Power Cable Technology Review

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第 41 卷 第 4 期:1057-1067 高电压技术 Vol.41, No.

4: 1057-1067
2015 年 4 月 30 日 High Voltage Engineering April 30, 2015
DOI: 10.13336/j.1003-6520.hve.2015.04.001

Power Cable Technology Review

Harry Orton
(Orton Consulting Engineers International Ltd., Vancouver, BC, Canada)

Abstract:The past decade has been very busy and exciting times for the underground power cable industry. This paper
starts with a brief introduction of the past 100 years and then reviews papers presented at recent JICABLE and CIGRE
conferences. Over the past decade both on-line and off-line diagnostics have seen rapid development, HVDC cables have
extended interconnection lengths to 600 km and HVAC cables are now commonly installed for distances up to 100 km.
And at the same time advanced materials, higher operating voltages and improved cable accessory designs have supported
all of these advances. In short, it is an excellent time to review underground power cable technology.
Key words:power cable; cable materials; medium voltage power cables; high voltage power cables; submarine cables;
HVDC cables; future power cables

Some of the first electric distribution systems in Paris

0 Introduction
and London were laid in sewers or underground drai-
Underground power cables form an essential nage systems between 1870 and 1880, but the
connecting link between two or more electrical appa- conductors were bare copper, insulated from earth by
ratus. The variety of uses, service conditions, and glass or porcelain insulators. Dr. Ferranti pioneered the
technical methods associated with the manufacture first successful scheme in the UK using high voltage
and installation of insulated power cables have re- insulated conductors in 1890 for the London Electric
sulted in a large number of materials, designs and Supply Corporation. The Ferranti Cable was manu-
constructions. Essentially, power cables used for the factured with a multi-layer laminated dielectric in
distribution and transmission of electricity consist of lengths of 20 feet and required seven to eight thousand
conductors stranded from high conductivity metals, splices for the route length of some 30 miles. The in-
such as copper or aluminium that are insulated with stallation was installed and working successfully by
fluid impregnated Kraft paper tapes or polymer based February 15, 1891 and the last length was only re-
materials that are extruded around a central conductor. moved from service in 1933.
The single or multi-core assembly is then enclosed in Over 130 years ago in the United States, Thomas
an overall sheath and/or jacket. When necessary, they A Edison invented the underground “Street Pipes” that
may also be covered with a water impermeable sheath are described in his US Patent No. 251,552 dated De-
or protected by metallic wire armour. In 1901, Gorman cember 27, 1881. Edison needed a means to connect
M made the following statement relative to under- two of his previous inventions, the generator and the
ground power cables: “waterproof for 100 years, incandescent lamp. The Edison “Street Pipes” operat-
flexible and extensible, so volt resisting that the thin- ed at 110 volts DC and consisted of jute wrapped
nest film suffices, sufficiently firm not to copper bars that were inserted into an iron tube and the
decentralize”. interstices filled with a bituminous/wax compound
(Fig.1). Present day power cables are amazingly simi-
1 History of Power Cables
lar in spite of the passage of 130 years. Considerable
Possibly the first reference to cables or wires was progress has been made, however, with improved di-
reported in 1812 when a Russian named Schilling used electric materials, allowing for cables to be produced
rubber-varnish-insulated wires to explode mineral ores. more economically and the development of high vol-
1058 高电压技术 2015, 41(4)

tage cables.
During the intervening 100 years, the prominent
products developed for underground power cables
were fluid impregnated paper insulated cable that was
perfected by Emanuelli of the Pirelli Company in 1917,
and cross-linked polyethylene insulation that was de-
veloped by General Electric Company in 1963. In
Japan, fluid filled cables were the most prominent ca-
ble design until 1967 when the quantity of crosslinked
polyethylene(XLPE) insulated cable exceeded that of
fluid filled cables due to the rapid progress made in
polymer chemistry after World WarⅡ. By 1991, over
90 % of all cables installed in Japan were XLPE insu-
lated cables. Fig.2 compares the usage growth rate for Fig.1 Edison “Street Pipes” (courtesy of Michael Purcell,
paper and polymer insulated cable systems and Fig.3 Energex)
shows the percentage of cable type sourced by Euro-
pean manufacturers for extra high voltage cables
(Brochure produced by Europacable 2003).
The main considerations in the industry wide
conversion from lead covered, fluid impregnated paper
systems to polymeric insulated systems were as fol-
lows :
(1)Environmental concerns with the lead sheaths
used on fluid impregnated paper insulated cables;
(2)Reduced maintenance costs for polymer insu-
lated cables dielectric insulation; Fig.2 Evolution of the highest AC voltage rating of cables
(3)Loss of expertise required for installing fluid (courtesy of Dr. Nigel Hampton, NEETRAC)
impregnated paper insulated cables;
(4)Reduced installation costs for polymeric insu-
lated cables;
(5)No fluid leaks to locate and repair;
(6)Weight reduction (no lead sheath required),
allowing for the installation of longer cable lengths;
(7)Reduced risk of fire during earthquakes;
(8)Reduced dielectric losses.

