Chem. Soc. Rev., 2020, 49, 180-232
Chem. Soc. Rev., 2020, 49, 180-232
Chem. Soc. Rev., 2020, 49, 180-232
Over the past two decades, a series of aqueous rechargeable metal-ion batteries (ARMBs) have been
developed, aiming at improving safety, environmental friendliness and cost-efficiency in fields of
consumer electronics, electric vehicles and grid-scale energy storage. However, the notable gap
between ARMBs and their organic counterparts in energy density directly hinders their practical
applications, making it difficult to replace current widely-used organic lithium-ion batteries. Basically,
this huge gap in energy density originates from cell voltage, as the narrow electrochemical stability
window of aqueous electrolytes substantially confines the choice of electrode materials. This review
highlights various ARMBs with focuses on their voltage characteristics and strategies that can effectively
raise battery voltage. It begins with the discussion on the fundamental factor that limits the voltage of
ARMBs, i.e., electrochemical stability window of aqueous electrolytes, which decides the maximum-
allowed potential difference between cathode and anode. The following section introduces various
Received 10th August 2019 ARMB systems and compares their voltage characteristics in midpoint voltage and plateau voltage, in
DOI: 10.1039/c9cs00131j relation to respective electrode materials. Subsequently, various strategies paving the way to high-
voltage ARMBs are summarized, with corresponding advancements highlighted. The final section presents potential directions for further improvements and future perspectives of this thriving field.
College of Materials Science and Engineering, Shenzhen University,
Shenzhen 518060, China 1. Introduction
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, City University of Hong Kong,
83 Tat Chee Avenue, Hong Kong 999077, China. E-mail: Human activities of economical production and consumption
State Key Laboratory of Advanced Welding and Joining,
require the use of energy, which affects the environment
Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen), Shenzhen 518055, China
Shenzhen Research Institute, City University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen 518057,
in aspects of land use, water use, water/air pollution, harm
China to public health, endangerment to wildlife and loss of their
† These authors contributed equally. habitat, greenhouse gas emissions, etc.1,2 With our planet
Zhuoxin Liu received his PhD Yan Huang received her PhD
degree from City University of degree in University of Rochester
Hong Kong in 2019. Later, he in 2013. Then she moved to City
joined Collage of Materials Science University of Hong Kong as a post-
and Engineering, Shenzhen Univer- doctoral fellow, followed by a
sity as an assistant professor. His research fellow. She has been a
research mainly focuses on flexible professor in School of Materials
aqueous energy storage devices, Science and Engineering at Harbin
including supercapacitors and Institute of Technology, Shenzhen
aqueous metal-ion batteries. since September 2017. Her research
interests include flexible and
wearable electronic devices,
Zhuoxin Liu Yan Huang mainly energy storage (batteries,
supercapacitors) and conversion
(fuel cells).
180 | Chem. Soc. Rev., 2020, 49, 180--232 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2020
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facing such energy and environmental challenges, there has Aqueous rechargeable metal-ion batteries (ARMBs) are
been a growing requirement for high-energy energy storage promising alternatives that can resolve the major challenges
systems (ESSs) in applications of consumer electronics and facing conventional LIBs, as water is an ideal electrolyte solvent
electrical vehicles where long-lasting power supply is needed, considering the following aspects: (i) the safety issue of flammable
as well as in connection with renewable power plants where organic electrolytes that cause fire and explosions can be funda-
clean and sustainable energy resources such as solar, wind, tide mentally avoided, (ii) the strict manufacturing requirements can
and geothermal heat can be penetrated for large-scale stationary be exempted, (iii) the cost of water and water-soluble electrolyte
energy storage.3–5 Electrochemical EESs, especially rechargeable salts is relatively low, (iv) the ionic conductivity of aqueous
batteries, possessing a variety of advantageous characteristics electrolytes can be 2 orders of magnitude higher than that of
including high round-trip efficiency, eco-friendly operation, organic electrolytes, resulting in better round-trip efficiency and
tunable power and energy output, and simple maintenance, rate capability, and (v) water solvent is totally non-toxic and
have been regarded as the most competitive candidates for environmentally benign.6,19,20 In these regards, the suitability of
power supply in terms of either portable or large-scale stationary ARMBs for portable/wearable applications and for large-scale grid-
applications.4,6,7 storage has been revisited.
Published on 29 November 2019. Downloaded on 8/10/2020 7:54:37 AM.
Current market of rechargeable batteries is undoubtedly Dahn and colleagues first proposed an aqueous recharge-
dominated by lithium-ion batteries (LIBs), as they show relatively able lithium-ion battery (ARLB) where the flammable organic
high energy density, decent cycle stability and good energy solvent was replaced by water.21 Various ARLBs have been
efficiency among various battery systems,8 thus they have been thoroughly studied and substantial improvements in electro-
serving many applications ranging from small electronics to chemical performances have been achieved ever since, which
automotive vehicles. Despite the tremendous success in commer- has attracted considerable attention of more researchers to
cialization, conventional LIBs suffer from issues of cost and safety, aqueous energy storage systems.14,22–27 To date, a variety of
where the former mainly attributes to the scarcity of lithium aqueous rechargeable batteries based on many other metal ions
resources and the strict requirement of environment during including naturally-abundant alkali metal ions (Na+ and K+)
manufacturing, while the latter originates from the flammable and multivalent charge carriers (Zn2+, Mg2+, Al3+, etc.) has also
organic electrolyte and the thermal runaway induced by the been investigated.6,18,28–31 On one hand, the monovalent alkali
reactivity of electrodes with electrolytes.9–12 P. Rüetschi proposed metal ions of Na and K are more cost-effective in developing
the ‘‘three E’’ criteria for the development of battery system for low-cost energy storage systems regarding their abundant
sustainable applications,13 i.e., energy (high gravimetric and reserves in Earth’s crust. On the other hand, multivalent metal
volumetric energy density), economics (low cost, low maintenance cations can, theoretically, transfer more than one electron and
need, long service life), and environment (non-toxic, safe, reliable, thereby excel in achieving higher specific capacity and energy
recyclable). Apparently, conventional LIBs are no longer an ideal density. Basically, these ARMBs share similar electrochemistry
candidate for the blooming flexible and wearable electronics as with their counterparts based on organic electrolytes, where
the involvement of mechanical stresses and deformations during metal ions could intercalate from/into electrode hosts through
use arouse higher requirement for safety.14–17 Meanwhile, aqueous media.6,32 Besides, in contrast with traditional aqueous
temporally intermittent and spatially dispersed renewable lead acid (Pb–acid), nickel–cadmium (Ni–Cd) and nickel–metal
energy sources call for high reliability, absolute safety and cost hydride (Ni–MH) batteries, these intercalation-based ARMBs
efficiency, which makes conventional LIBs less feasible for the possess the merits of better cycle stability arising from reversible
corresponding large-scale energy storage.5,18 intercalation reactions, and higher power density originating
Yang Huang was awarded his Chunyi Zhi got his PhD degree in
PhD degree from City University physics from Institute of Physics,
of Hong Kong in 2016. He is Chinese Academy of Sciences.
currently an assistant professor After that, he started to work
in the College of Materials Science as a postdoctoral researcher in
and Engineering, Shenzhen Univer- National Institute for Materials
sity. His research mainly focuses on Science (NIMS) in Japan,
low-dimensional materials (e.g. followed by a research fellow in
transition metal carbides and International Center for Young
nitrides, known as MXenes), and Scientists in NIMS and a
their applications in advanced permanent position in NIMS
micro-/nano-electronic devices as a senior researcher. He is
Yang Huang (e.g. battery and supercapacitor). Chunyi Zhi currently an associate professor
in Department of Materials
Science and Engineering, City University of Hong Kong. His
research focuses on flexible/wearable energy storage devices, etc.
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from rapid ion-diffusion pathways offered by the intercalative shuttling metal ions.39,40 As for anodes, most pure metals
electrode structures, without the liability of memory effect, poor cannot be directly used. Fig. 2 compares different metal anodes
energy efficiency and environmental pollution.18,33 in terms of their standard electrode potentials and specific
However, the major obstacle that hampers the practical capacities. Obviously, although all these metals are light
applications of ARMBs is energy density. Fig. 1 compares the enough to deliver high capacity, the potentials of most metals
energy density between typical ARMBs and conventional LIBs. (except for zinc) are too low to allow reversible redox reactions
It is highly possible that ARMBs replace LIBs in many fields before hydrogen evolution, meaning alternative metal-ion inter-
if their energy density can be raised to a considerably high calative anodes are also needed for these ARMB systems.
level. There are two factors directly responsible for the energy Therefore, regarding cell voltage, the selection of suitable
density of a given battery system, i.e., specific capacity and cell cathodes and anodes together with electrolyte voltage window
voltage.34 Generally, specific capacity of most active materials are critical in determining battery energy density.
in aqueous electrolytes is almost the same as it in organic Currently, there are no reviews that have specifically focused
electrolytes,6,35 while cell voltage is absolutely confined by on, and comprehensively analysed and summarized, the vol-
electrochemical stability window of electrolytes, as the operat- tage issue of ARMBs under the purpose of attaining high energy
ing voltage of an ARMB cell is decided by the potential density. We consider it timely and necessary to present a review
difference of redox reactions between cathode and anode, on this research frontier, to provide recent advances and
which should lie within the electrochemical stability window potential guidance for improving the overall performances of
of aqueous electrolytes. Whereas, the stable voltage window of ARMBs. This review article first introduces the fundamental
aqueous electrolytes is much narrower than that of current basics of electrochemical stability window of aqueous electro-
organic electrolytes, which is only approximately 1.23 V. Beyond lytes, as well as how it can be further manipulated to benefit the
this window, decomposition (electrolysis) of water occurs voltage of ARMBs. The following section covers the develop-
with the evolution of H2 and O2, disabling the possibility ment of various ARMB systems and compares their voltage
of redox reactions of electrode materials. It should be noted characteristics in midpoint voltage and plateau voltage, in
that in practice this voltage window can be wider due to kinetic relation to respective electrode materials. Then, we go into
effects, including overpotentials for H2/O2 evolution at details of various strategies that pave the way to high-voltage
electrode surfaces and the interactions between ions and ARMBs, with corresponding advancements highlighted. The
solvents that increase the difficulty for water decomposition.36,37 final section discusses the challenges and perspectives of this
Therefore, the choice of electrode materials in aqueous electro- blooming field so that insights for future development of high-
lytes is substantially limited, especially when taking side energy ARMBs can be rendered.
reactions with water or/and oxygen, proton co-insertion,
and dissolution of electrode materials into account,6,35,38 thus
resulting in a relatively-low cell operating voltage and an 2. Electrochemical stability window of
inferior energy density. aqueous electrolytes
Albeit lower in energy density, various ARMB systems have
grown into a vigorous force in the field of energy storage due to In principle, most ARMBs discussed in this article share a
their irreplaceable characteristics. Normally, ARMBs employ ‘‘rocking chair’’ type of working mechanism, where metal ions
metal-ion intercalative cathodes and aqueous electrolytes with shuttle between cathode and anode via electrolyte. These metal
182 | Chem. Soc. Rev., 2020, 49, 180--232 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2020
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ions (or together with hydrogen ions) can reversibly intercalate the redox mechanisms of some electrode materials are still
into/de-intercalate from cathode and anode, resulting in a under debate, meaning their category as intercalation-type
rechargeable energy storage system, as illustrated in Fig. 3a.18 or conversion-type electrode is not clearly identified yet.41–44
While zinc-ion battery is an exception, as Zn/Zn2+ electrode Several traditional alkaline battery systems are also involved
gives a standard electrode potential of E = 0.76 V, which for comparison.
allows its stripping/plating in many aqueous electrolytes To initiate intercalation/de-intercalation of metal ions, or
without significant hydrogen evolution. Therefore, another stripping/plating of metal anodes, the electrochemical stability
mechanism involving metal stripping/plating at anode side of solvent water should be carefully considered. When applied
and ion intercalation at cathode side is commonly seen for potential is lower than that of hydrogen evolution reaction
zinc-ion batteries (Fig. 3b).19,30,31 Moreover, due to the limited (HER), or higher than that of the oxygen evolution reaction
choice of electrode materials in aqueous electrolytes, some (OER), water molecules would be decomposed into hydrogen
representative battery systems employing conversion-type and oxygen, that’s what we call the electrolysis of water. Water
electrodes involving metal ion shuttling and conversion decomposition is an irreversible process, which can be depicted
reactions without metal ion intercalation/de-intercalation, by the following equation:
Published on 29 November 2019. Downloaded on 8/10/2020 7:54:37 AM.
Fig. 3 (a) Illustration of the configuration of a battery using metal ion-intercalative cathode and anode. (b) Illustration of the configuration of a zinc-ion
battery with zinc stripping/plating at anode and zinc-ion intercalation at cathode. It should be noted that some conversion-type materials and organic
compounds have also been utilized to construct high-performance aqueous battery systems. (c) Pourbaix diagram showing the voltage window of
aqueous electrolytes. To initiate a reversible ARMB system, working potentials of electrode materials should locate within the window of OER and HER
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In a battery system, this process is separated into two parts DGH, the corresponding overpotential to initiate HER is also
occurring at cathode and anode, respectively. At cathode side, large. Overpotentials that overcome intrinsic activation barriers
oxygen evolution reaction (OER) occurs: at cathode and anode, as well as solution resistance and contact
resistance, etc., vary with electrode materials, electrolytes and
2OH - H2O + 12O2 + 2e (neutral/alkaline)
pH values.6,37,49 Thus, the practical electrochemical stability of
water in terms of potential difference is described as:50
H2O - 2H+ + 12O2 + 2e (acidic)
DE = DE0 + Zc + Za + Zother
At anode side, hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) occurs:
where Zc is the cathodic overpotential, Za is the anodic over-
2H2O + 2e - H2 + 2OH (neutral/alkaline) potential, and Zother is overpotential from other resistances. The
final potential difference DE, i.e., the electrochemical stability
2H+ + 2e - H2 (acidic) window of water, is thus larger than 1.23 V.
Therefore, as illustrated in Fig. 3c, only electrode materials
The thermodynamic potential of water decomposition varies with working potentials located within the window of OER and
Published on 29 November 2019. Downloaded on 8/10/2020 7:54:37 AM.
with temperature. The potential difference DE0 that triggers the HER potentials are useable in constructing a reversible ARMB
decomposition of water can be thermodynamically determined system. Electrode materials with working potentials beyond
by the following calculation: this window are not suitable in aqueous electrolytes, unless
special precautions are taken to prevent OER and/or HER,
DG = nFDE0
which will be discussed in Section 4. In addition, chemical
where DG is the change of Gibbs free energy, n is the trans- stability and solubility in water at certain pH values should also
ferred electron quantity, and F refers to the Faraday constant. be considered when screening electrode materials.6
According to this calculation, the potential difference DE0 Albeit wider than 1.23 V, the electrochemical stability
for water decomposition is around 1.23 V at 25 1C and window of water is still not comparable to that of organic
101.32 kPa, which is much narrower than that of most organic electrolytes (44 V),51 which substantially confines the choice
electrolytes.37,45 It should be noted that many researchers used of electrode materials. As mentioned before, two factors directly
HOMO (highest occupied molecular orbital) and LUMO (lowest decide the energy density of a battery system: specific capacity
unoccupied molecular orbital) to discuss the electrochemical and cell voltage. While the specific capacity of many electrode
stability of electrolytes in battery systems, which is improper materials changes little in aqueous electrolytes compared to it
and should be avoided. For the case of water that can be in organic electrolytes, it is of great significance to increase the
considered as an oxide with a band gap of 8.7–8.9 eV,46 its cell voltage of ARMBs if targeting at higher energy density for
thermodynamic potential window of 1.23 V is limited by HER at practical applications. Wider electrochemical stability window
4.02 eV and OER at 5.25 eV at the pH of 7.47 While if judged of water can enable electrode materials with higher or lower
by the HOMO–LUMO energy difference, its stable voltage working potentials, thus resulting in a larger cell voltage. In the
window should be wide enough to allow for the redox reactions following parts we will discuss the factors that influence the
of sodium metal anode. Therefore, there is no direct correlation voltage window of water, and how this window can be further
between the HOMO–LUMO energy gap and the Fermi levels for manipulated to benefit the voltage of ARMBs.
