Functional Rehabilitation of Lumbar Spine Injuries in The Athlete
Functional Rehabilitation of Lumbar Spine Injuries in The Athlete
Functional Rehabilitation of Lumbar Spine Injuries in The Athlete
Abstract: Athletic injuries to the lumbar spine are relatively Core strengthening is widely used for both injury
common, depending upon the specific sport. With proper prevention and rehabilitation of the lumbar spine. The
management, the majority of injuries resolve quickly and allow core has been described as a box with the diaphragm on
for rapid return to sport. However, some of these injuries occur top, pelvic floor on bottom, abdominals in front, and
because of improper mechanics that adversely affect the core paraspinal and gluteal muscles in back.1 Core muscula-
stability of the spine, or conversely these injuries cause ture is required for the spine to move freely throughout its
instability of the spine through disruption of the spinal support entire range of motion, and it also serves as a functional
mechanisms. Development of an appropriate treatment plan center of the kinetic chain by connecting the upper and
depends on a thorough understanding of the structures lower extremities. The muscles of the pelvic girdle
providing core stability and the exercises to correct identifiable and shoulder also contribute to core stability through
deficits. A comprehensive rehabilitation program should include connections to the spine and must not be overlooked in
correction of flexibility and strength deficits, with subsequent rehabilitation program design.
progression to functional and sports-specific exercises. The Panjabi2 first described a model for spine stability
purpose of this paper is to review current concepts regarding that consists of 3 components:
core stability and rehabilitation in the athlete. 1. The bone and ligamentous structures.
Key Words: spine, rehabilitation, core exercises, athlete 2. The muscles surrounding the spine.
3. The neural control system that coordinates the spine
(Sports Med Arthrosc Rev 2008;16:47–54) for both expected and unexpected stimuli.
The bone and ligamentous structures are thought to
offer primarily passive stiffness, whereas the core muscu-
anterior to the spinal cord is composed of the vertebral Changes in muscle composition in healthy subjects who
bodies, the intervertebral discs, and the anterior and stopped normal repetitive low-level activity patterns is
posterior longitudinal ligaments. The intervertebral disc is thought to result in transformation of the muscle toward
composed of the annulus fibrosis, which encircles the a more fatigable type of muscle fiber.11,12 All of these
nucleus pulposus. The endplates form a boundary studies would suggest that muscles situated on the trunk
between the disc and vertebral body. The disc can be and lower extremities are affected most by prolonged
injured through both compressive and shearing loads that inactivity and deconditioning. Fortunately, there is some
cause injury initially to the endplates and ultimately to the evidence that with exercise training multifidi atrophy can
annulus thereby permitting a disc herniation. be reversed.13,14
The ligaments of the spine include the intertrans-
verse, supraspinous, ligamentum flavum, and interspi-
nous ligaments posteriorly; and the anterior and posterior Global Muscles Affecting the Core
longitudinal ligaments on the anterior and posterior sides The thoracolumbar fascia serves an important role
of the vertebral body, respectively. These ligaments seem in lumbar spine support. Multiple muscles attach to the
to provide minimal stability. In fact, it has been spine through the thoracolumbar fascia and also serve as
demonstrated that a cadaver with bones and ligaments key stabilizers. The most notable muscle for spinal
intact but muscles removed will buckle under about stability that attaches to the spine through the thoraco-
20 lb.5 The ligaments do offer some protection from disc lumbar fascia is the TA, which has large attachments to
herniations. The combination of a strong anterior long- the fascia. It runs in a hooplike fashion around the
itudinal ligament and limited lumbar extension makes abdomen and is activated through hollowing in of
anterior disc herniations very rare. The posterior long- the abdomen and seems to stiffen the spine by increasing
itudinal ligament provides some protection from a pure the intra-abdominal pressure.3 Similar to the multifidi, it
posterior herniation. Most herniations are therefore seems to be among the first muscles activated in response
posterior lateral in nature. The primary function of these to limb movement regardless of direction. It has also been
ligaments seems to provide afferent proprioceptive feed- shown to increase the stiffness of the lumbar spine and the
back. sacroiliac joints when activated.15 Like the multifidi, this
muscle has also been shown to be dysfunctional in LBP
Local Muscles Affecting the Core patients.4
The major source of spinal stability comes from the The other muscles of the abdominal wall include
second component of Panjabi’s model of spinal stability, the internal/external obliques and the rectus abdominus.
