The Relationship Between Career Social Support and
The Relationship Between Career Social Support and
The Relationship Between Career Social Support and
This study examines the underlying mechanism that connects career social support with
employability through a survey of 392 Chinese college students. The results showed that
career social support had a positive effect on career adaptation and employability of
college students, and career adaptation mediated the association between career social
Edited by: support and employability. Furthermore, proactive personality was found to play a
Douglas F. Kauffman,
moderating role in linking career adaptation and employability. More specifically, higher
Medical University of the
Americas – Nevis, United States levels of a proactive personality strengthen the enhancing effect of career adaptation on
Reviewed by: the employability of college students. Therefore, there was a moderated mediation effect
Tomika W. Greer, between career social support and employability of college students.
University of Houston,
United States Keywords: career social support, career adaptation, proactive personality, moderated mediation, employability
Melinde Coetzee,
University of South Africa,
South Africa
Honglei Gu
The employment of college students is now a persistent hot topic in China. Since the expanded
enrollment in 1999, the number of Chinese college graduates has increased sharply during
Specialty section: recent years. According to a survey conducted by China’s Ministry of Education (Mycos Research
This article was submitted to Institute, 2019), the number of college graduates in China reached over 8.3 million in 2019,
Educational Psychology, which was a historical high. The employment rate of college graduates was 91.5% in 2018,
a section of the journal and it was lower than that in 2014 (92.6%), indicating that the employment rate in China
Frontiers in Psychology was on a gentle, but steady, downward slide. Among the factors influencing successful employment,
Received: 16 June 2019 employers usually regard the candidates’ employability as a fundamental determinant of recruitment
Accepted: 07 January 2020 (Guilbert et al., 2016). Mcardle et al. (2007) propose that the lack of employability is the
Published: 28 January 2020
primary cause of employment difficulty for college students. Therefore, it is worthwhile to
Citation: identify the influential factors that underpin undergraduates’ employability, which will be beneficial
Xia T, Gu H, Huang Y, Zhu Q and to improve the employability of college students and alleviate the social problems of unemployment.
Cheng Y (2020) The Relationship
Employability is conceptualized as a set of human capital, social capital, personal characteristics,
Between Career Social Support and
Employability of College Students: A
and personal behaviors that makes graduates more likely to gain employment (Clarke, 2018).
Moderated Mediation Model. From the inputs point, employability associates with factors, such as competency, which increase
Front. Psychol. 11:28. the likelihood of getting and maintaining a job (De Cuyper et al., 2012). Yu et al. (2014) proposed
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00028 that employability consisted of eight factors: interpersonal relationships, team cooperation, learning
ability, resolving problems, social support, network difference, an career adaptability resources (Savickas, 2005). Concern for the
optimistic and open personality, and career identification. The future enables individuals to think ahead and prepare for what
interpersonal relationships, team cooperation, learning ability, and might happen. Control enables a person to be more responsible
resolving problems factors were competencies related to coping for shaping themselves as well as the surroundings to meet
with interpersonal relationship and problem solving. Social support future needs by adopting self-discipline and persistence. Curiosity
and network difference reflected the social capital, and an optimistic facilitates a person to recognize themselves in different situations
and open personality reflected positive personality characteristics. and roles. Confidence prompts the person to implement their
Fugate et al. (2004) define employability as a person-centered, life design (Savickas and Porfeli, 2012).
psycho-social construct, and propose that people with well- Considering the rapid change of the global market, it is
developed social and human capital often utilize formal (e.g., important that people gain the competence to adapt to the
parents) and informal support systems (e.g., friend of a friend) requirements of career development and employment (Hou et al.,
to devote to the job search behaviors. According to Resource 2012b). Career Construction Theory (Savickas, 2002) suggests
Conservation Theory (Hobfoll et al., 2003), individuals will that social support is an important contextual determinant of
always strive to maintain and utilize resources that contribute career adaptability. Previous research demonstrated a strong and
to their successful employment, and the more social psychological consistent association between social support and career adaptability
resources (e.g., support from parents and friends, and power) (Wang and Fu, 2015; Fawehinmi, 2016; Ghosh and Fouad, 2017).
