Al Dente 2: Unità 0 Musica Per Le Mie Orecchie!
Al Dente 2: Unità 0 Musica Per Le Mie Orecchie!
Al Dente 2: Unità 0 Musica Per Le Mie Orecchie!
Al dente 2
5 p.17
and which is the least used? Are some of the
strategies adopted by the class not in the list given?
5 p.14
A. Look at the pictures: they show some reasons Thinking about learning strategies helps us
why people learn Italian. Is your reason there? choose the most suitable ones for us.
Discuss it with a classmate using the word cloud.
B. Work in groups. Share the reasons you are 5 p.18
learning Italian and find the most popular ones.
Then discuss them with the other groups and 4. Il gioco dell’oca
make a list.
It is a board game, played in groups. Each group
has a colour counter. Roll the dice and move it
5 p.15
along the squares of the board according to the
number rolled. Answer the question or follow the
1. Sai che… instruction (written on that square). If you know
A. How well do you know Italy? Take this quiz, the answer, you stay on that square and wait for
then compare your answers with a classmate’s. your next turn to roll the dice again. If you don’t
know the answer, go back to the square you were
B. Write two more questions about Italy and
before rolling the dice. The winner is the player
check if your classmate knows the answers.
who is first to land on square number 44.
5 p.16
2. Mi piace!
A. Work in pairs. Read the words and ask your
Unità 1
classmates which ones match his/her likes and
dislikes or interests. Ask questions to find out
Siamo così
more. Then, based on the information gathered,
5 p.21
draw your classmate.
B. What do you like? Complete the following CF
•• Introduce and talk about a classmate
chart. Then, work in groups and compare your
•• Talk about three things which are indispensable
notes. Find out the classmate you are more
in your country
compatible with.
•• Suggest ways to improve communication
•• Talk about two important objects (in your
everyday life)
•• Describe your generation
Al dente 2
D. What about you? What object do you never F. Read the sentences from the texts of exercises
leave the house without? Why? Discuss it with your B and specify the chronological order of the
classmates. actions. Then circle the correct option to complete
the rule.
CI I MIEI OGGETTI Sequence of time: previous and following
Think about two objects you often use and which actions 5 p. 28
are representative of your lifestyle. Find them or
take a picture of them, then put them on display 1D
opo aver fatto importanti rivoluzioni culturali (1),
with your name in the classroom. What objects tanti hanno trovato lavoro (2).
did your classmates choose? Discuss it together. 1 Dopo aver fatto un’esperienza ( ), pubblicano
video ( ).
1 Prima di lasciare la casa dei genitori ( ), fanno
5 p.26 passare tanto tempo ( ).
1 Prima di fare qualsiasi cosa ( ), cercano recensioni
6. Di che generazione sei? sul web ( ).
The past infinitive is formed using the auxiliary
5 p.29
verbs essere or avere in the present infinitive + the
past participle of the main verb. The auxiliary avere 1. Complete the sentences with the following
usually drops the final vowel e: expressions.
Di solito, avere perde la vocale finale: 2. Complete the sentences with the forms of the
aver(e) fatto verbs provare, cercare and riuscire, paying
essere andato/a attention to their conjugation according to the
right person.
PREVIOUS AND FOLLOWING ACTIONS 3. Complete the sentences with ce l’ho/hai, ce le
Prima di + infinitive ho/hai, ce li ho/hai.
4. Rewrite the following sentences according to the
Prima di finire l’università, ho trovato un buon
lavoro. (= Ho trovato un buon lavoro e poi ho
5. Complete the sentences with the pronouns lo, la,
finito l’università.)
li, le or ne.
Dopo + past infinitive 6. Circle the correct form.
7. Complete with tutti, troppo, qualche, ogni,
Dopo aver finito l’università, ho fatto un lungo
nessuna, alcune.
viaggio. (= Ho finito l’università e poi ho fatto un
lungo viaggio.)
PAROLE D. Based on your experience (you have been to
Italy, you know some Italians etc.), think about
5 p.30
something else you believe Italians cannot do
What we are like, how we feel without. What did your classmates choose?
1. Match the adjectives of the left-hand column to
their antonyms.
2. Complete the sentences with the following adjectives. COMPITI FINALI
3. Complete based on your experience.
5 p.34
8. Read these sentences and translate them into your eing well-organised is the first step to
own language. What do the words in bold refer to? achieve the best result when working in
groups. You should make sure everyone is
assigned a task to work on.
ake your presentation creative and choose a style
1. Read the following words and write if the letter (interview, documentary, video etc.). Then post it on
i is pronounced (✔) or is silent (✗). Then listen to the social network of the class.
the recording to check how they are pronounced.
2. Listen to the recording and write the corresponding
punctuation at the end of each sentence: full stop (.), CF Presentare tre cose
question mark (?) or exclamation mark (!). indispensabili nel tuo Paese
3. Listen to the recording and write whether the
A. Think about the most used objects in your country.
sentences express disappointment
(D = “delusione”), surprise (S = “sorpresa”), B. Make a list and select three of them which you
interest (I = “interesse”) or worry consider indispensable in your everyday life.
(P = “preoccupazione”).
C. Write short texts explaining why they are so
important culturally in your country. Add some
SALOTTO CULTURALE pictures to your presentation.
5 p.33 D. Share your work with the class and look at your
classmates’ presentations: are there objects in
Oggetti indispensabili
A. Look at the pictures: do you use these objects in
your country? How important are they? Read the
texts and complete. Then compare your notes with efore starting to write, read the example
a classmate’s. models on page 32-33 carefully.
Al dente 2
5 p.40 B. In the following interview, Luna talks about her
life story. Read the text and add information to
3. Stili a confronto your list.
A. What interior design styles do you know? How
5 p.43
would you define your home décor? Discuss it
with a classmate. C. Find and pay attention to the verbs in the
passato prossimo tense. When is the auxiliary
B. Look at the pictures and read the descriptions
avere used and when the auxiliary essere? Discuss
of different types of home décor. Match each
it with a classmate.
picture to its corresponding interior design style
and discuss it with a classmate. D. When is the passato prossimo tense used?
Choose the correct option.
5 p.41
E. The verbs highlighted in the text are in the
C. Find the words for pieces of furniture and home
imperfect tense imperfetto. Read them carefully
furnishings described in exercise B: what are the
and complete the box. Then choose which option
rooms where you can find them?
in exercise D refers to its correct use. Does this
D. Look at the comparatives highlighted in the verb tense exist in your language?
text and complete the following box. Then discuss
The Imperfect 5 p. 44
it with a classmate.
