constructor parameter.
Member reportFields is an array of fields in the report of size nReportFields.
The user must modify the ’mappingTo’ of each newly mapped field by
assigning the value of the index of a field in the array databaseFields.
Member databaseFields is an array of fields in the new database file of size
CRPEReportFieldMappingInfo.mappingTo must be modified for each newly
mapped field by assigning the value of the index of a field in the
databaseFields array.
Constructor CRPEFieldMappingEventInfo::CRPEFieldMappingEventInfo
This constructs a CRPEFieldMappingEventInfo structure object. Call the
constructor with no parameters to allow the Class Library to initialize all member
variables with default values. Pass parameters to the constructor to assign specific
values to each member variable.
Constructor Syntax
CRPEFieldMappingEventInfo (
CRPEReportFieldMappingInfo *reportFields,
WORD nReportFields,
CRPEReportFieldMappingInfo *databaseFields,
WORD nDatabaseFields );
This structure specifies a field value in the fieldValueList of the structure
“CRPEDrillOnDetailEventInfo” on page104.
Data Members
A selected Details area corresponds to a database record.
Constructor CRPEFieldValueInfo::CRPEFieldValueInfo
This constructs a CRPEFieldValueInfo structure object. It assigns default values to
the members of the structure.
Constructor Syntax
CRPEFieldValueInfo ();
CRPEFontColorInfo contains information regarding the fonts used in a chart.
Data Members
Each data member is set by the corresponding constructor parameter.
The default value for each data member is 0, except for m_faceName and
Constructor CRPEFontColorInfo::CRPEFontColorInfo
This constructs a CRPEFontColorInfo structure object. Call the constructor with no
parameters to allow the Class Library to initialize all member variables with
default values. Pass parameters to the constructor to assign specific values to each
member variable.
Constructor Syntax
CRPEFontColorInfo (
const _TCHAR *faceName,
short fontFamily,
short fontPitch,
short charSet,
short pointSize,
short isItalic,
short isUnderlined,
short isStruckOut,
short weight,
short twipSize );
CRPEFormulaSyntax contains information related to the syntax of the specified
Data Members
Each data member is set by the corresponding constructor parameter.
The default for each member of the m_formula syntax array is 0
Constructor CRPEFormulaSyntax::CRPEFormulaSyntax
This constructs a CRPEFormulaSyntax structure object. It assigns default values to
the members of the structure.
This structure specifies general preview window event information and is used for
the following events.
Data Members
The default for each data member is 0.
This constructs a CRPEGeneralPrintWindowEventInfo structure object.
The CRPEGraphAxisInfo structure contains information about how the axis of a
chart are calculated and displayed.
Data Members
Each data member is set by the corresponding constructor parameter.
The default value for each data member is 0.
Constructor CRPEGraphAxisInfo::CRPEGraphAxisInfo
This constructs a CRPEGraphAxisInfo structure object. Call the constructor with
no parameters to allow the Class Library to initialize all member variables with
default values. Pass parameters to the constructor to assign specific values to each
member variable.
Constructor Syntax
CRPEGraphAxisInfo (
WORD StructSize,
short groupAxisGridLine,
short dataAxisYGridLine,
short dataAxisY2GridLine,
short seriesAxisGridline,
double dataAxisYMinValue,
double dataAxisYMaxValue,
double dataAxisY2MinValue,
double dataAxisY2MaxValue,
double seriesAxisMinValue,
double seriesAxisMaxValue,
short dataAxisYNumberFormat,
short dataAxisY2NumberFormat,
short seriesAxisNumberFormat,
short dataAxisYAutoRange,
short dataAxisY2AutoRange,
short seriesAxisAutoRange,
short dataAxisYAutomaticDivision,
short dataAxisY2AutomaticDivision,
short seriesAxisAutomaticDivision,
long dataAxisYManualDivision,
long dataAxisY2ManualDivision,
long seriesAxisManualDivision,
short dataAxisYAutoScale,
short dataAxisY2AutoScale,
short seriesAxisAutoScale );
The CRPEGraphOptionInfo structure contains information on several options
available with charts.
Data Members
Each data member is set by the corresponding constructor parameter.
The default for each data member is 0.
Constructor CRPEGraphOptionInfo::CRPEGraphOptionInfo
This constructs a CRPEGraphOptionInfo structure object. Call the constructor with
no parameters to allow the Class Library to initialize all member variables with
default values. Pass parameters to the constructor to assign specific values to each
member variable.
Constructor Syntax
CRPEGraphOptionInfo (
short graphColour,
short showLegend,
short legendPosition,
short pieSize,
short detachedPieSlice,
short barSize,
short verticalBars,
short markerSize,
short markerShape,
short dataPoints,
short dataValueNumberFormat,
short viewingAngle,
short legendLayout )
The CRPEGraphTypeInfo structure contains information on what chart type is
Data Members
Each data member is set by the corresponding constructor parameter.
The default for each member is 0.
m_graphType short Specifies the chart type. Uses one of the PEP_GT_XXX “Graph
Type and Subtype Constants” on page165, or
PEP_UNCHANGED for no change.
m_graphSubtype short Specifies the chart subtype. Uses one of the PEP_GST_XXX
“Graph Type and Subtype Constants” on page165, or
PEP_UNCHANGED for no change.
Constructor CRPEGraphTypeInfo::CRPEGraphTypeInfo
This constructs a CRPEGraphTypeInfo structure object. Call the constructor with
no parameters to allow the Class Library to initialize all member variables with
default values. Pass parameters to the constructor to assign specific values to each
member variable.
Constructor Syntax
CRPEGraphTypeInfo (
short graphType,
short graphSubtype );
This structure contains information about several options available with report
groups. This information is used by “CRPEJob::GetGroupOptions” on page38, to
retrieve current options and by “CRPEJob::SetGroupOptions” on page83, to pass
new option settings.
Data Members
Each data member is set by the corresponding constructor parameter.
For data member m_condition, use PEP_GC_TYPEMASK and
PEP_GC_CONDITIONMASK for decoding the group condition and a
PEP_GC_XXX constant or PEP_UNCHANGED for setting the group
If topOrBottomNGroups is PEP_GO_TBN_TOP_N_GROUPS or
PEP_GO_TBN_BOTTOM_N_GROUPS, all the group sort fields related to this
group will be deleted. A new group sort field will be added with the sort
direction of descending or ascending. The group sort field will be sorted by
specifying topOrBottomNSortFieldName if it is not empty. It will be sorted by
the first group sort field name related to this group (before it is deleted) if
topOrBottomNSortFieldName is empty.
Constructor CRPEGroupOptions::CRPEGroupOptions
This constructs a CRPEGroupOptions structure object. Call the constructor with
no parameters to allow the Class Library to initialize all member variables with
default values. Pass parameters to the constructor to assign specific values to each
member variable.
Constructor. Syntax
CRPEGroupOptions (
short condition,
_TCHAR *fieldName,
short sortDirection,
short repeatGroupHeader,
short keepGroupTogether,
short topOrBottomNGroups,
_TCHAR *topOrBottomNSortFieldName,
short nTopOrBottomGroups,
short discardOtherGroups,
short hierarchicalSorting
_TCHAR instanceIDField
_TCHAR parentIDField
long groupIndent );
This structure provides information about the group tree button clicked event,
when the callback function is called with the event ID equal to
Data Members
This constructs a CRPEGroupTreeButtonClickedEventInfo structure object. It
assigns default values to the members of the structure.
Constructor Syntax
CRPEGroupTreeButtonClickedEventInfo ();
This structure provides information about a selected hyperlink.
Data Members
Constructor CRPEHyperlinkEventInfo::CRPEHyperlinkEventInfo
This constructs a CRPEHyperlinkEventInfo structure object. Call the constructor
with no parameters to allow the Class Library to initialize all member variables
with default values. Pass parameters to the constructor to assign specific values to
each member variable.
Constructor Syntax
CRPEHyperlinkEventInfo (
long windowHandle,
_TCHAR *hyperlinkText );
This structure is used by “CRPEJob::GetJobStatus” on page39. Status information
concerning the job is returned through this structure.
Data Members
Constructor CRPEJobInfo::CRPEJobInfo
This constructs a CRPEJobInfo structure object. It assigns default values to the
members of the structure.
This structure provides information about a Launch Seagate Analysis Event.
Note: Seagate Analysis is now known as Crystal Analysis.
Data Members
This constructs a CRPELaunchSeagateAnalysisEventInfo structure object. Call the
constructor with no parameters to allow the Class Library to initialize all member
variables with default values. Pass parameters to the constructor to assign specific
values to each member variable.
Constructor Syntax
CRPELaunchSeagateAnalysisEventInfo (
long windowHandle,
_TCHAR *pathFile );
This structure contains SQL connection information and is used by the following
member functions.
“CRPEngine::LogOnServer” on page8
“CRPEngine::LogOffServer” on page8
“CRPEJob::GetNthTableLogOnInfo” on page54
“CRPEJob::SetNthTableLogOnInfo” on page89
Data Members
Each data member is set by the corresponding constructor parameter.
Specify an empty string ("") to use the value already set in the report.
Specify a non-empty string (for example, "Server A") to override a value in the
All strings are null-terminated.
The default for each data member is ’\0’.
For Netware SQL, pass the dictionary path name in serverName and the data
path name in databaseName.
Constructor CRPELogOnInfo::CRPELogOnInfo
This constructs a CRPELogOnInfo structure object. Call the constructor with no
parameters to allow the Class Library to initialize all member variables with
default values. Pass parameters to the constructor to assign specific values to each
member variable.
Constructor Syntax
CRPELogOnInfo (
const _TCHAR *serverName,
const _TCHAR *databaseName,
const _TCHAR *userID,
const _TCHAR *password );
The CRPEMouseClickEventInfo structure contains information related to mouse
click events.
Data Members
Each data member is set by the corresponding constructor parameter.
Member fieldValue represents a pointer to a CRPRValueInfo structure containing
the value of the object at the click point if it is a field object (excluding MEMO and
BLOB fields); otherwise valueType element = PEP_VI_NOVALUE.
Constructor CRPEMouseClickEventInfo::CRPEMouseClickEventInfo
This constructs a CRPEMouseClickEventInfo structure object. Call the constructor
with no parameters to allow the Class Library to initialize all member variables
with default values. Pass parameters to the constructor to assign specific values to
each member variable.
Constructor Syntax
CRPEMouseClickEventInfo (
long windowHandle,
UINT clickAction,
UINT clickFlags,
int xOffset,
int yOffset,
CRPEValueInfo *fieldValue,
DWORD objectHandle,
short sectionCode );
The CRPEParameterFieldInfo structure contains information related to parameter
fields in a report. This structure is used by “CRPEJob::GetNthParameterField” on
page50, to get information about a specific parameter field and by
“CRPEJob::SetNthParameterField” on page87, to change a specific parameter field.
Data Members
Each data member is set by the corresponding constructor parameter except as
noted below.
If you wish to set a parameter to NULL, set the CurrentValue to CRWNULL.
CRWULL is of Type String and is independent of the data type of the
Constructor CRPEParameterFieldInfo::CRPEParameterFieldInfo
This constructs a CRPEParameterFieldInfo structure object. Call the constructor
with no parameters to allow the Class Library to initialize all member variables
with default values. Pass parameters to the constructor to assign specific values to
each member variable.
Constructor Syntax
CRPEParameterFieldInfo (
WORD ValueType,
WORD DefaultValueSet,
WORD CurrentValueSet,
const _TCHAR *Name,
const _TCHAR *Prompt,
const _TCHAR *DefaultValue,
const _TCHAR *CurrentValue,
WORD isLimited,
double MinSize,
double MaxSize,
const _TCHAR *EditMask,
WORD isHidden );
CRPEParameterPickListOption structure contains information related to
parameter sort methods.
Data Members
Each data member is set by the corresponding constructor parameter.
The default value for each data member is 0.
Constructor CRPEParameterPickListOption::CRPEParameterPickListOption
This constructs a CRPEParameterPickListOption structure object. Call the
constructor with no parameters to allow the Class Library to initialize all member
variables with default values. Pass parameters to the constructor to assign specific
values to each member variable.
Constructor Syntax
CRPEParameterPickListOption (
WORD StructSize,
short showDescOnly,
short sortMethod,
short sortBasedOnDesc );
The CRPEParameterValueInfo structure contains information related to
parameter values in a report. This structure is used with the method
“CRPEJob::GetParameterValueInfo” on page57, and “CRPEJob
::SetParameterValueInfo” on page92, to set specific parameter value information.
Data Members
Each data member is set by the corresponding constructor parameter.
The default value for each data member is PEP_UNCHANGED.
m_isNullable short Specifies whether or not a field is nullable in a report. Set this
variable to TRUE if you want a nullable report field, FALSE if
you do not, or PEP_UNCHANGED to keep the existing setting.
m_disallowEditing short Specifies whether or not a report field can be edited. Set this
variable to TRUE if you want to disallow report field editing,
FALSE if you do not, or PEP_UNCHANGED to keep the
existing setting.
m_allowMultiple short Specifies whether or not a field can have multiple values in a
Values report. Set this variable to TRUE if you want to allow multiple
values in a report field, FALSE if you do not, or
PEP_UNCHANGED to keep the existing setting.
m_hasDiscreteValues short Specifies whether or not a field has discrete values in a report.
Uses one of the following PEP_DR_XXX constants, or
PEP_UNCHANGED to keep existing setting.
m_partOfGroup short Specifies whether or not the parameter field is a member of a
group. Set this variable to TRUE if a report field is part of a group,
FALSE if not, or PEP_UNCHANGED to keep the existing setting.
m_groupNum short Specifies the group number or PEP_UNCHANGED to keep
the existing group number.
Constructor CRPEParameterValueInfo::CRPEParameterValueInfo
This constructs a CRPEParameterValueInfo structure object. Call the constructor
with no parameters to allow the Class Library to initialize all member variables
with default values. Pass parameters to the constructor to assign specific values to
each member variable.
Constructor Syntax
CRPEParameterValueInfo (
short isNullable,
short disallowEditing,
short allowMultipleValues,
short hasDiscreteValues,
short partOfGroup,
short groupNum,
short mutuallyExclusiveGroup );
This structure contains print options for a report and is used by
“CRPEJob::SetPrintOptions” on page93.
Data Members
Each data member is set by the corresponding constructor parameter unless
otherwise noted.
Constructor CRPEPrintOptions::CRPEPrintOptions
This constructs a CRPEPrintOptions structure object. Call the constructor with no
parameters to allow the Class Library to initialize all member variables with
default values. Pass parameters to the constructor to assign specific values to each
member variable.
Constructor Syntax
CRPEPrintOptions (
unsigned short startPageN,
unsigned short stopPageN,
unsigned short nReportCopies,
unsigned short collation,
_TCHAR *outputFileName );
This structure provides information about records read when a callback function
is called with event ID equal to PEP_READING_RECORDS_EVENT.
Data Members
Constructor CRPEReadingRecordsEventInfo::CRPEReadingRecordsEventInfo
This constructs a CRPEReadingRecordsEventInfo structure object. It assigns
default values to the members of the structure.
Constructor Syntax
CRPEReadingRecordsEventInfo ();
This structure contains report field mapping information.
Data Members
Each data member is set by the corresponding constructor parameter unless
otherwise noted.
Mapped fields are assigned to the index of a field in the member
databaseFields array of PEFieldMappingEventInfo.
Unmapped fields are assigned to -1.
Constructor CRPEReportFieldMappingInfo::CRPEReportFieldMappingInfo
This constructs a CRPEReportFieldMappingInfo structure object. Call the
constructor with no parameters to allow the Class Library to initialize all member
variables with default values. Pass parameters to the constructor to assign specific
values to each member variable.
Constructor Syntax
CRPEReportFieldMappingInfo (
WORD valueType,
const _TCHAR *tableAliasName,
const _TCHAR *databaseFieldName,
int mappingTo );
This structure contains specifications for formatting selected report sections. This
information is used by the methods “CRPEJob::GetReportOptions” on page59, and
“CRPEJob::SetReportOptions” on page94.
Data Members
Each data member is set by the corresponding constructor parameter.
Use TRUE, FALSE, or PEP_UNCHANGED for each member except as noted
The default for each data member is PEP_UNCHANGED.
Constructor CRPEReportOptions::CRPEReportOptions
This constructs a CRPEReportOptions structure object. Call the constructor with
no parameters to allow the Class Library to initialize all member variables with
default values. Pass parameters to the constructor to assign specific values to each
member variable.
Constructor Syntax
CRPEReportOptions (
short saveDataWithReport,
short saveSummariesWithReport,
short useIndexForSpeed,
short translateDOSStrings,
short translateDOSMemos,
short convertDateTimeType,
short convertNullFieldToDefault,
short morePrintEngineErrorMessages,
short caseInsensitiveSQLData,
short verifyOnEveryPrint,
short zoomMode,
short hasGroupTree,
short dontGenerateDataForHiddenObjects,
short performGroupingOnServer,
short doAsyncQuery,
short promptMode,
short selectDistinctRecords,
short wysiwygMode );
This structure provides report summary information such as the report title,
author, and comments. It corresponds to the report summary information in the
Crystal Reports Designer. This structure is used by
“CRPEJob::GetReportSummaryInfo” on page59, to get information about a
specific parameter field and by “CRPEJob::SetReportSummaryInfo” on page94, to
change a specific parameter field.
Data Members
Each data member is set by the corresponding constructor parameter unless
otherwise noted.
The default value for each data member is ’\0’, except as noted.
Constructor Syntax
CRPEReportSummaryInfo (
_TCHAR *applicationName,
_TCHAR *title,
_TCHAR *subject,
_TCHAR *author,
_TCHAR *keywords,
_TCHAR *comments,
_TCHAR *reportTemplate,
short savePreviewPicture );
This structure returns information when a callback function is called with event ID
Data Members
This constructs a CRPESearchButtonClickedEventInfo structure object. It assigns
default values to the members of the structure.
Constructor Syntax
CRPESearchButtonClickedEventInfo ();
This structure contains specifications for formatting selected report sections and
Data Members
Each data member is set by the corresponding constructor parameter.
The default for each member is FALSE except m_backgroundColour default
m_visible short Specifies whether or not the selected section is visible. Use
TRUE to keep the section visible, FALSE to hide the section,
or PEP_UNCHANGED to retain the previous setting.
m_newPageBefore short Specifies whether or not the Crystal Report Engine will insert
a page break before the section is printed. Use TRUE to insert
a page break, FALSE to leave it without a page break, or
PEP_UNCHANGED to retain the previous setting.
m_newPageAfter short Specifies whether or not the Crystal Report Engine will insert
a page break after the section is printed. Use TRUE to insert a
page break, FALSE to leave it without a page break, or
PEP_UNCHANGED to retain the previous setting.
m_keepTogether short Specifies whether the Crystal Report Engine is to keep all
lines of the section together, either on the current page (if
there is room), or on the next page. Use TRUE to keep the
lines together, FALSE to allow the Crystal Report Engine to
split section data from one page to the next if necessary, or
PEP_UNCHANGED to retain the previous setting.
m_suppressBlank short Specifies whether the Crystal Report Engine is to eliminate
Lines lines from your report that are blank due to fields being
suppressed (zeroes, duplicates, and hidden fields). TRUE
eliminates blank lines, FALSE retains them, or
PEP_UNCHANGED retains the previous setting.
m_resetPageN short Specifies whether the Crystal Report Engine is to reset the
After page number to one (1) for the following page, after it
prints a group total. Use TRUE to reset the page number,
FALSE to continue the existing numbering, or
PEP_UNCHANGED to retain the previous setting.
m_printAtBottom short Specifies whether the Crystal Report Engine is to cause
OfPage each group summary value to print only at the bottom of a
page. Use TRUE to print summaries at the bottom of the
page, FALSE to print summaries immediately after the
group, or PEP_UNCHANGED to retain the previous
m_background COLOREF Specifies the RGB color value contained in the structure,
Colour COLORREF in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide.
Use PEP_UNCHANGED_COLOR to retain the previous
m_underlaySection short Indicates whether the specified section is to use the
underlay feature for chart and map placement. Use TRUE
to underlay. Use PEP_UNCHANGED to retain the
previous setting.
m_showArea short Indicates whether to show/hide the Area to which the
specified section belongs. Use TRUE to show the specified
Area, FALSE to hide it, or PEP_UNCHANGED to retain
the previous setting.
m_freeForm short Design time flag. If set to TRUE an object can be placed
Placement anywhere in a section. Use PEP_UNCHANGED to retain
the previous setting.
m_reserveMinimum short Used to reduce unnecessary white space in the page footer
PageFooter area containing more than one conditionally formatted
section . When set to TRUE, the space required to display
only one section (the tallest) is reserved. When set to
FALSE (default), the maximum height necessary to display
every section in the page footer area at full height will be
reserved. See Remarks below.
reserveMinimumPageFooter can be used to remove undesirable white space when
there are two or more sections in the page footer area and only one section, based
on conditional settings, will be visible when the report is viewed in the preview
window. For example, a report page footer area might contain two sections, one
conditionally set to display at the bottom of odd pages and the other at the bottom
of even pages. When this member is set to TRUE, sufficient space will be reserved
to display only one of the sections included in the area (set to the height of the
tallest section). Note that when reserveMinimumPageFooter = TRUE and there is
more than one section visible in the page footer area, the visible sections will be
displayed only to the extent allowed by the reserved minimum space (the height
of the tallest section) with the remainder truncated.
Constructor CRPESectionOptions::CRPESectionOptions
This constructs a CRPESectionOptions structure object. Call the constructor with
no parameters to allow the Class Library to initialize all member variables with
default values. Pass parameters to the constructor to assign specific values to each
member variable.
Constructor Syntax
CRPESectionOptions (
short visible,
short newPageBefore,
short newPageAfter,
short keepTogether,
short suppressBlankLines,
short resetPageNAfter,
short printAtBottomOfPage,
COLORREF backgroundColour,
short underlaySection,
short showArea,
short freeFormPlacement,
short reserveMinimumPageFooter );
This structure is used to get and set the session information (user ID and
password) for password-protected Microsoft Access databases. It is used with
“CRPEJob::GetNthTableSessionInfo” on page55, and
“CRPEJob::SetNthTableSessionInfo” on page90, member functions.
Data Members
Constructor CRPESessionInfo::CRPESessionInfo
This constructs a CRPESessionInfo structure object. Call the constructor with no
parameters to allow the Class Library to initialize all member variables with
default values. Pass parameters to the constructor to assign specific values to each
member variable.
Constructor Syntax
CRPESessionInfo (
const _TCHAR *userID,
const _TCHAR *password,
DWORD sessionHandle );
This structure provides show group event information when an event callback is
called with event ID equal to PEP_SHOW_GROUP_EVENT.
Data Members
Constructor CRPEShowGroupEventInfo::CRPEShowGroupEventInfo
This constructs a CRPEShowGroupEventInfo structure object. It assigns default
values to the members of the structure.
Constructor Syntax
CRPEShowGroupEventInfo ();
This structure provides start event information when the callback function is called
with event ID equal to PEP_START_EVENT.
Data Members
The default for data member m_destination is PEP_TO_NOWHERE.
m_destination WORD Indicates the process destination using one of the following
PEP_TO_XXX “Job Destination Constants” on page169.
Constructor CRPEStartEventInfo::CRPEStartEventInfo
This constructs a CRPEStartEventInfo structure object. It assigns the default value
to the member of the structure.
Constructor Syntax
CRPEStartEventInfo ();
This structure provides stop event information when a callback method is called
with an event ID equal to PEP_STOP_EVENT.
Data Members
m_destination WORD Indicates the process destination using one of the PEP_TO_XXX
“Job Destination Constants” on page169.
m_jobStatus WORD Indicates the current status of the job using one of the
PEP_JOBXXX “Job Status Constants” on page169.
Constructor CRPEStopEventInfo::CRPEStopEventInfo
This constructs a CRPEStopEventInfo structure object. It assigns default values to
the members of the structure.
Constructor Syntax
CRPEStopEventInfo ();
The CRPESubreportInfo structure contains information on a subreport that
appears in the main report. This structure is used by “CRPEJob::GetSubreportInfo”
on page64, to retrieve information about a subreport.
Data Members
Constructor CRPESubreportInfo::CRPESubreportInfo
This constructs a CRPESubreportInfo structure object. It assigns default values to
the members of the structure.
Constructor Syntax
This structure contains table difference information and is used by
“CRPEJob::CheckNthTableDifferences” on page20.
Data Member
Each data member is set by the corresponding constructor parameter unless
otherwise noted.
Constructor CRPETableDifferenceInfo::CRPETableDifferenceInfo
This constructs a CRPETableDifferenceInfo structure object. Call the constructor
with no parameters to allow the Class Library to initialize all member variables
with default values. Pass parameters to the constructor to assign specific values to
each member variable.
Constructor Syntax
CRPETableDifferenceInfo (
WORD StructSize,
DWORD tableDifferences );
This structure contains table location information and is used by
“CRPEJob::GetNthTableLocation” on page53, and
“CRPEJob::SetNthTableLocation” on page89.
Data Member
Each data member is set by the corresponding constructor parameter unless
otherwise noted.
Constructor CRPETableLocation::CRPETableLocation
This constructs a CRPETableLocation structure object. Call the constructor with no
parameters to allow the Class Library to initialize all member variables with
default values. Pass parameters to the constructor to assign specific values to each
member variable.
Constructor Syntax
CRPETableLocation (
const _TCHAR *location,
const _TCHAR *SubLocation,
const _TCHAR *ConnectionBuffer );
This structure contains information for using data objects such as ADO, RDO, or
CDO with the Active Data Driver.
Data Member
Each data member is set by the corresponding constructor parameter unless
otherwise noted.
Constructor CRPETablePrivateInfo::CRPETablePrivateInfo
This constructs a CRPETablePrivateInfo structure object. Call the constructor with
no parameters to allow the Class Library to initialize all member variables with
default values. Pass parameters to the constructor to assign specific values to each
member variable.
Constructor Syntax
CRPETablePrivateInfo (
WORD StructSize,
WORD nBytes,
DWORD tag,
BYTE *dataPtr );
This structure contains information about a specific table used in the report and is
used by “CRPEJob::GetNthTableSessionInfo” on page55.
Data Members
Constructor CRPETableType::CRPETableType
This constructs a CRPETableType structure object. It assigns default values to the
members of the structure.
Constructor Syntax
CRPETableType ();
This structure specifies cursor information such as size and type and is used by
“CRPEJob::GetTrackCursorInfo” on page64, or “CRPEJob::SetTrackCursorInfo”
on page98.
Data Members
Each available data member uses the PEP_TC_XXX “Cursor Constants” on
page154, except as noted below.
The default value for each available data member is
PEP_TC_DEFAULT_CURSOR, except as noted below. For most areas, CRPE
sets this to PEP_TC_ARROW_CURSOR.
Pass PE_UNCHANGED for any available data member to use the existing
By default, most of the cursors are set to the constant
PEP_TC_ARROW_CURSOR. If the canDrillDown option in
“CRPEWindowOptions” on page150 is set to True, groupAreaCursor,
groupAreaFieldCursor, and graphCursor will be
Some cursors are 32-bit only and some are 16-bit only. If a cursor is not
supported on a platform, the cursor will not be changed for the specified area.
Constructor CRPETrackCursorInfo::CRPETrackCursorInfo
This constructs a RPETrackCursorInfo structure object. It assigns default values to
the members of the structure.
Constructor Syntax
CRPETrackCursorInfo () ;
This structure contains parameter field value information.
Data Members
Each data member is set by the corresponding constructor parameter.
Constructor CRPEValueInfo::CRPEValueInfo
This constructs a CRPEValueInfo structure object. Call the constructor with no
parameters to allow the Class Library to initialize all member variables with
default values. Pass parameters to the constructor to assign specific values to each
member variable.
Constructor Syntax
CRPEValueInfo (
WORD StructSize,
WORD valueType,
double viNumber,
double viCurrency,
BOOL viBoolean,
_TCHAR viString,
short viDate,
short viDateTime,
short viTime,
short viInteger,
_TCHAR ignored,
long viLong );
This structure is used to set attributes for a print window. Use
“CRPEJob::GetWindowOptions” on page65, and “CRPEJob::SetWindowOptions”
on page99, to retrieve and change these options.
Data Members
The default for each data member is FALSE.
For each data member, use TRUE, FALSE, or PEP_UNCHANGED to use
existing setting.
m_hasGroupTree short Indicates whether the specified print window has a group tree.
m_canDrillDown short Indicates whether the specified print window has permission
to drill down.
m_has short Indicates whether the specified print window has navigation
NavigationControls controls (previous, next, etc.).
m_hasCancelButtom short Indicates whether the specified print window has a Cancel
m_hasPrintButton short Indicates whether the specified print window has a Print button.
m_hasExportButton short Indicates whether the specified print window has an Export
m_has ZoomControl short Indicates whether the specified print window has
magnification controls.
m_hasCloseButton short Indicates whether the specified print window has a Close button.
m_has short Indicates whether the specified print window has controls to
progressControls indicated the progress of a lengthy operation.
m_hasSearchButton short Indicates whether to perform database verification for every
print job.
m_hasPrintSetup short Indicates whether the specified print window has a Print
Button Setup button.
m_hasRefreshButton short Indicates whether the specified print window has a Refresh
Data button.
m_showToolbarTips short Indicates whether Toolbar Tips will be shown or hidden.
m_showDocumentTips short Indicates whether Document Tips will be shown or hidden.
m_hasLaunchButton short Indicates whether a Launch Seagate Analysis button will be
shown or hidden.
Note: Seagate Analysis is now known as Crystal Analysis.
Constructor CRPEWindowOptions::CRPEWindowOptions
This constructs a CRPEWindowOptions structure object. Call the constructor with
no parameters to allow the Class Library to initialize all member variables with
default values. Pass parameters to the constructor to assign specific values to each
member variable.
Constructor Syntax
CRPEWindowOptions (
short hasGroupTree,
short canDrillDown,
short hasNavigationControls,
short hasCancelButton,
short hasPrintButton,
short hasExportButton,
short hasZoomControl,
short hasCloseButton,
short hasProgressControls,
short hasSearchButton,
short hasPrintSetupButton,
short hasRefreshButton
short showToolbarTips,
short showDocumentTips,
short hasLaunchButton );
This structure gives information about the
Data Members
m_zoomLevel WORD The zoom level you wish to set the preview window at. This
value can be a value from 25 to 400, indicating a magnification
percentage, or it can be one of the PEP_ZOOM_XXX “Zoom
Constants” on page172.
m_windowHandle long Specifies the frame window handle where the event happens.
This constructs a CRPEZoomLevelChangingEventInfo structure object. It assigns
default values to the members of the structure.
Constructor Syntax
CRPEZoomLevelChangingEventInfo ();
Constant Description
PE_FFN_SHOW_AREA Area format
PE_FFN_NEW_PAGE_BEFORE Area and Section format
PE_FFN_NEW_PAGE_AFTER Area and Section format
PE_FFN_KEEP_TOGETHER Area and Section format
PE_FFN_RESET_PAGE_N_AFTER Area and Section format
PE_FFN_PRINT_AT_BOTTOM_OF_PAGE Area and Section format
Cursor Constants
Error Codes
The following codes are returned by “CRPEngine::GetErrorCode” on page6, and
“CRPEJob::GetErrorCode” on page29.
Constant Description
Constant Description
Constant Description
PEP_ERR_NOPARENTWINDOW No dialog parent window.
Constant Description
PEP_ERR_BADSQLEXPRESSIONNAME No SQL expression by the specified *name*
exists in this report.
Constant Description
PEP_ERR_BADSQLEXPRESSIONNUMBER No SQL expression by the specified
*number* exists in this report.
PEP_ERR_INVALIDDEFAULTVALUEINDEX Invalid index for default value of a
PEP_ERR_NOMINMAXVALUE The specified PEP_PF_XXX type does not
have min/max values.
PEP_ERR_INCONSISTANTTYPES Both min and max values are specified in
PESetParameterMinMaxValue and the
value types for the min and max values are
not the same.
PEP_ERR_PARAMTYPEDIFFERENT The type used in an add/set value API for a
parameter differs with its existing type.
PEP_ERR_INCONSISTANTRANGETYPES The value type for both start & end range
values must be the same.
PEP_ERR_RANGEORDISCRETE An operation was attempted on a discrete
parameter that is only legal for range
parameters or vice versa.
