Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University, Bhilai Scheme of Teaching & Examination
Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University, Bhilai Scheme of Teaching & Examination
Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University, Bhilai Scheme of Teaching & Examination
6 338516(38) Physical Metallurgy 4 1 - 80 20 20 120 5
7 338521(38) Physical Metallurgy Lab - - 3 40 - 20 60 2
Metallurgical Mechanical Working
8 338522(38) - - 3 40 - 20 60 2
Engineering Processes Lab
9 338523(38) Transport Phenomenon Lab - - 3 40 - 20 60 2
Metallurgical Principles of Extractive
10 338524(38) - - 3 40 - 20 60 2
Engineering Metallurgy Lab
*Practical Training Evaluation - - 1 - - 20 20 1
Engineering and library
Total 20 5 15 640 120 240 1000 35
L - Lecture T - Tutorial P - Practical, ESE = End Semester Exam CT Class Test TA - Teacher's Assessment
Unit 1 Introduction;
An idea of fundamental concepts of economics, its relationship with engineering and
Technology. Factors of Production: Characteristics and importance of Demand and Supply
analysis, elasticity of demand, Price determination, Laws of returns, monopoly. G.N.P. and
National income: Importance, distribution, Direct and indirect taxes, taxes and industrial
development, elementary idea of theory of employment.
Unit 2 Water Pollution – caused by various industries, water pollution in selected process
industries: integrated steel plants, electroplating & metal finishing industries. NF
industries waste water treatment technology in general; phy, chem.. & biological
Unit 3 Pllution control for Cr, Cd, Hg, As, Sb, Pb, Sn.
Unit 4 Air Pollution – Gaseous and particulates; primary and secondary air pollutants,
hazardous effect of fly ash. Air pollution in industrial units; ferrous and non-ferrous
metallurgical industries such as Al, Zn, Pb.
Control of specific gaseous pollutants – SO2, NOx, CO2, HC etc.
Preventive measures and equipments to reduce air pollution.
Unit 5 Environmental aspects of sponge iron plants, pollutant emissions from alternative iron
and steel making processes.
Solid waste from coal, steel, non-ferrous industries; different disposal techniques, waste
utilization techniques.
Unit 3 Pyrometallurgy-II
Metallothermic reduction, types of reductions, heat balance and reactors. Aluminothermic
reduction, Silicothermic reduction and applications. Halide metallurgy principles, Carbothermic
Zinc process of reduction its thermodynamic condition, vapour phase separation, heats of
Imperials smelting process its advantages. Matte smelting principles, its thermodynamics.
Industrials smelting and converting. Flash smelting, continuous smelting, applications of matte
Metal –slag separation and fire refining and its equipment, thermodynamics and reaction
equilibria. Specific example, Electro-refining.
Classification of other refining processes, theory of distillation, Refluxing column, Catalytic
distillation examples and applications. Liquation, Parkes, Parkinson process of Cu/Fe/Zn
removal from Pb. Harris process Zone refining principles, Vacuum refining, examples.
Unit 1 Fundamental concept of metal forming, plastic behaviour, flow stress, yield criteria,
shear stress, Von-mises theory classification of metal forming operations on the basis of cold,
hot & warm working, effect of variables, speed of deformation, friction, lubricants,
metalluragical structurees, strain rate, temperature of metal working, heating of steels effect of
incorrect heasting, rate of heating.
Unit 2 Rolling- principle of metal rolling process, theory of longitudinal rolling, simple concept
about angle of bite, spread, deformation coefficient, forward and backward slip, relationship
between roll diameter and faariction angle, specific roll pressure, power requirements.
Unit 3 Classification of rolling mills on the basis of roll arrangement, mill layout and products,
rolling mill equipments
Classification of rolled products, blooms billets, slabs, plates, strips, sheets, wire rod etc.
important considerations in roll pass design, Rolling defects.
Unit 4 Forging – Importance and characteristics of forging, fiber structuare, open die and
closed die forging typical foarged products, Die materials, forging equipments,Hammers and
presses, calculation of forging load, selection of press/hammer capacity, special forging
processes rotary swaging, roll pressure, horizontal forging, forging defects and their removal.
Unit 5 Extrusion Types of variables, defects and typical products.Drawing – Types of drawing,
wire drawing, deeep-drawing, seamless tube making- various methods.Sheet metal forming-
stretching, bending, shearing, trimming, caming, sizing etc.High velocity forming – significance
of high velocity forming operations, principles, classification and applications.