2 Cable Materials
Fig.3 Insulation systems used for extra high voltage cable
The basic cable design of a series of concentric systems sourced from European manufacturers by 2003
circles has not changed in over 100 years. It is the ma- (Europacable 2003)
terials development that has improved the cable
technology, which progressed from composite paper Progress is being made in the nature, dimension, shape,
fluid systems to polymer insulation materials and now content of possible nanoparticles and the possible use
to nanodielectrics(the reference [2], session C.5). of nanodielectrics for cable insulation.
Harry Orton: Power Cable Technology Review 1059

A Japanese cable manufacturer has developed a medium voltage(MV) insulations. This study also
nanofilled insulating material based on XLPE for high showed that the XLPE insulations using liquid perox-
voltage direct current(HVDC) applications. Of partic- ide solutions as a cross-linking system, lead to a
ular interest is the inclusion of a conductive inorganic resistance to water treeing intermediate between water
nanofiller in the insulation matrix. Material studies tree retardant and homo-polymer compounds. Fur-
included space charge measurements versus filler thermore, by increasing the degree of cross-linking,
content and by-product content. The internal electric and with a suitable choice of anti-oxidant, it was
field tends to decrease when the filler content increases. possible to improve the behaviour of the insulation
Pulsed electro-acoustic method was used to regarding water trees initiation and growth(the refer-
measure space charges on plaques and model cable ence [2], paper D.6.2).
samples that are subjected to DC electrical stress and There are two recognised laboratory accelerated
temperature. The methodology assessed materials in- life-testing protocols available to assess cable mate-
tended for HVDC XLPE cables aiming to compare rials, new cable designs and life extension methods.
different candidate for mulations(the reference [2], These protocols are accelerated water tree test(AWTT)
paper C.4.2). and accelerated cable life test(ACLT). International
For AC application of XLPE the voltage stabiliz- standards covering these test protocols include AEIC
er influence on breakdown strength was investigated. CS8—2000, ICEA S-94-649, IEC TS61956 and CE-
The use of stabilizers began in the 1960s. Different NELEC HD 605.
kinds of stabilizers were studied showing that fused ACLT results on reduced tree-retardant cros-
aromatic stabilizers lead to a significant improvement slinked polyethylene(TRXLPE) insulation wall thick-
in the breakdown voltage and endurance. In addition, ness, with two different types of conductor shields
acetophenone and ultraviolet-stabilizers(UV-stabilizers) show that for several commercially available conduc-
were also found to provide improvements. tor shields characteristic lives and test times are more
Both plaque samples and mini extruded cables than twice those for full-size (4.45 mm, 175 mil) 15
have been successfully used in the first step towards kV rated cables. The recommended maximum con-
material evaluation. This approach is inexpensive ductor shield test stress is 12 MV/m. Thermal
when compared to a full-sized cable, but the ultimate preconditioning of the reduced wall test specimens
answer must rest with the full-sized cable design. A also contributes to the characteristic life and testing
series of two materials with an organic charge trapping times(the reference [2], paper C.3.2).
agent and low-level inorganic additive inclusions were In another test program water trees were pro-
studied using plaques and mini-cables. For both pla- duced in 14 days in a commercial XLPE cable sample
ques and mini cables, the space charge accumulations by the use of a high frequency, high voltage supply. A
appeared lower for samples with inorganic additives. comparison between the 50 Hz, 2 years test and the
The space charge release appears to be faster for this 500 Hz, 4 months test demonstrates that for some new
material. The work must be supported by a full-sized cables, the possible application of a prequalification
cable design. test. This method can be used to provide information
Small laboratory scale tests have been introduced for asset management and also to check the quality of
to characterize the influence of additives on water tree new cables(the reference [2], C.3.3).
growth in XLPE insulated cables. These small-scale
3 MV Power Cables
tests would replace the long-term programs of up to
two years in water and under electrical stress. These Polymeric insulated MV cables have undergone
tests confirmed that water tree retardant(WTR) com- considerable development since their introduction in
pounds remain an important solution to protect the 1960’s. Improvements have been made in the cable
1060 高电压技术 2015, 41(4)

