DNB Question Bank

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Describe in detail planning of ideal modern diagnostic angiographic
vascular lab For the diagnostic and interventional purposes.
Discuss the meaning of ionic and non ionic contrast
Describe the cross sectional details of a conventional X-ray film and
that of a one side coated imaging film,1,1,1
Discuss the physical principles involved in 2D Doppler, color Doppler
and USG contrast agents in vascular imaging.
*Name the various interactions of x-ray photons with matter.
Describe any two,1,1,1
Factors affecting contrast of an image,1
Principle of Doppler with color flow imaging.,1,1,1,1
*Scattered radiation.,1
*Intensifying screens,1,1,1,1,1
*Methods of limiting the ill-effects of radiation in radio diagnosis.
Transducers used for cranial Sonography.
*Stationary x-ray grids,1
*Dark room safe lights.
Emission computed tomography.
* High kV technique for chest radiography,1,1
*Describe modern x-ray tube anode,1,1,1,1
Describe the advantages of Digital radiograph in chest over routine
Factors affecting image quality in CT.
Factors affecting scatter radiation and methods for reducing the
scatter radiation,1
Phosphors used in intensifying screens.
Radiation protection,1
Basic principles of DSA,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
Radiology information systems.
What are the harmful effects of ionizing radiation? Describe the
steps which can be Taken to protect the patients in a diagnostic
radiology department,1.
Light beam diaphragm.
Physical principles of image intensifiers,1,1,1,1

Film badge service,1,1,1,1
Half value layer,1,1
Non-screen films.
Rectification of x-ray tube,1,..
Describe in detail Mammography. Explain the different image
receptors employed.
Write short notes on PET.,1
Write short notes on Cine Radiography.
Physical principles of CT scan,1,1,1
Focal point of X-ray tube.
What do you understand by the terms Primary and secondary
What are the harmful effects of secondary radiation on the quality of
radiograph? Describe the measures to improve the quality.
Single phase and three phase X–ray equipments.
Artefacts in radiographic film,1
Automatic (film) processor,1,1,1,1,1,1
Gradient echo imaging.
Transducer used in 2-D real time ultrasonography.
Characteristic curves of x-ray films,1
Attenuation of radiation.
Biological effects of radiation,1,1,1
Describe the phenomenon of radioactivity. Name the common
radioactive isotopes used in Diagnostic procedures, highlighting
their merits and limitations in various organ systems.
Physical principles of tomography.
Describe the ways the radioactive nuclei disintegrate. Discuss the
criterion in selecting radioisotopes in nuclear medicine for various
Explain in detail how you would protect personnel, patients and
public from the radiation you use in radio diagnosis and radio
isotopes studies.
Standard ionization chambers
Unsharpness in radiography
What are the transformers used in diagnostic radiology? Describe
the construction of step-up transformer with the diagram,1,1,1
What are the radio isotopes used in diagnostic radiology? What are
the radiation hazards and how do you prevent the same,1,1,1
SN on grids,1,1,1,1,1,1,1

SN on filters,1,1,1
SN on Focal spots,1,1
SN on X-ray films.

Discuss the factors that affect the quality of radiograph and

methods adopted
to improve them.
SN on Film badge,1,1,1,1,1
Draw the basic structure of a transducer. Discuss merits and
demerits of various Transducers available.,1,1,1,1
Methods for evaluation of grid performance,1.
Technical principles for Mammography equipment.
Intra cavitary Sonography.
What is rectification? Discuss the solid state rectifiers and its
advantages over Conventional vacuum rectifiers,1,1
How do you test the working of rectifier system?
SN on Iohexol.(Omniscan)
SN on Vector Principle.
Write short notes on Digital radiography,1.
Write short notes on fast MRI sequences.
Write short notes on Rotating anode X-ray tube.
Discuss the physical principles of magnetic resonance.imaging,1,1,1
Write short notes on standard development of x –ray films.
Write short notes on rating of an x-ray tube..
Define Roentgen and Rad.
Explain the construction of a modern X ray tube with innovative
technological changes.
Define Isotope and Isomer.
Explain with diagram the working of a scintillation detector system
for gamma detection.
Write short notes on AERB Regulations,1.
Write short notes on Auto transformer,1.
Discuss the characteristic design features of four generations of CT
Describe gamma camera in detail.
Write short notes on TLD.
Write short notes on Linear accelerator.
What is ‘quality’ and ‘intensity’ of X-ray beam coming out of a
diagnostic X ray machine.Explain various physical parameters which
affects these quantities.

What is the difference between ‘attenuation’ and ‘absorption’ of X
rays by medium?
Write in detail the photo electric and Compton processes and their
relevance to diagnostic radiology including computed tomography.
Write short notes on Mass miniature radiography.

Write short notes on Diagnostic ultrasound.

Write short notes on Soft Tissue Radiography.
Write briefly on Rare Earth Screen.
Describe the parts of an X-ray tube. How are x-rays produced?
Discuss the general characteristics of X-ray Beam Spectrum coming
out of the X-ray tube.
Discuss the principles of production of an X-ray image. What are the
factors affecting the quality of an x-ray image?
Write in detail about the construction and working of a high tension
transformer. What are the different transformer losses and how can
they be minimized.
Write briefly on Characteristic X-rays.
*Write briefly on Cooling of X-ray tubes.
How will you plan a department for a whole body CT Scanner.
Write short notes on Image Intensifiers.,1(construction,working)
*Write short notes on X-ray Dosimeter.
*Write short notes on Electronic timer.
Discuss the principle and function of various X-ray units employed in
Diagnostic Radiology.
*Write short notes on Radiation Units.
*Write short notes on Xeroradiography.
What are the components of X-ray developer? Describe the action
of each component.
Write briefly on Linear Tomography.
Describe the construction of the dark room of your department.
Write briefly on I 131.
Write briefly on Gamma rays.
Write briefly on Dental film.
Write briefly on Standard development of X-ray films.
Describe the components of a Manual X-ray film processing unit.
Discuss the stages involved in film processing.
Write briefly on Negative contrast materials.
Write briefly on parts of an X-ray cassette.
Write briefly on Bucky.
Write briefly on Hounsfield number.