PEP_ERR_NOTMAINREPORT An operation was attempted that is
disallowed for subreports.
PEP_ERR_INVALIDCURRENTVALUEINDEX Invalid index for current value of a
PEP_ERR_LINKEDPARAMVALUE Operation illegal on linked parameter.
does not match PEP_GT_XXX or
PEP_GST_XXX current graph type.
PEP_ERR_BADGRAPHOPTIONINFO One of the members of PEGraphOptionInfo
is out of range.
PEP_ERR_BADGRAPHAXISINFO One of them members of PEGraphAxisInfo
is out of range.
PEP_ERR_NOTEXTERNALSUBREPORT The subreport is not imported.
Constant Description
PEP_ERR_INVALIDFORMULASYNTAXTYPE Specified formula syntax not in
PEP_ERR_INTERNALERROR Programming error.
Event Id Constants
Constant Description
PEP_DRILL_ON_GROUP_EVENT Include drill on graph.
Constant Description
PEP_RIGHT_CLICK_EVENT Right mouse click.
PEP_LEFT_CLICK_EVENT Left mouse click.
PEP_MIDDLE_CLICK_EVENT Middle mouse click.
Constant Value
Constant Value
Constant Description
PEP_GT_UNKNOWNTYPECHART Do not use in PESetGraphTypeInfo.
Constant Description
PEP_JOBNOTSTARTED The job has not been started.
PEP_JOBINPROGRESS The job is currently in progress.
PEP_JOBCOMPLETED The job has been completed successfully.
PEP_JOBFAILED An error has occurred and the job has failed.
PEP_JOBCANCELLED The job has been canceled by the user.
PEP_JOBHALTED The job has too many records or has taken too much time.
Constant Value
Constant Description
PEP_SF_DESCENDING Sorts data in descending order (Z to A, 9 to 1).
PEP_SF_ASCENDING Sorts data in ascending order (A to Z, 1 to 9).
Constant Value
Constant Value
PEP_TCD_OKAY 0x00000000
Zoom Constants
Constant Description
PEP_ZOOM_SIZE_FIT_ONE_SIDE Fit one side (highest magnification).
CRPEJob::GetMinimumSectionHeight is obsolete. It will still work for older
applications. However, there have been a number of major enhancements to the
parameter fields (default values, multiple values, value ranges, etc.). Use
“CRPEJob::GetSectionHeight” on page62, for all new development.
CRPEJob::GetMinimumSectionHeight was used to retrieve the minimum section
height information for selected sections in the specified report.
BOOL GetMinimumSectionHeight (
short sectionCode,
short *height );
sectionCode Specifies the code for the report section for which you want to retrieve the
minimum height. Use one of the PEP_XXX “Section Codes Constants” on
height Specifies a pointer to the minimum height, in twips, for the specified report section.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
CRPEJob::GetNParams is now obsolete. It will still work for older applications.
However, there have been a number of major enhancements to the parameter
fields (default values, multiple values, value ranges, etc.). Use
“CRPEJob::GetNParameterFields” on page44, for all new development.
CRPEJob::GetNParams was used to determine how many parameters are required
by a stored procedure in an SQL data base table. This method was usually used in
conjunction with “CRPEJob::GetNthParam” on page173, or
“CRPEJob::SetNthParam” on page175.
short GetNParams ();
Returns the number of parameters in the current stored procedure being used
to generate the report.
Returns -1 if an error occurs.
CRPEJob::GetNthParam is obsolete. It will still work for older applications.
However, there have been a number of major enhancements to the parameter
fields (default values, multiple values, value ranges, etc.). Use
“CRPEJob::GetNthParameterField” on page50, for all new development.
CRPEJob::GetNthParam was Used to determine a particular parameter required
by a stored procedure in a SQL database table.
BOOL GetNthParam (
short paramN,
CString ¶mValue );
paramN Specifies which parameter in the stored procedure you want to retrieve. The first
parameter of a stored procedure is 0, the second is 1, etc.
paramValue Reference to the CString containing the current value of the specified parameter
in the stored procedure.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
To determine whether a parameter field is a stored procedure, use
“CRPEJob::GetNthParameterField” on page50.
CRPEJob::GetNthParamInfo is obsolete. It will still work for older applications.
However, there have been a number of major enhancements to the parameter
fields (default values, multiple values, value ranges, etc.). Use
“CRPEJob::GetParameterValueInfo” on page57, for all new development.
CRPEJob::GetNthParamInfo was used to retrieve the name and type of a specified
stored procedure parameter.
BOOL GetNthParamInfo (
short paramN,
CRPEParameterInfo *paramInfo );
paramN Specifies the number of the stored procedure parameter about which you want
to retrieve information.
paramInfo Specifies a pointer to an (obsolete) “CRPEParameterInfo” on page176 structure.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
CRPEJob::SetMinimumSectionHeight is obsolete. It will still work for older
applications. However, there have been a number of major enhancements to the
parameter fields (default values, multiple values, value ranges, etc.). Use
“CRPEJob::SetSectionHeight” on page97, for all new development.
CRPEJob::SetMinimumSectionHeight was used to set the minimum section height
information for selected sections in the specified report.
BOOL SetMinimumSectionHeight (
short sectionCode,
short height );
sectionCode Specifies the section for which you want to specify the minimum height. Use
one of the PEP_XXX “Section Codes Constants” on page170.
height Specifies the minimum height in twips of the specified section.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
CRPEJob::SetNthParam is obsolete. It will still work for older applications.
However, there have been a number of major enhancements to the parameter
fields (default values, multiple values, value ranges, etc.). Use
“CRPEJob::SetNthParameterField” on page87, for all new development.
CRPEJob::SetNthParam was used to set the value of a parameter in a stored
BOOL SetNthParam (
short paramN,
const char *paramValue );
paramN Specifies for which parameter in the stored procedure you want to set the value.
The first parameter of a stored procedure is 0, the second is 1, etc.
paramValue Specifies a pointer to the new value of the indicated parameter. This value must
be a string. Please see Remarks below.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
All parameter values must be passed as string values. If you wish to pass a numeric
value, pass the value in quotes (for example: “100”).
CRPEParameterInfo is obsolete. It will still work for older applications. However,
there have been a number of major enhancements to the parameter fields (default
values, multiple values, value ranges, etc.). Use “CRPEParameterValueInfo” on
page130, for all new development.
This structure was used to contains information about a parameter for a stored
procedure in an SQL database. It was used by “CRPEJob::GetNthParamInfo” on
Data Members
m_Type WORD Specifies the data type of the parameter. Use the appropriate
constant from the list below (these data types are supported by
The Crystal Report Engine):
Data Type Constant
m_Name const _TCHAR Specifies the name of the parameter in a null-terminated string.
Constructor CRPEParameterInfo::CRPEParameterInfo
This constructs an (obsolete) CRPEParameterInfo structure object. It assigns
default values to the members of the structure.
Constructor Syntax
CRPEParameterInfo ();
Section type
If an area contains more than one section, use an integer to specify the section of
interest (the first section in an area is Section 0, the second is Section 1, and so forth).
Action specifies the trigger for the printing of the report.
[form.]Report.Action = 1
For example:
CrystalReport1.Action = 1
«Prints the specified report.»
Set the Action property to 1 in your procedure code (CrystalReport1.Action = 1) to
print the report in response to a user event.
Data Type
BoundReportFooter indicates whether or not a footer is printed at the bottom of
each page with a page number when printing a bound report.
[form.]Report.BoundReportFooter[= {True|False}]
For example:
CrystalReport1.BoundReportFooter = True
«Displays a footer at the bottom of each page of the bound report with a page
This property is ignored if the “ReportSource” on page 231, is set to 0.
The default value for this property is False.
This property/method is available for subreports.
Data Type
Design Time; Runtime
BoundReportHeading indicates whether or not a report title is displayed in the
Page Header section at the top of each page of a bound report.
[form.]Report.BoundReportHeading[= Title$]
For example:
CrystalReport1.BoundReportHeading = “Box Office Report”
«Specifies that the title “Box Office Report” be printed at the top of each page of
the report.»
This property is ignored if the “ReportSource” on page 231, is set to 0.
If this property is left blank, no report title will be printed.
Data Type
Design Time; Runtime
Connect specifies the information required to log on to an SQL server or an ODBC
data source.
For example:
CrystalReport1.Connect = “DSN = Accounting;UID = 734;PWD = bigboard;DSQ
= Administration”
«Connects to the “Administration” database on the “Accounting” server using
the user ID #734 and the password “bigboard”.»
CrystalReport1.Connect = “dsn=; uid=; pwd=bigboard; dsq=“
«Connects to a password-protected Paradox database. All that is being passed
is the password “bigboard”.»
Use the Connect property when the report connects to only a single ODBC
data source or SQL server, and only a single set of log on information is
required. If the report connects to multiple data sources that require different
log on information, use “LogOnInfo” on page 205.
Enter the parameters necessary to log on to the SQL server that you need to be
activated for your report. Parameters should be in the following format:
DSN = name;UID = userID;PWD = password;DSQ = database qualifier
name is the server name or ODBC data source name,
userID is the name you have been assigned for logging on to the SQL server,
password is the password you have been assigned for logging on to the SQL
server, and
database qualifier is the database name if your server uses the database concept.
The database qualifier parameter, DSQ, is required only when it is applicable
to the ODBC/SQL driver you are using. If your DBMS does not use the
database concept, you do not need to specify the DSQ parameter.
Before you can use this property for an ODBC/SQL database, you must install
the ODBC/SQL driver for whatever SQL database you are planning to use,
and put the Database/BIN location in your path.
If you are connecting to an SQL or other password protected database directly,
without going through ODBC, use the name of the SQL server for the DSN
Data Type
Design Time; Runtime
CopiesToPrinter specifies the number of copies to be printed if you are printing to
a printer. “Destination” on page 186, will specify that the job be sent to a printer
rather than a window, etc.
[form.]Report.CopiesToPrinter[= NumCopies%]
For example:
CrystalReport1.CopiesToPrinter = 3
«Prints three copies of the specified report.»
The number you enter must not be a zero or a negative value.
This property/method is available for subreports.
Data Type
Design Time; Runtime
DataFiles specifies the location of the database files or tables used in the report.
[form.]Report.DataFiles(ArrayIndex)[= Location$]
Enter the file name and path of each database file or table in your report for
which you want to change the location.
Use a separate line of code for each file for which you want to change the location.
The order of files in the array must conform to the order of files in the report.
(You can use the Database|Set Location command to determine the order of
files in the report.)
The first file in the report is array index (0), the second file is (1), etc.
For example, to change the location of the first and third files in a report (first.dbf
and third.dbf) to the c:\new directory, use the following syntax:
CrystalReport1.DataFiles(0) = “c:\new\first.dbf”
CrystalReport1.DataFiles(2) = “c:\new\third.dbf”
DataFiles is an array property that is available at runtime only.
Use this property if you want to run the report with files in different locations
than specified in the report.
When using this property, you do not have to change the locations of all files
in the report. Just make certain that the array index for each file you do change
matches the position of that file in the report.
This property is cleared once the print job is printed. If you print a second
time, the program reverts to the locations as originally specified in the report.
Data Type
Array of strings
DataSource specifies the Data Control from which the bound report will retrieve
the data.
This property is ignored if the “ReportSource” on page 231, is set to 0.
The Data Control must exist on the form before this property can be set.
This property is only available at design time.
This property/method is available for subreports.
Data Type
Data Control object
Design Time
Destination specifies the destination to which your report is to be printed
(Window, Printer, File or Mail).
[form.]Report.Destination[= Destination%]
For example:
CrystalReport1.Destination = 0
«Sends the specified report to print to a window.»
Select one of the following print destinations:
0 = Window (Sends the report to a preview window.)
1 = Printer (Sends the report to a printer.)
2 = File (Prints the report to a disk file for printing at a later time or for importing
into other applications. If you select this property, you will also have to set the
“PrintFileName” on page 219, and the “PrintFileType” on page 221.)
3 = E-mail via MAPI (Sends the report to another person on your network via
MAPI e-mail (Microsoft Mail). The report is attached to the e-mail letter in the
format specified by the “PrintFileType” on page 221.)
4 = E-mail via VIM (Sends the report to another person on your network via
VIM e-mail (cc:Mail). The report is attached to the e-mail letter in the format
specified by the “PrintFileType” on page 221.)
5 = To Notes (Sends the report to a Lotus Notes destination.)
6 = To Exchange Folder (Sends the report to a Microsoft Exchange folder).
This property/method is available for subreports.
Data Type
Integer (Enumerated)
Design Time; Runtime
DetailCopies specifies the number of copies of each record in the Details section
that the program is to print.
[form.]Report.DetailCopies[= NumCopies%]
For example:
CrystalReport1.DetailCopies = 3
«Specifies that three (3) copies of each record in the details section are to be
If DetailCopies is set to a value less than or equal to zero, the value is ignored
and 1 copy of the Detail section of the report is printed.
This property/method is available for subreports.
Data Type
Design Time; Runtime
DialogParentHandle specifies the handle of the parent window. The program uses
this handle to determine the window within which it centers any dialog boxes that
it displays (progress dialog boxes, parameter field prompt dialog boxes, etc.).
[form.]Report.DialogParentHandle = [HWND]
For example:
CrystalReport1.DialogParentHandle = ParentHwnd
«Specifies the handle of the parent for all dialog boxes that the control will
Does not affect the placement of the preview window. Preview window
placement is determined by the “WindowLeft” on page 247, “WindowTop” on
page 257, “WindowHeight” on page 246, and “WindowWidth” on page 258
This property/method is available for subreports.
Data Type
Long Integer
Runtime only
DiscardSavedData indicates whether or not the data that is saved with a report
should be discarded.
[form.]Report.DiscardSavedData[= TrueFalse%]
For example:
CrystalReport1.DiscardSavedData = 1
«Discards the data saved with the specified report.»
For TrueFalse% use one of the following values:
Do not discard the data: False = 0
Discard the data: True = 1
This property/method is available for subreports.
Data Type
Design Time; Runtime
EMailCCList specifies the “CC” list to which you want your e-mail message sent.
[form.]Report.EMailCCList [= CCList$]
For example:
CrystalReport1.EMailCCList = “John Brown; Jane Doe”
«Sends a CC of the e-mail message to both John Brown and Jane Doe.»
Applies to both VIM and MAPI.
Multiple names must be separated by a semicolon.
This property/method is available for subreports.
Data Type
Design Time; Runtime
EMailMessage specifies the string that you want to appear as the body of your e-
mail message.
For example:
CrystalReport1.EMailMessage = “The meeting is at 4:00”
«Sets “The meeting is at 4:00” as the body of the e-mail message.»
Applies to both MAPI and VIM.
This property/method is available for subreports.
Data Type
Design Time; Runtime
EMailSubject specifies the subject line in your e-mail message.
[form.]Report.EMailSubject[= Subject$]
For example:
CrystalReport1.EMailSubject = “Staff meeting”
«Sets “Staff meeting” as the subject line in an e-mail message.»
Applies to both MAPI and VIM.
This property/method is available for subreports.
Data Type
Design Time; Runtime
EMailToList specifies the “To” list to which you want your e-mail message sent.
[form.]Report.EMailToList [=ToList$]
For example:
CrystalReport1.EMailToList = “Jane Doe”
«Makes Jane Doe the only name in the To list.»
Applies to both MAPI and VIM.
Multiple names must be separated by a semicolon.
This property/method is available for subreports.
Data Type
Design Time; Runtime
EMailVIMBCCList specifies the “Blind CC” list to which you want your e-mail
message sent.
[form.]Report.EMailVIMBCCList [=BCCList$]
For example:
CrystalReport1.EMailVIMBCCList = “John Jacobs; Jane Doe”
«Makes John Jacobs and Jane Doe the names for the BCC list.»
Applies to VIM only, not MAPI.
Multiple names must be separated by a semicolon.
This property is not available in the 32-bit ActiveX control.
This property/method is available for subreports.
Data Type
Design Time; Runtime
ExchangeFolder specifies the Exchange path to which a file will be exported, when
you want to export to Microsoft Exchange.
[form.]Report.ExchangeFolder [= ExchangeFolderPath$]
For example:
CrystalReport1.ExchangeFolder = “c:\Microsoft\Exchange\newrpt.rpt”
«Send the report to file “newrpt.rpt” in the subdirectory
Note: ExchangeFolder is case-sensitive. If you enter a value in the wrong case
you will receive an error message.
Data Type
This property/method is available for subreports.
Specifies the Exchange password when you want to export to Microsoft Exchange.
[form.]Report.ExchangePassword [= Password$]
For example:
CrystalReport1.ExchangePassword = “pickle”
«The Exchange password is “pickle”.»
Data Type
This property/method is available for subreports.
ExchangeProfile specifies the Exchange Profile when you want to export to
Microsoft Exchange.
[form.]Report.ExchangeProfile [= Profile$]
For example:
CrystalReport1.ExchangeProfile = “James Andrews”
«Specifies “James Andrews” as the Exchange Profile.»
Usually your profile is your name.
This property/method is available for subreports.
Data Type
Formulas specifies a new string for an existing formula.
[form.]Report.Formulas(ArrayIndex)[= “FormulaName= FormulaText”]
Enter the formula name and the string that you want to replace the existing string
for each formula that you want to change in your report.
For example, to change a formula @COMMISSION to {file.SALES}*.1, and a second
formula @TOTAL to {file.SALES} + {file.COMMISSION}, enter the following:
CrystalReport1.Formulas(0) = “COMMISSION= {file.SALES} *.1”
CrystalReport1.Formulas(1) = “TOTAL= {file.SALES} + {file.COMMISSION}”
Formulas is an array property that is available at runtime only.
Use a separate line of code for each formula you want to change.
Change only those formulas that you want to change.
The first formula you change must be assigned array index (0), the second
must be assigned array index (1), etc.
The new formula string must conform to Crystal Reports syntax requirements.
This property is cleared once the print job is printed. If you print a second
time, the program reverts to the formulas as originally specified in the report.
Spaces are significant in formula names. For this reason, the equals sign must
follow the formula name with no intervening spaces.
The @ sign is not used when designating a formula name in this property.
You can’t use this property to create new formulas. You can only use it to
change existing formulas.
Data Type
Array of strings
GraphData specifies the data used for a specified chart.
[= sectionCode; graphNum; row; col;
For example:
CrystalReport1.GraphData(0)= “GROUPHDR.0.0; 1; GROUP2; GROUP1; 0; COLANDROW”
«The value in Group 1 is used for the rows of the graph, the value in Group 2 is
used for the columns of the graph, the first summarized field added to the
report is used to set the value of the risers of the graph, and values in both
columns and rows are used to create the graph.»
With GraphData, you can specify changes to one or more graphs at runtime. Those
changes then take place sequentially when you make the “Action=1” call.
The array index value for GraphData simply specifies the sequence number for the
change. Thus:
CrystalReport1.GraphData(0) = “GROUPHDR.0.0; 3; Group1; Group2; 666;
when making changes to one graph only, but
CrystalReport1.GraphData(0) = “HEADER; 3; Group1; Group2; 666;
COLANDROW” CrystalReport1.GraphData(1) = “GROUPHDR.0.0; 3; Group1;
Group2; 666; COLANDROW”
when making changes to more than one graph.
Use the following table as a guide in supplying the required values for this property:
Data Type
Array of strings
GraphOptions specifies several of the options for the specified chart.
[form.]Report.GraphOptions(ArrayIndex%) [= sectionCode; graphNum;
fontFace; barDirection; labelRisers; gridLines; legend; max; min$]
For example:
CrystalReport1.GraphOptions(0) = “FOOTER;0;Arial;H;T;F;X;max;min”
«Sets the font to Arial, sets horizontal bars, shows a data value on every riser
(labelRisers = T), and toggles the grid lines off in the first Graph in the Page
Footer section.»
With GraphOptions, you can specify changes to one or more graphs at runtime. Those
changes then take place sequentially when you make the “Action=1” call. The array
index value for GraphOptions simply specifies the sequence number for the change.
CrystalReport1.GraphOptions(0) = “GROUPHDR.0.0; 1; Arial; (H; T; F; legend;
max; min”
when making changes to one graph only, but
CrystalReport1.GraphOptions(0) = “TITLE; 1 Arial; H; T; F; X; 100; 0"
CrystalReport1.GraphOptions(1) = “TITLE; 1 Arial; H; T; F; X; 100; 0"
when making changes to more than one graph.
Use the following chart as a guide in entering the required property values:
Data Type
Array of strings
GraphText specifies the various text components for the specified chart.
[form.]Report.GraphText(ArrayIndex%)[= sectionCode; graphNum;title;
subTitle; footnote;series;group;x;y;z$]
For example:
CrystalReport1.GraphText(0) = “HEADER; 0;;;;;;new x label; new y
label;new z label”
«Resets the x, y, and z labels for the first graph in the Page Header section.»
Select your section code from the section code table (see “Overview of Section
Codes” on page 178).
With GraphText, you can specify changes to one or more graphs at runtime.
Those changes then take place sequentially when you make the “Action=1”
call. The array index value for GraphText simply specifies the sequence
number for the change. Thus:
CrystalReport1.GraphText(0) = “ GROUPHDR.0.0; 1; title string;
subtitle string; footnote string; series string; group string;
x string;y string; z string”
when making changes to one graph only, but
CrystalReport1.GraphText(0) = “TITLE; 1; title string; subtitle
string; footnote string; series string; group string; x string;
y string; z string”
CrystalReport1.GraphText(1) = “TITLE; 1; title string; subtitle
string; footnote string; series string; group string; x string;
y string; z string”
Data Type
Array of strings
GraphType specifies the kind of chart used in the selected section in the specified
For example:
CrystalReport1.GraphType(0)= “GROUPHDR.0.0; 0; PIE”
«Specifies a Pie graph as the first graph (graphNum =0) in the Group Header 1
With GraphType, you can specify changes to one or more graphs at runtime.
Those changes then take place sequentially when you make the “Action=1” call.
The array index value for GraphType specifies the sequence number for the
change. Thus:
CrystalReport1.GraphType(0) = “GROUPHDR.0.0; 0; PIE”
when making changes to one graph only, but
CrystalReport1.GraphType(0) = “HEADER; 0; PIE”
CrystalReport1.GraphType(1) = “GROUPHDR.0.0; 0; PIE”
when making changes to more than one graph.
Select sectionCode from the section code table, see “Overview of Section
Codes” on page 178.
Graph numbers are 0 origin; the first graph in a section is number 0, the second
is number 1, etc.
Multiple graphs in a section are numbered left to right first, then top to bottom.
Select from the following graph types for the GraphType value for this property:
Data Type
Arrays of strings
GroupCondition specifies what kind of change in the Group Condition Field will
trigger the creation of a group.
[= group; field; condition; sortDirection$]
For example:
CrystalReport1.GroupCondition(0) = “GROUP1;{order details.ORDER
«Specifies that any change in the ordernum field in Group1 will trigger a new
Refer to the following tables for parameter values for this property:
Data Type
Array of strings
Runtime only
GroupSelectionFormula specifies the groups to be used when printing the report.
[= “GroupSelectionFormula”]
Enter the group selection formula just as you would enter it in the Formula Editor.
For example, to limit your report to those groups with a subtotal on the {order
details.ORDER AMOUNT} field less than $10,000 (with subtotals triggered by
changes in the {customer.CUSTOMER ID field}, you would enter the following as
a group selection formula:
Sum ({order details.ORDER AMOUNT}, {customer.CUSTOMER ID}) < $10000
If your group selection formula includes internal quotes, change all of the internal
double quotes to single quotes and then surround the entire selection formula in
double quotes.
Note: If you have created a group selection formula in your report at Design
Time, any group selection formula you enter here will be appended to that group
selection formula, connected by an “and”. Thus, your records will be selected
based on a combination of the two formulas.
Data Type
Design Time; Runtime
GroupSortFields specifies the group field(s) that are to be used to sort your data
when the report is printed.
[= “+|-GroupField”]
Enter the group field(s) on which you want your report to be sorted.
For example, assume that you have broken your data into state groups and had
Crystal Reports count the number of customers in each group. In order to print the
group with the highest count first, then the group with the next highest count, etc.
(descending order), enter a string similar to the following:
CrystalReport1.GroupSortFields(0) = “-Count
({customer.CUSTOMER ID},{customer.REGION})”
GroupSortFields is an array property available at runtime only.
Use a separate line of code to specify each group sort field.
Enter group sort fields in the order that you want them to sort your report. For
example, if you want your report to be sorted first on group sort field A and
then on group sort field B, specify group sort field A in your first line of code
and group sort field B in your second line of code.
The first group sort field you specify must be assigned array index 0, the
second group sort field must be assigned array index 1, etc.
The index values you assign must be continuous; no gaps are allowed (0, 1, 2 =
OK, 0, 1, 3 = wrong).
Array index values must be subscripted in the code immediately after the
property name (i.e., CrystalReport1.GroupSortFields(0) =).
If you have specified sort fields for your report at Design Time, any sort fields
you enter here will replace the sort fields in your report.
If you do not use this property, the program will use the sorting instructions
that you specified in the report.
If you want to clear the group sort fields in your report, use an empty string
(i.e., CrystalReport1.GroupSortFields(0) = “”).
This property is cleared once the print job is printed. If you print a second time,
the program reverts to the group sort fields as originally specified in the report.
The group sort field entry must follow the sort direction sign (+ or -) with no
intervening space.
To find the correct syntax for any group in your report using Crystal Reports
for Visual Basic:
choose the Formula Field command from the Insert menu,
enter any formula name in the Insert Formula dialog box when it appears,
click the scroll button on the Fields list in the Formula Editor when it
appears, and
double-click the group field of interest.
Crystal Reports enters the group field name in the Formula text box. Use the name
and syntax from that text box when constructing your group sort field string.
Data Type
Array of strings
LastErrorNumber specifies the error code for the last runtime error.
For example:
'If error occurs, go to Error Handler
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
MsgBox CrystalReport1.LastErrorNumber
«If an error occurs, this code calls up a message box that displays the error
LastErrorNumber is a runtime-only property.
This property/method is available for subreports.
Note: LastErrorNumber must come after the Action call in order to display relevant
values. After you have printed your report, you can refer to this property to get an
error number (if any). If there was no error in printing, LastErrorNumber = 0.
Data Type
LastErrorString specifies the error string for the last runtime error.
For example:
'If error occurs, go to Error Handler
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
MsgBox CrystalReport1.LastErrorString
«If an error occurs, this code calls up a message box that displays the error
LastErrorString is a runtime-only property.
This property/method is available for subreports.
Note: LastErrorString must come after the Action call in order to display relevant
values. After you have printed your report, you can refer to this property to get an
error string (if any). If there was no error in printing, LastErrorNumber = 0.
Data Type
LogOnInfo specifies the information required to log on to one or more SQL servers
or password-protected databases.
[form.]Report.LogOnInfo(ArrayIndex)[ =
For example:
CrystalReport1.LogOnInfo[0] = “DSN = Accounting;UID = 734;PWD =
bigboard;DSQ = Administration”
Use the LogOnInfo property when the report connects to multiple data sources
that require different log on information. If the report connects to only a single
ODBC data source or SQL server, and only a single set of log on information is
required, simply pass 0 as the array index, or “Connect” on page 183, can be
used instead.
Use a separate line of code for each table for which you want to change the
logon info.
The order of tables in the array must conform to the order of tables in the
report. (You can use the Database|Set Location command to determine the
order of tables in the report.)
The first table in the report is array index (0), the second file is (1), etc. For
example, to change the logon information of the first and third tables in a
report to the NEW server, use the following syntax:
CrystalReport1.LogOnInfo(0) = “DSN = NEW;UID = 734;PWD = bigboard;DSQ =
Administration1”CrystalReport1.LogOnInfo(2) = “DSN = NEW;UID = 734;PWD =
bigboard;DSQ = Administration2”
LogOnInfo is an array property that is available at runtime only.
Enter the parameters necessary to log on to each SQL server table that you
need to change information for in your report. Parameters should be in the
following format:
DSN = name;UID = userID;PWD = password;DSQ = database qualifier
name is the server name,
userID is the name you have been assigned for logging on to the SQL server,
password is the password you have been assigned for logging on to the SQL
server, and
database qualifier is the database name if your server uses the database concept.
The database qualifier parameter (DSQ) is required only when it is applicable
to the ODBC/SQL driver you are using. If your DBMS does not use the
database concept, you do not need to specify the DSQ parameter.
Before you can use this property for an ODBC/SQL database, you must install
the ODBC/SQL driver for whatever SQL database you are planning to use,
and put the Database/BIN location in your path.
If you are connecting to an SQL or other password protected database directly,
without going through ODBC, use the name of the SQL server for the DSN
“RetrieveLogonInfo” on page 267, can be used to populate this property with
log on information automatically.
Data Type
Array of strings
MarginBottom specifies the bottom margin for the specified report.
For example:
CrystalReport1.MarginBottom = 720
«Sets a 1/2 inch bottom margin for the report (1 inch = 1440 twips).»
MarginSetting is the margin you want, in twips. A twip is 1/20th of a point. There
are 72 points and thus 1440 twips in an inch.
Data Type
Design Time; Runtime
MarginLeft specifies the left margin for the specified report.
For example:
CrystalReport1.MarginLeft = 1440
«Sets a 1 inch left margin for the report (1 inch = 1440 twips).»
MarginSetting is the margin you want, in twips.
Data Type
Design Time; Runtime
MarginRight specifies the right margin for the specified report.
For example:
«Sets a 1 inch right margin for the report (1 inch = 1440 twips).»
MarginSetting is the margin you want, in twips.
Data Type
Design Time; Runtime
MarginTop specifies the top margin for the specified report.
For example:
CrystalReport1.MarginTop = 720
«Sets a 1/2 inch top margin for the report (1 inch = 1440 twips).»
MarginSetting is the margin you want, in twips.
Data Type
Design Time; Runtime
ParameterFields specifies the default value of the specified parameter field. When
the prompting dialog box appears for the parameter field, the value specified with
this property will be the default value that appears. This property is not available
for subreports.
The parameter, SetCurrentValue can either be set to TRUE or FALSE.
If set to TRUE, the parameter value is passed to the current value in the report;
the user is not prompted to enter the parameter value.
If set to FALSE, the parameter value is passed to the default value for the
parameter; the user is prompted to enter the parameter value, with the value
you set showing as the default value.
The default value for SetCurrentValue is FALSE.
This property does not eliminate the prompt by specifying a current value for
the parameter field. You will still be prompted but the default value in the
prompt will be the value you specify.
Use a separate line of code for each parameter field for which you want to
change the value.
The order of values in the array must conform to the order of parameter fields
in the report.
The first parameter field in the report is array index (0), the second is (1), etc.
For example:
To change the value of the first parameter field in a report (parameter1) to
“red” use the following syntax (user will not be prompted to enter a value):
CrystalReport1.ParameterFields(0) = “parameter1;red;TRUE”
To change the value in a Date parameter field use the following syntax
(user will not be prompted to enter a value):
CrystalReport1.ParameterFields(0) =
To prompt the user to change the value of the third parameter field in a
report (parameter3) use the following syntax (user will be prompted to use
the default value set using the NewValue parameter below - “blue”):
CrystalReport1.ParameterFields(2) = “parameter3;blue;FALSE”
Data Type
Array of strings
Runtime only
Password specifies the password needed to use database tables on a restricted
Access .MDB file.
[form.]Report.Password[= Password$]
For example:
CrystalReport1.Password = “dogsncats”
«Enters the password dogsncats.»
Data Type
Enter the password you have been assigned.
In Microsoft Access 95 and later, an Access database can have session security
(also know as user-level security), database-level security, or both. If the
Access database contains only session security, simply pass the session
password to the Password property. If the Access database contains database-
level security, use a linefeed character, Chr(10), followed by the database-level
password. For example:
CrystalReport1.Password = Chr(10) & “dbpassword”
If the Access database contains both session security and database-level security, use
the session password followed by the linefeed character and the database password:
CrystalReport1.Password “sesspswd” & Chr(10) & “dbpassword”
Alternately, database-level security can also be handled by assigning the database-
level password to the Password parameter of the “LogOnInfo” on page 205,
PrintDay specifies the day component of the print date (if different from the actual
date the report is printed).
For example:
CrystalReport1.PrintDay = 23
«Sets 23 as the print day.»
Enter a value from 1 to 31.