can result in a greater chance of their successful employment. For example, in a sample of graduating seniors, Ghosh and
As an important social network and capital resource, career Fouad (2017) indicated that social support can significantly
social support may be highly influential in determining the predict the concern resource. In line with the statement of Ghosh
success of college students’ employment. and Fouad (2017), Wang and Fu (2015) recruited 879 Chinese
Career social support is considered to be a significant and college graduates as the sample and documented that career
successful way into the labor market, and it also affects the adaptability can be enhanced by social support.
resources available to individuals when considering, choosing According to Career Construction Theory, the adaption results
and pursuing career choices (Chronister and Mcwhirter, 2004). are produced by adaptive readiness, adaptability resources, and
Different to general social support, career social support is a adapting responses (Savickas and Porfeli, 2012). People who
domain-specific social support related to career-relevant tasks are willing (adaptive) and able (adaptability) to adjust behaviors
or issues. More specifically, it includes information and advice according to changing conditions (adapting) were expected to
about career planning, financial support for job search behavior, have higher levels of adaptation (outcome). As a core component
comfort and encouragement after unsuccessful interviews, and in career development, previous research suggested that career
other resources that individuals can obtain from their social adaptability was a significant predictor for job satisfaction (Han
networks such as parents, siblings, teachers, friends, and relatives and Rojewski, 2015), turnover intention (Chan and Mai, 2015),
(Hou et al., 2010; Jiang et al., 2017). Numerous empirical findings job performance (Ohme and Zacher, 2015), and employability
have shown that social support has significant positive impacts (Mcardle et al., 2007; Dumulescu et al., 2015; Veld et al., 2016).
on college students’ employability (Michailidis et al., 2017), Consequently, the first hypothesis is proposed:
career self-efficacy (Wang and Fu, 2015), career maturity (Cho Hypothesis 1: Career adaptability will play a mediating role
and Choi, 2007), and career preparation (Hirschi et al., 2011). between career social support and employability.
According to Resource Conservation Theory, people with
more resources are less likely to suffer from resource loss The Moderating Role of Proactive
attacks. Instead, they are more likely to gain resources (Hobfoll, Personality
2001). Career social support and employability are both important Recent research has called attention to the joint contribution
personal resources and, according to the Career Construction of social psychological capital and individual attributes to
Theory (CCT), career adaptability is a social psychological employability (Van der Heijden and Spurk, 2019). According
resource to cope with working tasks (Savickas, 1997). Individuals to Resource Conservation Theory, a proactive personality can
with more career social support are likely to improve their not only alleviate the adverse effect of resource scarcity, but
career adaptability, and then career adaptability and proactivity, also gain favorable effects when resources are sufficient.
which are regarded as a self-regulating resource together, Accordingly, we explored whether the mediating role of career
influence the individual’s employability. Therefore, this study adaptability was moderated by a proactive personality. Proactive
comprehensively investigates how these factors affect the personality is deemed as a tendency to take personal initiative
employability of college students in the Chinese context. in a wide spectrum of activities and situations (Crant, 2000).
High initiative individuals tend to create conditions for
The Mediating Role of Career Adaptability themselves, take the initiative to obtain relevant professional
The term “Career adaptability” is considered a fundamental support, formulate their career planning, and pursue career
psychological resource enabling people to deal with present goals they have set (Bateman and Crant, 1993). Previous studies
and anticipated tasks, transitions, and traumas in their have shown that these proactive career behaviors are beneficial
occupational roles that change their social integration (Savickas, to enhance individuals’ employability (De Vos and Soens, 2008;
1997), while concern, control, curiosity, and confidence constitute Chughtai, 2019).