Discuss the physical principles of medical ultrasound. Highlight
some of the important use of ultrasound in diagnosis and treatment.
Write briefly on methods of limiting radiation form your X-ray tube.
Write briefly on Rapid film developer.
Write briefly on Angiographic catheters.

Write short notes on Radiographic contrast.

Write briefly on beam limiting devices.,1
Write short notes on properties of X-rays..
Write short notes on medical X-ray films processing chemicals.
Briefly discuss technical parameters of an X-ray equipment for
fluoroscopic procedures.
Write short notes on Safe light.
Write short notes on film contrast.
Write short notes on Penumbra.
Write short notes on Inverse square law.
Write short notes on Electromagnetic Radiation.
Write short notes on Bremstrahlung Radiation.
Write short notes on air gap technique.
Discuss the Biological effects of Radiations and the measures taken
against its protection for Radiation workers and patients in Radio-
diagnosis dept.
Describe in detail various protective measures in diagnostic and
therapy departments.
SN on resistances in series and parallel.
SN on tube rating charts.
SN on Photo multiplier tube.
SN on Cyclotron.


Role of plain skiagram chest in the diagnosis of pulmonary

What is HRCT. Describes its techniques and its role in lung diseases
Solitary Pulmonary Nodule,1,1
Thoracic manifestations of histiocytosis,1,1
Radiological evaluation of cavitary lung diseases.
Superior sulcal tumours,1,1,1(PANCOAST)
Pleural tumours,1
Diagnosis of pulmonary infarction,1

Inflammatory type of lungs due to non-acquired type of impaired
defense mechanisms,1
Imaging in opaque hemithorax,1
Metastatic lung lesions.
CT in Myasthenia Gravis.
Pathology of pulmonary hamartoma.

Local pleural masses.

Radiological features of collagen disorders as reflected in chest
Radiodiagnosis of anterior mediastinal masses,1,1
Describe the common bacterial pneumonias in adults.
Briefly discuss the differentiating features of intra and extra lobar
sequestration of lung,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
Briefly discuss the fungal ball and mention the D/D.
Tracheo-oesophageal developmental anomalies.
D/D and role of imaging in solitary coin lesion of lung,1,1,1
Bronchopulmonary aspergillosis,1,1
FNAC of lung lesion.
D/D and role of imaging in posterior mediastinal masses,1,1,1
Pulmonary Sarcoidosis,1
What are the different mediastinal masses? What is the contribution
of radiology and imaging in their diagnosis,1,1,1,1Enumerate the
systemic manifestations and the role of imaging in diagnosing
Lung changes in mitral Stenosis.
Radiological evaluation of postoperative chest.
Imaging methods for investigation of resp. tract.
Pleural mesothelioma.
Imaging in thymic lesion,1
Classify the causes of pulmonary plethora and its distinctive
Lung changes in systemic disorders.
Technical faults mimicking disease in chest radiography. (routine
Pathophysiology of pulmonary embolism. Detail the imaging
modalities for diagnosis of this entity with their relative merits and
Classify congenital lung diseases. Describe the appearances as
seen by various radiological and other imaging modalities.
Injuries to lung.

Rheumatoid lung disease.
Briefly discuss the following aspects of bronchogenic carcinoma;
various investigations employed to establish the diagnosis and
operability, aetiology and predisposing factors,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1.
Plain skiagram appearances of central tendon carcinoma and
peripheral malignant solitary lesion. How does CT help to provide
further information in a suspected case.

Lung lesions in AIDS

Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis.
Lymphatic drainage of lungs and role of imaging in diagnosing
pulmonary oedema.,1,1,1,
SN on Kerley lines,1
SN on Diaphragmatic hernia.
Write short notes on Encysted pleural effusion..
Write short notes on Adult Respiratory Distress syndis of military
shadows in lungs.
Write short notes on unilateral radiolucent lung.
Write short notes on diffuse pulmonary fibrosis.
Write short notes on atypical pneumonias.
Write short notes on HRCT of chest –principle and pitfalls.
Describe the aetiopathogenesis of Pulmonary Hypertension.
Discuss the radiological investigation in a case of Pulmonary
Hypertension and describe how the pulmonary hypertension is
Write short notes on Coin lesions of lungs.
Write short notes on Pneumomediastinum.
Discuss the role of imaging and intervention in a patient with
hemoptysis. Enumerate causes of haemoptysis.
Discuss chest radiograph and CT findings in pulmonary
Discuss the radiological features and role of high resolution
computed tomography in interstitial lung lesion.
Write briefly on Thymoma.
Discuss the radiological and imaging methods in the diagnosis of
pleural lesions.
SN on diaphragmatic hernia.
Describe Bronchopulmonary segments and discuss their importance
in radiology
Primary complex.

Discuss the D/D of the various nodular opacities in the lung.
SN on Azygous lobe.
Classify diffuse lung parenchymal disease and highlight its roentgen
features and D/D
Does CT evaluation contribute to its further analysis and
Briener’s Granuloma.

Respiratory distress syndrome- causes and its important radiological

features on plain radiography of chest.
What are clinical applications of computed tomography in evaluation
of non-neoplastic lung diseases.
Write short notes on evaluation of differential diagnosis of Hilar
Write short notes on Pan acinar emphysema.