The comparatives 5 p. 44
majority più ... di / che
eri avevi
equality eravamo avevamo
CI UNA CASA FENG SHUI H. Three people are interviewed on the types
Work in pairs. In turns, describe your house and of homes they have chosen; they describe what
its type of décor. Then think about how you they have now and what they had in the past.
should change the furniture arrangement of each Complete the box with the given information
house based on the Feng Shui principles. matching it to each speaker.
I. Do you like the homes of the three people
5 p.42
interviewed? Discuss it with a classmate.
4. Modi di vivere
A. Have you ever imagined living in a camper van? Think about the bedroom you had when you were
Write a list of potential positive and negative aspects a child and write five things you had or kept there
of such a choice. Then discuss it with a classmate. that you no longer have or aren’t there anymore.
Al dente 2
3. Complete the sentences with di, che or SALOTTO CULTURALE
quanto/come. Pay attention to the articulated
5 p.49
preposition needed.
4. Mario describes his childhood home and his Oggetti di design
current one. Complete the description with the
A. Do you know any design objects dating back to
verbs essere – esserci in the correct tense.
the second half of the twentieth century? Discuss
5. Read the text and rewrite it so the sentences
it with your classmates and write down the
are in the imperfect tense.
objects you mention.
6. Look at the pictures of the two kitchens: write
sentences making comparisons. B. Read the article and answer the following
PAROLE C. Look at the pictures of the design furniture
5 p.46 pieces of the 1950s mentioned in the article.
Do you know them? Do you know any other
Rooms and furniture
Italian design home furnishings? Discuss it with a
1. In which room do you usually do the following classmate.
daily activities?
D. Work in pairs. According to your personal taste,
2. In which room can you find the following
match the adjectives below to the pictures in the
objects? Complete the box.
3. Match the adjectives in the list below with their
opposite. Then think of a place or venue (i.e. a E. Work in groups. Find information on Italian
café, restaurant, library etc.) you particularly style furniture or home furnishings and then talk
like and write a short description using some of about them to the class.
these adjectives.
4. Complete the list of combinations.
The expressions of place 5 p.50
Al dente 2
5 p.51
Com’è andato il compito?
A. Assess your own competences.
B. Look at the word cloud and complete the
I am able to describe the floor plan and rooms of following categories:
a house;
I am able to express the position of something
inside a space;
I am able to make comparisons; C. Compare the list with a classmate’s: which are
I am able to talk about different design or décor styles. the most difficult words to remember? Why?
B. Did you have any problems when working D. If you want, at the end of the unit, suggest an
on your assignments? What kind? Did you learn alternative for this double page: select significant
something new? What did you enjoy most about pictures and words for the word cloud.
your assignments?
C. Assess the work of your classmates and discuss 5 p.56
it with them.
2. La scuola di ieri e di oggi
The presentation is understandable;
A. What do you remember about your school
They used the contents of the units;
years? Write three words to describe that time of
The vocabulary used is appropriate;
your life.
It is interesting and original;
The pronunciation is clear and the intonation is correct. B. Read the questionnaire the children of a school in
Turin have prepared to interview their grandparents. 5 p.58
Work with a classmate and underline the vocabulary
you don’t know. Create your own vocabulary. 3. Che cosa è successo?
A. Why do you think many young Italians decide
5 p.57
to move abroad? Read the following reasons and
C. Find the missing verb forms in the questionnaire discuss them with a classmate.
to complete the box. Then look at the letters in
B. Read the posts on a blog of Italians living abroad:
bold: what difference is there between the three
why did they move to another country? Underline the
reasons and compare your ideas with a classmate’s.
The imperfect 5 p. 64
5 p.59
faceva dava D. Which drawing best describes how the two verb
tenses in the following sentence are connected?
facevamo davamo Discuss it with a classmate.
E. Look at the time indicators highlighted in the
facevano blog. Is there an equivalent word or expression in
your own language?
E. Look at some school items of the past: match the
words to the pictures. F. Match the elements of the two columns. Read
the posts again for help.
F. Work in groups and answer the questionnaire.
Each of you should then write down five G. Listen to the interview to a young
characteristics of their school environment and businesswoman and write if the following
share them with the rest of the class. sentences are true (T) or false (F).
G. Listen to the children recounting their H. Listen to the interview again and put the
grandparents’ past school memories and write who followings events in chronological order.
said what with reference to the statements in the
I. What do you think about Elena’s story? Do you
know any people who reinvented themselves?
H. Work in pairs and complete the box. Use a Discuss it with a classmate.
dictionary if necessary.
CI PRIMA E ADESSO Write a short text describing the most significant
Prepare a 10-question interview to ask a classmate moments of your formation and professional life.
and find out his/her childhood life routine.
Al dente 2
Sono stato a Bruxelles dal 2012 al 2014. PAROLE
Ho lavorato tutta la sera.
5 p.64
We use the imperfect when we describe past Work and education
recurring actions.
1. Translate the following words.
Mia nonna Caterina andava sempre a scuola a 2. Complete the sentences with the following words.
Society and changes
TIME CONNECTORS 3. Match the words to their antonym.
They are used to express the order of events, the 4. Translate the following words into your own
sequence in which actions take place. language.
5. Complete the possible combinations.
Time connectors
Prima andavo in bicicletta, ora in monopattino.
6. Read the text, then translate the highlighted
Poi time connectors into your own language. Lastly,
Ho studiato a Firenze, poi mi sono traferita a use them to write a short text.
5 p.65
The colloquial words: allora, poi, ora
Aiutavo sempre i miei compagni durante le
7. Complete the dialogue with the sentences below.
Then listen and check. What do the words in bold
express? Is there an equivalent in your language?
Ogni giorno / tutti i giorni
Andavo a correre tutti i giorni.
Ora / adesso
1. Listen to the recording and write the word you
Prima usavamo il pennino con l'inchiostro, adesso
usiamo la penna biro.
2. Read the sentences and write if the letter c has
the sound [k] as in cane or [tʃ] as in ciao. Then
listen and check.
Prima ho fatto un tirocinio, poi ho trovato
3. Read the sentences and write if the letter g has
un lavoro a tempo determinato. Dopo ho
the sound [g] as in gatto or [dʃ] as in gelato.
partecipato a un concorso e ora lavoro a tempo
5 p.63
5 p.67
1. Complete the text with the verbs in the
imperfect tense.
