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Dr. Kwaku Amaning Adjei

Senior Lecturer
Dept. of Civil Engineering, KNUST
Where to get Your Lecture Materials 2

• http://goo.gl/txbEY8
Introduction – The Hydrological Cycle 5
Introduction – The Hydrological Cycle 6
• As water moves between the land, ocean, rivers and atmosphere it changes
from solid to liquid to gas. This natural water cycle is our planet’s way of
recycling water, and is essential for life on Earth.
The stages of the cycle are:
• evaporation — water molecules get energy from the sun, which breaks the
bonds between them and lets them escape into the atmosphere as vapour
• condensation — vapour cools as it rises, changing back into tiny water
droplets that join to form clouds
• precipitation — water falls to earth when too much has condensed for the
air to hold, becoming liquid (rain) or solid (snow, sleet or hail) depending
on the air temperature
• infiltration — some water soaks into the ground (groundwater) and slowly
seeps into rivers, or is absorbed by plant roots
• run-off — some water flows across land (surface water) and collects in
• transpiration — water returns to the air as it evaporates from plants,
mainly through their leaves
Introduction - Watershed

The area of land draining into a stream or a water course at a

given location is known as a catchment area. (drainage area,
drainage basin or watershed)
Effects of Urbanisation on Drainage

• Development of an urban area, involves covering

the ground with artificial surfaces, and this has
significant effect on these processes.
• Artificial surfaces significantly increase the amount
of surface runoff in relation to infiltration,
evaporation, and transpiration
• Increases in surface runoff increases the total
volume of water reaching the river during or
soon after the rain.
Effects of Urbanisation on Drainage

• Surface runoff travels faster on hard smooth

surfaces and through sewers than it does over
natural surfaces and along natural streams.
• Surface runoff in urban areas will both arrive and
die faster.
• Peak flows are greater for urban areas because
of modifications in the land use.
Assignment 1

• Discuss the effects of urbanization on

flooding and the natural water cycle?

• One page

 Drainage systems are needed in

developed urban areas because of
the interaction between human
activity and the natural water cycle.
This interaction has two main
 The abstraction of water from the
natural water cycle to provide water
supply for human life
 The covering of land with impermeable
surfaces that divert rainwater away
from the local natural system of
drainage – relief.
Types of Waters that Require Drainage

 Wastewater: is water that has been supplied to

support life, maintain a standard of living and
satisfy the needs of industry. After use, if not
drained properly, it could cause pollution and
create health risks.
 Wastewater contains dissolved minerals, fine solids
and larger solids, originating from WCs, from
washing of various sorts, from industry and from
other water users.
Types of Waters that Require Drainage
 The second type of water
requiring drainage,
stormwater, is rainwater
that has fallen on the built
up area. If stormwater is
not drained properly, it
would cause
inconveniences, damage,
flooding and further health
risks. It contains some
pollutants, originating from
rain, the air or the
catchment surface – may
mix with human and
industrial waste.
Two types of unwanted waters

• Urban drainage systems handle these two types of waters

with the aim of minimising the problems caused to
human life and the environment. Thus urban drainage has
two major interfaces with the public and the

Interfaces with the public and the environment

“Disposal” of unwanted waters
• In many urban areas, drainage is based on a complex
artificial system of sewers: pipes and structures that
collect and dispose of this water.
• In contrast, rural communities normally have no main
drainage. Wastewater is treated locally (or not at all) and
stormwater is drained naturally into the ground.
What is a Flood?

• Generally, every area has its natural drainage

system in the form of drains, rivers, and other
tributaries, lakes, etc., to carry the surface runoff
resulting from rainfall.

• A flood is any high flow that overtops either

natural or artificial embankments along a stream
or a natural event or occurrence where a piece
of land (or area) that is usually dry land, suddenly
gets submerged under water.
Is this a familiar site ?

