5 Steps To Creating An Ethical Organizatio Culture: October 7, 2019
5 Steps To Creating An Ethical Organizatio Culture: October 7, 2019
5 Steps To Creating An Ethical Organizatio Culture: October 7, 2019
October 7, 2019
The culture of a company influences the moral judgment of employees and stakeholders. Compa
work to create a strong ethical culture motivate everyone to speak and act with honesty and inte
Companies that portray strong ethics attract customers to their products and services.
Customers are happy and confident in knowing they’re dealing with an honest company. Ethical
also retain the bulk of their employees for the long-term which reduces costs associated with tu
Investors have peace of mind when they invest in companies that display good ethics because th
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assured that their funds are protected. Good ethics keep share prices high and protect business
Creating an ethical organizational culture is possible for any company by taking the following 5 s
Research backs up the notion of leading by example. Stanford psychologist, Al Bandura is known
research on observational learning. Bandura’s stages of observational learning are:
• Attention
• Retention
• Reproduction
• Motivation
The stages suggest that people pay attention to the behavior of others and retain thoughts abou
they reproduce the behavior. After repeated times of having a good experience with behavior, pe
motivated to repeat it.
While it’s good to have a written record of the code of ethics, means nothing if top management
model ethical behavior. Employees are observant. They take note of whether the company is adh
the ethical principles that it set or whether they are merely paying lip service.
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Once again, research supports ethical principles. The principle of operant conditioning, by B.F. S
represents that it’s possible to reinforce the behavior you want to see in others. The principle of
conditioning also shows that companies shouldn’t reinforce behavior they don’t want to see in ot
People who act ethically should be noticeably rewarded for their behavior and those who fail to a
behave ethically should have consequences for unethical behavior. Rather than fire good employ
demonstrate a single ethics violation, the company may choose to provide correct feedback for
behavior along with a short probationary period. Correction should be conducted in the spirit of
collaboration and education rather than punishment or chastisement.
This step should encourage companies to offer their employees opportunities for rewards, reco
and social reinforcements. Rewards and recognition should be thoughtfully considered taking ca
deliver it with attention to detail to avoid unintended consequences.
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There are several ways that companies can assure their employees that they can safely report u
behavior without fear of losing their jobs or getting some sort of punishment or consequence. A
third party such as an ethics counselor, ethics officer, ombudsman, or ethics consultant can be
these situations. An ombudsman can get the tools and resources to help with a consultation or
investigation of a complaint about ethical behavior.
The best judgment you can use to protect your company is to implement modern governance pro
with the help of a BoardEffect board management software solution.
Learn why 180k+ users are using BoardEffect for their board portal solution!
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