Briefly describe the Imaging in aorto-arteritis,1,1,1

The parameters of assessing cardiac chambers and
enlargement of individual cardiac chambers on x-ray of
Interventional techniques in lower limb ischemia.
Left atrial myxoma,1
Imaging in aortic dissection,1
Isotopes in myocardium
of Aorta.,1
Determination of the atrial situs.,1
Pulmonary venous hypertension,1
Imaging in the diseases of the aorta
Imaging features of pericardial lesion
R/F of SVC syndrome
Describe the imaging modalities for the investigation of DVT in
lower limbs
Briefly describe the causes and R/F of left atrial enlargement
Ultrasonographic evaluation of peripheral arterial diseases
Role of plain CXR in the diagnosis of congenital heart diseases
Contribution of radiology in the management of systemic HT
Pulsed Doppler echocardiography in Mitral Stenosis
Interventional procedures in vascular radiology

Radioisotopes in cardiac imaging,1,1
Constrictive Pericarditis,1,1,1
Imaging in aortic arch anomalies
Interruption of aorta.
Investigation and management of a patient with intermittent
Complication of arteriography
Classify the types of aneurysm seen and discuss briefly the various
radiological Methods of diagnosis available with their merits,1.

Detail the pathology and radiological diagnosis of aortoarteritis

(Takayasu’s Disease).
Classify congenital heart diseases. Give the R/F in left to right
shunts conditions as Seen by the various imaging investigations
Value of plain x-ray and fluoroscopy
Cardiac and pericardiac calcification,1
Aortic valve disease
Describe the current trends in Nuclear Cardiology and its usefulness
and Limitations
SN on Angioplasty.
Enumerate the causes of congenital heart diseases involving left to
right shunt.
Describe in detail about ASD,1
Describe the radiological finding and other imaging findings in mitral
heart Disease and cardiomyopathy
Classify congenital heart diseases. Describe the role of
conventional radiological Procedures in their diagnosis and
management. Has the availability of USG or Radioisotope imaging
altered the approach to their diagnosis? If so, howtient with HT.
SN on Fallot’s Tetralogy,1,1
Describe cardiac EMF as it occurs in South India. How will you
proceed to evaluate it By various imaging methods available and
come to a conclusion for management
SN of R/F of Aneurysm of aorta,1,1,1,1
SN on nonspecific aortoarteritis,1
SN on Dextrocardia.,1
SN on coarctation of aorta,1,1,1,1,1
SN on subclavian steal
Discuss the plain X-ray findings of mitral Stenosis

Describe the indication and technique of translumbar aortography.
What are the Complications?
SN on MR Venography,1
Discuss the role of coronary angiography in coronary artery
Contrast peripheral Venography and CDS: compare and contrast
Discuss the current status of vascular interventional techniques
Amyloid heart disease.
Embryological development of the heart.
Aneurysm of abdominal aorta.
Discuss the diagnosis of cyanotic congenital heart diseases.
How ASD is developed and diagnosed Radiologically,1,1,1,1,1,1
Describe the aetiopathogenesis of Rheumatic Mitral valve disease.
How will you investigate Radiologically and discuss the radiological
features of Mitral Stenosis.
Discuss the Radiological evaluation of Left Atrium with the
differential diagnosis of Left Atrial enlargement.
Classify Cyanotic heart disease. Discuss how ill you proceed to
investigate Radiologically and also discuss the Radiological features
of Congenital Cyanotic heart disease.
Write short notes on Cardiac measurements.
Write Schimitar synd notes on Pericardial effusion,1,1,1
Write short notes on Myocardium Contrast Echocardiography.
Write short notes on Coronary Arteriogram.,1(CT COR ANGIO)
Write short notes on Endocardial cushion defects.
Write short notes on Stress Echocardiography.
Write short notes on TEE.
Write short notes on Radionuclide study in Myocardial disease.
Write short notes on brief narration of Interventional Radiology in
Cardiovascular disorders.
Write briefly on Role of MRI in evaluation of aortic aneurysm.
Write short notes on role of doppler in peripheral arterial disease.
MRI in cardiac disease.


Describe briefly the pathology, role of imaging and radiological

features in GIT lymphomas.
Brief on necrotizing colitis.
Brief on Pheochromocytoma.
CT evaluation of GIT.

Mechanires of large gut.
D/D of RIF mass,1
Lymphoma of the bowel,1
Describe pathology, radiological and imaging features of gastric
Double contrast Barium Enema,1,1,1,1,1,1
Small bowel malignancy.
Pathology of gastric carcinoma,1
Role of CT in GIT malignancies.
Ileocaecal TB.,1
Describe appendicitis.,1
Peutz Jegher’s syndrome.
Imaging methods of evaluation of imperforate anus.
Multiple nodular filling defects seen in the small bowel detected in
barium examination. Give the D/D and briefly mention their
Role of S in abdominal TB.,1,1
Imaging in acute abdomen.,1
Describe the role of angiography in lower GIT bleeding.,1
R/F of hiatus hernia with diagrams.,1,1
Describe the mode of infection in GI TB and R/F and D/D in colonic
Syndromes with GI Tract polyposis.,1
Usefulness of Sonography in intestinal lesions.
Radiology of acute and sub acute obstructive lesions of GIT.
Enumerate the pre malignant conditions of the GIT.
SN ulcerative colitis.,1,1,1,1
Discuss the R/F of DU. Discuss barium meal study v/s endoscopy in
the diagnosisus imaging modalities and their appearances that
would lead to a diagnosis of the condition.,1
Benign gastric tumours.
SN on gastric ulcer.
Upper GI bleeding and the use of radioactive isotopes in its
SN on Neurenteric cyst,1
Discuss the role of radiology and USG in blunt injury of
Describe in detail the radiological findings of colonic lesions.,1
SN on Intussusception.,1,1