electrons to involve water decomposition, it is more correct to
examine OER and HER when talking about the electrochemical 2.1 pH of electrolytes and local pH change
stability window of water.48 As illustrated in Fig. 3c, OER and HER potentials are substan-
Water decomposition is pH-dependant, and the potentials tially affected by electrolyte pH, thus the voltage window can be
where OER and HER should occur as a function of pH value are manually adjusted to cover higher or lower working potentials
shown in the Pourbaix diagram (Fig. 3c). The practical electro- of electrode materials, allowing for wider cell voltage and more
chemical processes in aqueous electrolytes are very compli- stable charging/discharging. Literatures have reported the
cated, and actual water decomposition usually requires higher deliberate choosing of acidic or alkaline electrolytes for better
potential than theoretical values. The excess potential needed is battery performances. For example, OER easily occurs for
termed as overpotential (Z). Take HER as an example, which is LiMn2O4 cathode for aqueous lithium-ion batteries (ALIBs)
considered to involve three steps in acidic condition.45 The first when working at high pH values, because OER potential shifts
step is H+ + e - Hads, it is called Volmer step where a proton to lower potential in alkaline condition, thus leading to inferior
combines with an electron to yield a hydrogen atom absorbed cycle performance.52 LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2 (NCM), known as a
at electrode surface. HER is subsequently facilitated by the promising high-voltage cathode for LIBs, should be used in
following reactions of Tafel step (2Hads - H2) or Heyrovsky acidic to mild alkaline aqueous electrolytes. If using at the pH
step (Hads + H+ + e - H2), or both. No matter what steps occur, of 13, OER occurs at a lower potential (0.75 V vs. SCE, saturated
Hads is always involved. The Gibbs free energy of the absorption calomel electrode) that overlaps with the working potential of
of hydrogen atom on electrode surface DGH should be over- NCM, leading to the insufficient utilization of NCM capacity of
come by applying excess potential, i.e., overpotential. If Hads lithium storage.53 Wang et al. suggested that the pH of electro-
is strongly bound to electrode, suggesting large and positive lytes for FePO42H2O anode in ALIBs should not be too low in
184 | Chem. Soc. Rev., 2020, 49, 180--232 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2020
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order to fully utilize its capacity, otherwise HER cannot be 1 M concentration.55 Whereas, the discovered influences of salt
excluded during electrochemical processes.54 type on electrolyte voltage window is not significant so far, and
Regardless of the special purposes to adjust electrolyte pH, there’re no developed guidelines in determining the voltage
the widest voltage window of an aqueous electrolyte is usually window range of a given salt unless further experimental
achieved at a neutral pH. Yokayama et al. compared the voltage studies are conducted.
windows of 0.5 M H2SO4, 1.0 M HClO4, 0.33 M H3PO4 and Besides the type of electrolyte salt, one effective approach to
1.0 M NaOH solutions and found that all the acidic solutions expand electrochemical stability window of aqueous electro-
exhibited similar voltage windows except for NaOH, mainly due lytes is to increase the concentration of electrolyte salts. This
to the shifting of OER to a lower potential in alkaline solutions. approach can be divided into two strategies, one is to increase
Moreover, all these electrolytes yielded narrower voltage salt concentration but still keep water as the major constituent
windows compared to 1 M neutral electrolyte.55 Similarly, of electrolyte. Wessells et al. found that the concentration of
Wessells et al. reported the electrochemical stability window Li2SO4 and LiNO3 has similar influences on both cathodic and
of 1 M LiNO3 electrolyte gradually decreased with the increase anodic processes, leading to a wider full cell voltage with
of pH value, which reached the widest at a neutral pH.56 For the increasing salt concentration.56 A distinct correlation between
Published on 29 November 2019. Downloaded on 8/10/2020 7:54:37 AM.
anode material of Na2V6O160.14H2O used in ALIBs, the pH of water concentration and electrolyte voltage window was also
Li2SO4 electrolyte was tuned by LiOH. As the pH increases observed for a series of aqueous electrolytes,55 of which voltage
from 7 to 12, the voltage window of electrolyte decreased windows were significantly expanded with the decrease of water
correspondingly.57 In addition, electrode materials may exhibit concentration (the increase of salt concentration), as reduced
different redox reactions that occur at different potentials water concentration would lead to reduced water activity,
depending on electrolyte pH. For example, the Co3O4 cathode resulting in positively-shifted/negatively-shifted potentials of
we developed for zinc-based battery underwent significantly OER/HER and correspondingly decreased reaction rate,
different reactions in mild electrolyte compared to it in alkaline although the influences on OER and HER are asymmetrical.
condition, which led to a much higher cut-off voltage of 2.2 V, Moreover, a saturated aqueous solution of sodium perchlorate
as well as largely enhanced cycle stability.58 Although Co3O4 is was reported to yield a remarkable voltage window as wide as
not a intercalative cathode for zinc ions, its pH-dependant beha- 3.2 V. The authors ascribed the wide voltage window to the
viour can be a good reference in developing high-voltage ARMBs. increased difficulty in water electrolysis,59 where the O–H bond
Generally, the pH of aqueous electrolytes adjacent to elec- of water was enhanced due to the loss of hydrogen bond in
trodes will change due to the ions generated or consumed concentrated electrolytes with increased ions. In addition,
during electrochemical processes. Thus, if cathode and anode concentrated electrolytes may affect the working voltage of
are well partitioned in anolyte and catholyte by a separator certain battery systems. In a study of Zhao and co-workers,60
(which is a commonly adopted configuration in battery devices), LiFePO4//LiV3O8 full cell with varied LiNO3 electrolyte concen-
the corresponding acidity and alkalinity are both expected to rise trations (2 M, 5 M and 9 M) showed different working voltages.
more than the case of free mixing of electrolyte without separa- The voltage plateau was raised with the increase of LiNO3
tion, which is ascribed to the increased concentration of H+ and concentration, despite the little change in electrode polariza-
OH in respective compartment. Such pH change only induces tion and voltage lag.
a slight change to the potential of OER and HER, however, if we The other strategy is to utilize ‘‘water-in-salt’’-like electro-
examine a rather small area that surrounds electrodes in lytes, which was developed by dissolving ultra-soluble salts into
neutral electrolytes, where the proton concentration is very water to obtain solutions containing more salt than water in
low (ca. 107 M at pH = 7), the local pH in the vicinity both volume and weight ratio. Due to the absence of free water
of electrodes would change drastically due to the produced molecules, ‘‘water-in-salt’’ electrolytes hinder the direct inter-
H+/OH by OER/HER. As a result, the voltage window of neutral action of water molecules with electrode materials. Besides, a
electrolytes is expanded via the shifting of OER and HER protective layer analogous to solid–electrolyte interphase (SEI)
occurring upon drastic local pH change. Such local pH in organic electrolytes could form at electrode surface due
change is effectively suppressed by the buffering of H+/OH to the reduction of salt anions. ‘‘Water-in-salt’’ electrolyte was
in acidic/alkaline electrolytes, therefore acidic/alkaline electro- first proposed by Suo et al., the 21 M LiTFSI electrolyte they
lytes usually exhibit narrower voltage window compared to developed enabled a stable voltage window as wide as 3.0 V,
neutral electrolytes.55 allowing for an ALIB with a cell voltage over 2.3 V.61 Having
inherited the foundation of ‘‘water-in-salt’’, hydrate-melt and
2.2 Electrolyte salts and concentration ‘‘water-in-bisalt’’ electrolytes were subsequently developed,62,63
At similar concentration and pH, the type of electrolyte salt has targeting at even higher voltage windows. This concept was
moderate influences on the electrochemical stability window of further extended to other types of ARMBs including sodium-ion
aqueous electrolytes. In the study of Wessells and co-workers, battery, potassium-ion battery, magnesium-ion battery, etc.64–67
albeit petty, the electrolytes of 1 M Li2SO4, 1 M LiNO3, 1 M Increasing the concentration of electrolytes could also
NaNO3, and 1 M Mg(NO3)2 exhibit varied voltage windows.56 extend the working temperature of batteries, as the freezing
Similar phenomenon was observed for NaClO4, NaNO3, LiNO3 point of electrolytes could be effectively depressed at high salt
and lithium bis(trifluorosulfonyl)imide (LiTFSI) solutions with concentration.68,69 However, lower temperature may decrease
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the solubility of electrolyte salts, resulting in salt deposition to exclude oxygen before electrochemical tests.60,78,80–82
and reduced concentration. Therefore, the solubility of electro- Chen et al. further demonstrated an ALIB with oxygen self-
lyte salts at low temperatures should be thoroughly considered. elimination capability, where the lithiated polyimide anode
It should also be noted that ionic conductivity of electrolytes could be oxidized by the generated oxygen to its pristine state.
usually increases with the increase of salt concentration and The sealed battery that overcharged to 2.2 V can still restore its
reaches its maximum value at optimum salt concentration initial capacity and high coulombic efficiency, showing remark-
(Kohlrausch law).70 When salt concentration continues rising, able stability.83 Nevertheless, the strategy of oxygen elimination
ionic conductivity will pass its peak value and gradually is only effective in aspect of preventing the shrinkage of voltage
decrease, affecting the overall battery performances. Thus, it window caused by oxygen-involved side reactions, instead of
is important to avoid unnecessary high salt concentration when expanding the intrinsic voltage window of a given electrolyte.
expanding electrolyte voltage window. Besides, data of long-term cycling test indicate that the removal
of dissolved oxygen does not completely address the issue of
2.3 Electrolyte additives electrochemical instability in aqueous electrolytes.80,84
It is well established that the decomposition of organic electro-
Published on 29 November 2019. Downloaded on 8/10/2020 7:54:37 AM.
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the electrochemical stability window of aqueous electrolytes. electrode materials for ALIBs. In other words, the working
Put together, precise control of electrolyte pH, careful selecting potential of electrode materials should be located between
of electrolyte salt and tuning of its concentration, introducing OER and HER to avoid the electrolysis of H2O in electrolyte.100
of additives, elimination of dissolved oxygen, and considera- So far, a variety of electrode materials have been developed
tion of overpotentials are crucial for stabilizing and expanding for high-performance ALIBs. Representative cathode and anode
voltage window of aqueous electrolytes. Meanwhile, wide materials with the consideration of their redox potentials are
voltage window does not directly promise high-voltage ARMBs, discussed as follows.
it only offers a possibility for pairing more distant cathode and 3.1.1 Cathode materials for aqueous lithium-ion batteries.
anode regarding their redox potentials. Therefore, the choosing There are two basic requirements for selecting appropriate
of suitable cathode and anode is the final step that decides the cathode materials for ALIBs: (1) the capability to perform
operating voltage of a battery system. reversible Li+ intercalation/de-intercalation; (2) a lower potential
for Li+ intercalation/de-intercalation compared to the potential of
OER. Having met the above requirements, a variety of lithium
3. Marching of aqueous rechargeable intercalative compounds used in organic lithium batteries are
Published on 29 November 2019. Downloaded on 8/10/2020 7:54:37 AM.
metal-ion batteries: performances, considered as the potential candidates for ALIBs, including oxides
voltage characteristics and comparison (LiMn2O4, LiCoO2, LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2, etc.),98,101–107 polyanionic
compounds (LiFePO4, LiMnPO4, LiCoPO4, etc.)108–113 and
Holding the merits of intrinsic safety, cost efficiency and eco- Prussian blue analogues (PBAs).114
friendliness, various ARMBs have grown into a vigorous force in In order to maximize energy density, working potential of
the field of energy storage. Regarding cell voltage, some cathode materials should approach OER potential. Therefore,
claimed high voltage values actually refer to open circuit LiMn2O4 is one of the most promising cathode materials in
voltage, which cannot reflect the real working voltage of an consideration of its suitable Li+ intercalation potential. Typically,
ARMB. Besides, some ARMBs exhibit clear discharge plateau, it displays two redox pairs at around 0.75 V/0.89 V and
which extends from the initial voltage drop at the beginning of 0.86 V/1.05 V (vs. SCE), respectively (Fig. 4a), resulting in a
discharging to the knee of the discharging curve, while some midpoint voltage of 0.77 V (vs. SCE).115 Nanostructures have
only display capacitor-like sloping discharging profiles. More- been introduced to improve its electrochemical performances.
over, it is commonly seen that ARMBs are discharged to a low For example, Wu’s group reported a porous LiMn2O4 synthe-
cut-off voltage to struggle for more capacity, thereby their sized by utilizing polystyrene as sacrificial template (Fig. 4b).25
capacity/energy mainly comes from low-voltage zone, which It exhibited excellent rate performances, maintaining 95% of its
shows little practicability. To fully reveal voltage characteristics, initial capacity (118 mA h g1) at the high current density of
in this article, we employ the concepts of midpoint voltage and 10 A g1. Its capacity retention reached 93% after 10 000 charge/
plateau voltage to depict ARMBs. Midpoint voltage is defined as discharge cycles at 1.0 A g1, suggesting a lifetime usability
the battery voltage when 50% of the discharging capacity is without maintenance. The porous nanomorphology and high
delivered, and plateau voltage is defined as the voltage at the crystallinity should account for such high performances. They
midpoint of a discharge plateau. As discharge profiles vary with further developed LiMn2O4 nanotubes via a two-step method by
discharge rate, these two voltage parameters are both picked employing multiwall CNTs (MWCNTs) as template (Fig. 4c).116
from the lowest reported discharge rate for a certain study. In This LiMn2O4 nanotube cathode can be operated at ultrafast
this section, a series of ARMB systems are introduced in aspects second-level charge/discharge rates, and even retained 53.9% of
of their electrochemical properties (e.g. specific capacity, its capacity at 600C. As revealed by literatures, the long-term
cycling stability, energy and power densities, etc.), together cycling issue of LiMn2O4 cathode could be well addressed by
with a focus on their voltage characteristics (e.g. midpoint several effective strategies, including Al doping to suppress
voltage, plateau voltage, and open circuit voltage). Meanwhile, Jahn–Teller distortion and stabilize octahedral sites,117,118
upon a rational comparison within a certain ARMB system, designing porous structure to ensure high crystallinity and
proposed strategies including materials optimization and para- alleviate Jahn–Teller distortion strain,119 and introducing tubular
meter regulation to further improve their energy storage structure to buffer the strain and stress from Jahn–Teller
performances are discussed in detail. effects.120 In addition to LiMn2O4, layered lithium oxides, includ-
ing LiCoO2 and LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2 (NCM), which are commonly
3.1 Aqueous lithium-ion batteries used in traditional organic LIBs, have also been investigated as
Aqueous rechargeable lithium-ion batteries (ALIBs) were first cathode materials for ALIBs due to their relatively high redox
launched in 1994, which could operate reversibly with a mid- potentials.70,98,121–125 However, H+ insertion occurs preferentially
point voltage of around 1.5 V and simultaneously provide an over Li+ insertion in this type of materials when using LiOH
energy density of 75 W h kg1 based on the mass of both active electrolyte.126,127 As indicated by later studies, reversible Li+
materials, comparable to both Pb–acid and Ni–Cd batteries.21 insertion into and extraction from LiCoO2 is possible in LiNO3
As pointed out in this conceptual and pioneering study, the and Li2SO4 electrolyte.70,98,121,122 It was found that the redox
potentials of hydrogen and oxygen evolution should be taken potential of LiCoO2 increased linearly with the electrolyte
into account as an important factor when selecting both of the concentration, suggesting reversible Li+ intercalation instead
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electrolyte. It exhibited three-staged discharge profiles with a cathode could be operated reversibly within a voltage range of
midpoint voltage located at 1.0 V. Specific capacities were 189, 0–1.6 V in a saturated Li2SO4 aqueous electrolyte (pH = 7),
140 and 101 mA h g1 (based on the mass of anode material) at delivering a midpoint voltage of around 0.44 V.156 Different
0.1, 0.5, and 1.0C, respectively. Such increased capacities were from other anode materials, PPy realises energy storage through
attributed to the porous structure of Li1.2V3O8 anode that facili- a reversible doping and de-doping mechanism (Fig. 5g) at an
tated Li+ intercalation. In a more recent study from our group, PPy average redox potential of 0.27 V. Moreover, unlike many
coating was employed to improve the cycling stability of LiV3O8 vanadium-based anodes, PPy does not dissolve in aqueous
(Fig. 5d), which achieved a capacity retention of 73.2% after 100 solution, and its doping/de-doping mechanism is highly
cycles at 0.5 A g1, whereas the pristine uncoated LiV3O8 only reversible. Therefore, it should exhibit good stability during
retained 30.6% of its original capacity.169 It was also discovered repeated electrochemical processes. As revealed by Wang et al.,
that PPy coating suppressed the hydrogen evolution at LiV3O8 the PPy//LiCoO2 cell with a midpoint voltage of 0.80 V showed
side, as the conductive PPy layer facilitated ion and charge no obvious degradation after 120 charge/discharge cycles.171
transfer, enabling the predominant reaction of Li+ intercalation Another example of organic polymer anode material is polyimide
over HER. Literature has also shown that increasing electrolyte with conjugated carbonyl groups based on 1,4,5,8-naphthalene-
Published on 29 November 2019. Downloaded on 8/10/2020 7:54:37 AM.
