(Asce) 0733 9445 (2001) 127 11 (1266)
(Asce) 0733 9445 (2001) 127 11 (1266)
(Asce) 0733 9445 (2001) 127 11 (1266)
ABSTRACT: This paper concerns the formulation of a new element-based method for the static behavior of a
spatial bar, with variable cross section of an elastic and isotropic material, under arbitrary loads. Using only one
element it is possible to derive the exact stiffness matrix and equivalent loads (up to any desired accuracy), for
any continuous polynomial variation of axial, shear, torsional, and bending stiffnesses, and load along the
member. Both the cross-section dimensions and the shape of the bar can vary along the curved member as
polynomial expressions. The problem is described by six differential equations. These are second-order equations
with variable coefficients, with six unknown displacements, three translations, and three rotations at every point
along the member. In the proposed method the exact shape functions of the member are computed, then the
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terms of the stiffness matrix are found from the shape functions. Several examples are solved and compared to
results from the relevant literature. Only a few parameters are needed to identify the model. In the proposed
method the computational time is reduced and the results are exact. The proposed method has practical appli-
cation for the design of concrete stairs and ramps.
Helical beams are widely used in structures because of their The differential equations that govern the static behavior for
attractive appearance among architects. In civil engineering spatially curved bars (Haktanir and Kiral 1993) with variable
dead load has the main effect on the structure. Since the in- coefficients are expressed in the following equations with re-
ternal forces are not uniform, the aim of engineering is to spect to the Frenet coordinates system (t, n, b) (Fig. 1) as:
reduce the size of the cross section to satisfy economical
needs, and for that reason the use of variable cross-section dUt R() c()
= Un ⫹ Tt (1)
members can help the designer reduce the weight of structures. d c() EA()
Improved strength and stability can be achieved as well.
Holmes (1957) presented general equations and solutions for dUn R() h() ␣nc()
=⫺ Ut ⫹ Ub ⫹ c()⍀b ⫹ Tn (2)
a symmetrically loaded uniform helical beam and both ends d c() c() GA()
completely fixed. Scordelis (1960) determined the general
equations of redundants at midspan of a uniformly loaded hel- dUb h() ␣bc()
=⫺ Un ⫺ c()⍀n ⫹ Tb (3)
icoidal girder fixed at its ends, and tabulated values for these d c() GA()
redundants. Stefanou (1984) defined the helical rectangular
beams as circular in plane and supported only at their two d⍀t R() c()
= ⍀n ⫹ Mt (4)
ends. In his study only symmetric helical beams of circular d c() GJ()
plan were considered.
Recently, Fardis et al. (1987) presented the elements of the d⍀n R() h() c()
=⫺ ⍀t ⫹ ⍀b ⫹ Mn (5)
stiffness matrix that most affect the lateral stiffness of the d c() c() EIn()
structural system of rectangular cross section in terms of the
story height, axis inclination, opening angle in plan, and width d⍀b h() c()
=⫺ ⍀n ⫹ Mb (6)
and depth of the stairslab. Banan et al. (1988) developed a d c() EIb()
general finite-element formulation for spatial curved beams
and arches on elastic foundations. Very recently, Haktanir and
Kiral (1993) studied the static behavior of elastically and con-
tinuously supported helicoidal structures by the transfer matrix
In this study a general purpose computer program has been
developed for helical systems based on the stiffness matrix
method. The main idea in this new exact element method is
that higher-order elements, in the sense that high-order shape
functions are derived, can be used without increasing the num-
ber of degrees of freedom. The solution is exact up to any
desired accuracy, and for any element with continuously vary-
ing cross section and irregular shape with arbitrary loading.