L’Italia e gli stilisti
2. Complete the sentences as you like. Pay
attention to the verb tense. A. Do you know any Italian fashion designers? Who
3. Complete the box with the verbs in the correct are the most famous in your country? Discuss it
tense to describe your habits. with a classmate.
4. Use the given information to write a question for
B. Read the article and answer the questions.
each answer.
5. Complete the text with the verbs in brackets. C. Listen to a radioprogramme about Miuccia
6. Write a short text about a past episode in your Prada’s life and complete the following box.
life. The following questions may help you
D. Complete the mind map.
organize your story.
E. Work in pairs. Prepare a fashion show: draw or
find the pictures of clothes you wish to present.
Also write a brief caption for each item.
Al dente 2
Unità 4
Preparare la presentazione di
una decade della moda nel tuo Artigianato e
A. Gather information on your country’s fashion
during a decade of the twentieth century: which cities
5 p.71
were the venues of fashion houses? Who were the
most famous designers? Who were the fashion icons COMPITI FINALI
at the time? Which brands were the most popular? •• Create a space in the virtual classroom where
services are offered.
B. Prepare a presentation in paper or digital
•• Present a DIY activity you enjoy doing.
format. Think of a title, find some pictures and
include short information. COMPITI INTERMEDI
•• Prepare an info card about the things you like or
C. Present you research to your class and then
don’t like doing
together discuss the results of everyone’s research.
•• Prepare a list of malfunctions, repair works and
•• Prepare a list of useful expressions when having
hen you outline your ideas and info, make
sure they follow an order. Remember to use
to call a craftsman
the time connectors and colloquial
1. I mestieri in parole
hare your presentation by posting it in the virtual
S A. Which professions shown in the pictures do you
classroom so that your classmates may give you know? Use the word cloud for help.
B. Look at the word cloud and complete the
following categories. Use a dictionary. Then
compare your list with a classmate’s.
14 Professions:
C. Translate the following professions into your CI LO SAI FARE?
own language. Do you enjoy home DIY? Prepare an info card with
the things you are good at, those you are not or
don’t like doing.
5 p. 72
5 p.74
2. Cose di casa
A. Who does these odd jobs in your home? Do you 3. Che cosa è successo?
call for a professional or do you try and take care of
A. Have you got a tool box at home? What’s inside?
them yourself? Discuss it with a classmate.
Write a list of objects and compare it with a classmate’s.
B. Read the ads posted on the platform
B. Read the article. What about you, do you follow
Wwworkers and complete them with the activities
these tips? Are you a “jack of all trades”? Discuss it
given below. Then discuss it with a classmate.
with a classmate.
C. Translate the following words into your own
5 p.73
language. You may add more if you want.
C. Pay attention to the position of the pronouns
D. Work in pairs. Use the text of exercise B to get
highlighted in the previous ads and complete the
some ideas and then write a description of the ideal
The pronouns with the infinitive 5 p. 78
5 p.75
When a verb is followed by an infinitive, the pronoun
goes before the conjugated verb or is joined to the E. Listen to the dialogues and match them to the
infinitive / is joined to the infinitive.
corresponding picture.
When the verb is in the infinitive form, the pronoun
is joined to the ending of the verb / goes before or F. Read the statements taken from the recording
after the verb. and pay attention to the highlighted parts: what
can you tell? Then complete the rule and the
D. Can you do these odd jobs? Discuss it with sentences in the box.
a classmate. Then match the jobs with the Direct pronouns and past participle
corresponding tools. agreement 5 p. 78
a. Lawnmower With the direct pronouns lo, la, li, le the past participle
b. Screws agrees / doesn’t agree with the object in gender and
c. Paint brush number.
d. Hammer Singular masculine lo (Il martello) l’ho vist...
e. Glue sul tavolo in giardino.
Singular feminine la (La colla) l’ho mess... nel
E. Listen to the dialogue between two people
cassetto della scrivania.
organizing some odd jobs and write whether the
Plural masculine li (I guasti) li ho riparat... da
following sentences are true (T) or false (F). sola!
F. Look at the verbs highlighted in exercise E. Do Plural feminine le (Le istruzioni) le ho lett...
you remember how to conjugate the verbs potere con attenzione.
and sapere? And what about their meaning?
Discuss it with a classmate. G. What happens with ne? Work in pairs and write
some examples.
G. A friend of yours gives you the keys to his/
her beach house for the summer. However, he/ H. Read the messages of an online chat room called
she asks you to take care of several odd jobs: Il tuttofare between a user and a professional and
the walls are dirty, the place is very dusty, some look at the highlighted constructs. What do they
new furniture is needed and the kitchen sink is express? Complete the box below.
clogged. Work in groups and decide which jobs to
stare + gerund 5 p. 78
do, who should take care of them and which tools
are necessary. stare + gerund expresses an ongoing action / a
finished action.
Al dente 2
5 p.76
4. Potrebbe venire al più presto? 5 p.78
A. What’s your reaction when someone you have
an appointment with does not turn up? Compare
your reactions with a classmate’s. POTERE SAPERE
B. There are blogs where you can often read comments posso so
of unsatisfied customers, unhappy with the work done puoi sai
or with the professionals’ behaviour. Read Stefania’s
può sa
post: have you ever been in a similar situation? How did
you react? Discuss it with a classmate. possiamo sappiamo
potete sapete
C. Listen to the phone conversation between
Stefania and the plumber. Answer the questions. possono sanno
D. Listen to the recording again and match each The verb sapere, when followed by an infinitive,
sentence with the following functions. Then discuss expresses the ability to perform an action defined
your work with a classmate’s. by the infinitive.
Sai riparare la bicicletta?
E. What do you reply in these situations? Discuss it
with a classmate.
The verb potere followed by an infinitive expresses
5 p.77 the ability to perform an action defined by the
infinitive as the external circumstances allow it.
F. Read the text messages between two friends and
So riparare la bicicletta, ma oggi non posso
write if the sentences below are true (T) or false (F).
perché non ho i pezzi di ricambio.
G. In the text find the expressions which match the
functions listed in the box below.
H. In the text messages a new verb tense is used: When the verbs are in the infinitive form, the
the present conditional. Read them again and pronoun is joined to the ending of the verb so to
complete the box. form one single word.
L'aspirapolvere? Ci penso io a sistemarla!