concentration and eliminating dissolved oxygen resulted in a teracarboxylic dianhydride moiety.157 Polyimide undergoes an
consistent capacity during 100 charge/discharge cycles for the enolization process to combine with Li+ and simultaneously
ALIB consisting of LiV3O8 anode and LiFePO4 cathode, which redistribute charges within the conjugated aromatic molecule
operated in the narrow voltage range of 0–0.8 V with a flat but low (Fig. 5h), which is significantly distinguished from Li+ inter-
plateau voltage at 0.23 V.60 The enhanced cycling stability should calation/de-intercalation mechanism or doping/de-doping
attribute to reduced electrochemical resistance and less polariza- mechanism. Polyimide anode could provide a high discharging/
tion of the optimized aqueous electrolyte. In general, LiV3O8 charging capacity of 192 mA h g1/160 mA h g1 with midpoint
can work as a reliable anode material for ALIBs when rational discharging/charging voltage of 0.50 V/0.39 V (vs. SCE).
precautions are taken to tackle its problematic instability. Assembled with a LiCoO2 cathode in 5 M LiNO3, the resultant
Similarly, V2O5 showed poor cyclability in aqueous media due ALIB exhibited a discharge capacity of 71 mA h g1 and a specific
to dissolution issue and crystal structure changes.107,151,160 energy of 80 W h kg1 at 100 mA g1 (based on the mass of both
To enhance its reversibility in aqueous electrolytes, polymer active materials), along with plateau voltage of 1.10 V (Fig. 5i). This
coatings of polyaniline (PANI) and PPy was introduced, result- ALIB also displayed a good cyclability by maintaining 80% of its
ing in full cells with notably improved cycling stability, deliver- original capacity after 200 charge/discharge cycles, which was
ing midpoint voltages of 0.80 V and 1.05 V when coupled with attributed to the unique Li+ diffusion-independent enolization
LiNi1/3Mn1/3Co1/3O2 and LiMn2O4, respectively.107,151 mechanism that avoided strains and structure distortions during
In addition to oxides, polyanionic compounds have been repeated electrochemical processes.
investigated as anode materials for ALIBs due to their flat For ALIBs, the options of anode materials from traditional
charge/discharge plateau and proper redox potentials. In organic LIBs are less compared to cathode materials, as most
2007, the redox potentials of two polyanionic compounds, anode materials used for traditional LIBs possess redox potentials
namely, pyrophosphate TiP2O7 and NASICON-type LiTi2(PO4)3, significantly lower than that of HER. Besides, many organic
were systematically investigated in 5 M LiNO3 aqueous solution.170 compounds used in traditional LIBs cannot be directly utilized
CV curves of TiP2O7 and LiTi2(PO4)3 clearly indicated that they as electrodes in ALIBs because of their instability in aqueous
could act as anode materials for ALIBs without obvious hydrogen electrolytes.172 Thereby, researchers have devoted tremendous
evolution, since their redox reactions occur at the potentials of efforts in developing anode materials with suitable redox poten-
approximately 0.35 and 0.45 V (vs. SHE), respectively, which tials for aqueous electrolytes. Redox potentials of representative
were moderately higher than that of HER (Fig. 5e and f). The cathode and anode materials for ALIBs are summarized and
resultant TiP2O7/LiMn2O4 and LiTi2(PO4)3//LiMn2O4 full cells compared in Fig. 6. The notably higher redox potential of
delivered specific capacities of around 42 and 45 mA h g1 (based LiMn2O4 makes it the most widely-adopted cathode for high-
on the mass of both active materials) with high midpoint voltages energy ALIBs. As for anode materials, attention should be paid
of 1.38 and 1.47 V, respectively. However, both batteries decayed to the low-potential NASICON-type LiTi2(PO4)3 and its fluoride
rapidly due to structural decomposition and morphological LiTi2(PO4)2.88F0.12. Although some vanadium oxides show low
changes.159 Several effective approaches have been proposed to redox potentials, their toxic synthesis and intrinsic instability in
further improve the electrochemical performances of these poly- water hinder their further applications. Besides electrochemical
anionic anodes, including porous structuring, carbon coating and potentials, extensive efforts are also needed to better address the
electrolyte optimization (pH adjust and oxygen elimination), issues of unsatisfactory cyclability and insufficient utilization of
which realized 80–90% capacity retention after several hundreds theoretical capacity of current electrode materials, as well as to
of charge/discharge cycles or even over 1000 cycles.101,153,163 explore new families of high-performance electrode materials.
Considering their redox potential position of 0.8 to 0.3 V
(vs. SHE) and the intrinsic deficiency of lithium ion, organic 3.2 Aqueous sodium-ion and potassium-ion batteries
polymer materials mainly serve as anodes for ALIBs. For Aqueous sodium-ion (ASIBs) and aqueous potassium-ion batteries
example, A cell consisting of a PPy anode and a spinel LiMn2O4 (AKIBs) with similar monovalent ion intercalation/de-intercalation
190 | Chem. Soc. Rev., 2020, 49, 180--232 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2020
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Fig. 6 Comparison of redox potentials of representative electrode materials for ALIBs. Red-colour columns and blue-colour columns represent
cathodes and anodes, respectively.
mechanisms to ALIBs have been developed as promising alternative containing different alkali metal sulphates.177 Galvanostatic
energy storage systems due to the easy accessibility of sodium/ charge/discharge (GCD) curves exhibited an capacitor-like linear
potassium resources, which could be better choices for grid-scale relationship with time between the potential range of 0–1 V
energy storage that imposes higher requirement on cost. Their (vs. SCE) with midpoint voltages at around 0.4 V (vs. SCE), and
electrode materials are also quite limited considering the narrow the specific capacities for Li+, Na+, and K+ storage were 37, 43
electrochemical stability window of water, and they usually exhibit and 50 mA h g1, respectively. Their study revealed that the
lower energy density compared to ALIBs due to the higher atomic intercalation/de-intercalation of K+ into/from the interlayered
mass of sodium/potassium. In this section, the development of space of V2O50.6H2O was more facile compared to Li+ and Na+,
ASIBs and AKIBs will be discussed in terms of their electrochemical which may be attributed to the moderate charge density of K+.
performances and voltage characteristics based on cathode and Another attractive category of metal oxide for ASIBs and AKIBs
anode materials, which mainly include spinel-structured materials, is MxMnO2 (M = Na, K), which possesses various crystal
polyanionic compounds, PBAs, etc. structures and properties depending on sodium/potassium
3.2.1 Cathode materials for aqueous sodium-ion and ratio. Among them, Na0.44MnO2 with three-dimensionally inter-
potassium-ion batteries. Similar to ALIBs, the redox potentials connected S-shaped Na tunnels has been widely studied, and it
of electrodes for ASIBs and AKIBs should well locate between was found that Na+ ions could reversibly intercalate/de-intercalate
those of OER and HER to avoid water splitting. Various electrode into/from Na0.44MnO2 host at three redox potentials (0.05, 0.27,
materials have been developed in recent years, and representative and 0.50 V vs. SCE) in the composition range of Na0.44xMnO2
cathode materials can be categorized into four types, i.e., (0.25 o x o 0.44).178 Capacity and stability of Na0.44MnO2 can be
transition metal oxides, polyanionic compounds, PBAs, and further improved by heteroatom substitution, as reported by
organic polymers. Wang et al.179 The Ti-substituted Na0.44MnO2 cathode exhibited
Transition metal oxides can be readily synthesized with a reversible capacity of 76 mA h g1 at 2C and a high rate
controllable morphology and high electrochemical activity, performance up to 8C with 60 mA h g1 retained in a full cell
therefore have attracted tremendous attention in battery coupled with NaTi2(PO4)3/C anode, which was superior to pristine
research.173 As a representative, MnO2 has been demonstrated Na0.44MnO2 (30–40 mA h g1). This ASIB exhibited a good
the capability of hosting sodium ions.174 For example, an ASIB midpoint voltage of around 1.13 V. As for KxMnO2, Liu et al.
based on cubic spinel-type l-MnO2 cathode delivered a high discovered the charge storage mechanism involved K+ extraction
capacity up to 78 mA h g1 and a high midpoint voltage in the first charge process and reversible Na+ intercalation/
of 1.35 V when coupled with an activated carbon anode.175 de-intercalation in subsequent cycles.180 The full cell assembled
Minakshi et al. reported g-MnO2 as cathode for Na+ intercalation/ by coupling K0.27MnO2 cathode with NaTi2(PO4)3 anode delivered
de-intercalation in 7 M NaOH aqueous electrolyte.176 A high a specific capacity of 68.5 mA h g1 at 0.2 A g1 in the voltage
specific capacity of 225 mA h g1 was obtained accompanied range of 0–1.6 V with a midpoint voltage of 0.71 V (Fig. 7a–c).
with a midpoint voltage of 1.32 V (vs. Zn/Zn2+). They confirmed Such ASIB was further improved by designing a hollow nano-
the intercalation of sodium ions into MnO2 structure via XRD and structure for K0.27MnO2 to facilitate electron/ion transport, which
proton induced X-ray emission analysis. Qu et al. examined the increased the specific capacity to 84.9 mA h g1 at 150 mA g1
electrochemical behaviour of V2O50.6H2O in aqueous electrolytes and 56.6 mA h g1 at 600 mA g1 (Fig. 7d and e).181
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cycling performance, which obtained 83% of the original based on the redox reaction of nitroxide radicals or conjugated
capacity after 40 000 deep discharge cycles. Furthermore, the structure, which does not involve Na+ intercalation/de-inter-
redox potential of PBA can be precisely tuned by adjusting calation, meaning that these polymers can readily be utilized
Cu/Ni ratio in the framework of a Cu–Ni alloyed PBA.186 As for other alkali metal-ion battery systems.
revealed, Cu and Ni could form a fully miscible solution at 3.2.2 Anode materials for aqueous sodium-ion and potassium-
particular sites in the framework without perturbing the struc- ion batteries. Representative anode materials for ASIBs and AKIBs
ture (Fig. 8c and d). The CuNiHCF integrated the high rate, long can be categorized into five types, which include carbon
cycle life of both NiHCF and CuHCF cathodes with controllable materials, transition metal oxides, phosphates, PBAs and
redox potentials. The highest midpoint voltages achieved for K+ organic compounds.
and Na+ storage was around 0.91 V and 0.88 V, respectively. In early works, low-cost activated carbon (AC) has been
However, the sodium-deficient nature of NiHCF and CuHCF utilized as anode material for ASIBs due to its excellent stability
may restrict their practical application due to the need for a in aqueous media.175 It was demonstrated that high surface
sodiated anode. Thus, a cathode of high K+-content potassium area activated carbons or surface modified carbons exhibited a
iron(II) hexacyanoferrate dihydrate (K2FeIIFeII(CN)62H2O) pseudocapacitive and possible hydrogen storage behaviours
Published on 29 November 2019. Downloaded on 8/10/2020 7:54:37 AM.
nanocubes was synthesized for AKIBs (Fig. 8e and f).66 The between 1.0 and 0.3 V (vs. Hg/Hg2SO4). However, its specific
K2FeIIFeII(CN)62H2O cathode can provide two-electron transfer capacity was just around 50 mA h g1.
per molecular unit, thereby delivering remarkable capacities in The research of metal oxides as anode has been conducted
aqueous electrolytes (up to 120 mA h g1). It exhibited two by Wu’s group, where PPy-coated MoO3 nanobelts for sodium
discharge plateaus at 0.85 V and 0.20 V (vs. Ag/AgCl), respec- storage were developed.198 This anode showed two pairs of
tively (Fig. 8g). Another potassium-rich mesoporous nickel redox potentials located at 0.25 V/0.08 V and 0.49 V/
ferrocyanide(II) (K2NiFe(CN)61.2H2O) to host K+ was synthe- 0.34 V (vs. SCE) with a reversible capacity of 33 mA h g1.
sized recently, which realized impressive rate performances.187 When coupled with Na0.35MnO2, the full ASIB yielded sloping
Its single charge/discharge could be completed within 4.1 s, discharge profiles with a midpoint voltage of 0.6 V. While its
with a capacity of 42 mA h g1 delivered. A flat discharge capacity is still not satisfactory, which is much lower compared
plateau at 0.51 V could be observed, contributing to a plateau to many anodes of ALIBs, thus having urged researchers to
voltage of 1.35 V for the full cell coupled with NaTi2(PO)3/C anode pursue anodes with higher capacities for high-performance
(Fig. 8h). It should be mentioned that this PBA type cathode ASIBs and AKIBs. Deng et al. developed a 1D-nanostructured
was also capable of hosting bivalent magnesium and trivalent sodium vanadium oxide (Na2V6O16nH2O, NVO) through a
aluminium ions, showing high versatility. In addition, many other hydrothermal method (Fig. 9a).199 The layer-structured NVO
PBAs including FeHCF (with two discharge plateaus at 0.8 V and
0.1 V (vs. Ag/AgCl)),188 NaCoHCF (with two discharge plateaus at
0.90 V and 0.38 V (vs. Ag/AgCl)),189 NaMnHCF (with two redox
pairs at 0.58 V/0.39 V and 1.17–1.23 V/1.00 V (vs. Ag/AgCl)),190
VHCF (with a midpoint voltage of 0.84 V (vs. Ag/AgCl)),191 etc.,
have been investigated for sodium storage, showing high diversity
of this open-framework materials.
Compared with inorganic materials, polymers represent a
promising candidate as battery electrodes because of their
merits of metal-free nature, flexibility, light weight, and cost-
effectiveness. More importantly, their structural diversity and
capability of molecular functionalization enable subtle control
of their redox properties and thus providing many opportunities
in improving cell voltage and battery performances.192,193
Whereas, although organic polymer electrodes have been widely Fig. 9 (a) TEM image of the 1D nanostructured Na2V6O16nH2O. Repro-
investigated in ALIBs,194 their applications in ASIBs and AKIBs are duced with permission from ref. 199, Copyright 2014 Elsevier. (b) GCD
still lacking. Koshika et al. reported a poly(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl- curves of the NaTi2(PO4)3//Na cell in non-aqueous electrolyte and the
piperidinyloxy-4-yl vinylether) (PTVE) cathode for sodium storage NaTi2(PO4)3//Zn cell in aqueous electrolyte at 2.0 mA cm2. Inset shows
the cycle stability in aqueous electrolyte. Reproduced with permission
with one-electron reaction in 0.1 M NaCl aqueous solution.195
from ref. 201, Copyright 2011 The Electrochemical Society. (c) Working
The PTVE cathode exhibited a flat discharge plateau at 0.73 V mechanism of the MnII–NRC–MnIII/II//CuII–NRC–FeIII/II ASIB based on
(vs. Ag/AgCl) with a reversible capacity of 130 mA h g1 at 60C, Na+ intercalation/de-intercalation. The anode and the cathode have the
and maintained 75% of the initial capacity after 1000 cycles. same open framework crystal structure. (d) GCD curves of the MnII–
Besides, PPy-based cathodes were also discovered for ASIBs, NRC–MnIII/II//CuII–NRC–FeIII/II full cell at various C rates. Reproduced
with permission from ref. 139, Copyright 2014 Springer Nature. (e) The
whose redox potential was located between 0 and 0.8 V (vs.
reduction potentials of quinone electrodes measured by CV test vs.
Ag/AgCl), and maintained a high specific capacity of around electrolyte pH values. It can be seen that PPTO could be used as anode
110 mA h g1 for hundreds of cycles.196,197 It is worth mention- for various ARMB systems. Reproduced with permission from ref. 205,
ing that the energy storage mechanism of PTVE and PPy is Copyright 2017 Springer Nature.
