SPE 116936 Workflow For Integrated Produ PDF
SPE 116936 Workflow For Integrated Produ PDF
SPE 116936 Workflow For Integrated Produ PDF
This paper was prepared for presentation at the 2008 SPE Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition held in Perth, Australia, 20–22 October 2008.
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This paper describes a best-practice workflow that was General Allocation Package (GAP) software by
followed in an integrated production modelling study of a Petroleum Experts is a total system-modelling tool. It is a
region in the Cooper Basin, Australia. Procedures are powerful tool which can model and optimise a gas field
presented that improve time efficiency in development of network comprised of wells, pumps, compressors, chokes
a surface network model, including rigorous validation of and separators. Figure 1 is an overview of how the
tank, simulation, VLP, IPR and compressor models. production system network is modelled. GAP models the
surface network internally2. The MBAL and PROSPER
The broad objectives of this work were to improve speed tools are used to model the reservoir and well
of model development in order to study well inflow respectively.
performance in complex stacked fluvial sand systems and
optimise gas production through investigation of Figure 1 – Modelling of production system3
debottlenecking opportunities and additional drill
projects. Following the model build, four optimisation
scenarios effects were investigated: GAP
(1) Alternative flowline connection points for a
high rate well
(2) Alternative tie-in connections to different Production System
satellites (debottleneck)
(3) Additional drill projects
(4) Debottlenecking with additional drill
Reservoir Wells Facilities
The aim of this paper is to provide an example of best-
practice approach to network optimisation in complex
stacked sand multi-layered reservoirs where time MBAL PROSPER GAP
efficiency and model validation are critical.
1.0 Introduction
A GAP model of the region had previously been
Integrated production modelling provides an effective developed in 2005. However, the model required
understanding of wells and field performance. It is a substantial updating and reviewing to reflect the current
2 SPE 116936
2.1 General
The MBAL software was used to develop the reservoir As the reservoirs were being modelled as single tanks
model. Material balance applies the Law of Mass under volumetric depletion, we expect the pressure to
Conservation to a reservoir at large by considering it as decline linearly as gas is produced. However, in some
large tank at a uniform pressure4. By history-matching to reservoir models, it was found that initially, the reservoir
past performance, material balance provides information pressure declined quite rapidly; characteristic of a
about the reservoir drive mechanism and allows depletion drive system with fracture stimulation, but
estimation of OGIP. However, material balance does not then the pressure profile appeared to curve and level out.
account for the geometry of the reservoir, orientation of This flattening nature of the pressure profile suggests an
wells or the geology of the formation external pressure support or fluid influx, which requires
a two tank model. Two reservoirs were modelled as two
Material balance analysis requires average reservoir tank models:
pressure and cumulative gas production data. The (1) Reservoir model for Well 5 in Field A was
reservoir pressure data were gathered from p/z plots that modelled with a tight gas tank. This assumes
were available for each well. The p/z plot is a graphical pressure support is coming from a low
solution to the gas material balance. Gas production data permeability region that surrounds the main
for each well was obtained from a production database. reservoir.
Most of the reservoirs are assumed to be under (2) Reservoir model for Well 1 in Field D was
volumetric depletion. The following steps were used to modelled with aquifer support. A simple Hurst-
construct the updated reservoir model using MBAL van Everdingen radial aquifer model was used
software. These steps take approximately 30 minutes per – confirmed with surveillance data.
well if the preparation work has been done as shown in
Figure 4. 2.1.3 Simulation
As a final check to the history match, a production
2.1.1 Data Input history simulation was carried out. Figure 6 (bottom)
The region comprises multiple stacked sands, illustrates an example of the simulation plots obtained,
knowledge of pressure communication helps to break which is the opposite of the analytical plot in the history
down reservoirs into more representative units. matching stage. In simulation, the program uses the rates
However, identification of pressure changes in from the analytical history match to calculate the
individual sand units was not possible, so most wells reservoir pressure6. The blue lines represent actual data
were assumed to be producing from separate reservoirs. and the red line is the simulated pressure data. To
In three fields (G, H and K) some wells were identified evaluate the quality of the match, the vertical separation
as producing from the same reservoir pool. In these between the simulated pressure and historical pressure
cases, it was important to identify an average reservoir points should be compared. It can be seen that in this
pressure trend for the particular formation again this case, a reasonably good pressure match is obtained.
should be done in the preparation stages.
Figure 6 – Analytical history match (top) and amount of time was spent on “setting-up” the well
simulation plot (bottom) model, this can be reduced if preparation is done, eg.
surveillance data summarized in spreadsheets for field
with contemporary rate and pressure data, this would
allow fast IPR/VLP matching.