Flooding in Accra
Flood images

Flooding in central Accra-2000

1986 flood Ghana telecom(157mm) Residents displaced

Flood in Tema com. 20 Onukpawahe basin- Flood in Odaw basin 1995 (

2007 259mm)
Flood images
Flood Images
Rainfall Events resulting in floods in Accra
Date Maxi. Rainfall
Day Month Year depth(mm)
23rd June 1955 89.90
2nd-3rd June 1959 192.00
19th June 1962 117.00
19th -23rd June 1973 175.30
- May 1978 77.50
20th June 1983 46.30
1st August 1984 57.10
2nd May 1985 69.50
4th May 1986 69.30
2nd-3rd May 1988 157.90
3rd-4th July 1995 (259)243.90
2002 148
4th July 2007 44.20
27th April 2008
3rd June 2015 244.1
Is this a familiar site ?

Flooding in Taiwan 31
Is this a familiar site ?

Sand bags for flood defence!

Flooding in UK
Causes of Flooding
Floods generally occur due to inadequate drainage system.
Some specific causes are:
1. Excessive rainfall leading to extraordinary runoff.
2. Poor drainage system and drains of inadequate capacities.
3. Silting up of natural drains and rivers due to erosion and
transport of other impediments from the catchment
4. Gradual encroachment on the floodplains by settlers
leading to a loss in the drainage capacity of the river and
the consequent rise in the flood level.
Stormwater drains in Ghana - Encroachment

Desilted matter placed on the sides

of the drains only to be washed back
by rain

Typical drain view with houses

adjacent – flood prone
Causes of Flooding

5. Highly meandering rivers and unstable rivers often

change their course.
Causes of Flooding
6. Tidal rivers – when excessive rain
coincides with a high tide. This causes
the water level to rise and if there is
not enough space to absorb this
water, the consequence would be

7. Sea waves due to extraordinary

storm (hurricanes, cyclones, etc.)
cause movement of seawater into
land and cause flooding. New
Orleans case.
Causes of Flooding
8. Sudden failure of water retaining structures such as
dams, embankments and levees etc. can cause untold
damage to life and property
9.Land/Hill slides into river valleys have also often created
temporary dam-like structures leading to flooding of the
upstream areas.
10.In deltaic areas floods are caused due to sudden
diversion of flow from an existing channel into another
channel of poor conveyance capacity and this can create
serious flood problems.
11.Excessive snowmelt combined with rainfall can cause
Causes of Flooding
12. Construction of
embankment and other water
retaining structures on the
river bank and bed may lead to
the constriction/ narrowing of
the normal width of the river.
Such constrictions even though
localised have their effects on
the upstream section where
the water would rise above its
normal level leading to
Urban Flooding - Causes 39

• Meteorological factors: Rainfall; Cyclonic storms;

Small-scale storms; Temperature; Snowfall and
• Hydrological factors: Soil moisture level;
Groundwater conditions; infiltration; impervious
cover; Channel conditions; Tidal effects etc.
• Human factors: Land use/ land cover changes; in
appropriate drainage systems; occupation of flood
plain areas; sudden release of water from dams;
climate change; urban micro climate; indiscriminate
waste disposal etc.
Effects of FLOODING
Can the lost item be Direct loss: Indirect loss:
bought and sold for cash? Loss from contact with No contact – loss as a
flood water consequence of flood
Yes – monetary e.g. Buildings and e.g. Disruption to
(tangible) contents, vehicles, transport, loss of value
livestock, crops, added in commerce and
infrastructure business interruption,
legal costs associated with
No – non-monetary e.g. Lives and injuries, loss e.g. Stress and anxiety,
(intangible) of memorabilia, damage disruption to living , loss
to cultural or heritage of community, loss of
sites, ecological damage cultural and
environmental sites,
ecosystem resource loss
Effects of Flooding

As most people are well aware, the immediate impacts of

flooding include
1. Loss of human life, damage to property, destruction
of crops, loss of livestock, and deterioration of health
conditions owing to waterborne diseases.
2. Communication links and infrastructure such as
power plants, roads and bridges can also be damaged
and disrupted, some economic activities may come to
a standstill, people are forced to leave their homes
and normal life is disrupted.
3. Disruption to industry can lead to loss of livelihoods.
Effects of Flooding

