Independent Contractors
Independent Contractors
Independent Contractors
Temic Automotive v. Temic Automotive Employees Union The union and the petitioner failed to resolve the dispute
at the grievance machinery level, thus necessitating recourse to
FACTS voluntary arbitration.
By practice established since 1998, the petitioner Respondent’s submissions: in evidence a copy of the
contracts out some of the work in the warehouse department, complete manpower complement of the petitioner's warehouse
specifically those in the receiving and finished goods sections, to department showing that there were at the time 19 regular
three independent service providers or forwarders (forwarders), company employees and 26 forwarder employees. And affidavits
namely: Diversified Cargo Services, Inc. (Diversified), Airfreight of regular employees of the petitioner, who deposed that they
2100 (Airfreight) and Kuehne & Nagel, Inc. (KNI). These and the forwarders employees assigned at the warehouse
forwarders also have their own employees who hold the department were performing the same functions.
positions of clerk, material handler, system encoder and general
clerk. The regular employees of the petitioner and those of the Petitioner’s submissions: invoked the exercise of its
forwarders share the same work area and use the same management prerogative and its authority under this
equipment, tools and computers all belonging to the petitioner. prerogative to contract out to independent service providers the
forwarding, packing, loading of raw materials and/or finished
goods and all support and ancillary services (such as clerical
This outsourcing arrangement gave rise to a union activities) for greater economy and efficiency in its operations.
grievance on the issue of the scope and coverage of the collective The petitioner maintained that the services rendered by
bargaining unit, specifically to the question of whether or not the the forwarders employees are not the same as the functions
functions of the forwarders employees are functions being undertaken by regular rank-and-file employees covered by the
performed by the regular rank-and-file employees covered by bargaining unit; therefore, the unions demand that the
the bargaining unit. The union thus demanded that the forwarders employees be assimilated as regular company
forwarders' employees be absorbed into the petitioner's regular employees and absorbed by the collective bargaining unit has no
employee force and be given positions within the bargaining basis; what the union asks constitutes an unlawful interference
unit. The petitioner, on the other hand, on the premise that the in the company's prerogative to choose who to hire as
contracting arrangement with the forwarders is a valid exercise employees. It pointed out that the union could not, and never did,
of its management prerogative, posited that the union's position assert that the contracting-out of work to the service providers
is a violation of its management prerogative to determine who to was in violation of the CBA or prohibited by law.
the voluntary arbitrator has no jurisdiction; thus, the voluntary
arbitration ruling cannot bind them. This limited scope, of
Voluntary arbitrator’s decision: the outsourcing of forwarding
course, poses no problem as the forwarders and their employees
work is expressly allowed by the rules implementing the Labor
are not indispensable parties and the case is not mooted by their
Code; however, the voluntary the petitioner went beyond the
absence. Our ruling will fully bind the immediate parties and
limits of the legally allowable contracting out because the
shall fully apply to, and clarify the terms of, their relationship,
forwarders' employees encroached upon the functions of the
particularly the interpretation and enforcement of the CBA
petitioner's regular rank-and-file workers. The forwarders'
provisions pertinent to the arbitrated issues.)
employees perform their jobs in the company warehouse
together with the petitioner's employees, use the same company RULING
tools and equipment and work under the same company
Our own examination of the agreement shows that the
supervisors indicators that the petitioner exercises supervision
forwarding arrangement complies with the requirements of
and control over all the employees in the warehouse department.
Article 106 of the Labor Code and its implementing rules.
Thus, the forwarders employees serving as clerks, material
handlers, system encoders and general clerks to be employees of To reiterate, no evidence or argument questions the
the company who are entitled to all the rights and privileges of companys basic objective of achieving greater economy and
regular employees of the company including security of tenure. efficiency of operations. This, to our mind, goes a long way to
negate the presence of bad faith.
CA fully affirmed the voluntary arbitrator’s decision and
dismissed the petition for lack of merit. The forwarding arrangement has been in place since
1998 and no evidence has been presented showing that any
regular employee has been dismissed or displaced by the
ISSUE(S) forwarders employees since then. No evidence likewise stands
before us showing that the outsourcing has resulted in a
reduction of work hours or the splitting of the bargaining unit
W/N the functions of the forwarders' employees are functions effects that under the implementing rules of Article 106 of the
being performed by the regular rank-and-file employees covered Labor Code can make a contracting arrangement illegal. The
by the bargaining unit. – NO! other requirements of Article 106, on the other hand, are simply
not material to the present petition.
(Note: the issue poses jurisdictional problems as the forwarders
employees are not parties to the case and the union has no Thus, on the whole, we see no evidence or argument
authority to speak for them. From this perspective, the voluntary effectively showing that the outsourcing of the forwarding
arbitration submission covers matters affecting third parties activities violate our labor laws, regulations, and the parties CBA,
who are not parties to the voluntary arbitration and over whom
specifically that it interfered with, restrained or coerced the current CBA was signed. In this sense, the union accepted
employees in the exercise of their rights to self-organization. the forwarding arrangement, albeit implicitly, when it signed the
CBA with the company. Thereby, the union agreed, again
The job of forwarding, as we earlier described, consists
implicitly by its silence and acceptance, that jobs related to the
not only of a single activity but of several services that
contracted forwarding activities are not regular company
complement one another and can best be viewed as one whole
activities and are not to be undertaken by regular employees
process involving a package of services. These services include
falling within the scope of the bargaining unit but by the
packing, loading, materials handling and support clerical
forwarders employees. Thus, the skills requirements and job
activities, all of which are directed at the transport of company
content between forwarders jobs and bargaining unit jobs may
goods, usually to foreign destinations.