Career social support was measured using the Career Social
Support Inventory (CSSI) for Chinese College Students designed
by Hou et al. (2010). The CSSI is composed of five subscales,
namely parents’ support, siblings’ support, teachers’ support,
friends’ support, and relatives’ support. Each subscale consists
FIGURE 1 | The conceptual model of the proposed moderated mediation of 20 items measuring the following four types of support:
information support (seven items), advice support (six items),
emotional support (four items), and material support (three
A proactive personality may reinforce the effect of career items). Sample items include, “tell me some information about
adaptability on employability. On the one hand, a proactive college life in advance” (information support), “provide me with
personality facilitates promotion of career adaptability and some advice about future employment and development” (advice
personal growth. Individuals with proactivity are likely to support), “care about how I feel” (emotional support), and
be future-oriented, pay more attention to their career concerns, “provide me with tuition” (material support). Items were rated
and obtain high self-efficacy in the world of work (Seibert on a 5-point Likert scale ranging from 1 (never) to 5 (very
et al., 1999; Tolentino et al., 2014). On the other hand, during much). The psychometric characteristics of the CSSI have been
difficult situations, proactive individuals often employ goal assessed in previous studies (e.g., Hou et al., 2012a). In this
management strategies rather than risk management strategies. study, Cronbach’ α was 0.96.
For instance, proactive individuals will choose a constructive Career adaptability was measured by means of the Career
way for further employability enhancement, and they often Adapt-Abilities Scale (CAAS; Savickas and Porfeli, 2012), which
seek proactive information about occupations and their assessed four dimensions including concern (e.g., “Preparing
requirements (Brown et al., 2006), and they tend to take concrete for the future”), control (e.g., “Taking responsibility for my
measures to search for employment, commit to skill development, actions”), curiosity (e.g., “Becoming curious about new
and thus get a job (Mcardle et al., 2007). In addition, for the opportunities”), and confidence (e.g., “Working up to my
employees with a proactive personality, they are more likely ability”). Each subscale consisted of six items, and all items
to develop and maintain high-quality relationships with their were rated on a 5-point Likert scale (1 = “not strong”,
superiors and strengthen their employability (Li et al., 2010). 5 = “strongest”). The CAAS has been previously validated in
Consequently, the second hypothesis is proposed as follows: Chinese samples (e.g., Hou et al., 2012b; Hui et al., 2018). In
Hypothesis 2: A proactive personality will play a moderating the present study, Cronbach’ α was 0.91.
role in the mediation effect of career adaptability between Employability was assessed using the University Student’s
career social support and employability. Specifically, a proactive Employability Questionnaire (USEQ; Yu et al., 2014). This
personality will moderate the second half path of the mediating measure consisted of 36 items assessing eight dimensions
link (i.e., the relationship between career adaptability covering interpersonal relationships (five items; Sample item:
and employability). “I like to get along with others”), team cooperation (three
In brief, we established a moderated mediation model (see items; Sample item: “I am willing to share information resources
Figure 1), and the purpose of this paper was twofold: (1) to with team members”), learning ability (four items; Sample item:
explore whether career adaptability mediated the relationship “I always want to learn new knowledge”), resolving problems
between career social support and employability; (2) to test (five items; Sample item: “I am able to properly handle multiple
whether a proactive personality moderated the mediation effect complex tasks”), social support (four items; Sample item: “My
of career adaptability. The moderated mediation model not relatives can provide resources for my job hunting and career
only replies to the question of how career social support affects development”), network difference (three items; Sample item:
employability, but also provides a response when the enhancing “The people I interact with have very different hobbies and
effect is stronger or weaker. specialties”), an optimistic and open personality (six items;
Sample item: “I will not be discouraged by failure”), and career
identification (six items; Sample item: “I have clear employment
METHODS goals”). All items were rated on a 5-point Likert scale ranging
from 1 = strongly disagree to 5 = strongly agree. The USEQ
Participants has shown good reliability and validity in previous research
Participants were 392 college students (Mage = 21.12 years, (e.g., Ye et al., 2017). In this study, Cronbach’ α was 0.90.
SDage = 2.13, range = 19–24) recruited from two universities Proactive personality was assessed by the means of the
in China. Among the sample, 50.5% of these participants were Proactive Personality scale (Bateman and Crant, 1993), which
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. Age —
2. Gender −0.06 —
3. Only child 0.04 0.25*** —
4. POR 0.12*** −0.10* −0.46*** —
5. CSS 0.06 0.08 0.08 −0.08 —
6. CA 0.28*** 0.09 0.08 −0.06 0.17** —
7. PP 0.25*** 0.10 0.04 −0.12 0.15** 0.59*** —
8. EM 0.31*** 0.03 −0.01 −0.00 0.29*** 0.65*** 0.63*** —
M 21.12 0.79 0.75 0.35 2.53 3.60 3.48 3.33
SD 2.13 0.41 0.43 0.48 0.52 0.53 0.54 0.42
n = 392. POR, place of residence; CSS, career social support; CA, career adaptability; PP, proactive personality; EM, employability. Gender was coded as 0 = male and 1 = female;
Only child status was coded as 0 = no and 1 = yes; Place of residence was coded as 0 = rural and 1 = urban.*p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001.