Write SN on double contrast small bowel studies and its roentgen
Write SN on carcinoma colon and its roentgen features.
How will you proceed to investigate a case of dysphagia in a middle
aged lady.
Describe the R/F of peptic ulcer in barium studies.
Discuss the D/D and R/F of a lump in the RIF.
SN on Anorectal anomalies.,1,1
SN on Tracheo-esophageal fistula.,1
SN on benign gastric tumors.
Write in detail the various radiological procedures involved in the
diagnosis of hemetemSN on Presby-oesophagus,1.
SN on Non-occlusive mesenteric ischemia.,1
SN on carcinoma stomach.
SN on Malabsorption syndrome.,1,1
SN on polypoid lesions of the colon.
Describe the technique and appearance of double contrast study of
the upper GIT.,1 Compare and contrast it with conventional single
contrast study and endoscopy. Discuss the merits and demerits of
the techniques.
Gastro-oesophageal junction with particular reference to hiatal
Describe the anatomy of biliary tree. Discuss the role of various
radiological investigations for evaluating it in the present day
Caecal and sigmoid volvulus.
Diagnostic techniques available for diagnosis of CBD strictures.
Discuss the role of various imaging techniques in the evaluation and
possible management of a patient with suspected liver trauma and
its sequlae.
Cholecystitis glandularis proliferans.
Describe the pathology and Sonography of hepatic malignancy.
Ileocaecal valve appearance in normal and differential radiological
features in abnormality.
Etiology and imaging features of Dysphagia in a 45 year old woman.
Colonic diverticular disease.
Describe the development of GIT. Write in short the radiological
appearances in Malrotut.,1
SN on Oesophageal varices,1.
Gardner’s syndrome.

Discuss the Differential Diagnosis, Radiological Investigations of
Upper G.I. bleeding. Add a note of management. (Interventional
procedure ,1) ,1
Portal hypertension.
List of sonographic features of portal HT.
Discuss the radiological approach in the evaluation of a 35 years
male patient presentin
SN on smooth muscle tumours of bowel.
Discuss the aetiology, pathology and diagnosis of peptic ulcer.
Role of Radiology and Imaging in intestinal ischemia,1.
Write short notes on Carcinoid tumours,1
Describe the role of CT in acute abdomen,1.
Describe various gastric tumours and how would your proceed to
investigate this by Rpendix,1.
What are the causes of acute abdomen? Discuss the role of
radiology in the diagnosis of acute abdomen.
Write short notes on Hirschsprung’s disease.
Write short notes on Oesophageal atresia.
Enumerate the causes of lower Gastrointestinal tract bleed and the
role of radiology in evaluation and management of lower GI bleed.
Write short notes on Acute abdomen.
Discuss the radiological evaluation of a 25 year old female patient
presenting with righ.
Write short notes on Stricture of Oesophagus.
Write briefly on Gastric lymphoma.
Write briefly on Crohn’s disease.
Describe the various techniques of enteroclysis and appearances of
small bowel tumors on enteroclysis examination.
Write short notes on role of ultrasound in acute abdomen.
Describe in brief the pathology, role of imaging and radiological
features in gastrointartery syndrome,1,1.
Briefly describe radiologic features of gastric malignancies.
Write short notes on causes and radiology in a case of
SN on Achalasia cardia.
Radiology of postoperative stomach.


Radioisotope imaging in hepatobiliary diseases.,1

SN on Uof SOL of liver.
Discuss the D/D of jaundice. How will you proceed to diagnose a
case of jaundice.
Gall stone ileus.
Discuss the role of imaging techniques in the investigation of
surgical jaundice.,1,1,1,1[Discuss in the age of 45,60 years]

Pseudo pancreatic cyst.

Describe the imaging procedures available with their specific
features, for the Diagnosis of a suspected case of pancreatitis
versus pancreatic carcinoma. Highlight the sensitivity and
specificity of the procedures used.
Write SN on HIDA scan in a case of jaundice and its roentgen
Describe the imaging techniques and procedures available for the
diagnosis of suspecteificity of the various
What are the causes of portal HT? Describe the technique of
splenoportography. what are the complications.
SN on Hydatid cyst.
USG findings of chronic pancreatitis.
SN on Periampullary carcinoma.
SN on cholecystitis.
SN on choledochococle.
MR sequsions.
How will you investigate a patient with acute pancreatitis. Discuss
the role of a Radiologist in the management of its complications.,1
SN on Radionuclide scanning of biliary system.,1
SN on Ultrasound features in Gall Stone.
Write briefly on Cystic disease of pancreas.
Discuss portal hypertension; its radiological diagnosis and
interventional therapy.
Write short notes on the role of scintigraphy in liver diseases.,1
Write short notes on role of ultrasound in liver metastasis.
Write short notes on Pneumobilia.
Write short notes on E.R.C.P,1,1,1,1
Write short notes on Biliary drainage –the role of an interventional
Write she role of Radiological and Imaging investigation in
differential diagnosis of Pancreatic Malignancy.

Discuss the role of Ultrasonography in the diagnosis of hepatobiliary
Discuss the role of radiological and imaging methods to investigate
a case of pancreatic tumour..
Write short notes on TIPS.
Write short notes on Hepatic chemoembolisation.
Write short notes on role of Ultrasound in pancreatitis.
Write briefly on in obstructive jaundice)
Discuss the radiological diagnosis of Budd Chiari syndrome and role
of interventional radiology in its management.
Discuss the radiological and imaging appearances of pancreatic
Write short notes on Hepatic metastases.
Write short notes on Interventional radiology in obstructive jaundice.
Discuss portal hypertension; its radiological diagnosis and
interventional therapy.a patient with Portal Hypertension.
Sonographic appearances of cystic lesions in liver.
USG features of cirrhosis in liver with portal HT,1,
Choledochal cysts,1,1,1,
99m Tc labeled N-substituted Iminodiacetic acid (HIDA) scan,1,1
Biliary interventions.
Cystic tumours of the pancreas.
How will you investigate a patient with portal hypertension? Discuss
the role of Radiologist in its management.
SN on vmplications of pancreatitis.
Discuss the indications,advantages and disadvantages of different
X-ray and
Imaging modalities in pancreatic lesions.Describe the diagnostic
findings with its diagrammatic illustrations.