“PrintYear” on page 226, “PrintMonth” on page 226, and PrintDay work
together to define the date that the report is to be printed. All three properties
must be set in order to define a new print date. If all three properties are not
set, the date saved with the report is used. This may be the user’s default date
if none has been specified in the report.
Data Type
Design Time; Runtime
PrinterCollation indicates whether or not copies will be collated when printed, if
more than one copy is to be printed. Use “PrinterCopies” on page 212, to specify
how many copies should be printed.
For example:
CrystalReport1.PrinterCollation = 1
«Collates the copies of the specified report.»
Select your CollationCode% value from the following table:
Status Code
Uncollated 0
Collated 1
Default Collation 2
Data Type
Integer (Enumerated)
Design Time; Runtime
PrinterCopies specifies the number of report copies to be printed.
“PrinterCollation” on page 212, indicates whether or not the copies will be collated
when printed.
For example:
CrystalReport1.PrinterCopies = 3
«Specifies that the program is to print three copies of the report.»
The number used for PrinterCopies must not be zero or a negative value.
This property/method is available for subreports.
Data Type
Design Time; Runtime
PrinterDriver specifies the name of the printer driver that is to be used when the
report is printed.
[form.]Report.PrinterDriver [= DriverName$]
For example:
CrystalReport1.PrinterDriver = “Epson24.drv”
«Sets the printer driver to be the Epson 24 pin driver.»
PrinterDriver, “PrinterName” on page 214, and “PrinterPort” on page 215,
work together to define the printer that the report is to be sent to. All three
properties must be set in order to define a new printer. If all three properties
are not set, the printer defined in the report will be used. This may be the
user’s default printer if none has been specified in the report.
This property/method is available for subreports.
For an example of how to use this property look in the WIN.INI file under the
Devices section. You will find something like this:
HP LaserJet 4/4M=HPPCL5MS,hp4_tech_1
Data Type
Design Time; Runtime
PrinterName specifies the name of the printer that is to print the report.
[form.]Report.PrinterName[= PrinterName$]
For example:
CrystalReport1.PrinterName = “Epson LQ-850”
«Specifies the Epson LQ-850 printer.»
“PrinterDriver” on page 213, PrinterName, and “PrinterPort” on page 215,
work together to define the printer that the report is to be sent to. All three
properties must be set in order to define a new printer. If all three properties
are not set, the printer defined in the report will be used. This may be the
user’s default printer if none has been specified in the report.
This property/method is available for subreports.
For an example of how to use this property look in the WIN.INI file under the
Devices section. You will find something like this:
HP LaserJet 4/4M=HPPCL5MS,hp4_tech_1
The PrinterName is the HP LaserJet 4/4M, left of the = sign
The PrinterDriver is the HPPCL5MS, first variable after the = sign
The PrinterPort is the hp4_tech_1, the second variable after the = sign. Port is
often something like “LPT1:”
Data Type
Design Time; Runtime
PrinterPort specifies the name of the printer port for the specified printer.
[form.]Report.PrinterPort[= PortName$]
For example:
CrystalReport1.PrinterPort= “LPT1”
«Sets the printer port to LPT1.»
“PrinterDriver” on page 213, “PrinterName” on page 214, and PrinterPort
work together to define the printer that the report is to be sent to. All three
properties must be set in order to define a new printer. If all three properties
are not set, the printer defined in the report will be used. This may be the
user’s default printer if none has been specified in the report.
This property/method is available for subreports.
For an example of how to use this property look in the WIN.INI file under the
Devices section. You will find something like this:
HP LaserJet 4/4M=HPPCL5MS,hp4_tech_1
The PrinterName is the HP LaserJet 4/4M, left of the = sign
The PrinterDriver is the HPPCL5MS, first variable after the = sign
The PrinterPort is the hp4_tech_1, the second variable after the = sign. Port is
often something like “LPT1:”
Data Type
Design Time; Runtime
PrinterStartPage specifies the first page to be printed.
[form.]Report.PrinterStartPage[= StartPage%]
For example:
CrystalReport1.PrinterStartPage = 7
«Specifies that printing is to begin with Page 7 of the report.»
If a value less than or equal to 0 is used for PrinterStartPage, the value is
ignored and printing starts with Page 1.
This property/method is available for subreports.
Data Type
Design Time; Runtime
PrinterStopPage specifies the last page to be printed.
For example:
CrystalReport1.PrinterStopPage = 12
«Specifies that the printing is to end with Page 12 of the report.»
Use a value of 0 for PrinterStopPage to indicate that printing is to continue
through to the last page.
This property/method is available for subreports.
Data Type
Design Time; Runtime
PrintFileCharSepQuote specifies the quote character used to enclose alphanumeric
field data when printing to a file using character-separated format.
For example:
CrystalReport1.PrintFileCharSepQuote = “‘”
«Uses the quotation character (‘) to surround values saved in character-
separated format.»
Applies only when “PrintFileType” on page 221, is 5 - Character-separated
Applies only when “Destination” on page 186, is 2 - File, 3 - E-mail to MAPI, or
4 - E-mail to VIM.
If you assign a string to PrintFileCharSepQuote that is longer than one
character, only the first character of that string is used. For example, if you
assign “quote” to the property, only “q” is recognized.
This property/method is available for subreports.
Data Type
Design Time; Runtime
PrintFileCharSepSeparator specifies the character(s) you want to use to separate
the fields when printing to a file using the Character Separated Value format.
[form.]Report.PrintFileCharSepSeparator [=Separator$]
For example:
CrystalReport1.PrintFileCharSepSeparator= “@”
«Specifies that the “@” character is to be used for separating field values.»
Applies only when “PrintFileType” on page 221, is 5 - Character-separated
Applies only when “Destination” on page 186, is 2 - File, 3 - E-mail to MAPI, or
4 - E-mail to VIM.
This property/method is available for subreports.
Data Type
Design Time; Runtime
PrintFileLinesPerPage specifies the number of lines to be printed before the page
break. The default is 60 lines per page.
For example:
CrystalReport1.PrintFileLinesPerPage = 50
«Fifty lines will be printed before a page break.»
Data Type
This property/method is available for subreports.
PrintFileName specifies the name of the file to which the report is to be printed.
[form.]Report.PrintFileName[= FileName$]
For example:
CrystalReport1.PrintFileName = “c:\crw\cust_rpt.txt”
«Prints the report to a file named “cust_rpt.txt” in the C:\CRW directory.»
You can double-click this property or click the ellipsis (...) in the Properties box
to call up the Choose Print Filename dialog box. In that dialog box, select the
name of the file and the path to which you want the program to print the
Select a value for this property only if you are printing to a file, if the value you
assigned to the “Destination” on page 186, is 2 - File.
This property/method is available for subreports.
Note: If you want to specify the PrintFileName at runtime, make certain that you
enclose it in quotes in your code.
Data Type
Design Time; Runtime
PrintFileODBCPassword specifies the password that you need to connect to the
data source, whenever you want to export in ODBC format.
[form.]Report.PrintFileODBCPassword[= Password$]
For example:
CrystalReport1.PrintFileODBCPassword = “merry%%5”
«”merry%%5” is the name of the password to connect to the data source.»
This is only required if the ODBC datasource that you are exporting to
requires a password.
This property/method is available for subreports.
Data Type
Design Time; Runtime
PrintFileODBCSource specifies the name of the data source to which you want to
export, whenever you export in ODBC format.
[form.]Report.PrintFileODBCSource[= DataSource$]
For example:
CrystalReport1.PrintFileODBCSource = “pickle”
«”pickle” is the name of the data source that you want to export to.»
Data Type
Design Time; Runtime
This property/method is available for subreports.
PrintFileODBCTable specifies the name of the table in the data source to which you
want to export, whenever you want to export in ODBC format.
[form.]Report.PrintFileODBCTable[= TableName$]
For example:
CrystalReport1.PrintFileODBCTable = “Employees”
«”Employees” is the name of the table in the data source to export to.»
Data Type
Design Time; Runtime
This property/method is available for subreports.
PrintFileODBCUser specifies the User ID that you need to connect to the data
source, whenever you export in ODBC format.
[form.]Report.PrintFileODBCUser[= UserID$]
For example:
CrystalReport1.PrintFileODBCUser = “LisaB”
«”LisaB” is the User ID needed to connect to the data source.»
Data Type
Design Time; Runtime
This property/method is available for subreports.
PrintFileType specifies the type of print file to use when printing a report to a file.
[form.]Report.PrintFileType[= FileType%]
For example:
CrystalReport1.PrintFileType = 1
«Prints the report to a file in a tab separated format.»
Select one of the following print file types if you are printing to a file, if the value
you assigned to the “Destination” on page 186, is 2 - File.
0 - Record
Record style (columns of values). Does not use commas or separators. Outputs
every record with a fixed field width.
1 - Tab separated
Tab separated values. Presents data in tabular form. Encloses alphanumeric field
data in quotes and separates fields with tabs.
2 - Text
Text style. Saves the data in ASCII text format with all values separated by spaces.
This style looks most like the printed page.
3 - DIF
Saves the data in DIF (data interchange format) format. This format is often used
for the transfer of data between different spreadsheet programs.
4 - CSV
Comma separated values. Encloses alphanumeric field data in quotes and
separates fields with commas.
5 - Character Separated
Saves the data as character separated values in ASCII text format. All values are
separated by a character or characters specified by the
“PrintFileCharSepSeparator” on page 217.
15 - RTF
Saves the data in Rich Text Format.
19 - Excel 5
Uses Excel 5 format to save the data in the report.
20 - HTML 3
Uses HTML 3 format to save the data in the report.
22 - HTML Netscape
Uses the Netscape version of HTML to save the data in the report.
23 - HTML Netscape
Saves the data in ASCII text format, broken into pages.
24 - ODBC
Exports to a database format corresponding with an ODBC data source that you
Note: If you specify a table name for PrintFileODBCTable that already exists in
the database, you will receive an error stating that the table already exists.
25 - Paginated Text
Text style. Saves the data in ASCII text format with pagination information.
This property/method is available for subreports.
Data Type
Integer (Enumerated)
Design Time; Runtime
PrintFileUseRptDateFmt specifies, when printing to a file, whether or not the
program should save dates in the same date format (MDY, DMY, etc.) that is used
in the report or instead optimize the dates for the file format you have selected.
[form.]Report.PrintFileUseRptDateFmt[= TrueFalse%]
For example:
CrystalReport1.PrintFileUseRptDateFmt = 1
«Specifies that the program should print dates in the same format as used in the
Applies only when “PrintFileType” on page 221, is 0 - Record, 1 - Tab-
separated, 3 - Data Interchange Format (DIF), 4 - CSV, or 5 - Character-
Applies only when “Destination” on page 186, is 2 - File, 3 - E-mail to MAPI, or
4 - E-mail to VIM.
For TrueFalse%, use one of the following values:
False = 0
True = 1
This property/method is available for subreports.
Data Type
Design Time; Runtime
PrintFileUseRptNumberFmt specifies, when printing to a file, whether or not the
program should print numbers in the same format (decimal places, negatives, etc.)
that you have used in the report or instead, optimize the numbers for the file
format you have selected.
[form.]Report.PrintFileUseRptNumberFmt [=TrueFalse%]
For example:
CrystalReport1.PrintFileUseRptNumberFmt = 1
«Specifies that the program should print numbers in the same format as used
in the report.»
Applies only when “PrintFileType” on page 221, is 0 - Record, 1 - Tab-
separated, 3 - Data Interchange Format (DIF), 4 - CSV, or 5 - Character-
Applies only when “Destination” on page 186, is 2 - File, 3 - E-mail to MAPI, or
4 - E-mail to VIM.
For TrueFalse%, use one of the following values:
False = 0
True = 1
This property/method is available for subreports.
Data Type
Design Time; Runtime
PrintMonth specifies the month component of the print date (if different from the
actual date the report is printed).
[form.]Report.PrintMonth[= Month%]
For example:
CrystalReport1.PrintMonth= 7
«Sets July as the print month.»
Enter a value from 1-12 where January = 1, and December = 12.
“PrintYear” on page 226, “PrintMonth” on page 226, and “PrintDay” on
page 211, work together to define the date that the report is to be printed. All
three properties must be set in order to define a new print date. If all three
properties are not set, the date saved with the report is used. This may be the
user’s default date if none has been specified in the report.
Data Type
Design Time; Runtime
PrintYear specifies the year component of the print date (if different from the
actual date the report is printed).
For example:
CrystalReport1.PrintYear = 1994
«Sets the year component of the print date to 1994.»
Enter the print year as a four-digit number.
“PrintYear” on page 226, “PrintMonth” on page 226, and “PrintDay” on
page 211, function together. You must change the value of all three to change the
print date. If you do not change all three, the print date saved with the report is
used. This may be the current date if a specific date is not saved with the report.
Data Type
Design Time; Runtime
ProgressDialog indicates whether the display of the Progress dialog box is enabled
or disabled. The Progress dialog box displays the progress of the report when it is
running (records read, records selected, and so forth).
[form.]Report.ProgressDialog[= {True|False}]
For example:
CrystalReport1.ProgressDialog = False
«Turns off the Progress dialog box that usually appears during exporting or
Use this property to indicate whether or not a progress dialog box should be
displayed while the report is printed or exported. This property is set to True
by default.
This property/method is available for subreports.
Data Type
Design Time; Runtime
RecordsPrinted specifies the number of records actually printed.
For example:
Printed& = CrystalReport1.RecordsPrinted
«Fetches the number of records printed and stores it in the Printed variable.»
If the report being printed contains one or more group selection formulas, the
value returned by RecordsPrinted may be significantly less than the value
returned by RecordsSelected. Otherwise, this value should equal
“RecordsSelected” on page 229.
This property/method is available for subreports.
Data Type
RecordsRead specifies the number of records actually processed.
For example:
Read% = CrystalReport1.RecordsRead
«Fetches the number of records read and saves it in the Read variable.»
If the Crystal Report Engine generates a SQL query to obtain data from a SQL
database when the report is printed, RecordsRead will only return the number
of records received by the Crystal Report Engine from the query. This value
may be significantly smaller than the number of records actually in the SQL
database table.
This property/method is available for subreports.
Data Type
RecordsSelected specifies the number of records selected for inclusion in the report
out of the total number of records read.
For example:
Selected& = CrystalReport1.RecordsSelected
«Fetches the number of records selected and saves it in the Selected variable.»
RecordsSelected will return a value anywhere between zero and the value
returned by “RecordsRead” on page 228. The value returned by
RecordsSelected depends on the queries and selection formulas set up in the
This property/method is available for subreports.
Data Type
ReportDisplayPage indicates which page of a multi-page report is currently being
displayed in the preview window.
For example:
Result% = CrystalReport1.ReportDisplayPage
«Fetches the number of the displayed page and stores it in the Result variable.»
Data Type
This property/method is available for subreports.
ReportFileName specifies the name of the report to be printed.
[form.]Report.ReportFileName[= ReportName$]
For example:
CrystalReport1.ReportFileName = “c:\crw\company.rpt”
«Prints the report named “company.rpt” that is located in the C:\CRW
You can double-click this property or click the ellipsis (...) in the Properties box
to call up the Choose Report File dialog box. In that dialog box, select the name
and path of the report you want the program to print in response to a Crystal
ActiveX Control event.
This property/method is available for subreports.
Note: If you want to specify the ReportFileName at runtime, make certain that
you enclose it in quotes in your code.
Data Type
Design Time; Runtime
ReportLatestPage specifies the last page printed in the specified report.
Note: ReportLatestPage will only contain the last page number after calling
For example:
Latest% = CrystalReport1.ReportLatestPage
«Fetches the number of the last page printed and stores it in the Latest variable.»
Data Type
This property/method is available for subreports.
ReportSource specifies the source of the report as a report file, a Visual Basic data
control, or a True Grid data control.
For example:
CrystalReport1.ReportSource = 1
«Specifies the report source as the TrueDBGrid control.»
Data Type
Design Time and Runtime
This property/method is available for subreports.
ReportStartPage specifies the first page printed in the specified report.
For example:
StartPage% = CrystalReport1.ReportStartPage
«Fetches the number of the first page printed and stores it in the StartPage
Data Type
This property/method is available for subreports.
ReportTitle specifies a title for the report.
[form.]Report.ReportTitle[= rptTitle$]
For example:
CrystalReport1.ReportTitle = "My Report"
«Applies the title "My Report" to the report.»
Data Type
Design Time; Runtime
SectionFont specifies the font for one or more sections in the specified report.
[form.]Report.SectionFont(SequentialIndex%)[= sectionCode; fontName;
size; italic; bold;underline;strikethru$]
For example:
«Sets the font for the footer section to 12 point, Arial, strikethrough.»
With SectionFont, you can specify changes to one or more sections at runtime.
Those changes then take place sequentially when you make the “Action=1” call.
The array index value for SectionFont simply specifies the sequence number
for the change. Thus:
CrystalReport1.SectionFont(0)= “DETAIL;Arial;12;N;N;N;Y”
when making changes to the DETAIL section only, but
CrystalReport1.SectionFont(0) = “HEADER;Arial;12;N;N;N;Y”
CrystalReport1.SectionFont(1) = “DETAIL;Arial;12;N;N;N;Y”
when making changes to more than one section.
Use the following table as a guide in supplying the required values for this property:
Data Type
Array of strings
SectionFormat specifies the format for one or more sections in the specified report.
[form.]Report.SectionFormat(SectionArrayIndex%)[= sectionCode; visible;
newPageBefore; newPageAfter; keepTogether; SuppressBlankSection;
resetPageNAfter; printAtBottomOfPage; underlaySection; backgroundColor]
For example:
CrystalReport1.SectionFormat(0)= “GH2;F;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;255.0.0”
«Hides the Group Header 2 section (visible = F) and changes the background
color to red while maintaining default settings for all other switches.»
With SectionFormat, you can specify changes to one or more sections at runtime.
Those changes then take place sequentially when you make the “Action=1” call.
The sequential index value for SectionFormat simply specifies the sequence
number for the change. Thus:
CrystalReport1.SectionFormat(0)= “DETAIL;T;F;F;X;X;X;X;X;255.0.0”
when making changes to the DETAIL section only, but
CrystalReport1.SectionFormat(0) = “HEADER;T;F;F;X;X;X;X;X;255.0.0”
CrystalReport1.SectionFormat(1) = “DETAIL;T;F;F;X;X;X;X;X;255.0.0”
when making changes to more than one section.
Use the following table as a reference when entering parameter values for this
Data Type
Arrays of strings
SectionLineHeight specifies the line height in twips.
[form.]Report.SectionLineHeight(SequentialIndex%)[=sectionCode; line;
height; ascent$]
For example:
CrystalReport1.SectionLineHeight(0) = “GH0; 1; 500; 300“
«Sets the line height for the second line in the group header zero section to a
height of 500 twips with an ascent of 300 twips.»
A twip is 1/1440 inch; there are 20 twips in a point.
With SectionLineHeight, you can specify changes to one or more sections at
runtime. Those changes then take place sequentially when you make the
“Action=1” call. The sequential index value for SectionLineHeight simply specifies
the sequence number for the change. Thus:
CrystalReport1.SectionLineHeight(0)= “DETAIL;1;500;300”
when making changes to the DETAIL section only, but
CrystalReport1.SectionLineHeight(0) = “HEADER;1;500;300”
CrystalReport1.SectionLineHeight(1) = “DETAIL;1;500;300”
when making changes to more than one section.
Use the following table as a guide in supplying the required values for this
section Specifies the section code for the report section(s) for which you want to set a new
Code line height. See “Overview of Section Codes” on page 178.
lineN Specifies the line(s) for which you want to set the line height. Line numbers in a
section are 0 origin: the first line number is 0, the second is 1, etc.
height Specifies the line height in twips. A twip is 1/1440 inch; there are 20 twips in a point.
ascent Specifies the ascent in twips. Ascent is the distance from the top of the allotted line
space (line height) to the baseline of the font. The ascent parameter is used to specify
the position of the baseline if you specify an oversized or undersized line height. If
you set ascent to 0, the program puts the baseline at the top of the space; if you set
ascent to the same value as height, the program sets the baseline at the bottom of the
space. For any other baseline, specify the ascent in twips.
Data Type
Arrays of strings
SectionMinHeight specifies the minimum section height for the specified report
For example:
CrystalReport1.SectionMinHeight(0) = “DETAIL;500”
«Sets the minimum height for details section to 500 twips.»
With SectionMinHeight, you can specify changes to one or more sections at
runtime. Those changes then take place sequentially when you make the
“Action=1” call.
The array index value for SectionMinHeight simply specifies the sequence
number for the change. Thus:
CrystalReport1.SectionMinHeight(0)= “DETAIL;500”
when making changes to the DETAIL section only, but
CrystalReport1.SectionMinHeight(0) = “HEADER;500”
CrystalReport1.SectionMinHeight(1) = “DETAIL;500”
when making changes to more than one section.
Data Type
Array of strings
SelectionFormula specifies the records to be used when printing the report.
[form.]Report.SelectionFormula[= SelectionFormula$]
For example:
CrystalReport1.SelectionFormula = “{file.QTY} > 5“
«Include only those records that have a quantity greater than 5 in the {file.Qty}
Enter the selection formula just as you would enter it in the Formula Editor.
Make certain that you enclose your selection formula in double quotes.
If your selection formula includes internal quotes, for example:
{file.STATE} = “CA”
change all of the internal double quotes to single quotes and then surround the
entire selection formula in double quotes as follows:
“{file.STATE} = 'CA'”
If you have created a selection formula in your report at Design Time, any
selection formula you enter here will be appended to that selection formula.
Thus, your records will be selected based on a combination of the two selection
Data Type
Design Time; Runtime
SessionHandle specifies the session handle for a user once the “UserName” on
page 243, and “Password” on page 210, properties have opened an Access.mdb file
for use by the report.
[form.]Report.SessionHandle[= Handle%]
If you have already opened a Jet session in your Visual Basic application, you can
set this property to be the current session handle. Otherwise, you will have to use
the “Password” on page 210 and “UserName” on page 243 properties to establish
the Jet session.
For example:
CrystalReport1.SessionHandle = CurrentSessionHandle
«Sets the session handle to the session handle returned elsewhere in the
application and stored in the variable CurrentSessionHandle.»
Data Type
SortFields specifies the field(s) that are to be used to sort your data when the report
is printed.
[form.]Report.SortFields(ArrayIndex)[= “{+|-} SortField”]
Enter the fields on which you want the data in your report to be sorted.
For example, to sort an order database alphabetically by customer, and then by
order date, you can enter code similar to the following:
CrystalReport1.SortFields(0) = “+{orders.CUSTOMER}”
CrystalReport1.SortFields(1) = “+{orders.ORDERDATE}”
SortFields is an array property available only at runtime.
Use a separate line of code to specify each sort field.
Enter sort fields in the order that you want them to sort your report. For example,
if you want your report to be sorted first on field A and then on field B, specify sort
field A in your first line of code and sort field B in your second line of code.
The sort field you specify must be assigned array index 0, the second sort field
must be assigned array index 1, etc.
The index values you assign must be continuous; no gaps are allowed (0, 1, 2 =
OK, 0, 1, 3 = wrong).
Array index values must be subscripted in the code immediately after the
property name (i.e., CrystalReport1.SortFields(0) =).
If you have specified sort fields for your report at Design Time, any sort fields
you enter here will replace the sort fields in your report.
If you do not use this property, the program will use the sorting instructions
that you specified in the report.
If you want to clear the sort fields in your report, use an empty string (i.e.,
CrystalReport1.SortFields(0) = “”).
Enclose field names in braces.
Sort fields can be database fields or formula fields. If you sort on a formula
field, use the @ sign before the formula name (i.e., {@FORMULANAME}).
Data Type
Array of strings
SQLQuery specifies the SQL query string used by the specified report.
For example:
CrystalReport1.SQLQuery = “SELECT authors.au_id, authors.au_lname,
authors.au_fname FROM pubs2.dbo.authors authors WHERE authors.au_lname >
«Queries the SQL database to return only the records where the authors last
name falls after Madison alphabetically.»
You may only change the WHERE, FROM, and ORDER BY sections of an SQL
query. Although the property requires that you enter the entire SQL query, the
SELECT section must not be different from the original query in the report.
To change the ORDER BY clause, you must place a carriage return and
linefeed characters after the WHERE clause and before the ORDER BY clause
in this way:
WHERE...” + CHR$(13) + CHR$(10) + “ORDER BY...”
This property is active only if you are using an SQL or ODBC data source in
your report.
Data Type
Design Time; Runtime
Status indicates the print status for the specified report.
For example:
Status% = CrystalReport1.Status
«Fetches the print status and saves it to the Status variable.»
The Status property will return one of the following values:
"0" if PEOpenEngine or PEOpenPrintJob has not been called successfully.
"1" if the job has not started yet (PE_JOBNOTSTARTED).
"2" if the job is in progress (PE_JOBINPROGRESS).
"3" if the job has completed successfully (PE_JOBCOMPLETED).
"4" if the job has failed (PE_JOBFAILED).
"5" if the job has been canceled by the user (PE_JOBCANCELLED).
"6" if the job has been halted (PE_JOBHALETED).
This property/method is available for subreports.
Data Type
StoredProcParam specifies the stored procedure parameters when using a report
based on SQL stored procedures.
[form.]Report.StoredProcParam(Parameter Array Index%)[= newParameter$]
For example:
«Sets the first stored procedure parameter to the date June 14, 1989.»
StoredProcParam sets the value of the specified parameter in an SQL database table
that is based on a stored procedure. Pass the value you wish to set the parameter to
as a string. If the parameter expects a different data type, you still must pass the
value as a string. For example, to pass the integer value 396, use the string “396”. The
Crystal Report Engine will handle converting the value into integer format.
Under the native driver for MS SQL Server, stored procedure input
parameters are limited to 64 characters rather than 255.
Data Type
Arrays of strings
SubreportToChange specifies whether changes to any of several properties (see list
in Remarks below) affect the main report (if you pass an empty string [“”]) or a
subreport (if you pass the name of the subreport).
[form.]Report.SubreportToChange(= SubreportName$)
For example:
CrystalReport1.SubreportToChange = “”
«Changes to any of the properties apply to the main report.»
CrystalReport1.SubreportToChange = “Subrpt2”
«Changes to any of the properties apply to the Subrpt2 subreport.»
The following properties are affected by this property:
When you change the value of the SubreportToChange property, the current
value of the properties in the list are updated to be what has been set for the
selected subreport.
Calling the ReplaceSelectionFormula method will apply the new selection
formula to the currently selected subreport.
These properties only reflect values set by the programmer; they do not get
values from the report.
Data Type
UserName specifies the name given to a user for logging on to a protected
Access.mdb file in order to obtain data files needed by the report.
[form.]Report.UserName[= Name$]
For example:
CrystalReport1.UserName = “MIS”
«Enters the user name “MIS”.»
Enter the name you have been assigned.
The name must be enclosed in quotes if the variable is being assigned at
Data Type
WindowAllowDrillDown indicates whether or not drill-down on summary values
is allowed in the preview window.
[form.]Report.WindowAllowDrillDown[= {True|False}]
For example:
CrystalReport1.WindowAllowDrillDown = FALSE
«Drill-down is not allowed in the preview window.»
This property is set to False by default.
Data Type
Design Time; Runtime
WindowBorderStyle specifies the type of border for the preview window.
[form.]Report.WindowBorderStyle[= BorderStyle%]
For example:
CrystalReport1.WindowBorderStyle = 2
«Sets a sizable border style (Style #2) for the preview window.»
Select one of the following border styles for the preview window:
0 = None (creates a window with no border).
1 = Fixed Single (creates a window of a fixed size with a single line border).
2 = Sizeable (creates a window that can be resized by the user).
3 = Fixed Double (creates a window of fixed size with a double line border).
Select a value here only if you are printing to a window, if “Destination” on
page 186, is set to 0.
Data Type
Integer (Enumerated)
Design Time; Runtime
WindowControlBox to specify whether or not the preview window is to have a
control (system menu) box in the upper left hand corner when the report is printed
to a window.
[form.]Report.WindowControlBox[= {True|False}]
For example:
CrystalReport1.WindowControlBox = True
«Specifies that a control box (system menu) is to appear in the preview
Select True if you want the window to contain a control box. Select False if you
do not.
Select a value here only if you are printing to a window, if “Destination” on
page 186, is set to 0.
Data Type
Design Time; Runtime
WindowControls indicates whether or not the print controls are to appear in the
preview window when printing a report to a window.
For example:
CrystalReport1.WindowControls = True
«Specifies that print controls are to appear in the preview window.»
Select True if you want the print controls to appear in the preview window.
Select a value here only if you are printing to a window, if “Destination” on
page 186, is set to 0.
Data Type
Design Time; Runtime
WindowHeight specifies the height of the preview window when the report is
printed to a window.
[form.]Report.WindowHeight[= Height%]
For example;
CrystalReport1.WindowHeight = 300
«Sets the height of the preview window to 300 pixels.»
If you are not satisfied with the default settings, enter the external height you
want for your preview window in pixels. (A standard VGA monitor is 640 x
480 pixels.)
Select a value here only if you are printing to a window, if “Destination” on
page 186, is set to 0.
Data Type
Design Time; Runtime
WindowLeft specifies the distance, in pixels, that the preview window is to appear
from the left edge of the parent window. If the preview window is a top level
window, then the distance is measured from the left edge of the screen. (A
standard VGA monitor is 640 x 480 pixels).
[form.]Report.WindowLeft[= Distance%]
For example:
CrystalReport1.WindowLeft = 100
«Sets the left edge of the preview window 100 pixels from the left edge of the
If you are not satisfied with the default settings, enter the number of pixels you
want between the left edge of the screen and the left edge of your window.
Select a value here only if you are printing to a window, if “Destination” on
page 186, is set to 0.
Data Type
Design Time; Runtime
WindowMaxButton indicates whether or not the preview window is to have an active,
hidden, or grayed-out maximize button when the report is printed to a window.
[form.]Report.WindowMaxButton[= {True|False}]
For example:
CrystalReport1.WindowMaxButton = False
«Specifies that no Maximize button is to appear in the preview window (in
Windows 95, NT4+). Specifies that the Maximize button will appear grayed out
in the preview window (in Windows 3.x)»
Select True if you want the window to contain a maximize button. Select False
if you do not.
Select a value here only if you are printing to a window, if “Destination” on
page 186, is set to 0.
If you set both WindowMaxButton and “WindowMinButton” on page 248, to
False, the buttons will not appear at all (be hidden).
If you set one of WindowMaxButton or WindowMinButton to True, the other
button will appear grayed out.
Data Type
Design Time; Runtime
WindowMinButton indicates whether or not the preview window is to have an
active, hidden, or grayed-out minimize button when the report is printed to a
[form.]Report.WindowMinButton[= {True|False}]
For example:
CrystalReport1.WindowMinButton = True
Select True if you want the window to contain a minimize button. Select False
if you do not.
Select a value here only if you are printing to a window, if “Destination” on
page 186, is set to 0.
If you set both “WindowMaxButton” on page 248, and WindowMinButton to
False, the buttons will not appear at all (be hidden).
If you set one of WindowMaxButton or WindowMinButton to True, the other
button will appear grayed out.
Data Type
Design Time; Runtime
WindowParentHandle specifies the handle of the parent window if the preview
window is to be the child of another window.
[form.]Report.WindowParentHandle[= ParentHandle%]
For example:
CrystalReport1.WindowParentHandle = Form1.hWnd
«Sets the WindowParentHandle to the handle of Form1. This specifies that the
preview window is to be a child of Form1.»
This is a runtime-only property.
Data Type
WindowShowCancelBtn indicates whether or not a Cancel button is available in
the preview window.
[form.]Report.WindowShowCancelBtn[= {True|False}]
For example:
CrystalReport1.WindowShowCancelBtn = False
«No Cancel button is displayed in the preview window.»
This property is set to False by default.
Data Type
Design Time; Runtime
WindowShowCloseBtn indicates whether or not a Close button is available in the
preview window.
[form.]Report.WindowShowCloseBtn[= {True|False}]
For example:
CrystalReport1.WindowShowCloseBtn = True
«A Close button will appear in the preview window.»
This property is set to False by default.
Data Type
Design Time; Runtime
WindowShowExportBtn indicates whether or not an Export button is available in
the preview window.
[form.]Report.WindowShowExportBtn[= {True|False}]
For example:
CrystalReport1.WindowShowExportBtn = True
«The Export button appear in the preview window.»