design, but the weak point in the cable system remains C.1.6).
to be the cable accessories. Cold shrink joints were Increased MV cable reliability depends heavily
introduced over 15 years ago, but the key parameters upon quality of all cable components not just the insu-
that must be implemented to ensure the success of the lation. For example, the polymer over sheath is consi-
technology include high performance materials, elec- dered essential for the lifetime of the cable. Sheath
trical and thermal parameters and resistance to properties are a compromise between thermal aging
moisture(the reference [2], paper C.1.1). resistance, UV protection, robustness, and mechanical
Connectors have remained a concern with MV stiffness, shock resistance, shrink back and flame re-
cable accessories. This situation has not improved sistance(the reference [2], paper C.2.1).
with the introduction of medium voltage electricity It is very important to remember that manufac-
networks with increasing numbers distributed genera- turing techniques influence cable reliability. The
tion units such as wind farms. In the last four to five impact of the manufacturing technique is not normally
years, dozens of MV joint failures occurred in the seen at the beginning of the cable’s life, but only after
Netherlands, especially in heavy and dynamic loaded a certain period of in-service operation. An accelerated
circuits. The failures were caused by thermal problems testing procedure has been defined so that each step of
coming from the compression type connector on a the manufacturing process can be analyzed. The major
solid aluminum conductor. conclusion is that clean and good quality materials
Furthermore, issues with connectors installed in have to be used, but in addition, voids and contami-
medium voltage cable joints were reportedly attributed nants due to the production process must be closely
to the use of conductors with different water blocking controlled(the reference [2], paper C.2.2).
methods. Tests completed on connectors for 1/0 Upgrading of existing AC 10 kV XLPE distribu-
American Wire Gauge(AWG) conductors suggest that tion cables to 20 kV in Jiangsu Province, China was
the current connector test program is insufficient to analyzed and the feasibility assessed by using a score
evaluate connectors for use in MV joints(the reference system that was based on the breakdown voltages of
[2], papers C.1.4 and C.1.5). samples taken from in-service cables. Additional pa-
The French medium voltage XLPE cable has rameters included the dielectric loss angle and the
seen minimum cable failures since its introduction, aging factor. Voltage endurance coefficient and break-
possibly due to the addition of a longitudinally applied down field strength measurement were used to predict
aluminium foil screen bonded to the oversheath. To remaining life of the 10 kV cables. The study showed
resolve a jointing issue, a "screen plate" was devel- that the upgrading of existing 10 kV XLPE cables to
oped to interconnect the screens. The device was 20 kV is feasible, but attention is needed to the cable
evaluated according to different parameters such as accessories(the reference [2], paper D.6.5).
current, device quality and installation, nature of cable Examining a large collection of cable failures
oversheath, and the thickness of aluminium screen(the during service and highlighting the modes of failure
reference [2], paper C.1.3). can answer an on-going question of estimating the
In the Norway, more than 30 years of failure data remaining life of an existing paper-insulated lead cable
were systematically examined and provided some im- (PILC) network.
portant findings. These findings concluded that life- The recommendations were interesting in that the
time is first of all dependent on accuracy during the PILC Network can be kept in service, but the design of
installation and upon good workmanship. It is very hybrid splices needs improvement, plus a real time
interesting to note that the terminations were not very system of partial discharge detection is necessary in
sensitive to irregularities left by the stripping tools if some areas(the reference [2], paper D.6.6).
they are correctly installed(the reference [2], paper
Harry Orton: Power Cable Technology Review 1061