4. Damage to infrastructure also causes long-term

impacts, such as disruptions to supplies of clean water,
wastewater treatment, electricity, transport,
communication, education and health care.
5. Loss of livelihoods, reduction in purchasing power and
loss of land value in the floodplains can leave
communities economically vulnerable.
6. Floods can also traumatise victims and their families
for long periods of time. The loss of loved ones has
deep impacts, especially on children. Displacement
from one's home, loss of property and disruption to
business and social affairs can cause continuing stress.

• Measures for Reducing/

Delaying Storm Runoff
Objectives of Flood Control
Reduce or alleviate the negative
consequences of flooding.
Alternative measures that modify the flood runoff are usually
categorised into structural and non-structural measures.
1. Construction of flood-control facilities are referred to as
structural measures.
2. Structural measures generally require large sums of
capital investment.
3. They are designed to change the flood characteristics
using reservoirs (dams), diversion structures, levees or
dikes, and channel modifications.
Objectives of Flood Control
Impact of Reservoir on Flooding
Drainage 2 Plan: Plan 04 22/05/2010
Geom: Hydro-Wis e Flow: INFLOWIDF
River = Mamahuma Reach = Main channel RS = 5 CROSS SECTION 4- NO RESERVOIR
.07 .05 .07
6.5 Legend


6.0 WS 1995 EVENT

Bank Sta
Elevation (m)




Drainage 3 Plan: Plan 04 22/05/2010

3.5 Geom: Hydro-Wis e Flow: INFLOWIDF

0 20 40 60 80 River =100
Mamahuma Reach = Main channel RS = 5 CROSS SECTION 5 RESERVOIR EFFECT
.07 .05 .07
Station (m) Legend

Bank Sta
Elevation (m)




0 20 40 60 80 100

Station (m)
Flood Control Measures
Flood control measures – Structural & nonstructural
Structural measures:
▪ Levees: embankment constructed parallel to the course
of stream to prevent inundation of large areas – Design
consideration: location, slope stability, seepage, interior
drainage, top width & free board, erosion & scour
▪ Groins: dikes extending from the bank of river –
protect bank against erosion
▪ Cutoffs –artificial excavated cutoffs to straighten
▪ Flood Bypass – divert a portion of flood flow
Flood Control Measures

Structural measures:
• Channelization –clearance, straightening, widening,
deepening & lining
• Bridge modification – removal, replacement, widening,
• Flood proofing – floodplain or flood hazard zones –
by ring levees or flood wall
• Detention basins – small impoundments designed to
temporarily store storm runoff & release gradually.
Flood Control Measures
Non-structural measures are designed to modify
the damage potential of permanent facilities and
provide for reducing potential damage during a flood
▪ Establishment of regulatory floodplains
▪ Storm water regulations
▪ Flood zones
▪ Watershed management plans
▪ Flood emergency planning
▪ Relocation of flood prone units
▪ Flood insurance – based on flood risk zones
▪ Flood forecasting & warning.
Introduction (i)

➢ Stormwater drainage is the practice of intercepting,

controlling and discharging stormwater from
inundated (specific catchment) areas.
➢ In its simplest form it may involve a roof gutter
collecting rainwater from a roof and discharging it via
an outlet to a rainwater pipe laid in the ground, which
leads to a ditch or outfall.
➢ On a larger scale, the drained areas (catchments) may
cumulatively amount to hectares and in urban areas
will include landscaped areas, roofs, roads and other
areas such as parks.
Design Objectives
 The engineering objective when dealing with urban
drainage is to provide for control of peak flows
and maximum depths at all locations within
the drainage system or catchment.
 The logical problem that must be solved to address
this objective is the prediction of
➢ Peak runoff
Options for control of runoff
Drain in Columbia53
Options for the control of urban runoff quantity
include the use of drains, reservoirs (storage)
and increasing infiltration
1. Drains
Available drains are:
1. Surface system - open system or covered Drain in Kumasi