This property is set to True by default.
Data Type
Design Time; Runtime
WindowShowGroupTree indicates whether or not a Group Tree is displayed in the
preview window.
[form.]Report.WindowShowGroupTree[= {True|False}]
For example:
CrystalReport1.WindowShowGroupTree = False
«No Group Tree is displayed in the preview window.»
This property is set to False by default.
Data Type
Design Time; Runtime
WindowShowNavigationCtls indicates whether or not the Navigation Controls
are available in the preview window.
[form.]Report.WindowShowNavigationCtls[= {True|False}]
For example:
CrystalReport1.WindowShowNavigationCtls = True
«The preview window contains Navigation Controls.»
This property is set to True by default.
Data Type
Design Time; Runtime
WindowShowPrintBtn indicates whether or not a Print button is available in the
preview window.
[form.]Report.WindowShowPrintBtn[= {True|False}]
For example:
CrystalReport1.WindowShowPrintBtn = False
«No Print button is available in the preview window.»
This property is set to True by default.
Data Type
Design Time; Runtime
WindowShowPrintSetupBtn indicates whether or not a Print Setup button is
available in the preview window.
[form.]Report.WindowShowPrintSetupBtn[= {True|False}]
For example:
CrystalReport1.WindowShowPrintSetupBtn = False
«No Print Setup button is available in the preview window.»
This property is set to False by default.
The Print Setup button displays the Print Setup dialog box, allowing users to
make changes to printer settings before printing a report that appears in the
preview window.
If the Print Setup button is disable, and the Print button is enabled (see
“WindowShowPrintBtn” on page 252), when a user clicks the Print button, the
report will be sent to the printer selected when the report was created. If no
printer was selected, or if the printer is unavailable, the report will be sent to
the default printer for the current machine.
Data Type
Design Time; Runtime
WindowShowProgressCtls indicates whether or not controls indicating the
progress of a report being generated are displayed in the preview window.
[form.]Report.WindowShowProgressCtls[= {True|False}]
For example:
CrystalReport1.WindowShowProgressCtls = False
«No Progress Controls are displayed in the preview window.»
This property is set to True by default.
Data Type
Design Time; Runtime
WindowShowRefreshBtn indicates whether or not a Refresh button is available in
the preview window.
[form.]Report.WindowShowRefreshBtn[= {True|False}]
For example:
CrystalReport1.WindowShowRefreshBtn = False
«No Refresh button is displayed in the preview window.»
This property is set to False by default.
The Refresh button allows a user to refresh the data displayed in a report. The
most current data can be obtained by refreshing report data, but the process of
accessing the database containing the data can be time consuming and may
burden system and network resources.
Data Type
Design Time; Runtime
WindowShowSearchBtn indicates whether or not a Search button is available in
the preview window.
[form.]Report.WindowShowSearchBtn[= {True|False}]
For example:
CrystalReport1.WindowShowSearchBtn = True
«The Search button is displayed in the preview window.»
This property is set to False by default.
The Search button allows a user to search for a specific field value in the report.
Data Type
Design Time; Runtime
WindowShowZoomCtl indicates whether or not Zoom Controls are available in
the preview window.
[form.]Report.WindowShowZoomCtl[= {True|False}]
For example:
CrystalReport1.WindowShowZoomCtl = True
«Zoom Controls are displayed in the preview window.»
This property is set to True by default.
Zoom controls allow a user to zoom in or out on report data, enlarging or
reducing the report on screen.
Data Type
Design Time; Runtime
WindowState specifies the state of the preview window (normal, minimized, or
maximized) when the report is printed.
[form.]Report.WindowState[= State%]
For example:
CrystalReport1.WindowState= 2
«When the report is printed to a preview window, the preview window
appears maximized when opened.»
Use the following values to set the WindowState property:
0 = Normal
The preview window appears neither minimized nor maximized. It appears in
a default size and position previously defined by your application or by
1 = Minimized
The preview window appears minimized as an icon close to the lower left
hand corner of the screen. The icon can be restored to display the window in a
normal state.
2 = Maximized
The preview window is maximized when opened to fill the entire screen.
Data Type
Design Time; Runtime
WindowTitle specifies the title that you want to appear in the preview window
title bar when the report is printed to a window.
[form.]Report.WindowTitle[= Title$]
For example:
CrystalReport1.WindowTitle = “Quarterly Earnings”
«Sets the title of the preview window (the string that appears on the title bar) to
“Quarterly Earnings”.»
Make sure that the title is enclosed in quotes.
Select a value here only if you are printing to a window, if “Destination” on
page 186, = 0.
Data Type
Design Time; Runtime
WindowTop specifies the distance, in pixels, that the preview window is to appear
from the top edge of the parent window. If the preview window is a top level
window, then the distance is measured from the top edge of the screen.
[form.]Report.WindowTop[= Distance%]
For example:
CrystalReport1.WindowTop = 100
«Sets the top edge of the preview window 100 pixels from the top of the screen.»
If you are not satisfied with the default setting, enter the number of pixels you
want between the top of the screen and the top of your window.
Select a value here only if you are printing to a window, if “Destination” on
page 186, is set to 0.
Data Type
Design Time; Runtime
WindowWidth specifies the width of the preview window in pixels.
[form.]Report.WindowWidth[= Width%]
For example:
CrystalReport1.WindowWidth = 480
«Specifies a preview window 480 pixels wide.»
If you are not satisfied with the default setting, enter the external width of
your window, in pixels.
Select a value here only if you are printing to a window, if “Destination” on
page 186, is set to 0.
Data Type
Design Time; Runtime
FetchSelectionFormula returns the selection formula from the current report.
For example:
SelectionFormula$= CrystalReport1.FetchSelectionFormula
«Retrieves the selection formula from CrystalReport1.»
This method does not populate “SelectionFormula” on page 237, and it does not
conflict with setting the property. Both the method and the property can be used
in the same code.
Runtime only
GetNSubreports looks at the report specified in “ReportFileName” on page 230,
and returns the number of subreports in that report.
For example:
«Returns the number of subreports in CrystalReport1.»
GetNthSubreportName looks at the report specified in the ReportFileName
property and returns a string which is the name of the nth subreport in that report.
[form.]Report.GetNthSubreportName (SubreportNum%)
For example:
SubreportName=CrystalReport1.GetNthSubreportName (2)
«Returns the name of the third subreport in CrystalReport1.»
The valid range for the parameter is 0 to n-1, where n is the number you get back
from GetNSubreports.
LogoffServer terminates the specified database connection established earlier with
the “LogonServer” on page 261.
[form.]Report.LogoffServer (connectionId%, boolean allConnections)
For example:
CrystalReport1.LogoffServer (1, False)
«Terminates database connection 1 and only that connection.»
connectionId Integer value that specifies a specific database connection established earlier
with “LogonServer” on page 261. If you have set allConnections to True,
connectionId should be set to 0.
allConnections Boolean value that specifies whether or not to terminate ALL database
connections that have been established with the LogonServer method.
True = Terminate all connections.
False = Terminate only the specified connection.
LogonServer logs on to the specified server and returns a unique connection id
which can be used to log off of this server using the “LogoffServer” on page 260.
[form.]Report.LogonServer (dllName$, ServerName$, DatabaseName$, UserID$,
For example:
connectionId% = CrystalReport1.LogonServer (“pdsodbc.dll”, “Accounting”,
“Administration”, “bobg”, “bigboard”)
«Connects to the “Administration” database via the “Accounting” data source
using the user ID “bobg” and the password “bigboard”.»
dllName Specifies the name of the Crystal Reports DLL for the server or password
protected non-SQL table you want to log onto, for example,
“PDSODBC.DLL”. Note that the dllName must be enclosed in quotes. DLL
names have the following naming convention:
PDB*.DLL for standard (non-SQL) databases.
PDS*.DLL for SQL/ODBC databases.
ServerName Specifies the logon name for the server used to create the report. *For ODBC,
use the data source name.
DatabaseName Specifies the logon name for the database used to create the report.
UserID Specifies the user ID necessary to log on to the server.
Password Specifies the password necessary to log on to the server. When you are using
this structure to retrieve information using PEGetNthTableLogOnInfo in the
Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide, the password parameter is undefined.
PageCount returns the number of pages in the report.
For example:
NumberofPages = CrystalReport1.PageCount
«Returns 100 if the number of pages in the specified report is 100.»
PageCount must be called after the “Action” on page 182, to get a valid page count.
PageFirst displays the first page of the report in the preview window.
For example:
«Displays the first page of the report to the preview window.»
This method is only valid when the report is printed to a preview window.
This method must be called after the “Action” on page 182.
PageLast displays the last page of the report in the preview window.
For example:
«Displays the last page of the report in the preview window.»
This method is only valid when the report is printed to a preview window.
This method must be called after the “Action” on page 182.
PageNext displays the next page of the report in the preview window.
For example:
«Displays the next page of the report in the preview window.»
This method is only valid when the report is printed to a preview window.
This method must be called after the “Action” on page 182.
PagePrevious displays the previous page of the report in the preview window.
For example:
«Displays the previous page of your report in the preview window.»
This method is only valid when the report is printed to a preview window.
This method must be called after the “Action” on page 182.
PageShow displays a specific page of the report in the preview window.
[form.]Report.PageShow [(PageToShow%)]
For example:
CrystalReport1.PageShow (3)
«Shows the third page of the report.»
This method is only valid when the report is printed to a preview window.
This method must be called after the “Action” on page 182.
PageZoom sets the magnification factor for the report in the preview window to a
value from 25% to 400% of the actual size.
[form.]Report.PageZoom [(PercentZoomLevel%)]
For example:
CrystalReport1.PageZoom (150)
«Sets the magnification/zoom level to 150% for the current.»
This method is only valid when the report is printed to a preview window.
This method must be called after the “Action” on page 182.
PageZoomNext zooms the magnification level of the report in a preview window
to the next default zoom level.
For example:
«Sets the magnification/zoom level to the next default level.»
This method is only valid when the report is printed to a preview window.
This method must be called after the “Action” on page 182.
Default zoom levels are Full Page, Fit One Side, and Fit Both Sides. These
levels correspond to the levels available by clicking the Zoom button on the
Crystal Reports toolbar.
PrinterSelect displays the Printer Selection common dialog box which enables the
user to specify a different printer.
For example:
«When the user prints, a dialog box appears for selecting the desired printed for
printing the report.»
This method allows you to pick the printer used for printing the report.
This method is intended primarily for printing reports to a printer. However,
changes made to the Print Setup dialog box may also affect how reports
appear in preview windows and when exported.
PrintReport triggers the printing of the report.
For example:
Result% = CrystalReport1.PrintReport
«Prints the specified report.»
PrintReport returns a result code, 0 if the call is successful, an error code in the
20XXX range if it fails.
You can also print a report using the “Action” on page 182. If something goes
wrong, however, you get a runtime error that will terminate your application.
For this reason, you will need to set up an error handler.
ReplaceSelectionFormula overrides the selection formula from the current report
with the string that is passed.
[form.]Report.ReplaceSelectionFormula [(SelectionFormulaString$)]
For example:
CrystalReport1.ReplaceSelectionFormula (“{Company.State}='CA'”)
«Uses “{Company.State}='CA'” as the selection formula for the report.»
This method DOES NOT use the string in “SelectionFormula” on page 237, and
DOES conflict with setting the property. You cannot set the “SelectionFormula” on
page 237, property and call ReplaceSelectionFormula in the same code sequence.
A Visual Basic error condition will be raised in such a case.
Runtime only
Reset resets the value of all properties (except “DataSource” on page 186) to their
default values.
For example:
«Returns all properties (except DataSource) for CrystalReport1 to their default
RetrieveDatafiles retrieves all “table” locations from the current report, populates
“DataFiles” on page 185, and returns the number of “tables” in the report.
For example:
NumberofDatafiles% = CrystalReport1.RetrieveDatafiles
«Populates the DataFiles property with the table locations from
This method can only be called AFTER “ReportFileName” on page 230, has been
Runtime only
RetrieveLogonInfo retrieves logon information (except for the password) for all
“tables” in the current report, populates “LogOnInfo” on page 205, and returns the
number of “tables” in the report.
For example:
NumberofTables% = CrystalReport1.RetrieveLogonInfo
«Retrieves the logon information for all the tables in CrystalReport1.»
This method can only be called AFTER the “ReportFileName” on page 230, has
been set. This method DOES NOT use the string in the Connect property and
DOES conflict with setting the property. You cannot set the Connect property and
call RetrieveLogonInfo in the same code sequence. A Visual Basic error condition
will be raised in this case.
Runtime only
RetrieveSQLQuery retrieves the SQL Query from the current report and populates
“SQLQuery” on page 240.
For example:
«Retrieves the SQL query from CrystalReport1.»
This method can only be called AFTER “ReportFileName” on page 230, has been set.
Runtime only
RetreveStoredProcParams retrieves all stored procedure parameters from the
current report, populates “StoredProcParam” on page 241, and returns the
number of parameters.
For example:
NumberofParams% = CrystalReport1.RetrieveStoredProcParams
«Retrieves the stored procedure parameters from CrystalReport1.»
This method can only be called AFTER “ReportFileName” on page 230, has been
Runtime only
The SetTablePrivateData method is used to provide information about a data
source to the database driver associated with the reports database at runtime. For
instance, if a report has been designed using the Crystal Active Data Driver this
method can be used to provide an active data source for the report, such as a DAO,
ADO, or RDO Recordset or a CDO Rowset. In this case, the object passed to the
third parameter of this method replaces, at runtime, the field definition file used to
create the report.
[form.]Report.SetTablePrivateData TableIndex% , DataTag&, Data
For Example:
CrystalReport1.SetTablePrivateData 0, 3, rs
Passes a recordset to the first table in the report.
This method can only be called AFTER “ReportFileName” on page 230, has
been set.
The first parameter, TableIndex, specifies the index number of the table to be
set. Default value = 1.
The second parameter, DataTag, is value indicating the type of data being
passed to the report in the Data parameter. Currently, the only possible value
is 3. This value must be used for all Active data sources including DAO, ADO,
RDO, CDO, and the Visual Basic data control.
The third parameter, Data, is the variant data passed to the database driver.
For example, with Active data, this must be a Recordset object if you are using
DAO, ADO, or the Visual Basic data control. This must be a Rowset object if
you are using CDO.
Runtime only.
SpecifyDataSourceField enables you to specify the columns that appear, their
order, and their width for reports that are automatically generated from a Data
control. If you call this function one or more times, only the columns indicated by
the calls will appear in the report. You must call this function one time for each
column you are setting.
[form.]Report.SpecifyDataSourceField ColumnNum%, ColumnName$, ColumnWidth%
For example:
CrystalReport1.SpecifyDataSourceField (0, “Year Born”, 10)
CrystalReport1.SpecifyDataSourceField (1, “Au_ID”, 20)
«If the data control was pointing to the Authors table in the Biblio sample, the
code results in a report where the first column is year born and the second
column is author_id.»
This method only works when ReportSource = 3, Data Control Fields. It does
not work when ReportSource = 1, Bound TrueDBGrid Control.
The first parameter, ColumnNum, specifies the column number (zero
The second parameter, ColumnName, is the name of the column as it appears
in the data control.
The third parameter is the column width, in characters.
To use the default width for the type of column, pass -1 as the third parameter.
Application Object
The Application Object is the only creatable object in the Crystal Report Engine
Object Model. All access to the Crystal Report Engine Automation Server must
begin with the creation of an instance of the Application object.
An instance of the Application object can be created using the Visual Basic New
keyword or using the CreateObject function and the Prog Id
Crystal.CRPE.Application. However, the Visual Basic New keyword is much
easier and more efficient to use. With New, you do not need to reference
Crystal.CRPE.Application, which means that you can eliminate some unnecessary
coding details.
For example,
Using the New keyword:
Dim app as Application
Set app = New Application
’ Automatically creates a new instance of the object when it is first
’ referenced in the code, so it doesn’t have to be set.
Dim app As New Application
Using the CreateObject function:
Dim app As Object
Set app = CreateObject(“Crystal.CRPE.Application”)
The CanClose method indicates whether or not the “Application Object” on
page 274, can be destroyed. This method will return FALSE as long as there are
valid Report objects in existence. The Application object can be destroyed only if
no instances of the “Report Object” on page 329, exist.
TRUE if the Engine can be closed.
FALSE if the Engine is busy.
The ClearError method clears the application error code and string stored when
calling the LastErrorCode and LastErrorString properties.
The LogOffServer method logs off an SQL server or ODBC data source. Use this
method when you have logged on to the data source by using “LogOnServer” on
page 276.
object.LogOffServer DLLName, ServerName, DatabaseName, UserID, Password
DLLName Specifies the name of the DLL for the server or password-protected non-
SQL table that you want to log on to (for example, “PDSODBC.DLL”).
Note that the DLLName must be enclosed in quotes. DLL names have
the following naming convention: PDB*.DLL for standard (non-SQL)
databases, PDS*.DLL for SQL/ODBC databases.
ServerName Specifies the logon name for the server used to create the report.* (For
ODBC, use the data source name.) This value is case-sensitive.
DatabaseName Specifies the name for the database used to create the report.*
UserID (Optional) Specifies the User ID number necessary to log on to the server.*
Password (Optional) Specifies the password necessary to log on to the server.
*When you pass an empty string (““) for this parameter, the program uses the
value that is already set in the report. If you want to override a value that is already
set in the report, use a non-empty string (for example, “Server A”).
If you try to log off a server that is still in use (that is, there is an object variable still
in focus that holds reference to a report that requires being logged on to the server
to access data) you will be unable to log off. This will apply to every object that
comes from the “Report Object” on page 329, as they all hold reference to the
report through their respective Report properties.
The LogOnServer method logs on to an SQL server or ODBC data source. Once
logged on by using this method, you will remain logged on until you call
“LogOffServer” on page 275, or until the “Application Object” on page 274, is
destroyed. This method corresponds to PELogOnServer in the Crystal Reports
Technical Reference Guide, of the Crystal Report Engine API.
object.LogOnServer DLLName, ServerName, DatabaseName, UserID, Password
DLLName Specifies the name of the DLL for the server or password-protected non-
SQL table that you want to log on to (for example, “PDSODBC.DLL”).
Note that the DLLName must be enclosed in quotes. DLL names have
the following naming convention: PDB*.DLL for standard (non-SQL)
databases, PDS*.DLL for SQL/ODBC databases.
ServerName Specifies the logon name for the server used to create the report.* (For
ODBC, use the data source name.) This value is case-sensitive.
DatabaseName Specifies the name for the database used to create the report.*
UserID (Optional) Specifies the User ID number necessary to log on to the server.*
Password (Optional) Specifies the password necessary to log on to the server.
*When you pass an empty string (““) for this parameter, the program uses the
value that is already set in the report. If you want to override a value that is already
set in the report, use a non-empty string (for example, “Server A”).
The OpenReport method opens an existing report file, creating an instance of the
Report object. Through the “Report Object” on page 329, you can change
formatting, formulas, selection formulas, and sort fields for the report, then print,
preview, or export the report. This method corresponds to PEOpenPrintJob in the
Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide, of the Crystal Report Engine API.
Dim rep As Report
Set rep = app.OpenReport(ReportFilePath)
ReportFilePath Specifies a string value indicating the file name and path of the report that
you want to open.
Returns an instance of the “Report Object” on page 329, if the report was
successfully opened.
Returns 0 if the report file does not exist or if an error occurs.
Area Object
The Area Object represents an area in a report. An area is a group of like sections in the
report (for example, Details A - Da, Details B - Db, etc.) that all share the same
characteristics. Each section within the area can be formatted differently. This object
allows you to retrieve information and set options for a specified area in your report.
AreaOptions Object
The AreaOptions object allows you to retrieve information and set options for a
specified area of your report (that is, new page before, keep together, underlay
section, etc.). An AreaOptions object is obtained from the Options property of the
“Area Object” on page 278.
Each report area is comprised of sections which can be formatted independently of
each other by using the “SectionOptions Object” on page 342. These section
options are combined with the options set by using the AreaOptions Object to
make up the final appearance of a section and an area of the report. The settings in
the AreaOptions object will affect all sections within the area, while settings in the
SectionOptions object will affect only the section to which they are set.
If there is a conflict of settings between the AreaOptions object and the
SectionOptions object, the object with an option set to TRUE will override the
setting for the other object. For example, if the AreaOptions object has the
KeepTogether property set to TRUE, all sections within the area will have
KeepTogether applied, even if the SectionOptions object for a section has
KeepTogether set to FALSE. If, however, the AreaOptions object has
KeepTogether set to FALSE, but a section within that area has KeepTogether set to
TRUE, that section will have the KeepTogether format option applied.
If an area has only a single section, all options will be combined between both the
AreaOption object and the SectionOptions object. All TRUE settings set in either
object will result in a TRUE setting for the entire area and section. While changing
format options for areas and sections in reports, be sure to keep track of settings in
both the AreaOptions and SectionOptions objects.
AreaOptions Properties
Property Description
Application Returns a reference to the “Application Object” on page 274, Read only
that this object is associated with.
KeepTogether Returns/Sets Boolean value indicating if the values in this Read/
area are kept together across pages. Write
KeepTogether Returns/Sets string specifying a formula for conditionally Read/
Formula setting when values in the area are kept together across pages. Write
NewPageAfter Returns/Sets Boolean value indicating if a page break Read/
occurs just after this area. Write
NewPageAfter Returns/Sets string specifying a formula for conditionally Read/
Formula setting when a page break occurs after the area. Write
NewPageBefore Returns/Sets Boolean value indicating if a page break Read/
occurs just before this area. Write
Property Description Write
NewPageBefore Returns/Sets string specifying a formula for conditionally Read/
Formula setting when a page break occurs before the area. Write
NotHideForDrill Returns/Sets Boolean value indicating if the area is not Read/
Down hidden for drill-down. Write
NotHideForDrill Returns/Sets string specifying a formula for conditionally Read/
DownFormula setting when the area is not hidden for drill-down. Write
Parent Reference to the Parent object (“Area Object” on page 278). Read only
PrintAtBottomOf Returns/Sets Boolean value indicating if the area is to Read/
Page appear at the bottom of the page. Write
PrintAtBottomOf Returns/Sets string specifying a formula for conditionally Read/
PageFormula setting when the area is printed at the bottom of the page. Write
Report Reference to “Report Object” on page 329. Read only
ResetPageNumber Returns/Sets Boolean value indicating if the page number is Read/
After reset to one after this area is printed. Write
ResetPageNumber Returns/Sets string specifying a formula for conditionally Read/
AfterFormula setting when the page number should be reset after the area Write
is printed.
Visible Returns/Sets Boolean value indicating whether the report Read/
area is visible or not. Write
VisibleFormula Returns/Sets string specifying a formula for conditionally Read/
setting when an area is visible. Write
Areas Collection
The Areas Collection contains a collection of area objects for every area in the
report. Access a specific “Area Object” on page 278, in the collection using the Item
Instead of using the Item property as shown, you can reference an area directly (for
example, Areas (“RH”) or Areas (1)).
BlobFieldObject Object
The BlobFieldObject Object allows you to get and set information for bitmap
database fields in a report.
BoxObject Object
The BoxObject object represents a box that has been drawn on the report. This
object allows you to get information about boxes in a report.
CrossTabObject Object
The CrossTabObject Object allows you to get and set information for cross-tab
objects in a report.
crBlobFieldObject 9
crBoxObject 4
crCrossTabObject 8
crFieldObject 1
crGraphObject 7
crLineObject 3
crOleObject 6
crSubreportObject 5
crTextObject 2
Property Description Read/Write
Parent Reference to the Parent object (“Report Object” on page 329). Read only
Report Reference to “Report Object” on page 329. Read only
SummaryFields Returns the “SummaryFieldDefinitions Collection” on Read only
page 352, providing access to information about all
summary fields in the cross-tab object.
Database Object
The Database Object provides properties to get information about the database
accessed by a report. See “Object Naming Conflicts” on page 273.
The Verify method verifies that the location of the database is still valid and checks
to see if any changes have been made to table design, etc. If there are any changes
to the database, the Verify method will update the report automatically to reflect
these changes.
DatabaseFieldDefinition Object
The DatabaseFieldDefinition Object represents a database field used in the report. This
object provides properties for getting information on database fields in the report.
TableAliasName Specifies the alias name used in the report to reference the Read
database table. By default, this is the name of the database table. only
ValueType Returns CRFieldValueType (see table below) which specifies the Read
“type” of value found in the field. only
Constant Value
crBitmapField 17
crBlobField 15
crBooleanField 9
crChartField 21
crCurrencyField 8
crDateField 10
crDateTimeField 16
crIconField 18
crInt16sField 3
crInt16uField 4
crInt32sField 5
crInt32uField 6
crInt8sField 1
crInt8uField 2
crNumberField 7
crOleField 20
crPersistentMemoField 14
crPictureField 19
crStringField 12
crTimeField 11
crTransientMemoField 13
crUnknownField 22
DatabaseFieldDefinitions Collection
The DatabaseFieldDefinitions Collection is a collection of database field definition
objects. One object exists in the collection for every database field accessed by the
report. Access a specific “DatabaseFieldDefinition Object” on page 284, in the
collection by using the Item property.
Instead of using the Item property as shown, you can reference a database directly
(for example, DatabaseFieldDefinition(“Product ID”) or
DatabaseParameter Object
The DatabaseParameter Object specifies a stored procedure in an SQL database or
an Access parameterized query.
DatabaseParameters Collection
The DatabaseParameters Collection is a collection of database parameter objects. A
DatabaseParameter object exists in the collection for every stored procedure
parameter accessed by the report. Access a specific “DatabaseParameter Object”
on page 286, in the collection by using the Item property.
Instead of using the Item property as shown, you can reference a parameter
directly (for example, DatabaseParameters(1)).
DatabaseTable Object
The DatabaseTable Object refers to a database table accessed by the report.
The GetPrivateData method is used to retrieve the current private data for a given
table. The private data will be returned as the type specified in the VariantType
parameter. The format of the private data is specific to each database driver.
For example, if the report has been designed by using the crystal active data driver,
see “Active Data” on page 1617. GetPrivateData can be used to obtain the active
data object assigned to the report by using “SetPrivateData” on page 291.
object.GetPrivateData VariantType
VariantType A constant value indicating the type of data being retrieved. Use a Visual Basic
VarType constant value. For example, vbDataObject will return an Active Data
Object such as a DAO Recordset.
The SetLogOnInfo method logs on to the data source so table data can be accessed.
object.SetLogOnInfo DllName, ServerName, DatabaseName, UserID, Password
DllName Specifies the DLL used to access the database by the Crystal Report
Engine (that is, PDSODBC.DLL).
ServerName Specifies the name of the server or ODBC data source where the database
is located (that is, CRSS).
DatabaseName Specifies the name of the database.
UserID (Optional) Specifies a valid user name for logging on to the data source.
Password Specifies a valid password for logging on to the data source.
The SetPrivateData method is used to provide information about a data source to
the database driver associated with this DatabaseTable object. For instance, if a
report has been designed by using the crystal active data driver , this method can
be used to provide an active data source for the report, such as a DAO, ADO, or
RDO Recordset or a CDO Rowset. In this case, the object passed to the second
parameter of this method replaces, at runtime, the field definition file used to
create the report. For complete information, see “Active Data” on page 1617.
object.SetPrivateData DataTag, Data
DataTag A value indicating the type of data being passed to the DatabaseTable object in the
Data parameter. Currently, the only possible value is 3. This value must be used for
all Active data sources including DAO, ADO, RDO, CDO, and the Visual Basic data
Data Variant data passed to the database driver. For example, with Active data, this must
be a Recordset object if you are using DAO, ADO, or the Visual Basic data control.
This must be a Rowset object if you are using CDO.
The SetSessionInfo method allows the user to log on to a secured Access session.
object.SetSessionInfo SessionUserID As String, SessionPassword As String
In Microsoft Access 95 and later, an Access database can have session security (also
know as user-level security), database-level security, or both. If the Access
database contains only session security, simply pass the session password to the
SessionPassword parameter. If the Access database contains database-level
security, use a linefeed character, Chr(10), followed by the database-level
password. For example:
object.SetSessionInfo “userID”, Chr(10) & “dbpassword”
If the Access database contains both session security and database-level security,
use the session password followed by the linefeed character and the database
object.SetSessionInfo “userID”, “sesspswd” & _
Chr(10) & “dbpassword”
Alternately, database-level security can also be handled by assigning the database-
level password to the Password parameter of the “SetLogOnInfo” on page 290,
The TestConnectivity method tests to see if the database can be logged on to with
the current information and if the database table can be accessed by the report.
TRUE if the database session, logon, and location information are all correct.
FALSE if something is wrong.
DatabaseTables Collection
The DatabaseTables Collection is a collection of DatabaseTable objects. A
DatabaseTable object exists for every database object (that is, table, query, stored
procedure, etc.) accessed by the report. Access a specific “DatabaseTable Object”
on page 288, in the collection by using the Item property.
Instead of using the Item property as shown, you can reference a table directly (for
example, DatabaseTable(“Categories”) or DatabaseTable(1)).
EventInfo Object
ExportOptions Object
The ExportOptions Object provides properties and methods for retrieving
information and setting options for exporting your report (that is, export format,
destination, etc.). An ExportOptions Object is obtained from the ExportOptions
property of the “Report Object” on page 329.
crEFTWordPerfect 16
Property Description Read/Write
HTMLFileName Returns/set the HTML file name for reports exported Read/Write
to HTML format.
MailBccList Returns/Sets a Blind Carbon Copy (BCC) list for Read/Write
reports e-mailed to a VIM e-mail account.
MailCcList Returns/Sets a Carbon Copy (CC) list for reports e- Read/Write
MailMessage Returns/Sets the e-mail message included with e- Read/Write
mailed reports.
MailSubject Returns/Sets the e-mail subject heading for reports Read/Write
being e-mailed.
MailToList Returns/Sets the To list for reports being e-mailed. Read/Write
NumberOfLinesPer Integer. Gets or sets the number of lines to appear per Read/Write
Page page option for reports exported to a paginated text
ODBCDataSource Returns/Sets the ODBC data source for reports Read/Write
Name exported to ODBC.
ODBCDataSourcePass Returns/Sets the password used to access an ODBC Read/Write
word data source for reports exported to ODBC.
ODBCDataSource Returns/Sets the user name used to access an ODBC Read/Write
UserID data source for reports exported to ODBC.
ODBCExportTable Returns/Sets the database table in the ODBC data source Read/Write
Name that the report file exported to ODBC will be appended
to. You can also create a new table using this property.
Parent Reference to the Parent object (“Report Object” on Read only
page 329).
Report Reference to “Report Object” on page 329. Read only
UseReportDateFormat Returns/Sets whether the date format used in the report Read/Write
should also be used in the exported report. Can be used
for Data Interchange Format (DIF), Record Style Format,
and comma, tab, or character separated format.
UseReportNumber Returns/Sets whether the number format used in the Read/Write
Format report should also be used in the exported report. Can
be used for Data Interchange Format (DIF), Record Style
Format, and comma, tab, or character separated format.
The PromptForExport Options method prompts the user for export information
using default Crystal Report Engine dialog boxes.
The Reset method clears all ExportOptions properties.
FieldDefinitions Collection
The FieldDefinitons Collection is a collection of field definitions of all types. This
collection is obtained from the DataFields property of the “GraphObject Object” on
page 304. The collection of fields represents the fields used to plot the values on a
chart. Access a specific FieldDefinition object in the collection using the Item property.
Instead of using the Item property as shown, you can reference a field definition
directly (for example, FieldDefinitions (1)).
FieldObject Object
The FieldObject Object represents a field found in a report (that is,special field,
database field, parameter field, etc.). This object provides properties for retrieving
information for a field in your report. A FieldObject Object is obtained from the
Item property of the “ReportOptions Object” on page 339 (that is,
ReportObjects.Item(Index)), where the index references a special field, database
field, parameter field, summary field, or group name field (except BLOB field -- see
“BlobFieldObject Object” on page 281).
FieldValue Object
The FieldValue Object is only available through the “Window Object” on page 359,
event “DrillOnDetail” on page 362, used in Visual Basic 5.0. When a user drills
down on a Detail record value, all fields for that record are stored in an array of
FieldValue objects that is returned in the FieldValues parameter of the
DrillOnDetail event.