55 before the conjugated verb. ESSERE AVERE
Mi puoi aiutare? sarei avrei
Li sai sistemare?
saresti avresti
55 After the infinitive. saresti avrebbe
Puoi aiutarmi? saremmo avremmo
Sai sistemarli?
sareste avreste
henever the pronoun follows the infinitive,
W sarebbero avrebbero
the infinitive drops the ending -e.
Puoi aiutarmi a spostare la scrivania? The present conditional tense is used in the
following situations:
PAST PARTICIPLE AGREEMENT WITH DIRECT 55 to make a polite request;
PRONOUNS AND THE PRONOUN NE Potresti aiutarmi a potare le piante? (tu)
With the direct pronouns lo, la, li, le and ne the Potrebbe dirmi quando può venire a riparare il
past participle agrees with the object in gender and televisore? (Lei)
number. The singular forms lo and la are marked
55 to give advice (or opinions);
with an apostrophe; the plural forms li and le aren’t.
11Il nostro giardino è un disastro...
11Hai comprato le viti? CCDovreste chiamare Mario, è un ottimo
CCSì, le ho comprate. giardinere!
11Hai comprato le viti? 55 to make a wish.
CCNe ho comprate solo dieci, quelle che mi servono Vorrei vivere in una casa senza guasti!
per sistemare l'armadio.
5 p.79
1. Read the list and write what you can or can’t do.
The construct stare + gerund is used to express an
Use the direct pronouns.
ongoing action.
2. Complete the sentences with ne, lo, la, li, le and
The gerund is not conjugated and is formed as
make sure the past participle endings are correct
(past participle agreement).
guardare B guardando 3. Look at the pictures and describe what Dario is
leggere B leggendo doing.
aprire B aprendo 4. Write the sentences in the present conditional.
5. Look at the sentences in exercise 4 and match
fare B facendo them with the corresponding function.
dire B dicendo 6. What expressions can you use in these
11Che cosa stai leggendo? 7. What would you like to change in your house?
CCLe istruzioni per montare gli scaffali. Write at least five sentences.
11Dove stai andando?
CCDa Mario, voglio aiutarlo a riparare la moto.
5 p.80
Tools and professionals
(= to do, (= can, to be (= must, to 1. Write the nouns which correspond to the
(= to want)
to make) able to) have to) following descriptions.
farei potrei dovrei vorrei 2. Which craftsman do you call to fix the following
faresti potresti dovresti vorresti problems?
Al dente 2
BILANCIO B. Look at the word cloud and complete the
categories below.
5 p.85
Com’è andato il compito? Healthcare professionals and facilities:
A. Assess your own competences.
C. Compare your list with a classmate’s. Together
I am able to talk about my competences; find the words you don’t know.
I am able to talk about malfunctions or problems
D. If you want, at the end of the unit, suggest an
and repair works;
alternative for this double page: select significant
I am able to offer my assistance for getting
pictures and words for the word cloud.
something done and ask someone to do
I am able to arrange an appointment. 5 p.90
B. Did you have any problems when working on
your assignments? What kind? Did you learn
2. Tecnologia e salute
something new? What did you enjoy most about A. Have you ever heard of disorders connected to
your assignments? technology? If yes, which ones? Discuss them with
a classmate and write them down.
C. Assess the work of your classmates and discuss
it with them. B. How addicted are you to the Internet? Take the
test and find out your level of addiction. Do you
The presentation is understandable;
agree with the results? Discuss it with a classmate.
They used the contents of the units;
The vocabulary used is appropriate; C. Work in pairs. Think of the things you are able
It is interesting and original; to do, must do or want to do only on the Internet.
The pronunciation is clear and the intonation is Then add two questions to the test.
5 p.91
Unità 5
D. Read the article and then match each disorder
with the remedies suggested below.
A. Look at the picture: what do you associate with essere: sarò, sarai, , saremo, sarete,
this image? Use the word cloud for help and discuss
avere: avrò, avrai, avrà, . , avrete, avranno
it with a classmate.
Al dente 2
G. Translate the following words into your own F. Look at the highlighted structures in Giorgia’s
language. letter: what are they used for? Complete the box
and discuss it with a classmate.
H. Work in pairs. Think about how technology is
used in your country: which disorder linked to Verbs with prepositions 5 p. 96
technology will be more common in 2050? Write
down ideas and then write a short description of inizio di un’azione: cominciare a
causes and symptoms. fine di un’azione:
H. And what about you? What would be your Here are some irregular verbs.
advice to these people? Write a reply for each of andare B andrò, andrai, andrà, andremo, andrete,
the three posts. andranno
dovere B dovrò, dovrai, dovrà, dovremo, dovrete,
I. Read the previous posts again and find the plural
forms of the following body parts. Then complete
potere B potrò, potrai, potrà, potremo, potrete,
the box.
L. Match the professions to their definition. sapere B saprò, saprai, saprà, sapremo, saprete,
M. And what about you? What do you do when you
vedere B vedrò, vedrai, vedrà, vedremo, vedrete,
suffer from these health problems? Work in pairs
and compare your remedies.
dare B darò, darai, darà, daremo, darete, daranno
fare B farò, farai, farà, faremo, farete, faranno
CI MI FA MALE LA TESTA... stare B starò, starai, starà, staremo, starete,
Work in pairs. Think of the most common health
problems in your country and prepare an info
bere B berrò, berrai, berrà, berremo, berrete,
card writing symptoms, remedies, medicines and
appropriate advice.
venire B verrò, verrai, verrà, verremo, verrete,
volere B vorrò, vorrai, vorrà, vorremo, vorrete,
5 p.96
The verbs with the infinitive forms -care and –gare
THE FUTURE SIMPLE require the addition of the letter h-
IMPARARE PRENDERE cercare B cercherò, cercherai, cercherà,
cercheremo, cercherete, cercheranno
imparerò prenderò pagare B pagherò, pagherai, pagherà, pagheremo,
imparerai prenderai pagherete, pagheranno
imparerà prenderà
The verbs with the infinitive forms -ciare and –
impareremo prenderemo giare drop the letter -i-
imparerete prenderete cominciare B comincerò, comincerai, comincerà,
impareranno prenderanno cominceremo, comincerete, cominceranno
mangiare B mangerò, mangerai, mangerà,
mangeremo, mangerete, mangeranno
sarò avrò
Instead of the future, we often use the present
indicative, especially in spoken language.
sarai avrai Il mese prossimo ho una visita medica.
sarà avrà Il 18 ottobre ho un appuntamento dal dentista.
saremo avremo
sarete avrete
We use the construction stare per + infinitive to
saranno avranno describe an action which will take place very soon.