Grad. Student, Facu. of Civ. Engrg., Technion-Israel Inst. of Technol.,
Haifa 32000, Israel. E-mail: swis@tx.technion.ac.il
Assoc. Prof., Facu. of Civ. Engrg., Technion-Israel Inst. of Technol.,
Haifa 32000, Israel. E-mail: cvrmosh@tx.technion.ac.il
Note. Associate Editor: Marc Hoit. Discussion open until April 1,
2002. To extend the closing date one month, a written request must be
filed with the ASCE Manager of Journals. The manuscript for this paper
was submitted for review and possible publication on October 24, 2000;
revised July 3, 2001. This paper is part of the Journal of Structural FIG. 1. Local Coordinates (t, n, b) and Global Coordinates (i), Ge-
Engineering, Vol. 127, No. 11, November, 2001. 䉷ASCE, ISSN 0733- ometry ( j ), and Degrees of Freedom (k) of Helical Element in Global
9445/01/0011-1266–1275/$8.00 ⫹ $.50 per page. Paper No. 22598. Coordinates
Tt ⫹
Tb ⫺ c()pn() (8) ⫹ 冋
册 冋 册 Ub ⫹ ⫺
Tn ⫺ c()pb() (9)
⫹ 冋
册 ⍀b ⫹ 冋 册
⫹ EARc Ut,
dMt R()
= Mn ⫺ c()mt() (10)
⫹ 冋
␣n 册 冋 Un, ⫹ 册 ⫺
冋 册 冋 册
d c()
GAc3 GAc2
⫹ ⫺ ⍀b, ⫹ Un, ⫹ c4pn = 0
dMn R() h() ␣n ␣n (17)
= c()Tb ⫺ Mt ⫹ Mb ⫺ c()mn()
冋 册 冋 册
d c() c() GAhR GA,hc GAh,c GAhc,
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Ut ⫹ ⫹ ⫺2 Un
␣n ␣b ␣b ␣b
dMb h()
冋 册 冋 册 冋 册
= ⫺c()Tn ⫺ Mn ⫺ c()mb() (12)
d c() GAh2 GA,c3 GAhc2
⫹ ⫺ Ub ⫹ ⍀n ⫹ ⫺ ⍀b
␣n ␣b ␣n
where the quantities related to the geometry of the helical bar
冋 册 冋 册
GAc3 GAc2
⫹ ⍀n, ⫹ Ub, ⫹ c4pb = 0
R() ␣b ␣b (18)
c() = 兹R () ⫹ h () =
2 2
cos ␣
[⫺EIn R ]⍀t ⫹ [⫺GJ, Rc ⫺ GJR,c ⫹ 2GJRc,]⍀n ⫹ [EInhR]⍀b
where Ut = tangential (axial) displacement; Un = normal (out- ⫹ [GJ,c2 ⫺ GJcc,]⍀t, ⫹ [⫺GJRc ⫺ EIn Rc]⍀n,
ward) displacement; Ub = bending (vertical) displacement;
⍀ t = twist rotation; ⍀n = slope in the normal (outward) di- ⫹ [GJc2]⍀t, ⫹ c4mt = 0 (19)
rection; ⍀b = slope in the vertical direction, as shown in Fig.
1; ␣ = pitch angle; R() = radius; A() = cross-sectional area;
J() = torsional moment of inertia; In() and Ib() = principal
冋 ⫺
冋 册 冋 册
are the principal axes. Warping is neglected, the members 2 2
made of an elastic, homogeneous, and isotropic material are Ut ⫹ ⫺ Ub ⫹ [EIb,hc ⫹ EIb h,c ⫺ 2EIb hc,]⍀n
considered in (1)–(12). ␣n ␣n
冋 册 冋 册
All the coefficients in (1)–(12) are taken to have the fol-
GAc4 GAc3
lowing polynomial variation along the member: ⫹ [EInhR]⍀t ⫹ ⫺ ⫺ EInh2 ⍀b ⫹ Un,
␣n ␣n
curacy. Now, the internal forces and moments are extracted ⬁
from (1)–(6) and they are substituted into (7)–(12), arriving Ut() = Utii (22)
at the six equilibrium equations i=0
冋 册 冘
R 2GA Un() = Unii (23)
⫺ Ut ⫹ [⫺EA, Rc ⫺ EAR,c ⫹ 2EAc, R]Un
␣n i=0
冋 册 冋 册 冘
⫹ Ub ⫹ ⍀b ⫹ [EA,c2 ⫺ EAc,c]Ut, Ub() = Ubii (24)
␣n ␣n i=0
冋 册 冘
⫹ ⫺EARc ⫺ Un, ⫹ [EAc2]Ut, ⫹ c4pt = 0 ⍀t() = ⍀tii (25)
␣n (16) i=0
⍀b() = ⍀bii (27) For the determination of the element stiffness matrix, one com-
i=0 ponent of each nodal displacement vector is taken as unit mag-
nitude, whereas all the remaining ones and the external load
Using the procedure presented by Eisenberger (1991) one
vector are taken as zero. The fixed end forces and moments
can get six recurrence formulas for the terms in the series.
