Excerpt Research Teaching 1 Assessment 1 Report
Excerpt Research Teaching 1 Assessment 1 Report
Excerpt Research Teaching 1 Assessment 1 Report
The results within the report provide "causality suffering from the practical difficulties that
the number of credible alternative explanations is always infinite" (Babones, 2016, p.464). In
this case, the alternatives of data presented hold the bias' of selectionmaturation interaction
where only CPS was conducted as the area of research. In addition to this research internally
to the report, it gives a clear indication that there is qualitative data on indigenous students
but does not provide any in-depth focus or discussion of qualitative research into both
differing brackets of Table 3's at risk students (Baxter & Meyers, 2016, p.216) or the
discuss the prioritisation of CPS as an indigenous focused school. Despite these shortfalls, the
qualitative data provided emphasised that "summed up the general consensus of the focus
group when she explained her perceptions about the school and staff as it is so welcoming
and it is non judgmental" (Baxter & Meyers, 2016, p.216). Where this in an indication of a
variable for attendance, it does not demonstrate in the hypothesis of poverty affecting
attendance but gives an example of why individual belonging to the school can improve
attendance rates. As a key issue for data relevance, the use of graphs and tables "can be used
very effectively to demonstrate frequency counts or percentages. Tables can also be used to
enhance the communication of other data analysis results" (Soeken, 1985, p.890) where there
needs to be a defined relation between the data and the hypothesis of research. The relevance
of these tables and graphs does not adeptly pursue the "complexity of human behaviour"
(Kervin et al., 2016, p.33) where there is the likely outcome of more than a few variables
associated with the complex environment under view as focused on in Kervin et al., (2016).