the core musculature. The core muscles can be divided The internal obliques have a similar orientation of fibers
into several groups. The first group is the local spine to the TA, but they have received much less attention
muscles (multifidi, rotators, intertransversi) that attach than the TA. The external obliques act as a check on
directly to the spine and serve primarily to stabilize it. The anterior pelvic tilt. Together the abdominal wall muscles,
multifidi are composed of both superficial and deep layer, the diaphragm, and the pelvis floor muscles all help create
and are known to cross only 2 or 3 spinal levels. They intra-abdominal pressure to support the lumbar spine.
have a short moment arm, and thus are not felt to be The diaphragm and pelvic floor have been demonstrated
involved in gross spinal movement. They have a rich to have effects on the lumbar spine. McGill showed that
composition of muscle spindles, and are felt to act ventilatory challenges may cause diaphragmatic dysfunc-
primarily as proprioception and kinesthetic sensors of tion and thus lead to increased compressive loads on the
the spine.6 lumbar spine.16 It has also been demonstrated that
In healthy individuals, the deep fibers of the patients with sacroiliac joint pain have impaired recruit-
multifidi and the TA are the first fibers to become active ment in both the diaphragm and pelvic floor.17
when a limb is moved in response to visual stimulus. They The quadratus lumborum is a large muscle that has
fire independent of limb movement direction to control direct insertions to the lumbar spine through the
intervertebral movement. The superficial fibers are also thoracolumbar fascia. It serves as a primary lateral
activated before the muscles that move the limb, but the stabilizer of the spine working in an isometric fashion.
timing is dependent on the direction the limb is moved to It also serves as a secondary respiratory muscle and weak
assist with control of spinal orientation.7 These muscles lateral flexor of the lumbar vertebrae. It can be targeted in
are found to atrophy in people with LBP.3 Laasonen8 physical therapy for lumbar stabilization and is felt to be
studied postoperative patients with unilateral LBP and a key component in a core stabilization program.18
found that paraspinals were 10-30% smaller on the The Erector spinae (paraspinals) is composed of 3
affected side when compared with the unaffected side. groups, only 2 of which cross the lumbar spine, the
Patients with LBP that have functional inactivity show longissimus, and iliocostalis. These are primarily thoracic
selective type 2 atrophy of the multifidi and structural muscles that have long tendons that attach to the pelvis
changes in type I fibers on biopsy.9,10 St-Pierre and and thus create a long moment arm for generating forces.
Gardiner11 noted that antigravity postural muscles have The paraspinals serve as the primary extensor of the
been shown to atrophy to a greater extent than lower lumbar spine. LBP patients have been shown to have
extremity muscles in microgravity simulation models. decreased endurance of extensors compared with
should incorporate the following transitional phases: used to facilitate desired muscle activation. Abdominal
(1) pain control, (2) correction of flexibility and strength hollowing has shown to activate the TA. These exercises
deficits, (3) maintenance of cardiovascular stamina, and are non-functional positions and training should quickly
(4) reintegration of sports-specific activities. This section transition to functional positions and activities once the
will focus on the specifics of correction of inflexibilities proper muscle activation has occurred.