2.3.1 IPR
The effect of various flow correlations on the bottom- Figure 8 – Constructed IPR for well 2 in Field G
hole pressure was also investigated. Figure 7 (bottom)
shows the results for Well 2 in Field G. For each
wellhead pressure and corresponding rate, constant
values for CGR and WGR (10 and 5 respectively) were
used, while changing the flow correlation. In each case,
it can be seen that the Beggs and Brill correlation
consistently gave a much higher value compared to
other correlations. It was chosen to use Duns and Ros
Modified as this correlation was applicable to high gas-
oil ratio (GOR) and condensate wells; although where a
direct flowing gradient survey was available the best fit
correlation to the survey was used.
0 1 2 3 4 5
2.5 Compressors
Compressor 2 respectively. The red data points represent 3.0 Model Validation
historical data and show how the compressor has been
working in the past. The blue points show the predicted After the compressor settings were checked for validity,
performance for a 10 year model. In both models, some individual well gas rates and line pressures were
red points lie outside the curves. These points represent matched to the present time.
when the compressors have tripped and stopped
working. For compressor 1, it can be seen that the 3.1 Matching Rate
predicted performance is a bit varied. In the field, this
compressor has had some operational problems and has To obtain a perfect match to the wellhead gas rates,
effectively been working half the time. For compressor either the reservoir model or well model had to be
2, it can be seen that these points lie within the specified modified slightly. Figure 11 illustrates the effects of
performance curves indicating that the compressor is some changes on the well rate. The variations were
operating within its capacity. Also, later points were made so that any adjustments were within the expected
situated on a better curve at a lower suction pressure, range of uncertainity for each parameter.
which indicates an improvement in compressor
performance. A lower suction pressure means a larger Figure 12 – Methods used to match well rates
pressure drawdown, so the reservoir can drain more and
flow rate improves.
0 250 500 750 1,000 1,250 1,500 1,750 2,000 2,250 2,500 2,750 3,000 3.2 Matching Line Pressure
Ps, kPag
0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000
Ps, kPag
SPE 116936 9
Table 3 – Final rate and pressure match of base case 4.0 Optimisation Scenarios
Gas Rate (MMscf/d) Line Pressure (psig) Bottlenecks can occur in the production process which
Field Well
Actual Model Difference % Diff Actual Model Difference % Diff
A 1 0.80 0.63 0.17 22% 647 669 -22 -3% limits the total satellite throughput. Debottlenecking
A 2 1.80 1.61 0.19 11% 641 658 -17 -3% refers to the process of increasing the production
A 3 0.02 0.00 0.02 620 674 -54 -9%
A 4 1.20 0.95 0.25 21% 637 669 -32 -5% capacity of existing facilities through the modification of
existing equipment to remove throughput restrictions8.
B 1 0.41 0.39 0.02 6% 645 697 -52 -8% The cost of debottlenecking is usually very small
compared to the cost of building new facilities8.
D 1 1.88 1.76 0.12 7% 735 776 -41 -6%
D 2 Offline -
D 3 0.86 0.79 0.07 8% 734 776 -42 -6% Four following optimisation scenarios were
D 4 0.01 0.00 0.01 696 776 -80 -11% investigated:
E 1 1.10 0.96 0.14 13% 777 816 -39 -5%
F 1 0.20 0.33 -0.13 -66% 815 847 -32 -4% (1) Effect of switching flowline for a high rate well
G 1 8.03 8.04 -0.01 0% 863 882 -19 -2%
G 2 4.44 4.28 0.16 4% 543 548 -5 -1%
(2) Effect of connecting a tie-in to different satellite
G 3 2.84 2.77 0.07 2% 580 548 32 6% (debottleneck)
G 4 Offline -
H 1 0.50 0.48 0.02 4% 180 149 31 17% (3) Effect of two additional drill projects
H 2 1.00 0.96 0.04 4% 181 150 31 17% (4) Effect of debottleneck with additional drill
I 1 0.90 1.01 -0.11 -12% 205 150 55 27%
J 1 1.10 0.93 0.17 16% 160 148 12 7% projects.
J 2 0.60 0.54 0.06 10% 180 148 32 18%
K 1 1.40 1.52 -0.12 -9% 242 157 85 35%
K 2 0.70 0.62 0.08 12% 190 148 42 22% 5.0 Results
K 3 0.80 0.70 0.10 12% 207 151 56 27%
K 4 Offline -
Total Flow 34.50 34.31 0.19 1% 5.1 Base Case
Flow to Nodal 6.70 6.76 -0.06 -1%
1 Nodal compressor assumed to be in operation. In reality,
Figure 3 showed the schematic of the base case GAP
this has not been fully operational. model, which reflected the current field operating
2 Actual gas rates and line pressures for post-april period conditions.
(when both compressors have been operating).