of the helicoidal element subjected to an external load are
Here is one
determined by taking all the end displacements as zeros.
冋冘 冘
i i
1 Then, the holding actions will be
Uti ⫹ 2 =⫺ a11, j Uti ⫺ j ⫹ a12, j Uni ⫺ j
(i ⫹ 1)(i ⫹ 2)a17,0 j=0 j=0 EA(0)[⫺Ut,(0)c(0) ⫹ R(0)Un(0)]
S(1, j ) = (36)
冘 冘 冘
i i i c(0)2
⫹ a13, j Ubi ⫺ j ⫹ a14, j ⍀bi ⫺ j ⫹ (i ⫺ j ⫹ 1)a15, j Uti ⫺ j ⫹ 1 S(2, j )
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i GA(0)[⫺Un,(0)c(0) ⫺ R(0)Ut(0) ⫹ h(0)Ub(0) ⫹ c(0)2⍀b(0)]
⫹ (i ⫺ j ⫹ 1)a16, j Uni ⫺ j ⫹ 1 ␣nc(0)2
j=0 (37)
冘 册
GA(0)[⫺Ub,(0)c(0) ⫺ h(0)Un(0) ⫺ c(0)2⍀n(0)]
⫹ (i ⫺ j ⫹ 1)(i ⫺ j ⫹ 2)a17, j Uti ⫺ j ⫹ 2 ⫹ a18,i S(3, j ) = (38)
j=0 (28) ␣bc(0)2
where all the aij constants are defined in the Appendix. In the GJ(0)[⫺⍀t,(0)c(0) ⫹ R(0)⍀n(0)]
S(4, j ) = (39)
same, one can find the other five equations for Uni ⫹ 2, Ubi ⫹ 2, c(0)2
⍀ti ⫹ 2, ⍀ni ⫹ 2, and ⍀bi ⫹ 2. EIn(0)[⫺⍀n,(0)c(0) ⫺ R(0)⍀t(0) ⫹ h(0)⍀b(0)]
S(5, j ) = (40)
EQUIVALENT NODAL LOADS EIb(0)[⫺⍀b,(0)c(0) ⫺ h(0)⍀b(0)]
S(6, j ) = (41)
Using the results of the recurrence formulas such as (28), c(0)2
one has all the coefficients of Ut , Un, Ub, ⍀t , ⍀n, and ⍀b, EA(L)[⫺Ut,(L)c(L) ⫹ R(L)Un(L)]
except the first two, which should be found using the boundary S(7, j ) = ⫺ (42)
conditions. The terms Uti ⫹ 2, Uni ⫹ 2, Ubi ⫹ 2, ⍀ti ⫹ 2, ⍀ni ⫹ 2, and ⍀bi ⫹ 2
converge to 0 as i → ⬁. It is intended to use this formulation S(8, j ) = ⫺{GA(L)[⫺Un,(L)c(L) ⫺ R(L)Ut(L)⫹ h(l)Ub(L)
for the derivation of the element of stiffness matrix, and
choose as degrees of freedom (DOF) the displacements Ut , Un, ⫹ c(L)2⍀b(L0]/␣nc(L)2} (43)
and Ub, and the rotations ⍀t , ⍀n, and ⍀b at the two ends of GA(L)[⫺Ub,(L)c(L) ⫺ h(L)Un(L) ⫺ c(L)2⍀n(L)]
the beam element, leading to a 12 DOF element, as shown in S(9, j ) = ⫺
Fig. 1. At = 0 one has
Ut0 = Ut (0) (29) GJ(L)[⫺⍀t,(L)c(L) ⫹ R(L)⍀n(L)]
S(10, j ) = ⫺ (45)
Un0 = Un(0) (30) c(L)2
so that the first term in each series is readily known from the The stiffness matrix and loading vector for the complete struc-
boundary conditions. The next term in each series (Ut1, Un1, ture are assembled from the individual member matrices, as is
Ub1, ⍀t1, ⍀n1, and ⍀b1) is found using the boundary conditions done in common matrix structural analysis. The structure
at the other end, at L = 2nc (where nc is the number of boundary conditions are applied to the matrix, resulting in the
complete turns) as follows. final stiffness matrix for the structure’s degrees of freedom.