2. Underground or buried systems
• Surface systems are usually preferred.
• The problems with underground systems are Drain in Kumasi
that maintenance cost is high and require
specialised contractors with specialised
equipment to do the maintenance.
Options for control of runoff
2. Storage
There are detention and retention storages.
• Detention storage involves detaining or slowing runoff,
as in a reservoir, and then releasing it gradually.
• A retention pond is designed to hold a specific amount
of water indefinitely. Usually the pond is designed to
have drainage leading to another location when the
water level gets above the pond capacity, but still
maintains a certain capacity.
• Both types of storage are very common, although
designed retention becomes less practical as the size of
the drainage catchment increases.
Detention and Retention Storages

Detention Pond Retention Pond

Detention Pond
• Many dams and their associated reservoirs are designed
completely or partially to aid in flood protection and control.
Many large dams have flood-control reservations in which the
level of a reservoir must be kept below a certain elevation
before the onset of the rainy/summer melt season so as to
allow a certain amount of space in which floodwaters can fill.
The term dry dam refers to a dam that serves purely for
flood control without any conservation storage.

Flood barrier

Eider Barrage - Germany
Maeslantkering Barrier (Rotterdam)

Options for control of runoff
3. Increasing Infiltration
• Since urbanisation creates increased
imperviousness, one likely control is to
increase the amount of pervious area
wherever possible.
• This can be accomplished with porous
parking lots through the use of concrete
block or similar shapes laid such that
water can infiltrate through the soil-
filled centre. The block lends strength to
the soil, and grass may grow on the soil
so that the blocks are not visible.
Porous Parking Lots
Design Philosophy (i)
Storm water drainage design can be divided into two
aspects: runoff prediction and system design.
 The following constraints and assumptions are commonly
used in storm water drainage design:
1. Free surface flow exists for the design discharges; that is,
the drainage system is designed for “gravity flow”;
pumping stations and pressurised systems are not considered.
2. The drains are of commercially available sizes (usually
no smaller than 450 mm x 450 , mm, (900mm x
Design Philosophy (ii)

3.The design size is the smallest commercially available

drain having flow capacity equal to or greater than the
design discharge (and satisfying all the appropriate
4.To prevent or reduce excessive deposition of solid
material in the drains, a minimum permissible flow
velocity at design discharge or at barely full-pipe gravity
flow is specified (e.g. 0.6m/sec).
5.To prevent scour and other undesirable effects of high-
velocity flow, a maximum permissible flow is also
Drainage Hierarchy




Design Practice

Normal practice dictates that to effectively drain

an area, the following parameters need to be

– Size of area to be drained

– Runoff Coefficient linked to
– Catchment characteristics and
– Consideration of future development
– Rainfall statistics
Characteristics of Area to be drained

 After the preliminary drainage layout has been

produced, the catchment can be divided up into
sub-catchment areas draining towards each drain
or group of drains in the system. The sub-areas can
then be measured by planimeter if using
topographic sheets (paper maps), or automatically
if using a GIS-based package.
Catchment characteristics

 The runoff coefficient is defined as:

RUNOFF volume
C 
The runoff coefficient, C, is an integrated value representing
many factors influencing the rainfall-runoff relationship i.e.
topography, soil permeability, vegetation cover and land
Future development consideration

• This factor is important to avoid designing to

extremes. Thus, to avoid over sizing a drain
considering population and development 30
years from now, or under sizing by considering
only present population. It is necessary to
plan an overall drainage strategy, which
will allow the drainage system to be
constructed economically, and phased in
conjunction with the growth of the town.
Estimation Of Peak

➢ Rational Method.
➢ NRCS (SCS) Curve Number Method.
Rational Method
The rational method is the popular method for peak
flow design in minor drainage catchments (usually for
basins less than or equal to 0.8 km2).