4 High Voltage Power Cables velopment for voltages up to 230 kV with silicone gel.
In fact dry type terminations have been used to replace
Many recent design developments have been in-
400 kV traditional gas insulated switchgear(GIS) ter-
corporated into high voltage(HV) power cables to
minations after an accessory failure (the reference [2],
improve their reliability and the cable’s influence on
papers A.5.2 & A.5.4).
its surrounding environment. For instance, the design
Furthermore the performance of HV systems of
of optimized conductors and shrinkable materials for
69 kV and above depends not only on manufacturer
accessories, installation design for electric and mag-
design and technology, but also on the workmanship
netic field(EMF) mitigation and the design of cable
skills required to install accessories for ex-
sheath bonding are just a few examples.
truded/laminated paper cables. Each system requires
EMF mitigation techniques studying the influ-
specific installation skills (conductor connectors,
ence of laying geometry, conductor management,
cables preparation, fluid filling etc.) and specific
conductive plates, raceways and passive loops are now
(theory & hands-on) training sessions. Proper installa-
available to the design engineer. Also some calcula-
tion is essential for long-term performance of cable
tions by the finite element method(FEM) are available
accessories(the reference [2], paper A.5.1).
for the case of steel pipes as a retrofitting option. In
Experience with the 400 kV XLPE systems in
addition, the efficiency, technical implementation and
Berlin included a joint defect detected during the
optimal use as well as their economical effectiveness
[2] commissioning test and before the five years warran-
are available in CIGRE TB 559 .
tee expired, the cable system successfully passed an
Electro-magnetic Transient Program(EMTP) stu-
AC voltage test. But during more than ten years of
dies have been used to examine the proposal to
service there were two failures: a joint in 2006 and a
increase cable lengths and so reduce the required
SF6 termination in 2009. The first two installations
numbers of joints and so improve cable system relia-
(6.3 km length) were put in operation in December
bility. It is common knowledge in the industry that the
1998 and the second (5.2 km length) in December
weak link in any cable system is the accessories. A
2000(the reference [2], paper A.5.5).
limitation of this idea is however, the induced voltage
There is an increasing need for long distance un-
on the metal screen during normal and short-circuit
derground transmission cables, either to supply or to
operation, so a special bonding system was devel-
deliver power, for example, to desalination plants or
oped(the reference [2], paper B.10.6).
from wind farms or to extend or improve an existing
HV cable accessories have similar failure statis-
network. Approvals for new overhead lines involve
tics to MV cable accessories and that is the major
long, expensive and arduous tasks, so underground
reason for cable system failures. Needless to say there
power cables are becoming more and more attractive.
are many interesting topics addressing this statistic.
Indeed CIGRE has recognized this situation with the
The HV traditional fluid filled termination designs
initiation of Working Group B1.47 focusing on long
have had a long and reliable service life, but they have
AC transmission cables.
some drawbacks, for example: environmental pollu-
Recent case studies have examined comparisons
tion such as ground contamination by the fluid or SF6
between two HVAC solutions (132 and 220 kV) and a
released into the atmosphere. Dry type designs elimi-
HVDC 150 kV system over a route length of 100 km
nate these drawbacks, they are environmental friendly
and an apparent power of 135 MVA. The cost of the
with improved safety, and their maintenance require-
cables, accessories and installation is lower for the DC
ments are considerably reduced. Self-standing dry
system, using two cables instead of three, but the cost
outdoor terminations using the same basic structure as
of the converter stations is much higher than the cost
fluid filled terminations have been successfully de-
of reactive shunt compensation units. Finally, the total
1062 高电压技术 2015, 41(4)

cost of the 132 kV AC system was found to be the often considered when economy of cable manufactur-
lowest, 5% less than the cost of the 220 kV AC system ing and cable laying is paramount an application that
and about 37 % lower than the cost of the HVDC sys- has been in use for subsea application since 1989. Qu-
tem(the reference [2], paper B.5.1). alification tests for the 220 kV 3-core cable connection
The thermal ratings of gas insulated lines(GIL) from Vladivostok to Russky Island in Russia have
when exposed to solar radiation or when installed in been carried out following CIGRE Electra 171 & 189
horizontal or vertical tunnels needs to be addressed. and IEC 62067. Some tests have also been carried out
The use of white paint has been successfully studied as according the AEIC Standard CS9.
one solution when exposed to solar radiation but direct Connecting floating platforms is now a common
burial resolves this issue. Gas mixtures of N2-SF6(the requirement due to the deeper water where offshore
volume fractions of N2 and SF6 are 80% and 20% re- platforms can no longer be fixed to the seabed. Cables
spectively) have been studied as more environmentally for these situations have a flexible part between the
acceptable gases. GIL appears to be a more expensive seabed and the moving platform. This flexible or dy-
solution than other cable systems for short runs(the namic cable has to withstand periodic motions of the
reference [2], papers B.5.5 and B.5.6). platform due to wave action. One such installation is
the Gjøa platform in Norwegian with a depth at this
5 Submarine Cables
location of 540 m while the connection is rated at 123
The continuous increase in the usage of HV sub- kV. The flexible cable link includes a bending restric-
marine links is due to wind farm connections, both tor and a buoyant arch.
HVAC and HVDC installations, more deep-sea cables The study of MV XLPE submarine cables of wet
and recent dynamic cable installations. With the in- design, connecting offshore wind farms takes into ac-
creasing electricity demand and the definition of count the subsea conditions including water salinity
ambitious targets for renewable energy, the need for and hydrostatic pressure. Accelerated ageing tests
improved submarine cables performance has been were carried out following CENELEC HD 605 that
growing. included 50 Hz and 500 Hz ageing at atmospheric and
To support the renewable energy in the form of subsea conditions followed by AC breakdown tests to
offshore wind generation, new subsea lines were in- compare the aging of the wet designs by utilizing
stalled in the North Sea. Interconnections have been Weibull parameters. Assuming good quality of the
implemented since 2006 from the German North Sea XLPE materials and concise manufacturing, subma-
coast to the wind farms of Dolwin, Borwin, Helwin, rine cables do not suffer shorter service-life than land
Sylwin and Rifgat. Multilevel convertor stations are based cables.
being used to provide low-loss ratios for vehicle sta- Evaluation of steel-armour losses in HVAC
bility control(VSC) systems. The offshore generation 3-core submarine cables by direct measurement sug-
capacity in this whole area will be 10 GW by 2020 and gests that the IEC analytical formulae results in high
25 GW by 2030(the reference [2], paper 6.1). values for the armour loss factor. It was found that the
Deep sea power connections linking countries loss factor for a single-armoured cable and a double-
and islands in the Mediterranean is in high demand. armoured cable are in the same order. This is because
These installations make it necessary to understand the inner armour layer acts as a magnetic shield. So
cable and laying technologies to cross deep seas like there is the potential to improve the standard for rating
the one between Italy and Greece. Recent deep sea calculations and thus reduce investment costs (the ref-
interconnections include Italy-Greece, Spain Morocco erence [2], session A.6)
and Spain to Baleari islands. Correlation between submarine cable burial depth
Three-core HVAC connections up to 230 kV are and the benefit of better protection level was investi-
Harry Orton: Power Cable Technology Review 1063