Al dente 2
D. Look at the relative pronouns che and cui Which of the following categories do they belong
highlighted in the text and choose the correct to? Then complete the box on the next page with
options to complete the rule. the corresponding characteristics.
The relative pronouns che and cui 5 p. 112
5 p.109
che / cui is preceded by a preposition
C. Which item of the ones advertised do you like?
che / cui is not preceded by a preposition Why? Think of someone you could give it as a
E. Identify and pay attention to the following
D. Look at the impersonal forms with si which are
comparatives taken from the text and complete the
highlighted in the posts. Choose the correct option
box. Then based on the infographic data and the
and complete the rule.
article’s information, complete the sentences
below. Impersonal form with reflexive verbs 5 p.112
The comparatives 5 p. 112 We use the impersonal form when we want / don’t
want to specify the subject of the sentence.
grande + si + verb in the third person singular
Impersonal form with modal verbs5 p.112
si + modal verb in the third
With no object
person singular + infinitive
F. Did you notice anything particular in the use of
the words bene and buono? Complete the rule. When the object is si + modal verb
singular + infinitive
bene and buono 5 p. 112
bene refers to a verb / noun and is variable / When the object is si + modal verb
invariable plural + infinitive
buono refers to a verb / noun and is variable / E. Look at the prepositions used to describe
invariable the material of the items mentioned in the
advertisements. Complete the list and write at
G. A newspaper interviews two people about their least one object for each material. Then compare
shopping behavior when they buy online. Listen your work with a classmate’s.
and write whether the sentences are true (T) or
F. Listen to two dialogues in which two couples
false (F).
read an item advertisement. What’s the item?
H. Look at the words highlighted in exercise G. Answer the questions.
What do they mean? Translate them into your own
G. Work in pairs. Look at the items in the pictures
and describe colours and materials.
B. Read the following blog giving advice on well- The formal imperative 5 p. 112
informed purchasing. Which behavior among the
ones recommended do you follow when shopping? Affirmative imperative Negative imperative
Discuss it with a classmate. (Lei) (Lei)
5 p.111
F. The blog features three irregular imperative
5 p.112
forms without the pronoun: identify them and
Irregular imperative 5 p. 112
The adjectives buono, grande, piccolo and the
Infinitive Imperative adverb bene have irregular forms when used as
comparative and superlative.
(tu) sii (voi)
(tu) abbi (voi) RELATIVE ABSOLUTE
Al dente 2
PAROLE B. Read the three info cards and answer the
following questions. Then compare your answers to
5 p.114
a classmate’s.
The material of items C. Listen to an interview to an influencer marketing
expert. Write if the following statements are true
1. Which items are made of these materials?
(T) or false (F).
Complete the lists and add one more material of
your choice. D. Choose one of the influencers described in the
info cards and visit their website. What do you
Advertisements for the selling of items
think of it? What are its contents? Do you find him/
2. Complete the list of combinations. her interesting? Present it to your class.
3. Match the verbs to the appropriate nouns.
The adjectives diverso, simile, stesso,
5 p.118
4. Complete the sentences with the following
Shopping expressions CF
Fare un’infografica sulle
abitudini d’acquisto e i prodotti
5. Match the elements to form expressions. più comprati della classe
6. Complete the advertisements below using the
A. Work in groups. Think of which kind of
following information.
information you want to know and prepare a list of
5 p.115
B. Interview your classmates and take notes of
Colloquial words insomma, dunque, their answers.
C. Work with your group and assemble all the
7. Read the conversation between two friends at answers. Then choose the information you want to
a superstore and complete the dialogues with be in the infographic.
the sentences below. Then listen and check. Do
D. Prepare a digital or paper infographic. Think of a
the words in bold have an equivalent in your
title, too.
E. Display all your infographics in the classroom
and highlight the data you believe are the most
SUONI interesting.
1. Listen to the recording and write the stress on
the words in bold when needed.
2. Read the dialogue and insert the letter h before ear in mind that an infographic is a
the words in bold when needed. communication tool used to convey
information in a simple, immediate and
3. Listen to the recording and pay attention to the
appealing way.
intonation: identify if the sentences express
giving advice (C) or instructions (I)?
ost your infographic on a social network: you may
get feedback and comments from the users.
5 p.117
Preparare l’annuncio di un
Gli influencer
oggetto usato da vendere su una
piattaforma web
A. Read the article’s title and introduction: do you
A. Think of a second-hand item or something you
know any influencers? What social network do they
don’t want to keep anymore and decide on which
use? Do they work in any of the sectors shown in
online platform you wish to sell it.
the list below? Discuss it with a classmate.
Al dente 2
Unità 7
B. Go to an Italian online platform for buying
and selling second-hand items and read some
Andata e ritorno
advertisements to find useful examples to follow.
C. Write your own advertisement and make it more
appealing by adding one or several pictures.
5 p.123
D. Display your advertisement in the classroom or
post it in the virtual classroom. CF
•• Describe various tourist typologies
E. Read your classmates’ advertisements and see if •• Give an account of a travelling experience
there is anything you like.
WORKING STRATEGIES •• Write tips for a slow travel weekend
•• Give an account of a special journey
efore writing your advertisement, check the
B •• Prepare a one-day trip to your city
vocabulary learnt in the unit.
1. Parole in viaggio
ost your advertisement on an online platform: you
might sell it! A. Look at the picture: what items do you
recognise? Discuss it with a classmate and write a
list of words.
B. Look at the word cloud and complete the
BILANCIO following categories. Use a dictionary for help.
5 p.119
Transport means:
Travelling items:
Com’è andato il compito?
Verbs for travelling:
A. Assess your own competences.
C. Compare your list with a classmate’s. Together
I am able to describe items; find the words you don’t know.
I am able to express preferences and opinions; D. If you want, at the end of the unit, suggest an
alternative for this double page: select significant
I am able to make purchases;
pictures and words for the word cloud.
I am able to make comparisons and give
information. 5 p.124
B. Did you have any problems when working on 2. Turista o viaggiatore?
your assignments? What kind? Did you learn
A. Do you like to travel? Which of these items do
something new? What did you enjoy most about
you always take with you? Compare your choice
your assignments?
with a classmate’s.