All the Uti, Uni, Ubi, ⍀ti, ⍀ni, and ⍀bi are linearly dependent
on the first two coefficients in the six series, and one can write
The stiffness matrix and the equivalent nodal loads that
{D}6 ⫻1 = [C ] 6 ⫻12 ⫻ {B}12 ⫻1 (35) were derived in the previous section have been tested in nu-
The coefficients in matrix C are functions of all the coef- merous examples. To illustrate the efficiency of the numerical
ficients of the series Ut(), Un(), Ub(), ⍀t(), ⍀n(), and algorithm, which is capable of calculating the internal forces
⍀b(). The terms in the vector B are the first two unknown and displacements in an accurate manner, different problems
coefficients in the series of the displacement. The terms in the have been solved and their results are given next.
vector D are the displacements in the other end of the element.
Example 1: Cylindrical Helical Staircase with Uniform
Knowing all the coefficients, one can find the values of the
Cross Section
first two coefficients of Uti, Uni, Ubi, ⍀ti, ⍀ni, and ⍀bi, and then
using recurrence formulas such as (28), one can find all the A cylindrical staircase is subjected to uniformly distributed
terms in these series. The series terms that are found using vertical loading. At the = and = 2 sections, there exist
TABLE 1. Numerical Results for Helicoidal Staircase Example with Uniform Cross Section
Displacements (m) Internal Forces (N) Internal Moments (N ⭈ m)
Ut Un Ub Tt Tn Tb Mt Mn Mb
Source (10⫺4) (10⫺5) (10⫺4) (103) (103) (103) (102) (102) (104)
0 Haktanir and Kiral (1993) 0 0 0 ⫺6.757 2.019 ⫺4.684 ⫺1.744 ⫺2.303 3.371
0 ANSYS (1997)a 0 0 0 ⫺6.508 2.429 ⫺4.654 ⫺1.494 ⫺11.16 3.356
0 ANSYS (1997)b 0 0 0 ⫺6.711 2.097 ⫺4.701 ⫺1.787 ⫺1.629 3.368
0 Present study 0 0 0 ⫺6.754 2.017 ⫺4.686 ⫺1.781 ⫺2.179 3.368
/2 Haktanir and Kiral (1993) 1.000 9.730 ⫺5.453 0.753 3.248 ⫺2.606 2.630 ⫺2.146 1.418
/2 ANSYS (1997)a 1.037 10.10 ⫺5.719 0.939 3.236 ⫺2.546 2.842 ⫺2.346 1.353
/2 ANSYS (1997)b 1.020 9.747 ⫺5.519 0.763 3.245 ⫺2.601 2.629 ⫺2.196 1.413
/2 Present study 1.014 9.871 ⫺5.298 0.751 3.245 ⫺2.605 2.615 ⫺2.185 1.417
Haktanir and Kiral (1993) 0 0 0 ⫺5.330 0 ⫺3.441 ⫺2.396 31.27 1.000
ANSYS (1997)a 0 0 0 ⫺5.283 0.231 ⫺3.462 ⫺2.372 32.08 0.985
ANSYS (1997)b 0 0 0 ⫺5.325 0 ⫺3.443 ⫺2.396 31.39 0.999
Present study 0 0 0 ⫺5.328 0 ⫺3.442 ⫺2.397 31.34 0.999
3/2 Haktanir and Kiral (1993) 2.503 0 ⫺10.69 0 2.697 0 0 ⫺9.622 0
3/2 ANSYS (1997)a 2.628 0 ⫺11.19 0.170 2.643 0 0 ⫺10.41 0
3/2 ANSYS (1997)b 2.524 0 ⫺10.77 0 2.691 0 0 ⫺9.711 0
3/2 Present study 2.515 0 ⫺10.74 0 2.694 0 0 ⫺9.663 0
By dividing structure into 54 elements.