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anode enabled Na+ intercalation/de-intercalation with a solid- to reversibly combine Na+. The polyimide anode showed
state diffusion coefficient of about 1014 cm S1. More impor- symmetric redox peaks at 0.34 V/0.52 V (vs. SCE) and
tantly, it delivered an initial specific capacity of 123 mA h g1 delivered a discharging capacity of 184 mA h g1 and a charging
with a midpoint voltage at 0.41 V (vs. SCE). The major draw- capacity of 165 mA h g1 in a 5 M NaNO3 aqueous solution.
back of this material is that its capacity faded quickly in When coupled with NaVPO4F cathode, the full ASIB exhibited a
subsequent charge/discharge cycles due to irreversible structural midpoint voltage of 0.90 V. Meanwhile, Deng et al. reported
change upon sodium intercalation/de-intercalation, which is a another redox-active and water-insoluble polyimides, namely,
common issue for vanadium oxides. poly-(naphthalene four formyl ethylenediamine) (PNFE).204 The
NASICON-type NaTi2(PO4)3 (NTP) is a representative phos- reversible Na+-association/dissociation with the carbonyl
phate anode material for ASIBs due to its open framework for groups occurred within the potential range of 1.0 to 0 V with
sodium storage.200 Park et al. studied the electrochemical a midpoint voltage of 0.58 V (vs. Ag/AgCl). This PNFE not only
behaviour of NTP in both organic and aqueous electrolyte.201 delivered a high capacity of 130 mA h g1, but also provided a
It delivered a specific capacity of 120 mA h g1 in organic superior rate capability as well as an excellent capacity reten-
electrolyte with a midpoint voltage of 2.1 V (vs. Na+/Na), and a tion of 91.2% over 1000 cycles. Besides, as a widely investigated
Published on 29 November 2019. Downloaded on 8/10/2020 7:54:37 AM.
specific capacity of 123 mA h g1 in aqueous electrolyte with a organic compound in organic batteries, quinones have been
midpoint voltage of 0.77 V (vs. Ag/AgCl) (Fig. 9b), corres- demonstrated as suitable anode materials for aqueous batteries
ponding to the redox conversion between Ti3+ and Ti4+. The by Yao’s group. They discovered that prepared quinones were
cyclability of NTP anode was better in aqueous electrolyte, able to operate with different charge carrier species (including
whereas, it still faded quickly within 30 charge/discharge cycles, H+, Li+, Na+, K+, Mg2+) under different pH values (from 1 to 15),
which is similar to that of LiTi2(PO4)3. Xia’s group revealed that temperatures (35 to 25 1C) and atmospheres (with/without O2).205
the capacity fading of aqueous batteries should be ascribed By rationally selecting/designing quinone molecules with
to side reactions between discharged electrodes with water desired structure, they further developed three major systems
and/or oxygen in aqueous electrolytes.163 Eliminating dissolved coupling with various industrially-mature cathode materials,
oxygen, adjusting electrolyte pH and carbon coating are including PbO2 (in acidic condition), LiMn2O4 (in neutral
effective approaches to improve the cycling stability of NTP. condition), and Ni(OH)2 (in alkaline condition). Among these
For example, a microwave-assisted method was employed to quinone molecules, polymerized pyrene-4,5,9,10-tetraone (PPTO)
synthesize carbon-coated NTP, which exhibited an improved was especially versatile as anode for ARMBs (Fig. 9e). Besides the
capacity retention of 86% after 100 cycles at 1C in 1 M Na2SO4 capability to initiate ALIBs, it was also coupled with NVP cathode
aqueous electrolyte.202 Frogspawn-structured hierarchical por- in a neutral 5 M NaNO3 electrolyte, resulting an ASIB showing a
ous NTP/C arrays were also reported for ASIBs with a superior high specific capacity of 201 mA h g1 as well as a good cyclability
cycle life up to 2000 cycles at 20C.203 of 79% capacity retention over 80 charge/discharge cycles. The
As discussed in Section 3.2.1, PBAs have been used as full ASIB exhibited sloping discharge profiles with a midpoint
cathode materials for ASIBs due to their relatively high redox voltage of 0.65 V.
potentials of Fe and other N-coordinated metal ions. Such For ASIBs and AKIBs, representative cathode and anode
unique open framework-structured materials, however, have materials have been discussed in this section, unveiling their
seldom been reported as anode for sodium/potassium storage. inferior performances compared to ALIBs, which is mainly due
The first study of utilizing PBA as anode for ASIB was proposed to their larger ionic radius that imposes higher requirement on
by Pasta et al.139 Aiming to develop an anode with sufficiently host materials including larger intercalative framework and
low potential while avoiding triggering HER, they screened a better structural stability. Redox potentials of reprehensive
series of PBAs including CrII–NRC–MnII/I (0.312 V vs. SHE), cathode and anode materials for ASIBs and AKIBs are summarized
MnII–NRC–MnIII/II (0.052 V vs. SHE), FeII–NRC–MnIII/II and compared in Fig. 10. As revealed, NASICON-type materials
(0.075 V vs. SHE) and CrII–NRC–MnIII/II (0.352 vs. SHE), and exhibit desired potentials as either cathode or anode. Some
selected MnII–NRC–MnIII/II in consideration of stability and PBA-type materials are also preferential for ASIB and AKIB
crystallinity. The prepared MnHCF anode exhibited a specific cathode. It should be noted that except for the study employing
capacity of 57 mA h g1 at 50C and yielded a full cell midpoint a concentrated aqueous electrolyte (introduced in Section 4.4.2),
voltage of 0.88 V when paired with CuII–NRC–FeIII/II cathode no stable anode materials in normal aqueous electrolytes have
(Fig. 9c and d). This full ASIB showed negligible capacity loss been reported for AKIBs so far. To facilitate the development
over 1000 cycles in 10 M NaClO4 aqueous electrolyte saturated of ASIBs and AKIBs, more studies should be implemented
with Mn(ClO4)2 at pH = 6.4. to promote electrochemical kinetics and structural stability of
In addition, as carbonyl-based organic electrodes have been electrode materials.
widely investigated in organic rechargeable batteries, it is
feasible to borrow some effective strategies from these well- 3.3 Aqueous zinc-ion batteries
studied representatives to develop high-performance ASIBs and Traditional alkaline zinc-based batteries are either non-rechargeable
AKIBs. In 2014, Qin et al. proposed a 1,4,5,8-naphthalenetetra- or extremely poor in cycle stability. Zinc-ion batteries employing
carboxylic dianhydride (NTCDA)-derived polyimide as anode for neutral/mild aqueous electrolytes have shown great improvements
ASIB.157 It involved an enolization process during discharge/charge in reversibility and rate performance. Aside from the nature
194 | Chem. Soc. Rev., 2020, 49, 180--232 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2020
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Fig. 10 Comparison of redox potentials of representative electrode materials for ASIBs and AKIBs. Red-colour columns and blue-colour columns
represent cathodes and anodes, respectively.
abundance and eco-friendliness, zinc metal is regarded as an result, the AZIB based on commercial a-MnO2 could only
ideal anode material for aqueous zinc-ion batteries (AZIBs) due provide a capacity of around 187 mA h g1 at 100 mA g1. To
to its high theoretical capacity (820 mA h g1), high electrical improve electrochemical properties, nanostructured MnO2 was
conductivity, relatively low redox potential, and high safety.206–209 further electrodeposited on carbon fibre paper (MnO2@CFP).43
Due to the feasibility of directly utilizing zinc metal as anode in The AZIB based on MnO2@CFP presented a long and flat
aqueous electrolytes, research efforts of AZIBs are mainly focused discharge plateau at 1.3 V accompanied with a tilting plateau
on developing suitable cathode materials. In this section, a variety at 1.4 V in mild acidic ZnSO4 + MnSO4 electrolyte (Fig. 11a),
of representative cathodes for AZIBs such as manganese-based which delivered a discharge capacity of 290 mA h g1 at 90 mA g1
materials, vanadium-based materials, organic materials, and and a cyclability of 10 000 cycles at 6.5C with a capacity decay rate of
other compounds including PBAs, two-dimensional (2D) materi- 0.007% per cycle. The improvement of working voltage of
als and nickel/cobalt oxides, are thoroughly discussed in terms of MnO2@CFP cathode arose from the highly-porous nanoflake struc-
their electrochemical performances and voltage characteristics. It ture and strong interfacial adhesion that favoured the reversible
should be noted that all the specific capacity values of reported insertion/extraction of H+ and Zn2+ ions during charge/discharge
AZIBs are based on the mass of cathode materials unless other- (Fig. 11b), which also ensured high cycling stability. Among the
wise specified. MnO2 polymorphs, b-MnO2 is considered to be the most thermo-
3.3.1 Manganese-based materials as cathode for aqueous dynamically stable one as it is composed of MnO6 octahedral unit
zinc-ion batteries. Manganese-based materials are considered single chains by forming a 1 1 tunnel along c axis. Although such
as one type of the most promising cathode materials for AZIBs narrow tunnel is not favourable for the diffusion of Zn2+,221 it was
due to their low cost, high operating potential (1.0–1.8 V vs. revealed in a recent study that the AZIB based on b-MnO2 nanorod
Zn/Zn2+) and high theoretical energy storage capability (e.g., cathode could deliver a high capacity of 270 mA h g1 at 100 mA g1
308 mA h g1 for MnO2).210 Benefiting from the rich diversity, with two tilting discharge plateaus at 1.40 V and 1.24 V, and retain
a number of manganese-based oxides can be readily used 75% of its original capacity after 200 charge/discharge cycles.222
in constructing AZIBs, such as MnO2 with different crystal Ex situ characterization technologies confirmed the storage of
structures,211–216 Mn2O3,217 Mn3O4,218 ZnMn2O4,219 etc. Zn2+ via the intercalating of Zn2+ into the b-MnO2, resulting in the
In the early stage, MnO2 was the most investigated cathode formation of Zn-intercalated phases and the precipitation of
material for AZIBs due to its tunnel or layered structure that ZnSO43Zn(OH)25H2O. g-MnO2 with randomly arranged 1 2
enables reversible intercalation/de-intercalation of zinc ions. and 1 1 tunnels has also demonstrated reversible zinc storage
MnO2 exhibits different crystallographic polymorphs including capability with a high discharge capacity of 285 mA h g1 at 0.05
a-, b-, g-, R-type (tunnel structures), d-type (layered structure), mA cm1 and similar discharge profiles to a-MnO2 with two
and l-type (spinel structure).220 The phase structure and tilting plateaus.223 In addition, d-MnO2 with typical layered struc-
morphology of MnO2 can play a significant role in the electro- ture was found to exhibit one discharge plateau at 1.23 V during
chemical properties and voltage characteristics of AZIBs. For its initial cycling, while two discharge plateaus at 1.38 V and
example, the commercial a-MnO2 with 2 2 tunnels shows two 1.23 V were observed in the subsequent cycling (vs. Zn/Zn2+).224
discharge plateaus at around 1.4 and 1.3 V (vs. Zn/Zn2+), Detailed investigations revealed that the intercalation of Zn2+
corresponding to H+ and Zn2+ ions insertion, both of which caused the phase transformation of layered d-MnO2 to spinel-
are very tilting owing to the large a-MnO2 particle size. As a type ZnMn2O4 and layered-type d-ZnxMnO2 with Mn(II) phase. In a
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metal ions can be introduced into layered V2O5 as pillars that It showed no obvious discharge plateau, and the midpoint
strengthen its interlayer structure.236,237 For example, Yan et al. voltage located at around 0.70 V.
fabricated a V2O5nH2O/graphene (VOG) composite via a liquid Bearing relative high oxidation states of V5+ and layered
phase method.238 The initial CV curve of VOG showed two pairs structure, MxV3O8 (M = Li, Na, H, etc.) composed of VO6
of redox peaks associating with Zn2+ intercalation/de-intercalation octahedra and V2O8 square pyramids have been studied as
located at 0.97 V/0.91 V and 0.63 V/0.54 V, respectively. Subse- cathode candidates for Zn2+ intercalation/de-intercalation. For
quent CV curves overlapped with the initial one, indicating the example, Wan et al. proposed a simple liquid–solid stirring
solid-solution reaction of Zn2+ intercalation/de-intercalation strategy to fabricate NaV3O81.5H2O (NVO) nanobelts for AZIBs.240
was highly reversible (Fig. 12a). The AZIB with VOG cathode CV profiles of the resultant AZIB exhibited two pairs of redox
delivered a high initial capacity of 381 mA h g1 at 60 mA g1 peaks located at 0.55 V/0.77 V and 0.85 V/1.06 v which were owing
and retained 71% of its initial capacity after 900 cycles. Its to the reversible redox reactions from NaZn0.1V3O81.5H2O to
discharge profiles showed no obvious plateau but a midpoint H2.14NaZn0.2V3O81.5H2O and then to H3.9NaZn0.5V3O81.5H2O,
voltage of 0.68 V. Ming et al. reported a layered Mg2+-intercalated corresponding to the valence changes of vanadium from V5+ to
V2O5 cathode with enhanced electrochemical activity for AZIBs V4+ and V4+ to V3+.241–243 The AZIB achieved a highly reversible
Published on 29 November 2019. Downloaded on 8/10/2020 7:54:37 AM.
(Fig. 12b).239 Due to the larger radius of hydrated Mg2+ (4.3 Å), capacity of 380 mA h g1 at 0.05 A g1 along with a midpoint
the expanded interlayer spacing (13.4 Å) allowed for efficient Zn2+ voltage located 0.72 V (Fig. 12d). 1 M Na2SO4 as an additive was
intercalation/de-intercalation, resulting an AZIB with a wide added into the ZnSO4 electrolyte to suppress the dissolution of
working voltage range of 0.1–1.8 V (Fig. 12c). The AZIB based NVO and the growth of Zn dendrites, which notably improved the
on Mg0.34V2O5nH2O cathode delivered 353 mA h g1 and reversibility of Zn2+ intercalation/de-intercalation, resulting in a
264 mA h g1 at 100 mA g1 and 1.0 A g1, respectively, along high capacity retention of 82% after 1000 cycles at 4 A g1.
with a 97% capacity retention after 2000 cycles at 5.0 A g1. Zn3V2O7(OH)22H2O and Zn2V2O7 are another type of vanadium-
based cathode materials for AZIBs, which have porous crystal
framework and expanded interlayer space. A study showed that
an AZIB employing ultralong Zn3V2O7(OH)22H2O (ZVO) nano-
wires as cathode delivered a specific capacity of 213 mA h g1
at 50 mA g1 along with a midpoint voltage of 0.75 V (Fig. 12e
and f).244 Since the open-framework structure of ZVO cathode
allows fast immigration of Zn2+, the AZIB exhibited very good
rate capability, achieving 76 mA h g1 at a high current density
of 3000 mA g1. Besides, as an alternative to Zn3V2O7(OH)22H2O,
Zn2V2O7 nanowires were synthesized by one-step hydrothermal
method recently.245 AZIBs based on Zn2V2O7 cathode could be
operated in a voltage range of 0.4–1.4 V with a midpoint voltage
of 0.67 V. After fully activation, the battery delivered a specific
capacity of 197.4 mA h g1 at 300 mA g1. Benefitted from its
nanowire morphology and robust structure, the AZIB exhibited
high rate performance and long-term cyclability, achieving 85%
capacity retention (138 mA h g1) after 1000 cycles at 4000 mA g1.
Other vanadium-based cathodes include vanadium-based
phosphates and sulphides. For example, owing to the presence
of PO43 polyanions, NASICON-typed NVP cathode exhibited a
flat discharge plateau located at 1.10 V (vs. Zn/Zn2+), exceeding
the midpoint voltages of most vanadium oxides.209 But it
Fig. 12 (a) CV curves of the as-prepared VOG for the initial 3 cycles.
Reproduced with permission from ref. 238, Copyright 2018 Wiley-VCH. (b)
suffered serious capacity decay during long-term cycles. To
Crystal structure of the layered Mg2+-intercalated V2O5. (c) GCD curves of address this issue, Li et al. fabricated a Na3V2(PO4)2F3 cathode
the Mg2+-intercalated V2O5 cathode at various current densities. Repro- for AZIBs, the full cell displayed an even higher plateau voltage
duced with permission from ref. 239, Copyright 2018 American Chemical of 1.63 V, as well as a high energy density of 97.5 W h kg1
Society. (d) GCD curves of the Zn//NVO full cell at various current
and an excellent cyclability with 95% capacity retained after
densities. Reproduced with permission from ref. 240, Copyright 2018
Springer Nature. (e) TEM image of the ZVO nanowires. Inset shows its
4000 cycles.246 This good electrochemical performance was due
EDS mapping, revealing the existence of Zn, O and V. (f) GCD curves of the to the strong affinity of F atoms, which endowed Na3V2(PO4)2F3
ZVO cathode at 50 mA g1 for the initial 3 cycles. Reproduced with with more stable structure that led to ‘‘zero-strain’’ change
permission from ref. 244, Copyright 2018 Wiley-VCH. (g) TEM image of during Zn2+ intercalation/de-intercalation. In addition, the
the VOPO4 particle. (h) Comparison of the 2nd GCD curves between Zn//
introduction of extra anionic redox reaction is another effective
VOPO4 batteries in 21 M LiTFSI electrolyte and in 1 M Zn(Tr)2 electrolyte.