C. Assess the work of your classmates and discuss
B. Read the interview to the journalist Tiziano
it with them.
Terzani. Then mark which of the statements below
The presentation is understandable; refer to the traveller and which to the tourist. And
They used the contents of the units; what about you? Do you agree with Terzani’s view?
The vocabulary used is appropriate; Discuss it with a classmate.
It is interesting and original;
C. Look at the highlighted constructions in the
The pronunciation is clear and the intonation is
interview: what do they express? Then complete
the rule.
avere bisogno di 5 p. 130
associate with the traveller. Then share your notes D. Make a written comment on one of the journey
with your class. accounts posted on Italia da scoprire and explain if
the idea appeals to you and why.
5 p.125
E. Look at the connectors in bold in the texts: what
3. Viaggiare slow are they used for? Then write their equivalent in
your own language.
A. What do you think slow travel is? Discuss it with
a classmate. F. Not all trips are exactly a dream trip; sometimes
they can turn out being a nightmare. With a classmate
B. Read the text. Then, with a classmate, write the
discuss the possible problems while travelling. Have
essential features of a slow traveller.
you ever had to face these inconveniences?
C. Look at the connectors highlighted in the text:
G. Listen to two travel experiences and choose
what are they used for? For each one, find an
which information in the list is mentioned.
equivalent in your own language.
H. Look at the passato prossimo tense forms of the
D. Listen to the radio programme and write down
modal verbs potere, dovere and volere highlighted
the tips given by the interviewed writers. Then
in exercise G: both the auxiliaries are used. Pay
compare your notes with a classmate’s.
attention to the verbs in the infinitive which follow
E. Work in groups. Interview one another and find potere, dovere and volere: which are transitive
out what type of travellers there are in your class. (direct object) and which are intransitive (indirect
object)? Then complete the rule.
Work in pairs. Plan a slow travel weekend to a place near The auxiliary of modal verbs 5 p. 130
your town. Write down destination, transport means,
accommodation and interesting sites worth visiting. auxiliary essere / avere + potere, dovere,
volere + transitive verb.
5 p.126 auxiliary essere / avere + potere, dovere,
volere + intransitive verb.
4. Da sogno o da incubo?
I. Work in groups and answer the following
A. What’s the last trip you took? Where, who with,
when? Discuss it with a classmate.
B. Read the journey accounts and match to each CI CHE ESPERIENZA!
one the adjective you think is the most fitting. And Write a short account about a dream or a
what about you? Would you take one of these nightmarish trip. Describe the travel route and
trips? Why? most relevant moments.
C. Look at the verbs in the passato prossimo tense
highlighted in the texts: what can you tell? Then read 5 p.128
the sentences in the box and underline the direct object
– when there is one – as in the two examples given. 5. Itinerario salentino
Verbs with two auxiliaries 5 p. 130 A. Read the directions and match them to the symbols.
Hai fatto un viaggio nel Bel Paese che Then compare your results with a classmate’s.
ti ha cambiato?
B. Read the itinerary. Then complete the
Il Salento ha cambiato il mio modo di
AUXILIARY viaggiare. conversation between Simona and Beppe with the
AVERE missing information.
Ho iniziato a parlare con la gente del posto.
Ho cominciato a capire che il tramonto è una C. Underline the verbs which help give directions and
dimensione ideale.
complete the box writing them in the infinitive form.
Il nostro viaggio è iniziato a Ravenna, in D. Look at the highlighted constructions: what do
Emilia Romagna, ed è finito a Firenze. metterci and volerci mean? Match them with the
La mia maniera di viaggiare è cambiata! corresponding meaning.
Il mio viaggio è cominciato in macchina da
Al dente 2
E. Ask a classmate how long it takes him/her to get end), salire (to get in, to get on, to climb), scendere (to
to school and what route does he/she take. Then get out, to get off, to climb down), cambiare (to change)
answer his/her questions.
L’itinerario è cominciato ai piedi dell’Etna.
5 p.129 Hanno cominciato il percorso a piedi
F. Read the mail and then put the paragraphs of the
Il viaggio è iniziato il primo agosto ed è finito
reply in the correct order.
il 15 settembre.
G. Look at the highlighted words in the text: they Eva ha cambiato il volo per motivi di lavoro.
are modified adjectives, the suffixes change their
meaning. Which are the augmentative and which AUXILIARIES OF THE VERBS: POTERE, DOVERE
the diminutive? Discuss it with a classmate. AND VOLERE
The verbs potere, dovere and volere, when forming
H. Read the reply email and find and underline the
compound tenses, require the auxiliary of the main
adverbs ending in –mente. Then complete the box.
Did you understand their construction?
55 with an intransitive verb we use: essere
the adverbs ending in -mente 5 p. 130 Siamo dovuti andare all’ufficio oggetti smarriti.
ADJECTIVE ADVERB 55 with a transitive verb we use: avere
ovvio/a ovviamente Abbiamo voluto bere un caffè e poi siamo andati
di corsa alla porta d’imbarco.
Per fortuna abbiamo potuto prendere un pullman
per Casablanca.
I. Pay attention to the highlighted constructions in
the text: they are used to talk about future plans.
Volerci means “to be necessary, to need”.
Then complete the box.
11Quanto (tempo) ci vuole per arrivare?
express intention 5 p. 130 CCCi vorranno dieci minuti.
+ di + One of the meanings of metterci is “to employ a
defined amount of time”.
L. In the email identify the references to the Il treno ci mette un’ora ad arrivare a Venezia.
weather and draw the meaning.
M. Work in pairs. Research further information on the
By adding the suffix -mente to an adjective we
city of Lecce and choose a place to visit and a restaurant
obtain adverbs.
where to have a meal. Then share your intentions with
your classmates and explain the reasons. The adjectives ending in -o/a are made into
adverbs from the feminine singular + the suffix
Plan a one-day trip to your city or a city you know. ovvio B ovvia + mente B ovviamente
Give travelling directions, indicate how long it takes libero B libera + mente Bliberamente
and give advice on restaurants and traditional
The adjectives ending in -e have only one form and
products. Then submit it to your class.
they are made into adverbs adding the suffix –mente.
breve + mente B brevemente
GRAMMATICA The adjectives ending in -le or -re drop the ending
letter -e.