gated. Protecting submarine cables by trenching rent. The higher the voltage is, the lower the conduc-
pacts directly on the investment cost, works duration, tivity must be to avoid thermal runaway. High
the cable rating whereas it reduces the failure rate and chemical cleanliness low density polyethylene(LDPE)
thus the repair costs. In this way, the risk assessment resin was the preferred base material for DC XLPE
with a risk acceptance level has to be defined. Beyond insulation prior to the addition of nanofillers(the ref-
these considerations, other environmental aspects such erence [2], paper A.2.5).
as the sea floor heating have been considered(the ref- The electric field and space charge distributions
erence [2], paper A.7.4) in an extruded HVDC cable are a consequence of the
Design and testing of submarine cables and their conductivity profile across the insulation wall. FEMs
accessories continues to place demands upon manu- can be used to simulate the distribution patterns within
factures. For example, multicore MV AC wet design the cable insulation.
cables in general should not be constructed by bun- One recent installation was the 320 kV HVDC
dling single core cables. Improved designs can be XLPE underground 65 km link between France and
achieved by means of a semi-conductive sheath and a Spain relies on VSC technology and consists of two
collective metallic screen only, preferably in the form 1 GW bipoles. The qualification process was based on
of steel wire armour(the reference 2, paper D.4.1). CIGRE TB 219.
Cable qualification programs for HVAC voltages up to Development of pre-moulded accessories for
345 kV and a route length of 11 km single core for HVDC extruded cables required the astute selection of
submarine XLPE cable systems were designed to ad- the insulating material. Pre-moulded accessories
dress the increasing demand for electrical power in showed good results in short-term tests even in polari-
New York City(the reference [2], paper D.4.6). XLPE ty reversal tests as required for line-commutated(LCC)
factory joint designs are now being used for the HVAC converters(the reference [2], papers A.2.1, 3 and 6).
420 kV XLPE insulated submarine cables developed
7 Testing and Diagnostics
for the Oslo Fjord project. (the reference [2], paper
D.4.5). 7.1 Diagnostics
7.1.1 Partial discharge
6 HVDC Cables
Partial discharge(PD) continues to be a very im-
HVDC cables are already an important feature of portant diagnostic for power cables both on-line and
many global power systems. Features such as longer off-line diagnostic options are commercially available.
lengths up to 600 km, minimum dielectric loss, an Diagnostic testing applications on low voltage(LV)
evolution of new materials, possible interconnections and MV systems have focused on utility interest to
between asynchronous power systems, utilising VSC carry out such tests, to optimise maintenance costs and
converters and cables now available up to voltages up to limit the consequences of failure. There are pros and
to 520 kV have made the technology very attractive to cons of each option, but many papers have been look-
many utilities. However, the conductivity of the insu- ing at practical applications and their technical
lation materials is key in the HVDC cable design. challenges. For example, for on-line PD detection and
Parameters that influence ageing of DC cables are localization, cross bonding of transmission cables
temperature of insulation, space charge accumulation makes it difficult to localize which of the three phases
and mechanical stresses(the reference [2], paper a PD signal has emanated from. Experimental investi-
A.2.2). gations into PD pulse coupling between the cable
High performance polymeric insulation materials central conductor and the sheath as well as pulse
have been developed with low conductivity to avoid a propagation characteristics have led to a practical
significant rise in temperature due to the leakage cur- model that can be used to identify sites of PD origin.
1064 高电压技术 2015, 41(4)

