Final Paper
Final Paper
Final Paper
*Equal variances assumed because Levene’s Test for Equality of Variances is below 0.05
**Equal variances not assumed because Levene’s Test for Equality of Variances is above 0.05
Significant values under 0.05 highlighted in bold.
Figure 1: Non-White Worcester Residents and Gas Leak Hotspots
Figure 2: Average 2017 Household Income and Gas Leak Hotspots
Figure 3: Non-White Worcester Residents and Kernel High Density Gas Leaks
Figure 4: Average 2017 Household Income and Kernel High Density Gas Leaks
IX. References
Associated Press, 2016. Porter Ranch gas leak: Invisible disaster drives people from their homes.
Tampa Bay Times, January 9,
ople-from-their-homes/2260678 [Accessed November 17, 2019].
Cutter, Susan et. al., 2008. Temporal and spatial changes in social vulnerability to natural
hazards. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Feb 2008, 105 (7) 2301-2306.
Esri, 2012. And the Study Says, "Esri Demographic Data Most Accurate". Esri. Available from:
st-accurate.html [Accessed 15 November 2019].
Esri. Optimized Hot Spot Analysis. Esri. Available from:
ysis.htm [Accessed 11 December 2019]
HEET. Gas Leak Maps. Home Energy Efficiency Team, Available from: Accessed 16 October 2019.
Howarth, Robert, 2015. Methane emissions and climatic warming risk from hydraulic fracturing
and shale gas development: implications for policy. Energy and Emission Control
Technologies. Available at:
ssions-of-methane-and-climatic-warmin_100815_27470.pdf [Accessed November 17,
Mothers Out Front. Help Mothers Out Front Worcester Open a Dialogue. Mothers Out Front,
Available from: [Accessed 21
October 2019].
Schulman, Audrey, 2016. Home Energy Efficiency Team. November 28. Personal
West, Jason et. al, 2006. Global health benefits of mitigating ozone pollution with methane
emission controls. The National Academy of Sciences of the USA, March 14, 2006 103
(11) 3988-3993. Available from:
[Accessed November 17, 2019].
Wilson, Sacoby and Finch, Christina, 2008. Climate Change, Environmental Justice, and
Vulnerability: An Exploratory Spatial Analysis. Environmental Justice, ed. Sylvia Hood
Washington, Volume 3, Issue 1, 2010, pages 13-19.
X. Team effort
Ari brought their experience of having worked with this dataset before and excitement to
examine it utilizing better methods. Ahna analyzed outside sources for gauging methods used
with overlapping research topics. We conducted most GIS analysis together, attending office
hours or working on analysis side-by-side in the library. We split up writing the final paper, final
presentation, and final map outputs. Throughout the process we gave each other feedback and
made edits. We met several times to explore the possibilities and limitations of our analysis.