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AustraliaBoltingpage53 58
AustraliaBoltingpage53 58
The level of
tightening achieved is adequate for joint designs where Design for bolted structural
developed bolt tension is not significant. Behaviour of the bolt
under applied loads is well known and accepted. joints
Category 8.8T refers to both categories 8.8 TF and 8.8/TB A summary of structural design procedures to AS 4100 has
been produced by Arun Syam of Australian Institute of Steel
Category 8.8/TF refers to high strength structural bolts Construction and Arthur Firkins, Consultant, and published
Strength Grade 8.8 used in friction type joints, fully tensioned by Ajax Spurway Fasteners in their Fasteners Handbook’,
in a controlled manner to the requirements of AS 4100. pages 54 to 68.
AS 4100 specifies that friction type joints must be used Copies are available from AISC and Ajax Spurway Fasteners.
where no slip is acceptable. They should also be used in
applications where joints are subject to severe stress
reversals or fluctuations as in dynamically loaded structures
such as bridges, except in special circumstances as Design for high strength
determined by the engineer. Where the choice is optional,
bearing type joints are more economic than friction type. bolting
Category 8.8/TB refers to high strength structural bolts AS 4100 specifies conditions for the application of high
Strength Grade 8.8 used in bearing type joints, fully strength structural bolts in both friction type and bearing type
tensioned in a controlled manner to the requirements of joints. Bolts are tightened to the same minimum induced
AS4100. tension in both types of joint.
Friction type joints subject to shear, and Bearing type joints subject to shear and
combined shear and tension. combined shear and tension
High strength hexagon head bolts are used as described on In bearing type joints, design follows conventional practice
page 52. based on allowable tension, shear and bearing values as
specified in AS 4100. Design of a joint as bearing type infers
Shear joints that some slip into bearing may take place.
In joints subject to shear only in the plane of the friction AS 4100 specifies that shear or moment connections subject
faces the number of high strength bolts and their disposition to stress reversal, or where slip would not be acceptable
should be such that the resulting load at any bolt position shall be designed as friction type joints. Bearing type joints
does not exceed the value: must be designed in accordance with AS 4100 using the
Slip factor* x number of x minimum bolt allowable forces detailed in the table below. Provided joint
effective interfaces tension surfaces are free from oil, dirt, loose scale, loose rust, burrs
*Slip Factor is the coefficient of friction on the mating surfaces and
or defects which would prevent solid seating, AS 4100
can be defined as the ratio of the shear force between two plies permits the use of applied coatings without change in
required to produce slip, to the force clamping the plies together. design values.
AS 4100 provides that the slip factor for clean as-rolled steel Joints subject to shear force only
surfaces shall be taken as 0.35. When protective coatings
are present on mating surfaces, AS 4100 specifies that the Bearing type joints subject to shear force only, and which
slip factor applied in design must be that of the protective are less than 500 mm long in the direction of the applied
coatings, based on test evidence as discussed under ‘Slip shear force, shall be proportioned so that the shear force on
factors’ page 48. any bolt does not exceed the maximum permissible shear
force, Bv permitted by the table.
Joints subject to external tension in addition to For joints greater than 500 mm long in the direction of the
shear applied shear force, the shear force on any bolt shall not
An externally applied tension in the direction of the bolt axis exceed the following value, whichever is appropriate:
reduces the effective clamping action of the bolt. To allow for 500 to 1200 mm 6/7 Bv
this effect, the Interaction Equation of AS 4100 (Rule 1200 mm and over 4/7 Bv
( ) ( )|
> 1.0
Joints subject to shear and tensile forces
Bearing type joints subject to shear and tensile forces shall
shall apply be proportioned so that the tensile force on any bolt does
not exceed that permitted by the Parabolic Interaction
bt = actual tensile force on the bolt. Equation of AS 4100 (Rule
Bt = maximum permissible tensile force on the bolt.
bt 2 bv 2
bv = actual shear force on the bolt.