In addition, partial discharges in cables have been is available. In addition, detailed information can be
thoroughly studied over the past years, but it was often submitted regarding the materials, the partial discharge
difficult to accurately locate the discharge site with characteristics measured, and pictures from forensic
precision. Software packages are becoming available inspections of the materials. Contributions are wel-
to improve the location and identification of many comed and should assist in the development of generic
types of partial discharges . rules for the risk assessment of specific faults in vari-
PD measurements are used in type tests and rou- ous types of cables and accessories.
tine tests (factory acceptance tests, FAT) on XLPE Combining a distributed temperature system(DTS)
insulated power cables. Unless a well-shielded HV lab with partial discharge measurement devices for distri-
tests is available, ambient noise levels lower than 2.5 bution networks is offered as a monitoring solution.
pC cannot be achieved. So to suppress noise, a method Remote-controlled optical switches are used to select
to readily cluster different pulse types (as partial dis- the feeders to be monitored while at premoulded joint
charge pulses and noise pulses) is the three center locations optical joints allow the connection of a port-
frequency ration diagram(3-CFRD). This method able PD measurement system.
helps to suppress disturbances and to reach the re- Detection of partial discharge in stress cones of
quired sensitivity for partial discharge measurements. HV cable accessories by optical measurements was
The filtered signals can then be used for further data investigated using an optical fiber wrapped around the
processing, such as partial discharge site location or stress cone made from a transparent elastomer. This
pulse sequence analysis(PSA)(the reference [2], paper optical method is immune to electromagnetic interfe-
C.3.6). rence(EMI) and compares well with conventional
A comparative evaluation of partial discharge electric PD measurements utilising phase resolved
technologies designed for the detection and location of partial discharge diagrams(the reference [2], papers
defects in cables and accessories was performed. To B.8.1, 2 and 4).
this end, a life size bench was built to analyse the va- 7.1.2 Other diagnostics
lidity and the precision of the different selected In addition to partial discharge detection there are
measurement technologies. These technologies in- other options available to the engineering diagnosti-
cluded very low frequency, a 50 Hz resonance test, a cian. These include infrared spectroscopy(IR) and
resonance test at variable frequency and a damped acoustic emission (AE). IR is very useful for thermal
alternating voltage. Partial discharge tests were carried evaluations and AE for internal partial discharge activ-
out on MV cables and accessories in which artificial ity. Both diagnostics are inexpensive, very simple to
defects were introduced to simulate real situations ob- use and very portable, most important for field use.
served on the network. This led to the following However, the one drawback is that all components to
conclusions: the analysis of the PD detection has to be be evaluated must be visually available. For a direct
done by competent trained persons; there is not one buried and ducted cable system, the joint bays must be
partial discharge testing technology which provides excavated and opened up if these methods are ex-
significantly better results than another; the partial pected to be successful. This leaves the terminations at
discharge tests cannot be compared if different types the cable ends readily available for assessment. One
of voltage sources are used for testing(the reference advantage with the AE diagnostic is that since the
[2], paper A.10.1). pressure wave generated by a discharge attenuates so
The greatest difficulty with partial discharge rapidly it is a very easy matter to locate a discharge
measurements is the interpretation of the results. site.
However, a web database designed to collect results of Assessment of metallic sheath cracking and cor-
partial discharge measurements on MV cable systems rosion utilizing eddy currents as a non-destructive
Harry Orton: Power Cable Technology Review 1065