Semester: Vth Branch: Metallurgical Engg
Subject: Physical Metallurgy Code: 338516 (38)
Total Theory Periods: - 50 Total Tut Periods - 12
Total Marks in End Semester Exam: 80
Minimum number of class tests to be conducted: 2
Unit 1
Crystalline and amorphous materials, Elements of Crystallography, Crystal structure of
Metals, Crystallographic notation of atomic planes and directions, Imperfections in metal
crystals, Allotropy and isotropy in metals, single crystal and polycrystalline aggregates. Grain
boundaries and shapes of metal grains. Structure of solid solutions, types of solid solutions,
Intermediate phases and their structures.
Unit 2
Solidification of metals and alloys cooling curves, concept of nucleation and growth,
Homogeneous and Heterogeneous nucleation, nucleation rate and growth rate, structure of
metals ingots, Constitutional super cooling. Dendritic and other growth processes. Micro and
macro-segregation, Porosity and inclusions. Concept of structure property relationship.
Unit 3
Types of phase changes, Binary equilibrium diagrams of various systerms, with complete and
partial solid solubilities involving eutectic and peritectic and other reactions. Syntectic,
Monotectic, eutectoid and peritectoid reactions, lever rule, phase rule and their applications.
Solid state transformations, ternary diagrams, order-disorder transformations. Experimental
determination of liquids, solids and solvus lines.
Unit 4
Detailed study of Cu-Ni, Zn-Sn, Fe-C, Cu-Sn, Cu-Zn, Pb-Sn, Al-Si, Al-Cu and other important
non-ferrous alloys. Babbit metals. Austenite to pearlite transformation. Free energy of solid
solutions and eutectics. Limitations of equilibrium diagrams, coring.
Unit 5
Electrolytic polishing & Etching, Metallurgical microscope, Properties of objective viz-
numerical aperture, Resolving power, magnifying power, depth of focus etc. Bright and dark
field illumination , Polarized light microscope. High temperature metallography, thermal
characterization of materials, (TGA/DTA/DSC) Measurements; Applications of dilatometric
technique. TEM,SEM, Microprobe analyzer, EDR. Production of single crystals, Zone melting
and refining.
Experiment to be performed
Preparation ;of non-ferrous metal for microscopic studies.
To carryout Elecrolytic polishing of metals.
determination of decarburized layer thickness.
study of microstructure of stainless steels and other high alloys steels.
To carry out Annealing of steels.
hardening of steel and study of associated microstructure and properties.
treating steel for having maximum machinability.
To carry out normalizing of steel.
Determination of oxide inclusions, with the help of oxide printing of steel
Studying microstructure under dark field illumination.
Microstructural analysis of plain carbon steels.
Study of microstructures of cast irons.
Study of microstructures of Brasses and bronzes.
Study of microstructures of High Mn steels
Study of microstructures of Al-Si alloys and bearing metals.
Study of microstructures of Titanium alloys and other important non ferrous alloys.
Study of Etching process and Etching reagents.
Taking photograph of the given microstructure and its analysis.
Image analyzer. Using Image analyzer
Study of scanning electron microscope
Study of transmission electron microscope.
Study of Electron probe micro-analyser.
List of Equipments/Machine Required:
Metallurgical microscope
Mounting press.
Metallograph for taking photograph of microstructures.
Polishing Boards and polishing wheel
Image analyzer
TEM, SEM and electron probe micro-analyser
Recommended Books:
Principles of Metallographic laboratory Practice by Kehl
Metallography – by Williams and Homerberg.
Semester Vth Branch: Metallurgical Engineering
Subject: Mechanical Working processes Lab Code: 338522 (38)
Total Practical Periods: 40
Total Marks in end Semester Exam: 40
1. Rolling mill
2. Models
3. Charts
4. Tables
5. Drawing
6. Video Clipping (CD)
Recommended Books:
1. Metals Handbook
2. Making shaping and Treating of Metals
3. Production Engineering By Jain
Semester Vth Branch: Metallurgical Engineering
Subject: Transport Phenomenon Lab Code: 338523 (38)
Total Practical Periods: 40
Total Marks in end Semester Exam: 40
Experiment to be performed
Determination of Heat Transfer in Natural Convection
Determination of heat transfer in forced convection.
Determination of thermal conductivity of metal Rod.
Determination of Parallel flow/counter flow by heat exchanger
Determination of thermal radiation by Steffen Boltzmann
Determination of thermal conductivity of Insulating powder
Determination of heat transfer through composite walls.