Font Object
The Font Object provides properties for retrieving information and setting options
for the font used in a specified field (that is, Bold, line style, etc.). A Font Object is
obtained from the Font property of the “FieldObject Object” on page 298. Options,
such as font name, defined by this object are dependent upon the printer driver
selected for the report.
Note: You must always use a prefix when referencing the Font Object. Visual
Basic includes a VB Font Object that is always included when creating a project,
so conflicts will always occur unless the object is properly referenced (for
example, CRPEAuto.Font). For more information see “Object Naming Conflicts”
on page 273.
crAqua 16776960
crBlack 0
crBlue 16711680
crFuchsia 16711935
crGray 8421504
crGreen 32768
crLime 65280
crMaroon 128
crNoColor -1
crOlive 32896
crPurple 8388736
crRed 255
crSilver 12632256
crTeal 8421376
crWhite 16777215
crYellow 65536
Property Description Read/Write
Italic Returns/Sets Boolean value indicating whether or not the font Read/Write
is italicized.
Name Returns/Sets the name of the font. Available fonts for any report Read/Write
are dependent upon the printer driver selected for the report.
Parent Reference to the Parent object (“FieldObject Object” on Read only
page 298).
Report Reference to “Report Object” on page 329. Read only
Size Returns/Sets the point size of the font. Read/Write
Strike Returns/Sets Boolean value indicating whether or not the font Read/Write
Through is struck out.
Underline Returns/Sets Boolean value indicating whether or not the font Read/Write
is underlined.
Weight Returns/Sets the weight of the font. CRFontWeight (see table Read/Write
below) can be used for convenience.
Constant Value
crFWBold 700
crFWDontCare 0
crFWExtraBold 800
crFWExtraLight 200
crFWHeavy 900
crFWLight 300
crFWMedium 500
crFWNormal 400
crFWSemiBold 600
crFWThin 100
FormulaFieldDefinition Object
The FormulaFieldDefinition Object provides properties and methods for
retrieving information and setting options for any formula field found in a report.
FormulaFieldDefinition Properties
Text Returns/Sets the text of the formula. The formula text is Read/Write
changed immediately in the report. With that in mind, you
should check the validity of the formula immediately after
setting the Text property. Use “Check” on page 303, to check
formulas. If you generate a report with an invalid formula,
you may receive and exception error.
ValueType Returns CRFieldValueType (see table below), which Read only
specifies the “type” of value found in the field.
Constant Value
crBitmapField 17
crBlobField 15
crBooleanField 9
crChartField 21
crCurrencyField 8
crDateField 10
crDateTimeField 16
crIconField 18
crInt16sField 3
crInt16uField 4
crInt32sField 5
crInt32uField 6
crInt8sField 1
crInt8uField 2
crNumberField 7
crOleField 20
crPersistentMemoField 14
crPictureField 19
crStringField 12
crTimeField 11
crTransientMemoField 13
crUnknownField 22
FormulaFieldDefinition Methods
“Check” on page 303
The Check method checks formula for errors (that is, syntax errors).
Returns a Boolean value,
TRUE if formula is valid.
FALSE if formula contains errors.
You can use LastErrorCode and LastErrorString properties from the “Report
Object” on page 329, in order to obtain details when FALSE is returned.
FormulaFieldDefinitions Collection
The FormulaFieldDefinitions Collection is a collection of named formulas in the
report. Access a specific “FormulaFieldDefinition Object” on page 301, in the
collection by using the Item property.
Instead of using the Item property as shown, you can reference a formula field
directly (for example, FormulaFieldDefinitions(“ExampleFormula”)).
GlobalOptions Object
The GlobalOptions Object provides properties for retrieving information or setting
options for an application object. A GlobalOptions Object is obtained from the
Options property of the “Application Object” on page 274.
GraphObject Object
The GraphObject Object represents a graph/chart found in a report. This object
provides properties for retrieving information and setting options for a chart in your
report (that is, graph data type -- group, detail or graph display type -- bar, pie, etc.).
DataFields Returns the FieldDefinitions object that represents the data Read only
fields of the graph (that is, numeric fields for graph data).
Specifies a collection of graph data fields. This property
applies only to detail graphs; using this property with a
cross-tab or group graph will result in an error.
DataType Returns CRGraphDataType (see table below) which Read only
specifies the type of data used in the graph.
Constant Value
crCrossTabGraph 2
crDetailGraph 1
crGroupGraph 0
Property Description Read/Write
Direction Returns/Sets CRGraphDirection (see table below) indicating Read/Write
if the graph groups on only the rows of a cross-tab, only the
columns, or a combination of both (that is, for stacked bar
graph). This property applies to only cross-tab graphs.
Constant Value
crGDColumnsOnly 1
crGDMixedColumnRow 3
crGDMixedRowColumn 2
crGDRowsOnly 0
crGDUnknownDirection 20
Property Description Read/Write
DisplayType Returns/Sets CRGraphDisplayType (see table below) Read/Write
indicating which graph representation type used for the
graph (that is, SideBySideGraph, PieGraph, etc.).
Constant Value
crAreaGraph 120
crFaked3DPercentBarGraph 6
crFaked3DSideBySideBarGraph 4
crFaked3DStackedBarGraph 5
crLineGraph 80
crMultiPieGraph 42
crPercentBarGraph 3
crPieGraph 40
crProportionalMultiPieGraph 43
crSideBySideGraph 0
crStackedBarGraph 2
crThreedBarGraph 160
crUnkownTypeGraph 1000
crUserDefinedGraph 500
Property Description Read/Write
FontFaceName Returns/Sets the font for the title, subtitle, and footnote text Read/Write
included with the graph. Fonts available for any report are
dependent upon the printer driver selected for the report.
FootNote Returns/Sets the footnote text that appears at the bottom of Read/Write
the graph.
GroupsTitle Returns/Sets the title of the groups that are being graphed. Read/Write
Kind Returns CRObjectKind object(see table below), which specifies Read only
what “kind” of object (that is, box, cross-tab, field, etc.).
Constant Value
crBlobFieldObject 9
crBoxObject 4
crCrossTabObject 8
crFieldObject 1
crGraphObject 7
crLineObject 3
crOleObject 6
crSubreportObject 5
crTextObject 2
Property Description Read/Write
MaxValue Returns/Sets the maximum value that will appear in the Read/Write
graph. Any graph values above this value are not graphed.
MinValue Returns/Sets the minimum value that will appear in the Read/Write
graph. Any graph values below this value are not graphed.
Parent Reference to the Parent object (“Section Object” on page 341). Read only
Report Reference to “Report Object” on page 329. Read only
RowGroup Returns/Sets the group number of the group that supplies the Read/Write
Number data for the graphs rows. For example, in a stacked bar graph,
the row would be the stacked data. For graphs with no rows,
this value is -1. (This property does not apply to a detail graph.)
SeriesTitle Returns/Sets the title of the series which is being graphed. Read/Write
ShowDataValue Returns/Sets Boolean value indicating whether or not to Read/Write
Enabled display the numeric value associated with each riser on the
graph. If set to TRUE (1), a value appears in the graph for
each riser.
GroupAreaOptions Object
The GroupAreaOptions Object provides properties for retrieving information and
setting options for a group area found in a report (that is, keep group together, sort
direction, etc.). A GroupAreaOptions Object is obtained from the GroupOptions
property of the “Area Object” on page 278.
crGCEveryYes 10
crGCMonthly 4
crGCNextIsNo 13
crGCNextIsYes 12
crGCQuarterly 5
crGCSemiAnnually 6
crGCSemiMonthly 3
crGCToNo 9
crGCToYes 8
crGCWeekly 1
Property Description Read/Write
ConditionField Returns/Sets “DatabaseFieldDefinition Object” on page 284, Read/Write
specifying the field that grouping occurs on.
DiscardOther Returns/Sets Boolean value indicating if “other” groups in a Read/Write
Groups group sort are discarded (that is, those not included in a
Top/Bottom N group sort when sorting groups by their
summary field).
KeepGroupToget Returns/Sets Boolean value to keep group together (that is, Read/Write
her across page breaks).
NumberOfTopOr Returns/Sets the number of groups for a TopN group sort. Read/Write
Parent Reference to the Parent object (“Area Object” on page 278). Read only
RepeatGroup Returns/Sets Boolean value indicating if group headers Read/Write
Header should be repeated when group is split across pages.
Report Reference to “Report Object” on page 329. Read only
SortDirection Returns/Sets CRSortDirection (see table below) indicating Read/Write
the sort direction of the group name field, as opposed to the
group summary field.
Constant Value
crAscendingOrder 1
crDescendingOrder 0
crOriginalOrder 2
crSpecifiedOrder 3
(Read only -- this value cannot be set.)
Property Description Read/Write
TopOrBottomN Returns/Sets the value of CRTopBottomNGroupSortOrder (see Read/Write
Groups table below) indicating which section of groups will be shown
(that is, TopN groups, BottomN groups, all groups, etc.).
Constant Value
crAllGroupsSorted. 1
crAllGroupsUnsorted 0
crBottomNGroups 3
crTopNGroups 2
GroupNameFieldDefinition Object
The GroupNameFieldDefinition Object provides properties and methods for
retrieving information on a group name field found in a report (that is, number of
group, value type, etc.). A GroupNameFieldDefinition Object is obtained from the
Field property of the “FieldObject Object” on page 298, when the specified field is
a group name field.
crBooleanField 9
crChartField 21
crCurrencyField 8
crDateField 10
crDateTimeField 16
crIconField 18
crInt16sField 3
crInt16uField 4
crInt32sField 5
crInt32uField 6
crInt8sField 1
crInt8uField 2
LineObject Object
The LineObject Object represents a line drawn on a report. This object provides
properties for getting information for lines on a report.
OLEObject Object
The OLEObject Object represents an OLE object in a report. This object provides
properties for getting information for OLE objects in a report.
Page Object
The Page Object is part of the Page Engine. Use the Page Engine when designing
web sites using Active Server Pages, the Crystal Report Engine Automation Server,
and the Crystal Design-Time ActiveX Control. Unless you are experienced with
the Crystal Report Engine Object Model, you should allow the Crystal Design-
Time ActiveX Control to generate VBScript code, in your Active Server Pages, to
control the Page Engine objects.
The Page Engine generates pages of a report on the web server and sends the pages to
client web browsers as they are requested. For example, when a user first requests a
report, only the first page is sent to the web browser. If the user pages forward or
backward in the report, or requests a specific page, only that page is sent. This limits
the resources required by the web server and reduces download time for the client
browser. A Page Object is a single generated page that is sent to the browser.
The RenderEPF method returns a variant that contains EPF code for the report page.
variantdata = object.RenderEPF (ResultType as CRRenderResultType)
ResultType Returns CRRenderResultType (see table below) indicating whether the page will
be rendered using strings or arrays.
Constant Value
crBSTRType 8
crUISafeArrayType 8209
The RenderHTML method returns a variant that contains HTML code for the
report page.
variantdata = object.RenderHTML (IncludeDrillDownLinks as Boolean,
PageStyle as CRHTMLPageStyle, ToolbarStyle as CRHTMLToolbarStyle,
BaseURL as string, ResultType as CRRenderResultType)
IncludeDrill Indicates whether or not the HTML page will include hyperlinks for drilling
DownLinks down on summary data.
PageStyle Specifies CRHTMLPageStyle (see table below) indicating the style of the
HTML page to be rendered.
Constant Value
crFramePageStyle 2
crPlainPageStyle 0
crToolbarPageStyle 1
ToolbarStyle Specifies CRHTMLToolbarStyle (see table below) indicating the style of the
toolbar to be used.
Constant Value
crToolbarRefreshButton 1
crToolbarSearchBox 2
BaseURL The URL used to access the report when it is first generated.
ResultType Returns CRRenderResultType (see table below) indicating whether the page
will be rendered using strings or arrays.
Constant Value
crBSTRType 8
crUISafeArrayType 8209
PageEngine Object
Use the PageEngine object when designing web sites using Active Server Pages, the
Crystal Report Engine Automation Server, and the Crystal Design-Time ActiveX
Control. Unless you are experienced with the Crystal Report Engine Object Model,
you should allow the Crystal Design-Time ActiveX Control to generate VBScript
code, in your Active Server Pages, to control the Page Engine objects.
The Page Engine generates pages of a report on the web server and sends the pages
to client web browsers as they are requested. For example, when a user first
requests a report, only the first page is sent to the web browser. If the user pages
forward or backward in the report, or requests a specific page, only that page is
sent. This limits the resources required by the web server and reduces download
time for the client browser.
The CreatePageGenerator method returns a “PageGenerator Object” on page 316,
allowing you to get pages from the view of the report, specified by the GroupPath
PgGenObject = object.CreatePageGenerator (GroupPath)
GroupPath Specifies an integer array that represents the group path (separated by “/”). An
empty array would represent the entire report, an array (0, 1) would represent a
drill down on the second group member within the first group member (i.e., 0 =
first group in Group #1 and 1 = second group in Group #2).
Note: Another optional parameter, DrillDownLevel, will appear in the Object
Browser for the CreatePageGenerator Method. This parameter has not been
implemented; the value will be ignored.
The RenderTotallerETF method returns a variant that contains ETF code for the
Group Tree.
variantData = object.RenderTotallerETF (RootGroupPath,
StartingChildNumber, PastRootLevels, MaxNodeCount, ResultType)
The RenderTotallerHTML method returns a variant that contains HTML code for
the Group Tree.
variantData = object.RenderTotallerHTML (RootGroupPath,
StartingChildNumber, PastRootLevels, MaxNodeCount, OpenGroupPath,
IncludeDrillDownLinks, BaseURL, ResultType)
BaseURL The URL address of the report when it is first generated by the web server.
IncludeDrill Indicates whether or not drill-down hyperlinks are generated for summary
DownLinks values in the report.
MaxNodeCount The maximum number of nodes to display in the Group Tree.
OpenGroupPath An array of groups to be opened in the report.
PastRootLevels A value indicating the number of past root levels.
ResultType Returns CRRenderResultType (see table below) indicating whether the page
will be rendered by using strings or arrays.
Constant Value
crBSTRType 8
crUISafeArrayType 8209
RootGroupPath Specifies an integer array that represents the root group path (separated by “/”).
An empty array would represent the entire report, an array (0, 1) would
represent a drill-down on the second group member within the first group
member (that is, 0 = first group in Group #1 and 1 = second group in Group #2).
StartingChild Long
PageGenerator Object
The PageGenerator Object is part of the Page Engine. Use the Page Engine when
designing web sites using Active Server Pages, the Crystal Report Engine
Automation Server, and the Crystal Design-Time ActiveX Control. Unless you are
experienced with the Crystal Report Engine Object Model, you should allow the
Crystal Design-Time ActiveX Control to generate VBScript code, in your Active
Server Pages, to control the Page Engine objects.
The Page Engine generates pages of a report on the web server and sends the pages
to client web browsers as they are requested. For example, when a user first requests
a report, only the first page is sent to the web browser. If the user pages forward or
backward in the report, or requests a specific page, only that page is sent. This limits
the resources required by the web server and reduces download time for the client
browser. A PageGenerator object generates “Page Object” on page 311, as they are
requested and allows options for manipulating the report as a whole.
The DrillOnGraph method creates a new “PageGenerator Object” on page 316,
that results from drilling down on the specified point in a graph on the given page.
pgGenObject = object.DrillOnGraph (PageNumber, XOffset, YOffset)
The GetPageNumberForGroup method returns the page number on which the
given group starts.
numbervar = object.GetPageNumberForGroup (GroupPath)
GroupPath Specifies an integer array that represents the group path (separated by “/”). An
empty array would represent the entire report, an array (0, 1) would represent a
drill-down on the second group member within the first group member (i.e., 0 =
first group in Group #1 and 1 = second group in Group #2).
The SearchForText method searches for the given text, starting on the given page.
If the text is found, the PageNumber is set to the number of the page on which it
was found. Returns a Boolean value indicating if text was found.
Boolean = object.SearchForText (Text, Direction, PageNumber)
Direction Specifies CRSearchDirection (see table below) indicating the direction to sort in.
Constant Value
crAscendingOrder 1
crDescendingOrder 0
crOriginalOrder 2
PageNumber Specifies the page to start searching in and returns the page
number of the first occurrence of the sought-after text.
Text Specifies the text string being searched for.
Pages Collection
The Pages Collection is part of the Page Engine. Use the Page Engine when
designing web sites using Active Server Pages, the Crystal Report Engine
Automation Server, and the Crystal Design-Time ActiveX Control. Unless you are
experienced with the Crystal Report Engine Object Model, you should allow the
Crystal Design-Time ActiveX Control to generate VBScript code, in your Active
Server Pages, to control the Page Engine objects.
The Page Engine generates pages of a report on the web server and sends the pages
to client web browsers as they are requested. For example, when a user first
requests a report, only the first page is sent to the web browser. If the user pages
forward or backward in the report, or requests a specific page, only that page is
sent. This limits the resources required by the web server and reduces download
time for the client browser.
The Pages Collection is a collection of “Page Object” on page 311. Access a specific
Page Object in the collection using the Item property.
Instead of using the Item property as shown, you can reference a page directly
(Pages (1), for example).
PageSetup Object
The PageSetup Object provides properties for retrieving information and setting
options for page setup in a report (that is, paper size, margins, etc.) for the current
printer. A PageSetup Object is obtained from the PageSetup property of the “Report
Object” on page 329. If the current printer is changed with the ReportObject
SelectPrinter method, then the values in PageSetup Object properties may change.
crPaperA5 11
crPaperB4 12
crPaperB5 13
crPaperCsheet 24
crPaperDsheet 25
crPaperEnvelope10 20
crPaperEnvelope11 21
crPaperEnvelope12 22
crPaperEnvelope14 23
crPaperEnvelope9 19
crPaperEnvelopeB4 33
crPaperEnvelopeB5 34
crPaperEnvelopeB6 35
crPaperEnvelopeC3 28
crPaperEnvelopeC4 29
crPaperEnvelopeC5 30
crPaperEnvelopeC6 31
crPaperEnvelopeC65 32
crPaperEnvelopeDL 27
crPaperEnvelopeItaly 36
crPaperEnvelopeMonarch 37
crPaperEnvelopePersonal 38
crPaperEsheet 26
crPaperExecutive 7
crPaperFanfoldLegalGerman 41
crPaperFanfoldStdGerman 40
crPaperFanfoldUS 39
crPaperFolio 14
crPaperLedger 4
crPaperLegal 5
crPaperLetter 1
crPaperLetterSmall 2
crPaperNote 18
crPaperQuarto 15
crPaperStatement 6
crPaperTabloid 3
PageSetup properties are retrieved and set for the current printer. If the
current printer is changed using ReportObject method SelectPrinter, then the
properties of PageSetup Object, for example, PaperOrientation, can change.
Properties BottomMargin, LeftMargin, RightMargin, and TopMargin values
are in twips. A twip is 1/1440 of an inch; there are 20 twips in a point. To set
.5” margins, for example, you would enter the value 720.
Properties BottomMargin, LeftMargin, RightMargin, and TopMargin are set to
-1 by default. Unless otherwise specified, the default margins set in the report
are used.
Properties PaperOrientation and PaperSize default constants
(crDefaultPaperOrientation and crDefaultPaperSize) are Read Only. The other
enums listed below each property can be passed when setting a value.
ParameterFieldDefinition Object
The ParameterFieldDefinition Object represents a parameter field in the report.
This object provides properties and methods for retrieving information and setting
options for a parameter field in your report (that is, current value, default value,
etc.). A ParameterFieldDefinition Object is obtained from the Field property of the
“Area Object” on page 278 when the specified field is a parameter field.
DefaultValue Returns the default value assigned to the parameter field if Read only
one was set. If DefaultValueSet is FALSE, a null is returned.
DefaultValueSet Returns Boolean value indicating whether or not a default Read only
value was set for the parameter field when the parameter
field was created or modified in Crystal Reports. The value
can be either TRUE (1) if the field was given a default value
or FALSE (0) if it was not.
Kind Returns CRFieldKind (see table below) which specifies what Read only
“kind” of field (database, summary, formula, etc.).
Constant Value
crDatabaseField 1
crFormulaField 2
crGroupNameField 5
crParameterField 6
crSpecialVarField 4
crrSQLExpressionField 1
crSummaryField 3
Name Returns the name of the parameter field as it appears in the Read only
Parameter Field list on the Parameter Tab of the Insert Fields
dialog box (for example, NewExampleParameter).
NeedsCurrentV Returns Boolean value indicating if the parameter needs a Read only
alue value entered (no current value is set). TRUE if no current
value is set; FALSE if current value is set.
NumberOfBytes Returns the number of bytes required to store the field data in Read only
ParameterField Returns the name of the parameter field as it is displayed Read only
Name (referenced) in the report (that is, {?ExampleParameter}).
Parent Reference to the Parent object (“Report Object” on page 329). Read only
Prompt Returns/Sets the prompting text, if any, that appears when Read/Write
the user runs the report for the first time or refreshes the data.
This will be either the prompt assigned by the user when the
parameter field was inserted into the report or the prompt
that was set from code.
Report Reference to “Report Object” on page 329. Read only
ReportName Returns the subreport name if the parameter is part of a Read only
subreport; otherwise, a null is returned.
ValueType Returns CRFieldValueType (see table below), which specifies Read only
the “type” of value found in the field.
Constant Value
crBitmapField 17
crBlobField 15
crBooleanField 9
crChartField 21
crCurrencyField 8
crDateField 10
crDateTimeField 16
crIconField 18
crInt16sField 3
crInt16uField 4
crInt32sField 5
crInt32uField 6
crInt8sField 1
crInt8uField 2
crNumberField 7
crOleField 20
crPersistentMemoField 14
crPictureField 19
crStringField 12
crTimeField 11
crTransientMemoField 13
crUnknownField 22
The SetCurrentValue method sets the current value of the parameter. This is the
value that will be used for the parameter in the report. If the current value is set,
no prompt will appear for the parameter when the report is run.
object.SetCurrentValue CurrentValue, ValueType
CurrentValue Specifies the value that you want to set the parameter field current value to.
Can be number, currency, date, string, or Boolean.
ValueType Specifies CRFieldValueType (see table below) indicating the type of the
(Optional) current value (that is, number, currency, etc.). You may either change the
parameter field type using this parameter or keep the current type (as
specified in the report) by omitting this parameter.
Constant Value
crBitmapField 17
crBlobField 15
crBooleanField 9
crChartField 21
crCurrencyField 8
crDateField 10
crDateTimeField 16
crIconField 18
crInt16sField 3
crInt16uField 4
crInt32sField 5
crInt32uField 6
crInt8sField 1
crInt8uField 2
crNumberField 7
crOleField 20
crPersistentMemoField 14
crPictureField 19
crStringField 12
crTimeField 11
crTransientMemoField 13
crUnknownField 22
The SetDefaultValue method sets the default value for the parameter. This is the
value that will be used as the default shown when prompting for a value.
object.SetDefaultValue DefaultValue, ValueType
DefaultValue Specifies the value that you want to set the parameter field default value to.
Can be number, currency, date, string, or Boolean.
ValueType Specifies CRFieldValueType (see table below) indicating the type of the
(Optional) default value (i.e., number, currency, etc.). You may either change the
parameter field type using this parameter or keep the current type (as
specified in the report) by omitting this parameter.
Constant Value
crBitmapField 17
crBlobField 15
crBooleanField 9
crChartField 21
crCurrencyField 8
crDateField 10
crDateTimeField 16
crIconField 18
crInt16sField 3
crInt16uField 4
crInt32sField 5
crInt32uField 6
crInt8sField 1
crInt8uField 2
crNumberField 7
crOleField 20
crPersistentMemoField 14
crPictureField 19
crStringField 12
crTimeField 11
crTransientMemoField 13
crUnknownField 22
ParameterFieldDefinitions Collection
The ParameterFieldDefinitions Collection is a collection of parameter fields in the
report. If the report contains any subreports, parameter fields in the subreports
will also be included in the collection. Access a specific “ParameterFieldDefinition
Object” on page 321, in the collection by using the Item property.
Instead of using the Item property as shown, you can reference a parameter field
directly (for example, ParameterFieldDefinitions(1)).
PrinterInfo Object
The PrinterInfo Object provides properties for retrieving information and setting
options for the specified printer used to print a report (that is, driver name, port
name, etc.). A PrinterInfo Object is obtained from the PrinterInfo property of the
“Report Object” on page 329.
PrintingStatus Object
The PrintingStatus Object provides properties for retrieving information and
setting options for the printing status of a report (that is, number of pages, latest
page to be printed, etc.). A PrintingStatus Object is obtained from the
PrintingStatus property of the “Report Object” on page 329.
PrintWindowOptions Object
The PrintWindowOptions Object provides properties for retrieving information
and setting options for the print window (that is, available buttons, Group Tree,
etc.). Many of the properties in this object must be set prior to enabling other
events. For example, before enabling the “CancelButtonClicked” on page 361,
event from the Window Object, you must first set the HasCancelButton property
from this object to TRUE. A PrintWindowOptions Object is obtained from the
PrintWindowOptions property of the “Report Object” on page 329.
Property Description
Application Returns a reference to the “Application Object” on page 274, Read only
that this object is associated with.
CanDrillDown Returns/Sets Boolean value indicating whether you can drill Read/
down on previewed report. Write
HasCancelButton Returns/Sets Boolean value indicating whether the preview Read/
window has a Cancel button. Write
HasCloseButton Returns/Sets Boolean value indicating whether the preview Read/
window has a Close button. Write
Property Description Write
HasExportButton Returns/Sets Boolean value indicating whether the preview Read/
window has an Export button. Write
HasGroupTree Returns/Sets Boolean value indicating whether the preview Read/
window includes the Group Tree. You must also set the Write
HasGroupTree property to TRUE in the “ReportOptions
Object” on page 339, to have the Group Tree show in the
preview window.
HasNavigation Returns/Sets Boolean value indicating whether the preview Read/
Controls window has navigation controls for moving through report Write
HasPrintButton Returns/Sets Boolean value indicating whether the preview Read/
window has a Print button. Write
HasPrintSetup Returns/Sets Boolean value indicating whether the preview Read/
Button window has a Print Setup button. Write
HasProgress Returns/Sets Boolean value indicating whether the preview Read/
Controls window has progress controls. Write
HasRefreshButton Returns/Sets Boolean value indicating whether the preview Read/
window has a Refresh button. Write
HasSearchButton Returns/Sets Boolean value indicating whether the preview Read/
window has a Search button. Write
HasZoomControl Returns/Sets Boolean value indicating whether the preview Read/
window has zoom controls for changing the magnification of Write
the report.
Parent Reference to the Parent object (“Report Object” on page 329). Read only
Report Reference to “Report Object” on page 329. Read only
TrackCursorInfo Returns “TrackCursorInfo Object” on page 353. Read only
Report Object
A report corresponds to a print job in the Crystal Report Engine. When the report
object is destroyed, or goes out of focus, it closes the print job. It holds on to
Application Object. When a Report Object gets destroyed, it releases the
Access to the Report Object is dependent on the object variable you create. If the
object variable goes out of scope, you will lose access to the Report Object and,
therefore, the report. You may want to declare your Report Object variable as Global.
The AddGroup method adds a group to the report. ConditionField indicates the
field for grouping, Condition indicates a change in a field value that generates a
grouping, and SortDirection specifies the direction in which groups are sorted.
object.AddGroup GroupN, ConditionField, Condition, SortDirection
GroupN Specifies the number of the group to be added (the position of the group in
relation to existing groups). For example, to add a group to the first
position, set GroupN to 1
ConditionField Specifies the field to be grouped. The field can be a database field definition
object or the field name.
Condition Specifies CRGroupCondition (see table below) indicating the grouping
Constant Value
crGCAnually 7
crGCAnyValue 14
crGCBiweekly 2
crGCDaily 0
crGCEveryNo 11
crGCEveryYes 10
crGCMonthly 4
crGCNextIsNo 13
crGCNextIsYes 12
crGCQuarterly 5
crGCSEmiAnnually 6
crGCSemimonthly 3
crGCToNo 9
crGCToYes 8
crGCWeekly 1
SortDirection Specifies CRSortDirection (see table below) indicating the sort direction for
the group (that is, ascending, descending).
Constant Value
crAscendingOrder 1
crDescendingOrder 0
crOriginalOrder 2
The CancelPrinting method cancels the printing of a report. It corresponds to
PECancelPrintJob in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide, of the Crystal
Report Engine.
The ClearError method clears the last error code or last error string at the report level.
The DiscardSavedData method discards any saved data with the report before
previewing. It corresponds to PEDiscardSavedData in the Crystal Reports Technical
Reference Guide, of the Crystal Report Engine.
The Export method exports reports to a format and destination specified with
“ExportOptions Object” on page 293.
object.Export PromptUser
PromptUser Specifies Boolean value indicating if user should be prompted for export options
(Optional) (if you don’t want to prompt). All necessary export options have to be set or
prompt will be used whether this parameter is set to TRUE or FALSE.
Every subreport has a pointer to its parent report. Subreports hold on to their
parent reports until they are destroyed. The OpenSubreport method opens a
subreport contained in the report and returns a “Report Object” on page 329,
corresponding to the named subreport. It corresponds to PEOpenSubreport in the
Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide, of the Crystal Report Engine.
set reportvar = object.OpenSubreport (SubreportName)
The Preview method reviews the report and returns the “View Object” on page 355.
Set ViewVar = object.Preview (Title, Left, Top, Width, Height,
Style, ParentWindow)
to capture the View object or,
object.Preview Title, Left, Top, Width, Height, Style, ParentWindow
for use without capturing the View object.
Title (Optional) Specifies the string that contains the title that you want to appear on the
title bar if you are printing the report to a window.
Left (Optional) Specifies the x coordinate of the upper left-hand corner of the print
window, in pixels.
Top (Optional) Specifies the y coordinate of the top of the print window, in pixels.
Width (Optional) Specifies the width of the print window, in pixels.
Height (Optional) Specifies the height of the print window, in pixels.
Style (Optional) Specifies the style of the window being created. Style settings can be combined
using the bitwise “OR” operator. Select a style from the list that appears with
PEOutputToWindow in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide.
Parent Window Specifies the handle to the Parent Window if the print window is a child of
(Optional) that window.
The “View Object” on page 355, which represents the view created by previewing.
The PrintOut method prints out the specified pages of the report to the printer
selected by using the “SelectPrinter” on page 335, method. If no printer is selected,
the default printer specified in the report will be used.
object.PrintOut PromptUser, NumberOfCopies, Collated,
StartPageNumber, StopPageNumber
PromptUser Specifies Boolean value indicating if the user should be prompted for
(Optional) printer options.
NumberOfCopies Specifies the number of report copies that you want printed.
Collated Specifies Boolean value specifying whether or not you want the report
(Optional) copies collated.
StartPageNumber Specifies the first page that you want printed.
StopPageNumber Specifies the last page that you want printed.
The ReadRecords method reads records in the report.
The SelectPrinter method selects a different printer for the report. The values
associated with the properties of PageSetup Object may change if a call to
SelectPrinter method is made.
object.SelectPrinter DriverName, PrinterName, PortName
DriverName String that contains the name of the printer driver for the selected printer. See
DriverName property of “PrinterInfo Object” on page 326 for more information.
PrinterName String that contains the printer name for the selected printer. See PrinterName
property of “PrinterInfo Object” on page 326 for more information.
PortName String that contains the port name for the port to which the selected printer is
attached. See PortName property of “PrinterInfo Object” on page 326 for more
The ReadingRecords event occurs when records are read (that is, when a report is
previewed, printed, refreshed, etc.). Reading occurs at random intervals, so a
different number of reading record events may occur each time the same report is
previewed, printed, etc.
Event ReadingRecords (ReadRecords As Long, RecordsSelected As Long,
Cancelled As Boolean, Done As Boolean)
Cancelled Specifies Boolean value indicating that record reading was cancelled.
Done Specifies Boolean value indicating whether record reading is finished.
RecordsRead Specifies the number of records read to process the report.
RecordsSelected Specifies the number of records selected to appear in the report.
ReportName Reserved for future use.
This event is enabled by using the ReadingRecordsEventEnabled property of the
“EventInfo Object” on page 293, obtained through the EventInfo property of the
“Report Object” on page 329. For more information on events, see “Object Model
Events” on page 273.
The Start event occurs when the report starts printing or previewing.