5 p. 130
facile + mente B facilmente
THE VERBS WITH TWO AUXILIARIES particolare + mente B particolarmente
Some verbs, given their transitive or intransitive
use, use the auxiliary essere (intransitive) or avere MODIFIED ADJECTIVES AND NOUNS
(intransitive) when forming compound tenses. It is possible to add suffixes to nouns and adjectives
Here are some of these verbs: cominciare (to start, to to change their meanings: quantity, quality,
begin), iniziare (to start, to begin), finire (to finish, to speaker’s opinion.
-ino: diminutive 5 p.131
ristorante B ristorantino
1. Identify the connector of cause. Then write the
bella B bellina
sentences again using the connector siccome.
-one: augmentative 2. Join the sentences using a connector of cause.
paese B paesone 3. Complete the sentences with the correct forms
passeggiata B passeggiatona of the verbs in the passato prossimo tense.
4. Complete the sentences with the verbs metterci
This construction is used to express an intention. 5. Complete the text with the connectors of time
Pensiamo di fare un giro per l’Italia quest’estate. mentre, quando, intanto, nel momento in cui.
6. Turn the following adjectives into adverbs. Then
AVERE BISOGNO DI + NOUN / INFINITIVE write a sentence for each one.
This construction is used to express a need. 7. Join the sentences using the construction avere
bisogno di + infinitive.
Ho bisogno di andare in ferie perché sono
molto stanco.
Per andare negli Stati Uniti hai bisogno di un
5 p. 132
The trip
The connectors perché, siccome, poiché, dato che
and visto che are used to state a cause or reason. 1. Complete the mind maps.
2. Complete the sentences with the following
Non mi hanno fatto salire sull’aereo perché /
poiché avevo il passaporto scaduto.
3. Complete the list of combinations.
Visto che / Dato che volevo un ricordo del
viaggio originale, sono andato nei negozietti di Directions
artisti locali.
4. Match the following directions to the
Abbiamo mangiato in una trattoria, dato che /
corresponding pictogram.
visto che volevamo provare i piatti tipici.
5. Draw a pictogram for each of the following words.
When we use siccome, the sentence which
The weather
contains the cause is before the one containing the
consequence. 6. Match the sentences to the pictures.
Siccome a me piace conoscere persone che
5 p.133
nei luoghi che visito, uso sempre il couchsurfing.
Verbs for travelling
CONNECTORS OF TIME 7. Complete the list of combinations.
The connectors mentre, quando, intanto, nel
The colloquial word proprio
momento in cui are used to identify an event in
time. 8. Complete the dialogue with the sentences below.
Then listen and check. Look at the words in bold:
Mentre eravamo nel volo Venezia-Roma ci
what are they used for? What’s their equivalent
hanno avvisato che l’aereo per Casablanca
in your own language?
partiva dall’uscita 27.
Quando ci siamo resi conto che le nostre valigie
non c’erano, siamo dovuti andare all’ufficio SUONI
oggetti smarriti.
1. In spoken Italian two words are often
Io ho fatto la denuncia e intanto mio marito ha
“combined” and require the double sound of a
telefonato all’albergo di Ischia per avvisare del
consonant. Listen to the recording and underline
where you hear the consonant doubling.
Nel momento in cui siamo arrivati in albergo a
2. Listen to the recording and pay attention to the
Capri, abbiamo riavuto la mia valigia.
intonation. End the sentences with the full stop
(.), the question (?) or exclamation mark (!).
Al dente 2
Unità 8
E. Pay attention to the present conditional
(highlighted in exercise D) and decide what it is
Fatti e misfatti
used for. Compare and discuss your choice with a
5 p.139
5 p.141
CF F. What is the infinitive form of the verbs
•• Write ten civic guidelines for the class
highlighted in exercise D? Then write the person of
•• Write one’s opinion about a civism topic
each conjugated verb. Work in pairs.
CI G. What about you? What action would you take for
•• Safeguarding an element of the heritage
the protection of the cultural heritage? Take part in
•• Promoting good coexistence in the classroom
the forum’s discussion.
•• Expressing one’s opinion on art and vandalism
L. Listen to the interview again and mark which Lo Stato dovrebbe tutelare seriamente il
of the following statements reflect the art critic’s patrimonio.
opinion. Multerei chi non rispetta la convivenza civile.
M. Reassess the Bologna “incident” carefully from
To begin a sentence:
the Municipality viewpoint, which is in charge of
innanzitutto, in primo luogo, prima di tutto, per
promotion and conservation of artistic heritage,
prima cosa, per cominciare
and Blu’s, the mural artist. Who do you think is
right? Write a short text. To add information:
ma anche, poi, anche, e, inoltre
CI ARTE O VANDALISMO? To close a sentence:
Art or vandalism? Decide what your point of
per concludere, infine, in conclusione
view is and find examples so to back up your
arguments. Explain your opinions to your Per tutelare il patrimonio culturale, innanzitutto
classmates. si dovrebbe organizzare un piano di restauro,
poi ci vorrebbe più controllo sulle opere e
inoltre è necessario valorizzare i beni. Infine
GRAMMATICA bisognerebbe potenziare l’educazione civica a
5 p.146
In order to express need and obligation in an
multerei metterei investirei impersonal form, several constructions with the
infinitive are used:
multeresti metteresti investiresti
multerebbe metterebbe investirebbe si deve / devono
bisogna, occorre +
multeremmo metteremmo investiremmo infinitive
multereste mettereste investireste è necessario / doveroso / indispensabile
multerebbero metterebbero investirebbero Si deve ridurre la velocità nei centri residenziali.
Bisogna essere più solidali.
ESSERE AVERE È doveroso aiutare le persone in difficoltà.
sarei avrei
Si deve punire il vandalismo.
saresti avresti
Si devono punire i vandali.
saresti avrebbe
sareste avreste
sarebbero avrebbero aiuti commetta investa favorisca
aiuti commetta investa favorisca
The verbs which are irregular in the aiuti commetta investa favorisca
conditional also show irregular forms in the
future tense. aiutiamo commettiamo investiamo favoriamo
dovere B dovrei sapere B saprei aiutiate commettiate investiate favoriate
fare B farei volere B vorrei aiutino commettano investano favoriscano
dire B direi vivere B vivrei
andare B andrei vedere B vedrei
Al dente 2
A. Work in groups. Think of what you find annoying I am able to express opinions and hypotheses;
in class and what you appreciate. Take notes I am able to organise a sentence;
and write a list of behaviours which affect the I am able to express obligation or need;
classroom coexistence positively and negatively. I am able to talk about (cultural) heritage and
public spirit.
