Acellular Pertussis Vaccine Effectiveness Over Time: Objectives
Acellular Pertussis Vaccine Effectiveness Over Time: Objectives
Acellular Pertussis Vaccine Effectiveness Over Time: Objectives
Division of Research, Vaccine Study Center, Kaiser Permanente Northern California, Oakland, California WHAT’S KNOWN ON THIS SUBJECT: Children who are not
age-appropriately vaccinated are at increased risk of
Drs Zerbo and Klein, Mr Lewis, and Mr Fireman conceptualized and designed the study; Ms Bartlett pertussis. However, age-appropriately vaccinated children
conducted all statistical analyses; and all authors critically reviewed the manuscript and approved are also at risk because of the waning diphtheria-tetanus-
the final manuscript as submitted. acellular pertussis vaccine immunity.
WHAT THIS STUDY ADDS: Compared with children fully
Accepted for publication Mar 19, 2019 diphtheria-tetanus-acellular pertussis vaccinated,
Address correspondence to Ousseny Zerbo, PhD, Division of Research, Vaccine Study Center, Kaiser unvaccinated and undervaccinated children were at
Permanente Northern California, 1 Kaiser Plaza, 16th Floor, Oakland, CA 94612. E-mail: a greater risk of pertussis. However, most pertussis cases occurred among age-appropriately vaccinated
PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005; Online, 1098-4275). children, suggesting that suboptimal vaccine
effectiveness played a major role in recent pertussis
Copyright © 2019 by the American Academy of Pediatrics epidemics.
FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: Dr Klein has received research grant support from Sanofi Pasteur,
Novartis, GlaxoSmithKline, Merck, MedImmune, Pfizer, Protein Sciences (now Sanofi Pasteur), and To cite: Zerbo O, Bartlett J, Goddard K, et al. Acellular
Dynavax for unrelated studies; the other authors have indicated they have no financial relationships Pertussis Vaccine Effectiveness Over Time. Pediatrics.
relevant to this article to disclose. 2019;144(1):e20183466
TABLE 1 Number of DTaP Doses by Vaccination Status and Age at KPNC, January 2006–June 2017
DTaP Vaccination Status Ages 3 to Ages 5 to Ages 7 to Ages 19 to Ages
,5 mo ,7 mo ,19 mo ,84 mo 84–132 mo
Unvaccinated 0 0 0 0 0
Undervaccinated N/A 1 2 3 4
Fully vaccinated 1 2 3 4 5
Fully vaccinated plus 1 dose 2 3 4 5 N/A
N/A, not applicable.
Crude Incidence
,1 year before (aHR = 5.04; 95% CI
Children Ages 84–132 mo
Expected DTaPa = 5 (N =
1.84–13.80; Table 5). Adjusting for
the same covariates except the child’s
172 760)
484 290
498 894
P-Y (%)
= 2.58; 95% CI 1.49–4.46; Table 5).
Crude Incidence
Children Ages 19 to ,84 mo
357 699)
221 617
310 259
P-Y (%)
Table 5).
343 099)
1655 (3)
2928 (5)
P-Y (%)
39 109
12 248
55 939
348 968)
38 454
15 552
56 792
2 138 835
P-Y (%)
Fully vaccinated
—, not applicable.
(Children 498 894 P-Y)
DTaP Doses); 172 760 ,20% of pertussis cases.
Ages 84–132 mo (5
95% CI
With 323 Pertussis
The majority of pertussis cases
Cases (.80%) in our study population
aHRb occurred among children who had
received all their recommended DTaP
doses. Children who were further
away from their last DTaP dose were
b aHR adjusted for sex, race or ethnicity, type of insurance, medical clinic, and for age and calendar date because risk sets were defined on a calendar time line and stratified by year and month of birth.
(Children 1 216 951 P-Y)
Ages 19 to ,84 mo (4
DTaP Doses); 381 578
DTaP Doses); 357 699
95% CI
TABLE 4 Risk of Pertussis in Children by DTaP Vaccination Status, Overall and by Age Group at KPNC (January 2006–June 2017)
95% CI
With 22 Pertussis
Children (56 792 P-Y)
Ages 3 to ,5 mo (1
DTaP dose); 348 968
95% CI
With 30 Pertussis
(2 138 835 P-Y) With 738
Pertussis Cases
The study strengths include its large, addition, PCR testing may have Within our study population, .80%
racially diverse population and misclassified pertussis status for of pertussis cases occurred among
precise data on the number and a few individuals; however, such age-appropriately vaccinated
timing of DTaP doses. The large misclassification was unlikely to be children. Children who were further
population allowed us to analyze related to time since vaccination or to away from their last DTaP dose were
pertussis risk relative to vaccination vaccination status. at increased risk of pertussis, even
status separately by age group for after controlling for undervaccination.
Although waning immunity is clearly
each level of recommended DTaP Our results suggest that in this
an important factor driving pertussis
doses. We also carefully adjusted for population, possibly in conjunction
epidemics in recent years, other
calendar date and age as we with other factors not addressed in
factors that we did not evaluate in
examined pertussis risk in relation to this study, suboptimal VE and waning
this study might also contribute to
vaccination status. Because we used played a major role in recent
pertussis epidemics individually or in
Cox models on a calendar time line, pertussis epidemics.
synergy. Results from studies in
pertussis cases were only compared
baboons suggest that the acellular
with other children at risk on the
pertussis vaccines are unable to
same day who have nearly the ABBREVIATIONS
prevent colonization, carriage, and
same age.
transmission.32–34 If this is also true ACIP: Advisory Committee on
Our study has some limitations. We for humans, this could contribute to Immunization Practice
could not fully disentangle the effects pertussis epidemics. The causes of aHR: adjusted hazard ratio
on risk of pertussis of age and time recent pertussis epidemics are CI: confidence interval
since last DTaP dose because these 2 complex, and we were only able to DTaP: diphtheria-tetanus-acellular
factors are highly correlated. In our address some aspects in our study. pertussis
primary analyses, we closely adjusted HR: hazard ratio
for months of age by comparing KPNC: Kaiser Permanente
children who were the same age in CONCLUSIONS Northern California
months, which resulted in minimal Compared with fully vaccinated PCR: polymerase chain reaction
variability in time since last DTaP children, pertussis risk was 13 times P-Y: person-year
doses and reduced precision of our higher among unvaccinated children Tdap: tetanus toxoid, reduced
estimates. Although we likely and 1.9 times higher among diphtheria toxoid, and
captured most pertussis cases in our undervaccinated children. Although acellular pertussis,
study, we may have missed mild cases undervaccinated and especially adsorbed
that did not come to medical unvaccinated children were at greater VE: vaccine effectiveness
attention or cases that presented risk of pertussis, they represented
.2 weeks after cough onset.31 In a small fraction of all pertussis cases.
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