Event Start (Destination As CRPrintingDestination,
useDefault As Boolean)
This event is enabled by using the StartStopEventEnabled property of the
“EventInfo Object” on page 293, obtained through the EventInfo property of the
“Report Object” on page 329. For more information, see “Object Model Events” on
page 273.
The Stop event that occurs when report stops printing/previewing.
Event Stop (Destination As CRPrintingDestination,
Status As CRPrintingProgress)
This event is enabled using the StartStopEventEnabled property of the “EventInfo
Object” on page 293, obtained through the EventInfo property of the “Report
Object” on page 329. For more information, see “Object Model Events” on
page 273.
ReportObjects Collection
The ReportObjects Collection is a collection of report objects in a section. Report
objects can be a field, text, ole, cross-tab, subreport, BLOB field, Box, Graph, or Line
objects. Access a specific object in the collection using the Item property.
Instead of using the Item property as shown, you can reference a report object
directly, for example, ReportObjects.Item(1).
ReportOptions Object
The ReportOptions Object provides properties for manipulating the options
available in the report.
ReportSummaryInfo Object
The ReportSummaryInfo Object provides properties for retrieving information
and setting options for summary information included in a report (that is, author,
title, etc.). A ReportSummaryInfo Object is obtained from the ReportSummaryInfo
property of the “Report Object” on page 329.
Section Object
Report areas contain at least one section. The Section Object includes properties for
accessing information regarding a section of your report. This object holds on to a
report object, then releases the report object when it is destroyed.
SectionOptions Object
The SectionOptions Object represents a section found in a report. A section is a part
of a report area that can be formatted separately from other sections in the report.
This object provides properties for retrieving information and setting options for a
section in your report (that is, background color, new page after, etc.). A
SectionOptions Object is obtained from the Options property of the “Section
Object” on page 341.
Each report area is comprised of sections that can be formatted independently of
each other using the SectionOptions object. These section options are combined
with the options set by using the “AreaOptions Object” on page 279, to make up
the final appearance of a section and an area of the report. The settings in the
AreaOptions object will affect all sections within the area, while settings in the
SectionOptions object will affect only the section they are set to.
If there is a conflict of settings between the AreaOptions object and the
SectionOptions object, the object with an option set to TRUE will override the
setting for the other object. For example, if the AreaOptions object has the
KeepTogether property set to TRUE, all sections within the area will have
KeepTogether applied, even if the SectionOptions object for a section has
KeepTogether set to FALSE. If, however, the AreaOptions object has
KeepTogether set to FALSE, but a section within that area has KeepTogether set to
TRUE, that section will have the KeepTogether format option applied.
If an area has only a single section, all options will be combined between both the
AreaOption object and the SectionOptions object. All TRUE settings set in either
object will result in a TRUE setting for the entire area and section. While changing
format options for areas and sections in reports, be sure to keep track of settings in
both the AreaOptions and SectionOptions objects.
crGray 8421504
crGreen 32768
crLime 65280
crMaroon 128
crNoColor -1
crOlive 32896
crPurple 8388736
crRed 255
crSilver 12632256
crTeal 8421376
crWhite 16777215
crYellow 65536
BackColor Returns/Sets string specifying a formula for conditionally Read/Write
Formula setting the background color of a section.
FreeForm Returns/Sets Boolean value indicating if section has free form Read/Write
Placement placement.
KeepTogether Returns/Sets Boolean indicating if section keeps together Read/Write
(doesn’t break) across pages
KeepTogether Returns/Sets string specifying the formula for conditionally Read/Write
Formula setting if a section should keep together (doesn’t break) across
NewPageAfter Returns/Sets Boolean value indicating if there is a new page Read/Write
after the section is printed.
NewPageAfter Returns/Sets string specifying the formula for conditionally Read/Write
Formula setting the report to start a new page after this section is printed.
NewPageBefore Returns/Sets Boolean value indicating if there is a new page Read/Write
before the section is printed.
NewPageBefore Returns/Sets string specifying the formula for conditionally Read/Write
Formula setting the report to start a new page before this section is
Parent Reference to the Parent object (“Section Object” on page 341). Read only
PrintAtBottom Returns/Sets Boolean indicating if the section is printed at the Read/Write
OfPage bottom of the page.
PrintAtBottom Returns/Sets string specifying formula for conditionally Read/Write
OfPageFormula printing section at the bottom of the page.
Report Reference to “Report Object” on page 329. Read only
ResetPage Returns/Sets Boolean value indicating if the page number Read/Write
NumberAfter will be reset after the section is printed.
ResetPage Returns/Sets string specifying the formula for conditionally Read/Write
NumberAfter resetting the page number.
Sections Collection
Sections can come from either the “Report Object” on page 329, or “Area Object”
on page 278. The Sections Collection is a collection of section objects. Access a
specific Section Object in the collection by using the Item property.
When from the Report Object, the sections object will contain all the sections in
the report.
When from the Area Object, the sections object will contain all the sections in
the area only.
Instead of using the Item property as shown, you can reference a section directly
(for example, Sections (“Da”)).
SortField Object
The SortField Object includes properties for accessing information for record or
group sort fields. It holds on to Report object, then releases the report object when
destroyed. This object has an index instance variable to indicate its index.
SortFields Collection
The SortFields Collection is a collection of sort fields that can be either a record sort
field, or a group sort field. Access a specific SortField Object in the collection by
using the Item property.
Instead of using the Item property as shown, you can reference a sort field directly
(for example, SortFields(1)).
The Add method adds a record or group sort field.
object.Add SortDirection, Field
The Delete method deletes a record or group sort field.
object.Delete Index
Index Specifies the 1-based number indicating which sort field in the collection
should be deleted. The first sort field is sort field 1.
SpecialVarFieldDefinition Object
The SpecialVarFieldDefinition Object provides properties for retrieving
information and setting options for a special field found in your report (that is, last
modification date, print date, etc.). A SpecialVarFieldDefinition Object is obtained
from the Field property of the “FieldObject Object” on page 298.
crSVTRecordNumber 4
crSVTReportComments 11
crSVTReportTitle 10
crSVTTotalPageCount 9
Property Description Read/Write
ValueType Returns CRFieldValueType (see table below), which Read only
specifies the “type” of value found in the field.
Constant Value
crBitmapField 17
crBlobField 15
crBooleanField 9
crChartField 21
crCurrencyField 8
crDateField 10
crDateTimeField 16
crIconField 18
crInt16sField 3
crInt16uField 4
crInt32sField 5
crInt32uField 6
crInt8sField 1
crInt8uField 2
crNumberField 7
crOleField 20
crPersistentMemoField 14
crPictureField 19
crStringField 12
crTimeField 11
crTransientMemoField 13
crUnknownField 22
SubreportObject Object
The SubreportObject Object represents a subreport found in a report. A subreport is
a free-standing or linked report found within the main report. This object provides
properties for retrieving information on the subreport (that is, name, etc.).
SummaryFieldDefinition Object
The SummaryFieldDefinition Object represents the summary used in a cross-tab,
group, or report, or the summary used in a group or cross-tab graph.
Constant Value
crSTAverage 1
crSTCount 6
crSTDisctintCount 9
crSTMaximum 4
crSTMinimum 5
crSTPopStandardDeviation 8
crSTPopVariance 7
crSTSampleStandardDeviation 3
crSTSampleVariance 2
crSTSum 0
ValueType Returns CRFieldValueType (see table below), which specifies Read only
the “type” of value found in the field.
Constant Value
crBitmapField 17
crBlobField 15
crBooleanField 9
crChartField 21
crCurrencyField 8
crDateField 10
crDateTimeField 16
crIconField 18
crInt16sField 3
crInt16uField 4
crInt32sField 5
crInt32uField 6
crInt8sField 1
crInt8uField 2
crNumberField 7
crOleField 20
crPersistentMemoField 14
crPictureField 19
crStringField 12
crTimeField 11
crTransientMemoField 13
crUnknownField 22
SummaryFieldDefinitions Collection
The SummaryFieldDefinitions Collection is a collection of summary field
definitions. They can be from either “CrossTabObject Object” on page 282, or
“Report Object” on page 329. Access a specific SummaryFieldDefinition Object in
the collection by using the Item property.
Instead of using the Item property as shown, you can reference a summary field
directly, for example, SummaryFieldDefinitions (1).
TextObject Object
The Text Object represents a text object found in a report. This object provides
properties for retrieving information and setting options for a text object in your
TrackCursorInfo Object
The TrackCursorInfo Object provides properties/methods for tracking the position
of the cursor in the report and for setting cursor icons for the specified areas of the
report. Cursor icon availability will vary, depending on your development platform.
View Object
The View Object is returned when previewing a report. A View represents a single
view on the report. A View always lives inside a window. While there are two
types of views available in Crystal Reports (Design and Preview), the Crystal
Report Engine supports only the Preview window view. This object holds on to the
“Report Object” on page 329, then releases it when it is destroyed.
A View object is created when a report is first generated and displayed in the
Preview window. If a user drills down on summary values or on graph data,
additional View objects are created as additional drill-down views appear in the
Preview window. Each Preview tab that appears in the Preview window
represents a separate View object. Only the View object for the currently active
Preview tab can be manipulated at runtime.
The Close method closes the main view. Because only one view is supported, this
method will apply to the main view (preview) only. The Preview window will be
The Export method exports the main view to selected format and destination;
prompts for options. Because only one view is supported, this method will apply
to the main view (preview) only.
The NextMagnification method shows the view at the “next magnification” in the
series (that is, page width -- full page -- 100%). Because only one view is supported,
this method will apply to the main view (preview) only.
The PrintOut method sends the view to printer specified in the report to be printed.
Because only one view is supported, this method will apply to the main view
(preview) only.
The ShowFirstPage method shows the first page of the view. Because only one
view is supported, this method will apply to the main view (preview) only.
The ShowLastPage method shows the last page of the view. Because only one view
is supported, this method will apply to the main view (preview) only.
The ShowNextPage method shows the next page of the view. Because only one
view is supported, this method will apply to the main view (preview) only.
The ShowNthPage method shows the nth page of the view. Because only one view
is supported, this method will apply to the main view (preview) only.
object.ShowNthPage (PageNumber)
The ShowPreviousPage method shows the previous page of the view. Because only
one view is supported, this method will apply to the main view (preview) only.
The ZoomPreviewWindow method zooms the view in and out, showing the report
as a percentage of the full size of the report page. Because only one view is
supported, this method will apply to the main view (preview) only.
object.ZoomPreviewWindow (ZoomLevel)
ZoomLevel Specifies the percentage of magnification for the view (for example, 50%, 75%, etc.).
Views Collection
The Views Collection is a collection of views for a report. A “View Object” on
page 355, is created when a report is first generated and displayed in the Preview
window. If a user drills-down on summary values or on graph data, additional
View objects are created as additional drill-down views appear in the Preview
window. Each Preview tab that appears in the Preview window represents a
separate View object. Only the View object for the currently active Preview tab can
be manipulated at runtime.
The Views collection contains all View objects for the report. However, since only
the currently active view can be accessed, the Count property will always contain
a value of 1. The currently active View object can be accessed by passing 1 to the
Item property. For example:
Set activeView = viewsCollection.Item(1)
Instead of using the Item property as shown, you can reference a view directly (for
example, Views (1)).
Window Object
The Window Object is obtained through View.Parent. It is the window that
previews the report. A Window represents the highest-level window associated
with a single report. In the Crystal Report Engine and the Crystal Report
Automation Server, it is a preview window.
Close Method
The Close method closes the window, and consequently, all views in the window.
The ActivatePrintWindow event occurs when the print window is activated (that
is, received focus from another window).
Event ActivatePrintWindow ()
This event is enabled by using the ActivatePrintWindowEventEnabled property of
the “EventInfo Object” on page 293, obtained through the EventInfo property of
the “Report Object” on page 329. For more information, see “Object Model Events”
on page 273.
The CancelButtonClicked event occurs when the Cancel button is clicked.
Event CancelButtonClicked (useDefault As Boolean)
useDefault Specifies Boolean value indicating whether the default settings should be
used. Assign useDefault = FALSE if not using default behavior defined in
CPEAUT (that is, if you do not want the cancel button to cancel moving to
the last page or processing the report).
Before enabling this event, the HasCancelButton property of the
“PrintWindowOptions Object” on page 328, must be set to TRUE. This event is
enabled by using the PrintWindowButtonEnabled property of the “EventInfo Object”
on page 293, obtained through the EventInfo property of the “Report Object” on
page 329. For more information, see “Object Model Events” on page 273.
The CloseButtonClicked event occurs when the Close button is clicked, either to
close a view or the entire preview window itself.
Event CloseButtonClicked (ViewIndex As Integer,
useDefault As Boolean)
Before enabling this event, the HasCloseButton property of the
“PrintWindowOptions Object” on page 328, must be set to TRUE. This event is
enabled by using the PrintWindowButtonEnabled property of the “EventInfo Object”
on page 293, obtained through the EventInfo property of the “Report Object” on
page 329. For more information, see “Object Model Events” on page 273.
The ClosePrintWindow event occurs when the print window is closed.
Event ClosePrintWindow (useDefault As Boolean)
useDefault Specifies Boolean value indicating whether the default settings should be
used. Assign useDefault = FALSE if not using default behavior defined in
CPEAUT (that is, if you do not want the print window to close).
This event is enabled by using the ClosePrintWindowEventEnabled property of
the “EventInfo Object” on page 293, obtained through the EventInfo property of
the “Report Object” on page 329. For more information, see “Object Model Events”
on page 273.
The DeactivatePrintWindow event occurs when the print window is deactivated
(that is, when any other window takes the focus from the print window).
Event DeactivatePrintWindow ()
This event is enabled by using the ActivatePrintWindowEventEnabled property of
the “EventInfo Object” on page 293, obtained through the EventInfo property of
the “Report Object” on page 329. For more information, see “Object Model Events”
on page 273.
The DrillOnDetail event occurs when you drill down on a field in the Details area
of the report.
Event DrillOnDetail (FieldValues, SelectedFieldIndex As Long,
useDefault As Boolean)
Before enabling this event, the CanDrillDown property of the
“PrintWindowOptions Object” on page 328, must be set to TRUE. For more
information, see “Object Model Events” on page 273.
The DrillOnGroup event occurs when drilling down (double-clicking) on a group
field in the preview window.
Event DrillOnGroup (GroupNameList, DrillType As CRDrillType,
useDefault As Boolean)
GroupNameList Specifies an array indicating the path to the group that was drilled down on
(separated by “/”).
DrillType Specifies CRDrillType (see table below) indicating what type of drill- down
Constant Value
crDrillOnGraph 2
crDrillOnGroup 0
crDrillOnGroupTree 1
useDefault Specifies Boolean value indicating whether the default settings should be
used. Assign useDefault = FALSE if not using default behavior defined in
CPEAUT (that is, if you do not want drill-down to occur).
ReportName Reserved for future use.
Before enabling this event, the CanDrillDown property of the
“PrintWindowOptions Object” on page 328, must be set to TRUE. This event is
enabled by using the GroupEventEnabled property of the “EventInfo Object” on
page 293, obtained through the EventInfo property of the “Report Object” on
page 329. For more information, see “Object Model Events” on page 273.
The ExportButtonClicked event occurs when the Export button is clicked.
Event ExportButtonClicked (useDefault As Boolean)
useDefault Specifies Boolean value indicating whether the default settings should be
used. Assign useDefault = FALSE if not using default behavior defined in
CPEAUT (that is, if you do not want the Export dialog box to appear).
Before enabling this event, the HasExportButton property of the
“PrintWindowOptions Object” on page 328, must be set to TRUE. This event is
enabled by using the PrintWindowButtonEnabled property of the “EventInfo Object”
on page 293, obtained through the EventInfo property of the “Report Object” on
page 329. For more information, see “Object Model Events” on page 273.
The FirstPageButtonClicked event occurs when the button, that navigates through
the report to the first page, is clicked.
Event FirstPageButtonClicked (useDefault As Boolean)
useDefault Specifies Boolean value indicating whether the default settings should be used.
Assign useDefault = FALSE if not using default behavior defined in CPEAUT
(that is, if you do not want to go to the first page).
Before enabling this event, the HasNavigationControls property of the
“PrintWindowOptions Object” on page 328, must be set to TRUE. This event is
The GroupTreeButtonClicked event occurs when the Group Tree button is clicked
to show/hide the Group Tree in the preview window.
Event GroupTreeButtonClicked (Visible As Boolean)
Visible Specifies Boolean value indicating whether the Group Tree is visible/
hidden after clicking the button.
Before enabling this event, the HasGroupTree property of the
“PrintWindowOptions Object” on page 328, and the HasGroupTree property of
the “ReportOptions Object” on page 339 must be set to TRUE. This event is
enabled by using the GroupEventEnabled property of the “EventInfo Object” on
page 293, obtained through the EventInfo property of the “Report Object” on
page 329. For more information, see “Object Model Events” on page 273.
The LastPageButtonClicked event occurs when the button, that navigates through
the report to the last page, is clicked.
Event LastPageButtonClicked (useDefault As Boolean)
useDefault Specifies Boolean value indicating whether the default settings should be
used. Assign useDefault = FALSE if not using default behavior defined in
CPEAUT (that is, if you do not want to go to the last page).
Before enabling this event, the HasNavigationControls property of the
“PrintWindowOptions Object” on page 328, must be set to TRUE. This event is
enabled by using the PrintWindowButtonEnabled property of the “EventInfo Object”
on page 293, obtained through the EventInfo property of the “Report Object” on
page 329. For more information, see “Object Model Events” on page 273.
The NextPageButtonClicked event occurs when the button, that navigates through
the report to the next page, is clicked.
Event NextPageButtonClicked (useDefault As Boolean)
useDefault Specifies Boolean value indicating whether the default values should be
used. Assign useDefault = FALSE if not using default behavior defined in
CPEAUT (that is, if you do not want to go to the next page).
Before enabling this event, the HasNavigationControls property of the
“PrintWindowOptions Object” on page 328, must be set to TRUE. This event is
enabled by using the PrintWindowButtonEnabled property of the “EventInfo Object”
on page 293, obtained through the EventInfo property of the “Report Object” on
page 329. For more information, see “Object Model Events” on page 273.
The PrevPageButtonClicked event occurs when the button, which navigates
through the report to the previous page, is clicked.
Event PrevPageButtonClicked (useDefault As Boolean)
useDefault Specifies Boolean value indicating whether the default values should be
used. Assign useDefault = FALSE if not using default behavior defined in
CPEAUT (that is, if you do not want to go to the previous page).
Before enabling this event, the HasNavigationControls property of the
“PrintWindowOptions Object” on page 328, must be set to TRUE. This event is
enabled by using the PrintWindowButtonEnabled property of the “EventInfo Object”
on page 293, obtained through the EventInfo property of the “Report Object” on
page 329. For more information, see “Object Model Events” on page 273.
The PrintButtonClicked event occurs when the Print button is clicked.
Event PrintButtonClicked (useDefault As Boolean)
useDefault Specifies Boolean value indicating whether the default settings should be
used. Assign useDefault = FALSE if not using default behavior defined in
CPEAUT (that is, if you do not want the Print dialog box to appear).
Before enabling this event, the HasPrintButton property of the
“PrintWindowOptions Object” on page 328, must be set to TRUE. This event is
enabled by using the PrintWindowButtonEnabled property of the “EventInfo Object”
on page 293, obtained through the EventInfo property of the “Report Object” on
page 329. For more information, see “Object Model Events” on page 273.
The PrintSetupButtonClicked event occurs when the Print Setup button is clicked.
Event PrintSetupButtonClicked (useDefault As Boolean)
useDefault Specifies Boolean value indicating whether the default setting should be
used. Assign useDefault = FALSE if not using default behavior defined in
CPEAUT (that is, if you do not want the Printer Setup dialog box to appear).
Before enabling this event, the HasPrintSetupButton property of the
“PrintWindowOptions Object” on page 328, must be set to TRUE. This event is
enabled by using the PrintWindowButtonEnabled property of the “EventInfo Object”
on page 293, obtained through the EventInfo property of the “Report Object” on
page 329. For more information, see “Object Model Events” on page 273.
The RefreshButtonClicked event occurs when the Refresh button is clicked.
Event RefreshButtonClicked (useDefault As Boolean)
useDefault Specifies Boolean value indicating whether the default setting should be
used. Assign useDefault = FALSE if not using default behavior defined in
CPEAUT (that is, if you do not want the report to refresh).
Before enabling this event, the HasRefreshButton property of the
“PrintWindowOptions Object” on page 328, must be set to TRUE. This event is
enabled by using the PrintWindowButtonEnabled property of the “EventInfo Object”
on page 293, obtained through the EventInfo property of the “Report Object” on
page 329. For more information, see “Object Model Events” on page 273.
The SearchButtonClicked event occurs when the Search button is clicked.
Event SearchButtonClicked (SearchString As String,
useDefault As Boolean)
SearchString Specifies the string entered by the user that will be searched for.
useDefault Specifies Boolean value indicating whether the default settings should be
used. Assign useDefault = FALSE if not using default behavior defined in
CPEAUT (that is, if you do not want the search for the string to occur).
Before enabling this event, the HasSearchButton property of the
“PrintWindowOptions Object” on page 328, must be set to TRUE. This event is
enabled by using the PrintWindowButtonEnabled property of the “EventInfo Object”
on page 293, obtained through the EventInfo property of the “Report Object” on
page 329. For more information, see “Object Model Events” on page 273.
The ShowGroup event occurs when you click a group in the Group Tree.
Event ShowGroup (GroupNameList, useDefault As Boolean)
GroupNameList Specifies an array indicating the path to the group that was drilled down on
(separated by “/”).
useDefault Specifies Boolean value indicating whether the default settings should be
used. Assign useDefault = FALSE if not using default behavior defined in
CPEAUT (that is, if you do not want the group that the user clicked on to be
shown in the preview window).
ReportName Reserved for future use.
Before enabling this event, the HasGroupTree property of the
“PrintWindowOptions Object” on page 328, and the HasGroupTree property of
the “ReportOptions Object” on page 339 must be set to TRUE. This event is
enabled by using the GroupEventEnabled property of the “EventInfo Object” on
page 293, obtained through the EventInfo property of the “Report Object” on
page 329. For more information, see “Object Model Events” on page 273.
The ZoomLevelChanging event occurs when the zoom level of the report preview
is changed.
Event FirstPageButtonClicked (ZoomLevel As Integer)
ZoomLevel Specifies integer indicating the percentage of the magnification for viewing
the report. Can be CRZoomLevel (see table below) for Page Width and
Whole Page. Otherwise, indicate zoom level percentage as an integer.
Constant Value
crPageWidth 1
crWholePage 2
Before enabling this event, the HasZoomControl property of the
“PrintWindowOptions Object” on page 328, must be set to TRUE. For more
information, see “Object Model Events” on page 273.
Error Codes
Related topics:
“Automation Server Error Codes” on page 370
“Report Engine Error Codes” on page 371
class CRPEngine
The CRPEngine class is designed so that there should only be one CRPEngine
object in the entire application. The CRPEngine class contains methods that are
common to all print jobs (that is, SQL connections, version information, etc.). More
importantly, it is responsible for creating and managing all CRPEJob objects. It is
the CRPEJob object that allows you access to the attributes of a print job.
In order to open a particular report it is first necessary to have an open Crystal
Report Engine object in the application. You may then call “CRPEngine::OpenJob”
on page 381, specifying the report file name to open. If successful, you will be
returned a pointer to a CRPEJob object.
constructor CRPEngine::CRPEngine
This is the constructor for the class. If open is true, the actual Crystal Reports DLL
is opened (crpe32.dll). Print jobs may only be opened if the engine itself is open. If
originally opened with open = FALSE, the engine may be opened later with
“CRPEngine::Open” on page 380.
Constructor Syntax
CRPEngine (v_open BOOLEAN : FALSE);
v_open Indicates whether or not the Crystal Report Engine should be opened when the
CRPEngine object is created.
Use CRPEngine::CanClose to Check to see whether or not the Crystal Report Engine
is busy. Errors can occur in your application or on a system if you attempt to close
the Crystal Report Engine while it is processing a print job. Use this method before
attempting to close the Crystal Report Engine in an application (for example, when
the user tries to exit) to determine if the Report Engine can be closed safely.
TRUE if the Crystal Report Engine can be closed safely.
FALSE if the Crystal Report Engine is still busy.
Related Topics
“CRPEngine::CanClose” on page 4
PECanCloseEngine in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
This method closes the Crystal Report Engine.
Related Topics
PECloseEngine in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
This method may be used to get the current engine status.
One of the following values of the Status enumerated type indicating the current
status of the Crystal Report Engine.
Value Description
engineOpen The Crystal Report Engine is currently open.
engineClosed The Crystal Report Engine has been closed, or is not yet open.
engineMissing No Crystal Report Engine is available. Make sure the Crystal Report Engine
DLL is located in a directory that appears in your PATH.
This method returns the current error code of the Crystal Report Engine. When a
call to another function fails, this call gets the error code that was generated so you
can take some action based on that error code.
Returns the current Crystal Report Engine “Error Codes” on page 449.
Returns 0 if no error has occurred.
Related Topics
PEGetErrorCode in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
This method returns a descriptive Crystal Report Engine error message.
GetErrorText () RETURNING ixString
A ixString object containing the text for the current error code.
Related Topics
PEGetErrorText in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
This method returns the number of print job (CRPEJob) objects that currently exist
for the current CRPEngine object.
Returns the number of CRPEJob objects currently open.
Returns -1 if an error occurs.
This method returns the version number of the Crystal Report Engine DLL
(CRPE32.DLL) or the version of the Report Engine itself. The high-order byte is the
major version number and the low-order byte is the minor version number.
This method can be used whenever you build functionality into a report that may
not be available in earlier versions of the Crystal Report Engine and you need to
verify the version number first. The function can be a handy safeguard for users
who have more than one version of the Crystal Report Engine with the older
version earlier in the path than the new version.
GetVersion (versionRequested SMALLINT) RETURNING SMALLINT
versionRequested Specifies whether the version number of the Crystal Report Engine or the
Report Engine DLL is being requested. Possible values are:
Value Meaning
PEP_GV_DLL Returns the version of the DLL.
PEP_GV_ENGINE Returns the version of the Crystal Report Engine.
The version number of the currently used Crystal Report Engine or Report Engine
Related Topics
PEGetVersion in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
This method closes an existing connection to a SQL server. Connection information
is provided through the “class CRPELogOnInfo” on page 442.
LogOffServer(dllName CHAR (*), const CRPELogOnInfo logOnInfo) RETURNING
dllName Specifies the name of the Crystal Reports DLL for the server or password
protected non-SQL table you want to log on to.
logOnInfo Specifies a pointer to a CRPELogOnInfo class.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Related Topics
PELogOffServer in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
This method opens a connection to a SQL server. More than one print job may use
this connection to a SQL server. Information required to establish a connection is
provided through the “class CRPELogOnInfo” on page 442.
LogOnServer (dllName CHAR(*), logOnInfo CRPELogOnInfo) RETURNING BOOLEAN;
dllName Specifies the name of the Crystal Reports DLL for the server or password
protected non-SQL table you want to log on to.
logOnInfo Specifies a pointer to “class CRPELogOnInfo” on page 442.
Return Value
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Related Topics
PELogOnServer in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
Use this class method to allow the Crystal Report Engine to “piggyback” your
application’s existing connection to a Server. This lowers the number of
connections established by a workstation, reducing application time and network
traffic. It also prevents a LogOff call from disconnecting an application’s existing
connection to the Server. See Remarks below.
LogOnSQLServerWithPrivateInfo (dllName CHAR (*), FOREIGN privateInfo)
dllName Specifies the name of the Crystal Reports DLL that was used when establishing a
connection to the Server when the report was first created. For example, if a report
was created using an ODBC data source, specify the file name “PDSODBC.DLL”.
For more information on possible database DLLs, refer to Crystal Reports Developer
Runtime Help (Runtime.hlp).
privateInfo Specifies the application’s handle to the Server connection. In your application, a
connection to the Server must already be established before this method is called.
Pass the HDBC (handle to a database connection) from this connection to the
privateInfo parameter.
The CRPEngine::LogOnSQLServerWithPrivateInfo method can only be used with
database connections established by ODBC or Q+E Library 2.0. Any other database
connections cannot be accessed by this method.
To obtain an HDBC for an ODBC connection, use the following function calls (see
the ODBC SDK 2.0 manual for more information):
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
This method opens the Crystal Report Engine. This method is only necessary if you
constructed the CRPEngine object with the open parameter equal to FALSE. If you
set the open parameter to TRUE when you constructed the CRPEngine object, this
method is unnecessary.
TRUE if the Crystal Report Engine was opened successfully.
FALSE if something went wrong.
Related Topics
“constructor CRPEngine::CRPEngine” on page 375
PEOpenEngine in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
This method opens the report specified by reportFileName. A pointer to a CRPEJob
object is returned. Print job attributes may be referenced through this object.
OpenJob (reportFileName CHAR(*)) RETURNING CRPEJob
reportFileName The name and path (if necessary) of the report file being opened for the
specified print job.
CRPEJob object for the opened print job.
Related Topics
PEOpenPrintJob in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
This method provides a quick but limited way to print a report. The report may
only be output to a printer or preview window. Use this class method any time you
simply want to print a report from an application without giving the user the
ability to customize the report.
PrintReport (reportFilePath CHAR (*), toPrinter BOOLEAN : TRUE, toWindow
BOOLEAN : FALSE, title CHAR (*) : “Crystal Report”, left SMALLINT : 0,top
SMALLINT : 0, width SMALLINT : 0, height SMALLINT : 0, style INTEGER : 0,
parentWindow ixWindow : NULL) RETURNING SMALLINT
Returns 0 if the call is successful.
Returns an error code if the call fails.
Related Topics
PEPrintReport in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
class CRPEJob
In order to open a particular report it is first necessary to have an open Crystal
Report Engine object in the application. You may then call “CRPEngine::OpenJob”
on page 381, specifying the report file name to open. If successful, you will be
returned a pointer to a CRPEJob object. It is through this object that you may
modify the print job attributes as well as output the report in various formats.
Almost all of these methods correspond to similar functions available in the
Crystal Report Engine API.
The class constructor is called automatically by CRPEngine::OpenJob ().
constructor CRPEJob::CRPEJob
This is the constructor for the class. It also stores the job number internally for
future use in Crystal Report Engine API calls.
Note: This class constructor is automatically called by CRPEngine::OpenJob(). Do
not call this constructor from within your own code.
Constructor Syntax
CRPEJob (jobHandle SMALLINT);
Use Cancel to cancel processing of a print job. It can be tied to a control that allows
the user to cancel a print job in progress.
Related Topics
PECancelPrintJob in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
Use CheckFormula to check a named formula for errors. This method works just
like the Check button in the Formula Editor. If the named formula contains an
error, the method returns FALSE.
CheckFormula (*formulaName CHAR (*)) RETURNING BOOLEAN
formulaName The name of the formula that you need to check for errors.
TRUE if the formula text is correct.
FALSE if there is an error in the formula or if the call fails.
Related Topics
PECheckFormula in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
Use CheckGroupSelectionFormula to check the group selection formula for the
report for errors. This method works just like the Check button in the Formula
Editor. If the group selection formula contains an error, the method returns FALSE.
CheckGroupSelectionFormula () RETURNING BOOLEAN
TRUE if the formula text is correct.
FALSE if there is an error in the formula or if the call fails.
Related Topics
PECheckGroupSelectionFormula in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
Use CheckSelectionFormula to check the record selection formula for the report for
errors. This method works just like the Check button in the Formula Editor. If the
selection formula contains an error, the method returns FALSE.
CheckSelectionFormula () RETURNING BOOLEAN
TRUE if the formula text is correct.
FALSE if there is an error in the formula or if the call fails.
Related Topics
PECheckSelectionFormula in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
Use Close to close the print job. It also calls the destructor for the CRPEJob object.
If printing has not yet finished when this method is called, it continues until the job
is completely printed. If the preview window is open, it stays open.
Related Topics
PEClosePrintJob in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide2
Use CloseWindow closes the preview window. If you are customizing preview
window controls, implement this method to allow the user to close the preview
window when finished viewing the report.
Related Topics
PECloseWindow in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
Use DeleteNthGroupSortField to delete the group sort field at the specified
position. The group and group summary are not removed from the report, but the
field is removed from the list of group sort fields, and the summary data appearing
in the group field is no longer sorted.