In the method, the product of rainfall intensity, I,

obtained from intensity-duration-frequency (IDF)
curve, and watershed area, A, is the inflow rate for the
system, IA.
The ratio of the rate of peak flow, Q, from the system
(which occurs at time tc) to the rate of inflow into the
system, IA, is termed runoff coefficient C: (0 < C < 1).
Rational Method Equation

The Rational Method is

expressed as Q  KCIA

For sub-catchment areas of m

different land surface
characteristics a composite
Q  KI  C j A j
analysis is used j 1
Symbols 76

▪ Q = peak flow (m3/s), ▪ Cj = denotes the runoff

▪ C = runoff coefficient coefficients of each sub-
(dimensionless), catchment.
▪ I = rainfall intensity ▪ m = the number of sub-
(mm/hr), catchments contributing
▪ A = catchment area (ha), flow to the drainage
▪ K = conversion factor =
0.00278. ▪ For Q in litres/sec, the
conversion factor K =
▪ Aj = denotes the areas of 2.78.
the sub-catchments
Rational Method Assumptions

The rate of runoff will

increase until the time
A rainfall of intensity, I,
of concentration, tc, The runoff coefficients
begins instantaneously
when all of the of the events are the
and continues
watershed is same.
contributing to flow at
the outfall/outlet.

The duration used for The maximum area

the determination of applicable is 0.8 km2.
the design storm This is often restricted
intensity is the time of to 0.8km2 otherwise
concentration of the area reduction
watershed. factor is applied.
Obtaining Parameters in the Rational Method

• Typical values • Planimetering

from any topographic maps
standard • Field surveys where
textbook on topographic data is
hydrology and unavailable or GIS.
Design guides.

• tc = Design storm and I • Obtained from an
duration 1/ IDF curve; selected
• 1/T established by T on the basis of tc
design standards or and return period
chosen by the 1/
Runoff Coefficient

• The runoff coefficient, C, is the least precise

variable in the rational method.
• Its use in the formula implies a fixed ratio of peak
runoff rate to rainfall rate for the drainage basin,
which in reality is not the case. Proper selection
of the runoff coefficient requires experience
and judgment on the part of the hydrologist.
• The proportion of the total rainfall that will reach
the storm drains depends on the percent
Runoff Coefficient

➢ Impervious surfaces, such as asphalt pavements and

roofs of buildings will produce almost 100% runoff
after the surface has become thoroughly wet,
regardless of the slope.

➢ Field inspection and aerial photographs (especially

for already developed areas) are useful in
estimating the nature of the surface within the
drainage area.
Runoff Coefficient
➢ The runoff coefficient is also dependent on the
character and condition of the soil. The infiltration
rate decreases as rainfall continues and is also
influenced by the antecedent moisture condition of
the soil.
➢ Other factors influencing the runoff coefficient are
rainfall intensity, proximity of the water table,
degree of soil compaction, porosity of the subsoil,
vegetation, ground slope and depression storage.
➢ A reasonable coefficient must be chosen to
represent the integrated effects of all these factors.
Runoff Coefficient
*Note: The designer
must use judgment to
select the appropriate
"C" value within the
range. Generally,
larger areas with
permeable soils, flat
slopes and dense
vegetation should have
the lowest "C"
values. Smaller areas
with dense soils,
moderate to steep
slopes, and sparse
vegetation should
assigned the highest
"C" values.
Determining the value of C



When catchment is divided into sub-catchments with

different land surface characteristics from sub-catchment
to sub-catchment, a “composite analysis” is used.
Composite runoff coefficient

CW = weighted runoff coefficient
Cj = runoff coefficient for area j
Aj = area for land cover j (km2/m2)
n = number of distinct land uses

• A weighted average C is calculated as follows:

Watersheds and administrative boundaries
Using the Rational Method
• The general procedure for determining peak discharge using the
Rational Method is as follows. Each of the steps will be
explained in more detail later.
Step 1: Determine the drainage area (in km2/acres.)
Step 2: Determine the runoff coefficient (C).
Step 3: Determine the hydraulic length or flow path that will
be used to determine the time of concentration.
Step 4: Determine the types of flow (or flow regimes) that
occur along the flow path.
Step 5: Determine the time of concentration (Tc) for the
drainage area.
Step 6: Use the time of concentration to determine the
Step 7: Input the drainage area, C value, and intensity into the
formula to determine the peak rate of runoff.
Rational Method – Time of Concentration