FIGURE 3 | The moderating effect of proactive personality on the second stage of the indirect association. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001.
revealed that higher career adaptability was strongly related to Second, this study identified that career adaptability mediated
higher employability (bsimple = 0.47, t = 10.42, p < 0.001) under the association between career social support and employability,
the condition of a high proactive personality (i.e., one SD above indicating that establishing a good social support system is
the mean). The relation between adaptability and employability conducive to the cultivation of career adaptability of college
was much weaker (bsimple = 0.33, t = 7.47, p < 0.001), however, students (Creed et al., 2009), which in turn improves their
in the condition of a low proactive personality (i.e., one SD employability (Koen et al., 2012; Kang et al., 2016). Thus,
below the mean). career adaptability could serve as a “bridge” linking career
Finally, the test of conditional indirect effects showed that social support and employability, and career adaptability should
the total indirect effect was more noteworthy for college students be considered as a valuable psychosocial asset which may
with high levels of a proactive personality [indirect effect = 0.08, be fostered by providing diverse aspects of social support (e.g.,
SE = 0.03, 95%CI = (0.03, 0.14)], than for those with low information support, advice support, emotional support, and
levels of proactive personality [indirect effect = 0.06, SE = 0.02, financial support).
95%CI = (0.02, 0.10)]. Furthermore, the index of moderated Third, this study indicated that college students with high
mediation (Hayes, 2015) was 0.011 [SE = 0.008, 95%CI = (0.001, levels of a proactive personality were more likely to approach
0.030)], indicating that proactive personality strengthened the powerful employability. More importantly, we found that a
mediating effect of career adaptability. proactive personality strengthened the salutary effect of career
adaptability on employability. This implies that college students
with higher proactivity may still take advantage of all the
DISCUSSION opportunities to actively seek employment information related
to their career development, take the initiative to seize practical
With a steady increase in the number of university graduates, training, and further improve their employability, when they
the employment of college students has become a common have stable career adaptability. Conversely, for those with lower
concern of higher education and even society as a whole in proactivity, even if they have enough confidence in facing various
China. This study extended previous research by establishing challenges, they could not find and make use of beneficial
a moderated mediation model, which systematically tested the opportunities in a timely manner. Thus, it is impossible to further
synergistic impacts of individuals (i.e., career adaptability and identify what professional skills they need to improve, which
proactive personality) and contextual (i.e., career social support) in turn reduces the increase in employability (Fawehinmi, 2016).
factors on college students’ employability. The moderating role of proactive personality may be explained
First, in accordance with Resource Conservation Theory in two ways. First, Social Cognitive Theory suggests the
(Hobfoll et al., 2003) and previous empirical findings individuals’ behavior depends on their self-efficacy, and high
(European Training Foundation, 2002; Fabio and Kenny, levels of proactivity is likely to enhance individuals’ career
2015), the current study verified the positive function of confidence and make them spend more energy on career
career social support in cultivating college students’ exploration, and thus improve their employability (Cai et al.,
employability. The Resource Conservation Theory emphasizes 2015). Second, Self-regulation Theory believes that individuals
the links between individuals’ conditional resources (e.g., can adjust their views, emotions, and behaviors based on the
social support obtained from important others) and the outcomes of their action, and that individuals with high levels
chance of their successful employment (i.e., employability). of proactivity are more likely to adjust their career concerns
Meanwhile, our results verify the view that the more powerful and control their career behavior based on the outcomes, and
an individual’s social support network, the stronger his or thus contribute to career success (Merino-Tejedor et al., 2016).
her employability (Michailidis et al., 2017). These findings indicate that college students should improve
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