Reproduced with permission from ref. 247, Copyright 2019 Wiley-VCH. (i)
strategy to enhance the working voltage and energy density of
SEM–EDX of the as-prepared layered VS2. Reproduced with permission AZIBs, thus a high-performance AZIB with reversible oxygen
from ref. 248, Copyright 2017 Wiley-VCH. redox chemistry was developed based on layered VOPO4
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cathode and ‘‘water-in-salt’’ electrolyte (Fig. 12g).247 Due to the Moreover, the p-chloranil delivered a high energy density of
contribution of oxygen redox reactions, the Zn//VOPO4 battery around 200 W h kg1, which is comparable with state-of-the-art
displayed an expanded working voltage range of 0.8–2.1 V, cathodes of AZIBs. For organic carbonyl compounds, carbonyl
which was much wider than the voltage range of 0.8–1.8 V groups are believed to be the active centres of electrochemistry, so
when merely relying on the redox reactions of vanadium increasing carbonyl groups in these compounds could be a
(Fig. 12h). This broadened voltage range notably benefited reliable approach to enhance overall electrochemical perfor-
battery capacity (from 109 mA h g1 to 139 mA h g1) and mances. According to Zhao et al., calix[4]quinone (C4Q) with eight
midpoint voltage (from 1.32 V to 1.44 V). Moreover, a sulphide carbonyls could serve as a high-performance cathode for AZIBs
of VS2 synthesized via a facile hydrothermal reaction (Fig. 12i) (Fig. 13c), which presented a discharge capacity of 337 mA h g1
was employed as cathode for AZIBs in 2017 for the first time, as well as a good cycling stability with 87% capacity retention after
the full cell exhibited a midpoint voltage of 0.63 V with two flat 1000 cycles.251 Moreover, this AZIB exhibited a flat discharge
discharge plateaus located at 0.69 V and 0.61 V.248 This battery plateau at 1.0 V with a low polarization of 70 mV, which
delivered a specific capacity of 190.3 mA h g1 at 0.05 A g1 and contributed to stable energy output and high energy efficiency
an energy density of 123 W h kg1 (the latter was based on the (Fig. 13d). Such remarkable Zn2+ storage capability was attributed
Published on 29 November 2019. Downloaded on 8/10/2020 7:54:37 AM.
mass of both active materials). to the carbonyls on and under C4Q molecules that displayed
3.3.3 Organic materials as cathodes for aqueous zinc-ion lower electrostatic potential and thus enabling the nimble uptake
batteries. A variety of organic compounds have been proposed of Zn2+ during redox reactions. However, a Nafion separator was
as cathode materials for AZIBs, including organic carbonyl needed in this Zn//C4Q AZIB to prevent the crossover of
compounds and conducting polymers.249 According to Kundu discharging products originated from C4Q cathode. As an
et al., p-chloranil with soft crystal structure could realize reversible alternative, Guo et al. designed a pyrene-4,5,9,10-tetraone
and efficient Zn2+ storage, offering a large discharge capacity of (PTO) cathode for AZIBs,252 which was inherently insoluble
over 200 mA h g1 along with a flat discharge plateau at around and thus without requiring the expensive fluorine-containing
1.1 V and a small polarization of 50 mV (Fig. 13a and b).250 membrane as separator. The PTO exhibited two pairs of redox
peaks at 1.0 V/1.17 V and 0.63 V/0.85 V (vs. Zn/Zn2+) that
corresponded to the reversible coordination/incoordination of
Zn2+ on carbonyl group of PTO during charge/discharge. Due to
the efficient utilization of carbonyl groups in PTO, the Zn//PTO
battery showed a high capacity of 336 mA h g1 at 0.04 A g1
with a midpoint voltage of 0.75 V (Fig. 13e), contributing to a
high energy density of 186.7 W h kg1. Although carbonyl-
containing organic electrodes possess fast redox kinetics, they
generally exhibit poor rate performance due to their intrinsic
low electronic conductivity. Thus, further optimization is needed
for better excavating this type of organic carbonyl compounds.
Compared to metal oxides and organic carbonyl compounds,
conducting polymers with long-range p-conjugation system
possess higher electrical conductivity and structural stability.
Recently, two typical conducting polymers of PANI and PPy
have been investigated as cathode for AZIBs. Kim et al.
proposed a polyaniline-coated carbon fibre (PANI/CF) cathode
for flexible AZIBs.253 It was found that a thin (150 nm) and
highly porous PANI layer was immobilized on carbon fibres,
providing high surface area and enhanced electrical conductivity
for redox reactions.254 Such PANI/CF cathode could be operated at
a high rate of 600C within the voltage range of 0.7–1.7 V. In
another study, PANI nanorods were deposited on lens papers with
large voids that could effectively promote electrolyte infiltration
Fig. 13 (a) CV curves of the Zn anode (black line) and the p-chloranil
and ion diffusion.255 The resultant AZIB delivered a specific
cathode (red line) in 1 M Zn(OTf)2–H2O electrolyte at 5 mV s1 and 0.1 mV s1,
respectively. (b) Selected cycles of GCD curves of the p-chloranil cathode at
capacity of 142.3 mA g g1 at 0.2 A g1 over the voltage range of
C/5 rate. The numbers indicate cycle number. Reproduced with permission 0.7–1.7 V. One drawback of PANI cathode is its instability in acidic
from ref. 250, Copyright 2018 American Chemical Society. (c) Schematic electrolytes, where PANI undergoes deprotonation during
illustration of the synthesis of C4Q. (d) GCD curves of the Zn//C4Q full cell repeated charge/discharge, leading to severe degradation. To solve
at 20 mA g1. The upper X axis indicates the uptake number of zinc ions.
this problem, Shi et al. reported a sulfo-self-doped PANI electrode
Reproduced with permission from ref. 251, Copyright 2018 American Asso-
ciation for the Advancement of Science. (e) GCD curves of the Zn//PTO full
(PANI-S) where SO3 self-dopant acted as internal proton
cell at various current densities. Reproduced with permission from ref. 252, reservoir to maintain high local proton concentration on the
Copyright 2018 Wiley-VCH. polymer backbone and promoted reversible redox reactions
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sufficient active sites for Zn2+ insertion. Besides, phosphate ion of zinc and restricted the motion of deposition kinetics, hence
has a longer bond length and lower electronegativity compared preventing the runaway growth of large dendrites. Parker et al.
to O2 on the surface, leading to a decreased energy of electron initially proposed to suppress zinc dendrite growth by construct-
transport, thus improving surface activity and reaction kinetics. ing three-dimensional zinc anode.273 The three-dimensional zinc
As a result, the P-NiCo2O4x cathode presented a tilting high- sponge they demonstrated reached ca. 90% utilization (corres-
voltage plateau at 1.68 V, which was notably superior to pristine ponding to 728 mA h gZn1) when discharged in alkaline electro-
NiCo2O4 cathode. At the high current density of 3 A g1, the lyte, and it can be cycled in various cells without the formation of
P-NiCo2O4x cathode provided a high capacity of 361.3 mA h g1, macroscale dendrites. Another method proposed by Higashi et al.
which was ten times higher than that of pristine NiCo2O4 cathode. employed a backside-plating configuration, where the backside
It also achieved an outstanding energy density of 616.5 W h kg1 plating of zinc was achieved via coating an insulation layer on the
at a power density of 5.15 kW kg1. In a recent study, our group edges and the ‘‘front’’ side of a copper foil that faces zinc metal
has demonstrated for the first time that electrolyte played a counter electrode.274 In this way, zinc ions have to travel over the
unique and important role in improving cycle stability for AZIBs edge and deposit on the open back side of the copper foil,
based on NiCo-hydroxide cathode.16 The developed sodium poly- enabling long-term cycling of zinc batteries without shorting.
Published on 29 November 2019. Downloaded on 8/10/2020 7:54:37 AM.
acrylate (PANa) hydrogel held a concentrated electrolyte solution, In neutral or mildly acidic aqueous electrolytes (which are
where water was well absorbed and retained, and zinc ions were adopted by most AZIBs), two main strategies have been devel-
immobilized to form a quasi-SEI on the PANa network (Fig. 14e), oped to effectively suppress zinc dendrites. One is to construct
thus facilitating ion transport and suppressing zinc dendrite artificial SEI. As revealed by Li et al., the Zn@C anode where
formation. The resultant battery exhibited a tilting discharge carbon coating layer served as an artificial SEI realized stable
plateau at 1.58 V and retained 73% and 65% of its initial capacity zinc stripping/plating and improved kinetics without obvious
after 10 000 and 16 000 charge/discharge cycles at 96C (Fig. 14f), zinc dendrite formation, which should be attributed to the even
respectively. Although possessing attractive performances, it current distribution and resultant homogeneous zinc deposition
should be noted that these reported zinc batteries based on facilitated by the porous carbon coating film.275 Nanosized metal–
conversion-type nickel/cobalt oxides usually adopt alkaline elec- organic frameworks and in situ reduced graphene oxide have also
trolytes for reversible cycling, which should be further optimized been utilized as artificial SEI layer to obtain dendrite-free zinc
in terms of corrosiveness and eco-friendliness. anode, which were claimed to be capable of regulating electro-
3.3.5 Suppression of zinc dendrites. Except for cathode lyte flux on anode surface, resulting in a homogeneous plating
materials, performances of AZIBs are also strongly affected by process.276,277 Another strategy is to construct unique anode
zinc stripping/plating at anode side. Zinc metal is a hostless structures. A free-standing, three-dimensional layered Ti3C2Tx
anode where the metal dissolves into electrolyte upon dis- MXene@Zn paper anode as an alternative to bulky zinc metal
charge and gets plated back upon charge, accompanied with was developed by Tian et al. via in situ electroplating.278 This
the redistribution of zinc on anode surface. Dendritic zinc is anode can provide rapid electron transport pathways, thereby
formed easily during these processes. These zinc dendrites are realizing uniform charge distribution and thus effectively
normally in needle shapes and grow continuously on anode suppressing the formation of dendrites. SEM images revealed
surface during battery usage. Eventually zinc dendrites will the smooth zinc surface on Ti3C2Tx MXene in aqueous electro-
penetrate to cathode and the battery will result in a sudden lyte with outstanding durability. In addition, microporous
short circuit or a sudden capacity drop. Even when short circuit zinc-based metal–organic framework ZIF-8 treated at 500 1C
is not reached, the growth of zinc dendrite will increase anode and flexible three-dimensional CNT framework were both
surface area and thereby accelerate the corrosion of anode and found to be attractive host matrix for zinc plating and stripping,
other surface dependent side reactions, leading to a faster and the resultant anodes with unique structures realized high
battery performance decay.267,268 Coulombic efficiency and dendrite-free plating attributing to
Therefore, the suppression of zinc dendrites is of vital decreased local current density, low zinc nucleation overpotential
importance in achieving and maintaining satisfactory AZIB as well as homogeneous electric field distribution.279,280
performances. A variety of studies on zinc dendrites have been In a study that investigates the fractal growth of zinc
conducted for alkaline zinc-based batteries (the cathodes of dendrites in alkaline electrolytes, the authors pointed out that
which are non-intercalative). For example, back to the 1990s, zinc dendrite growth patterns are affected by various factors,
Kan et al. reported Triton X-100 additive as an effective inhibitor including electrolyte concentration, electrolyte thickness,
on zinc dendrite growth, which can improve the dispersion and voltage variation, anion variation and solvent nature.281 Recently,
cathodic polarization of electrolyte, resulting in finer deposited our group studied the growth behaviour of zinc dendrites in
zinc particles that helped raise efficiency and prolong battery cycle neutral/mild aqueous electrolytes and found that dendrites
life.269 Later on, other additives such as nickel triflate,270 poly- growth is substantially affected by battery configuration,
ethylene glycol,271 benzyltrimethylammonium hydroxide,272 etc., applied current density and the mass loading of cathode
were reported effective in suppressing zinc dendrite growth in materials, which explained the diverse results of battery cycle
alkaline electrolytes. These additives resulted in the formation of life reported in literatures.282 Subsequently, we proposed an
an interphase layer originated from either molecular absorption electrohealing methodology to in situ eliminate the already-
or chemical reactions, which affected the nucleation and growth formed zinc dendrites by decreasing applied current density,
200 | Chem. Soc. Rev., 2020, 49, 180--232 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2020
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Fig. 15 Comparison of redox potentials of representative electrode materials for AZIBs. Red-colour columns and green-colour column represent
cathodes and zinc metal anode, respectively. (Some conversion-type NiCo compounds are also included.).
aiming to prolong battery lifetime or to in situ rescue 3.4.1 Aqueous magnesium-ion batteries. Magnesium metal
in-service AZIBs. possesses a high theoretical volumetric capacity (3833 mA h cm3
Back to battery voltage characteristics, for AZIBs, major compared to the 2046 mA h cm3 of lithium metal) due to its
types of cathode materials have been discussed in this section, divalent charge carrier ions. Moreover, magnesium element is
with their redox potentials summarized and compared in earth abundant and its raw materials are cost effective. There-
Fig. 15. As revealed, PBA-type materials could provide high fore, aqueous magnesium-ion batteries (AMIBs) have recently
redox potentials, while vanadium oxides, sulphides and polymers attracted increasing attention. However, only a few crystal
show relatively low redox potentials. However, discharge capa- phases have been served as cathode materials for AMIBs to
cities of high-potential PBAs are rather small (o80 mA h g1) date, which is mainly due to the aforementioned reason that
compared to other materials (200–300 mA h g1). Cathodes divalent Mg2+could cause strong electrostatic interaction with
with simultaneous high redox potentials and high specific anions in electrode hosts, leading to sluggish kinetics or even
capacities are lacking. Due to the thick solvation sheath and inertness. Recently investigated crystal structures such as
large charge/radius ratio, the intercalation kinetics of zinc Chevrel phases (MgxMo6T8, T = S, Se)293,294 and dichalco-
ions are usually sluggish, and their high atomic mass and genides (MoS2, WSe2)295–297 demonstrate weak electrostatic
strong positive polarity lead to poor kinetics of ion transport interaction between Mg2+ and their anionic frameworks, which
and low solid-state solubility in bulky electrodes. Therefore, is attributed to the moderate polarity of the anions in those
in pursue of high-performance AZIBs, it is highly desired to structures and their large channel dimensions. Whereas, the
continue discovering new cathode materials that bear high moderate polarity leads to weak bonding strength between
capacity, high rate capability, stable cycle performance and transition metals and their surrounding anions, resulting
high redox potentials with flat and high-voltage discharge in relatively low redox potentials. For example, both redox
plateaus. potentials of Chevrel phases and dichalcogenides are below
2 V (vs. Mg/Mg2+), indicating that achieving high voltage while
3.4 Other aqueous multivalent metal-ion batteries maintaining fast kinetics simultaneously is challenging for
Aqueous multivalent metal-ion batteries are considered as promis- cathode materials of AMIBs. In addition, compared to mono-
ing alternatives to aqueous monovalent metal-ion battery systems. valent metal ions, the bivalency leads to stronger solvation
Besides the earth abundance of these metal elements, one major of magnesium ions in electrolytes,298 further inducing a
reason favours their high potential is that, multivalent metal cations larger energy penalty on de-solvation at electrolyte–electrode
can, theoretically, transfer more than one electron and thereby interfaces.299 In order to overcome the interdiffusion barrier
achieve higher specific capacity and energy density.283–289 However, associated with electrostatic attraction, Nam et al. adopted
multivalent cations with large charge densities diffuse much more a novel approach of engaging water into active cathode host
slowly in electrode materials than monovalent cations do due to (i.e., layered Birnessite manganese oxide (Mg-B)).300 The
their strong cation–cation repulsive and cation–anion attractive so-called crystal water in cathode host could effectively shield
forces.287–292 Therefore, current aqueous multivalent metal-ion the electrostatic interactions between Mg2+ and host anions and
batteries exhibit less ideal electrochemical performances, high- thereby improve electrochemical activity. Furthermore, hydration
performance aqueous multivalent metal-ion battery systems have of Mg2+ alleviated de-solvation energy penalty and Coulomb
been rarely reported so far. repulsion between Mg2+ and host surfaces.301 Based on these
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channels allowing for Ca2+ diffusion are also necessary for elec-
trode materials. Several research groups including Cui’s group
have demonstrated that calcium ions could rapidly diffuse
into a PBA type electrode of NiHCF that possesses large open
interstitial sites and channels within the cyano-bridged per-
Fig. 17 (a) Cycle test of the CuHCF cathode in 8.37 M Ca(NO3)2 aqueous
ovskite framework.136,329 This PBA cathode exhibited a tilting electrolyte at 2C. Reproduced with permission from ref. 333, Copyright
discharge plateau at 0.62 V (vs. SCE). However, its relatively low 2016 The Chemical Society of Japan. (b) GCD curves of the CuHCF
capacity (around 50 mA h g1) and cycle instability during cathode in 8.4 M Ca(NO3)2 aqueous electrolyte at 0.2C. Reproduced with
initial cycles inhibited its practical applications. The PBA permission from ref. 334, Copyright 2018 Elsevier. (c) Illustration of the
possible electrochemical redox reactions of PNDIE anode. (d) CV curves of
cathode of K2BaFe(CN)6 was also investigated in 1 M Ca(NO3)2
PNDIE anode and Ca0.3CuHCF cathode in 2.5 M Ca(NO3)2 aqueous
aqueous electrolyte, although showing a flat plateau, its redox electrolyte at 1 mV s1. (e) GCD curves of the PNDIE//Ca0.3CuHCF full
potential was located at around 0.15 V (vs. Ag/AgCl), which was too cell at 1C rate (450 mA g1, according to the total mass of active materials).