be the same, and they may even work on the same company
It is in the appreciation of these forwarder services as products, but their work for different purposes and for different
one whole package of inter-related services that we discern a entities completely distinguish and separate forwarder and
basic misunderstanding that results in the error of equating the company employees from one another.
functions of the forwarders employees with those of regular
In light of these conclusions, we see no need to dwell on
rank-and-file employees of the company. A clerical job, for
the issue of the voluntary arbitrator’s authority to rule on issues
example, may similarly involve typing and paper pushing
not expressly submitted but which arise as a consequence of the
activities and may be done on the same company products that
voluntary arbitrators findings on the submitted issues.
the forwarders employees and company employees may work
on, but these similarities do not necessarily mean that all these
employees work for the company. The regular company
employees, to be sure, work for the company under its
supervision and control, but forwarder employees work for the WHEREFORE, premises considered, we hereby NULLIFY and SET
forwarder in the forwarders own operation that is itself a ASIDE the assailed Court of Appeals Decision, together with the
contracted work from the company. The company controls its Voluntary Arbitrators Decision.
employees in the means, method and results of their work, in the
same manner that the forwarder controls its own employees in
the means, manner and results of their work. Complications and
confusion result because the company at the same time controls
the forwarder in the results of the latters work, without
controlling however the means and manner of the forwarder
employees work.
From the perspective of the union in the present case, we
note that the forwarding agreements were already in place when
In the meantime, SMART sent a letter to Astorga
demanding that she pay the current market value of the Honda
Civic Sedan which was given to her under the company’s car plan
program, or to surrender the same to the company for proper
Astorga filed a Complaint for illegal dismissal, non- SMART also appealed the unfavorable ruling of the Labor
payment of salaries and other benefits with prayer for moral and Arbiter in the illegal dismissal case to the NLRC which declared
exemplary damages against SMART. the abolition of CSMG and the creation of SNMI to do the sales
and marketing services for SMART a valid organizational action.
outcome of a number of factors, such as overhiring of workers,
decreased volume of business, or dropping of a particular
product line or service activity previously manufactured or
undertaken by the enterprise.
Whether or not Astorga’s dismissal was valid. However, as aptly found by the CA, SMART failed to
comply with the mandated one month notice prior to
The Court finds for the petitioners. It cannot be said that route-
helpers, such as the petitioners no longer enjoy the employee-
employer relationship they had with Coca-Cola since they
became employees of Interserve.
Quintanar v. Coca Cola Bottlers Philippines, June 28, 2016
Facts: The argument of petitioner that its usual business or
trade is softdrink manufacturing and that the work assigned to
Complainants allege that they are former employees
respondent workers as sales route helpers so involves merely
directly hired by respondent Coca-Cola... assigned as regular
"postproduction activities," one which is not indispensable in the
Route Helpers under the direct supervision of the Route Sales
manufacture of its products,... scarcely can be persuasive.
The repeated rehiring of respondent workers and the
After working for quite sometime as directly-hired
continuing need for their services clearly attest to the necessity
employees of Coca-Cola, complainants were allegedly...
or desirability of their services in the regular conduct of the
transferred successively as agency workers to the following
business or trade of petitioner company.
manpower agencies, namely, Lipercon Services, Inc., People's
Services, Inc., ROMAC, and the latest being respondent Interserve Interserve did not have substantial capital or investment
Management and Manpower Resources, Inc. in the form of tools, equipment, machineries, and work premises;
and respondents, its supposed employees, performed work
Complainants allege that the Department of Labor and
which was directly related to the principal business of petitioner.
Employment (DOLE) conducted an inspection of Coca-Cola to
The petitioners were made to suffer under the prohibited terminated them from their position. Thus, they were
practice of labor-only contracting. even if the Court would constrained to file the complaint, claiming that: (ODSI is a labor-
indulge Coca-Cola and admit that Interserve had more... than only contractor and thus, they should be deemed regular
sufficient capital or investment in the form of tools, equipment, employees of NPI, and (b) there was no just or authorized cause
machineries, work premises, still, it cannot be denied that the for their dismissal.
petitioners were performing activities which were directly
For its part, ODSI averred that it is a company engaged in
related to the principal business of such employer.
the business of buying, selling, distributing, and marketing of
even if Interserve were to be considered as a legitimate goods and commodities of every kind, and it enters into all kinds
job contractor, Coca-Cola failed to rebut the allegation that of contracts for the acquisition thereof. ODSI admitted that on
petitioners were transferred from being its employees to become various dates, it hired Puedan et al as its employees and assigned
the employees of ISI, Lipercon, PSI, and ROMAC, which were them to execute the Distributorship Agreement it entered with
labor-only... contractors. Well-settled is the rule that "[t]he NPI. However, the business relationship between NPI and ODSI
contractor, not the employee, has the burden of proof that it has turned sour. Eventually, NPI downsized its marketing and
the substantial capital, investment, and tool to engage in job promotional support from ODSI which resulted to business
contracting." reverses and in the latter’s filing of a petition for corporate
rehabilitation and subsequently, the closure of its Nestle unit due
to the termination of the Distributorship Agreement and the
In this case, the said burden of proof lies with Coca-Cola... failure of rehab.
although it was not the contractor itself, but it was the one
Under the foregoing circumstances, ODSI argued that Puedan et
invoking the supposed status of these entities as independent job
al were not dismissed but merely put in floating status. On the
other hand, NPI did not file any position paper or appear in the
scheduled conferences.