and strength deficits with some reintegration into sports- Exercises can then progress from training isolated
specific activities through functional exercise. muscles to training the core as an integrated unit to
Several unique principles regarding the management facilitate functional activity. The neutral spine has been
of the athlete’s injuries exist. One should understand the advocated as a safe place to begin exercise.37 The neutral
athlete’s training and competition schedule to organize a spine is a pain-free position that is touted as the position
proper treatment program. A proper rehabilitative of power and balance. In athletics, functional movement
program will need to take into account the athlete’s moves through the neutral position, so exercises should be
goals, their competitive schedule, and pressure from progressed to non-neutral positions. Saal and Saal38
coaches to return to sport. More competitive athletes described a dynamic lumbar stabilization program that is
will place a greater amount of stress on their structures among the most widely accepted means of core stabiliza-
that could delay their return to sport. tion. The beginner level exercises incorporate the ‘‘big 3’’
It is important to note that core strengthening as described by McGill.18 This includes the curl-up, side
during an acute injury has not been shown to reduce bridge (Fig. 2), and ‘‘bird dog.’’ The bird dog can be
either the duration or intensity of acute LBP.32 However, advanced from a 4-point stance to a 3-point to a 2-point
core strengthening may decrease the recurrence of LBP stance. Once this is mastered, a physioball can be
when used at acute onset of symptoms.3 In the general incorporated into the routine (Fig. 3). Sahramann39 also
population, there is also strong evidence that prolonged describes a series of abdominal muscle exercises for core
bed rest is detrimental to the functional recovery of stability that is widely accepted.
individuals with acute lower back pain without radiculo- For the athlete, it is imperative to develop core
pathy.33 Before initiating core strengthening, a short training in the 3 cardinal planes: sagittal, frontal, and
aerobic program of fast walking should be implemented transverse (Fig. 4).Research shows that neuromuscular
to serve as a warm-up. Fast walking is recommended over control can be enhanced through combinations of joint
slow walking as a warm-up because it has been shown to stability (co-contraction) exercises, balance training,
cause less torque on the lower back.34 Also, in general, perturbation (proprioceptive) training, polymeric (jump)
core conditioning is not recommended in the morning, exercises, and sports-specific skill training. This can be
due to a theoretical increase of hydrostatic pressure of the achieved through a combination of exercises that
discs in the AM.35 challenge proprioception via wobble boards, roller
In athletic endeavors core muscle endurance seems boards, and physioballs40 (Figs. 5, 6). Deficits in these
to be more important than total strength.36 This is due to planes of motion can be assessed by physical examina-
the fact that in normal circumstances only a small amount tion. The multidirectional reach test, star-excursion
(approximately 10% of maximal contraction) is needed to balance test (multidirectional excursion assessment in all
provide segmental stability.18 This percentage obviously cardinal planes), and the single leg squat test have all been
increases with increased ligamentous laxity or disk validated for assessment of transverse and rotational
disease. Reserve strength is needed for unpredictable movements.41,42 Results from these tests will help direct
activities such as a fall, a sudden load to the spine, or the core training program, focusing on an individual’s
quick movement that are all common in athletics. weaknesses.
Precise neural control (proprioceptive neuromus-
cular facilitation) is often disrupted in LBP patients. As
noted above, the deep core musculature has been shown
in healthy individuals to fire before any limb movement.
It has also been demonstrated that these muscles fire
significantly later in patients with LBP, often after the
prime movers such as the deltoid.4 The initial focus of
core strengthening should be to make patients aware
of proper motor patterns and reactivation of dormant
The ‘‘cat and camel’’ and other pelvic translation
exercises are effective beginning exercises that allow for
spinal segment and pelvic accessory motion before
starting more advanced exercises. In athletes, prone or
supine exercises are appropriate starting points to train
the TA and multifidis. By beginning with these basic
movements the athlete can quickly ‘‘awaken’’ the
dormant muscles. Biofeedback and verbal cues have been FIGURE 2. Side plank exercise.
FIGURE 3. Tri-ped exercise with balance ball. FIGURE 5. ‘‘Lawn mover’’ exercise with proprioceptive
The spine may particularly be at risk during the take- of the utility of these programs in the management of
away or back swing and late follow-through phases of prolonged spine injuries in athletes.
