CV BUET (Dr. Sara Nowreen) Water Resources Engneering PDF
CV BUET (Dr. Sara Nowreen) Water Resources Engneering PDF
CV BUET (Dr. Sara Nowreen) Water Resources Engneering PDF
Sara Nowreen
HSc (1999) Viquarunnesa Noon School and College, Dhaka. Marks: 82.1%
Employment June, 2014 to date Assistant Professor, Institute of Water and Flood Management,
Record Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology.
March, 2011 to June 2014 Lecturer, Institute of Water and Flood Management, Bangladesh
University of Engineering and Technology.
August 2010 to March 2011 Research Associate, Crossing Boundaries Project, IWFM, BUET.
Past Projects
Co-convener, “Food, water, policy and people: evaluating the impacts of climate change
and groundwater limitation on food security in NW Bangladesh, to guide policy for
adaptation” supported by the Research Catalyst Grants at University College London, UK as
part of 2015 BHP Billiton Sustainable Communities/UCL Grand Challenges Symposium
Series (May, 2015 - April, 2017).
Co-ordinator & researcher, “DEltas, vulnerability and Climate Change: Migration and
Adaptation (DECCMA)” project under “Collaborative Adaptation Research Initiative in Africa
and Asia (CARIAA)” program by University of Southampton (UK), IWFM (BUET), Jadavpur
University (India), National Authority of Remote Sensing and Space Sciences (Egypt),
University of Ghana (Ghana) and 31 other university or institutions with jointly funded by
DFID and IDRC (February – October, 2014).
Academic Visits
3 September–6 November, 2016 & 9–28 January, 2017: University College London, UK
Worked on groundwater recharge processes in an Asian Mega-Delta: evidence from high-
frequency monitoring in the Bengal Basin
The International Foundation for Science (IFS) Research Grant (W5582) of USD 12,000
to carry out the project entitled "Assessment of River Water Availability in Bangladesh for Off-
stream Uses" (15 October, 2015 - 31 December, 2017).
Bangabandhu Fellowship on Science & ICT awarded by the Ministry of Science and
Information and Communication Technology, GoB for Ph.D. at BUET (July, 2011- June, 2014).
RGCH Conference 2016 Grant supported by The British Council and the Thailand Research
Fund for oral presentation during 8-11 February, 2016 at Bangkok, Thailand.
Adaptation Futures - 2012 Conference Grant for poster presentation during 29-31 May,
2012 at the University of Arizona, Tuscan, USA.
SAWA (South Asian Water) Fellowship awarded by the Crossing Boundaries Project, IWFM,
BUET for M.Sc. (WRD) Program.
Mondal MS; Sakib MN; Nowreen, S. (under review) “Scale-dependent reliability of the
PRECIS model in rainfall projection of Bangladesh.” Theoretical and Applied Climatology
Nowreen, S.; Haque P., Mondal MS. (under review) “Hydrological assessment for off-stream
uses of Karatoa-Atrai River in Bangladesh”. Hydrological Sciences Journal
Arifin, S. M.N.; Arifin, Rumana R.; Pitts, Dilkushi A.; Rahman, M. S.; Nowreen, S.; Madey,
Gregory R.; Collins, Frank H. 2015. “Landscape Epidemiology Modeling Using an Agent-Based
Model and a Geographic Information System.” Land 4, no. 2: 378-412. MDPI Publisher.
Special Issue Agent-Based Modelling and Landscape Change. doi:10.3390/land4020378
Nowreen, S.; Murshed, S.B.; Islam, A.K.M.S.; Bhaskaran, B.; Hasan, M.A. 2015. “Changes
of Rainfall Extremes around the Haor Basin Areas of Bangladesh using Multi-member
Ensemble RCM.” Theoretical and Applied Climatology 119, no. 1-2: 363-377. Springer.
doi:10.1007/s00704-014-1101-7 Abstract Download Impact Factor: 1.742 (2013).
Nowreen, S.; Jalal, M.R.; Khan, M.S.A. 2014. “Historical Analysis of Rationalizing South-
West Coastal Polders of Bangladesh.” Water Policy 16, no.2: 264-279. IWA Publishing.
doi:10.2166/wp.2013.172 Abstract Download Impact Factor: 1.603(2012).
Nowreen, S.; Murshed, S.B.; Islam, A.K.M.S.; Hasan, M.A.; Sarker, T.K. 2012. “An Indicator
of Climate Change in the South West Region of Bangladesh.” The International Journal of
Climate Change: Impacts and Responses 4, no. 3: 47-60. Abstract Download
International Conferences
Nowreen, S.; Mondal MS, Haque P. 2017. “Flow characteristics and environmental flow
requirements for the Dharla River, Bangladesh.” Proceedings of the 6th International
Conference on Water and Flood Management (ICWFM 2017), 105-114, BUET. Dhaka.