low for a cathode material.332 Lee et al. studied the effect of the Reproduced with permission from ref. 335, Copyright 2017 Wiley-VCH.
concentration of aqueous electrolytes on electrochemical perfor-
mances of CuHCF cathode for AMIBs. They found that super-
concentrated electrolyte could enhance the electrochemical in Fig. 17c, each reduction step to form radical anion and
performances by reducing the hydration number and radius of dianion was associated with Ca2+ coordination to the enolate
hydrated calcium ionms.333,334 The capacity was ca. 13% higher groups of PNDIE with neglect change and damage to its frame-
than that in dilute electrolyte. Besides, as shown in Fig. 17a, work, as charges were redistributed within the conjugated
ca. 97% of the initial capacity could be maintained after 150 cycles aromatic molecule.336 Typical CVs of the two electrodes are
in the super-concentrated electrolyte. In contrast, only ca. 58% of displayed in Fig. 17d, clearly showing redox potentials of both
the initial capacity was retained in the dilute electrolyte. This may cathode and anode located within the electrochemical stability
be attributed to the suppressed structural collapse of CuHCF window of the 2.5 M Ca(NO3)2 aqueous electrolyte. The redox
electrode in super-concentrated electrolyte.333 In addition, cyclability peaks of PNDIE anode were at 0.44 V/0.19 V and 0.65 V/
gradually improved with the rise of electrolyte concentration.334 The 0.45 V (vs. Ag/AgCl), indicating a two-step electron transfer
capacity retention after 1000 cycles in 1 M Ca(NO3)2 electrolyte during calciation/de-calciation. The redox peak of Ca0.3CuHCF
was only 49%, whereas 89% was realized after 5000 cycles in cathode was also well-defined at 0.83 V/0.80 V (vs. Ag/AgCl),
8.4 M Ca(NO3)2 electrolyte. Compared to the previous reported resulting in a full ACIB with a midpoint voltage of 1.13 V that
PBA cathodes,136,329 this was a huge improvement. The authors showed no obvious discharge plateau (Fig. 17e). Another aqueous
proposed two potential reasons for the well maintenance of CuHCF full ACIB was fabricated by using barium hexacyanoferrate
structure in the 8.4 M electrolyte: (1) the dissolution of transition (BaHCF), meso-carbon micro beads (MCMB) and 1 M Ca(ClO4)2
metal ions from CuHCF into electrolyte was suppressed by the as cathode, anode and electrolyte, respectively.337 The BaHCF
highly concentrated Ca2+, and (2) the repetitive hydrated Ca2+ cathode exhibited a reduction peak at 0.28 V and an oxidation
intercalation/de-intercalation-induced structural stress in the CuHCF peak at 0.34 V (vs. Ag/AgCl), and the MCMB anode showed
electrode was relatively weak as Ca2+ have a smaller hydration radius broad redox peaks at 0.6 V and 0.4 V (vs. Ag/AgCl). Conse-
in the 8.4 M electrolyte than in 1 M electrolyte. Whereas, the tilting quently, the full battery delivered nearly 40 mA h g1 capacity
discharge plateau of CuHCF became less obvious with the increase (based on the mass of cathode material) within the voltage
of electrolyte concentration. The midpoint voltage was at around range of 0–2.0 V, while it showed no discharge plateau and
0.51 V (vs. SCE) in 8.4 M Ca(NO3)2 electrolyte (Fig. 17b). its midpoint voltage was just around 0.6 V. Like the case of
A low-cost aqueous full ACIB was fabricated based on a AMIBs, the limited choices of electrode materials, especially
Ca0.3CuHCF cathode and a poly[N,N 0 -(ethane-1,2-diyl)-1,4,5,8- anode materials, substantially restrict the advancing of high-
naphthalenetetracarboxiimide] (PNDIE) anode.335 As depicted performance ACIBs. Further simulations and experiments are
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cycle stability that needs further optimization. Moreover, although could open a new way to explore high-voltage and high-energy
monovalent and divalent cations can readily insert into PBAs reversible ARMB configurations.
framework as demonstrated in many battery systems, the inter- On top of that, the type of electrolyte has a prominent effect
calation chemistry of trivalent cations that would carry more on Al3+ intercalation behaviour. For example, it was difficult
charges to PBAs has rarely been studied. Liu et al. investigated for Al3+ to intercalate into TiO2 nanotube arrays in aqueous
CuHCF as cathode material for AAIBs for the first time, achieving Al2(SO4)3 electrolyte.361 The same phenomenon was observed in
a specific capacity of 64 mA h g1 at 50 mA g1 with a midpoint an aprotic electrolyte system: no redox peaks were shown in the
voltage of 0.52 V (vs. SCE) in 0.5 M Al2(SO4)3 aqueous solution electrolyte of Al triflate in PC/THF from 0.75 V to 4.2 V, while
(Fig. 18f and g).357 Broadened CV peaks for Al3+ intercalation were an obvious redox pair was detected in the electrolyte of AlCl3
observed in CuHCF, suggesting complex mechanisms and in [EMIm]Cl.340 It is also revealed that Al3+ intercalation/
poor insertion kinetics.329,357 This CuHCF cathode sustained de-intercalation in MoO3 is favoured in specific types of aqueous
1000 charge/discharge cycles, which is far superior to the above- electrolyte. Compared with Al2(SO4)3 and Al(NO3)3, AlCl3 electro-
introduced cathode materials. While the capacity retention of lyte provides higher Al3+ storage capacity, superior long-term
54.9% is still not satisfactory compared to relatively mature stability and less polarization. In detail, the Al3+ storage capacity
Published on 29 November 2019. Downloaded on 8/10/2020 7:54:37 AM.
ALIBs and AZIBs. of MoO3 in the first discharge cycle was found to be 680 mA h g1
A full AAIB coupling CuHCF cathode and TiO2 anode was in AlCl3 electrolyte, which is the highest reported value so far for
fabricated by Holland et al., showing a relatively high tilting AAIBs.362 Therefore, it is anticipated that Cl played a significant
discharge plateau at 1.45 V.358 While its specific capacity based role in facilitating the reversible and effective Al3+ intercalation/
on both cathodes was merely 10.6 mA h g1, making the good de-intercalation,361 which could shed light on the research of Al3+
capacity retention of 70% over 1750 charge/discharge cycles storage in other transition metal electrodes (e.g., TiO2, V2O5, etc.).
almost meaningless. The authors stated that the slight shift in This section discusses aqueous multivalent metal-ion batteries
neutron diffraction parameters was not sufficient to verify the including AMIBs, ACIBs and AAIBs. Redox potentials of their
major mechanism of charge storage for TiO2 anode, which electrode materials are summarized and compared. As shown in
should be via either Al3+ intercalation or surface adsorption. To Fig. 19, not many electrode materials have been developed so far,
achieve higher capacity, an aqueous rechargeable Al3+–Zn2+ the studies of AMIBs, ACIBs and AAIBs are still in their infancy.
dual-ion hybrid battery was developed based on zinc metal The multivalence of their metal ions usually induces strong
anode and ultrathin graphite nanosheet cathode (Fig. 18h) in electrostatic interaction with anions in electrode hosts, resulting
aqueous Al2(SO4)3–Zn(CH3COO)2 electrolyte.359 The stripping/ in sluggish kinetics or even inertness. It should be noted that
plating of zinc metal anode and the Al3+ intercalation/ PBA-type materials are extremely versatile in ARMBs, as they
de-intercalation into/from the outer graphene layers of graphite show excellent capability to host various metal ions including
cathode led to a discharge capacity of 94 mA h g1 for the not only Li+, Na+, K+, and Zn2+, but also Mg2+, Ca2+, and Al3+.
hybrid Zn//graphite battery with a midpoint voltage of 1.0 V In-depth studies on PBAs may help facilitate the advancement
(Fig. 18i). Besides, this hybrid battery could be rapidly charged of AMIBs, ACIBs and AAIBs.
within 2 min while maintaining a high capacity and demon- We further compare the voltage characteristics including
strated a good cycle stability with 94% capacity retention after midpoint voltage and plateau voltage of various ARMB systems
200 cycles. More recently, Wu et al. fabricated an AAIB by in Fig. 20. As revealed, most reported ARMBs exhibit a mid-
successfully utilizing an aluminium metal anode in 4 M alumi- point voltage less than 1.5 V. The majority of the ARMBs do not
nium trifluoromethanesulfonate (Al(OTF)3) aqueous electrolyte.360 yield a flat discharge plateau, especially for AMIBs, ACIBs
In this electrolyte, passivation occurred on aluminium metal that and AAIBs, all of which just show sloping discharge profiles.
effectively suppressed hydrogen evolution, pushing its onset Generally speaking, the midpoint voltages of AMIBs, ACIBs and
potential from 1.1 V to 0.3 V (vs. Al3+/Al), allowing for the AAIBs are lower than those of ALIBs, ASIBs, AKIBs and AZIBs,
reversible stripping/plating of aluminium metal. An AlxMnO2nH2O except for the cell utilizing TiO2 anode, as TiO2 could provide a
cathode was synthesized via incorporating water and Al3+ into significant low redox potential (Fig. 19). The difference in
spinel Mn3O4 structure through in situ electrochemical trans- midpoint voltage is small among all these ARMBs, which is
formations (Fig. 18j). It was found that the aqueous electrolyte mainly due to the narrow voltage window of aqueous electro-
and crystal water in this cathode could screen the electrostatic lytes that substantially confines cell voltage. In the following
interaction between aluminium ions and cathode frameworks, sections, we will focus on the strategies that can effectively raise
thus enabling reversible electrochemical trivalent processes. cell voltage.
The resultant Al//AlxMnO2nH2O full cell in 4 M Al(OTF)3
yielded an open circuit voltage over 1.6 V with a midpoint
voltage at 1.05 V. Although its working voltage is not the highest 4. Towards high-voltage ARMBs:
among all AAIBs, it exhibited a remarkable discharge capacity strategies and advancements
of 467 mA h g1 at 30 mA g1, leading to a record high energy
density of 481 W h kg1 (Fig. 18k). The strategy of enabling Regarding the constrained cell voltage of ARMBs in aqueous electro-
passivation of aluminium metal in aqueous electrolyte and lytes, in this section, we discuss five major categories of strategies
tailoring polarity between metal ions and host frameworks that have been demonstrated effective in raising cell voltage.
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Fig. 19 Comparison of redox potentials of representative electrode materials for AMIBs, ACIBs and AAIBs. Red-colour columns and blue-colour
columns represent cathodes and anodes, respectively.
Fig. 20 Voltage comparison among various ARMB systems. Solid circles represent midpoint voltages, and hollow stars at the same x-axis position
represent corresponding plateau voltages (the voltage of the first discharge plateau is adopted if a battery yields more than one plateau). Some sodium–
potassium hybrid batteries are also included.
206 | Chem. Soc. Rev., 2020, 49, 180--232 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2020
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the battery voltage can be considerably raised in conventional LIBs and SIBs in recent years.364–366 They exhibit relatively high
aqueous electrolytes. Besides, in terms of electrode materials, operating voltage due to inductive effect of the polyanion as
the core of suppressing hydrogen and oxygen evolution is to well as structural stability with an open framework allowing
utilize anode with high hydrogen evolution overpotential and metal ion diffusion. In 2015, a Na3V2O2x(PO4)2F32x/CNTs
cathode with high oxygen evolution overpotential. This section cathode with excellent cyclability was reported to operate in
highlights the studies on achieving high-voltage ARMBs with aqueous electrolytes with high redox potentials at 0.73 V/0.68 V
conventional aqueous electrolytes via examining the redox (vs. SCE) (Fig. 21b).367 Consequently, a flat high-voltage discharge
potentials as well as the overpotentials of both cathodes and plateau of 1.42 V for the NaTi2(PO4)3//Na3V2O2x(PO4)2F32x/
anodes. MWCNT full ASIB was obtained. Although the ASIB could be
4.1.1 Electrode materials with desired redox potentials. stably charged/discharged for 400 cycles, its maximum capacity
Clustered molybdenum sulfide (Mo6S8), previously known as was just around 40 mA h g1, which was inferior to its
an intercalation host for many metal ions in organic electro- performance in organic electrolytes (4100 mA h g1). Such
lytes, was discovered to be an ultrafast anode for ALIBs.363 It low capacity value should be attributed to the intercalative
showed a sufficiently-low redox pair at around 0.74 V/0.78 V reversibility of just one sodium ion in an aqueous solution
Published on 29 November 2019. Downloaded on 8/10/2020 7:54:37 AM.
(vs. SCE), contributing to a plateau voltage of 1.68 V when within the limited voltage range.
coupled with LiMn2O4 cathode (Fig. 21a). This ASIB could It is most favourable to combine two electrodes with distant
deliver a specific capacity of 74.7 mA h g1 (based on the mass redox potentials that are still well within electrolyte voltage
of both active materials) at an extraordinary high rate of 60C. window, so that the cell voltage could be maximized. Xue et al.
Although its long-term cycle stability was not examined, prepared 3D hierarchy LiCoO2 nanorod arrays as cathode and
such high discharge plateau surpassed most reported ALIBs coupled it with LiTi2(PO4)3 anode. The former exhibited redox
whose midpoint voltages were less than 1.5 V. Similarly, cathode potentials at around 0.8 V and the latter exhibited redox
materials with higher redox potentials are also developed potentials at around 0.7 V, leading to a tilting discharge
for high-voltage ARMBs. Polyanion compounds have been plateau of 1.51 V for the resultant ALIB (Fig. 21c).368 Liu et al.
extensively explored as alternatives to metal oxides in both utilized the high redox potential of LiMn2O4 cathode and the
low redox potential of TiO2, constructed an ALIB showing a
high midpoint voltage of around 2.06 V with two discharge
plateaus at 2.24 V and 1.90 V.369 In this ALIB, HER was
effectively suppressed in the mixed 3.5 M LiCl/0.25 M Li2SO4
electrolyte due to the high anodic hydrogen evolution over-
potential, enabling the reversible lithium-ion intercalation/
de-intercalation at TiO2 anode side. As the commonly employed
anode for AZIBs is zinc metal, the selection of electrode
materials to realize high-voltage AZIBs depends on the select
of cathode materials. Compared to the widely studied MnO2
cathode, PBA cathodes are inferior in terms of specific capacity,
while they offer attractive redox potentials that are usually
higher than 1.5 V (vs. Zn/Zn2+). For example, Zhang et al. fabricated
ZnHCF for AZIBs, and the resultant full battery exhibited a tilting
discharge plateau of around 1.72 V, much higher than the
1.38 V and 1.2 V of Zn//MnO2 battery (Fig. 21d and e).258
Moreover, Shan et al. synthesized surface hydroxylated Mn5O8
electrodes to construct a symmetrical ASIB (Fig. 21f and g).370
Fig. 21 (a) GCD curves of the Mo6S8//LiMn2O4 full cell in 2 M Li2SO4
This Mn5O8 electrode showed a wide potential window in a
electrolyte for consecutive 50 cycles at 0.5 mA. Cycle numbers are
indicated. Reproduced with permission from ref. 363, Copyright 2012
0.1 M Na2SO4 electrolyte between 1.7 V (with an overpotential
Springer Nature. (b) CV curves of the Na3V2O2x(PO4)2F32x/CNTs cathode of 0.64 V towards HER) and 0.8 V (with an overpotential of
at 0.2 mV s1 in aqueous electrolyte. Reproduced with permission from 0.63 V towards OER), which originated from sluggish HER and
ref. 367, Copyright 2015 Royal Society of Chemistry. (c) GCD curves of OER kinetics that were verified by TAFEL plots. The interaction
individual electrode and the corresponding LiTi2(PO4)3/C//LiCoO2 full cell
between hydroxylated interphase on the surface and the unique
in aqueous Li2SO4 electrolyte. Reproduced with permission from ref. 368,
Copyright 2019 Elsevier. (d) A schematic of the Zn//ZnHCF battery. (e)
bivalence structure of Mn5O8 accounted for the suppression of
Discharge curves of the Zn//ZnHCF battery at various rates. Reproduced HER and OER, and a two-electron charge transfer mechanism
with permission from ref. 258, Copyright 2015 Wiley-VCH. (f) Illustration of via Mn2+/Mn4+ was identified, providing facile pathway for
the lattice structure of Mn5O8. Purple represents Mn4+, blue represents Na+ diffusion. The as-assembled symmetrical ASIB could be
Mn2+, red represents O, and white indicates the possible unoccupied sites.
charged to 3.0 V and exhibited remarkable rate capability.