Bv = maximum permissible shear force on the bolt. ( ) ( )
Bv |
> 1.0
Tightening procedures for Full tightening (minimum bolt tension)
For joints designed in accordance with AS 4100, either as
high strength structural bolts 8.8/TF friction type or 8.8/TB bearing type, bolts must be
fully tightened to the following minimum tensions:
The installation and tightening of a high strength structural
bolt/nut assembly is at least as costly as the bolt/nut Nominal bolt diameter Minimum bolt tension, kN
assembly itself, and the selection of bolt type and bolt
M16 95
tightening procedure is an important consideration in the
M20 145
economics of high strength bolted structures.
M24 210
Snug tightening M30 335
M36* 490
Snug tight is defined in AS 4100 as the full effort of a man on
a standard podger spanner, or the point at which there is a *If M36 bolts are specified the part turn method of tightening should
change in note or speed of rotation when a pneumatic be used only after special investigation into the capacity of the
impact wrench begins impacting solidly. Podger spanners are available equipment.
graded in length in relation to bolt size and strength, and are, To attain these bolt tensions AS 4100 permits galvanized or
for example, of the order of 450 mm long for M20 high zinc plated bolts to be tightened by either the part turn of nut
strength structural bolts, and 600 mm long for M24 high method, or by the direct tension indicator method. Torque
strength structural bolts. control tightening of galvanized or zinc plated bolts and nuts
Snug tightening is applied in the following situations: is prohibited in AS 4100 because of the variable
torque/induced tension relationship of zinc coatings even
1 The final level of bolt tightening in general structural when lubricant coated.
bolting using commercial bolts – Category 4.6/S.
Nut rotation from the snug-tight condition AS 4100
2 A final level of bolt tightening using high strength structural
bolts – Category 8.8/S. Different design values must be Disposition of outer face of bolted parts
applied than for procedures 8.8/TF and 8.8/TB using the Notes 1, 2, 3 and 4
Bolt length
same bolts, as discussed on page 52. (underside Both faces One face normal
3 An intermediate level of bolt tension applied as the first of head to normal to to bolt axis and Both faces
stage in full tightening – Categories 8.8/TF and 8.8/TB. end of bolt) bolt axis other sloped sloped
The growing popularity of high strength structural bolts to AS Up to and
1252 used in a snug tight condition leads to the situation including 1/3 turn 1/2 turn 2/3 turn
4 diameters
where bolts may require full tightening to AS 4100 in one
application and only snug tightening in another. To prevent Over 4 dia-
confusion and ensure correct tightening the designer meters but 1/2 turn 2/3 turn 5/6 turn
must indicate clearly the level of tightening required, in not exceeding
both drawings and specifications. Steps must be taken to 8 diameters
ensure that this information is conveyed to all those involved Over 8 dia-
in installation, tightening, and inspection. meters but 2/3 turn 5/6 turn 1 turn
not exceeding
Snug tightening 12 diameters
(see Note 5)
When snug tightening is used as the first stage for full
tightening in procedures 8.8/TF and 8.8/TB, the intention is 1 Tolerance on rotation: for 1/2 turn or less, one-twelfth of a turn
to bring the plies into ‘snug’ contact ready for final tightening. (30°) over and nil under tolerance; for 2/3 turn or more, one-
The clamping force applied by snug tightening is highly eighth of a turn (45°) over and nil under tolerance.
variable as illustrated below, but is not significant when bolts 2 The bolt tension achieved with the amount of nut rotation
are subsequently fully tightened – since the bolt tension/bolt specified above will be at least equal to the specified minimum
elongation curve is relatively flat, variations in the snug tight bolt tension.
condition result in only small variations in final bolt tension. 3 Nut rotation is the rotation relative to the bolt, regardless of the
component turned.
Bolt tension/bolt 4 Nut rotations specified are only applicable to connections in
elongation curve which all material within the grip of the bolt is steel.
for a typical high 5 No research has been performed to establish the turn-of-nut
strength structural
procedure for bolt lengths exceeding 12 diameters. Therefore,
the required rotation should be determined by actual test in a
suitable tension measuring device which simulates conditions of
solidly fitted steel.