Bangladesh. Abstract
Nowreen, S.; Jalal, M.R.; Khan, M.S.A. 2013. “Chronological Analysis of Water Management
Practices in The South-West Coastal Polders of Bangladesh.” Proceedings of the 4th ICWFM
2013, Volume 2: 379-388. BUET. Dhaka. Bangladesh. Abstract
Nowreen, S.; Murshed, S.B.; Islam, A.K.M.S.; Bhaskaran, B. 2013. “Change of Future
Climate Extremes for the Haor Basin Area of Bangladesh.” Proceedings of the 4th ICWFM
2013, Volume 2: 545-556, BUET. Dhaka. Bangladesh. Abstract Download Link2
Murshed, S.B.; Nowreen, S.; Islam, A.K.M.S.; Hasan, M.A.; Sarker, T.K. 2013. “Change of
Extreme Precipitation Indices for the Eight Hydrological Regions of Bangladesh.” International
Conference on Climate Change Impact and Adaptation (I3CIA-2013), 461-471. Center for
Climate Change and Sustainability Research (3CSR). DUET. Gazipur. Bangladesh. Abstract
Nowreen, S.; Khan, M.S.A.; Huq, H. 2011. “Constraints and potentials in practising IWRM in
the selected small scale water resources development sector projects of Bangladesh.”
Proceedings of 3rd ICWFM 2011, Volume 2: 713 -723. BUET. Dhaka. Bangladesh. Abstract
Research Report
Islam, A.K.M.S., M.A. Hussain, S.B. Murshed, S. Nowreen, and M.A. Hasan. 2013. “High-
resolution Regional Climate Change Information for Bangladesh to inform Impacts
assessments, Vulnerability indicators and Adaptation policies”. IWFM Report. Download Link2
Book/Book Chapter
Salehin, M., Chowdhury, M. M. A., Clarke, D., Mondal, M. S., Nowreen, S., Jahiruddin, M., &
Haque, A. (In press). Mechanisms and drivers of soil salinity in coastal Bangladesh. In R. J.
Nicholls, C. W. Hutton, N. W. Adger, S. E. Hanson, M. Rahman, & M. Salehin (Eds.),
Ecosystem Services for Well-Being in Deltas. Palgrave Macmillan Publisher.
Poster Nowreen, S.; Jalal, R.; Salehin, M.; Islam, R. “Estimating Relationship between Groundwater
Presentation Level Recovery and Rainfall for Shallow Unconfined Aquifers in North West Region of
Bangladesh.” International Conference on Water Resources Assessment and Seasonal
Prediction. 13 – 16 October, 2015. Koblenz, Germany funded by Commonwealth Split-site
Scholarship. Abstract
Nowreen, S.; Halder, P.K. 2012. “Response From The South West Coastal Region Of
Bangladesh With The Changing Climatic Variability.” Adaptation Futures 2012: International
Conference on Climate Adaptation. 28 May - 31 May. Tuscon. Arizona. U.S.A. with full
conference funding. Abstract
Other Posters Ahmed, K.M.; Jahan, C.S.; Zahid, A.; Burgess, W. G.; Shamsudduha, M; Nowreen, S;
/Abstracts Osborn, D. 2015. “Water, climate and policy for food production in the Barind, NW Bangladesh”
BHP Billiton Sustainable Communities/UCL Grand Challenges Symposium Series on Global Food
Security: Adaptation, Resilience and Risk, 9-10 November, UCL, UK. Abstract Download
Salehin, M.; Mondal, M.S.; Clarke, D.; Lazar, A.; Chowdhury, M.A.; Nowreen, S. 2014. “Spatial
Variation in Soil Salinity in Relation to Hydro-Climatic Factors In Southwest Coastal
Bangladesh.” Proceedings of the Deltas in Times of Climate Change II, International
Conference, Opportunities For People, Science, Cities And Business, 94 (DD 4.6-4). 24 – 26
September. Rotterdam. The Netherlands. Abstract Download Poster
Theses Titles PhD: Nowreen, S. 2017. “Mechanism of groundwater response to recharge and its
quantification for shallow aquifers in Bangladesh.” IWFM. BUET. Bangladesh. Abstract
BSc Engg. (WRE): Nowreen, S. 2005. “Stability and Damage Study of Wave Protection
Embankment at Mithamain.” DWRE. BUET. Bangladesh.
Resource Person 11th Community Law Reform (CLR) Workshop on CLR Research and Research Methodology
in Training Presentation Title: Environmental Issues/Concerns relating to Water Salinity in the
/Workshop Coastal Area of Bangladesh
Organized by: Empowerment through Law of the Common People (ELCOP)Climate on 11
December, 2017
Within Bangladesh
A training course on "Introduction to Remote Sensing and its Application in Natural Hazard"
at BUET-JIDPUS (13-15 December, 2017).
"Training of Trainers Workshop on Adaptive Delta Management" at ITN Centre, BUET (16-
19 September, 2017).
Stakeholder Workshops of High End Climate Impact and Extremes (HELIX): Regional Focus
on South Asia at IWFM, BUET (12th September, 2017 and 20th August, 2014).