• Time of concentration (tc) is the time required for

an entire watershed to contribute to runoff at the
point of interest for hydraulic design; this time is
calculated as the time for runoff to flow from the
most hydraulically remote point of the drainage area
to the point under investigation.
Time of Concentration (tc)
• Assumes peak runoff occurs when I lasts as long or
longer than Tc
• Depends on:
– Size and shape of drainage area
– Type of surface
– Slope of drainage area
– Rainfall intensity
– Whether flow is entirely overland or whether some
is channelized
Travel time and tc are functions of length and velocity for
a particular watercourse. A long but steep flow path with
a high velocity may actually have a shorter travel time
than a short but relatively flat flow path.

• Kerby-Kirpich approach, for estimating watershed time

of concentration are preferable. The Kerby-Kirpich
approach requires comparatively few input parameters,
is straightforward to apply, and produces readily
interpretable results.
• Similar to other methods for calculation of tc, the total
time of concentration is obtained by adding the overland
flow time (Kerby) and the channel flow time (Kirpich):
tc  tov  tch
• tov = overland flow time
• tch = channel flow time
• Similar to other methods for calculation of tc, the total
time of concentration is obtained by adding the overland
flow time (Kerby) and the channel flow time (Kirpich):

tc  tov  tch
• tov = overland flow time
• tch = channel flow time
• The Kerby-Kirpich method for estimating tc is applicable
to watersheds ranging from 0.25 square miles to 150
square miles, main channel lengths between 1 and 50
miles, and main channel slopes between 0.002 and 0.02
(Roussel et al. 2005).
The Kerby Method
• For small watersheds where overland flow is an important
component of overall travel time, the Kerby method can
be used. The Kerby equation is:

• Where:
• tov = overland flow time of concentration, in minutes
• K = a units conversion coefficient, in which K = 0.828 for
traditional units and K = 1.44 for SI units
• L = the overland-flow length, in feet or meters as dictated
by K
• N = a dimensionless retardance coefficient
• S = the dimensionless slope of terrain conveying the
overland flow
Kerby Equation Retardance Coefficient Values 2
Generalized terrain description retardance coefficient
Pavement 0.02
Smooth, bare, packed soil 0.1
Poor grass, cultivated row crops,
or moderately rough packed 0.2
Pasture, average grass 0.4
Deciduous forest 0.6
Dense grass, coniferous forest, or
deciduous forest with deep litter
Channel flow - The Kirpich Method
• For channel-flow component of runoff, the Kirpich equation is: 3

• Where:

• tch = the time of concentration, in minutes

• K = a units conversion coefficient, in which K = 0.0078 for
traditional units and K = 0.0195 for SI units
• L = the channel flow length, in feet or meters as dictated by K
• S = the dimensionless main-channel slope
• If it is determined that a low slope condition or a transitional slope
condition exists, the user should consider using an adjusted slope in
calculating the time of concentration
Rational Method – Time of Concentration

• The time it takes for flow  The time of concentration,

from the remotest point to tc of any point in a storm
reach the drain inlet or drainage system is the
catchment outlet is entry sum of te and tf
time, te
tc  te  t f
• The flow time in the  The time of flow is given
upstream drains by; L
connected to the outer tf 
point is noted tf V
Rational Method – Time of Concentration
• The inlet (entry time, te ) can  The Bransby Williams
be calculated using the formula is given by;
Bransby Williams formula.
• For all catchment sizes within te  0.605 0.1 0.2
the limits of the Rational A S
Method, the time of
concentration, is determined  In cases with no upstream
using the Bransby-Williams drains, the entry time is
formula. This formula which taken as the time of
includes overland flow and concentration, and is
channel flow conforms to the usually obtained, by the
accepted practices in AR&R Kirpich or Bransby William
(IEAust. 2001). formula.
Rational Method – Time of Concentration –
Symbols 10