Determination of Emissivity by Emissivity measurement apparatus.
Fluid Bed heat transfer unit
Determination of Temp. of different materials at a given time.
Recommended Books:
Smith- Chemical Engineering Kinetics, Mc Graw Hill
Bird, Steward and Light foot-Transport Phenomenon ,John Wiley
Experiment to be performed
1. Calcinations of ore
2. Multiple hearth roasting
3. Fluidized bred roasting
4. Carbothermic reduction
5. Metallothermic reduction
6. Zone-Refining
7. Leaching of different ore
8. Purification of leached liquor
9. Cementation
10. Electrowinning of metal
11. Electrorefining of metal
12. vacuum refining
13. Matte smelting
14. Electro slag refining
15. Halide metallurgy
Recommended Books:
1. Lab Manuals
2. Process Selection in Extractive Metallurgy – Hayes, Peter, SRA Publications Calcutta
Semester : B.E. V Branch : Common to All Branches
Subject : Personality Development Code : 300525 (46)
No. of Periods : 2 pds/week Tutorial Periods : NIL
Total Marks in End Semester Exam. : NIL Teacher's Assessment : 20
Minimum number of class tests to be conducted : Two
Objective: The course is introduced to develop one's outer and inner personality
tremendously and enrich the abilities to enable one to meet the challenges associated with
different job levels. Personality Development is essential for overall development of an
individual apart from gaining technical knowledge in the subject.
Unit – I
Personality concepts:
- What is Personality – its physical and psychic aspects. How to develop a positive
self-image. How to aim at Excellence. How to apply the cosmic laws that govern
life and personality.
- How to improve Memory. How to develop successful learning skills. How to
develop and effectively use one’s creative power.
- How to apply the individual MOTIVATORS that make you a self-power personality.
Unit – II
Interpersonal Skills:
- Leadership: Leaders who make a difference, Leadership: your idea, What do we
know about leadership? If you are serious about Excellence. Concepts of leadership,
Two important keys to effective leadership, Principles of leadership, Factors of
leadership, Attributes.
- Listening: Listening skills, How to listen, Saying a lot- just by listening, The words and
the music, How to talk to a disturbed person, Listening and sometimes challenging.
- How to win friends and influence people, How to get along with others. How to
develop art of convincing others. How can one make the difference. How to deal with
others particularly elders. Conflicts and cooperation.
Unit – III
Attitudinal Changes:
- Meaning of attitude, benefits of positive attitudes, how to develop the habit of positive
- Negative attitude and wining: What is FEAR and how to win it. How to win
loneliness. How to win over FAILURE. How to win over PAIN. How to win over one’s
ANGER and others anger. How to overcome CRITICISM. What is stress and how to
cope up with it? What is crisis and how to manage it.
- How to apply the character MOTIVATORS that elevate you and your personality to
the top, the art of self motivation.
- How to acquire mental well-being.
- How to acquire physical well-being.
- How to formulate effective success philosophy.
Unit –IV
Decision Making:
How to make your own LUCK. How to plan goals/objectives and action plan to achieve
them. How to make RIGHT DECISION and overcome problems. How to make a Decision.
Decision making : A question of style. Which style, when ? People decisions : The key
decisions. What do we know about group decision making ? General aids towards
improving group decision making. More tips for decisions of importance.
Unit – V
Communication Skills:
- Public Speaking: Importance of Public speaking for professionals. The art of
Speaking - Forget the fear of presentation, Symptoms of stage fear, Main reason for
speech failure, Stop failures by acquiring Information; Preparation & designing of
speech, Skills to impress in public speaking & Conversation, Use of presentation aids
& media.
- Study & Examination: How to tackle examination, How to develop successful study
- Group discussions: Purpose of GD, What factors contribute to group worthiness,
Roles to be played in GD.
Reference Books:
1. How to develop a pleasing personality by Atul John Rego, Better yourself books,
Mumbai, 2000.
2. How to Succed by Brain Adams, Better Yourself books, Mumbai, 1969.
3. Basic Managerial skills for all by E. H McGrawth, Prentice Hall India Pvt Ltd, 2006.
4. The powerful Personality by Dr Ujjawal Patni & Dr Pratap Deshmukh, Medident
Publisher, 2006.
5. Great Words win Hearts by Dr Ujjwal Patni, Fusion Books, 2006.
6. Personality : Classic Theories & Modern Research; friedman ; Pearson Education
7. How to win friends and influence people by Dale Carnigie, A.H. Wheeler 2006.