the golf swing due to the compressive forces placed on the Various studies have looked at the impact of a
spine. Throughout the golf swing, the erector spinae and treatment exercise program on anatomic changes in spinal
abdominal oblique muscles exhibit increased muscle muscles. Hides et al3 assessed the recovery of lumbar
activity as the erector spinae assist with stabilization multifidi muscles after treatment with an exercise
and the abdominal muscles contract for trunk flexion and program consisting of isometric contractions of these
rotation.45,46 Just as important, therapy should focus on muscles with co-contraction of the abdominal muscles
the scapular stabilizers, including the trapezius (active in compared with medical treatment only for individuals
the trailing arm during take-away and during the leading after a non-radicular acute lumbar spine injury. The
arm during acceleration), the levator scapulae and authors reported improved muscle symmetry and a more
rhomboid muscles (active in the leading arm during the rapid and complete recovery of the multifidi muscles
forward swing and acceleration phases and the trailing in the exercise group. Sung50 studied the endurance of
arm during takeaway), and the serratus anterior (con- multifidi muscles and functional status of chronic LBP
stantly active in the leading arm and mainly during the patients after participation in a 4-week spinal stabiliza-
acceleration and early follow-through phase in the tion program. The authors noted changes in the multifidi
trailing arm).47 strength in conjunction with other spinal extensor
During the integrative phase, all components of muscles, but were unable to attribute the improvement
flexibility, strength and endurance conditioning, and poor to the multisided muscle alone. Finally, Danneels et al51
swing biomechanics must be corrected. Potential areas of analyzed the effect of 3 different 10-week exercise training
inflexibility include limited lumbar spine mobility in any programs on the cross-sectional area of the paravertebral
plane, limited hip motion, tight hamstrings, and tight muscles in individuals with chronic lumbar spine pain.
pectoralis muscles. Strengthening exercises should focus The authors suggested that a lumbar stabilization
on the lumbar paraspinal muscles (erector spinae), program combined with dynamic resistance training was
abdominal muscles (rectus and oblique), latissimus dorsi, necessary to restore the size of the paravertebral muscles.
and scapular stabilizers (rhomboid, serratus anterior, and These studies would suggest that anatomic improvement
trapezius). Golfers should practice a slow swing with of the lumbar multifidi muscles could occur through a
therapists in a gym. Specific areas of focus may include structured lumbar exercise program.
straightening of the back posture during the swing, Other studies have attempted to assess the func-
proper positioning of the feet to all equal distribution of tional efficacy of a structured strengthening exercise
weight and appropriate weight transfer during the swing, program in individuals with chronic lumbar spine pain.
and speed control during trunk rotation.48,49 The speed of Unfortunately, there are few prospective, randomized
each type of golf swing should be increased as tolerable. studies. In a prospective study, Mannion12 assessed
When essentially pain free, the athlete may then progress functional improvement in the spine for 3 active exercise
to the driving range, putting green, and then back to full treatments (active physical therapy, muscle recondition-
competition. ing on devices, and low-impact aerobics) over a 3-month
period for individuals with chronic lower back pain. The
Return to Competition authors concluded that significant gains in muscle
performance were observed in all 3 exercise groups as
The eventual return of the athlete to competition
noted by a similar increase in isometric strength in all
requires a balance of various factors. The physician must
lumbar planar movements, increase activation of the
be sure that the athlete has had adequate time to recover
erector spinae during extension testing, and increased
from the medical injury with a relative assurance that they
endurance testing.12 Similarly, O’Sullivan et al52 com-
will not sustain a recurrent injury. The athlete must
pared a treatment group using strengthening of the deep
demonstrate a return to the preinjury proficiency in
abdominal muscles with coactivation of the lumbar
athletic performance. The level of proficiency will vary
multifidi to a control group in individuals with chronic
depending upon the level of competition, external
LBP and spondylolisthesis. At 30 months, the treatment
pressure from coaches, peers and agents, and timing of
group showed a significant improvement in pain, func-
competition. In general, the athlete should be pain free
tion, range-of-motion, and abdominal muscle recruit-
and exhibit preinjury range of motion and preinjury
strength. In addition, they should be able to perform
There is a paucity of scientific data with respect to
sport-specific maneuvers involving such movements as
core strengthening as a means to prevent injury. Nadler
running, cutting, or jumping motions without any
et al24 prospectively studied the incidence of LBP in
significant abnormal motions.
college athletes over 2 seasons. The athletes had a certified
strength and conditioning coach implement a core
Efficacy of Exercises conditioning program into their training regimens before
Despite widespread acceptance of a multitude of the second season. The male athletes showed a trend, but
spine stabilization exercises (ie, McKenzie exercises and no statistical improvements in LBP occurrence with
Williams’ flexion exercises), there has been limited study the implementation of core conditioning. Interestingly,
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