L = length of mainstream
(km) from the outlet to the
catchment divide (km)
S = slope of mainstream –
path of flow (%)
te = time of entry (hours)
A = catchment area (km2)
Rational Method – Time of Concentration –
Symbols 10
 The rainfall intensity can  In Ghana the rainfall
be approximated from intensity can be
1. the Functional form: approximated from
a k I
I (b  tc ) c

(b  t c ) d Where: a, b and c
 Where: a and b are location specific
regression coefficients; k constants Eg. Kumasi,
and d are constants. Axim, Yendi…
2. I-D-F curves. 2. I-D-F curves.
Rainfall Intensity Relation
 In Ghana the rainfall intensity can be approximated 8
from a
(b  tc ) c

Where: a, b and c location specific constants Eg.

Kumasi, Axim, Yendi…, tc (hr) and I (mm/hr)
Intensity duration frequency curves

100 years
50 years
25 years

15 years
10 years
5 years
Open Channel Flow - Hydraulics
• Continuity and Velocity

• where:
• Q = discharge (m3/s)
• A = flow cross-sectional area (m2)
• v = mean cross-sectional velocity (m/s)
perpendicular to the flow area).
Open Channel Flow
• Channel Capacity
1 23 12
v R S
• v = Velocity in m3/sec
• n = Manning’s roughness coefficient (a coefficient for
quantifying the roughness characteristics of the channel)
• R = hydraulic radius (m) = A / WP
• WP = wetted perimeter of flow (the length of the channel
boundary in direct contact with the water) (ft. or m)
• S = channel slope. or m/m).
• 10% clearance is usually applied so H is multiplied by 0.9
before WP is calculated (20% to 30%)
Average velocities of flow

Surface Condition Average Velocity of

flow (m/s)
Cement Concrete 0.6 – 3.0
Asphalt 0.6 – 1.5
Stone or Block 0.6 – 1.8
Hard gravel of clay 0.6 – 1.0
Standard sizes of drains
• Pipe Drains Rectangular and U-
➢ 450mm Drains
➢ 600mm ➢ 300mm
➢ *900mm ➢ 450mm
➢ 1200mm ➢ 600mm
➢ 1500mm ➢ 900mm
➢ 1m x 1m
➢ 1m x 1.5m
Question 1 a

• Given: The following existing and proposed land uses:

Find the weighted runoff coefficient, C, for existing and proposed conditions
Question 1 b
• Compute the peak flow if the intensity(I) for the
10-year return period for the existing condition
(unimproved) is 48 mm/hr and proposed
condition (improved) is 58 mm/hr using the
rational formula.
Q Q
3 .6 3.6 106

• Q= Maximum runoff from the catchment area

• C: Runoff coeeficient
• I: Rainfall intensity (mm/h)
• A: Catchment area (km2)
• a: Catchment area (m2)
Question 2
• Design an open concrete channel drain to convey
water from a catchment with an area of 0.014km2,
length of the main channel 0.145km, slope 2.5% and
runoff coefficient of 0.85. The coefficients for a return
period of 5 years are: a = 99, b = 0.6, c = 0.97.
Assume a slope of 5% for the design of the drain.
Calculation of discharge in sewer pipe
 Example 1
What is the discharge in a 600mm concrete
sewer pipe flowing full (unpressurized), with
a 1% slope. (n= 0.013)
Pipe sizing with Manning's formula
• Example 2
A concrete sewer must be constructed on a
1.75% grade to convey a design discharge of
0.71m3/s. Determine the diameter of the sewer
pipe. (n=0.013)
Flow velocity in rectangular channel
• Example 3
Determine the average velocity in a full-flowing
rectangular channel that is 1500 mm wide,
900mm deep, and that has a slope of 0.5%. The
Manning roughness is 0.019.
Sewer design with Rational Method
Use the Rational Method to size
each pipe in the network for the 25-
yr peak discharge. (Size each pipe
assuming full flow). Assume
concrete pipes with n=0.013