DeleteNthGroupSortField (sortFieldN SMALLINT) RETURNING BOOLEAN
sortFieldN Specifies the 0-based number of the group sort field you want to delete. The first
group sort field added to the report is field 0, the second is 1, etc.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Related Topics
PEDeleteNthGroupSortField in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
Use DeleteNthSortField to delete the specified sort field from the report. The field
is not deleted from the report, but it is removed from the list of sort fields, and data
in that field no longer appears sorted.
sortFieldN Specifies the number of the sort field you want to delete. The first sort field
added to the report is field 0, the second is 1, etc.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Related Topics
PEDeleteNthSortField in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
Use ExportPrintWindow to export the report displayed in the preview window to
a disk file or e-mail address. If you are customizing preview window controls, use
this method to enable the user to preview the report in the preview window, and
if everything looks satisfactory, to export the report to a disk file or e-mail address
(in response to a user event - button click, menu command, etc.).
toMail Specifies whether or not the report file should be exported to an e-mail address. If
TRUE, the file is exported to e-mail. If FALSE, the file is exported to a disk file.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Use ExportTo to set the output of the print job to be exported. The export format is
specified through the options parameter. This method does not export the report,
but specifies that when the report is printed, it will be exported to a disk file or e-
mail address according to settings in the options parameter. To actually export the
report, use “CRPEJob::StartJob” on page 432.
ExportTo (options CRPEExportOptions) RETURNING BOOLEAN
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Related Topics
PEExportTo in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
Use GetErrorCode to retrieve the error code for the print job. When a call to
another function fails, this call gets the error code that was generated so you can
take some action based on that error code.
Returns a Class Library “Error Codes” on page 449.
Returns PEP_NOERROR if no error has occurred.
Related Topics
PEGetErrorCode in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide2
Use GetErrorText to retrieve a descriptive error message for the print job.
GetErrorText () RETURNING ixString
A ixString object containing the text for the current error.
Related Topics
PEGetErrorText, in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
Use GetExportOptions to prompt the user with a series of dialog boxes to specify
the export options to be used. These options are used by the Class Library to fill in
a “class CRPEExportOptions” on page 434. The “CRPEJob::ExportTo” on
page 389, function can then be used to set the print job destination using the
information in this class.
GetExportOptions () RETURNING BOOLEAN, CRPEExportOptions
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
“class CRPEExportOptions” on page 434
Related Topics
PEGetExportOptions in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
Use GetFormula to retrieve the formula text for the specified formula.
CRPEJob::GetFormula is often used with “CRPEJob::SetFormula” on page 417, to
identify and then change an existing formula in response to a user selection at print
GetFormula (formulaName CHAR(*)) RETURNING BOOLEAN, ixString
formulaName The name of the formula for which you want to retrieve the formula string.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
A ixString object containing the formula text.
Related Topics
PEGetFormula in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
Use GetGraphData to determine what data in your report is being used by a
specified graph when the chart is created. This information includes which groups
are used to create the rows and columns of the chart and which summary field in
the report is used to set the values of the risers in the chart.
sectionCode Specifies the “Section Codes” on page 451, for the section of the report
containing the chart from which you want to retrieve data.
graphN Specifies from which chart within the section you want to retrieve chart data
information. This value is 0-based. Within a section, charts are numbered from
top to bottom first and from left to right if they have the same top.
Return Values
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
“class CRPEGraphDataInfo” on page 437
Related Topics
PEGetGraphTextInfo, in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
Use GetGraphOptions to retrieve information about any of several chart options.
These options include the minimum and maximum values that can appear on the
chart, whether grid lines appear, whether risers are labeled, whether bar charts
have horizontal or vertical bars, and whether a legend appears on the chart.
GetGraphOptions (sectionCode SMALLINT, graphN SMALLINT) RETURNING BOOLEAN,
sectionCode Specifies the “Section Codes” on page 451, for the section of the report
containing the chart from which you want to retrieve options.
graphN Specifies from which chart within the section you want to retrieve chart options
information. This value is 0-based. Within a section, charts are numbered from
top to bottom first and from left to right if they have the same top.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
“class CRPEGraphOptions” on page 439
Related Topics
PEGetGraphOptionInfo in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
Use GetGraphText to determine what text will appear with a chart. A chart can
have a title, subtitle, footnote, title for groups, title for series, title for the X axis, title
for the Y axis, and title for the Z axis (in 3D charts).
sectionCode Specifies the “Section Codes” on page 451, for the section of the report containing
the chart from which you want to retrieve text.
graphN Specifies from which chart within the section you want to retrieve chart text
information. This value is 0-based. Within a section, charts are numbered from
top to bottom first and from left to right if they have the same top.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
“class CRPEGraphTextInfo” on page 440
Related Topics
“CRPEJob::GetGraphText” on page 392
Use GetGraphType to retrieve which one of the available chart types is being used
for the specified chart in the specified section. Use this method to find out what
type of chart is being displayed in the report. There are many types of charts
possible with Crystal Reports. This method will return the type of chart being
sectionCode Specifies the “Section Codes” on page 451, for the section of the report
containing the chart from which you want to retrieve type information.
graphN Specifies from which chart within the section you want to retrieve chart type
information. This value is 0-based. Within a section, charts are numbered from
top to bottom first and from left to right if they have the same top.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
“Chart Type Constants” on page 448
Related Topics
PEGetGraphTypeinfo in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
Use GetGroupCondition to retrieve the group condition information for a selected
group section in the specified report. Use this method to find out the group
condition for a group section. Use “CRPEJob::SetGroupCondition” on page 420, to
change the group condition once it is known.
GetGroupCondition (sectionCode SMALLINT) RETURNING BOOLEAN, ixString,
sectionCode Specifies the “Section Codes” on page 451, for the section of the report for which
you want to retrieve group condition information.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
A ixString object containing the name of the group summary field.
A group condition field type constant which can be decoded using one of the
following masks to separate the condition type from the group condition in the
condition parameter.
PEP_GC_CONDITIONMASK: Obtains the group condition value. Use the
bitwise AND (&) to combine this mask with the value of the condition
parameter to obtain the group condition value.
PEP_GC_TYPEMASK: Obtains the type of field used for the group condition.
Use the bitwise AND (&) to combine this mask with the value of the condition
parameter to obtain a value representing the type of field used by the group
A “Sort Order Constants” on page 451.
For group condition field types other than Date and Boolean, the group condition
value of the condition parameter is PEP_GC_ANYCHANGE.
Value Meaning
PEP_GC_TYPEOTHER Any field type other than Date or Boolean. The group condition
portion of the condition parameter will be
PEP_GC_TYPEDATE A Date field is used to create the group summary field.
PEP_GC_TYPEBOOLEAN A Boolean field is used to create the group summary field.
Related Topics
PEGetGroupCondition in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
GetGroupSelectionFormula () RETURNING BOOLEAN, ixString
This method returns the formula text for the group selection formula.
CRPEJob::GetGroupSelectionFormula is often used with
“CRPEJob::SetGroupSelectionFormula” on page 421, to identify and then change
an existing group selection formula at print time in response to a user selection.
Return Value
Related Topics
PEGetGroupSelectionFormula in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
This method returns the job handle for the print job.
Return Value
The print job handle for the CRPEJob object.
This method gets the current status of the print job. You can use it in a number of
programming situations, for example:
to trigger error messages, (when a print job fails due to insufficient memory,
insufficient disk space, etc.),
Return Values
SMALLINT Returns one of the following values according to the status of the current
print job:
Value Meaning
-1 The Crystal Report Engine has not been
opened, or a print job has not been
PEP_JOBNOTSTARTED The job has not been started.
PEP_JOBINPROGRESS The job is currently in progress.
PEP_JOBCOMPLETED The job has completed successfully.
PEP_JOBFAILED The job has failed.
PEP_JOBCANCELLED The job has been cancelled by the user.
CRPEJobInfo Class CRPEJobInfo.
Related Topics
PEGetJobStatus in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
sectionCode Specifies the “Section Codes” on page 451, for the section of the report for which
you want to retrieve line height.
lineN Specifies the 0-based line number within the specified section for which you
want to retrieve the height. The first line in a section is line 0, the second is 1, etc.
Use PEP_ALLLINES to retrieve information on all lines in a section.
Gets line height and ascent information for a specified line in a selected section of
the report. You can change and pass back a new line height and ascent using
“CRPEJob::SetLineHeight” on page 422.
Return Value
Retrieves the page margin settings for the specified report. Use this method to find
out what the currently set margins for the report are. Use “CRPEJob::SetMargins”
on page 422, to change report margins.
Return Value
Related Topics
PEGetMargins in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
GetMinimumSectionHeight (sectionCode SMALLINT) RETURNING BOOLEAN, SMALLINT
sectionCode Specifies the “Section Codes” on page 451, for the section of the report for
which you want to retrieve minimum section height.
Retrieves minimum section height information for selected sections in the
specified report. Use this method to fetch the minimum section height and pass
back using “CRPEJob::SetMinimumSectionHeight” on page 423.
Return Values
Returns the number of copies of each Details section in the report that are to be
printed. Use this method to find out how many times each Details section of the
report will be printed. To change the number of times each Details section is
printed, use “CRPEJob::SetNDetailCopies” on page 423.
Return Values
Related Topics
PEGetNDetailCopies in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
Use this function to fetch the number of formulas in the report. To fetch the
formula by number, use “CRPEJob::GetNthFormula” on page 402.
Return Value
The number of formulas in the report. If no formulas exist in the report, 0 is
returned. If an error occurs, -1 is returned.
Related Topics
PEGetNFormulas in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
Use GetNGroups to retrieve the number of group sections in the report.
Returns the number of group sections in the report.
Returns -1 if an error occurs.
Related Topics
PEGetNGroups in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
Use GetNGroupSortFields to retrieve the number of group sort fields in the specified
report. This method is typically used as one of a series: GetNGroupSortFields (called
once); “CRPEJob::GetNthSortField” on page 404, (called as many times as needed
to identify the correct group sort field); and “CRPEJob::SetNthSortField” on
page 425, (called once when the correct group sort field is identified). The series can
be used to identify and then change an existing group sort field and/or sort order at
print time in response to a user selection.
Returns the number of group sort fields in the report.
Returns 0 if there are no group sort fields.
Returns -1 if an error occurs.
Related Topics
PEGetNGroupSortFields in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
Use this method to determine the number of lines in the specified section of the
report, that is, how long a specified report section is according to the number of
lines. For example, this is useful when trying to fit mailing label reports into the
labels you are using.
sectionCode Specifies the “Section Codes” on page 451, for the section of the report for
which you want to retrieve the number of lines.
Returns the number of lines in the specified section of the report.
Returns -1 if an error occurs.
Use this method whenever you need to know how many parameters are required
by a stored procedure in a SQL database table. This method is usually used in
conjunction with “CRPEJob::GetNthParam” on page 403, or
“CRPEJob::SetNthParam” on page 424.
Return Value
The number of parameters in the current stored procedure being used to generate
the report.
Related Topics
PEGetNParameterFields in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
This method gets the number of sort fields in the report.
Return Value
The number of sort fields defined in the report. Returns 0 (zero) if there are no sort
fields in the report. Returns -1 if an error occurs.
Related Topics
PEGetNSortFields in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
This method returns the number of tables in the report.
Return Value
The number of tables used in the report. Returns -1 if an error occurs.
GetNthFormula (formulaN SMALLINT) RETURNING BOOLEAN, ixString, ixString
formulaN Specifies the 0-based number of the formula about which you want to gather
information. The first formula added to your report is 0, the second is 1, etc.
Use this function to obtain the formula name and formula text of a specific formula
in the report. Once the formula name is obtained, formula text can be changed with
“CRPEJob::SetFormula” on page 417.
Return Values
Related Topics
PEGetNthFormula in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
GetNthGroupSortField (sortFieldN SMALLINT) RETURNING BOOLEAN, ixString,
sortFieldN Specifies the 0-based number of the group sort field you want to retrieve. The first
group sort field is field 0. If the report has N sort fields, the function can be called
with sortFieldN between 0 and N-1.
Returns information about one of the group sort fields in the specified report: that
is, it returns the name of the field and the direction (ascending or descending) of
the sort. This method is typically used as one of a series:
“CRPEJob::GetNGroupSortFields” on page 400 (called once),
CRPEJob::GetNthGroupSortField (called as many times as needed to identify the
correct group sort field), and “CRPEJob::SetNthGroupSortField” on page 424
(called once when the correct sort field is identified). The series can be used to
identify and then change an existing group sort field and/or sort order at print
time in response to a user selection.
Related Topics
PEGetNthGroupSortField in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
paramN Specifies which parameter in the stored procedure you want to get the value of. The
first parameter of a stored procedure is 0, the second is 1, etc.
Gets the Nth parameter of a stored procedure. Use this method whenever you
need to find out a particular parameter required by a stored procedure in a SQL
database table.
Related Topics
PEGetNthParameterCurrentValue in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
sortFieldN Specifies the number of the sort field you want to retrieve. The first sort field
added to the report is field 0, the second is 1, etc.
This method gets the name of the sort field at the specified sort field position and
the direction in which data is sorted (ascending or descending).
Related Topics
PEGetNthSortField in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
Use GetNthTableLocation to retrieve the table location information for the
specified table in the report. This method is typically combined with
“CRPEJob::SetNthTableLocation” on page 426, to identify the location of a table
and then to change it.
GetNthTableLocation (tableN SMALLINT) RETURNING BOOLEAN, CRPETableLocation
tableN Specifies the 0-based number of the table for which you want to retrieve location
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
“class CRPETableLocation” on page 447
Related Topics
PEGetNthTableLocation in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
Use GetNthTableLogOnInfo to retrieve SQL connection information for the
specified table.
tableN Specifies the 0-based number of the table from which you want to get log on information.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
“class CRPELogOnInfo” on page 442
Related Topics
PEGetNthTableLogOnInfo in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
Use GetNthTableSessionInfo to retrieve the session information for the specified
Microsoft Access table. Many MS Access database tables require that a session be
opened before the information in the table can be used. Use this method to obtain
the session information (User ID and Session Handle) for a particular tab.
GetNthTableSessionInfo (tableN SMALLINT) RETURNING BOOLEAN, CRPESessionInfo
tableN A 0-based table number indicating for which MS Access table in the report you want
to obtain the session information.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
“class CRPESessionInfo” on page 446
Related Topics
PEGetNthTableSessionInfo in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
Use GetNthTableType to retrieve the table type information for the specified table.
tableN The 0-based table number indicating for which table in the report you want to
determine the type.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
“class CRPETableType” on page 448
Related Topics
PEGetNthTableType in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
Use GetPrintDate to retrieve the print date (if any) that was specified with the
report. Use this method to retrieve the print date and pass it back using
“CRPEJob::SetPrintDate” on page 427.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
The year component of the current print date.
The month component of the current print date.
The day component of the current print date.
Related Topics
PEGetPrintDate in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
Use GetPrintOptions to retrieve the print options specified for the report (the
options that are set in the Print Setup common dialog box) and use them to fill in
the “class CRPEPrintOptions” on page 443. Use this function to retrieve print
options from the report in order to update them and pass back using
“CRPEJob::SetPrintOptions” on page 428.
GetPrintOptions () RETURNING BOOLEAN, CRPEPrintOptions
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
“class CRPEPrintOptions” on page 443.
Related Topics
PEGetPrintOptions in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
Use GetReportTitle to retrieve the report title for the print job.
GetReportTitle () RETURNING BOOLEAN, ixString
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
A ixString object containing the report title.
Related Topics
PEGetReportTitle in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
Use GetSectionFormat to retrieve the section format settings for a selected section
in the specified report and supply the information by assigning values to the
members of “class CRPESectionOptions” on page 444. Use this method in order to
edit and update the section formats and pass the information back using
“CRPEJob::SetSectionFormat” on page 429.
GetSectionFormat (sectionCode SMALLINT) RETURNING BOOLEAN,
sectionCode Specifies the “Section Codes” on page 451, for the section of the report for which
you want to retrieve format information.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
“class CRPESectionOptions” on page 444.
Related Topics
PEGetSectionFormat in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
GetSelectedPrinter () RETURNING BOOLEAN, ixString, ixString, ixString,
If a non-default printer is specified in the report, this method retrieves information
about that printer. If you need to know which printer has been specified with the
report, use CRPEJob::GetSelectedPrinter to obtain the information. This can be
useful to determine if the user has access to the printer specified in the report and
to choose another printer if not.
Related Topics
PEGetSelectedPrinter in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
GetSelectionFormula() RETURNING BOOLEAN, ixString
This method returns the formula text for the record selection formula.
CRPEJob::GetSelectionFormula is often used with “CRPEJob::GetSelectionFormula”
on page 409, to identify and then change an existing selection formula at print time in
response to a user selection.
Related Topics
PEGetSelectionFormula in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
This method retrieves the SQL query that will be sent to the database server. This
method can be used with “CRPEJob::SetSQLQuery” on page 430 to retrieve and
then change the SQL query for the report.
Return Values
TRUE if the call is successful, FALSE if something goes wrong.
ixString Assigned the text of the SQL query being sent to the server if the call
completes successfully.
Related Topics
PEGetSQLQuery in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
This method returns a Boolean value that indicates whether or not processing has
finished for the print job. You can use this method any time you have a call that is
contingent on a print job being finished.
Return Value
TRUE if processing has finished, FALSE if the job is in progress.
Related Topics
PEIsPrintJobFinished in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
NextWindowMagnification () RETURNING BOOLEAN
This method switches to the next preview window magnification in order. Use this
function to cycle through the three levels of preview window magnification
whenever the report has been printed to a preview window. The three levels of
magnification are: Full Page, Fit One Side, and Fit Both Sides.
Return Value
TRUE if the call is successful, FALSE if something goes wrong.
Related Topics
PENextPrintWindowMagnification in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
Use OutputToPrinter to set the output of the print job to the printer with the
specified number of copies. This method does not print the report, but specifies
that when the report is printed, it will be sent to a printer. To actually print the
report, use “CRPEJob::StartJob” on page 432.
OutputToPrinter (nCopies SMALLINT : 1) RETURNING BOOLEAN
nCopies Specifies how many copies of the report are to be printed. Default is 1 copy.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Related Topics
PEOutputToPrinter in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
Use OutputToWindow to set the output of the print job to the preview window
which will have the specified attributes. This method does not print the report to the
window, but specifies that when the report is printed, it will appear in a preview
window. To actually print the report, use “CRPEJob::StartJob” on page 432.
OutputToWindow (title CHAR (*), left SMALLINT, top SMALLINT, width
SMALLINT, height SMALLINT, style INTEGER, parentWindow ixWindow)
title Specifies the title that you want to appear in the title bar.
left Specifies the x coordinate of the upper left hand corner of the preview
window, in device coordinates.
top Specifies the y coordinate of the upper left hand corner of the preview
window, in device coordinates.
width Specifies the width of the preview window, in device coordinates.
height Specifies the height of the preview window, in device coordinates.
style Specifies the style of the window being created. Style setting can be combined
using the bitwise Or operator ( | ). Refer to the CWnd class in the Microsoft
Foundation Class Library reference for possible window styles.
parentWindow Specifies a pointer to the CWnd object for the window that is the parent of the
preview window. Specify NULL if the preview window will not have a parent
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Related Topics
PEOutputToWindow in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
Checks if the print controls are displayed in the preview window. Use
“CRPEJob::ShowPrintControls” on page 431, to change whether or not print
controls will appear in the preview window.
Related Topics
PEPrintControlsShowing in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
This method prints the report displayed in the preview window to the printer. If
you are customizing preview window controls, use this method to enable the user
to preview the report in the preview window, and then, if everything looks
satisfactory, to print the report to the printer (in response to a user event - button
click, menu command, etc.).
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Related Topics
PEPrintWindow in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
SelectPrinter (driverName CHAR (*), printerName CHAR (*), portName CHAR
driverName Specifies the name of the printer driver for the printer being selected.
printerName Specifies the name of the printer being selected (as indicated in the Printers
Control Panel).
PortName Specifies the name of the port the printer is attached to. For example: “LPT1:”.
mode A pointer to a DEVMODE class. The default implementation of
CRPEJob::SelectPrinter ignores this parameter. For more information, see
DEVMODE in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide.
This method specifies the printer and/or print characteristics for the print job. You
can use this method to enable the user to select a printer other than the default
printer at print time. One way of doing this is to have your application call the
Windows common Print Setup dialog box.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Related Topics
PESetPrintDate in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
SetFont (sectionCode SMALLINT, scopeCode SMALLINT, faceName CHAR (*),
fontFamily SMALLINT, fontPitch SMALLINT, charSet SMALLINT, pointSize
SMALLINT, isItalic SMALLINT, isUnderlined SMALLINT, isStruckOut
sectionCode Specifies the section of the report for which you want to set the font. Use
one of the following values:
Value Meaning
PEP_ALLSECTIONS Sets the line height for all sections.
PEP_HEADERSECTION Sets the line height for the Page
Header section.
PEP_GROUPHEADER Sets the line height for the Group
Header section.
PEP_DETAILSECTION Sets the line height for the Details
PEP_GROUPFOOTER Sets the line height for the Group
Footer section.
PEP_GRANDTOTALSECTION Sets the line height for the Grand
Total section.
PEP_FOOTERSECTION Sets the line height for the Page
Footer section.
scopeCode Specifies whether the font selected is to apply to fields, to text, or to
both. To specify both, use the bitwise Or operator: |. The following
values are possible:
Value Meaning
PEP_FIELDS Sets the default font for fields in
the report section specified.
PEP_TEXT Sets the default font for all text
(that has not been entered as a text
field value) in the report section
faceName Specifies the actual face name of the font you want to use. The face name
you pass can typically come from a font dialog box, be hard coded in the
application, or be chosen by the application from the fonts supported on
the printer. For example: “Times New Roman”.
fontFamily Specifies the font family for the font you want to use. Use one of the
following values:
Value Meaning
FF_DONTCARE No font family or family does not
FF_ROMAN Variable pitch font with serifs.
FF_SWISS Fixed pitch font without serifs.
FF_MODERN Fixed pitch font, with or without
FF_SCRIPT Handwriting-like font.
FF_DECORATIVE Fancy display font.
fontPitch Specifies the font pitch you wish to use. Use one of the following values:
Value Meaning
DEFAULT_PITCH Retains the default pitch for the
FIXED_PITCH Fixed pitch, each character is the
same width.
VARIABLE_PITCH Variable pitch, the width of each
character varies.
charSet Specifies the character set you wish to use. Use one of the following
pointSize Specifies the desired point size for the selected font. Use 0 to indicate no
isItalic Specifies whether the font selected should be italicized. Use 1 for italics,
0 for no italics, or PEP_UNCHANGED to leave the italics as set up in the
isUnderlined Specifies whether the font should be underlined. Use 1 to underline, 0
for no underline, or PEP_UNCHANGED to leave underline settings as
specified in the report.
isStruckOut Specifies whether or not the font should appear in strikethrough format.
Use 1 for strike-out, 0 for no strike out, or PEP_UNCHANGE to leave
strike-out settings as specified in the report.
weight Specifies the weight of the font. Possible values are:
This method sets the font and font characteristics for the specified section. Use any
time you need to change a default font at runtime in response to user input, or to
specify a built-in printer font.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Related Topics
PESetFont in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
SetFormula (formulaName CHAR(*), formulaText CHAR(*)) RETURNING BOOLEAN
formulaName The name of the formula for which you want to assign new formula text.
formulaText The actual formula text that replaces the existing formula string.
This method sets the formula text for the specified formula. CRPEJob::SetFormula
is often used with “CRPEJob::GetFormula” on page 390, to identify and then
change an existing formula at print time in response to a user selection.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE there is an error in the formula, or if the call fails.
Related Topics
PESetFormula in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
Use SetGraphData to change the data that is used from your report to create a specified
chart. This information includes the groups used to create the rows and columns of the
chart and the summary field used to set the values of the risers in the chart.
SetGraphData (sectionCode SMALLINT, graphN SMALLINT, graphDataInfo
sectionCode Specifies the “Section Codes” on page 451, for the section of the report
containing the chart for which you want to set data information.
graphN Specifies from which chart within the section you want to set chart data
information. This value is 0-based. Within a section, charts are numbered
from top to bottom first and from left to right if they have the same top.
graphDataInfo Specifies a pointer to “class CRPEGraphDataInfo” on page 437.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Related Topics
PESetGraphTextInfo in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
Use SetGraphOptions to change any of several chart options. These options
include the minimum and maximum values that can appear on the chart, whether
grid lines appear, whether risers are labeled, whether bar charts have horizontal or
vertical bars, and whether a legend appears on the chart.
SetGraphOptions (sectionCode SMALLINT, graphN SMALLINT, graphOptions
sectionCode Specifies the “Section Codes” on page 451, for the section of the report
containing the chart for which you want to set options information.
graphN Specifies from which chart within the section you want to set chart options
information. This value is 0-based. Within a section, charts are numbered from
top to bottom first and from left to right if they have the same top.
graphOptions Specifies a pointer to “class CRPEGraphOptions” on page 439.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Related Topics
PESetGraphOptionInfo in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
Use SetGraphText to set or change the text that appears with a chart. A chart can
have a title, subtitle, footnote, title for groups, title for series, title for the X axis, title
for the Y axis, and title for the Z axis (in 3D chart).
SetGraphText (sectionCode SMALLINT, graphN SMALLINT, graphTextInfo
sectionCode Specifies the “Section Codes” on page 451, for the section of the report
containing the chart for which you want to set text information.
graphN Specifies from which chart within the section you want to set chart text
information. This value is 0-based. Within a section, charts are numbered from
top to bottom first and from left to right if they have the same top.
graphTextInfo Specifies a pointer to “class CRPEGraphTextInfo” on page 440.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Related Topics
PESetGraphTextInfo in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
Use SetGraphType to set the type of chart displayed for the specified chart in the
specified section based on one of the available types. Use this method to change the
type of chart that is displayed in a report.
SetGraphType (sectionCode SMALLINT, graphN SMALLINT, graphType SMALLINT)
sectionCode Specifies the “Section Codes” on page 451, for the section of the report
containing the chart for which you want to set type information.
graphN Specifies from which chart within the section you want to set chart type
information. This value is 0-based. Within a section, charts are numbered from
top to bottom first and from left to right if they have the same top.
graphType Specifies one of the “Chart Type Constants” on page 448, indicating the style of
the chart that you want to set.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Related Topics
PESetGraphTypeinfo in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
SetGroupCondition (sectionCode SMALLINT,conditionField CHAR(*), condition
sectionCode Specifies the “Section Codes” on page 451, for the section of the report for
which you want to set group condition information.
conditionField Specifies the field that triggers a summary whenever its value changes. Use the
name of the field as indicated in the report file.
condition Specifies the condition that needs to be met for Date and Boolean fields. For all
field types except Date and Boolean, use PEP_GC_ANYCHANGE as the
condition parameter.
Value (Date Fields) Meaning
PEP_GC_DAILY Triggers a grouping every time the date changes.
PEP_GC_WEEKLY Triggers a grouping every time the date changes
from one week to the next (a week runs from
Sunday through Saturday).
PEP_GC_BIWEEKLY Triggers a grouping every time the date changes
from one two-week period to the next.
PEP_GC_SEMIMONTHLY Triggers a grouping every time the date changes
from one half-month period to the next.
PEP_GC_MONTHLY Triggers a grouping every time the date changes
from one month to the next.
PEP_GC_QUARTERLY Triggers a grouping every time the date changes
from one calendar quarter to the next.
PEP_GC_SEMIANNUALLY Triggers a grouping every time the date changes
from one half-year period to the next.
PEP_GC_ANNUALLY Triggers a grouping every time the date changes
from one year to the next.
Value (Boolean Fields) Meaning
PEP_GC_TOYES Triggers a grouping every time the sort and
group by field changes from No to Yes.
PEP_GC_TONO Triggers a grouping every time the sort and
group by field changes from Yes to No.
PEP_GC_EVERYYES Triggers a grouping every time the group and
sort by field value is Yes.
PEP_GC_EVERYNO Triggers a grouping every time the group and
sort by field value is No.
PEP_GC_NEXTISYES Triggers a grouping every time the next value in
the sort and group by field is Yes.
This method sets the condition of the grouping for the specified group section. This
method can only replace the group condition for an existing group. It cannot create
a new group. Use this function whenever you want to change the grouping at print
time, for example, to print one report grouped in several different ways.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Related Topics
PESetGroupCondition in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
Use SetGroupSelectionFormula to set the formula text for the group selection
formula. This method is often used with “CRPEJob::GetGroupSelectionFormula”
on page 396 to identify and then change an existing group selection formula in
response to a user selection at print time.
SetGroupSelectionFormula (formulaText CHAR(*)) RETURNING BOOLEAN
formulaText Specifies the new group selection formula that you want to assign to the report.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if there is an error in the formula, or if the call fails.
Related Topics
PESetGroupSelectionFormula in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
Use SetLineHeight to set the line height for the specified section. This method can
be used for setting up a report to print on preprinted forms. It can also be used if
you want to insure the size of a line in relation to the font size. For example, this
method might be used to specify a 12 point line with 10 point type.
SetLineHeight (sectionCode SMALLINT, lineN SMALLINT, height SMALLINT,
sectionCode Specifies the “Section Codes” on page 451, for the section of the report for which
you want to set line height.
lineN Specifies the 0-based number of the line for which you are setting the height.
The first line in a section is line number 0, the next is 1, etc. Use PEP_ALLLINES
to specify all lines in the section.
height Specifies the height, in twips, of the line.
ascent Specifies the ascent, in twips, of the line. Line ascent is the distance from the
baseline of the font to the top of the line space.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if there is an invalid selection, or if the call fails.
Use SetMargins to set the page margins for the print job. Use this method any time
you want to allow the user to change margins.
SetMargins (left SMALLINT, right SMALLINT, top SMALLINT, bottom SMALLINT)
For any of the above parameters, PM_SM_DEFAULT can be used to specify that
the report use default printer margins.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Related Topics
PESetMargins in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
Use SetMinimumSectionHeight to set the minimum height for the specified
section. For example, use this method whenever you want to specify a minimum
section height for printing on pre-printed forms or printing on any other kind of
document with a fixed format.
SetMinimumSectionHeight (sectionCode SMALLINT, height SMALLINT) RETURNING
sectionCode Specifies the “Section Codes” on page 451, for the section of the report for which
you want to set minimum section height.
height Specifies the minimum height in twips of the specified section.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if an invalid section has been specified, or if the call fails.
Use SetNDetailCopies to set the number of times the Details section of the report
is to be printed. For example, you can use this method to print multiple copies of
labels for a customer, multiple copies of a purchase order, or multiple copies of
anything set up in the Details section of the report.
nCopies Specifies the number of copies of the detail section of the report to be printed.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Related Topics
PESetNDetailCopies in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
Use SetNthGroupSortField to specify that the specified group summary field is
sorted in the specified direction (ascending or descending). This method does not
create a new group, but will sort an existing group summary field.
SetNthGroupSortField (sortFieldN SMALLINT, field CHAR(*), direction
sortFieldN Specifies the 0-based number of the group sort field that you want to set. The first
group sort field added to the report is field 0, the second is 1, etc. If the report has
N group sort fields, the function can be called with this parameter between 0 and
N-1 to replace an existing group sort field. Call the function with this parameter
equal to N to add a new group sort field.
field Specifies the name of the group field to be sorted.
direction Specifies one of the “Sort Order Constants” on page 451.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Related Topics
PESetNthGroupSortField in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
SetNthParam (paramN SMALLINT, paramValue CHAR (*)) RETURNING BOOLEAN
paramN Specifies which parameter in the stored procedure you want to set the value of.
The first parameter of a stored procedure is 0, the second is 1, etc.
paramValue Specifies the new value of the indicated parameter. This value must be a string.
Please see Remarks below.
Sets the value of a parameter in a stored procedure. Use this method when
working with stored procedures in SQL database tables to set the value of a
parameter in a stored procedure. When passing parameter values, all parameter
values must be passed as string values. If you wish to pass a numeric value, pass
the value in quotes like this: “100”.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Related Topics
PESetNthParameterField in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide2
Use SetNthSortField to specify that the report data is sorted according to the
specified field and direction.