5 Match mark installed nuts and bolts using a punch to hardened washer. If a taper washer is required it is
show that snug tightening is complete. These marks can preferable that this be fitted under the nut but alternatively
then be used for final tightening and inspection. it may be placed between the load indicator and the
structural steel.
4 Carry out a preliminary tightening to snug tight position,
using a podger spanner or pneumatic impact wrench. It is
important to begin tightening at the most rigid part of the
joint progressing systematically to the free edges. On large
Part turn tightening.
When tightening by joints take a second run over bolts to check that all are
hand or for permanent snug tight.
indication of tightening 5 Carry out final tightening by reducing the gap between
bolts and nuts should bolt head and load indicator to approximately 0.25 mm for
be match marked. Before final tightening After
galvanized bolts. In aggressive exposure conditions the
gap may be fully closed to exclude moisture.
6 Complete tightening using the part turn method according Should a nut be slackened after being fully tightened a new
to the table on page 56. Tightening should proceed load indicator must be fitted before the second tightening.
systematically from the most rigid part of the joint to its
free edges. Wrench sockets should be marked at Fitting load indicator under nut
positions 180° apart to guide the operator in tightening. In applications where it is necessary to rotate the bolt head
7 Knock out drift pins, replace with bolts. rather than the nut, the load indicator can be fitted under nut
8 Bring these bolts to snug tight position as in step 3, using a special nut face washer which is heat treated to the
match mark as in step 5 and complete tightening as in same hardness as the bolt. Care must be taken that the nut
step 6. face washer is fitted concentric with the nut and the correct
way up, otherwise it may turn relative to the load indicator
9 Mark joint to indicate tightening has been completed. One resulting in inaccurate load indication due to damage to the
method is to draw lines with crayon between each bolt protrusions.
head forming a squared pattern.
Experience has shown that on medium to large projects
Direct tension indicator tightening the extra cost of load indicators is offset by major savings
in installation, supervision, and inspection of high
Several direct tension indicating devices have been strength joints.
developed to provide a simple method of checking that
minimum bolt tension has been developed. The most
commonly used in Australia is the load indicator washer.
The load indicator is similar in size to a normal circular
Inspection of high strength
washer, with four to seven protrusions depending on size,
on one face. It is assembled under the bolt head so that
bolted joints
the protrusions bear on the underside of the head. As the Because of the increasing use of high strength structural
bolt is tightened the protrusions are flattened, and reduction bolts in the snug tight condition the designer must clearly
of the gap by a specified amount indicates that minimum indicate the level of tightening required in drawings and
bolt tension has been reached. For use with galvanized specifications, and he must ensure that this information is
structural bolts load indicator washers are supplied with conveyed to all those involved in installation, including the
a galvanized finish. inspector.
In structural joints using either 4.6/S or 8.8/S procedures the
site inspector need only be concerned that the correct bolt
type and number of bolts have been used in the joint. Since
the level of tightening required is snug tight, this would have
been achieved during erection.
In joints using galvanized bolts and 8.8/TF or 8.8/TB
procedures, only visual inspection is necessary. The inspector
should check that the correct fasteners and washers have
been used and correctly installed, and that none show
Load indicating washers and sketch showing physical damage which might indicate they been driven into
washer fitted under bolt head. Note gap which mis-aligned holes.
is reduced as nut is tightened.
Galvanized bolts which have been tightened by the part turn
Tightening procedure with load indicator washers of nut method can be checked by their match markings.
Where load indicating washers have been used for final
1 Ensure that the bolts are high strength bolts to AS 1252. tightening, inspection is greatly simplified.
2 Place load indicator on the bolt with protrusions abutting Tightening of bolts by the torque control method has been
the underside of the bolt head or abutting a structural flat deleted from AS 4100. For guidance on the use of a torque
washer if the bolt head is to be turned in tightening. wrench for inspection refer to AS 4100 Supplement 1-1990,
3 Fit the bolt into place and assemble with nut and standard Appendix CK.
Flush spliced structural As a result of this testing, structural engineers can now
incorporate unobtrusive flush-spliced structural connections,
joints in galvanized steel confident that their design will meet the requirements of AS4100.