Epispadias extrophy complex.
Imaging in renal hypertension,1,1,1.
99-Tc m DTPA.
Discuss the merits and demerits of captopril renogram in
renovascular hypertension.,1,1
Describdiagnosis and management of renal masses,1,1,1.
Role of Sonography(doppler) in renal transplant.,1
CT evaluation in renal trauma.

Discuss the pathology of renal HT and rad investigations for the
Pathology of renal neoplasms in paediatric age group,1.
Describe the radiological and imaging feature of malignant renal
Radionuclide scanning in renal diseases,1,1,1.
Renal rickets.,1,1,1,1
Vesicoureteric reflux.,1
Briefly iscuss the findings in CRF and chronic renal infections.
Papillary necrosis.
Gadolinium DTPA.
Pathology of Xantho-granulomatous pyelonephritis.
Polycystic disease of the kidneys.
Diagnosis of bladder tumours.,1
Etiological factors and significance of ureteral notching.
R/F of lower urinary tract infections.
Describriefly mention the various causes of U/L large kidney with IVP
features of each.,1,1
Role of radionuclide scanning in renovascular HT.
Role of CT imaging in renal infections.
Role of CT imaging in renal tumours.
Pathology of chronic pyelonephritis.
USG fiys.
Write an essay on Renal failure with special reference to radiological
and imaging procedures.
Interventional techniques in urinary tract obstruction,1.
Sonography in renal cystic disease.
Radiolologic,Urographic features of renal TB,1,1
Pathology of hypernephroma,1,1,1
Renal angiomyolipoma.
Calcification in the pelvic cavity in male.
Renal vein thrombosis – aetiology and radiological features.
Identification of renal masses by USG.
Causes of obstruction of lower urinary tract and describe the
radiological methods of Investigating them,1
Classify cystic renal disease and discuss their radiological
appearance both with Conventional and USG,1,1,1
Elaboraement of these lesions.
USG/F of hydronephrotic kidneys.

Horse-shoe kidneys.
SN on interventions in urinary tract.

Enumerate the causes of haematuria. Describe the radiological

approach to a case of Haematuria.
Discuss in detail the aetio-pathogenesis of obstructive Uropathy in a
child of 5 years. How will you investigate Radiologically? Add the
Radiological features.
SN on nsion.
Describe the various methods and techniques of radiological
investigation of urinary tract.
What are the complications of renal transplant? Discuss the role of
imaging in their evaluation.
What are the causes of secondary hypertension? Discuss the role of
imaging in the Evaluation of Renal Artery Stenosis.
Write briefly on chemical types of renal calculi.
Write ope renography.
SN onital mega ureter,1.
Discuss role of Renal Angiography in diagnosis of lesions and its
Therapeutic applications.,1
Enumerate various investigative modalities for the transplanted
kidney and give the normal findings in each of them,1,1.
Write short notes on retroperitoneal fibrosis.,1
How will you investigate a case of painless haematuria? What is role
of Radiologist in its management.
Write g of prostate.
Describe the radiological features of the Medical renal diseases,1.
Write short notes on acute scrotum.
Write short notes on Renal Osteodystrophy.
Write short notes on Imaging of Prostatic neoplasms.
Write short notes on Cystic diseases in kidney.
How does U.S.G. help in the differential diagnosis on testicular
Write M.C.U.
Write ly on P.U.J. obstruction.
Write briefly on Doppler evaluation of scrotum.
Discuss the role of various imaging modalities in the evaluation of
adrenal mass lesions.,1,1.
Write short notes on Transrectal ultrasound guided biopsy of
Prostatic lesions.

Write short notes on Embolisation of renal cell carcinoma.
Write short notes on Sonographic diagnosis of renal transplant
Write toma.
Write briefly on Acute Scrotum.
Describe imaging in a 5 years old child presenting with lump in right
lumbar region.
Describe the role of imaging in Renal trauma.
Briefly discuss Polycystic disease of kidneys.,1
Briefly describe differentiation of Renal Cyst and Renal tumour by
How will you investigate a case of painless haematuria? What is role
of Radiologist in its management.
Write of Prostate.
Write short notes on Testicular germ cell tumours.
Write short notes on Radiological diagnosis of congenital lesions of
Describe imaging in a 5 years old child presenting with lump in right
lumbar region.
Write short notes on Urinary Bladder tumors.
Write short notes on prevention of adverse reactions in urography.
SN on obstructive Uropathy..
Describe the development of kidney .
Discuss the various imaging modalities and their findings in
malignant tumors of the kidney.
Describe the R/F and write SN on non functioning kidney as seen on
IVP and its isotopic evaluation.
USG evaluation of BPH.
SN with R/F and USG features of carcinoma of the bladder.
SN with R/F and of percutaneous Nephrolithotomy.
How would you investigate a case of hematuria? Describe the role
of interventional radiology in hematuria.
SN on adrenars.
Prunebelly syndrome.


Neuropathic joints.
Benign cartilas,1,1.
Paget’s disease of the bone.,1

D/D of expanding lesions in the metaphysis of long bones,1.
Enumerate the causes of osteoporosis and use of CT in bone mineral
Aneurysmal bone cyst,1,1.
Skeletal changes in leukaemia,1.
Pigmented vilis.
Sub-articular bone erosions.
Marfan’s syndrome.
Pathology of osteoid osteoma,1.
Isotopes of bone imaging.
Describe in sequence the R/changes that take place from acute to
chronic osteomyelitis seen on plain x-rays.
D/D of expansile lesions of long bones.
R/F in synovial TB.
Types of periosteal lesions and differentiating features,1,1.
Enumerate epf each.
Describe the imaging techniques and diagnostic criteria of Rotator
cuff tears.
Metastatic osseous disease.
Radiology of painful shoulder.
Causes and D/D of absorption of tips of terminal phalanges, acro-
Osteogenic sarcoma.,
D/D of swelling of mandible.
Ewing’s sarcoma of the bone.,1
Osteogenesis imperfecta.,1,1,1
Abnormal grote.
Osseous spectrum of neurofibromatosis.
Aetiology and imaging features of osteonecrosis of femoral head.
R/F of bony cn leprosy,1.
SN of Rickets.,1,1,1
Describe the indication, technique, findings and limitations of bone
Discuss the D/D of osteolytic lesion in the metaphysis of lower end
of femur in a boy aged 1ears.
SN on Parosteal osteosarcoma.
SN on Osteoporosis.
SN on Osteoclastoma.