(g) TEM image of the Mn5O8 particles. (h) GCD curves of the Mn5O8
symmetric cell at 5 A g1. Inset shows its energy efficiency and coulombic
While its charge/discharge profiles were sloping, resulted in a
efficiency. Reproduced with permission from ref. 370, Copyright 2016 midpoint voltage of around 1.0 V, which is relatively low
Springer Nature. compared to its upper cut-off voltage of 3.0 V (Fig. 21h).
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general pH of electrolytes can also benefit cell voltage in the intercalative FePO4, it has long been used as a cathode for
following aspects. conventional LIBs due to its potential of 3.4 V vs. (Li+/Li).380 By
First, redox reactions of some electrodes that beyond elec- properly tuning electrolyte pH and pairing with a suitable
trolyte voltage window at neutral pH can be reversibly initiated cathode, Wang and co-workers successfully utilized olivine
under certain pH conditions. For example, Liu et al. fabricated FePO4 and amorphous FePO42H2O as anodes for ALIBs.54
vertically oriented anatase TiO2 nanotube arrays as lithium-ion Although these anodes are stable in a broad pH range, accord-
intercalative anode to pair with H+ insertive a-NiOH cathode.379 ing to calculation, electrolyte pH should not be too low, which
CV curve of this anatase TiO2 in a mixed alkaline LiOH/KOH was optimized at pH = 5. Otherwise full capacity of anodes
aqueous electrolyte revealed redox peaks at 1.39 V and cannot be utilized due to severe HER at lower pH values. The
1.11 V (vs. Hg/HgO) attributing to lithium-ion intercalation/ authors further pointed out that many common cathodes of LIBs
de-intercalation, and the HER peak was notably shifted to a are confined to alkaline conditions because of the instability of
more negative potential of 1.53 V (vs. Hg/HgO), suggesting anodes in acidic conditions. If paired with a stable anode and
that HER was substantially suppressed in this alkaline electrolyte, put in acidic an electrolyte, cathodes such as LiFePO4 and
allowing for the prior occurrence of lithium-ion intercalation/ LiCoO2 should exhibit more stable performances as OER would
Published on 29 November 2019. Downloaded on 8/10/2020 7:54:37 AM.
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surface, it can be regarded as an imitation of SEI, i.e., an 164 mA h g1 at 0.1C. However, its rate performance was still
artificial SEI. An artificial SEI should meet the following not comparable to conventional ALIBs, the issue of low ionic
requirements: (1) it should be capable of preventing water conductivity of artificial SEI awaits to be properly addressed.
penetration, thus, water molecules cannot pass through, other- Besides, the realization of artificial SEI onto lithium metal surface
wise HER would be triggered; (2) it should be ionic conductive, usually requires an extra layer to prevent the direct contact between
so that the electrochemical processes can be proceeded. This lithium metal and the ionically conductive isolation layer (LISICON,
concept has been widely implemented on ALIB systems. For A-LLTO, LATP, etc.), otherwise the latter would be reduced by
example, Wang et al. introduced a LISICON film onto lithium lithium metal due to their chemical instability.386,391 The widely-
metal anode (Fig. 25a). In this study, LISICON served as a applied extra layer could be gel polymer electrolyte, which is a thin
separator as well as a solid electrolyte, whose ionic conductivity polymer layer (PVDF/PMMA/PVDF, PEO, etc.) saturated with organic
at room temperature was around 0.1 mS cm2. With LiMn2O4 electrolyte (1 M LiClO4 in EC/DMC).388–390,392
as cathode and 0.5 M Li2SO4 as electrolyte, lithium ions at An artificial SEI was further designed for aluminium anode
cathode side can transport in the aqueous electrolyte, pass to enable its consistent usability in aqueous electrolytes.393 It is
through the LISICON coating layer, and reach the lithium metal known that Al readily forms a high-bandgap passivation layer of
Published on 29 November 2019. Downloaded on 8/10/2020 7:54:37 AM.
anode. Benefiting from the low potential of lithium metal Al2O3, which turns Al to be inert in electrochemical processes.
stripping/plating (Fig. 25b), the operating voltage of the resultant Particularly, if used in aqueous electrolytes, higher potential is
ALIB could thus extend to over 4 V with two flat plateaus located at needed to drive ion transport through the passivation layer,
4.06 V and 3.85 V, respectively.388 A similar ALIB based on leading to severe hydrogen evolution. It was found that immersing
LISICON-coated lithium metal anode and LiCoO2 cathode was Al in the acidic ionic liquid (IL) electrolyte of AlCl3-[EMIm]Cl for
also developed, exhibiting a midpoint voltage of 3.70 V.389 more than one day could induce a tightly bound, IL-enriched
Whereas, the ionic conductivity of LISICON is not satisfactory, interphase on Al surface (Fig. 25c and d), which erodes the
which could be a bottleneck in achieving high specific capacity passivation coating of Al2O3 and prevents its subsequent for-
and rate performance. Le and co-workers developed a perovskite- mation. Moreover, this interphase is permanent and favourable
structured aluminium-substituted lithium lanthanum titanate for aluminium ion transport. By utilizing this artificial SEI, a
(A-LLTO), the ionic conductivity of which was enhanced to battery based on Al anode and MnO2 cathode was constructed,
0.317 mS cm2 with optimized fabrication conditions, much higher which can be reversibly cycled in aqueous Al(CF3SO3)3 electro-
than the 0.1 mS cm2 of LISICON.390 By applying the A-LLTO lyte without notable hydrogen evolution, delivering an energy
as an artificial SEI for lithium metal anode and pairing with density up to 500 W h kg1 due to its high specific capacity and
LiCoO2 cathode, the resultant ALIB exhibited an open circuit high cell voltage (with a midpoint voltage of 1.37 V and a
voltage of nearly 4.2 V, and a notably larger specific capacity of plateau voltage of 1.40 V) (Fig. 25e).
Based on the above discussion, it is understood that con-
structing artificial interphase layers usually involves the addition of
organic electrolyte, meaning the cost and safety concerns of
conventional organic battery systems cannot be completely
erased. Although some approaches have been proposed to
construct artificial SEI on cathode or anode without the using
of organic electrolyte, they just managed to stabilize electrode
and achieve better cycle performance, rather than raise cell
voltage.394,395 Therefore, the direct and effective strategy of
constructing artificial interphase layers still needs further
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whereas the dark blue area underneath represents a partially miscible from hydrate-melt electrolytes as they still contain non-negligible
phase. (b) Stoichiometric amounts of salts and water used to prepare the amount of free water due to their off-eutectic design. For the solution
hydrate melt of Li(TFSI)0.7(BETI)0.32H2O, resulting a transparent liquid. (c) with the water/anion molar ratio of 2 (Li(TFSI)0.7(BETI)0.32H2O),
Snapshots of equilibrium trajectories obtained from first-principles DFT-
a stable state was discovered where all water molecules were
MD simulations of Li(TFSI)0.7(BETI)0.32H2O hydrate melt and dilute LiTFSI/
H2O. Atom color: C, dark grey; H, light grey; O, red; N, blue; S, yellow; F, coordinated with lithium ions and intramolecular hydrogen
green; Li, purple. (d) Equilibrium potential shift of lithium ion intercalation bonding was neglectable (Fig. 30c). The authors also investigated
versus Li+ molality of electrolytes. (e) Voltage windows of pure water, the equilibrium potential shift of intercalation/de-intercalation
conventional LiTFSI/H2O electrolyte, and the hydrate-melt electrolyte with reaction of lithium ions, which was commonly observed in
redox potentials of Li4Ti5O12, LiCoO2 and LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 indicated. Repro-
‘‘water-in-salt’’ type electrolytes. The equilibrium potential shift
duced with permission from ref. 62, Copyright 2016 Springer Nature.
was measured to be 0.25 V in Li(TFSI)0.7(BETI)0.32H2O hydrate
melt, higher than that of 22 M LiTFSI (Fig. 30d). Anodic and
potassium acetate (KOAc) aqueous electrolyte, which allowed for the cathodic potential limits were further pushed due to a thermo-
reversible cycling of the low-potential KTi2(PO4)3 anode (1.4 V/ dynamic mechanism (lowered HOMO level) and a kinetic
1.0 V vs. Ag/AgCl) for AKIBs (Fig. 29d and e).65 The potential mechanism (anion-based passivation), respectively, resulting
hysteresis between K+ intercalation and de-intercalation was smaller in an ultra-wide voltage window of 3.8 V. Moreover, due to the
in 30 M KOAc (around 0.3 V) than in nonaqueous electrolyte positive shift of reactive potentials, this voltage window allows
(around 0.5 V), suggesting higher energy efficiency. Furthermore, for reversible cycling of Li4Ti5O12 anode, whose reaction potentials
Lukatskaya et al. constructed a ‘‘water-in-bisalt’’ electrolyte by mix- are completely located within the voltage window. High-voltage
ing inorganic salts of lithium acetate (LiOAc) and KOAc. According LiCoO2 and LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 cathodes can also be utilized as their
to MD simulation results, the ionic hydration shells of the highly upward-shifted potentials are still within the voltage window
concentrated 32 M KOAc + 8 M LiOAc electrolytes exhibit (Fig. 30e). As a result, the Li4Ti5O12//LiCoO2 and the Li4Ti5O12//
significantly interpenetrated feature, where every water mole- LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 full ALIBs exhibited high-voltage discharge
cule is involved in at least one hydration shell at any given time plateaus at 2.26 V and 3.10 V, respectively.
(Fig. 29f). Thus, it can be regarded as a typical ‘‘water-in-bisalt’’ So far, there are no other investigations employing hydrate-
electrolyte, where no free water exists, and the solvation sheath melt electrolytes for ARMBs, except that Wu et al. developed a
consists of solely shared water molecules. The molecular water- Li–O2 battery based on a hydrate-melt electrolyte, which was
to-salt ratio was pushed to an ultralow value of 1.3. Resultantly, organic solvent-free and thus was effectively exempted from
conventional LIB anode materials including Li4Ti5O12 and side reactions regarding solvent degradation and by-products
TiO2 exhibited reversible Li+ intercalation/de-intercalation formation.408 Therefore, more studies are needed to further
in the 32 M KOAc + 8 M LiOAc ‘‘water-in-bisalt’’ electrolyte evaluate and improve the practicability of this novel kind of
(Fig. 29g), and the corresponding TiO2//LiMn2O4 full ALIB electrolytes.
yielded a flat high-voltage discharge plateau of 2.10 V.405 These
organic component-free ‘‘water-in-salt’’/‘‘water-in-bisalt’’ electrolytes 4.5 Electrolyte additives with interphase-forming capability
are cheap and environmentally benign, and can be readily regulated Differing from artificial SEI, additives with interphase-forming
over a wide range, showing high adaptability and versatility. capability tend to in situ form an extra interphase between
4.4.3 Hydrate-melt electrolytes. The concept of hydrate electrode and electrolyte, via either polymerization, physical
melt is similar to ‘‘water-in-salt’’. In fact, the ‘‘water-in-bisalt’’ absorption, or chemical decomposition of additives during
electrolyte was inspired by the implementation of hydrate-melt electrochemical processes. This section highlights the studies
electrolyte. Hydrate-melt electrolyte is actually the extending involving electrolyte additives that benefit battery voltage.
of super-concentrated electrolyte into water solvent. Super- The in situ-formed, additive-originated interphases hinder the
concentrated electrolytes have been studied for conventional LIBs transport of water molecules to electrode surfaces, suppress the
to enable better stability and even higher cell voltage (44 V).406,407 evolution of hydrogen or oxygen, and thus result in stabilized
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(HANE) developed by Wang et al.,414 the non-aqueous compo- could be realized in organic electrolytes. However, such high
nent of dimethyl carbonate (DMC) served as an additive in capacity decays during cycling in aqueous electrolytes due to the
‘‘water-in-salt’’ electrolyte, which provided a secondary ingre- lack of protective SEI on cathode.121,416,417 Wang et al. introduced
dient of alkylcarbonate in addition to LiF originating from TFSI an additive of tris(trimethylsilyl) borate (TMSB) into ‘‘water-in-
reduction to strengthen the SEI-like interphase formed on salt’’ electrolyte, which was subsequently oxidized to form a
anode during electrochemical processes (Fig. 31f and g), protective interphase on LiCoO2 cathode (Fig. 32d and e).418 At
extending voltage window downward to 1.0 V (vs. Li/Li+) a high cut-off voltage, the interphase-protected LiCoO2 delivered a
(Fig. 31h). The electrochemical stability window of the HANE high capacity of 170 mA h g1 with remarkable cycling stability.
was around 4.1 V wide, enabling an ALIB with a flat discharge An ALIB coupling LiCoO2 cathode with Mo6S8 anode exhibited a
plateau at 3.2 V based on LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 cathode and Li4Ti5O12 2.50 V open circuit voltage and a 1.95 V midpoint voltage
anode (Fig. 31i). This ALIB showed an energy density as high as (Fig. 32f), achieving an energy density as high as 120 W h kg1
165 W h kg1 and a cycle stability over 1000 charge/discharge cycles. and a low capacity decay rate of 0.013%/charge–discharge cycle, as
More recently, Wang’s group proposed a conversion-intercalation the protective interphase effectively suppressed OER and cobalt
chemistry of the cathode containing equimolar lithium halide salts dissolution from cathode to electrolyte.
Published on 29 November 2019. Downloaded on 8/10/2020 7:54:37 AM.
(LiBr)0.5(LiCl)0.5–graphite (LBC–G) (Fig. 32a).415 In this study, ‘‘water- Voltage characteristics of high-voltage ARMBs employing the
in-bisalt’’ electrolyte was utilized to bind partially hydrated LiBr/LiCl above-mentioned various strategies are compared in Fig. 33. As
within the cathode host, and HFE gel was employed to coat graphite revealed, most of these ARMBs possess midpoint voltages
anode so that a protective interphase could be formed to higher than 1.5 V, and the majority of them exhibit a flat
initiate its electrochemical processes. This new cathode plateau upon discharge, showing high potential in providing
chemistry combined the high energy of the conversion reaction high-energy and consistent output. Midpoint voltages of the
and the good reversibility of intercalation process, resulting in ARMBs based on conventional aqueous electrolytes that fully
a full ALIB with a midpoint voltage of 3.98 V and an ultrahigh exploit voltage window (introduced in Section 4.1) are basically
energy density of 460 W h kg1 (based on the mass of both in the range of 1.2–2.0 V. By regulating electrolyte pH, midpoint
electrodes) (Fig. 32b and c). voltages can be raised to 1.8–2.3 V (ARMBs introduced in
In addition, an electrolyte additive has been reported to Section 4.2). Concentrated aqueous electrolytes including
stabilize high-voltage cathode material. Layered LiCoO2, when the novel ‘‘water-in-salt’’/‘‘water-in-bisalt’’ and hydrate-melt elec-
charged to 4.2 V (vs. Li/Li+), could deliver a specific capacity of trolytes further pushes midpoint voltages up to 2.5 V and above
140 mA h g1, corresponding to 50% Li extraction to Li0.5CoO2, (ARMBs introduced in Section 4.4). Impressively, protective inter-
which has been regarded as a relatively reliable cathode phase layers either artificially formed (ARMBs introduced in
material. If charged to 4.5 V (vs. Li/Li+), a higher specific Section 4.3) or in situ formed via electrolyte additives (ARMBs
capacity of 180 mA h g1 (corresponding to 70% Li extraction) introduced in Section 4.5) can ultimately realize ARMBs with
midpoint voltages over 4.0 V, which are even comparable to
traditional organic LIBs. Still, there is a long way to go before
they can be practically applied and commercialized, further
researches on cost cut-down, cell assembly and encapsulation
techniques are needed.
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Fig. 33 Voltage comparison among various high-voltage ARMB systems. Solid circles represent midpoint voltages, and hollow stars at the same x-axis
position represent corresponding plateau voltages (the voltage of the first discharge plateau is adopted if a battery yields more than one plateau).