By dividing structure into 216 elements
FIG. 3. Variation of Displacements (in Centimeters) along Axis of Helicoidal Staircase (Example 1)
FIG. 6. Variation of Internal Bending Moment in Direction b along Axis of Helicoidal Staircase (Example 1)
exact solution and to demonstrate the convergence of the and the height of the rectangular is h = 0.40 m. The radius of
method with a minimum number of elements. The results are the noncylindrical helical staircase is variable according to
冉 冊
given in Table 3 for the following properties of the staircase 2
of rectangular section: E = 30 ⫻ 106 kN/m2, = 0.15, ␣ =
R() = R1 ⫹ (R2 ⫺ R1) 1⫺ (49)
32⬚, ␣n = ␣b = 1.2, nc = 3.0. The width of the rectangular cross nc
section varies as
where R1 = 3.0 m; R2 = 5.0 m; and nc = 3.0. The verti-
b() = 2.0 ⫺ 0.1061033 ⫹ 0.005628952 m for 0 ⱕ ⱕ 6 cal loading that is applied to the staircase is variable according
(48) to
FIG. 7. Variation of Displacements (in Centimeters) along Axis of Helicoidal Staircase under Distributed Vertical Loading with Eccentricity
(Example 2)
FIG. 10. Variation of Internal Bending Moment in Direction b along Axis of Helicoidal Staircase (Example 2)
TABLE 3. Numerical Results for Noncylindrical (Hyperboloidal) Helical Staircase with Variable Cross Section under Variable Vertical Loading
Displacements (m) Internal Forces (kN) Internal Moments (kN ⭈ m)
Present study Ut Un Ub Tt Tn Tb Mt Mn Mb
(number of elements) (10⫺3) (10⫺3) (10⫺3) (102) (102) (102) (102) (102) (102)
0 6 0 0 0 2.272 1.626 3.284 2.181 ⫺8.872 ⫺0.986
0 3 0 0 0 2.272 1.626 3.284 2.181 ⫺8.872 ⫺0.986
6 27.2 ⫺1.48 ⫺5.381 ⫺0.257 ⫺1.626 ⫺0.060 ⫺0.092 ⫺2.512 1.013
3 27.2 ⫺1.48 ⫺5.381 ⫺0.257 ⫺1.626 ⫺0.060 ⫺0.092 ⫺2.512 1.013
2 6 0 0 0 1.339 1.352 2.143 ⫺0.333 ⫺4.843 0.434
2 3 0 0 0 1.339 1.352 2.143 ⫺0.333 ⫺4.843 0.434
3 6 ⫺4.36 0 3.313 0 ⫺1.352 0 0 ⫺0.282 0
3 3 ⫺4.36 0 3.313 0 ⫺1.352 0 0 ⫺0.282 0
4 6 0 0 0 1.552 1.626 2.835 0.333 ⫺4.843 ⫺0.434
4 3 0 0 0 1.552 1.626 2.835 0.333 ⫺4.843 ⫺0.434
5 6 27.2 1.48 ⫺5.381 0.257 ⫺1.626 0.060 0.092 ⫺2.512 ⫺1.013
5 3 27.2 1.48 ⫺5.381 0.257 ⫺1.626 0.060 0.092 ⫺2.512 ⫺1.013
6 6 0 0 0 ⫺2.272 1.626 ⫺3.284 ⫺2.181 ⫺8.872 0.986
6 3 0 0 0 ⫺2.272 1.626 ⫺3.284 ⫺2.181 ⫺8.872 0.986
In the present paper the exact shape functions were used to
derive the stiffness matrix of variable cross section of arbitrary
shape helicoidal beams, comprising the effects of both axial
and shear deformations. The element has 12 degrees of free-
dom for the general variation of all parameters of the problem,
and yields exact results. In this study, <50 terms in the series
have been taken while determining the shape function. The
main advantage of this method is that it enables one to find
the exact solution without requiring more elements to model
the structure. The examples demonstrate the most important
feature of the method: guaranteed exact results are found with
a minimum number of elements. A computer program for the
presented method has been prepared in FORTRAN77, which
takes into account variable loading in any direction, variable
cross section, and variable geometry. The soundness and ef-
ficiency of the method has been verified.