Classify the bone tumors and mention in detail the radiological
findings of common benign and malignant bone tumors,1.
Ankylosing spondylitis.,1
Describe the R/F and D/D of multiple myeloma,1.
Skeletal flourosis.
Describe the entgen features of polyostotic fibrous Dysplasia and its

SN on Eosinophylic granuloma.
Describe the R/F of Perthe’s disease. What are the D/D,1,1,1,1,1.
SN of R/F of Congenital syphilis of bones.
SN of Ewing’s sarcoma of bone.
What are the causes of periosteal reaction? Describe the
radiological features of osteosarcoma.
Enumerate and describe the various congenital bone lesions.
SN on Madelung deformity.
Discuss the c tissues.
SN on epiphyseal bone lesions.
Gouty arthritis.,1
D.D of generalized decreased density of bone.
Value of plain skiagram of hand in Hyperparathyroidism,
Acromegaly, Spina ventosa, Scleroderma, Psoriatric arthropathy.
(1,all possible disorders)
MRI in avascular necrosis of hip.
Rib notching.cuss the role of radio-isotopes in ‘metastatic work
SN on Plasmatoma,1.
SN. on Cervical Rib.
SN on Spondylolisthesis.
Write briefly on congenital dislocation of hip,1.
Write briefly on Myositis ossificans progressiva.
Write briefly on renal Osteodystrophy,1,1.
Write short notes on Osteomalacia.
Write short notes on Psoriatic arthritis,1.
Write short nrite short notes on differentiating features of benign
and malignant bone tumours.
Write short notes on total hip replacement - radiological features.
Write short notes on Arachnodactyly.
Write short notes on Pycnodysostosis.,1.
Write short notes on MRI shoulder joint,1
Write short notes on Epiphyseal dysplasias.,1

Write short notes on Rheumatoid arthritis.
Write short noty,1.
Write short notes on Osteonecrosis.
Write briefly onpelvic trauma.
Write briefly on parasitic calcification of soft tissues.
Write briefly on Osteitis deformans.

Write briefly on Thanatophoric dwarfism.

Write briefly on radiological features of bone tuberculosis.
Write briefly on Bone lymphoma.
Write briefly on Osteopetrosis.
Write briefly on Skeletal Survey.
Briefly describscular diseases.
Write short notes on MRI of shoulder joint.


R/f of spinal TB,1,1,1

Arnold Chiari malformations.
Ring lesions o1.
What is DSA. Discuss the indications and limitations in the areas of
head and neck.,1,1
Discuss the role of CT infective lesions of brain,1.
Cleidocranial dysostosis.,1
Radiological diagnosis of extra dural spinal masses,1.
CT v/s MRI in1,1,1,1,1,1
Imaging of the external carotid arteries,1.
Carotico-cavernous fistula,1.
CT v/s MRI in spinal trauma.,1,1
Define phakomatoses. What are the various disorders of the group?
Describe the clinical manifestations and radiological manifestations
of tuberous sclerosis.
Radioisotope bcan.
Discuss the R/F in meningioma. [R/F of intracranial
Discuss the R/F of cerebral lymphoma,1.
R/F syringomyelia.
Radiology in atlanto-axial dislocation.
CT Myelography.
Write differentiating features of hyperdense lesions on brain.
Compare and contrast CT Myelography and MRI.

Describe CT and MRI features of neurocysticercosis,1,1,1,1.
Pathology and omas.,1
Classify the common types of Spinal Dysraphisms and R/F of

Chronology of CT changes in brain infarction.

Extra dural spinal lesions-causes and imaging.
Causes and imaging protocol in acute paraplegia.
Single collapsed vertebrae- causes and differentiating features.,1,1
Anatomy and lal space.
Role of CT in vertebral trauma.
Intracranial Tuberculoma.,1
Intracranial (supratentorial) pathological classification.,1
Discuss the various R/F in pituitary diseases seen in CXR, CT AND
CT in neurotuberculosis.,1,1
Lumbar disc prolapse.
Causes and D/D of calcification in the brain.
Acoustic neuroma.,1,1
Multiple myeloma.,1
Pathology of hydrocephalus.,1
CT/F of various type of intracranial gliomas in the supratentorial
compartment. Compare these with the cerebral angiographic
features stressing the merits and demerits of both.
Imaging in SAH.,1,1,1,1
Parameters in the assessment of platybasia.
CT and angiographic features of meningioma and malignant glioma.
Hernia through foramen of Luschka and foramen of Magendie.
Etiological clascal diagnosis of osteolytic lesions in the skull.
CT findings in intracranial hematoma.
Classify the midline anomalies of the brain and discuss the role of
imaging methods in Identifying each.
Etiology and imaging features of posterior scalloping of vertebrae.
Myelography as a diagnostic tool.
CT in cerebral stroke.,1
CT versus MRI in intervertebral disc prolapse.
CT versus MRIauma.
SN on Neurotuberculosis.
Discuss the role of CT and MRI in head injury.,1

Discuss the radiological and imaging techniques used in diagnosis of
intracranial Space occupying lesion.
Describe the C.T. findings in C.P. angle tumours.