Nevertheless, running high-voltage ARMBs far away from their large organic groups, which are extremely expensive, and the
intrinsic ‘‘safe zone’’ leads to other problems, including high concentration further pushes up their cost. As for electro-
jeopardized cycle stability originating from aggravated side lyte additives, their long-term influences on electrochemical
reactions, higher cost due to the use of expensive chemicals/ performances should be carefully observed, and their decom-
components, more complicated configurations, etc. position to form SEI-like interphase usually associate with
Reviewing representative ARMBs, it is delighted to see that the use of organic components and ‘‘water-in-salt’’/‘‘water-in-
some tough problems have been more or less addressed by bisalt’’ electrolytes.
applying a variety of ingenious solutions. However, ideal Therefore, to enable practicability, more cost-effective and
ARMBs prototypes possessing high energy and power density facile strategies should be envisioned and implemented. For
with simultaneous long-term cycling stability are rare, not to example, there are many experiences of constructing artificial
mention the concern about cost. As the ultimate goal of ARMBs SEIs for conventional LIBs,419–421 which can be translated to
is commercialization, it is an urgent need to upgrade their ARMBs with suitable adjustments. This kind of strategy should
practicability to a new level. According to the achievements that be carefully screened and optimized to cater for the original
have been made so far, potential directions for further improve- intentions of low cost and industrial simplicity. Besides, almost
ments of future ARMBs are proposed in the following aspects. all works based on ‘‘water-in-salt’’/‘‘water-in-bisalt’’ electrolytes
and hydrate-melt electrolytes are limited to several types of
5.1 Envision more cost-effective and facile strategies organic salts, there should be cheaper and more effective
Although effective, current strategies to obtain high-voltage options for constructing high-voltage ARMBs with reasonable
ARMBs are usually complex and/or costly. Specifically, the cost. Some ionic liquids (ILs) have been reported to be good
effect of regulating electrolyte pH is moderate, while it may supporting components for aqueous electrolytes, and their
be more demanding on cell configuration, or induce side mixture with water mitigates the disadvantages of high viscos-
reactions of electrode materials, or cause safety concerns ity and low ionic conductivity, which could also be a promising
of erosion. Constructing artificial interphase is even more research direction of expanding electrolyte voltage window.241,422–424
complicated in engineering, and it usually involves the use of Moreover, studies have shown that some gel polymer electrolytes
an extra layer of lithium-ion conductor and organic electrolyte (GPEs) have better tolerance for high voltages, which was
to initiate the utilization of low-potential lithium metal or ascribed to the mechanism of ‘‘molecular cages’’ where water
carbon anode, meaning the cost and safety concern are actually molecular are ‘‘locked’’ and more interacted with polymer
not much eased. The novel ‘‘water-in-salt’’/‘‘water-in-bisalt’’ chains,425 or a special ionic conduction mechanism of coopera-
electrolytes and hydrate-melt electrolytes are impressive in tive O - B coordination bonds in polymer.241 These gel
expanding voltage window, which makes the cycling of elec- polymers enabled high-voltage energy storage devices without
trode materials with higher/lower redox potentials in aqueous severe water electrolysis. Although more comprehensive investi-
solutions possible. Whereas, they generally employ salts with gations are needed to further reveal their in-depth mechanisms,
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and/or protecting the bare current collector area with inert Compared to the studies on electrode materials and liquid
coatings.436,437 Moreover, the choice of binder for ARMBs is quite electrolytes, very little work is directed toward characterizing,
limited. The widely-adopted polyvinylidene-di-fluoride (PVDF) evaluating and developing separators/solid-sate electrolytes for
binder suffers from high cost and toxicity, and the solvent of ARMBs. To score higher energy density and maintain consistent
N-methyl-pyrrolidone (NMP) used to dissolve PVDF has similar energy output, researchers should devote more into these areas.
disadvantages.438 The gradual dissolution of PVDF into aqueous Mechanical strength, chemical stability, thermal stability, perme-
electrolytes further required the seeking for safer, more cost- ability, porosity, wettability, electrolyte absorption and retention,
effective and more stable binders for ARMBs.439 Overall, the thickness, and dimensional stability should all be considered
choice of current collector and binder for ARMBs seems trivial, when enhancing separators/solid-sate electrolytes. It is worth
but it is crucial in terms of improving battery performances. bearing in mind that it is eventually the applications that decide
Therefore, systematic and in-depth studies in these aspects are what kind of separator/solid-sate electrolyte is most suitable for a
urgently needed. certain ARMB system, as no single separator/solid-sate electrolyte
satisfies all the needs. Thus, compromises need to be made. There
5.4 Enhancement of separators/solid-state electrolytes has always been a growing demand for thinner separators/solid-
Published on 29 November 2019. Downloaded on 8/10/2020 7:54:37 AM.
A separator is usually in the form of a porous membrane sate electrolytes to push up battery energy density,445 and the
sandwiched between cathode and anode, permeable to electro- blooming field of wearable electronics call for highly flexible,
lyte ions but preventing electric contact of electrodes. It plays a highly mechanically-durable separators/solid-sate electrolytes
vital role in a battery system, and should meet the following to ensure both comfortable wearing and stable energy supply.
requirements: (1) electric insulation; (2) low ionic resistance; Researchers should work along with industrial manufacturers to
(3) chemical stability against electrolyte, electrode reactants create the next generation of ARMBs with enhanced separators/
and by-products; (4) mechanically strong and stable; (5) readily solid-sate electrolytes.
wettable by electrolyte.440 It should be clarified that currently
there is no single separator that can satisfy all batteries with 5.5 Thoroughly examine OER and HER behaviour in ARMBs
varied chemistries, configurations and geometries. Conven- As researches are mainly focused on directly enhancing battery
tional LIBs extensively adopt polyolefins (polyethylene and performances, the profound influences of OER and HER during
polypropylene) with microporous structures as separators, as the electrochemical processes of ARMBs have not been thor-
they possess good mechanical properties, chemical stability oughly investigated yet. For ARMBs, OER and HER together
and affordability. But these polyolefins are inherently non- decide the electrochemical stability window of their aqueous
wettable by aqueous solutions, so that aqueous electrolytes electrolytes, thus affecting the usability of electrode materials
cannot penetrate these membranes and ions migration cannot and resultant cell voltages. Besides, OER and HER themselves
occur. Recent researches of ARMBs tend to utilize cellulose- as well as associated parasitic reactions significantly deteriorate
based microporous nonwoven fabrics as separators, which are the long-term stability of ARMBs, attributing to either altera-
chemically stable and hydrophilic. Whereas, sufficient thick- tion in electrolyte concentration and/or accessibility due to
ness is needed for them to maintain satisfactory mechanical water consumption, or dissolution of intermediate by-products
strength. originated from electrode active materials. On top of that, even
To avoid liquid leakage and simplify battery configuration, minor gas evolution could disable the sealing of ARMBs, which
solid-state electrolytes that can serve simultaneously as battery impedes long-term durability, torturing the encapsulation for
separators have been accordingly developed. For conventional further commercialization. Therefore, it is of tremendous impor-
LIBs, commonly-adopted solid-state electrolytes are polymer tance to systematically study OER and HER during battery charge/
electrolytes, gel polymer electrolytes and inorganic solid-state discharge processes with respect to various battery components
electrolytes.441,442 Although attractive in operation safety and including electrode materials, electrolytes, binders, conductive
cell assembly, these solid-state electrolytes suffer either low additives, and current collectors. Due to the similarities in electro-
lithium-ion conductivity, low mechanical strength or poor chemistry, research methods and experiences can be borrowed
flexibility. For ARMBs, as water is the electrolyte solvent, it is from the studies of metal–air batteries446–449 for OER and the
feasible to utilize hydrogel as solid-state electrolyte. Hydrogels studies of electrocatalytic hydrogen production37,450–452 for
are typically swollen polymer networks with a large amount of HER. Moreover, real-time monitoring electrolyte local pH may
absorbed water, resulting in high ionic conductivity and stability help quantify OER and HER processes that involve hydrogen
against liquid leakage. Some hydrogel electrolytes such as poly(vinyl ions and hydroxides, and pH change could in return affect the
alcohol), sodium polyacrylate and gelatin are actually not advant- activity of OER and HER.453,454 Coulombic efficiency may also be
ageous in maintaining consistent battery performance, because they utilized as an effective indicator for examining OER and HER, and
would be easily affected or damaged upon high shearing force, literatures have already paid attention to its importance in galvano-
pressure, or sharp cut. But through careful design and modification, static charge/discharge cycling, self-discharge test and galvanostatic
we have demonstrated the successful applications of self-healing intermittent titration technique (GITT) test.63,399,400,455,456 With
hydrogel electrolyte and soft-yet-tough hydrogel electrolyte in various in-depth understanding of OER and HER behaviour in certain
aqueous battery systems, having achieved improved device-level ARMB configurations, effective and accurate strategies can thus
usability and durability.213,443,444 been envisioned to better enhance battery performances.
220 | Chem. Soc. Rev., 2020, 49, 180--232 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2020
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5.6 In-depth exploration of degradation mechanisms of emphasized on the co-insertion process of protons and zinc ions,
ARMBs where the cathode lattice contraction induced by zinc ion inter-
Degradation mechanisms of conventional LIBs have been calation and the expansion caused by hydronium intercalation
thoroughly investigated, which has helped address the cycle offset each other, favouring lattice integrity and battery long-term
life issue and achieve wide applications of LIBs. For ARMBs, stability.240,480
few studies have specially focused on their degradation Exploring degradation mechanisms is extremely important
mechanisms during cycling. Actually, the adoption of aqueous in terms of either commercialisation of ARMBs or achieving
solutions brings about more complicated chemical reactions high-voltage ARMBs. For instance, replacing oxide ion with
and thus should result in more diverse degradation processes. polyanions can expand charge voltage limited by the top of
Literatures have demonstrated that some vanadium-based the anion-p bands of cathodes, while it could result in structural
compounds can be utilized as promising cathodes for various instability and performance decay after cycling.481 Also, some
ARMB systems, while their fast dissolution into aqueous electrodes show electrochemical instability at high applied
electrolytes accounts for the rapid capacity fading of ARMBs.457 voltage.460 Currently, during the investigations of ARMB degrada-
Phase transformation of electrode materials is another major tion mechanisms, more attentions are devoted to electrode
Published on 29 November 2019. Downloaded on 8/10/2020 7:54:37 AM.
factor that causes battery performance decay. For example, intrinsic properties, while their association with aqueous
MnO2 goes through irreversible phase transformation to spinel electrolytes has seldom been attended. Besides, the studies
ZnMn2O4. The latter possesses a high negative formation energy on the degradation of aqueous electrolyte and hydrogel electro-
(1293.3 kJ mol1) that can well stabilize this compound, leading lytes themselves are usually neglected. Therefore, researchers
to unfavourable zinc ion extraction during charging. Together are suggested to conduct more comprehensive and in-depth
with the loss of redox-active Mn element originating from Mn2+ exploration of the degradation mechanism of ARMBs.
dissolution, capacity fading of the Zn//MnO2 battery is thus
5.7 Employment of in situ characterization techniques
inevitable.44,432,458 Na2/3[Ni1/3Mn2/3]O2 for sodium intercalation
and LiNiO2 for lithium intercalation were also found to experience Electrochemical testing approaches such as cyclic voltammetry,
phase transformation upon cycling.459,460 Nayak et al. reported galvanostatic charge/discharge, electrochemical impedance
that the layered-to-spinel phase transformation of Li- and Mn-rich spectroscopy and rate performance test are widely-adopted
cathode Li1.2Ni0.16Mn0.56Co0.08O2 was responsible for its average methods to investigate the electrochemical mechanisms and
discharge voltage decay.461 Also, the migration of some transition evaluate the performances of ARMBs. While these methodol-
metal ions in electrode materials would cause concentration ogies are incapable of describing the detailed reaction mechan-
gradient in lattice, leading to the formation of structural recon- isms and microscopic variations of electrode chemical/physical
struction layer throughout the whole electrochemical process and state during electrochemical processes, hence ARMBs in opera-
the resultant performance decay.462 Besides, it is reported that tion are like a ‘‘black box’’. This ‘‘black box’’ can be unfolded
structural instability of high-voltage oxygen-containing cathodes via various ex situ characterization techniques. However, for
can result in the release of lattice oxygen. Extensive oxygen release ex situ measurements, the ongoing electrochemical processes
causes severe cathode performance decay and triggers thermal have to be stopped and the electrode/electrolyte components
runaway of conventional LIBs.463,464 In addition, other causes obtained from the disassembled cells need to be carefully
including irreversible electrochemical instabilities at electrode– handled prior to the tests. In this respect, ex situ techniques
electrolyte interfaces,465,466 induced microcracks within secondary cannot reveal the exact reaction routes happened in ARMBs.
particles of electrode materials,467 redox reactions between Instead, in situ characterization techniques can track the whole
electrode and binder,468 and non-uniform coatings of electrodes469 electrochemical processes without disturbing ARMBs, omitting
that would deteriorate battery long-term performance have also the influence and uncertainty brought by cell disassembly
been located. and electrode/electrolyte post-treatment, thereby providing
To deal with the suffering battery degradation issue, researchers systematic, accurate and profound information of structural
have proposed corresponding solutions. Polymer coating strategy evolutions and reaction mechanisms.
and addition of specific salt to change dissolution equilibrium Various in situ characterization techniques including X-ray,
were proved effective to suppress the dissolution of vanadium- electron, neutron, optical, and scanning probes have been
based compounds.27,240 Doping electrode materials with various applied to the studies of LIBs and lithium–sulfur batteries.482,483
valence groups can affect their structures and properties in Whereas, only in situ X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy
various ways, which include acting as pillars to uphold electrode have been relatively widely-adopted for the studies of ARMBs. It
structural integrity,470 increasing lattice spacing for faster ion is suggested that researchers conduct more systematic in situ
intercalation,471 decreasing lattice distortion,472 increasing the characterizations with the cutting-edge techniques to detect
energy barrier for transition metal migration,461 and delaying ARMB electrode at different depths of discharge and states
oxygen release reaction,473 thus alleviating their structural trans- of charge, as well as the influences of aqueous electrolytes and
formations. Constructing core–shell structures via modification of the interfaces between electrolytes and electrodes, therefore
surface chemical composition without affecting bulk composition building up a bridge linking the macroscopic electrochemical
has also been proposed to enhance the structural stability of performances with the microscopic physical and chemical
electrodes.474–479 Moreover, for AZIBs, Wang et al. and Wan et al. variations of ARMB components. For example, in situ optical
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spectroscopy characterizations such as Fourier transform infra- stable energy output and high energy efficiency, which can be
red spectroscopy and ultraviolet-visible absorption spectroscopy found in both organic and inorganic electrode materials among
can be combined with Raman spectroscopy to quantitatively or different ARMBs.120,251 Whereas sloping discharge profiles are
semi-quantitatively identify fingerprints of electrodes, electrolyte also commonly seen in some systems with slow electrochemical
and reaction products under different electrochemical operating kinetics. Therefore, by studying general strategies that can
stages.484 In situ transmission electron microscopy and scanning regulate discharge plateau or other voltage characteristics, it
electron microscopy can reveal the morphology evolution including is highly feasible to develop universal approaches to control the
expansion, extraction and crack formation of electrodes, and multi- electrochemical performance of various ARMBs. To achieve
dimensional information of electrodes can be obtained via trans- this, precise characterization technologies and convincing the-
mission X-ray microscopy together with X-ray absorption near-edge oretical calculations/simulations are indispensable.
structure.483 Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging has been Thorough studies have been made on ARMBs in the past two
reported to real-time monitor the microstructure growth of decades, while the attempts to achieve practically usable high-
lithium metal, suggesting its huge potential in the studies of voltage and high-energy ARMBs are preliminary and deficient.
zinc dendrites in AZIBs.485 Moreover, structure- and dynamic- Although ARMBs cannot compete with commercial LIBs yet,
Published on 29 November 2019. Downloaded on 8/10/2020 7:54:37 AM.
function relations of energy materials can be unveiled by in situ recent investigations and the proposed perspectives have
neutron-based techniques, and identifying battery working provided insightful strategies and promising opportunities that
mechanism at molecular and/or atomic scale is thus feasible. can facilitate the practical development of high-voltage and
Specifically, in situ neutron powder diffraction can be applied high-energy ARMBs.
to help understand the complicated ion-intercalation and phase
transitions in electrode materials, and even modest dynamical
information can be probed from atomic displacement Conflicts of interest
parameters.486 Besides, in situ small-angle neutron scattering
There are no conflicts to declare.
that probes materials at larger length scales from 1 nanometre
up to several micrometres is particularly powerful for characteriza-
tion of structural evolution at nanometre scales.487 Driven by these Notes and references
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Published on 29 November 2019. Downloaded on 8/10/2020 7:54:37 AM.
232 | Chem. Soc. Rev., 2020, 49, 180--232 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2020