I-D-Values for 25 yr
Duration Intensity[
[min] mm/hr]
Basin characteristics Pipe characteristics 5 213
Area tc Length Slope 10 178
Basin C Pipe
[km2] [min] [m] [%] 15 151
A 0.024 0.6 20 1 150 1.0 20 134
B 0.016 0.8 10 2 120 1.2 30 112
C 0.018 0.8 15 3 150 0.9 60 75
Pipe 1: Runoff from sub-basin A 4
Storm duration: D=tc=20min

Storm intensity: I25 = 134 mm/hr

Peak flow: Qp = CIA 0.6(134)(0.024)

  0.536 m 3 / s
3.6 3.6
 Qn 
 0.536(0.013) 
Manning’s formula: D 0.5 
 0.5 
 0.312 S 0   0.312( 0.01) 
 0.575m  575mm  600mm

Q Q 0.536
Average velocity in pipe 1: V    1.90 m / s
A D / 4  (0.6 ) / 4
2 2

L 150
Travel time in pipe 1: t   79 s  1.3 min
V 1.90
Pipe 2: Runoff from sub-basin C 5
Storm duration: D=tc=15min

Storm intensity: I30 = 151 mm/hr

Peak flow: Qp = CIA 0.8(151)(0.018)

  0.604 m 3 / s
3.6 3.6
 Qn 
 0.604(0.013) 
Manning’s formula: D 0.5 
 0.5 
 0.312 S 0   0.312( 0.012) 
 0.576m  576mm  600mm

Q Q 0.604
Average velocity in pipe 1: V    2.13 m / s
A D / 4  (0.6 ) / 4
2 2

L 120 0.604
Travel time in pipe 2: t    56 s  1 min
V 1.53  (0.6 ) / 4
Pipe 3: Runoff from all three sub-basins 6
Area: = 0.059 km2

Storm intensity: I30 = 151 mm/hr

0.024(0.6)  0.016(0.8)  0.018(0.8)
Runoff Coefficient: = C  0.72
Time of Concentration:

tc for sub  ba sin B

tc  max tc for sub  ba sin A  travel time in pipe1
t for sub  ba sin C  travel time in pipe 2
10 min

 max 20  1.3  21.3 min
15  1  16 min

 21.3 min
Pipe 3: Runoff from all three sub-basins 7
Storm duration: D=tc=21.3min

Storm intensity: I30 = 135 mm/hr

Peak flow: Qp = CIA 0.72(135)(0.059)

  1.593 m 3 / s
3.6 3.6
 Qn 
 1.593(0.013) 
Manning’s formula: D 0.5 
 0.5 
 0.312 S 0   0.312( 0.009) 
 0.875m  875mm  900mm

Q Q 1.593
Average velocity in pipe 3: V    2.50 m / s
A D / 4  (0.9 ) / 4
2 2
• For the flow conditions indicated 8
determine the time of concentration
Paved area, 0.7 km2 by different methods.

Bare surface, 0.8 km2

For Paved Area
Kirpich Method
L0.770 (200) 0.770
 0.0195 0.385  0.0195 0.385
 4.45 min
S (0.03)

Kerby Method
( L  N ) 0.467 (200  0.02) 0.467
 1.44 0.235
 1.44 0.235
 6.27 min
S (0.03)
Bransby William Method
L 0.2
 0.605 0.1 0.2  0.605 0.1 0.2  60  6.04 min
A S 0.7 3
For Bare Surface
Kirpich Method
L0.770 (150) 0.770
 0.0195 0.385  0.0195 0.385
 4.16 min
S (0.02)

Kerby Method
( L  N ) 0.467 (150  0.1) 0.467
 1.44 0.235
 1.44 0.235
 12.79 min
S (0.02)
Bransby William Method
L 0.15
 0.605 0.1 0.2  0.605 0.1 0.2  60  4.85 min
A S 0.8 2

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