Discuss radiology of “Lumbar Spinal Stenosis”.,1

Discuss the role of plain x-ray skull in the diagnosis of Intracranial
space occupying lesion.
Write short notes on spinal tumours.,1
Write shorts nma.
Write short notes on Imaging in congential lesions of the spine and
spinal cord.
Write short notes on C.T. versus M.R.I. in brain tumours.
Enumerate the various neuro-cutaneous syndromes and describe
imaging findings In any two of these.,1
Describe in detail about Cerebral Angiography and its usefulness in
Cerebral Tumours.,1.
Write short notes on role of C.T. in head injury.
Write short notes on IV ventricle Ependymoma.
Write short notes on Cisternography.
Discuss anato of sella and supra-sellar-lesions.
Write short notes on Imaging features of extra axial posterior fossa
Write short notes on Imaging in Cervical trauma.,1,1
Write short notes on Haemangioma skull vault.
Write short norebral Circulation.
Write short notes on Presacral space.
Write short notes on Ring enhancing lesion in brain on CT and MRI.
Describe briefly on MRI evaluation of sellar lesions.
Write short carotid Doppler.
Discuss the myelographic diagnosis of space occupying lesions in
the spinal cord.omparative evaluation of C.T. and MRI in closed
head injury.
Write briefly on Craniovertebral junction anomaly.
Discuresonance imaging in posterior cranial fossa lesions.
Write short notes on Interventional radiology in intracranial vascular
Descr of X-ray, CT and MRI in the study of ICSOL.,1
Describe the radiographic anatomy of the cerebral ventricles and
the relevant imagiures and their finding.
Describe the R/F and write SN on hydrocephalus following TB

SN wth R/F of Microadenoma of pituitary.
SN on craniopharyngioma.
SN on imaging modalities of brain tumors.
Write short notes on posterior fossa neoplasms in childhood.

Write short notes on diffusion imaging in stroke.

Write short notes on Imaging of posterior fossa.
Briefly discuss radionuclide imaging of the C.N.S.
Briefly discuss Doppler ultrasound versus MR angiography of Carotid
Writen CT versus M.R.I.
Write short notes on anatomy of circle of Willis and imaging features
of aneurysms of the region.
Discuss anatomy, pathology and radiology of sella and supra-sellar
Write short notes on imaging features of extra axial posterior fossa
Write lesions of the spine and spinal cord.
SN on low back pain.
Imageatures of suprasellar masses


Role MR in gynaecological malignancies.

Discuss the D/D of an incidentally discovered breast lump and the
different mod Of investigation you will adopt to arrive at a
provisional diagnosis.
Molar pregnancy.
Normal and abnormal endometrial patterns as seen on ultrasound
Role of Sonography in first trimester bleeding.,1,1
Imaging of ectopic pregnancy.,1,1,1,1
Describe the USG features of first trimester of pregnancy.
Enumerate the adnexal masses and indicate the advantages of
endovaginal gray scale Sonography.
Discuss the role of imaging in uterine lesions.
Discuss the diagnosis of a pelvic mass in 26 year old female.
Write short notes on Intrauterine growth retardation,1,1,1,1.
Transvaginal ultrasonography.
Imaging of breast,1.

Extre pregnancy.
USG evaluation of ovarian mass.
Comparative evaluation of sono mammography and film screen
Contribution of USG in monitoring the growth of the foetus during
antenatal care.
Intrauterine foetal death.,1,1,
Therapeutic indication for foetal abnormality detection.
Describe the role of imtion of female infertility,1(infertile couple).
Write briefly on Choriocarcinoma.
Discuss the role of ultrasound in obstetric practice.
Write short notes on Imaging of the placenta,1.
Write short notes on Sonographic features of endometrium during
menstrual cycle.
Write short notes oncalcification seen on mammography.
Write short notes on Fallopian tube recanalization for infertility.
Discuss the role of RInvestigations in the diagnosis of pelvic Mass in
females. ,1efly on skeletal disorders diagnosable in utero.
Wriefly on sonohysterography.
SN on polycystic ovarian disease.
urinary tract lesions diagnosable in-utero,1.


Pulsatile proptosis.
Mucocele of PNS.
Pseudotumor orbit.,1
Patient presented to you with U/L PROPTOSIS. Discuss the D/D and
describe the R/F.
Role of CT in proptosis.
nternal auditory canal. How will you investigate
Radiologically a case of 8th nerve tumor.
Malignant laryngeal tumors,1(CT).
U/L Proptosis –role of CT and MRI.
in laryngeal tumours.
al and imaging evaluation of unilateral proptosis in paediatric age
SN on Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma.,1
SN on blow out fractures.
Write short notes on Imaging in thyroid pathology.
s on investigation in a case of exopthalmos,1.

Write Short notes on USG in benign thyroid conditions.

Write Short notes on Adamantinoma.

Describe briefly on Sclerosing lesions of the jaws.
Discuss in detail mandibular tumours and role of imaging modalities
in differentiating benign and malignant tumours.
Write short notes on Expansile lesion –Mandible.
Cystic jaw lesions.


Radioisotopes in thyroid diseases.,1,1,1,1,

Discuss the D/D of an incidentally discovered thyroid
nodule/swellings. The different modes of investigation you will
adopt to arrive at a provisional diagnosis.,1,1
Endocrine tumors of the pancreas.,1,1
Imaging in thyroid solitary nodule.,1
R/F of Cushing’s syndrome.
R/F of Rickets.
Pathology of thyroid carcinoma.
R/F of hyperparathyroidism.,1,1,1
Biochemical changes in hyperparathyroidism.
Thyroid scan.
Discuss the indication and techniques of isotope scanning of the
thyroid. Describe the findings in various pathological conditions.
What are the causes of thyroid swelling? Describe the role of
radioactive iodine in the diagnosis of thyroid gland.
SN on Acromegaly.
SN on Cretinism.,1
SN on Hyperparathyroidism
Imaging of parathyroid adenoma.
Hypersecretion disorders of Supra Renals-Enumerate and discuss
the role of CT in any one of them.
Briefly discuss the role of radiology in the diagnosis of “Adrenal
Write briefly on multiple endocrine neoplasia.
Write short notes on Isotope imaging of parathyroids.
Write short notes hyper-secretion disorders of supra renals.
Enumerate and discuss the role of CT in any one of them.