3 Model gas rates and line pressures taken at 30/07/2007. A prediction (production forecast) was run from early
4 For wells flowing into nodal compressor (H1, H2, J1, J2, 2007 to end of 2035 (28 years). In prediction mode, the
K1, K2, K3 and K4), average of three pressures was GAP program uses pressures and saturations from the
calculated for model results as line pressures were quite MBAL reservoir model to calculate well inflow6. GAP
variable due to compressor performance. recalculates all well IPRs for current reservoir
5 Total actual gas rates obtained from compressor
performance charts on database.
conditions (i.e. at the start of the prediction run) and
calculates well production rates. Using well rates,
Key: cumulative production for each well and reservoir tank
is calculated. The reservoir model is then used to find
Match Quality Gas Rate Pressure
the reservoir pressure at the end of each time step, and
(MMscf/d) (psig) the process repeated stepwise until the end of the
Good 0 - 0.2 0 - 35 prediction period6.
Reasonable 0.2 - 0.4 35 - 70
Poor 0.4 + 70 + Figure 13 is a graph of total gas rate and cumulative raw
gas production for the base case over the time period
The colour key indicates the quality of the match. Green from April 2007 to end 2035.
is considered good, yellow is reasonable and orange
deemed a poor match. It can be seen that the well gas Figure 13 – Total gas rate and cumulative gas
rates matched quite well, however, line pressures production for base case
matched reasonably well with two poor results. 40
Base Case Prediction Results (2007 to 2035)
Base Case Total Gas Rate
34.6 MMscf/d Base Case Cumulative Raw Gas Production
It was observed that compressor suction pressures were 120
Cumulative Raw Gas Production (Bcf)
(2P Reserves)
for Compressor 1, which differed by 70 psi) and this 25
gave quite variable line pressures. For this reason, a 20
MMscf/d and the base case model has predicted 34.3 10
10 SPE 116936
In Figure 13, it can be seen that the initial gas rate (at 5.2.3 Additional Drills
start of prediction) was 34.6 MMscf/d. Cumulative raw Drilling additional wells in a field allows the geometry
gas production at the end of 2035 is predicted to be of the reservoir and its bulk volume to be become more
approximately 114.8 Bcf. clearly defined. In addition to increasing the total gas
rate, it can extend the proved reserves of a reservoir.
5.2 Optimisation Scenarios Figure 14c illustrates the model with two additional
development drills. These were Well 7 and Well 8 in
5.2.1 Flowline Switch Field A. All parameters used for the reservoir and well
Looking at individual well rates for the region, Well 1 in models for these two new wells were taken as the same
Field G produced at a high rate (currently 8 MMscf/d). as for Well 6 in the field. Both wells were assumed to
Field G also had two other wells (Well 2 and Well 3) come online in January 2009 at approximately 4.0
that produced at lower rates (4.4 MMscf/d and 2.8 MMscf/d each.
MMscf/d respectively). Unlike these two wells which
flowed directly to Compressor 2 at the satellite, Well 1 5.2.4 Debottleneck with Additional Drills
was currently being flowed along a separate path to tie-
in with well 1 Field F which flowed through a line that The final optimisation scenario investigated the effect of
connected other wells from Fields A, B, C, D and E. The a debottlenecck project with additional drills and Well
next model investigated the effect of this high rate well G1 flowing direct to the compressor at satellite 1.
being flowed directly to Compressor 2 (same flow path
as Well 2 and Well 3 in the Field). There is a twin Figure 15 is a graph of total gas rate and cumulative raw
flowline in place from Field G, so switching the flowline gas production for all four optimisation scenarios over
for Well 1 is easily possible. Figure 14 illustrates the the time period from April 2007 to end 2035.
schematic of the Well G1 flowline switch model.
In Figure 14a, the dashed purple line represents the Figure 14a,b,c - a) Schematic of well G1 flowline
current flowline path for Well G1. The green line switch GAP Model b)Schematic of debottleneck and
represents the proposed flowline switch where the well G1 direct GAP model c) Schematic of additional
flows direct to Compressor 2. The distance from Well drills and G1 direct GAP model
G1 to the tie-in with Well F1 is roughly the same as the
distance direct to the compressor at the satellite.
5.2.2 Debottleneck
Cumulative Raw Gas Production (Bcf)
6.0 Conclusion
Total Gas Rate (MMscf/d)