Lesson Plan: Animal Classification Subject: Science Grade: 3 Students: 20 Diverse Students Time: 1 - 1 Hours Content Standard
Lesson Plan: Animal Classification Subject: Science Grade: 3 Students: 20 Diverse Students Time: 1 - 1 Hours Content Standard
Lesson Plan: Animal Classification Subject: Science Grade: 3 Students: 20 Diverse Students Time: 1 - 1 Hours Content Standard
Subject: Science
Grade: 3
Students: 20 Diverse Students
Time: 1 – 1 ½ Hours
Content Standard:
SC.3.L.15.1- Classify animals into major groups (mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish,
arthropods, vertebrates and invertebrates, those having live births and those which lay eggs)
according to their physical characteristics and behaviors.
Given colored pencils and paper, students will be able to create a fictional animal and classify
it under at least 3 categories correctly.
We will begin this activity reviewing prior lesson content by watching the BrainPOP JR video
provided above titled “Classifying Animals”. To follow, children will recall information by
reviewing as a whole group. We will briefly classify and identify traits of a monkey together.
1) State the Objective- “Today we will be drawing our own imaginary animals and
classifying them into categories.”
2) Model a premade fictional animal, colored and complete with at least 3 classifying
traits. Also model and display a copy of your brainstorming sheet and written
3) Pass out and discuss a miniature version of the checklist provided that will be used to
grade each student’s work. They can mark of requirements as they go.
4) Pass out two sheets of white copy white copy paper and art supplies: markers,
colored pencils, and crayons. A piece of lined paper may be passed out for the written
portion or they can write it on the white copy paper.
5) Students should be working individually to complete this mini project.
6) Have students brainstorm what classifying traits their animal will have.
7) Students should now begin drawing their animal or creature. They may add or take
away components as they choose in order to meet the checklist requirements.
8) Students will write a paragraph, preferably on lined paper, identifying their three or
more classifications and explaining why they chose them.
9) I will walk around the classroom and assess students as they are working. I will ask
and answer questions, help brainstorm, and offer any advice if it is needed. This is
also a critical time to make sure students are on task and meeting the grading criteria.
10) After all students have completed their masterpieces, we can either tape the
drawings and paragraphs to the wall and do a quick gallery walk to admire other
student’s work. If time permits have students discuss their drawings and why they
chose those classifications, one at a time.
1) Restate the Objective- “Today we drew fictional creatures and classified them by
distinguishing characteristics.”
2) Have students turn in their drawings and paragraph.
3) Draw Conclusions.
4) Summarize what was learned.
5) Ask students to state something that they learned or what they liked about the
6) Connect this lesson to previous days and what is to come following. Make
connections with real world examples.
Grading Checklist (see attached chart provided).
Accommodations and Modifications:
Include close captioning for deaf and ELL students.
ELL students may be assessed verbally or may write a shorter paragraph.
Gifted students will be asked to include a minimum of 5 classifications and/or create a venn-
diagram comparing and contrasting their animal to another.