Role of ultrasonography in thyroid diseases.
Briefly describe computed tomographic features in adrenal tumors.
Write short notes on Imaging in thyroid pathology.


Radiological signs of intrauterine death.
R/F of neonatal RDS. [Causes and R/F in CXR in RDS],1,1,1
Urethral valve obstruction.
Infantile RDS.
Child with urinary tract infection. Provide a protocol for imaging and
mention their features.,1,1,1
Anterior mediastinal masses in paediatric age group.,1,1
Congenital syphilis.,1,1
Ebstein’s anomaly.
Discuss the causes of respiratory distress in the new born.
What will be your approach for the evaluation of such case.
Discuss the value of ultrasound in the imaging of Neonatal brain.
Write short notes on Investigations in a child with limping gait.
Respiratory distress syndrome – causes and its important
radiological features on plain Radiography of chest.
Write short notes on Neonatal Jaundice.
Pathogenesis and effects of radiation on bones in growing children.


Interventional radiology.
*Substraction techniques..
Percutaneous procedures.
Radioactive isotopes.,1
Discuss the role of radiologists in medical emergencies.
Intracavitory probes.
Positron emitters.
SN on dermoid tumor.
SN on Hamartoma.
Discuss the role of USG in clinical practice.

SN on HSG..,1,1
SN on sialography.,1,1,1
Placental maturity on Sonography.
Tumours containing Grant Cells.
Schimmitar syndrome.,1
Ultrasound contrast media,1,1
Compare and contrast peripheral Venography and Doppler
Intraoperative ultrasound.
Proton MR spectroscopy.,1
Describe the various types of sequences used in MR Imaging
stressing the recent trends.
3D CT Angiography,1,1,1,1,1,1,
Role of USG contrast agents in GIT diseases.,1
Clinical application of Spiral CT,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1.
Volume scanning with CT.,1,1
Moya Moya disease.
Radiation carcinogenesis.
Write SN on precaution in investigating an Australian antigen
positive patient.
Macleod’s syndrome.
Precaution during radiological procedures in HIV positive cases.
Transrectal USG.
Lymphangitis carcinomatosa.
Radiology of AIDS.
Lipid storage diseases.
Brain and bone isotope scans.
MR contrast agents,1,1,.
Liver and lung isotope scans.
Role of ultra-sonic Contrast agents in Hepatic Diseases.,1
What is Spiral CT? Discuss the principle and the components of
Spiral CT. What are its Advantages and disadvantages as compared
to conventional CT?
Write briefly on Magnavist,1.

SN on Psoas shadow.

Write short notes on prevention of adverse reactions in urography

SN on Scleroderma.
Write briefly on lower limb angiography.
Write briefly on Enteroclysis.
Write briefly on Hydatid cyst.
Write briefly on Lordotic view.
Write short notes on Micturating cystourethrography.
Write short notes on role of doppler study in lower extremity arterial
Write short notes on Sarcoidosis.
Write short notes on recent contrast media used in USG.
Write short notes on Marfans anomaly.
Write short notes on Carpal tunnel view.
Write short notes on heel pad thickness.
Write short notes on sturge Weber syndrome.
Write short notes on Imaging of RIB notching.
Write short notes on Tuberous sclerosis.
Write short notes on PNDT act and its relevance to sonologist.
Write short notes on Harmonic Imaging.,1,1
Write short notes on Color Doppler U.S.G.,1
Write briefly on Gardner’s syndrome.
Write briefly on Venous Doppler..
Describe various embolisation materials used in interventional
procedures, their indications and contraindications.
Write briefly on Thermography.
Write briefly on Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.
Write briefly on SPECT (Single Positron Emission Computed
Describe briefly on Film Screen Mammography.
Discuss the radiological and imaging methods of investigation in a
young hypertensive.
Write briefly on Down’s syndrome.
Write briefly on Contrast media used in urological studies.
Write briefly on applications of high frequency ultrasound.
Write short notes on Multislice CT application in the abdomen.
Write short notes on Radiology of rheumatoid disease.
Write short notes on small bowel enema.
Write short notes on recent advances in USG.
Write short notes on Sonomammography.,1

Write short notes on recent contrast media used in USG.
Write short notes on ultrasound image artefacts.,1

SN on recent advance in mammography.

Enumerate the various neuro cutaneous syndromes and describe
imaging findings in any two of these.
Briefly describe CT angiography vs MR angiography
MR urography.
Virtual endoscopy.
Intravascular Ultrasound.


C/S anatomy of suprarenal level.Enumerate the hormones

elaborated by zones of the suprarenal gland
C/S labeled diagram of Peritoneal spaces at the level of renal
Anatomy of circle of Willis and imaging features of aneurysm of this
Segmental anatomy of the liver
Radiological anatomy of adrenals
Broncho.Pulmonary segments.
Anatomy of intracranial vascular circulation
Anatomy of cerebral ventricles,1
Embryology of the urinary tract
Radiological anatomy of larynx and pharynx.
Cross- sectional labeled diagram of peritoneal spaces at level of
SN on radiological anatomy of the sella. DD for enlarged sella.
Describe the radiological anatomy of mediastinum.,1
Describe the techniques of Radiographic Examination and the
radiological anatomy of the soft tissues of the neck.
Describe the radiological anatomy of the subarachnoid space and
discuss in short the role of imaging in the evaluation of
subarachnoid haemorrhage.
Describe radiological anatomy and imaging of parapharyngeal
Write short notes on segmental anatomy of lungs.
Write short notes on anatomy of urethra.
Write short notes on anatomy of maxillary sinus and classification of
various pathologic diseases.

Describe the radiological anatomy of temporal bone .Briefly write
about methods of investigating it Radiologically.


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