B. Share your list with your classmates and take
into account their comments. Then write the ten B. Did you have any problems when working on
behaviours you believe are indispensable for your assignments? What kind? Did you learn
establishing a good coexistence environment in something new? What did you enjoy most about
general and during lessons. your assignments?
C. Create your set of civic guidelines for the class
C. Assess the work of your classmates and discuss
in the format you prefer and submit it to your
it with them.
WORKING STRATEGIES The presentation is understandable;
They used the contents of the units;
he style of a manual like a set of guidelines
T The vocabulary used is appropriate;
is specific, so find some reference models and It is interesting and original;
revise the contents of the unit carefully.
The pronunciation is clear and the intonation is
ost your guidelines on a social network so you can
share it with other students.
Scrivere la propria opinione su
un tema di civismo
A. Think of a topic related to civism you find
particularly interesting or believe essential.
B. Write down issues and possible solutions
methodically. Then write a text like an opinion
article where you illustrate the type of problem
and how you would solve it. Convey your viewpoint
C. Share your thoughts with your classmates, read
their texts and together express your opinions.
5 p.153
15. Complete the crossword puzzle.
unità 1 5 p. 201
5 p. 198
Read the text and write whether the following sen-
DIRECT PRONOUNS AND THE PARTITIVE NE tences are true (V) or false (F).
1. Match the following questions to the replies
below to form dialogues. Then write what the
pronoun underlined in each reply stands for.
Listen to the recording and circle the correct option.
2. Complete the sentences with the pronouns lo, la,
li, le or ne.
THE INDEFINITE According to you, which are the traits most reveal-
3. Circle the correct option. ing of one’s personality? Why? Write a short text to
4. Complete the sentences with the following say your opinion.
indefinite adjective or pronoun.
5. Complete the dialogues with the construction
ce + direct pronoun (lo, la, li, le).
unità 2
6. Complete the sentences with the correct forms
5 p. 202
of the verbs provare, cercare and riuscire.
5 p. 199 1. Change the sentences using the forms of the
verbs essere or esserci as in the example given.
2. Complete the sentences with c’è, ci sono, è or
7. Change the sentences using prima + present
infinitive or dopo + past infinitive as in the
example given.
3. Complete the sentences with the appropriate
direct pronouns.
8. A communication expert gives advice on how
to speak in public. Listen to the recording and
complete the box, writing the problem and the
4. Circle the correct option.
corresponding piece of advice.
5. Listen to the conversation between husband
9. Listen to the recording again and choose the
and wife: they are talking about the furniture of
correct option.
their new home. Complete the dialogue with the
10. Circle the correct option.
missing expressions of place.
11. Match each noun to its opposite. Use a
dictionary if necessary.
6. Complete the sentences with the majority (+),
5 p. 200
minority (-) or equality (=) comparative.
12. Listen to the recording and match each
adjective to the corresponding person. 5 p. 203
THE IMPERFECT INDICATIVE (I) 3. Complete the sentences with the imperfect form
8. Underline the imperfect tense forms of the of the verbs in brackets.
verbs essere and avere. 4. Complete the text with the imperfect form of the
9. Complete the sentences with the imperfect following verbs.
forms of the verbs essere and avere.
10. Circle the correct option. 5 P. 207
C . WRITING EXERCISE Read the text and write whether the following sen-
What is your ideal home like? Write a short text to tences are true (V) or false (F).
describe the layout of the rooms and position of
furniture, the colours, the décor etc.
Listen to the recording and circle the correct option.
14. Match each manual work to the corresponding
description. Use a dictionary if necessary.
unità 4 5 P. 213
5 P. 210
Read the text and write whether the following sen-
PRONOUNS tences are true (V) or false (F).
1. Circle the correct option.
Listen to the recording and circle the correct option.
2. Change the sentences by replacing the
underlined words with the appropriate pronoun
as in the example given. C . WRITING EXERCISE
Would you like to pursue a creative hobby? Which
PRONOUNS WITH THE PASSATO PROSSIMO one and why? Write a short text to explain it.
3. Complete the dialogues with the passato
prossimo tense and the appropriate pronoun
as in the example given. Pay attention to the
agreement when conjugating the verb.
4. Complete the sentences with the construction
unità 5
stare + gerund.
5 P. 214
13. Match the following materials to the
Esercizi corresponding pictures.
Read the text and write the correct option.
3. Complete the sentences with buono/a,
cattivo/a, bene or male.
THE COMPARATIVE AND THE SUPERLATIVE Listen to the dialogue between two female friends
4. Complete the sentences with migliore/i, and write which of the following statements are
peggiore/i, maggiore/i o minore/i. Remember true (T) or false (F).
to use the appropriate article in case of a
relative superlative.
5 P. 224
unità 7
opposite of the adjectives below. Use a
dictionary if necessary.
5 P. 222
13. Listen to the recording and complete the box
AUXILIARIES OF THE VERBS POTERE, DOVERE writing the interviewees’ preferences.
AND VOLERE 14. Listen to the recording again and write whether
1. Complete the sentences with the passato the following sentences are true (V) or false (F).
prossimo tense of the verbs in brackets. Pay
attention to the auxiliary. 5 P. 225
Read the text and write whether the following sen-
2. Complete the sentences with the passato
tences are true (V) or false (F).
prossimo tense of the verbs in brackets. Pay
attention to the auxiliary.
CONNECTORS OF CAUSE AND TIME Listen to the recording and choose the correct op-
3. Circle the correct option. tion.
paying attention to the conjugation.
unità 8
6. Turn the following adjectives into adverbs
ending in –mente.
5 P. 226
5 P. 223
MODIFIED ADJECTIVES AND NOUNS 1. For each verb conjugate the verb in the present
7. Complete the sentences by modifying the nouns conditional of the person given. Pay attention:
in brackets with the appropriate suffix. some verbs are irregular.
2. Complete the sentences with the present
TRAVEL-RELATED VOCABULARY conditional of the verbs in brackets.
8. Match the following words to the corresponding
9. Complete the sentences with the following 3. Circle the correct option.
words and expressions.
6. Circle the correct option.
5 P. 227
5 P. 228
5 P. 229
Read the text and write whether the following sen-
tences are true (V) or false (F).
Listen to the recording and circle the correct option.
What’s the condition of the cultural and landscape
heritage in your country? Who is in charge of its
protection and enhancement? Have you got any
suggestions for improving and enhancing your
country’s cultural heritage? Write a short text to
say what your opinion is.