diagnostic method enables in-situ measurements on long-term performance of the complete system.
in-service cables. The necessity to have such a diag- HV/EHV cables are seeing an increased demand
nostic method has been raised to ascertain the for high current ratings leading to the manufacture of
condition of copper sheath ageing of both in-service conductors with large cross-sections. For these large
and spare cables(the reference [2], paper A.7.1). conductor cross-sections, it is indispensable to minim-
Thermo-mechanical behaviour of joints in MV ize one of the AC losses and that is skin effect.
XLPE cable systems have led to joint failures due to a Therefore in-factory measurements of AC resistance
loose conductor connectors. High loads caused these have been realized. In addition present practical me-
joint failures because of mechanical forces within the thods allowing withstand voltage tests on very long
joint that was verified by theoretical and experimental cable systems for both the factory and on-site after
laboratory results. An improved diagnostic is needed to installation tests have been developed. These methods
assess this behavior before catastrophic failure occurs. include a damped alternating current(DAC) system
A new method to verify insulation mechanical providing withstand voltage tests up to 350 kV. The
integrity of low-voltage cables consists of injecting test system generates a decaying oscillating wave by
compressed air into the cable core and observing the switching a DC loaded cable circuit on to an inductor
subsequent pressure variations. Insulation failure is to achieve a L/C resonant circuit.
based on the pressure reduction rate of the air stored in Variable frequency (20~300 Hz) resonant test
the cable once the injection has been stopped. systems can be combined to reach an equivalent power
A method of temperature monitoring for polymer up to 100 MVA for testing very long cables on site
insulated medium voltage cables based on the prin- after installation. Similar combinations are used for
ciple of the attenuation of sound in the material has factory testing by coupling several systems through
been proposed. Ultrasonic signals reflected at the electronically operated drives. The effectiveness of
conductor allow for predictions of its temperature(the variable frequency resonant method for after-laying
reference [2], papers B.9.4, A.10.3 and C.4.3). test on HV extruded cables has been assessed in labor-
7.2 Cable testing atory(the reference [2], session A.8).
IEC 62067 is an internationally recognised stan- IEC standards have been used to qualify
dard for the testing of power cable systems for usual HV&EHV underground cables and accessories for
conditions and operation. However, it does not make many years, but some countries (Australia, USA and
provision for tests at emergency operating tempera- France) have started writing rules and procedures to
tures of 105 ℃ or for extended periods. Recent tests extend these existing standard test procedures. Other
have provided valuable data and information on the countries(China and the Netherlands) have shared
cable design along with the potential impact of high their experiences with these existing test methods and
temperature operation on the cable system reliability. have suggested further developments made on labora-
Also, the test outcome provided the basis for a number tory test equipment(the reference [2], papers A.1.1 and
of design modifications as well as simplification of A.1.3).
installation and associated cost savings . To meet the most onerous requirements of two
An advanced 100 cycle, type test program is now standards in North America for HV & EHV cable type
well established in Belgium. In the early stages of the test qualifications the high temperature cable method
program involving the evaluation of a number of ac- of each standard on a single test sample were com-
cessories the long-term tests indicated that improve- bined. The standards were IEC 62067: 2006 and ICEA
ments to the components were necessary. The main S-108-720—2004(the reference [2], paper A.1.5).
purpose of this extended type test program was to im- An extended “special” heat cycle factory test was
prove the reliability of cable systems and to assure the required for the installation of a 275 kV cable system
1066 高电压技术 2015, 41(4)

for the “Adelaide Central Reinforcement” project. and the Netherlands.

This project involved the manufacture, delivery and High temperature superconducting cable(HTSC)
installation of 18 km long 275 kV XLPE cable, joints links are being installed around the world in anticipa-
and terminations for SF6 switchgear. In the “special” tion of widespread application of this recently
test, cables and accessories were subjected to 70 days developed technology. Projects are proceeding to-
of heating cycles up to (105±2) ℃ (during at least 2 wards even longer lengths and voltages as high as 275
hours) under two times of the rated voltage test(the kV for lengths of 600 m(the reference [2], session C.6).
reference [2], paper A.1.6). In the USA both cable and terminations remained fully
A compact resonant test system was designed to operational despite issues with the cooling system. A
energize a 170 nF, 500 kV XLPE cable at 540 kV for 1 new cable phase, involving second-generation high
hour (1 hour at 493 kV was required) in the remote temperature superconductor(HTS) wires, a repairable
high mountainous region of Colombia, South America, cable cryogenic envelope and a cable joint, was re-
for commissioning tests. The test set was composed of placed during the first half of 2012, one of the three
a four-cylinder resonant reactor located in a 20 feet phases installed in 2008.
transport container. The 500 kV XLPE cable con- A Dutch project operates a 6 000-meter, 20 kV,
nection consists of two systems of 800 mm 3 000 A cable with concentric phases. Emphasis was
aluminium for 750~855 m(the reference [2], paper on reducing AC losses, flexible cryostat losses and
C.4.1). liquid nitrogen pressure drop to work with two cooling
HVDC testing is no longer recommended for stations only, one at each end. In Yokohama a
HVAC cables. Instead an alternative AC high vol- 250-meter, 66 kV, 1 750 A compact design, compris-
tage test method is suggested at very low ing three phases in one cryogenic envelope, was used
frequency(VLF). The 200 kV peak maximum test vol- to cope with installation constraints in a 150 mm duct.
tage at very low frequency has the capacity to energise In Germany a new urban grid concept involves
long cable lengths at frequencies from 0.01 to 0.2 Hz. the replacement of conventional 110 kV cables with
In addition to withstand tests partial discharge and HTS 10 kV cables and so that transformers can be
tangent delta diagnostics can also be performed(the moved out of city centers. Other work has provided an
reference [2], paper C.4.6). overview of HTS technologies for high voltage DC
links .
8 Future Power Cables
Favourable conditions persist for future applica-
The future of underground power cable technol- tions of underground power cable technology for the
ogy is very attractive. Voltages are increasing along following reasons:
with conductor sizes, extruded power cables are now (1)Easier and less expensive installation methods
available at 500 kV DC and 800 kV AC with continu- with reduced maintenance requirements;
ing research projects underway for even higher (2)Higher electrical operating stresses with thin-
voltages. Many manufacturers offer cables with con- ner wall insulations;
ductor sizes up to 3 500 mm and add distributed (3)Longer cable life;
temperature sensing(DTS) to monitor and control ca- (4)Improved system reliability;
ble loading and remote hot spots. (5)Increased public pressure to relocate overhead
In addition, longer cable lengths are being in- lines to underground power cables;
stalled for both AC and DC systems. CIGRE Working (6)Longer lengths as experience increases;
Group B1.47 is presently looking at long AC trans- (7)New and improved materials with reduced di-
mission power cables while HVDC submarine cables electric losses;
are now in operation up to 600 km between Norway (8)Consideration of EMF issues;
Harry Orton: Power Cable Technology Review 1067