FIG. 11. Noncylindrical (Hyperboloidal) Helical Staircase with R 2GA
Clamped Ends and Two Universal Joint Supports with Variable Cross A11 = a11, j j = ⫺ (51)
j=0 ␣n
Section under Variable Vertical Loading
FIG. 12. Variation of Displacements (in Meters) along Axis of Noncylindrical (Hyperboloidal) Helical Staircase under Variable Vertical Loading
(Example 3)
FIG. 13. Variation of Internal Forces along Axis of Noncylindrical (Hyperboloidal) Helical Staircase under Variable Vertical Loading (Example 3)
FIG. 14. Variation of Internal Moments along Axis of Noncylindrical (Hyperboloidal) Helical Staircase under Variable Vertical Loading (Example 3)
TABLE 4. Numerical Results for Cylindrical Helical Staircase with Uniform Cross Section under Distributed Vertical Loading for Various Cases
Displacement (m) Internal Forces (kN) Internal Moments (kN ⭈ m)
Ut Un Ub Tt Tn Tb Mt Mn Mb
Assumption (10⫺3) (10⫺3) (10⫺3) (10⫺2) (10⫺2) (10⫺2) (10⫺2) (10⫺2) (10⫺2)
(a) At = 0
␣n = ␣b = 1.2 0 0 0 ⫺1.088 ⫺0.140 ⫺1.885 ⫺4.339 1.745 2.505
␣n = ␣b = 0 0 0 0 ⫺1.089 ⫺0.140 ⫺1.896 ⫺4.364 1.766 2.492
(b) At = /2
␣n = ␣b = 1.2 ⫺5.137 ⫺15.83 ⫺39.32 ⫺0.937 0 ⫺1.344 ⫺3.421 ⫺0.100 2.459
␣n = ␣b = 0 ⫺5.149 ⫺15.89 ⫺39.29 ⫺0.942 ⫺0.005 ⫺1.352 ⫺3.443 ⫺0.113 2.462
(c) At =
␣n = ␣b = 1.2 ⫺71.40 ⫺85.42 ⫺96.84 ⫺0.544 0.140 ⫺0.942 ⫺3.485 0.334 2.012
␣n = ␣b = 0 ⫺71.59 ⫺85.58 ⫺96.74 ⫺0.553 0.140 ⫺0.948 ⫺3.517 0.340 2.037
(d) At = 3/2
␣n = ␣b = 1.2 ⫺212.4 ⫺101.7 ⫺107.2 ⫺0.151 0 ⫺0.541 ⫺2.234 1.419 0.806
␣n = ␣b = 0 ⫺213.0 ⫺102.3 ⫺107.9 ⫺0.156 0.005 ⫺0.549 ⫺2.246 1.430 0.802
(e) At = 2
␣n = ␣b = 1.2 ⫺291.2 0 ⫺101.7 0 ⫺0.140 0 0 1.745 0
␣n = ␣b = 0 ⫺293.1 ⫺1.176 ⫺102.2 0 ⫺0.141 ⫺0.003 ⫺0.026 1.769 0.020
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Downloaded from ascelibrary.org by Duke University on 11/13/12. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.
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