An Expert Group Workshop on Aquifer poroelasticity in Bangladesh: observations,
modelling and the implications for groundwater resources monitoring (23rd February,
A discussion of policy for groundwater in the Barind at Barind Multipurpose Development
Authority, Rajshahi (10th November, 2016).
Bangladesh-India Joint Dialogue Meeting (20th March, 2014) at RIGS INN, Gulshan, Dhaka
and Bangladesh country level dialogue meeting on “Transnational Policy Dialogue for
Improved Water Governance of Brahmaputra River” at IWFM, BUET (21 st August, 2013).
Workshop on "Establishment of Monitoring Network and Mathematical Model Study to
Assess Salinity Intrusion in Groundwater in Coastal Area of Bangladesh due to Climate
Change" jointly organised by BWDB and IWM at BIAM auditorium, Dhaka (8th October,
2013) and at Ban Bhaban, Dhaka (24th January, 2016).
Seminar on “Challenges for Engineers to Combat Future Coastal Vulnerabilities:
Bangladesh Context” organised by the Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB) at IEB
Seminar room, Dhaka Centre (21st September, 2013).
Seminar on “Water and Waste: Excreta Does Matter” organised by Centre for Science and
Environment and Bangladesh Institute of Planners at Planners’ Tower, Dhaka (4th
September, 2013).
Final Workshop on Institutional Strengthening of Climate Change Study Cell at BUET at
IWFM, BUET (26th August, 2013).
Training Workshop on Urban Drainage Modeling for Coastal Towns of Bangladesh
Considering Climate Change at IWFM, Dhaka (19th – 21st April, 2013).
Seminar cum Workshop on “The security of deep groundwater in Bangladesh: observations
and modeling in support of policy development” at Ruposhi Bangla Hotel, Dhaka (15th -16th
January 2013).
Delta Lessons Seminar on ‘Turning Tides’ at IWFM, BUET (2nd December, 2012).
1st Half Yearly Workshop on “Ecosystem Services for Poverty Alleviation (ESPA) Consortium
Grant Project” at IWFM, BUET (27th – 29th November, 2012).
Worked as a member in the organising committee and attended the “Stakeholder’s
workshop on High-resolution Regional Climate Change Information for Bangladesh to
inform Impacts Assessments, Vulnerability indicators and Adaptation Policies" at IWFM,
BUET (8th March, 2012).
Training cum Workshop on South Asian Disaster Knowledge Network (SADKN) as a nodal
officer held at Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, Agargaon (7th March, 2012).
Workshop on “Environmentally-friendly Natural Resource Management” organised by
CEGIS (12th February, 2012).
Worked as a member in the organising committee and attended the Workshop on “Dutch-
Bangla Research Initiative on Morpho Flood” at IWFM, BUET (30th January, 2012).
Training Workshop on “Climate Change Adaptation” organized by Comprehensive Disaster
Management Programme (CDMP-II) at Mohakhali, Dhaka (24th - 25th October, 2011).
Workshop on “Academic Innovation Fund (AIF)”, Higher Education Quality Enhancement
Project (HEQEP), University Grants Commission of Bangladesh at BUET (19th June, 2011).
Teachers Appreciation Workshop at BUET (11th – 14th April, 2011).
Short Course on "Conservation of Riverine Ecosystems under Changing Environment" at
DCE, BUET (2nd April – 6th April, 2011).
Training on Gender and Water at IWFM, BUET (11th - 13th July, 2009).
Training on Water and Equity at IWFM, BUET (3rd and 4th August, 2008).
Training on Arc View software at WRE, BUET (Grade Earned: Excellent).
Professional Nodal Officer from IWFM, BUET for the South Asia Disaster Knowledge Network (SADKN)
Affiliations since August 2, 2011.
Base Member (2013), the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and
Research (IAHR).
Member, ELLA (Evidence and Lessons from Latin America) Learning Alliance on Climate
Resilient Cities (Since 2012).
Associate Editor (2012), The International Journal of Climate Change: Impacts and
Responses - Volume 4.
Reviewer (2017) Land Use Policy, Climate Risk Management of Elsevier and International
Journal of Global Warming of Inderscience publishers.
Other Member, BoG, Engineering University High school and College (2017 – to date)
Worked as a part-time employee for Barnet Overseas Students Association Ltd.
(B.O.S.H.A), London, UK.
Worked as a Part-time teacher in Viquarunnesa Noon School, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Taught ‘O’ Level and ‘A’ Level Mathematics Courses in Bangladesh.
Active member of the ‘Parents and Toddler’ group and Organizer of the international
Cookery demonstration events in Nansen Village, London.
Was an active member, WRESA (Water Resource Engineering Student Association) in
university years; Actively took part in Science Fairs during college years, Girl’s guide,
Handball and Athletics during the School years.
An Origami Workshop for graduate students (25th September, 2013).