(9)Improving the visual environment; [2] JICABLE.Proceedings of the 2011 JICABLE[C]∥Versailles, France:
JICABLE, 2011.
(10)Integration of power and data transmission; [3] Sheng B J, Zhou W J, Yu J H, et al. On-line PD detection and localiza-
(11)Improved levels of power delivery reliability; tion in cross-bonded HV cable systems[J]. IEEE Transactions on
Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2014, 21(5): 2217-2224.
(12)Lower levels of dielectric losses;
[4] Tang K, Paton D, Bucea G, et al. 330 kV XLPE cable specific testing
(13)Integration of power and data transmission; protocol requirements[C] ∥ 2014 CIGRE Session Technical Pro-
(14)Improved levels of power delivery reliability. gramme. Paris, France: CIGRE, 2014: 102.

The use and importance of underground power

Harry Orton received the Bachelor of Engineering
cables will definitely increase in the future. Along with Degree in Electrical Engineering from the University
increasing popularity, the intelligent power cable will of New South Wales, Australia, 1966 and the Master
have the capabilities of controlling the load being car- of Applied Science from the University of British
Columbia in 1969.
ried, monitoring any hot spots, limiting overloads and
In 1969, he joined B.C. Hydro and Power Author-
diagnosing degradation issues such as corrosion, par- ity as a Technical Research Engineer specializing in
tial discharge and water tree growth with inbuilt radio noise and television interference for EHV transmission lines. Since
diagnostics. Cable designs already include self-diag- 1977 he has been with the Insulation Studies section of B.C. Hydro Re-
search working on cable accessories and cross-linked polyethylene cable
nostics such as DTS and partial discharge monitors.
and in 1980 he was appointed Supervisor of Insulation Studies.
Needless to say there will be a need for analysis and He is the Principal of Consulting Engineers International Ltd. located
interpretation of large amounts of data. in Vancouver, BC, Canada. He is Chairman of the International Advisory
Long distance transmission cables for both Committee for the International Conference on the Properties and Applica-
tions of Dielectric Materials (ICPADM) and on the Board of Governors of
HVAC and HVDC applications are already very pre-
the Electrical Insulation Conference (EIC). He was a project manager for
valent. CIGRE Working Group B1.47 has compiled a CEA and EPRI underground cable research projects and Chair of the Cable
list of some 70 plus cable installations around the Failure Task Force. He is Chairman of the ICC Task Group 5-29 on the
world that are categorized as long cables. HVDC Characteristics of Semiconductive Shields and the Co-chairman of Sub-
committee 13 on Transnational Activities, as well as a member of CIGRE
cables are in use today for lengths up to 600 km and
and the Jicable Scientific Committee both organisations based in Paris,
the number of installations will only increase as the France.
need for major power system interconnections in- He has published over 30 papers on radio and television interference
creasing. and on the applications of underground power cables. In 2004, he received
the IEEE Technical Council Committee of the Year Award. In 2005, he
Technology developments of GIL and HTS will
received the IEEE, ICC Distinguished Technical Service Award for his
no doubt assist in the future applications of under- long-term involvement with the Insulated Conductors Committee and was
ground power cables. inducted into the EIC Hall of Fame in October 2007.

Received date 2015-03-15
[1] Orton H E.A history of underground power cables[J]. IEEE Electrical
Editor CHENG Zifeng
Insulation Magazine, 2013, 29(4): 52-57.

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