Fasteners and threads
The increasing popularity and use of hot dip galvanizing as an
architectural finish for structural steel members has sometimes The fasteners employed are Unbrako high strength flat-head
been limited by the need to make structural connections. socket screws, ISO metric series, mechanically zinc plated to a
Welding, while practical, requires coating touch up which may coating thickness of 25µ to give adequate corrosion protection.
spoil the visual continuity of the galvanized coating in some The specification for these bolts is:
applications. Conventional bolted connections, while versatile Material: Unbrako high-grade alloy steel*.
and economic, can be visually obtrusive. Hardness: Re36-44
A new method of flush-splicing structural steel members con- Ultimate tensile strength: 1100MPa
0.2% yield stress: 990MPa
ceived by Arthur Firkins, formerly Director of Technical Services, Thread class: 4g.
Australian Institute of Steel Construction, has been developed
under the auspices of Galvanizers Association of Australia. * In the International method of designating bolt strength these bolts
would be classified as Grade 10.9.
The new connection uses flat-head countersunk Unbrako
high strength socket screws through beam flanges into M12, M16 and M20 screw sizes are used.
threaded holes in the flange and web connecting members.
The result is a flush finish to beam flange surfaces without Design of flush-bolted splices
protruding bolt heads or nuts, in a joint with the performance Dimensional criteria for connections in commonly used
characteristics needed in structural applications. beams are given in the table below. These criteria apply to
both fully-bolted splices (Drawing A) and bolted/welded
Structural performance splices (Drawing B). This system will allow relatively large
In order to investigate joint behaviour, a test specimen was flange force transfer in members of all types and sizes. Splice
subjected to tensile testing at the University of Sydney to plates should be at least equal to flange or web thickness
determine the flange force transfer capacity of a typical and not less than screw diameter.
splice. Test results showed that the splice conformed to the
requirements of Australian Standard 4100 ‘Steel Structures’. Installation procedures
The test results also confirmed the designed capacity of the Procedures for the installation of Unbrako socket head
flange beam calculated in accordance with AS4100. screws is contained in the product manual published by
35 40 40 35 35 40 40 35
weld Fully-bolted splice,
drawing A, and
bolted/welded splice,
(A) Fully bolted splice (B) Bolted/welded splice (alternative) drawing B.
Dimensional criteria
Member Flange plates Web plates Bolts*
Flange Web
Size Flange Web Width Thick Width Thick Size Size
tf tw mm mm mm mm
UB Sections
200 UB 30 9.6 6.3 50 20 150 6 M16 M12
250 UB 37 10.9 6.4 50 20 150 6 M16 M12
310 UB 40 10.2 6.1 50 20 150 6 M16 M12
360 UB 51 11.5 7.3 50 20 150 6 M16 M12
410 UB 54 10.9 7.6 50 20 150 8 M16 M12
460 UB 67 12.7 8.5 50 20 150 8 M20 M16
530 UB 82 13.2 9.6 75 20 150 10 M20 M16
UC Sections
250 UC 73 14.2 8.6 100 20 150 8 M20 M16
200 UC 46 11.0 7.3 75 20 150 8 M20 M12
* Unbrako flat head socket screws Grade 10.9
1 Suggested criteria in the table should be verified for specific design load cases.
2 For serviceability state, "Ply in bearing (beam flange) will usually govern design" (AS4100
3 Ultimate failure in the test was the flange plate component failing in tension.
4 Flange plate component thickness should be greater than flange thickness and equal to or greater than bolt diameter.
5 Web plate component thickness should be greater than web thickness.
6 "n" = number of rows of bolts in flange or web as required by design – see Drawing (A). Note: Bolt shear strength (10.9) will rarely govern.
7 Bolts should be specified as "Unbrako flat-head socket screws Grade 10.9, mechanically zinc/tin plated to a coating thickness of 25µ".
8 Holes in flange plates should be tapped 0.1mm oversize to allow for the coating thickness on screw threads.
9 Tapped threads should be plugged during the galvanizing process using bolts of appropriate diameter (Grade 4.6 hex head uncoated).