SetNthSortField (sortFieldN SMALLINT, field CHAR(*), direction SMALLINT)
sortFieldN Specifies the 0-based number of the sort field that you want to set. The first sort
field added to the report is field 0, the second is 1, etc. If the report has N sort
fields, the function can be called with this parameter between 0 and N-1 to
replace an existing sort field. Call the function with this parameter equal to N to
add a new sort field.
field Specifies the name of the field to be sorted.
direction Specifies one of the “Sort Order Constants” on page 451.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Related Topics
PESetNthSortField in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
Use SetNthTableLocation to set the table location information for the specified
table in the report. This method is typically combined with
“CRPEJob::GetNthTableLocation” on page 404, to identify the location of a table
and then to change it.
SetNthTableLocation (tableN SMALLINT, tableLocation CRPETableLocation)
tableN Specifies the 0-based number of the table for which you want to set a new location.
tableLocation Specifies a pointer to “class CRPETableLocation” on page 447.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Related Topics
PESetNthTableLocation in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
SetNthTableLogonInfo (tableN SMALLINT, logonInfo CRPELogOnInfo,
tableN Specifies the 0-based number of the table for which you want to set log on
logonInfo Specifies a pointer to “class CRPELogOnInfo” on page 442.
propagate TRUE or FALSE value indicating whether the log on information should be used
for opening all tables being used in the report.
This method sets SQL connection information for the specified table. The
propagate flag may be used to cause the change to affect all tables with similar
server and database properties.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Related Topics
PESetNthTableLogOnInfo in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
SetNthTableSessionInfo (tableN SMALLINT, sessionInfo CRPESessionInfo,
tableN 0 indexed table number indicating which MS Access table in the report the session
is being opened for.
sessionInfo Specifies a pointer to “class CRPESessionInfo” on page 446.
propagate TRUE or FALSE value indicating whether the session information should be used
for opening all tables being used in the report.
This methods sets session information for the specified Microsoft Access table.
Many MS Access database tables require that a session be opened before the table
can be used. Use this method to open the session.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Related Topics
PESetNthTableSessionInfo in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
SetPrintDate (v_year SMALLINT, v_month SMALLINT, v_day SMALLINT)
This method sets the print date for the report. This method does not schedule the
report to print at a different time or day, but only changes the date that appears in
any Print Date Field that appears on the report. Use this method, for example, to
post date a report when it is printed before the day it is distributed.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Related Topics
PESetPrintDate in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
SetPrintOptions (options CRPEPrintOptions) RETURNING BOOLEAN
This method may be used to set the print characteristics of a print job. Use this
method any time you want to set the starting page number, the ending page
number, the number of report copies, and/or collation instructions for a print job
at runtime in response to user specifications.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Related Topics
PESetPrintOptions in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
SetReportTitle (title CHAR(*)) RETURNING BOOLEAN
This method sets the report title for the print job. Use this method whenever you
need to change the title of a report at print time.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Related Topics
PESetReportTitle in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
SetSectionFormat (sectionCode SMALLINT, options CRPESectionOptions)
sectionCode Specifies the “Section Codes” on page 451, for the section of the report for which
you want to set the section format.
options Specifies a pointer to “class CRPESectionOptions” on page 444.
Sets the section format settings for selected sections in the specified report to the
values in the CRPESectionOptions class. This method can be used to provide
specialized formatting for printing invoices, form letters, printing to pre-printed
forms, etc. It allows you to hide a section, insert a page break either before or after
a section begins, reset the page number to 1 after a group value prints, prevent
page breaks from spreading data from a single record over two pages, and to print
group values only at the bottom of a page. For a complete discussion of each of
these options, see “class CRPESectionOptions” on page 444.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Related Topics
PESetSectionFormat in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
SetSelectionFormula (formulaText CHAR(*)) RETURNING BOOLEAN
This method sets the formula text for the record selection formula.
CRPEJob::SetSelectionFormula is often used with
“CRPEJob::GetSelectionFormula” on page 409, to identify and then change an
existing selection formula at print time in response to a user selection.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if there is an error in the formula, or if the call fails.
Related Topics
PESetSelectionFormula in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
query The text of the new SQL query to be sent to the server.
This method sets the SQL query that will be sent to the database server. This
method can be used with “CRPEJob::GetSQLQuery” on page 410 to retrieve and
then change the SQL query for the report.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Related Topics
PESetSQLQuery in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
Use these methods to show the specified page in the preview window. Use these
methods to customize how a user moves through the pages of a report.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Related Topics
PEShow...Page in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
Use ShowPrintControls to toggle the display of the preview window control
buttons. Use this to display default controls, or to hide default controls and
provide customized controls.
ShowPrintControls (showControls BOOLEAN) RETURNING BOOLEAN
showControls Boolean value indicating whether print controls will be showing in the preview
window. TRUE indicates default print controls are to be displayed in the
preview window. FALSE indicates no controls are to be displayed.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Related Topics
PEShow...Page in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
Use StartJob to start the processing of the print job and display the final output of
that processing. This is the method that actually prints or exports the report.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Related Topics
PEStartPrintJob in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
Use TestNthTableConnectivity to determine if a valid connection exists to the
database for the specified table in the report. This method is typically used if you
plan to print at a later time, but you want to test now to make sure everything is in
order for logging on to the database table.
TestNthTableConnectivity (tableN SMALLINT) RETURNING BOOLEAN
tableN Specifies the number of the table for which you want to test the connection settings.
The first table added to a report is numbered 0, the second is 1, etc.
TRUE if the database session, log on, and location information is all correct.
FALSE if one or more of the above are incorrect, or if the call fails.
Related Topics
PETestNthTableConnectivity in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
level The magnification level to which the preview window is to be “zoomed”. Use one
of the following values:
Value Meaning
PEP_ZOOM_SIZE_FIT_ONE_SIDE Fit one side (highest magnification).
This method “zooms” the preview window to the specified magnification level.
Use this function when the report has been printed to a preview window and you
need to set the magnification of the preview window to a specific level.
TRUE if the call is successful.
FALSE if the call fails.
Related Topics
PEZoomPreviewWindow in the Crystal Reports Technical Reference Guide
class CRPEExportOptions
This class is used to get and set the export options of a print job. It is used by
member functions “CRPEJob::GetExportOptions” on page 390, and
“CRPEJob::ExportTo” on page 389.
Data Members
Constructor CRPEExportOptions::CRPEExportOptions
CRPEExportOptions::CRPEExportOptions constructs a CRPEExportOptions class
object. Call the constructor with no parameters to allow the Class Library to
initialize all member variables with default values. Pass parameters to the
constructor to assign specific values to each member variable.
Constructor Syntax
CRPEExportOptions (formatDLLName CHAR(*) : NULL, formatType INTEGER: 0,
formatOptions FOREIGN : NULL, destinationDLLName CHAR(*) : NULL,
destinationType INTEGER : 0, destinationOptions FOREIGN : NULL);
Constructor Parameters
formatDLLName Specifies the name of the format DLL that contains the export
format to be used. Assigns this value to the
CRPEExportOptions::m_formatDLLName member. Select a DLL
from the following table:
class CRPEGraphDataInfo
The CRPEGraphDataInfo class contains information on what report data is used
by a graph in the report to create the values in the graph. The class is used by
“CRPEJob::GetGraphData” on page 391, to retrieve information regarding an
existing graph and by “CRPEJob::SetGraphData” on page 417, to change the data
used by an existing graph.
Data Members
m_rowGroupN Specifies which group number in the report is used to create the values in
the rows of the graph.
m_colGroupN Specifies which group number in the report is used to create the values in
the columns of the graph.
m_summarized Specifies which summary field in the report is used to set the values of the
FieldN risers in the graph. Summary fields are numbered in order of their creation.
m_graphDirection Specifies the graphing direction for cross-tab reports. For normal group/
total report, the direction, is always PE_GRAPH_COLS_ONLY.
Constructor CRPEGraphDataInfo::CRPEGraphDataInfo
Constructs a CRPEGraphDataInfo class object. Call the constructor with no
parameters to allow the Class Library to initialize all member variables with
default values. Pass parameters to the constructor to assign specific values to each
member variable.
Constructor Syntax
CRPEGraphDataInfo (rowGroupN SMALLINT : 0, colGroupN SMALLINT: 0
summarizedFieldN SMALLINT : 0, graphDirection SMALLINT :
Constructor Parameters
rowGroupN Specifies which group number in the report is used to create the values
in the rows of the graph. Assigns this value to the
CRPEGraphDataInfo::m_rowGroupN member variable.
colGroupN Specifies which group number in the report is used to create the values
in the columns of the graph. Assigns this value to the
CRPEGraphDataInfo::m_colGroupN member variable.
summarized Specifies which summary field in the report is used to set the values of the risers in
FieldN the graph. Summary fields are numbered in order of their creation. Assigns this
value to the CRPEGraphDataInfo::m_summarizedFieldN member variable.
graphDirection Specifies the graphing direction for cross-tab reports. For normal group/total
report, the direction, is always PEP_GRAPH_COLS_ONLY = 1. Assigns this
value to the CRPEGraphDataInfo::m_graphDirection member variable.
Possible values are:
Constant Value Description
PEP_GRAPH_ROWS_ONLY 0 Use only row values in
PEP_GRAPH_COLS_ONLY 1 Use only column
values in graph.
PEP_GRAPH_MIXED_ROW_COL 2 Graph by row values,
then by column values.
PEP_GRAPH_MIXED_COL_ROW 3 Graph by column
values, then by row
PEP_GRAPH_UNKNOWN_DIRECTION 20 The direction of the
graph is unknown.
class CRPEGraphOptions
The CRPEGraphOptions class contains information on several options available
with graphs and charts. This class is used by “CRPEJob::GetGraphOptions” on
page 392, to determine what options have been set for a chart, and it is used by
“CRPEJob::SetGraphOptions” on page 418, to change the options for a chart.
Data Members
m_graphMax Specifies the maximum value that will appear in the graph. Any graph
Value values above this value are not charted.
m_graphMinValue Specifies the minimum value that will appear in the graph. Any graph
values below this value are not charted.
m_showDataValue Specifies whether or not to display the numeric value associated with each
riser on the chart. If set to TRUE (1), a value appears in the graph for each riser.
m_showGridLine Specifies whether or not to display grid lines on the graph.
m_verticalBars Specifies whether to display the bars in a bar graph vertically or
m_showLegend Specifies whether or not to display the graph legend.
m_fontFaceName Specifies the font for all text and values in the entire graph.
Constructor CRPEGraphOptions::CRPEGraphOptions
Constructs a CRPEGraphOptions class object. Call the constructor with no
parameters to allow the Class Library to initialize all member variables with
default values. Pass parameters to the constructor to assign specific values to each
member variable.
Constructor Syntax
CRPEGraphOptions (graphMaxValue FLOAT : 0, graphMinValue FLOAT : 0,
showDataValue BOOLEAN : FALSE, showGridLine BOOLEAN : FALSE,
verticalBars BOOLEAN : FALSE, showLegend BOOLEAN : FALSE, fontFaceName
CHAR (*) : NULL)
Constructor Parameters
graphMaxValue Specifies the maximum value that will appear in the graph. Any graph
values above this value are not charted. Assigns this value to the
CRPEGraphOptions::m_graphMaxValue member variable.
graphMinValue Specifies the minimum value that will appear in the graph. Any graph values
below this value are not charted. Assigns this value to the
CRPEGraphOptions::m_graphMinValue member variable.
showDataValue Specifies whether or not to display the numeric value associated with each riser
on the chart. If set to TRUE, a value appears in the graph for each riser. Assigns
this value to the CRPEGraphOptions::m_showDataValue member variable.
showGridLine Specifies whether or not to display grid lines on the graph. Assigns this value
to the CRPEGraphOptions::m_showGridLine member variable.
verticalBars Specifies whether to display the bars in a bar graph vertically or horizontally.
Assigns this value to the CRPEGraphOptions::m_verticalBars member
showLegend Specifies whether or not to display the graph legend. Assigns this value to
the CRPEGraphOptions::m_showLegend member variable.
fontFaceName Specifies the font for all text and values in the entire graph. Assigns this
value to the CRPEGraphOptions::m_fontFaceName member variable.
class CRPEGraphTextInfo
The CRPEGraphTextInfo class contains information about the text that appears
with a graph. This class is used with the methods “CRPEJob::GetGraphText” on
page 392,and “CRPEJob::SetGraphText” on page 418.
Data Members
m_graphTitle Specifies the main title text that will appear above your graph.
m_graphSubTitle Specifies the sub title text that will appear directly under the main title.
m_graphFootNote Specifies the footnote text that will appear under your graph.
m_graphGroupsTitle Specifies the title of the groups which are being graphed.
m_graphSeriesTitle Specifies the title of the series which is being graphed.
m_graphXAxisTitle Specifies the title text that will appear for the X axis. Not valid for Pie
m_graphYAxisTitle Specifies the title text that will appear for the Y axis. Not valid for Pie
m_graphZAxisTitle Specifies the title text that will appear for the Z axis. This value is only
valid for 3D graphs.
Constructor CRPEGraphTextInfo::CRPEGraphTextInfo
Constructor Default Syntax
CRPEGraphTextInfo ();
Constructor Syntax
CRPEGraphTextInfo (graphSubTitle CHAR(*) : NULL, graphFootNote CHAR(*) :
NULL, graphGroupsTitle CHAR(*) : NULL, graphSeriesTitle CHAR(*) : NULL,
graphXAxisTitle CHAR(*) : NULL, graphYAxisTitle CHAR(*) : NULL,
graphZAxisTitle CHAR(*) : NULL);
Constructor Parameters
graphTitle Specifies the main title text that will appear above your graph. Assigns this
title to the CRPEGraphTextInfo::m_graphTitle member variable.
graphSubTitle Specifies the sub title text that will appear directly under the main title.
Assigns this title to the CRPEGraphTextInfo::m_graphSubTitle member
graphFootNote Specifies the footnote text that will appear under your graph. Assigns this
text to the CRPEGraphTextInfo::m_graphFootNote member variable.
graphGroupsTitl Specifies the title of the groups which are being graphed. Assigns this title to
e the CRPEGraphTextInfo::m_graphGroupsTitle member variable.
graphSeriesTitle Specifies the title of the series which is being graphed. Assigns this title to
the CRPEGraphTextInfo::m_graphSeriesTitle member variable.
graphXAxisTitle Specifies the title text that will appear for the X axis. Not valid for Pie
graphs. Assigns this title to the CRPEGraphTextInfo::m_graphXAxisTitle
member variable.
graphYAxisTitle Specifies the title text that will appear for the Y axis. Not valid for Pie
graphs. Assigns this title to the CRPEGraphTextInfo::m_graphYAxisTitle
member variable.
graphZAxisTitle Specifies the title text that will appear for the Z axis. Only valid for 3D
graphs. Assigns this title to the CRPEGraphTextInfo::m_graphZAxisTitle
member variable.
Constructs a CRPEGraphTextInfo class object. Call the constructor with no
parameters to allow the Class Library to initialize all member variables with
default values. Pass parameters to the constructor to assign specific values to each
member variable.
class CRPEJobInfo
This class is used by the member function “CRPEJob::GetJobStatus” on page 396.
Status information concerning the job is returned through this class.
Data Members
Upon construction of the structure, all members are initialized to zero except
m_printEnded which is initialized to FALSE.
Constructor CRPEJobInfo::CRPEJobInfo
Constructs a CRPEJobInfo class object. Initializes all required members of the class.
Constructor Syntax
CRPEJobInfo (numRecordsRead INTEGER : 0, numRecordsSelected INTEGER : 0,
numRecordsPrinted INTEGER : 0, displayPageN SMALLINT : 0, latest PageN
SMALLINT : 0, startPageN SMALLINT : 0, printEnded BOOLEAN : FALSE);
class CRPELogOnInfo
This class is used by member functions “CRPEngine::LogOnServer” on page 379,
“CRPEngine::LogOffServer” on page 378, “CRPEJob::GetNthTableLogOnInfo” on
page 405, “CRPEJob::SetNthTableLogOnInfo” on page 426. The class is used to
contain SQL connection information.
Data Members
m_serverName Specifies the logon name for the server used to create the report.
m_databaseName Specifies the logon name for the database used to create the report.
m_userID Specifies the user ID necessary to log on to the server.
m_password Specifies the password necessary to log on to the server.
Constructor CRPELogOnInfo::CRPELogOnInfo
Constructor Default Syntax
CRPELogOnInfo ();
Constructor Syntax
CRPELogOnInfo (serverName CHAR (*), databaseName CHAR (*), userID CHAR
(*), password CHAR (*));
Constructor Parameters
serverName Specifies the logon name for the server or ODBC Datasource Name used to
logon to the server. Assigns this value to the CRPELogOnInfo::m_serverName
databaseName Specifies the logon name for the database used to run the report. Assigns this
value to the CRPELogOnInfo::m_databaseName member.
userID Specifies the user ID necessary to log on to the server. Assigns this value to the
CRPELogOnInfo::m_userID member.
password Specifies the password necessary to log on to the server. Assigns this value to
the CRPELogOnInfo::m_password member.
Constructs a CRPELogOnInfo class object. Call the constructor with no parameters
to allow the Class Library to initialize all member variables with default values.
Pass parameters to the constructor to assign specific values to each member
class CRPEPrintOptions
This class is used to set the print characteristics of a report. It is used with
“CRPEJob::SetPrintOptions” on page 428.
Data Members
Constructor CRPEPrintOptions::CRPEPrintOptions
Constructor Default Syntax
CRPEPrintOptions ();
Constructor Syntax
CRPEPrintOptions (startPageN SMALLINT : 0, stopPageN SMALLINT : 0,
Constructor Parameters
startPageN Specifies the first page that you want to print. Assigns this value to the
CRPEPrintOptions::m_startPageN member.
stopPageN Specifies the last page that you want to print. Assigns this value to the
CRPEPrintOptions::m_stopPageN member.
nReportCopies Specifies the number of copies that you want to print. Assigns this value to the
CRPEPrintOptions::m_nReportCopies member.
collation Indicates whether or not you want the copies of the report to be collated (if
you are printing multiple copies of a multiple page report). Assigns this value
to the CRPEPrintOptions::m_collation member. Possible values are:
Value Meaning
PEP_UNCOLLATED Prints multiple copies of a multiple page
report uncollated (Page order = 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2,
3, 3, 3, etc.).
PEP_COLLATED Prints multiple copies of a multiple page report
collated (Page order = 1, 2, 3..., 1, 2, 3..., etc.).
PEP_DEFAULTCOLLATION Prints multiple copies of a multiple page
report using the collation settings specified in
the report.
Constructs a CRPEPrintOptions class object. Call the constructor with no
parameters to allow the Class Library to initialize all member variables with
default values. Pass parameters to the constructor to assign specific values to each
member variable.
class CRPESectionOptions
This class contains specifications for formatting selected report sections. This
information is used by the methods “CRPEJob::GetSectionFormat” on page 408,
and “CRPEJob::SetSectionFormat” on page 429.
Data Members
m_visible Specifies whether or not the selected section is to be visible. Use TRUE to
keep the section visible, FALSE to hide the section.
m_newPageBefore Specifies whether or not the Crystal Report Engine is to insert a page
break before the section is printed. Use TRUE to insert a page break,
FALSE to leave it without a page break.
m_newPageAfter Specifies whether or not the Crystal Report Engine is to insert a page
break after the section is printed. Use TRUE to insert a page break, FALSE
to leave it without a page break.
m_keepTogether Specifies whether or not the Crystal Report Engine is to keep all lines of the
section together, either on the current page (if there is room), or on the next
page. Pass TRUE to keep the lines together, FALSE to allow the Crystal
Report Engine to split section data from one page to the next if necessary.
m_suppressBlank Specifies whether or not the Crystal Report Engine is to eliminate lines from
Lines your report that are blank due to fields being suppressed (zeroes, duplicates,
and hidden fields). TRUE eliminates blank lines. FALSE retains them.
m_resetPageNAfter Specifies whether or not the Crystal Report Engine is to reset the page
number to one (1) for the following page, after it prints a group total. Use
TRUE to reset the page number, FALSE to keep standard numbering.
m_printAtBottom Specifies whether or not the Crystal Report Engine is to cause each group
OfPage summary value to print only at the bottom of a page. Use TRUE to print
summaries at the bottom of the page, FALSE to print summaries
immediately after the group.
Constructor CRPESectionOptions::CRPESectionOptions
Constructor Syntax
CRPESectionOptions (visible BOOLEAN : FALSE, newPageBefore BOOLEAN :
FALSE, newPageAfter BOOLEAN : FALSE, keepTogether BOOLEAN : FALSE,
suppressBlankLines BOOLEAN : FALSE, resetPageNAfter BOOLEAN : FALSE,
printAtBottomOfPage BOOLEAN : FALSE)
Constructor Parameters
visible Specifies whether or not the selected section is to be visible. Use TRUE to
keep the section visible, FALSE to hide the section. Assigns this value to the
CRPESectionOptions::m_visible member.
newPageBefore Specifies whether or not the Crystal Report Engine is to insert a page break
before the section is printed. Use TRUE to insert a page break, FALSE to
leave it without a page break. Assigns this value to the
CRPESectionOptions::m_newPageBefore member.
newPageAfter Specifies whether or not the Crystal Report Engine is to insert a page break
after the section is printed. Use TRUE to insert a page break, FALSE to leave
it without a page break. Assigns this value to the
CRPESectionOptions::m_newPageAfter member.
keepTogether Specifies whether or not the Crystal Report Engine is to keep all lines of the
section together, either on the current page (if there is room), or on the next
page. Pass TRUE to keep the lines together, FALSE to allow the Crystal
Report Engine to split section data from one page to the next if necessary.
Assigns this value to the CRPESectionOptions::m_keepTogether member.
suppressBlank Specifies whether or not the Crystal Report Engine is to eliminate lines from
Lines your report that are blank due to fields being suppressed (zeroes, duplicates,
and hidden fields). TRUE eliminates blank lines. FALSE retains them. Assigns
this value to the CRPESectionOptions::m_suppressBlankLines member.
resetPageNAfter Specifies whether or not the Crystal Report Engine is to reset the page
number to one (1) for the following page, after it prints a group total. Use
TRUE to reset the page number, FALSE to keep standard numbering.
Assigns this value to the CRPESectionOptions::m_resetPageNAfter member.
printAtBottom Specifies whether or not the Crystal Report Engine is to cause each group
OfPage summary value to print only at the bottom of a page. Use TRUE to print
summaries at the bottom of the page, FALSE to print summaries
immediately after the group. Assigns this value to the
CRPESectionOptions::m_printAtBottomOfPage member.
Constructs a CRPESectionOptions class object. Call the constructor with no
parameters to allow the Class Library to initialize all member variables with
default values. Pass parameters to the constructor to assign specific values to
each member variable.
Use PEP_UNCHANGED with any parameter to let the Crystal Report Engine
leave the setting as it is specified in the report file.
class CRPESessionInfo
This class is used to get and set the session information (user ID and password) for
password protected Microsoft Access databases. It is used with the member
functions “CRPEJob::GetNthTableSessionInfo” on page 406,and
“CRPEJob::SetNthTableSessionInfo” on page 427.
Data Members
m_userID Specifies the user ID needed for logging on to the MS Access system.
m_password Specifies the password needed for logging on to the MS Access system.
m_sessionHandle The handle to the current MS Access session.
Constructor CRPESessionInfo::CRPESessionInfo
Constructor Syntax
CRPESessionInfo (userID CHAR(*) : NULL, password CHAR(*) : NULL,
sessionHandle INTEGER : 0);
Constructor Parameters
userID Specifies the user ID needed for logging on to the MS Access system. Assigns
this value to the CRPESessionInfo::m_userID member.
password Specifies the password needed for logging on to the MS Access system.
Assigns this value to the CRPESessionInfo::m_password member.
sessionHandle The handle to the current MS Access session. Assigns this value to the
CRPESessionInfo::m_sessionHandle member.
Constructs a CRPESessionInfo class object. Call the constructor with no
parameters to allow the Class Library to initialize all member variables with
default values. Pass parameters to the constructor to assign specific values to each
member variable.
class CRPETableLocation
This class is used to get and set table location information. It is used with
“CRPEJob::GetNthTableLocation” on page 404, and
“CRPEJob::SetNthTableLocation” on page 426.
Data Member
Constructor CRPETableLocation::CRPETableLocation
Constructor Syntax
CRPETableLocation (location CHAR(*) : NULL);
Constructor Parameter
Constructs a CRPETableLocation class object. Call the constructor with no parameters
to allow the Class Library to initialize all member variables with default values. Pass
parameters to the constructor to assign specific values to each member variable.
class CRPETableType
This class is used to determine information about a specific table used in the report.
It is used by “CRPEJob::GetNthTableSessionInfo” on page 406.
Data Members
m_dllName Specifies the name of the appropriate database DLL for the table of
m_descriptiveName Specifies the name of the table of interest.
m_dbType Specifies the type of database that contains the table of interest.
Constructor CRPETableType::CRPETableType
Constructs a CRPETableType class object. Initializes all members of the class.
Constructor Syntax
CRPETableType (dbType SMALLINT : PEP_DT_SQL, dllName CHAR(*) : NULL,
descriptiveName: CHAR(*) : NULL);
Class Constants
The following constants, some of the more commonly used class constants, are
discussed in this section.
“Chart Type Constants” on page 448
“Error Codes” on page 449
“Section Codes” on page 451
“Sort Order Constants” on page 451
Constant Description
PEP_SIDE_BY_SIDE_BAR_GRAPH Side By Side bar charts.
PEP_STACKED_BAR_GRAPH Stacked bar charts.
PEP_PERCENT_BAR_GRAPH Percent bar charts.
PEP_FAKED_3D_SIDE_BY_SIDE_BAR_GRAPH 3D Side By Side bar charts.
PEP_FAKED_3D_STACKED_BAR_GRAPH 3D Stacked bar charts.
PEP_FAKED_3D_PERCENT_BAR_GRAPH 3D Percent bar charts.
PEP_PIE_GRAPH Pie charts.
PEP_MULTIPLE_PIE_GRAPH Multiple Pie charts.
Constant Description
PEP_LINE_GRAPH Line charts.
PEP_AREA_GRAPH Area charts.
PEP_USER_DEFINED_GRAPH User Defined chart type.
PEP_UNKNOWN_TYPE_GRAPH Unknown chart type.
Error Codes
Section Codes
Constant Description
PEP_HEADERSECTION Page Header section.
PEP_GROUPHEADER Group Header section.
PEP_DETAILSECTION Details section.
PEP_GROUPFOOTER Group Footer section.
PEP_FOOTERSECTION Page Footer section.
Constant Description
PEP_SF_ASCENDING Sorts data in ascending order (A to Z, 1 to 9).
PEP_SF_DESCENDING Sorts data in descending order (Z to A, 9 to 1).
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A EMailMessage............................................. 190
Action property ................................................. 182 EMailSubject .............................................. 190
EMailToList ................................................ 191
ActivatePrintWindow event, REOL .................... 360
ActiveX Controls EMailVIMBCCList ....................................... 192
error messages ............................................ 270 ExchangeFolder .......................................... 192
methods...................................................... 259 ExchangePassword ..................................... 193
properties ................................................... 179 ExchangeProfile .......................................... 194
ActiveX methods Formulas .................................................... 194
FetchSelectionFormula................................ 259 GraphData ................................................. 195
GetNSubreports .......................................... 260 GraphOptions ............................................ 197
GetNthSubreportName ............................... 260 GraphText .................................................. 198
LogoffServer ................................................ 260 GraphType ................................................. 199
LogonServer ................................................ 261 GroupCondition ......................................... 200
PageCount .................................................. 262 GroupSelectionFormula .............................. 202
PageFirst ..................................................... 262 GroupSortFields.......................................... 202
PageLast ..................................................... 262 LastErrorNumber ........................................ 204
PageNext .................................................... 263 LastErrorString ............................................ 205
PagePrevious .............................................. 263 LogOnInfo .................................................. 205
PageShow ................................................... 263 MarginBottom ............................................ 207
PageZoom .................................................. 264 MarginLeft .................................................. 207
PageZoomNext ........................................... 264 MarginRight ............................................... 208
PrinterSelect ............................................... 264 MarginTop ................................................. 208
PrintReport ................................................. 265 ParameterFields .......................................... 209
ReplaceSelectionFormula ............................ 265 Password .................................................... 210
Reset........................................................... 266 PrintDay ..................................................... 211
RetrieveDataFiles ........................................ 266 PrinterCollation .......................................... 212
RetrieveLogonInfo ....................................... 267 PrinterCopies .............................................. 212
RetrieveSQLQuery ...................................... 267 PrinterDriver............................................... 213
RetrieveStoredProcParams .......................... 268 PrinterName ............................................... 214
SpecifyDataSourceField .............................. 269 PrinterPort .................................................. 215
ActiveX properties PrinterStartPage .......................................... 215
Action......................................................... 182 PrinterStopPage .......................................... 216
BoundReportFooter ..................................... 182 PrintFileCharSepQuote ............................... 217
BoundReportHeading ................................. 183 PrintFileCharSepSeparator .......................... 217
Connect...................................................... 183 PrintFileLinesPerPage ................................. 218
CopiesToPrinter .......................................... 184 PrintFileName ............................................ 219
DataFiles .................................................... 185 PrintFileODBCPassword ............................. 219
DataSource ................................................. 186 PrintFileODBCSource ................................. 220
Destination ................................................. 186 PrintFileODBCTable ................................... 220
DetailCopies ............................................... 187 PrintFileODBCUser .................................... 221
DialogParentHandle ................................... 188 PrintFileType .............................................. 221
DiscardSavedData ...................................... 189 PrintFileUseRptDateFmt ............................. 224
EMailCCList ................................................ 189 PrintFileUseRptNumberFmt ........................ 225
SeachButtonClicked event, REOL ...................... 368 Verify method, REOL .........................................284
SearchForText method, REOL ............................ 317 View Object
Section Object, REOL ....................................... 341 Close method, REOL ...................................356
SectionFont property ......................................... 233 Export method, REOL ..................................356
SectionFormat property ..................................... 234 NextMagnification method, REOL ...............356
SectionLineHeight property ............................... 235 PrintOut method, REOL...............................356
SectionMinHeight property ............................... 236 ShowFirstPage method, REOL .....................356
SectionOptions Object, REOL ........................... 342 ShowLastPage method, REOL ......................357
Sections Collection, REOL................................. 344 ShowNextPage method, REOL ....................357
SelectionFormula property ................................ 237 ShowNthPage method, REOL ......................357
SelectPrinter method, REOL .............................. 335 ShowPreviousPage method, REOL ...............357
SessionHandle property .................................... 238 ZoomPreviewWindow method, REOL .........357
SetCurrentValue method, REOL ........................ 323 View Object, REOL ...........................................355
SetDefaultValue method, REOL ......................... 325 Views Collection, REOL.....................................358
SetLogOnInfo method, REOL ............................ 290
SetPrivateData method, REOL ........................... 291 W
SetSessionInfo method, REOL ............................ 291 Window Object
ShowFirstPage method, REOL ........................... 356 ActivatePrintWindow event, REOL ..............360
ShowGroup event, REOL .................................. 369 CancelButtonClicked event, REOL...............361
ShowLastPage method, REOL ............................ 357 Close method, REOL ...................................359
ShowNextPage method, REOL .......................... 357 CloseButtonClicked event, REOL .................361
ShowNthPage method, REOL ............................ 357 ClosePrintWindow event, REOL ..................362
ShowPreviousPage method, REOL .................... 357 DeactivatePrintWindow event, REOL ..........362
SortField Object, REOL ..................................... 345 DrillOnDetail event, REOL ..........................362
SortFields Collection DrillOnGroup event, REOL .........................363
Add method, REOL ..................................... 346 ExportButtonClicked event, REOL................364
Delete method, REOL ................................. 346 FirstPageButtonClicked event, REOL............364
SortFields Collection, REOL .............................. 345 GroupTreeButtonClicked event, REOL .........365
SortFields property ............................................ 239 LastPageButtonClicked event, REOL ............365
SpecialVarFieldDefinition Object, REOL ........... 347 NextPageButtonClicked event, REOL...........366
SpecifyDataSourceField method ........................ 269 PrevPageButtonClicked event, REOL ...........366
SQLQuery property ........................................... 240 PrintButtonClicked event, REOL ..................367
Start event, REOL .............................................. 337 PrintSetupButtonClicked event, REOL ..........367
ZoomLevelChanging event, REOL ..................... 369